View Full Version : Photo Gallery - Discussion
I respectively ask that you do not have this section on WSG. It needs to be password protected or invitation only by the people that you know or that has been recommended by a person that you know. That is one of the reason that I wanted to go to a pay system, but that is your decision.
I love photos as much as anyone, and post a lot on pay and password protected boards. I will not post here though.
These girls are very computer literate in BA, and they all know about your site. I do not think it is going to set very well for the rest of us if they know that a few hours after we take them out of one of the clubs, their photos are free and open on the internet for the entire world and their family to see. Yes many of the girls are on websites, but many are not. I do not mind sharing between friends, but not the entire world.
How about keeping this section for Argentina Private? That way only the people that you know, or someone that is recommended by a person that you know, has access.
No disrespect to you , as you are a good friend. I just do not think the photos that we take of the girls should be available to the general public as free as they are now on WSG.
08-20-03, 06:03
I totally agree with your statement. If all of the guys are gentleman like Saint it wouldn't be a problem. He said in his post that the girls are on the internet already or he told them.
The problem I have is that we don't really know if the girl wants her picture shown. Now Saint wouldn't do anything against a girls wish and you noticed that the one that didn't want her face shown just turned away. The problem with lesser know guys is if they are posting the pictures to get back at a girl that pissed them off. I actually think that the guys can do more harm to a girl by posting about everything that happened in the room with the girl than putting up her picture. With the picture the guys will be able to spot a girl sooner that he has heard good things about. As far as posting details about the experience in the room and some guy expects the same treatment or belittles the girl in the club about things he has read.
Censorship is censorship and a site that talks about sex, is the last place I would expect to find it. I'm sure Jackson knows what he is doing and it will all work out.
By the way Saint I'm pretty sure I was with the Mar Del Plata girl on my last trip, she even asked me if we are friends. I just told her I knew of you!
I have to agree with Moondog and OutoftheGame and as I said to Jackson in June if he go's to a pay site I would be more than happy to ante up --- I love seeing the pictures, but this could be very dangerous if the pictures are not encripted in some way --- By the way Saint, Sandy is gorgeous, no wonder she gets such great reviews --- Exon
I agree with your point but here is my point. If a girl already has her face plastered all over Platynum, Area-Vip, Escorts-Argentina, Escort-Baires and the plethera of other sites how can it hurt posting her picture on this site? If anything my pictures are tame compared to some of those pictures. But I do agree with your point. In order for this to work, guys need to be gentlemen and respect girls if they ask not to post their pictures. Like I said, I'm posting pictures of girls already out there on the internet or girls that didn't object to being on the internet.
I probably won't post that many. I have hundreds of pictures but most will remain in my private collection or on the pay sites. Good luck.
I do not think that being a gentleman with the photos is enough, as that will not always prevail. The photo section has to be private, or the entire site has to be private. That is the only way I, and others, will post photos and other reports.
Perhaps I am missing some essential part of the "style" of Argentina, but doesn't this thing kind of police itself? Please allow me to explain:
I monger on the east coast of the US and there are a lot of sites that have reviews of the ladies. The standard to most reviews, (unless the lady is a ripoff), is that you have her permission before you decide to start writing. If you violate this rule, the lady notices, and she spreads the word to her buddies and that monger gets locked out for a while.
If there is a issue with picture taking, wouldn't it work out the same way? If the ladies in B.As. are as computer savvy as you claim, they should either 1:already be offended by the stories that go into deep detail, with names, dates and detailed sexual happenings, (which I guess is not the case), or 2: be able to figure out who posted their pics and freeze him out.
I cannot imagine that there will suddenly be a backlash against native english speakers in this trade due to a few pics, there is too much money to be made. I suppose if this became an unwanted thing, the girls would just stop letting you take pics of them. Now granted they are nice looking and pics are good memories, but if it came down to it, does it matter that much?
Also, wouldn't you already have to have a decent relationship with the lady before you could start snapping away? When I read the posts of the old timers down there they read like two old friends getting together. I suppose that is why they let you take pics in the 1st place, they trust you. Would the same thing apply if a stranger wanted to take pics?
The above was just thinking out loud. As I said I have never been, so I don't know the full score. Personally however, I like seeing the pics because 1: it lets me know what the ladies REALLY look like and 2: it give me something to set my mind to saving up the $$$ for the trip.
Good job everyone on keeping the tone polite and respectful and remember to take it ...
Easy as 1-2-3
Will it be possible for Jackson to only let members get admission to the photo-galleries?
If non-members enter the forum they will not see the threads containing the pixs??
I know this is what's done on a forum in RP, where you need to have at least a certain number of posts before you get access to special VIP-threads.
Guess you are reading this one Jackson, so will not put it in "letter to the editor"!
I appreciate your observations, but at the current time I'm simply not prepared to handle the thousands of membership applications that would inevitably result from restricting photo access to members only. In addition, I would suspect that these new members would never contribute anything to the Forum.
To take the concept further, I am exploring options for enhancing the benefits of being a Senior Member. Stay tuned.
I totally understand what Moondog is saying. Moondog is a personal friend and I respect his opinions. He has been to BA more than anyone I know except for guys like Andres and Jackson. I think the point he is making is that this is a very open forum. The site is viewed worldwide by tens of thousands of people. Many girls value their privacy more than anything and would hate for friends, family or anyone else for that matter seeing them on a sex site. I do understand that.
I think we REALLY need to be careful with this. Like I said, I've only posted pictures of girls that are already on other sites so I see no harm done. But still, I respect what Moondog is saying.
Also, keep in mind that all of the girls I have posted I have had great sessions with. They are already on the internet so their business will probably increase. I still keep in contact via email with several girls and if they make it known to me they no longer want their photo posted I'll remove it.
Good luck fellas.
Boxing Rule 222
08-20-03, 15:12
As a newer person in this group I feel that if the women do not mind having their pictures posted than it is fine to post it here in WSG Forum.
Here is one reason why it is a good idea. I think this Sandy girl is great and it seems that people here enjoy her company. So when I finally get to BA I now know that I would like to give her a call and set up a meeting.
This forum is here to help people and to give out information. I believe having this photo sections falls into these two categories.
Thank You,
Boxing Rule 222
P.S. Could someone tell me where Sandy works? She is the first person I would like to call when I get to Buenos Aires.
Originally posted by Easyas123
Perhaps I am missing some essential part of the "style" of Argentina, but doesn't this thing kind of police itself? Please allow me to explain:
I monger on the east coast of the US and there are a lot of sites that have reviews of the ladies. The standard to most reviews, (unless the lady is a ripoff), is that you have her permission before you decide to start writing. If you violate this rule, the lady notices, and she spreads the word to her buddies and that monger gets locked out for a while.
If there is a issue with picture taking, wouldn't it work out the same way? If the ladies in B.As. are as computer savvy as you claim, they should either 1:already be offended by the stories that go into deep detail, with names, dates and detailed sexual happenings, (which I guess is not the case), or 2: be able to figure out who posted their pics and freeze him out.
I cannot imagine that there will suddenly be a backlash against native english speakers in this trade due to a few pics, there is too much money to be made. I suppose if this became an unwanted thing, the girls would just stop letting you take pics of them. Now granted they are nice looking and pics are good memories, but if it came down to it, does it matter that much?
Also, wouldn't you already have to have a decent relationship with the lady before you could start snapping away? When I read the posts of the old timers down there they read like two old friends getting together. I suppose that is why they let you take pics in the 1st place, they trust you. Would the same thing apply if a stranger wanted to take pics?
The above was just thinking out loud. As I said I have never been, so I don't know the full score. Personally however, I like seeing the pics because 1: it lets me know what the ladies REALLY look like and 2: it give me something to set my mind to saving up the $$$ for the trip.
Good job everyone on keeping the tone polite and respectful and remember to take it ...
Easy as 1-2-3
It really does not police itself. The sites that you mention that have reviews of the girls are password protected and you usually have to pay a fee to get all the details.
The girls in BA are very giving, and although many are computer savy, a lot are not. But maybe someone in their family is. A guy can meet a girl in a cafe, have some fun, take some photos, and aftrer she leaves, post them on WSG for the world to see. Along comes her brother looking at a free and available website for info, and stumbles across the photo gallery in the Argentina section, and see his sister.
