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07-14-08, 20:31

07-14-08, 22:09
Geo Eye, Dickhead, Exon123, DR & Sportsman, thanks for the comments. Flaca was probably not the right word. Selma definitely has some curves. But standing at least 6' she looks proportionly thin compared to many other women that tall. I was most impressed by the fact that the tummy was flat and there weren't those typical little rolls around the waist. Geo, I am not into the feet thing so that wasn't an issue for me. 100 Pesos? I haven't seen anything here for a hundred pesos; I must be going to all the wrong places.


07-14-08, 22:32
Yoosin, thanks for the informative posts and the photos.

Daddy Rulz
07-15-08, 04:03
I didn't mean she wasn't attractive, not that what Yoosin finds attractive or unattractive is any of my business. As much as it pains me to say it Hunt is spot on when he says, "The dick you must please is your own."

I also thank you for the posts.

Yes I do miss that redhead, first chica I ever saw go from reverse cowgirl to cowgirl anal without unplugging.

07-15-08, 12:57
Entiendo DaddyRulz, gracias.

Went by Newport last night at about 12:30 and the place was packed with guys. I took a seat and had a beer to see if it would thin out. From 12:30 to 1:30 it just got worse. There where several tables with 3-4 gus and 1-2 girls. The only girls standing around where the ones that you wouldn't expect anybodyd to call. 1:30 off to Microcenter.


Wild Walleye
07-16-08, 04:11
The kind gents took this rookie under wing for a quick tour of Newport. While I greatly enjoyed getting to know the two of them, that thrill paled in comparison to the 2-hour get-to-know-you session with Cecile. Black hair, medium build, 5'5", deep red lipstick, and great bod.

Agreed on una hora for AR$300. Took a little while to free the leche from its confines. She took it as a challenge to make sure that the job was done before departing. Never mentioned the significant overtime.

Threw in a nice tip. Will see her before she arrives at NP, tomorrow.

Thanks guys,


07-16-08, 11:57
Wild Walleye saw his chica said high and next thing I know was gone. AMEN to knowing when to pull the trigger and go.

I found Newport again the testosterone fest. We hung for awhile and saw nothing new to jump on. We decided to go check out some ee candy and headed of to Madahos.


07-16-08, 19:14
I was at Newport last night. There was one slim chica in a tan pants suit who grabbed my eye with a red and white top, anyone see her / know her? Many BA homeboys there too with sweaters tied around thier necks.

Dodger Bulldog
07-16-08, 20:48
I was at Newport last night. There was one slim chica in a tan pants suit who grabbed my eye with a red and white top, anyone see her / know her? Many BA homeboys there too with sweaters tied around thier necks.Are you talking about the one who was about 40ish with hair just down to her shoulders, and who looked just like a soccer mom from back home?

She was hanging with a dyed blonde who was a good ten years past her sell-by date.

I thought Soccer Mom was the only totally unique provider in the place.

I do believe she hooked up with a local.


07-16-08, 21:35
Are you talking about the one who was about 40ish with hair just down to her shoulders, and who looked just like a soccer mom from back home?

She was hanging with a dyed blonde who was a good ten years past her sell-by date.

I thought Soccer Mom was the only totally unique provider in the place.

I do believe she hooked up with a local.

DBThat might very well be Christin, very good fucking, one of my favorites.


07-17-08, 09:19
That's the one. I might have to look her up.


07-17-08, 09:33
Many BA homeboys there too with sweaters tied around thier necks

The "Thurston Howell" look?

Best Regards.


07-17-08, 14:25
Hard to leave with so many chicas to do! We headed over to Newport last night for the last shot.

I was interested in cute little blonde Carolina but she didn't seem much interested in me as there where some young BA boys flirting with her. She finally took off with one of them.

Not to be thwarted tonight I'm moving right along. My buddy is playing signing games with a chica and she comes right over. Chit chatting and she seems like a lot of fun and very energetic. My buddy is not really interested in her so I pickup where he left off. Paraguayan Irma is chatty to a fault but fun. We take off.

Sessioning with Irma is a whole new experience. She doesn't stop moving or talking for a second. During the act she flowing with 'me encanta', 'si si', 'Yes ahi', 'mas profundo', 'rapido', etc. Overall a great session frolicking for approimately 2 hours. Ella acabo dos veces durate la session.

She left around 7AM stating that she wanted to get going before it was light because people in the street will chastize due to her clothes.


Gato Hunter
07-17-08, 14:49
Is this the same girl?


Looks like it, I think I remember her from a few years back. The business has not been kind to her.

07-17-08, 20:46
Hard to leave with so many chicas to do! We headed over to Newport last night for the last shot.

I was interested in cute little blonde Carolina but she didn't seem much interested in me as there where some young BA boys flirting with her. She finally took off with one of them.

Not to be thwarted tonight I'm moving right along. My buddy is playing signing games with a chica and she comes right over. Chit chatting and she seems like a lot of fun and very energetic. My buddy is not really interested in her so I pickup where he left off. Paraguayan Irma is chatty to a fault but fun. We take off.

Sessioning with Irma is a whole new experience. She doesn't stop moving or talking for a second. During the act she flowing with 'me encanta', 'si si', 'Yes ahi', 'mas profundo', 'rapido', etc. Overall a great session frolicking for approimately 2 hours. Ella acabo dos veces durate la session.

She left around 7AM stating that she wanted to get going before it was light because people in the street will chastize due to her clothes.

YoosinVery nice Chica Yoosin, congrats.


07-18-08, 18:23
Gato Hunter,

Her face looks sort of similar but the body does not really match unless she has lost weight in the last few years. Irma could also be classified as an energizer bunny. Could be, pero no seguro!

Yoosin - from home damit!

07-18-08, 18:40
Nice girl. She was there last night looking good and I almost took her but settled on another named Christina (not the same one mentioned below) She ended up staying 6 hrs for the salida. Met some guys for dinner before this, sorry we missed each other.

07-18-08, 18:53

Sorry to have missed you as well, maybe next time.

Irma is quite good in la cama, we went at it for almost 2 hours and she never complained or gave up. In fact she just kept coming and was soaking wet. My take is that she genuinely enjoys sex. She may be missing for a few days as she said she was close to starting her period which might also help explain why she was so hot. I never discussed funds but handed her 300+20 for taxi when leaving and she seemed very happy.


Full Throttle
07-19-08, 01:08
Prior to this night, I had only taken a girl from Newport once-- more than 6 years ago in the dollar versus peso hey day. Though the experience was profoundly wonderful, I have shied away based on the prevailing opinion that the probability of choosing a criminal or drug addict is high due to its wild, wild, west format.

Well, I'm now 2-for-2. Planning on enjoying the live band featuring sexy, monotone singers, I ended up speaking with a very pretty, tall and slim blond girl. It turned out she was from Southern Brasil, spoke good English, and was as sweet in the hotel as she was in the bar.

I was surprised that she was older than she appeared. To her credit, she could have held on to being age 30, but readily admitted that she was north of 40. It would seem that her non-smoking life has preserved her quite well.

After leaving Newport, we went to a couple other bars with my wingman. Finally, we went to Cocodrillo, but I wasn't interested in paying another 50P cover charge, so we gave up (for my wingman) and went to the hotel.

There was no problem with BBBJ and DFK. She requested pictures in various poses. She offered to stay all night, but seemed happy to leave around 6:30. I know the price I paid here was sub par. In fact, an extremely obnoxious Aussie guy in Newport who claimed to live in BsAs told me I was full of $%^&. He claimed I "wouldn't get to sniff a cat's ass" for 200P, let alone take a girl out. So, I introduced them as we left. He seemed quite impressed with my choice, but maintained that I was going to pay $200 US, not pesos. So, with all due respect to my classy new friend from Down Under, that is what I paid. I was generous with cab fare, however.


07-19-08, 02:44
Full Throttle,

Since I was paying 300AR with no hassle it is my opinion entirly possible to score for 200AR. It is evident thou that inflation is applying the pressure since we where typically asked for 600 to start. If I want to pay 600 without the negotiations I would just head over to Madahos and pick out one of those 8-9-10 chicas.


Dodger Bulldog
07-19-08, 05:25
I apologize for falling behind on my reports. Why is it so easy to "lose the time" when one is in Buenos Aires?

I had been chatting up this chica at Newport for several nights, and on the way over I told my wingman that if she was there, it was finally time to do her that night.

I think you can see why from the photos. Her body comes across quite well, even though she does not have a very photogenic face. I believe she is much prettier in person.

She takes care of her body, presents herself well, takes the time to curl her hair and do her makeup right, and certainly knows how to dress for success.

Naty has a game plan: two men per night, six nights a week, at top price. Put the money away for the next year and a half. By then she expects to have a car and a house in her hometown paid off, with a hair salon/beauty parlor of her own, and plenty of working capitol in the bank.

Thanks to the help of the therapist she sees twice a week, I believe she is centered and focused and will accomplish her goal. She plans her work and works her plan.

Compared to the way most chicas live, I think that is pretty admirable.

While she is definitely a mercenary, that does not mean that she is not a pleasant person. Nor that she gives bad service.

Naty was even nice enough to text me some sweet nothings a few times after she left my place.

I'll grant you that she is not the greatest lay I've ever had. In fact, she doesn't even rate in the top three of this past week.

But based on the eye candy alone, Naty is the only one who managed to get me off twice in less than an hour.

I think the fact that she was even willing to give me two pops speaks pretty well of her character, wouldn't you agree?

Nor did she rush off after 60 minutes. Rather, she hung around to share a a couple drinks and chat for another hour.

And yes, just as you suspected, I paid above the standard rate. Over the past several nights I noted that this chica was consistently being pulled out of the place after only about fifteen minutes or so.

And I could tell from the Gucci cell phone she carries that chica knows how to turn a dollar.

She is very high maintenance, of course. At the club she had to order a glass of fucking champaign!

Despite all these caveats, Naty does not seem to suffer the "down time" that most of the chicas have to accept as a way of life.

I knew that if I was going to do Naty I would have to bite the bullet on this one.

But please do not blame me for ruining the prices for you local guys. First, I did negotiate a significant amount off the sticker price.

Next, I know that none of you value mongers would ever develop an interest in getting anywhere near her, right? So no harm, no foul.

Am I glad I did her? Yes, definitely.

Naty's a nice person and is smoking hot. Her body was etched upon my mind all week, and I had to get her out of my craw so that I could move on and focus on enjoying the rest of the chicas in town.

Would I repeat with her again? Oh hell no.

At least not at these prices.


07-19-08, 06:03

No offense intended, but why did you even spend ten minutes with this chica? She has a nice butt, but there are literally hundreds of thousands of nice butts in Buenos Aires.

Over priced and high maintenance are two concepts that mongers should never have to deal with in Argentina. Read the forums and learn the lessons from other mongers victories and losses.

You should be having the time of your life here!


Dodger Bulldog
07-19-08, 06:58
I have shied away based on the prevailing opinion that the probability of choosing a criminal or drug addict is high due to its wild, wild, west format.I am surprised how many mongers share this same view. I'm glad you got past your hesitancy and had a good time, FT.

The odds of the "worst" happening (drugged, robbed, ass-raped) are really pretty remote. And as many recent reports attest, a lot of mongers have been having a hell of a good time with the chicas from Newport.

Having just said all that, I have to report a negative experience. It pissed me off.

Yoosin was with his Irma, and RobBarone found his date for the night. I was satisfied to make small talk with them and watch the scene.

As the late, great Dickhead would say, I wasn't really hungry, although maybe I could eat again.

But only if it was lomo. I'll pass on the cream of wheat, thank you very much.

It was getting late, about 3:30, and things had thinned out considerably in the club.

Nonetheless, for some bizarre reason that only chicas understand, Irma felt it was her personal responsibility to hook me up with someone for the night.

No thanks, I said. No one can ever pick a decent chica for me.

Shit, half the time I can't even pick a decent chica for myself.

She wouldn't quit. She was on a mission. So I gave her an impossible one. Here was the criteria I told her she would have to meet:

1. The face of an angel.
2. With eyes that glow like luces.
3. Muy flaquita.
4. Culito pequeno.
5. Tetas grandes.
6. Muy amable.
7. Muy intelligente, so we can have interesting conversations, and.
8. And you might as well make sure she's rich, too. A chica rica. Why not?

That would make Irma's task all the more impossible. I was going to sit back and enjoy watching her tilt at windmills.

But Irma didn't hesitate. She pointed to a girl in the back who I could barely see, but who didn't look too bad.

Okay, I'll humor you, I thought. I'll at least talk to her.

Well, the chica flunked on points 5. And 7. But she was young and delicious and totally fucking cute!

I bought Gisel (sp?) a Sprite, and we tried to carry on a conversation. She was pretty reserved, so our talk didn't get too far along.

All I learned is that she is 22 years old and has been working at Newport for four years. Wow, that isn't exactly what one wants to hear, now is it?

But did I mention how really cute she was?

So I decide to cut a deal, and of course Gisel asks me for 600. Yeah, yeah, sure, sure.

I let her know I am not a stupid gringo, and then she agreed to accept the going rate. But she told me it would only be for an hour.

Red flag.

I didn't like the sounds of that. So I told her that it has to be until I am satisfied, or not at all. I happen to be a very old man and I cannot be rushed.

I told her that if a chica ever asks if I've cum yet, or tells me to hurry up and cum, that blows the whole deal for me.

Everything stops immediately, she'll be out the door, and she totally blows her paycheck. Understood, Gisel? Can you agree that won't happen?

No problem, she tells me. If it takes and hour and 15 minutes, or an hour and 20, she's okay with it. And she is absolutely adorable!

By now I realize I'm thinking with my little head. I decided that I better call a conference with my wingman as a sounding board.

Yoosin points out that she did meet my price, and she did agree to be flexible with the time. How many more compromises do I want?

Well, okay, the man makes plenty of sense. But I really would rather not have to compromise over this crap in the first place.

Then Gisel sits on her hands in the taxi, all the way to the apartment.

Another red flag.

As we step off the elevator, Gisel mentions it is only going to be for an hour.

Okay, that's enough. You don't seem like you really want to be here. Just go back to the club and see if you can interest one of the four guys left, none of whom has looked at you twice all night. Te vas.

Tranquilo, tranquilo, she tells me. Not a problem. She didn't mean it that way at all. She doesn't want to go back to the club.

By now I've seen enough red flags to feel pretty uncomfortable about this upcoming session. But she has great dimples, a tiny waist, and is really fucking cute.

So I let her into my apartment.

Gisell finds it easy to get into the photo session, as she also thinks she looks pretty special. That part of the session starts fine.

She is proud to tell me that soon she is going to get a boob job. The biggest ones she can possibly find.

That kind of seemed like another red flag to me.

Also, Gisel is the first chica who didn't accept my offer of a drink. It made me wonder just how long she was planning to stay.

It was when we headed back to the bedroom that the shit hits the fan. She wanted to be paid up front.

I never pay first, I tell her. Only chicas who are bad at sex ask for money up front. The others have confidence they will earn every penny.

This is your way of telling me the sex is going to be no good.

Okay, tranquilo, okay, she tells me. But at least show it to me.

Geezus, how many red flags do I have to see? One more, I guess.

Well, when I showed her the money she told me it wasn't what we agreed to. She says we agreed to 600.

Just get the fuck out. That's the last straw. Just get out now.

As I am gathering up her purse and jacket and walking to the door, she makes what she thinks is a sly counter over: "Okay, your price is fine, for media hora."

Do many guys fall for that?

Not me anyway. Get out, get out now.

She wanted 20 for taxi.

If I wasn't pissed at her I would have had to laugh, since I had just paid the taxi and it was only 12.

Instead, I told her that I don't pay anything to liars. I told her she was lucky I didn't ask for her to pay me back for the Sprite, since she had lied to me and wasted my time. If you are a smart chica, you will get outta here right now.

So she did.

The moral of the story: Don't ever let anyone else pick a chica for you. It never works out.

Especially if the one doing the picking is another chica.

But damn, as Gisel walked down the hall, I couldn't help but notice that her little butt sure looked cute in those jeans! It's to die for.

Ummmmm, would I repeat? What do you say we put that up to a vote.


Dodger Bulldog
07-19-08, 08:18

No offense intended, but why did you even spend ten minutes with this chica? She has a nice butt, but there are literally hundreds of thousands of nice butts in Buenos Aires.

Over priced and high maintenance are two concepts that mongers should never have to deal with in Argentina. Read the forums and learn the lessons from other mongers victories and losses.

You should be having the time of your life here!

-SchmoHell yes I'm offended.

And since I did not mention a price, you have to admit that you have no idea what I paid, do you?

Do you often talk about things of which you know nothing?

I busted my ass putting up four reports tonight. I tried to make them interesting and informative, with a richness of details, and I made sure they were all chock full of photos.

I was willing to put it all out there, the good and the bad, making fun of my own foibles.

I explained my reasons, and could care less whether you agree with them or not.

I didn't ask for your approval, and I sure don't need any lessons from the likes of you. Who are you to patronize me?

I found three reports you put up tonight and all you can do is criticize. Besides the one above, here are the other two:
And how much does it cost in bond, attorney's fees, and fines when you get arrested for being a John is Miami? Are they still posting names and photos in the papers in the US?

Plus, those hags are fugly.
Against the wisdom of recent posts about this place, I decided to give it a try.

Gave them a call around 9:30. No problem, though even though I got the name of the girl I wanted to see wrong, they said she was there. Strike one.

But, I had been wanting to try to bang the illustrious Heidi, so I decided to give it a try anyway. Showed up on time as always and the door chick said to wait a few minutes because the chica had gone to the quisco. Ok. Strike two.

So, I took a walk around the various blocks (it was a beautiful night, anyway) and came back. Can you wait a few minutes. Strike three. Avoid. There are too many kilombos around to put up with this crap.It is the critical reports exactly like yours that are the reason why there are so few useful reports on the board any more.

When someone is willing to take the time and make the effort to post a report, they don't deserve this kind of treatment.

Has it ever occurred to you that absolutely no one cares who you think is "fugly?"

When everyone can see the photos for themselves and make their own judgement, your opinion on the matter is meaningless. It means nothing to anyone. Nada. Zilch.

It only serves to antagonize the person who posted the photos. So if you want to eliminate all photo reports, just keep it up, buddy.

Have you ever thought that it might be best to keep your criticisms to yourself?

Well, start thinking about it. Seriously.

Because nobody likes being talked down to.

If you really believe that others here are more interested in learning your exalted opinions than in reading the reports and looking at the photos that Miami Bob and I put up tonight, it won't be long before there is nothing left for you to criticize.

In fact, there already is a virtual dearth of useful session reports here.

I would hazard a guess that every time someone posts a criticism of others like you enjoy doing so much, it probably drives at least ten future session reports off the boards. No none wants to put up with that crap.

Reports like yours ruin the fun for everyone else.

Do you have any idea how many of my friends tell me they quit posting because they are tired of getting bashed by others? I've hung in there until now, but that can change quickly.

Until Yoosin and I got to town, there were very few session reports at all. Certainly few with the kind of photos and discussion we've provided.

Here is a suggestion: when you feel the need to call someone's chica "fugly" or attack how they choose to monger, do it in a PM to your own friends.

Because whether you believe it or not, you are completely lacking in class or tact and your words are extremely offensive to people who are trying to provide something of value to the members of this board.

Information is power. When you drive out the useful in order to stroke your own needy ego, everyone else here suffers the side effects.

So if you want to take over Argentina Private, I can just go away now.


07-19-08, 09:40
Thank you Dodger!

Daddy Rulz
07-19-08, 12:02
The odds of the "worst" happening (drugged, robbed, ass-raped) are really pretty remote. For Full Throttle, as with most men in his profession, being ass raped doesn't make the "worst happening" list. Athh a matter of fact, if he ith being thuthfull, itth only bad if the poor dear doing the athhraping ithint well endowded.


Great posts Dodger, I may be mistaken but I think this is your first trip south and if it is, I gotta put you up for newby of the year.

Disclaimer, Full Throttle is an acquaintance of mine, calling him a pillow biting butt ranger is not an offense requiring pistols at dawn, but rather more along the line of ball breaking a buddy. Though it is amazing how many of his union brothers are in fact pillow biting butt rangers. Hahahahahahaha

Geo Eye
07-19-08, 12:05
Way to go Dodger, that is exactly how I feel sometimes.

There are certain red flags to look for. I have had this happen to me and.

Usually you can tell right in the taxi on the way to the apt.

I have had the taxi drive right back and drop her right back off where we.

Left off.

I understand they do not know us and are a little nervous, but hell.

Try to enjoy the job as much as possible and have some sort of working.


Many of these dumb wores have no idea what it is to have repeat business.

Good job dodger, there are toooo many women to not have what you agree upon.

Geo Eye
07-19-08, 12:08
For Full Throttle, as with most men in his profession, being ass raped doesn't make the "worst happening" list. Athh a matter of fact, if he ith being thuthfull, itth only bad if the poor dear doing the athhraping ithint well endowded.


Great posts Dodger, I may be mistaken but I think this is your first trip south and if it is, I gotta put you up for newby of the year.

Disclaimer, Full Throttle is an acquaintance of mine, calling him a pillow biting butt ranger is not an offense requiring pistols at dawn, but rather more along the line of ball breaking a buddy. Though it is amazing how many of his union brothers are in fact pillow biting butt rangers. HahahahahahahaI second the motion for " newbie of the year".

07-19-08, 15:51
I agree Dodger, there are alot of ball busters just trying to put down those who have errored and then ask them to stay in Recoleta etc.

They do cut down on posts as I have limited certain stories for these same reasons. Not interesed in the "keyboard warrior thing" I prefer mano y mano.

Dodger Bulldog
07-19-08, 16:03
Thanks for the kind words guys. I'm glad you enjoyed the reports.

But I don't qualify for "Newbie of the Year."

I was first here in 2004, back when the dollar was a dollar and the peso was a peso.

I have already reached "stage five" in the life-cycle of a monger.

That means that I am fully accredited to complain about the increased prices, the lower quality of the chicas, the piss poor service, and how the newbies are fucking everything up for the rest of us.:)

For so many guys, after a while it seems like this hobby becomes just another burden in their lives. It as if they are in search of a simulated ball-and-chain to replace the one they divorced back home.

As for me, I still try to enjoy the chicas.

I find myself fascinated by the bodies, their minds, and, more and more, with trying to decode and accept the rationale for the incoherent business practices that so many of them exhibit.

That is quite the Sisyphean task if ever there was one.

Chicas, chicas, chicas.


07-19-08, 22:56
Great posts - Thank You.

I also 2nd that ball busting shit! I had some reservations myself re additional posting with photos. Only with your advice did I complete reserved postings for the imformative good of the board.

I'm not sure if 'Newbie of the Year' is the correct title but I can attest that the time and effort you put into helping me and several others I am aware of should be commended. Possibly 'Guia de Sexo del el ano' for all the help you provide on and off the board.

Now for the apology. I am deeply sorry for not being all the wingman I could in your time of need. I allowed Irma's playing with my nut to get in the way and take my full attention away from the important subject at hand. Now with my eyes open and that good ole 20/20 hind site. Gisel need to be ***** slapped and carried back to her bar stool to sit out the rest of the night in drunken solitud. Lo siento mucho!


Miami Bob
07-20-08, 01:29
I, for one, appreciate the effort that you made to share information at more than a superficial level. I am going to be looking for some of your suggested chicas in three weeks. I also appreciate Newport--I have had some of my best and worst experiences there. Radar signals are a must in this outpost in chicaland.

