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10-04-04, 18:13
Chicks with Dicks don't count!!!!

10-04-04, 18:46
I am sorry, Chuponalgas, but you must have me confused with your mother. Now go suck butt somewhere else.

10-04-04, 18:54

Completing my first trip to BA, and while editing my report, just a quick response to CaptainNemo and Saint’s posts of 10-04-04, with respect to the culture of tipping. There is no need to have a (controversial) view, but a better understanding of the culture should prove useful:

1) CaptainNemo wrote: “…I was embarrassed by some of those Europeans who absolutely refuse to leave a tip in American restaurants.

2) Saint wrote: “…If I was in a restaurant in the USA with a European and they didn't leave a tip, I'd never go out to eat with them again.”

For 5 years as a student in Europe, I worked in the HORECA sector.
HORECA is the abbreviation for Hotel – Restaurant – Café.

In the 1060s, early 1970s, it was common practice to leave a 15% tip on top of the bill. Waiters and waitress were getting their pay exclusively on tips. Hence, you can understand how disappointed and angry they could become when they had done their best, and how pissed one can feel by the arrogance of some customers behaving as asshole champions, leaving less than 10% if not less than 5%, or, even more insulting, only a dime.

Then in the mid-1970s in most E.U. countries, it became compulsory by law to have the 15% tip INCLUDED in the price of the menu. In other words, never again a disappointment and/or an argument in the server-customer relationship, and therefore, there is no need for room on the European credit card receipts to add a tip. Same thing in every other sector of the economy, for instance for taxi-driver: the tip is included in the price!

The waitress, the taxi-driver, etc, get then their pay out of the total price, and argument, if any, is reduced to a common employer-employee relationship, hence leaving the customer out of it, hence keeping the customer happy… (smile, big, big smile)

Working in the sector, I appreciated that “civilized” law: I knew that for my hard work, I shall always get my salary, even if the customer complained about the coffee or beer brand served at the place. If he does not like the brand, it is up to him to go elsewhere, and once he orders the service, then his duty is to pay for the service.

Today, when traveling around the world, most Europeans do not know what is a tip. As it is compulsory by law in their country, ignorant as they most are, they do not know that in other and “laggard” countries, compulsory is not the case as yet.

When I was first in the USA, assuming that that country was at least as civilized as Europe, I also did not pay any tip. Once, in my limited English of the time, I could perceive how mad and rude the taxi-driver was getting at me. So, I inquired, and I learnt that, by comparison to Europe, the USA social law is fairly laggard in this respect of the workers.

Thus, it is better to understand differences in tipping culture, isn’t it?

Thus Saint, have a second diner with your European friends, and help them to understand the USA laggard culture of both sex-prison and anti-social lack of compulsory law of tipping.

As far as I am personally concerned, here in Argentina, I always left a 15% tip. Cheap bastards would say that I am probably overgenerous. But well, I prefer to keep my distance from cheap bastards, and to socialize with more generous people.

With respect to girls from the triangle, most of the time, they started negotiations at AR$300. Instead of negotiating a cheaper price, I proposed for more time, like TDL. Most girls liked the prospect, or more exactly the certainty of having the income of two customers a night, with the possibility to sleep instead of having to return to their boliche, hunting a not-certain second customer. Hence, sex in the night, sex again in the morning and sometime sex in the middle of the night also, depending how time was used, with a girl happy to know that she will get a guaranteed income equivalent of two customers for her efforts to please to one only. In addition, to a grateful girl, you leave one tip only. So is the art of getting higher quality at a lower cost, for both partners. (smile)

Next part when I shall be back in Europe.

Enjoy the spring at BA, and happy mongering,

Butter Fly

10-04-04, 20:08
JackDaniels posted: "we are faced with a choice of Cameron Diaz or Gwyneth Paltrow".

Take a good look at some of the pictures posted in the WSG BA section. Many of those girls aren't a "Cameron Diaz" OR a "Gwyneth Paltrow". That's my whole point. I think some of them are closer on the Rosanne side then the names you mentioned. I'm quite glad we all have different tastes in girls though. It would be damn boring if we all liked the same type of girls. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder as the Photo section clearly shows.

Good luck.

10-04-04, 20:11
I was speaking hypothetically not literally.

Purely to illustrate that people have different tastes.

10-04-04, 22:17
I will pay more for a girl in Blacks or Madahos simply because if I am going out on the town for a few hours I would rather hang in a club like Madahos or Blacks. When I factor in the lighting, ventilation, comfort and fresh squeezed OJ for my vodka, its worth the extra 100 pesos.

Did you ever think that its all you guys paying the average girls 100-150 pesos that makes the hot ones believe they are worth 250. You budget minded value guys are making it real tough on those of us that don't give a damn.

Face it, there are different levels of mongering which should satisfy everyones tastes. I just got back from a weekend in the Dominican Republic and I was in Hell. But one mans Hell is another mans Heaven.

10-04-04, 22:46
I am surprised you guys who live in BA are paying at all.
I go 2-3 times a year, and I still call some of the Platynum and Madaho's girls I met 2-3 yrs ago, some of whom are now students, normal workers, etc. They are delighted to hear from me and come right over and don't ask for anything, altho I always make a point of bringing a nice present for them and taking them out for a nice dinner. Oddly, for example, there is no equivalent of See's candies in Argentina, and the girls go WILD for a box of chocolates!

I also bought a calling card and call my "amigas" from several countries from the USA for 5 cents a minute on their birthdays, etc., and often I time my trips for their school vacations, and we end up going to Bariloche or Iguazzu, etc. and similar places in other countries, without any direct payment.

I am quite wealthy and have no reason to be a cheapskate, but I am also not a young stud, but i have found that a little bit of attention and niceness goes a long way!

I have also charmed the pants off some of the restaurant girls who work the Recoleta sidewalk, altho this is fairly difficult.

Of course, I am no Price Charming, and the first time with any working girl I pay the going rate. In the meantime, in the pure P4P department, I got a little backwoods cutie in a small town in Nicaragua last year for $4 USD. Hard to beat that!

10-04-04, 23:00
" bring a nice present for them "

Me to. On my next trip down in Nov I am bringing some girls pearl necklaces and others double eagle gold coins. I also get a lot of free sex by giving gifts instead of cash. We seem to think alike. Thank God gold closed at $412.80 down .70 cents. I only need to buy 15 1oz coins. Its a lot cheaper in the long run.

aka ( young stud )

Paul VJK
10-05-04, 00:02

I've been reading this forum for a while now and am finally heading down to what seems to be Paradise. Going to do a Rio/Buenos Aires taste test.

I'm a little bit anal - so I've been trying to compile a list of the apartments in BA, along with some girl names and prices. I haven't finished going back through the whole thread, but here is what I have so far.

Please either post or send me more info (or corrected info if I have any of this wrong). I hope compiling this isn't a breach of etiquette.

Suipacha 921
2 girls/100P for 40Min

Corrientes 1965 13A (30p-30Min)(50P/1hr)
Lorena, Nicole, Daniela, Cynthia, Candela (70P)

Santa Fe 3373 5C
Tamara (40P)

429 Maipu piso 5 (Maipu and Corrientes) (100p)

1707 Santa Fe (120P – 2/300P – 80P/45Min)
Joana, Fernanda

Rivadavia 1929

Sarmiento 1828 (30P/30Min – 40P/hour)
Maira and Karen

Laprida 947

Guemes 3221 (100p)

Arenales, 2463 -(30P/1hr/special)
Florencia, Daniela

10-05-04, 00:45
Greta from Estilo Nuevo

Starfe wanted to nail a very famous girl from Estilo Nuevo Called Greta (famous for gringos and locals alike). She's REALLY cute, but at the outside (she behaves like a way-too-high stuck-up b*tch, which is a reason for not doing anything with her). In any case, she is movie-star material.


The famous issue of prices

I read all arguments and I agree with all of them. Why do I have such cheap politician mindset? Because I guess that this issue is SO complex and SO personal that it is impossible to say "you paid ar$300, so you are a sucker" or "you paid ar$50, so you are a cheapo looking for ugly, stinky women with no teeth".

Time constraints, trust, looks, previous experiences, etc, all impact the monger's assessment of the supply side. Perhaps for a long-term resident in BA who knows the ropes and had previous experience in Flores (and liked that qualiity), paying ar$300-500 for a girl in Black or Madahos is ridiculous, but not for others.

In fact, in my future visits to BA, if I come with big money I would visit Flores a couple of times and Madahos as well, especially if I have few nights. However, I may visit more the Triangle because you find girls there with nice looks (as good as in Recoleta) and less clockwatch attitude (in average) than at Recoleta. As usual, based on my personal views and experiences.

Hope this helps,


10-05-04, 01:21
Could we let Andres have the last word on this, or must we continue to flog this dead horse?

Dodger Bulldog
10-05-04, 02:32
On 10/4, Saint wrote:

"Two totally different classes of girls. There might be a rare girl that works in both Black and another lower tier club but it is very few and far between."

(I wish I could find how to use the "quote" function on here. Someone clue me in please.)

I must respectfully disagree. I guess if one doesn't spend much time in the "lower tier" clubs, one really wouldn't know who they might find there.

I posted a snapshot in the Photo Gallery of two girls, Gimena and Marcela, that I took out of Exedra one afternoon about 5 PM. They told me that they work at Madahos and charge $300AR per hour, each. I am sure that they said this to establish a premium price in my mind.

However, I practiced a little "monger jujitsu," turning their own strength against them.

"Excellent, then this isn't your real income for the night. You can accept something less and feel great! You'll know that you already have money in your pocket before you even go in to work tonight!"

Negotiations went pleasantly, and they agreed to $150AR each. Of course, I didn't have any cover charge to pay or chica drinks to buy, either.

Just four pesos for a cafe con leche. But I did leave a 25% tip - I'm not cheap!

Much of the debate here is theoretical and philosophical in nature. By am am just reporting the facts. These two girls became my reality.

I normally don't do twosomes, as it seems like a lot of overkill to achieve the same result, but my redhead really wanted her blonde friend along, and I decided it would be a nice experience.

The blonde actually had the friendlier attitude and definitely added a lot to the session. They understood the meaning of teamwork. This Madahos girl two-for-one special worked out great.

I don't believe I would have ever been able to get that price if I hadn't been willing to troll in a "lower tier" cafe.

Meaning, that I would have never ended up enjoying these two chicas at all.


Daddy Rulz
10-05-04, 02:38
I vote we let Andres have the last word. There is no right answer, what strikes me as odd is the tone of the posts. One pays to much and is an asshole and the other likes to fuck ugly chicks, I suspect neither is the truth. To each his own.

Back to the pussy. Has anybody ever sessioned with Yaninna from Area VIP? She is also Nuria at Gemidos. I'll be back in three weeks, personally I hope to monger with both Saint and Dickhead, should be an interesting contrast. Dickhead I still owe you two beers and a couple potato's (alternate Republican spelling potatoes)

10-05-04, 03:06
I agree. Let's let this thing die with Andres post.

Dodger Bulldog, you are actually wrong with your post though. I do spend time in all the other clubs. I constantly have friends in town that want to try the other clubs so it's inevidible that I'll end up in some of those clubs to check the talent out. I've been in lots of clubs around Buenos Aires so don't assume I just hang out in Black and Madahos. That isn't true. I've been to BA more times than most Americans that I know with the exception of guys like Jackson and a few other guys.

As far as those two girls that told you they work at Madahos. Just because they might work there doensn't mean anything. I see lots of ugly girls working at Black and Madahos that don't make any money night after night. They might ask for 300 pesos but I doubt they consistently get it. Maybe they played a little "hooker jujitsu" on you too.

I'm not saying there isn't some quality in the other clubs and either is anyone else. Most of us don't have a problem with anyone paying as little as they want for a girl we don't find attractive. The biggest problem we have is when guys come on here dictating that the rest of us are idiots for doing it.

Let's drop this whole price issue. As long as we are all having fun.


Dodger Bulldog
10-05-04, 03:13
Saint, I guess you took some offense. It wasn't intended.

If you can lump those two chicas in the photo with your comment on "ugly" girls, I guess we can only say to each his own.

I guess that everyone can take a look and judge for himself.

They sure turned my ass on.


Jaimito Cartero
10-05-04, 03:20
I can think of only a few regular posters on this forum who *can* leave it alone. Everyone has to be, "Can't we just leave it alone". It will take days before everyone is bored enough, or forgets enough to let it lie.

Everyone has different tastes. I hate it when guys pay $300 an hour for a $100 girl. To me it just muddies the water. However, I've posted on it way too many times to add anything new to this old discussion.

As we've learned, posting "Mission Accomplished" too early has very bad effects.

10-05-04, 04:07
I vote for more horse-flogging!!!

10-05-04, 04:33
So long as some people here continue to criticize others for drilling anything that costs more than 150 pesos, I am with you, Chup! ;) We don't all want to swim in the ditch and live like the Latino Beverly Hillbillies when we go on vacation! :D (If you want to do that, more power to you - but please don't whack on me and the many others who don't share your preferences!)

Uncle Otto

10-05-04, 06:57
I am a newbie to Argentina, been traveling to Asia , I want strictly blondes , thin, and 18 -25, what country is best and how do I elimanate looking at dozens before I get what I want, price is an object but I am willing to splurge (200 all night max ) to get what I want. I usually go for one month. I appreciate any imput from more experienced mongers

10-05-04, 10:41
Apologies for interrupting the flogging, but could somebody confirm the address of Rio Cabana as Cordoba 4950? This place is open during the day isnt it?

Also...I read somewhere on the board of a boliche called L'Prive....is the address of that Av.San Martin 6101?

many thanks


10-05-04, 10:57
Rio Cabana is near 5000 Cordoba near Cordoba and Cerrano. Something helpful to note is once you become a client there they will let you call a girl and pull her out without even going there if you know her name. The atmosphere is to be desired if you like a party environment there but as I've posted before, it's not a place you go to spend hours and hours. Usually it's good for a quick drink then to pull a girl out. It is nice there because it's not smoky and quite with decent lighting so you can actually have a conversation with the girl. Be careful though to specify that you want to take them back to your apartment. I thought it was a given but one time this girl thought I just wanted to take her to some short term hotel they use down the street. She came out in her jacket and her skimpy little outfit but I didn't notice till we got in the car since her jacket was covering her clothes.

Dodger Bulldog, totally no offense taken. I just wanted to correct you when you said that I don't hit the other lower-tier clubs. I've hit them several times. I've hit some places that most on the board probably have never been to. My funniest experience in BA is still when my buddies Kickstand and UWPhoto and I went to this club in the middle of nowhere. At first they let us in then they kicked us out. My amigos were pulling me out by the arm since I was sitting there arguing with the doorman. Oh well. Lots of good times here in BA. And no, I wasn't saying your girls were ugly. I only meant to say that several girls told me they also worked at Black, Madaho, whatever club. Just because they tell me that I don't necessarily believe them.

Totally take where they work out of the equation. A line like, "I also work at Black", shouldn't make them more valuable just on those words alone. Pay what you think a girl is worth and if she is too expensive or asking too much just pass. I do it all the time. Just don't pass judgement on everyone else. I think Slick1 made an excellent point when he said that the hot girls take a lesson from all you paying some of these other girls 150 pesos. I agree with Jackson and others when they say there is no correlation on price and performance. However, I would say that a truly beautiful model type usually will cost more.

Have fun fellas.

10-05-04, 11:02
Getting away from flogging for a minute.

I might get away for Halloween weekend for a nice quick jaunt to my favorite city South of the Border. Any recollections by you fellows of Halloween parties? Or haven't the Portenos discovered the joys of dressing up as Count Dracula yet?

Uncle Otto

10-05-04, 15:44
Exon Reporting: Price

The end of this past July was my last day of a two week stay in Buenos Aires.

I was sound a sleep with " Wood " in my hotel room in the Las De Americas Hotel just up the street from the Dazzler on Libertad, it was 9:00 am in the morning.

There was a knock on the door I got up and opened the door and there stood Maria Paula looking like a million bucks in cash. She immediately started on me with a blow job, (BBBJ Of Course) and we continued to fuck for about the next two hours. After I shot my last load of the trip, (all over her belly i might add ), it was time to clean up take showers, pack for the trip home too sex prison and settle up with Maria Paula.

In the Hotel saftey deposit box I had just $300 hundred dollars in US cash and about $175 Argentine peso's in my pocket. Maria Paula and I have never decussed money or price Ive alway's just given her that was fair plus maybe a little extra.

This morning I gave her a $100 in US cash, stateing " this is for Fideil Castro" as she was leaving for Cuba the next day for personal reasons and $175 peso's stating " This is for Maria Paula mi Amor" she burst out lafying.

As I checked out of the Hotel I cashed the second US hundred dollar bill for peso's and I took Maria Paula to El Marisol for lunch. Leaving me with just a hundred dollar bill in US cash for the long trip home.

After lunch Maria and I window shopped checked the internet and our e-mail before I finally got Anna, ( our offical WSG driver on the phone) for transportation to the airport. Anna was at the Manson as she had just picked up Captain Dave coming in from the USA. Great as I wanted to say good by to Jackson and hello to the "Captain" before leaving and this was a great chance for Maria to see the Manson. So we took a cab out to the Manson.

We hung around for a couple hours and then it was time to head for the airport for if I checked in early I had a good shot at a first class up grade, ( I ended up with business class ), and I wanted to buy smokes to take home with me because there so much cheaper in B.A.

When we got to the airport I said I'd buy us all dinner. There's a pretty good restraunt in the airport that most Mongers don't know about but Maria Paula sure did and she lead us all in their.

After dinner and in paying the bill I found I had about 125 Peso's left of the hunderd dollar bill I had cashed earlier in the morning at the Hotel. I gave Anna $65 peso's, her regular fee of $45 plus a $20 peso tip for driving Maria Paula home. The other $60 peso's I gave to Maria in front of Anna stateing "por mi Amor".

So in essance I had given Maria Paula the $100 US, say about $300 peso's plus $175 pesos, plus another $60 peso's for a total of about $535 peso's or $178 US dollars for over 12 hours of her company. That less than $15 US dollars per hour for the company of someone I really do love and enjoy being with. ( I have two or three other girls in B.A. I feal the same way about ).

Did I over pay, maybe from some Mongers perspective, but not from mine. I had the companionship of someone I truly enjoy being with, we both had fun being with one another and she needs the money a hell of a lot more I do. Plus I had come to Buenos Aires to have fun and it costs money to have fun. So I spend my money accordingly, it was allocated to have fun with before I left the USA.

So my point being is that all of us come to Buenos Aires to have fun. If you see a girl in Black or Madaho's that costs $300 ar. dollars pay it as you may never have another chance at a women that has caught your eye like that. And in the same breath I'll state "it doesn't take any brains to spend money", and as Jackson has always stated price and service have nothing to do with each other.

Mongering Tips From Exon.

10-05-04, 16:39
Amen Exon. It's all about having fun. People need to take money out of the equation sometimes. Life is too damn short guys. I have so many examples like Exon gave from all over the world. The memories I have made are truly priceless. Do you think when you are in the hospital, or sitting on your rocking chair when you're an old man you are going to be worried about that extra few bucks you spent. I doubt it. I don't know about you but I'll be thinking about all the great fun I had.

In my old line of work, I came across so many people that had so much money. Many worked all their lives, didn't take time to stop and enjoy life. Over the past 9 years, 3 of them died, believe it or not on their first day of retirement on a beach. Life is short. You can't spend this money when you're dead.

Glad you had fun Exon. That's what this whole thing we're doing is all about.

10-05-04, 17:22
True, this is a well flogged issue. Somehow, it has a life of its own. This issue will drop soon but it is sure to return as everyone has an opinion on it. It is certainly worth hearing these opinions. I for one, am not tired of reading these; but perhaps we should move on.

10-05-04, 17:46
I thought it might help if some of you people had the opportunity to show how well you understand the concepts being discussed here.

Knuckhead 09-03-04

Of particularly excellent value is the fixed price lunch menu, a terrific deal at 36 pesos for two courses or 48 pesos for a 3 course luncheon.

Sterling V and I had lunch there about two weeks ago, taking the two course meal and ordering the desert a-la-carte. All courses were superb, and the attentive waitstaff kept our wine glasses full at all time. We wrapped thing up with espresso and desert, and the total damage was about AR$105. Unbelievable!!

Aragorn 07-08-04

American investment has resurrected this faded beauty with a great new interior and impeccable service.
The good news stops there.
Prices are sky high.
Onion soup 12 pesos. Two lamb chops, little meat and a lot of fat 50 pesos.
Quality is mediocre at best. My companions lomo was flavorless and overcooked.
Dessert menu was uninspired. Wine list had a 200% mark up.

OttoGraham 05-06-04

Excellent service, with a price somewhat below its pricier parrilla neighbor, Cabana Las Lilas (which is excellent too, just not quite as good a value for money).

Grshel1 04-18-04

I had a fantastic meal Sunday afternoon at Lola´s in Recoleta. Many of you think this may be a bit of an expensive place but let me tell you what I got for 32 pesos.

OttoGraham 01-23-04

I had an excellent sushi combination, my companions an excellent rack of lamb and a tenderloin in phyllo dough in a manner reminiscent of Beef Wellington. With 3 or 4 glasses of wine mixed in, the tab came to about 120 pesos for the three of us. We all thought our dishes were excellent.

One Tree Hill 12-21-03

The four of us had full meals - desserts from the menu, a bottle of wine for the chicas and 4 beers for the guys. Total bill was 120 pesos! About $10 USD each. I expected it to be about double that.

Very classy inside, the chicas liked it and the cost was great. I reccommend it. Good value.

AmanteLondres 12-17-03

We had a terriffic meal, excellent service, good size portions and fab. wine and a great place to take a chica. I went with an old GF. The bill came to 160 pesos.Compared to most reports on this site it is expensive but in Europe you'd pay around $us 160.
---------------END QUOTES-----------------------

Now, suppose there were only 15 restaurants in BA. Suppose there were no menus, and the only way to determine dishes available and prices charged was this forum, or accept what the waiters quoted verbally to you. But you had the ability to negotiate with the waiter.

Now, then suppose that some of the restaurant owners here started to become aware of US-Europe prices, and started teaching the waiters how to charge more to Gringos, because they knew nothing of the true situation in BA.

Now, suppose that the tourists that came started paying US-Europe prices without question when asked, paying excessive and unnecessary cover and service charges, then tipping 50-200% of the excessive price then paid? Many because they were simply too lazy to research the reviews available in the forum, many because "What the hell. I'm on vacation and I might as well spend what I can afford.". And they posted questions like: "I don't know anything but don't want to look at all the posts so can you just tell me which restaurants are the best and cheapest? I eat in New York all the time and will use that experience to guide me."

The tipping is a further example of how escalation works without price lists. I can remember when a good USA tip was 10%, then 15%, 20% and now I am seeing travel guides(always the trend setters) pushing 25% and more.

So, the next time you return the starting asking prices are higher, service charges more excessive, service and food worse? How would you feel about the use of the review information? What types of things would you suggest might be done about it? Swearing you would never answer another stupid question? Swearing you would never introduce another restaurant to the tourists for them to ruin? The creation of menus here perhaps?

A primary difference between this industry and restaurants is that there are no menus. That is why I have always pleaded for postings in more of a menu format, and less attention to self serving descriptions of the WAY IN WHICH YOU ATE THE MEAL(again I would reference Dodger Bulldog's list, and Andres' format). That, gentlemen, is the issue to me, and you will see that all of my postings have been oriented toward these ideas. It is that simple.

10-05-04, 18:04
So maybe instead of bitching about overspenders, I should post some advice based on my experience on how to get better prices for pussy.

1) Learn to speak some Spanish.
2) Be light hearted and funny, with a good attitude.
3) Negotiate respectfully.
4) Do some repeats with the ones you especially like.
5) Think about the time of night you are in the boliche. You might be able to get a better deal shortly before closing time because a) it's a perishable product and b) she does not have to go back to the boliche so you may get more time for the same money.
6) Always think in terms of pesos. Dollars? What are dollars? I don't have any dollars. We are in Argentina.
7) Carry candy, bombones, alfajores, and similar items.
8) Control your weight, brush your teeth, comb your hair, change your clothes, use deodorant, etc.
9) Don't say you are here on vacation. Say you are working here for an unspecified length of time. This is not a lie. You are working on getting better prices for pussy!
10) See #1.
11) Don't wear expensive jewelry or overly fancy clothes.
12) Tell them the price you are offering is for the first session and you might be willing to pay slightly more if and when you repeat with them.
13) Learn to eat pussy effectively.
14) Learn some god damn Spanish already.
15) Buy Dickhead drinks and dinner; this will improve your karma.

Hope that helps.

10-05-04, 18:06
Prices are going to go up if there are more tourists in Argentina.

Prices are going to stay flat if there in no increase or decrease.

Prices are going to go down if less tourists come to Argentina.

(You can substitute "tourist dollars" for "tourists")

In the words of Forrest Gump, that is all I have to say about that.

10-05-04, 18:17
Under no circumstance carry around Bon Bon Ice-Creams . I tried it once and by the time I gave them to my chica at Blacks it had already melted in my pocket. I'm not kidding. Don't try carrying ice cream as gift unless you plan on getting rid of it quickly.

I hope this helps.


10-05-04, 18:20

I couldn't agree with you more. That was the best post I think I ever read from you. Everything you posted I completely agree on (with the exception of dressing nice. I always dress really nice but it doesn't hurt my negotiating skills).

Those things that you mentioned will do more to get the price lower than anything else. Those things will apply no matter whether you are in Black, Hook, or any other club. Again, I totally agree on everything you posted and I think that 100% of the WSG members will be well advised to follow the advice you gave. People would be surprised by how just making a girl smile or laugh will get the price down.


Prices ARE going up. I can tell you that many hotels are raising their prices every month. Some are increasing them an alarming 50% from their current rates. It's certainly NOT just from mongers. It's just from the general tourism trends of Argentina. This amazing country is still on sale and will be for some time. Tourism should steadily increase over the next few years.

10-05-04, 18:22
Good posting Dickhead

I have shorten it to just 4.

1. Learn to speak some Spanish.
2. Pay market fair price
3. Learn to eat pussy effectively
4. Get the phone numbers of the one that really dig you.

10-05-04, 19:46
X Prize in BA.

Based on everyone’s experience in Black, it seems that it is nearly impossible to get a girl for $200 pesos or less.

Here is my goal for my next BA trip (get a business trip planned).

