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Thank You Jackson
I hope to be down Fucking & Sucking in a couple of weeks
02-17-05, 06:20
Heading back down in a couple of weeks and I was getting desparate that the board was down. Thanks for getting it back up in the nick of time.
Congratulations for getting W.S.G. overhauled and back up and running.
Last spring I was in the hospital for a long period, i had my lap-top and was entertained endlessly by this site. It was so popular that even a few of my nurses were reading with me everyday, and wanting to know more about the adventures of Dickhead,Andres,exon, Saint,capt.dave , etc. etc.
I thank you all for your great posts. I was very envious, but not jealous. Actually very amazed that one person could consume so much pussy. Dickhead your a machine.
I am very blessed to be healthy again and my surgery has healed very well. To the point of letting me once again do my chosen profession that makes me happy and brings in the all mighty bucks. I will be working with Beunos Aries in my mind everyday. God willing i will be down there in early October, for a extended period. Three to four months. My spanglish is so-so and am looking forward to mucho pillow talk with all Dickheads left overs. Until then comrade pooners , here is to stiff dicks and warm pussy.
02-18-05, 18:16
I was in Newport last week (or the week before) and met a full 10 on the poontang scale named "Deborah," an absolute stunner, tall, thin, curvey, face to launch a 1000 ships, and maybe a notch more than 21 years old from Palermo. Oh my God gentlemen, oh my God!, oh, my, God! That said, when she wanted $300 pesos the hour, I passed, went home, and reconsidered; I´m weak that way... Fortunately though, I bumped into el jefe in the Jazz Club the next night and he reassured me that supporting inflation is the sure road to perdition and I´ve since had to settle for 9.5s and 9s.
Hey, I do my part and I'm still really Happy. I LOVE Buenos Aires.
Rubiks Cube
02-19-05, 21:26
Unfortunately, I had some plane issues and did arrive at my hotel in Buenos Aires until about 1:00 a.m. Showered, changed and off to Madahos. I have not been in a year and was happy to see almost entirely new girls working and several very attractive girls. The two girls I liked the most appeared to be taken as both were sitting with other gentlemen. I then went with my third choice a nice brunette about 21 years old. After agreeing to leave with her both girls I liked more became available, however, I stuck with my comittment.
As my friend correctly pointed out I need to exercise a bit more mongering patience. Left with my chica and had a wonderful time. She was excellent in every way and made it difficult to second guess my choice.
I will be here for a few more weeks so if anyone else is here and feels like joining up for drinks please shoot me a message.
Rubiks Cube
02-20-05, 02:30
Had a great dinner and headed off to Black. Despite my thoughts that Saturday would be a great night for mongering I am told that Saturday is slow and I believe it. I went to Black and was very impressed with the 6 to 1 girl to guy ratio. I doubt that I am exagerating but if I am it is only slightly and by honest mistake.
Despite it being only my second night (and first full night) I was sucked in by an old faithful. She is fantastic and for round 1 I elected to go with a sure great thing. I was on full make out status in the club and after a few drinks my friend and I elected to leave with our respective chicas. I do love Argentina. The thing about Black is the quality is only questionably better than Madaho and the price is twice as much (at least for me).
I have had a little to much to drink already but I am confident that round 2 will be superb and intend to update tomorrow. I am waiting for my friend and I think that we will return to Madahos.
As this forum really has been remarkably helpful to me and is the reason I learned of Buenos Aires I intend to give as much info as possible during this new stage. Please let me know if anyone needs specifics and I will be happy to help in any way.
02-20-05, 12:59
Yesterday afternoon I jumped into a Radio Taxi parked in front of the Bella Artes museum on Libertador and Pueyrredon. Upon arriving at destination, the fare was $5 pesos so I handed the driver a $10 peso note which he immediately placed in his lap (thus I couldn't see it), and then the driver gave me a $5 peso note for change (which turned out to be counterfeit). Then the driver held up a counterfeit $10 peso note saying I gave it to him and demanded I give him a real $10 peso note. Fat chance! I got out of the cab (still not realizing the $5 peso note was fake), told the driver he was a crook, and copied down his license which I later reported to the police.
Taxi drivers like this park in front of places frequented by tourists and hope we will not recognize a fake note. Take care out there guys!
-Happy I only lost $5 pesos...
Jaimito Cartero
02-21-05, 03:37
Yesterday afternoon I jumped into a Radio Taxi parked in front of the Bella Artes museum on Libertador and Pueyrredon. Upon arriving at destination, the fare was $5 pesos so I handed the driver a $10 peso note which he immediately placed in his lap (thus I couldn't see it), and then the driver gave me a $5 peso note for change (which turned out to be counterfeit). Then the driver held up a counterfeit $10 peso note saying I gave it to him and demanded I give him a real $10 peso note. Fat chance! I got out of the cab (still not realizing the $5 peso note was fake), told the driver he was a crook, and copied down his license which I later reported to the police.
Taxi drivers like this park in front of places frequented by tourists and hope we will not recognize a fake note. Take care out there guys!
-Happy I only lost $5 pesos...
There seems a lot of this going around. Thanks for the heads up. I guess there's no other cure except to carry lots of exact change.
Glad to find that Argentina is alive still! I could just imagine poor Exon pounding his keyboard because he couldn't log in!
I'm not sure this is the right place to post this. I would like to know if anyone has info on golf courses. I will be hanging my hat around the Recoleta district. Are there a few links in that area? How about green fees? Also are there any pooners here into golf? When i'm in Thailand , pooning and golf mix perfectly. Get up at 9 , breakfast , go do a round and come back and have a snooze and or massage and then go hit the town. I'm looking very forward to B.A. as I'm tired of asian chicks.
Thanks God or most likely thanks jackson, the forum is back!
I had a couple of nice experiences in the last 4 weeks :
Marey , Platynum
Great XP with this lady, she works in her flat on MT Alvear 9xx, BBJ, great sex, the top of her body is exactly like the picture, the lower part is a bit less slim but she has a superb butt. 120Pesos the hour, one of the best ratio price/quality
Heidi, Areavip
it was my second time with her but the first time since her boob job. She is still the best hooker in Buenos Aires, 200Pesos the hour, a do-it-all kind of girl, her BBJ with lots of deep throat is like a vacum-cleaner. 200P the hour and she is worth every penny. I left her flat totally exhausted. She is a must-do for every monger who visit BA but you have to rush because she plans to move to Spain in April.
Karen de 906090modelos
tall lady, late twenties, nice body, very sweet BBJ, sex was OK but nothing special, 150Pesos the hour, "servicio completo" but I did not try her ass.
150Pesos the hour, OK XP no more
Barbi, masage section of platynum
exactly like the pictures, tall, thin, sweet girl with long dark hair
50P the masage with relaxation manual and 50 pesos more for sex (cbj + sex) for one hour. very good XP with this sweetie.
Among the not so good XP was Aixa of platynum (also in escortsbaires).
The first time I called her she quoted me 15Ous$!!!, I called back a couple of days later and then the price was 150Pesos (I guess my spanish skills have improved since my first call).
There is a lot of photoshop with this girl, she is much less tall and thin than the pictures. bad BBJ and very bad chemistry with the girl. I left after 15 minutes.
Finally I visited Nuevo Estilo last saturday and there was two stunners!! 2 tall thin blonde hair girls. 120P half-hour + 20P for the hotel (next door to the club). The lady was a bit cold so I decided to postpone my buying decision hoping that I would find XP on one of the local boards.
Cheers all
02-22-05, 03:16
Frans, thanks for the reviews. I noticed that some say they speak basic English. Is it basic enough to arrange an appointment or should elicit the help of a Spanish speaker to set up the appointment?
Only Heidi speaks english, for the other ones you would have to have someone (hotel staff,..) to set up the apointment and give you the exact adress of the lady.
I just found out that the fee that Cafe Orleans charges for the chicas working in the cafe is going up now to 40 pesos a day, and soon to go up to 50 pesos a day.
I only mention this as they will probably ask every guy to pay that amount on top of whatever they normally charge. FYI.
I guess everyone down there is only into eating,drinking, and pooning? Not that i am opposed to that, but this is predominately a american broad and to not find any GOLFERS seems a bit strange. I understand polo is the game down there. But i have this strange feeling that all you guys are so bagged out by the end of every evening that you are just replenishing yourselves for the next night. Okay, fuck golf. Didn't like the game anyways.
I found this and now i'm packing the clubs , this place keeps getting better. Unbelievable,i'm never going to leave the sounds of it.
The best golf courses to play in the BA area would be the Jockey Club in San Isidro (combine a visit to the San Isidro town), the Buenos Aires Golf, the Olivos Golf Club further north and either Pilar Golf Club or Martindale C.C. in the Pilar area (35 miles north). These are the 5 top golf courses in the country. Even though they are private, they are open to public one day in the week. Usually Wednesdays or Thursdays. Don't expect to play there on weekends if you're not invited by a member. Fees are amazingly low and may vary from USD 8-15.
It may be difficult to find rental equipment at golf courses. Bring your own.
Frisbeeace's Buenos Aires Page
02-23-05, 00:40
Actually RC,
I really like playing golf and play practically every day in the spring and summer back home, but I rarely keep score in order to remain Happy,
(which pisses off some of my buddies whose lives seem to depend on keeping score in some kinda way...)
That said, mornings ARE particularly challenging in BsAs!
<It WAS the correct forum! Sorry guys. I was confused by all this golf talk>
I had arranged an appointment with Libia through Roxana and was really looking forward to it when I got back from work today.
However she cancelled but was considerate enough to call Roxana and she was extremely good at getting me a date with Ariadna who just left.
Thanks Roxana!
Ariadna is indeed the girl from the pics (you have to add some 10 pounds to the pics, almost nothing) and she is outgoing, talkative, funny and a good experience overall.
P$150 for 1 hr + $20 for the remis (which waited outside the whole time).
This was @ the Hilton in Puerto Madero. By the way, they told me I could only exchange up to US$100 per day here. I don't know if this applies elsewhere.
Ariadna appeared at my door very well dressed and she is very well mannered too (i.e.: no yells, no acrobatics, no ransaking the mini-bar, very understanding of my situation, having next door guests who are co-workers, etc.)
No BBBJ. Only CBJ although it started with a feat I had never seen before. She actually put the rubber in her mouth and then proceeded to cover err 'Butch' with only her mouth!
No greek was asked for. GFE to some degree (I guess she felt I deserved some kisses for the little gift I brought her).
I would repeat although it wouldn't be my first choice given the amount of babes in Bs. As.
She also said she performed duo with another girl from Platynum I can't recall her name (it started with 'D'). In any event she was going to call Roxana to let her know.
Tomorrow I am planning on hitting Madahos. I'll let you know.
I like your style, I used to be competitive and grind the strokes outa opponents. But I still like a game , I used to be about a 14 handicap before surgery but I am about a 18 now. I love playing skins for a couple bucks. Not for the $$$ but to throw on the 19th hole drink table and have bragging rights. Hehehe.
I really like playing golf and play practically every day in the spring and summer back home, but I rarely keep score in order to remain Happy,
(which pisses off some of my buddies whose lives seem to depend on keeping score in some kinda way...)
That said, mornings ARE particularly challenging in BsAs!
I just got back from Bs As and and thoroughly enjoyed it. My only other hobbying experiences were one night in Lima with a member from this board and two nights in Sao Paolo so not much to speak of. I don't think I have much new info to add so I will just post my impressions/opinions with a few facts.
By the way, I would like to thank L Duke for showing me around the spots and keeping me informed on pricing, etc. He was a cool guy to hang out with at dinner and at clubs.
The City
I spent the days exploring the city on foot, by subway and cab and it was quite enjoyable. I never felt like I was in danger and never ran into a cabbie who tried to rip me off. It was amazing how many beatiful women there were everywhere and I don't think I had one bad meal. I would definitely come back with friends/girlfriend even if the hobbying scene completely disapeared.
The Clubs
My trip was as much for sightseeing so I only did five chicas in six nights/seven days. Now I would probably get killed for saying this but I didn't find the working girls nowhere as attractive as the regular girls I saw except maybe Madahos. But I am also different from many on this board in that I have no desire for kissing, GFE, etc. I only require attractiveness, covered sex and BBBJ so chicas can't make up for lack of physical beauty with other services with me.
The Triangle
L Duke and I went to the triangle once and I had no desire to head back there rest of the trip. There was nothing wrong with any of the three clubs per say (except for the tout for Cattos who gave us "free" beers and basically bearhugged me to get money when he saw us leaving from Hook) but I just didn't find the looks of the chicas very appealing. Even in my drunken state and suspect lighting, they looked average at best. I must say though that the one girl I pulled from Hook was no looker but certainly a trooper when it came to service. I paid AR$200 plus AR$22 for her drink, I don't remember what my beers cost. L Duke did mention that it was much better last year when he pulled six out of Hook.
Rio Cabana
I thought the place was basically no different than the triangle clubs except customers were mostly Korean and with better lighting/less smoke. The chicas were of same quality and the cab ride was about the same from Recoleta so nothing really special about the place. I didn't bother asking for price since none interested me.
Recoleta Clubs
I didn't bother with Black, no interest in paying US$200 for merchandise of similar quality that can be found at Madahos. Madahos most certainly had the best quality and priced accordingly. Couldn't get one to go lower than AR$300 even at 5 AM but then I only speak very basic Castellano. There is also the AR$30 entrance with one drink and AR$50 drink for the chica. So quite costly. The bartender tried to charge me AR$30 for my second beer so I simply gave the beer back to her. We went to Sodoma for the hell of it and it was horrendous. AR$30 entry with two drinks but I didn't even finish the first before leaving. No chica seemed to be under the age of 35 and most looked downright scary, especially the one I found in the men's restroom. Needless to say, I didn't bother asking for prices. I did like Affaire though, AR$30 entry with three drinks and AR$30 for chica drink with chicas going for AR$200. Once you fight off the first couple that try to make you buy them drinks, you can drink and choose in peace. I also liked the fact that they let me look first before paying on Saturday night. I went in, looked and left when I didn't see what I wanted. Maybe every club allows this, I don't know but I liked it.
Internet Appts
I had three arranged with the help of Roxanna and two turned out to be the best of my trip. First was Yazmin from AreaVIP but different chica showed up. It was ok because she was a cute little thing that looked better than the pictures and told me right away that she was not Yazmin. Her name was Ayi and a spinner at about 155cm tall. It was for one hour but she stayed over 1.5 hrs and we went at it twice. It was a good time overall. I paid her AR$220 including cab fare, she was more than happy. Second was Galea from Gemidos. I got her because L Duke recommended her and she looks better than the pictures. I somehow overlooked the fact that L Duke told me she doesn't do BBBJ so when she refused I sent her packing with AR$20 for cab. But if CBJ is fine, she is recommended. Last was Marisa from AreaVIP. She looks little better than her pictures with a pretty face and has fake tits now as well (not too big, just right). Stayed more than the hour and did it twice. Gave her AR$300 instead of the AR$270 she asked for, I didn't have change and she certainly earned the small tip. Both Ayi and Marisa provided excellent GFE so if that is what you are looking for, I highly recommend them.
Other options
I didn't try any apts so I have no idea what they are like. Went to Cafe Orleans and Exedra once each to see and based on the quality had no desire to return to either place.
I can't really rate Bs As because I lack experience in other places but I was somewhat disappointed with the overall looks. Maybe it was because I expected too much based on Argentinian girls I knew from school and the girls I saw around town or because I didn't come down for girls from Paraguay and Brazil. But I would be more than happy in Bs As if I can keep getting hot Argentinians like this trip from the internet and pull couple hotties from Madahos. At the end of the day, I would go back for sure.
This seems strange but Im not supprised.
I just got an e-mail this morning from one of my all time Favorites, Fabiana, asking for money. That in it self is not strange, but what she said was rather startling. She said she needed money because the Police were giving her problems and she could not work at Cafe Orleans.
fabiana was a fixture at Cafe Orleans and has many friends in their. I met her in their and have been doing her for over two & half years.
Im wondering if she owe's the Cafe money for past dates and has just not paid them.
Well, Anna (through Roxana) cancelled at the very last minute (always glad they actually call you) and it was too late to reach Roxana to schedule anyone else (I'm so angry at myself for not sticking with Libia!).
Immediately began calling Platynum girls and stumbled upon Faby.
Even though I speak perfect spanish, the constant number calling and filtering is very annoying so I recommend Roxana everytime unless you do have a regular or are planning on hitting the clubs, streets, etc.
She quoted me at P$150 per hr + taxi fare to come to me at the Hilton.
I should learn to be suspicious of cheap fees.
I wouldn't say she is NOT the girl from the pictures, but that girl has a near perfect body and very nice features.
The girl that came was not fat but had a protruding belly, smelled like smoke and had a terrible teeth issue.
No GFE (thank god!), CBJ only.
I was in & out in about 30 minutes. She was good at it, but I usually select girls on looks and not on service quality.
I would like to go to Madahos as I originally intended but I'm afraid it will have to be another time.
Be safe!
One Tree Hill
02-24-05, 04:03
Thanks for sharing your info. However, Seems that you may have overpaid quite a bit or else prices have risen since November. I have never paid more than P120 for Hook (usually P100), P150 Cattos (sometimes P120)or Affaire and this usually gets me 1.5hrs or in most cases more. In fact my normal rate last year for Hook was P100. I have not paid for a girl from Madahos in over a yr ago when the "old rate" was P150-200. Most platinum girls are P150 as well. Not sure why your prices were so high. BTW before you judge that perhaps I have taken less than desirables - in BA there is NO correlation of price versus quality or beauty.
This leads me to the following point:
All newbies to BA: Please do not drive prices up. Negotiate just a little, or better yet, flatter and charm them and they will be more apt to give you a regualr rate and not the "gringo" rate. This coming from a guy who has never studied a word of spanish. I learn it as I go and use it when I can!
I by no means can calim to be in the "Dickhead" category for pricing, but as an average middle class american guy, I travel to BA to pay "fair market" value
by Argentine standards. Furthermore, I have never had a girl go away unhappy with what she earned from me. Never.
To put it in perspective: P300 for a hooker is about what a teacher makes in a MONTH in BA.
Daddy Rulz
02-24-05, 05:20
I think the big problem Toronto experianced was trying to Monger on a Saturday night. Saturdays and Sundays are the worst nights. The chicka gringo ratio is way to high, Monday through Fridays there are much more chicks available. Considering two major economic factors 1. Basic supply and demand (more chickas better bargains) and 2. No marginal cost in pussy (thanks Dickhead) you can expect better prices on nights with more girls.
Personally I have always found the stratagy of asking them if they want to talk to 5 more guys and maybe strike a deal or leave right now with me for the price I offer to be a very good closing tool. It helps greatly to be polite and have good hygene but if you have found your choice and you can convey a compelling reason to sell, it should work in more than half of the time.
Oh yes I also tell them my dick is so small they won't even know they are fucking. That seems to help. I absolutly agree with One Tree though, there is absolutly no corelation between price and service. However He is off onbasic wages in BsAs. Minimum is now somewhere around 600 I think and a decent job pays 800. Hotel maids make more than 300 a month but not much. To put 300 pesos into perspective on the local economy, my friend there is a legal secretary and she makes around 900 a month for a 40 hour plus week.
I just found your site this morning. Was traveling 8 months ago in Bs.As. and met a really nice chica while having a Sushi dinner at Ichi Sou.(Venezula 2145). She and I started talking and one thing lead to another and she joined me for dinner. She wasn't a pro, more of a part-timer needing a little extra cash from time to time. She had been married to an real asshole I guess because it only lasted 3 years (no ninas,thank God). We went out 3 times before SHE made the first move! It was great and she was my steady thing for next 13 days and nights.
After sad good-bys at EZE and returning home we kept in contact via email/telefone. I live on my sailboat and she was really excited to come visit. It was impossbile for her to get a visa for the US, so we hooked up in Mexico. We spend the last five months onboard and sailing the Western Caribe.She loved every minute of it and here is the best part. She never asked me for a Dime! I did buy her buy here airfare! So gentlemen, always treat them like a Lady you maybe surprized! I am returning to Bs.As. in a couple of weeks and will be shopping for another fine Argentine Chica!!!
I paid the same amount as L Duke at every club and he spent 10 days last year in Bs As going out with a lot of the regulars posters so I assumed he knew what the going rates were. As for internet girls, I told Roxanna 150-200 but she couldn't get Marisa at that price so I really had no part in negotiations. I completely agree that price has no correlation with quality. I am 33, in shape and no issues with hygene/rudeness so those weren't reasons either. And yes, I may have overpaid at Hook but I would really like to see someone not living there get a girl out of Madahos for 200 (I am not independently wealthy so I had no desire to pay any more than I had to). Because if that is truely the going rate, I really need to take some classes on negotiations.
