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Rock Harders
03-05-17, 06:00
You should be ashamed of yourself for shortchanging the girl after agreeing to spend three hours with her and pay her 3000 pesos, especially after she gave what you described as a good performance including BBFS. Shady dishonest guys like you are the reason girls insist on being paid the entire amount upfront.

Started at 2134 Vicente Lopez. No cover before 1200pm. There were chicas around. Bought one drink at 170 pesos and departed.

Walked over to Newport. Friendly chicas that speak good English. Chatted up a nice looking Argentine named Laura. Charges 200us per hour. Gringos pay that rate.

She politely left the table when a group of American hunters sat down. They invited some chicas and probably paid their rates. There are plenty of rich gringos traveling to Argentina for fishing and hunting.

Decided to return to 2164 when I was stopped by a younger looking ivanka trump.

Chica is named Andrea who lives in Mar del Plata and travels to ba for the weekend. Telephone number is.

Sexy chica with a nice rack she claims was reduced. Agreed to 3000 pesos for 3 hours.

Rode back in a taxi to the hotel room. Good performer that screams too much. Orgasms very easily. Unfortunately no deep throating but sin condom. Initially a problem with wanting money first. Agreed to 2000 upfront with remaining after 3 hours.

Fun chica that started raping me. Loves to orgasm. Round 2 was sin condom.

Took a break drinking a beer. Followed up with pillow talk and her showing me pics of her adorable daughter.

Realized that I did not want to be with her for 3 hours. After the third round requested she leave. Wanted remaining balance. Told her we were together for only 2 hours.

Threatened to call the police. Bluff. The bigger problem was the noise. Slammed my door. Fell on the ground. Front desk person stopped to inspect. There were no marks of any kind on her. Never touched her. She told him she was calling police.

Gave her taxi fAre and she quickly departed.

03-05-17, 10:55
Yeah. Should have only booked for two hours.

03-05-17, 15:28
You agreed to pay her 3000 pesos for three hours. YOU broke the deal, not the chica. From what YOU say, you told her to leave after only two hours. That was your decision, not hers. You should have paid her the full amount as agreed, and chalked your loss up to a learning experience.


Big Boss Man
03-05-17, 17:31
However I have kicked them out before 1 hour is up but have always payed the agreed upon price. The 30 minute thing is too short of time for me. Every time I have been to Nuevo Estilo it seems like they are knocking on the door just as I am getting into it. The extra 30 minutes might be called the introvert tax. Most guys I meet here can do two shots in 1 hour. I usually just do one. It is why I tend to go to the massage girls even though usually they are older and not as good looking as the straight up privado girls.

03-05-17, 18:53
One hour is always safer but it also depends on a timeframe.

Some of these board guys act self righteous on the board but cry when a chica short changes them.

03-06-17, 14:37
One hour is always safer but it also depends on a timeframe.

Some of these board guys act self righteous on the board but cry when a chica short changes them.Ahhhhh........ You are an Argentine.......Now I understand.

03-06-17, 20:45
Started at 2134 Vicente Lopez. No cover before 1200pm. There were chicas around. Bought one drink at 170 pesos and departed.

Walked over to Newport. Friendly chicas that speak good English. Chatted up a nice looking Argentine named Laura. Charges 200us per hour. Gringos pay that rate.

She politely left the table when a group of American hunters sat down. They invited some chicas and probably paid their rates. There are plenty of rich gringos traveling to Argentina for fishing and hunting.

Decided to return to 2164 when I was stopped by a younger looking ivanka trump.

Chica is named Andrea who lives in Mar del Plata and travels to ba for the weekend. Telephone number is.

Sexy chica with a nice rack she claims was reduced. Agreed to 3000 pesos for 3 hours.

Rode back in a taxi to the hotel room. Good performer that screams too much. Orgasms very easily. Unfortunately no deep throating but sin condom. Initially a problem with wanting money first. Agreed to 2000 upfront with remaining after 3 hours.

