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Albert Punter
12-07-13, 21:57
Girls, and others, still accept pesos.

Now, a non Argentina cannot buy airfare, hotel accommodations and other tourist services with pesos. Does this mean that the women referred to in this forum are going to ask to be paid in dollars or other foreign currency? How about taxicabs, groceries, butchers and other shops?

12-08-13, 07:49
Now, a non Argentina cannot buy airfare, hotel accommodations and other tourist services with pesos. Does this mean that the women referred to in this forum are going to ask to be paid in dollars or other foreign currency? How about taxicabs, groceries, butchers and other shops?I bought a ticket for my son yesterday (hes non argentine and so am I) and was able to pay in pesos. Like most things here, the rules are selectively enforced.

12-10-13, 11:53
I recently got some 20's as part of an exchange. If anyone has extra US 50's or 100's before they leave BA, or if you know you will have dollars left over I would like to swap out. Twenties work well in bars and restaurants here, which is an activity that I seldom do.


Miami Bob
12-17-13, 21:53
Coming to BA next week. I will have US $ to buy pesos. Anyone I actually know interested in blue rate exchange?

12-18-13, 01:05
-my words count as I already offered you to change.
Also recomended www.ambito.com to check the actual oficial and blue salad.

I am shure, you will be lucky with anybody else as well.

Merry Christmas.

12-19-13, 19:47
Got 9.60 yesterday changing USD800.

Was in a bit of a rush and just went to the first place on Florida without doing any shopping around, so can't say if that was the best available.

12-20-13, 12:27
Only 9.40 today at the same place!

Another last-minute panic exchange to pay some unexpected bills before traveling.

Miami Bob
12-28-13, 00:57
I have not been to BA since Sept 2012. The inflation is blowing my mind.

Daddy Rulz
12-28-13, 03:27
9.8 on 700 today. I'm looking for 10.5-11 in the next 3 weeks. Every January there is a bump due to demand for dollars for vacations. There is often a smaller one in June / July as well. Last year the peso went from 6.6-7.5 in the first three weeks of January, then slid back a little after February.

If it breaks 10 and the Gov does nothing, I'm thinking 12 ish by Fall.

Mis dos centavos.

12-28-13, 17:53
If it breaks 10 and the Gov does nothing, I'm thinking 12 ish by Fall.http://www.ctvnews.ca/business/argentine-economy-closing-2013-in-trouble-1.1607796

12-28-13, 20:10
Heading to BA next month. Are $100 bills OK for exchanging into pesos?

I seem to remember 50's being preferred some years ago. Thanks.

12-28-13, 22:15
I'm pretty much certain that $100 bills are the preferred denomination. They need to physically transport all the money they change, and the less weight and volume they have to carry, the better.

Heading to BA next month. Are $100 bills OK for exchanging into pesos?

I seem to remember 50's being preferred some years ago. Thanks.

12-28-13, 22:33
I'm pretty much certain that $100 bills are the preferred denomination. They need to physically transport all the money they change, and the less weight and volume they have to carry, the better.Although Benjamin Franklin is the Sexiest Mother Fucker in the World the preferred denomination would be 500 Euro Notes.

I don't even count them anymore.

I just weigh them!


Unfortunately the 500's are being traced these days.

Rock Harders
12-29-13, 07:13

This is simply incorrect information. Argentina is a dollarized economy and USD are coveted at the black market FX houses far more than Euros. In fact, Argentina is one of the cheapest places in the world to buy Euros; generally, buying Euros with pesos will save you typically about 4-5 basis points off the interbank rate.



Although Benjamin Franklin is the Sexiest Mother Fucker in the World the preferred denomination would be 500 Euro Notes.

I don't even count them anymore.

I just weigh them!


Unfortunately the 500's are being traced these days.

12-29-13, 21:17
Thank you fellas!

Daddy Rulz
12-30-13, 00:11
Heading to BA next month. Are $100 bills OK for exchanging into pesos?

I seem to remember 50's being preferred some years ago. Thanks.100's and 50's are pretty equally accepted, don't bring anything smaller.

01-01-14, 15:48
Do they accept the new $100 bills?

DC Esq
01-01-14, 18:05
Do they accept the new $100 bills?Yes, zero problems converting new 100's at multiple change places in the past week or two.

01-02-14, 01:10
Has anyone gotten 10 P to US $ yet?

01-03-14, 12:28
Has anyone gotten 10 P to US $ yet?Good chance of 10 today...
Dolarblue says 10.19.

Dan Tien
01-03-14, 18:07
Has anyone gotten 10 P to US $ yet?I'm going to go try right now.

Dan Tien
01-03-14, 19:08
Lots of people offering 10. Lowest offer I got was 9.90.

01-07-14, 03:03
I am looking at an apartment near cordoba and jean jaures near Paraguay. Seems to be a park that it faces. Any thoughts on the area. I will stay a week. Trips to the brothels every other day. Ok, so I don't have the libido that I once had. I hope to stay in an area with many sidewalk cafes. Food is high on my list of priorities. Any one have knowledge of this area.

Regards Hotrod 10.

01-07-14, 03:43
The Area is good, just that if you like walking you will do a little. Side walk cafes are everywhere.

Here is a few Maps that will help. If you want to meet up will the guys at Exedra it is a bit of a walk. But is a short taxi ride.



I am looking at an apartment near cordoba and jean jaures near Paraguay. Seems to be a park that it faces. Any thoughts on the area. I will stay a week. Trips to the brothels every other day. Ok, so I don't have the libido that I once had. I hope to stay in an area with many sidewalk cafes. Food is high on my list of priorities. Any one have knowledge of this area.

Regards Hotrod 10.

Daddy Rulz
01-07-14, 12:53
I am looking at an apartment near cordoba and jean jaures near Paraguay. Seems to be a park that it faces. Any thoughts on the area. I will stay a week. Trips to the brothels every other day. Ok, so I don't have the libido that I once had. I hope to stay in an area with many sidewalk cafes. Food is high on my list of priorities. Any one have knowledge of this area.

Regards Hotrod 10.It's right on the edge of Once. Be careful at night specifically towards Corrientes and beyond. There are lots of busses coming down Viamonte to get to the center. All in all not bad, not great, but not bad.

01-08-14, 16:42
Lots of people offering 10. Lowest offer I got was 9.90.$10.40 Today, just a few minutes ago.

And that was for just a fist full of dollars.

Larger amounts should improve the take.

787 Carlos Pellegrini.

Next door to "La Madelein" in the luggage store. (across the street from Excedra.).

Ask for Alejandro, he is the owner.

Open until 6 pm.

Safer than a Bank!


You can tell him I sent you.

01-08-14, 18:59
Back safely from my travels to the frozen north and headed out just now to change some USD.

Couldn't be arsed to walk all the way to Lavalle so just changed at the first place I know on the 100 block of Florida - 10.60.

01-08-14, 19:04
You can tell him I sent you.

So you can go back and pick up your 20c on the dollar?

As anybody who has ever read this thread before should know by now, no matter how good the other services he provides are, don't go to TejanoLibre to change your dollars - he may have great contacts for finding chicas, but his favoured money changers are always behind the curve!

01-08-14, 19:38
So you can go back and pick up your 20c on the dollar?

As anybody who has ever read this thread before should know by now, no matter how good the other services he provides are, don't go to TejanoLibre to change your dollars - he may have great contacts for finding chicas, but his favoured money changers are always behind the curve!Actually, I was going to write that they can drop my name but it won't help them and it won't help me either.

It would have been just a few extra taps on the keyboard but I thought that that was no longer necessary.

That you had dried up and blown away but no such luck I guess.

If you read the post the way that it is written then you will see that I exchanged some pocket change and received 10.40 which was good enough for me but that if someone exchanged larger amounts then they would probably receive a better rate.

Why don't you post the name and address of your source so people don't have to run around all over the place and guess?

It's not a fucking secret and your money man will be thrilled!

So Please Guys, DO NOT MENTION MY NAME if you happen to go to 787 Pellegrini to exchange a few dollars.

Personally I think that someone will get a lower rate if they don't mention this site or TL.

I want the money man to know how the clients arrived so he can't low-ball them.

It keeps him honest. He knows what people read and write.

And so does EVERYBODY on this fucking board! Idiot!

I'm sure that he may have budged had I asked him for a few dollars more but I was happy.

I'm not going to do a damn thing for 20 fucking cents on the dollar!

Never! Ever!

It's too fucking hot to do anything for 20 worthless cents.

I won't even wait in line for free money and that's what it would be.

Thanks for keeping up with your reading classes though.


You should go and see for yourself.

Hell, you might get 11 to 1 .

It's on the way to your secret money machine.

01-08-14, 21:20

Charmed, I'm sure!

The general idea of this thread is to let people know what the going rate is and to help them find the best deal available, surely? That's all I'm doing.

I also made no effort and changed a few dollars. If previous experience is anything to go by, with more cash and a bit of effort I'd have probably got 10.70 - 10.80, just 2 hours after your generous attempt to send people to someone to ask for 10.40 in your name. Which is fine. You do your bit to help, I'm doing mine. What you getting so upset about?

And I'm not doing anything in secret. I don't know the address of the place on the 100 block of Florida, but I've posted directions to it on this very thread, probably more than once. It's actually my third choice, my second choice being the "Western Union" on Lavalle with Florida. My first choice (and the best rate in Buenos Aires without fail for most of the last 2 years), isn't a place you can just walk into, but I've made it an open invitation to introduce anyone that wants, including a private invitation to you (when you all but told me to fcuk off and mind my own business!).

You should take a chill pill and carry on about your business, but if I see you giving people a bum-steer I'll be calling you out on it.

Happy New Year!

01-08-14, 21:57
Anyone heading back to USA who has left over 100 dollar bills please. Send me a pm. I need to shed bills. Twenties & tens.

They are tuff to exchange here. Thanks.

01-08-14, 23:29
Charmed, I'm sure!

The general idea of this thread is to let people know what the going rate is and to help them find the best deal available, surely? That's all I'm doing.

I also made no effort and changed a few dollars. If previous experience is anything to go by, with more cash and a bit of effort I'd have probably got 10.70 - 10.80, just 2 hours after your generous attempt to send people to someone to ask for 10.40 in your name. Which is fine. You do your bit to help, I'm doing mine. What you getting so upset about?

And I'm not doing anything in secret. I don't know the address of the place on the 100 block of Florida, but I've posted directions to it on this very thread, probably more than once. It's actually my third choice, my second choice being the "Western Union" on Lavalle with Florida. My first choice (and the best rate in Buenos Aires without fail for most of the last 2 years), isn't a place you can just walk into, but I've made it an open invitation to introduce anyone that wants, including a private invitation to you (when you all but told me to fcuk off and mind my own business!).

You should take a chill pill and carry on about your business, but if I see you giving people a bum-steer I'll be calling you out on it.

Happy New Year!That's cool Dave!

I usually go to the closest money machine and then I don't find out what the real rates might be until I check this board.

No bum steer intended. Not for 20 cents.

When it's for somebody else I will make an extra effort to find the best rate.

Anyway, have a Happy New Year!


01-09-14, 03:21
This is just a reference of what the exchange rate should be every day. Today its at 10.70 for the sell rate. Most money changers usually give you 20-30 points less. That is their earnings. So a rate of 10.40-10.50 is completely reasonable. I'm sure some places will give you more while others will give you less but the most average number is somewhere in the middle. I haven't changed dollars this month so far but my exchange house usually gives me 20 points less than the published blue rate. I'm sure if I drove to the centro I might get a couple points more but I'd lose time, gas money and parking fees so it doesn't make sense for me. Parking in recoleta and the centro is a bi*tch so I only drive there when I have no other choice. 50 pesos just to park your car for an hour. Ridiculous.


TL is a good reference point. Hes lived here for a while and knows the score.

01-09-14, 10:15
TL is a good reference point. Hes lived here for a while and knows the score.Great, you go with that. Obviously there's nobody else on this forum that's lived here for any length of time (or that doesn't make their living out of visiting tourists!).

Anybody else who's interested in getting the best exchange rate for your dollars, use a bit more common sense!

787 Carlos Pellegrini.

Next door to "La Madelein" in the luggage store. (across the street from Excedra.).

Ask for Alejandro, he is the owner.

You can tell him I sent you.