Beleriand wrote:
Even though I speak perfect spanish, the constant number calling and filtering is very annoying so I recommend Roxana everytime unless you do have a regular or are planning on hitting the clubs, streets, etc.
Well put! In fact that is the primary reason I use Roxana's services every time I come to town. No, I do not speak perfect Spanish, but I can quite comfortably ask a chica to come and give her directions on my own. However, given that every time I'm in town I only have a short window of opportunity, I leave the scheduling up to Roxana and save a lot of time.
Knuckhead (yes, yes...reports are coming!)
Daddy Rulz
02-25-05, 06:07
Plus the drink, and 10 pesos for a taxi. Trophy was taken in late October of 04 at about 3am. Minimal negotiations. Service included 2 shots on goal second was russian, BBBJ, and final frontier. Session lasted about 2.5 hours. Romina formally of Cattos, not the girl in the pic, once told Dickhead I eat pussy exceptionaly well so perhaps this one sensed that, I don't know. I'm showing this rear view picture because I didn't ask for permission to post them but the front was better than the back appears.
Mickey Mouse
02-25-05, 22:28
Could this be the same one? I think her name was Luna and YES, she was very accomodating.
Glad the board is back because I felt lonely when I was in BA late January.
Someone asked me about english speaking girls (not fluent but well enough to understand and be understood).
In addition to Heidi of AreaVip (which I really recommend), there are at least two other girls that I know (I talked to them over the phone though I did not do them as they do not get good reviews on the 2 local boards).
Martina, 300Pesos, cbj
this one told me that the price is 300US$ for gringos and 300Pesos for locals!
OMG! Are those fakies or real?
Also a few more English speaking girls: Cari ( English), Libia (Argentina Private-Excellent English), Anna (Platynum-good English), Alexa ( (formerly of AreaVIP-Fair English, now bookable through Roxana), Valentina (Cattos-Good English).
02-26-05, 02:36
I think Knuckhead means Cari, not Cary. Cari, 15-5517-6365, speaks good English. But I had an appointment with her and she never showed. Never even called.
Daddy Rulz
02-26-05, 15:43
Not the same girl, mine has no kids and I think Michelangelo did her breasts because they were perfect, little bitty pink nipples, perfectly centered. Also she had an ass like a 14 year old boy, as one of my friends has described my preferance when it comes to asses. (legal disclaimer: I'm not into 14 year old boys I just like chicks with small firm asses)
Here is another one, from that October trip, again I had no permission to post so it's anon. 250 pesos, no greek, but excellent BBBJ two shots on goal very intelligent, I think she was sort of embaressed about her work because whenever she did mish she closed her eyes. Or maybe she thought I was ugly as hell, I don't know but she was hot. Bagged at Newport, no drink penelty there, I gave her an extra 10 pesos for the taxi. Very sweet would do her again.
Day two: My old Favorites!
Friends, after some delay Knuckhead decided to continue chronicling the events of the second day of his completely unplanned and unanticipated fourth trip to your land of plenty. It is to be said that that in the meantime he has amassed an inexcusable debt to the forum in terms of reports. He has been to Moscow and back, and yet another time to Buenos Aires. However, the protracted problems with the forum had provided a comfortable and easy excuse not to post. The excuses are no more, and so we continue from where we left off ( several weeks ago.
This was a Sunday, and as mentioned repeatedly before, the key to successful mongering on Sundays is previous planning. There were three appointments scheduled for today, and as it turns out, all were repeats for Knuckhead.
You may recall, in a manner quite atypical for this town, Knuckhead had gone to bed with wood a few hours earlier without his customary fourth (!!) session of the day. Not surprisingly, the situation was not different when he woke up to the tune of the alarm from his mobile phone at 10:15 am. He actually made it down in time for the (included) breakfast buffet in the hotel’s restaurant! Back in his room, he showered, shaved, and sat on the bed expecting the tried and true Maria ( Indeed, given the “express” nature of Knuckhead’s trips, going without a shag in this town for a grand total of 15 hours was both unprecedented and rather embarrassing for him. He felt as though he had violated one of the commandments of mongering: “thou shall not go to bed with wood whilst on leave from Sex Prison”. He started to repent, and decided to confess his sins to Maria. He had no doubt Maria would find a way to “right this wrong”.
Right on time at 11 o’clock, Maria knocked on my door and greeted me with a DFK. I had seen her once during every trip to B.A. except for my very first one, and by now we felt very comfortable with one another. More DFK and a small amount of chitchat followed, but being with her in such a microscopic room, with a raging wood and not having had sex for 15 hours….well, you get the idea. Let’s say that the focus turned to the “problem at hand” and soon, the problem was no more! I have written a lot about sex with her in the past, and this time was no exception: very passionate, lots of DFK, excellent BBBJ with great eye contact, and finish in the cowgirl position. In short order, my mind began to clear, and I started to turn civil again. I asked her to join me for a cup of coffee and a few medialunes at one of the cafés nearby. After that I slipped her the $150AR with a $50AR for the cab (she lives way out there in the suburbs). I put her in a cab and returned to Art Hotel.
I showered, and contacted Dickhead who I had been meaning to meet for a long time. We decided to meet at a local steakhouse, Pipo’s. Given that there was only a short distance between my hotel and the restaurant, I walked and was there on time. Dickhead had arrived earlier and was waiting for me. We had a good steak lunch and discussed many subjects besides mongering. He is intelligent, articulate, well rounded, and a true gentelmonger. The handle “Dickhead” is truly self-deprecating, IMHO. I consider myself fortunate having met him, and I do miss his presence on this board. We said our goodbyes, and I was back on Santa Fe by about 3:30pm. During this short walk, in anticipation of a rigorous schedule for the rest of the day I consumed the remaining half of the Cialis tablet from yesterday (half tablet=10 mg).
Arriving at the hotel I discovered there was a problem. My key was not at the reception, as the room was being cleaned. Under normal circumstances that would not be a problem; however, Anna the Russian ( (Area-VIP photo- "Sonia" on that site) was to arrive in a few minutes, and we couldn’t quite celebrate our re-acquaintance in the lobby! I sat in a chair pondering the possibilities, and after a few minutes I gazed at the reception desk, recognizing her by long blonde hair as she was registering at the desk. I walked up front saying ?????? (hello!), calling her by the real name. Rather amazed, she turned around and all of the sudden brightened with a smile. She had no idea who the client was, and seemed to be rather pleased by my choice to repeat.
We sat in the lobby for a good 30 minutes, and made small talk. She speaks English very well, and dresses very conservatively, so there was nothing about us that stood out. Finally the key was brought back and we made a run for my room, being very careful to hide (as best as we could) my Cialis induced “wood”. No more waiting! As soon as we hit the room she went to the bathroom to freshen up and I slipped under the sheets. She came out in a nice lingerie and then the games began. Passionate DFK’s, long, slow kisses along the sides of her body, BBBJ for me, and DATY for her all seemed to be in a continuum and flowed easily from one to the next, and at the end, we were both “happy”! This was my third meeting with Anna, and it brough to light one advantage of doing repeats: if you find a compatible chica (or dyevushka as the case may be), the sex tends to get better after the first few sessions. In fact, it was so much of a “girlfriend experience” that at the end when she dressed and was about to leave, she had to hesitate at the door again. “You forgot something, again!”, she said. Puzzled, I looked at her for a minute before realizing that after all, she wasn’t my girlfriend. Indeed, I owed her $150 pesos plus cab fare, and that I had forgotten to give her the money just like I had done my last trip.
After Anna left, I showered and went down to the lobby to check my email. I then briefly left the hotel the get some cash from the corner ATM, bought a few bottles of soft drinks and returned to my room for a small snooze, recharging my batteries for Irina ( You may recall from my previous trip reports that although I loved being with this chica, both times I had seen her I was unable to “finish” with her. This was bothering my psyche tremendously, and I had come up with multiple theories why this could be. I had even talked myself into believing there is such a thing as the “curse of the Irina” ( ). I was determined to finish the job this time.
Right on time at 6:30 pm Irina knocked on my door and entered the room enthusiastically. She was visibly happy to be there, as evidenced by her wide grin and flushing of the skin. We spent about 10 minutes talking about different things, including a mutual friend Luv Ass (, to whom I had introduced Irina a few months ago. After a few minutes of this, she planted a very warm DFK on me, and briefly retired to the bathroom. In a few minutes, she reappeared with a very tasty set of underwear, and jumped on me cowgirls style. After a few minutes of DFK and caressing, I reached for the Pocket Rocket ( and put it to use. I must admit that I am no Dickhead when it comes to the art of mesmerizing chicas with this little wonder, and soon I found the gadget to be more distracting than useful, so I put it aside. She proceeded with some good BBBJ, showing me that she was indeed making progress at this subject matter. I then took a look at her nicely trimmed female anatomy and remembered an old saying: “If it tastes good, eat it”! With that, my friends, in short order she was lifting her hip off the bed in a forceful and sustained orgasm. She wasted no time after her orgasm in mounting me cowgirl style, bringing herself to yet another orgasm in the process. We then rapidly changed between a succession of different positions, before reaffirming my long held view that with spinners of her size the best position is indeed the classic cowgirl. A few minutes more of seeing her little body go up and down on mine while her very tight instrument was hugging mine were enough to induce a volcanic eruption on my part. Home at last! Mission accomplished! The “curse of the Irina” was finally broken! Never mind that it took me three trips to Argentina to achieve this!
We showered, and despite having wood again I decided to leave on a high note. She asked about what I was doing and whether we could go out together for a short while. As I had a previous engagement with Saint, I promised to call her the next day. I kissed her goodbye, and she left shortly thereafter.
I took a cab to one of Saint’s apartment near Junin and Puyeredon, greeted the doorman and went up to his door. It was a very tastefully decorated apartment with a large living room and a good-sized loft, which saint was about to lease to a non-posting monger friend who was present at the scene. In a few minutes, “HobbyInHouston” ( joined us. Together, the four of us took a cab to the well-reviewed 1800 parilla in San Telmo, where a few months earlier “Sterling V” and I had had an outstanding lunch while pondering the philosophy of life and mongering. The discussion this time was more down to earth and practical, but just as interesting and enjoyable. I really like dining in groups of 3 to 6 people, as they seem to be the perfect size for sharing thoughts as well as the food! After a “parillada completa” which no doubt reduced my life expectancy by at least a few months, as well as a few bottles of excellent Malbec which in my wishful thinking should have reversed the above effect (!!), we decided to retire to our quarters sans team mongering. But the night had other plans for Knuckhead…
By this point it was 11:45pm, and “the need” was arising, both figuratively AND literally speaking. I reviewed the options, and in a moment of doubt (for which I have been thankful since) decided to call Bany from the night before. Yes, I forgave her for not showing up earlier this morning, as that was 18 hours and three chicas earlier, virtually an eternity for the trips of such short scale as mine. Besides, the thought of those soft natural breasts ( was driving me crazy. As soon as I called, she screamed and told me she has been trying to extract my number from sister Roxana, who has naturally and thankfully not been giving it out. Once again, fellows, this goes to show the professional manner in which Roxana handles her business. Knowing that my day was filled with “appointments” of all sorts, she did not want this chica to interrupt my mongering schedule. At any rate, Bany was invited to come over and enthusiastically accepted.
I took yet another shower and fell asleep, waking up in about 40 minutes to the knock on my door. Bany entered the room, planted a kiss on my lips, and apologized for not coming this morning, throwing in a lame excuse. What ensued from that point on was an entire night of pure sexual bliss…
Acting as though she had known me all her life, she excused herself to the bathroom and returned with just her panties on, giving me a full view of her wonderful rack. I sat on the bed, put my palm of the hand on her back, gently massaging her. This had a calming effect, and the fast paced scenario of the day before immediately turned into a slow, passionate one. Lots of kisses followed, as did a very slow, deliberate BBBJ. The preservativo went on, and a gentle, slow lovemaking session in the missionary position followed. After about 15 minutes of this and sensing that there is no leche left in Knuckhead, the two melons were called into action Russian style, and the task was easily accomplished. I felt relieved and satisfied. Having had my requisite fourth session of the day, I prepared to go to sleep as she excused herself to the bathroom.
Seconds later, she emerged from the bathroom, not with her street clothes, but nicely changed into lingerie. What is that? I thought we were done?! At this point she announced she is spending the night. I pondered the thought for a few seconds, and fully intending to get a full night of rest did not see any difference one way or the other. Sure, I said, you can stay. I turned down the light, she curled into my arms, and I thought we went to sleep.
I fell into a deep stupor in a matter of minutes. It wasn’t long before in my dream I was getting an outstanding blowjob. Somehow I was mistakenly assuming I was still in Sex Prison, and therefore it could only be a dream, so I tried really hard not to wake up and continue enjoying it!! However, in a sweet state between the pleasant dream and the moment of awakening, I recalled I was no longer in Sex Prison, and the blowjob was feeling amazingly true to life, so I opened my eyes. Indeed it was no dream, rather Bany working quite hard on my instrument. As soon as we locked eyes, a preservativo went on and she hopped on cowgirl style. Before I could gather myself and wake up, I heared a sigh on her part followed by serious contractions; seconds later I too “erupted”, even though in volcanic terms there was no longer any magma left to flow!
Still not having fully digested what had hit me, not even having completely woken up, I limped to the bathroom, cleaned up, and went back to bed. Again, she snuggled into my arms and I thought we fell asleep.
I had lost track of time, but perhaps about an hour later I woke up again and found myself on top of Bany in the missionary position. I panicked for a second as I had absolutely no recollection of how I had gotten myself into this position, let alone having “covered up”. Bany laughed and told me not to worry, as she had already taken care of it. I just realized at this point that things are going very smoothly. In fact, too smoothly! I turned on the light, and… OMG!… OMG! Houston, we have an “Exon”! Repeat, an “Exon”!
Normally, Knuckhead would elaborate a little more on such an incident, but after finishing this post I invite you to read here ( to see why he didn’t this time. Back to that faithful night, being a trooper Bany had to finish the job. Her Russian assets came in very handy, and after some commotion resulting from the “Exon” situation, she returned her attention to my Junior and made him quite “happy”.
It is hard to say when this “day” ended and the next one started. I know that at this point we slept for about at least two hours, and as such I’ll use this as a natural breaking point to end this post. “Tomorrow!!” had an interesting encounter in store for the two of us.
The Adventure begins today
The Last Day, and a Strange Reacquaintance!
You may recall from my earlier post ( that after a night of continuous sex interrupted by brief episodes of sleep, Bany and I were now finally getting a few uninterrupted hours of sleep courtesy of the “Exon” situation a few hours earlier. Once more I felt I was being awakened with a set of breasts draped around my junior, who instead of being courteous and thankful returned the favor by thoughtlessly splattering a pearl necklace on them. Good “morning”, or good “noon”, that is! What a way to start my last day!
We showered, and knowing it was my last day, I decided to get one last good steak meal. While we were exiting the hotel I gave Bany $200AR for the night, and she seemed happy. We took a cab to Puerto Madero, and the well-reviewed Cabaña Las Lilas ( ) caught my attention. Once inside this appropriately decorated restaurant, we sat at a nice outdoor table. We ordered an Ensalta mixta, a Medallón de Lomo, and a pasta dish, as well as a nice bottle of Malbec to go with them.
After a full night of sex and not much talking, the talking had to catch up. I explained to her that my trip is coming to a close in a few hours, and that I’m not about to head back to sex prison without another session. Implicit in that was a referral to her “Exon” situation. She had to make a decision! Either leave me, or accompany me to my next adventure! I asked if she has ever been with another girl before, to which she emphatically responded “No”. However, she mentioned there was only one girl she has ever been curious about. She said her name is Salomé, she is tall and has long black hair, and works in a privado…. Wait a minute, I said! Which one? Yes, sure enough she was the same Salomé of Güemes 3221, the same one I had seen on my very first trip and the same one who had shown up as “Camila” a few months later on my second trip without me recognizing her at first. What a small world! This girl, some may recall, was a perennial favorite of our now departed comrade Dickhead, aka “el toro rojo”. She goes by the name of “Salomé” in the privado, by “Ailen (” on Platynum (Platynum Photo) and by “Camila” elsewhere. At any rate, Bany was quite surprised that I already “knew”:D this girl. Interestingly, through Salomé Bany had heard about “el toro rojo” too. It turned out that Bany had worked in that privado for a short period of time.
During the time we were discussing our mutual friend, the wait staff brought tons of accompaniments and different breads, and by the time we had finished the main meal there was no longer any room left for desert. The bill came up to about 120 Pesos. I paid and we left at approximately 3pm. Destination: where else but Güemes 3221 2ºA?!
Once more I had arrived there before a telephone call first, but I couldn’t care less. I had Bany talk to the “voice” over the intercom. Again, after what seemed like an eternity the fat Araceli descended the stairs and opened the door for us. For those interested, she is now a fake redhead. She was quite puzzled to see me there with a girl, but eventually let us in. We sat at the living room, and I noticed there has been some remodeling at the apartment. Salomé entered the living room having just stepped out of the shower, and was pleasantly surprised to see the both of us.
We went inside the room, and at this point I committed one of the cardinal mistakes of mongering: not handing the girl the correct change. The price I had gotten at that privado a year earlier was $120AR. I thus handed her two $100AR expecting the change back. The last time I had visited, without any problems $80AR had been returned at the end of the session, so I had no reason to expect otherwise.
After a little chitchat, we started a nice threesome session, with Bany starting a BBBJ and Salomé massaging me. The girls then changed positions, and Salomé stated one of her signature BBBJ’s. It was wonderful being expertly blown as the other girl was massaging my chest and playing with the two soldiers. Minutes later, Salomé took it upon herself to cover me up, and start cowgirl. Those who “know” this girl may recall that she is particularly good at this position too. At least Dickhead used to agree. All the while, Bany was massaging my two soldiers and caressing my back. I had forgotten how sexy Salomé was, and after a change to the missionary position and some hip grinding, I could no longer control myself and finished. We lay in the bed talking for a few minutes, and then I took a shower and dressed up.
And my change? Well, the fat Araceli felt free to keep the change, as there were” two of us”. Technically it was true. I didn’t know whether I was supposed to get a discount as I had brought in my own “help”, or pay double. I didn’t feel like arguing with the fat Araceli after such a nice session, so I let it go. I don’t like her :(, though.
We walked to the Alto Palermo shopping center nearby, and I did some obligatory shopping for the trip home. I also bought her a rather inexpensive gift, which she nonetheless appreciated. By that point it was 6:15 pm and my flight was leaving in about four hours. We decided to go back to my hotel.
Once in the hotel, I took another look at Bany’s wonderful rack. Yes, friends, I couldn’t resist. I simply grabbed the bottle of the KY “warming Jelly” (wonderful stuff, BTW), poured a generous portion on her breasts, and had one more Russian session “for the road”! Once she excused herself to the shower, I began to pack. She returned and started to help me, while I took my last shower. In a matter of minutes the “scene” was cleared of all the evidence. Oh, the debauchery that room had seen in the last three days and two nights!
We kissed passionately, and left for the lobby. The last pleasant surprise was that even though the hotel was supposed to charge me a full day’s rate for staying up to 8pm, they forgot to do this. My total bill was $130U.S. and some change for telephone calls, for my entire stay. The remis was at the door by 8:20 as scheduled, and I kissed Bany goodbye on the street before getting into the car.
The ride to the airport was uneventful. Quite atypical for me, I really didn’t feel like talking, so I closed my eyes and fell asleep. Half an hour and 40 Pesos later, he woke me up standing at the international terminal of Ezeiza. I really liked this ride; for me the ride back to the airport has always been painful, and this time I had simply slept through it.
I checked in, receiving my most favorite seat on the plane and proceeded through customs and immigration. This being a freebie first class award ticket, I was anticipating a good night’s rest on the plane. As always, by this point in the trip I was severely sleep deprived and ready to pass out minutes after putting my head down. This time was no exception. As soon as the boarding started I sat on my seat, and closed my eyes. About an hour later the flight attendant brought me some food, and I slept again skipping the breakfast as well at the end of the flight. Again, just minutes before the touchdown the same flight attendant was shaking me on the shoulder and asking me, I assume for the fourth or fifth time (!!), to straighten my seat as we were going to land in less than a few minutes. Indeed in a mere 2 or three minutes we were back in the Sex Prison :(. All that was left at that point was the sweet memory of this trip and the hope of going back soon.
Great stories, love the two girl action and the dream. Nice to have met you a few months back.
Enjoy the life,
I will be going to BA in late August. You had mentioned Ingrid in an earlier post. Do you know how her service is? Is bbbj included? Thanks in advance.
Great post, I can't wait to live out my own adventure in Buenos Aires.Quackup :
I talked to her by phone, she told me BBJ but I did not visited her :
1. she does not seem very pro on the phone,
2. she does not get any good reviews on the local boards
3. she has a dual price structure : one for locals and one for gringos
Hey a girl in argentina just told me that argentinas external debit was just pay off , so I imagine the argentian pesos will rise back up to what is was 1 peso for 1 US dolare.