Fun chica that started raping me. Loves to orgasm. Round 2 was sin condom.

Took a break drinking a beer. Followed up with pillow talk and her showing me pics of her adorable daughter.

Realized that I did not want to be with her for 3 hours. After the third round requested she leave. Wanted remaining balance. Told her we were together for only 2 hours.

Threatened to call the police. Bluff. The bigger problem was the noise. Slammed my door. Fell on the ground. Front desk person stopped to inspect. There were no marks of any kind on her. Never touched her. She told him she was calling police.

Gave her taxi fAre and she quickly departed.I think it's a bad idea to go to war with chicas in a foreign country (let alone at home) because you never know if they are going to call their brothers, pimps or cops on you.

03-07-17, 01:52
I think it's a bad idea to go to war with chicas in a foreign country (let alone at home) because you never know if they are going to call their brothers, pimps or cops on you.Shamester is not very smart. He thinks with his wallet, not his head.


03-07-17, 07:06
It would seem to me that if you make a contract with anyone for anything for a set price and you terminate the contract early , (assuming they keep up their end of the deal, which seems t be the case here) then you owe them the money. It has also been said many times that the first time with a chica should always be a short one just to avoid this type of scenario. Also in my humble opinion, $3000 pesos???? Maybe for the night, not for a few hours. It seems the "tourists" continue to screw things up for every one else.

04-01-17, 23:35
You should be ashamed of yourself for shortchanging the girl after agreeing to spend three hours with her and pay her 3000 pesos, especially after she gave what you described as a good performance including BBFS. Shady dishonest guys like you are the reason girls insist on being paid the entire amount upfront.These are the people that make us all look bad.

Member #4112
04-05-17, 12:55
One of my friends from Delirio told me they had shut down New Port again, any truth to it.

04-05-17, 15:47
One of my friends from Delirio told me they had shut down New Port again, any truth to it.I cannot speak for last night but I was there the night before (Monday), and it was business as usual. Arrived about 01.45 am, place was fairly quiet and within 20 minutes most of the remaining chica's were leaving, apparently going to D'Lirio, or so I was told by one of the girls.

04-05-17, 17:50
The following is a list of the women I found attractive enough to take out of Newport during the seven years I lived in Buenos Aires:

Rock Harders
09-14-17, 05:50
Stopped in briefly before checking out the more expensive competitor down the street. Draft beer 220 pesos. About 20-25 girls average age 35-45+ with notable high mileage specimens all around. Probably a few doables but overall depressing especially compared to the talent on hand down the street.

09-22-17, 04:42
Went by Newport this evening, and there were quite a few (25-30) women working, and many older clients, but the quality of the talent was grim.

Jim Bob
11-16-17, 18:55
I was going to meet another friend from the forum at Newport last night, I was a little late, he already scored and left. The waiter told me I had to buy a beer 220 pesos or so. I did not want it but whatever I bought it. There were some very ugly overweight foreigners from other parts of Latin America no doubt who looked me over tried to talk to me leered at me every time I glanced their way ugh. I told a few who approached me no not interested. One had a spare tire clearly visible from her yoga pants ugh. On the other hand I saw several nice looking women I was interested in, I stared hard and mentally willed them to come my way but they did not. Then there was this one in white pants and long sleeve multicolored stretchy top with some funky 60's style glasses. She was standing next to one I was interested in who was ignoring me. She looked a little weird like a hippy. But she had a nice body I mentally willed her to come my way and she did. She sat down and we talked I told her to come closer I could see her hands were kind of weathered look to them and her face also lie the Marlboro man. Her gums were odd the color was off. But I saw some white pink muffin top sticking out. I massaged her upper legs, ass, and muffin top as we talked. The muffin top certainly looked young tight skin and she felt good almost skinny but not quite a little meat not a hard body. So I said how much. She said 200 usd. I said sorry h0ney only have 1000 pesos. She said ok lets go to my hotel. "My" hotel turned out to be Acapulco telo, so I had to pay 550 pesos. This left exactly 680 pesos in my pocket. She took 650 and went in the bathroom. I explored the room it is great shower with glass walls and nice big bed and condom sitting on the nightstand and advertisements for dildos and vibrating cock rings and lingerie etc. She was in the bathroom for a while probably shooting up??? Some drug must make her thin like that and age her face. But when the clothes came off she had on a sexy little camisole and thong nd huge tits. I later discovered they were fake when I was on top of her but they did not look that fake. Her body was great and other than not wanting her nipples touched too much and making annoying fake noises she was fun. Gave me a peck on the cheek when we left.