Wild Walleye
07-20-08, 02:07
A week before my last trip, I pinged DB (with whom I had no prior contact) with a Newport-related request for info. He responded in fine fashion including an invite out for dinner and drinks. Couldn't do the dinner part but met DB and Yooshin at Newport (as previously mentioned)

Whether it was DB's charm, karma or my good luck, the right girl presented herself fairly quickly. 3.5-second negotiation. 4+ hrs of fun (spread over two nights)

Jackson enables contributers like DB, Yooshin, Exon, Dickhead et al to make all of our efforts easier and more productive. Imagine what it was like before AP made this possible.

Sadly, I missed the chance to meet Jackson later in the week, due to my untimely departure. My comment to DB was that Jackson should never have to pay for a drink so long as he lives.

07-23-08, 13:50
Well I must say last night at Newport was the last for me on this trip and I went out with a bang. * I left with a little blond who had a good story and turned out to be the best of the trip. I do not like to repeat, but as I write this I'm waiting for her to come over again. My only repeat. Who cares if the story is true or not. She said the day before she took a 23 hr collectivo trip to get here from Paraguay. Second night at the place but she is not new to the scene. She was a dancer at Madahos last year, she quit and had a baby then tried to go back but was told her butt was too big. I thought it was fine and firm. If this butt is a reject, I'd love to see the other. Small tits and a flat belly. She has a cousin who works at La Lopez but thinks the biz is not to hot there. Fun, cool and good provider. She went out of the way to say she would do anything I wanted. She did do just that. I asked if she does this, this, and this. She said no problem. 23 and very nice body. Stayed 21/2 hrs for 300ar. Started at 600.

Rock Harders
08-21-08, 05:09

I made a stop in here last night with Erkinator73 and found a large selection of chicas, about 10 doables, with a spattering of new faces on the premises. I still dig this place, despite the variable quality, because of the cheap (compared to other dens of iniquity) drink prices and lack of cover charges / exit fees. I saw two of my former flings, the famous "Carolina", the blonde Brasilian from Porto Alegre (who now works at Black most of the time) and Patricia, the black haired chica with the absolutely enormous fake rack that has received bad reviews in this thread (she actually gave me great service the two or three times I did her, including bbfs after I showed her a negative hiv test)

After about a half an hour of scouting the place out, I decided to pull "Carolina". I actually did her about a week and a half ago also, after I saw her at my office eating some buffalo wings. This time she gave a great performance as always, with one of the best bbbj's I have ever had in my life, lots of GFE. I still cannot get her to give me what I really want, which is bbfs. This chica also gives a hell of a massage, with plenty of force as a result of some serious time spent in the gym. At this point I actually consider her a friend, and enjoy bullshitting with her about various topics because she is pretty educated all things considered (probably the reason I can't get her to do me BB) She absolutely will not go for less than $300 AR / $100 USD, even for a nice guy like me; at this point I do not even talk about price, and just put the money in her purse in the elevator on the way out. Highly recommended overall.


Rock Harders

08-21-08, 18:23
Sometimes I like this place, and sometimes I don't but still go there everytime I visit the city. This trip the place is happening: a lot of variety and a lot of potential. Haven't pulled a girl out yet this trip (too tired from daytime privados visits)

The peruvian Sofia quoted me $600p but would not budge below $400p. Anyone has experience with her?

08-22-08, 08:08
I keep getting quoted $400p ST rate, and I keep refusing. My counter offers of $300p are being shot down. Makes for a lonely walk leaving the place. Last year I paid $200p ST and $300 TLN.

I can pay more but it would be good to know the current going rate. Please advise.

Daddy Rulz
08-22-08, 12:02
Is as much as they think they can get, there is an element of strategy involved. Here is a simple one for you.

There are many boludods that hang out at Newport, locals that have no money and waste these girls time. Go there, get your beer or whatever and grab a seat at the back bar. Scope the room and pick your target, hopefully she is already sitting with some boluda who's shirt is open to his waist and who's chest is full of gold. Let him waste her time for awhile having her sit there having her tittys rubbed on. When they don't make a deal and she rejoins the line up, this is your time to strike.

Wait a moment or two and then motion her over. Hopefully your Spanish is good enough to say, "there are a lot of idiots here tonight no?" When she laughs and agrees you know you're on to something. Then ask her what she wants to do "queres hablar o salir?" Do you want to talk or leave? Hit her with your number then, or better yet do it as you leave.

Gato Hunter
08-22-08, 13:33
When I was in Newport last week there was a metric shit ton of tourists in there. I have no doubt it was a good night for the chicas.

Carolina is 300p. I have only been banging her for a year and a half though. She will not accept less.

08-22-08, 20:38
Is there a bar in the rear of Newport that I don't know about?

08-23-08, 01:47
No but there's one upstairs.


08-23-08, 07:16
OK, so something changed today. After striking out a couple of times the previous night with the $300p offers, tonight the chicas were very receptive to the offer even the ones who turned me down before - go figure.

I may be getting the hang of this pricing business but it takes time and effort.

Thanks for all the information and suggestions.

08-23-08, 15:30
There is a bar in the back of Newport; in other words, there are two bars on the ground floor. This second bar is to your left as you enter. They don't use it if it isn't busy. I don't know if it's on wheels, or what. But it exists, or at least existed at some point.

Now can we ban Fernando Redondo Europa Euro Turd again, please?

Member #3320
08-23-08, 16:19
Newport has been creating waves on the forum in recent weeks. I was extremely intrigued to learn more about this club, which led my going there on a Friday night.

I could not make a complete judgement of this place in my first visit and hence, I need to go there at least once more.

Here is my story on the first visit:-

ARRIVAL TIME: 1.30 AM on a Friday night / Saturday morning.

ENTRY: Casual on foot. Arrived on a taxi from Palermo Hollywood and made the taxi go about 20 meter away from the entrance. Cost of taxi, about 20 ARS.

No gate fees for entry.

FIRST IMPRESSION: That of disdain. As the club was jam-packed and there was not a inch to move! There were many many chicas and equally many clients. Lot of noise, lot of cigarette smoke, loud music, total mayhem.

DRINKS: Took a Bacardi con cola, cost ARS 30. Great, I found it on the low side.

MUSIC : None as the football commentary was on during my tenure at the club.

LADIES DRINK: Yet to find out. Look at my review, part 2 for this information. Not sure, if you need to buy a ladies drink at all as this place was swarming with free lancers.

QUALITY OF CHICAS: Superb. Many 8s. But many 4s & 5s as well!

QUANTITY OF CHICAS: Close to 40 odd. There were some girls who looked like real hardened pros. However, interestingly there were some girls who didn't look like a pro from any angle. This really caused me a dilemma. I was not sure if these girls were soliciting or not! These girls definitely looked the type who would come here occasionally for a emergency need of cash.

CLIENTS: Close to 50 odd. Many senior citizens as well as young guys.

DANGERS/HOSTILITY : None at all. You can walk in confidently here. Buy yourself a drink and enjoy the eye candy. No one will push you or force you for a drink.

PRICE OF CHICAS: Look for part 2 of my review.


Actually, when I went there a football match between Argentina & Brazil was going on. And the full crowd was focussed on the match. Their were many non-pro type chicas there whom I would have loved to talk or take out. However, none seemed to be interested either in me or in any other prospective client. Their eyes were on the match all the time. I tried several times to meet their eye but to no avail. The most disturbing part was that as soon as the match finished, all the girls just went away leaving the club almost empty with some unattractive typically pro chicas. Now, I am not sure whether these very attractive non-pro type chicas were even soliciting at all or just there to watch the match on screen.


Yes, very much so! Now I will go on a week night. Though I feel working girls (non-pro type) would normally come on a weekend here.


Yes, very much so.

Watch out this space for my further review on this bar next week.

TRIVIA : There is a "banio" on 1st floor. It has adequate lighting and less noise. Many chicas were going there to use the banio. It would be a good idea to hang around outside there as you can see them more closely there and talk with less noise disturbing you.


Gato Hunter
08-23-08, 17:09
There are actually two bars in Newport. There is the main one, then there is one opposite that I have rarely seen used.

The upstairs (second floor) is a disco on the weekends and its mainly for the 16-21 crowd. I went in there with a chica and I was an old fart in there. There is also a bar up here but you need to pay a cover to get in here.

The 3rd floor is the banos and a coat check for the disco.

Pricing in Newport is really a supply and demand. Some chica might be 300 one night, then the next night when there is 50 swinging dicks in there she is 400. With repeats though this does not really apply. I left one night because the chica to cock ratio was seriously low.

Newport is still the cheapest drinks with chicas in the house.

Member #3320
08-23-08, 17:24
There are actually two bars in newport. There is the main one, then there is one opposite that I have rarely seen used.

The upstairs (second floor) is a disco on the weekends and its mainly for the 16-21 crowd. I went in there with a chica and I was an old fart in there. There is also a bar up here but you need to pay a cover to get in here.

The 3rd floor is the banos and a coat check for the disco.

Pricing in newport is really a supply and demand. Some chica might be 300 one night, then the next night when there is 50 swinging dicks in there she is 400. With repeats though this does not really apply. I left one night because the chica to cock ratio was seriously low.

Newport is still the cheapest drinks with chicas in the house.GattoHunter,

The Newport, I went to just had a bar at ground floor and a banio on first. Did I go to some other Newport? Kindly clarify?


Gato Hunter
08-23-08, 17:28
There is only one Newport. I never actually noticed there was a banos on the first floor, I had always walked up 2 flights of steps to take a leak.

Looks like you found something I had not.


08-23-08, 20:38
There is a difference between the ground floor & 1st floor. Usually a flight of stairs! Can someone please clarify on the location of the "Back Bar". Is it on the ground floor or the 1st floor?

08-23-08, 20:43
What Americans call the first floor Europeans, Argentineans, etc. call the ground floor; an Argie would say "planta baja." This is the source of our confusion. On the ground floor there are two bars. The bathrooms are on the third floor if you are American and the second floor if you are European. At times I have to piss, I wish I were European; perhaps the bathroom would not seem so far away. I think the second floor (American) or first floor (European) does have banos in the middle of the room but I am not sure that is accessible at night.

Europeans, etc. have all the stuff like the metric system and Centigrade right, but they have this wrong. That ain't the first floor, Euro Boy. It might be the first ceiling but it ain't the first floor.

Daddy Rulz
08-23-08, 21:40
The confusion comes from how buildings developed.

Back in the old days when there was more land than people buildings only had ground levels, no need for numbering.

Then cities developed, land became scarce in some places, notably city centers, so guys that built buildings started stacking floors on top of one and other. For the same amount of land you got roughly twice the floor space, less stairways of course.

Amazingly enough, given their level of sophistication, relatively few Europeans could count at the time. It is kind of astounding considering even then they used a base 10 number system, and there are ten digits on most human bodies. Their solution to identify different floors? Murals painted on exterior street facing walls, hence "stories" painted on walls.

The ground floor didn't get a painting for a multitude of reasons including, but not limited to, even those dumb fuck sophisticated Europeans of that age who couldn't count knew when their feet were touching the ground, ground floor. Also the time you spent painting pictures on your street level walls was wasted. As soon as those cultured Europeans started pissing on your building, the acidic qualities of urine made the primitive paints run.

Why did this habit not catch on in the States? Who fucking knows, my suspicion is for the same reason our race tracks go counter clockwise. To be different than the oppressors we had just gotten rid of. Plus our elevators emptied into the lobby and we put "L" on the button which kinda looks like a one but who knows.

Obviously being settled by a European country and still considering itself part of the European landmass, which unfortunately, not to mention inconveniently, happens to be separated by a few thousand miles of ocean Argentina uses the Continental habit in floor identification, just as they do for what constitutes a good breakfast. Given that their chicks are both skinnier and hotter than ours, perhaps they have a better idea regarding breakfast.

In Newport there is a service bar to the left as you walk in, used only as a bar when the place is packed, but mostly it's a convenient place for chicas to lay their coats when they are looking for somebody to fuck. Hopefully an Argentine or W European who they will gladly PAY good money to fuck. Or lacking that a N. American (not including Mexicans or Canadians) who they don't really want to fuck because they are so unsophisticated, but will fuck for 5,000 yanqui dollars. Be assured they will be disgusted the entire time and pray to the Blessed Virgin none of their friends find out about it. They only do it because, well, a girl does have rent to pay and diapers to buy.

The bathroom is on the 3rd floor by yanqui reckoning and the second floor by Argie reckoning. You go up one flight of stairs (which is built over the service bar) past the doorman for the club upstairs then you go up the next flight of stairs which have unevenly spaced risers to the bathroom.

As brother Dickhead has stated the 1st or 2nd floor may have bathrooms but I have never seen them.

Hope this clears everything up.

Fernando is still a douchbag and probably Redondo / Peter Europa and I hope Jax bans him soon.

Miami Bob
08-23-08, 23:14
Exon and I were in Newport during the week. We were both drooling over a tall built babe who looked like some straight out of Black or playboy. Exon goes over and spends 10 minutes and returns a comment: 600 pesos and will not move. 15 minutes later she is playing kissy face with a porteno at the next table and then she leaves him quickly. I told that she was crazy asking for 600 pesos and he told me that she started at 400 with him and he would not pay it.

Of course Exon and myself are not 26 year old body builders who enjoy a different pricing structure than we might, but this porteno as in the same class us yankees, although maybe 5 to 10 years younger.

08-24-08, 00:19
Frankly, I like Newport; no cover, relatively cheaper drinks, no exit fee, no pressure, and sometimes the band is pretty good too. On the other hand, I like Madahos too which is the opposite. Not fond of La Lopez anymore.

When in BA, I always visit this place. Of the few trips I have been here, this time the place seems busier - weekdays seem better than weekends.

On my last trip beginning of this year, the options were minimal.

The second bar is right across from the main bar - underneath the stairs. It's not noticeable because it's less frequently used and hidden behind the chicas on the stools.

I am only reiterating what the experts have already stated.

Miami Bob
08-24-08, 06:29
Exon and I were in newport during the week. We were both drooling over a tall built babe who looked like some straight out of Black or playboy. Exon goes over and spends 10 minutes and returns a comment: 600 pesos and will not move. 15 minutes later she is playing kissy face with a porteno at the next table and then she leaves him quickly. I told that she was crazy asking for 600 pesos and he told me that she started at 400 with him and he would not pay it.

Of course Exon and myself are not 26 year old body builders who enjoy a different pricing structure than we might, but this porteno as in the same class us yankees, although maybe 5 to 10 years younger.Ps--in my experience--ranging from an almost 4 year serious relationship with a portena university professor to various non-pro dating situations in BA and Miami; and of course with a variety working girls is that most preferred North Americans and Europeans. There was only one girl who preferred portenos--she was saving money as quickly as possible and made a lot of money doing afternoon delites out of oleans-----in and out 200 pesos, please.

At that time she was a goreous 19 year old who could make a 1000 pesos with quickies without conversation, kissing or any real contact before taking off to Las Lopez. She owns a resturant today and is out of the business.

This does not mean that all portenos fit into any mold, merely that this pretty young girl had a technique where she could bang them out fast and furious.

Member #3320
09-15-08, 02:18
Newport has been creating waves on the forum in recent weeks. I was extremely intrigued to learn more about this club, which led my going there on a Friday night.

I could not make a complete judgement of this place in my first visit and hence, I need to go there at least once more.

Here is my story on the first visit:-

ARRIVAL TIME: 1.30 AM on a Friday night / Saturday morning.

ENTRY: Casual on foot. Arrived on a taxi from Palermo Hollywood and made the taxi go about 20 meter away from the entrance. Cost of taxi, about 20 ARS.

No gate fees for entry.

FIRST IMPRESSION: That of disdain. As the club was jam-packed and there was not a inch to move! There were many many chicas and equally many clients. Lot of noise, lot of cigarette smoke, loud music, total mayhem.

DRINKS: Took a Bacardi con cola, cost ARS 30. Great, I found it on the low side.

MUSIC: None as the football commentary was on during my tenure at the club.

LADIES DRINK: Yet to find out. Look at my review, part 2 for this information. Not sure, if you need to buy a ladies drink at all as this place was swarming with free lancers.

QUALITY OF CHICAS: Superb. Many 8s. But many 4s & 5s as well!

QUANTITY OF CHICAS: Close to 40 odd. There were some girls who looked like real hardened pros. However, interestingly there were some girls who didn't look like a pro from any angle. This really caused me a dilemma. I was not sure if these girls were soliciting or not! These girls definitely looked the type who would come here occasionally for a emergency need of cash.

CLIENTS: Close to 50 odd. Many senior citizens as well as young guys.

DANGERS / HOSTILITY: None at all. You can walk in confidently here. Buy yourself a drink and enjoy the eye candy. No one will push you or force you for a drink.

PRICE OF CHICAS: Look for part 2 of my review.


Actually, when I went there a football match between Argentina & Brazil was going on. And the full crowd was focussed on the match. Their were many non-pro type chicas there whom I would have loved to talk or take out. However, none seemed to be interested either in me or in any other prospective client. Their eyes were on the match all the time. I tried several times to meet their eye but to no avail. The most disturbing part was that as soon as the match finished, all the girls just went away leaving the club almost empty with some unattractive typically pro chicas. Now, I am not sure whether these very attractive non-pro type chicas were even soliciting at all or just there to watch the match on screen.


Yes, very much so! Now I will go on a week night. Though I feel working girls (non-pro type) would normally come on a weekend here.


Yes, very much so.

Watch out this space for my further review on this bar next week.

TRIVIA: There is a "banio" on 1st floor. It has adequate lighting and less noise. Many chicas were going there to use the banio. It would be a good idea to hang around outside there as you can see them more closely there and talk with less noise disturbing you.

ENJOY BAHello friends,

This had been pending for past 2-3 weeks on what I really felt on picking girls on new port. Here are my final comments on Newport.

Its really a hit & miss place. You can not say for surety that if you go there you will find a girl you like unlike some other top clubs like Black, Madahos etc.

I have been here several times since my first visit and most of time, I found this place lacking in quality chicas. Most of the chicas hanging here seemed to be reminiscent of street walkers. The kind of chicas you generally tend to avoid unless you have a fetish for them.

I was again here on Saturday late night / Sunday morning with a fellow monger and I again saw this miserable crowd. However, in this miserable crowd, I found a Uruguan chicka by name of Abril. She didnt look very hot or devastating to the eyes but she looked friendly. On purely basis of that I picked her up.

COST: 200 ARS.

LOOKS/BODY : 5.5~6

SEX: Very good GFE, BBBJ and a long long (1 hour plus) fuck session. She was at my place from abou 5-9. So not a bad deal really.

TRIVIA: When I was going from here, she tried hard for a "ladies drink". I said, No way. There is no ladies drinks here. She tried very hard to convince me but finally relented. So all you newbies, be wary about things such as these!


Hmm, NO. I don't recommend newport unless its a passer-by visit and you spot someone you wanna take. Do not spend a entire evening here looking to pick up a chica here.

There are better options than newport in BA.

Enjoy BA

09-21-08, 20:44
Stopped in on Friday night for approximately ninety seconds, the amount of time it took me to down my cerveza and bolt for the door. A house of horrors, I think I threw up a little bit in my mouth on the way out. I will not return without a full sniper team in overwatch to keep the horse faces at bay.

10-06-08, 00:08
We were pretty drunk when we arrived at new port. Stayed for a few drinks. Women looked old and run through. I avoided conversation. My friend spoke with a chica for a while id give her a 4. 2 am rolled around and the chica looked pissed. (my friend speaks the espanol' not me) he motions me to leave so we left. He later told me he declined her offers and she said something along of the lines of "you've sized me up allready and I have done the same, watch your back". She was a total hag and wanted 300ar. From the wisdom of the forum he easily declined. Were newbies in ba.

Hit up a place off the charts called playboy. There was about 3 9's in there. Easy to talk to. Haggled for drinks by management though and the place is small but it was close to the apartment. My girl started defending me when I refused to buy another drink, there too frequent. Had a great fuck though. Returned home and my friend went out again. I woke up around 5 and had a lovely hand delivered chica who was total GFE and great in bed she wanted to stay but the other one my friend had was business.

Dodger Bulldog
10-19-08, 01:37
I have just returned to this board after an absence of a few months, and realized that I missed posting the photos of a couple chicas I did back in July.

A friend raved about Carolina, so I gave her a try.

She did not really do anything wrong, she just did not do anything with much enthusiasm.

My guess is that my friend has a tendency to overrate the chicas once he has given them his hard earned money. When I complained about her he told me told me that she was a "material girl" and "high maintenance."

I think that was his polite way of saying she her service is nothing special. But it may just be a case of YMMV.

Carolina makes for some truly awesome eye candy. Like her cleavage? They are natural and they are magnificent.

But I would not repeat.


Dodger Bulldog
10-19-08, 02:00
Karin hangs near the back of the auxilary bar in what we called "Paraguayan corner."

I noticed her on several different nights before finally calling her over. I sure wish I had approached her much sooner, because she is to die for!

Karin turned out to be much younger than I realized from a distance. I found her young school girl giggle to be as equally endearing as her perfect young nubile breasts.

Karin submitted completely to all of my wishes and did everything in her power to please me. And let me assure you that she has some incredible powers, especially the way she gies BBJ.

It was after my night with Karin that I voted in the poll on this board that Paraguayans make the best lovers.

Not only was she beautiful, sexy, sweet, and gave awesome performance, but her price was well below the going rate at Newport!

Talk about youthful energy. When I was contemplating going to sleep at 6:00 AM on a Sunday morning I found Karin showering and getting dressed to go out to a disco.

What a doll!


Member #3320
10-20-08, 17:08
The ONLY exceptions were Dodger Bulldog's chicas. Both nights, men outnumbered chicas by 5 to 1! Why waste your time? Uglies with much attitude and ridiculous prices! Cerveza and agua are 15 pesos.I agree with Sidney. Last couple of times in Newport for me was just a waste of time. Many MILFs or uglies with loads of attitude and not ready to budge from the price of 300 ARS. No BBBJ or any of the fancy stuff with that price tag!

10-26-08, 22:09
Was at NewPort 2 times in the last 2 days. Got my water, put on the binoculars. And nothing, well nothing besides the MILFs described below.

Will go again, you never know when it's going to rain.

Did not take any home, did not even try to make contact.

10-28-08, 10:16
Didn't make it out to cocos, scored a Paraguain hottie pretty early in the night. Good experience for 300Ars, will repeat with her for sure, she is the take home type of girl. That works at night as a prostitute, but again you can take her home to papee;)

She is fresh even after punting 1/2 the town! Like I said take her home boys.

10-28-08, 11:01
Trotting night after night over to NewPort produces good results. If you got good shoes, or enough cab fare to run around the town, then going back to this oasis will (maybe) pay off, did not see these girls there the night (s) before and enjoyed their company.


Will repeat

James Bond 007
11-09-08, 22:48
My first time at Newport, I went with one of the senior members here on AP. He wanted to show me what Newport was all about and introduce me to Karin.

The place seems like a typical bar, no cover, casual setting, people hanging out, listening to some music and having a few drinks. There seemed to be an equal number of men and chicas that night. Most of the men looked like locals with a few gringos mixed in. A lot of the chicas looked a bit hardened, but there were a few 6's and 7's there.

We soon found Karin who can often be found in her "special corner" of the club. Karin has been reviewed here previously and she is a Paraguyan, with dyed blonde hair and probably in her mid-20's. She has a sweet personality. The senior AP member knew Karin well and translated for us so the language barrier didn't hinder the conversation very much.

I took her back to the apartment and had a great time with her. She is a great service provider and is cute looking and is a pleasant chica to spend time with.

A report of my second trip to Newport a few days later deserves a different post perhaps at a later time.

11-12-08, 20:10
Visited NewPort at around 3AM a weekday late night after visiting Madahos, Black, Solid Gold, Catto & Ness without luck.

Solid Gold, Catto & Ness had no girls that I found attractive.