Try This Place:

Corner of Carlos Pellegrini and Cordoba right next door to La Madelein. (Pellegrini 787).

Tourist Trap Shop and Long Distance Travel Bus Company called Turismo Dalman

tell them El Tejano Loco sent you

Carlos Pellegrini 787.

Turismo Dalman.

Drop Tejano Libre's name for best rate.

01-09-14, 21:05
You seem to have a real personal problem with TL. You should keep that between the two of you instead of trying to attack every forum member who doesn't share your narrow point of view. I've personally never changed money in the centro so I've never used the particular place TL recomends but his numbers seem accurate enough so I don't see why you're so angry with him for posting some information. If you have actual information to add about the topic, I'm sure it will be well received but your angry attacks against other forum members seem childish and out of place.

Ill wait for your personal recomendation.

Great, you go with that. Obviously there's nobody else on this forum that's lived here for any length of time (or that doesn't make their living out of visiting tourists!).

Anybody else who's interested in getting the best exchange rate for your dollars, use a bit more common sense!

01-09-14, 23:25
trying to attack every forum member who doesn't share your narrow point of view.

Yep, that's me, always attacking forum members. Especially those who don't share my narrow point of view that it would be nice to know where to get the best exchange rates. I'm just an evil bigot.

I expect TL is shaking in his boots at the ferocity of my attack also....
"no matter how good the other services he provides are, don't go to TejanoLibre to change your dollars - he may have great contacts for finding chicas, but his favoured money changers are always behind the curve!"
"after your generous attempt to send people to someone to ask for 10.40 in your name. Which is fine. You do your bit to help, I'm doing mine."
"You should take a chill pill and carry on about your business, but if I see you giving people a bum-steer I'll be calling you out on it."
"And so does EVERYBODY on this fucking board! Idiot!"

Oh, sorry, that last one wasn't me was it? Thought I should include it anyway because it's the only thing that even resembles an 'attack', even though it just made me smile. :-)

his numbers seem accurate enough so I don't see why you're so angry with him for posting some information.

What part of "10.40 today" and "10.60 two hours later" make his numbers seem accurate to you? And could you point out the part where I got angry? There's only one post in this exchange where someone got angry....and it wasn't me. Maybe you've mixed us up?

If you have actual information to add about the topic, I'm sure it will be well received

Like what? Actual information about where to get better exchange rates? Nah, no chance, nope, never. And I really doubt it would be well received....or even noticed!

your angry attacks against other forum members seem childish and out of place.

Here's a deal for you BadMan - you find an example where I've angrily and childishly attacked another forum member, before this post, and I'll change your USD personally at 20:1, you dimwitted fcuktard. ;-)

01-09-14, 23:53
Hahaha. Wow. Serious issues.


Member #4112
01-10-14, 10:54
Received 10.4 at my usual cambio. Corrientes / Florida. Was surprised the rate had broken the 10 to 1 barrier.

Looks as if the price for everything has gone up as well but perhaps we are still a bit ahead of the game.

01-10-14, 11:36
Looks as if the price for everything has gone up as well but perhaps we are still a bit ahead of the game.With the official rate at 6.60 we're at a differential of about 60% which has been pretty standard for a while now. It's that differential that puts us ahead of the game!

01-10-14, 12:16
- I don't care a thumb getting 0,10/0,20 more or less.

I like to get into a store being save and treated like a friend as it is in the place, Ramiro recommended.

Alejandro gives you the best price possible, counts slowly twice the money you receive and there is never a faked bill.

Running around for smallchange is not my part of the game.

Aside of this, the two vendedoras in the place are pleasant and muy guapas (beauties).

Personal miss-understandings or antagonism are not helpful in this forum.

01-10-14, 17:15
- I don't care a thumb getting 0,10/0,20 more or less.
I'm sorry Spassmusssein, but you seem to be missing the point!
There are plenty of people who DO care about the 20c, and even to those who don't, unless you know what the best rates are, you don't know if you're just 20 points off or 100 points off! If I hadn't pointed out that I'd gotten 10.60 and the only reference point was TL's buddy's 10.40, you'd have been happy to get 10.20 elsewhere....now you're down 40c on the dollar. Where do you draw the line? How much are you happy to lose?

Alejandro gives you the best price possible
Well, he quite patently doesn't does he!

And the only people being antagonistic right now are TL (who I forgive because I expect it from him and I know he's just trying to make a living) and BadMan. Re-read the thread - I'm just supplying information to try and help anyone with dollars to get the best exchange rate. If, in order to do that, I'm pointing out that TL's mate isn't giving the best deal, that's not attacking anyone, it's pointing out a demonstrable fact.

(And if you don't understand the humour in the 'childish attack' I made on BadMan, ask an adult to explain it!)

01-10-14, 20:28
The way I see it is 20 cents or more difference adds up to quite of bit of money over the period of a year. But as pointed out in other threads some people just don't care if they are losing or throwing money away. To each his own!

01-10-14, 22:04
I'm sorry Spassmusssein, but you seem to be missing the point!
There are plenty of people who DO care about the 20c, and even to those who don't, unless you know what the best rates are, you don't know if you're just 20 points off or 100 points off! If I hadn't pointed out that I'd gotten 10.60 and the only reference point was TL's buddy's 10.40, you'd have been happy to get 10.20 elsewhere....now you're down 40c on the dollar. Where do you draw the line? How much are you happy to lose?

Well, he quite patently doesn't does he!

And the only people being antagonistic right now are TL (who I forgive because I expect it from him and I know he's just trying to make a living) and BadMan. Re-read the thread - I'm just supplying information to try and help anyone with dollars to get the best exchange rate. If, in order to do that, I'm pointing out that TL's mate isn't giving the best deal, that's not attacking anyone, it's pointing out a demonstrable fact.

(And if you don't understand the humour in the 'childish attack' I made on BadMan, ask an adult to explain it!)10.6 Today.

With or without my name.


01-12-14, 21:19
Hey Fellas,

Anyone know of a reasonable Cambio in the Palermo Soho area?. I arrive Wednesday AM and have rented an apartment near Thames y Charcas. It would be very handy for me if any of you know of a place within walking distance or a short cab ride to exchange some Dollars on Wednesday morning. Thank you.

01-12-14, 22:15
The way I see it is 20 cents or more difference adds up to quite of bit of money over the period of a year.What, with Argentina's inflation?

01-12-14, 23:18
What, with Argentina's inflation?For me, 20 centavos on the dollar is another 8 to 10 k pesos a year. Ill take it. It helps offset the inflation! There have been times I needed pesos and if the rate was not to my liking either I didn't buy any or I would just buy a hundred dollars worth and wait for a better rate.

01-13-14, 00:04
Hey Fellas,

Anyone know of a reasonable Cambio in the Palermo Soho area?. I arrive Wednesday AM and have rented an apartment near Thames y Charcas. It would be very handy for me if any of you know of a place within walking distance or a short cab ride to exchange some Dollars on Wednesday morning. Thank you.I can help you out. I send you a pm.

I changed today with two girls who are traveling. They didn't know anything about the blue dollar. Helped them out a bit. Feel like helping some more.

01-13-14, 21:41
I changed with 3 girls today. Was fucking wild. I never thought that past 50 that I coulda done that kind of business. However, and shit, now that I think of it. I guess I never got back any change! TCS-ellipses}.

I can help you out. I send you a pm.

I changed today with two girls who are traveling. They didn't know anything about the blue dollar. Helped them out a bit. Feel like helping some more.

01-14-14, 13:07
Does anyone know if this place is still in business? I haven't seen it mentioned here in a long time.

Thanks, Bob.

01-16-14, 00:28
Yesterday (Tuesday) I visited this place just to make sure it still existed and was told that they were paying 10.4 pesos for a dollar. I thought that sounded reasonable and it's a place I can walk to so that's where I changed money today. I really don't know what rate I got today. I have no interest in the rate wars. Check their rate yourself and do business there or not. I am just making you aware of the place.

There's a large sign inside saying, in Spanish, something like "we don't exchange dollars". But they did for me.

Hours are between 10 - 17:30, Monday through Friday.


01-16-14, 00:30
Maybe get 11 tomorrow..


DC Esq
01-16-14, 02:35
Does anyone know if this place is still in business? I haven't seen it mentioned here in a long time.

Thanks, Bob.Yes, there last week. 9-4 M-F. There is a nice cop that opens the door for you and guards the place.

Dan Tien
01-17-14, 00:15
Back in town.

Got 11.1 from the same place I've been going to. A little news stand between Falabella and HSBC on Florida and Juan Domingo Peron.

01-17-14, 00:49
Looking at the 10-year chart for the official exchange rate, the slope over the last 2 years is defying gravity. Such a slope cannot be sustained.

Where do you guys see this going over the next year?

Daddy Rulz
01-17-14, 03:09
Looking at the 10-year chart for the official exchange rate, the slope over the last 2 years is defying gravity. Such a slope cannot be sustained.

Where do you guys see this going over the next year?Unless the government just does away with the official rate, 14 to 15-1 by June, maybe more. I think it will stay just behind inflation. If they remove the market and freely float the peso it will stabilize around 12.5 for awhile.

Rockin Bob
01-17-14, 17:50
Couple of things:

I got 11.40 today in the gallery in the 700 block of Lavalle.

I checked DolarBlue.net before I went and the bid asked spread was 11.25 11.65. I find that usually whatever is the midpoint between the bid / ask is what the rate will be when I get to the cueva.

Of course checking it this afternoon it's 11.54 11.94.

There was a thing on the news channel last night with a couple of "experts" opining about the dollar peso surge. They showed the blue rate quotes for the week and they were going up about 50 centavos a day. The gist of the discussion was that the finance ministry was totally incompetent and that the country is heading for disaster. They also added that everytime Argentina has tried measures to fix what seems to be their perpetual problem, they never work.

I believe it being vacation time a lot of Argentines need dollars and this accounts for a January effect, but what they said on the show was that the problem was the central bank is hemorraging dollars and they can't stop it. The official rate by the way is about 6.75 now.

And to top it all off, the largest bank note they have is 100 pesos. You walk in with 5 one-hundred dollar bills in your wallet and walk out with a wad of 57 one-hundred peso notes bulging in your pocket.

Would like to hear from someone who knows more about all this.

01-17-14, 18:26
'You walk in with 5 one-hundred dollar bills in your wallet and walk out with a wad of 57 one-hundred peso notes bulging in your pocket.'.

And chicas say 'Is that wad of pesos, or are you just happy to see me?

The days of 9-10 are over. New norm 11 to 12+.

01-17-14, 19:03
I checked DolarBlue.net before I went and the bid asked spread was 11.25 11.65. I find that usually whatever is the midpoint between the bid / ask is what the rate will be when I get to the cueva.I believe that somebody on this website has done some extensive statistical analysis of the correlation between the rates posted on the various websites and the actual rate received at the cuevas, the final analysis being a 1.5% diffference, although that delta will spread to 2.5% for a day of two during periods of rapid rate fluctuations.



Rockin Bob
01-17-14, 22:55
'You walk in with 5 one-hundred dollar bills in your wallet and walk out with a wad of 57 one-hundred peso notes bulging in your pocket.'.

And chicas say 'Is that wad of pesos, or are you just happy to see me?

The days of 9-10 are over. New norm 11 to 12+.Right. So I say "That is a wad of pesos in my pocket, but that don't mean I ain't glad to see you."

And she says "Sorry, the price is up to two wads."

01-20-14, 13:10
Dolar blue rate is supposed to be 11,5500 - so maybe I should have gotten a bit more? The next time I go I have to get their phone number so that I can compare some rates before deciding where to change. Although maybe they don't provide the rate over the phone?


01-20-14, 18:53
Out here in the boonies (Moreno) they offered 11 even today. After asking for the boss who knows me for a few years I got 11.20. I was hoping for more since last night it showed 11.95 but after I got home it showed (dolar blue net) at 11.55 so I guess it wasnt that bad.

01-22-14, 17:52
Greetings Everyone,

Today at approximately 4 pm a friend of mine exchanged $1,000 USD for pesos.