I asked a cabbie how much to Once Plaza he said 80 pesos I was like fuck which direction he said straight down Puyerridon for 20 blocks! And so I walked home.

03-25-18, 14:51
Hit Newport last night.

Not one girl I’d be with even for free!

One girl from Uruguay approached me, asking for $300 US.

Had the worse breath ever.

I almost passed out, Lol.

04-02-18, 20:19
Hit Newport last night.

Not one girl Id be with even for free!

One girl from Uruguay approached me, asking for $300 US.

Had the worse breath ever.

I almost passed out, Lol.Wow, $300 for a pop! Looks like I wont be returning to BA soon.

05-01-19, 12:32
The best time is around 10-11 pm.

Wild Walleye
05-30-19, 12:46
I was going to meet another friend from the forum at Newport last night, I was a little late, he already scored and left. The waiter told me I had to buy a beer 220 pesos or so. I did not want it but whatever I bought it. There were some very ugly overweight foreigners from other parts of Latin America no doubt who looked me over tried to talk to me leered at me every time I glanced their way ugh. I told a few who approached me no not interested. One had a spare tire clearly visible from her yoga pants ugh. On the other hand I saw several nice looking women I was interested in, I stared hard and mentally willed them to come my way but they did not. Then there was this one in white pants and long sleeve multicolored stretchy top with some funky 60's style glasses. She was standing next to one I was interested in who was ignoring me. She looked a little weird like a hippy. But she had a nice body I mentally willed her to come my way and she did. She sat down and we talked I told her to come closer I could see her hands were kind of weathered look to them and her face also lie the Marlboro man. Her gums were odd the color was off. But I saw some white pink muffin top sticking out. I massaged her upper legs, ass, and muffin top as we talked. The muffin top certainly looked young tight skin and she felt good almost skinny but not quite a little meat not a hard body. So I said how much. She said 200 usd. I said sorry h0ney only have 1000 pesos. She said ok lets go to my hotel. "My" hotel turned out to be Acapulco telo, so I had to pay 550 pesos. This left exactly 680 pesos in my pocket. She took 650 and went in the bathroom. I explored the room it is great shower with glass walls and nice big bed and condom sitting on the nightstand and advertisements for dildos and vibrating cock rings and lingerie etc. She was in the bathroom for a while probably shooting up??? Some drug must make her thin like that and age her face. But when the clothes came off she had on a sexy little camisole and thong nd huge tits. I later discovered they were fake when I was on top of her but they did not look that fake. Her body was great and other than not wanting her nipples touched too much and making annoying fake noises she was fun. Gave me a peck on the cheek when we left.

I asked a cabbie how much to Once Plaza he said 80 pesos I was like fuck which direction he said straight down Puyerridon for 20 blocks! And so I walked home.So, you paid US$12.50 for the room and US$15.45 for the boom? US$28 for carnal knowledge of a chica with a nice bod?

Coming from Sex Prison, a US$5 beer ain't bad.

Gents, I think Bs As might have hope.

05-30-19, 13:48
Two years of inflation is a lot higher than the 2017 report.


So, you paid US$12.50 for the room and US$15.45 for the boom? US$28 for carnal knowledge of a chica with a nice bod?