Any body care to elaborate on that.
This is a crosspost of a report I postet in the Mexico City section, because it involves a girl coming from there, and general observations comparing both places.
It might remind us of the importance not to spoil prices or behaviour - BA is sort of paradise!
I was in town (México, D.F.) 2 days, and wanted to spice up my evenings not with chilies but with chicas, and did so by calling some girls from . I selected them according to looks and their self ? description, which will be quoted to compare advertising and reality. All prices quoted are US-$
Divas appears to be a website with ads of independent escorts, the (cell-) phone no?s are those of the girls themselves.
Day 1:
Guliana. In her ad she describes herself:
Hola chicos, soy Giuliana y estoy aqui para conocer gente interesante y de alto nivel, soy muy caliente y me gusta mucho el sexo, quiero divertirme mucho contigo y pasarla super bien, me encantan los hombres y puedo ser la chica de tus sueños, quiero que realizemos nuestras fantasias juntos, y cuando estemos en la cama, se nos olvide el mundo allá afuera. El oral es totalmente a tu gusto, y me encantaria que tambien me hicieras el oral a mi, me encantan los besos y las caricias.
Translated :
Hi, guys, I am Guliana and I am here to meet interesting people of a high level, I am very hot and like sex very much. I want to have a good time with you and treat you very well. I like men, and I want to be the girl of your dreams, I want us to realize our fantasies together, and once we are in bed the outside world shall forget us. Oral is totally to your taste, and I really love if you would do oral to me. I love kisses and tenderness.
End translation.
She looks good. Blonde Brazilian. Somewhere she writes that she does not show her face in her ad, but could assure that it was nice ? it is. To the rest of her promises:
No kisses.
CBJ with an industrial strength rubber ? so much about my taste.
DATY ? yes, but as soon as it started to become interesting ? nada más.
1 hour $ 250,-, and unlike the usual Mexican minute that can take anywhere from 3 minutes to half a day, a Mexican chica hour is an hour.
Day 2:
Auri. The ad:
Hola mi nombre es Auri y me gustaria pasar un momento lindo y caliente con vos, me considero una chica abierta sexualmente tanto como una ninfomana adicta a los hombres lista para satisfacerte a vos como vos queras , manejo un delicioso e inigualable sexo oral en la modalidad que vos desees CON o SIN globito y tambien un sexo anal fabuloso y de primer nivel!!! , conmigo si podras acabar en donde mas te caliente y te guste!!!! asi que no dudes en llamarme y asi te cuento lo delicioso que la pasaras conmigo !
Hi, my name is Auri, and I would like to spend a nice and hot moment with you. I consider myself a sexually open girl, just like a nymphomaniac addicted to men, ready to satisfy you as you like, I do a delicious and uncomparable oral sex the way you like it, WITH or WITHOUT condom, and fabolous first class anal!!!, with me you can come the way you like best and that heats up you most.
End Translation.
The pics ar real. Argentinian (was no surprise after reading the ad ? vos ? and crystal clear when she answered the phone).
Kisses ? reluctant, and badly in need of toothpaste and ?brush.
BJ ? covered, despite the ad, and my explicit request of BBBJ.
During our session, her cellphone rang every 5 minutes. Very satisfying.
$ 300,- for an hour. Okay, 65 minutes.
In BA she would never get more than 200 pesos (USD 70,-).
Afterthought ? maybe it?s better the bad breath has been kept away from my dick?..
I deliberately sampled the high end of the marked, because 2 days are very little time to explore, and last but not least because my main information source, this forum, is close to useless these days because of it?s technical problems. My impression was, what you get is what you see but just not worth the money, and the discrepancy between advertisement and delivery would bring the owner of any other business in most countries directly into jail. I have however to admit, that my expectations were high ? see my post in the Guadalajara section.
Some comments comparing Mexico City and Buenos Aires. Please no flame war of the sort ?If you like it down there so much, why you even bother going to Mexico?, I only compare personal experiences and information found in this board.
I had the impression, that the girls I met in Mexico where very busy. When I called Guliana, around 8:00, she told me that she would not be available until after 10 due to another appointment. And Auri told somebody in my presence (no, not while f**king me), to call her back in half an hour. Seems, they get several clients a day. In Buenos Aires, most chicas are happy to average one pop a day. This observation is further supported by the fact that there seem to be ten times as many internet escort sites in BA than MX, and the MX girls are often found on more than one site (ok, also true in BA). It looks like these girls make a LOT of money in Mexico, 5 to ten times what they could at home. And, as this is a seller?s market, they get away the way they do it.
BA on the other side is a buyer?s market, and that always makes the providers creative to get there share of business, and keeps prices within limit.
Mexico is a beautiful country, and Mexico City is a fascinating place, but I would not consider it a first rate mongering destination. There are much better ones on this planet.
One tiny bit more of info: Generic Vitamin V is not available at the pharamcy chain that sells Mexican made, generic pharmaceuticals at discount prices. When I asked the girl behind the counter for Sildenafil it earned me a broad grin, but she regretted not to be able to help me.
Be safe, and have fun
El Alemán
best to answer her, that this would be just wonderful, as she would then get 3 times as many dólares for the pesos you pay her, she could start immediately to charge only 1/3 of her price.....
El Aléman
Yes, thats right I just got here.
And the first thing I´d like to report is one of my all time favorites ¨Fabiana¨phone is not ringing, she has it turned off.
This is whorable as Ive been dreaming about Fucking her since I left 3 months ago. More to report latter.
Jaimito Cartero
02-28-05, 19:37
Hey a girl in argentina just told me that argentinas external debit was just pay off , so I imagine the argentian pesos will rise back up to what is was 1 peso for 1 US dolare.
Any body care to elaborate on that.
They may have written it off, but they certainly haven't paid it off!
Jaimito Cartero
02-28-05, 19:38
Yes, thats right I just got here.
And the first thing I´d like to report is one of my all time favorites ¨Fabiana¨phone is not ringing, she has it turned off.
This is whorable as Ive been dreaming about Fucking her since I left 3 months ago. More to report latter.
The ones you can't have are always the ones that hurt the worst! I'm sure you'll survive though. You can see how the ball washer is doing (if she isn't 100% strung out), or visit the triangle for some comfort.
Finally got in touch with Fabiana.
She´s out in the Provincia with a sick Mother. We have an appointment to Fuck tomorrow morning at 10:00 am.
Got my Dick Pill´s this afternoon and am headed to the Triangle after dinner with a very gooid friend whom will remain nameless.
Who I´d really like to hook with in the Triangle tonight is Rosey in Catto´s. She´s had good reviews from both DickHead & the Mouse. Ive promised her on more than one occation we´d Fuck but it just hasn´t happened yet. Last time I saw her she asked ¨Why you never go with me¨, so maybe tonights the night.
Unless Carolina Fuck´s it up for me. The Tramp.
More to report later
Exon The **** Muffin, he, he, he
Daddy Rulz
02-28-05, 21:52
My buddy fucked her (rosie) and he reports that he fell asleep with his dick in her mouth and when he woke up it still was. He's not sure if she kept it up all night, or just woke up before he did and started without him. Gotta love a woman that doesn't feel comfortable without a dick in her mouth.
02-28-05, 22:08
So yesterday was my first day back in BA. I started the night by going to Madahos. It was absolutely dead. As in there wasn't anyone there but me and the people that work there. It was a little early but I've been there earlier and there have always been at least a few girls. Lucky and didn't pay the entrance and just had a look around. The girl in front said to come back later. I left. I walked down to the triangle. Cattos had a decent compliment of girls but none that worked that well for me. Hook's was dead as well. There was one girl there talking to one guy. Would have gone back to Cattos and made due, but the 2 hours of sleep that day caught up to me and I decided to make Sunday a day of rest.
I went to Suipacha 921 today. There was a decent selection of 5 girls. I chose Nicole. Tall, thin, blonde and 21 years old. She worked. My only regret was that I wished I spoke better Spanish since some of the things she suggested sounded pretty good but I just couldn't understand. She's all covered, no BBBJ. She also gave a pretty good message after the act. She's no CMT but a lot better than most girls. $100 for an hour, $75 for half and hour.
Off to Madaho's again tonight. I have low expectations. I couldn't get any girl for less than 300 pesos last time and don't expect to do better this time. But I go at least once each trip for old times sake.
El Alemán!
Your comparative cross-post reminded me of a very valid point our jefe has been mentioning all along. There is no correlation between the price paid and the satisfaction obtained when it comes to choosing chicas.
So as to not get too off topic, see this post of mine ( in D.F. Board.
Thanks for the thoughtful comparison.
One Tree Hill
03-01-05, 04:51
Finally got in touch with Fabiana.
She´s out in the Provincia with a sick Mother. We have an appointment to Fuck tomorrow morning at 10:00 am.
Got my Dick Pill´s this afternoon and am headed to the Triangle after dinner with a very gooid friend whom will remain nameless.
Who I´d really like to hook with in the Triangle tonight is Rosey in Catto´s. She´s had good reviews from both DickHead & the Mouse. Ive promised her on more than one occation we´d Fuck but it just hasn´t happened yet. Last time I saw her she asked ¨Why you never go with me¨, so maybe tonights the night.
Unless Carolina Fuck´s it up for me. The Tramp.
More to report later
Exon The **** Muffin, he, he, he
I believe you are refering to Rosie Maria, a small fake blonde with short hair. If so she is very sweet and a great in the sack. I had the pleasure of "knowing" her back last November. I took some good pics and posted a few (sans face) - see 12/03/04 postings. Enjoy!
thanks for your comment, and I read your post you linked. Yes, I am very aware of that fact that price and final satisfaction are unlinked, anyway, one may hope...
As I wrote, I deliberately sampled the high end of the market, and my impression is, from checking the DF escort web sites (in some of them, for example preciosas, many girls quote prices) it is mainly looks and youth that drives price up. Also, I was cut off my main information source - the forum was more or less inoperable through the last couple of weeks. Next time I am in México, D.F., I will probably try internet girls that do quote, and in a range that sounds much more reasonable to me, i.e. between M$P 800 and 1500.
Anyway, this was not a mongering trip per se, I would never do one to Mexico, This country does not sound that promising according to the available sources that it would justify a 10 hrs flight away from the Frankfurt area. On the other hand, when I am travelling for other reasons, I like to try the local talent.
Another thought, concerning Argentinean chicas working in Mexico. They might be a very negative selection of what is available from Argentina: greedy, hardened pro's, that think their pussy is of solid gold, but not pretty enough to sell it in Black. So, they travel to places where local customs are more to their favour, and that means closer to the barbed wire surrounding Sex Prison.
And, Interesting, during all my 5 days in Mexico (the country, Mexico city and Guadalajara) I did not find anything that resembles the GFE so common in BA.
El Alemán
03-01-05, 20:33
First a question. Since there are threads for most places now, should we break our reports into little reports for each thread or just have one solid long one here?
Anyways, I toured the circuit last night. Started at Madahos. Check for the Madahos thread for more details. Ended up with nothing in hand. I've finally accepted the 300 pesos price but none of the girls were worth it. Entrance is 30 pesos with one drink.
Headed out to New Port. New Port is more a late late night hail mary desparation stop for me and not surprisingly it wasn't that good since it was only about 1;30 or so. Entrace is nothing, so why not go in and have a look.
Headed out to Affaire. There were some pretty doable girls there, but most were on their way out. I finally settled down with negoitations with this tall thin morena. She asked for 300 pesos. I said no no no, too much and countered with 200 pesos. She said OK. This is high for Affaire since I used to get them down to 100-150 pesos. The deal was broken when she said no BBBJ. I politely declined and headed out to the triangle. 20 pesos for 2 drinks.
Stopped by Hooks. Had a look. Plenty of girls, but none my type. Walked the 5 feet or so to Cattos and notice this one brunette that would do the trick. Sat down for a drink and she comes over. We chat and get into negoitations. She wan'ts 250 pesos. I counter with 200 pesos and she says OK. I ask for BBBJ and she says no. I said I need it. She relents. I pay the tab and we leave. She was really good. Camera friendly both before, during and after. She asked me to email her copies. I guess her reluctance to do BBBJ ended once she step into my room since she even did CIM and lingered after completion. 200 pesos for the girl and 37 pesos for my drink and the lady's. It used to be 20 or 25 for both. Inflation. While she went to change I turned around in my seat and there was Rosa Marie from my last trip. I would have picked her but she wan´t there when I sat down. She asked me to come back for her tonight. I said yes. Is it bad form if I don't since I'm thinking about Nuevo Estilo instead?
I've been in BA for almost 2 weeks now. My mongering has been a bit sporadic. The first week I was here, I hung out with Toronto. We hit Newport, Madahos, Affaire Recoleta, The Triangle, Rio Cabana and Sadoma.
So far I pulled out 3 girls from Madahos, one twice and 1 from Affaire Recoleta that looks like a early twenties version of Sara Jessica Parker and 1 from Hook. As Toronto mentioned on his report, had a negative experience at Cattos.
Tried Sante Fe 1707 and found a really nice girl by the name of Luciana, who told me she was 28 and was a bartender in a regular bar only 10 days prior. She was very GFE. Although not as beautiful as some of the club girls, she was very sweet and very good. She allowed me to finish in her mouth, which was a pleasant suprise. I visited this place 2 last year, but on this trip did not recognize any of the girls from my past visits. Total cost this visit was $100 peso for an hour plus I gave Luciana a $40 peso porpina(sic)/tip for BBBJ and because she let finish in her mouth. It seem inflation has not hit this apartment yet.
I've also seen 5 internet girls. Most of them I saw the first week I was here and quickly realized, just like my first trip, that the internet girls are a crapshoot. Half are as good looking as there photos, half are not. Some give great service and some don't. There just is too much variables with the internet girls.
My suggestion to anyone visiting BA for the first time is, forget the internet girls unless they come highly recommended by someone on the forum. Spend the day sightseeing and if you get horny, stop off at a known and reviewed apartment or stop off at one of the cafes. At night head off to one or a several of the clubs and find someone that works for you.
Sorry Board Ive Been So Busy I Havent Had Time To Post.
After arriving early monday morning I checked into a Hotel waiting one day for my apartment to be come avilable.
As I posted earlier Fabiana was not available due to sickness in the Familly. So my next best shot was Rosey at Catto´s whom had been highly recomended by DickHead & The Mouse. So after dinner it was off to Catto´s with a breif stop at Cafe Excedra to find & review the talent.
There was one very good prospect which I´ll review latter, But it was on to Catto´s with a very good possibilty of runing into Carolina whom Ive sworn I would not screw again several times on this board.
Apon arriving I made a Quick inventory of the floor and did not see Rosey. Not seeing her I asked the floor man about her, he said ¨no¨ an in an instant out of no where produced Carolina for me.
Well their I was having saved my Sperm, Carolina was working on my Dick right in front of the Bartender. Well of course the resuat was perdictable, Carolina was back in my room after one drink.
We started off with Carolina sitting in a chair spread eagle and myself sitting on the edge of the bed in the exact possition to hit a home run with my Dick.
It was fun watching Carolina & I working my Cock inside of Her.
Since I was tired from the trip I wanted to make it an early night. So after finishing up on the bed with a combination BBBJ & Hand Job and a bunch of AMOR´s and promises to see each other soon I walked her back to her car and paid for the parking.
Just as promised the phone rang at 10:00 am the next morning with Fabiana on the other end. She was in my room in 30 minutes. I had wood from time the phone rang till she knocked on the door.
We finished up round one with our well rehursted over the years, missionary possition with Fabiana´s last second hand job and my load shooting all over belly & tits. Perfecto
It wasn´t long before I had wood again and round two commenced. But this time it was long and slow. We fucked & fucked until I knew that three or for more stroke´s would finish me off.
This is where Sperm Management comes into play. I knew if I shot that second load I´d be spent for the day. Well being a seasoned Monger I saved that load. It will be used this afternoon after her English lession.
My point being in all this is good Sperm Management will ensure that the Monger will not be washed out all day and he can enjoy the beautiful city of Byenos Aires.
More Latter
Mongering Tip´s By
03-02-05, 18:34
Last night I meet up with L Duke and friend. After dinner we stopped by New Port. His friend quickly hooked up with a cutie and set up. L Duke and I headed to Madaho's. Surprisingly the doorman did me the honor of not charging me entrance. Of course I did buy a drink which costs the same, it's just a courtesy. I guess coming here for years still has it's minor perks.
There must be something about me that tells the girls to ask for a lot. I was one of the guys a year ago who couldn't get the girls to go lower than 300 pesos. Last night I couldn't get a girl to go lower than 450 pesos. I decided she was worth 300 and was willing to pay that, but no way am I going to pay 450 for an hour. I must be picking the wrong ones.
I stopped by New Port hoping to pick up someone else. She started at 300 pesos but quickly settled down to 200 pesos. That's when the problems started. She then said she needed 10 pesos for cab fare too. OK. We talk a little more. She then said she needed 10 pesos for the doorman. Uhh.. OK. We talk a little more. She then says she had some drinks before I came and she needs to be reimbursed for that too. No way. I just said forget it and walked away.
Headed over to Affaire. After fighting off the standard 4 or 5 hideous ones that cling to me everytime. I settled on Andrea. The night was getting late and I was getting desparate. She's attractive. About 27, long black hair with a decent chest. She asked for 250 pesos. I countered with 200. She accepted. I said that the BJ had to be uncovered. She said no. I said 150 pesos then. If you have to pay more for a BBBJ, I figure I should pay less for a CBJ. She thought about it and said yes. She was OK. She did everything I asked, but she wasn't very warm. There was no spark. 150 pesos for the hour, 20 pesos to get in and 30 pesos for her drink.
I broke my embargo with Santa Fe 1707 today. Sorry Jackson. I chose Sol solely because she's been mentioned on this board. She was good. $100 for the hour and $30 propina for BBBJ, no CIM though. I give her points because she was a BBBJ machine. Most girls konk out after 15 minutes or so, some after 2 minutes. She was a trooper and didn't let up until I asked her too.
Who wants to get together for a couple of beers and share war stories. I have found BA is another gold mine like Rio is. This is my third trip since Decemeber and I am still exploring the city. So where do the mongers hang out and exchange info. I know in Rio it is at Meia Pataca and Mabs but I am haven't found the place in BA yet. First round is on me. Any takers?
I won't be there for another 10 days, but Cafe Orleans is a spot to meet other mongers during the afternoon, eye the talent and head off to to Horizonte with a chica.
Fifteen of us Mongers & dates met for dinner at a very pricy restraunt in Recoleta.
The bill for dinner with tip was $2,000 peso´s so you know it must have been something.
Famous people were in attendance, MoonDog, Capt Dave, Roxana & the most famous Adrania, the web mistress from Escorts Argentina. Eat your hearts out Mongers.
For desert some of went to the triangle with a breif stop at Excedra first.
Yes thats right Mongers Exon is a softy.
Ive been Fucking Fabiana for over two and a half years now so I thought I´d give something back.
Seams she´s 29 years old and has always lived at home in the Provincia with her family. This would included her Mom & Dad, her older Married sister & her husband & their two kid´s all under the same roof.
Anyway the place is a tiny studio down near Cafe Orleans and hasn´t seen new paint in thirty years.
The paint is bought, we got a bid for labor and the come binded invoice comes two $250 US dollars. Less than an internet hooker in the USA.
Think I´ll get a Girl Friend Experience ?, he, he, he
Carolina behaved so well the other night Im thinking of doing her again.
Yes thats right Mongers, Exon´s a dumby
So Im thinking about taking her out to dinner first, then taking her home and Fucking her.
P.S. But tonight my target is Rosa Marie of Catto´s unless I run into Patrica of Cafe Excedra first. Sicko Exon, glad DickHead´s out of town so I don´t have to hear about it.
Mickey Mouse
03-04-05, 01:34
Screw DH, You are going to hear about this from ME!!! You are F...'n NUTS to spend your time with her instead of .... and .... and ...., the only thing that woman does for you is take advantage of "You, and Your Generosity".
OK, so what makes Carolina different from the "Others"? HhhMmmmm, she has your number!
Time for another trip,
03-04-05, 01:41
Made a "date" with Brinni, 4588-0778. She was listed on Platynum not too long ago but the Brinni on Platynum today is not the same girl. (And thus my recommendation that we always include phone numbers for identification purposes.)
I called her about 3:30 and we made the date for 8:00pm. About 5:30 she called and said that she was sick and would I like to see her friend (Celeste, I think, and also on Platynum according to Brinni). Of course I refused. It was just a form of bait-n-switch as far as I was concerned.
Who knows, maybe she did get sick all of a sudden. I am just reporting my experience.
Jaimito Cartero
03-04-05, 01:56
Exon will be paying her rent before the month is out!