Madahos & Black had several girls that I found attractive but I could not afford them!:-)

I don't remember names but I spoke to one local BsAs MILF: blonde with big tits. But after buying her a drink she was still "cold" and seemed very business minded, would not kiss me, she wanted AR500, with that stupid quote I did not even bothered to negotiate.

Then then I found a decent cute Brazilian girl who I hit it off with. Deep Kisses and groping before I even bought her a drink. After 30mins of dancing and making out we went home to my hotel.

AR200. 2 hours of very good sex. Not the most attractive girl but she really was into sex, deep BJ without condom, ass licking, several positions and she put my cock into her ass by herself after I had shown interest by licking her and putting fingers in there. I love Brazilian girls!:-)

Member #3320
11-13-08, 04:44
Visited NewPort at around 3AM a weekday late night after visiting Madahos, Black, Solid Gold, Catto & Ness without luck.

Solid Gold, Catto & Ness had no girls that I found attractive.

Madahos & Black had several girls that I found attractive but I could not afford them!:-)

I don't remember names but I spoke to one local BsAs MILF: blonde with big tits. But after buying her a drink she was still "cold" and seemed very business minded, would not kiss me, she wanted AR500, with that stupid quote I did not even bothered to negotiate.

Then then I found a decent cute Brazilian girl who I hit it off with. Deep Kisses and groping before I even bought her a drink. After 30mins of dancing and making out we went home to my hotel.

AR200. 2 hours of very good sex. Not the most attractive girl but she really was into sex, deep BJ without condom, ass licking, several positions and she put my cock into her ass by herself after I had shown interest by licking her and putting fingers in there. I love Brazilian girls!:-)Did you manage to get her phone number?

El Greco
11-13-08, 09:33
Then then I found a decent cute Brazilian girl who I hit it off with. Deep Kisses and groping before I even bought her a drink. After 30mins of dancing and making out we went home to my hotel.

AR200. 2 hours of very good sex. Not the most attractive girl but she really was into sex, deep BJ without condom, ass licking, several positions and she put my cock into her ass by herself after I had shown interest by licking her and putting fingers in there. I love Brazilian girls!:-)Now you know why I spend much more time every year in Brasil. Welcome to the club mate.

Leave the divas on their own. They will eventually have to come down from the ladder or they will go broke. Their choice.

Design Pro
12-10-08, 02:02
Hello all, new to posting here and had a brief couple of things to say about Madaho's last night if anyone is interested (over in the Madahos section)

Anyway, went by Players tonight to check out another club. AR$50 to get in the door with 1 drink and the doorman was pleasant and helpful, no attitude and no pressure. Got a Quilmes from the bar and grabbed a seat in the back. There were only about 10 girls and no guys around (maybe 11:00 is too early? I was quickly approached by a couple of girls but waved them away. After a little time just watching the girls dance I gestured to a gorgeous brunette who said her name was Sol. Basically the exact kind of girl I am looking for in Argentina. Long hair, killer curves, an awesome ass, and a perfect face. After some time talking and practicing my espanol I went ahead and got her a drink for AR$100 which I had to talk down from the quoted AR$120. Eventually I was offered some personal time, which I was interested in, but with higher prices than I expected (surprise, surprise right) First, she asked me what I was willing to pay (yeah right) but then told me that she wanted US $200 to go upstairs to the private room. I laughed, took some of the member's advice here and told her I just wanted her not her two friends. Had some fun negotiating and got her down to AR$300. The one thing here that kinda pissed me off was the hostess insistence that I pay for another drink to take Sol upstairs, that the drink was AR$100, then she came back with a different price of AR$150 (I almost walked out at this point) but she agreed to the AR$100 when she saw I wasn't buying it. Long story short, I paid more than I wanted to but nowhere near what the club tried to charge me for a good time with an incredibly beautiful chica. Full sex, three positions, all covered and and good performance though not the best I've had. Good value for the money, no. Good time anyway, yes.

From Players I went over to New Port and grabbed a seat at the bar. I was immediately chatted up by a lady at the bar and we had some fun practicing our languages. I pretended to not know what was going on in the bar and let her try to explain to me that all of the girls were "working girls" and available for personal services. Over all, I definitely liked the bar vibe over the strip club hustle and will probably go back later this week.


El Nica
01-01-09, 11:33

The girls you reported and posted pics for are beyond cute. Glad you had a good time. What did you pay for each?

02-03-09, 19:49
I went by New Port Sat. Night around 130 am. I have never liked the place and still don't. The only good thing is outdoor seating. A ratio of 5 or 6 guys to 1 chica - as always. Loud music (got tired of the singer asking people where are you from? And then the big applause because some idiot was born in Finland! From an average band.

A couple of older ex-Excedra girls. A couple of decent looking 35 year old broads, waiting for dollars or euros, with stop watches on their wrists. 20 pesos for a mineral water sitting outside. Same old clientle base - corporate types with lots of money to throw away.

Gato Hunter
03-02-09, 02:14
After filming my personal porno today I was sort of tired and was just going to lay low.

I went out to dinner and then went to newport for a drink because it was storming and I wanted to be close to my apt.

This girl has been talking to me for a few days now. Tonight was karaoke night in Newport. There were a few really good singers, but for the finale they got the stage full and did a really bad version of "we are the world". Yes the 80's song for Africa. It was really bad.

I was the only punter in there. She started talking to me and I told her I had been pretty well used up today and I was on empty. After about an hour of conversation I decided to take her back to my place for a massage. She told me that was her former job.

It was a good massage, that ended up making me bang her twice before bed.

While not my best work it was what I needed at the time. BBBJ, DFK, cola was available. We went two times with no clock watching. She was here about 2 hours. 300p. She is early 30's and knows how to sexo.

This girl is in Newport most nights. Her hair is all messed up from the sex in the photo.


Gato Hunter
03-02-09, 14:49
I was in Newport a few days back with a newer monger. He wanted to take Carolina home. I had done a 3 some with her and Simone the other Brazilian last year and I warned him she was just OK at best.

She told the guy something crazy like 200USD.

He asked me to go talk to her, his spanish skills were lacking. Granted mine suck also but I know enough to get laid.

For the first time in BA I had a chica tell me that she would not fuck me because she knew I was a big puta monger, aka Gatero. But she would fuck my friend for 600p.

I would avoid this chica.

03-02-09, 15:23
I made a quick trip to town and didn't do much homework prior to my arrival, as I was traveling with coworkers who I'd rather not know that I'm a hobbyist. Purely by coincidence, my hotel was very near to New Port. I did a quick scan of the forum and saw the less than stellar reviews, so my expectations were fairly low. I did manage to escape late one evening (Thursday) after my companions all retired. I was pleasantly surprised.

There were 3 or 4 extremely attractive girls, at least 9s, as well as a few mid-range, and lots of mutts. The hottest girl in the place (slim, short brown hair, skin tight gray dress) and her hot friend were occupied at one of the outside tables by a couple of drunken gringos. Unfortunately, they eventually left together, so I didn't get a name or contact details. I did chat with one attractive blonde named Eugenia (tall, big breasts, about a 7 or 8) who was all business and was obviously in the game for volume. She quoted me US$100 and when I didn't immediately jump at the offer, she went in search of more gullible game. Another 9+ very hot blonde, young, slim, etc, I didn't even bother to approach, as she gave off an aura of "shitty service."

There were also a few really hideous older women that have obviously undergone god knows how many cosmetic surgeries. It was creepy just watching them. One crypt keeper looking hag had obvious ass implants. I steered well clear of them even though they were desperate for eye contact from anybody.

I eventually settled on a wall flower that hung out at the foot of the stairs. A 22 year old (looked 18) very slim, fake blonde, from Tucuman. Sorry, but I can't remember her fake name and I don't want to give out her real name. And yes, I did check her DNI to confirm she was 18+. She started at 400 pesos and we settled at 320. Excellent service, a little over the hour, all over every piece of furniture in the hotel room.

New Port is a little expensive (beers are now 20) but for convenience and the service I received, I'm not complaining. I think with New Port, a little patience and maybe some luck go a long way.

Gato Hunter
03-07-09, 15:15
Newport is one of my favorite places. You never know what your going to find there. I usually hang out there around 12-1am watching the girls come in. Cheaper drinks and people watching abound. I don't fuck much here anymore though.

That Micheal Jackson looking chica made a guest appearance the other night. I fucked her two years ago and she remembered me. I talked with her a little. She told me she has a french boyfriend that supports her so she only works a little.

I also ran across a girl I bought some porros from last year. I ended up taking her and her friend home for a threesome. She got pissed when it was obvious that I liked having my dick in her friend vs. her. The portero in my building had to give me a hand getting the chica out. Her friend was apologizing and trying to calm her down. No harm in the end and its funny to look back on. If you run into a girl named Valeria with short bleached hair stay away from her, she is nuts!

I also ran across three girls that told me they were 18, 19 and 20. I thought that under 21 was a no-no with the girls on the program.

04-03-09, 22:30
I have visited the Newport a few nights now this last week and it's totaly dead.

Including last night.

I was here in January and the place was quite busy.

What's up?

Might it have something to do with the fact that is around 11:45 PM both times?


Rock Harders
04-03-09, 22:51
Hi Beezer,

I would advise you to never go to any hooker bar in Buenos Aires before 12:30 or 1am. Newport is all freelancers and as such the chicas roll into the place whenever they feel like it, but most of them roll in between 12:30 and 1am. At more regulated Recoleta hooker bars (Black or Madahos) the chicas are kept to a set schedule of hours and must report by 11pm in most cases. Any night Tuesday through Friday Newport will not have any less than 25-30 chicas in there.


Rock Harders

04-04-09, 14:28
Thanks for the tip RH.

Must of just missed the influx the other nights.

I will try again only later.

I have had good luck there (Newport) in the past and I like the the idea of conducting a low cost /no cost interview with the girls BEFORE I make a comitment.

One can generaly tell if the girl is actually sweet or is out to make off with your goods. (Treasure of The Sierra Madre referance)


Alpha Dog
04-12-09, 01:56
Hahaha. That's great gato, I wish girls got jealous like that over me!

Newport is one of my favorite places. You never know what your going to find there. I usually hang out there around 12-1am watching the girls come in. Cheaper drinks and people watching abound. I don't fuck much here anymore though.

That Micheal Jackson looking chica made a guest appearance the other night. I fucked her two years ago and she remembered me. I talked with her a little. She told me she has a french boyfriend that supports her so she only works a little.

I also ran across a girl I bought some porros from last year. I ended up taking her and her friend home for a threesome. She got pissed when it was obvious that I liked having my dick in her friend vs. Her. The portero in my building had to give me a hand getting the chica out. Her friend was apologizing and trying to calm her down. No harm in the end and its funny to look back on. If you run into a girl named Valeria with short bleached hair stay away from her, she is nuts!

I also ran across three girls that told me they were 18, 19 and 20. I thought that under 21 was a no-no with the girls on the program.

04-29-09, 12:36
On my first night out in BA this year, I went to Newport. I spoke with 2 chicas that I found attractive. The first was a 21 year old student from La Plata. She failed my interview miserbly. She refused to even provide a bbbj under any circumstances. Didn't even get to pricing.

The second chica was from Brazil (Manaus) She agreed to all the services that I wanted, but wanted $150 for a couple of hours in my hotel. I had offered 300 pesos. I told her that I don't have dollars, this is Argentina and I don't pay that kind of money. I usually only pay up in that range in Sao Paulo at the higher end clubs (Bomboa, Cafe Photo, etc. on a big night out) I passed on her.

This game is like everything in life. There are hits and misses. Newport on this night was a miss.

Water Rat
04-29-09, 18:48
Was recently in BA, staying next door to New Port. As others have recommended, do not bother until 12:30 to 1 am. There were a few Dominicans, a Brazilian and many porteńas. On the first night I pulled out an 8 - Laura, she agreed to stay for 2 hours, completa. Language skills - - don't know - not an issue for me as I speak Spanish. She says that she does not work every night (apparently true as I did not see her on subsequent nights)

The live band was good, but drew in many couples and also a lot of local guys who were there for the music, a beer and to chat up the girls - but not for more.

I know that I probably overpaid when I agreed to 400 pesos but it was worth it.

Wild Walleye
05-01-09, 14:02
I was looking to close out the evening with one last toss. Newport is very close to my hotel and in my opinion easy and sometimes productive. I like the fact that you can walk in, survey the crowd and walk out without paying a cover or buying a drink. I also knew that the chica I have pulled from here on multiple occasions is on vacation and I wouldn't have to brush her off to try something new.

I went around 1:30am (I think) and the bar was fairly busy (although it was possible to walk from the entrance to the back without too much trouble, so it wasn't packed) Just past the bar, Juliette (body 4, face 4 -- a little beefy, collagen lips, some english--definitely not getting an invite from me no matter how late or how drunk I might be) cornered me near the bar stools on the right. She seemed pleasant enough and did the little 'do you think I'm sexy' dance in front of me. I thought that ignoring her and looking at all the other chicas might give the the subtle hint that 'no I did not think that she is sexy.' However, she didn't seem to take the hint and more than likely chose to ignore the hint in hopes that she could pick a weak one from the heard (think Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom) Not wanting to prolong the awkward moment used the need to order a drink from the bar as a means to extricate myself from her clutches.

Chopp in hand (AR$22, I think) and moving away from Juliette's kill zone, I used my keen navel-gazing ability to avoid the tractor beams of a few more undesirables, while I surveyed the floor. To my surprise, I would estimate that there were at least half a dozen 7-8+ chicas. I am generally interested in a very nice face, lean with curves (hard body is a plus) decent rack, hair or skin color is unimportant, ingles is a plus but not necessary. Of course, all of these criteria can be instantly tossed out the window, depending upon the number of cervesas. Fortunately, I had not been over served and left the beer goggles at home.

There were more fuglies than I dared to count, not wanting to risk making eye contact with any of them so as to 1) avoid wasting time and 2) reduce the chances of being turned to stone.

As is probably the case for many of us, we may not know exactly what we are looking for, but when we see it we know it. As I scanned the crowd I saw two raven-haired beauties one slightly darker skinned the other very fair. I hadn't made eye contact with either and was halfway across the room when the darker, shorter one (Pamela) approached me out of nowhere, to bum a smoke for her friend. Her friend is a regular at NP (blond dominica with corn rows (or dreds not sure) and one of the ones I avoid (only because she is so far from my type) I am not sure if Pamela is new (I haven't seen her there before but I'm not there enough to know) She is very pretty and had a nice top on (showed a little) and low-cut jeans. She's be right a home in that outfit at a party in LA or NYC. If you saw out in public (anywhere other than Bs As) you wouldn't think she is on the program.

As Dodger and Yooshin noticed last year, I can make a decision pretty quickly. 30-second negotiation ($AR300 - I know I could have done better but was not inclined to do so) and off we went. Total time in Newport, less than 10 minutes.

Went for about 1.5 hours of good old fashioned fun. Body is a 9 (5' 4", 95lbs, no fat, great lolas (be-C ish) and nice ass. Service and attitude were pretty good. I don't know about cola (didn't ask) If there is a next time, I will inquire. Did not have any problem with overtime.

Her cell ends in -7250. I would be interested in any background info from any of ou guys that know her.

05-01-09, 16:02
I was looking to close out the evening with one last toss. Newport is very close to my hotel and in my opinion easy and sometimes productive. I like the fact that you can walk in, survey the crowd and walk out without paying a cover or buying a drink. I also knew that the chica I have pulled from here on multiple occasions is on vacation and I wouldn't have to brush her off to try something new.

I went around 1:30am (I think) and the bar was fairly busy (although it was possible to walk from the entrance to the back without too much trouble, so it wasn't packed) Just past the bar, Juliette (body 4, face 4 -- a little beefy, collagen lips, some english--definitely not getting an invite from me no matter how late or how drunk I might be) cornered me near the bar stools on the right. She seemed pleasant enough and did the little 'do you think I'm sexy' dance in front of me. I thought that ignoring her and looking at all the other chicas might give the the subtle hint that 'no I did not think that she is sexy.' However, she didn't seem to take the hint and more than likely chose to ignore the hint in hopes that she could pick a weak one from the heard (think Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom) Not wanting to prolong the awkward moment used the need to order a drink from the bar as a means to extricate myself from her clutches.

Chopp in hand (AR$22, I think) and moving away from Juliette's kill zone, I used my keen navel-gazing ability to avoid the tractor beams of a few more undesirables, while I surveyed the floor. To my surprise, I would estimate that there were at least half a dozen 7-8+ chicas. I am generally interested in a very nice face, lean with curves (hard body is a plus) decent rack, hair or skin color is unimportant, ingles is a plus but not necessary. Of course, all of these criteria can be instantly tossed out the window, depending upon the number of cervesas. Fortunately, I had not been over served and left the beer goggles at home.

There were more fuglies than I dared to count, not wanting to risk making eye contact with any of them so as to 1) avoid wasting time and 2) reduce the chances of being turned to stone.

As is probably the case for many of us, we may not know exactly what we are looking for, but when we see it we know it. As I scanned the crowd I saw two raven-haired beauties one slightly darker skinned the other very fair. I hadn't made eye contact with either and was halfway across the room when the darker, shorter one (Pamela) approached me out of nowhere, to bum a smoke for her friend. Her friend is a regular at NP (blond dominica with corn rows (or dreds not sure) and one of the ones I avoid (only because she is so far from my type) I am not sure if Pamela is new (I haven't seen her there before but I'm not there enough to know) She is very pretty and had a nice top on (showed a little) and low-cut jeans. She's be right a home in that outfit at a party in LA or NYC. If you saw out in public (anywhere other than Bs As) you wouldn't think she is on the program.

As Dodger and Yooshin noticed last year, I can make a decision pretty quickly. 30-second negotiation ($AR300 - I know I could have done better but was not inclined to do so) and off we went. Total time in Newport, less than 10 minutes.

Went for about 1.5 hours of good old fashioned fun. Body is a 9 (5' 4", 95lbs, no fat, great lolas (be-C ish) and nice ass. Service and attitude were pretty good. I don't know about cola (didn't ask) If there is a next time, I will inquire. Did not have any problem with overtime.

Her cell ends in -7250. I would be interested in any background info from any of ou guys that know her.Good Report Walleye, concise, to the point and just the right amount of injections of humor. A+.


05-03-09, 20:44
I talked to Pamela a couple weeks ago. She was quite fetching but wouldn't go down from 350 pesos so I pulled another chica when had similar qualities but didn't shoot for the sky.

Good Report Walleye, concise, to the point and just the right amount of injections of humor. A+.


Wild Walleye
05-06-09, 16:19
I would have still pulled the trigger. I was more interested in getting down to business than doing business. In my opinion, it would have been worth the additional US$13.62 to 1) lock-up what I thought was one of the hotter chicas in the place and 2) hasten my departure from NP. I was in 'search and destroy' mode.

I understand holding the line and when I am in a more contemplative scientific mode (I. E. Shot enough loads to prevent the little guy from calling all the shots) I hold the line (more out of principal than anything else)

I talked to Pamela a couple weeks ago. She was quite fetching but wouldn't go down from 350 pesos so I pulled another chica when had similar qualities but didn't shoot for the sky.

05-07-09, 22:46
Agreed and have been in those modes before.

But that particular night I wanted to see what the range is in NP. When I was there Pamela was actually sitting with two older Chinese gentlemen and wasn't moving in a hurry. I wanted to see what the market was and stuck my toes in the water.

If I see her at NP again I might take her up around the same price range.

I would have still pulled the trigger. I was more interested in getting down to business than doing business. In my opinion, it would have been worth the additional US$13.62 to 1) lock-up what I thought was one of the hotter chicas in the place and 2) hasten my departure from NP. I was in 'search and destroy' mode.

I understand holding the line and when I am in a more contemplative scientific mode (I. E. Shot enough loads to prevent the little guy from calling all the shots) I hold the line (more out of principal than anything else)

Miami Bob
06-08-09, 06:13
Stopped by Newport hoping to find a specific girl and she appears. Lucky me. We aggreed to leave togehter and I asked her to if she had any short slender friends because I had met two usa guys who are their first ba trip who are both looking along those lines. My gal goes and fetches a fairly good looking girl who generally meets the description. She can't speak english and I stop for a few minutes to help with the introductions. I see my girl leaving with a different guy.

I ask her girlfriend who I am trying to help whats going on here. The girl friend says that's life and basically something along the lines of if you snooze you lose.

Then the girlfriend offers her own services. I am a little put off by the whole situation. I want at least the illussion that I am more than an automatic cash machine or I could stay in the USA.

Now comes the hidden gem part. Yes they still exist at Newport despite all of the cold harden pros that swarm like bees. I was trying to help an american guy with zero spanish find what he was looking for his own pleasure. I found off in a corner hidden away and not dressed very sexy a petite slender girl with a pretty face. The guy doen't like her, so I start to give her a little probing conversation. She is shy. A student from the north of Argentina w/ 5 months in BA working her way thru school at Newport part time. I angle her over in the light and she actually looks 21. Nice butt w / evrything else hidden. Maybe 5' and 95 lbs. She says that she is new to the life and shy.

She aggrees to my terms 300 pesos for up to 2 hours and a tip for good serive. Away we go-- She holds my hand as we walk the three blocks to my apart.

I hit paydirt she never checked the time for the first 3 hours--we were having fun--I was giving her pointer on bbbj technique and she was so sweet and obviously not a hardened nor real professional that I just had to eat some sweet fresh pussy. She started going nuts. Lots of orgasms. Real twitching and moaning and groaning. The tightest sweetest pussy. I had to stop myself a few times so that I wouldn't end this experience too quickly.

One perfect little spinner body and a playful attitude and a sex fiend once warmed-up. This could be a new favorite. Se was dizzy from too many orgasms and I got two which rare for me. The second one came from her employing the new techniques that I suggested. I gave the warning that she asked for, but she took the load in her mouth and didn't run into the bathroom. WE will be seeing each other again.

How refreshing after the pro who couldn't wait 5 minutes for me to help her girlfriend get set up. She actually left with another guy while I was being a nice guy. She might give good service, but not to me again. She is a young lady w/o any class works under the name Mariana, Mari or Karen. She is a paraguaya, 5'5" 125 or 130, bottle blonde, my experience was an above average provider with great potential if I took the time to get to know her better. I only had one prior sessiom with her which will be the last. Maybe I'm too sensitive, but I'm paying good money; treat the girl well and she is just plain rude.

The women of the night who lurk like vampires: the good, the bad and the ugly--but then there is that occassional hidden gem--who will remain nameless.

06-09-09, 20:10
Good story. I was there last year and found a little gem too. For the most part I think the place has too many hardened pros but still a fun place.

06-09-09, 20:54
So far Newport is my favorite place. The whole scene here is burdened with an overwhelming amount of hardened pros, but you can (and I did) pull a young hottie out of Newport. YOu can also buy them a beer without having to take out a loan. Some of these places around here give a new meaning to the term "clip joint".

06-10-09, 13:02
. The women of the night who lurk like vampires: the good, the bad and the ugly--but then there is that occassional hidden gem--who will remain nameless.Well put amigo. The search for these gems makes it fun!

06-10-09, 14:23
They are here, to be sure. But the scene is all blurring together in South America into one big blob of Dominicans, Colombians, and girls who are pretty hard core.

The thing is, here it is a little further away, quite a bit nicer than the rest of South America, and there are a lot of pretty girls here. Again, Newport seems to gel with what I like, but you have to go late at night.

Wild Walleye
06-10-09, 21:03
Newport seems to gel with what I like, but you have to go late at night.That makes it a good place for dessert.

Wild Walleye
06-13-09, 23:19
That makes it a good place for dessert.After meeting up with several esteemed AP members at a nearby eatery, we made our way to Newport. There is some sort of Hells Angels convention / ride going on so there were a number of bikers in the place.