Get a Black girl for $200 pesos or less with only one cheap drink for at least 2 hours. I will do this 2 nights in a row. It can not be the same girl. I don’t know these girls at all (never meet and talk before). This has to be done in a busy night (not weekend) in the club. If I am successful, I will have to post pictures of these 2 girls. Hopefully, everyone at least is willing to poke them with a stick.

I have been to Madahos. This is very doable in Madahos based on my experience. If $200 is too much money, I am willing to set my goal at $150 pesos.

Who is with me on this?

10-05-04, 19:54

I've pulled only two girls out of Black for 200 pesos and this was about 2 years ago, when the economy was at it's worst. However, I've seen several of the girls from Black during the day for 200 pesos. That really isn't tough to do at all when they aren't competing to land a rich dude that doesn't care. It's been a while since I pulled out a really hot girl from Madaho for only 150 pesos. I have done it but it has been a while. 200 pesos at Madahos is good enough though. The biggest problem you will have at Black is that many of them would rather make nothing then leave for a preceived price in their mind of what is not enough.

The best way to approach this in Black is to get a good rapport with them. Make them laugh, crack some jokes. The other night when I was there I didn't buy one drink for them but still talked for a while with several of them. I always tell them that I know her time is valuable but I'd really like to spend some time with her. Then I tell her that no one else needs to know what I am paying her. That it's between us. Then I will usually point to the guy that I think none of the girls would want to leave with and usually crack a joke or something saying, "unless you'd rather go home with him". It's not meant as ill will to any dudes....just makes the girl laugh and personalizes all of this stuff. Of course, if you can't speak Spanish you can forget about what I just wrote.

I doubt you can get 2 really hot girls at Black though for 200 pesos. The minimum I've pulled out of there was for 300 pesos for a few hours. Although, when I was there with Starfe in July I think I got his girl down to 250 pesos but I think he gave her at least 300 pesos anyway. What can I say...he is a generous guy.

Doc Bill
10-05-04, 20:02
Just to add one to Dickhead´s excellent list: Offer to shower with her before you do anything. Ok, so you may not get a better price this time, but you´re almost guaranteed to get better service. You´d be surprised how little we know about how much we stink sometimes. Just 2 more cents.

10-05-04, 20:11

It is always possible to get a girl(working girl or regular girl) for free. It may not be me. But, I am sure that there are guys doing these girls for free. The challenging part is to get girls when they are working. You have to establish rapport in the first night when money is her mind. If you spend days to charm her, I am sure that it is not difficult.

In addition, doing this two nights in a row on two different girls is very difficult. You may get lucky one night.

Getting laid for free or by beautiful women is not enough anymore. If it is not difficult, I would not call it the X Prize. It should be easier than rocket science.

By the way, I know less than 100 Spanish words.

10-05-04, 20:25
You are right. Many, many, many of these working girls will spend time with you for free. I've done it many times. It's not that difficult. The tough thing is pulling them out of a club and them not charging that particular night. I've been with hundreds of girls and only done that a few times where they actually put the money back on the table.

These working girls are just girls when it comes down to it. A lot of guys treat these girls like a piece of meat. It's clear that a few guys I have met clearly have an issue with women in general. Once you start treating them like a princess you'll see that it will pay off. I've always done that and it works great. Several of the girls that come over now I met in various clubs and they refuse to take money.

It's great that at least you know a few words. It's probably a few more than most guys coming here. I'd only argue that you will never really have a true interpersonal relationship with someone you can't effectively communicate with. If you are only looking for sex that is one thing and it doesn't matter. If you want more than that you must be able to communicate with them. If you can't, you will never have a true relationship. I kind of laugh when guys tell me they fell in love with a girl. Then they give lines like, "we love eachother so much...we never fight". Then I find out the girl can't speak English and he can't speak Spanish/Portuguese. You can't fight if you can't effectively communicate. JMHO.

10-05-04, 21:25
Dodger Bulldog said

(I wish I could find how to use the "quote" function on here. Someone clue me in please.)
1. Open brackets, type the word quote, close brackets.

2. Copy your text that you want to quote, and paste it immediately after the closed bracket, no space in between the bracket and the first letter of your quote.

3. At the end of your quote, open brackets, type /quote, and close the brackets. Again, no space between the last letter or punctuation of your quote and the brackets.

This will show up in the preview if you have done it right.

Enjoy the life,


10-05-04, 21:46
I agree that when dealing with a WG for the first time, NEVER ask what the price is. Once she tells you a price, Latin pride will prevent her from discounting herrself too much. I always STATE the price, and I phrase it as a present: "Puedo darte un regalo de cien pesos por la noche", "I can give you a present of 100 pesos for the night". Then SHE can make a counter-offer, but at least she knows you know the ballpark figure.

My experience in 50+ countries is, if you blunder in and ask "How Much?" especially if you ask in English, she might as well assume you are fresh off the boat, have no idea what the going rate is, and she might as well ask for $300 USD just in case you are a moron. Once she does that, she loses face if she comes down a lot, and you make her feel like a clearance bin item when you come back low. Of course I am extremely handsome and charming, so if you are not, YMMV.

10-05-04, 22:00
Saint wrote:

"I always dress really nice but it doesn't hurt my negotiating skills."

How do you know it doesn't if you always do it?

10-05-04, 22:14
I've been reading the BA board regularly for the past month in preparation for my trip this week. In between searches for "real" info, I couldn't help but notice the latest brou-ha-ha over pricing.

This time, there is a different spin on the argument, which is due to the fact that the character of our membership has changed somewhat. Over the past year, some of the regular posters on the BA board have actually have taken up residence there and become local hombres, and as a result, they have a different perspective than we touristas. Of course, there have always been local hombres, but we never thought/cared much about them since they don't speak English or post on our board.

But now they have their own advocates on the WSG and they are giving us some valuable insights. I tend to agree with Andres that we all have a moral/ethical responsibility (dare I say honor among mongers?) to not abuse the information that is posted here in good faith. If Andres turns us on to a new club, with cute chicas who privide good service for 60 pesos, don't spoil it for him, and everyone else by, by walking in and throwing your money around. Stick to the guidelines that he's given us.

I also agree with Lexton that education is the key. Information is power, and the more info we have about prices and services, the better off we will be, assuming that we use it in good faith.

But I think that the local mongers need to remember some things as well. We were all, at some point, newbies in BA, except of course for Andres. Time and familiarity always tend to dull the senses, but if you go back and read some of Lexton's first posts, you will see that he spent his first days in BA at Black, of all places, lusting after some hottie that just happened to ring his bell, agonizing over how to get her down from 300 pesos to 200. And if you look back to the Winter/Spring of 2002/2003, you will see that on his first visit(s) to BA, even our own indefatigable Dickhead was expressing a certain, how shall I say.... boyish exuberance?

Don't fault us first timers, or occassional tourists, for overspending, we can't help it. When you live in a desert and you reach the oasis, all you want to do is drink and drink. I have to admit, I overspent on my first trip, but, thanks to the information posted on this board, I spent a hell of a lot less than I would have without it. And had a much better time doing so.

I can understand the concern on the part of the local mongers that we touristas may poison their favorite fishing hole, but I think their fears are exaggerated. As locals, they have a tremendous advantage. They have the time to acquire a very deep and specific knowledge of the market that we touristas will never have. They have the time to cultivate relationships with the chicas that enable them to negotiate prices far below what most of us occassional tourists will spend. I don't have 2 months to ogle some chica at NEB, waiting for that critical moment when she and I will consummate our lust for each other. I've only got 5 days, and if an extra 50 pesos facilitates the transaction, then it's money well spent, as far as I'm concerned.

Even with all the excellent information posted here, there is a limit to the scope of it's effectiveness. You can only educate the people who read this forum. But it's not just we happy few who are affecting the marketplace. The whole world is beating a path to Argentina. As Saint has pointed out, the whole country is on sale, and tourism should be a big business for some time. The Japanese businessman sitting in Black, with his corporate expense account, won't give a rat's ass about the inflated cost of sex, nor will the gaggle of Australian tourists in NEB. No matter how carefully we may follow the advice posted here, inflation is inevitable, to some extent.

What seems to be happening is that a multi-tiered market will develop. The guys with more money than they know what to do with will spend their time in Recoleta. The value conscious can patronize the private apartments or the clubs in the Triangle (where you can probably find the same chicas that you would in Recolta), and if you're really strapped for cash, a good time can be had in Flores. Fortunately, the market in BA is vast enough to encompass the whole range of tastes and budgets.

From what Dickhead reports, the chicas understand this. He knows a chica who can make 200 or 300 pesos at Madahos, but she understands that she will make less if she works at Cattos or Hooks. Or the chicas that Dodger Bulldog pulled out of Excedra for 150, who were on their way to Madahos to work for probably twice that. So the extra money that we occassional touristas may spend will have a minimal effect on the prices that the local hombres pay.

As far as the issue of price versus quality is concerned, I think you will never figure that one out. Obviously, you cannot quantify it. Women are not things, they are human beings, sentient and intelligent (yeah, I know, we can argue about that ad infinitum). Sex is not a commodity, or a product, it's more like a kind of . . . chemical reaction. And like all chemical reactions, tends to be unpredictable. Affected by numerous external forces, many of which are unknown, even at the moment of combustion.

Isn't that the whole point?

So let's stop belittling each other over our choices in women. It serves no purpose. We each get what we want and what we pay for. Value, like beauty, is in the eye of the customer.

So I promise to do my best to do my duty to my fellow mongers and adhere to the pricing guidelines that are posted for known providers and venues, in good faith, if the local mongers will promise to forgive me my inevitable transgressions, since we are all weak and fragile creatures. De Profundus, klamave, klamave. . .

Hope I haven't offended anyone too much. Here's hoping/assuming that I'll see some of you this Saturday at the Mansion.


Ferris Bueller
10-05-04, 22:19
Great posting Dickhead

I realise the importance of knowing some spanish now. My trip would have been 5 times better if I could communicate more than the basics.

I must say that being well groomed and treating the girls nicely, smiling and making eye contact worked really well in my favour despite my language barrier....OK I know I was paying reasonably well but they didn't know that until later in the evening. I took a lot of time to keep them happy in bed (the language of lurve is universal baby!) and one of them refused to take a tip, said she should be paying me, and wanted to show me around the next day for free, and she was from Black!

Obviously while that gave my ego a nice fluffing, it also highlighted to me the fact that being nice can improve your experience significantly...as someone said earlier, if you want a GFE, offer a BFE.

I'd like to add another point, which many of us from the British Isles (and Ireland too) tend to forget, usually due to force of habit (trying to beat the last orders bell at 11pm) which is: DON'T get absolutely shitfaced on the local brew! It affects your desirability (no chick wants to end up with a slobbering, staggering wreck) and your negotiating skills (aptly demonstrated by myself in Stringfellows in London).

10-05-04, 22:28
Originally posted by Dickhead

Saint wrote:

"I always dress really nice but it doesn't hurt my negotiating skills."

How do you know it doesn't if you always do it?

You're now going to lecture us on our attire?

Stick to talking about cheap pussy before I set Calvin Klein on ya! ;)

Uncle Otto

10-05-04, 22:39
I am pointing out a logical flaw in his argument, not discussing haberdashery. My wardrobe looks like it was dumped out of a vacuum cleaner bag so I am not offering fashion tips.

10-05-04, 23:37
Best pussy in Buenos Aires

Stratified by price category:

<50 pesos

1) Sarmiento 1828 #1A
2) Santa Fe 3373 #5C (half hour only; 1 hour is 70).
3) Corrientes 1965 #13A

>= 50 pesos <100 pesos

1) María of Florida
2) Maipú 429 if you threaten to walk out; otherwise 100 p
3) Yesica from Hook if you feed her dinner; otherwise 100 p

100 p

1) Guemes 3221 #2A
1) Suipacha 921 #6C {tied}

>100 <150

1) Lorena from Ness
2) Rafaela from Catto's
3) Cristina from Catto's

Honorable mention:

Rosa María from Catto's
Sandra from Hook (not currently available)

>150 <200

1) Antonela from Nuevo Estilo (150 plus room)
2) See #1 above; nothing else compares (note: has put on weight)


How the fuck would I know? :)

Hope that helps.

10-05-04, 23:45

When I take newbies around BA they often ask:
What should I wear?

I take a 100 peso note out of my pocket, lick the back of it, and stick it to my forehead and say:

You can go naked as long as you wear this!

Dodger Bulldog
10-06-04, 00:10
Dickhead said:

My wardrobe looks like it was dumped out of a vacuum cleaner bag so I am not offering fashion tips.

Just practicing the "quote" function that Moondog taught me. Thanks, guy!


Daddy Rulz
10-06-04, 00:16
Dodger Bulldog said

Just practicing the "quote" function that Moondog taught me. Thanks, guy!Me too

10-06-04, 00:56

Excellent post.

Dodger Bulldog,

You are most welcome.


10-06-04, 01:07
Hey Dickhead,

Thanks for the 15 point list on how to succeed without really trying. Of course, I am sure point #15 is probably the MOST important to getting that special chica. I was LMAO when I read point 15.


Dodger Bulldog
10-06-04, 01:44
How about a chica review for a change?

I've been meaning to share this one for a while.

It turns out that the last girl I hooked up with on my trip turned in the best performance of all.

Her name is Evie and she is a 34. A cute, pleasant blonde with an incredible attitude and a great body. She was very sweet.

I had talked to her one evening at Cafe Orleans but already had plans for dinner at Jackson's house that night.

So I was pleased to find her again on Sunday (only three girls were there) and chose her for my goodbye kiss to Argentina.

Large firm tits, well-toned abs, tight little ass. Her face is her weakest link, but it's still quite good.

To call her a GFE is not to do her justice.

Actually, I would describe it much more like a "fiance" experience. The way that one treats you just after she has decided to make you the happiest man in the world!

Deep, soft, sensual French kisses without end. Submissive to my every desire, but so in sync that I rarely had to ask.

She knew just when and where I lusted for her to put her mouth and hands. And exactly what to do with them.

She licked and sucked my nipples and stroked and fondled my balls in the most gentle, tender manner, for as long as I wished.

She knew just how to make me crave her all the more.

Then I introduced her to the pocket rocket, which made her come. Of course.

But she was sweet enough to say that she preferred to have me inside of her.

After several different positions of sex, we finished with mish.

Somehow she sensed that I loved to have her ankles up over my shoulders while her thighs pressed my sides and her hands stroked my chest and nipples, while bringing me to a perfect finish.

There is no such thing as a bad orgasm, but Evie was so good that she brought about one of those rare finishes that one dreams about.

Totally unrushed. We spent about two hours bonding sexually.

After that it was easy to speak intimately about our lives with each other for another hour.

She asked for $200 AR, and came down to $150.

Evie is a real sweet, sexy, passionate chica, and a perfect all around experience.

If she sounds like your type, I give her my highest recommendation!


10-06-04, 02:30
Dickhead wrote, "How do you know it doesn't if you always do it?"


The day you pay less than me for the same girl at Black, Madaho or a number of the other clubs I've pulled girls out of can you tell you that my clothes had me paying more than you have or would have. I take pride by my appearance and it's clear that many on the board don't. To each his own. BA is NOT the city you go around looking like a slob in. I guess if one was chasing girls on the street corners it doesn't really matter what you wear though to be fair though (that is not directed at anyone in particular...just a point).

Please don't tell me style of dress has anything to do with what I pay. I can see some logic in your point though that if a girl perceives you have more money because you dress nice she might try to get more money from you. You just have to stay in control of the situation and it won't be an issue at all. The locals tend to dress up at night. It's one of the things I love about Buenos Aires. These people have a lot of pride in themselves. American tourists in town are usually the easiest to spot because they have the shitty clothes on. If you ask me, they are the ones that are the mark.

10-06-04, 03:09
Dickhead wrote, "How do you know it doesn't if you always do it?"


The day you pay less than me for the same girl at Black, Madaho or a number of the other clubs I've pulled girls out of can you tell you that my clothes had me paying more than you have or would have. I take pride by my appearance and it's clear that many on the board don't. To each his own. BA is NOT the city you go around looking like a slob in. I guess if one was chasing girls on the street corners it doesn't really matter what you wear though to be fair though (that is not directed at anyone in particular...just a point).

Please don't tell me style of dress has anything to do with what I pay. I can see some logic in your point though that if a girl perceives you have more money because you dress nice she might try to get more money from you. You just have to stay in control of the situation and it won't be an issue at all. The locals tend to dress up at night. It's one of the things I love about Buenos Aires. These people have a lot of pride in themselves. American tourists in town are usually the easiest to spot because they have the shitty clothes on. If you ask me, they are the ones that are the mark.

Amen, Brother. Tell it like it is. I can be low-class at home. When I go on holiday to Buenos Aires, I enjoy the relaxed formality of the town and want to be a part of it myself.

Uncle Otto

Daddy Rulz
10-06-04, 04:11
Saint wrote

The day you pay less than me for the same girl at Black, Madaho or a number of the other clubs I've pulled girls out of can you tell you that my clothes had me paying more than you have or would have. I take pride by my appearance and it's clear that many on the board don't. To each his own. BA is NOT the city you go around looking like a slob in. I guess if one was chasing girls on the street corners it doesn't really matter what you wear though to be fair though (that is not directed at anyone in particular...just a point).

Please don't tell me style of dress has anything to do with what I pay. I can see some logic in your point though that if a girl perceives you have more money because you dress nice she might try to get more money from you. You just have to stay in control of the situation and it won't be an issue at all. The locals tend to dress up at night. It's one of the things I love about Buenos Aires. These people have a lot of pride in themselves. American tourists in town are usually the easiest to spot because they have the shitty clothes on. If you ask me, they are the ones that are the mark.I agree, I know I have reached sartorial (sp) standards when the touts at Suipacha y Marcello T. approach me and say "Desculpa mi Senor" as opposed to "Good evening my freen" and when I wave them off with a small hand movement and a bit of a grimace and they don't follow me undetered but reply with "pardona mi" it makes me feel good. When the lovely chicas at the restaurants on Junin address me in Castillano or the look of surprise on the Arboletta's faces along Florida street when I ask them about a Leather llacket, again I feel good because at first glance I'm taken for a local. I often wonder how my negotiations later would go if my Castillano could match my appearance?

I must admit to being intrigued on two levels by Chuponalgas advice to newbies though. One as to it's efficacy and two I would be more impressed by that if they did it than if Capt Nemo succeeds in his quest. Capt Nemo if I'm in town during your record attempt I would be willing to act as an unbiased observer.

Happy hunting


10-06-04, 04:44
Otto and Saint are reading too much into my post. I am just saying that you can't prove the theory based on the evidence presented. Saint would need to wear better clothes (as compared to some base) and not get worse prices (as compared to the same base), or vice versa, before he could say that it "did not affect his negotiations."

Of course "better" clothes and "worse" prices are inherently subjective but I do not think that invalidates my argument.

Getting back to pussy, tonight at Nuevo Estilo there was a lot of it crawling around, including a fully naked but seemingly unavailable Greta. I don't want to fuck that ***** anyway but I can see why others might want to.

I got two phone numbers but they were both really paranoid about giving them out and said it was against the rules. I told 'em both that it would be 100 peso an hour sex in the afternoon and they liked that idea but I think you would have to be known and trusted in the place to make that work.

10-06-04, 12:47
Dodger Bulldog,

Evie is a sweetheart. I've know her for about 5 years now, and she is as sweet and nice as ever. She normally only works the weekends at Orleans, but you can arrange different times with her.


10-06-04, 13:59
How to get better prices for pussy:

I always ask for small dick discount.

10-06-04, 14:24
If that's the basis, Captain, I ought to be getting my trim for FREE! :p

Uncle Otto

10-06-04, 14:28
Dolys raised its prices

I read comments on the local board that Dolys raised its prices to ar$70 for 30 minutes and ar$120 for 1 hour.

If that's true, 2 things may happen:
- People will go less to Dolys (except for taking a beer for ar$10)
- Envidia and other boliches nearby will follow.

Personally, I deem these prices too high, since for almost the same prices (on the ar$130-ar$180 range) you can have a girl from Cattos for more than 1 hour at your place (if she likes you, of course).

Since very few foreigners are coming to Dolys, it is important to notice that prices also raise for markets almost totally dominated by local patrons.

Hope this helps,


10-06-04, 17:44
RE: Price increase in Dolys

Since the locals tend to dress up at night, it was inevitable that sooner or later they were going to pay the price!


10-06-04, 18:15
Saturday Evening Dinner Party at the Mansion

Greetings Everyone,

I am pleased to announce that Silvina and I will host this week's Dinner Party at the Mansion, to be held on Saturday, October 9th, from 9:00 pm to Midnight.

All local and visiting mongers are welcome to attend.

The menu features Cabaña Los Lilas brand steaks, including Bife de Lomo and Bife de Choriso, along with a few chicken breasts and pork chops for variety, all cooked over an open charcoal flame in the Mansion's Argentina style barbecue.

These steaks are identical to the ones served at Cabaña Las Lilias in Puerto Madera, from their ranch, and with their label. Simply stated, they're superb.

Along with these 1st class steaks will be the usual accouterments of Argentina grilled sausages, provolettas, American-style tossed green salad, fresh baked bread, and a special dessert that I won't decide upon until I consult with the chef.

Drinks include soft drinks, beer, wines and champagnes.

All guests are encouraged to bring a date, but it is not required. I am going to invite a limited number of English-speaking female guests to keep the conversation lively.

The Dinner Party will wrap up at approximately midnight, which should provide ample time for everyone to hit their favorite bar, boliche or disco for continued entertainment.

Cost: A contribution of $50 pesos per person is appreciated. Proceeds to benefit the WSG Charities.

Seating is limited. Please RSVP to me at Jackson@ArgentinaPrivate.com (jackson@argentinaprivate.com?subject=Saturday Dinner Party) for additional details and a map with directions in English and Spanish.



Doc Bill
10-06-04, 19:57
Day three in BA. I love this place! I won´t detail all the nonmongering things I´m doing here but there are many. This is a great city to just walk around and hang out (and eat, and eat, and eat!).

Last night I had take-out, a girl named Carolina from Area VIP. The trouble I have with outcall is that I am so particular about details, little things can really turn me off that you can´t see in the escort website pics. She was allright, not as good looking as her pic but not bad. I didn´t like that she wanted an english lesson from me. Geez, I should have charged her for that and we´d have been even! Service was good, although I wouldn´t repeat.

Today I went to Santa Fe 1707. I guess YMMV but I left wondering why that place has been controversial here. I was treated very well and left very happy. There were five girls, all 6-8´s. I chose a blond named Barbara, which turned out to be a great choice. She was very enthusiastic, DFK and uncovered bj without having to ask for it, overall just a great experience. I took the half hour for 60 pesos. One can also do 45 minutes for 80 or one hour for 100. It´s on the third floor, as the woman on the fifth floor, clearly having been annoyed many times by guys like me stumbling in, curtly directed me.

10-06-04, 20:28
Doc Bill said:

Last night I had take-out, a girl named Carolina from Area VIP.
I can not find her on Area-Vip. Perhaps under a different name?


10-06-04, 20:40
From a previous venture into Buenos Aires:

Valeria of the wonderous breasts: 1364 Cordoba

$100P/hr , 2 shots on goal
No DFK,BBBJ, BN = no repeat

Easily the biggest girl I´ve ever been with. She is young, has a pretty face and an engaging, playful attitude, but with the aforementioned limits. She loved straddling me while slapping my face with her melons. Valeria is from Misiones and has not had a kid yet. Of course (with apologies, not! to Prokofiev) the second round we went doggy and I got into the A** slapping "Who's your Daddy, baby?" routine. She said Si Pappi! and indicated to me to slap harder.

After we finished we joked around for a while. My apartment didn't have hot water that day, so I told her I came to her Privado for the shower, not her, she laughed and feigned being hurt, you know how girls do that. We joke about nickneames for her mammoth mammaries. The left one's named Suzanna and the right one's Denise (her left and her right).

Valeria has a theory that rubias (blonds) are cooler and Morenas (brunettes) are muy calor.

As I left the room I ran into Paola. If her mammies are natural they are quite something else, some of the best I've ever seen!

Got a photo if Valeria's "best friends" and will post here when I get a chance.

Suipacha 921

Double. Sol and Carla 40 min/$100 Pesos
1 shot allowed

Sol DFK'd up a storm, as aGgressive a kisser as I've ever encountered. But no BBBJ and no BN = no repeat

Both are slim young ladies 22 and 23, respectively with Carla the cuter of the two. They must be members of a working girls' union. Sol paid all her attention above the nipples and Carla below the belt.

Man, is Carla a Kewtie Pie. though. It was interesting to try and converse with these two ladies as they know almost no English and I only Habla Espanol un poquito. That didn't stop them from periodically conversing with each other, though.


10-07-04, 01:19
Saint - thanks for the info on Rio Cabana. And congrats on the new flat.

Andres - v. bad news about Dolys. Damn! How annoying.

Three weeks and two days and counting.

Doc Bill
10-07-04, 01:51
Moondog, sorry, I was looking at a bunch of websites, I might have remembered incorrectly.

10-07-04, 02:39

You're welcome. Speaking of which, I just was there tonight with a guy I met on my very first trip to Buenos Aires. (We'll call him AMPM) We had a great time joking around with the girls and we both pulled out two hotties. I left with a beautiful girl from Paraguay and he left with a stunner from Argentina. It was the hottest girl he ever pulled in BA he said. Anyway, before that we went to dinner in Recoleta. He was amazed at how easy it is to talk to girls. I was flirting with our waitress who was super cute. I asked her if she had a boyfriend. She did. I asked her how long she was dating him. She said 2 years. She lived 1 hour 40 minutes from the Capital. Throughout the dinner, everytime she came to bring us drinks or food I'd ask her another question. Asked her if she was in love. If he was a good guy. She said he was a dog and always cheated on her. (Such is life in South America).

Anyway, I asked her to help me with her hot friends and she said that I should have no problems here. By the end of the dinner I told her in Spanish, "what a shame you have a boyfriend because I would have loved to have taken you out to dinner some time". Guess what her answer was even though she said she had a guy that she said she was in love with? "Oh...we can still go out. We can get to know one another..you never know". This American dude I was with was amazed but that is how it is here. If you can speak decent Spanish it's not that difficult getting dates depending on your game playing skills. I gave her my business card and I'm fairly sure that she will call. The lesson is to learn some Spanish so you can communicate with them. It will go a long way. She was 21, blonde and very good looking. The morale of the story is that BA isn't just about pay2play action. The everyday girl on the street, working in restaurants, malls, etc. are very very cool and fun girls.

The session I had was amazing. Maybe one of the top 10 in South America which is saying alot. She is going to Mar del Plata this weekend for 2 nights to just take a get away and asked if I would come but I can't be blowing money on trips. I just went to Uruguay last weekend. Another time perhaps. God bless Argentina!