Coming from Sex Prison, a US$5 beer ain't bad.

Gents, I think Bs As might have hope.

Jim Bob
05-30-19, 18:14
Um no still getting what I want for same peso price

Two years of inflation is a lot higher than the 2017 report.


Jim Bob
06-06-19, 15:45
So, you paid US$12.50 for the room and US$15.45 for the boom? US$28 for carnal knowledge of a chica with a nice bod?

Coming from Sex Prison, a US$5 beer ain't bad.

Gents, I think Bs As might have hope.Yes, it isn't hard to find these prices. The fall in the peso versus the dollar results in a fall in consumption, so when the product is elastic, such as pussy, or a hotel room, they maintain the peso price since they don't want to scare off consumers who are 99.9% Argentines paying in pesos and not the occasional tourist with dollars. When the product is inelastic, like fuel, then price tracks the dollar. Like baked goods might increase in price due to the cost of heating ovens, or milk rises in price since the cost of fuel to transport it goes up. I find the rise in peso prices does not equal the drop in value with the dollar, your dollar goes further and further.

06-06-19, 19:22
I was in Argentina a few months ago. The prices of chica's on the internet, massage/private apartments, at Mia's Place, the new bar next too Cafe X and the girls hanging outside cafe X have definitely gone done if your converting dollars to peso's. It was the cheapest I have seen in some time. Newport is a different story. The girls there know their market. Their market is foreign tourist who are in BA for a very short time (1-3 days). Business men or hunters staying in BA before traveling to Cordoba for bird hunting.

These men do not have time to search out or wait for better prices. They go to Newport (and I assume Delirum a block away), looking for a no hassle good time. The tourist do not mind over paying for chica's. The same as if someone goes on vacation to Disney World and over pays for an average meal at a fancy restaurant.

I was talking to a group of English bird hunters and told them they were overpaying for the girls. They did not care, they were on vacation and willing to pay top dollar for a good time.

Interesting note: the girls at Newport probably make less than other places because they only get a few customers a week. The girls also will ask for $300 US (12000p) for an hour and will come down to some degree if you bargain. If the girls have not had a customer by 1:00 am a lot of them then go and walk the street by the Cemetery, and are charging 2000p an hour. Same girl, same one hour of sex, 10,000p less.

I also think the quality of girls has gone done at Newport from years past, there are still some 10's there but the overall quality is down.

06-07-19, 02:08
Girls laugh at D'Lirio prices, they know everyone there, every starfish and clock watcher. Took at Badani's and Cocodrilo from 2,500 to 4,000 (at 40 ARS =1 USD). That's the higher numbers locals can do. Barrio's prices are much lower.

06-07-19, 19:18
I did a study comparing the cost of a basket of food stuffs..official reports..against the depreciation of the peso. As of May 31, 2019, mas or mesos, a $100 purchase in pesos in the grocery store done May 31, 2018 would now cost $77 U.S.....converting pesos. To these figures then, the depreciation has way more than compensated for the inflation in basic food.

06-08-19, 14:11
Girls laugh at D'Lirio prices, they know everyone there, every starfish and clock watcher. Took at Badani's and Cocodrilo from 2,500 to 4,000 (at 40 ARS =1 USD). That's the higher numbers locals can do. Barrio's prices are much lower.What is Badani's? Location?

06-08-19, 16:02
What is Badani's? Location?

It used to be a clip joint.
Don't know now?

Next to Exedra
Carlos Pellegrini 829,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel: +54 11 4435-8715.

06-25-19, 23:15
Went to Newport 2-3 weeks ago, saw lots of chicas but maybe only 2-3 with which I would go, one was already taking out her phone and showing me her nude pictures - new way of marketing I believe =).

Beers arround 300 Pesos kinda expensive local prices wise, feels Delirium is the most crowded place on Fridays between 2-3 AM when girls make rounds picking up customers taking to Telmo and gettin back for next rounds.