All hell breaks loose, and immediately the word gets out in that cafe and others not to trust a certain guy, or worse yet, never to allow any more photos. This can happen within 24 hours, and believe me, these girls are so networked, that the guys's name will be mud in a day or two, especialy if he is well known.
This will not happen in an invitation only protected site, as the girls will not be allowed in, and if a pay site, they will not pay.
You say you have never been to BA. I have a website that is meant for the newbie to BA, and will give you a taste of what there is to offer is this fantastic city. It is updated on a regular basis to four different pay and pay/invitation only/password protected websites. The members of those sites benefit from other reports just like it. Yet until there is a private or pay section for this sort of item, I will not post it here.
I love to share the photos, but in a limited way.
The sites I am speaking of are not password protected. I know that there are some out there that are, but in the area of the country I am located, that is the exception, not the norm. The pay sites actually have a rep of being shady as a few of them allow the lady being reviewed to pull their posts if they do not like them. Which of course is the POINT of the review.
I do not understand how posting photos without permission would not police itself. If the monger in question does not get permission to post the photos, wouldn't you WANT his name to be mud?
Quote: " All hell breaks loose, and immediately the word gets out in that cafe and others not to trust a certain guy, or worse yet, never to allow any more photos. This can happen within 24 hours, and believe me, these girls are so networked, that the guys's name will be mud in a day or two, especialy if he is well known."
Wouldn't that be the penalty for not asking permission? And is the loss of photo permission such a great loss? I have been mongering for a bit now and I have never felt a sense of loss from not having phots of the ladies, even the ones I am close to.
And as far as pay sites go, wouldn't someones brother be just as computer savvy on a pay site as much as a free site? If someones brother/father is out looking for a pro on the internet, then if they are any good, they are gonna find SOME reference somewhere. Otherwise the internet would be a pointless place to look for that info. Even if all sites like this one were pay sites, then anyone who was serious would end up paying...and see what was there.
I don't AT ALL mean to tell you, or anyone else what to do with their photos. They belong to you, do with them what you will. I will say however that any info on the net, that is not small and protected better than a misslile silo is going to get out.
Thank you all for your ear and your courtesy.
Easy as 1-2-3
Let's just agree to disagree as this could go on for a while. I just know that until there is a private side of WSG, I will not be posting any photos or websites.
Originally posted by MoonDog
Let's just agree to disagree as this could go on for a while. I just know that until there is a private side of WSG, I will not be posting any photos or websites.
Why are you so interested in turning this forum into a pay site? Don't you know that there are already other pay sites? Yes, you do know that since you are posting in them, but then, why do you need one more pay site? Haven't you realized that all those other pay sites are second-rate in comparison with the WSG? Haven't you realized that the WSG is the best site for worldwide hunting precisely because it is free? Have you got any financial interest in any of those other sites? I suppose so, I can't find any other reason for your pointless posts.
Yes, MoonDog, keep posting your compromising pics and superb webpages in those other sites, they are very safe there, it is really difficult to access them, in fact to see them there are 2 options:
1. Pay a few bucks, which is what all those wonderful alternative sites charge for having complete access to all their content -then you can use the copy and paste functions to post their content wherever else you want on the net. Have you ever heard about the copy and paste functions, MoonDog?
2. Get familiar with hacking forums and get FREE paswords to access those other second-rate forums where you can read and view all their content (worse in every sense than the WSG, by the way), and obviously you can use the copy & paste functions too to post MoonDog's last lay pics all over the net so that her computer literate family see her next time they get on line.
MoonDog, as you see there is no point banning free access to pics in this forum if you are posting them somewhere else that is also under a heavy exposure to, let's say, unscrupulous users.
MoonDog, if you really want to avoid the risk of your next lay being exposed all over the net just don't take any pics of her, or take them and keep them for yourself by not posting them anywhere.
As soon as you post them (either on a pay or free site) you are giving them away.
People will have strong feelings on this issue of sharing photos. Gladiator, you make some valid points about how even pay sites don't prevent guys from downloading them and posting them elsewhere on the internet.
Like I said, Moondog is a friend of mine. I can say with certainty that he doesn't have any financial interest in any of the pay sites. He is a guy that enjoys traveling and helping other guys. He is also a gentleman that cares about the feelings about some of these girls. Yes, a guy can download pictures from the pay sites but the chances of the girl accessing her own picture on that site is slim to none due to the fact that she has to register with a credit card. I think that was the only point he was trying to make.
Again, most girls in Buenos Aires not only know about the internet but also have email addresses. I've only met a handful that didn't have an email address. (Keep in mind I'm not calling girls from the Clarin like some of the dudes that go there). The girls on Platynum, Escorts-Argentina, Area-Vip, et. al know about the power of the internet. Most of the club girls know about it too. These girls all talk with one another. I've even had some girls ask me to post their picture in the hopes of getting more business. I asked them how they knew about it and they said that random guys were coming into the club asking for "Jane Doe" without even knowing who she was. It wasn't long before the girls figured out it could be good for business.
The past several trips I haven't even taken pictures. It gets old after a while. But when I was taking them I'd have two cameras. One regular and one digital. I thought it was funny that many of the girls would laugh and say the digital one was for internet pictures. If you go back and read some trip reports I think i even mentioned that fact. Still, out of the hundreds of pictures I have I don't have their express permission so I'll block out their faces or not post them.
Even though I'm posting pictures I'm only posting pictures of girls that expressly gave me permission to post their picture on the internet or I blocked out their face. I really think that there should be some unwritten rules when it comes to posting pictures. (1) either you get their permission to post on internet; (2) you block out their face to provide them with privacy; (3) you took the picture YOURSELF. Do NOT post pictures that you did NOT take. There was a case of some dude posting pictures he claimed to have taken and I found the website that he cut and pasted from. Needless to say he ended up looking like a jackass. The girls he were posting weren't even in the business. That is the biggest problem I see with ANY internet site that allows you to post pictures (public or private).
Everyone has opinions on this. No one is right or wrong as long as they stay civil and use good judgement. Have fun all.
When I first started in this hobby on the internet, I really had to dig to find a board devoted to this hobby. Once it was found, I took out a trial subscription for 2 months, liked it, and joined for another year. From that board, I was invited to join four others, all of them password protected, and all of them invitation only and/or subscription based. I have met many, many good people from these boards, and even though the owners of these boards can grant access because of content contributions, I still contribute monetarily to their success. It takes money and time to run these boards, and I feel the owners should be compensated for their time, by contributions of money or content, or both. I have no financial interest in any of these sites, nor have I even met any of the owners of the boards outside of Jackson of WSG.
The only way that these sites keep going and keep the interest up are through hobbyists’ contributions through reports and money. Why then, should others who do not contribute, be allowed to have access? In every one of the other sites, if there are no contributions with reports or monetary means, then the membership is lost. Everybody contributes, and in more ways than by saying how many girls they poked in one day. I would venture to say that WSG could cut 90% of its members, and not lose good reporters. When a person writes up a good report, it encourages others to do the same. IF WSG were a pay site, you would get rid of the freeloaders and encourage better reporting as then we would be talking to a smaller group of guys, and you know they are contributing with either money or reports, or both. Everybody would be contributing to the success of the fourm.
Regarding posting of photos, my concern is not so much copy and paste, but the girls or their families, knowing full well about WSG, and knowing that it is free and easy to gain access. The other boards are not well known, if at all, and are by invitation or pay only, so it is a small select group of people dedicated to the hobby. I say small as compared to WSG. If the photo section and full report section of WSG were taken private, the girls and their families would not have access as they would not be invited, and unless they were told about the site, would not even know it existed. You don’t see Jackson posting photos on here, do you? He won’t because it is so open to the public.
You can either agree or not, everybody is entitled to their opinion. I just personally will not post any detailed reports or photos in such a public forum.
I too have mixed feelings about allowing people to post pictures here. While I enjoy seeing the photos as much as the next guy, I can't help but feel that it will come back to bite us in the long run.