P.S. I've been to Dollys I think 3 times with Andres over the past 2.5 years. I've never once seen any super HOT girls in there. A few might have been do-able but nothing to write home about. All three times there were NO tourists in there. I doubt they get many tourists in there. Andres made an excellent point. Prices in general are going up in Buenos Aires. I see it. Not all of it can be blamed on tourists. The locals dictate more the price then the tourists do. Anyway, I would have never pulled anyone out of there then and now with the price increase wouldn't even go back there.

Keyser Soze
10-07-04, 04:07

Quick query for the regulars.

Have not been to BA for 2 years, but considering a trip over Xmas/New Year and was wondering what happens in BA at that time - is it deadly quiet, or full of action.

Do not necessarily mean just the boliches, as I am an occassional hobbyist, but bars/restaurants in general.

Hoping to meet more non wg's if possible as I may be returning regularly to BA in the future.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


10-07-04, 10:58
Hi, Guys:

I'm back in town!!!! :)

You can call me at my cell. phone for my translation service!!! ;)

Kisses, Roxana.

10-07-04, 17:35
I am glad we have moved on and prices are being talked about alongside other issues.

My question back on 9/19 to the gentlemen who frequent this board was whether prices are going up due to the general improvement of the economy. Posts from Andres and Saint seem to indicate that it is and not all of it is tourist driven. Some of it must be. So it is probably both, I would surmise.


10-07-04, 18:27
Andres might be a better person to post about this but I feel that it's a combination of everything but the fact that places like Dollys are also increasing their prices tells me that it's what I posted a while ago. It can't be blamed on only the tourists. Look at the make up of Madahos on any given night. It's mostly locals NOT tourists.

Here is my take on things. (Besides inflation which is a given).When the financial system collapsed here in the beginning of 2002, many of the people that already had money were prepared for it. In fact, the rich just got richer because they already moved their money overseas or pulled it out of the banks and when it went as high as almost 4 to one, many converted it and just got richer. Unfortunately, most of the country lost alot of money. It caused a lot of panicking and people just didn't know what to think or do. Many panic sold their houses/apartments to raise money. (Hence the artificially low prices in rents and purchase prices). It has since adjusted. Now that people realize they were living in a dream for 10 years and it will NEVER go back to 1:1 they are starting to adjust to life post-devaluation. They are starting to spend money more freely.

Also, keep in mind that Buenos Aires has a lot of wealthy people. Most would be surprised at just how wealthy some of these people are. Walk around Recoleta, Belgrano, Palermo or other areas of the city. The cafes near my apartment where I live aren't filled with tourists. They are filled with locals and they are freely spending a lot of money.

People are starting to spend money again and just aren't as panicked as they once were. I could be wrong, but I truly believe that this is the reason you are seeing places starting to charge more. (even local places that are mostly frequented by locals). Everyone realizes that they were lucky to be living in a dream for a period so long. Those that were lucky took advantage of the strong artificially high peso and traveled the world, bought cars or apartments. That's also why even though Menem stole money, many people on the streets I talk to say, "God bless Menom.... had it not been for him I wouldn't have been able to buy my apartment/house/car/fill in the blank".


10-07-04, 18:57
Exon Reporting : Prices going up

I think the answer to this question is just pure everyday garden variety inflation. The peso is not worth anything so it takes more of them to buy anything, maybe even pussy since the girls have to eat and pay rent too.

But I'll defer to DickHead for the true reason's.


10-07-04, 19:38
I concur fully with Exon's assessment. It's a depreciating currency and that will always lead to inflation. The only reason we Americans are getting fucked in the ass is because the current US government is following both fiscal and monetary policies that are weakening the dollar at the same time the peso is depreciating.

10-07-04, 19:46
Always a complainer in the group,

You never had it so good in you're life. You never had so much cheap pussy coming at you from all directions. For the moment you are living in the " sweet spot " of life.

All the stars are aligned for this one perfect moment for price and beauty . Odds are we will never experience this phenomenon again in our lifetime. But you go right ahead and keep b#tching about how tough things are right now .

El Ricardo
10-07-04, 22:28
I just went into one of these currency converters, and this is what they give for exchange rates:

1.00 Euro = 1.22934 USD
1.00 USD = 2.97300 ARS (Argentine Pesos)

If this is what's really happening, then I think these have remained pretty constant over the past few years. One of the reasons I keep going to Argentina is that big fat 1.23 dollar/euro rate! The US dollar has been really soft for a long time, and doesn't look to be on the brink of moving much.

My point is its a world market. If this one (Bs.As.) were to be driven higher, we'd start looking elsewhere. What the heck, some of us are already flying halfway around the world to enjoy the sport and the comraderie of fellow mongers! From my own experiences, this is still the best deal on the planet: best value and not only some of the most beautiful women I've ever met, but attitudes and demeanor that are just fun to be around. There's more to the experience than just the $$!

In fact, I believe this so much that I have talked myself into purchasing a ticket and renting an apartment for the first long weekend in November! It is my plan to practice the Dickhead Plan of the 15 Points! I intend to start from the bottom of the list and take Sr. Dickhead to dinner. Anybody else in town during this time?
El Ricardo

One Tree Hill
10-08-04, 02:50
El Ricardo,

I hope to be down between Nov 12-20th schedule permitting.

I love Europe, but scheit! that Euro exch rate is killer, just too damn expensive to have fun!

10-08-04, 10:58
Madaho´s-Black experiences

Friday night - got there around 10pm with General Custer, there was only couple chicas there at that time, but surely the chicas started to fill in and by 11pm there was at least 20 chicas there and maybe 5 dudes. I didn´t wait long to pick my chica, Pamela, a 22 year old Paraguayan.

Bought her a drink, made out with some DFK, and negotiated the price. She offered 250 for 1.5 hour - I thought about it and later countered with dos-cien pesos for 1.5 hours and she quickly said yes. Now later when I paid her at my apt, she was surprised to see only 200p and asked for 250p. I wasn´t sure whether there was miscommunication because of my poor castelleno (I´ve had 3 years of high school espanol but understanding castelleno, especially how double L´s are pronounced like a Z, has been difficult to understand at times - for example, llamar sounds like Sharma), and didn´t think it was worth the 18 bucks or whatever to argue about it, so I let it go at 250.

Anyways, back at my apt, she was kind of timid. She had a smoking little bod with opulent C cups on a 5´2¨frame. I told myself that I won't DATY while mongering, but just couldn´t help myself! She had a very small clitoris and it was difficult to maintain good contact. I consider my technique quite good and can usually get girls to climax, but for whatever the reason, it didn´t happen, even after quite long (20min) DATY. But damn did her ass look good during doggy!

Saturday night, went to Black's. I didn´t have change so I gave the cab driver 100pesos, and he gave me two 20´s and one 50. The guy at Black´s immediately recognized my 20´s from the cabbie as fake, and pointed out the pertinent features (one of them is there should be a faint replica of the person on the left hand white colum when viewed with a light). Oh well, 40p down the drain. Then I ordered a vodka and red bull at the bar and the waitress told met that it´d cost me the price of two drinks as I´m buying red bull AND vodka. It ended up being something like 60p extra (in addition to drink price included with the cover) - I was surprised, but again I didn´t check the price and the drink has been made. Then she has the nerve to tell me that this does not include a ¨service fee¨of 10%, 15% or ¨more.¨ I just looked at her incredulously but rememering some previous posts, I did not want to get banned from Black´s by raising a scene with the bitchy bartender, so I paid my frickin´tip. Stupid Dickfer!

I didn´t think the talent at Blacks was very good that night. The chicas were quite young, a lot of them looked like they could be in high school. Not that there´s anything wrong with that but I felt like these girls were primarily appealing their youth rather than beauty. There was constant peek-a-boo of eye contact, but I couldn´t justify the Black´s prices for any of these girls given what I´ve seen already at Madaho´s.

So off to Madaho´s - in general I think the staff at Madaho´s is a LOT less pretentious than Black´s and feel that they provide a courteous service. A burnette with a beaming smile was spotted. Her name was Melinda, and when I motioned her over, and she was again in all smiles and immediately I started to feel her legs, her soft and very grabbable flesh above the iliac crest. Melina´s very cute (9 face at Madaho´s as the lighting obscured some harsher features, but still an 8 face once examined closer later under better light), engaging, smiling. 8.5 in body, but once her clothes came off, it was more like 9.5! I take her back to a dark corner and I´m feeling her up. Her body is even better than her face. After about 45 minutes, we talk about ¨salida.¨ She asks whether I like 3somes. It turns out that she won´t go back to dude´s apartment alone as she had a ¨mal experencia,¨ and will only goto hotel by herself or go back to my palce with her friend. Well, I fucking love my apartment and don´t feel like paying extra for a hotel room that´s probably not nearly as nice as my apartment. I tell her to bring her friend over, and Sabrina´s not bad. Blond, face is like 7 (6 under the light) body 7.5 (body rating stays the same regardless of light). They love to dance and we dance at the club for about an hour, it´s 4am, so we head off to my apt.

Before entering, I ask them to wait in the hall, go in the apt myself, take out money (500p for both) from the wall safe, put away the safe key, and let them in. They love the apartment (I´m staying at Marco´s GUC and it is to be recommended - more report on this later in apt section). A few pictures were taken, ¨con ropas.¨ Very hot. Decent CBJ´s but no porn BJ as I was too distracted to direct more goal-oriented brain activity. The body on Melina´s is incredible - a definite 9.5. When she got on four reverse cowgirl, Sabrina and I were just floored by how fucking delicious her ass looks rocking away. We order pizza afterward, they leave at 7am, leaving behind a plume of cigarrette smoke.

10-08-04, 11:10
A question for senior BA mongers-

I met a killer 20 year old chica with a 9.5 body-face at an Apt. I´m much more into having long-time (e.g. 4 hours or more) GFE in my apt - last night we went out to movie & dinner then back at my apt for about 1.5 hours of sex - paid her 400p, prearranged. Do you think this is fair for who I think is the hottest chic around? How would you negotiate for more time for less money?

Also, I'm finding that with her, I'm getting a smitten "puppy love" feeling, where I start getting a bit self conscious and I think she´s sensing that a bit too. It doesn't help that she speaks rapid fire Castelleno and keep on asking "entiendes?" and all I can say is "No" or "No, Lo Siento." I don´t usually feel this way with any chicas that I monger with but she´s starting to affect me like a hot chic back at home would (that is NO GOOD - I´m sure you all know that stupid feeling). Any advice in how to deal with this? How do you all think the Portenas feel when they meet someone that´s so different from the typical argentinian man they meet (think supersensitive ponytail man who´s obviously awed by her)?

Hi Dickfer,

My Advice: Unless you're planning to move here permanently, don't torture yourself by dabbling in a pretend foreign affair. In third world countries like the Phillippines or Central America it is possible to have a pretend long-distance foreign romance because the girls are generally pre-disposed to meet and marry an American and move to the USA. Argentina is different in that while the girls may be interested in developing a romance, it's going to be with a guy (American or otherwise) who lives here, and they generally are not interested in leaving the country.

The other barrier is the language problem. Simply put, you don't need great communication skills to fuck, but you do need them to develop a relationship.

I've witnessed too many of these situations personally, and it generally results in the guy making a lot of bad decisions (like thinking that the "working girl" isn't working any more, sending money from the USA, etc.) and in the end being emotionally tortured and feeling foolish.



Pat Mutin
10-08-04, 13:39

I will be in Buenos Aires from nov 15 to 21.

It will be a great pleasure for me to meet guys from this forum.

So ...

10-08-04, 14:27

Enjoy her company, but see others.


Nice reply.


10-08-04, 14:58
Dickfer, this has happened to me 20+ times in Thailand, Rio, B.A. My advice, pay her what you want, it's your money. Have a great time, but DO NOT SEND HER MONEY once you are back home!!!

10-08-04, 15:05

Good reports. NEVER pay taxis with big bills though. Always have small change. Either take out 590 from the ATM's or always pay with big bills at restaurants so you have change. People are conning you because you are letting them.

As far as the staff at Madahos you are right. They are much friendlier than at Black. I know Melina that you pulled out. I met her 2 years ago. I think I even spent a weekend with her and brought her to one of the dinners that I met Moondog at during Christmas one year. She's a really sweet girl. I never repeated with her since that weekend though. The past two years haven't been too kind to her. She has gained some weight and in the club she looks good but you should note that her facial complexion isn't that good in the light of your room. She is still a VERY sweet girl that was really great.

Jackson, is dead on target with his advice to you. If you speak no Spanish and don't live here. Your chances of a meaningful relationship are ZERO. Follow Jackson's advice. He is 100% correct. Living here DEFINITELY has helped alot. I had no problems meeting girls when I was a tourist but now that I live here and tell them that....it's like taking candy from a baby. None of the girls I've asked out have turned me down. They ask how long I plan on living here and I tell them forever. You should see their faces light up.

Last night I met with a guy for dinner that reads the board but doesn't post because he was waiting for Jackson to activate his membership. I gave him some advice on buying property and he just put in an offer on an apartment. Great guy and I'm looking forward to having him as a neighbor some day. I have a lot in common with him. His love for the city equals my passion for it. This one Brasilera I met when I first moved here just moved back to BA and got in town yesterday. First thing she did was call me so I invited her to dinner to join me and this guy and his friends. Great time. Damn sweet girl. I may be out of the game for a bit while I decide what to do with her. Have a good weekend fellas.

10-08-04, 16:33
DICKFER: Nicest thing you can do for her is post her photo and cell phone number here! Based on your description, the rest of us will be GLAD to help support her!

The dollar is weak because the rest of the world knows we are spending $200 Billion in Iraq, that we DON'T HAVE. The Democrats take money we don't have and spend it on social services, the Republicans take money we don't have and give it to Haliburton, et al. Either way, one of these days, the USA is gonna crash just like Argentina and Brazil. Then guys are gonna be flying in from B.A. to fuck OUR women!

10-08-04, 16:55
Dickfer: Like her but don't love her.

Liking people for who they are is a healthy thing to do. Loving someone like this girl (reasons have been provided by others) is a tad foolhardy.

Treating a girl from a bar like a girl friend is not a bad idea. Actually believing the fantasy is something else altogether.

Good luck, move on and enjoy.

Prices: Well, I come from the land of plenty. Our currency is still pretty strong against the dollar and peso though it has moved around a bit in the last few years. The purchasing power is still good though not at its peak.

10-08-04, 17:18
Dickfer, I really want to thank you for having the courage and honesty to post what REALLY happened. You have been hit by the sharks for just about every scam, except the Croupier type extortion/robbery. And you have been scammed in EVERY deal you described. The best thing you can do is chalk it up to the price of education, and be more wary. Think about how you got trapped into them. Also, you really need to study more of the postings here. Most of what happened to you people have warned about.

You said: "I´m much more into having long-time (e.g. 4 hours or more) GFE in my apt - last night we went out to movie & dinner then back at my apt for about 1.5 hours of sex - paid her 400p, prearranged.".

I agree with you. Which is why I only like TLN, but also have negotiated 5 hour sessions 7-12 kind of thing. Unfortunately, you paid for a long sex session but didn't get it. You got $ar100 worth of sex and you and she spent the rest of the evening alone in each other's presence, for which she collected $ar300. When I pay sex prices, I expect intimate contact of various kinds. I never take them anywhere at sex prices. If we do anything else, my company is more valuable than hers. This could start another 4 day discussion.

Unfortunately, this woman now has an expectation. I have been there. The only way I have ever made progress is to say something like(in effect): "I have learned and I expect to be with you in my apartment 5-6 hours, or TLN(for this money), and we will not see each other again if I don't get it." And MEAN it. That is the ONLY thing she might respond to. And she likely won't respond to that very well, and give you a bad experience at best. Offering more money will likely make it worse. Sadly, she is manipulating you successfully, and it is practically impossible to overcome that. The best approach I have found is what they said about new cars in the old days: "Break them in the way you want to run them". What they give you the first session is the most important, and sets the tone for the entire relationship.

Your experiences are a great warning to others of the kinds of things waiting for them.

10-08-04, 17:48
Exon Reporting:

There certainaly seams to be a lot of Newbies reporting lately.

We love thease girls we don't " fall in love with them ".

What a lot of our new posters don't realize is thease girls do this for a living. They need the money to pay rent, to feed their children, to simply get threw life. Just as we have job's here in sex prison, they have job's as "Escorts" in Buenos Aires, its a profession. Sure some girls are better than others and some love sex as much or more than we do. But the bottom line is they need the money.

Capital Federal in Buenos Aires is a very expensive place for thease girls. Most of them live out in the "Provincea" and take the train, (70 cents) or bus into work. My dear Amor Fabiana lives an hour from the center of town and when I call her its going to take an hour and a half as she has to get ready for me.

South America and or Latin America has different cultures than North America. They are not traped in a Victorian culture as we are, (thats why we call it sex prison here on the board). Sex is much more excepted there than in the USA.

Anyway, some advice for our Newbies, read the board. The guy's that regulary post here on the board are true world class Mongers. Ive met a good many of then personally, nice well educated guy's. There professional's, have been all over the world with our hobby. There not married men sneaking out on their wifes, their Monger's.

So heres my suggestion. If your a newbie post that your looking for an experienced "Wing Man". PM or Post for an Andres, (he's the most experienced), a DickHead, Saint or a Captain Dave even Jackson if he's avialble an offer them a deal, a free night on the town for their advice, counsel and experiance. You pick up the tab, dinner, drinks maybe even the pussy, . Whats it going to cost you a hundred buck's top's, chump change. The knowledge thease guy's have is invaluable. After all you've just spent up to a $1,000 dollars on airfare and flew 7,000 miles to Monger. They will save you time and money in the long run, time being the most valuable of the two. You will also have a better experience with the knowledge they can give you about Buenos Aires.

Mongering Tips For Newbies From.


10-08-04, 18:26
Dickfer, great reports. I'll strongly disagree with Lexton - you're not being scammed. You're having a great time on your first trip to the candy store. Relax.

You will learn any lessons better by not constantly worrying about being "scammed" or falling in love with the wrong girl, or spending too much time drilling her wonderful body. You are spending a pittance and having a wonderful time - enjoy it while it lasts! If you want to spend your entire trip with her, more power to you, amigo! There's no prize at the end of vacation to the guy who drills the most chicas. And if you prefer five different ones every day, that's all right too! We have a name for such a monger. "Starfe." :D

The only advice I would give would be to echo the advice not to send any more money once you're home. Til then, if you spend 400 pesos for hours of entertainment and exceptional sex, keep in mind that guys pay more than that back home for an indifferent 10 minute hand job by a woman built like an NFL linebacker. I see you figured out the stuff about being careful not to carry too much money at one time, using a safe. Great!

I'll look forward to reading more reports about your trip.

Uncle Otto

Keyser Soze
10-08-04, 18:39
Have to agree with Exon, Jackson, Saint etc regarding 'falling in love with a WG'

It is a very common theme on message boards around the world I think - certainly in the UK, but seems to happen frequently that it merits a comment. Everyone is different, and one size definitely does not fit all, but there are several common traits:

- Can you believe her when she says she is not working anymore? She has probably lied to family/friends before, so why should you be any different.

- Can you handle reading her reviews, possibly seeing her pictures on here or elsewhere etc. Don't pretend you won't look for them, as curiosity will get the better of you.

- Did she do more for her 'clients' than she does for you, service wise

- Can she get used to living without the fast, 'easy', money
Etc, etc.

I speak from relative experience, having just broken up with a South American WG in N. Europe. She had quit working immediately after we met, or at least she removed herself from the website, but there lay the real problem to the relationship, I was never quite certain she had stopped entirely.

In a nutshell, it was one of the most rewarding and, at the same time, self destructive relationships I have ever had, however I would only mildy recommend it, and strongly advise against it.

P.S. - Don't want to start a big debate on the subject, just trying to make enough posts so I can be promoted from a regular member and stop having the 24hr delay between writing and posts been placed!

Any advice on my previous post re action over Xmas/New Year would be appreciated.

All the breast.

10-08-04, 18:42

As Otto has mentioned I had 5 girls I was sending money to from my first trip to Buenos Aires. I gave the same way I would give to Jerry's Kids. My problem was not so much the cash I was sending down every 3 days but the postage stamps. The girls were upset when the money did not arrive on time. Thats the only problem I ran into. Some would not see me on my return visit do to the poor mail system . Fed Exing to 5 different addresses was getting way to expensive. So I just gave up.

Try to hang in there to the bitter end. I did.

Thanks Otto for those kind words.


10-08-04, 18:54
One of the most unforgettable experiences (non-sexual of course) I had in Buenos Aires was when Starfe told me about this girl that was on Area-Vip.com. He kept raving about her and even told me that he would pay for me session to session with her. I told him it wasn't necessary but he insisted. This was over 2 years ago. She isn't on Area VIP anymore. Very sweet girl with perhaps the best body out of any girl I've ever seen. Just an angel.

Anyone that knows Starfe knows that he is a very generous guy. Apparently they were writing one another by mail. I remember when I told her that I was a friend of "Starfe" and she had this HUGE smile on her face. She reaches into her purse and pulls out an actual envelope/card from him. It was a few weeks old but the fact that she was still carrying it around in her purse was really great to me. No, Starfe wasn't in love with her and it is just these random acts of kindness that mean so much to some of us. I've done the same thing in a number of countries I have been in. I've said it before and I'll keep repeating it. If you have the money, it makes you feel good, you do NOT expect anything from the girl....then feel free to give her money. As long as you are realistic and it's unconditional then do what you feel is right.

Have fun while you're in BA. Learn from your experiences but don't worry so much about every nickle or dime you're spending here and there. Read Otto's post. It couldn't be more correct. Some guys are so worried about every peso they are spending that they forget they spent a lot of time and money to fly down here. Enjoy the trip!

10-08-04, 20:49

The intertesting part of the relationship with the girl from Area -Vip is that she still has the original bill I sent her of GROVER CLEVELAND. She carries it around in her wallet with such pride. I wonder sometimes if the other gals have spent theirs? I never got to see any of their expressions when they opened the envelopes. It must have been priceless. If I can bring just 1 smile to 1 face each day ...........



Wild Video
10-08-04, 22:50

Listen to Jackson, Chuponalgas, JackDaniels, Lexton, Exon123, OttoGraham, Starfe and Saint. Now listen to me, I agree with all they said. You can have fun with a hooker, that is all these girls are, call them an up-graded name like a high class escort that is just inexpensive. What ever name you want. But you can't fall in love with them. They sell pussy, not love.

If you want to find a hot girl to marry use a dating site there are hundreds.

But all we are all doing is paying for a great time with no strings and because this love of women is the drug we like the most we even try new girls everyday for that better high each so we can dump the next load or two loads better than the last, if she gives you a great GFE. Either way, enjoy your time, try them all and please don't over pay you will mess it up for us. If you want to really help her, pass her around to the others.

Now hello to everyone on here, this site is the bomb. I have been doing this for years and years in the states and over the last 4 years only in eastern europe, like the Czeck Republic, Romaina, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Bulgaria, Moldova and Estonia.

Now it is time for south America, I think Buenos Aires, Argentina is just perfect for this hobby. One it is very cheap, just as much as the eastern European countries use to be. But there are far more girls I think then any of the countries I have been to other then the Czeck Republic, but the prices are a little higher in that third world country. It seems to me Buenos Aires is the lowest I have seen in a while. All the third world eastern European countries are now trying to play this Euro game, like they are worth as much a the dollar, time to find a new place to party.

What I would like to ask Jackson, Chuponalgas, JackDaniels, Lexton, Exon123, OttoGraham, Starfe and Saint or anyone else that has spent a ton of time in Buenos Aires, how safe is it really? I mean I never had any problems in Europe but that is where my blood line comes from even tho I was born in America. I just look European. How do they treat America's that look like American's in Buenos Aires?

I want to plan a 3-4 week vacation there and I am open to meeting anyone that lives there and paying for the whole night of fun on me just to get to know the place better and pick anyone's brains about what sounds like one of the best places on earth right now. If it is as much fun as it seems, I would want to buy a flat and come back again and again. Looking forward to the pro's and their comments, thanks.

10-09-04, 02:51
Was in BA for an incredible 3 weeks from Sept 16 until yesterday. I won't bore with meaningless and repeated data.

Went to all the clubs in Recoleta and the only ones worth considering imho are Black and Madahos.

Never pulled out a chica from Black for less than 300 pesos and believe me I tried hard to negotiate down. I am fluent in Spanish, as my parents were born there. Best looking girls by far. Hotties all over on Tues - thursday, weekends there are less to choose from.

Madaho, 150-250 pesos depending on the quality of the girl. The better looking ones always started at 300 and had to be brought down. Many good looking chicas, and some marginal. The club is great although the lighting can be hazardous if you are not careful. Met a real looker that I hooked up with 4 times over the 3 weeks..right out of SA Playboy!

Affaire is cheap to get in 30 pesos for 3 drinks, but the chicas sucked and high pressure.

Solid gold, went in, got scared, walked out ...dont bother.

Several others in the vicinity that I went in to look, but not many chicas and the ones there were of lower quality imho.

BA is awesome. Get out and see the city...Tigre is a great place to go on Sunday with a chica. Try Pigari, next to the 4 seasons for Italian, and El Mirasol for an alternative to Cabana Las Lilas.

Since I speak the language and know my way around and have friends there, I did not hook up with any other mongers from the board. Sure i saw some of you in the clubs. The best part about the whole thing is how lucky we are to have had the peso work in our favor and the economy be down. It wont last forever, so get your butts down there if you havent yet. Its like being a kid in a candy store. I saw old guys, fat, skinny, young, good looking and plain ugly all having the time of their lives with beautiful women everytime I went into a club. Imagine being able to pick up the woman of your dreams for under 100 bucks....what a life.

As others have done, so I am doing now. I am looking to move permanently to BA. Thanks for all of you that post..it makes life easier for everyone.

oh and wear what you like, these chicas dont care...as long as you are clean and treat them with respect, no one gives a shit what you have on and it wont make a difference what you pay. There were nights i wore very nice clothes and others where i wore jeans and a shirt. remember its your vacation, your money and do what you feel comfortable with. A few girls told me if they dont like a guy for some reason (dress, age, body, smell, etc etc) they inflate the price to get them to go away.


10-09-04, 03:53

Seriously I have done very few of these in BA but they do exist as a mongering alternative. A few nights ago I saw Monica who I did in a parking lot on my first visit. I would not do her again but it is nice to know she is not dead or in prison or something.