03-04-05, 02:13
Saw Caty, 15-5749-4859, Platynum, recently for two hours. 150 pesos for the first hour and another 150 pesos for the second hour plus 10 pesos cab fare. I'd guess she is between 22 and 25. No English, but she seemed to be aiming to please. (Note that I don't ask for anything unusual.) I speak just a little Spanish, I don't know how the session might have gone if I didn't speak a word of Spanish.
A little obvious acting at first, but then she seemed to relax and allowed herself to have a good time. (Or, maybe her acting just improved.)
Body and face are not perfect but both are more than adequate. If you want numbers I'd give both 7-8 out of 10. Small, but real, tatas. Attitude 9+. Fairly tight puss. Did not ask for money up front.
One complaint - she has wiry body hair which she shaves but apparently had not shaved recently enough. So the inside of her thighs were like sandpaper.
I'll be there 3/11 so if anyone would like to meet up that would be great. Can't have enough wingmen! Also looking for an Iguassu roadtrip so a wingman for that would be cool too.
Did you buy another open ended ticket this time? Just wondering if you learned your lesson.
Exon, if you're planning on doing Rosie from Cattos, how are you going to get by Carolina, who is sure to horn in on you as soon as you set foot inside the door?
Sounds like you need to review "Chica Management 101", which dictates that you enlist a fellow monger to intercept and remove Carolina from the target area before you arrive on site for your assault on Rosie.
You should enlist the assistance of a fellow monger to assist you in this important Chica Management task.
Will be returning to Buenos Aires next Wednesday if anyone wants to hook up a couple of times for drinks and chica hunting. It's been two months being held here in sex prision.
Fifteen of us Mongers & dates met for dinner at a very pricy restraunt in Recoleta.
The bill for dinner with tip was $2,000 peso´s so you know it must have been something.
Famous people were in attendance, MoonDog, Capt Dave, Roxana & the most famous Adrania, the web mistress from Escorts Argentina. Eat your hearts out Mongers.
For desert some of went to the triangle with a breif stop at Excedra first.
Don't forget Surfer, LDuke, Otto Graham, and a few others. It was a great time, and it was great seeing and meeting everybody. I stopped by Madahos first after dinner before hooking up with you at the Triangle, but the menu was so bad, I had to pass. More on that in the Madahos section.
Enjoy the life,
03-04-05, 22:33
After practicing sperm management at Suipacha 921 yesterday afternoon, another forum member and I headed over to Solid Gold last night just to pass the time until Madaho's got swinging. There haven't been a lot, any?, reports about this place in years. We asked if we could have a look first before paying. The doorman said yes. My first impression as I walked in was ¨FUCK!!! There are a lot of girls here!!¨. The place is smallish and has been totally redone since the last time I was here years ago. It's much nicer now. There are definitely a few doable girls in here. We got a table and got our drinks. The setup is kind of bad for eyeing the girls since most of them just sit and don't parade around. Some of them do though. One thing, as guys come in they chase the girls away from the seats. The girls then go upstairs to the bar up there. When we got there, the room was full of girls. When we left, the room was full of guys. The impression you get when you walk in then is that there aren´t any girls here. Just go upstairs and they'll be there. The management should really change this. Anyways we talked to a 20 year old Russian girl there. She speaks pretty close to perfect English since she lived in New York for 5 years. I bought here a drink so that she could sit and talk with us. I'm under the impression you have to buy the girl a drink before negoitiations, but I'm not sure. She wanted 300 pesos. I countered with 200 pesos but she said no. A little later she said 250 would be OK. The deal breaker for me was that she wasn't willing to go back to my hotel, she wanted to go the transitourio on the corner. There was an inkling that she was going to expensive when she said that guys pay here $50 and $100 just to watch her dance. She was cute, but not that cute. Supposedly a natural blonde dyed brunette with blonde highlights. Petite but well proportioned. 30 to get in with 2 drinks. 30 to negoitiate, I'm not sure about this, and another 30 to leave. You have to buy two drinks for the bar fine.
We left and walked next door to Madaho's. I decided that tonight was going to be the night I would pull a Madaho's girl since haven't all week. The place was jammed. More guys than girls to my eye. At least I didn't get any 450 peso prices. I got prices from 3 girls and they all said 300. The problem was that 2 of them said no to BBBJ. The one I took said ¨no problema¨. More on that later. I picked Mara at about 3 or 3:30 or so in the morning. It was getting late, I was getting desparate. I should have just left and went for a hail mary at New Port in hindsite. Mara only had two redemming assets. They turned out to be natural if a bit saggy. I clearly confirmed BBBJ twice before leaving the club. When we got back to my hotel, the first thing she asked was for a condom. I said that weren't we going to start BBBJ first. She did it for about 10 seconds before asking for the condom. I should have just kicked her then. But I stupidly agreed to the condom for the rest of the BBBJ. After that I tried taking advantage of her two big assets. What followed was a litany of ¨You come.¨ and ¨You come now.¨ every minute or so. I finally said ¨no mas¨ and asked her to leave. I did give her 200 pesos instead of the agreed 300. She just said OK. Part of me thinks I should have given her less, but she was in my room for an half an hour or so before I kicked her and felt she deserved compensation for that. The takeaway. AVOID MARA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe 5 feet 2 inches. Long blond hair. OK face. Not especially fat nor thin. Huge tits.
To make up for it I found relief with Sol again at Santa Fe this afternoon. There was a girl there named Barbara. Jackson, is she any good? Just kidding. She stopped entering the room when she recognized me. We had our own problems as chronicled on this board.
Jaimito Cartero
03-05-05, 00:10
She did it for about 10 seconds before asking for the condom. I should have just kicked her then. But I stupidly agreed to the condom for the rest of the BBBJ.
Yeah, it's tough sometimes, but you have to know when to cut your losses. I've had this happen in Thailand before (with a twosome). I very clearly asked about BBBJ and then they failed to deliver other than a few "lollipop" licks, which doesn't cut the mustard.
You just have to kick them out, and give them taxi money, or whatever you feel they were worth. Personally, 100 pesos would have been my upper limit in your situation.
03-05-05, 02:35
Cari (on Platynum and at least one other site as of January) speaks good English so I was able to set up an appointment on my own over the phone. She asked for 200 pesos for the first hour and another 100 pesos for an optional 2nd hour. She's received a good review by Punter127. The date was setup over 24 hours in advance. I waited 45 minutes but she never showed. And never called.
The painters are in Fabiana apartment so I thought I'd take a break.
Another confession to the board, I bought her some Furniture too.
Well she had nothing in their except a bed so I thought I'd help her fill the place up a bit. But it was cheap Furniture so that makes me feal better about doing it.
As for my friend Hunt 99's comments. Carolina only works Sunday, Monday & Tuesday'. The rest of the time she's a Republican. So I thought I'd jump Rosa Maire on her night off. But Ive been having trouble finding her.
Anyway the Mouse is right I should stay way fron Carolina.
I called her yesterday on her cell phone. " Carloina, its Exon", Carolina quote, "Carolina on vacation Coasta Atlantca, No se till Domigo", click, she hung up on me. The Tramp ****.
Got to go get Cambio to pay Fabiana's painters
Punter 127
03-05-05, 19:47
Cari (on Platynum and at least one other site as of January) speaks good English so I was able to set up an appointment on my own over the phone. She asked for 200 pesos for the first hour and another 100 pesos for an optional 2nd hour. She's received a good review by Punter127. The date was setup over 24 hours in advance. I waited 45 minutes but she never showed. And never called.
Other mongers have given Cari good reviews; (who I shall not name RTFF) I’m wondering why you only mentioned my post??? I talked to Cari recently, and found out some Dumb Ass told her I posted her photos, she was not happy, nor am I !!!
Punter 127
So I am in centro and decided to stop in the Orleans and see what was working. I have got to say what the hell is going on. Only 10 girls there and only 3 that I would do. They are now quoting US prices. All three of them wanted 100 USD. I asked them for how many days? They started to laugh and told me that is for one hour. I told one of the girls that they are asking too much. She told me thats what the market was demanding. Mind you I speak perfect Spanish and they are thinking I must be desperate. I told her that I just got back from Rio two weeks ago and can get for 100 USD an all nighter. She started to laugh. I paid my bill and left. Damn stupid tourist that piss away money like its nothing have spoiled it for the average joe like me. I always have better luck with room service.
Mack, do you know what the greatest insult to a WSG'er is?
The answer is "$100 U.S. Dollars"!!!! This, my friend, can not stand.
These chicas probably have no idea that you have the full weight of this forum behind you. Here's my suggestion:
Simply wave one of them over to your table, or simply walk to their table. Start a conversation for a few minutes, not mentioning anything about the price. Once you decide there is chemistry and you want to do the deed, then YOU tell them how much you want to give very casually. A fair price would be AR$150 for most chicas, and all but a few should be O.K. with AR$200.
They may ASK for $100U.S., but I doubt there are many takers.
Simply wave one of them over to your table, or simply walk to their table. Start a conversation for a few minutes, not mentioning anything about the price. Once you decide there is chemistry and you want to do the deed, then YOU tell them how much you want to give very casually. A fair price would be AR$150 for most chicas, and all but a few should be O.K. with AR$200.
You can take it once step further, and not even discuss price. If there is chemistry, take her home and make her salary performance based. If the performance is minimal and not up to your standards, then pay her less than AR$200. If it is what you expected and you are satisfied, AR$200 should be fine. If she rocks your world, stays for multiple pops, then increase her salary accordingly. All of this is plus taxi.
Some of them will throw out a number to you at the cafe, and you can either agree or not.
The most fun times and lasting friendships have been when money has never been mentioned. Let her performance be the determining factor.
The nicknames and handles used here of the posters on the various boards. Some may be familiar to you, and some may not. I did this to make it easier to follow.
What started out to be plans for a small dinner between friends in BA quickly grew into a great time between a lot of friends old and new. Sometimes these events take on a life of their own, and this is what happened over two days in BA.
About a week before departure to BA, Exon 123 and Captain Dave and I had been talking about a small dinner get together on the night of arrival. Exon was already in BA enjoying the many fruits on the tree, and would let me know the dinner arrangements upon my arrival. Captain Dave was to arrive a day before me. Two days before departure, Surfer sent me an email, saying he had an opportunity to go to BA, and asked if I was going anytime soon. Talk about good timing, it worked out perfectly, and after some last minute arrangements for his residence while in BA, we headed out together from Miami.
The plan was to meet Exon 123 and others at Café Orleans at 2:00, and after an uneventful flight down, that is what happened. Along the way, some of my co-workers expressed interest in the dinner as well, and this small get together started growing. After arrival, a phone call was made to Roxana to confirm her presence that night, and she gave me Otto Graham’s phone number, as he was making the dinner arrangements. Surfer and I met at Orleans, a call to Otto was placed, and that found he and Exon were having lunch just up the street from Orleans, so they joined us shortly thereafter. My girl joined us shortly thereafter, and we had a nice group of friends. I told Otto that we would probably have about 14 or more at dinner. It was better to have more places set than not enough. Surfer slipped me a pack of Vitamin V, and my girl started to laugh and said, “You do not need these pills.” I told her that maybe I would try one anyway.
After a short visit at Orleans, my girl and I left Surfer in good hands with Exon and Otto, and we went our own way. My girl had just a short time in the afternoon, and after showing her the new phone that I had bought her, and a nice round between us, she left to pick up her son. It was now about 5:00 p.m., and I was not to meet anyone for dinner until about 8:30, so decided to head to Café Exedra for a beer. Upon arrival at the Café, I ran into L Duke and Dr. Love. After inviting them to dinner, and with Exedra being a bit dead at the time, we decided to head to Jaz and Cuttysark, a few blocks away. Jaz was dead, but Cuttysark was lively, with about 7-8 girls. We stopped for a few beers, and shortly thereafter we were all attacked by the sharks that are devoted to sucking out drinks from unsuspecting customers. Shortly after waving them off, I motioned for another girl to come over. She was nice, but after buying her a drink and talking for a while, the chemistry was just not there. Bidding her adios, the three of us just enjoyed the scenery for a while, with a few girls joining L Duke and Dr. Love. Just then a very cute girl walked by talking on her phone. After she finished her call, I walked over to introduce myself and asked if she could join me. After one drink, we both agreed to leave for a short time hotel, Horizonte, just down the street. She was a great performer, had a very nice body, but would not allow photos of her cute face. So what is shown is the best I could do under the circumstances (photos below). I made it back to the hotel by 8:00, took a quick shower, and walked into the hotel lobby just as Adriana, the web mistress, was walking in for our 8:30 meeting.
A co-worker joined Adriana and I for a drink, and then the three of us headed out for a restaurant in Recoleta. None of us had been to the restaurant before, and I have forgotten the name of it, but it is located at 1661 Vincente Lopez in Recoleta. After proceeding down a long passageway, the entrance to the restaurant is to the right and up a series of steps. There was a beautiful table set for us, and before long, the entire party arrived. Along with myself and my girl and my co-worker, those in attendance included Adriana, JustGotBack, L Duke, Roxana, Surfer, Otto Graham and two girls, Exon 123, Captain Dave and Ana, and one other monger who’s handle escapes me right now. A good time was had by all.
As dinner came to a close, everybody’s paths took a different direction. My co-worker, along with L Duke and JustGotBack, headed to Madahos. My girl had to get up early, and as it was now about 1:00 a.m. I put her in a taxi and joined the others at Madahos. A lot has been written about this place, and many good times have been had with the ladies there, but not tonight. The arrogance was thick tonight, and out of about 100 girls, I had no intention of being with any of them. One was promising me the moon with no money involved, and that seemed like a warning sign. We all left alone from Madahos, as none of us wanted to put up with the arrogance. A few weeks ago, Black was even better, as the girls were much nicer. This may have been an off night, and I hope it does not stay that way, as Madahos has always been a lot of fun. The others went their own way, and after taking a quick look in Sodoma, I headed to the Triangle to join Surfer and Exon. They were not in Cattos, so a quick look into Hook found them in the company of some very nice girls(What else is new?) After a few more beers in the company of a very active and friendly blonde girl, I said, “Let’s go.” Without hesitation she left to go change, and came back in her “come fuck me jeans.” Love these girls in their tight jeans. She was non-stop in the taxi, elevator, and back in the room, she tore me apart. If you go to Hook, you will find her. She is a very active blonde, very friendly, and a dynamite performer.
The next day, I joined Surfer, Exon, and Captain Dave for lunch in one of the outdoor cafes next to Newport. Otto Graham and one of his girls joined us, and my girl joined me later. After a short time, my girl and I left to go watch a movie that I brought for her. In the room, as she was in the bathroom, on the advice of Surfer, I popped another Vitamin V, but did not tell her. The movie started, we watched about 5 minutes, and I closed the lid on the computer and we took care of each other. Then halfway through the movie, she got up briefly, came back to bed, and saw me sporting wood again, and told her to look what she did to me. She said it was the pill, not her. I countered that the V had worn off from yesterday, and that it was all her. She snuggled up. Thanks for the tip Surfer.
It was a great two days in BA, and it was great to see and hang out with good friends. Here is to the next time gentlemen.
Enjoy the life,
p.s. Jackson, you missed a good one. Sorry you were not there.
Young & Restless
03-06-05, 17:40
I know that leather shops are abundant in Argentina, but I would like to know if anybody can recommend a particular shop they know that has good leather jackets. It does not have to be the crème de la crème of BsAs, but I am interested in a quality store. Also, what kind of prices would I be looking at if I just walked in and bought one, or if I had to have one custom made.
Thanks in advance,
Y & R
I know that leather shops are abundant in Argentina, but I would like to know if anybody can recommend a particular shop they know that has good leather jackets. It does not have to be the crème de la crème of BsAs, but I am interested in a quality store. Also, what kind of prices would I be looking at if I just walked in and bought one, or if I had to have one custom made.
Thanks in advance,
Y & R
Y & R,
I've used the Leather Factory for years. The address is Florida 670, store #30. It is located close to the intersection of Florida and Via Monte, and the store is located in a U shaped mall, in the back right corner as you walk back. They will make anything you want and have it ready for you later in the day if you get there early enough.
The telephone is: 4393-7872, and they are open every day from 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Prices vary acording to the complexity and material used. The price is the same whether you buy it off the rack or have it made so long as it is the same. The nice part of making it special for you is that you can decide where the pockets should go, what style of belt loops if any, how long is the jacket, etc.
Young & Restless
03-06-05, 18:28
Y & R,
I've used the Leather Factory for years. The address is Florida 670, store #30. It is located close to the intersection of Florida and Via Monte, and the store is located in a U shaped mall, in the back right corner as you walk back. They will make anything you want and have it ready for you later in the day if you get there early enough.
The telephone is: 4393-7872, and they are open every day from 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Prices vary acording to the complexity and material used. The price is the same whether you buy it off the rack or have it made so long as it is the same. The nice part of making it special for you is that you can decide where the pockets should go, what style of belt loops if any, how long is the jacket, etc.
Thanks a million! I'll check out Leather Factory. Can you give me a roundabout price? I'm big-time new to BsAs, so just a very rough price will help me budget accordingly. Thanks again for the recommendation. I would much rather go somewhere recommended by a BsAs veteran.
Thanks again,
Y & R
The price will vary on what you have made and the material used. Plan on 100 U.S. plus or minus a bit for differences in material and design. Some are a lot more, some are less, just like chicas. :)
Young & Restless
03-06-05, 18:37
Nice analogy (hehehe)! Thanks again!
Y & R
The price will vary on what you have made and the material used. Plan on 100 U.S. plus or minus a bit for differences in material and design. Some are a lot more, some are less, just like chicas. :)
03-06-05, 21:39
I'm back home and tired. Had some good times, had some bad times but such is life. You know when it's mostly good when you land and your first thought is how much it sucks to be home. I never made it to a few places I wanted to check out. Sadly I'll probably go to Brasil and forego BA for the foreseeable future. The quality in BA is down while the prices and attitudes are up. The girls in Brasil are younger, hotter, friendlier and cheaper. I always find at least one 10 if not more in Brasil each trip but I didn't even see a girl in the clubs or apartments I would even consider an 8 on this trip to BA.
Do make a point of getting out of Recoleta. I had dinner in Palermo Holywood Friday night. The restaurants are much better there while costing the same if not less than Recoleta. They are crowded though. I had to look for an hour before being able to find a free table and that was by sure luck. After dinner I intended to go to Esilo Nuevo but the endless stream of really really hot girls made me changed my mind. I just followed them and ended up in Palermo Soho. The bars there and the streets were jammed. You quickly realize that the girls working in the clubs and apartments, while not the bottom of the barrel in terms of looks, are definitely not even close to the top tier. The regular non working girls you see are so much more better looking. This would be a good place to try picking up a regular girl if you are into that.
Well the painters are still at it at Fabiana's apartment.
If you are really looking for a GFE try having your Chica's apartment painted, (two tone by the way), and buying some furniture. Works amazing wonders.
Great pool party out at the Manson this afternoon.
If any of you have ever heard about the Twins they are just awsome. Just come Fuck Me cute as can be, no gorgeous is a better word. They were at the party and well worth the trip out to see them.
I passed as Im also in love with Giessel with the big Hooters and had a Massage with¨"Special Finish", her specialty.
The swimming pool looked liked the Play Boy Manson with all the Chica's in their two peice swim suits.
03-07-05, 02:53
Other mongers have given Cari good reviews; (who I shall not name RTFF) I’m wondering why you only mentioned my post??? I talked to Cari recently, and found out some Dumb Ass told her I posted her photos, she was not happy, nor am I !!!
Punter 127
I just happened to remember your positive review. I might have PMed you for some details about her. It certainly wasn't me who mentioned the photos. But I don't understand her anger. Her photos are posted on at least two Internet sites.
Yes, Yes, Yes those are the very same twins.
The problem with that picture is it does not do them justice. In real time life they are 50 times cuter.
The Mongers reading this should see them in their skimpy little two pice swim suits. And the cleavage, their build like little brick shit houses with great personalities, their Keepers.
The Poon hanging around the pool yesterday was as good as anyones going to find anywhere and what was really great about it, its was all on the program, he, he, he.
OK, anyway back to Carolina. So last night after dinner in Recoleta it was down to Excedra for desert & a glass of Port Wine. Knowing that Carolina was working Catto's and back from " Coasta Alantica " I thought I'd walk down and see her at her place of business. I walked in looking only for Carolina, searched the entire room not finding her. Not interested in anything in their I walked directly back outside and their she was standing in her street cloths.
Hola Carolina, I said thinking she was going home empty handed, it was a little late. No, the Fucking **** had a "John" a "Trick" another Fucking Monger holding a cab door open for her. She was going somewhere and Fuck this guy. I was Mortified, that Fucking **** would do this right in front of me. And the poor stupit bastard didn't even know he was wasting his money on the cab, She parks her car just down the street. At least I make her drive us in her car. Well Fuck Her.