Just before he left to exchange his cash, the popular local exchange rate websites were reporting the following Blue Dollar exchange rates:

La Nacion (http://www.lanacion.com.ar/dolar-hoy-t1369) "Dolar Blue Venta" = 12.00

Ambito.com (http://www.ambito.com/economia/mercados/monedas/dolar/) "Informal Venta" = 12.15

DolarPeso.com (http://www.dolarpeso.com/index.php?c=AR) "Dolar Blue Venta" = 12.00

DolarBlue.net (http://dolarblue.net/) "Deep Blue Venta" = 12.15

DolarAlDia.com (http://www.dolaraldia.com/) "Dólar Blue Informado" = 11.98


Average Published Rate = 12.056

Rate Actually Received = 11.80

Discount from Average Rate = -2.13% (x .9787)

You're welcome.


01-22-14, 19:05
Got 11.40 today.

01-22-14, 22:20
Got 11.40 today.You did leave some Chicas on the table but maybe only 2 or 3 , depending on how much you exchanged I'm guessing.

Hell, it fluctuates by the hour.

Good Luck,


01-23-14, 14:41
Not sure if I'm getting a better rate because I've been there on three occasions or if the peso is just getting weaker.

You did leave some Chicas on the table but maybe only 2 or 3 , depending on how much you exchanged I'm guessing.

Hell, it fluctuates by the hour.

Good Luck,


01-23-14, 14:54
Not sure if I'm getting a better rate because I've been there on three occasions or if the peso is just getting weaker.http://www.dolarblue.net

I think this is the best source updated a couple of times a day, market is usually 20-40 centavos off the Venta blue rate.

01-23-14, 16:48
Crazy today, 3 price changes! Got quote of 12.20 on phone at 2 pm, when I arrived at 3:30 pm I got 12.40.

Retire N Trave
01-23-14, 16:54
Informative (I think) article in today's news - http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/01/23/argentina-peso-idUSL2N0KX0QQ20140123.

Not sure if this means one should reconsider a trip there later this year.

Flexible Horn
01-23-14, 20:06
Argentine peso suffers steepest fall since 2002 crisis

01-23-14, 20:50
From my last SA trip I have left some 280 K CUP (c.a. $140 USD), can I exchange them in BA (or in Montevideo)? If yes, where is the best rate and what's the approximate rate?


01-24-14, 07:47
From my last SA trip I have left some 280 K CUP (c.a. $140 USD), can I exchange them in BA (or in Montevideo)? If yes, where is the best rate and what's the approximate rate?

Thanks.The BBC article said that the "unofficial rate" is 13:1. With the currency in freefall, maybe we should offer to pay the girls in US dollars?

01-24-14, 12:57
The BBC article said that the "unofficial rate" is 13:1. With the currency in freefall, maybe we should offer to pay the girls in US dollars?

WTF you talkin' 'bout Willis?

Miami Bob
01-24-14, 13:08

01-24-14, 14:26
Market pretty much shut down today. Silence on Florida. All newspapers say Monday will be key day. Blue dropped 1 peso this morning. Lots of confusion.

01-24-14, 16:02
I was surprised and disappointed after the messages flying around yesterday afternoon. But this place seems to have a solid reputation so I took it.

I finally remembered to pick up a business card today. It gives three phone numbers: 4806-0094, 4806-0504, and 4808-0049. The hours printed on the card are M-F 9-5 and Sat. 10 am-1 pm.

01-24-14, 17:30
Initially they were offering 10. I said no thanks I can get 11.40 in Paleremo. They then offered 11 and I said 11.20. They went with it but the guy in the store was not so happy about it.

Flexible Horn
01-24-14, 21:25
Argentina to ease foreign exchange controls after peso slump.


01-24-14, 22:30
Argentina to ease foreign exchange controls after peso slump.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-25877391What they say is one thing. Lets see if they actually do it. Supposedly most people (average working class people who have bank accounts etc). Can buy dollars under the current guide lines. But very, very, very few applications to buy get approved..

01-26-14, 01:09
Inflation hit coming soon, thanks to Govt plan set for Monday. Merchants raising prices today. Argie friends of mine writing new prices on clothing tags in their Florida Street stores. McDonalds pulled down their product price list they always post on the wall. Manager says they are adjusting prices. Please post price changes you may see at clubs cafes.

Hang on to your hats.

01-26-14, 14:03
Greetings Everyone,

This week I've been shopping for a new refrigerator for the house, which had me returning to the same retail stores several days in a row.

On Thursday in both Easy and Coto there was an observable increase in customers buying large ticket items, most notably flat screen TVs as consumers were presumably taking advantage of the peso collapse by cashing in their dollars at the new rates and going on a buying spree.

On Friday, Easy had posted new signs on every appliance in their store advising consumers that the appliances on the showroom floor were the last of such items to be sold, and indeed consumers were buying the display items off the shelf as I watched, with approximately 25% of the displays having already been sold.

Also on Friday, I went back to Coto Abasto to actually buy the refrigerator I had selected, but the line waiting for service at the appliance desk was several dozen customers in length, so I left for the day.

On Saturday, I returned to Coto Abasto at noon to discover that overnight Coto had raised all the prices of all their appliances by approximately 10% across the board. Fuckers! So where are Christina's Price Police now, as I am witnessing an obvious case of actual profiteering and price gouging.

Anyway, I am returning to Coto this afternoon, but this time to stock up on canned goods and bottled water.

As a related issue, I was amused to read this quote from a FT blogger...

"I don't even consider Argentina a real country - it's rather a mafia organisation with a flag, a national anthem and a soccer team."



01-27-14, 01:22
The BBC article said that the "unofficial rate" is 13:1. With the currency in freefall, maybe we should offer to pay the girls in US dollars?Never ever offer to pay a girl in anything but Pesos. If you need an explanation, you are lost and understand little or nothing about the Argentine mentality.


01-27-14, 18:05
Has anyone exchanged any cash today?

The spread on Ambito.com was approximately 20%!

$10,150 Compra vs. $12,150 Venta.



01-27-14, 18:36
They were offering 11 on Calle Florida this morning.....better tomorrow I expect.

Has anyone exchanged any cash today?

The spread on Ambito.com was approximately 20%!

$10,150 Compra vs. $12,150 Venta.



01-27-14, 18:40
I haven't changed today but last night DolarBlue was 9.50/11.00. I just checked now and its 11.30 comprar and 12.30 for venta. LOL! I guess Axels latest scheme didn't pan pout so well!

01-27-14, 22:40
I got 11.90 today at my usual dealer.
Just to keep them honest I went to the little phone shop in the galeria at the start of Florida on the way there to do a sanity check and was offered 11.80.

The biggest change appears to be the spread being shown on lanacion/ambito etc, but on the street they still seem to be offering 20-25 centavos less than the Venta price on those sights, so that spread seems to be a myth.

Despite the rise on yesterday's price I'm convinced the Blue dollar can only go down if the government continues down this path - it should be easier for locals to get USD, lowering the blue market demand, right? So, theoretically the delta between the official and the blue should start to close up. Of course, if they don't also take measures to hold back inflation and it starts to spiral out of control, the demand for dollars would actually get even more crazy and the delta could continue to expand!

Hey, if I could actually predict what's going to happen with any kind of accuracy I'd be making a fortune! :-)

01-27-14, 22:54
And yes, I'm aware that it's not actually going to be 'easy' for your average Argentinian to get their hands on the USD, but the fact that it's now legal to do so surely means that some of them will? It doesn't necessarily mean the blue rate will plunge in value, but it should mean the delta between the blue and official rate gets smaller. In fact it's already dropped from 60% to 50%.

What would be really scary for us is if they decide to let the peso float to find its real level, then we'd lose our beloved blue dollar altogether. :-/

01-28-14, 00:58
On Friday, Easy had posted new signs on every appliance in their store advising consumers that the appliances on the showroom floor were the last of such items to be sold, and indeed consumers were buying the display items off the shelf as I watched, with approximately 25% of the displays having already been sold.

Also on Friday, I went back to Coto Abasto to actually buy the refrigerator I had selected, but the line waiting for service at the appliance desk was several dozen customers in length, so I left for the day.

On Saturday, I returned to Coto Abasto at noon to discover that overnight Coto had raised all the prices of all their appliances by approximately 10% across the board. Interesting. That's logical if people expect inflation to go through the roof. A friend of mine owned an ice cream store in the late 80's and early 90's, before the peso was fixed to the dollar. At one point she was shuttling around town, having to buy ingredients two or three times a day to deal with the hyperinflation. It peaked at 20,000% per year in 1990. What kind of idiots in government allow something like that to happen? And why don't they learn from the past.

01-28-14, 01:09
Interesting. That's logical if people expect inflation to go through the roof. A friend of mine owned an ice cream store in the late 80's and early 90's, before the peso was fixed to the dollar. At one point she was shuttling around town, having to buy ingredients two or three times a day to deal with the hyperinflation. It peaked at 20,000% per year in 1990. What kind of idiots in government allow something like that to happen? And why don't they learn from the past.I think that it's a combination of inflation and importation controls.

You won't be able to buy imported goods at a reasonable price anywhere.

But when that Japanese TV or whatever breaks you won't be able to find spare parts either!

I think?


01-28-14, 07:20
And yes, I'm aware that it's not actually going to be 'easy' for your average Argentinian to get their hands on the USD, but the fact that it's now legal to do so surely means that some of them will? It doesn't necessarily mean the blue rate will plunge in value, but it should mean the delta between the blue and official rate gets smaller. In fact it's already dropped from 60% to 50%.

What would be really scary for us is if they decide to let the peso float to find its real level, then we'd lose our beloved blue dollar altogether. :-/In theory, the average fool can buy dollars... Just fill out these AFIP forms please... This is just one more joke, or trick in a long, long line of tricks. As long as the dollar is not readily accessible to everyone there will be a "black market" dollar available.

01-28-14, 13:24
What would be really scary for us is if they decide to let the peso float to find its real level, then we'd lose our beloved blue dollar altogetherSurely, if the peso were to float freely, the rate it would 'find' would be very near the 'blue' rate, because the 'blue' market is (as near as one can get to) a free market.

01-28-14, 16:54
Surely, if the peso were to float freely, the rate it would 'find' would be very near the 'blue' rate, because the 'blue' market is (as near as one can get to) a free market.

Not quite, because the blue rate is artificially higher than it would be because of the nonsensical interventions of this government. ie. trying to dictate the 'official' rate, artificially low.

What would be a bummer is that there would no longer be two different rates, because that's what gives me (and a lot of others here) a financial edge, because I live here, buying everything in ARS, but I get paid in USD. The higher the official rate, the more things are going to cost and if we no longer have the higher blue rate we're going to feel those increases along with everyone else.

Daddy Rulz
01-28-14, 19:20
Not quite, because the blue rate is artificially higher than it would be because of the nonsensical interventions of this government. ie. trying to dictate the 'official' rate, artificially low.

What would be a bummer is that there would no longer be two different rates, because that's what gives me (and a lot of others here) a financial edge, because I live here, buying everything in ARS, but I get paid in USD. The higher the official rate, the more things are going to cost and if we no longer have the higher blue rate we're going to feel those increases along with everyone else.No question the blue rate is currently higher than whatever the actual market rate would be if there were no shenanigans. I can't vote, but if I could, I would love to see her be dictator for life. The longer she's in power, the better it will be for us.

Don B
01-28-14, 19:55
No question the blue rate is currently higher than whatever the actual market rate would be if there were no shenanigans. I can't vote, but if I could, I would love to see her be dictator for life. The longer she's in power, the better it will be for us.Surely, you jest.


Daddy Rulz
01-28-14, 20:16
Surely, you jest.

Don.She's a disaster for Argentina, but she's fucking awesome for expats that live here and don't earn in Pesos. At least for expats that live downtown, want to screw a bunch of indy's and don't earn in Pesos.

The only thing she's doing that causes me issues are the import restrictions.

Christina for Life!

01-28-14, 20:32
She's a disaster for Argentina, but she's fucking awesome for expats that live here and don't earn in Pesos. At least for expats that live downtown, want to screw a bunch of indy's and don't earn in Pesos.

The only thing she's doing that causes me issues are the import restrictions.

Christina for Life!I find that the blue rate does NOT keep up with inflation and that even though I have the money to do so, I can't buy what I want. There are beautiful women everywhere who need a few extra pesos or what ever, that is not unique to Argentina.

01-28-14, 21:10
Greetings Everyone,

Today at approximately 4 pm a friend of mine exchanged $1,000 USD for pesos.