Tonight I saw one at the corner of Suipacha and Marcelo T who was damn good looking, almost hot, even. Definitely one of the better looking SWs I have seen in BA. I was late to meet up with some guys so we exchanged tongue signals but nothing else.

Then later returning from the Triangle it was raining and it was fucking hilarious how many were lurking in awnings along Marcelo T. Two Eastern European girls at the corner of Uruguay started talking to me in English but I pretended I did not understand and was drunk enough to try some French so they got confused and started some pidgin Spanish. 50 pesos vamos por azha. So I said "femmes ou hommes?" and they showed me their tits. One had really small tits with big pink nipples and the other had tits that had apparently been sucked on by the entire Romanian navy.

Also a couple of really cute pendejas were soliciting from the kiosko in MT between Suipacha and Carlos Pellegrini, on the south side in the middle of the block. I maybe would have investigated further but they only serve Quilmes there in 600 cl bottles and I just can't take that shit. Plus even though they were drinking in a licensed establishment they seemed too young so that is that. Probably 20 or 21 but I did not want to find out the hard way.



10-09-04, 05:48

Thanks for the suggestion about the punctuation.

I got robbed my first night here in BsAs. Called "Rosanna" from areavip, since it has been spoken so well of on the forum.

She showed up, but had terrible buck teeth with areas of decay beneath her caps. A bit much of a tummy, but hell, I needed to get my feet off the ground being the first day here and having heard of the wonders of BsAs women. A couple lights out, and it was worth a point or two on the 1-10 scale.

She smelled good. We talked a while, after her prompt arrival at the specified time. She gave some excellent shopping ideas.

On the phone she quoted 300P. I informed her I am well aware if the going rate of 150 or so. But being my first night I acquiesed. I offered 200 with cab fare.

She was on time and we had a great chat about excellent places to shop and some theatrical venues.

When it came to the sexo the condom came right out. And her buck teeth made it a less than optimal experience. We moved to all "fours". She wouldnt go doun to my favorita with her prone flat on the side. She kept squirrriling out from underneath and commenting I;m too big. Well, that,s a great complement, but I know it,s not true. Oh, and before this she asked 300R, I explainrd we had agreeden upon 200 with cab. She asquiestes.

Covered, uninspired CBJ. Some Cowboy, but when it came timr e for my favorite with her prone, she kept squirring from beneath. Afrid the condom would break, she heled it thewhole time.

Long story short, I suggested this was not working out, and suggested we halve the cash I had already given here. She would not hear of it. I called the front desk to hold her I.D, wntil things were straightenet out. Unfortunately they let her up as a "friend". I suggested they call the police, and she was outta there gofore you could say "go".

She insisted the cash was for the time. HEY!, I,m a professional. If i cannot offrer the serviced offeed, I´d cut it down the middle and hold no grudges.

She bolted when I was on the phone with thfront desk and the police. She had not left an I.D. card because seemed tobe a friend.

Mia primera vez en BsAs was not good.

Lession1: NEVER pay before.

Lession:2 negotiate for NO MOREthan 150, Anything else is "a red flag". And don,t be afrait to meet them at the door with a photo showing it,s not them.

So I´m to learn form this and try to not reach conclusions that all Argentine women are cold, scheemers, and bad at sex. But it´s hard coming from 2 weeks in Brazil.

I'm resilient, and really wan't these gals the benifit of the doubt.

10-09-04, 11:09
Generally speaking, what would be the age profile of the chicas ? Does this vary by club ? Do chicas graduate to Blacks or Madaho having honed their skills elsewhere and perhaps learnt some English along the way.

I got the impression from a previous visit that it is mostly in the late 20s and higher.

10-09-04, 11:11

Your post is right on target. Good job of describing the scene. Sounds like you lived it up and had fun and that's what it's all about. And you are absolutely right about the girls inflating their prices and not coming down on price if they don't like any aspect of a guy. With many girls it's not just about the money. The really hot ones can pick and choose who they want since they are in such demand. Many I talk to never even have to leave with guys they aren't that attracted to since they are being approached all night. If you're talking to a girl and she absolutely won't budge on price just move on. I was in Madahos one night when I witnessed this type of thing happening. This guy that was dressed really badly and just look like he rolled around in a dumpster was approaching girls in front of my table. Girls were not too interested but he was calling girls over to his table. They were throwing out prices of $200 US!! This guy could speak Spanish but was American I think. He was getting pissed at the price quotes. I didn't even want to talk to him but kept listening because I was curious. He finally accepted one girl's offer of $200 US and I was laughing. Then I was surprised when the girl changed her mind and increased it to $250 US. It was clear to see she was just doing this to avoid leaving with him. He just left the club pissed. You know what?? The girl ended up leaving with another tourist for 200 pesos. Proof positive that it's not always about the money with these girls.

This is a paradise. Not just the chica scene but just living in the city and interacting with people on a daily basis is very satisfying. The toughest thing is it's tough to make money so come down with money or be prepared to create your own business. I've met many people from the USA and Europe that moved here because they loved it but now are having to move back because they figured out there is no way they can make enough here to survive.


Girls are generally older in Buenos Aires then other places in South America I've been to. You can find some young, sweet, hot girls in the clubs but it's nothing like Rio de Janerio. Most clubs don't seem to hire too many girls under 21. I heard it was a law but I don't think that's true since I have met some 20 year old girls in the clubs. By and far though, I've found that most are in their early to mid 20's. You'll find many in their upper 20's too. There are exceptions to this rule but I've found that in places like Rio, there are much more younger girls in the clubs and the termas. Most guys I know that came to BA after Rio were disappointed with the sex scene here.

10-09-04, 12:48
Saint, i am looking at becoming a permanent resident. I think it will be easier for me to do since my parents were Argentine citizens. I am looking at buying a business down there and based on talks with locals and family members, you need about 1500 dollars a month to live comfortably. I am looking at buying an apartment out in San Isidro or Olivos and saw some real nice ones for 80k us. The issue is how much for health insurance, taxes, food etc.

Do you think 1500us a month will do? Most people down there thought it was ok. I found a few businesses I could pick up for 20k that would produce about 5-6000 pesos clean...1500 to 2000 dollars.

of course if i were to monger excessively the price would go up but i plan to limit myself to 3-4 times a month.

as for age of the girls, they varied from 20 to late 30's the majority being in there mid 2o's. The best advice as stated by everyone already, learn a little spanish as it will enhance the experience.


10-09-04, 13:44
To all the Senior Mongers who responded with their knowledge and insights - thanks, with much sincerity. I agree with all of you in not sending her any money. I wont let myself get THAT deep into a delusion, as I RTFF!

So back to my favorita. The first time she worked "independently" for me, we agreed on 400p for six hours deal. I know this may be much more than what most of the members of this board would pay, but for me, it is less than 150 dollars for probably the best six hours that I spent this year! The first night was a bit awkward in the beginning as there is definitely a language barrier - I can with enough repetition and patience, get my ideas across and vice versa in Castelleno - but obviously she is not used to speaking to a gringo and still kept on firing off in rapid Castelleno. We watch a movie. During the walk to the restaurant, there was a bit of a lull in the conversation - you know, the uncomfortable silence. At the restaurant, I allude to hanging out tomorrow and she gives me non-commital "no se" response. Uh oh, not a good sign.

Anyhow, things get better over dinner as we learn to communicate "mas despacio," and we have a great session back at the apartment. She gets very into it, this little young thing (actually she is about 5ft9") and starts yelling "mi amor!" But at the end while snuggling she seems a bit distracted and she starts to take some deep sighs - not a good sign. She keeps on asking me whether I'm sleepy and I say no, but after 3 times of this, I figure she's asking that so that she can go home, so I finally lie and say "yo tengo sueno." I pay her the 400p plus 10p taxi and she doesnt even look at the money - I walk her down and stay with her until she finds a taxi.

The next day, I call her during the day and she seems happy to hear from me and doesn't hesitate to come over. I did offer her 300p for 2 hours and more if she stays longer on the phone. She says "bueno," but doesn't say much else. She comes over and she looks fuckin great - just the sweetest smile with eyes to die for, Anna Kornikova body. Again we have another great session. Getting pretty close to GFE!

I suggest going to Teatro Colon (a must visit in BA IMHO) for a concert and she likes the idea. Teatro Colon turned out to be all that it is hyped to be and even more - it's considered one of the most acoustically perfect concert halls in the world and it is a truly an astounding space.

To Cabana Las Lilas at Puerto Madero for a great dinner, then back to my place. At the restaurant, I just slipped her 700p saying I didn't want to think about money anymore, and truthfully, it was stressing me out. I thought about offering 600p for tarde & noche, but I already offered her 300p for 2 hours, and I paid 400p last night for 6 hours, so I figure anything less I'll probably lose my credibility and I just didn't feel like talking money with her. She doesn't even look at the money as she puts it in her purse and we return to my apt for another great session.

During the act, she starts to say "Te Amo" and even though I don't really mean it, I say the same - I think I rationalized it to myself as "I'll love her for the next two days, so I'm not really lying."

OK here is where it gets crazy - I have trouble maintaining an erection while trying to put on condoms. I also have been having trouble finishing (as a matter of fact, I still haven't "finished" with her after 3 days of fucking and sucking). She asks me what's wrong and I tell her it may be the condom. She then tells me to go BB and I pull away and say "No, es loco!" and she counters with "No, es NO LOCO!" with fierce latina determination. In a very weak moment(a big sigh), I allow it to happen (the upside is that now we're going BB all the time). Afterwards, I ask her if she didn't think it was "un poquito loco" and she says "si, es un poquito loco." Holy mackerel but oh well, the horse is out of the barn - I'll just have to be tested when I get back. She says her last HIV test was 3 months ago and she has been using condoms with everyone except for the Dickfer.

I ask her to sleep over and she wants to stay.

This morning as soon as we wake up we go at it again and get hot & heavy. Then shower, a little nap together ("dormir juntitos"), wake up an hour later and more sex.

I mention that "yo quiero a pagar 1,000 pesos para sabado y manana," as I'm taking a 10pm flight out of EZE tomorrow (sigh sigh). She simply says "Yo no quiero hablamos de eso." OK - end of discussion - sounds like to me that she'll take whatever I give her and not fuss over it anymore. I plan on giving her 1000p when I leave tomorrow for both days (I know guys, that sounds exorbitant, and I hope I am not ruining the "marketplace" for you all, but #1 I WANT to give her th emoney #2 it's still only $350 for two days of total GFE and unlimited sex with the woman of your dreams) when I leave as she offered to accompany me to the airport.

I feel like the money I have spent on her so far has been totally worth it (and believe me, it's way cheaper than having a complicated relationship back home) as I am having the time of my life!

10-09-04, 16:21

It might be of interest for you to read the "Living in Buenos Aires" section where I have posted a detailed list of my monthly living expenses. Other contributors like Dickhead and Andres followed up.

Honestly, Based on my definition of "comfortable" I can't live on $1500 US a month. Close to it though. I'd say more like $2,000 US per month you can live a very comfortable life which includes taking taxis whenever you want, eating out at restaurants often, getting health insurance (which is a must), an adequate entertainment budget and everyday living expenses.

I think most people could live on $1500 US a month though. If you're not in an expensive apartment, you cook dinner yourself every now and then, you aren't hitting the clubs every night, you aren't picking up girls too often and you aren't taking taxis 6-8 times a day you should be fine.

Also, if you purchase a nice apartment and you don't have the monthly expense of rent, you can definitely live here on $1500 US a month. If you are coming here to live, I feel that buying makes a lot of sense. Monthly building fees for even very nice apartments are relatively cheap. If you bought an apartment, you could easily live here on $1500. No doubt at all. One of your biggest expenses will be your rent.

Read the budgets and other information that some of us take the time to write. It should help you tremendously. Take whatever budget you think you would spend and add on a few hundred dollars because everyday things come up that you wouldn't think about. Think about normal things that you purchase daily in the USA.

You really don't need to hobby too much if you live here and you are fluent. Still, the really hot girls demand that you bring something to the table (i.e. you're good looking, have your shit together, or have money, etc....). I really like flirting with the everyday hottie that is working in the stores, restaurants, malls, etc. Also, do yourself a favor and have some business cards printed up for your business. (a) it shows the girls that you live here and are NOT a tourist; and (b) it shows them that you are a hard worker and have your shit together and just not here to party. Those two things are very important in the Latin culture with girls it seems. You take the everyday girl on the street (non-prostitute) and many wouldn't move to the USA even if she could. Family is very important to these girls and they don't want to move away from their families. Also, most of the people love Argentina and really the only reason to move out of Argentina would be to improve their economic situation.

Almost every girl I've given my business card to has either called me at my office or cellphone or emailed me. Trust me, you won't need to monger much if you play your cards right. Just budget to hobby 4-5 times a month which should be good for the weekends or when friends come in town. Good luck. I can't recommend living in Buenos Aires enough. It's a wonderful city. You should have very little problems getting residency status if your parents are from Argentina. I can refer you to good lawyers that can assist you with the paperwork as everything here involves a mountain of paperwork. I plan to establish residency here in a year or so.

Just don't think that these businesses are so easy to make money with. You mentioned businesses where you can buy them cheap and make an "automatic" amount per month. Very few businesses here are guaranteed to make money month after month. Doing business here is very difficult and it takes constant massaging and much hard work. Try to partner with a local if you can that knows what he/she is doing or that has good contacts. In the short amount of time I've been here I can see that to be very successful you must get a ton of assistance from locals. The only thing about Argentina that is certain is that nothing is certain. One thing is for sure, it takes a capital investment to survive here unless you have a job/project where you can work here and make money from the USA. Even skilled, highly educated people from the USA can't expect to make money here being an employee.

You MUST start your own business or buy an existing one that is successful. I've met some great guys that want to move here and some have brainstormed some of their ideas but I shot them down pretty quickly. I gave my advice to them as an unpaid consultant and I hope they found it valuable or helpful. A few of them were being unrealistic though. Think logically when you think of a business to do here. One guy I met that was just a real great guy wanted to sell a product here that is imported from the USA. This product is not so cheap in the USA and it would be even more here because of the import taxes. Also, who can afford to pay for an imported product here???? Tourists? Ok. Well, tourists can buy those products in the USA cheaper without the import taxes. There are wealthy people here but that is a small market and most things take volume to make money. I really encourage those that are moving here or want to invest here to really think your game plan through. Do NOT just listen to locals you are asking for opinions that might have a vested interest in you trying to start a business (maybe you'll hire them, maybe they'll get a kickback, etc.???). Good luck to all.

10-09-04, 16:30
I posted a similar message in the General Info section. Posting here, just in case. I have the opportunity to arrive in BA on 12-26-04 at 11:45am and depart on 1-1-04 at 8:45pm. Is this a good time to meet women? Are the P4P women in town or away due to the holidays? Are their prices and hotel room prices higher at this time. Any honest and sincere advice regarding this trip is GREATLY appreciated.

Thank you!

10-09-04, 20:26
3 XP recently, 1 bad and 2 good.

Let's start with the bad one

Britsy from Platynum, published also as Alice in Gemidos

I called the chica, she seems a bit speedy on the phone, do not like that but decided to give it a go and she gave me her adress in Flores.

She is about 27-30 years old, a bit smaller than the 1m70 announced and a bit larger (especially the lower part of her body) than the pics may suggested.

BBJ ok, sex was uninspired and with too much fake screaming to my taste. 100P la hora but I decided to shorten the session after on shot.

As I was coming back from the bathroom I just found her searching my trousers pockets. I do not like that (who does?); that's the first time that such a thing happens to me in BA.

On top of that her flat is a mess and no soap/towels in the bathroom.

Definitely not a recommendation.

FRANCHESCA from Platynum

She publishes also as Sol in Sensualbaires

and Franchesca in Escorts-argentina


Tall girl of about 30-35 years old, OK face but great body, an incredible butt and big fake boobs (though soft ones).

Cbj and good sex, 100P for 40 minutes.

Flat on Suipacha 7xx.

I recommend her if you like tall chicas.

Last but not least...

Angie from Bairesgirls, Andie in 906090modelos and Charlotte in Platynum.

Very nice lady of 36 years old, great body, small tits, very good bbj, servcio completo though I did not try her "cola".
100P the hour.
I had an excellent session, highly recommended.

That's all for today


10-09-04, 20:34
I do not think the days after Christmas, through just after New Years are the best times for meeting girls. Alot of family committments go on here during hoildays. Last year I was in the States from Dec 15 to Jan 15 so I cannot give you specific information. However, it has been my experience that there is always some action to be found. Then there is the concept that after the holidays the girls need to pay alot of bills because they had not worked before Christmas. Good luck, maybe someone who was here during that time frame can provide more specifics.

10-09-04, 20:47
I nominate Dickfer for overpayer of the century. The minimum wage here is 450 pesos a month. Can't wait to see the pictures of this woman.

10-09-04, 20:51

I'm glad you are having fun and all but it sounds like you're worrying so much about what you are going to pay your "novia" that you're making yourself crazy. I'm certainly no expert but in the countries I have been to in South America a few things always happen. If a girl really cares about you she won't accept money. There is a certain point where a girl starts developing feelings and when that moment occurs, she doesn't want you to think of her as a prostitute. She'll be with you because she wants to be with you. This has happened to me with girls I meet in the clubs. They will call and come over because they want to and they won't even accept taxi fare.

The other thing that I notice alot with Latinas is when they stop thinking of you as a client and more as someone they have some sort of connection or bond with, they won't ask you to use protection with them. It could be the very first time you are with them, or it could be several months from when you first met her.

Whether you choose to go bareback and unprotected is a risk you have to calculate in your own head. I've been at that deciding moment many, many, many times and I never forget that I'm not the only one they have done this with. Some girls THINK they have feelings the very first time you are with them. Of course, they aren't real feelings but you can damn well bet if they are offering it to you, they have offered it to other guys so be careful. Just remember that if you are weak (because after all we are men and think with our little heads sometimes), and you do go bareback it will be very difficult to start going back to protected sex. Many girls will give you the 1st degree if you go BB with them once then tell them you want to go back to protected sex in the future. The reality is that once you go backback with a girl....you pretty much always will. Even if it's in another trip.

You don't have to keep justifying what you are paying your girl. No one is asking you to make an excuse why you paid her X amount of dollar or telling you that you're paying too much. The one that sounds like you are trying to convince is yourself. Just relax and have fun. Pay what you think is fair and don't worry so much about things. But DO keep in mind the fact that it has you so stressed out might be a sign to yourself that you are paying more than you think you should. Have fun.


As far as how busy it is from December 15th to January 15th, I've been here for a 5 week stretch during that exact time frame. It's normally dead during Christmas and it picks back up the 2nd week of January. The problem is that many of these girls aren't actually from Buenos Aires. MANY of them are from other parts of Buenos Aires and Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and other countries. They go home during that time period and spend time with their families. There still are girls here like Thomaso said but not nearly as many. The town is relatively dead compared to normal also because that is the time that many head down to Mar del Plata for their vacation. The girls also know this so they take advantage of this time frame to rest with their families. Fun can still be had though. It didn't stop me too much.

I'd also recommend flying to Rio during this time frame. I flew to Rio two times during this time frame and that actually was a great time to go to Rio. I went to Rio for New Year's Eve one year and it was great!

10-09-04, 20:52

BA will be absolutely dead during this time. Unless you have a special girl that you want to spend the holidays with she and her family, you will be out of luck until about the 10th of January.


10-09-04, 21:06
Saint, referring to Dickfer, wrote:

"No one is asking you to make an excuse why you paid her X amount of dollar or telling you that you're paying too much."

Wrong. I am telling him he is paying too much. Way too much. But anyway I am sure the baby will be very cute.

10-09-04, 21:20
In all fairness, while Dickhead posted his post I had edited mine to add, "But DO keep in mind the fact that it has you so stressed out might be a sign to yourself that you are paying more than you think you should. "

While I certainly wouldn't pay that much, and everyone on WSG KNOWS that Dickhead wouldn't pay that much, there will always be guys like Dickfer around. I don't think they change the system at all. Girls know every once in a while they will find a guy like this that just doesn't care how much he is spending.

Honestly though I think that deep down inside Dickfer had a real conflict with himself when he writes things like, "At the restaurant, I just slipped her 700p saying I didn't want to think about money anymore, and truthfully, it was stressing me out. I always tell guys to pay what you want and as long as it makes you feel good then do it. But it's clear that it didn't make Dickfer feel good.

The whole point of spending time with a beautiful girl is to have fun and NOT be stressed. If ANY part of hobbying is stressing you out that is a clear sign you are doing something wrong. You can't say things like "I feel like it is totally worth it" and things like "it's totally stressing me out!" in the same post about the same girl.

One of the main reason I prefer not to meet many guys that email/PM me is because I've found that many guys (a) have a real issue with women and I'm not talking about anything positive; (b) guys can't talk about anything else but sex 24/7 and have nothing else meaningful to say; (c) guys that think that every girl out there is for sale or that they can "get any girl they want" for money; (d) guys that just can't seperate fantasy from reality; (e) a combination of all of the above. Don't get me wrong. I've met a lot of great guys over the past few years but I've met a higher percentage that consists of the type above. I'm sure that there are a lot of great guys out there but no offense if you PM me/email me and invite me out and I don't accept. There is absolutely NO incentive for me to hang out with someone that is annoying.

Member #1036
10-09-04, 21:47
Some brief comments on my first 3 days here in BA. Some observatins that I wll contradict others have made.

First of all arrived here Thurs afternoon after we had plane problems out of Dallas. 3 hours in to BA and had to turn back to Dallas. What *****!! The 10 hour plane ride turned out to be 15 hours of agony. Business class was full and my buddy and I shared a two seat section. How the hell do people sleep in these cramped spaces. Slept maybe 2 hours all the way in.

Arrived to Etoile Hotel and as described by other mongers. Nice location large suite. Internet access in lobby. Rooms a little dated but clean and big. Recommend and booked through GoArgentina at a good price.

Arranged a first date with Ximena of Soy tu Escort and made sure girl in foto came. Was assured it was her and arrived when said. Opened the door and naturally not her but acceptable substitute. Asked for $150 ar upfront and kicked her out the door. Begged to stay and called her jefe and told her i am not a tonto(but really am as you will find out later). Aregued with me as to no avail. Girlt begged to stay and said pay her later but too late damaged done and mood gone. Gave her $10ar for taxi.

Called Roxanna next and set up a tour from her the next day and called a few mongers here to touch bases.

Set out early around 5 to Oleans cafe to see day action. Smaller than I imagined and felt weird as my buddy and I are Asian and the whole place stared at us like we were Aliens. It was cool as all the girls were getting ready to reel in 2 fishes. Quality of girls were not as I have heard. Many young but mostly older but doable. Mistake made is my friend is a sucker and when all these beggars came around he would give a buck to them. Ruined it for both of us as the girls now know we are fools and fishes.

Finally asked a older nice sexy girl who says here name is Alejandra and is 25 but probably 30 or so. She says $200 us for 1 hour. Give me a f....king break. I m a fool but not stupid. Gives me her # and i say later.

Walked down to Exedra Cafe and only about 5 olllllld ladies. >Its about 7 pm and we find Florida Street and the big indoor mall. We want to see the famous beautiful girls of Buenas Aires. We walk and walk and walk and walk and keep saying they{ll be coming out of their offices soon or something. Nothing!!! At this point we are discouraged and disappointed. After hearing that BA has the most beautiful girls in the world we would expecting a lttle better quality. We are from Los Angeles and we are accustomed to the girls from the westside of LA , San Fernando Valey girls and so on. I guess we expected a lot more and trust me, I m not too picky like my friend and I had a hard time finding many normal girls walking in the mall and around the city.

Today we again sat around a cafe in Recoleta and watched all the passerbys and again discussed it does even compare to girls of LA.

Anyways hit the clubs like Solid Gold, madahos, Salome, Black, Cattos, Cutty Sark, Verde, Affaire,and a coupld of other and will report later.

I have to really thanks you guys for recommending all the different places and espceially Roxanna. We took her tours and was truly entertained and for me she is one great person and for me has great charm and personality. Any of you guys who are new coming here...call her and take her tour and learn a few things about the people. worth every pennny and more.

Will give a detail report of the chicas later.

Thanks guys.


Punter 127
10-10-04, 07:39
Hey Guys

A buddy I will be visiting BA for the first time on the 20th, and was wondering what would be a fair and normal price for a internet girl? If any of you have any pointers, the info would be welcome.



10-10-04, 09:38

We JUST had 5 pages worth of discussion about that very same subject!

To pre-empt another 5 pages of discussion, let me answer your question. The number you are looking for is between 150 to 200 Pesos (for the first "hour"), although some may ask for more and many will accept lower.

Knuckhead (shamelessly late on his reports)

10-10-04, 10:43
I nominate Dickfer for overpayer of the century. The minimum wage here is 450 pesos a month. Can't wait to see the pictures of this woman.

I nominate Dickhead for the turd in the punchbowl award.

A guy has a great time and Dickhead wants to whack him.

Let's first see the photos of the chicas DH brags about drilling for 40 pesos before we go casting any aspersions Dickfer's way.

Uncle Otto

10-10-04, 11:02

I wanted to post that . I feel bad I let that slide. This guy can find fault in anyone or anything it seems. This was someone elses good time. I met Dickhead and wonder where all this hostility comes from. None of it showed up at dinner that night . Can you imagine my surprise when he insisted on having " high tea " at the Alvear Palace on Sunday. He showed up in Top Hat and Tails . Right out of Dumb and Dumber. He was adorable. I wish more of you could have seen him in full regalia.

I was hoping to win the award which I feel I deserve hands down. Just not my year it seems. My special 05 gift to the girls this year: free atm cards with $1500 in each account. Hope to hand out 12 cards by Xmas.

Wish me luck everyone.


10-10-04, 12:22
Regarding Dickhead's chicas:

I know a number of his favoritas, current and ex, and most of them range from attractive to very pretty, even beautiful. As far as sexual performance goes, the three that we have in common
were all good to sensational for me. Of course, your milage and costs may vary. My costs will always be higher than DH's because I am much older, not charming, speak Spanish poorly,
and have a limited will to bargain with a cutie. So be it.


10-10-04, 12:27
Stormy, I wouldn't really care about Dickhead's chicas if he were a regular, friendly poster who gives out information in a helpful way like the 99.9% of fellows posting on this board. However, he's never posted photo number one on this site. He's also quite quick and eager to attack other guys' preferences when they don't match his own.

The attacks on Dickfer and the smart ass claim of waiting to see his girl is just the most recent instance of a long line of his nastiness.

I say, put up or shut up, DH.