If we were all "saints" and only posted pictures of chicas who are actively promoting themselves on the internet, and made sure that the pictures were taken with the knowledge and consent of the model, then there would be no problem. Unfortunately, there are too many "dickheads" in this world who would love nothing more than to take advantage of some chica by posting that compromising picture that "no one will every see".
I understand Jackson's position on this. One more picture on the internet is like one more grain of sand on the beach or drop of water in the ocean. Ultimately, it's insignificant, unless, of course, it's a picture of you. You and I understand that once that picture is on the Web, there is no way to know who will see it or how it will be used. At minimum (are you listening Jackson?), I think that the photos should be "locked down" so that they cannot be downloaded or copied from WSG. They should only be viewable in real time by an authorized user who is logged in. This would help to limit nefarious use.
All it takes is for one chica to find out that her pictures are on the web, and all the rest will know within weeks. At that point, gringos with digital cameras will become personae non grata muy pronto.
But, it is Jackson's football, and he can play by any rules he wants.
As far as public vs. private is concerned, I totally disagree with you. Yes, I'm sure there are a lot of guys who take from the WSG without ever contributing. Makes no never mind to me, that's their loss. There are also a lot of guys like myself, who stumbled upon WSG by accident, were fascinated by the wealth of information that exists here, were inspired to make their own trip and ended up contributing something to the board, small as that contribution may have been.
That will never happen on a private board.
As a result of reading WSG, I did end up joining a private board (which shall remain nameless). There is a wealth of very detailed and specific information that no responsible monger would want to expose to the great unwashed. As well as lots of pictures. But, to be honest, it gets a little boring. It's basically a private club for American men who monger almost exclusively in Central and South America and Asia to a certain extent. Which is great, more power to them. But the section on Europe is very limited, and Eastern Europe in particular. Most of the current posts are months old. Some of them were posted last year.
On WSG, people of all nations are posting from all over the world. WSG is a much more diverse, active and open resouce than the private sites will ever be, precisely because it is public.
I have to take my hat off to Jackson. For his generosity in providing us with this marvellous resource free of charge as well as for his magnaminity by inviting everyone in and treating us all as equals. From Tio Otto, to Dickhead to Nibu, no less, and even my humble self. I'm no industrial strength monger, like most of the rest of you guys, but even I have my moments.
He doesn't have to ask for our opinions on anything, but he does. How marvellous. and I hope it stays that way.
Originally posted by Guillermo
As far as public vs. private is concerned, I totally disagree with you. Yes, I'm sure there are a lot of guys who take from the WSG without ever contributing. Makes no never mind to me, that's their loss.
Actually it is our loss too.
There are also a lot of guys like myself, who stumbled upon WSG by accident, were fascinated by the wealth of information that exists here, were inspired to make their own trip and ended up contributing something to the board, small as that contribution may have been.
That will never happen on a private board.
Yes it will, and does, over and over again. Saint is only one of the posters on WSG who was intrigued by my BA guide on another board, and that encouraged him to look further into the scene in BA. He found a lot of info from the private board, and has contributed a lot to that board and this one.
Look, I'm not looking for kudos, and I really do not care if the site is pay or not, as that is Jackson's decision. The pay is just another way of keeping the information private. Jackson started down the right road with the Argentina Private site, and maybe that is the way to go. Keep WSG open and free, but keep the photos off it unless they are in a private area, password protected, and by private invitation only. Reports of detailed information could be posted in there as well, with graphics and photos.
To start off, Jackson can grant access to the guys that he already knows, accept recommendations from any one of us that he knows, and each person would have their own unique ID and password. This area would not be accessible to the general public, and say after six months or a year, that area would only be accessible to those who have made contributions, or those who want to pay a fee to have access. It will be Jackson's decision on the posters he wants to grant free access to.
Many boards have both. They have a free section, but at the same time, if guys want more in depth reports and photos, they can pay for it. If they do not think they are getting their money's worth, they do not have to renew for the private section and yet have WSG free and open like it is now.
The choice is up to Jackson, as it is his board, and I am sure he will make the correct decision. You make a good point about restricting access to the photos, not being able to copy and paste, or save it. But even with that, I just do not think that it is a good idea to post photos of the girls on such a free and open board.
Keep the site the way it is now, just restrict the viewing of photos.
One man's opinion, enjoy the life.
08-25-03, 03:22
Geez Moondog.
Get over it. If you dont want to dont look at the pictures. Leave the guys alone who want to post and view. I get your message but as you say it is Jacksons board.....and I think you are in the minority.
I tried to drop it, but the guys keep bringing it up again. :)
Anyway, it is Jackson's to decide.
02-08-04, 04:18
Originally Posted By Guillermo:
At minimum (are you listening Jackson?), I think that the photos should be "locked down" so that they cannot be downloaded or copied from WSG.
The point is mute because, within the limit of the current technology in use by WSG, it's not doable. If a pic is not 'downloadable' then it's not viewable at all (how do you think your computer gets the data to display?). Once it's downloaded, it's on the user's local machine and the user can do with the picture as he will.
The only method currently available to do what you suggest is to use a Java applet that works as a picture viewer. The BBS product doesn't support it, so forget it.
Rocky Mtn Man
02-08-04, 21:03
Anyone can take a photo of anyone, and find somewhere to post it on the Net. This is of course the beauty of the Net in the first place. Free information, all the time. Of course, free usually means there is something about it that does not make it worth paying for. First and foremost, this is a site of opinions which are generated from personal observations. I do not belong to any pay site, nor will I in the future.
Maybe only allow senior members to post pictures and have very strict guidlines on what they can and cannot post. If you breach the guidlines, you drop back to regular membership. This will be more work for you Jackson. Is it worth the extra hassle? I don't know, that is for you to decide.
Even though I like the forum, I will not pay for it. No matter how good it is, how much I like it, or how little is charged for it. I goes against why I use the Net in the first place.
I just love guys like this. I pay $600.00 out of my own pocket every month to host the Forum. Now, I've never asked for any financial contributions, but his openly stated position that it should all be provided to him for free, and that he wouldn't chip in a single penny to support the site if asked, really pisses me off.
Atlanta Monger
02-08-04, 23:08
Originally Posted By Guillermo:
"...I think that the photos should be "locked down" so that they cannot be downloaded or copied from WSG."
Originally Posted By PurpleNGold:
"...within the limit of the current technology in use by WSG, it's not doable. If a pic is not 'downloadable' then it's not viewable at all...The only method currently available to do what you suggest is to use a Java applet that works as a picture viewer."
Not necessarily true, PnG - I'm not sure if Jackson has the ability to add lines to the html code of the forum pages, but it's a rather simple process to restrict right-click access on a web page, essentially eliminating the ability to download and save pictures from that page.
Viewed pics may still appear in the browser's temp directory, but are often renamed so finding a specific one for retrieval would be difficult -- certainly more difficult than just doing a right-click and save.
my 2 cents,
02-21-04, 16:15
Atlanta Monger,
Restricting right click does not prevent downloading of the picture. It simply makes it harder to access the capability of the pop-up menu.
You have to understand how the web works. Pictures are not part of a web page. When your browser downloads a page, the HTML contains directions to the browser that an image should be displayed, and a url for the image. THe browser then downloads the pic, places it in the local cache and then renders it on the page.
A couple things about why what you're saying won't work:
1) Restricting right click access doesn't completely restrict access to the pop-up menu. My keyboard (as do most modern windows keyboards) has a 'menu' key that will drop down the pop-up regardless of the javascript trying to prevent that.
2) All I need is the URL to the image and I can pull up the image separate from the page. How do I get this? Simple, just View|Source from the main menu. Then, I can look at the 'src' property of 'img' tag.
3) I don't even need to do step 2. The picture is in my local cache already. All I have to do is view the files in that folder and I will see the jpg, gif, whatever.
And, one final note: Saying that you prevent people from downloading the pictures is the same as saying you prevent people from viewing them. If my computer can't download the data, how can it possibly render it?
Rocky Mtn Man
02-21-04, 18:34
Even though I do not support pay sites, what I do admire about this one is that even though I have pissed you off, you have not tossed me out on my ass.
I dont remember who said but it was said once, "Even though I disagree with what you said, I would fight to the death for your right to say it".