Just before he left to exchange his cash, the popular local exchange rate websites were reporting the following Blue Dollar exchange rates:

La Nacion (http://www.lanacion.com.ar/dolar-hoy-t1369) "Dolar Blue Venta" = 12.20

Ambito.com (http://www.ambito.com/economia/mercados/monedas/dolar/) "Informal Venta" = 12.50

DolarPeso.com (http://www.dolarpeso.com/index.php?c=AR) "Dolar Blue Venta" = 12.40

DolarBlue.net (http://dolarblue.net/) "Deep Blue Venta" = 12.55

DolarAlDia.com (http://www.dolaraldia.com/) "Dólar Blue Informado" = 12.50


Average Published Rate = 12.43

Rate Actually Received = 12.00

Discount from Average Rate = -3.46% (x .9654)

You're welcome.



01-29-14, 17:44
It's on the same corner as the Freddo.

01-30-14, 18:13
I just read that Argentina devalued their currency from 6 to 8 pesos to the dollar. Any one have any knowledge of the blue rate. I am on my way to BA arriving next Wednesday.


01-30-14, 19:46
I just read that Argentina devalued their currency from 6 to 8 pesos to the dollar. Any one have any knowledge of the blue rate. I am on my way to BA arriving next Wednesday.

HR.Bro, I can give you 9 pesos for a buck.

01-30-14, 20:06
Bro, I can give you 9 pesos for a buck.LOL! I offer 10!

01-30-14, 21:49
LOL! I offer 10!Okay, 10.10 same as new minimum wage!

01-31-14, 02:09
Thanks for all the help and info on currency exchange. I am leaving tomorrow and should arrive in about a month. I have a first class seat on a turnip truck. Its really nice to communicate with the smartest guys in the room.

Thanks again HR.

01-31-14, 18:15
Got 12.30 this afternoon (changing USD800) at the mobile phone shop in the galeria on the 100 block of Florida.

They said they were paying 12.60 yesterday. The general opinion seems to be that there's going to be further drops next week.

01-31-14, 19:09
Anybody needing pesos should drop me a line. I got Pesos coming out my ass and will beat any blue market price on the day.

Got 12.30 this afternoon (changing USD800) at the mobile phone shop in the galeria on the 100 block of Florida.

They said they were paying 12.60 yesterday. The general opinion seems to be that there's going to be further drops next week.

02-01-14, 07:34
Hi Guys,

I arrive Wednesday AM and stay near Av de Mayo. I would be thankful if any of you know reasonable place within walking distance or a short ride to exchange some Dollars in the morning.

Thank you.

02-03-14, 05:35
Hi guys.

First time here, staying in Recolata.

Does anyone know where I can exchange around here??

Bit worried about fake notes.


Daddy Rulz
02-04-14, 16:40
For any of you facebook guys, this is the social media from the web site so often quoted here. https://www.facebook.com/dolarblue.

02-04-14, 17:08
Also a guy at the door gave me an ad for their new delivery service. Their phone numbers are 4813-7981 & 7978. It doesn't say whether there is an explicit or implicit charge for the delivery. It also doesn't explain how it works for those of us who are Spanish challenged.

02-09-14, 21:10
So, if a US citizens has 10 see notes in his pocket. Sells them to a friend for 12 k of legal Argentine Peso's. According to the lady at one of the Cambio's on Florida today, he cannot sell them to her without a receipt from her store. But she said they can be sold to a bank, no questions asked for 8 peso's to a dollar, no receipt needed.. I rounded the numbers off. So, Hypotethically the gringo now has 1,500 USD. I know this can't work, but will some one please tell me why?

02-09-14, 21:19
So, if a US citizens has 10 see notes in his pocket. Sells them to a friend for 12 k of legal Argentine Peso's. According to the lady at one of the Cambio's on Florida today, he cannot sell them to her without a receipt from her store. But she said they can be sold to a bank, no questions asked for 8 peso's to a dollar, no receipt needed.. I rounded the numbers off. So, Hypotethically the gringo now has 1,500 USD. I know this can't work, but will some one please tell me why?The first stumbling block is you need to have a account in the bank to do this transaction. That and your process is backwards, you would need to buy FROM a bank at 8 and then sell at 12 to make a profit. If, and that's a BIG IF you can buy from a bank, and if you want cash, you can not buy at 8. Its more like 9.60 (I'm not sure of the exact numbers right now but anyone can step in here and put more accurate numbers if they wish). You can buy at 8 if its for SAVINGS and that money would have to stay in the bank. You will never see it or touch it... The politicians are doing this as they can buy dollars at the legal rate and then sell them off at the blue rate. They are the ones screwing things up. NOT the average Argentine.

02-09-14, 21:42
Thanks Gandolf, but I am totally confused on this. How does a tourist then convert back to US, or EU for that matter before they leave the country?

02-09-14, 21:47
"The politicians are doing this as they can buy dollars at the legal rate and then sell them off at the blue rate.".

I have done the first part of this selling dollars at the blue rate, can I not finish the process by buying dollars before I go home at the legal rate? I have a Citi bank account in the states. Is there a limit on dollars? Do they require a receipt?

Totally impossible?

02-09-14, 22:28
I had reported previously that they were based on their business card. But I was there yesterday when, according to the business card, they should have been open and they were not. Also the hours posted in the window say that they are only open Monday thru Friday.

02-09-14, 22:52
Thanks Gandolf, but I am totally confused on this. How does a tourist then convert back to US, or EU for that matter before they leave the country?They don't.

02-10-14, 01:42
can I not finish the process by buying dollars before I go home at the legal rate?

Totally impossible?Correct. Totally impossible.

Nobody can buy dollars at the 'legal' rate. The recent changes have just made it possible for a few people to buy a few dollars at the 'legal' rate + 20%, but with such ludicrous restrictions that your average person doesn't get a look-in.

Daddy Rulz
02-10-14, 01:46
"The politicians are doing this as they can buy dollars at the legal rate and then sell them off at the blue rate.".

I have done the first part of this selling dollars at the blue rate, can I not finish the process by buying dollars before I go home at the legal rate? I have a Citi bank account in the states. Is there a limit on dollars? Do they require a receipt?

Totally impossible?The only way that I'm aware of that extranjeros can buy dollars at the official rate is by presenting the receipt for the amount of pesos you purchased at the official rate. You can then buy dollars back up to the amount that you purchased. I change small amounts of dollars to pesos often, if I need to change I'm willing to buy pesos at the blue rate if you have excess. You will not be able to change them for dollars in the US when you get back.

02-10-14, 02:09
Thanks Gandolf, but I am totally confused on this. How does a tourist then convert back to US, or EU for that matter before they leave the country?You bend over and you wipe your ass with Evita!

Spend those worthless pesos before they lose a single centavo!

Or bring them back the next time you decide to come to BA.

Wallpaper your bathroom!

Have Fun,


02-10-14, 04:07
Spend your excess Pesos at the duty free on the way out of EZE. They exchange at the official rate.instant+/-40% discount on stuff.

You bend over and you wipe your ass with Evita!

Spend those worthless pesos before they lose a single centavo!

Or bring them back the next time you decide to come to BA.

Wallpaper your bathroom!

Have Fun,


02-10-14, 06:33
Thanks Gandolf, but I am totally confused on this. How does a tourist then convert back to US, or EU for that matter before they leave the country?Sometimes you can get lucky and sell excess pesos at the blue or close to the blue rate to a fellow traveler. The best bet is just don't change too many dollars so that you do not have a excess of pesos when you have to leave. Its really not that confusing. And if you have a few extra pesos when you leave.. Well that's the price for the far superior exchange rate. Or just save them for your next trip and hope this version of the peso still exists when you get back!

02-10-14, 12:21
Spend your excess Pesos at the duty free on the way out of EZE. They exchange at the official rate.instant+/-40% discount on stuff.Another advantage of duty free at the airport, assuming you have some use for what you buy, is that you do not pay the Argentina VAT on your purchases. Be careful about liquids. If you are connecting beyond your USA gateway, you cannot carry-on liquids on the domestic flight. You must put the liquids in your checked luggage after clearing customs, and before rechecking it. Hope the bottles do not break before reaching your final destination. From experience, a broken bottle in your suitcase can ruin the entire day. That is the only way, other than a friendly AP monger, that I know of that the "average" person can receive the official rate for his pesos when he leaves the country.

The peso is so worthless outside of Argentina that even the Chilean and Brazilian fuel stations near the borders will not accept pesos for fuel from Argentine truck drivers.


02-10-14, 12:34
Scalabrini Ortiz & Cerviño Today (Mon. Feb. 10) around 10:30 am 11.8 per US Dollar.

02-12-14, 19:28
11.90 at "Western Union" at Lavalle and Florida earlier, but it's definitely gone up again since then. Have heard of at least two people getting 12.00.

02-13-14, 17:18
Failed to find 'Western Union' at Florida & Lavalle so I approached & got 11.60 for 300 USD from Barbara Cambio. Female hawker in the 100 or 200 block of Florida. Did not try to bargain.

Don't know if bargaining might have helped with such a small amount.

02-15-14, 20:07
Herald article: Easy read that simplifies what is going on.


02-16-14, 15:02
Herald article: Easy read that simplifies what is going on.

http://www.buenosairesherald.com/article/152153/adjustment-too-late-to-avoid-stagflationDamn Thomaso276, you call that an "easy read"?

Anyway, here's the punch line...

as long as the fiscal deficit continues to grow and no financing from abroad is available, monetary expansion will continue to put pressure on the exchange rate and prices.Although the final sentence is also noteworthy...

Populist rhetoric notwithstanding, it appears that the government will sacrifice growth to avoid a further drain of dollars from the Central Bank, and a coherent, sustainable, long-term development programme is nowhere in sight.So, nothing new, nothing changed, its more of the same old "government stumbling around in a dark room" style of management by Christina, the world's second least qualified president to be elected by LIVs in this century.

Of course, the century is young, and before it's over I'm sure the world's LIVs will elect more "community organizers" to public offices to which they are woefully unqualified to occupy.



02-16-14, 16:53
I originally posted this on another thread in response to a monger's post, but probably should have posted it on this thread.

If I absolutely have to use plastic, I try to get cash from an ATM and the pay for my consumption with cash. Hotels and restaurants usually give a less favorable exchange rate than banks or licensed money changers. The bank will probably cover a fraud loss if you use plastic, but there is still the hassle of notifying people on auto pay or merchants who have recorded the card number that you have a new account number and expiration date. Most credit cards have a "foreign transaction" fee in addition to an exchange rate fee, while most ATM cards only charge an exchange rate fee. There are a few ATM cards, such as Schwab, that have no ATM fees and no exchange rate fees. If the country you are visiting has a safe black market, use the ATM to exchange only enough to get you to a safe USD cash money changer. If it is difficult or impossible to change the local currency back to USD, change only a small amount at a time. Take enough USD cash for your trip consumption. If you did not bring enough USD cash to cover your trip, and the country has exchange controls (ex: Argentina) use a transfer service such as ZOOM to get the extra money you need. You will take a haircut over the black market rate, but will receive better than the "official" rate. Use the hotel or apartment safe and a money belt. Only carry enough local currency cash, especially if you are going to drink, that you can afford to lose, and try to pay all taxis, especially at night, the exact change, with small bills. Do not let the small head do the thinking normally done by the large head.

Never, ever pay a chica with USD.


02-17-14, 00:28
For a good source of maps and finding your way around, I suggest buying a cheap GPS from eBay with an Argentina map as an option. BA changes very little, so the map is almost always current. You can look up an address, carry it with you, and the charger is dual voltage. If you have a cell phone, you can probably use the same charger and will need to buy only one outlet adapter. It takes about 10 days for the mail to deliver from China to the USA. It should cost less than $50.


02-17-14, 14:36
Never, ever pay a chica with USDWhy never ever?