I was having a beer at the bar with Miami Bob and WestFla, scouting the talent and listening to MB's encyclopedia of information on many of the girls. I texted Pamela (see previous report) and after initially responding that she was in fact in Newport, she went radio silent. I assumed that she was otherwise engaged.

While gazing around the candy shop, an attractive black-haired chica (Lorena) made the mistake of getting within WestFLA and MB's striking distance, both of whom speak excellent Spanish (where as my linguistic skills are lacking) where interviewing her for a position (or six) I think that they both decided to quickly punt because she stipulated no BBBJ. In my opinion, she is very attractive (8ish) nice be-cups and banging little body (~95lbs)

They did, however, graciously offer her my services and helped her negotiate a very fair price for a piece of me. Agreed to AR$300 for 1.5hrs (no bbbj) I was on the fence (no bbbj) but you know when you're really hungry and there is food on the table (could be very good food but not exactly what you had in mind) you think "I could eat this or go to the effort of finding something more to my liking." I decided to eat what was on the table.

Excellent decision. Once at my place, she wanted a shower. Si como no? I figured she could use some help reaching that hard-to-get-at spots. We were both very clean by the time we hit the bed. She jumped on the BBBJ with no questions asked (guess she had a change of heart) Everything was on the menu, everything was fully enjoyed as was another shower after about 2hrs of exercise. Then back to the rack for more. She stayed well past 3 hours.

She looked good in the club (her look appeals to me) she looked better at my place. Banging body, not an ounce of fat anywhere on her (and I looked everywhere) Little tattoo (looks like the Aerosmith logo) below belly button. Small boomerang-shaped scar on the outside of her left thigh just above her knee.

Very good experience.

06-13-09, 23:32
After meeting up with several esteemed AP members at a nearby eatery, we made our way to Newport. There is some sort of Hells Angels convention / ride going on so there were a number of bikers in the place.

I was having a beer at the bar with Miami Bob and WestFla, scouting the talent and listening to MB's encyclopedia of information on many of the girls. I texted Pamela (see previous report) and after initially responding that she was in fact in Newport, she went radio silent. I assumed that she was otherwise engaged.

While gazing around the candy shop, an attractive black-haired chica (Lorena) made the mistake of getting within WestFLA and MB's striking distance, both of whom speak excellent Spanish (where as my linguistic skills are lacking) where interviewing her for a position (or six) I think that they both decided to quickly punt because she stipulated no BBBJ. In my opinion, she is very attractive (8ish) nice be-cups and banging little body (~95lbs)

They did, however, graciously offer her my services and helped her negotiate a very fair price for a piece of me. Agreed to AR$300 for 1.5hrs (no bbbj) I was on the fence (no bbbj) but you know when you're really hungry and there is food on the table (could be very good food but not exactly what you had in mind) you think "I could eat this or go to the effort of finding something more to my liking." I decided to eat what was on the table.

Excellent decision. Once at my place, she wanted a shower. Si como no? I figured she could use some help reaching that hard-to-get-at spots. We were both very clean by the time we hit the bed. She jumped on the BBBJ with no questions asked (guess she had a change of heart) Everything was on the menu, everything was fully enjoyed as was another shower after about 2hrs of exercise. Then back to the rack for more. She stayed well past 3 hours.

She looked good in the club (her look appeals to me) she looked better at my place. Banging body, not an ounce of fat anywhere on her (and I looked everywhere) Little tattoo (looks like the Aerosmith logo) below belly button. Small boomerang-shaped scar on the outside of her left thigh just above her knee.

Very good experience.Is she from Paraguay?


Nice girl if it's the same?

Miami Bob
06-14-09, 12:58
Tiny little long dark haired and very white skin. Pretty, nut cot cover-girl face girl--obviously looks italian. She looks very young, less than 25. Large enhanced boobs that she like to show off in an extremely seductive wayr.--not slutty. She has almost zero english. She's at newport most nights, I had scoped her out before and was out of bullets when with WW. She was always for WW. This boy needed to re-load for three hours reserved with Sweet Mariana the next afternoon.

06-14-09, 21:23
It was good having dinner with you guys and hanging a bit afterwards with the hell's angels.

It was also my pleasure Wild Walleye to help you negotiate a successfull night with that pretty young lady. It didn't hurt that she was holding my hand and grabbing my crotch while I was discussing with her how much you were going to pay her and how long she needed to stay.

You guys look after hameed when he gets back. I am now back in Lima.

Wild Walleye
06-15-09, 00:41
It didn't hurt that she was holding my hand and grabbing my crotch while I was discussing with her how much you were going to pay her and how long she needed to stay.She told me that she thought your dick was too big and wanted a guy that was muy lindo.

Tonight, I planned too late to see Lu-Lo (hoping for Mon / Tues to see this gem) just swapped textos with Lorena and she is out in the hinterlands-- since I gotta get to bed before, sunrise. Guess this poor little country boy, mono-lingual mongrel will have to go it alone and start hunting and gathering asap. Considering the 99.999% hit ratio (thanks much to AP) I think that the likelihood for success is excellent. If I strike out, I am heading to Checkers to do shots with Exon!

Wild Walleye
06-15-09, 01:01
See earlier post on la otra Lorena. Paraguaya muy cliente! However, Lorena from NP, as Bob confirmed is a Portena easy on the eyes and extraordinary elsewhere.
Is she from Paraguay?


Nice girl if it's the same?

Wild Walleye
06-18-09, 12:28
Tiny little long dark haired and very white skin. Pretty, nut cot cover-girl face girl--obviously looks italian. She looks very young, less than 25. Large enhanced boobs that she like to show off in an extremely seductive wayr.--not slutty. She has almost zero english.I swapped texts with her over the long weekend and we reunited on Monday night, I think (Duhana, Lorena, Carla, Sabrina, Julieta, Lorena, Cecelia. This session was as good or better than the first. She pulled out all the stops and got me to bust in about 45 mins (I think Friday we went at it for two hours with one dose of leche delivered) We hung out on the bed and talked a little maybe napped a little. She got up and went out in the living room and I figured that she was getting ready to leave. Being a smart girl and understanding the amount of effort she would need to put in for a successful round two, I figured it would be the smart thing for her to do (not that I wanted her to go) She comes back and sits on the edge of the bed (still naked) and leans in for a kiss (I figure with a goodbye) she then proceeds straight to bbbj round two and ride'em cowboy in multiple positions. After changing positions yet again (back to missionary) she grabs mr. Happy to guide him in, only she lifts her hips and without any suggestion from me, slips him in the backdoor. Mr. Happy was happy.

She is one of a very elite corp of performers who can get two rounds of leche out of me in rapid succession. I find that if I am not properly turned on by a chica, I can pound her all night but not bust a nut (see my next report) I need a little more than a hot looking chica (great start) laying there. I need a naughty girl that gets in my head.

Lorena is the best new GFE / PSE combo I have come across in a very long time. Performance was great. Can't wait to do that again.

Wild Walleye
06-18-09, 13:22
My work schedule was a little crazy this week and with business dinners and entertaining associates, my schedule was unpredictable and late. Very late. Therefore, I was not able to schedule and plan visits and had to go by the seat of my pants. This happened to be NP Friday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. Saturday I had a duo from the private stock that I have developed thanks to AP members.

Friday and Sunday were with Lorena, previously documented. Monday was a little bit of a different story. I had lots of work to do and a business dinner over near Tribunales. After dinner, associates were heading back to their respective hotels as I did to mine (next door to NP) I was up in my room and the pulsating music drew me down to NP.

I was in a bit of strange mood and wasn't sure what I wanted. When I walked into NP, I was almost immediately greeted by Julieta (I mentioned Julieta in generally unflattering terms in this thread a little while ago) In short, she is part of the furniture in NP. Every night she has ever approached me in NP, I dismiss her out of hand. I don't know why but this night I started talking with her. I guess I figured that I would be nice for a minute and then brush her off. Anyway, so we get to talking (any of you guys that have heard me speak spanish are laughing pretty heartily right now) and I start thinking that what I want is to give one of these hardened chicas a good 2-hour grudge-f***.

She is a little older (she says 35. 5'5", I would guess 135lbs, most of that being in her surgically enhanced rack. Her body looks good in clothes but she has that hardened look about her and her face is not so good (looks like collagen and plastic surgery maybe)

She asks me if I want to go and I ask how much. She said US$200. I laugh and tell her that while I may be a gringo, I am not a stupid gringo. I then said something to the effect that she should pay me for sex and got a genuine laugh out of her. Her next offer was AR$300 for one hour. I countered with AR$300 but, you can't leave until I bust a nut. She agreed (thinking she'd be back in NP in 20 mins and that I was in fact a stupid gringo)

Up to my place, a little chit chat and quickly into bbbj. I must say, I think it was an excellent bbbj and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I especially enjoyed her efforts to make me blow quickly (forgot to tell her about my slow amigo) Into bed we go. Decent body, a little heavy and not as firm as I would have guessed but decent. Big cans that were enjoyable. She has a faded sun tattoo around her navel. About two hours later I asked her if she was ready for me to be done. Seems she was.

I actually had a good time with her and enjoyed her company. I had a good time with her but, I probably won't repeat (mainly because I am superficial and like hotter girls (usually younger too, but experience sometimes helps) As she was getting ready to go, we got on the subject of other girls at NP. I asked her if she knew a particular girl at NP) She responded with kind of a sad face saying "No mas, es casada" (no more, she's married) I told her that was good for her but, I would miss her (Bob-this is the girl I sent the off-color text to on Friday night)

I went back to NP on Tuesday night and low and behold, there was the girl in question (no es casada) with newly enhanced boobs. Post to follow

Miami Bob
06-19-09, 00:48
Walley, thanks for the reporting on Lorena. I want some of that next trip. So that hot little body looks even better out of her clothing and she knows how make a man come above his own exceptations.

I am salivating. I remeber how hot she looked. I missed the fondling. I guess that I'm just not a stud muffin like Westfla.

I'm working on my August dates now ---Line up Lorena and Pam and just move back and forth.

Wild Walleye
06-19-09, 11:46
Walley, thanks for the reporting on Lorena. I want some of that next trip. So that hot little body looks even better out of her clothing and she knows how make a man come above his own exceptations.

I am salivating. I remeber how hot she looked. I missed the fondling. I guess that I'm just not a stud muffin like Westfla.

I'm working on my August dates now ---Line up Lorena and Pam and just move back and forth.Met her (again, have seen her many times) earlier this week too. I had to do a double take when I saw her because she had a low cut top and I didn't recognize the C-cup lolas (recently installed) The four of us (Cece, me & the twins) had lots of fun late into the morning hours. She is a delightful young woman to spend time with (the sex is good too) No cola (yet)

I told her that her 'friend' Juliana told me she was married and the look on her face was priceless. "Malo!"

I will keep seeing Pam, Lorena and Cece as often as possible (maybe put two of them together at one time) My crazy schedule made it impossible to catch up with Luciana Love. I will rectify that situation asap.

08-16-09, 15:09
I checked in New Port yesterday night, few attractive girls there, I believe 90% lady was 35+ years old. It is not a so good place as I expected.

I catched one youngest Paraguay girl finally with 300Peso, good service with CBJ.

Is 300Peso the normal price in NEW PORT for young chicas?



08-17-09, 18:14
Is the price for a newbie who is toooo bored, reading this forum before akting and avoids speaking spanish.

But I am shure, you are very smart and the puta fell completely in love (with the three Rocas)

Somebody pleasant, speaking reasonible spanish would have made the deal for at least half the price.

Rock Harders
08-17-09, 21:35

You should disregard the advice the last poster gave about pricing at Newport as in today's environment it is completely inaccurate. Maybe 3 or 4 years ago a girl could be pulled from Newport for $150 AR. Today, none of the doable girls in Newport would walk out of there for anything less than $250 AR or maybe $200 AR if you speak fluent Spanish and the girl is either attracted to you or really needs the money and other prospects that night are dim. Even those numbers are wishful thinking for most guys that walk into Newport as the truth is that Joe Monger is not going to be able to get anything attractive out of this place for less than $300 AR.


Rock Harders

08-17-09, 23:12
I've had real "Hotties" ask me for $400 or more.


08-17-09, 23:58
DR = 150 US minimum for a night and morning of GFE good action, beautiful girl.

Cali = 80 - 125 US for a night and morning of GFE good action, beautiful girl.

Costa Rica = it is HARD to even get GFE without knowledge and hook-up - it is a factory.

SO, the numbers you speak of seem fair. Providing that is for a "salida" exit and good time, not a 1 hour quicky.

Anyone want bargains greater than that, gotta go someplace else. (Thailand; Philippine) Am I missing anything?

08-18-09, 00:18
Enough said. I call bullshit on Spassy's post. Keeping it real. Rock is spot on, whether you're fluent or not.

Happy Mongering All,


08-18-09, 02:56
The DR TLN 150USD! What are you smoking? Please share with the group. As usual, Sidney is spot on! Where do these guys come from? 150USD? TLN? DR? IALOTFLMAO!

Happy Mongering All,


08-18-09, 10:24
Of course, those that are looking for volume cheap can find the rates you suggest - any grass hut will do.

I do not make such an effort for anything less than a 8.5 - and that should include a little style not just a pulse with limited muscle control.

Everybody has their likes and dislikes - strawberry, vanilla, chocolate.

Wild Walleye
08-18-09, 11:38
AR$300 is only US$78 and change.

My last several visits to Newport were in the AR$300-AR$350 range and were multiple hours (2-5hrs) and involved what I consider to be quite dooable chicas (with the exception of Juliana).

Need to get back to Bs As asap.

09-26-09, 12:01
The DR TLN 150USD! What are you smoking? Please share with the group. As usual, Sidney is spot on! Where do these guys come from? 150USD? TLN? DR? IALOTFLMAO!

Happy Mongering All,

ToymannSkifozo checking in. Just celebrated my one year anniversary here in the DR last week.

The 150usd is accurate only at the high end strip clubs in SD-foxys-baby dolls.

These would be equivalent to your Blacks-Madahos.

The norm here is pretty much as spelled out by big SID.

Btw. Hope all is well SID and Ramiro.

09-26-09, 17:53
DR = 150 US minimum for a night and morning of GFE good action, beautiful girl.

Cali = 80 - 125 US for a night and morning of GFE good action, beautiful girl.

Costa Rica = it is HARD to even get GFE without knowledge and hook-up - it is a factory.

SO, the numbers you speak of seem fair. Providing that is for a "salida" exit and good time, not a 1 hour quicky.

Anyone want bargains greater than that, gotta go someplace else. (Thailand; Philippine) Am I missing anything?Wow, its been three years since I was in Sosua, DR. I was only paying $30 USD for todo la noche for GFE with beautiful, high end chicks. Times really do change!

Full Throttle
09-29-09, 18:02
Of 10 recent nights at BA, I spent time in Newport about 4 times. The service ranged from ok to good, the music from okay to excellent, and the girls from good to excellent.

Newport is now the near-exclusive province of the plastic boobs, which really isn't my thing. I don't know if it is a physical thing, but rather the implication of high maintenance.

I never pulled a girl, but was issued several quotes ranging from 480P to 1300P. I never counter unless I am serious about taking them, which I wasn't so I didn't.

However, I did bargain on behalf of a friend the other night. The opening offer by "Kelly," an adorable girl-next-door, was $300 US. She eventually agreed to 400 pesos for TLN, not EARLIER than noon departure. According to my buddy, she was fantastic and stayed until dinner time.

Newport is the "Wild, Wild, West" of BA as you never know what you're in for. I'm glad this event worked out well for him.

Wild Walleye
09-30-09, 00:41
Newport is now the near-exclusive province of the plastic boobs, I think I posted a while back about being surprised by Cece (Cecelia) and her newly acquired twins. I was so thrown off that I didn't recognize her at first. When I saw her, I knew that I 'knew' her but couldn't place her (only saw her half a dozen times or so) As soon as we started talking, I knew exactly who she was and after a little while, I figured out what was different and why I was confused. It probably didn't help that I stared at her lolas the entire time, which probably further confused me.

I am 100% in favor of tits of all sorts big, small, natural or surgically enhanced.

10-18-09, 19:50
Is Sunday evening / Monday morning an ok time to visit NP?

If not any other suggestions? Suerte

10-22-09, 22:53
That is up from 8 pesos, 2 or 3 years ago! Chica drink prices about 55 pesos!The CockSuckers.


Gato Hunter
10-23-09, 00:16
I have NEVER bought a chica a drink at Newport. Is this new?

Art Vandalay
10-23-09, 09:03
I went to New Port tonight and although I did not pull, I did get the latest going rate which seems to be 400p for about 2 hours.

Wild Walleye
10-25-09, 01:49
I went to New Port tonight and although I did not pull, I did get the latest going rate which seems to be 400p for about 2 hours.Interesting. Is NP more expensive than Mad-ass-hoes?

Art Vandalay
10-26-09, 19:51
I'm not sure, my buddy and I went into Madaho's the other night towards closing time and talked a girl down to 400p or 500p plus drink penalty.

10-29-09, 21:00
Last Wednesday night / Thursday morning at New Port was excellent.

Broad range of girls from cougar's to classy.

Opening quotes of $150 USD or 300 pesos without negotiation with our "aussie" accents.

Note: Whilst showing the lads around the local area (a small break in some fairly heavy drinking) two stunning "ladies" set upon one of our group. They were all over him and.....after his wallet, credit cards (fast moving hands) etc. He broke free and we settled back into the safety of the bar!

Be careful out there.

10-30-09, 00:14
Note: Whilst showing the lads around the local area (a small break in some fairly heavy drinking) two stunning "ladies" set upon one of our group. They were all over him and. After his wallet, credit cards (fast moving hands) etc. He broke free and we settled back into the safety of the bar!

Be careful out there.You sure they where not TV. I've seen it happen with TV, never seen real women doing that. TV tried it on me last March, 2 blocks south of Mad. I broke the grip of the one who grabbed my arm from behind, and turned to face them, that's when I realized they where transvestite. They decided to walk away and try for someone else less likely to fight, I guess.

Member #3320
10-30-09, 00:19
I find it one helluva crazy place!

I landed there, last week at 2 am on a week night. Saw about 6-7 average looking girls, probably all were mid 40's or best in late 30's.

But the important thing I noticed is the attitude these women had! They behave as if they are all Miss Universe. Talked to 3-4 of them, all refused BBBJs, as if its the biggest sin in the world, as if I asked for GS or similar! You should have seen their bewildered expressions! Starting price was 450 ARS!

Finally opted for a very very average looking female but great body there. It was getting late, I was tired and I wanted to get laid. She was probably 45 years old but in good shape! She came home for 250 ARS.

I paid her half her money upfront initially and 2nd half as she was going home after the culmination of sex.

She stayed for 3 hrs.

I kept her on it for 3 hrs. She was v v bugged and asked what "medicine" I was onto to continue for so long.

She agreed for BBBJ at new port but was very very very very reluctant when doing the deed. She tried to use her teeth in order to put me off BJ. (I can not imagine a 45 year old woman of BA now knowing how to give a BJ!!) Then I fucked her for an hour or so and made her tired enough for her to resort to BBBJ.

She made me of course wash my dick several times in 3 hours citing safety reasons. She took a full interview of my sexual history before resorting to BBBJ.

In Newport she had agreed for CIM but at home she declined for medical reasons. She agreed to COF with great great difficulty.

She was strange and too over cautious to be in the business. She was also very fussy on what kind of music she wanted to hear! Too demanding on music front! She wanted particular luminosity in the apartment. She made me adjust the lights several times! In middle of sex, she wanted to have coffee!!

Ultimately she left happy leaving her phone number behind but I will not be doing her again for sure.

Sex was average but fulfilling finally.

This experience made me wonder if the chicas at Boliches are really worth all the trouble, as I am mostly a "privado" person and in past 1 month, i have had several excellent privado experiences with different girls in different privados.

Anyone , any monger that will like her ( new port girl) phone number can send me a PM.


Wild Walleye
10-30-09, 00:39
There is nothing like a chica that has no understanding of how male sexuality works.

Male sexuality is pretty simple: I) we want something sexy, ii) we want to be able to be comfortable (I. E. Relax and be pressure-free during the process and not be uncomfortable or pressured) and iii) a little 'naughty' is good too.

The methodology to get us there (I. E. Pop) is: I) make us think you are sexy and naughty, ii) make us think that you might be horny enough to really want to be naughty and sexy with us; and incrementally give us some sugar. If a good-looking chica really focused on that progression, she could finish most of us off in 10-15 mins and before vaginal penetration.

I must admit that I have enjoyed Newport, but I would not have enjoyed Captain's experience. I don't enjoy germ-a-phobe chicas (if you are afraid of cum, you might want to stop sucking cocks for a living) That kind of behavior (combined with the toothy bbbj) would normally be rewarded with an 'accidental' facial. Plus, the AR$450 price you cite makes me think completo, BBBJTCIMWS and besos negros and cooking me breakfast should be included.

I have had almost exclusively excellent experiences in NP (Luciana and CeCe come to mind) and I even had a good time when I plugged the house pig (Julietta) However, if things have changed for the worst. I guess I can walk the 90ft to Junin 1633.

BA Luvr
10-31-09, 14:18
The one thing you have to remember about Newport, is that the chicas are a mixture of pros and part-timers. The latter are more likely to be particular than the former, but sometimes they lead to more GFE experiences also. I've met an interesting mixture of women from Newport, including a singer in a local band. There is (possibly) more variability to chica-experiences at Newport than you find in privados, but that's the intriguing part. Just my 2 centavos.

10-31-09, 18:51
My take on the whole thing is that if a chica is alone and in a corner or if she doesn't have the latest fashions she's usually new or a part timer. The regulars usually have thier little circle.

11-02-09, 11:36
This is a great place imho. I have been going here and with a couple of senior contributors on the board over the last five weeks or so. My take is the following.

1) Be nice to all of them!

2) When you split with one, always negotiate upfront. (don't expect anything more on the backend, "especially their backend!"

These girls are all friends and they talk.

I like to sweet talk them a bit (with my rotten spanish) Also, when not talking about my dick, I focus the discussion around their future as models and when they have kids (though not preferred) center discussion around their kids and how hard they must work as single mothers. I ask the names of their kids and their ages, etc.

I am no Robert Redford but can say that I have had some amazing GFE, BBBJ, BBSexo, DFK, todos out of there several times.

Develop a good reputation there, you will not regret it.

This goes true with old faithful, "Coco-drillo" boliche as well.




Member #3320
11-06-09, 05:45

You should disregard the advice the last poster gave about pricing at Newport as in today's environment it is completely inaccurate. Maybe 3 or 4 years ago a girl could be pulled from Newport for $150 AR. Today, none of the doable girls in Newport would walk out of there for anything less than $250 AR or maybe $200 AR if you speak fluent Spanish and the girl is either attracted to you or really needs the money and other prospects that night are dim. Even those numbers are wishful thinking for most guys that walk into Newport as the truth is that Joe Monger is not going to be able to get anything attractive out of this place for less than $300 AR.


Rock HardersI concur with RH 100% on the above statement.

11-06-09, 13:31
Just be happy!


11-06-09, 19:57
Times before NewPort was a place where it seemed that you can have a hit or miss day. Perfect. Nothing here, walk down the street to Black, Madahos. Good place to start your evening.

Recently it seems it's more a miss than a hit. You can skip your $20 bottle of whatever, it seems to be populated by the same faces that have gotten harder. Maybe it's me, naaa, it's them!

Prices go up, I do not get why the used pussy all of a sudden now costs another $50 pessos. It's not an antique. It's a depreciating commodity.

I know, I know, if we's stupid to pay the higher price they not stupid not to raise it.

Cocodrilo was a mixed bag as well. Got quoted form 200 to US200. So you better be good looking like me! And smart, they like smart!