Uncle Otto

10-10-04, 12:39
From Saint

Just don't think that these businesses are so easy to make money with. You mentioned businesses where you can buy them cheap and make an "automatic" amount per month. Very few businesses here are guaranteed to make money month after month. Doing business here is very difficult and it takes constant massaging and much hard work. Try to partner with a local if you can that knows what he/she is doing or that has good contacts. In the short amount of time I've been here I can see that to be very successful you must get a ton of assistance from locals. The only thing about Argentina that is certain is that nothing is certain. One thing is for sure, it takes a capital investment to survive here unless you have a job/project where you can work here and make money from the USA. Even skilled, highly educated people from the USA can't expect to make money here being an employee.

You MUST start your own business or buy an existing one that is successful. I've met some great guys that want to move here and some have brainstormed some of their ideas but I shot them down pretty quickly. I gave my advice to them as an unpaid consultant and I hope they found it valuable or helpful. A few of them were being unrealistic though. Think logically when you think of a business to do here. One guy I met that was just a real great guy wanted to sell a product here that is imported from the USA. This product is not so cheap in the USA and it would be even more here because of the import taxes. Also, who can afford to pay for an imported product here???? Tourists? Ok. Well, tourists can buy those products in the USA cheaper without the import taxes. There are wealthy people here but that is a small market and most things take volume to make money. I really encourage those that are moving here or want to invest here to really think your game plan through. Do NOT just listen to locals you are asking for opinions that might have a vested interest in you trying to start a business (maybe you'll hire them, maybe they'll get a kickback, etc.???). Good luck to all.


Take these two paragraphs above as Golden Advice. Print them and/or store them in your business plan folder.

Don't spoil the saving of your life without a sound and realistic business plan!

Hope this helps,


10-10-04, 12:48
Strange to see all the infighting on the board.

See, as I wait to accumulate vacation time, I look at all these characters, like Saint and Dickhead, as comic book heroes. Now there's too much talk and too little action.

Regarding how much to pay:

I once overpaid a chick in BAs and, here's my tribute to Rodney Dangerfield, I got no respect.

10-10-04, 13:36
I don't recall seeing any photos from Otto. I don't take photos. They don't interest me. Plus I'd rather spend money on beer and pussy than on cameras and film. I've never owned a camera in my life. However as far as quantity of helpful information posted goes, I'll match my contributions against anyone's except maybe Andrés'.

DickFer said his chica was a 9.5 and I've never seen one in Buenos Aires so I wasn't been sarcastic; I'd been interested in seeing a photo of that level chica.

But back to pussy, I think the prettiest gal in Buenos Aires is waiting tables in La Piola on Libertad. Her name is Sol. I give her a 9.2 out of a theoretically possible 10.

10-10-04, 14:52
Deversification is a good thing,

I am glad that some of us like to travel in the circles of the Mayflower Madame and 1 us likes to follow in the footsteps of prowling the streets like Jack The Ripper.

Gives the ladies a chance to grade us on style , panache and use of cutlery items.


10-10-04, 15:50
Dickhead wrote:

"But back to pussy, I think the prettiest gal in Buenos Aires is waiting tables in La Piola on Libertad. Her name is Sol. I give her a 9.2 out of a theoretically possible 10."

Hey DH,

I'm just curious if you tried asking her out? If so, how did it go? When I have time I'll swing by there to see what she looks like and possibly try to get her # and ask her out if she isn't married. Inquiring minds want to know......

10-10-04, 16:02
Hey Dickhead,

I have been a long time reader of your columns and although I do not agree totally with you, I love reading your colums anyways because it just gives another perspective, which I can learn from. In a way, this forum reminds me a bit like a sociology discussion in college, and I loved hearing about everyone's opinions, even the really off-the-wall comments that can sometimes be heard on this forum.

Yes, I probably DID overpay, but I felt that it was the right thing to do at the moment. If I was living here or had like a month to work things out, there is no way that level of payment should be sustained, even by a softie like myself. On the other hand, if I went back to the Sex Prison after having an argument with my chica over 100pesos, THAT would not be acceptable as there is no way 100pesos could justify a sour note in a otherwise surreal experience. Instead, I'd be beating myself over the head for weeks over the fact that my counting "pesos y centavos" resulted in a potentially emotionally damaging situation - over what - 30 bucks? 100 bucks? even 300 bucks? I can make up the difference in a few hours of overtime pay. Would I work a few more hours back at home to not spoil the experience the I had? - heck yeah! Would I continue to overpay if I was lucky enough to live in Buenos Aires? - I think soon enough I'd come in touch with reality.

On the other hand, I do want to go on record and say that Dickhead's comment "But anyway I am sure the baby will be very cute" is a low blow. Enough said.

Saint, I very much appreciated your comments and I know exactly what you're talking about. I was stressed most about how a different amount of money would make the chica feel "can I get away with paying 100p less? - would it make her feel cheap and undermine some level of trust we have developed?" and in the end, I decided too that worrying about it is NOT worth it and just paid what I thought she would be happy with. I suppose I could have just dropped my chica, who I spent wonderful 4 days with almost exclusively (with one visit to Santa Fe 1707 on Day #2/4 for a threesome - I just love double BJs), and could've had one chica after another for 200p each, which could have been a lot of fun too, but I don't think that could have in any way replace the experience I had.

I do love this forum -- and yes, Knuckhead, you are shamelessly late on your reports :)

10-10-04, 17:24
I haven't asked her out yet. She is awfully young for me to actually go out with. I think she said 23. She has a ring on the left hand and I think that means engaged here and the wedding ring goes on the right hand? Anyway engaged would not stop me although married would. I'm just pre-heating her right now. Go by and check her out. She is very nice as well.

10-10-04, 18:04
Hey Guys !

I´m finally in BA, and having a great time !

Although this is my 6th time in BA, I had a bad experience at the airport. While passing thru customs, I asked to go to the Immigration office where I was questioned about the validity of my US passport, because there was some seal that was altered when my passport got wet. But the funny thing about this is that the passport got wet (not that bad) 4 years ago, and I´ve never had problems entering/leaving other countries (including Argentina) in the past. This situation took about 2 hours to find out from the embassy. In the end, I have to get a new passport.

After this ordeal, Ana greeted me (sweet, friendly girl) and took me to an apartment I´m renting in Recoleta and it´s a great location.

On Friday I just hung out with my girlfriend (non pro) girl who takes care of me and wants a serious relationship, but also needs help with daily expenses and other stuff ( and I don´t have a problem with that). Also had a wonderful bife de chorizo at Cabana Las Lilas- muy bueno !!

On Saturday, I managed to visit Affaire and say hello to my favorite girls. I picked Mariana, who I see regularly and is a great girl. Since I was taking her out at 2 am I had to pay 3 drinks (90 pesos) and didn´t negotiate with Mariana for her fees (big mistake). Cause I´ve seen her many times and I´ve always paid her 150 pesos for a few hours of hanging out and sex.

Anyway, we went to Amerika (this gay club but also a lot of mix people). For anyone that likes techno or dance, or even 80´s music (there are 2 large dance room and one small one) this a great place to go.. I love this place better than Pacha, which used to be my favorite club. This is a great place to hook up with girls too. (but be very careful a lot of transexuals there)

While dancing, this girl comes over (not a TV) to dance with my date and me, and we started to make out with this girl who was attracted to my girl but didn´t mind making out with me too. :)
Also, it´s easy to stop some of the girls and make out: Just grab them and say she´s hot.. It really works !!

We left at 6 am to go to my apartment cause it was time to fuck my girl.. She was so cool and friendly, although she doesn´t do BBJJ, but she managed to excite me with french kisses and rimming, so after like an hour of fucking, I couldn´t take it anymore and wanted to cum in her mouth, but she didn´t want to so decided to do it over her body.

Anyway, I take out the usual fee I pay her (150 pesos) for a few hours, and to my surprise she says that it´s 250 now. She claims
that I´ve always paid her 250 !

I just told her that she´s crazy.. I gave her 150 for now and lied to her that I´m going to give her the rest next week, before I leave of course. Right now I´m thinking whether to pay her, but then again I don´t know if this will make her so upset and wait for me at the apartment to collect her money.

In the end, I´ll probably pay her the 100 pesos.. Fuck it !

That´s about it..

10-10-04, 20:07
Well boys, I scored a winner. She goes by the name of "Jarumi" on Platynum.

She´s about 21. I was quoted 80P. I was sorta scared because that seemed way low. When she came to the door I was very pleased. She doesn´t look exactly like the photo, but really cute. A 7.5-8 in my book. We smiled and she jumped right into my arms. Sweet and playful. Nice firm bod. Medium build (for a 20yo).

Oral was covered and about average. Sex was enthusiastic and accommodating. I didn,t inquire about "completa". A total cutie hipster.

If you like the "indio" look, go for her. Tell her the americano from San Francisco thinks she´s grest.

At the end she seemed perfectly ok with the quoted price. The quote was actually from some middle person. But I just gave her an even 100p.

I will likeky see her again before I leave. But unfortunately my "to-do" list is pretty long.

So sad, only 5 days left.

10-10-04, 22:19
Return To Paradise
Day 3: Who said you can’t have fun on Sundays?

My fellow mongers! About a month ago, when Knuckhead returned from his third trip to the most heavenly town south of the equator, he promised to file his reports within a few days. Although he did initially follow through on his promise by chronicling the events of his first two days, regrettably the mundane chores of life soon took over, leading to a loss of momentum and lack of further reports. Yes, guilty as charged! He too has followed in the path of “Banned from Black”! As the cliché goes, better late than never, and as such here are the events of his third day of his third trip to paradise. Sadly, due to his inexcusable tardiness some links to outside URL's have become invalid by the time you read this.

A nasty alarm from my mobile phone right at 10:20am started my Sunday. Gradually feeling the cumulative effects of lack of sleep, I stumbled towards the bathroom and began shaving. The 10:30am call from Roxana at mission control came as expected, and the breakfast arrived within a few minutes of that. Being a Sunday, however, I had to drag my sorry ass downstairs to open the locked front door for the breakfast guy. After a quick bite, a shower, and some minor tidying up, I was ready for Maria who arrived promptly at 11am.

She immediately recognized me from out previous meeting 5 months ago in this very same room, and greeted me with a generous DFK. We didn’t waste any time with much chitchat, and got right to “work”. I, Exon 123, as well as many other mongers have written about Maria in the past, and I am happy to report that she is still quite the lovely girl that she was when I last saw her; a pretty, tall, dark-blonde girl featured on Argentina Private who looks much better in person than in her pictures. Above all, Maria is quite passionate, offering an excellent attitude with a very sweet smile on top of her exemplary sexual skills and appetite. Before you knew it, DFK lead to BBBJ to DATY to mish to cowgirl to doggy and finally to an intense pop! We both showered, and I walked next door and woke up Sterling V to show him who Maria was. We then took some pictures with Sterling’s good camera, but alas, she still looks much better in person than in pictures. The price tag: As stated in Argentina Private; AR$150 for the one hour I spent with her plus AR$50 for taxi. The steep taxi fee is due to the fact that she lives way out in the suburbs, and is fully disclosed before making an appointment. Nonetheless, it still raises the total cost of the hour to AR$200. Maria is definitely worth a repeat, and will be a certain “port of call” for me whenever I’m in town.

Sterling V and I then decided to go to San Telmo so that he can visit the flee market after eating lunch at the well reviewed 1800 Parilla. The cab ride took about 20 minutes, and after entering we found the place packed with the local neighborhood people. Not having made a reservation, we stood in line for about 30 minutes, chatting with the very personable clientele also waiting to be seated. We took this long wait and the high patronage of the place to be an indicator of the value offered, and indeed we were not disappointed. We started the meal by two excellent but simple green salads, followed by an order of “Ojo de Bife” (I think this means rib-eye) and a “parilla completa” which we shared. The latter was a succession of different meats, including some sausages, organ meats, and steaks presented one after the other with deliberate pace. Meanwhile we washed all these down with two bottles of wine. First and excellent Malbec followed by and equally awesome cabernet. It truly was a very memorable meal, and before I knew it the time was 3:35pm and I remembered I had to leave for my next appointment at 4pm. I left Sterling V to finish the meal, and left in a Taxi. Later I found that the grand total for the meal was AR$71. Amazing, as such a feast here in sex prison would cost much more than this number, and that would be in DOLLARS as opposed to Pesos!

As the cab was turning the corner into my street in Recoleta, a call from mission control arrived. “Where are you?” said Roxana, at exactly 15 seconds after 4pm. By this time the cab was at my door and I saw this elegantly dressed beauty standing at my door. I kissed her ( Irina (http://www.wsgforum.com/vforum/attachment.php?s=&postid=192513)), who instantly recognized me from a few months ago, and we walked up together. I really like this girl, and I think Luv Ass can second my enthusiasm for her in more than one way! She is a very small, real blonde, green-eyed spinner who nearly had killed me about 5 months prior to this. Once in my room, she jumped into my arms and started heavily DFK’ing. After a quick shower, I picked up this little package and gently carried her to the bed. I really enjoy being able to do this with very small girls. BTW, if you read my recent post in reference to the “mongering spectrum (http://www.wsgforum.com/vforum/showthread.php?s=&postid=290794#post290794)”, you can understand I would put her toward the “small” extreme. The sex was very passionate, with a nice BBBJ to begin with and lots of DFK and eye contact as the session was progressing. After a good 30 minutes of sex in different positions, I realized that I must have been afflicted with the “curse” as I was nowhere near “cuming” despite an excellent performance on her part and a rock-hard “member” on my part. No way, sir; it was not going to happen. At this very moment my last encounter with her (see 5:59pm) (http://www.wsgforum.com/vforum/showthread.php?s=&postid=201021#post201021) in this very same bed replayed in my mind. How could this happen to me AGAIN? To make things more eerie, It also “hit” me that this meeting with Irina (http://www.wsgforum.com/vforum/attachment.php?s=&postid=192517) was happening just after a visit from Maria (http://www.wsgforum.com/vforum/attachment.php?s=&postid=295167), exactly the same sequence as during my last trip. It was as though the three dimensions were frozen and carried over the fourth dimension of time only to hunt this poor Knuckhead. Recalling how much of a “near-miss’ that episode was, I decided on a strategic retreat considering there would be no heroism in coming half-way across the globe just be found dead in the arms of a women with “questionable” moral character, as the man-hater establishment in the Sex prison would characterized her. Mind you, what a way to go, with a smile on my face and a stiff “rod” eternally frozen in time! I will seriously consider such an “exit” in another 40 years or so ;). And BTW, as those MasterCard commercials would say: “Taxi money”, 20 Pesos, one hour with Irina, 150 Pesos, evading death for a second time with a relentless spinner, PRICELESS!"

Having decided to keep on living just a little longer :), I took a shower, cleaned up a little, and got ready to see Alexa (http://www.areavip.com.ar/chicas/alexa/fotosgal/4.jpg)! At 7pm on the dot, this wonderful girl walked through my door. Sadly, as expected, the the AreaVIP photos were indeed glamour shots and she looked like this (http://www.wsgforum.com/vforum/attachment.php?s=&postid=275828) in person. Still, she was quite lovely and more than made up for the anticipated discrepancy by her wonderful attitude. The first thing I had her do was to loose the contacts, as I simply cannot stand fake green eyes. Looking her in the [real] eye, I immediately connected with her and we locked lips in a very long DFK. Her long hair felt as soft as silk to the touch, quite pleasing, as were just about everything else about her looks and demeanor. I chatted her up a little while caressing her, and realized she was quite an intelligent and articulate girl who relocated from another major Argentinean city when her job as a professional was lost due to economic hard times. We then continued to “connect” more “deeply”, moving on to a skilful BBBJ, followed by prolonged cowgirl and missionary positions where we achieved a “soft” finish as she was caressing me tenderly. The session was one of those that leave one feeling not like “having had sex”, but “having made love”. By this point it was about 9:30 pm. I gave her the agreed upon AR$200 rate for the “hour” :), and the two of us took a shower together.

I casually mentioned to her I wanted to go out to eat, and she asked permission if she could accompany me. We took a nice slow walk to Village Recoleta shopping center and on her suggestion went inside the big Italian restaurant on the ground floor. The mannerism of this girl was simply outstanding. Now, having been burned in his younger years, Knuckhead is way past the stage of spewing his spunk as soon as a trixie shows him a little “love ;)”, but this girl’s contrast to a North American “date” was nevertheless just so refreshing. Simply said, she was entirely focused on me, as opposed to being focused on herself as most Sex Prison girls tend to be. After a nice calzone for me and lasagna for her with a bottle of cabernet shared between the two of us, she began to look even more enticing, and I asked if she wanted to join me for some more fun. With no mention of monetary compensation, she agreed and we left the restaurant. Since we were literally around the corner from the Jackson Hills Palace, where Luv Ass was house sitting at the time, we decided to swing by for a little introduction.

While that was being done, I discretely checked to ensure Luv Ass’s “operations” have not resulted in any red (or worse yet, brown) spots on el jefe’s mattress. He would be pleased to know that his mattress passed my inspection. In a completely selfless gesture, I made sure Luv Ass was dully introduced to Alexa for future interludes (read: sloppy seconds), and we exited the Jackson Hills Palace.

After the slow walk to my apartment (arrived 12:13 am), we got right back to “business” with long, drawn out DFK’s, BBBJ, followed by multiple positions and a nice finish. We talked a little more, and soon repeated the same wonderful cycle once more and just took a nap together after the second shot on the “goal”. At 3:48 am she decided it was finally time to leave, and as she was walking out the door I slipped her another “hour’s” worth of compensation, AR$200, and she acted very appreciative of the little “gift”.

After a quick shower and some reflection on this wonderful interlude, I closed my eyes awaiting the morning of my last day in B.A. Anna the Russian was to ring my door in just a few hours.

10-10-04, 22:19
In response to 1036, I took out a couple of chicas from Black as good looking as any I've seen anywhere, including, believe it or not, the San Fernando Valley!

The brunette was a magazine model (she showed me the magazine and photos) and next day I was in a cab and I saw her giant picture in an ad on the back of a bus!)

The blonde looked exactly like Anna Kornikova!

Unfortunately my Digicam was stolen from my checked baggage so no pics

I have also had good luck in Madahos, good looks and mucho fun


10-10-04, 23:42
Otto (and others),

Seems to me there are a significantly greater number of negative posts TOWARD Dickhead from all you other posters than Dickhead posts towards others. Usually, he is just posting about flaws in the logic some posters use in their comments about pricing, dress, etc.

As for the chicas he chooses, I agree with Stormy that his chicas are excellent in looks and even better in sex. He has recommended a couple to me and they have all been fantastic experiences.

I wish this forum would be less about attacking one another and more about pussy. Everyone has their own preferences-to each his own. Isn't that was this is all about?

Peace everyone!


10-10-04, 23:47
And by the way, I have seen the Sol Dickhead speaks of and she is a beautiful Ukrainian with about the best face I have ever seen and a great body. And unlike incredible American girls, she is very nice and friendly.

However, unlike Dickhead, being married probably would not stop me from fucking a hot girl (as long as sex was her profession and the husband wouldn't be out to kill me) from the clubs, apartments, etc. However, that just means my chica-elimination standards are lower (or my little head more easily overrides my big head).



Mr Jetsetter
10-11-04, 04:03

A Hall-of-Fame post! Lots of juicy details greatly enhanced by price information and actual links to some wonderful pictures of these ladies. While I have enjoyed perusing the littered battlefield of the pricing debate that has been raging on this board for the last few days, it is posts like yours that make this board a truly special place.


Please don't let some of the harsh responses to your previous posts stop you from posting again. I commend you for your candor, and you have greatly illuminated some of the internal struggles many first-time visitors to Buenos Aires likely deal with. By the way, I'll be a first-time visitor in November, and your posts have given me a better idea of how I should go about addressing these matters.


You the man! I have been a long-time admirer of your posts on this and other WSG boards. You seem to be leading a life that the great majority of us dream about. My two biggest thrills in life are world travel and beautiful women (okay, along with good food, good conversation and scuba diving), and you seem to have set the gold standard. I was actually going to PM you, but your recent post has deterred me! Can't say I blame you.

Doc Bill
10-11-04, 12:50
After walking around San Telmo yesterday and seeing a great tango/hip-hop show last night (It was great just to get out and feel normal again after a few days in bed) we stopped by Exedra. It was about 11pm, and pretty scarce, especially since it was Sunday night and right before a holiday too. There was the usual predominance of hags with a semi-gem or two present. Then we hit the triangle and stopped by Hook. This is an old favorite of mine, but it was pretty dead last night when we arrived at about 1230. I ended up taking out a young (they´re all pretty young at Hook) spinner named Nadia. She was slender, petite, very long blondish hair. She wanted 200 pesos but agreed to the 150 that I counter-offered. She also wanted me to buy her 2 champaignes because she said that unless I did she would have to return to the club. Is this true guys?

Once in my hotel room she was initially pretty timid, which made me start dreading that this was going to be a less-than-memorable experience. She came through, though, and while I would not repeat I must say that I had a good time. BBBJ after some coaxing and while not a dead fish she was certainly less than enthusiastic. She stayed for round two and left after about an hour and a half. Total cost, including her drinks, her taxi and her fee: 210 pesos.

10-11-04, 14:02

I cry discrimination!! As my first report and first girl I spoke with in BA on Thur at Orleans was your Alex. With my dumbshit friend throwing $ to beggars, I called alex over and she quoted me this ridiculous price or $300us. Naturally I didn{t bite but may call her now and give her the $200ar like you.

Having a great time here at shampoo and paying the $300ar prices just so not to hassle with the girls since i{m only here for a couple more days.

Went to Newport Sun and lots of pros but asking $300ar for poor quality and left after making out with a couple of them but not hot enough for me.

Black was dead with the mostly b grade girls. Going to check out Amerika as per advice of a hot waitress in a restaurant. TV and gays but says lots of hotties.

Rain today and I hear tomorrow.

John Jab
10-11-04, 17:01

What is Amerika? Where is it located?

10-11-04, 17:11

I have a friend (honest, it isn't me I WISH I had thought of this!). He travels and stays for months in various of our favorite places. He is quite handsome and rich, especially by third world standards. He meets girls and tells them he is just looking for a wife and family, someone to take back to the U.S.A., but he wants to make sure they can have kids, because kids are REALLY important to him. He will marry them and take them back to the USA as soon as they get pregnant. They fuck him bare-back night and day. The punchline: He had a vasectomy 10 years ago! My hero!

10-11-04, 17:22

Credit goes to L.A. Larry & Jackson for opening up closed eyes to Buenos Aires.


10-11-04, 17:41
Getting back to pussy, last night a friend of mine and I pulled two chicas out of Catto's. One was a friend of mine and the other was her neighbor from the provincias. It was the neighbor's first week at Catto's and allegedly her first week hooking. I told my friend I did not want an inexperienced woman but she assured me the gal had plenty of experience in bed. She and I agreed 120 pesos would be good.

Anyway we took them back to his apartment. It was kind of good kissing one while feeling up the other and rubbing the one's tits on the other one's and so forth. He took my friend and I took the newbie. Newbie was no newbie in bed with BBBJ and deep throat and DFK and blah blah blah. But after we were finished and we thought they were finished it turned out they had had a bit of a problem and not too much had happened between them.

Somehow this became my fault and my friend was pissed at me, saying that I had come and her friend had come but now she was horny and high and dry and what was I going to do about that? I said I would be glad to take her back to my place and fuck her but that since my friend had already paid her and since I could not afford to pay two chicas, I would not pay her any more money.

She agreed to this so we went back to my place and first she blew me while I made out with the newbie which was good. Then the newby said she did not want to watch so she went out in the living room while I ate and fucked my friend. However I had told my friend I wanted to blindfold her and tie her up so I started out by fucking her blindfolded. Then I called the newby in and she brought us more beer and then I said I did not want to stop fucking the friend while I tied her up so while I fucked her the newby tied up our friend with my belt and some shirts. Then she watched for a while.

After we were done I wanted to fuck the newby some more but it was 6 AM and they wanted to leave so I gave my friend 15 pesos for taxi and they left. So two girls for 135 plus a bar tab. I thought that was OK and maybe next time I will tie the other one up. I just wish things had gone better for my buddy but you win some and you lose some.

LA Larry
10-11-04, 17:49
Much thanks for the plug, Starfe. I'm glad that guys enjoy the city so much.

I've been reading this board from afar (Moscow) with the greatest interest.

It seems our haven has developed into a full blown monger resort.

You know what really struck me as pretty interesting is this:

I had a buddy here in Moscow (from the UK) who wanted to know what the hype was all about in BA and the only way I could describe it to him was to use Saint as a prime example.

{Now I should preface this by saying that I have never met Saint, but have only followed his travels on this and another board. }

Here's how I explained it to my curious friend:

Saint has been travelling all over South America and Europe with side trips to Central America, Tijuana, Mexico City and Montreal. In short, this is an experienced guy who has personally experienced various monger scenes all over god's creation.


when it was time for him to settle down in one spot for a spell, he picked Buenos Aires.

Saint could've chose anywhere else. But the kid made an educated decision about what was the best place to be. Everything considered.

The same can be said, of course, for Jackson, who as far as I know has also traveled far and wide--to Thailand and other places.

I also happen to know that Moondog has considered settling in BA as well.

As for me, I've been on "missions" to Colombia, the DR, Thailand, the PI, and most recently all over Europe and Russia.

Buenos Aires is where my heart is. And the idea of ending up there is the thing that sustains me when I'm freezing my ass off in god-awful Moscow.

I arrive there on December 1st. Counting the days!


John Jab
10-11-04, 18:08
Can anyone give me some recomendations on the best busty (100 + centimeter D + Cup) chicas in BA?

I am not looking for tits that hit the floor when out of the bra (though not rock hard either), and I am not looking for fat bellies ... :-)

I am a bit out of the norm as I prefer CBJ so dont take points away for that. Body and attitude are most important to me ... not so much whether or not specifics are provided (DATY, CIM, etc).

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am having trouble sifting through the internet airbrushed photos trying to predict what they REALLY look like.

Surely there is a place in BA that specializes in "my kind of girl".

I'll post some reports when I am done.

Thanks for any help!

10-11-04, 18:26
Exon Reporting:

DickHead knows how extract value from the Chica's


10-11-04, 18:40
LA Larry,

I agree with Starfe. Your initial posts did more to help me decide to visit BA in the first place probably than anyone else's. I did read a number of other posts from various message boards though.

Yes, I have been traveling all over the world and I can honestly say that Buenos Aires is my favorite city in the world. Keep in mind though that unlike many guys moving here, I didn't move here mainly for the pro-scene. Of course it didn't hurt in the decision making process but honestly I really love this city, the people here, and the way of life. The cost of living is not too bad either.