Checked out the paint job this morning, Fabiana's apartment is looking really nice. A whole bunch of shit I bought her should be delieved this week so she'll be in good shape.
Here an example of the difference between Carolina & Fabiana. Fabiana doesn't escort anymore. She's got a job at the Casino as a Cocktail waitress. Carolina is just a common Prostitute as DickHead would call her.
Ok Mongers thats it for Today
Its early afternoon and theres nothing like a good massage and "Hand Finish". Theres no work involved, you just lie there and she'll Finish You Right Off. Theres three or four places down town I know of at 60 peso's, (thats $20 bucks), for half an hour.
Course if you want to go first class with a full hour its going to run you $100 peso's or ruffly $35 bucks
He, He, He
I'm back home and tired. Had some good times, had some bad times but such is life. You know when it's mostly good when you land and your first thought is how much it sucks to be home. I never made it to a few places I wanted to check out. Sadly I'll probably go to Brasil and forego BA for the foreseeable future. The quality in BA is down while the prices and attitudes are up. The girls in Brasil are younger, hotter, friendlier and cheaper. I always find at least one 10 if not more in Brasil each trip but I didn't even see a girl in the clubs or apartments I would even consider an 8 on this trip to BA.
Do make a point of getting out of Recoleta. I had dinner in Palermo Holywood Friday night. The restaurants are much better there while costing the same if not less than Recoleta. They are crowded though. I had to look for an hour before being able to find a free table and that was by sure luck. After dinner I intended to go to Esilo Nuevo but the endless stream of really really hot girls made me changed my mind. I just followed them and ended up in Palermo Soho. The bars there and the streets were jammed. You quickly realize that the girls working in the clubs and apartments, while not the bottom of the barrel in terms of looks, are definitely not even close to the top tier. The regular non working girls you see are so much more better looking. This would be a good place to try picking up a regular girl if you are into that.I have to agree with Justgotback. The scene in BA is different and not that many 9's and 10's that I am so use to seeing. I am not giving up even though this was my third trip to BA since December. I might just have to pursue a non-pro in BA. I mean the potential is there but not as easily to come by like in Brazil.
Don't get me wrong I did run into a 9 in Mahados and she said was from Cuba with a rack of DD's. The chemistry was there but once we got to the room she started acting a little different. She did give a great BBBJ and did various positions and in the end in K-9 with me shooting on her back. After that she got up and took a shower. Then when she came out the shower she was like I am leaving since you don't like me. I was like WTF? I told her she was free to leave and she started giving me a sob story that I didn't invite her stay the night and have breakfast with her. I told her she could stay but that just pissed her off even more. Damn I would have to say all that drama and she got nowhere with it.
Please excuse this Newbee Question, but I have read every word in the 2004 reports and can't find an answer.
On several websites they refer to Nievel VIP service. What does this mean?
Some also refer to A/A. I assume that this means backdoor action. Am I correct?
Sorry to bother you, but I am getting my sh*t together for a July-August trip to BA and making my "to do" lists, packing lists, etc. My "to do" lists are just to long and I need to cut them in half and then half again.
Thanks for your help and guidance. By the way if anyone needs something (legal items only please) brought from the USA the middle of July, send me a PM and I would be glad to bring it for you.
Yes, I finally got over there last night after checking the job at Fabiana's apartment. The guy's are doing a great job but I want it over with, there talking forever.
Finally got over to Paraguary 877 piso 1 apartment A, my second favorite apartment. The reason its my second favorite is Monica whom works day's at Cordoba 966 piso 7 apartment is my all time favorite. She's a shitty massuse but she gives the very best hand job in the world.
Anyway there was only one girl Paula the manager told me but I thought i'd take a chance, forgot the girls name. Absolutely great dry massage, I don't like all that oil all over me. Came time for the "Finish" I asked for some Lube. Not quite as good as Monica, but it was so good it took me 5 minutes to roll of the table.
And you know I'd forgoten its only 80 peso's for a full hour. I must have gotten mixed up over straight sex at Santa Fe 1707 which of course is $100 peso's per hour.
Exon p.S. Im headed over to see Monica in about 5 minutes
On several websites they refer to Nievel VIP service. What does this mean?This is Spanish for "costs more"
(Really it mean
s VIP level service, but I'll defend my first translation!)
Some also refer to A/A. I assume that this means backdoor action. Am I correct?You probably don't want to hear that this really means "air conditioned" - sorry!
BTW, Code word for anal is "servicio completo"
I'm sorry, I'm sorry ExonYea I know, you Tramp.
Dave is a terrific host and the twins, let's just say that I have never had so much fun in the laundry room.
Exon: That girl I took from Excedra my last night was the best performer of the trip. Deep throat with tonsil shots both that night and again in the morning. Julie is her name. No pictures (because I lost my Fing Camera in front of the Casa Rosada).
I DO regret missing out on Giselle's massage.
Exon: That girl I took from Excedra my last night was the best performer of the trip. Deep throat with tonsil shots both that night and again in the morning. Julie is her name.
Was the name Julia, with dark hair?
While OttoGraham was in town he took me to a club I'd never been to before.
Its called "Periplo Bar" address M. T. De Alvear 554. Its downtown near the Marriott Hotel.
It was sorta dead when Otto & I were there, but he told me that the day before we went he'd been in their there was some nice action and suggested I return another day.
Flash forward to last night. The Fucking painters were still in Fabiana's apartment finally "Finishing" up. I couldn't take it anymore so I told Fabiana I was going out for a couple for "Beefeaters".
As fate would have it fabiana's new apartment was just a block from "Periplo Bar" so what the Hell lets try it again.
Its a very nicely appointed place, all done in beautiful dark woods and brass, the place has class. I walk in and theres like 7 or 8 chica's and their smoke'n hotties. And thease are women not the little young chica's you find in places like Hook or some of the major clubs in Recoleta.
What really impressed me was they were all dressed as business women, some in business suits, not like you find in all the clubs where the girls dress to look like prostitutes, which of course they are.
They ranged from 7's to a 9 on the Exon scale and aged from late 20's to mid 30's, exon doesn't like the little young chica's in the early 20's.
Bottom line, for Mongers that like Class and what I'd consider VIP Level Women I'd recommed the place.
They were so classy I had to ask the Bartender " Regie" whom speaks great English if they were working as they seamed like business women stopping in for a drink on their way home from work. " Oh Se " he say's. They get the over flow from the Marriott hotel
Exon's going back and Fuck one of them.
Member #1164
03-10-05, 15:29
Can anyone tell me of a smoking hot blonde with nice tetas....PLEASE
Exon is right. This is a classy place, great for stopping by for a beer, and finding some nice companionship.
Hard to find one in BA you haven't known in the Biblicial sense LOL!
Exon: Get my email from Moondog. I tried calling you several times my last day in town (Monday) but never got through. The Julia MD refers to is the one I left with that night when you went to Cattos. Definitely a great performer and old enough for you (28).
I don't know if they have a bigger sign now (I was there 2 years ago) but it can be very hard to spot. I had to ask in the Marriott which is right across the street.
I went in about 3 times and it was always very quiet. About 2 to 5 women and maybe one other guy. I never saw anyone that interested me.
One Tree Hill
03-11-05, 00:26
Do you know the price structure?
Thanks in advance!
Hot To Cool
03-11-05, 10:16
"Not Recommended"
This place is located near Plaza San Martin. It advertises itself as a piano bar, but is just a place where chicas charge 30-50 AR per drink to sit with you. The customer´s drink is 10 AR however. Avoid, avoid. Go and loook for Dickhead´s Maria instead.
Hot To Cool
03-11-05, 14:32
When I was there last December, I found they started at 300 pesos but I finally agreed 200 with a very classy chick whose name escapes me. We went to the transitorio which is on the way to the Sheraton down a steepish street and which is apparently also owned by the new owners of Periplo.
Talking of transitorios, there is a good one called Kansas on Talcahuano and Cordoba which is happy to accept threesomes, unlike Horizonte behind Orleans.
Question for Jackson: Is it worth starting a thread on Transitorios?
Talking of transitorios, there is a good one called Kansas on Talcahuano and Cordoba which is happy to accept threesomes, unlike Horizonte behind Orleans.
Thanks for the info. I might have to include that in my guide.
Michelle was back at Excedra before his plane took off that night and was naked in my apartment not long after. I would have done the dupla with the friend from Florianopolis who was there at the dinner but never saw her again. Michelle said she was returning to Porto Allegre about the 23rd. Very sweet, affectionate, garota who looks much younger than she is (34).
Exon: Drop me a pm with your email sometime.
Was scouting around Cafe Excedra last night and just as I was leaving about 3:00 am I met Feranda. She was so interesting we were debating if she was a Transvistite, we all voted No.
No this is a Woman. I would have done her last night but I was using Sperm Management' plus the fact I'm heading for the pool party at the Manson with the very real possibility of a Hand Job from Gesiel at the party. I love a good Hand Job.
Plus little Ana's (our Remis driver) cousin needs furture re-view whom I met last weekend and I know by information and belief that the Twins will be there. Therefore by using Sperm Management I will have bullets to Shoot today.
Took Fabiana out yesterday to Paloma and bought 5 reproduction paintings for her apartment, $100 peso's. The place is shaping up very nicely. She is due in my apartment at 9:00 am tomorrow morninmg to perform. Orgasmo Por Mi.
If I can find fault with Buenos Aires its just that they have too many beautiful women and its just impossibile to get to know all and do all of them.
I'll be in town tomorrow through Wednesday unsupervised.
Be returning with my ensemble on Friday.
Anybody up for eating/drinking/cavorting between yesterday's mansion party and St. Patty's Day, let me know!
I am SO bummed I missed it. Dave's parties turn Sundays from the worst day of the week into one of the best.
About the same as last week but we had DickHead and his former Attorney in attendence.
The Twins were there again and as I understand it gave some preformences.
Member #1164
03-14-05, 15:40
I want to spend some time with a hot blonde with a nice rack.
Can anyone help me out please?
I was gonna call Bibiana, but alas she is no longer available.
03-14-05, 17:24
I found two busty young HOT blondes one night in February in Cocodrilos. Unfortunately their names escape me now and Cocodrilos can be very inconsistent on the quality scale. However, it's certainly worth a gander now and again.
I want to spend some time with a hot blonde with a nice rack.
Can anyone help me out please?
I was gonna call Bibiana, but alas she is no longer available.
I'm not sure the collar matches the cuffs, but you might consider
The Twins (
Can anyone tell me of a smoking hot blonde with nice tetas....PLEASE
Another option is to scan the WYSIWYG photos found on:
From my recent review you may find several different options suitable to your taste.
03-14-05, 21:25
I just wanted to say that I had the accidental pleasure of meeting the Attorney at the bar in Salome one late night in January. He's quite a guy, and totally on point with his view on politics I might add! (Jackson, if you can see my smiling face, this WINK's for you bud). The best part was that he offered to translate for me in the club. Now who'd of thought a high-powered legal expert would offer to facilitate negotiations for me on the other side of the freaking world- gratis!? Ah, BsAs is full of such irony and surprise. Services weren't availed though because as bad as my castellano is, flirting is still at least 50% of developing a connection which always heightens the experience and keeps me Happy.
About the same as last week but we had DickHead and his former Attorney in attendence.
One of my true Amor's is Maria Paula.
Just before leaving home for Argentina I shot off an e-mail to Maria Paula telling her I'd be in B.A.
She was at her home in Paraguay and didn't get it until a couple days ago when she returned to Buenos Aires. As fate would have it I checked my e-mail on my home computer and there she was.
Bottom line to the story she was Aque in my apartment this morning. Very, Very Good.
So good in fact I've had to move Fabiana's "Tee Off" time back 2 hours until 3:00 pm rather than 1:00pm.
I'm very happy for Maria for she tells me she has an off shore Amigo who's set her up with a bunch of creature comforts including a new home & a car, plus expense account. She's the kind of woman that really deserves this sort of thing.
So bottom line to the story, is girl from "Excedra" makes good and doesn't have to work period.
But She Likes Exon
After polishing off Maria Paula I met with Fabiana at the appointed time only to find out its her time of the month.
No pussy until the end of the week. "Rats"
But you know what, thats OK, cause I can find pussy all by myself here in Buenos Aires.
You see for less than a hundred dollars Ive found Im the most handsome, studly Monger in town. It must be my good looks.
One Tree Hill
03-15-05, 22:41
After polishing off Maria Paula I met with Fabiana at the appointed time only to find out its her time of the month.
No pussy until the end of the week. "Rats"
But you know what, thats OK, cause I can find pussy all by myself here in Buenos Aires.
You see for less than a hundred dollars Ive found Im the most handsome, studly Monger in town. It must be my good looks.
or perhaps your whit and charm! ;)
monger on my friend! I hope to be down within a week or so.
I don't think it's his whit, I think it's 'cause he's such a gud speler!
I get to engage in intercourse with Fabiana tomorrow, in the mean time were having lunch at 2:00 pm this afternoon.
My real problem is I've committed to Maria Paula for tonight, to take her to dinner. Then I probably have to fuck her. This in it self is OK, but I'm running out of Sperm.
As I've posted before, Sperm Management is a very essentual part of Mongering here in Buenos Aires. I've been shooting my bullets as fast or faster than I can make them, thus Im running out.
One must always have spare Sperm just incase he should meet that special Chica he may want to impress with a big load. The "FINISH" is very important to these girls, thus you need Sperm.
Newbies should take notice and pace them self's with good Sperm Management then they can last like that rabbit that sells battery's, it keeps going & going & going. Get The Idea !.
Its Impossible to think this way in Sex Prison in the good old USA, but very important here in B.A.
Daddy Rulz
03-17-05, 05:40
If your all fucked out but have a need to bang that one hottie you were afraid of missing and can't finish they will be very unhappy. It's amazing the amount of pride some of these chicas take in their work.
One Tree Hill
03-17-05, 06:02
If your all fucked out but have a need to bang that one hottie you were afraid of missing and can't finish they will be very unhappy. It's amazing the amount of pride some of these chicas take in their work.
Last November on my last foray into heaven (BA), I had an experience that will put what Daddy Rulz and Exon123 have said into perspective.
There is a girl I have seen in BA each of the last 4 times i have visited. She is a part time pro and sells feminine stuff (perfume, nail polish etc) on the side.
She and I have been quasi Novio and Novia so to speak. Well this last time, I called her only after I had arrived in BA (mistake #1) and found that she was a bit offended by me not calling or emailing her my travel plans. Well, it was late on the first day that I had called her, maybe 11pm and we agreed to meet the next night at something like 8pm. Well the next day I was of course
in the mood for "sexo" and had an afternoon fling with a "favorita". Well by this time I am in full "assault" mode and a few hours later, I am calling yet another "amigovia" (mistake #2) to come to my apartment. Well long story short, thats dos (2)chicas in a short time and as soon as #2 is out the door, I shower and then - BAM - she is ringing my door bell!
Well, after about 10 minutes of greetings and hugs and kisses, we are on the way to "la cama" for mas sexo. I had no problem with erection, but I just could not cum. Try as I must. Now this is not good my friends. This girl considers herself to be my GF and we have not seen each other in 4 months and I cant give her milk (leche)? WTF?
I tell her I am very tired and try to slumph it off but she just looks at me with accusing eyes and says "Hmmm no leche para mi!"
We head out for dinner down the block, takes about 3 hrs to go, eat and have dessert etc. We get back to the "dipartimento" and of course we are all over each other. After some frolicing in the hallway we stammer to the bed for a session. At this time she starts to get a bit demanding in positions etc, and for the first time ever the flow is not smooth and WHAM! I can not cum to save my life. Just is not working. Finally after she pulls out all the stops she looks at me and says "no leche para mi, leche es para autres chicas!"
Needles to say she was right! I had given my leche to 2 others that same afternoon. Well, the next morning she was leaving and we made plans for that evening. She then stood me up and never answered my calls for the next 6 days I was there. I GOT DUMPED!
So guys, take some advice and utilize sperm management, unless you want to gain the ire and rankor of a portena!
Last night, right on time Maria Paula showed up. We were off the dinner after some customary hello's in her car.
Ive never been so terriffied in my life. Its bad enough riding in B.A. taxi's, but having Maria Paula drive was even worse. See, she doesn't know how to drive. Im sure she wanted to impress me with the fact that she now has a car and wanted to drive me to dinner, but Fuck, she can't even shift the gears, let alone drive the Fucking car.
But thats not why I was lucky. Seams she had to be somewhere at 11:00, (probably with another trick), so there wasn't anytime after dinner to Fuck. Which was absolutely fine with me since Fabiana was due in my apartment at 9:00 the next morning, off the Rag I might, so I'd have Sperm to Fuck her with. She showed up right on time and I had "Wood" for her. The "Finish" was very good and I ended up shooting a "Big Load" all over her tummy.
Which brings me to "Pussy Size". Carolina is a big girl, probably about 5' 9" or better and has two kid's. Maria Paula is small, about 5' 2" also with two Kid's. Fabiana also about 5' 8" or 9" and No kids.
Now you can get lost in Carolina's pussy after you get her warmed up. Not so bad with Maria Paula but it still can get a bit louse. But Fabiana is tite, tite, tite. I guess I must be the Kid's.
Im in the mood for a hand job, so Im headed for Cordaba 966 to be stroked off
My favorite lady Monica was not at work today at Cordaba 966 so I walked over to Paragary 877 A-1 to complete the job.
Elizabeth did a very nice job. Very good one hour massage with "Happy Finish".
Now Im free for the day.
Daddy Rulz
03-18-05, 17:50
Any place you can wake up and say "I'm in the mood for a handjob" and get one for about the same price as a burger and movie for two is my kind of place.
Hello all,
I am planning a trip to Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro starting in the middle of may for two weeks and I have a few questions for you.
First off, how is the mongering during this time of year? I imagine the girls won't dress as nice as they do in the summer, but is there still a good selection both in BA and Rio?
Also, I am of Indian descent and am probably much younger than the average monger (early 20s), do you think that will be a problem with the girls? I have no idea how the girls will respond to me being Indian, as I imagine most of the tourists in BA are caucasian or latino.
This isn't solely a mongering trip, but I would like to meet a lot of the girls while I am down there for vacation. I can't wait to make the trip, and would appreciate any tips you all have for visiting in May. This sight has been really helpful, and hopefully I'll be able to share my experiences soon.
She said she was returniung to Brasil on 23rd so you better act fast. Giselle's boobs seem less droopy (but she is much younger too). Also, whatever happened between you and Ana's cousin?
I want to spend some time with a hot blonde with a nice rack.
Can anyone help me out please?
I was gonna call Bibiana, but alas she is no longer available.
Try Aby for an awesome perfprmance.
Hello all,
First off I wanted to thank everyone for all the info on here, it has really made planning a trip much easier. Anyways, I have a few quick questions for you guys about my first trip to BA and Rio. I plan on making a trip to BA in the middle of may for a week and then heading to rio for another week. How is the mongering in BA and Rio during May? I expect the girls will dress a little warmer, but is there still a good selection of girls? available
Also, I am of Indian descent and am probably younger than most mongers (early 20's), do you think that will pose an issue with meeting some girls? Most of the tourists in BA and rio are probably caucasian and latino, so I am not sure how the girls will react to an indian. Do the girls at the clubs take younger guys seriously, because I know a lot of times at strip clubs in the states they avoid younger guys. Any input or advice would be appreciated. I have about $2400 budgeted for the mongering and I hope that is enough for the two weeks.
I did her shortly after you left town.
She was very good and I almost repeted last night.
El Jackson & Capt Dave and I had dinner last night and proceeded to Excedra for coffee. She was in the window and came out to say hello. After returning to her table I got to thinking some more of that might be good.
I was just about to go in and hit on her when some guy sat at her table. It was probably a good thing as the hand job I'd gotten earlier in the day was good enough to tide me over, and now I have a big load for Fabiana, who's due in my apartment in an hour.
Had a great afternoon with DickHead. After my hand job & lunch he called and said lets shoot some pool. He has discovered a real pool hall on De Mayo about 1200. Its one of those seedy old pool halls you can't find anymore, (the new ones are all bright & shiny which spoils the atmosphere). Anywa, I really enjoyed the afternoon. DickHead kicked my ass, by the way.
Got to sign off. Im planning a long slow Saturday afternoon Fuck. You know one of those that takes all afternoon to Cum and you use every possition you can think of. The real reason Im guld I didn't due the Brasilan you spoke of.
Its all about Sperm Management. Yes thease girls are working for money, but on the same token they love it when you have a "Big Load" for them. Woman Like Cum.
Rump Humper
03-20-05, 04:08
I will be staying at the mansion for week in April. I think I have read just about every post on the Agentinaprivate site. I really dont recall anyone commenting on actually staying at the mansion for an extended period of time.