11-07-09, 21:16
Go to Jackson's proprietary photo gallery to view girls I sourced exclusively from Newport / Cocodrillo.

Times before NewPort was a place where it seemed that you can have a hit or miss day. Perfect. Nothing here, walk down the street to Black, Madahos. Good place to start your evening.

Recently it seems it's more a miss than a hit. You can skip your $20 bottle of whatever, it seems to be populated by the same faces that have gotten harder. Maybe it's me, naaa, it's them!

Prices go up, I do not get why the used pussy all of a sudden now costs another $50 pessos. It's not an antique. It's a depreciating commodity.

I know, I know, if we's stupid to pay the higher price they not stupid not to raise it.

Cocodrilo was a mixed bag as well. Got quoted form 200 to US200. So you better be good looking like me! And smart, they like smart!


Member #3320
11-11-09, 14:01
You can skip your $20 bottle of whatever, it seems to be populated by the same faces that have gotten harder. Maybe it's me, naaa, it's them!

Prices go up, I do not get why the used pussy all of a sudden now costs another $50 pessos. It's not an antique. It's a depreciating commodity. SanMichele.

I concur with you 100% on that. I had a 2nd bad experience within a month with someone from New Port recently.

These hardened faces have also become more difficult in bed with time. The BBBJ seems to be like a sin for them! Or even if they do agree for BBBJ, they behave so strangely and weirdly when performing it that it becomes a waste of time. For that matter, even the DFK is not forthcoming.

I also found when they come home, they deliberately try to waste time talking bullshit talks so that time in bed gets reduced as much as possible.

I wonder on what basis they behave like this when BA privados are populated with very pretty, early 20's girls ready to provide excellent services in bed.

Sly One
11-20-09, 08:53
When I first started going there 5 years ago the drinks were $9 pesos.

Then,$11, then $15, then $18 on my last visit $24.

Fuck knows this visit?

I know they have high inflation and the USD$ devalued but 270% increase in 5 years. Is a bit rich. Especially if you like to drink a few. Like I do?


Gato Hunter
11-22-09, 12:53
I agree on the drink prices, you can't really do affordable prefunking there anymore.

My drink eight months ago was 30 pesos, its now 42! Before that it was 20! It doubled in a little over a year.

The quantity of chicas has gone down and the girls have gotten older.

01-02-10, 16:57
Basic drink price here is now 29 pesos.

01-02-10, 17:55
I was just in BSAs and I decided to hit up Newport just to see the action and sure as shootin it was loaded with tons of grey haired men checking out the chicas. The same old chicas were their. I did not buy a drink but was only their for less than 10 min. My friend took off with some crazy priced chica (about 400 pesos) I laughed at him after warning him, but she was his fantasy girl so the money was easy for her. I went my way and met up with a chica I already knew from another place. Newport is a safe place for people who are ok with paying outragous prices, and tourists. Newport is the adult version of Florida ave. A "pure tourist trap".


01-02-10, 23:37
Was there last Wednesday at about 1 am. I went in, sat down, looked around, and left. Gross!

01-03-10, 01:19
I've walked by Newport countless times over the years, stopped in a few times but never took anyone out. Last month I finally did. Her name is Valentina. Early-twenties, blond, slim, small chest, about 5'3. She hangs around Newport with another twenties-something blond, Carolina.

I approached Valentina and we started chatting. She was friendly and interesting to talk with. She said she would do bbbj. When we talked prices she first asked for 500 pesos. I replied I was willing to pay 300 (which I believed was the low reasonable "floor" at Newport). She did not readily agree to this, but when it became apparent this was the only price I would agree to, she agreed. I bought her a drink and we continued chatting. I enjoyed talking with her. Eventually I ask if she would like to leave with me, and to be clear said for 300 pesos. She made one last effort for 400 pesos but I declined. She also asked if I would go to the nearby transitorio, which I also declined. I said I prefer my place, and will give her a good tip if we have a good time. She agreed.

In the taxi she was not affectionate, nor at my place when we arrived. In the first 5 minutes she had various instructions/requests, such as turn down the A/C, turn on some music, go wash yourself in the bathroom, take off your shirt, etc. Not a good start. I provide her the payment up front per her request. I eventually get her to give me a light kiss, and we both strip. OK body, small natural breasts with large areola. I feel her up a bit, but there is zero onda. I'm not aroused at all. I ask for a bj. She replies, what, when it's small? I normally do it when its big. I repeat my request politely, but she resists. I'm a little puzzled. Before bailing, I try to get an explanation for her behavior. After a bit of probing, I finally get my answer. The conversation goes something like this (paraphrased):

Her: Look, you only paid 300 pesos, what do you expect.
Me: Oh, now I see. Well, you agreed to it.
Her: Yes, but you're a tourist, 300 pesos is nothing for you. At Black the girls ask for 300 dollars. 300 pesos is nothing.
Me: But you agreed to it.
Her: Look, 300 pesos is nothing. Other customers at Newport pay more. 300 pesos is NOTHING.
Me: You can go now. Please leave.
Her: But I don't want to leave.
Me: Go.
Her: <silence>
Me: A question for you. If 300 pesos was such a low price, why did you agree to it?
Her: Because it was easy money.

I make clear she needs to leave, and soon she is gone. Valentina was my first chica from Newport, and possibly my last.

Given the central location of Newport in this part of Recoleta, with lots of foot traffic passing by, I am not surprised to see a tourist mentality with chicas here. The prices expected seem out of line with the quality of chicas, somewhat like Cafe Orleans. I have been to numerous night clubs/boliches in BA, and I rank Newport near the bottom for purposes of pulling a chica.

BA Luvr
01-03-10, 02:35
Esten, you KNOW you're gonna get shit from your fellow mongers for paying upfront. But the behavior you describe is all too common. If the girl feels cheated she will not give you a good time. It's best to walk away than to bargain below her comfort threshold. As soon as you hear "it's nothing to you", that's the red flag. Realize also that to the girl it's a matter of negative self esteem to accept less than what her friends get.

But 400 pesos? Incredible! Better luck next time.

Member #3320
01-03-10, 11:31

I concur with you 100% on that. I had a 2nd bad experience within a month with someone from New Port recently.

These hardened faces have also become more difficult in bed with time. The BBBJ seems to be like a sin for them! Or even if they do agree for BBBJ, they behave so strangely and weirdly when performing it that it becomes a waste of time. For that matter, even the DFK is not forthcoming.

I also found when they come home, they deliberately try to waste time talking bullshit talks so that time in bed gets reduced as much as possible.

I wonder on what basis they behave like this when BA privados are populated with very pretty, early 20's girls ready to provide excellent services in bed.Esten, this is my recent report on Newport in Nov.'09. Newport needs to be avoided!

01-03-10, 12:20
Hi Captain!

I was in Newport a week ago.

Saw some girls from other clubs like Laura, a blonde who used to work in Brut; one brunette with very big tits, english spoken that spent many nights in Exedra and later in Madelaine; and an incredible and gorgeous blonde in her thirties and endless legs that think I saw in Madaho's not long ago.

Many girls prefer New Port because is the only working place in Recoleta where they can come and go whenever they like, don't be bothered with enter or leaving times like in Madaho's or the rest of the clubs. Also the money is all for themselves, save a small fee they have to paid to New Port while sitting at the table.

The same as in Orleans.

In fact, remeber seeing many girls in New Port that used to spend their afternoons in Orleans.

Because all this, I think, you're more able to negotiate the girl's price than in any club of Recoleta.

Even more as you approach closing time.

Member #3320
01-04-10, 18:05
Hi Captain!

I was in Newport a week ago.

Saw some girls from other clubs like Laura, a blonde who used to work in Brut; one brunette with very big tits, english spoken that spent many nights in Exedra and later in Madelaine; and an incredible and gorgeous blonde in her thirties and endless legs that think I saw in Madaho's not long ago.

Many girls prefer New Port because is the only working place in Recoleta where they can come and go whenever they like, don't be bothered with enter or leaving times like in Madaho's or the rest of the clubs. Also the money is all for themselves, save a small fee they have to paid to New Port while sitting at the table.

The same as in Orleans.

In fact, remeber seeing many girls in New Port that used to spend their afternoons in Orleans.

Because all this, I think, you're more able to negotiate the girl's price than in any club of Recoleta.

Even more as you approach closing time.Julio,

You are mostly right on the above. Only thing that the quality of sex provided by these girls has been very poor (as experienced by self & some other mongers in recent times)

The girls particularly have a major problem with BBBJ.

The problem is that unlike other clubs or Privados, the girls here are literally working absolutely independently. This makes them pretty bold, carefree, non-professional as they are not answerable to any managers/employers.

Also the girls seem to be very sarcastic and mean in their casual talks for some strange reason!

I would say again. Avoid Newport.

However, I will like to add a addendum, that Newport is something to be experienced by a newbie monger (despite all the negatives) at least once! It can be pretty thrilling for a newbie, especially a newbie first time in South America.

Miami Bob
01-04-10, 22:36
Most of my mongering in BA is done out of my little black book or based upon recomendations. When I try someone new without any introduction, 50% of the time I have a less than memorable experience. The better girls go into my phone and get many repeats.

I am friendly with a few groups of Newport girls and consistantly have good experiences within their social groups.

I have also met a few semi-pro's over the years who are wonderful GFE's and have become like friends.

I do much better at Newport than Madahos and about the same as Oleans or at the triangle clubs.

The privados--generally are not my cup of tea--except with take-out or the higher end places. I am easily grossed-out by the bottom end privados, despite their low prices and sometimes good girls.

I prefer to troll at the independemnt girls recomended here at AP.

01-05-10, 00:08
As a price check Bob, given your good experiences here, what do you typically pay and tip the Newport chicas, and for how much time?

Member #3320
01-05-10, 05:46
As a price check Bob, given your good experiences here, what do you typically pay and tip the Newport chicas, and for how much time?Also Bob, kindly enlighten us on the art of negotiating BBBJ with Newport girls in the bar and then actually making them execute it in the room.

I am mighty curious on that one!

Thanks in advance.

Wild Walleye
01-05-10, 13:39
Stand next to MiamiBob.

This is a multifaceted strategy base upon his animal magnetism, dashing good looks, suave demeanor and excellent spoken Spanish, not to mention that he is a good guy with whom to have a drink and intelligent conversation (if you can get over the fact that he is a NeoCon (jejeje)

I too have had predominantly good experiences at Newport. I think that most all of the chicas I have seen from there have provided bbbj. Some have offered bb entry to additional ports of call. With the exception of Julietta (the battle axe previously reviewed herein) I have found beautiful chicas worth repeating. While Julietta may not be a the vision of what I like (she's had face work done that doesn't look natural and despite being a dancer of some sort is a little doughy around the middle) I think I still had a good time.

Perhaps my woefully inadequate grasp of Spanish makes it more difficult to articulate changing bbbj to cbj once back at my place, who knows?

Prices seem to be AR$300-AR$350, although I have not been there during the last 90 days.

Miami Bob
01-07-10, 06:49
Clearly ask for it and if they say no--move on. Occassionally take on a girl with great chemistry w / o bbbj and gamble that after proper warm-up or on repeat it will happen. 50% of the new talent doesn't work out--that is life. My negative experiences have sometimes been posted on AP. Despite all my positive atributes--as outlined by WW, new talent does not work consistantly and sometimes is down right bad, rather than less than what I wanted or hoped to happen.

I have kicked girls out when they promised and will not deliver. It is more painful at Madahos than Newport because in Argentina a certain amount of being value concious is part of playing the games to have mutual respect and good service with a good girl.

These girls generally have great memories for faces and talk to each other--treat the girls with basic respect and the third time that you chat them up you may get an aggreement to BBBJ when they said no the first two times. All the BA girls have been getting info on the risks of BBBJ over the last two yaers. What was generally taken for granted is now not as freely available.

All of the negative statements about Newport are true. Mongering at a club is sometimes like selling: you have to approach so many leads before closing a sale. To find the occasional semi-pro gem, you have to go out and look and approach a number of girls. When you have a great experience --repeat; get the email address; and develope the friendship as far as makes sense. The tenth. Encounter with a good partner is usually better than the first with most girls. Mongering there w / o some spanish is far more difficult. You need some game--like WW (I don't know how he does it--sign language or he gives great head or has the Toyman's bag of tricks, but it works).

Each club has it's own rules and tricks. Gato Hunter and Stan explained at Madahos flounting a relationship with management helps--I'll try it next time. At Newport many of the girls hangout in groups--if one of the group issues a good report, most of the girls in the group will be easier to deal with--they know that you will pay, not want anything too unpleasant and treat them well and they will likely have an orgasm[s]. You are a good client who will likely return. Magically you pay 300 pesos on a slow nite and get a woman motivated to have you as a regular ie you chose her rather than her girl friend who has also had you as a customer. Buy the three girls who are friends a round of drinks--it's not a waste of money

Wild Walleye
01-07-10, 18:04
These girls generally have great memories for faces and talk to each other

Absolutely right, I have had some come up and start talking to me about our past time together and after thinking about it and looking at them I remember. I blame the mental delay on my bad spanish.

treat the girls with basic respect and And sometimes it will payoff big.

You need some game--like WW (I don't know how he does it--I tell them that I have a small dick and shoot quickly but that they have to stick around at least 1.5hrs of cuddling. And a few more loads, pero, tambien mi espanol es malo)

03-08-10, 02:46
First time monger, with excellent spanish and great experiences at Newport recently.

How much should a beer cost? Is it 29 for everyone or just new faces. The price is kind of a turn off. Also, do they water down their beers?

Thanks guys, I'll post my experiences soon enough.

03-12-10, 19:08
New Port is awesome.

Been having too much fun their lately, I like the drinking for 29 (as I've learned its a cheaper price of admission and no pressure to take a girl home)

So the other night, this crunk hot thing starts flirting with me. We both kinda wasted and she's cute enough (maybe an 8) but has this totally flirtacious attitude and cute face which kills me everytime. Stats. 32A, 5'7, tight bod, 26. Boobs aren't as big as like, but it got me to open the wallet through. 200/ hr. My buddy is taking a night off from the hookering, but her sister (20yo, about 34D, tiny 20yo waist and ass) is chatting him up. He doesn't budge we go to leave and my girl says, well my sister is coming with us.

My girl is totally nuts (and possibly on the nose-candy) grinding me in the cab, grabbing my junk, telling me she wants sexo, a bit over the top, but I'm horny so its good. Get back to my place, the chicks are running around the 10th floor pad (ah que linda and shit) drinking, causing a fucking ruckus.

My girl goes to change / shower, I go to get cash, my buddy and the sis are chilling on fucking facebook or something. I come back go to my room and the crazy ***** is in one of my suits, gives a striptease and than we get to boning. Pretty standard for the most part, multiple positions, but good.

But here is the kicker, we finish and go hand out. The sister is looking at me all crazy, takes off her top and shows her boobs. Then she gets up to go to the bathroom takes my hand to follow. Just about in the bathroom, when my crazy ***** grabs me and says "no puta-hermana, ello es mio!" (I'm like WTF is going on?

Anyhoo, we all exchange emails, but I didn't get the sisters. Sis told my bro that there were on vacation from uraguay for 2wks (their facebooks check out, with status posts and information) I send an email to crazy to go out for drinking, she emails and is calling back, but I really want to fuck the sister.

I feel that I am going to incur chica wrath if this plays out the way I'm hoping it will. Tips?

Wild Walleye
03-12-10, 20:06
Find out when the two of them will be back in NP (time, etc) Tell her that you will probably see her there but don't commit to 100% (unless you have to)

Get another monger to lead the way. You stay outside, in front near the tables and watch through the window. Have him chat up your chica and see if he can't separate the two and perhaps get some mojo going with her. You'll find out pretty quickly whether or not she wants your johnny or Johnny-on-the-spot's johnny. You can sms or speak on the cell to communicate. He can say something to the affect of "my friend is planning on meeting me" or whatever.

If she seems good to go, they should dance (as close to the stage as possible) which will hopefully give the opportunity and cover to swoop and and work the sis. If / when they come back to the table, you and your straw man have never met. Act put off that she was trying to hook up with another guy. Give her the notion that he might be her better bet for AR$200 that night.

See how it plays out from there.

05-26-10, 21:55
I just walked by New Port, and someone handed me a flier. I don't know what "ingredientes" are, but you can get 2 Chopp with said ingredientes for 16p. Licuidos are 16p, and some food options are 26-28p. This is "hasta las 20hs."

I guess I might have another reason to stop by now!

05-27-10, 02:47
Pardon me, but what the fuck are you saying.


05-27-10, 03:28
Pardon me, but what the fuck are you saying.


Pardon Exon. He's stuck in Sex Prison and he doesn't know what the fuck he's saying.

Actually, he's like this all the time, but when he's in BA we get to hear his comments personally, and they don't sound as rude as when they're posted on a forum.

I appreciate your forbearance.



05-27-10, 04:22
Hey Jackson. WTF! Exon is right! What a stupid post by a newbie. Stop abusing my be^ tch. That's my job. I give him a pass on the political thread because when it comes to politics or anything cerebral Exon is a "stupid mother fucker cocksucker!" LOL. Stop kicking the retarded guy as he doesn't get it, most of the time! In this case he is totally right. Stupid post by a newbie! Every now and then a blind hog finds an acorn! LOL.

Happy Mongering All. Toymann

05-27-10, 18:01
I walked by the club. Someone handed me a flier.

I went by last night, and they said it was age 30+ night (my friend is under 30)

Gato Hunter
05-27-10, 19:05
Was this for Newport on the bottom floor or the dance club that enters from the far left and goes up the stairs? Where the bano is.

On some nights there is teenager discoteca up there. Not for adults.

07-27-10, 22:48
Has anyone run into this Chica at Newport? I picked her up a couple of years ago and the last time is was in BA (last November) she was no where to be found.

Hopefully the attached picture helps

07-28-10, 20:20
Haven't seen her, but I did bang her. Not too bad. Good bod.

Wild Walleye
07-28-10, 20:57
I saw her there some time back, but "saw" was all I did. A little bit of a butter-face, nice looking bod. Has the look of a hardened pro, so I walked passed (multiple times)

08-28-10, 10:23
I'm staying in Loi Suites Recoleta which is 30 seconds away from Newport and a minute from Hippo! Havent tried any clubs yet and always guys in that street hand small papers and ask you if you wanna go to Hippo!

Anyways, last night just walking back to the hotel from dinner at about 12:30! I passed next to Newport and really slowed down to see whats happening inside, door was open so stood and looked inside and all I saw was chica to males ratio 5-1 or 6-1! Guy at the door talking spanish but ofcourse I had no idea whats he was saying! Was really tempted to go in. I just left back to the hotel.

Does anyone know if that place is still safe, whats the cover charge for self and chica's? Any purticular advise? I'm going to El calatafe today but coming back on 30th or 31st! So might try it if it sounds good!

Thanks guys!

El Perro
08-28-10, 10:37
Sure are alot of rubes in town between this guy and Franky Double. RTFF. No cover. Over 30p now for a beer. Those are hookers you saw in there. They don't bite but they do suck.

Sorry for giving Frankie Double and Greatest such shit, but COME ON!

I'm staying in Loi suites recoleta which is 30 seconds away from newport and a minute from Hippo! Havent tried any clubs yet and always guys in that street hand small papers and ask you if you wanna go to Hippo!

Anyways, last night just walking back to the hotel from dinner at about 12:30! I passed next to newport and really slowed down to see whats happening inside, door was open so stood and looked inside and all I saw was chica to males ratio 5-1 or 6-1! Guy at the door talking spanish but ofcorse I had no idea whats he was saying! Was really tempted to go in. I just left back to the hotel.

Does anyone know if that place is still safe, whats the cover charge for self and chica's? Any purticular advise? I'm going to El calatafe today but coming back on 30th or 31st! So might try it if it sounds good!

Thanks guys!

Member #3320
08-28-10, 10:45
Newport is safe. Do not worry. For every drink, pay upfront.

No take out fees.

Negotiate money directly with chica.

Expect to pay 250-300 pesos for the chica for a hour of fun unless you have chemistry with chica, chica has no babies waiting at home and she decides to do a "toda la noche".

Most of the chicas there are very experienced and not easy to manage. So some Spanish helps but the chicas will know some English.

Normally chicas meeting you first time will not do BBBj.

Hope you have a good time.

Wild Walleye
08-28-10, 21:55
I'm staying in Loi Suites Recoleta which is 30 seconds away from Newport Great location. NP is safe. Go in, buy a beer and look around. Smile, wink, etc. I happen to like Pamela, Celia (Cece) Lorena and even had fun with Julieta (hardened looking chica that camps out at the far end of the bar directly in line with the front door)

If you need some english (none of the above chicas speaks mush english) on the part of the chica (not sure why you'd want this, she might try to talk to you) ask the chicas "habla ingles?" (sounds like "ah-blah een-glace") If she say "no" (sounds like "no") ask her "las chicas que hablan ingles?" (figure it out) and smile. If she brings over a chica that speaks english, give her a tip (AR$20-$40 based on the hotness of the chica she brings over) If she brings a dog, ask "otras?" and look sad. When the bi-lingual chicas arrives, ask her if she and the introducing chica want to do a double (provided that is of interest to you) Normally, the introducing chica is the one that caught your attention so why not try to bang her. Similarly, the bilingual chica could just act as a translator and cheerleader while you have fun with the introducing chica.

When you find your chica, no worries at the LOI Suites, quite chica friendly. Depending on who is manning the desk, I often go straight to the elevator without signing in the chica. The girls at the front desk think I am a dog.

Anyways, last night just walking back to the hotel from dinner at about 12:30! I passed next to Newport and really slowed down to see whats happening inside, door was open so stood and looked inside and all I saw was chica to males ratio 5-1 or 6-1! Guy at the door talking spanish but ofcourse I had no idea whats he was saying! Was really tempted to go in. I just left back to the hotel.

Does anyone know if that place is still safe, whats the cover charge for self and chica's? Any purticular advise? I'm going to El calatafe today but coming back on 30th or 31st! So might try it if it sounds good!

Thanks guys!Perfectly safe establishment to go into. I suggest you do so.

08-30-10, 03:17
The other week, first night went to NP, got my beer, paid up front--get the local draft, the bartender will recommend it. I chatted a long time with an interesting, petite girl named Yesica. We did some dfk in the corner and I massaged her back a little, we negotiated around $300 pesos but decided I had drunk too much for more that night. Always some sort of live entertainment when I am there, usually two-piece band, singer and guitar.

Next night went, hanging back because no wingman; met up with a rather aggressive brunette named Clara. Decent face, decent body, nice in the bar. But allll business back at the room. I over-paid $400 pesos and, yes. Paid up front at her insistence (did I mention she was aggressive? Clothes off, raided my minibar and had my belt undone in about the first minute; the $400 pesos were gone from the bedside table by then too. Skills were good but mechanical, she was definitely mission-oriented and got a little impatient when I finally took some control and told her to slow down. Once I gave her the lecture and mentioned the $400 pesos a few times, she got the message and the service was better, but no bbbj, everything covered. She has skilled hands though, and somewhat got into the doggy; yet, would not let me remove her bra. Finished mish in the condom. Expected her to rush like a striker to the door once finished but instead curled up and stayed the rest of the night (3 hours or so) and even watched part of the world cup game the next day with me. No english. Could be nice. But strange. She has tried me again at NP and I said no.

A few weeks later, on the advice of a friend, took out Julietta. She is, according to her, 42 years old and looks it, wears heavy makeup and could use an instructional sit-down at the cosmetics counter at the mall; that said, she has a very upbeat attitude and laughs a lot; if you know some spanish, she works with you on the translation and really tries to make you comfortable. It was late and I got her out the door for $250 pesos plus cab fare. Again, probably due to the late hour, she was sexy but efficient in getting naked and getting it going once at the room. Proud of her body (fake breasts featured) she is sexy for her age and is a great dancer, especially naked. Dove right into bbbj without a request and had it humming with sound effects. From there it was cow girl, reverse cowgirl, doggy and finished with mish, her heels behind my ears. She was quick to leave, it was late and I didn't actually need more attention that morning but she did have plans she had told me about earlier.