I honestly get more satisfaction with everyday living than the hobby scene. If I wanted to move somewhere just for the sex, I'd move to Rio. I could never live in Rio. If I wanted to live somewhere dirt cheap with some of the hottest girls in the world, I'd move to Colombia. I could never live in Colombia. I'm living my dream of waking up each day here. When you factor in all that the city has to offer, the cultural events, beauty of the city, safety, beautiful girls (non-pro and pro scene), great dining, genuine friendliness of the people here, availability of cheap transportation, and the list goes on and on....BA has everywhere else I have visited beat.

Yes, it definitely helps that there are so many beautiful girls here. I've been keeping busier with more non-pros now. I love doing normal things with my local friends. Last night I went to a friend's birthday party at Asia de Cuba and hung out with a great group of locals. Met tons of beautiful girls and got a few phone numbers. I was especially encouraged when two hotties came over to my table to ask me to dance. Partied until 5 AM there with my friends. (Today was a holiday so I could sleep in).

I also was lucky enough to meet up with these two gentlemen this past week. We also hung out and we went to Madaho and Black the other night. Just real class act guys! The other night in Black, I picked up a girl that I have been talking to since my first trip here. She isn't the hottest girl in the club but is pretty and we always flirt and I finally decided to pull her out. This was my first girl out of maybe 35+ girls I've pulled out of Black that was bad. She wanted $200 US and I got her down to 300 pesos, which is about the lowest you can expect to pay here (maybe 250 pesos if you really connect with a girl). She was semi-GFE but was just a pain in the ass. I'd avoid her at all costs. She is a blonde Portena named Sabrina. Again, the only bad pull out of Black I have ever experienced.

Anyway, LA Larry.... I'll be around in December so if you want to meet up, drop me a line. If not, no biggie. I know you're a private guy. Things business wise are coming along better/quicker than I expected and I plan on living here a long long time if not for the rest of my life.


LA Larry
10-11-04, 18:53
Hey Saint--

Great posts.

I'm sure I speak for lots of guys that your inssights are wonderful to read.
Totally agree about your overall comments about the city.

I will email you when I hit town.

Best Regards,


10-11-04, 19:14
There is no question, this city has a lot of charm. I couldn't help thinking that both the city and country felt like it should be up there competing with the best in the world. Perhaps it is now in an unusual time, almost surreal, where the city has the look and feel of any of the major cities in the world but it is all at developing country prices. Of course, there was a time when Argentina was one of the wealthiest countries in the world. I too was enamoured with the city and even toyed with the idea of investing in an apartment.

While I thought the girls are attractive, very few were drop dead gorgeous. In the clubs I visited, there were only one or two that were really appealing to me and I did home in on these. I was not impressed by Blacks - in fact the girls looked the same as anywhere else but perhaps dressed up a notch. Rio, however had a higher proportion of stunners and as a mongering destination, it probably has the edge. In fact, it has more than an edge - the Centauras terma on a good day is well stocked with 8s and 9s. Even the recently derided Help disco is littered with many, many attractive garotas. However, the chicas in Buenos Aires are more charming and more likely to provide GFE.

If the operative word of this post is charm, then Buenos Aires has that in spades.

10-11-04, 19:31

You wrote: " there was a time when Argentina was one of the wealthiest countries in the world." That isn't true. Argentina was one of the most EXPENSIVE countries in the world to visit but it was never one of the wealthiest. There is a huge difference. Argentina should have never been living the lie it was for over 10+ years.

I would totally agree with you about your observations of drop dead gorgeous girls. They are lacking now compared to my first trip, IMHO. I'm not complaining though. When newbies PM me and ask if they should go to Rio or BA just based on sex alone I always honestly tell them Rio. I always have had my absolute best sexual GFE experiences in Rio.

I heard Centaurus has gone down hill but on a good day they do have some nice stunners. Barberellas also has some model hot girls and Help Disco mostly has what I consider ugly girls but out of the several hundred there are ALWAYS a dozen stunners or so.

BA is a charming city though as you posted. Good post. Guys are shooting themselves in the foot by not visiting Rio if they are after just sex. JMHO.

10-11-04, 19:36

The time that Argentina was one of the wealthiest in the world was at the turn of the century (19th/20th) - I was not referring to the period immediately before the devalaution.

The point I was making is that this period of wealth has imbued the country with a certain sense of grandeur and charm.

Any comments, Andres ?

10-11-04, 19:44
In the 1920s Argentina had the 7th highest per capita income in the world. That was before Saint was born but Stormy and I were around back then so we know.

Actually, here's my source:

Thomas G. Sanders' "Argentina and the Politics of Economic Distress," UFSI Field Staff Reports, 1988-89, No. 4, Pg. 1

Doc Bill
10-11-04, 19:54
Ok, so back to pussy (again). Can someone please clarify for me the drink policy at the clubs (see my post below). Do you have to buy them a certain number of drinks before you can take them out? Must it be 25 peso champaigne? Does this vary per club? Inquiring minds...

10-11-04, 20:05
Last night in Catto's one of my friends' chicas was trying to tell him that if he was going to take her out for 2 hours he had to buy her 2 drinks. He asked me if that were true and I said no. She left after 1 drink, no problem. Many many MANY times I have pulled chicas out of both Ness and Catto's after only one drink, including last night, and I am talking about situations where they never went back (as well as ones where they did).

They are a bunch of fucking thieves in Hook so that might be the policy there. It's been so long since I took anyone out of there I can't remember but it is unlikely that I bought them more than one, and certainly not champagne but actually I think all chica drinks are about 25 p in Hook (25 in Ness and 20 in Catto's and 15 in Nuevo Estilo). In Nuevo Estilo I pulled the last chica out without ever buying her a drink at all.

Actually Doc I have posted about chica drinks quite a few times in the past (although I allegedly never post any useful information). Bottom line is they make this shit up as they go along and it is all negotiable like everything else around here.

When in Hook it is advisable to fuck Yesica, who will be more than happy to leave after one drink and more than happy with 125p. Sweet sweet girl and never any problems. No anal or CIM though.

10-11-04, 20:22
Took a spin through Hook last night. It was a sunday. Not much there. About 12 chicas. Nothing above a 7. I hooked up with this tallish, medium build Paraguyan. Had one drink and we were off.

She was better than I had hoped. She looked better with clothes off. Exceedingly charming. I don't remember her stage name because after two hours (at 150R) she left me with her real name and phone number.

I tried a Platynum gal at noon today. "Bia". Not even close to advertised. Another gal altogether. Not even close in build. Bad teeth, basic enthusiasm, decent sex before a well deserved nap. But she kept asking to stay longer, for more money of course. Asked for a "gift".

All in all I have not been impressed with the quality in ANY respect compared to Brazil.

Tonight I'm headed straight to Madahos. I think the trick is to find a few winners and get numbers. I'm batting 1 for 3 with Platynum.

10-11-04, 20:34
Regarding Stowe's observation,
"Seems to me there are a significantly greater number of negative posts TOWARD Dickhead from all you other posters than Dickhead posts towards others. Usually, he is just posting about flaws in the logic some posters use in their comments about pricing, dress, etc."

I am inclined to agree, notwithstanding certain anatomical inconsistencies, i.e. one shouldn't expect a dickhead to behave like a pussy...

10-11-04, 22:12
In support of Dickhead-
I have met him two to three times.
I did not know his web handle at the time.
He was polite and shared his opinion when asked.
I do not understand all the negative BS some people have posted about his concern for value.
He has the right to his opinion and I for one appreciate it since he offers advice on how to get the best value for the peso.
It's guys who say "I get my girls by sticking a hundred dollar bill on my forehead" who hurt everyone else. The girls think we are all dumb Americans. If you are here for only forty eight hours I understand your need for speed. In that case please do the rest of us a favor and go and stay at "Blacks".
Or tell them you are from Canada when you pay them!
(My apologies to anyone of Canadian origin since everyone knows they are not stupid enough to get girls in this manner.)

Clarification to Starfe- It is the guy who pays an average looking woman $300ar, who then gets him off in fifteen minutes, and splits that I am writing about. If you pull a hottie from Blacks for 300ar, that is a good short time rate. $300ar for the other chica is over kill. To answer your preceding post I believe Dickhead does knock down a high rate of girls. If he were a fighter pilot he would be an "ACE". I do not live on a budget either. It does not mean I wipe myself with my money. You find a girl who provides you with good service and your ecstatic and you reward her for this-GOOD FOR YOU! You pay her a huge amount up front for what you hope will be good service GOOD LUCK! If she is a decent girl she will do what she can. The majority of them think you are showing disrespect. They think your are showing them that you are better then they are. They think that you have no idea what a peso is worth! They think you do not have any idea how tough it is to survive. They thumb their noses at guys like this. I did not always believe what I just wrote and did not listen to other mongers from the DR, CR and BA. I finally learned enough Spanish to partially understand the girls and found out the other mongers were right. So please don't believe me! Just pretend to be in their shoes and think that if you found someone who was willing to pay you three times the going gringo rate and how you would view them. You would wait for the next dumb American and pick him like a cherry. That's what I would do and that's what you would do in their shoes! If you want to throw your money around contribute to the WSG charity where you can help some poor kids. That is worthwhile!!! It is also highly appreciated and does a lot of good.

PS: I luv the stuff about the 150 peso girls. I too see the girls from Madahos, Area VIP and the spas. I am not dashingly handsome nor am I fluent in Spanish. I do not denigrate the girls or try to be a cheap ass. From what you say I pay a lot less. Maybe I have a little Dickhead charm and that works to my advantage.

10-11-04, 22:39
Snowbird and other $150 peso and less hobbyists,

" hurts everyone else ": Yes I am butchering the market. You're giving me way to much credit. Were not talking Vanderbilt #'s here.

I am not interested in searching out $50 pros. $100 dollars sounds like a nice round # that's very comfortable for me. If you care to scour the earth for under $50 dollar specials then by all means run with the wolves. I am just sick and tired of his and other's tirades that some of us overspend. I don't think I have ever commented one way or the other about how much mongers should or should not pay. I could care less.
By the way its only Otto and I complaining and not the whole board. 2 of us, that's it. I think Dickhead will survive this crisis just fine. He seems to be getting laid every 3 minutes. I know of few people in my life that get more pussy as fast as this guy does. He denies himself very little of the good things ( pussy ) in life. In my case I get screwed quarterly right along with my hedge fund statement.
For the record I only see girls from Area-vip, Mahados, Blacks and I go everyday for 2 massages at Colmegna Spa. The odds of me running into $30 mongers is nil.


Snowbird , I can count on 1 hand only how many times I spent around $200 u.s. for a girl in Buenos Aires. That's about 6 trips and maybe 120 or so sessions. In my own mind that's showing tremendous self control.
I have given to wsg charity.

Latina Addict
10-11-04, 23:16
Hey Starfe. One of the shitheads here that you spoke of a couple of weeks ago. Listen, 99.99999999999% of the world, including ALL governments live UNDER A BUDGET. Is possibly Leona Helmsly your sister? We little people, like our pussy, and it is guys like you that limit our seed spreading. Show some empathy and come back down to mother earth.

Shit, why could you not have come in and bought an Infinity from me when I was selling cars. I could have overpaid for pussy for quite some time on that sale to you.

Party on Dickhead!

Latina Addict

10-12-04, 01:22
Bienvinidos to Paradise! Day #1/10

I arrived during Roxanna's absence so I had asked Mayra to book an appointment for me from a list of like 30 internet girls that I've been working on for the last 2 months in the Sex Prison. I wanted to book a threesome for the first experience, and I told Mayra that the maximum I'll pay for a girl would be 200pesos/1.5 hours each chica. Mayra booked Danesa & Chenoa of platynum as they were ranked #1on my threesome list for 200p/each. I just looked at the platynum's website (look at the "Something Different" link at the left hand column): Danesa & Chenoa is no longer on the menu but Beba & Chenoa is referenced to the same phone number.

I arrived at EZE around 9am so the appointment with the chicas was set for 1pm at Marco's GUC apartment. Unfortunately when I showed up at the door at around 10am, the apartment was not ready so I was taken on a nice monger's tour of the city. I was also taken to downtown bank (near Florida Ave) and exchanged most of the cash that I had brought with me -- the exchange rates are slightly better than in Recoleta, but not by much (maybe 0.05 pesos better per dollar: that's 50 more pesos per 1,000 US). When it was apparent that 1pm was unrealistic, I called Mayra and she called the chicas and rearranged the time for 3pm.

We were finished with the tour around 2:30pm, and got into the apartment around 2:45. The chicas showed up 5 minutes after I checked into my apartment - quick! I had to stowe away the wad of pesos I had into the wall safe! I had them wait in the hall abit - I also badly needed to take care of, errr.. ehmm.. a certain bodily function that was about half day overdue. While they waited in the hallway, I quickly got the job done, and not wanting to give the chicas the wrong first impression, I lighted a lighter and burnt up all the toxic gases and the deed became virtually undetectable. My suitcase was hidden behind a curtain in the bedroom.

The girls - they were both brunnettes in their early 20's, probably 23-24. In general similar they appeared fairly similar to the web pictures.

Chenoa had a very cute face (about 8.5) with large round brown eyes and an innocent look but had an average body with brown areola and large nipples (probably had kids) and soft ass. Not fat, but soft. Her skin had some brown discolorations at the small of her back - it was unsightly but not pathologic-appearing. Body=7.

Danessa had a GREAT body (9) with very little fat, long legs, firm c cups and a nice ass. Light pink areola with about 1/4¨tall nipples which are perfect for me. Her face was about 7.5 (would have been 8 but half point deduction for freckles).

I had them wait inside the apartment while I took a shower to get rid of all the grime that I've accumulated during my 15 hour jorney from the US. I had the keys to the safe with me in the bathroom.

When I came out from the shower they were in their loungerie - but they asked for the money up front. I insisted on paying later and even showed them the money - they threatened to leave if not paid first and I threatened to send them away. They then called someone on the phone and finally everything was cool and my first BA experience was now ready for launch - Oh Yeah.

Quickly I was sandwiched between them and the towel around my waist came off and they started going down BB. I did the porn double BJ (one working the twins the other the one-eyed jack and switching the duties back and forth) with them for a while, asking for ¨quisiera a ver los beautiful ojos¨ and getting some eye contact in return. Not quite upto porn standard, but who am I to complain?

Then the raincoat was supplied (I highly recommend Kimono brand - it is the thinnest latex condom on the market and so not only is it more sensitive, but it also transmits heat better so that the pussy feels warmer - 50pack/$25 on the web) and applied. One of them rode me on top while I was kissing the other girl (tongue & all) while I made sure my hands roamed around equally between the two. I then switched to doggy then doggied the other girl for a while.

I am only 33, but of late I have been having difficulty finishing in general (esepcially after a long blowjob) and was getting a bit winded so they switched to covered BJ for about 10-15 minutes. I still couldn´t finish so I took the condom off and had both of them spank the Dickfer Jr. - a double HJ, if you will. I still couldn´t finish so I had them lie on bed side to side with their face at the edge of the bed -- I had my member essentially over their faces and finished the job myself all over their tits - whew! what a relief.

Mr Jetsetter
10-12-04, 03:46
The Rio vs. Buenos Aires comparison...

I have read numerous comments on this board about how Rio is superior to Buenos Aires if one is strictly interested in mongering. While I do not include myself in this category, I will say that I have gotten the distinct impression that Rio and urban Brazil in general have a much greater HIV problem. I can honestly say that this was a major deciding factor in my choosing to visit BA instead. Any comments regarding the accuracy of this conclusion would be appreciated. It is also a reason I have not returned to Thailand after my visit in the late 1980s...

Member #1164
10-12-04, 11:18
Help. I want a really hot Blonde. Who has any recomendations?

10-12-04, 12:07
A past road not travelled:

Barbarella- SensuaBaires.com $150P/hr-Not!

I called her number and the person on the other end appeared to be a calling service. Made arrangements for an encounter at her casa. It turned out to be out of the way, "Canin" (Scalabrini Ortiz) y Costa Rica" in the day time. Not an attractive area.

The casa was some one else´s apartment and Barbarella wasn´t there, though She showed up 10 minutes later. Not as good as her pictures, but the same person. The short of it, between the less than appealing looking and the too business like approach to negotiations I decided to leave.

Re the Chica pricing discussion: Can´t we all get along? Some people want the high priced spread 9-10´s for looks and others don´t feel the need to pay the premium for exceptionally beautiful women. To each his own. For those able to find and negotiate for 9-10´s at $150P or less, please share your contacts and your successful approach. We´d all, I´m sure like to have beautiful, hot chicas that do everything for a price we´re willing to pay and not have to ruin the market for those of us that are Dickheads.


10-12-04, 12:14
The ol'times

There was a time in the Argentine history that the country was one of the wealthiest in the World. It happened roughly between 1890 and 1930, a time when trade with the British Empire was at its zenith.

During that time, many mansions and palaces were imported stone by stone from Europe (in a fashion similar to that of Newport, RI). Traditional families had mansions, of which some remain (Palacio San Martin next to the Foreign Office, the Vatican Embassy at Alvear Ave, etc), and the city was one of the earliest to build a subway system. The city was an immigration beacon by then, even though living conditions for the poor were comparable to those at poor countries.

That grandeur helped to build a charm as well as a sense of superiority, so much critisized by fellow Latin American neghbors because of our disdain against dark-skinned, uneducated people. However, this aspect is almost limited to Capital Federal (people at the innerland don't show these traits that much) and has been tempered throughout the last decades.

Hope this helps,


10-12-04, 12:26
Mr Jetsetter,

Please don't start with this one now. Already the board is cluttered with the "price" issue. Don't bring HIV into this.


10-12-04, 14:28
Do you guys think $500 USD is too much to pay for a night with an underaged HIV-positive transvestite???? ROFL

10-12-04, 16:28
Latina Addict,

I pulled my remarks about a budget. I live on a strict budget that's why I only allow myself 4 trips a year for mongering. I have no idea how Dickhead can afford all the screwing he does, even at those prices. Its remarkable.


10-12-04, 16:51
Just to reiterate...i was in black several times over the last 3 weeks. i speak fluent castellano...(spanish) and never did i get a chica to leave there for less than 300 pesos.. in fact i took out 2 hotties for 400 pesos. just could not let them slip away. there were plenty of guys, asians mostly and some americans paying 200 us..i know because i heard the conversations.

Madahos was a little different. more 150 peso girls, but for my tastes, black had better looking girls. pulled out a Playboy bunny from South America for 300 pesos that i saw several times.

whether you pay 150 or 300...there is someone for everyone. just relax and have a good time.

10-12-04, 17:30

You are absolutely correct. 100%. Most of the girls will NOT leave for 300 pesos. That is the rock bottom price as you mentioned. Most want more than that but I think you can get them down to 300 pesos or $100 US if you speak excellent Spanish and they aren't totally turned off in leaving with you in the first place. Also, keep in mind you can get them during the day easily for 300 pesos. The other day I went in there and just had one drink. I talked to a girl I know from an earlier trip. I gave her my business card to give to this hot Brasilera I was lusting after. The girl wasn't working that night and I didn't know if I'd hear from the girl but she emailed me from my email on my business card. She emailed me her cellphone number and I talked to her. She asked for $150 US but easily got it down to $100 for a few hours during the day. I haven't seen her yet because I've exceeded my "entertainment budget" for the month and have to wait till after the 15th of the month when my new budget will start all over.

Again, this quality of girl I have never seen in Hook, Cattos, Ness, Affaire or a number of the other clubs I have been to. I'm not saying the quality doesn't exist there. Only that I have never seen it on the many excursions I have made to these other places.

You are absolutely right about the make up of Black. There are plenty of guys in there on business. They are staying at the Alvear Palace across the street. They are expensing everything anyway so they could care less what they are paying. Black is another world and you can't compare the pricing in there with other places. I think the quality has gone down over the years but they still have some stunners like you say. They have several real life models (take it from me...I've seen the photos). They also have some South American Playboy bunnies as you mentioned. I've met 2 in the past 2 years. Definitely more expensive there but so far...I haven't found Playboy playmate calibre girls in the cheaper clubs.

I agree. There is something for everyone. From 25 peso 56 year old streetwalkers (that some guys like to pick up) to 400 peso girls at Black. What a guy decides to pay is meaningless as long as he is having fun. I've always said that. I don't think anyone should be bashing another over how much they are paying. Enjoy life and have fun!

10-12-04, 18:42
Had another one of my ugly hags last night. This gal is so ugly that only about ten other WSG members are doing her and everyone else who sees her wants to. But anyway I bought her zero drinks and took her back to my place for BBBJ, DFK, DATY, and 3 pops' worth of sex. She came 5 times, though, so she owes me 100 pesos. I like her so much maybe I will even anal her some day like she wants me to. But she only stayed about 14 hours for 120 pesos so I probably got ripped off. She made the bed but lately she seems conveniently to want to check her e-mail after breakfast so she is slacking off on the dishes. We'll have to have a chat about that.

BTW she told me that any of the women in Exedra will go for 50 pesos on a slow night or at 5 AM.

10-12-04, 19:09
5 times,

That's great. I mean it when I say you are amazing. From my take you are averaging a girl a day. Between you and the girls were looking at 8 cum shots a day.
Well done


Jaimito Cartero
10-12-04, 19:12
Dickhead is an entertaining person. I think his reports have given me lots of ideas, and shows that just because you pay less, doesn't mean you get less. I agree with about 80% of his ideals, but think his liver is going to give out sooner, rather than later, with his prodigous intake of alcohol.

He would sacrificed money to be close to the women he loves. That takes a lot of balls to do.

10-12-04, 19:25
Nah I am only averaging about 3 girls a week but this week I got kind of lucky. One of the things I look for in repeats is that they have to like to come. OK here are all the things I look for in repeats:

BBBJ although CIM not necessary
Must want to get fucked more than once

Neat (i.e. no condoms on the floor, no mess in bathroom)

Talks dirty
Likes my cooking
Makes bed, does dishes (if I cook, I mean)
Shared showers
Drinks beer
Likes vibrators

Current favorita "La Yegua" aka "Jungle Girl" has all of the above. The only thing that drives me nuts is she puts the used condom wrappers back in the drawer where I keep the condoms so I keep pulling out empty wrappers. I can overlook that, though.

And thanks for your concern JC but my liver is fine and I have been drinking like this for 30 years. I don't hit the hard stuff too much any more, though. There are 24 hours in a day and 24 beers in a case and I think there is a message there.

Oh yeah and I have the same job here as I had in the US for four years so I am not really sacrificing any money. I had opportunities to make additional money in the US, that I don't have now, but I wasn't really doing it = lazy. So it did not take as much guts as it did for say Saint to quit his job and move down here. He gets the brass balls award, not me.

10-12-04, 21:18
Good God!,

Some of you guys are so impressive I´m intimidated to write anything of my small experience here.

But: stopped by Orleans today at about 2. There were three 7´s or so. 4 or 5 others. I waved one over to the table. "Rossi". From Paraguay. Beautiful brunette, sorta spanish looking. She was one of the friendliest, coolest women I have met. Got her cell#. A definite for tomorrow evening if I can catch her.

We then went to one of the apartments. 1730something. Near the Galleria shopping mall. Got the "parade" of 4. I would have loved to do any one of them. I let my buddy have the 8.5 brown beauty. I took the 8.0 blond. She was amazing. Covered oral, but great full, firm body. Her bod reminded me of a braziliera, but she was born right here. Totally enthusiastic. I cannot believe I had that experience for $27US. I´m in heaven.

BTW, there is a wonderful exhibit at the museum of modern art, if anyone cares. And more scheduled. It´s a top class museum. The whole art scene is pretty good here. Not quite as hot as Sao Paulo, though. Just another thing to do. I love it here.

10-12-04, 22:00
The "disdain" Andres refers to towards "brown" skinned people has been an interesting thing to figure out here.

Hardly uneducated, being a surgical specialist, and fairly fluent in 2 additional languages, I do notice that I do not get the warm smiles I get in Brazil. Even in the south of Brazil, I get a much "warmer" feel. You can notice the "supremacy" thing in many subtle ways if you,re tuned into it. In the theater, on tele., etc.

But, I must say, it doesn´t seem to interfere with mongering in the least. And as a matter of fact, in many ways, it is less of a negative vibe than I get even in my home town of San Francisco.

I find "working girls" tend to be pretty non-judgemental by nature anyway. And cash has a very mellowing effect throughout South America. I mostly notice that if you are a fairly nice, respectable guy, you are very welcome.

10-12-04, 22:30
My friend, the highly regarded Jessica of 1707 has asked me to inform my friends that she and Celeste, also of 1707 have decided to set up their own operation in an apartment in Sarmiento.

The address is: Sarmiento 1587, Sarmiento and Montevideo.
Second floor, apartment 10. Telephone 4374-1272.

Photos are available on Sensualbaires.com. Jessica now goes by Amanda and Celeste as Cele.

Pricing is similar to 1707. 60 p. for 30 minutes, 80 p for 45,
100 for an hour. Take out is available for an hour at the same price plus taxi.

I do not know Celeste, but have seen Amanda (Jessica) many times. She is a very sweet, focused sensualist whom I recommend without hesitation.


One Tree Hill
10-13-04, 02:39

Thanks for the update. Celeste is awsome! Very GFE and seems to really enjoy having a good time. I WILL see her again on my next BA adventure.

10-13-04, 03:03
Madaho´s new policy alert:

I´m returning from Madahos empty-handed. My information was that 200 was a reasonable price. After spending some time with a moderately hot chica she informed me that 300 was the bare minimum to start. I would have gone along with this if I had not been carrying such emphatic requests to not pay over 200 from the Forum. As a matter of fact, I even took it for the team and left, giving the Forum the benefit of the doubt. She gave me an extensive explanation about why 300 was reasonable for the quality of this place. I´ve recently come to know that there is actually a new policy at Madahos. The chicas have to go for 300 and prove this to the management. I will happily accept this now that I know this is the policy, and I´ll be back tomorrow with 300 pesos in hand, but I´m gonna be a picky mf. By the way, the chica drinks are all 50 pesos, even orange juice.

10-13-04, 04:35

Give them your number and invite them to lunch the next day, then go play. It will probably be a much better experience and might even cost a bit less.


Member #1036
10-13-04, 04:38
I left Madahos Friday with a chica for $250ar and 1 drink which I dont remember how much. I could have bargained it a little more but she was nice so I just went with it.

Next door at Solid Golds i paid $300ar, Shampoo $300ar, and Black $300 ar.

Hook and Cattos or Cutty Sark $200ar.