Everything that I have read indicates that the guys in BA love the pool parties and BBQs, but I dont remember any detailed comments on staying there. Seems most everyone prefers apartments. Can anyone comment on staying there? Regardless, I dont know anyone in BA, so I think it is the best place for me on my first trip.
I will be coming by myself, so I thought it would be easier staying at the mansion, maybe meet some fellow mongers, and get the scoop on BA.
I will be traveling from my home in Florianopolis. I speak pretty decent Portuguese and I studied spanish for a year in college as a requirement for a Bachelor of Arts, but I have never had to speak spanish. I know I will speak Portuguese in reflex to the chicas. I thought BA would be a cool visit instead of my normal excersion to Rio. Plane fare was about the same as to Rio round trip. I thought it would be more expensive to BA as it is twice the distance.
I sent Capt. Dave an email about staying at the mansion and he got back to me right away. I didn't have to give a deposit, I just emailed him a copy of my eticket from Floripa to BA. Ana the driver also emailed the next day to tell me she would be there to pick me up at the airport. Capt. Dave was even nice enough and took the time to answer about 15+ questions I had that werent in the FAQ of the Purr mansion website.
Anyway, I will be in BA on April 20-26th. I hope to meet some of you BA mongers. I have to say that some of you guys are some funny fuckers after reading your posts. I have a pretty good feel for where to go and where not to go just from reading the threads. Thanks.
Jaimito Cartero
03-20-05, 13:50
I will be staying at the mansion for week in April.
Anyway, I will be in BA on April 20-26th. I hope to meet some of you BA mongers. I have to say some of you guys are some funny fuckers after reading your posts. I have pretty good feel for where to go and where not to go just from reading the threads. Thanks.
I haven't stayed at the mansion, but it seems like safe bet. Dave and Jackson always do a good job.
And we are a colorful bunch. Especially if Exon is in town. :) I'm sure there will a lot of interesting things to do.
Jaimito Cartero
03-20-05, 14:00
Tired of running out juice when you need it for that special chica? Well fear no more! You need the Sperm-O-Matic! Tired of letting the little lady down because you just did 10 chicas in 36 hours? Is your well dry? Does the little brain want to go home and go to sleep?
Just call 888-SPERMOMATIC and get your own! Only 3 payments of 99.95. Justs attach it with the special epoxy glue to your testicles. Then use the remote control panel to see the current sperm volume. When the available volume is less than 10 milliliters, it will clamp your balls tight, and you will soon be out of the mood.
For the "Just gotta do her" chicas, and you need to squeeze the last few drops out, hold the On and Volume buttons together. Then when you're climaxing, it will squeeze your balls so tight, there will be nothing left. *
*Do not use after drinking too much Gin. Do not immerse in water, flamable liquids or saliva. Pushing the On/Volume button more than once in a 24 hour period will result in death, paralysis or worse.
03-20-05, 14:11
Also, I am of Indian descent and am probably younger than most mongers (early 20's), do you think that will pose an issue with meeting some girls? Most of the tourists in BA and rio are probably caucasian and latino, so I am not sure how the girls will react to an indian. Do the girls at the clubs take younger guys seriously, because I know a lot of times at strip clubs in the states they avoid younger guys. Any input or advice would be appreciated. I have about $2400 budgeted for the mongering and I hope that is enough for the two weeks.I'm also of non caucasian decent and in my early twenties. Never found BA to be a problem. Of my experiences in BA, I've only had 1 bad session but even that session wasn't horrible, just not GFE like the others.
I find the scene here to be very very different than the states so bring an open mind. In fact, the scene in the states is probably the worst out of the countries I've been to.
$2400 for 2 weeks is more than enough. I usually hit the 'mid-end' places and never paid more than 150p/hr. I've never set foot in Black or Madahos and never felt the need to. Although I would still like to check it out one day.
Treat the girls with respect like any other person and you'll be fine.
Rump Humper
03-20-05, 15:39
Any of you BA mongers ever use this site . There are about 10 chicas on there that are 10.0 in my book. Seems to good to be true. Looks like a bait and switch site. I dont know though. Thanks for the help.
I will be staying at the mansion for week in April. I think I have read just about every post on the Agentinaprivate site. I really dont recall anyone commenting on actually staying at the mansion for an extended period of time.
Everything that I have read indicates that the guys in BA love the pool parties and BBQs, but I dont remember any detailed comments on staying there. Seems most everyone prefers apartments. Can anyone comment on staying there? Regardless, I dont know anyone in BA, so I think it is the best place for me on my first trip.
I will be coming by myself, so I thought it would be easier staying at the mansion, maybe meet some fellow mongers, and get the scoop on BA.
I will be traveling from my home in Florianopolis. I speak pretty decent Portuguese and I studied spanish for a year in college as a requirement for a Bachelor of Arts, but I have never had to speak spanish. I know I will speak Portuguese in reflex to the chicas. I thought BA would be a cool visit instead of my normal excersion to Rio. Plane fare was about the same as to Rio round trip. I thought it would be more expensive to BA as it is twice the distance.
I sent Capt. Dave an email about staying at the mansion and he got back to me right away. I didn't have to give a deposit, I just emailed him a copy of my eticket from Floripa to BA. Ana the driver also emailed the next day to tell me she would be there to pick me up at the airport. Capt. Dave was even nice enough and took the time to answer about 15+ questions I had that werent in the FAQ of the Purr mansion website.
Anyway, I will be in BA on April 20-26th. I hope to meet some of you BA mongers. I have to say that some of you guys are some funny fuckers after reading your posts. I have a pretty good feel for where to go and where not to go just from reading the threads. Thanks.I stayed at the mansion for 2 days. It was fun because you can chill and go swimming and drink beer. Dave and Jackson are cool as long as you are cool too. The only thing is you need a taxi to get home after a night of mongering so plan on bet 15-20 pesos. Other than that no problems.
What specifically do you want to know?
Rump Humper
03-20-05, 23:31
I stayed at the mansion for 2 days. It was fun because you can chill and go swimming and drink beer. Dave and Jackson are cool as long as you are cool too. The only thing is you need a taxi to get home after a night of mongering so plan on bet 15-20 pesos. Other than that no problems.
What specifically do you want to know?I guess I just wanted to hear something like you just wrote. There is a lot of information in the threads, but I couldnt find anything like the information you just wrote about staying there. Only info I could find is on the BBQ's and pool parties. I was beginning to think that with so many people prefering apartments that maybe there was to much going on at the Mansion and maybe there was not enough privacy or something like that.
I dont know, I just figured someone who stayed there would have written a paragraph or two in a report on it, but I havent seen one. I think I have read most of the threads. I dont want to be a bother, and dont think I am one of those guys that asks questions before reading all the threads. I searched and found nothing.
What you wrote is basically what I thought it would be, but it is always nice to just hear it from someone else. The threads say nothing but good things about Capt Dave and Jackson.
Well, when I am at the Mansion I guess I will have access to a computer and I will have to give a detailed account on staying there for people thinking on staying there. Maybe a daily end of day narrative or something which would include the chicas.
It should be fun. I am cool to hang with and I dont cause much trouble. I dont drink, but I am a mongering maniac.
Thanks for the help.
I am African-American and am friends with a monger of Indian descent. Neither of us have ever had a problem at all in BA. Enjoy yourself.
Mickey Mouse
03-21-05, 07:48
I just wanted to say Hello to all my friends, I know Exon is keeping you all on your toes. You know, he has been trying to teach me Sperm Management for a while now, but I guess I am a slow learner. Just wanted you to know that the Mouse has not forgotten you and he is in Kiev this week.
Don't worry, BA is still #1 with me. Get your rest DH.
See you in April,
The reason no one has reported about staying at the mansion (except The Knife, who somehow escaped) is that after our guests check in they are almost immediately set upon by a hoard of blood-sucking (or should I say fluid-sucking) chicas who use them like sex toys and then bury thier mummified (but smiling) remains in the basement.
(BTW, this is also why there are no mirrors in the mansion)
This situation is fixin' to get worse! Jackson and I are starting a new series of chica interviews this week, and the new additions are almost always ravenous!
The pool parties are still reasonably safe, as many of these fiends don't appear during daylight hours, but some seem to be developing an immunity to sunlight (in fact some seem to thrive on it) and recently the pool parties have been the scene of some dissapearences.
You have been warned!
Rump Humper
03-21-05, 12:45
The reason no one has reported about staying at the mansion (except The Knife, who somehow escaped) is that after our guests check in they are almost immediately set upon by a hoard of blood-sucking (or should I say fluid-sucking) chicas who use them like sex toys and then bury thier mummified (but smiling) remains in the basement. (BTW, this is also why there are no mirrors in the mansion)
This situation is fixin' to get worse! Jackson and I are starting a new series of chica interviews this week, and the new additions are almost always ravenous!
The pool parties are still reasonably safe, as many of these fiends don't appear during daylight hours, but some seem to be developing an immunity to sunlight (in fact some seem to thrive on it) and recently the pool parties have been the scene of some dissapearences.
You have been warned!
DavidThanks Capt. Dave. I guess was wanting to feed my curiousity as well.
Pick some smoking hot chicas.
Its hard to believe the "Mouse" is in Kiev and I'm in Buenos Aires.
Anyway Exon is getting Fucked Out. Yesterday I attended the Pool party at the manson. Since it was on & off rain we did not have all the Chica's in attendance. But we did have one twin and Giesel's friend Denise.
Long story short, the Twin challenged me to fuck her, and I passed, again pleading Sperm management. Of course she'd already fucked two other guys before she got to me. I stated I want "Duba" with you & your sister. Later after dinner I ended up finding myself at Excedra, (what a surprise), and again there was that Brazilan I've been doing.
OK lets give it another shot, so off to the apartment we go. Normally Exon doesn't fuck at night, but what the Hell. Well we fucked and we fucked and then we fucked somemore. Well after about 45 minutes of this nonsense I finally busted a little nut. Mongers, Exon's Sperm count is down to "nada", thats nothing in English.
One other thing I've noticed. The truly beautiful show-stopper chica's are non-working girls you see anywhere & everywhere on the street and in stores. I'm telling you Mongers, there some of the most beautiful creatures in the world here in Buenos Aires. If I spoke the fucking language I'd be married, so I'm glad I don't speak the language.
Frankly, I've fucked so much I'm looking forward to going back to "sex prison" and just jacking off for awhile. I really don't mean that, but thats how much I've had.
Hope your enjoying Kiev Mickey. and your soon-to-be Mrs. Ex Mouse.
Mickey Mouse
03-21-05, 22:34
I don't believe (or wasn't a good student in mgmt) in it! And I am getting tired of the same Cheese! Fuck Mrs. Ex-Mouse; and BA, here I Cum!?!
I'm starting a bad habit, fucked the same girl again last night.
Fortunely I'm having dinner with DickHead tonight and Im sure he will help me break the rutt Ive been in.
Fabiana & I went to the Evita exhibt in Palermo today. Rather interesting gal Evita. Just proves to me you really can Fuck Your way to the top and shows its not how you Fuck but who you Fuck that really makes all the difference.
The exhibt was first talked about to me by Surfer whom reads & writes Spanish quite well but mentioned that they had it English, (not my native languish).
Anyway, Juan Peron, her old man, somehow took over the country in the late 40's after WW2 and other than be-friending all the German war crimminals letting them have the run of the country seems to have let Evita have her way with pretty much everything else. (Im betting she gave a great Blow Job) and thats how she became so powerful, no pussy is that good, but a Blow Job, well maybe?
Well as it turns out she was the first real Women's Liber in Argentina and actually said, "Women should have the right to Vote", yea right. Then raided the National Tresuary providing a bunch of social programs which even to this day have Bankrupted the country. They really have just one political party here, "The Peronists", and Thank God as we Mongers could not afford Argentina if not for Evita & Juan.
Moving right along, Evita was just 33 years old when she died of Cancer in 1952. Now heres the most amazing part to me. When she died they shut down the entire country for two weeks for the funneral. They have movies at the exhibt showing the whole deal. The flowers were over a city block long.
Anyway, Exon is on his way to dinner with DickHead, that sorta has a nice ring to it, "Dinner with DickHead"
One other thing I've noticed. The truly beautiful show-stopper chica's are non-working girls you see anywhere & everywhere on the street and in stores. I'm telling you Mongers, there some of the most beautiful creatures in the world here in Buenos Aires. If I spoke the fucking language I'd be married, so I'm glad I don't speak the language.
Both of the chicas that proposed to me are emailing me frequently. Are multiple wives allowed in BA? You gotta learn spanish so you can sweet talk Fabiana.
I guess I just wanted to hear something like you just wrote. There is a lot of information in the threads, but I couldnt find anything like the information you just wrote about staying there. Only info I could find is on the BBQ's and pool parties. I was beginning to think that with so many people prefering apartments that maybe there was to much going on at the Mansion and maybe there was not enough privacy or something like that.
I dont know, I just figured someone who stayed there would have written a paragraph or two in a report on it, but I havent seen one. I think I have read most of the threads. I dont want to be a bother, and dont think I am one of those guys that asks questions before reading all the threads. I searched and found nothing.
What you wrote is basically what I thought it would be, but it is always nice to just hear it from someone else. The threads say nothing but good things about Capt Dave and Jackson.
Well, when I am at the Mansion I guess I will have access to a computer and I will have to give a detailed account on staying there for people thinking on staying there. Maybe a daily end of day narrative or something which would include the chicas.
It should be fun. I am cool to hang with and I dont cause much trouble. I dont drink, but I am a mongering maniac.
Thanks for the help.Here's something else I wrote. You may or may not have seen it. PM if you have questions
I stayed at the Mansion for 2 days after I extended my visit. Here are some random thoughts...
There is a cell phone available for Mansion guests. This is a big deal to get in touch for chicas, especially if you speak spanish.
Mansion phone can be used to call BA cell phones. The apartment I stayed at required a calling card. Not very bueno.
Chicas dig the pool!
50 centavos/25 minute train ride to Retiro. The train station is close by the mansion. There is a subway station in the train station. This is a big deal becuase alot of the out of the way apartments, areas (Palermo) are easily accessible by subte (subway). Buy the lonely planet buenos aires book. Check the maps on the back, they make finding addresses and subway stops easy. subte price is 70 centavos I think.
Food. The mansion has a few places you can order delivered food. Its cheap and quick. No problem.
Booze. The mansion has beer, wine and cokes but you may need to buy extra Cokes if you like to drink Coke. We went through that stuff quick. chicas dig the booze!
If possible get the top floor room, it has alot of privacy. The extra stairs are worth it.
Don't tell Mansion chicas you can't fuck them because you just fucked someone else.
Spend the time talking to Jackson and Capt Dave as you just might learn something. Jackson and Dave have been known to have differing opinions on stuff and its fun to see them argue.
The evening started out as any other with dinner at one of DickHeads cheaper restaurants in which I picked up the check of 60 peso's for the two of us and then it was on to Affair number 2 on Perronydon.
After some ass-grabbing (Affair number two is famous for and DickHead feeling up & Finger Fucking one of the girls for half an hour or so), it was on to Jaz Pub.
There was just two much competition for us with Mongers standing all over the place and no real selection of Chica's for us to Monger so we left walking with plan's for the triangle.
We got no futher than DickHead's "Maria" corner at Paraguary & Florida St. and I lost him to a very attractive street girl. A blond who's name I've forgotten, but I finally got to meet the real Maria, not the imposter's that some Mongers have experienced.
I asked DickHead why he wasn't doing "DickHead's Maria" anymore and he stated " Oh, Stormy fucked up for me by over paying". Oh well.
So it was off to the Triangle solo for Me, nothing except that tramp Carolina working a sucker, then on to Excedra.
And this is why I practice Sperm Management.
There was a smoken hottie in there whom just happened to be a friend of Marcella of Manson fame.
Anyway, the real botton line is I had sperm when I truly needed it and I hope to repete again tonight with the same Chica, total girl friend experioence, might do a TLN.
Greetings fellow purveyors of the finer things.
I regretfully did not post a long time ago about my stay at the mansion so in abject shame I do so now. I was there in December of 04 and I was pleased with Dave's hospitality. I had the blue room on the second floor and it is quite comfortable but I agree the third floor room has more privacy and will stay there next time. Dave is a great guy and needs to be treated with respect. He is not your servant but a congenial host who will give loads of great information. I met any number of the local house girls and should have stayed with them over the internet chicas. Some of the internet girls had pictures of star quality but it was sasquatch who showed up. One of them was so ugly I would not even let her in the building least Dave think I had absolutely no taste and warn the neighors to keep their dogs inside. The food was great and the partys were very enjoyable. If you attend a dinner with Jackson remember to have the waiter bring you your own ice, bread and butter. You can not go wrong by staying there and please make a donation to the WSG charity. I enjoyed meeting all the other guests and enjoyed seeing Dickhead again.
One Tree Hill
03-24-05, 00:57
I will be in town for a week stay or longer arriving April 1st. I will in an apartment very near the "Triangle", Excedra and Orleans. It has high speed internet so I hope to post a few reports/pics whilst there.
Anyone wanting to hook up PM me. I have never done the Flores clubs and want to make that a priority (Envidia, Dolly's). Perhaps a couple of us could share a taxi to this mongering location.
Chica Seeker
03-24-05, 15:00
I arrived in BA on tuesday and was hoping to link up with Exon before his return to sex prison today. I finally contacted him last night and he suggested that I join him and his Chica for dinner at Porto Crystal restaurant. I was with him at the infamous “restaurant banning” episode last year and was looking forward to another exiting evening. I wasn't disappointed.
He had met Tara (or Sara – she uses both) at Excedra the night before and had a great experience with her. He was hoping to even improve on that for his last night here. Tara is an exotic mix of Portugese and Arabic and really seemed to be into my fellow monger. It was great watching the sexual tension build between them as the evening went on. It did indeed look like he was going to have a memorable last night.
Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse when she went to the bathroom and returned to the table to find Exon taking pictures of the girls at the next table. One of them had asked him if he would take pictures of her and her friends with her camera. Tara went loco when she saw this and stormed out of the restaurant. I immediately pointed this out to Exon, who suggested that I go and bring her back as he had a few more photos to take! Unfortunately, she was long gone. I know that these chicas can get possessive but this was ridiculous!
Remarkably, I was more upset about this than he was. He mumbled something about her hidden agenda and away we went to Exedra to look for a replacement chica for him. Well, as you may have guessed Tara arrived as well and wouldn’t speak to him. She then made a point of walking by our table and out the door with another guy. Of course she kept looking over her shoulder to make sure that Exon noticed. He didn’t let on that he did.
However, the story has a happy ending as Exon found his replacement chica a few tables over, did a quick negotiation and was out the door. He ended up with even a better looking chica IMHO.
I can't wait for the experience of another dinner with Exon.
Daddy Rulz
03-24-05, 15:55
Thank you brother Exon for having the cojones to not reinforce bad behaviour. I really believe one of the reasons the chicks here in sex prison are they way they are is because they can get away with the kind of crap talked about in C/S post. There is no shortage of very doable, extreemly hot and talented pussy in BsAs and if they start getting the idea that doing shit like that gets them somewhere then it's over. One only needs to go to Madahos to understand this point, two years ago 200 pesos was the exception, now even ugly ones think 300 is what they deserve.
It has been said over and over on this board, ultimatly we have the power because we have the pesos. It's up to us to surrender it. Thank you Exon again for holding the line.
Chica Seeker has it pretty much right on.
The Chica was such a good Fuck the night before I thought I'd repete but alas it was not to happen.
Earlier in the day I bought my first Cialas and some 50 mg. dick pills. I'd poped a Cialas earlier in the evening.
When Chica Seeker and I arrived at Excedra there was Jackson out on patrol so we joined him. The Drama Chica, whom the night before had been a super Fuck was pulling some off the wall shit. So I started negoicating for a Doubla with two other Chica's. One had already heard the story about the restruant and it had only been 15 minutes since the event had happened. MoonDogs LCN is right on target. They've got nothing to talk about but US.
Anyway I decieded to pull one of the Chica's and head for home, poping a 50 mg. dick pill in the process. Jackson stated wasn't the Cialas enought, I stated and wanted wood for my last night.
That shit really works. I had wood and Fucked like there was no tomorrow, which there is because its today, He, He, He.
Bottom Line is I'd Like To Thank All My Amigo's in Buenos Aires For A Wonderful Time. Ive got to go home, Pay my Tax's and rest My Dick. I'll be wacking off again soon enough but Ive really enjoyed the Trip.
So Its back To reallity for Exon
P.S. I've finished off the trip with a hand job at Paraugary 877. Yea I know some of you think I'm nut's but Im telling you try it before you Knock it.