All in all, use care but NP is safe enough if you are not silly-stupid. I like to have a wingman anywhere at night in BA.


09-23-10, 21:31
I'm sorry if this has been mentioned already, but when is peak hours for New Port? Is it good Mon-Sun or should I avoid certain days?



El Perro
09-23-10, 21:58
I'm sorry if this has been mentioned already, but when is peak hours for New Port? Is it good Mon-Sun or should I avoid certain days?


IlivehereAfter 12 Tues-Thurs would be the best, and actually, midnight is a little early. Weekends can be pretty slow.

Wild Walleye
09-24-10, 15:29
After 12 Tues-Thurs would be the best, and actually, midnight is a little early. Weekends can be pretty slow.And meet a couple chicas that you would like to see again, have them come to your place at 10pm-11pm and hang out until they need to get to NP.

09-25-10, 16:28
Went to New Port last night for the first time. Was there kind of early but met a very petite spinner who goes by the name Lecie or Lici. Not sure of the spelling. She says she from the Dominican Republic. Very cute. Just wondering if anyone has any intel on this one. Got her number but didn't pull the trigger last night.

Wild Walleye
10-26-10, 15:58
After a fantastic dinner, I took a long after dinner stroll and a digestif at La Biela in order to let the crowd at NewPort develop. I had done a fly-bye around 11:30pm and it was dead. I ventured in about midnight to find close to twenty chicas and maybe ten guys. I sat at one of the tall tables and ordered a beer (AR$32) and surveyed the field. At first glance, it was pretty grim. To my immediate left was a large-ish, handsome blond (I've never seen a tranny in Newport, but if she was the only one left I'd have done a Crocodile Dundie check before taking out) to my right was some hideous beast (I avoided eye contact so as to avoid being turned to stone) . I kept my eyes trained towards the front door, hoping something good would walk in and trying to avoid the tractor-beams of the fuglies. During the next thirty minutes, I saw three that I would take out. Unfortunately, almost as soon as I spotted her, "number 1" started talking with some other guy. After further study, I go the impression that "number 2" had "difficult" tattooed on her forehead, so I passed. Having made my mind up on "number 3, " I started looking for her and alas, she had disappeared. Oh well, you win some you lose some. So I finish my beer and start towards the door and start thinking about "Plan B. "

As I walk along the bar towards the door, I notice a dark-haired chica sitting with her back against one of the pole, facing the stage. She was keeping to herself and wasn't dressed like a normal Newport chica. She wore jeans and a long sleeve blouse with a nice amount of cleavage. She has long dark hair (may be developing a pattern) and a pretty face (7ish) and is 25 yrs old. I struck up a conversation and sat down. Clara was coy, but in an endearing way with a sense of humor. Definitely not a hardened boliche chica. I bought a round and we chatted and listened to the music for 45 mins or so (I think she was looking to stay in the club until 2 so she could leave for the night. After a while, we entered into negotiations and she led with AR$600. I told her that was too high and that I would only pay that for TDN and many pops. She said "OK. "

As she visited the powder room, Cecile, one of my old favorites showed up and said Hello. She now looks like one of the hardcore NP chicas. It's too bad because she was a very cute, real-girl, last time I saw her.

Anyhow, my amiga and I depart. Back to my place. She has an all-natural, 8+ body with perfect skin and is amazingly flexible. I was impressed. True to her word, she stayed until noon, we grabbed coffee and she was on her way. I plan to repeat.

Wild Walleye
10-26-10, 16:46
From the conclusion of our negotiations (around 2am, she never mentioned money or payment until noon, when I brought the subject up.

Miami Bob
10-27-10, 03:42
Sounds like a great find

Wild Walleye
10-27-10, 14:04
Sounds like a great findBut I was working late and was able to hook up before she went to NP and I didn't feel like making the trip over to NP to take her out (which would have been required for her to leave before 2am.

I ended up falling asleep and when she called at 2:00am, sadly, I was too tired to rally for a mutli-hour fiesta.

Tonight might be a different story

Stan Da Man
10-27-10, 14:32
I told her that was too high and that I would only pay that for TDN and many pops. She said "OK. "Just curious. What's TDN?

10-28-10, 04:31
Just curious. What's TDN?Toda la noche (overnight)

Wild Walleye
11-01-10, 13:20
Toda la noche (overnight)I repeated with this chica the other night. Same deal. The first time we were together 1:30am until 11am. The second time, she came to my place at 2am (the time at which she can leave the club with out a monger taking her out) and stayed past noon. If I wasn't being lazy, I could have gone over to the club and picked her up earlier than 2am.

I like the fact that she is not a hardened pro and doesn't really "fit in" with the rest of the chicas at NP. She lives in Congresso, no kids and did I mention how flexible she is?

11-30-10, 14:24
Well, moved house from Palermo to Recoleta, just five blocks away from plaza Francia. Decided to go for a midnight stroll. An interesting part of town, were it not for the annoying hippo and mahados touts trying to get you into their bars. The restaurants seem a bit overpriced and I've noticed supermarkets and chinos charge almost double of what I'd pay back in the hood.

Guess recoleta is where the people with money spend their time and waste their money (or waste their time and spend their money.

Anyway, NewPort was on the list so I read all about how it works on AP, took a deep breath and stepped inside. I ordered a beer. 32 pesos, sat down at the first column and had a look around. A group of 6 or 7 guys who looked rather lost. Kind of group of co-workers, some would take out a girl but are not sure all of the others would approve. And hey, how do you manage that once the conference or project is over and you're back in the US or wherever? Was quite disappointed at first (but arrived early, around 00. 30) mostly forty year olds with ridiculously big fake knockers. No offence, but not my taste. A guy fell to the floor as his barstool broke in two parts underneath him.

Then the place started filling up. Chatted for a bit with Liliana (fake blond. 40+, massive enhancements) who was witty and chatty, but I just couldn't see myself with her. Two younger girls came in. A stunning morocha who kept connecting and disconnecting and a bottleblond in a short skirt. Got up to talk to the blond, had a nice chat, all in Spanish. 500 pesos. A bit steep, but I'm not a great haggler. Told her 400. She said 5. Then nothing for a while. Then she said it was hot and she wanted to leave. On the way out she asked me to pay 10 pesos to the doorman, which I did. (should I have done that)

Taxi to my place (stop and go, really, but she didn't want to walk and neither did I)

Her name is Claudia. Bottleblond hair just over the shoulders, about 1. 60 (don't do feet, I'm Old World) and perky be cups. A bit chubby round the waist, good skin, good legs.

Started off with a great DATY that she enjoyed without overfaking it. Covered BJ and a pretty long lay missionary. Afterwards we talked for about half an hour. Paid with a 100 dollar bill and a bit extra for a taxi. Not a bad experience, but not spectaculair. The hunt is fun though. Probably will return to the NewPort of call.

12-01-10, 00:41
Well, moved house from Palermo to Recoleta, just five blocks away from plaza Francia. Decided to go for a midnight stroll. An interesting part of town, were it not for the annoying hippo and mahados touts trying to get you into their bars. The restaurants seem a bit overpriced and I've noticed supermarkets and chinos charge almost double of what I'd pay back in the hood.

Guess recoleta is where the people with money spend their time and waste their money (or waste their time and spend their money.

Anyway, NewPort was on the list so I read all about how it works on AP, took a deep breath and stepped inside. I ordered a beer. 32 pesos, sat down at the first column and had a look around. A group of 6 or 7 guys who looked rather lost. Kind of group of co-workers, some would take out a girl but are not sure all of the others would approve. And hey, how do you manage that once the conference or project is over and you're back in the US or wherever? Was quite disappointed at first (but arrived early, around 00. 30) mostly forty year olds with ridiculously big fake knockers. No offence, but not my taste. A guy fell to the floor as his barstool broke in two parts underneath him.

Then the place started filling up. Chatted for a bit with Liliana (fake blond. 40+, massive enhancements) who was witty and chatty, but I just couldn't see myself with her. Two younger girls came in. A stunning morocha who kept connecting and disconnecting and a bottleblond in a short skirt. Got up to talk to the blond, had a nice chat, all in Spanish. 500 pesos. A bit steep, but I'm not a great haggler. Told her 400. She said 5. Then nothing for a while. Then she said it was hot and she wanted to leave. On the way out she asked me to pay 10 pesos to the doorman, which I did. (should I have done that)

Taxi to my place (stop and go, really, but she didn't want to walk and neither did I)

Her name is Claudia. Bottleblond hair just over the shoulders, about 1. 60 (don't do feet, I'm Old World) and perky be cups. A bit chubby round the waist, good skin, good legs.

Started off with a great DATY that she enjoyed without overfaking it. Covered BJ and a pretty long lay missionary. Afterwards we talked for about half an hour. Paid with a 100 dollar bill and a bit extra for a taxi. Not a bad experience, but not spectaculair. The hunt is fun though. Probably will return to the NewPort of call. Sound like this might be the chica from Newport?

Hopefully it is. I haven't seen her in a couple of years and was wondering if she gave up the business

12-01-10, 06:58
Sorry my friend, it was another girl. She wouldn't let me take a photo.

12-02-10, 04:20
Went to Newport on Wed and arrived at 11:30am. First visit. When I arrived there were many women, mostly 6, 7 and 8s. Had a beer and waited to see what would happen. An attractive tall blonde caught my eye and after a few minutes of chit chat wanted $200 US dolllars to take her out. I said no thanks and waited for the next girl to catch my eye. Her name is Karolina, a 27 year old Paraguayan, cute with a nice figure. We hit it off and evenutally she was letting me put my hands all over her and playing with my hard cock. Nice one hour experience and didn't cost a cent. She wanted $100 to take her out but I begged off. She gave me her ph # and I told her would call her on Thursday. A third girl came over after Karolina moved back to her circle of girlfriends. A buxom blonde 23 yr old cute Portena with a nice petite figure but overdone fake boobs. She said she is a regular and I am the first guy she meet who dances tango. She wanted 150 US but I said not tonite. Then I called it a nite.

I have a question, what is the difference between renting a room at Acalpuco vs an albuerque? One chica told me it cost 600 pesos to rent a room for 2 hours at Acalpuco and 60 pesos to rent a room at an albuerque? Is this correct?


Joe 23
12-02-10, 11:47
I have a question, what is the difference between renting a room at Acalpuco vs an albuerque? One chica told me it cost 600 pesos to rent a room for 2 hours at Acalpuco and 60 pesos to rent a room at an albuerque? Is this correct?

Thanks, I'm not sure about the rates and conditions of albergues, but Acapulco does have chepaer rooms.

See here. http://www.acapulcohotel.com.ar/Tarifas.html

12-04-10, 12:29
Had dinner next door and the restaurant. Formerly known. As La Chacrita. Some busty blonde was sitting at the outside table at Newport next door. Went in at about 11am and we started talking. I liked her figure but when I saw her teeth, it was a huge turnoff. She wanted 600AR, I said, no Thanks.

I kept eyeing a very busty brunette at one of the tables and we hooked up. About 5. 6,28yo, long brown hair, nice everything. 500AR. Very sexy & passionate girl. Went to a Transito nearby and we took off!

THE best BBBJ I have had in BA through out the years, no doubt. Overall, a great lay with excellent DFK. Highly recommend this girl. Cecilia (01135640903)

(R / Rule 3)

Wild Walleye
12-06-10, 17:35
Had dinner next door and the restaurant. Formerly known. As La Chacrita. Some busty blonde was sitting at the outside table at Newport next door. Went in at about 11am and we started talking. I liked her figure but when I saw her teeth, it was a huge turnoff. She wanted 600AR, I said, no Thanks.

I kept eyeing a very busty brunette at one of the tables and we hooked up. About 5. 6,28yo, long brown hair, nice everything. 500AR. Very sexy & passionate girl. Went to a Transito nearby and we took off!

THE best BBBJ I have had in BA through out the years, no doubt. Overall, a great lay with excellent DFK. Highly recommend this girl. Cecilia (number deleted)

(R / Rule 3) She is quite busty (surgical enhancements circa May 2009) and fun. I saw her about a month ago, same bubbly personality but I though the make up made her look more like Julietta. She has also added a few pounds since I first made her acquaintance. What did you think of her tatoo?

Did you feel you needed to publicize her number to convince the powers that be that you really met a chica in Bs As? I generally think that for chicas that don't advertise publicly it might be more prudent to share numbers by pm (just my two cents).

12-07-10, 13:15
Did you feel you needed to publicize her number to convince the powers that be that you really met a chica in Bs As? I generally think that for chicas that don't advertise publicly it might be more prudent to share numbers by pm (just my two cents). [/QUOTE]Yes, I thought it would be the right thing to do in case the powers to be wanted to authenticate.

Wild Walleye
12-07-10, 21:10
I have a question, what is the difference between renting a room at Acalpuco vs an albuerque? One chica told me it cost 600 pesos to rent a room for 2 hours at Acalpuco and 60 pesos to rent a room at an albuerque?It looks like the difference is approximately AR$540.

Paying AR$600 for a couple hours at a telo had better include the chica, a good one at that. For US$150 (roughly AR$600) you can get a room for the whole night at the hotel two doors down from Newport.

Wild Walleye
12-07-10, 21:15
Yes, I thought it would be the right thing to do in case the powers to be wanted to authenticate. That it isn't necessary to keep it up there so maybe you could edit your post to redact some or all of it. I'm pretty sure that she would appreciate it.

12-08-10, 16:18
That it isn't necessary to keep it up there so maybe you could edit your post to redact some or all of it. I'm pretty sure that she would appreciate it.- Having a hard time trying to edit original post for some reason.

12-13-10, 19:41
After so many good outings in Bs As over the years, by the law of averages I was due for a bad one sooner or later.

Looking back on it, I partly brought it on myself through lazy mongering technique. I wasn't really that bothered about it, but I'll report it here anyway in case it saves somebody else from falling into the same trap.

New Port isn't normally on my mongering circuit. I often take a look and sometimes go in and have a beer, but I've only once ever taken a girl out from there. That was about 8 years ago before the 2002 economic meltdown. She was a Brazilian part time secretary from Porto Alegre, who used to come down to Bs As once a month or so to top up her income. Blonde, nearly 6 foot tall and superb physique, she was the only genuine 9. 5 I've been with in Argentina. A great lay. The peso then lost two thirds of its value and girls like this were seldom seen again. The chicas I've seen in New Port in more recent years haven't lit my candle.

This story happened on a rainy night at the end of last month. It was late, I'd gone to my favourite bar for a pizza, but they'd closed the kitchen early and I was on my way up to Portezuelo in Vicente Lopez where the bar menu is still on until 4am. As I got close to New Port, it started bucketing down so I ducked inside to wait out the storm.

To my surprise, there was at least half a dozen very do-able chicas on view. Might have been the rain keeping the guys away, but more likely the end of the month bringing them out, when the bills are due.

I wasn't planning on any action that night and had only limited cash with me. However, Vanesa (mid twenties, brown hair and eyes, pretty face, slim, nice legs and bum in tight white jeans. 8+) caught my eye. She was getting quite a lot of interest but nobody was clinching the deal. The rain finally stopped and I was feeling hungry. An idea came into my head. Why don't I ask this girl to come with me to Portezuelo, have a bite there and then take her back to the telo round the corner for an hour. By now it was just turning 3am. When the right moment came, I approached her and put forward my plan. She said 600, I shook my head, she came straight down to 400 and we agreed. After so many relaxed post-3am outings at Madahos and Hippo, I didn't request a specific time period, although I made it quite clear what the plan of action was. We were standing near the band, the music was very loud and I just wanted to get her out of the place.

Vanesa (Argentinian, from Misiones) was great company in Portezuelo. Intelligent, attentive and good looking, learning (British) English. I was even beginning to think I'd found a gem. The food was slow in coming and time went by as we chatted. We walked on to the telo, still all smiles and good onda. Still friendly in the room, as she headed off to the bathroom. When she came out (still dressed) , the picture changed completely. I'd put the agreed 400 on the table in view. She told me I would have to pay another 400 if I wanted the show to continue. She had a point – when I looked at my watch, I saw we were now a long way into the second hour. I didn't have the extra 400 on me (and wasn't planning on paying that much anyway). Not wanting a bad ending, I offered another 100 for quick sex. Sometimes it can be fun to see how quickly a girl can bring you off with a CBJ or a buena paja. Ironically I'd been planning to give her this extra money as a service tip if she'd done well. She wasn't having any of that and declined my offer.

I'm a reasonable guy, I'd enjoyed the time with her and could see that there might have been a misunderstanding. 'Ok, take the 400 and we'll leave it there'. I handed over the money and started to put my clothes on. Still time for a civilised parting.

Vanesa clearly wasn't expecting this reaction. She now went into hardball mode. 'You need to give me another 400 anyway', she said. 'My price was 400 por la hora. I made that perfectly clear to you in New Port'. Spot the sudden change of price plan! 'Sorry, but I didn't hear you mention that in the bar. Why didn't you say something in Portezuelo or on the way to the telo? I haven't got the extra money and was never planning on that big a spend'. 'You've got a cashpoint card, haven't you? I can come with you to collect'. 'No way', I said. 'Ok, then I'm going to call the manager of the telo. He has links with Madahos and looks out for the girls. I could have got much more money off someone else'. 'Look, here's your taxi money. Let's just leave it there'. 'No, I'm calling the manager'. 'Go on then', I said. Vanesa thought for about 10 seconds, took the extra note and flounced out.

A shame. She was a smart girl with good plans, but her business skills could have done with some polishing. Had she tried to negotiate nicely on the way to the telo, I might have rolled over and drawn out some more cash from the ATM. If she'd have come out of the bathroom in full-on seduction mode and looking red hot, she might have convinced me to pay up some more at the ATM afterwards. Instead, she chose hardball, and I had to call her bluff.

The telo room fee was wasted, but I'm glad I opted for it (I'd advise starting there for a first fling with an independent). A stroppy girl in your apartment or hotel room is bad news.

I'd be interested to know if other members have had experiences (good or bad) with this girl. She told me that she'd been a regular in New Port for the last three months. If her normal rates are genuinely 400 por la hora and she's a good provider within those limits, I would feel more sympathy for her. I might have misheard her with the loud music in the bar, it was late and I was pushing the envelope, but my instinct is that she had it all worked out in advance. One thing I got wrong was to assume that because a good pro chica will happily sit with you in Madahos or similar joints for up to an hour before getting down to the timed part of the business, a New Port independent would be relaxed about doing the same outside the club.

12-14-10, 04:59
After so many good outings in Bs As over the years, by the law of averages I was due for a bad one sooner or later.

Looking back on it, I partly brought it on myself through lazy mongering technique. I wasn't really that bothered about it, but I'll report it here anyway in case it saves somebody else from falling into the same trap.

New Port isn't normally on my mongering circuit. I often take a look and sometimes go in and have a beer, but I've only once ever taken a girl out from there. That was about 8 years ago before the 2002 economic meltdown. She was a Brazilian part time secretary from Porto Alegre, who used to come down to Bs As once a month or so to top up her income. Blonde, nearly 6 foot tall and superb physique, she was the only genuine 9. 5 I've been with in Argentina. A great lay. The peso then lost two thirds of its value and girls like this were seldom seen again. The chicas I've seen in New Port in more recent years haven't lit my candle.

This story happened on a rainy night at the end of last month. It was late, I'd gone to my favourite bar for a pizza, but they'd closed the kitchen early and I was on my way up to Portezuelo in Vicente Lopez where the bar menu is still on until 4am. As I got close to New Port, it started bucketing down so I ducked inside to wait out the storm.

To my surprise, there was at least half a dozen very do-able chicas on view. Might have been the rain keeping the guys away, but more likely the end of the month bringing them out, when the bills are due.

I wasn't planning on any action that night and had only limited cash with me. However, Vanesa (mid twenties, brown hair and eyes, pretty face, slim, nice legs and bum in tight white jeans. 8+) caught my eye. She was getting quite a lot of interest but nobody was clinching the deal. The rain finally stopped and I was feeling hungry. An idea came into my head. Why don't I ask this girl to come with me to Portezuelo, have a bite there and then take her back to the telo round the corner for an hour. By now it was just turning 3am. When the right moment came, I approached her and put forward my plan. She said 600, I shook my head, she came straight down to 400 and we agreed. After so many relaxed post-3am outings at Madahos and Hippo, I didn't request a specific time period, although I made it quite clear what the plan of action was. We were standing near the band, the music was very loud and I just wanted to get her out of the place.

Vanesa (Argentinian, from Misiones) was great company in Portezuelo. Intelligent, attentive and good looking, learning (British) English. I was even beginning to think I'd found a gem. The food was slow in coming and time went by as we chatted. We walked on to the telo, still all smiles and good onda. Still friendly in the room, as she headed off to the bathroom. When she came out (still dressed) , the picture changed completely. I'd put the agreed 400 on the table in view. She told me I would have to pay another 400 if I wanted the show to continue. She had a point – when I looked at my watch, I saw we were now a long way into the second hour. I didn't have the extra 400 on me (and wasn't planning on paying that much anyway). Not wanting a bad ending, I offered another 100 for quick sex. Sometimes it can be fun to see how quickly a girl can bring you off with a CBJ or a buena paja. Ironically I'd been planning to give her this extra money as a service tip if she'd done well. She wasn't having any of that and declined my offer.

I'm a reasonable guy, I'd enjoyed the time with her and could see that there might have been a misunderstanding. 'Ok, take the 400 and we'll leave it there'. I handed over the money and started to put my clothes on. Still time for a civilised parting.

Vanesa clearly wasn't expecting this reaction. She now went into hardball mode. 'You need to give me another 400 anyway', she said. 'My price was 400 por la hora. I made that perfectly clear to you in New Port'. Spot the sudden change of price plan! 'Sorry, but I didn't hear you mention that in the bar. Why didn't you say something in Portezuelo or on the way to the telo? I haven't got the extra money and was never planning on that big a spend'. 'You've got a cashpoint card, haven't you? I can come with you to collect'. 'No way', I said. 'Ok, then I'm going to call the manager of the telo. He has links with Madahos and looks out for the girls. I could have got much more money off someone else'. 'Look, here's your taxi money. Let's just leave it there'. 'No, I'm calling the manager'. 'Go on then', I said. Vanesa thought for about 10 seconds, took the extra note and flounced out.

A shame. She was a smart girl with good plans, but her business skills could have done with some polishing. Had she tried to negotiate nicely on the way to the telo, I might have rolled over and drawn out some more cash from the ATM. If she'd have come out of the bathroom in full-on seduction mode and looking red hot, she might have convinced me to pay up some more at the ATM afterwards. Instead, she chose hardball, and I had to call her bluff.

The telo room fee was wasted, but I'm glad I opted for it (I'd advise starting there for a first fling with an independent). A stroppy girl in your apartment or hotel room is bad news.