I'm still here and the prices are the same.

Daddy Rulz
10-13-04, 08:13
Bambino wrote

She gave me an extensive explanation about why 300 was reasonable for the quality of this place. I´ve recently come to know that there is actually a new policy at Madahos. The chicas have to go for 300 and prove this to the management.As I understand the law in Argentina while prostitution is legal, running an escort service is not. I've had a few conversations with Danny (the manager of Black) about this. He is very firm about never talking about what a Chica may or may not charge in order to not be in violation of this law. I suspect the Chica was feeding you a line in order to convinvce you to step up to her desired price (alls fair in love and war). As I have posted before, it's your money and if you felt she was worth it and can afford it make the best deal you can. If you have to pay the 300 make it worth it to you by negotiating extra time or better service. You only go around once Bambino don't feel the need to justify to the rest of us how you spend your hard earned money.

To the really Sr members: Andres, Roxanna, Capt. Dave, Saint, Dickhead or perhaps El Jeffe the silent one himself, do you guys know if my understanding of the law there is correct? I don't want to be giving out false information

I'm back in two weeks!


Recent inside information: The owner of Madahos has recently instituted a minimum price policy as follows:

Tourists: $300ar or $100usd per hour.

Argentinos: $200ar per hour.

They are attempting to enforce this by requiring the girls to "show them the money" when they return from a date. Of course, there's nothing preventing the girls from showing the required amount that includes their own cash.

In addition, the chica drink prices have increased to $50.00AR minimum, and they appear to have done away with the special "Madahos" drinks that were being offered at a higher price.

Finally, they have reduced the maximum number of drinks that you need to by for the girl to leave for the night from 3 drinks to 2, which means now that you can pay $100ar for two drinks and the chica doesn't have to return (of course wether or not you do a TLN is another issue)


10-13-04, 10:22

Thanks for the feedback.

I just wasn´t prepared. There were many well worth 300P. I had just been pumped up so much to feel like I would be thought a foolish American to agree to such a price. And by 2:00 I was getting rather tired. I´m gonna give it another try tonight.


And I might just do that "get the number" thing.

Capt Dave
10-13-04, 11:16

I HATE to get too involved in this somewhat childish discussion about overpaying chicas, but I do want to thank Bambino for "taking one for the team" - that is EXACTLY what you did.
Those of us who live here (and, BTW, provide an endless source of updated info on the scene here, as well as guidance when you are down here visiting) have to deal with the inflated prices you who are only here for a short time don't feel quite as hard. To you its just 30U$S dollars more, but to me it's thousands (or even 10's of thousands) of dollars over a year.
Once all the chicas are expecting 300 pesos, the ones we want will want 400 or 500, and the cycle will continue.

I live here because I like the lifestyle, and at least for now, I can afford my hobby.
It's possible that your silver spoon has kept you from ever working for tips, but I have, I NEVER thought anyone was a "great guy" because he overtipped/overpaid me - I thought he was an a**hole, (even though I took the money).

So, THANKS Bambino - I really appeciate your "taking one for the team" and not falling for the line that the management at Madahos has "set" the price at $300 - that is BS, by the way.

I will be back in BsAs by the 20th, and I will be happy to take you around and show you why you shouldn't (and don't have to) pay that kind of price for some 1st class company!

I will not respond to flames over this post - there is no point. I would just like to mention that if you enjoy the information we-who-live-here make available, try to help us out by not pissing in our pool!


10-13-04, 11:24
Capt Dave,

Out of respect for you're judgment the post has been deleted. In the future I will try to muzzle my comments about payments.



10-13-04, 12:07

Disdain against brown skinned people is rooted on income/social class. I guess that a dark-skinned man wearing stylish nice clothes and having good manners would elicit the same response as an affluent white-skinned one.


10-13-04, 12:38

I was in Madahos last Saturday night and met a chica named Laura, from Paraguay. Her price was 200 AR, right up front, no haggling. She wasn't the very tippy-top in terms of the quality there that night, but she did very nicely, thank you. ;-)


10-13-04, 13:16
Here is an estimate of a budget for a 14 night stay in Buenos Aires:

Air fare $1000 25%
Chicas $1400 34% (14 chicas at $100 each)
Hotel $980 24% (14 nights at $70)
Food $700 17% (14 days at $50)

TOTAL $4080

In other words, sourcing your chicas from Madahos will take up a third of your budget.

Of course, you can spend more or less on each of these expense categories but as I said this is an estimate.

10-13-04, 13:45
Hey Stormy,

Thanks for the info. As one who has enjoyed the company of Jessica of 1707, I need this info for my return in January. Amanda (Jessica) is a great partner in bed. Also, Cele looks extremely nice as well and will have to try her, also.

Thanks for the update.


10-13-04, 16:00
Would it be possible for some of you B.A. full-timers to open a bar, and ensure good prices, and service? You would have a ready-made loyal clientele, namely US!

10-13-04, 16:47

I have been approached several times by various guys/investors about my thoughts about opening a club of our own here. It sounds like a good idea in principle but it's not so easy. First of all, note that most of these clubs (if not all of them) have to bribe the police with payoffs, offering girls or other "ugly" business. We have fun going to these places but most of us don't look at the dirty side of the business.

Many people forget that prostitution is illegal in Buenos Aires. The fact that there are so many clubs/apartments/sexually oriented places helps us forget this fact sometimes. The thing I would be most worried about is the other owners of the club or corrupt cops getting pissed that my club was so successful and pulling girls and customers away from the other clubs. Remember that this is South America. I wouldn't put it past anyone to just torch your place if they didn't like the competition.

In order for this to work, as I suggested to another WSG member, I would think you need to partner with an established owner of another club already doing business in Buenos Aires. They would know the routine of running a club, have the pay off system down, etc.

I'm sure that many have thought about doing such a business but in the end they probably didn't for a number of different reasons including the ones I mentioned above. I still think it might be possible if you do a TON of planning, research, have the right contacts and take time to set it up right.

Good luck.


P.S. I agree with everyone to just drop the whole price issue. As I always mention, there is something for everyone here. Contrary to popular belief I don't pull most girls from Madahos and Black now that I live here. There is still a number of venues for girls that charge less (apartments, other clubs, etc.) I just happen to be more attracted to the girls from those clubs. Anyway, I don't believe in that minimum price BS at Madahos and I was just there last week. You can still pull out girls for 200 pesos. Have fun all.

10-13-04, 17:13
Oh well. It sounded good for a few minutes, LOL.
How about a section of WSG-certified independents with their cell phone numbers, photos, and prices?

Member #1164
10-13-04, 17:29
Anyone know anything about Boycott? Could anyone recomend a hot blonde for like 150 peso max area?

10-13-04, 17:36

There already is such a (http://www.argentinaprivate.com/members/chica-gallery.html) "section".

Capt Dave
10-13-04, 18:23
Hey ya'll

That is EXACTLY what Jackson and I want to develop at the mansion. A place where in-town and resident mongers can go to chill and hang out, meet some ladies who are not "club girls", and have some quality company at a fair price without having to "negotiate".

Now that summer is coming the pool will be ready, ping-pong and pool tables await, and the bar will be stocked.

I will be back in town next week, and the interviews with new chicas will begin again. This round I will be focusing on english-speaking girls for all you Castillano-challenged guys.

You all can help by planning on coming by and making it worthwhile for the ladies to come and "hang out" here.


10-13-04, 18:24
BA - Day 1 Report.

Got in on Colombus day, a gloomy and rainy day. Signed the yada yada papers and got set up on the apartment. Decided to check out Affaire... in Recoleta.

Got there around 12:30, tried to look for Guliermo as Jackson suggested, looked like he may have stepped out to take a pee. Had to pay 30 pesos to get in, later I saw Guermo and he said that I should have spoke to hiom before I got it and now he cannot do much once you paid the cash.

Anyway got a couple of beers and looked around. Got approached by few chics, nothing seemed interesting. Then I saw a girls walk in her name was Sylvia, typical Latina with a awsome ass and nice pair of tits. Decided to try her out.

Sadly she spoke Zero english, so finally had to get another girl to close the deal. The negotiation started with 200US$ for 2 hrs at which I just laugher. Then it was down to 100$ 2 hrs..... I said I would like to spend 100$ for the night including 90 pesos to take her out.

Finally she agreed for the night fo 300 pesos but I had to pay for 2 drinks. Anyway I said fine. Took her to the apartment and she was really GFE on the way home and and little shy in bed. But an awsome body.

She gave me an awsome BBBJ to start with and multipler positions on round 1 and I finally finished doggy. It was almost 1:30 a.m. then we tried for round 2 and I was too damn tired after the long flight to have round 2, so gave up half way.

Anyway we hit the sack, then after 2 hrs around 4 I heard a sound in the bathroom and she got back and did not lie back in bed and she said that she had to go........ fuck. What shit was that. I was pissed.

Anyway that was her decision, I told her look here you were here only 2 hrs so I will pay you only 150 pesos. She did not say anything just looked dumb and said sorry....

I paid her 150 and she left, moral of the story..... just do the fucken 1 hr forget the full night, most of the time there bitched just want the next customer.

Also Gulermo was trying to squeeze me for 20US$, I said dude here is 20 pesos... he was saying 20US$. If I have to pay his 20US$ why even bother his services I can just pay 30 pesos at the do get in and out which is much cheaper.........

I know my math, I arn´t dumb

10-13-04, 18:39
It was a bloody gloomy and rainy day. Had to call Roxana and cancel the city tour as it was raining cats and dogs. Luckily Roxana said that she would positively line up one of the girls that I had send her mail on.

The appoitment was for 7:00 P.M and this girl Dayanne shows up. At the Apartment.... Cute face but Damn totally different from the girl I saw on the web site - wasn´t exactly a bait and switch but you know how there photos are all decked up.

Anyway I am horney as it has rained the whole day and I pay her 150 pesos plus 25 for cab and we are read for action. I ask her for as BBBJ and say says that she old does CBJ. So slips on the coldom and starts a CBJ. That turned me off. Also she had micro tits which are a total turn off for me.

No I decide that the oly way I am going to Salvage this experince is to do her in the ASS. At first she hesitates also she loves to ride me cow girl. Also this ***** is into rough sex. She is all over and wats me to squeeze her tits to the point of pain.

Finaly I tell here here is the Lube I got to do your ass. She agrees and lubes up her and and begins to ride again. This time I am getting somewhere. After I am almost there, I said stop and show her down and do her missionary to complete.

Then she took a break and quickly starts to give me a hand job. I point to here mouth and she now starts another CBJ, after I am ready I did a quick doggy on her and I am so damn beat, happy never the less.

She changes and I send her on her way and jump in the shower. Even though she is not the girl of my type, the session was enjoyable.

I do have some pics of her and will post when I get back to new york as I don´t have a way to upload the pics here.

I have another tonight so lets see how that goes....

10-13-04, 20:17
Phish stated

Anyway we hit the sack, then after 2 hrs around 4 I heard a sound in the bathroom and she got back and did not lie back in bed and she said that she had to go

Many times the girls do not have to leave for the next customer, but rather to get home to their kids and relieve the babysitter. Next time you want all night, ask what time they have to leave in the morning. then base your donation on that. If she is going to leave at 0400, then just short time with her. If she will stay until the next day to around noon or later, then that is a different story.

Best thing is just to have fun, accept and learn from any perceived loss, and move on.

Enjoy the life,


10-14-04, 00:24
From a past trip to BA:

Agustina, second verse better than the first!

A second visit with Agustina, $150P/hr at her apartment on Uriburi, 1/2 block from Santa Fe. See [Correction] www.bairesgirls.com.ar for phone info.

A 3-hole date, lots of DFK and BBBJ, life could be worse! Lots of affection and fun between and after the two rounds.

All wrapped with a 95 cm chest.

Definitely recommended.


10-14-04, 00:53
"Anyone know anything about Boycott? Could anyone recomend a hot blonde for like 150 peso max area?"

Forget about Boycott (Marcelo T de Alvear between Carlos Pellegrini and Suipacha on the north side of the street). It is a rip off scam aka "whiskeria" that is to be avoided. For hot blondes read the forum. 90% of all blondes here will be fake though.

10-14-04, 01:40

I could not find an "Agustina" on that website. Is the name and website correct?



Wild Video
10-14-04, 02:03
Me either, where is she? "Agustina" not on that site.

Doc Bill
10-14-04, 02:25
There is a very beautiful "Agustina" on Platynum. Is that her?

10-14-04, 02:50

Thanks for the comments. That´s the feeling I,m getting.

I did hook up with Rossi at Orleans today at 2. I called there at 1:30. The bartender said she had not come in yet. ( her cell was locked in a girlfriend´s apt. yest.). Well, she had it back and called me in the cab on our way to Excedra. So we detoured.

We sat with her and her friend, who did not appeal to "doc". So he left. After a drink (I offered to pay for her kind friend from Ecuador) we hopped a cab for home. She was all GFE in the cab ( in a classy way) and continued it all throughout the next two hours.

She looked very nice coming out of the shower. A bit petite for me, but an above average post-baby bod.

By the time I came out towlling off, she was on her knees waiting, having helped her self to the bar as I had offered.

She´s about 5´2", not hard, but not flabby. You couldn´t "pinch-an-inch". sweet "B" cups.Full awesome BBJ for 20 minutes ( the best I´ve had in 3 days), All positions followed. She was happy to pose for photos. I´m begining to develop some of my favorite poses, and will post my photo library with contact info as soon as I return.

She had to go pick up her 3 yo from Karate. She is a devoted mom who clearly puts her kid first. I respect that. She even jumped to pay the cab on arrival when she saw I only had a big bill.

Another Paraguyan, but looked totally Sicilian. I know lots of Italians from days in NYC and Italy. I dig that look.

She didn´t ask for a dime. I offered her 200R for a special time. I MIGHT even see her again. But there were 3 other hotties there. And many other venues I haven´t even seen yet.

Stop by and try to hook up with her. Tell her her "fan" from San Francisco says hi.

10-14-04, 13:47
Attention apartment fans. Sarmiento 1828 #1A has moved to 1821 Juan D. Perón 2nd floor. Suipacha 921, famous for #6C, also has hookers in #4F.

Hope that helps.

10-14-04, 13:59
Saturday Evening Dinner Party at the Mansion

Greetings everyone,

There will not be a dinner party at the Mansion this Saturday as Silvina and I are going to a concert. (It's Charlie Garcia, what else can I say?)

However, the following Saturday (October 23rd) we will be having a dinner party to celebrate Capt Dave's return from sex prision.

I will post a more specific announcement in a few days.



10-14-04, 14:11

Thanks for the new info regarding new chicas in Suipacha 921. Hopefully, someone can TOFTT and find out how hot these chicas are in 4F as well as the pricing.

If not, I guess I will have to do it in January.


10-14-04, 17:20
Regarding your statement,
"Many people forget that prostitution is illegal in Buenos Aires."

I was under the possibly mistaken impression that while pimping is illegal in BA, one's business with a chica is just that- one's business and not illegal. In fact, are there not labor organizations in BA for the working gals?

Any thoughts Andre?


10-14-04, 18:43
Is it just me, or does anyone else feel the same on this board? I was reading the detail posting of "Phish", and the whole thing was just too detailed, and too ugly.

I hate to read detail descriptions of how and what you did to the poor chica. Furthermore, I hate to see anyone refers to these women as "bitches" I am not surprised the girl decided to leave, and I am amazed that you are so insensitive as to what it might be like to be on the other side.

Rolly Polly
10-14-04, 18:55

I agree with you for the most part. If the provider is not what you want then send her packing. Also, there is a reason the word b*itch is filtered out, but for some reason people don't respect the Admin's requests and still use it (I'm probably at fault also at times).

The post was painful more so because of the terrible spelling and grammar.

10-14-04, 18:59

By leaving out these fine details we miss the whole point of the evening!!!!!!!!

"Finally I tell here here is the Lube I got to do your ass. She agrees and lubes up her and and begins to ride again
"Then she took a break and quickly starts to give me a hand job. I point to here mouth and she now starts another CBJ "

I thought it was standard operating procedure to post every little squirt, fart and whatever else. Lets create a special section for the ones who must break down every nuance of the screw.

Possibly called the " 8 CUM SHOT " section?

Grade the girls and move on.


10-14-04, 19:07
You don't like to read details, don't read 'em. What I thought was lame about Phish's posting was "Sadly, she spoke Zero english [sic]." I think he meant, "Sadly, I speak zero castellano."

Before this forum morphed into "The Gentleman's Hunt Club, A Slick Cookbook For the Two Yacht Set," it was about who what when where why how much. Details are very useful in deciding whether you want to see that particular chica or not, in my opinion.

Hey Starfe, at least my details are spelled correctly. Still waiting for you to post any "grading" of "girls" or anything else helpful for that matter.

10-14-04, 19:10
The following are a list of apartments that was provided by a local friend in B.A. I haven't had chance to check them out myself but the source is pretty reliable. Anybody dare to check it out and give us report?

1193 Billinghurst, P.B. (near Cordoba)

Santa Fe 2036 2B (near Ayacucho)
4822 9399

Anabell Strip show starting at 1300
Riobamba 374 (near Corrientes)

10-14-04, 19:37
DH: "Sadly, she spoke Zero english [sic]." I think he meant, "Sadly, I speak zero castellano."

That's what I like about DH, ever politically/culturally correct/sensitive!


I remember on my first trip outside the Recoleta my Castellano was worse than it is now and I got a taste of what it's like to be a non-English speaking Latino in the US. While most Portenos are warm and social, there are those that have little regard or patience for someone too ignorant or lazy to learn their language. It's humbling for us pancakes to get a taste of that now and again...

10-14-04, 19:40
Detail is information, and certainly the reason why we are all here.
However, why not do it in a more elegant fashion.
Why degrade the women who are so kind as to us, selling us something so great, and yet so cheap.
Why not pretend as if we are all looking for a date, as oppose to an opportunity to degrade a person,.
Anyone who thinks he is guaranteed a well performed service just because he paid up some money, does not understand how this game is played.
Money, just gets you into the door.
Lets have some class.

10-14-04, 19:52
OK, Starfe, that's much better. Is your scale looks only, performance only, or what? Can you post BBJ/CBJ if you can recall? Hopefully my detailed posts have not degraded anyone. That's certainly not what I'm into doing. I like women.

10-14-04, 20:06

My scale is only good for me. Its a total picture of looks, attitude appearance at the door + cleanliness.

I love the knock on the door from a strange woman I have never seen before. Thats my kick for escorts. The girls down there just know how to make an entrance. Its like no where else in the world.

First I do not find you're posts degrading. There is a lot of slang that goes right by me. When someones gets into a lot of detail I just glide over it.

All were bbb: whatever thats means. no condom on the blowjob.
As for everything else. i wear a condom. cbj?

All these terms are beyond me. I get what I want and I move on. This is not a science project but a 2 hour movie of the week.

My taste is wide and varied but runs to big tits and long legs.


10-14-04, 21:35

Prostitution is still technically illegal since there is still a "prophilaxis bill" being enforced, and exploitation of female is also punished. However, prostitution can be considered socially tolerated, so it is only inforced on cases full of political meaning (embarrasing a politician or a sport star). Otherwise, some smart guy would have already created a chain of "good value brothels".

Also, it is very difficult to the police to persecute chicas when other more serious crime is happening (robberies, kidnappings, murders, etc).

Hope this helps,


10-14-04, 22:00
Area - Vip reviewed,


Some of the women I have seen over a 3 years period:

Area -vip evaluation = 5 thru 10 ( I have my own code of ethics )

A 5 would suck and a 7 would be better then the best I get out of Mahados on any given night.

Maru 7 great attitude . Up there in age, but goes the extra mile.
I like the full body, full lip's type.

Heidi 9 was a wonderful treat but only outcall now. I got her when she traveled. what you see is what you get

Antonela 7.5 you got to lover her for working so hard on her body. Busts her ass to get you off. I can be a pain sometimes.

Sofia 6.5 Showing her age but for a guy like me " you have to try it once "

Victoria 8 showed up on time . Had a wonderful disposition. booked at 1 am which I felt very lucky to get. Will see her again.

Zoe 7.5 Bait and swtich. Was very happy with her service.
By the way all the girls did DFK except Sofia . I will post those who would not.
Luna 8.5 If she like what she see's when she walk in the door you are in for a treat. I tipped more then you want to know.

Ambar 7.5 What a set of legs. would I see her again? Not on my next trip.

Yazmin 6.5 Not my type so instead of a screw I took her to dinner. Call me crazy. I had better things to do with my Squirt that night.

Melani 9.95 this was one I saw 3 times in 2 days. I saved her for my last 2 hours before my flight. Oozes of pure SEX.

Evelyn 7.5 Hard body. Face was fair. Tits were like a rock. Almost a little to skinny for my taste. Came looking like a million dollars on a very cold july afternoon.

Wendy 7.5 I think she was a friend of Zoe who pulled the bait and switch on me. It never works since i call until i get to see the real deal. From the " bottom down " just what she looks like on the site. i seem to have her # on a lot of my papers so she must have been good. to be honest I don't remember much of her. Sorry

Andrea 7 I was getting desperate that day. no luck reaching anyone so i was pulling from the bottom of my list. she was a surprise. Not the best looking but great skin great kisser and a great bj. I happened to enjoy my time with her. Again not a looker

Sasha 7 To skinny and my heart was not in it. What was interesting was she would not leave till i got off. It really was not that important since I had 2 more girls to see that day.

Candela 7 How many girls named Candela are there anyway? (The original Candela was out of this world. Does anyone remember her? )
Another fill in because some others were hard to reach. nothing remarkable here and my notes say B, meaning a keeper. I can't give you the actual details but if she was lousy i would say it. Now remember; great for me could be lousy for you.

Andra 8 I had A+ all over my notes before I got to Buenos Aires on this 1 in july. She was my first that trip. Not as good as her photos and she had a kid which most do. I never called her again so It was just ok. I always ask for there private # but only keep the ones I want to see again. Her tits were to small for me.

When I reviewed the site today I see a lot of the girls are now gone. All within the last 3 months. I make copies of the girls pics so i have them when i check into the hotel. I could list 6 more but there pics are now off the website.

Girls no longer on Area- vip website:

Ingrid (where did that name come from)

I hope that helps some of you. I know I am not giving much in the way of details but remember i really do not ask much of the girls except for a GFE a BBB and a walk around memory lane. My tastes and desires are not full throttle sex like most posters here.


Excuse the spelling and the grammer

10-14-04, 22:29

Nicely done, and good information. Thanks.


10-14-04, 23:10
Thanks Andres!

Regarding the legality of prostitution in Argentina:

According to Article 19 of Argentina's Constitution: ‘private actions that in no way offend order and public morals or do damage to a third party are reserved to be judged by God and fall outside the competence of judges’.


"Technically, prostitution is not illegal in Argentina but
most provinces have laws allowing the arrest of prostitutes for causing 'scandal in the public thoroughfare'. Pimping is illegal but brothel owners are rarely sent to jail."


Wild Video
10-14-04, 23:14
For all of those that have no clue, save this and you can use to make your posts smaller more clear.

Common terms, acronyms, and what they mean:

AAMP = Apartment Asian Massage Parlor. Based in a residential apartment instead of a commercial storefront.
AMP = Asian Massage Parlor
Asian = rimming = licking anus
Asian Cowgirl = girl on top, squatting
ASP = Adult Service Provider
ATF = all time favorite
BJ = blow job = oral sex = fellatio
BBBJ = bare back blow job = BJ without condom
BBBJTC = bare back blow job to completion
BBBJTCWS = bare back blow job to completion with swallow
BBFS = bare back sex
BBW = big beautiful woman
BLS = ball licking and sucking
BTW = by the way
CBJ = covered blow job = BJ with condom
CFS = covered full service = Sex with condom
CIM = cum in mouth
CMT = Certified Massage Therapist. A professional masseuse.
Cowgirl = girl on top
DATY = dining at the y = cunnilingus
DDE = doesn't do extras (PS only)
DDG = drop dead gorgeous
DFK = deep french kissing
DIY = do it yourself
EOM = end of message. No text in message body.
FBSM = full body sensual massage
FKK = Frei Körper Kultur. German brothel / nudist club.
French = BJ
French Kiss = Kissing with tongue insertion
FS = full service = BJ + Sex
GFE = girlfriend experience
Greek = anal sex, back door
GS = golden shower = urination
HJ = hand job = a manual / hand release
HME = honeymoon experience, lapdog heaven
HWP = height and weight proportionate
IMHO = in my humble opinion
ISO = in search of
Lapdog = person who worships providers to excess.
LE = law enforcement
LK = light kissing
MBR = multiple bell ringing
MILF = mom I'd like to f-ck
Mish = missionary position
Missionary = man on top
MSOG = mulitple shots on goal
OWO = oral without condom
PIV = penis in vagina
PL = Pathetic Loser
PS = Private Show (Dance)
PSE = Porn Star Experience
PV = private viewing (Dance)
RMP = Russian Massage Parlor
ROB = Rip Off *****
Reverse cowgirl = girl on top facing away
Reverse massage = you massage her
Russian = Pearl Necklace = titty fuck
SO = significant other
SOG = shots on goal
SP = Service Provider
Troll = rude and hideous PL
Trolling = Posting thinly disguised ads in a discussion forum
TOFTT = Take one for the team. In reference to a new, non-reviewed provider.
WTF = What the fuck?
XOXO = Kisses & Hugs
YMMV = Your mileage may vary. Your service level could be different than reported by others. Applies to everyone, some more so than others.
1/2 and 1/2 = half and half = oral sex + full service
411 = seeking information
420 = 4:20 = marijuana

$ = $100
$$ = $200
$$$ = $300
$$$.5 = $350 (get it?)

incall = You go to her place, or a place she designates.
outcall = She comes to your place, home, hotel room.

EDITOR'S SUGGESTION: There is a link labeled "Terms and Abbreviations" in the black menu bar at the top of this page. This will take you to the WSG Glossary where you will find a chart with most of the Terms & Abbreviations used in the Forum. If you don't see the black menu bar, then you're probably not accessing the Forum through it's front page at www.wsgforum.com. Thanks!

10-14-04, 23:38

Excellent information, Thanks!

Funny, what you call "too skinny", I call "perfect".

Different strokes.... :)

Paul VJK
10-15-04, 00:58
Starfe: Great Report about Area VIP


Two Questions: What was the general price range for the Area VIP girls?

Do the girls mostly approximate what they look like in their pictures? I've been burned before.