Daddy Rulz
02-17-14, 15:20
Why never ever?Because you will pay more, simple as that. The peso is sliding against the dollar, if you pay her 50 bucks as opposed to 600 pesos, then a week later 50 bucks is 700 pesos, she will still want the 50 bucks. If you try and explain, with full color, multi media graphics why the 50 bucks is now 700 pesos and you only owe her 45 dollars, she will say "Buenos, dame 700 pesos." Even discussing it brings up a number of issues you don't want to discuss with them. If they start thinking about how much stuff 50 dollars will buy and if they get any kind of inkling as too how little 50 bucks represents to you or I when looking at the relative purchasing power between the two economies, the price goes up, way the fuck up. It's difficult for people who don't live here to understand the extent to which the AMOUNT you're able to pay influences the price that they will charge you. There are so many subsidies on soooooo many different things that the idea of valuation here is really fucked up. At the parilla up the street from the house I can buy a grilled chicken breast, green salad and bottle of water for about 60 P. Then I will go to Exedra after dinner and pay 27 pesos for a cup of coffee. That would be like going to a resto in the states and paying 25 bucks for a meal, then going to Starbucks and paying nearly 12 dollars for a coffee. Argentines as a whole don't think of transactions in terms of market price and value of the good or service being sold, they PRIMARILY think in terms of your ability to pay. If you ever meet Jax ask him about the time he wanted to buy a mirror for his apartment some day. That story illustrates this principle about as good as any.

Or I could just tell you, "trust me, I live here, I've most likely forgotten the names of more hookers here than you will ever bang and paying, or even discussing, dollars with girls is a bad idea." Then you could say to yourself, "cool, he knows what he's talking about, I think I'll believe him." And at the end of the week, bang one more hooker with the money you saved.".

Joe 23
02-17-14, 16:37
And at the end of the week, bang one more hooker with the money you saved.".Or perhaps two or even three hookers.

Took a friend of mine to Hippo last Saturday. He got interested in taking out a dancer, so we called her over to dicuss details. (Note: A drink for a dancer at Hippo today is 600 P!

My friend asks her the fees and the bi*ch says "US $ 500". We say NOOOO! And then she says "Okay 400, not any less.".

My good friend took my advice and chased away this chica whose tiny brain could think only of US $ when she was talking with foreigners. We moved on to Newport, then to Hook. He ended up taking back to his hotel a Paraguaya who had the minimal common sense of talking in Pesos of a fee far less than half of what he was first quoted at Hippo.

She looked just as good as the Hippo dancer and I'm sure her performance was better than what the dancer would have provided.

02-24-14, 13:24
Scalabrini Ortiz & Cerviño Today (Mon. Feb. 24) around 12 noon 11.3 per US Dollar.

Wild Walleye
02-24-14, 15:10
For a good source of maps and finding your way around, I suggest buying a cheap GPS from eBay with an Argentina map as an option. BA changes very little, so the map is almost always current. You can look up an address, carry it with you, and the charger is dual voltage. If you have a cell phone, you can probably use the same charger and will need to buy only one outlet adapter. It takes about 10 days for the mail to deliver from China to the USA. It should cost less than $50.

Tres3.My Nokia Lumina has "Nokia Maps" and I can get any map, anywhere free. If you have a Nokia (purchased in the USA) and it doesn't show Nokia Maps pre-installed, it is "there" but hiding (ATT and the like hide the free Nokia apps because they are free and better than the ATT apps). You can find the trick to unlocking them, online. For me, there aren't any data charges with Nokia Maps (as far as I can tell) although, the device uses both satellite (GPS) and cellular TDA (time distance of arrival) to determine location. Most smartphones can get Argie maps / apps free or use google maps but, look out for the data charges. I also do not use my #1 phone (personal & business) for hobbying. When I am places that I probably shouldn't be, I prefer to have the GPS transponder in my #1 phone turned off. I have a couple little Garmin GPS devices and have toted one around once or twice but, when I am in Bs As, I already have two phones in my pockets, I don't want another device.

My advice is to do it the old fashioned way. Grab the touristas golden map 28969 and a pen and have at it. I still have my very first Golden Map, right here in my office with all my (encoded) notations on it...

Wild Walleye
02-24-14, 15:40
DR, once again, hits the nail on the head. I am in violent agreement.

Because you will pay more, simple as that.

...and, if you are just passing through town, your sport-f*cking (thanks for the term, Jax) brethren will have to pay more.

The peso is sliding against the dollar,

Together with the Ukrainian hryvnia and Venezuelan bolívar, they are about the only currencies losing ground to the dollar...

if you pay her 50 bucks as opposed to 600 pesos, then a week later 50 bucks is 700 pesos, she will still want the 50 bucks.

They may not all be the sharpest tools in the shed but, if there are two things that almost any chica can differentiate they are sh*t from shinola (or, in this case, plata).

If you try and explain, with full color, multi media graphics...

The mental image is priceless, standing there in front of my laptop (with my ...pointer) running a chica through a powerpoint presentation on intricacies of relative forex differentials is priceless.

why the 50 bucks is now 700 pesos and you only owe her 45 dollars, she will say "Buenos, dame 700 pesos."

Yes. I don't recall too many instances with chicas lowering their prices from what they had previously (successfully) charged. They know which (in the most basic, general terms) which is worth more and they are going to stick with it.

Even discussing it brings up a number of issues you don't want to discuss with them.

The guys here can direct you (you, as in anyone) to safe places to get great exchange rates. The pussy in Bs As is already on "super sale" (and getting better by the week) so, try to maximize your enjoyment while judiciously stretching your dollars.

Let's say you go out for dinner and have a great steak, wine, maybe some kalabasa on the side. You're enjoying the post-meal buzz, as your food starts to digest. Are you really going to enjoy the meal (that you already ate) that much more if you can squeeze another 5%, or so, out of the price? Will that minute savings also compensate for the headache that you'll get trying to get the discount? My advice, enjoy the post-meal buzz and don't cloud your mind pinching pennies.

If they start thinking about how much stuff 50 dollars will buy


You might not realize it but, when you've got her ankles up around your ears, she is deep in thought about sophisticated micro and macro economic principles (or she might be fantasizing about the last time I called on her). In economics, this is known as the "basket of commodities" that can be purchased with a unit of currency. Keynesian douche-bags (*like those in control of Argentina's (and the USA's, for that matter) economy) are allergic to commodity baskets because they show the true underlying evil of all of their policies: they are making your money worth less, each day, so, in the future, the exact same amount of currency will buy less of the same commodities.

Chicas are doing similar calculus. Let's say you pay a chica $50 for rocking your world. She knows what $50 buys at that particular moment. The next time, she will want to price her pussy at the amount of currency needed to purchase that same bucket of commodities, regardless of what has happened to that underlying currency. I believe that is called inflation-indexed-poonanie. Next to golden-pussy, it is one of the best hedges against inflation...provided that there are sufficient gringos in the local market to pay those prices.

and if they get any kind of inkling as too how little 50 bucks represents to you or I when looking at the relative purchasing power between the two economies, the price goes up, way the fuck up.

The per capital income for Argentina is about $12k. The fact that many mongers spend more than that on hobbying probably doesn't need to come up in the conversation. On the other hand, you don't want to be demeaning (unless you're into that, I guess) by telling her that you spend more on toilet paper than you are willing to spend on her.

It's difficult for people who don't live here to understand the extent to which the AMOUNT you're able to pay influences the price that they will charge you.

I understand, I have "gringo" tattooed on my forehead.

There are so many subsidies on soooooo many different things that the idea of valuation here is really fucked up. At the parilla up the street from the house I can buy a grilled chicken breast, green salad and bottle of water for about 60 P. Then I will go to Exedra after dinner and pay 27 pesos for a cup of coffee. That would be like going to a resto in the states and paying 25 bucks for a meal, then going to Starbucks and paying nearly 12 dollars for a coffee.

DR, fantastic point (among many). The reality of what things are "worth" is derived from the perception of what they are worth. If you get something for "free" (or in this case get over paid for something - by local standards) you will 1) come to expect it and 2) place lesser and lesser value on that "freebie" as time passes. So while she'll still go for a roll in the sheets for $50, hasta al fin and completo may soon require a propina.

Argentines as a whole don't think of transactions in terms of market price and value of the good or service being sold, they PRIMARILY think in terms of your ability to pay.

You are so correct. DR is not saying this only in regard to chicas. This is true of Argentines in all businesses and services on up to lawyers, accountants and politicians (wait, we already covered whores). I can guarantee you that my attorneys and accountants charge me more than they charge local clients because that tattoo on my forehead (and the 11k mile round trips to do business) makes them think that I can afford to pay more than they can.

If you ever meet Jax ask him about the time he wanted to buy a mirror for his apartment some day. That story illustrates this principle about as good as any.

Or I could just tell you, "trust me, I live here, I've most likely forgotten the names of more hookers here than you will ever bang and paying, or even discussing, dollars with girls is a bad idea." Then you could say to yourself, "cool, he knows what he's talking about, I think I'll believe him." And at the end of the week, bang one more hooker with the money you saved.".

This last part is spot on. If you are new to Bs As, stick to the basics and maximize your pleasure. I found AP a month or two before my first (of about 30) trip to Bs As. I have never been steered wrong (when it comes to Bs As and hobbying) by AP and the senior guys who live in Bs As have made it an absolute cakewalk for visitors to enjoy the splendors of Bs As with little to no effort.

Fun Pete
02-27-14, 13:14
Wed. Feb. 26,2014 on Florida, near Mayo, $500 at 11.45 P - 5,725 P. Some were offering 11.2, but I asked several and got offered 11.45 P from 2 of them. Also, as I was getting my Pesos, one Argentinean woman came right to the window next to me and she also got 11.45 P and seemed happy, she exchange $200.

Good luck.

Miami Bob
03-02-14, 03:50
Are you traveling to Argentina again?

Warmest regards,


03-02-14, 11:28
Wed. Feb. 26,2014 on Florida, near Mayo, $500 at 11.45 P - 5,725 P. Some were offering 11.2, but I asked several and got offered 11.45 P from 2 of them. Also, as I was getting my Pesos, one Argentinean woman came right to the window next to me and she also got 11.45 P and seemed happy, she exchange $200.

Good luck.Went looking on Florida yesterday, 3/1 and my friend could only get 10.5 for $200. Tried 2 places and they wouldn't budge.

Daddy Rulz
03-02-14, 12:44
Went looking on Florida yesterday, 3/1 and my friend could only get 10.5 for $200. Tried 2 places and they wouldn't budge.There are people that change money on the weekends but the rate always blows. Generally speaking the best days to change are Tuesd-Thursday, then Monday / Friday. Saturday / Sundays are emergency only. (Or just got into town got to get it done.)


03-02-14, 18:19

Maybe 1 : 9 is a fair change till July.

1 : 7 afterwards.

Hollydays are over in Argentina.

Presidency here starts to act.

Putin tries to show, where the hammer is to slam on.

Golden times are hard to maintain.

Fun Pete
03-02-14, 19:57
Today, Sunday Mar. 2, 11 P to the $ was the highest I got offered, 10.8 was what most quoted in the Florida / Maya region. Further up, near Cordoba 10 to 10.5. Prices are down, because of long Carneval weekend and many have changed $ on Friday to party over the long weekend, also end of the month, many have to pay their rent, etc. I will wait until Wednesday when holiday is over. AR Pesos has only one way: downwards, as long as Christina's economy plans are not changing, that's how it has been over the past 10+ years.

There are people that change money on the weekends but the rate always blows. Generally speaking the best days to change are Tuesd-Thursday, then Monday / Friday. Saturday / Sundays are emergency only. (Or just got into town got to get it done.)


Fun Pete
03-02-14, 19:58
Spassmusssein what does Putin have to do with the AR Pesos, did you smoke some dope posting this?


Maybe 1 : 9 is a fair change till July.

1 : 7 afterwards.

Hollydays are over in Argentina.

Presidency here starts to act.

Putin tries to show, where the hammer is to slam on.

Golden times are hard to maintain.

03-02-14, 20:05
Putin as Xin Jinping has to do with the value of USD.
Not upfront Peso Argentino.
Continue smoking whatever you want.
Why did u insult me "Klugscheisser" and then deleted it with other insults?

Wild Walleye
03-04-14, 11:36
Are you traveling to Argentina again?

Warmest regards,

Bob.I'll find out pretty quickly if I'll be commuting to Bs As again.

As for the peso Forex situation (not directed at you, Bob), I have long said (search the thread, if so inclined), that the nominal exchange rate (I.e. 6:1, 10:1, whatever) is less of an indicator of where the bottom may lie than is the differential between the Blue and official rates (I.e. The "spread").