Rocky Mtn Man
Yes that is curious how "Rocky Mtn Man" with only 28 posting and a bad attitude is a senior member?
What gives Jackson?
All of his reports have complied with the Posting Guidelines, and that's the primary criteria for Senior Member Status.
Wow, that pisses Jackson off eh? It's an opinion and that's all, and I will add that I wouldn't pay for it either. It's a cool site, but that being said, I don't pay for ANY memberships to ANY online organization. Get as angry as you want..but YOU provided this site for free and I just happened to stumble across it in a google search. I can get along without it. Sorry if your altruism (are you being altruistic?) isn't being returned. You sound like those public radio personalities that castigate their listeners by even turning the dial to listen, saying by listening they are 'thieves'. No, I'm not a thief, and if you decide to charge, I hold no ill will.
I'll just get the pussy on my own, which I did BEFORE this site, and as I shall AFTER this site.
Iron Jack Read
04-02-04, 22:42
The things I like about these forums are 1) the women we love to enjoy, and 2) the diversity of topics.
So, I can't resist a post here, since it is relevant to both of my interests. I found this jewel on the net at
The phrase "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" is widely attributed to Voltaire, but cannot be found in his writings. With good reason. The phrase was invented by a later author as an epitome of his attitude. It appeared in The Friends of Voltaire (1906), written by Evelyn Beatrice Hall under the pseudonym S[tephen] G. Tallentyre.
Hall wrote:
...The men who had hated [the book], and had not particularly loved Helvétius, flocked round him now. Voltaire forgave him all injuries, intentional or unintentional. 'What a fuss about an omelette!' he had exclaimed when he heard of the burning. How abominably unjust to persecute a man for such an airy trifle as that! 'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it,' was his attitude now.
... Hall herself claimed later that she had been paraphrasing Voltaire's words in his Essay on Tolerance: "Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so too."
Enjoy your exploits, gentlemen
Iron Jack
Iron Jack Read,
what has your topic got to do with Photo Gallery - Discussion
section ?
got any photos?
I think it is fair to say just about everybody here thinks Wild Video's comments ( were uncalled for.
Comments like that are, unfortunately, common. Although I personally agree Phish's girls were no beauty queens, there are more days than not here in the sex prison that I only wish I could shag any one of them :). If you ONLY session with 9's and 10's and nothing less, then consider yourself lucky. Also, consider that you are probably missing lots of very energetic, "hot and heavy", spirited shags with 6's and 7's that you are turning down. I will take the latter over the former without hesitation any day of the week.
This, brings me to the point: Those two girls exist, and Phish sessioned with them, and went through the trouble of uploading the photos to the web. They are real Argentinian girls, and I hear they were excellent in the sack. Consider then, that the title of the thread is "Argentina- Photo Gallery". It is NOT:
A) "The best of Argentina", or
B) "Argentina-Beauty Contest", or
C) "Argentina-Hot girls", or
D) "Let's see whose girls are hotter", or
E) "I bet mine are better than yours", or
F) You get the idea.
Is is very helpful, let alone entertaining, to see pictures of real, everyday girls, and not just that of the stunners (those are welcome to, BTW ;)). This way, even a newbie could get a realistic idea about the situation on the "ground" before he ever sets foot there. If the photo Gallery were only restricted to 9's and 10's, it is not hard to imagine the disappointment of the first time visitor shortly after hitting the streets.
What I do find very valuable is to have a small description that goes with each photo, saying a little bit about the girl, where the photo was shot, what services the girl provided, and the costs, and other pertinent information.
And finally, to Wild Video's credit, he has made a few useful comments about the Las Vagas scene. I invite him to concentrate on the positive from this point on.
I made a statement with the photo I left in the photo section of the gallery. I was sort of hesitant because you guys who never visited BA will not understand the beauty of this place.
In fact, from a physical point of view, the girl I uploaded was to me marginal as I look at the picture. I can't imagine what you guys are thinking of the type of women I am attracted to. Normally in LA this girl, I wouldn't even blink an eye at but in BA your outlook changes. Like many told me before when i first arrived, you need to appreciate the city more. Within 3 days or less, I was so in love with this place and with the women.
Don't criticize anyone on the type of women they upload, my buddy who is a Black sort of guy thought my women were real marginal but to me they were diamonds in the rough. This Maria from Solid Gold was probably one of the worst looking ones I was with, except for my gf over there who is probably the worst looking of all the girls I paid for, but even so, she was passionate, exciting, orgasmic and no rush. You guys in TJ don't even have a clue on what your missiong.
I have been having a hard time dealing with the US since my return from BA a month ago along with my buddy. I have gone through mass depression and keep looking at fotos of chicks from there and getting more depressed. Been going to TJ 2 times a week to try to help me get over my withdrawals but to no avail. So guys, who haven't gone there yet, try not to criticize us guys who have gone and just because the girls are not your type doesn't mean they are not beautiful to someone else.
Remember, I used to be like you guys, looking at this pics and saying "WTF is everyone bragging about BA". Now I'm a pathetic soul in a mass depression and can't wait to go back in January.
10-29-04, 00:52
I hear you. Your condition is not uncommon. In psychiatric chat rooms is known as "anargentia," which is to say "lack of Argentina." It is not fatal, but it is incurable.
Most cases can be temporarily alleviated with 100 cc's of Malbec or Torrontes wines. "Dulce de leche" transfusions have been known to offer respite from the chronic aches.
Patients have been known to compulsively save money and even deny themselves creature comforts, such as food and housing, in order to afford frequent trips to the Southern Cone.
See subheading under "manias" and under "compulsive behaviors."
Hola dudes,
Yeah, I videotaped my sessions with these girls. Back in the states, I download the video to my computer. From my computer, I’m able to extract photos using video editing software. The software allows any frame of the video to be captured as a still photo.
Here’s some things to consider if you want to preserve your memory on tape in mongerland and not get caught!
You need a high quality video camcorder or know how to properly adjust the camera settings. In the words of President Bush, "Capturing sex on tape is hard work since there’s lots of stuff in motion!" The camcorder I used last year had difficulty holding the focus. I was not adept enough to fix the problem. Consequently, the video's are constantly going in and out of focus. This year, I stepped up and bought the Canon GL-2. It captured the action flawlessly. Try to get a camcorder which has a swivel LCD. This will help you pinpoint the direction of the camcorder when its put in a tight spot.
Just like a camera, good light is a must to obtain good quality video from a camcorder. You can brighten the video using editing software, but it will still be very grainy and less detailed. If possible, try to schedule sessions during the day. Morning sex makes for a good scene. Also, try to stay at a hotel that has bright rooms. The Art Suites apart/hotel is a great choice.
Light does create a problem. Bright light causes a glare to reflect off the lense of the camcorder. This is not good since it can expose your little secret and the subsequent question from the chica, “Que Eso?” I cover the majority of my lense with a black cloth. This somewhat helps but doesn’t cure the problem. A better solution might be to use lense filters. This will completely cut out the glare making it very hard to notice, but the colors of the video will be soft.
Location of the camera is most important. I try different locations with the goal of having the camera just slightly higher than the bed. I prefer using the closet because you can easily hide your camera amongst the clothes (dark colors preferrably). Since most camcorders are silver, take time to cover the lense and front of the camera. There’s a balance you need to strike so as to make it stealth but not so much that it impedes the video. I made this mistake with the first video of Paulita causing a lot of good action not being filmed.
Make sure the camera is centered where the action will take place. This is where the swivel LCD comes in handy. I put my camcorder in the back of the closet. The swivel LCD allows me the ability to see what the camera will be recording even though the viewfinder is pressed against the wall. One time at band camp, I was in a hurry, and just eyeballed it. I viewed the tape the next day and I captured a nice shot of a wall next to the couch where I was banging the chica.
Take the time before hand to remember the steps involved in turning your camera on (it can be difficult when your strapped with time and it’s hidden in between clothes.) Some might try using a remote control. This might not work since the sensor is blocked. Mark your tapes so you don’t accidentally record over a scene. This happened to me with one of my best sessions of a girl from Madahos. I’m just putting my pepee into her ass and the tape switches to the scene of the wall I told you about earlier. Lastly, make sure you disable the tally lamp (the red light that shows the camcorder is recording.)