Jim Bob
06-26-19, 18:41
Yes, this is about correct

I did a study comparing the cost of a basket of food stuffs..official reports..against the depreciation of the peso. As of May 31, 2019, mas or mesos, a $100 purchase in pesos in the grocery store done May 31, 2018 would now cost $77 U.S.....converting pesos. To these figures then, the depreciation has way more than compensated for the inflation in basic food..

Jim Bob
06-26-19, 18:44
I went in Newport back in February, there was some guy there trying to get me to tip him for opening the door. I pretended to not understand. I went in and sat at a table and some chicas came over. One who was somewhat interesting came over we talked a little she said 300 usd. I said I have 4000 pesos in my pocket. She said ok. I said sorry I am busy tonight but give me your number. About then the slow service noticed I had no drink. He came over and explained I had to get a drink. I said its ok I was just leaving and left.

Went to Newport 2-3 weeks ago, saw lots of chicas but maybe only 2-3 with which I would go, one was already taking out her phone and showing me her nude pictures - new way of marketing I believe =).

Beers arround 300 Pesos kinda expensive local prices wise, feels Delirium is the most crowded place on Fridays between 2-3 AM when girls make rounds picking up customers taking to Telmo and gettin back for next rounds..

06-26-19, 19:40
I did a study comparing the cost of a basket of food stuffs..official reports..against the depreciation of the peso. As of May 31, 2019, mas or mesos, a $100 purchase in pesos in the grocery store done May 31, 2018 would now cost $77 U.S.....converting pesos. To these figures then, the depreciation has way more than compensated for the inflation in basic food.I didn't do the math; but when I was there in February it seemed to me too that the depreciation was more than compensating for the inflation.


01-09-20, 02:58
Never made it to New Port when last in BA 10 plus years ago, went last night, wish I had stayed away. 490 peso for a diet cola poured from a large bottle. Within less then 5 minutes I was asked fro a drink by 3 girls I would not of taken for free. Moved outside as a nice breeze and some girls out there. Made eye contact with the only decent looker, dark skinned, from the Dominican called herself Chocolate, spoke pretty good English, bought her a beer for 500 peso, nearly collapsed when she wanted $300 USD, lowered to 200 then 100, told her even at 100 USD 6000 peso it was crazy considering the type of talent available on the internet for close to half that rate. She moved on, spoke to another couple who were all looking for drinks, only asked 1 the price which she replied $200 USD asked her if she was naughty & ever went bareback, replied when would of the price was right, & her price was $800 USD after telling her thanks but not in a million years would I pay that when I could get a top US porn star for that kind of money. Finished my fake diet cola & left, never to return.

01-09-20, 10:38
Never made it to New Port when last in BA 10 plus years ago, went last night, wish I had stayed away. 490 peso for a diet cola poured from a large bottle. Within less then 5 minutes I was asked fro a drink by 3 girls I would not of taken for free. Moved outside as a nice breeze and some girls out there. Made eye contact with the only decent looker, dark skinned, from the Dominican called herself Chocolate, spoke pretty good English, bought her a beer for 500 peso, nearly collapsed when she wanted $300 USD, lowered to 200 then 100, told her even at 100 USD 6000 peso it was crazy considering the type of talent available on the internet for close to half that rate. She moved on, spoke to another couple who were all looking for drinks, only asked 1 the price which she replied $200 USD asked her if she was naughty & ever went bareback, replied when would of the price was right, & her price was $800 USD after telling her thanks but not in a million years would I pay that when I could get a top US porn star for that kind of money. Finished my fake diet cola & left, never to return.Sad to say but that is typical in Argentina today. High prices and low quality. Tha goes for most things, women, clothing, etc.. Only going to get worse with the current gov't.

11-15-21, 23:20
Just as will most old stuffs, New port is closed.

11-23-21, 11:09
With a heavy heart I must close this thread as Newports is no more. It was the first place I ever went to in BsAs back in 2002.

Admin 2