While the blue rate exists, ostensibly, to provide Forex to those, for whom Forex is not readily available, it would not exist without profit motive. Risk-less arbitrage opportunities don't exist in free markets (just trust me on this). Market conditions (particularly phony govt FOREX rates and exchange restrictions) cause a disruption in the normal ebb and flow of forex creating the opportunity for outsized profits for one willing to assume the risk. The profits have to compensate the dealer for his efforts and risk (particularly exposure to currency risk, legal troubles) in order to compel him to act.

The relationship of expected profits and risks are correlated, If risk increases, so too must the potential profits in order to compel the dealer to continue to act. Plain old supply and demand plays a role, too. If risk and / or demand decreases sharply, so too will the expected profits thus causing the premium of the blue rate over the official rate to decline. As the spread between the two rates decline, so too is the expectation of greater profits for blue-rate dealers and the risk of being in that business. If the potential profits cease to compensate the dealer for his risk, the blue rate will disappear. It is a real-world indication that the importance of and / or demand for the blue rate is declining in relation to the official rate.

When you see the spread (price differential between the two rates) narrow, like it did last week, that is an indication (to me) that the broader market is starting to feel around for the bottom.

That means it is getting near to the ideal time to start investing (judiciously) in Argentina (investing in Argentina is best when done with OPM - other people's money...seriously).

Miami Bob
03-05-14, 00:07
Do you predict a complete blow-out default? Or Christina will decide to spend some time in chile or the south of france and creep gently into the night and someone else might try to start fixing things.

From reading on-line, I get the feeling that the opposition wants her to stay until there is a disaster so that Kirschnerism is dead and gone never to return again. If the Argentines are lucky, maybe Peronism can disappear and Argentina can begin to function economically again as it did before paron. The Pampas have the capacity to produce great wealth.

Daddy Rulz
03-05-14, 04:01
Peronism can disappear and Argentina can begin to function economically again as it did before paron. The pompas have the capacity to produce great wealth.If this country was well run I wouldn't be able to afford to live here.

Disclaimer; tongue in cheek humor, not a shot across the bow.

Fun Pete
03-05-14, 13:05
Today I exchanged $700 at 11.05 P on Florida near Sarmiento.

Walking on Florida, I asked several people, "cuando para $500 (quinientos)." First one offered 10.8, as I got closer to Sarmiento two offered 11. One man told me if I came back later in the afternoon the price would go up, but I didn't have time to wait.

Finally, when I said yes to one exchanger for 11, another dude (the boss or so) just came over and talked, and the exchanger told me they can do 11.05. So I changed $700 and left, good enough for me.

03-05-14, 14:47
Always possible with my very poor Spanish that I did not understand. But the guy pretty clearly said "no precio". Then I think that he said something like come back later. I asked about 2:30 and he said 3:00. I will let you know.

At the moment the "venta" price on http://www.dolarblue.net/ is 11.0600. I always get like 30-40 centavos less than that (although I have not been doing the arithmetic and keeping track). So if Fun Pete got 11.05 he did well.


Fun Pete
03-05-14, 18:02
I went this morning around 11 am and I guess I am lucky. Right now at 5 pm, dolarblue.net lists the exchange rate at 10.15 (Compra). I am curious if anyone has purchased in the afternoon and what rate? Last week I got 11.45.

And Buenos Aires Herald writes:
"blue" dollar dropped 65 cents to 10.55 pesos, following an increase in the purchase of greenbacks in the official market with the AFIP tax agency


Always possible with my very poor Spanish that I did not understand. But the guy pretty clearly said "no precio". Then I think that he said something like come back later. I asked about 2:30 and he said 3:00. I will let you know.

At the moment the "venta" price on http://www.dolarblue.net/ is 11.0600. I always get like 30-40 centavos less than that (although I have not been doing the arithmetic and keeping track). So if Fun Pete got 11.05 he did well.


03-05-14, 18:44
I was shocked when I returned around 4:05 and got only 10 pesos per US dollar. I maybe would have walked away but I was nearly out of pesos and the nearest other place I know about was too far away.

I read the brief article cited by Fun Pete. It said: "The US currency today climbed half a cent to 7.89 pesos at Buenos Aires City banks and exchange offices.

Meanwhile, the so called "blue" dollar dropped 65 cents to 10.55 pesos, following an increase in the purchase of greenbacks in the official market with the AFIP tax agency authorizing new transactions in the beginning of the month.".

I don't get it. How can the dollar go up at banks and down at the blue exchange places?


03-05-14, 19:52
I was shocked when I returned around 4:05 and got only 10 pesos per US dollar. I maybe would have walked away but I was nearly out of pesos and the nearest other place I know about was too far away.

I read the brief article cited by Fun Pete. It said: "The US currency today climbed half a cent to 7.89 pesos at Buenos Aires City banks and exchange offices.

Meanwhile, the so called "blue" dollar dropped 65 cents to 10.55 pesos, following an increase in the purchase of greenbacks in the official market with the AFIP tax agency authorizing new transactions in the beginning of the month.".

I don't get it. How can the dollar go up at banks and down at the blue exchange places?

Bob.Its March. Vacations are over. Demand is DOWN! Its the same every year. It will go back up for the winter recess / vacation time.

03-05-14, 23:06
The rumour is that the government authorized taking a billion pesos out of circulation.

With less pesos around, the rate is bound to drop.

03-06-14, 20:30
I got 10.80 today (changing USD600) from my usual office, after being offered 10.45 at the gallery at 100 Florida.

I was told 10.70 on the phone before I left home, but the rate went up in the hour it took me to get there!

Daddy Rulz
03-06-14, 21:19
Its March. Vacations are over. Demand is DOWN! Its the same every year. It will go back up for the winter recess / vacation time.But I'm pretty sure it's going to stabilize at 11 for a little and keep slowly climbing until July then shoot up again. It's still around 13 ish to 1 in Uruguay.

03-10-14, 01:10
DR is right. Don't expect much of a change in the rate for the next weeks. The reason is very simple. Since the government has allowed a limited dollar buying for savers the pressure on the blue rate has lowered. From absolute zero to a 700 limit has changed the market.

They have allowed this (from their dwindling reserves) as they are counting on the retentions on the sale of wheat and soya due in March.

Expect a more or less exchange rate of 11 for the coming weeks. Maybe even some frightening drops to 10 or less but soon the 13/14 rate will be back.

03-10-14, 12:01
Hey Guys,

I haven't been in BA since last March and will be arriving this weekend.

As its been a while, which cuevas do you guys recommend?

I don't need the best rate, I just want to avoid hassles like getting fake pesos etc...

03-12-14, 14:15
This article explains in detail what is going on right now at high levels:


03-12-14, 16:05
Scalabrini Ortiz & Cerviño Today (Wed. Mar. 12th) around 2 pm - 10.50 pesos per US Dollar.

03-14-14, 03:27
Hey Guys,

I haven't been in BA since last March and will be arriving this weekend.

As its been a while, which cuevas do you guys recommend?

I don't need the best rate, I just want to avoid hassles like getting fake pesos etc...Was in BA quite recently and used the Cerviño cueva a couple of times – recommended but it's out in Palermo.

Nearer the centre, for an easy option, Arenales 1245 (between Libertad and Talcahuano) would be my pick. Open Monday – Friday until 17:30. You could walk it from the microcentro or get the 59 bus to Av Santa Fe from 9 de Julio near the obelisco. Ring the bell and wait for the door to open. Small reception area at the front and single counter at the back. They'll call you over when they're ready. Just like going to the bank. They count the pesos in a machine while you watch and even ask how you want them split into batches. Some of these counting machines will detect false notes and I never had a bad one from either of these places, both in safe locations. You might get better rates around Florida / Lavalle (dozens of arbolitos shouting 'cambio cambio') but they'll lead you off somewhere to make the exchange. For me not worth the hassle for a small gain unless it's a weekend or a holiday and you're short. Guys have posted here about specific locations in the microcentro but this is a busy thread and you'd have to work your way back to find the detail.

Last visit to Arenales was just after the long weekend last week when the dollar rate dropped to 10.0. Alongside that, they quoted me 13.5 for euros and 15.0 for pounds sterling. That makes the dollar / euro conversion rate roughly equivalent, sterling less but a lot better than the bank rate. Wished I'd brought more euros with me as I went under budget on this trip and ended up stuck with a lot of US dollars which I'll end up holding or changing back at a loss. But with no recent info on euro conversion rates in this thread I wasn't sure whether I'd get as good a deal. The sterling quote surprised me as I'd asked before at Cerviño on my last trip and they wouldn't change them. Arenales were willing to although I still had dollars left. I wouldn't want to risk relying on changing pounds sterling but it was interesting to know that the option existed in a cueva.

There was a good post about detecting fake notes a while back. For the old 100 peso Roca notes, hold them up to the light, look for the face and the JAR initials underneath, and check that the broken silver line becomes solid. Something very similar for the new Evita note. Apologies for repeating but good information gets swamped in a forum like this.

03-14-14, 12:53
Arenales 1245 (between Libertad and Talcahuano) Yesterday (Mar. 13th) 10.60 pesos per US dollar.

Also note recent report below by Lucas90 on this place.


03-18-14, 18:46
10.70 today, changing USD200 at the first place I came to on Florida. I was in a hurry!

03-20-14, 21:54
Exchanged $400 dollars today, March 20, at Arenales 1245 for 10.60 pesos per US dollar.

Arenales 1245 (between Libertad and Talcahuano) Yesterday (Mar. 13th) 10.60 pesos per US dollar.

Also note recent report below by Lucas90 on this place.


03-22-14, 12:42
Exchanged $500 dollars with a friend yesterday on La Valle between Suipacha and Esmeralda for 10.70 pesos to the dollar. A black man named "Aaron" took us into a store on La Valle which was safe and easy. "Aaron" said he's there every day until 9 pm, 7 days a week. He's black, so easy to spot on La Valle.

Exchanged $400 dollars today, March 20, at Arenales 1245 for 10.60 pesos per US dollar.

03-22-14, 22:56
Exchanged $500 dollars with a friend yesterday on La Valle between Suipacha and Esmeralda for 10.70 pesos to the dollar. A black man named "Aaron" took us into a store on La Valle which was safe and easy. "Aaron" said he's there every day until 9 pm, 7 days a week. He's black, so easy to spot on La Valle.Maybe Cuban?

Nice guy.

Stands out for sure!

Maybe left a nickel on the table but who cares!

Have Fun,


03-25-14, 15:18
Maybe Cuban?

Nice guy.

Stands out for sure!

Maybe left a nickel on the table but who cares!

Have Fun,

TL.I ventured down La Valle and Florida. On La Valle the black guy was out there along with 5 others hawking for Cambio exchange. I actually got several different quotes. But what I did not realize until I started discussing details is that they quote one rate for larger bills $50 and up, and a different (lower) rate for smaller bills.$20 and lower. It seems that 10.70 was the going rate for the larger bills. Some had lower rates. But for the smaller bills they were quoting 10.25 ish. I settled on a guy who was willing to do 10.50 for the smaller bills and 10.70 for the larger. I guess you live and learn.


03-25-14, 17:10
Do the arbolitos have a preference between $50 and $100 bills or are they treated pretty much the same?

Daddy Rulz
03-25-14, 20:10
Do the arbolitos have a preference between $50 and $100 bills or are they treated pretty much the same?Exactly the same.

03-26-14, 20:30
Anyone know what the current Forex or Banco Nacion BA airport rates are (approximately)? Thank you.

03-26-14, 20:37
Airport rate is always the official price, today around 8. Does not change drastically.

03-26-14, 20:43
Anyone know what the current Forex or Banco Nacion BA airport rates are (approximately)? Thank you.A bit over a year ago I changed US dollars at Banco Nacióand and got, of course, the official rate. And it took a really long time. The line was not so long but it moved like molasses. And I have no idea now why I bothered. I don't know about the other taxi services but I was using Taxi Ezeiza and they will take US dollars. Although not at the Blue rate.


Member #3320
03-26-14, 21:34
Its prudent to carry about 2000 pesos with you when leaving Argentina even for 6 months or 9 months so that you have cash for taxi and the first fuck as soon as you return.

03-26-14, 22:22
Its prudent to carry about 2000 pesos with you when leaving Argentina even for 6 months or 9 months so that you have cash for taxi and the first fuck as soon as you return.LOL! In six months $2000 p might pay only the Taxi into town!! .

Member #3320
03-27-14, 03:25
LOL! In six months $2000 p might pay only the Taxi into town!! .Thats a exaggeration. .