Do not start recording til after the “get to know you period” is finished . In SP mode, which yields the highest quality video, you have one hour of recording time. I use to start recording just before the chica knocked on the door. I would panic thinking the camcorder would stop mid session because half of what I recorded was the bullshit session. Not to worry. I’ve since learned all chicas will go to the bathroom before the session starts. You can even go so far as to request they bring over lingerie to make sure they hit the bano. This is will give you a minute or two to turn on the camera capturing all the action.
With regards to the chica. The buzz word is “disorient”. You want to make her feel like she’s walking into a casino. I always have all the lights on with the television playing music. If you have a laptop, put on some porn. I make sure there’s clothes and books lying around my room. And lastly, booze works very well. Obviously, I‘m joking a bit, but the point is to draw her attention away from wherever you have the camcorder.
I hope these ideas and suggestions help. I’m sure there’s other out there who have some great idea as well. Lastly, don't fuck it up and get caught like I did last year. I used to hide my camcorder in my camera bag. I was going to session a 3rd time with Daniela from Affaire. I had my camera all setup and ready to go. She walks in and saw the bag. She said, “oh, is that your camera.” I’m getting read in the face and pull it out of my bag. “Yep, that’s my camera.” I try to look miffed because it’s turned on and recording. She asked me turn it off and I missed out on capturing a very heated session. There not as dumb as you think.
In my opinion, secretly taping someone or taking pictures without their full, informed consent is nothing short of criminal and reflects very badly on the mongering profession. What do other people think?
Hey Judd,
While I think your photos are interesting, I think one should never take photos of the chicas without their knowledge and consent. That way they can decide if they want the world to see them. It seems unethical to do it secretly which is why laws have been enacted to prevent such activity.
Please reconsider doing this out of respect for the chicas.
Dick Nasty
11-12-04, 19:00
Nice tips on taking great pictures and that is why we all can enjoy your adventures. As what you wanted to post, it strictly your discretion. You didn' t have to explain to anyone on how you got your pictures. Bottom line, all those whom are viewing your pictures are enjoying as well. Beside, you are not giving any information about the full detail about the chicas. Your pictures are yours to be proud off, we are not dealing with international laws here. Not that I don't have respect for the chicas but they are in the profession that they expose themselves to public. Everyone has itsown opinion and that was my 0.2 cents. don't flame me because I think we all have the right to speak up.
Jaimito Cartero
11-12-04, 19:46
I believe that if you are in your own abode you should be able to record what is going on there. I personally will ask permission, and find that it works out best. Often they will perform better for the camera.
I also wouldn't post any pictures from an unwilling participant. I have lots of pictures that I've taken that the girl specified that I shouldn't post on the internet. I've honored those requests. I won't comment on the pics beyond that.
This is not personal, because I know Judd and don't think he's a "bad guy", but I think those pictures should NEVER have been made public!
I have taken chica photos/videos without their knowledge (which I really think is wrong, as does anybody who does it, really) because I am a nasty pervert, but it is a serious violation of their privacy to post them publicly without their consent.
I think it is even wimpier to post them showing their faces without having the cojones to show your own face in the same photos!
I think it probably even raises some legal issues, both for Judd here in Argentina and even for Jackson. Just taking the photos is a violation of some Argentine law (I was assured by an attorney friend once)
Come on Judd! Thanks for thinking of us, but I think you should really remove them immediately!
Wild Video
11-13-04, 00:03
Listen to you some of you whine about nothing. Judd didn’t do a criminal act as Dickhead claims. Someone also suggested unethical to do it secretly which is why they have laws to prevent such activity OMFG give me a major break dude. Get your facts correct! He is video taping a hooker. He is not beating her on camera, now that would be something to talk about.
First and foremost the girls are breaking the law selling their pussy. What he did was mild compared to what the girls do. I know that most of you just believe these girls are the sweetest little girls in the world, but you forget that they sell their pussy for money.
One of my good friends is a criminal lawyer and we had dinner tonight and I asked him about this and he just laughed, just what I did when I saw the pictures, I laughed. There is no law being broken here only a personal law suit if they had enough money to try and fight something like this against an American high price lawyer. More than likely the whole thing would get thrown out of court anyway. The last chick has her pictures posted on her web site in full view. This is no big deal.
Someone also stated “Just taking the photos is a violation of some Argentine law” well so is selling pussy but who really gives a shit?
I video tape most all the hookers i see and if they don’t agree to it I
don’t pay to see the girl. I have done this for years on and off. Just because they don’t know about it is a personal thing, I can see a lot of you don’t like it. I think there is far worst things happening in the world today than what he is doing.
The only problem I have with what he did is he didn’t make a nice enough video. So the pictures weren't that great. Get more light dude or get a more professional video camera like I have, whish is a Sony VX2000 or VX2001 and just kick up the light manually. More power to you.
Wild video
Punter 127
11-13-04, 00:12
Capt Dave,
I tend to agree with you, any photos I took the girls knew I was taking, and I only post there face if they already have there face on the internet. Having said that, if Judd’s photos create a legal problem, why doesn’t Jackson pull them?
Punter 127
I stayed at Hotel Almendra suggested by the fellow mongers on this board. I was very happy that I chose to stay there. The hotel was very close to a mall and it was very easy to get a quick bite.
By the way, the Carretera Masaya was between the mall and Hotel Almendra. One evening, I walked between the mall and the Casino Phoenix. Within a third of a mile I counted about 30 SWs around 9:30 pm.
There are a lot of girls on Carretera Masaya. All want about $16 for 1 - 2 hours or $30 for the whole night!
There is an excellent choice of girls on this road. The girls on this road, in my opinion, are substantially better than the girls I found at Polankos.
I shall post photos and other ibformation soon.
Daddy Rulz
11-13-04, 04:00
I have lots of chica photos that I could only get because I promised to keep them to myself. Filming in secret is bad enough but posting that is reprehensible. Regardless of if they are on another web site I think consent is important.
Yes they rent us their pussy's but if you treat them with respect they will also bring much more to the session. Capt Dave, Dickhead and some of the others understand this. I feel sorry for the rest that look at it as assisted masturbation, you miss out on a lot.
My .02
Just want to respond to some of the criticism and comment on a broader subject. I want to apologize to those I offended with what I wrote. Several people pm’d for specific information about how I captured the photos. I tried to make it a good read while providing them with the information they requested. Sorry if it was too specific.
I respect and value everyone’s opinion who disagreed with my methods. I understand your concern for wanting to protect the privacy of the chicas. All the girls let me take photos of them with a camera. I think the internet girls know your going to share the photos in some form or another. That’s how they grow their customer base. Obviously, I stretched the photo taking idea a bit to include pics from the video. I was careful to only post photos of Brisa’s fantastic body since she didn‘t want her face to be photographed. The rest of the girls either already had their photos posted on the WSG or
had full facial photos on their websites.
There’s another issue at play here. Many feel what I did was wrong or deceitful. I'm not trying to debate this fact. However, If that’s the case then we all should ask the question, What is ethical and moral about prostitution? The notion of prostitution defines immorality. Therefore, how can you have boundaries between right and wrong on a subject that’s based on immorality? Essentially, EVERYTHING ABOUT PROSTITUTION IS WRONG!
It’s not right for the married monger who takes a “Business Trip” to BA for the sole purpose of popping Vitamin V and banging lethal amounts of chicas. Likewise, it’s not right for those chicas who seem to have a birthday every time your in town. Or the ones you pay for TLN and they leave after the first pop. How can you judge what’s right or wrong in this type of environment? I contend you can’t.
Prostitution is a necessary evil centered around money and sexual gratification. If the chicas were independently wealthy they wouldn’t be in the game. If we all had wives that looked like Jessica Simpson and sucked like Nina Hartley we wouldn’t be in the game. I think we sometimes forget its that simple.
Ultimately, the decision to delete the photos and what I wrote will rest upon Jackson since this is his site. It makes no difference to me. Thanks for listening.
Captain Dave, Do you really want to see my facial expressions?
Well, to the guys who supported taping in secret, I'm really not convinced by how you justify it.