03-25-05, 01:08
Review of Celene 4326-3499 / 15-5493-7730
This sweet, young thing was the highlight of my recent trip to BA. 150 pesos for an hour, 300 for two hours. Much more attractive in person than her photos on Platynum. Her photos on the board look more like her than her photots on Platynum. I wouldn't argue with anyone who says that she is beautiful. But I would describe her as cute, really, REALLY, cute. Very little English. Puedo hablar un poquito español so I can't say whether a total lack of Spanish would be a problem. Wonderful, real, completely droop-free tetas. Not huge but perfectly adequate IMHO. (Note that I am not a big tit guy. I actually find breasts which are too large unattractive.) Perfect body. She didn't offer BBBJ and I didn't ask. Puss looked very cute but I didn't give it a careful inspection. I never, never DATY with a pro (the big head just never completely shuts down) but I was tempted with this sweetheart. No tats. No piercings (except for her ears).
Asked for the money up front which I don't like but they all do it, and since I had read good reviews of her I didn't have a problem with that.
Negatives: she left her cell phone on and did take one brief call. I have to remember to tell them to turn off their cell phones. And she was about 20-25 minutes late. BUT, when we got to my room (I was staying at the HJ so had to meet her downstairs) my message light was blinking. The message was nothing but static but she pointed to herself, indicating, I think, that she had tried to call. The BIG NEGATIVE for me is that she seems really young. I really wondered for a moment if I could get into trouble and throught about sending her away. I forget what she gives her age as on Platynum, 21 I think, but she looks and seems more like 17 to me. Maybe a little bit inexperienced, but I find that appealing.
I like reviews that end with the bottom line question "would I repeat?" My answer is ... if I only wanted to get laid, yes, in a heartbeat. But when I have a session in BA I am generally shopping for a girlfriend, someone to go out with, someone to take on a vacation, like to a beach resort somewhere. And Celene is much, MUCH too young to be my girlfriend and too hard to communicate with given my lack of Spanish skills and her lack of English. Maybe here's a better bottom line. Have I thought about her while jerking off? YES! In fact, as soon as I am done typing this review ...
You superbly described your encounter with Celene. However, if you can transfer this post under Platynum (Escort Websites Thread), then this one will have a long shelf life. Very soon, this relevant information will be burried under other trip reports. Thanks for your effort.
Arrived last night for three weeks in BA.
If there are any mongers here between now and then and looking for an old fart to hang with, PM me.
Marco Porteño
03-26-05, 07:43
The review does sound tempting. However, if I look at the Platynum website I am getting different telephone numbers for this chica. There she seems to be located in Belgrano whereas the phone number you are quoting relates to an aparment in Maipu 216. Help me out here please !
Marco Porteño
03-26-05, 07:47
Browsing through Platynum for Celene I also came across Celena. What a sex bomb ! I hope to try her out one of these days.
Marco Porteño
03-26-05, 07:51
Apart from Alexia, I am looking for some new D(D) breasted girls to check out.
I discovered Jazmin on the Gemidos website but I was wondering whether you guys have some other tips for me as well. Other criteria for me are: young, preferably long dark hair and doing masages. Reward: I will post a good review.
Flexible Horn
03-26-05, 09:23
Marco Porteno
I'm not really a huge breast man but now and again I like a change, I don't know if Valeria from platynum would be suitable,
Chica Seeker
03-26-05, 13:34
I just posted in Roxanne's section on Bane today. She doesn´t compare to Alexia as very few would, but I think that she is in the D category as she has put on a couple of pounds (and all in the right Places) and has long dark hair to her waist. She is probably closer to 30 than 20 but is an awesome performer.
03-26-05, 16:23
Marco, She has changed names. She is now Karina and uses only her cell phone number 15-5493-7730. I am not too surprised that you find a connection between her number and an appartment. In a previous review of her someone mentioned that she also works at an appartment.
Incidentally, that's why I include phone numbers in my reviews - so we can at least know when they have changed names.
Bandy, I will be happy to move the review to the Platynum section. But what are we supposed to do about girls who list themselves on more than one site? My reserach method is to find a girl who appeals to me on an Internet site, and then use the search capability to look for reviews. And that's another reason for including the phone numbers. I figure they change names more often than they change phone numbers. So if we all included phone numbers we could find a girl even if she has changed names.
Flexible Horn
03-27-05, 09:30
Karina previously known as Celene on Platynum seems to be the flavour of the month.
Here are a few more pictures of her taken on my last trip to BsAs.
It's increadable. FH posted a photo in which the chica IS NOT wearing a rugby shirt!
Very pretty girl. Thanks for the photos.
Spent about 8 days earlier this month. As usual the chicas were great. Like December I did not step into the Recoleta clubs once and found the chica opportunities great.
Enjoyed hanging with a couple friends that live there. I got totally stagering drunk the first night which caused jet-lag to kick in and got only 3 hours sleep the next two nights combined. Lost at pool at Deep Blue. Love that place, the chicas that work there are 8's or 8.5's. There is one blond I desperately want.
No problem, with all the chicas around, my energy level never dropped.
Pissed now because it will be a while before I can return. I love Buenos Aires!!
Here is my review of the chicas I did. Enjoy.
Cele (had her # from previous visits). Sometime morocho or rubia. 34C, 5.4 ht., 24 years old. ended up doing her twice. Fantastic attitude.
BBBJTC, greek available, Beso Negro, photos ok. Stayed way longer than I paid for.Very hot and nasty. One of the best asses. SUPER ATTRACTIVE!! Enjoys Beso Negro on her. Likes FUTA during sex. Very Long sensitive nipples. Will do Beso Negro once she is comfortable with you. After a few sessions, she relaxes and it gets better.-likes to watch herself in the mirror having sex. Willing to do Greek but she is very tight and it is not comfortable for her. Easy to get her to cum. DEFINITELY REPEAT
Rosa Maria (Cattos). Very petite rubia with 32A tits, 5.0 ht, 28 years old. She is someone I hook up with each time I am in BA. Ended up doing her twice. Fantastic attitude. Young looking. Finger in ass ok. Thin build. Best kisser ever!! Super attitude, likes sex and wants to cum. Not hard to make her cum, very soft orgasms. Did her 3 times. Likes TLN. WILL REPEAT
Silvia. A very dark-hair morocha from Ness. 36C tits, 5.4 ht, 23 years old. She has a great attitude also. Very fun chica. Laughs easily and is super nasty and aggressive in sex. Like to her FUTA and lick around the area. Likes a lot of activity in/around her ass. Very Good tits, full but soft. In elevator got on knees to fondle and BBBJ. Likes greek but wants to be realy turned on first. WILL REPEAT
Nicole from Suipacha 921. Paraguaya rubia. 36B tits, 5.7 ht, 21 years old.
Brought her to my hotel. Pretty blond from Paraguay, a bit quiet and reserved-not nasty. Sex was good but she is a bit inexperienced having been hooking for only a few months. Has a daughter in Paraguay. Body excellent. She loved being pounded a bit. POSSIBLY REPEAT.
Maria was one of the mansion twins. 34C tits, 5.4 ht, rubia.
She was nasty and aggressive. Loved FUTB and oral. Her BBBJ was painful, she sucked like a vaccum (which is great) but also used her teeth WAY too much. Loved doggie sex and pushed back as hard as I pounded her. Problem was there wasn't time at the mansion. Only 1 room available and too many guys wanting to fuck the chicas. Only 30 min which is way too little to enjoy their bodies. PROBABLY NOT REPEAT- But want to try her sister-the other Maria
Gabiela from Jaz Pub. 34B tits, 5.2 ht, 22 years old. A very nice morocha, a bit quite in the club.
Hot young chica. A bit quite until in la cama, then she became more aggressive. Loved oral on her and did a very good BBBJ. She was easy to get to cum. Enjoys FUTP and around the ass. DEFINITELY REPEAT. One caution-sher initial quote was 300 pesos but when I began talking to another chica then returned to her to continue negotiations, her price came down quickly. I was impressed with Jaz this time around-tons of chicas, most doable.
Analia from Maipu 429. 34C tits, 5.4 ht, 24 years old.
Big nipples!! Likes to lick balls. Very active, especially in cowgirl. Likes rough sex-very hard pounding-the harder I pound the more she moans and thrusts back harder. My second cita with her, did her in September, also. WOULD REPEAT.
Melanie from Jaz Pub. 34C tits, 5.5 ht, 23 years. Morocha with a great attitude.
Melanie is very attractive and was a bit aggressive at the club (which is ok with me as long as it's friendly). She came up to me at the bar quickly flashing a beautiful smile and great attitude. She kept giving me deep kisses, a bit of fondling and rubbing up against me. Of course, I returned the favor, then took her home. Negotiations was easy, she accepted my first offer. In bed, she was active but not overly aggressive. The BBBJ was great-ball licking, etc.. I loved it when she kept eye contact while sucking me. She loved FUTB, FUTP and oral on her. Best sex was missionary so I could look in her eyes while fucking her, and she did maintain eye contact the whole time. DEFINITELY WILL REPEAT.
Cintia form M.T. de Alvear 1270 apt. 34B tits, 5.4 ht, 24 years old.
Cintia was ok, nothing special. The BJ was covered (which I hate) and the sex was not enthusiastic. Not bad but not good. The apartment was TERRIBLE, no air conditioning, very dark. Much worse than Suipacha, Maipu, Gueme, Santa Fe. The selection of chicas was good but not great. One tall morocha looked delicious (however my amigo took her). WILL NOT REPEAT
One Tree Hill
03-27-05, 22:39
Great report! I will try and hook up with one or two of your findings!
I would suggest these chicas in this order based primarily on the sex, but secondarily on their attitudes:
Rosa Maria
Good luck, enjoy and treat them right!
Great report! I will try and hook up with one or two of your findings!
I'm sorry dude but whats deep blue?
Only a few days here and only one girl. Went to Cafe Orleans and vicinity, but nobody worth looking at. Hook was similar, although it was fairly early (just before midnight). Went next door to (I think) Catto, where there were many more women of much higher quality, of all varieties (light, dark, blondes, brunettes, etc). One Argentinian started talking to me who wasn't a stunner as such but had a really nice personality. Turned out she was 33 with 3 kids! White with natural blonde hair, about 5'7, average weight, spoke good English. Went back to my hotel, jacuzzi bath, wine, BBBJ for a few mins but then covered (either it is BB or it's not - not somewhere in between!). Surprisingly tight pussy and very affectionate. Went by Sylvia I think, tho she later told me her full name (which I won't print for obvious reasons).
All in all, I thought I'd try somebody a little older for once - and it was good!
Deep Blue is a restaurant/bar that also has pool tables. It is not a chica club but the chicas that work there are super hot. It's a great place to warm up before the chica hunt or a nice place to end the night.
There are two-one in Centro and the other in Bario Norte.
Chica Seeker
03-31-05, 14:43
I agree with Stowe about ranking Cele as the best Chica in his recent post. I have also enjoyed the company of Anna Marie and Silvia on my last trip but they are not in the same category in my opinion although Silvia is a fun chica.
Cele no longer has her apartment in Sarmiento with Jessica and now books through Roxanne at $150 Ar. She also works at Madahos for anyone wishing to pay their inflated prices. I saw her for the first time at my hotel last week and although there was no completo or CIM for me she put in a very strong performance otherwise. She has a dynamite body and a fantastic attitude. In fact I liked her so much that I saw her the next afternoon as well, which is unusual for me.
Wally Foot
03-31-05, 16:05
Chica Seeker
Thanks for the interesting update on Cele. I had a few encounters with her last July and she was certainly near the top of my list of a dozen or so chicas I met during my time there (maybe tied with "the late" Alexia). I certainly intend to try to hook up with her again on my next visit. Anybody who wants to check out my impressions at the time should search on my name, and check the posts and photos I made last September. I disguised Celeste's face on the photos by the way, because at the time she did not appear on the net, though she has subsequently shown her face on a couple of escort sites.
I'm still trying to get a report about Mary from Platynum, by the way. Any info, anybody?
Wally Foot
I came to Buenos Aires to get some extension pages for my passport. Unfortunately, the period from Mar 15 to Apr 15 is the busiest of the year for BA hotels. I was able to book 4 days with the Hotel Constitución Palace, on Plaza Constitución. Even they were full for Semana Santa(Easter weekend), so on arrival I had to find a second hotel immediately. I was lucky and found the Hotel Irun on Santiago del Estero in Constitución for the 4 day weekend. Both are 2-3 stars and are not bad. Hotel Irun is newer and nicer than Constitución Palace. It is very nice inside and has merit. See my report in the hotel section. It is 2 blocks directly behind Constitución Palace.
With this, I got an unanticipated opportunity to check out the Constitución area for a week. The bottom line is: don't come here for the women.
The Constitución area itself isn`t that bad. It is mostly lower income residential, but has some nice looking apt buildings mixed in. The Plaza and train station with some older housing attracts more homeless and very poor than El Centro. But it looks better than much of Asuncion, Paraguay. So I wasn`t that put off by the ambiance.
The area of interest is primarily one block each side of Santiago del Estero from O'Brien to San Juan. South of O'Brien the area does get really seedy and slum like.
After reading Jackson's May 4 Washington Post article, I was expecting a really seedy area. But the article gives the wrong image. I passed Charley Bar at Pavón and Estero many times. It is a smaller version of Excedra with glass walls, on the corner. All cafe tables and small counter inside. With the same basic operation, by appearances. But the few women(2-5) are much lower 3-5 quality. There are other bars/restaurants and businesses in the area, quite normal and good lower class.
I was very disappointed by the number of women working in the area. I expected 100-200, the reality is more like 20-30 on a very good night, and 10-15 during the day. I have seen a few old battleaxes in the plaza and on the street walking around that I am beginning to recognize as workers.
The majority of women work in Av Juan Garay. It is one-way away from Centro, so at night there is traffic flowing to the residential areas. The women hope to snag someone heading home. This makes sense, because there is little money in the area. Juan Garay presents people with money from outside the area. There are a few women working each side of the street, maybe 1-2 per block, starting at Lima, for 4-5 blocks that I checked. Maybe 10 women total, all low 1-6 quality. I did talk to a couple, but did not ask prices. When close enough to talk, they were obvious disasters. There are other women working here and there in the area. It seems there are a few around at all times.
There are always panhandlers and peddlers around. The area appears more dangerous than I like because of this. Many of the panhandlers are hardened men, especially on Av Brasil. There is a police presence, but not really sufficient for safety. I did, however walk around the area at all hours until 2AM with no problems.
The net is that most of the info I have seen is exaggerated. This area is an option for a very nice cheaper hotel room. It is a little far. The cab ride from the hotel to Cafe Excedra is only 6 pesos, an acceptable amount.
04-02-05, 19:55
On March 5 I set out a shopping list under Platynum. All didn’t quite go to plan as Easter did get in the way and also I did go back to a few regulars from previous visits.
Nevertheless, it was a great trip, albeit the time in BA was cut short as I went to Mendoza and had family commitments while in BA.
The regulars: Alanise, a paraguaya from Platynum. She’s my all time favourite (following the departure of Wendy…known to a few of you I know, and who I’m pleased to say has set up her own business and doing fine.) Saw Alanise three times. A real GFE at 150 pesos.
Then Brazilian Carolina from Orleans. She’s recently been to Spain and back and had collagen in her lips with the obvious benefits!!! She usually sits on her own, long dark hair and is a friend of Alejandra who’s had good reports on this site. They do an awesome threesome. Again 150 at Horizonte but went to Kansas transitorio for the threesome. Managed to sneak in on my last day while Carolina was not there and took out the long blonde hair Marisa. She has her own real estate business cards for married guys!! Big boobs, (boob job) but wow…she loves her sex and if you go to Horizonte, try to get room 605. It has the works!! BBBJTC for 150. She's almost always in Orleans.
Went to Santa Fe 1707 and had Paula and Paola. 160 for 2 for 30 mins. Not great but a 7 performance. Really wanted Pamela from previous trip but she was with one of you guys!!
Then went to M.T.Alvear 1270 and had one of my shopping list targets, Ludmilla. She was on Platynum under escorts and is now there under Massages. Another Paraguaya, she was a 9. And I went there 3 times, all of them to see her and Martina (also under massages in Platynum) They’re only there in the day time, but they put on a real good lesbo show. Again 80 each for 30 minutes. Only on the third time did they agree to BBBJ, otherwise CBJ but as a threesome, shit, who cares !!
I must confess to a slight feeling of guilt at the apartamentos. 80 pesos for 30 minutes. The house takes 60% (or 50% if the girls are with Platynum and working from the apartmento) which leaves 32 pesos for the girl. Just over US$10, six pounds, nine euros. And for such beauties! OK, OK, I did say SLIGHT !!!
The others on my shopping list will have to wait till next time.
04-04-05, 00:57
Before I get to the chica part of my report, let me tell you about the food.
I was looking forward in returning to BA to enjoy some of the best steaks on the planet. So far the steaks have been mighty tasty but the service is sucking large. I am sure this is just bad luck and it will get better.
For my very first meal in BA I ordered a steak and a Cesar salad. When they brought the so-called Cesar it was covered with anchovies. I HATE anchovies. I put them on another plate and told the server to take them away. I then tried to eat my salad. However, it smelled like a dead french hooker's **** and made me feel ill. So I told the server to take away the whole salad. Instead of just taking it away he started telling me how it was made especially for me, how I would have to pay for it, and how it was not his fault it had anchovies because it was on the menu. I said fine I would pay for it, just get this crap off my table before I puke. He got no tip!
Tonight I went to a different place for a late dinner and ordered the same thing. However, I asked the girl beforehand in Spanish if it had anchovies. She ran away to get a translator because she could not understand me. She did not even try to understand me although I was speaking Spanish. When she could not find a translator I said, in Spanish, "look, this is only one question, does the salad have anchovies, yes or no?" She said specifically "no it does not have anchovies". So I ordered it.
It was a nice bid salad with huge chunks of chicken and lots of toppings. I sat enjoying it while thinking how much better it was the the previous. Then all of the sudden I stuck in the fork and pulled out a slimy hairy stinky anchovie about 4 inches long. What the fuck is this?!?! I almost puked. I removed it and searched for more. As far as I could tell there were no more. But now the whole salad tasted like dead fish. It ruined my whole meal. I cannot eat any fish, even 1 part per million, and I am sure that slimy hairy maggot had contaminated my dinner. I then pushed the salad away as it was uneatable. The other girl came and asked my why I was not eating it. I showed her the anchovie, and she just took away the salad. I was still charged for it. She got no tip either.
Maybe tomorrow will be better. I am going to Hook now. I hope the pussy smells better than my dinner.
Daddy Rulz
04-04-05, 02:40
Ceasar salads have anchovies, ask for a salad and ceasar dressing on the side, perhaps that will work. Just trying to be of help.
...the following conversation may have taken place.
God talking to Adam after his first night of sex.
God: Well, how did you like it?
Adam: It was awesome, I loved it, and will do it again.
God: Great, where is Eve?
Adam: She is down in the river washing up.
God: Damn, now we will never get the smell out of those fish. :)
Here is to the rest of your visit, without anchovies. :)
Enjoy the life,
I was in the the restaurant La Pergola in Plaza Dorrego on Sunday with my wife. An American gentleman with his Argentine girlfriend sat next to us and we had a very pleasant chat during lunch. I really wondered during lunch if the gentleman was a member of this board but in the circumstances couldn't ask. So now I am asking. Was this a member of this board? Would love to send a PM to you if you are or send me a PM.
Why would you order a caesar salad and not want a wonderful anchovy? Next thing you know, you'll be getting rid of the croutons and cheese, yes?
04-05-05, 16:46
I went to Hook last night, and I must say, most of the girls were painfully ulgy. There are some real cows and old hags in there.
I like girls who are 18 to 20, skinny, without baby-pouches or diaper-butts. There were probably 3 girls in their who met the qualifications. One was with another guy, one sat with her back against everyone smoking a cigarette and the other asked me to buy her a drink after talking to me for 1-minute. When I said I might buy her a drink later, she took off. Is this normal?
I have been in BA for 4-days and not got laid yet..... question is where can I find young skinny girls in BA? And do not tell me Black because I do not plan on paying more than 150 pesos.
04-05-05, 16:55
Why would you order a caesar salad and not want a wonderful anchovy? Next thing you know, you'll be getting rid of the croutons and cheese, yes?
Anchovies on a Caesar must be an Argentinian thing because I have never seen them elsewhere. As for why? Well, why would someone want to eat something that smelled like a dead french hooker? question is where can I find young skinny girls in BA? And do not tell me Black because I do not plan on paying more than 150 pesos.
A reliable source just told me that there are 27 girls in Cafe Orleans right now, and no men. So what are you waiting for? :)
Cousin might want to try the boliche Solome at the corner of Cordoba and Billinghurst. 150 pesos is probably the going rate and with Spanish and no anchovies on one's breath, possibly less.
Mickey Mouse
04-05-05, 19:36
Great suggestion Stormy as the Girls are plenty and it is quite the experience especially downstairs late at night.