I paid 70 pesos in 2007. Now I pay 300 pesos. Thats a inflation of 450 % in 7 years.

So if you have 2000 pesos when returning to your home country, and lets say end up paying 600 pesos one year later in BA, for taxi to town, you can still buy some sort of pussy in 1400 pesos.

03-27-14, 20:20
Thats a exaggeration. .

I paid 70 pesos in 2007. Now I pay 300 pesos. Thats a inflation of 450 % in 7 years.

Ummm, no. (300-70) / 70 = 329% in 7 years.

03-28-14, 14:21
10.55 pesos to the dollar today from "Mariana". She took me into a store down a staircase where she was standing. No fake bills. Mariana stands on Florida yelling "cambio" about 100 feet from Cordoba on the north side. When I entered the store I was the only one. When I left a few minutes later there were 10 people in line behind me with dollars in their hands. Mariana is cool, no pressure, unlike some of her associates in the same area.

Member #3320
03-28-14, 17:07
Ummm, no. (300-70) / 70 = 329% in 7 years.Welcome back! You were missed here on the forum.

Daddy Rulz
03-28-14, 18:21
Ummm, no. (300-70) / 70 = 329% in 7 years.Rainman returns, 2.205.

04-01-14, 12:07
Got 10.80 yesterday in Microcentro.

(And paid $280 for a taxi from Ezeiza. Which really pissed me off..I was supposed to be landing at Aeroparque!

04-01-14, 18:47
Here is some information for Cordoba, the city:

There is a blue market here, but nowhere as prevalent as in Buenos Aires. I wandered the streets for two days looking for arbolitos and didn't find any. Some taxis/stores didn't even want to accept dollars as payment at the official exchange rate. I ended up trading with some college students that a guy at my hotel knew who were looking to put away some funds. I got 10 pesos per 1 dollar. Might have been able to have gotten 10.25-10.50, but would have had to met someone off the internet at a McDonalds or the like. Nothing like a Calle Florida here. Start your trip in BA not Cordoba. On the plus side, everything is much cheaper in Cordoba vs BA.

Vampire over and out.

04-02-14, 11:50
I spent the weekend in Puerto Iguazú where I also only got 10.0 for my USD.

Unfortunately there's no plus side to being in Iguazú....it's the most expensive town in Argentina (maybe The World!).

04-02-14, 12:27
Either DavieW was making a joke, or has not traveled very much. He needs to go to Tokyo, London, or Moscow if he thinks Iguazu is expensive.


Daddy Rulz
04-02-14, 13:16
Is anybody going back to the states that has an excess of pesos to get rid of for dollars?

04-02-14, 14:33
I've lived in 3 of those cities and visited the other. I lived in Iguazú for almost 2 years.

If you don't think Iguazú is expensive, you've clearly never spent much time there. You want an example. Traveling 5 blocks in a cab (on the meter) is 35 pesos and if you travel in a remís there's a 25 peso minimum. Here's another - a tin of Campagnola tuna in EOS supermarket (the biggest supermarket in Iguazú - none of the big chains have been allowed to open up there) is 28 pesos, compared to the 20.50 it costs in Carrefour here. Or how about a typical electricity bill - my mate has a smallish 3 bedroom house there (no air-cons) and pays 1500 - 1800 pesos per month. I've never paid more than about 60 pesos in Buenos Aires (only a one-bedroom flat, but with 2 oft-used air-cons).

Fine, in absolute terms (particularly taking accommodation costs into account!) of course you're going to spend more living in London, but in relative terms, taking average income into account, Iguazú wins by a long stretch.

04-02-14, 14:56
I have been to Iguazu four times since 2002. Three times I stayed on the Argentine side, and one time I stayed on the Brazilian side. I still think London, Tokyo, Moscow, and several other world cities are more expensive. I guess we will have to agree to disagree, and move on.


04-03-14, 17:08
This forum is fcuking hilarious!

Excuse me for trying to help out my fellow ex-pats. Sorry about that, I'll try to remember that that's against the rules and the only reason this forum exists is for people to take sides and knock lumps out of each other!

I am only trying to let people know just how expensive Iguazú is, based on the fact that I lived there for a couple of years and visit fairly regularly. I also helpfully provided some concrete examples of real price differences compared to Buenos Aires based on information gathered just this last weekend.

Now, how does "I've been there 4 times in the last 10 years, so let's agree to disagree" make any sense whatsoever? What really makes me laugh though, isn't just that someone can ignore the facts presented - I read it when it was posted, laughed to myself and left it at that - but then other people start *thanking* him for HIS post!

I get the same thing all the time on this particular thread for daring to find places with better exchange rates than other people are posting - "who cares about an extra 2c on the dollar!" - and the complainer gets half the forum backing him up!

What's the matter with you people?!?!? Or maybe I'm the idiot for thinking the idea is to help each other out?

04-06-14, 14:46
Here is some information for Bariloche:

On my second day in Bariloche, I was able to find the arbolitos. There were a couple guys on the 200 block of Bartoleme Mitre, south side of the street near the entrances to one of those inside-the-block malls. This is the third block east of the Centro Civico. Both guys I talked with were offering 10.1 pesos per 1 dollar. This rate was for $50 and $100 bills. Smaller denomination bills could be traded at 9.7 pesos per dollar. I was taken into a clothing store selling t-shirts, sweatshirts, and jackets. I did not see an address, but the store was flanked on the west by the entranceway to a supermarket and a kiosk on the east. My hotel accepted dollars at a rate of 10, but I think they were the exception, not the rule. I also saw a restaurant accepting dollars at a rate of 9. Prices in Bariloche seem to be higher than Cordoba, but lower than Buenos Aires.

Vampire over and out.

04-07-14, 17:19
Rumors are the Government may lift the current Dollar purchase restrictions for individuals and corporations next June.

Creating thus only one dollar market at $ xxxx pesos, perhaps close to the dollar tarjeta. Value.

However limitations may apply.

What will happen to the exchange rate, up or down?

04-07-14, 21:45
I was passing through Calle Florida today and the best offer I heard was 10.30 p for the dollar. I think I annoyed a few of them when I said No Gracias and just kept walking.

Big Boss Man
04-07-14, 22:52
Rumors are the Government may lift the current Dollar purchase restrictions for individuals and corporations next June.

Creating thus only one dollar market at $ xxxx pesos, perhaps close to the dollar tarjeta. Value.

However limitations may apply.

What will happen to the exchange rate, up or down?Morgan Stanley is forecasting the official peso to be at 9.20 to $1 by the end of 2014 and 11.50 to $1 by the of 2015. I do not know their track record. They also have the premium between the official and parallel rate falling to 17%. The high premium was 43%.

04-08-14, 22:13
Don't really have a reason to go downtown. Any tips on where I can exchange dollars near the Airport or in Devoto? Thanks a bunch.

04-09-14, 08:00
Changed on Florida today. Got 10.30. Lots offering 10.10 and a few 10.20.

04-14-14, 03:33
I shopped the street (Florida) a bit Sunday, talked to at least a half dozen cambios. Almost all were offering 10.1. I was able to get 10.15 at the first magazine shack south of Corrientes. I threw out 10.2 to a few guys, but nobody would go that high. It looks like the gap between the official rate and blue rate is narrowing.

I was surprised by the sheer number of cambios out there now, sometimes pushing a dozen on one block. I bet some of these guys don't get more than a few customers per day. A few were quite attractive women. Sex sells.

Vampire over and out.

04-14-14, 16:58
Morgan Stanley is forecasting the official peso to be at 9.20 to $1 by the end of 2014 and 11.50 to $1 by the of 2015. I do not know their track record. They also have the premium between the official and parallel rate falling to 17%. The high premium was 43%.The consensus (median) of the analysts is 10.09 for 12/31/2014 and 12.91 for 12/31/2015. Credit Agricole is the most bullish, forecasting 7.30 pesos / dollar on 12/31/2014 and 8.15 on 12/31/2015. BNP Paribas is the most pessimistic, 12.75 on 12/31/2014 and 16.10 on 12/31/2015.

The forward market (like futures contracts) is priced at 10.03 on 12/31/2014 and 14.72 on 12/31/2015.

This is all for the official rate.

04-14-14, 18:13
There is also supply and demand, during the school vacations the rate always climbs, Jan., Feb., and July I think it always goes up around 1 peso for the dollar.

Member #3320
04-15-14, 01:26
There is also supply and demand, during the school vacations the rate always climbs, Jan., Feb., and July I think it always goes up around 1 peso for the dollar.Lesson learnt. Next year around Jan 30, I will exchange around 20 K for the whole year.

Daddy Rulz
04-15-14, 03:15
There is also supply and demand, during the school vacations the rate always climbs, Jan., Feb., and July I think it always goes up around 1 peso for the dollar.During the great Paraguayan exodus demand for dollars spikes a little as well. I'm going to watch it for the rest of the year. If we don't bust past 12 I'm going what 3320 said. Change a bunch for the year in late January, at least 6 months worth anyway.

04-25-14, 08:39
I changed at 10.30 yesterday on Calle Florida. Most were offering around 10.10.

04-25-14, 13:30
Just called the agency I use for larger transactions and been told 10.67.

Surprised to see such a relatively steep rise. Will ask what the story is when I get there.

04-25-14, 16:29
Fairly good rises for the last couple of days apparently.

Checked on Florida on my way home and the first two I asked offered 10.40 off the bat, so I'm guessing 10.50 available fairly easily.

04-26-14, 10:30
Hi all, I need to buy 1000 USD near Caballito or Recoleta today or on Monday after 13:00 hs.

My rate is 10,60 / 1 USD, operating only in public places such as Mc Donalds, Burguer King or crowded bars.

I am not a cueva!

PD: I am a local but speak some english if you need.

Please PM me if interested.


04-29-14, 17:59
10.30 offered today on Florida, north side of Cordoba. On the east side of Florida is "Edificio Thompson" about a 100 feet north of Cordoba; walk down the stairs and there is a round counter with a gentleman. He'll quote you the day's price. Sometimes one can get a slightly higher price by using one of his touts in front of "Edificio Thompson", and they take you down the stairs to the same counter and man. I've made several transactions and never received a false note. In a pinch, it's convenient.

05-04-14, 22:04
Hi all,

I need to buy 500 USD I offer a rate of 10,50 / 1.

Operating in hotel lobbys, public places, downtown. Discretion and seriousness.

PM if interested.


05-09-14, 11:31
Do not change more at the EZE ATM machines than you absolutely need to to get to town, or take a private taxi. Last week, I got only 200 p from an ATM to pay for a bus ticket, and after all the fees, received only the equivalent of 6.44 pesos to the dollar.

I had a friend who took a private taxi to a hotel in Micro Centro, where the driver spoke some English. The driver charged $40.00 USD or $400 p--all in. He dropped my friend at the front door of his hotel, and was happy to accept two 20 dollar bills. My friend paid more, but got there faster and was taken to the front door. The blue rate was over 10 to 1 at the time.


05-12-14, 18:20
Do not change more at the EZE ATM machines than you absolutely need to to get to town, or take a private taxi. Last week, I got only 200 p from an ATM to pay for a bus ticket, and after all the fees, received only the equivalent of 6.44 pesos to the dollar.

I had a friend who took a private taxi to a hotel in Micro Centro, where the driver spoke some English. The driver charged $40.00 USD or $400 p--all in. He dropped my friend at the front door of his hotel, and was happy to accept two 20 dollar bills. My friend paid more, but got there faster and was taken to the front door. The blue rate was over 10 to 1 at the time.

Tres3.That's a good way to tip a taxi driver from the airport. I took Taxi Ezeiza for about $330 or $33.00. The last time I saved about $1000.00 AR knowing I would be back just to get me into the country.

Red Raider
05-13-14, 16:58
Hi all,

I need to buy 500 USD I offer a rate of 10,50 / 1.

Operating in hotel lobbys, public places, downtown. Discretion and seriousness.

PM if interested.

Vito.Can you meet at Starbucks next to Intercontinental hotel? I have $150 I want to exchange today.

05-15-14, 23:27
Hi all,

I need to buy 2000 USD these days.

I can deliver the pesos to your hotel lobby, bar or public place of your preference.

As long as it is near retiro, downtown, recoleta, barrio norte.

Discretion and seriousness guaranteed. PM me if interested.