Yes, the hobby may be technically against the law in some places. But other laws are still relevant to us. And looking at the bigger picture, it's in all our interests to keep the hobby clean. In many countries it's well managed. It shouldn't have to be the wild west.
"Yes, Your Honour, I beat the guy up, that's true. But he was jay walking, so you have to understand that he was already operating outside the law". Not very convincing, is it?
Jaimito, would you still agree with your concept if the tables were turned on you? For example, you go to an albergue transitorio, and the management film your session with the hooker, then put the tape out to the general public. I think most mongers would be furious at something like that.
Guys, if you believe it's no big deal and you're not really harming anyone by taping, then please just get her consent first, OK?
Jaimito Cartero
11-13-04, 11:37
I stayed at Hotel Almendra suggested by the fellow mongers on this board. I was very happy that I chose to stay there. The hotel was very close to a mall and it was very easy to get a quick bite.
By the way, the Carretera Masaya was between the mall and Hotel Almendra. One evening, I walked between the mall and the Casino Phoenix. Within a third of a mile I counted about 30 SWs around 9:30 pm.
There are a lot of girls on Carretera Masaya. All want about $16 for 1 - 2 hours or $30 for the whole night!
There is an excellent choice of girls on this road. The girls on this road, in my opinion, are substantially better than the girls I found at Polankos.
I shall post photos and other ibformation soon.Not sure why, but you're talking about Managua, Nicaragua, and we're in the Buenos Aires, Argentina sections. Software glitch or human error?
Jaimito Cartero
11-13-04, 11:47
Jaimito, would you still agree with your concept if the tables were turned on you? For example, you go to an albergue transitorio, and the management film your session with the hooker, then put the tape out to the general public. I think most mongers would be furious at something like that.
Actually I said that I would not publicly post anything that I hadn't been given a thumbs up to do.
I also wouldn't post any pictures from an unwilling participant.I'm pretty certain that I have been taped at some point in my mongering career. In particular, in massage type places in the US. That's one reason why I don't go to them anymore.
It's a bit of a sticky (ah-hum) subject. In some instances, you might be concerned about a girl ripping you off for something. I know that many times I've been nervous when going to the bathroom or taking a shower and leaving the girl there.
I always try to have my money and valuables put in a secure place, but that's not possible in a rented apartment most of the time. While this is not the main reason most people would tape, it is a valid one, I think.
I still believe in asking the partipants, but I can see the other side of the argument.
Come ON guys!!!!
I can't believe some of this crap.
Judd - you KNOW it was wrong to tape them, or anyone, in secret. I know it's wrong when I do it.
However this practice really hurts no one, whereas posting them publiclly is, IMHO, a completely different matter.
The issue isn't a legal issue - the issue is plain and simple
Rule A: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you"
Judd - You say:
"The notion of prostitution defines immorality. Therefore, how can you have boundaries between right and wrong on a subject that’s based on immorality? Essentially, EVERYTHING ABOUT PROSTITUTION IS WRONG! "
This may be your opinion, but not mine. I don't see any difference between a massuese treating my stiff upper neck and a hooker treating my stiff lower one.
If using her services violates an agreement you have made with someone else (e.g. your wife) that is your problem not her's, and the one behaving unethically is you not her.
Morality is not about fucking (remember the 60's?) It IS about lying and decieving, however.
Judging what's right or wrong is EASY. See rule "A" above
Snow Bird - You say "Is writting about a girls characteristics or performance really any different?"
Yes, of course it is. There is a reason these girls use "working" names
Wild Video - I think you show a remarkable contempt for these ladies that I don't share, admire or appreciate. We have had a variation of this discussion privately.
I can't help but wonder why it seems to make you feel good to "dis" them.
I think you will be much more peaceful when you iron this issue out with yourself!
I really don't want to start or participate in a flame war, but I will tell you that I will not allow anyone here at the mansion to treat my lady friends with anything but honesty (and at least the basic polite respect you would show your barber) any more then I will allow them to steal from you.
I will say that if Judd had consent from these chicas to photograph them, I find his videotaping of them somewhat less objectionable. But hey, if he asked them for permission for photos, why not ask for permission to tape? The key phrase here IMO is consenting adults.
BTW wasn't Jaimito Cartero the one taking clandestine photos at the Thanksgiving monger dinner? What's up with that?
Wild Video
11-14-04, 00:32
Capt Dave-I think you show a remarkable contempt for these ladies that I don't share, admire or appreciate. We have had a variation of this discussion privately.
Wild Video-Personally I could care less what you or anyone else has discussed about me in private regarding my opinions with girls. You don’t know who I am, they don’t know who I am and none of you have a clue who I am. You only read a few things I posted, which in my mind shows what type of man you really are if you are going judge a person based on little knowledge. I am sure that I must be much older than you, considering one of the comments you made in one of your replies to me, as if I don’t know how to act in front of a woman, god you make me laugh dude. If I used a word that you just didn’t like well then you prejudge me based on a man to man comment regarding a hooker and for that well, it just tells me you have not been around much at all.
Capt Dave-I can't help but wonder why it seems to make you feel good to "dis" them.
Wild Video-This is your way of misunderstanding my comments, once again. Maybe you have only had a few hookers, I don’t really know, but I have had thousands. I don’t “dis” anyone, but if you expect me to honor their profession, respectfully, “you have to be out of your mind”? But that doesn’t mean that I would treat a hooker like a ***** and not like a woman. Personally what I do in bed, is really none of your business.
Capt Dave-I think you will be much more peaceful when you iron this issue out with yourself!
Wild Video-You amaze me dude, you just amaze me. I will suggest to you that you save your judgments about someone once you have personally met that person rather than to assume all that you have at this point about them. Once again you have no idea who I am. If you just don’t like my style, well that is too bad, I don’t care.
Capt Dave-I really don't want to start or participate in a flame war, but I will tell you that I will not allow anyone here at the mansion to treat my lady friends with anything but honesty (and at least the basic polite respect you would show your barber) any more then I will allow them to steal from you.
Wild Video-As far as your “flame war”, I know how to act and how to treat people and that includes women if it is at the mansion, a dinner, a party or in bed. I don’t need you to act like my big brother, because your not, okay! I will tell you this, how you would not allow me to treat any of your lady friends with nothing but honestly, really makes me wonder about you. I would love to see how you would be able to do that to me? You come off as if you are some ex-boxer or ex-cop and I’ll tell you, once again, save your judgment until after you met someone. You have no idea who I am. But if I was you I would be careful if you are threatening me, I don’t take orders very well. I also do-not need your help about any girl trying to steal from me, that hasn’t happen to me once.
Wild Video-Now I would appreciate it if you would stop acting like I am out to fuck over ever hooker I see, because I have an opinion that is not like yours. I think once you do meet me, you will feel rather stupid for assuming what you have. Like I said, save your judgments on someone until you have met them, that is what a man does.
Daddy Rulz
11-14-04, 16:42
Wild Video I have to tell you that your 100% correct in your assessment of Dave. I met him for dinner once and again at Excedra for drinks. He's a 18 year old trust fund baby/surfer punk. tattoos, bad haircut and sagging pants. It was immediately apparent He knew NOTHING about the mongering scene. As a matter of fact I think when He wants to have a session with a new girl He just changes hands.
Sorry Dave I couldn't help myself.
Video taping or taking pictures without consent is not the main problem, IMHO.
We all have been video taped unknowingly by security cameras in the department stores or your friends house. You could have been grabbing your girl's ass or scratching your balls or picking your nose.
It could be very embarrassing for you if the tape was shared on america's funniest people, witout hiding your identity (blurring of the face). But if no one knows (including yourself) that it's you, then no harm done (or very little harm done).
So the problem here is posting pictures taken without consent and sharign wiht the public, without even attempting to conceal the identity. Had the faces been disguised, I would have no problem at all with these pictures, because then, these would be just another pair ot tits and ass.
I vote for removing the pics that show the girls' faces (or Judd can edit the pics to hide the faces).
11-16-04, 19:25
BTW wasn't Jaimito Cartero the one taking clandestine photos at the Thanksgiving monger dinner? What's up with that?
Care to comment, Jaimito?
11-16-04, 19:27
Video taping or taking pictures without consent is not the main problem, IMHO.