I'd be interested to know if other members have had experiences (good or bad) with this girl. She told me that she'd been a regular in New Port for the last three months. If her normal rates are genuinely 400 por la hora and she's a good provider within those limits, I would feel more sympathy for her. I might have misheard her with the loud music in the bar, it was late and I was pushing the envelope, but my instinct is that she had it all worked out in advance. One thing I got wrong was to assume that because a good pro chica will happily sit with you in Madahos or similar joints for up to an hour before getting down to the timed part of the business, a New Port independent would be relaxed about doing the same outside the club. Last girl I pulled from Newport this past October was a slim, cute, pretty brazillian (can't remember her name for the life of me) on a Sunday night no less. Totally on a whim I asked her if she was interested in a threesome with my regular that night. She jumped at the chance for 400 pesos. Exchanged numbers and sent her a txt message to come over about 2am (we had met at midnight and I had to run the idea past my regular, It's always a yes. LOL.). Not only did she totally rock in a threesome but didn't leave till 10am the next morning (after round two no less). Lovely gal and I would have repeated but it was my last day in BA. Your taxi meter ***** was sadly an example of the often found lemon that frequents Newport most evenings. Plenty of gems in the place but YMMV should be the Newport mantra. Better luck next time. Happy Mongering All. Toymann

02-19-11, 17:22
Don't ask me how I screwed up Jackson's dinner invite date (it was Thursday night, NOT Friday night!) , I decided to drop the bottle of wine that I had bought for the occasion at home base and slumber out nearby. Stopped by Newport in Recoleta at the early bird hour of 10pm. Slowly by slowly, at around 11pm and thereafter the old pro's that work that club came through the front door. Finally, a sleek / sultry / slender Brazilian (Veronica) started conversing with me. Guys, always ask if the "globita es con condom." Otherwise, if you are expecting it, you might get screwed. Thank goodness I did not forget and she instantly disqualified herself from being a candidate. After midnight, it was time to move on since I did not see any new meat come through the door and made my way by the infamous Black's night club. (read on)

02-19-11, 17:30
Went to this place multiple times when I was here in late 2007. Had a blast back then.

This Thursday, I took my buddy with me. He has been to Bs As twice before, but never into New Port. He got a cute little Dominican. I believe they settled for 300. According to him, she was good, but left basically as soon as the hour was up.

I stayed around chatting up a goth-looking chick who seemed shy at first. It turns out, she was just no in her element. She's a Black girl, so I guess she felt she was mingling with the rifraff. She was pretty. Supposedly have some bigshot boyfriend from Malaysia. Really wanted to take her out, but she would not go below 550 and everything covered. I told her I don't want to waste her time anymore and she left. Before I left, I went to the restroom. On the way down, I ran into her and her friend. Goth girl was complaining loudly about wasting a lot of time. Then her friend told me I should give Goth girl a tip. I laughed and left.

Things done changed.

Stan Da Man
02-22-11, 20:08
Guys, always ask if the "globita es con condom." Did you really ask this? What do you think this means? If you can remember it, please let us know her exact response. Thanks

Wild Walleye
02-22-11, 21:06
Did you really ask this? What do you think this means? If you can remember it, please let us know her exact response. ThanksEven this lingual mutant had a laugh at that one. I usually ask them "es que la vagina de una gato?"

BA Luvr
02-25-11, 02:11
400? Seriously? Inflation has certainly taken its toll. It's been several years since I was last in BA but it was about 50-66 USD back then. Has it really doubled? What's the general experience? I plan to make my comeback in April and would appreciate a general consensus.

02-25-11, 10:41
Been here a couple of times, the past few weeks and haven't found any going below 550 and quality not that great IMHO. Once there was a short hot blond girl who only wanted to go for 550 with another 550 for her girlfriend also who was not much.

Nice brunnet named Miariela asked 800 we agreed 600 for 1. 5 hrs, hot girl but not great oral skilz- really didn't want to do BBBJ and no dfk.

Place doesn't really get started at all till 1am, always seems to be some dark Dominicans

El Perro
02-25-11, 11:40
Been here a couple of times, the past few weeks and haven't found any going below 550 and quality not that great IMHO. Once there was a short hot blond girl who only wanted to go for 550 with another 550 for her girlfriend also who was not much.

Nice brunnet named Miariela asked 800 we agreed 600 for 1. 5 hrs, hot girl but not great oral skilz- really didn't want to do BBBJ and no dfk.

Place doesn't really get started at all till 1am, always seems to be some dark DominicansI rarely go here anymore. The bang for the buck quotient at New Port has taken a serious hit over the past two years. In the past I could justify hanging out with some buddies here even if I wasn't much interested in the chicas. Now, with the ever escalating beer prices, even hanging out is less appealing.

I know this place remains popular with some posters, but give me the Triangle clubs anyday. The girls in Hook, for example, are generally younger and thinner, and some can be had for nearly half the price of the beat up New Port chicas.

Member #3320
02-25-11, 12:38
I rarely go here anymore. The bang for the buck quotient at New Port has taken a serious hit over the past two years. In the past I could justify hanging out with some buddies here even if I wasn't much interested in the chicas. Now, with the ever escalating beer prices, even hanging out is less appealing.

I know this place remains popular with some posters, but give me the Triangle clubs anyday. The girls in Hook, for example, are generally younger and thinner, and some can be had for nearly half the price of the beat up New Port chicas. In my opinion, Newport is full of old 40+ hags, real bitches, very poor sexual performance, very high prices. A TOTAL waste of money and time.

02-25-11, 17:04
I guess I learned that the hard way. I 'll be at Hook tonight if anyone is around and wants a beer.

El Perro
02-25-11, 17:10
I guess I learned that the hard way. I 'll be at Hook tonight if anyone is around and wants a beer.Well, after talking up Hook I better add that things have been slower lately due to the "summer exodus". Things will pick up in a few weeks. Also Friday is not the best mongering night, though it will be better than Saturday night. Good luck with your hunting. Unless you pick up hotshot Laura do yourself a favor and don't pay any more than 300p. Some of the girls can be had for 250p and less if you wait and have a little chamuyo.

02-25-11, 20:44
One Newport story........few years ago I spotted what I thought was a new girl. Looked real young. She was with a friend who was a regular. I speak the lingo so I got over there quick and started my BS. I really think this one was new. She was trembling when we talked. She was 18 or 19 at the most. She knew what to ask and answered all the questions right except one. No bucal sin......next!

I really used to enjoy Newport but I find it very "professional" nowadays. A little better luck can be found at the triangle especially for chicas new to the game.

02-25-11, 23:44
In my opinion, Newport is full of old 40+ hags, real bitches, very poor sexual performance, very high prices. A TOTAL waste of money and time.Okay, I only been there the last year and less than hundred times (but getting close) so I can't talk about 'good old days', only the present.

My take is that you don't pay to get inn, the music is fucking brilliant, the bartender gives you STRONG drinks and the atmosphere is good.

I probably been with about 15-20 girls from there, some of them I wonder how the fuck I ended up with, other was very nice. What I never had there is problems, most of the girls I have talked to there are actually cool girls to spend some time with.

The stunning beauties I haven't seen many, some non-regular that are stunning I have dumped into, but most the regular are average looking. Some old bags but hey never gave me any problems and we all have to make a living.

What I do like is that there is no time bandits, no lady drink and rip off, I normally come there to have a drink, chill out and plan to go to another place, more often than not some girl that turn out to be charming comes up and I end up taking her home and having a blast.

I have run into some girls with SERIUS issues, but they have been fun and I have had quite some good times. Those make the best memories.

Most girls I have paid 500 pesos for, I have fellow mongers negotiating to 300 and I think that would be possible with most, me I rater have they come and spend a good time, come back and I have had 'freebies' and weekends I did not paid for so I don't complain.

Some of my best threesome of my life I picked up here, but I realize I need to go somewhere with more pretty and young girls, but I would not knock it out completely. I like to think of it as my 'Cheers', with hockers.

BA Luvr
02-26-11, 01:43
Many thanks for all the insights. I kind of relate to Stranger's perspective with my own experiences. I too like the absence of entrance fees and chica drink minimums. I've had some big disappointments at New Port but also found some gems there, like Laura who was the high school sweetheart I never had. But I think I'll take the consensus advice and look into the Triangle clubs or Gysell's.

PS: Anyone need any ThinkPad T40/41 accessories? I'm cleaning my closet out.

Wild Walleye
02-26-11, 13:12
I don't mind doing a little hunting, so long as I am virtually assured of bagging some game by the end of the night. Heading into Newport can be a bit like walking into the Star Wars' bar. You can taken aback by some of the strange creatures eyeballing you when you walk in. At first, the fuglies kinda put me off a little. I attribute that to not wanting to hurt the beasts' feelings when brushing them off. That said, you need to keep trash fish off your hook so it is ready for the trophy trouser trout, when she comes along.

I have had pretty decent luck at NP over the past several years or so. With the exception of the night I took Julietta (la bailarina grandes) , I think that every chica I have taken out of NP has been a 7+ on both looks. While I normally like variety, I think every NP chica that I have taken out, with the aforementioned exception, has been what I think of as a classic portena chica: long, narrow face with elegant facial features, long black hair, alabaster skin and an air of 'hotness. ' Going on memory, I believe that they all were 5'2-5'6, 98-125lbs, be-see cups (50/50 natural vs man made) and most have been even better on performance. Without checking my notes, some of the names I recall are Lorena (awesome, so, so naughty, one of the best) , Pamela, Cecelia (2yrs ago, has since started looking more like Julietta) , and Clara Maria (great). Even Julietta provided a good time while being a bit outside my superficial appearance parameters.

At least in my experiences at NP, there is no discernible rhyme or reason as to when the fishing is better. Some nights I can find a keeper in under ten minutes while on others I have spent an hour plus looking in all the dark corners of the place. The only advice I would give is have a 'Plan B' if you strike out (1631 Junin or delivery).

I have run into some girls with SERIUS issues, but they have been fun and I have had quite some good times. Those make the best memories.Some of my best Bs As experiences (many repeats with this one) were with a chica with issues and fantasies far beyond my comprehension. I suspect Bob and Toyman know to whom I am referring.

02-27-11, 09:15
Was planning to come in, have a look, a drink then leave and check out Hook and other places, having spent waaay to much time at Newport!

Lots of local heroes and all the regular girls, live music, some crappy local band playing ethnic music, not good!

Bartender saw my desperate thirsty face and mixed a STRONG G&T.

Settled in the bar and checked out inventory, it was actually a few new girls, some nice once to.

After my second G&T a lot of the girls came up and said Hi, like I said previously I think most of them are cool girls. One blond I had a coupe of times came up, she is very charming and speak decent English, have a kid and are not the fittest I have had but is quite fun. She had a girlfriend I never seen before that was nice. She asked if I wanted to take them back home and have a threesome, I told her I knew she had to get home to her kid in the morning and I hate girls rushing and giving it time-time. Like I said she is a cool girl and could see my point, but said her girlfriend just got single and was not in a rush. I bought them a couple of drinks, witch actually was water, and so it cost me nada.

Her GF was a blond, perfect tits, toned stomach good figure, and pretty face.

I already have overpaid the blond before so her GF expected the same, told her I would give her 600 pesos, but knew that fat fucking Pepe could have her for 300, but that I did not care, as long as she was nice and gave me no shit.

Ended up taking her home, (actually it is Jacksons house but paying the rent I think of it as home.

Had a few drinks, listen to music and practices my Spanish, spent a coupe of hours talking. Went to bed and spent another few in bed. I would say it was my best sexual experience in BA so far, fucking awesome!

I slumbered of happy, then got her a taxi and told her to meet me at 9PM so we can go and have a meal.

For me Newport still is my Cheers in BA.

02-27-11, 12:22
Was planning to come in, have a look, a drink then leave and check out Hook and other places, having spent waaay to much time at Newport!

Lots of local heroes and all the regular girls, live music, some crappy local band playing ethnic music, not good!

Bartender saw my desperate thirsty face and mixed a STRONG G&T.

Settled in the bar and checked out inventory, it was actually a few new girls, some nice once to.

After my second G&T a lot of the girls came up and said Hi, like I said previously I think most of them are cool girls. One blond I had a coupe of times came up, she is very charming and speak decent English, have a kid and are not the fittest I have had but is quite fun. She had a girlfriend I never seen before that was nice. She asked if I wanted to take them back home and have a threesome, I told her I knew she had to get home to her kid in the morning and I hate girls rushing and giving it time-time. Like I said she is a cool girl and could see my point, but said her girlfriend just got single and was not in a rush. I bought them a couple of drinks, witch actually was water, and so it cost me nada.

Her GF was a blond, perfect tits, toned stomach good figure, and pretty face.

I already have overpaid the blond before so her GF expected the same, told her I would give her 600 pesos, but knew that fat fucking Pepe could have her for 300, but that I did not care, as long as she was nice and gave me no shit.

Ended up taking her home, (actually it is Jacksons house but paying the rent I think of it as home.

Had a few drinks, listen to music and practices my Spanish, spent a coupe of hours talking. Went to bed and spent another few in bed. I would say it was my best sexual experience in BA so far, fucking awesome!

I slumbered of happy, then got her a taxi and told her to meet me at 9PM so we can go and have a meal.

For me Newport still is my Cheers in BA. Thanks for the report, NP once been my favorite place as well, beer used to be 9p! How much is the drink now in average?


El Perro
02-27-11, 12:50
Thanks for the report, NP once been my favorite place as well, beer used to be 9p! How much is the drink now in average?

Strad34, 36 or 38p for a brew. I forget. I think they're using an egg timer for the price increases.

02-27-11, 16:28
34, 36 or 38p for a brew. I forget. I think they're using an egg timer for the price increases.Pricey NP! But I have a brew saved for you.


El Perro
02-27-11, 17:07
Pricey NP! But I have a brew saved for you.

StradOk then! Listo!

Member #3320
03-08-11, 04:50
Went to Newport last Saturday/Sunday night after a very long gap. It was simply horrible. Full of women (50~ 65 year) olds. Had the misfortune to have sex with few of them few years ago, when I was a newbie in BA. Most of the women were still there. Hardly saw any new faces except for the girls from Dominican Rep. Absolutely nothing exiting. The women as usual desperate trying to make eye contact. And if by mistake and misfortune, I talked to them, they quoted very high prices and no BBBJ.

Saw about 15 women and 45 clients at 0300 on Sunday morning. Most of the clients, first time in BA, looked so eager and happy to meet these 60 year olds..

It was all, so distressing that I left my "expensive" (32 pesos) beer half way in the bar after a few sips.

Go there only if you are really desperate and too horny to control yourself! Sic!

I doubt I will ever go back there again.

03-08-11, 20:29
The place sucks.

04-06-11, 14:06
I wandered into Newport last night with a serious case of jet lag because I came from the west coast. Due to the varied posts in this thread I thought I'd just have a quick drink, look around, and get some sleep. The music wasn't bad and the vibe was pleasant so I stayed for two drinks and let the ladies chat me up. There was a real assortment of ages and types, and a fairly equal number of men and women. That doesn't stop the ladies from making rounds and getting to know the clients, and there were a few really attractive gals in the mix. Drinks were $35 pesos, and the ladies were quoting $500 and up, though the Argentines and those fluent in Spanish can probably do better. I have not been in BsAs for a couple of years, but I'd say Newport hasn't changed much except for prices. Cheers gents.

04-28-11, 13:30
Sorry White Cat. You must of been there tooooo early or maybe a Sunday Night.

Last Night Stranger and I got there about 12:30. There must must been 20 chicas and three guys.

There was a choice for everyone's taste.

We had two 24 years hanging on us most of the night.

The band starts around 2am.

The two 24 year old chicas came back to J's mansion (party pad) with us.

Not with me, but with Stranger.

I got a number from Laura, a chica from Cordoba. She was a little relaxed and not jumping up and down as much as the other two.

All though I did like one of the 24 year olds ass all over my lap and hands,

But, as I said before I don't pay big bucks for pussy. 500p no way.

And of course I had a BBBJ, HJ earlier and too much to drink.

04-28-11, 16:27
Big shout out to Stranger and his Bombay Tonic.

Sorry White Cat. You must of been there tooooo early or maybe a Sunday Night.

Last Night Stranger and I got there about 12:30. There must must been 20 chicas and three guys.

There was a choice for everyone's taste.

We had two 24 years hanging on us most of the night.

The band starts around 2am.

The two 24 year old chicas came back to J's mansion (party pad) with us.

Not with me, but with Stranger.

I got a number from Laura, a chica from Cordoba. She was a little relaxed and not jumping up and down as much as the other two.

All though I did like one of the 24 year olds ass all over my lap and hands,

But, as I said before I don't pay big bucks for pussy. 500p no way.

And of course I had a BBBJ, HJ earlier and too much to drink.

05-01-11, 13:21
After a amazing lay with a goddess form Madahos I went to my favourite water hole, NP.

I arrived at 02:30 witch is normally a bit late for NP, in my experience some of the hottest girls are taken by then, if the monger knows the score.

I had a few drinks, music was good and talked to a few of the girls, one witch actually is stalking me, seriously, but that is another story!

Quite late a girl I had in a threesome before came in, very tall, beautiful face, decent body and solid performer, she is not often at NP, but I seen her at Croco.

I had a very good threesome with her before and now she was with a GF I have not seen before. She was cute and quite young, but no stunner.

I got them over to me, bought them lots of drinks. Getting girl drunk before a threesome is normally my modus operandi, they are more dirty then.

Got them back to the house and run into TL and Worldtravel69 in the kitchen.

Continued the party in my flat and it was one amazing night.

The young one was not that kinky and she would not go down on her GF and so on but it was good fun. They left at 08, the one I knew from before wanted to sleep over, as did I, but GF wanted to go home to mummy.

Gave them 400 pesos each, got their telephone number and might get the tall one over tonight.

One last night in BA and my big problem is that I cannot decide witch girl I will fuck. This town rocks!

05-23-11, 22:28
Hadn't been there for awhile so after a great dinner I stopped and had 2. $35AR beers and tried to cut a deal with a very cute girl who said she used to work at Blacks. Tall, slim, really nice. Student, cosmology, Brazilian, blah, blah. Nah. Not for $600. 00AR. After what I had the day before I passed. Place used to be good. I got a kick out of one girl who I have seen over the years who is still there. She looks deformed with her ass sticking out kinda like a Joseph Merrick profile with botox lips. Morena. Stomach always showing. Walks like Yosemite Sam. None the less had a good time. Met a fellow monger and shared some good stories.

Wild Walleye
05-24-11, 03:52
Hadn't been there for awhile so after a great dinner I stopped and had 2. $35AR beers and tried to cut a deal with a very cute girl who said she used to work at Blacks. Tall, slim, really nice. Student, cosmology, That is incredible. You found the only chica in Bs As that is committed to the study of the universe in its totality as it is now (or at least as it can be observed now) , and by extension, humanity's place in it.

I prefer chicas a little less well endowed in the cerebral arts and into stuff like cosmetology (LOL-busting balls)

Brazilian, blah, blah. Nah. Not for $600. 00AR. After what I had the day before I passed. Place used to be good. I got a kick out of one girl who I have seen over the years who is still there. She looks deformed with her ass sticking out kinda like a Joseph Merrick profile with botox lips. Morena. Stomach always showing. Walks like Yosemite Sam. Bleach blonde? I think I know the chica of whom you speak.

Wild Walleye
05-24-11, 03:53
After a amazing lay with a goddess form Madahos I went to my favourite water hole, NP.

I arrived at 02:30 witch is normally a bit late for NP, in my experience some of the hottest girls are taken by then, if the monger knows the score.

I had a few drinks, music was good and talked to a few of the girls, one witch actually is stalking me, seriously, but that is another story!

Quite late a girl I had in a threesome before came in, very tall, beautiful face, decent body and solid performer, she is not often at NP, but I seen her at Croco.

I had a very good threesome with her before and now she was with a GF I have not seen before. She was cute and quite young, but no stunner.

I got them over to me, bought them lots of drinks. Getting girl drunk before a threesome is normally my modus operandi, they are more dirty then.

Got them back to the house and run into TL and Worldtravel69 in the kitchen.

Continued the party in my flat and it was one amazing night.

The young one was not that kinky and she would not go down on her GF and so on but it was good fun. They left at 08, the one I knew from before wanted to sleep over, as did I, but GF wanted to go home to mummy.

Gave them 400 pesos each, got their telephone number and might get the tall one over tonight.

One last night in BA and my big problem is that I cannot decide witch girl I will fuck. This town rocks! Any of these chicas have names? Distinguishing characteristics? Six toes?

Wild Walleye
05-24-11, 03:57
Got them back to the house and run into TL and Worldtravel69 in the kitchen.The chica from NP that I brought back to the house was duly impressed. Eric, Jax and a couple of the other guys had been there earlier watching a game. I thought about nailing her on the couch in front of the big screen but I thought better of it (interpret as she wanted to do it in camera). However, she was eternally grateful for the Coke (soda pop).

05-24-11, 11:46
The chica from NP that I brought back to the house was duly impressed. Eric, Jax and a couple of the other guys had been there earlier watching a game. I thought about nailing her on the couch in front of the big screen but I thought better of it (interpret as she wanted to do it in camera). However, she was eternally grateful for the Coke (soda pop).WW, what exactly were the last 3 posts supposed to contribute? I haven't been here long, but it seems you have nothing better to do than clog up every thread with your useless comments. Especially that last one! To the casual observer, you appear to be either an egomaniac, a shit-stirrer or just plain fucking insane. But I just cannot see, aside from amusing yourself, what these posts have anythinng to do with the actual topic, other than to mess iwith the very people who are out in the city and actually posting about chicas.

And what's your obsession with TL? It's like you're stalking him or something. Really, it's kind of creepy the way you follow him around. I think you need another hobby, or you need to return to BsAs, stat.

Wild Walleye
05-24-11, 12:46
WW, what exactly were the last 3 posts supposed to contribute?I don't think you'd understand.

I haven't been here long,Your join date is 5+ years ago. Thanks for the 17 invaluable contributions to the forum, it's like having your own guide to Bs As with you around. Perhaps it's a secondary nom de plum.

but it seems you have nothing better to do than clog up every thread with your useless comments. Especially that last one! To the casual observer, you appear to be either an egomaniac, a shit-stirrer or just plain fucking insane.Guilty as charged. Casual observers usually like me, at first. It is once people get to know me that they find me hard to be around.

But I just cannot see, aside from amusing yourself, what these posts have anythinng to do with the actual topic, other than to mess iwith the very people who are out in the city and actually posting about chicas.Clearly, you are referring to people other than yourself when discussing 'actually posting about chicas. ' Given your vast experience on the board and general lack of awareness, I am not surprised to hear that you are confused. A condition in which, I suspect, you find yourself often.

Of course, I am messing with people. With the exception of you and Esten, it is usually in good humor.

While Whitecat and I haven't met up in person, he and I have crossed 'chica paths' in the past and both have posted frequently on NP. I appreciate Whitecat's posts and we both have found some gems in NP, which, if you read the thread has a reputation for running hot and cold (some will say always cold). In the first part of the post, I was busting Whitecat's balls about 'cosmology' where I suspect that he meant cosmetology. If in fact she is actually studying cosmology, Whitecat found a needle in a haystack the size of Aconcagua. I went so far as to state that I was busting balls just to make sure Whitecat didn't take it the wrong way. In the latter part of the post, I was trying to refresh my memory as to which troll (Morena) he was referring.

My response to Stranger was again in good humor and intended to draw more information from him regarding said chicas for my notes, to be used upon my return to NP. It's called research. After I return to NP and have an experience to report, I will post it, unlike you.

My third post was not aimed at a newbie like you, it was intended to humor a few of my AP friends, who know exactly that of which I speak. It was a tangent to Stranger's mention of his lodging and the fine company that often enjoys basking in the glow of Jax's giant f-ing tv. It seems that Stranger and I have both brought chicas from NP back to that specific location. It was intended to make them laugh and cringe, at the same time.

And what's your obsession with TL? It's like you're stalking him or something. Really, it's kind of creepy the way you follow him around.You have discovered my man-crush on TL! Please don't tell him, it would be awkward.

While I have met many AP'ers in Bs As, I have yet to meet the legendary TL. That however has not prevented us from exchanging various bits of information and good tidings. I have every intention of getting together with TL upon my return, that is if he isn't wierded out by my man-crush.