Big Boss Man
05-16-14, 20:04
Pleasantly surprised. I was expecting more in the 10.30 range. I went to the local place without shopping. Historically rates are higher in the Microcenter.

05-17-14, 11:16
Pleasantly surprised. I was expecting more in the 10.30 range. I went to the local place without shopping. Historically rates are higher in the Microcenter.Yep, 11.05 available in Microcentro yesterday!

05-19-14, 10:42
I need to sell some USD in Recoleta, any recommendations?

05-19-14, 18:42
They were opening with 10.90 on Florida today. I settled on 11.10.

Big Boss Man
05-20-14, 18:02
I received 11.20 from a place Daddy Rulz showed me last November. I did not shop around but went directly there. Trying to negotiate in English on busy street strikes me as being slightly foolish but it just may be my own paranoia talking and nothing real or worth worrying about. Definitely worth the trip to Microcenter to make an exchange though as I only received 10.55 in Recoleta last Friday.

Fun Pete
05-20-14, 22:35
From BA Herald:

11.35 at:

I don't know what happened, but the Peso has lost a lot against the US $ the past few days.

05-21-14, 00:05
Had a 11:50 from a driver today, right off the bat, no relation no history, first quote.. So the 'real' level is assumed much higher. Go for twelve!

From BA Herald:

11.35 at:

I don't know what happened, but the Peso has lost a lot against the US $ the past few days..

05-21-14, 09:50
I could have predicted the huge hike two days ago!

It was bound to happen, because as soon as it got over 11 I decided to change a huge wad. Sod's Law then kicks in, every time!

05-21-14, 10:31
I could have predicted the huge hike two days ago!

It was bound to happen, because as soon as it got over 11 I decided to change a huge wad. Sod's Law then kicks in, every time!It happens every year around this time, we have discussed this before. Winter Vacations coming up!

Fun Pete
05-26-14, 17:01
Today Monday 5/26 around noon, I exchanged $500 at 11.20 on Florida near Sarmiento. We went into an old building and walked into an office with a bank-like teller where the actual exchange took place.

Big Boss Man
05-26-14, 17:44
For an under the radar place, there is currency exchange in one of the shops in the back of the galleria. It is the galleria with the Extasy Sex shop. Ask the woman in the handbag store. She speaks English. They were offering 11.15 today which seems to be a competitive rate. Because of its prime location it just might save someone time one day.

05-26-14, 19:43
Dear All.

I need to buy 1000 USD, offering a rate of 11,40 around Recoleta (bars, public places, bank zone).

PM if interested.

05-26-14, 21:30
They were offering 11.15 today which seems to be a competitive rate.

Not really - 11.55 available in Microcentro today.

Just saying...

Big Boss Man
05-26-14, 23:19
Not really - 11.55 available in Microcentro today.

Just saying...I was responding to the posted 11.2. I did not exchange. I am happy to be wrong. Offered the information for convenience purposes.

05-27-14, 17:13
11.65 this afternoon in Microcentro.

Fun Pete
05-27-14, 20:08
Someone asked me this question:

Did you approach one of the street guys or was this an exchange house. Sorry. First time in buenos aires. Thanks.

I talked to several street guys / girls until I felt comfy with one of them. There is one every 2 meters or so yelling "cambio, cambio......".

Good luck!

Today Monday 5/26 around noon, I exchanged $500 at 11.20 on Florida near Sarmiento. We went into an old building and walked into an office with a bank-like teller where the actual exchange took place.

Joe 23
05-27-14, 20:18
I talked to several street guys / girls until I felt comfy with one of them. There is one every 2 meters or so yelling "cambio, cambio......".

Good luck!From my point of view, I would NOT approach those arbolitos on Florida or Lavalle. That's because I do NOT want to make a big announcement to the crowd that I've got dollars in my pocket. If I wanted to change my dollars, I would walk straight into one of the cuevas.

Miami Bob
05-29-14, 13:36
What's the effect down there? If any?

05-29-14, 14:37
What's the effect down there? If any?Can you give us a link or more details? The local news is silent in this regard. The exchange rate has been going up the last 10 days.


05-29-14, 16:03
Can you give us a link or more details? The local news is silent in this regard. The exchange rate has been going up the last 10 days.


Fun Pete
05-29-14, 17:57
Today I walked down Florida and walked into one of the cambio places where you walk down the stairs, I just remembered it from the past (near Mitre). It is actually a place for phone calls, but there is a little window in the back someome sitting and exchanging money. Also just opposite of it is another cambio place with 2 windows.

Anyway, I go 11.55 P for $500. I didn't bother negotiating, literally spent 5 miniutes or so on Florida, did my exchange and back to Palermo where I live.


05-29-14, 19:45
http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/29/us-argentina-debt-parisclub-idUSKBN0E90JI20140529Argentina reached a deal with the Paris Club for the repayment of 9.5 bln of debt in installments. Argentina defaulted on over 100 bln of debt. The agreement covers less than 10 pct of the defaulted debt. It has no effect on the USA court case. The ho-hum reaction of the treasury market today was a change of less than 7 basis points.


05-29-14, 21:38
Argentina reached a deal with the Paris Club for the repayment of 9.5 bln of debt in installments. Argentina defaulted on over 100 bln of debt. The agreement covers less than 10 pct of the defaulted debt. It has no effect on the USA court case. The ho-hum reaction of the treasury market today was a change of less than 7 basis points.

Tres3.You will also notice that each time they "restructure" a debt the first payment is at least a year or more in the future. In some cases after Cristina will be gone. They seem to think that if they "restructure" the debt so that it is not over due, that they are then "debt free" and will be able to borrow more money! Argentine Pretzel Logic at its finest!

06-06-14, 01:50
What's the latest rate on Florida?

06-06-14, 11:20
What's the latest rate on Florida?Not been down there for a while, but using the quoted rates on ambito.com as a guide and applying the standard formula as worked out by Jackson on numerous occasions, probably 11.30 - 11.40.

06-10-14, 14:53
I recently returned home from a quiet and relaxing month in BA. I planned to arrive in the USA with only a small amount of pesos, but when I unpacked my suitcase I discovered that I had hidden about $200.00 USD from myself. If you are going to BA, soon and want to get a head start on the cambio of a couple of hundred dollars at a fair exchange rate, send me a PM for the details. I will mail you the pesos (all 100's), and you can mail me the USD.


06-16-14, 19:29
I am new to AP, but will npw be making some comments. Been here a few days best exchange I can get is 11.5 for dollar. The best place I found is on Lavelle near Florida. Go down some stairs, there is a sex shop and tatoo parlor at bottom make right and first door on right is little room where people sit and excahnge money.

06-17-14, 17:08
Just got 11.8 on Florida and Lavelle.

Last week when it was 11.5, I talked go some Argies who were buying dollars. They said they were paying 11.75. I have noticed some restaurants with signs in window saying dollar is 12 to 1.

06-18-14, 12:09
I recommend to check dolarblue.net and try to get the Dolar Blue "Compra" price for your USD. At this moment, it shows a 12.05 pesos per dollar rate, but the price below (11.90 at this moment) is the lowest price you should get from those yelling "cambio, cambio" all along Florida Street, for instance.

In that scenario, you should consider that you can ask for a round 12 for your 50 and 100 bills, that are the best payed for, and 11.90 for your twenties, tenners and so on.

I hope this helps.



06-18-14, 15:31
I just got 12, went to my favorite, asked the rate today he said 12. No hassle, no haggling.

06-18-14, 18:45
I just got 12, went to my favorite, asked the rate today he said 12. No hassle, no haggling.Anyway, check it out, as the "arbolitos" in the street were offering that rate, and you know you can get 12.15 to 12.20, but it is your money!



07-03-14, 13:15
I go away for a couple weeks and nobody keeps this thread updated? Tsk!

Disappointed that I could only get 12.00 yesterday, having seen the rates according to ambito.com at 12.50 last week.

Looks like it's still dropping too. :-(

07-03-14, 18:12
Greetings Everyone,

Today at approximately 4 pm a friend of mine exchanged $1,000 USD for pesos.

Just before he left to exchange his cash, the popular local exchange rate websites were reporting the following Blue Dollar exchange rates:

La Nacion (http://www.lanacion.com.ar/dolar-hoy-t1369) "Dolar Blue Venta" = 11.85

Ambito.com (http://www.ambito.com/economia/mercados/monedas/dolar/) "Informal Venta" = 11.85

Infobae.com/ (http://www.infobae.com) "Dolar Libre" = 12.05

DolarBlue.net (http://dolarblue.net/) "Deep Blue Venta" = 11.60

DolarAlDia.com (http://www.dolaraldia.com/) "Dolar Blue Informado" = 12.05


Average Published Rate = 11.88

Rate Actually Received = 11.80

Discount from Average Rate = -0.67% (x .9932)

You're welcome.



07-18-14, 20:01
I received 12 pesos to one today in Moreno.

07-18-14, 22:27
Got 12.10 yesterday, changing USD2000 in Microcentro, downstairs in the first block of Florida in the cell-phone accessories shop.

Had been offered 12.15 in my usual place but didn't have time to go there.

Big Boss Man
07-25-14, 12:55
Anybody understand why the spread between Xoom exchange rate and Dolar Blue has widened over the past month and a half? Currently I can get 9. 6075 P from Xoom and you guys are reporting 12.00 P plus or minus at the Arbitos. In early June I received 10.31 P from Xoom when we were exchanging for 11.5 P on the street.

07-25-14, 14:42
Anybody understand why the spread between Xoom exchange rate and Dolar Blue has widened over the past month and a half? Currently I can get 9. 6075 P from Xoom and you guys are reporting 12.00 P plus or minus at the Arbitos. In early June I received 10.31 P from Xoom when we were exchanging for 11.5 P on the street.Zoom uses the "Contado con Liquidacion" rate which has nothing to do with the "Blue" rate available at cuevas.

Member #4112
07-25-14, 17:16
I just received 12.4 from my guy on Florida 360. I don't know how this stands up to other locations but seems in line with the quoted rates. Of course this being Friday did not hurt.

07-29-14, 09:38
I am coming to BA soon and need to bring lots of cash to pay for a tour I have booked, and for food and entertainment.

I come from Euro-land, and could bring cash US dollars, but buying US cash in my bank would cost me a 5-7% loss. Thus: Are Euro notes as readily accepted at the blue rate cambios as are US dollar notes? If not are the disadvantage of Euros 5%?

Best wishes to you all.


07-29-14, 09:44
I am coming to BA soon and need to bring lots of cash to pay for a tour I have booked, and for food and entertainment.

I come from Euro-land, and could bring cash US dollars, but buying US cash in my bank would cost me a 5-7% loss. Thus: Are Euro notes as readily accepted at the blue rate cambios as are US dollar notes? If not are the disadvantage of Euros 5%?

Best wishes to you all.

ThomasGermany.I have found the dollar to be marginally better, but if you are taking a loss at buying the dollars you are better off sticking with your Euros.

07-29-14, 09:47
Argh! Bloody typical. I've got an over-abundance of pesos for my last 3 weeks in the country and the rate has hit 13!

Daddy Rulz
07-29-14, 12:39
I am coming to BA soon and need to bring lots of cash to pay for a tour I have booked, and for food and entertainment.

I come from Euro-land, and could bring cash US dollars, but buying US cash in my bank would cost me a 5-7% loss. Thus: Are Euro notes as readily accepted at the blue rate cambios as are US dollar notes? If not are the disadvantage of Euros 5%?

Best wishes to you all.


I have found the dollar to be marginally better, but if you are taking a loss at buying the dollars you are better off sticking with your Euros.No question at all, hang on to your Euros if you're going to lose 5-7% changing them to dollars.

Argh! Bloody typical. I've got an over-abundance of pesos for my last 3 weeks in the country and the rate has hit 13!Maybe you and ThomasGermany should talk.

Member #4112
07-31-14, 16:44
Anyone have any idea if the usual places are exchanging dollars today and if so what the rate is since the default?

Found this posted as of today:


Big Boss Man
08-04-14, 13:33
Xoom is back over 10 today. Specifically 10.0035 P to $1. It has been awhile.

08-09-14, 11:59
I need to buy 2000 USD. I pay 12,70/1 USD in Galerias Pacifico. PM if interested.

08-09-14, 16:38
Ha, ha! I'll be needing to buy USD shortly and I can guarantee I'll be offering at least 20c more than this Godfather chancer!