We all have been video taped unknowingly by security cameras in the department stores or your friends house. You could have been grabbing your girl's ass or scratching your balls or picking your nose.
There is a big difference. A department store, for example, is a public area. A bedroom is not.
If you subscribe to the notion of privacy, then making private matters public invariably requires consent.
Justifications such as "prostitution is wrong/illegal" or "guys cheat on their wives" and so on, simply does not fly.
Cachorro summed it up well.
There is a big difference. A department store, for example, is a public area. A bedroom is not.
I am not sure if you read the entire post, and this is getting into symantics now.
I agree that there is a SOME difference, but public and private issue is not as simple, so consider this:
The bathroom in the depatment store is also a public place, so by your standard, taking pics of private acts in the public is less problematic than taking pics of private acts through your bedroom window?? I don't think so.
If someone took a picture of my hairy ass in the public bathroom or in my bedroom, and posted it on the internet WITHOUT showing my identity/face, you would have NO IDEA whose ass you were looking at. And I would have NO PROBLEM because I would NOT KNOW whose ass that is either:). But if I COULD identify my own ass, then I would feel violated, but nowhere nearly as bad if my identity was also shared.
Just to clarify for some of you who are invariably going to take this out of context: I am not condoning taking/posting pictures without consent. However, when the identity has been concealed, and the individual cannot be identified by others, the whole issue becomes LESS problematic.
11-16-04, 20:17
The bathroom in the depatment store is also a public place....
Everyone knows that the bathroom is not a public place.
The notion of consent cannot be brushed away by "unidentifiability". If there is no identifiability, why the hidden camera and the deception ? If there is no identifiability, why not say to the chica "Hey, I am filming but you can't be identified" ? Why the subterfuge ?
Thats all I have to say about that.
Everyone knows that the bathroom is not a public place
Your bathroom at HOME is not a public bathroom. There is a reason why the "public bathrooms are called "public bathrooms".
This isn't the Middle East peace process and before this debate gets any silier, I would stand by my previously mentioned solution:
"I vote for removing the pics that show the girls' faces (or Judd can edit the pics to hide the faces)."
11-16-04, 20:44
There is a reason why the "public bathrooms are called "public bathrooms".
Correct - and the reason is that it is open to the public. It does not mean that the goings on can be filmed as long as there is no identifiability.
I did not intend to argue this ad nauseum . I merely wanted to challenge the contention that consent is not required for filming private acts in a private place as long as there is no identifiability. I am not talking about the law BTW.
This really is all I have to say about that.
Actually I said that I would not publicly post anything that I hadn't been given a thumbs up to do.
Yes Jaimito, I guess I did take you quite far out of context on what you said. Sorry.
Jaimito Cartero
11-17-04, 06:49
I will say that if Judd had consent from these chicas to photograph them, I find his videotaping of them somewhat less objectionable. But hey, if he asked them for permission for photos, why not ask for permission to tape? The key phrase here IMO is consenting adults.
BTW wasn't Jaimito Cartero the one taking clandestine photos at the Thanksgiving monger dinner? What's up with that?
I think you've gone over your limit of cerveza today, or you're drinking Quilmes again. I *wish* I was taking pictures on Thanksgiving, but I've never done Thanksgiving in BA.
..and then he went away on yet another trip :), and was nowhere to be found in order to settle this debate.
Yes fellows. My memory is VERY recent and the chica in all web links below is without question the same that I saw. As one of you commented in the photo section, she is "ridiculously" hot! On the web pages, just like the other chicas, it says she speaks "basic English". She actually speaks English quite well.
As for the tatoos, I suppose there is always Photoshop! The one on her shoulder is very large and distinctive. She says they have some cultural significance.
I liked Judd's photos. Best fucking photos I have seen especially Bria or whatever her name is. You guys tell me that Argentina is a a European city but these chicks (except the ones in Judd's photos) are ugly. I am even almost discourage by taking a trip there. Judd's photos were the best looking chicas I have seen.
As far as how he took those photos, get over it. Where do you draw the line? You travel halfway across the world to fuck women for money and you want to talk about morals? Dude, get a fucking life.
Go Judd! Go! Keep up the good work and keep at it!
If you are looking for drop dead gorgeous girls -- proceed directly to Florence Italy. The girls are the best looking creatures on the planet. hands down.
Better looking than BA, Colombia, and anywhere else. (But they also happen to be nice girls not about to venture back to your hotel to get down and dirty with you for $50 US Dollars. No siree, Bob.
But to answer your question about the chicas in BA --
you can find some incredibly hot working girls whose pictures don't end up on these boards.
I basically agree that many photos feature older girls, but you also have to remember that everybody's taste varies.
To some, the girls on these boards are spectacular. (especially in comparison to American cows).
I also will go so far as to admit that most of the girls who work at blacks are not to my liking.
But I am always able to find something that is fantastic (relatively speaking!) and wild in the sack.
Does she look like a 19 year old girl from Florence Italy!
No way!
I fear that you will be disappointed if you come to BA and expect the girls to be as young and hot as even the chicas featured on the brazilian boards.
BA is still my favorite destination all around. But I can conceed that there are better destinations for young chicas -- go to Colombia or Brazil -- if that is your sole criteria.
Good Luck
I tend to shoot off my mouth. I appreciate all these posts. These are the best posts and the best forum. As I was doing my own research, I came to the conclusion that Argentina, aside from Moscow, was the best place to visit. This was before I even realized that Jackson was based in Argentina.
I am trying to bring an intellectual dimension to mongering. My analysis is as follows:
1. The rates for the hottest women in these countries where the currency has devalued is still $300-400 and the hours run around 3-4 hours. But that is the same rate as a hot girl in Montreal for 100 an hour for 3-4 hours. I am trying assess whether or not a third world or second world country is an economic substitute for a western country. If not, I am better off staying around home.
2. I am coming to the conclusion as to all of you that the girls still consider factors like looks, age, personality. You have to really suck up to them. It makes me wonder whether money makes a difference. Sometimes I wonder whether or not these girls fuck Tom for money but then blows Bill because he is a nice guy. I rather be Bill than Tom so I can keep my money. If so, then I do not even need to leave my high price expensive Western country. All I need to do is find a lonely young woman during the holidays and suck up.
3. Lastly, I was hoping thet the devaluation of the currency in countries like Argentina, Columbia, Moscow would at least open the doors to the panties of some of the non pros. The analogy is that obviously money has something to do with Howard Stern getting laid even though he is butt ugly. Well when we travel from our Western country to a third world country, we are all kings and Howard Sterns to these girls.
I think the girls are there if you look hard. I look on the Cali, Columbia site where the women are very impoverished and where Western men are reluctant to travel (we know why, drug cartel etc) and the women there are young and hot for $12 for 3 hours!
4. What we do is economically and morally right. In every time and place, there is an Alexander, men of great wealth and power who can fuck who they want because they have economic power. Sometimes that helps if you have a good business and the money rolls in. But if you do not have the money to attract quality pussy in say Germany, you can lower the costs by going to a foreign country where you are a big fish in a small pond. This is not about sex for money. This is about economics and market power.
If a Chevrolet costs $25000 and falls apart, fuck that. I will buy a Honda. Same with chicks. Why would I work my ass off to impress someone my own age to get a piece of ass and then be subject to a divorce where she is entitled to alimony, support and half my assets and 401(k)? Does GE say, heh, let's raise the wages of the union guys? FUck no, let's move the plant to CHina. Same here. When quality white pussy becomes expensive, or jobs go to India, you need to develop skills to exploit these economic changes.
5. I think there is a young beautiful girl in Argentina but you have to find her before the market catches up to her. I want to stay away from anything associated Brazil. WHen I hear Brazil, I think AIDS. Argentina is a good opportunity because of the currency devaluation. The question is where are the young hot girls?
Sorry to change the subject guys but I have a question I'd really like some of you experienced mongers to answer. I've noticed that a lot of the women in all the photo sections have this brown line running down through their belly buttons. The girl I was with today had the same thing and it made me wonder as to what causes it. Is it from being pregnant or what?