10-15-04, 02:03
Hi Starfe - quick question - does Melani really look that good in real life? Those are her actual photos?

many thanks


10-15-04, 09:27
To be honest , she looks better then her photos. The ones she had posted 7 months ago were not as good as todays. I had a very difficult time reaching her in July. I must have called over 30 times in a week. Her phone was full or I could not leave a message. Hope you have better luck


10-15-04, 09:35
Paul VJK,

I have a standard price I pay for 1 and 1/2 to 2 hours. $100 u.s.
and I have an incentive plan I use also : show up on time and you get an extra $20 u.s. .I hate it when they run late since I book the girls at 3 hour intervals if possible. 1 late girl can kill my day. I have had situations where 1 girl was leaving my room as another was entering. Not good.

I never book the girls, I have the front desk call them and make the appt. They keep a sheet on me so i know when the appt's are during the day. It gets confusing but they always keep me focused as to where I have to be and when. You might say i am a lot like President Bush that way. I always need my hand held . There have been some days where I had 4 appts. That was overkill.

As for the pics, they are always nicer then the girls. Most of the time. Body wise they hold pretty true to form. If you loose anywhere its in the face. I can live with that.

Take a look at my face and you will notice that I always look better in a photo.

10-15-04, 14:33
I had a very pleasant dinner with Doc Bill, Bambino and Jackson last night in Recoleta. I showed them one of the apartments I bought and will rent out. Afterwards we went to Madahos and the place was packed. I just planned on chatting with this blondie that I spotted the other night. We chatted a while before I bought her a drink. I've found that many girls will chat with you before buying them a drink to see if you have some chemistry. No problems at all. I'm very weak so I ended up sitting down and chatting with her a while and I did end up pulling her out. As for the questions to a minimum price of 300 pesos at Madahos...you can forget it if your Spanish is good. She gave me a toda la noche (all nighter) price of $150 US or a few hours for 200 pesos. I'm not sure if that is the rate that she charges everyone or just gave me a good price because we were hitting it off.

I didn't even try negotiating with her for the 200 peso price. I had a GREAT time with her and she was super GFE and just a great girl. I plan on seeing her this weekend off the clock to go out to lunch or go to a movie.

Anyway, a special thanks again to Doc Bill and Bambino for treating Jackson and I with the dinner. You guys are class acts.


P.S. I've been working darn hard on my apartment website and I'm proud to say that it's almost done. You can see it at www.apartmentsba.com Both of my apartments will be available to rent very soon and I already have about 15+ apartments on my site. I've also added several properties for sale and anticipate growing this business tremendously in the next few years. PM me and let me know what you think. Thanks fellas.

10-15-04, 16:09
If your attorney kindly lends you 50 pesos so you can have a few more beers and not hit an ATM, that is what you should do: have a few more beers and not hit an ATM. What you should not do is hit an ATM anyway and then pull two women out of Catto's and then drink almost an entire bottle of whiskey with them and then take Viagra and then fuck them both until the sun comes up.

10-15-04, 16:43
Melani of Area-VIP;

Regarding Melani, I had written about her as Mariana a couple yrs ago. As said, she is a real goer and knows how to do her job. I have seen her, talked to her, bought her a drink here and there, but not been with her since then. She has been at Black, Madaho and a few months ago at Newport. In truth, she has definately firmed up over these last 2 years and looks better now. Fine memories. It's amazing that thru this rather tough life, she can look better. I do not know for sure, but I would suppose she was not too long at the job a couple yrs ago and now her price has gone up, time has been shortened, along with her increase in popularity by word of mouth, etc.

L Duke
10-15-04, 19:28
Melani of Area-VIP is also Bibiana of Playtnum and Escortbaires.

I saw her last March. I'm in total agreement with Starfe assessment. She is one of the highligts from my trip. Truely beautiful with a "killer" bod and a winning personality.

I posted a picture of her back in August in the Photo section. Judge for yourself if you think she looks as good as the pictures on the websites.

I booked her through Roxanna. Cost was 150 peso.

10-16-04, 05:12
And then if you are in Catto's and a chica quotes you 200 pesos, do not say, "I might pay 200 pesos for you and your friend" because they will accept that offer and you end up with two mediocre chicas. One was Michaela but not the Michaela I fucked before, and the other one was a Méxicana from Veracruz but in the finest Mickey Mouse tradition I don't remember WTF her name was and in fact had already forgotten it before we got to my place. Both were hard workers but I sort of didn't give a shit about either of them and I should have left with Susana. Anyway this two at a time has got to stop. Last night was fun but tonight was subpar so maybe fucking two chicas two nights in a row is pushing it at my age.

Live and learn.

10-16-04, 15:25
Before I get outta here I just wanted to let all you guys know that a virgin trip, or any other for that matter, without hooking up with Jackson, and, or Saint, is a missed opportunity.

These guys are a "hoot". And I think the two of them together was what made it optimal. They walk around like the "mayors" of the city. Chicas saying hello as they walk along. It´s like a freakin´movie.

These guys are blazing a brave trail, and truely living life.

Thanks to you both, and hope to see ya´ll in April, when I return.

Mr Jetsetter
10-16-04, 18:38

As a follow-up to Doc Bill's post, I am wondering if anybody has actually seen Agustina of Platynum? She looks absolutely fabulous!

10-16-04, 19:14
Just got back home after 8 blissful days in BA. What started off to be a disappointment in quality, I learned that you have to adapt to the beautiful not only physical but also the inner beauty.

After complaining and some of you guys ready to bash me, my buddy and I discovered what the real BA is. Its the attitude and quality of service that the girls gave to us. Even the worst sessions were better than most of my TJ experiences.

My first session from a blond from Madahos with no dfk at $250ar was fair but she was a sweety and it was pretty much a sympathy session.

Next night went to Solid Gold and picked a cute blond skinny, came back to my hotel for $250ar. Gfe, everything good service.

I love the small clubs Catto, Verde, Hook, Cutty, etc...prices are cheaper, quality of girls are pretty good and good variety. took out a couple of girls from Hook....Andrea tall Argentina sits near bar against wall. Called her over quoted $150ar. WoW! bought the required 1 drink and head off to room.

Paid $33ar for room and hell this room was fancier than my room at Etoile. Great service and attitude. When had hard time to nut she yanks off the condom and bbbjtcim. What a treat.

About my 4 day went to Shampoo and was surprised the niceness of this club. Got treated real well by bartender Gabby who got rid of girls that bugged my buddy and I and stopped the girls from ordering the $60ar drink and made them order the $30ar drink. We tipped her $10ar and she gave me 2 oj for free!!.

Found my girlfriend for the week here. First took her out for $300 ar and ended up staying with me for the rest of the week without asking for a penny. I sent her to work at night to get free time while I went out with my buds to chase more girls.

Oh by the way, the Etoile Hotel makes it very uncomforatble bringing girls back late at night. Got in arguement with night clerk about my gf bringing her friend up to the room to watch tv. They said that 2 girls are not allowed in the room at one time.

Avoid this hotel Etoile it is not chica friendly. The girls had to check in at desk and made the girls and I very uncomfortable. After seeing my gf going in and out all day and night with me, the night guys checked her id with a fine tooth comb which pissed me off to no end.

Anyways, thats my story, I'm in love with this city and plan to go back and hopefully for a longterm stay.

Thanks all you guys for all the help and suggestions.

10-16-04, 19:24
It was great meeting you MRLA. I've always said the Etoile is in a great location but simply would never stay there again. The decor of the rooms suck and the beds are uncomfortable and they have never officially allowed two girls to come up to the room at the same time. More and more hotels are trying to implement this policy too.

That's one of the reasons I think apartments are the better option which has nothing to do with the fact that I rent out apartments. I've always thought a chica feels more at home in an apartment vs. a hotel. You can do whatever you want in the privacy of your own apartment.

Hope to see you again soon.


El Ricardo
10-16-04, 21:16
Great report MRLA! I'm glad you discovered those additional gems that are available in this wonderful city. Those clubs are great for meeting these ladies and getting to know them a little. There are so many to fall in love with! Also, I think we (meaning me of course) fixate on these internet photos on chicas that we just have to have when we're in the planning phase of the trip, and from there try and force it to fit our fantasies when we're finally there. You just never can tell!
Glad to hear you're planning on returning!

10-17-04, 11:37
I highly recommend guys rent a phone once you are there and don't be a cheap fuck like my buddy. I missed tons of opportunities cuz I didn't have a phone and the hotel sucks in getting messages to you.

I missed my ride to airport with Ana cuz the receptionist rang the wrong room and she left.

Screw the Etoile Hotel!

10-19-04, 03:31
Hi all. I don't normally go out during the week but a good friend of one of my best friends was in town. His first time in BA, so I showed him around. This guy is a Rio veteran so I think the scene disappointed him here as the sex scene is head and shoulders above BA. It didn't help that Madahos and Black suck on Monday nights. I don't usually even bother going out on Mondays here. Plus too busy working now.

Anyway, we went to Madahos and it was dead. We stayed and had a drink and I chatted with my amigo (the waiter, Bobby). He is a really good guy. He told me that several guys are using his name to get in without a cover and he was still ok with it. Just tell him you're a friend of "Santo". He's a real good guy. If he isn't there you can ask for Gabriel who will also let you avoid the cover. Usually I order at least one drink but I have left a few times when it was completely bad. Just make sure if you do decide to stay to actually use one of the two. Either one or the other is always working. On the off night that they aren't, you can ask for Tommy who is also a friendly guy.

We left and went to Black. The quality was also bad. I didn't see any girls that I haven't already seen that I would have pulled out. My new friend was disappointed but I pointed out that during the week it is better. He noticed the same thing in Rio at the high end clubs. They've gone down hill. Many girls left to go work in Mexico and especially Europe.

Still, I recommended a sexy girl I saw before from Paraguay. I told her before she sat down that he was only going to pay $100 US which she quickly agreed. That is pretty much the local price here. I won't pay more than that here and so far I've never had a problem with a girl taking it for a short term session. You can often find out the price they will leave before you waste money on a drink. Why buy a 50-80 peso drink if there is no way she will leave for your maximum?

What you pay here doesn't affect anything in the "monger world" as Black is another world, as I mentioned a hundred times before. Make a mental picture. A rich Argentinean older dude was sitting next to us and was tipping the dancer with 100 peso notes. He gave her 200 pesos just while she was dancing. These are the kind of people that came into this place.

I introduced my new friend to the girl I knew. Then this Brasilera come up to us and she was pissed at me. A few weeks ago i gave another girl my business card to give to her to call me. She did indeed call me but I told her that I'm too busy now. I've gone into Black and pulled out a girl since then so she told me that I'm difficult and mysterious. Oops. Anyway, I told her another day. I'm a poor Porteno now. My new friend was making out with his new novia and she is very energetic and affectionate. The cool thing is that she ordered the cheapest drink instead of the most expensive which is always a good sign. I left them around 2:15 AM as they were leaving. Have to wake up in a few hours for meetings.

Avoid the clubs on Mondays if you can. They are really bad.



10-19-04, 11:49
You never have to have a bad day or night in Buenos Aires if you know how to work the escort market. Those are usually my best days. There is a reason these girl post there pics on Area-Vip.

I still think Buenos Aires is much better for class and quality over Rio any day of the week. Sao Paulo is better then Rio in my book.


10-20-04, 00:46
Guys: Does anyone have reports on Barbarella on the Platynum site? I have seen her under several names and she looks hot, but don't know if someone can recommend or not. Pls advise.

I have read several reports on Barbarella, some good some bad.

There's a Argentinan forum were she several reports.

if you can read spanish I recomened

its very detalied.


10-20-04, 10:06
Hi Starfe,

Yes, the internet scene can be quite good. I don't see internet girls anymore and haven't for a while. There are still plenty of them. I went to the club last night with your amigo again last night. Madahos and Black sucked again. The quality during the week surprised me. Quite bad. I normally only hit those clubs on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Honestly, there weren't that many hot girls in either club. They let their standards go down. Many ugly, fat, out of shape girls.

Anyway, we can agree to disagree about Rio vs. BA. Just talking about sex, I think Rio blows BA out of the water. Still, I'd never live there. I love the termas. No hassles, idiot-proof, hot girls, great sex.

10-20-04, 12:47
I had a pretty scary conversation with my favorita night before last. She was describing two incidents that happened last weekend. Friday night one of her friends and two of the older sharks went to a hotel with three gringos. Her friend was the last to leave and took a jacket that she thought belonged to one of the other two girls, and turned it in to the cashier at Exedra since the other two girls never came back. Turns out the other two had stolen $1000 US, which is why they left first and did not come back. And, the jacket did not belong to one of the girls but to one of the gringos. Sunday the police and the gringos showed up. The girl denied taking the money but admitted taking the jacket and explained why she took it. Ended up she had to pay the $1000 to the gringos to avoid arrest. I asked my favorita where an Exedra girl would get $1000 US and she said "you'd be surprised." Bad, bad Exedra girls. Stupid, stupid gringos!

Saturday she was sitting with the two sharks and some drunk guy (she doesn't know yet that they did the thing on Friday). One of the girls picks the guy's pocket, takes $500 US out of his wallet, and puts the wallet back empty. She offers the favorita $100 of it but favorita gets up and leaves instead. Anyway when the check, 150 pesos, comes, drunk guy has no money to pay it. Sharks tell waiter that the three chicas will split the check. Favorita refuses to pay her "share" and tells sharks if they don't pay the 150 with no help from her, that she will snitch them off. They threaten to beat her up but she holds her ground and the sharks pay the check.

This, of course, is just a hooker tale but I believed it when I heard it. I don't go into Exedra much but one of the chicks I recognize by the description of thin blond named V-something (Valeria?) and the other chica favorita says uses a different name every day and I did not recognize her from the description.

So be careful in there.

10-20-04, 13:35
Exon Reporting:

Jackson this new format Suck's.

With all due respect


10-20-04, 14:06
This is the chica I threw out of my apartment before anything happened, due to demanding money up front and general bad attitude. I've been telling guys to avoid her. I ran into her on the street a few days ago and she apologized. She said she was drunk that night, which I had suspected, and reiterated that she had been burned a few times (always by local guys). She said that she had asked around about me and that I was "caballero" and "simpático" (I thought she knew that before she agreed to go with me; I'd had her on preheat for quite a while) so that if I ever wanted to go with her again, there would be no mention of MIF.

She also said that one night shortly after it happened, I came in and she was bad mouthing me and some other chica threw a drink on her. She wouldn't say who it was. I bet it was Rosie. Anyway, I won't do her again but I accepted her apology and I will be neutral towards her from now on. Another friend of mine did her and said she was so-so. She speaks quite a bit of English which may appeal to some of you but she also smokes like a freight train which detracts substantially from her appeal, to my point of view. She has a nice body.

Jaimito Cartero
10-20-04, 14:06
Well I guess there's one more reason why I won't drink while mongering! Also, I never go out on the town with more money than I would mind losing. I mean, really to go to a hooker bar and carry $1000? I bet that even our hard drinking Dickhead carrys no more than 200 pesos on him!

10-20-04, 14:23
300 is my max. 200 isn't enough to cover my bar tab and a chica or two. But it will be spread out among different locations on my person and I never carry a wallet. I have yet to be robbed of one thin dime in 32 years of mongering.

Favorita also told of being with a drunk Greek ship's officer who was in port. He passed out in the cab at the dock and since he had paid her in dollars, she had no pesos to pay the cab, just a US $100 (this brought up the subject of how it would be nice if I could pay her $100 US so I fed her some arroz con pollo instead). Plus she did not know where to take him (which ship was his). So she went through his pockets to try to find a phone number and an address and she said he had $4000 US on him! She claims she did not take any. She did find a phone number for one of his buddies and was eventually able to get him back to his ship.

Wandering around a big city drunk with $4000 in your pocket????

10-21-04, 10:59
Speaking of bad experiences you probably should avoid Abril of Area-Vip.com. Yesterday, that friend of a friend that I went out with the other night gave up on the club scene. He was having really bad luck. I'm not sure what it was but the girls he were pulling out were not doing it for him. He decided to give the internet girls a try. He gave me two numbers. I called two girls from Area VIP in the afternoon for a night appointment.

Abril sounded sweet on the phone but she wouldn't do a shorter 1 hour session like he wanted. The lowest she would go was 400 pesos for 2 hours. I think that is too much but this guy was leaving town the next day so he went for it. I told him if she isn't the same girl on the page to just give her taxi fare and NOT to see her.

I was at an asado (BBQ) last night at a friend's house when he called me. HORRIBLE news. He claimed that the girl either wasn't Abril or her pictures were very outdated. In his own words, "Unbelievable Saint! The girl that showed up was probably 40 years old and looked like a football player". To make it worse, she wouldn't leave I guess. He was staying at an upscale hotel so I guess he didn't want a scene but personally I would have thrown her out with taxi fare. He said she wouldn't leave and demanded 100 pesos to leave for wasting her time. This guy is a real nice guy but somewhat new to the hobby scene. Ultimately he paid her to avoid a scene.

I've had really good experiences with internet girls in the past but for me nothing beats going into a club/apartment and seeing the girl's smile, her body, personality and seeing if you have a little chemistry before just opening the door and seeing her.

Life is going great. Staying extremely busy but enjoying this great city.

10-21-04, 14:24
Nuevo Estilo was awesome last night. The shows were just wild. A high level of audience participation, lots of props and liquids, plenty of uniforms. Lots of hot chicas. I did not take one as there is a 48 hour recovery period from the Peruvian but my yerno malo took a hot "blond" Paraguayan I hadn't seen before. He selected her and I sent her over and they negotiated. I don't like to translate negotiations so I tossed him a pen and left. When I came back he said she wouldn't come down from 200 so he was going to offer her 150 for 45 minutes. Well, we can't have that so I went into my act titled witty and urbane but still humble and down-to-earth and she took 150 for an hour. They were gone almost two hours. He said she was great. There's a new waitress there I must have soon and also ex-blond cheerleader Melina (Melena?) is no longer blond with pig tails but a brunette with corn rows. She has very long legs that go right on up and make an ass of themselves. The pizza was pretty good, too.

On the way over from the microcenter the cabbie saw us peering into Exedra and he said he knew a better place. "Have you ever heard of Madaho's?" he queried. I said that place was for chetos and we knew a better place HE had never heard of and he just was pushing Madaho's because they give him a commission. He laughed and admitted this was true: 30 pesos. No wonder drinks are so fucking expensive there!

10-21-04, 16:05
This (http://www.wsgforum.com/vforum/attachment.php?attachmentid=11766), BTW, is the chica Dickhead is talking about a few posts below. She speaks quite a bit of English, as Dickhead said. She provided O.K. service for me; but as I remeber she did make a half-hearted attempt to get paid first and/or more. The attempt was benign, nevertheless, and in the fine tradition of WSG she was paid at the end and appropriately.

10-21-04, 19:37
I've been here for 2 days but this is the first time I've been able to post. I would like to get together with anyone whose in town tonight (Thursday).
If anyone is interested, let's meet in front of the Etoile hotel at 10:00pm. Or you can contact me at the Art Suites hotel 4821-6800 9B. Dickhead, I would especially be interested in throwing back a few with you. I'm trying to extend my trip here in BA to another day, but will probably have to leave tomorrow morning.



10-21-04, 19:51
I think she's a new girl on the site. Very young cute looking girl with f-d up teeth. However, her body is phenomenal. She has very light soft skin with a natural D-size rack, and a nice round butt. Her BBJ was good but not great. If your into DATY then you'll like this girl. Her pussy is beautiful!!!! Not a seasoned pro. She didn't know what I was doing when I stuck my pepee in between her large melons. She knows now and does like it. All in all, I enjoyed the session with her because of her fantastic body and a willing attitude. 150p plus 5 for taxi (she lives in Barrio Norte.)
Big dudes will have a problem with her. She was extremely tight even for a normal guy like me.

BRISA=Santa Fe 1707 p3
Guys who like big butts will be amazed by this girl. I've never seen a butt so round and large on a petite girl in my life. I saw her the night before but I'd already sessioned 3 times that day. I let the Argentine dude I was with get together with her. I arranged for her to come to my apartment when she arrived to work. She works after 11:30pm since she takes college classes in the evening. She really does look like Alanis Morrisette. She's 34 years old. Along with her incredible ass are some nice large fakies. She wasn’t all that beautiful DATY. Nevertheless, I did partake for un poco besos. Her CBJ technique was very good. I liked her technique in the squat position. Nice Rhythm!The session was very good and I had a difficult time lasting from position to position. I finished with a nice release all over that huge butt! 100pesos plus I gave her a nice tip.
Her attitude was very good in bed. However, when talking with her, I come to realize she thinks she’s unattractive. In general, she has negative attitude on life. It’s too bad but I do see this often with some of the pro’s. She did leave happy when I gave her the tip.

More to follow. I will post photos of the girls in about a week. I need to download the video I took to my computer then extract some photos for you guys.



10-21-04, 19:59
I think she's a new girl on the site. Very young cute looking girl with f-d up teeth. However, her body is phenomenal. She has very light soft skin with a natural D-size rack, and a nice round butt. Her BBJ was good but not great. If your into DATY then you'll like this girl. Her pussy is beautiful!!!! Not a seasoned pro. She didn't know what I was doing when I stuck my pepee in between her large melons. She knows now and does like it. All in all, I enjoyed the session with her because of her fantastic body and a willing attitude. 150p plus 5 for taxi (she lives in Barrio Norte.)
Big dudes will have a problem with her. She was extremely tight even for a normal guy like me.

BRISA=Santa Fe 1707 p3
Guys who like big butts will be amazed by this girl. I've never seen a butt so round and large on a petite girl in my life. I saw her the night before but I'd already sessioned 3 times that day. I let the Argentine dude I was with get together with her. I arranged for her to come to my apartment when she arrived to work. She works after 11:30pm since she takes college classes in the evening. She really does look like Alanis Morrisette. She's 34 years old. Along with her incredible ass are some nice large fakies. She wasn’t all that beautiful DATY. Nevertheless, I did partake for un poco besos. Her CBJ technique was very good. I liked her technique in the squat position. Nice Rhythm!The session was very good and I had a difficult time lasting from position to position. I finished with a nice release all over that huge butt! 100pesos plus I gave her a nice tip.
Her attitude was very good in bed. However, when talking with her, I come to realize she thinks she’s unattractive. In general, she has negative attitude on life. It’s too bad but I do see this often with some of the pro’s. She did leave happy when I gave her the tip.

More to follow. I will post photos of the girls in about a week. I need to download the video I took to my computer then extract some photos for you guys.



10-21-04, 20:18
I had a little bit of personal experience with Escorts there last week. Overall I was 2 for5.

Also, I'm new to this, so tell me if I need to decrease the pixels? Is it appropriate to post photos here if there is some relevant text?

I can't seem to attach more than one photo at a time, so here is "Constanza" in the ad ( Instintosweb). I spoke to her twice during the day. I was perfectly clear that if she was not the chica in the ad, I simply would not let her in. She assured me.

It simply was not her. But the gal that came had many of the same features. Bhe was not as attractive. She was super bubbly and sweet. It was among of the best uncovered oral times I have had. And she was in no hurry at all.

I was dissapointed because I had I.D.'d the gal in the ad days earlier, so I had some expectations. She had other outstanding qualities also.

I think this is a common practice. Sort of a bait and switch, but you may still get lucky.

10-21-04, 21:05
And this is the "Constanza" that showed up.

10-21-04, 22:11
And check out "Jarumi", from Platynum.

In my opinion I scored with this one. But they are still simply sending someone with similar characteristics.

As always, it seems, whenever you find a winner, get the private number.

She was great. I would have repeated if I had more time.,

10-22-04, 09:46
Hi, Guys:

Because of the changes that Jackson is doing with the forum and the software, I am still having problems to receive and send emails from my normal email address as it is located in the same server. It will need some more days until everything is right again so meanwhile please, send me your emails to ROXANAWSG@HOTMAIL.COM

I couldn't receive any email since last Sunday, so please, send them again to this subsidiary address, and as usual I will answer them and help you with your trip to Argentina.

Kisses, Roxana.

10-22-04, 14:41
At Nuevo Estilo last night the show wasn't nearly as good. But I talked to Antonella (she does spell it with 2 l's) and she said that she was really sick for a while and that was when she gained about 12kg because she couldn't exercise. She said she had lost 8 of the 12 through a salad and water diet so I fucked her. She looked pretty good but her tits were sort of flabby. Anyway hopefully she will be back to normal soon. I told her one of the other chicas said she was married and she said, "It was probably that (WSG prohibited term) Pamela," which it was. She said she and Pamela were "divorciada."

Then we went to Salomé which was out of control, with like seventy chicas and maybe ten guys. Mostly I felt up anyone within reach. My yerno pulled two chicas out of there so I hope they did not rob him. There were more older chicas in there than on previous visits but still plenty of young ones. A few fuglies too. 10 pesos for your drinks and 20 for theirs. Quilmes though.

10-22-04, 16:02
"Big dudes will have a problem with her. She was extremely tight even for a normal guy like me."

Sign me up, I am hung like a hamster!

"BRISA=Santa Fe 1707 p3
Guys who like big butts will be amazed by this girl."

When I wanna see a big butt, I look in the mirror!

10-22-04, 16:03
PAOLA=Santa Fe 1707
Day crew. All 5 girls they introduced to me were doable. Paola is 30 years with long straight black hair and a tanned body. There is another Paola but she has much lighter skin. Paola has a nice semi-large butt with a small rack. Overall, she’s in great shape. Very nice cheerful personality. Her performance in the sack was good although a CBJ. She got the job done with relative ease and under the alotted time requirements. The price was 60 pesos for half an hour. Very good price to quality ratio.
I originally chose a different girl. A can’t remember her name. She was tall morena with tanned skin and in excellent shape. However, halfway into the session she had some “monthly issues”. Sent in Paola, my number 2 choice, who got the save!

Went to this place on the advice of a local Porteno. He told me it was cheap and all the girls are trained to perform the same. I got there really late at night so there were only two chicas. Both were cute and had good bodies. The first one looked like she had just woken up. The second was more “awake” so I chose her. I have to say I was pleasantly suprised with her performance. She gave a very enthusiastic CBJ. She got on top for a ride, and again, she moved like a little rabbit. If I wasn’t in 6 deep with Brahma and on my 3rd session of the day I would have easily popped with her. Later we started talking and she was really a sweet sweet girl.

The madame is really cool as well as fairly hot herself.
Price was 40 pesos for half an hour and 60 for the hour. The girls are available for takeout. If you want to take a girl back to your hotel. I would recommend going to the apartment first to insure quality. I went back there the next night and both girls were occupied. The madame called over another girl but she was not close to the same quality as the other 2.
Don’t know what the quality is during the day.