I think you need another hobby,I like this one, thanks.

or you need to return to BsAs, stat.Now there is something we can agree upon.

05-24-11, 13:11
I don't think you'd understand.

Your join date is 5+ years ago. Thanks for the 17 invaluable contributions to the forum, it's like having your own guide to Bs As with you around. Perhaps it's a secondary nom de plum.

Guilty as charged. Casual observers usually like me, at first. It is once people get to know me that they find me hard to be around.

Clearly, you are referring to people other than yourself when discussing 'actually posting about chicas. ' Given your vast experience on the board and general lack of awareness, I am not surprised to hear that you are confused. A condition in which, I suspect, you find yourself often.

Of course, I am messing with people. With the exception of you and Esten, it is usually in good humor.

While Whitecat and I haven't met up in person, he and I have crossed 'chica paths' in the past and both have posted frequently on NP. I appreciate Whitecat's posts and we both have found some gems in NP, which, if you read the thread has a reputation for running hot and cold (some will say always cold). In the first part of the post, I was busting Whitecat's balls about 'cosmology' where I suspect that he meant cosmetology. If in fact she is actually studying cosmology, Whitecat found a needle in a haystack the size of Aconcagua. I went so far as to state that I was busting balls just to make sure Whitecat didn't take it the wrong way. In the latter part of the post, I was trying to refresh my memory as to which troll (Morena) he was referring.

My response to Stranger was again in good humor and intended to draw more information from him regarding said chicas for my notes, to be used upon my return to NP. It's called research. After I return to NP and have an experience to report, I will post it, unlike you.

My third post was not aimed at a newbie like you, it was intended to humor a few of my AP friends, who know exactly that of which I speak. It was a tangent to Stranger's mention of his lodging and the fine company that often enjoys basking in the glow of Jax's giant f-ing tv. It seems that Stranger and I have both brought chicas from NP back to that specific location. It was intended to make them laugh and cringe, at the same time.

You have discovered my man-crush on TL! Please don't tell him, it would be awkward.

While I have met many AP'ers in Bs As, I have yet to meet the legendary TL. That however has not prevented us from exchanging various bits of information and good tidings. I have every intention of getting together with TL upon my return, that is if he isn't wierded out by my man-crush.

I like this one, thanks.

Now there is something we can agree upon. Yeah, I don't contribute much as try to limit my posts to when I actually have something useful to contribute. And since many of my trips are short, non-mongering trips, I find it doesn't make much sense to post. But I think of my posts, about half are reviews of some sort, and I hope they're useful.

I do know of the "house with the big screen". In fact, I was the first "tennant" to stay there and was there for the party last week. I met Jackson in '03 and am friends with many of the old timers on this board. In fact, it's quite possible that we've met on one occasion or another. That said, you really don't know fuck-all about me or my "general awareness" of the board. And keep up with your ever-so-helpful posts. I had to go back about 120 or so before I saw something related to mongering.

Wild Walleye
05-24-11, 13:56
Yeah, I don't contribute much as try to limit my posts to when I actually have something useful to contribute.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I do know of the "house with the big screen". In fact, I was the first "tennant" to stay there and was there for the party last week.Knowing that, I would have thought you would have understood the reference thus making your first retort unnecessary.

I met Jackson in '03 and am friends with many of the old timers on this board. In fact, it's quite possible that we've met on one occasion or another.I doubt it, you'd remember me.

That said, you really don't know fuck-all about me or my "general awareness" of the board.I never claimed to know anything about you. My observations were merely based upon what I read. You declared that you are new here when if fact you've been around these parts for a long time. Further, you either didn't get or chose not to get obvious references - posted in jest - to places and individuals with which you are intimately familiar. What would you call it, disinformation?

And keep up with your ever-so-helpful posts. I had to go back about 120 or so before I saw something related to mongering.Actually, it's 16 (including this one) when I gave zdonkey a brief primer of the types of chicas and their respective types of establishments as well as the advice to stick to well-reviewed chicas for the most consistent results.

You clearly don't get the general, humorous tenor intended in my posts, much of which is self-deprecating.

Ken Brown
05-24-11, 15:56

You certainly do! How about poetry. Or perhaps literature. I find your posts quite interesting, to say the least. You have a flair for the written word, and the vocabulary to back it up. While I may not understand some of the humor (being of a nature born of past, private experiences with others) , I get the gist / drift of what you imply.

By the way, in the interest of novice buffons like myself, this other hobby needs to be a supplement and not a replacement for your current one.

You detailed posts / lists and observations are priceless. Might one suggest a paperback, or atleast a PDF. A compendium, to be updated annually, would combine both your talents, and who knows, bring in a few bucks too!



Wild Walleye
05-24-11, 16:52

You certainly do! How about poetry. Or perhaps literature. I find your posts quite interesting, to say the least. You have a flair for the written word, and the vocabulary to back it up. While I may not understand some of the humor (being of a nature born of past, private experiences with others) , I get the gist / drift of what you imply.

By the way, in the interest of novice buffons like myself, this other hobby needs to be a supplement and not a replacement for your current one.

You detailed posts / lists and observations are priceless. Might one suggest a paperback, or atleast a PDF. A compendium, to be updated annually, would combine both your talents, and who knows, bring in a few bucks too!


KenI appreciate it. I do like to write and entertain. Occasionally, I have been know to have an opinion or two.

Perhaps, I could pen the verbal companion to Jax's websites and Worldtravler's comprehensive lists. Of course, it would be an oversized coffee table tome with lots of high-quality photos and maps, a real conversation starter. I think I would need to do more research.

There are lots of guys here that know loads more than I do, on the subject. I like to return the favors that they have done for me through their posts on AP as well as recommendations and introductions.

I wouldn't use a pejorative like buffoon for people new to the hobby or Bs As. On my first trip to Bs As, I would have been lost with AP as my guide. With AP, I was able to hit the ground running, knowing the different options for chicas, mongering locales and some of the ins and outs. Shoot, I was referring to boliches as biloches (like Bariloche) until one of the senior guides pointed out the error of my ways. I have posted here and elsewhere of my novice mistakes such as nearly getting my ass kicked in a Soho (London) clip joint as cautionary tales to help others avoid making the same mistakes. On my subsequent 30 or so trips, I have managed to learn something new about Bs As and mongering. If I can help someone new get results similar to the ones I have be lucky enough to have, so much the better.

Buffoonish? You should hear me speak Spanish.

Peter Sideburn
05-30-11, 13:44
I noticed no real report from New Port recently so I decided to do my part for the list and went a couple nights. In general quite disappointed. As I was about to leave a cute 7/10 blonde came over and started talking. She had more energy than the energizer bunny and I suspect may have charged her battery short before coming to talk. She was crazy in a cute you are making me laugh kind of way. Instead of the usual,"You are my dream guy bs" she was incredibly blunt, to the point, but still with that glimmer of self respect.

She did not have a watch and stayed essentially until too tired. If you don't mind a bit crazy and unpredictable this lady is for you.


06-19-11, 10:48
Visited on Friday together with 'Stranger'. I must say that I liked this place a lot, not because they had a lot of girls (I don't need that many per night anyway) , but they had some gems.

At NP you have more of a opportunity to chat, drink and have fun with the girls without receiving a silly bar tab. The environment also offers more possibilities of a better screening process than what I felt at for instance Hippotamus the day before. At NP it's possible to maintain conversation and I find that rather important, especially if you are out with friends and not only there to grab a girl and get her home.

Will definitely return, next time in BsA.


Gato Hunter
06-20-11, 01:17
What is the asking price in there these days?

06-21-11, 14:41
I recently took out young Dominican Pamela. Nice face, natural tits, but way too much material around the belt.

Service was hurried: covered BJ, no deep kissing, almost no titty play, all positions fuck with her being very active. I must admit that she is pretty tight. No cola.

Price paid was 300 ARS, all included (tip and cab fare as well). First asking price was 400 ARS +++.

I would not repeat but I was a little drunk at the time.

06-22-11, 00:21
I recently took out young Dominican Pamela. Nice face, natural tits, but way too much material around the belt.

Service was hurried: covered BJ, no deep kissing, almost no titty play, all positions fuck with her being very active. I must admit that she is pretty tight. No cola.

Price paid was 300 ARS, all included (tip and cab fare as well). First asking price was 400 ARS +++.

I would not repeat but I was a little drunk at the time. That is why I do NOT fuck Doms!

Hurried, covered and NO LOVE!

Masculine features!

Monkey Feet!

TL hates that!


06-24-11, 09:02
This place is just awesome. Went out there after Jacksons with Stranger.

The place had quality girls and great music. Grant it the drinks are pricy they do pay for themselves since your going getting loaded drinks (strong) and not these watered down potions. Everything about it is just great, good times. Met a combo of girls who were obviously working but wanted to have a good time. Regretting not taking the one home now that on the way back to my place the taxi guy was telling me the quality girl this chick was in the bed, personality and looks wise. Boy am I hating myself now, but for that kind of money I want to know I have nothing pending at 8am! I do recommend if you go to be forward and get down to brass tax about the after party, however be prepared to drink, mingle, dance a little. Just like the old days.

Thank you Stranger for showing me this hidden BA gem,


Miami Bob
08-20-11, 14:54
I was a huge fan of Newport and some some reason haven't done take-out for about one years. From reading this forum I was guessing the 400 to 500 pesos was the range. Made my appearance on a Friday nite / sat morning 1:30am. There were good looking ladies and beasts available. Had two that I liked from chatting: early 30's tall in full "gatita mode"-long sexy legs in heels and fondling my favorite place to be stroked in the corner of the bar vs early 20's student-no make-up, jeans and a tee shirt. Do I go for a possibly gem or the sure thing gatita who knows all about extracting leche. 30' s lady gave all the correct answers to my negotiation check list and was rarring toshow me all the special "know how" her insainlly long tongue has. The little newbie girl was acting like a newbie and was not comfortable with a blunt discussion of my needs-BUT never said no to anything except she would decide on cola later.

The old bob would her gone for the gusto with the newbie-neither she would loosen up via orgasms or been a complete dud. You find newport gems by taking a chance.

Bob-- out of practice-- took the pro and got the 1:15 good, but nothing special session that cost 500 pesos. I won't remember her name in two weeks. She had good skills, but an iffy attitude. Eg when dressing she is telling me what a bargain I got that she works part time at black and get us$300 for what we just did. I ask her the name of the current black general manager and she say daniel-daniel left a few years ago. Sure thing lady. This was the lead into I own her a 100 pesos tip. I gave her 20 pesos for taxi and out the door as she was grabbing for my cel to put in her number.

If I have time, I am gong to look for the young college student

Miami Bob
08-21-11, 03:24
Empty-older geriatric gatitas. One looked like a maybe talking to the doorman. Within 5 minutes she was stroking my johnson and looked good in the dark. Tiny, slender and very curvey. Said she was a professional showgirl on corientes and looked like in might be true. Tight stomach and good boob job.

This old dog maneuvered her into the light. Mid 40's. Likely danced next to alejandra in the day. I was stimulated: she had awakened the dead. She has a very nice light touch. I told her I was too tired-not that I wasn't going to pay $$ to sleep with a woman the same age as exxon's former wife. Then came the special once in a life-time discount price that I have to promise not to tell any one about: 500 pesos+ 50 peso bar fine. The door man was standing three feet away. So I asked him about a salida charge-he said there is an arrangement which is private between the house and the girls who spend time there that he wasn't supposed to talk about. The woman was circling her tongue on the palm of my hand-I guess to demonstrate the erotic pleasure that awaits me for the once in a lifetime bargin of 550 pesos.

I thanked her and the doorman and bid them both a good morning a walked through the 35 degree wind 2 1/2 block to casa MB

Clearly the girls are pushing for a 500 peso standard price. there seems to be a 50 salida charge that is the responsibility of the ladies, not the men. All is well in the world of the night in Baires that mystical world where the gatita is a queen ruling over the taxi drivers and waiters in late night resturants. a gatita could even become president to follow the Sargent gatero in the casa rosa.

08-21-11, 16:03

I'm wondering how much I should be prepared to pay for a chica at New Port? I was there earlier this week. By "accident". I had been out on different normal bars and suddenly I ended up in New Port. Great place. Is the second level also filled with working girls, or is it just the first floor?

Anyway I did not have enough cash on me to do much. I was there late and I was quoted 600P. 500P and 400P. Is this normal rate?

Have a good one!

Miami Bob
08-21-11, 16:51
Colaboy I haven't spent enough time there recently to provide an intelligent answer SO here comes a dummy's guess: 400 pesos was the stardard and the girls are pushing trying to set 500 as the new standard. Some will go for 400 and I'm sure that if you are hard and firm most will take 400. The best looking with with best regular clientele will want 500 and may push hard for 600. Maybe after 3:30 am this will shift downard.

What I reported was a charge to leave paid by the ladies, not the men. I have been friendly with the grey haired door man for many years. He would not look me in the eye and deny that the girls do not have to pay an exit fee. He did look me directly in the eye and tell me that the is no exit drink nor fee required of the men. Two different women told me that there is a 50 pesos exit fee.

I am pretty sure that this did not exist 18 months ago when I was friendly and seeing a newport girl by cell phone, rather going to the bar.

This exit fee also pressures the girls. The is a line between negotiation in good faith and breaking balls. This is discussed detail elsewhere under it's own thread in chica management and is a must read if you are doing any real mongering in Baires.

This harden pro I took out for 500 and paid what she called her bar tab of 50 likely I could have pushed to 400 and said no to the bar tab. There were too many girls and too few customers. Or found another lady to accept 400. I make a judgement call. She started at us$250 and when I got her to 500, I sensed that it was time to say yes or walk away. Body language and her facial expressions. I see the inflation rampant in this city and resist, but understand the push to 500 from 400. Every girl must start higher to bottom line at 500 and hope for 600.

Gato Hunter
08-21-11, 22:41
The chicas asking for the fee for the guy at the door started about 2. 5 years ago when the guy at the door started standing there. The 3 years before that (that I was going to newport) he was not there and the girls did not ask. I tell them "no" every time on the fee.

Miami Bob
08-22-11, 05:41
I wasn't aware that the girls paid the house via the bar 50 exit fee with a client-that's was what I was led to believe. I never heard of it before-but I do make mistakes. I have never seen the doorman collect money. I always talk to him and I think he remembers my face. It was the girl telling me that I must tip the guy was a signal about her mentality that I should have caught.

The following night I stopped by newport and talked with the guy. I usually will tip him if he gives a thumbs' up and the girl is very good+. The tip business was the girl. He advised that it is rare that clients tip him. I would also bet the most of the girls give him something if they are making money. I cannot guarantee that this correct, bit I know that doorman more than three years.

It may turn out that we are both partially correct and it wouldn't surprise me if there has been an exit for sometime and I missed it.

08-22-11, 06:43
Just came back from New Port. Could not find the chica I was talking to the other night. Ended up with a other girl. Very nice to talk to. Promised me the best deep throat and blowjob I had ever "seen". OK, Well, now I think I had better. Sex was below average. Complaining about size all the time, and my precious thing is nothing to complain about. No really deep throat. Yes, aggressive, nice sucking, but no deep. What I asked for.

Well, I'm a beginner at the monerging thing. And from now on I will study the chica managment, thanks Miami Bob!

Have a good one!

Wild Walleye
08-23-11, 03:24
The chicas asking for the fee for the guy at the door started about 2. 5 years ago when the guy at the door started standing there. The 3 years before that (that I was going to newport) he was not there and the girls did not ask. I tell them "no" every time on the fee.A couple of my friends from NP have encouraged me to tip the doorman upon exit. However, depending upon the night, I may have tipped him on the way in (just keepin' it real with my homies). I think Gato is spot on as to when this started. I never invested the effort to figure out what was at the root of the issue. These guys will be your best friend for a few bucks, that is right up to the point where they might be helpful. That said, a little something for the effort certainly won't hurt you.

A Fuegon
08-23-11, 05:04
A couple of my friends from NP have encouraged me to tip the doorman upon exit. However, depending upon the night, I may have tipped him on the way in (just keepin' it real with my homies). I think Gato is spot on as to when this started. I never invested the effort to figure out what was at the root of the issue. These guys will be your best friend for a few bucks, that is right up to the point where they might be helpful. That said, a little something for the effort certainly won't hurt you.I've yet to be in BA, but not new to the scene. Is there a point I'm missing? Why would I tip the doorman on the way out? I've tipped waiters / doormen / bouncers that hook me up in some way. Be it with 411, exceptional service, getting me a girl I request, etc. But tipping the doorman on the way out? If the club makes the chic give them money for whatever reason (protection, etc) , that's on the girl and how she negotiates that in her "fee or tip". That sounds like her problem, not to sound like an ass, just sayin'

Miami Bob
08-23-11, 20:17
I saw the girl give folded bills to the bar man, the older grey haired doorman doesn't appear to be collecting but could be keeping track. My first visits to newport were in 2003 I think. I always just remembr him being there and I always asked for advise which he will not provide. He does either thumbs up or down or shrugs his shouldesr when I about questioning him, every real unfound gem he did not know nor give the thumbs nor down.

Gato Hunter
08-28-11, 11:13
After four years the chicas are still passing down that I am persona non grata in Newport. This stems from years ago that a monger on this forum showed a chica her photos I posted in the private library. When I walked in two chicas that know me walked around to the other chicas wispering and pointing.

It was not a total loss. It was full of skanks so I was not missing out on much.

Hola Mundo
09-22-11, 18:43
Last night, after returning from Asuncion, I had dinner at La Lorenza Parrilla at and ended. Up at New port (Junin and Vicente López). I had a Whisky drink 85 AR$ and bought beer each for two girls costing 38 AR$, both girls were from Brazil. I was not in the mood, but pickings were very slim, and the place was filled with old sharks. Without me asking for any thing, one girl told me that her rate is 600 pesos and then,just for the sake of good customer service, conveted them to US dollars for me.

Also, with the bill, the restaurant gave me a card for club Hippopotamus in the general area. Walking back to the apartment, someone else gave me a card for Black or some other high priced club in the area.

Miami Bob
09-24-11, 14:39
Gato-I wish You had told me about this before. Two years ago, I set you up w / Nati-the tall slender former model and she gave you a hard time. I got so pissed off at her that I stopped seeing her. If you put up porno of her friends on AP, it all makes sense and I shouldn't have cut her off-she just didn't trust you.

I am not saying that you showed the girls their friends fotos, BUT somehow all the Newport ladies thought you were involved and that is likely why Nati gave you a hard time.

09-25-11, 01:45
If you put up porno of her friends on AP.MB,

Gato Hunter clearly stated that he posted the photos in what was the password-protected Private Photo Gallery, and that another AP member with access to the Private Photo Gallery deliberately exposed their existence to the chica herself.

Are you suggesting that you object to the posting of photos even in a private, password-protected section of the AP website?

Should we infer that you in fact do not approve of the posting of ANY photos?



Miami Bob
09-25-11, 11:52
The newport ladies beliefs don't reflect the reality-BUT they blame Gato[right or wrong] and Gato didn't warn me when he knew that these wacked gatitas blamed him for something that offends them. That means most Newport ladies will break his balls or refused normal service. Over one such incident, GATO got bull shit bad service from a lady who is a very good provider based on my referral and request to the girl that she take good care of him. Her lack of respect for my friend ended years of friendship with this lady and myself.

I never ever posted anything in the private foto forum because I did not trust the AP membership not to show my fotos to a girl or two and destroy my relationships with the girls. GATO got fucked because some ass hole played buana big dick and showed private materials to a number of working girls.

This is part of the reason that I keep posting here: the newbies need to learn or the same mistakes will be repeated. Admin closed the private foto thread becasue membership learned not to trust that the fotos will be keep private and stopped most of the activities of posting private fotos. This is a shame, but needed to be done.

10-17-11, 17:26
I was in Newport last week that was my first time I know that you must arrive late to have chance to find good chicas, but I was so tired so was in Newport at 10 pm first night not many beautiful girls but with my 2 othersfriends we arrived to find 3 girls Maria, Elisabetha and Carolina sorry but I am not sure.

Average experience and even if Maria was the best beauty we thought she has stolen the whole box of codom of my friend!

Second night nothing in Newport third night nothing too but at the corner of the mac do a street hooker (silicon tits) called us price 250 pesos for 1 hour we said ok, my friend and me bangged her together and my other friend after us with my friend she was very hot!

That was my experience in Ba (sorry for my english)

Miami Bob
10-17-11, 23:24
Don't judge Newport unless you are there after 1am. At 10am there are few if any working girls in the place. I am surprised that you found 3 girls at 10pm or 22:00 hours.

You may connect at Newport one night and find a hardened geriatric set there the next. There is economic pressure pushing up the pricing. I have had a hand full of good providers met through this place over the years. The girls that know me from the past have pushed from 400 to 500 pesos and unsuccessfully request to to have a 50 pesos exit fee also paid by me. When it seems that the girl is just not going to leave for 400 and I want her, well that's life. At a certain point, you just have to accept the inflationary increases or shop elsewhere.

When the peso in no longer supported by buying dollars with borrowed money, the peso will float up to 6 or 7 to one and Baires will be a bargin for me again. I'll pay the us$100 for a good girl. By next year or the year after 600 pesos should be us$100.

10-18-11, 12:03
I also tried New Port two nights in the last week. It's a ghost town. The first night there were 4 girls. This was at 12:30. The next night there were only 2. Not worth the trip over both nights. I remember when New Port was wall to wall people by 11pm. That entire area of Recoleta is dead now.

10-18-11, 15:30
Don't judge Newport unless you are there after 1am. At 10am there are few if any working girls in the place. I am surprised that you found 3 girls at 10pm or 22:00 hours.

You may connect at Newport one night and find a hardened geriatric set there the next. There is economic pressure pushing up the pricing. I have had a hand full of good providers met through this place over the years. The girls that know me from the past have pushed from 400 to 500 pesos and unsuccessfully request to to have a 50 pesos exit fee also paid by me. When it seems that the girl is just not going to leave for 400 and I want her, well that's life. At a certain point, you just have to accept the inflationary increases or shop elsewhere.

When the peso in no longer supported by buying dollars with borrowed money, the peso will float up to 6 or 7 to one and Baires will be a bargin for me again. I'll pay the us$100 for a good girl. By next year or the year after 600 pesos should be us$100.Thanks for your answer, the girls asked first for 800 pesos! We said 400 one left the table (it was maybe a test) , my friends are very excited so we did accept for 500 pesos for me I thought it was very very expensive because in the forum everybody said not more than 400 pesos but what can I do? Back to the apartment alone and my 2 friends have a party? And me a Hand job! But I think that Recoleta was a little bit quiet begining October about 10 Pm even on Saturday night

And what do you thing about the streetgirl we met? Stange just in front the Mac Do I haven't seen her the 2 first night?

10-18-11, 15:46
Thanks for your answer, the girls asked first for 800 pesos! We said 400 one left the table (it was maybe a test) , my friends are very excited so we did accept for 500 pesos for me I thought it was very very expensive because in the forum everybody said not more than 400 pesos but what can I do? Back to the apartment alone and my 2 friends have a party? And me a Hand job! But I think that Recoleta was a little bit quiet begining October about 10 Pm even on Saturday night

And what do you thing about the streetgirl we met? Stange just in front the Mac Do I haven't seen her the 2 first night?The Street Walkers around the cemetery are usually DUDES!

Did "It" have a scarf on?


PS- Saturday nights are dead everywhere except the regular bars!

10-19-11, 17:08
The Street Walkers around the cemetery are usually DUDES!

Did "It" have a scarf on?


PS- Saturday nights are dead everywhere except the regular bars!Thanks TL for your answer, now I think her name is Carolina or Maria. She wasn't afraid to come alone with 3 men in an apartment!

Last funny thing : the Newport's doorman looks like Michael Schumacher!