Jaimito Cartero
12-11-04, 21:45
Sorry to change the subject guys but I have a question I'd really like some of you experienced mongers to answer. I've noticed that a lot of the women in all the photo sections have this brown line running down through their belly buttons. The girl I was with today had the same thing and it made me wonder as to what causes it. Is it from being pregnant or what?
I'd guess that you're talking about a C-Section scar. About 20-25% of US births are delivered that way, I'm not sure to the stats in Argentina.
03-30-05, 12:04
Hello friends. I am a bit far from the scene so to say, actually am in Dubai, but I would like to say that posting pictures of girls on an open forum could cause a lot of trouble for the lady in question.
Here in Dubai we frown on anyone posting pictures which clearly show the girl's face. Although the girls here in dubai are not as internet-savvy as the girls in BA they are bound to find out that their pictures are on the internet. This is because a lot of guys visit this site and view the pictures. And if even one of them is indiscreet and tells the girl that he has seen her nude pictures on the internet the word will go around.
By posting the pictures on free sites we deprive the ladies of privacy that we ourselves feel entitled to. Dont we all use a fake ID on the internet just so no one knows who we are? And we go around exposing the girls with their pictures. That is not cricket, as the british gentlemen would say.
07-06-05, 21:18
Your comments may be true for Dubai but that does not make them Universal truths. I check the Dubai section from time to time and notice that most pictures are posted with faces blurred or masked in some other way. Given that the UAE is a Middle Eastern Muslim country that is wholly appropriate.
In Argentina, it is common for the girls advertise on the web, with many of the photos displaying more than just their faces. In those circumstances, I do not have a problem posting a girl's photo unless she specifically aske me not to.
The Cats Meow
There has been a lot of discussion about posting photos of the girls without seeking their permission. I am planning a trip back to BA and up till now have only posted a few photos and those usually were done for me by another board member. This time I plan on just posting pictures of their breasts and not showing anything else. I think it will be a bit of fun to have shots of some of the regular girls we all know and have loved and even make it a contest of sorts to see if members can tell who they are just by their breasts. Does anyone think this would be objectionable if I do not tell them what I am doing? Seeing how there will not be any facial shots but honoring any request by a women who tells me she does not want her photo posted. IE "Can I take some pictures of your breasts mi amore?" She says- "Only if you are keeping them only for yourself." Those would not be posted.
An increasing number of local mongers are lurking this forum, and the experiences and behaviors of visiting mongers are being more and more commented on some local fori.
One of the most commented traits is that many visiting mongers are posting unconcealed pictures of ladiies, something deemed not suitable for non-Internet girls.
Try to conceal them a little bit (it's not necessary to draw a chador around their faces, just a bar covering their eyes.
Hope this helps,
If you have the chica's permission to post her face, do it, and if not, don't. Screw what some fucking lurker thinks, local or not.
01-01-06, 21:09
I think I recall a brief discussion here a while ago about the resolution requirement of photos posted here. But my searches are not finding nada.
So. 1) Is there a required or preferred resolution? And 2) If I have a photo that is in the wrong resolution, is there a free utility which can convert a photo to the required / preferred resolution?
Hi Bob,
1. Photos must be in .JPG or .GIF format.
2. Photos cannot be bigger than 640 pixels by 640 pixels in size.
You can resize your images using almost any graphics program such as Photoshop, Paintshop or Microsoft's Publisher.
If you do not have a graphics program on your computer you can download a FREE program called Mihov Image Resizer from
This FREE program is easy to use, and will quickly reduce, rename and save the photos you select to the size necessary for the Forum, all while leaving your existing image file completely untouched. Let's keep those photographs coming!
Another free image resizer may be found at
I think I recall a brief discussion here a while ago about the resolution requirement of photos posted here. But my searches are not finding nada.
So. 1) Is there a required or preferred resolution? And 2) If I have a photo that is in the wrong resolution, is there a free utility which can convert a photo to the required / preferred resolution?
Thanks, BobBob,
I have uploaded pictures up to 648 pixels, which is close to the maximum allowable resolution. Microsoft Photo Editor is an easy way to change photo resolution. Go to the "Image" pull down menu and select "Resize" option. Then change the unit option from "Inches' to "Pixels" from the pop up window. Enter the height and width resulotions and save the file. I look forward to your pictures.
Great observation (, Sportsman! A good monger will never leave home without it!
You were right, Doggboy, when you drew comparison ( between Anahí's real and Platynum pictures. Here are two similar pictures (real and "fantasy") side by side.
And here you can see the same comparison between Estefany's "real" and "fantasy" pictures.
All of these chicas' pics look different on the professional websites when they've been made up by professional make-up men and posed by professional photographers with professional backdrops, etc. Than they look in the pics taken by us mongers, many of whom don't know an F-Stop from the F train in the NY City Subway system. But I'm SURE, having been to BA 5 times now and having mongered my balls off, that these chicas who don't look nearly as good in our amateur pics, look just fine in person and even better when the lights are dimmed and they've got their hands and lips all over our shafts and sometimes in our anuses, no? I can't think of a single chica that I've "sessioned" with (to use a term frequently used by the great Saint in many of his posts) that looked the same in person as they did in the professional publicity shots. I'm sure La Pampita herself doesn't look nearly as good in person as she does in her cover shots.
Member #3313, thanks for the great shots, I just love these shots you've recently taken and they make me want to hop on the next plane out for BA despite the fact that they photograph differently with our 4 megapixel digital cameras than they do for the professional photographer's camera.
Saludos, DownBA2
Of the girls I've 'sampled' during my couple of trips down there, I'd say most don't look like their pictures. But there were a couple that did - including Roxanne's Cari and Bane.
Daddy Rulz
03-10-06, 15:39
I really want to add mis dos centavos, not about the debate but rather the manner of the debate. Saint and Moondog give a fine example of how to disagree and debate respectfully in an open forum. I would like to commend both of them for stateing their positions, pointing out where they may disagree and continuing to debate in a repectfull, manner befiting gentlemen. Lunch for both on me at anyplace with a drive through.
Of the girls I've 'sampled' during my couple of trips down there, I'd say most don't look like their pictures. But there were a couple that did - including Roxanne's Cari and Bane.Add Ayi ( to the list.
I really want to add mis dos centavos, not about the debate but rather the manner of the debate. Saint and Moondog give a fine example of how to disagree and debate respectfully in an open forum. I would like to commend both of them for stateing their positions, pointing out where they may disagree and continuing to debate in a repectfull, manner befiting gentlemen. Lunch for both on me at anyplace with a drive through.DR,
I appreciate the nice words and the offer, but I gave up drive through restaurants long ago.:) See you in the next Spanish Class, and appreciate your help in the last one.
03-10-07, 12:28
How can I get some photos from my digital camera printed here? A chica indicates that it is possible. Do they suck the photos directly out of my camera, or do I have to put the files on a CD? Will there likely be someone who speaks a bit of English at a place which can print digital photos? Can anyone recommend a particular place?
There are a number places that do Kodak printing from CDs. I have done this several times. Camera stores and stores with the production equipment right in the window seem to be all over the place. If you have the usb attachment they may be able to directly download the photos from your camera but it seems easier and more secure to pop the photos you want onto a cd and leave that with them. Sorry, but can't remember a specific address and in my experience very little english was spoken but communication was not a problem pointing to the CD and to the examples of 8/10 or 4/6 that they had out.
Daddy Rulz
03-10-07, 14:42
Most of the places have card readers, just take the camera, they pull out the memory stick it in the slot and a couple mins later you have photos. Only issue, they will see everything on the card, so perhaps burning a cd with only the photos you want is best.
And here you can see the same comparison between Estefany's "real" and "fantasy" pictures.Good info Member #3313. How much did Estefany charge you. This is right up.
My alley.
03-14-07, 17:17
First of all, thanks for the responses to my original post a few days ago. I found a place on Florida; the address from the receipt:
Kodak Express.
Galerias Pacifico (although they are not in the Galerias Pacifico)
Magic Photo S. A.
Florida 783
The kiosks are bilingual but there was a clerk who spoke decent English and helped me. 37 post card photos cost 59,20 pesos. Although the kiosks are hardly private, if you stood squarely in front of one it would not be easy for someone to see the smutty photos you were printing.
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