Speaking of which: There could be a Mouse sighting between 4/10 and 4/16 in case anyone else is interested in joining for some cheese nibbling.
04-05-05, 20:00
A reliable source just told me that there are 27 girls in Cafe Orleans right now, and no men. So what are you waiting for? :)
Cafe Orleans has old women, not girls. I need 18 to 20 year olds.
One Tree Hill
04-05-05, 21:11
l Thought I had already posted this..any one wanting to hook up for exploration can contact me as follows... 15-5409-9908. I am staying in the micro center Maipu/Cordoba.
04-06-05, 03:59
Cousin might want to try the boliche Solome at the corner of Cordoba and Billinghurst. 150 pesos is probably the going rate and with Spanish and no anchovies on one's breath, possibly less.
I owe you a beer. I just finished with 2 girls from Solome. I will never be returning to Hook.
Cafe Orleans has old women, not girls. I need 18 to 20 year olds.That's what I thought when I passed there (without stopping) a few weeks ago! Hook was also a little disappointing, although next door was significantly more interesting.
04-06-05, 19:19
Why would you order a caesar salad and not want a wonderful anchovy? Next thing you know, you'll be getting rid of the croutons and cheese, yes?Hunt is right Cuz; I'm no epicurean, but anchovies are a basic ingredient in the classic Caesar salad, i.e. it's not an Argentine variation.
That said, your posts are funny as hell!
And hey, as Moondog says, "enjoy the life", or "enjoy the hookers", or something like that...
One Tree Hill
04-06-05, 19:51
Cousin It,
I am Americano, you will be surprised to know that the dressing for Ceasar salad has anchovies in it. Check out the ingrediants in the grocery next time you have a chance! It will say anchovie paste. And yes, some us restaurnats (usually high end) put them in the salad, but usually ask first!
I dont like them on the salad either, and combined with mongering would make for a "bad taste" all the way around!
Hunt is right Cuz; I'm no epicurean, but anchovies are a basic ingredient in the classic Caesar salad, i.e. it's not an Argentine variation.
That said, your posts are funny as hell!
And hey, as Moondog says, "enjoy the life", or "enjoy the hookers", or something like that...
How about "Don't catch the clap?"
04-06-05, 21:52
Ok that does it. I am *NEVER* eating a Ceasar again. Even the thought that there mght be an anchovie in it is too much to think about. Ugg...
My first love is shagging but I also love to put things in my mouth as well that taste great !!! Anchovies, snails, seafood, its all taste good and has unusual texture, I'm sure your dinner "guests" will appreciate the dining experience all the more. Open your mouths and enjoy, the smell comes out with a little soap and toothpaste.
Yeah Baby
One Tree Hill
04-07-05, 17:13
Katerina from Apt Suipacha 921 6C is on the way for an hour. I love having them come to my place. Report to come afterwards.....
BTW - For any one who cares, I have extended my stay for a week more!
Now I will leave on April 15th! Yee Haw!!!!
One Tree Hill
04-07-05, 19:24
and 4, yes 4 phone calls no Katerina....alas, Monica says she is on her way...I will be getting sloppy seconds for sure...maybe thirds! Danm I need to start earlier in the day with these apartment girls! Well...I hope she shows....I want to make her fucking pay for my wait! A 4pm appointment is now pushing 630pm...oh well the rigors of delivery versus eat in!
One Tree Hill
04-07-05, 21:07
Finally at 645pm Katerina shows up, except for one thing.....ITs not her!
Its a very tall bleached blonde 21 yo chica called Tatiana. This girl is over 6 foot tall and is extremely skinny. I take a few moments to see if its gonna work and she seems nice enough so problema. Well Tatiana was a pretty good lay. Asked for propina of 20p for BBBJ and I said ok. It was pretty darn good. Had to try hard to not CIM. Saved my leche for missionary
position. Afterwards, with about 25 minutes left in "la hora" I had her give a back and neck rub. She complied and we had some small chit chat. Total 100 plus 10 taxi and the 20p propina ttl = 130p
photos below...
Hey Mickey Mouse and other mongers in Bs As...
Look for me to be there April 14 for a week. Would love to meet up with you and hit some clubs. Sounds like a lot of different clubs are hot now. How is Salome?
Also have some internet prospects that I will be providing as many details and pics as possible. Just got my new Sony W5 camera to capture it all, too.
Has anyone tried Silvina's new escorts? Kayla looks pretty hot.
I can't wait...
Luv Ass
One Tree Hill,
Looks like you didn't do too bad there with Katerina.
One question... Do she offer completo? I love them skinny like that and doing completo.
Luv Ass
Had the pleasure of meeting Bane recently, arranged by the lovely Roxannne P200 plus taxi for the hour. She arrived at my door right on time and looked stunning in her business attire, long black hair almost to her waist very attractive and some great looking puppies trying to burst out of her bra and shirt.
We exchanged salutations, worked out she spoke little english and I little spanish, so got on with freeing those puppies. Some DFK and gradual disrobing, she undid her shirt and released a beautiful pair of 36d's, they felt soft and natural. Some more makeout and all of our clothes came off. DATY for her CBJ for me (no BBBJ available) , she used a dildo on herself whilst I licked her clit and played with her rear playground. We were soon nearing time for tango and she got on all fours and lubed up her rear and she put me straight in her rear end!! Things soon progressed from here and I was soon bellowing like a bull as I tried to blow the condom to pieces.
I recommend you meet Bane when in BA she is a great experience.
Mickey Mouse
04-07-05, 21:58
The Mouse will be arriving on Monday for 5 nights. PM me if you'd like to meet for dinner or a drink.
A Very Thirsty Mouse
Jackson and David,
Thanks again for the wonderful pool party last Sunday on 3 APR. Great food and great company (both the chicas and fellow WSG members). Maya's massage was just what the doctor ordered. Hope to see you all soon.
04-08-05, 04:17
Man can the lights be tricky in the clubs....
I went out hunting for 18 year olds and ended up screwing a 30+ year old. Ouch!
From a distance this girl looked ok but when she got up close I could tell she was older than I thought. She said she was 26. For me this is about 6 years over the hill. However, I figured I would give her a quick screw to help out her family with some money...haha....she had a good attitude, so hey, why not?
I get her back to the apartment, turn on the lights, and WHAM!!! She turned into an old hag! I was shocked, in fact, a little scared. She even had scar marks on one arm and absolutely no tits. I almost told her to go but she had been very nice so I did not feel like being an asshole since after all it was my fault for not better inspecting the merchadise before ordering it.
So I give her a quick screw and ran into the bathroom to scrub down in case she gave me the cooties. When I returned she is waiting on the bed for another screw. I laid down beside her and said I was getting very tired, since after all it was 3:00am (I did not mention I had slept in until 6:00pm) and I had had a long flight (6 days ago). She then gave me a massage for a while waiting for me to screw her again. Finally, I looked at the clock and said I was going to bed. Gave her the $$ and said bye.
Tommorow I am buying a flashlight!!!
04-08-05, 13:56
Well let me start off my official stay on this, the best forum hands down for our type of hobbying in the world, by saying I have laughed and at bad times almost cried with you guys over the last 4 years, that I have been a faithfull lurker and now felt it was time to officially join and contribute to our cause.
All the now famous or should I say infamous names Jackson, Moondog, CaptDave and Knuckhead.
You guys have really be most informative as well as funny as hell at times I have almost fell out of the chair listening to you guys going back and forth.
To the point my beautiful 763 will be landing in the paradise we refer to as Bs As on 4-11-05 and I will be there untill roughly 4-18-05
If any of the above mentioned members of the WSG or anybody else in town would like to get together for dinner and some mongering conversation please feel free to PM me.
And yes I will definately contribute to the forum about my experiences as soon as I arrive back to sex prison--luckily no time soon :)
Marco Porteño
04-08-05, 16:37
Hola! A couple of days ago I went to see one of my preferred chicas again: Angie (or Dahiara or whatever name she publishes under), a sweet girl with delicious breasts. She is now very rubia (naturally dark hair though). She gave a decent masaje and blowjob (covered) and I could suck her wonderful tits. She is at Viamonte 845, 5 piso, dep. H., usually from 12.00 onwards.
Saludos a todos!
P.S. I just saw the new pics of Larisa of Platynum; looks like a nice bombon.
One Tree Hill
04-09-05, 21:19
Well, I have to make up for my lousy experience at Sante Fe 1707 (read post in that section) so I am taking Rocio (from Salome) to dinner and will then fuck here in both holes.
She is cute and sweet and just a silly little chunky college girl. 20 yo with 1 kid and in her first yr of school. Great chemistry, completo and pierced tongue means I over look her extra 30 lbs....besides..I likem all kinds of below.
One Tree Hill
04-10-05, 02:18
Rocio just left. 3.5 hr dinner date followed up with pretty good gfe sex.
She dressed up nicely and felt like a queen being treated to a nice restaurant in P Madero (Siga La Vaca - mid level but good). This girl is not an upper echelon girl. Her parents were killed in an auto accident when she was 13. She has had a hard time. I felt like Richard Gere in Pretty Women, taking my strumpett out to a nice place. She scarfed down as much ensalada, parilla, coca and ice cream as I did (and thats a hell of a deal). I enjoyed watching her enjoy it. It was very cute and endearing. Later after sex, she confided, almost at the point of tears, of how difficult it has been for her and how some friends were not accepting of her occupation. The 150p I paid her last night went into getting a cell phone today. She was happy as pie with the 120p I gave her tonight. In a srtrange way I feel abit like I am doing her some good by paying her the meager sum that I have and by stroking her ego and telling her that she is doing the best she can under the circumstances. I would not call it charity, afterall I am fucking her!
Before I get to the chica part of my report, let me tell you about the food.
I was looking forward in returning to BA to enjoy some of the best steaks on the planet. So far the steaks have been mighty tasty but the service is sucking large. I am sure this is just bad luck and it will get better.
For my very first meal in BA I ordered a steak and a Cesar salad. When they brought the so-called Cesar it was covered with anchovies. I HATE anchovies. I put them on another plate and told the server to take them away. I then tried to eat my salad. However, it smelled like a dead french hooker's **** and made me feel ill. So I told the server to take away the whole salad. Instead of just taking it away he started telling me how it was made especially for me, how I would have to pay for it, and how it was not his fault it had anchovies because it was on the menu. I said fine I would pay for it, just get this crap off my table before I puke. He got no tip!
Tonight I went to a different place for a late dinner and ordered the same thing. However, I asked the girl beforehand in Spanish if it had anchovies. She ran away to get a translator because she could not understand me. She did not even try to understand me although I was speaking Spanish. When she could not find a translator I said, in Spanish, "look, this is only one question, does the salad have anchovies, yes or no?" She said specifically "no it does not have anchovies". So I ordered it.
It was a nice bid salad with huge chunks of chicken and lots of toppings. I sat enjoying it while thinking how much better it was the the previous. Then all of the sudden I stuck in the fork and pulled out a slimy hairy stinky anchovie about 4 inches long. What the fuck is this?!?! I almost puked. I removed it and searched for more. As far as I could tell there were no more. But now the whole salad tasted like dead fish. It ruined my whole meal. I cannot eat any fish, even 1 part per million, and I am sure that slimy hairy maggot had contaminated my dinner. I then pushed the salad away as it was uneatable. The other girl came and asked my why I was not eating it. I showed her the anchovie, and she just took away the salad. I was still charged for it. She got no tip either.
Maybe tomorrow will be better. I am going to Hook now. I hope the pussy smells better than my dinner.Cousin It,
Anchovies are part of the salad. In the original recipe, the anchovies are pounded and then blended into the dressing. Usually anchovies are used to add a boost of flavour. It is used mostly in dressings, sauces and sautees. The problem with the salads you were served, it seemed is that they serve chunks so people can take it out. If you don´t want anchovies, ask the waiter that you don´t want anchoitas in your food. In the case of the Caesar Salad, you will have to ask them to make your dressing to the order. Usually restaurants will prep the dressing a day ahead.
Silent Monger
04-13-05, 06:22
Fellow WSG members,
I am a "virgin visitor" to Buenos Aires and will be making my first trip there in two months time. I have been reading this forum and reviewing the escort websites in preparation for my adventure.
I am seeking information on a chica who features prominently on the escort websites. She is often listed under the name "Maru". I have found this chica to be listed on Platynum no less than 7 times, under the following names:
Aba, Agostina, Angie, Eli, Ivonne, Maru & Zofy.
She also appears on the Area-VIP and Argentina-Escorts websites listed as Maru. This provider also has her own website:
What I find interesting is that for a chica who is listed so widely and with so many picutres I can barely find a mention of her on the forum. I would like to know the following:
What is the quality of her service? (i.e. Is she a clockwatcher or GFE, is she very sensual or cold and machanical)
Are her body and looks as appealing as the numerous photos of her lead one to believe?
The prices that she lists on her website seem very high by Argentina standards. For example she quotes $100USD for 1 hour of service in her flat. This seems quite high given the prices normally mentioned by other members in their reports, also I have learned from this forum not to negotiate with chicas in USD.
So is it reasonalble for me to expect to pay around 150AR for this chica? Or is she some kind of high class executive provider who only charges high rates no matter what?
If I recieve some positive feedback to this post then I am planning on partaking of Maru's services during my stay in Buenos Aires. In which case I will definately post a report of my experiences.
Regards to all.
Silent Monger
If I recieve some positive feedback to this post then I am planning on partaking of Maru's services during my stay in Buenos Aires. In which case I will definately post a report of my experiences.
The best thing to do is not to wait for feedback, but when you are here, give her a call, and go see her with pesos.
What you are seeing is Captialism at its finest. If she is charging, and is receiving her stated prices, then there is a demand for her services. If she accepts a lower peso amount from you, then the supply line is not so full. This will vary from hour to hour, depending on her moods, so the only way any of us will ever find out about her is to go knock on her door and see what happens.
Good luck, and let us know.
Enjoy the life,
Been with her 3 times. MAN EATER.
Like the Nike commercial says, JUST DO IT and stop thinking so much. Before you know it the hour will be over and you will be booking her for the following day if she hasn't swallowed you whole.
Ive never met the woman so I can't comment on her skills.
But I do know one thing for sure, Maru's got a Visa.
This simple fact might go unnoticed by a rookie Monger but the fact is its a very valuable document. It means she can come and go as she wants into the United States which most girls can't.
But what it really means is she can fly up here for a week or so and Fuck Your brains out.
About a year ago I tried to cut a deal using Adriana the web mistress of Escorts-Argentina to broker a trip for Maru to fly up here and Fuck me for a week. Maru wanted $2,000 dollars plus airfare, but I was only willing to pay $1,000 plus airfare. Since Maru & I had never met and there was no chemistry between us the deal fell threw.
But Im willing to bet if a Monger knew Maru on a personal & intimate basis and there was some chemistry between the two of them she would gladly except the offer of a $1,000 dollars plus airfare for a week. Thats a lot of money, almost $3,000 peso's, more than she'd make in Argentina. Plus the fact she'd be here with a return ticket and could free lance at US prices after the date was over.
Moreover, this business of $100 US dollars per hour is just pure nonsence, thats the "Nose Picker" price. This would be a job for Roxana if the Monger didn't speak spanish to negociate a fare pirce in peso's for an introduction and of course a BBBJ to see if the chemistry is right.
And finally, adding up the costs, $1,000 dollars plus airfare. Roughly $2,000 dollars for a whole week is a whole lot cheaper than flying all the way to Buenos Aires for some quality pussy.
Mongering Tips By
Mickey Mouse
04-13-05, 21:51
Then you have to Fuck the Same Girl all week and for this Mouse, variety is the "Spice of Life".
It's been only like 3 months but it seemed an eternity!
Planning on going to Madahos 1 night and having 1 of Roxana's ever enjoyable arrangements on another.
This of course, after I catch up with the latest news & happenings you all have so kindly posted here.
Reports will follow too.
I'll be there the first week of May.
I am soooo happy!
I saw Maru getting on a flight I was on about a year ago. I recognized her immediately even though I never had a session with her. I thought her face was a bit older than that of the pictures.
It's interesting when you look at her website videos, especially the second one, it doesn't show a clear shot of her face. I take that as a warning.
The funny thing is I checked platynum a couple of days later and it had her available at a number in Boston.
The funny thing is I checked platynum a couple of days later and it had her available at a number in Boston.
Having a U.S. number, or any other country's number is not uncommon once these girl get a taste of travel and more $$. Many of them travel world wide, and can easily make 15-20,000 in a month. The Visa requirements make it a lot harder now, but for the ones that have it, travel is part of the norm.
If it interests anyone, Dani, the madura of Platynum fame, also travels to the US. I have considered taking her to Miami for a spell.
I did not inquire to rates however.
If it interests anyone, Dani, the madura of Platynum fame, also travels to the US. I have considered taking her to Miami for a spell.
I did not inquire to rates however.
Make sue you have a few sessions with her first to see how you two will get along physically and emotionally. Then, and only then, if you two click, invite her to the States.
Silent Monger
04-15-05, 08:20
Thanks to all who posted regarding Maru.
Well given her US visa and her jet setting habits it does seem she is a high priced girl! Perhaps she will turn her nose up at my 150 pesos, and if she does well there are plenty more fish in the sea, or anchovies as it were (pardon the pun, Cousin It), so I am sure I can find plenty of other chicas to satisfy my testosterone driven desires!
The best thing to do is not to wait for feedback, but when you are here, give her a call, and go see her with pesos.
What you are seeing is Captialism at its finest. If she is charging, and is receiving her stated prices, then there is a demand for her services. If she accepts a lower peso amount from you, then the supply line is not so full. This will vary from hour to hour, depending on her moods, so the only way any of us will ever find out about her is to go knock on her door and see what happens.
Good luck, and let us know.
Enjoy the life,
MoondogGood advice MoonDog and I shall do just that! I look forward to letting you all know my results.
Ive never met the woman so I can't comment on her skills.
But I do know one thing for sure, Maru's got a Visa.
This simple fact might go unnoticed by a rookie Monger but the fact is its a very valuable document. It means she can come and go as she wants into the United States which most girls can't.
But what it really means is she can fly up here for a week or so and Fuck Your brains out.Interesting idea Exon, but I don't live in the States however and so for me it would be easier to fly to Buenos Aires and try my luck with Maru there. Argentina also offers me the opportunity to try a totally different range of women, and a different attitude to service, as my local scene is getting boring and unsatisfying.
This would be a job for Roxana if the Monger didn't speak spanish to negociate a fare pirce in peso's for an introduction and of course a BBBJ to see if the chemistry is right.Indeed I may recruit the talents of Roxana for this task. Thanks Exon!
Been with her 3 times. MAN EATER.
Like the Nike commercial says, JUST DO IT and stop thinking so much. Before you know it the hour will be over and you will be booking her for the following day if she hasn't swallowed you whole.
StarfeThanks Starfe. I’m a man on a mission, to come to Buenos Aires and hide the salami between the sumptuous breasts of Maru! Starfe since you have had the pleasure of Maru’s company would you mind telling me what rates she charged you?
Thanks fellas, when I am in BsAs I hope I can meet up with some of you over a steak and a bottle of red!
Silent Monger
Dani is one of my favorites. I actually decided against the idea myself, but that is solid advice for any monger considering that step.
BTW, who is down there during Memorial Day? Haven't see you guys since the Thanksgiving dinner.
Funny, I read your criticism of Orleans -- a fairly common one over the years that I've been reading/posting. In my last 6 visits spread over the last 4 months, I haven't found the girls to be old.
In fact, during the day, 80-90% were under 25, let alone 30. And, the nice thing is that lighting is natural. Not even florescent, let alone black! The girls look the same in the club, on the street, and in your room.
The older ones I've seen seem to have their own clientele. Madura seekers, I guess. Not my thing, but on one occasion a straight-jacket wouldn't have held back a buddy of mine from taking one for double the price.
My long awaited trip finally came as I arrive in BA earlier in the morning, got some rest, met up with a buddy, and headed out to Orleans. Although it is my first time in BA and I heard conflicting info regarding Orleans being packed with old hoes, my buddy and I didn't think so. Honestly, compared to the US, these hoes are way hotter and way nicer. Can't complain. We pulled two chicas back to the apartamento for a couple of hours. Prior to meeting these two girls some other girl tried to get me for $100USD. I guess she recognized the new jacks! But after reading all your posts over the last month or two, I knew right off that the hoe was overpriced - way overpriced. Anyway, we got the other two girls for 150P each + 40P exit fee. We told the two we would meet them back at the apartment about an hour and half later and actually they were prompt! They wanted the cash upfront but we told them despues! It was on after that!
Great providers. We must have switched up with those hoes a couple of times too. All positions, BBJ, complete, etc. All good.
So far it has been a great first day!
I went to Madahos with a friend. Although I speak some spanish I suggest that the best way is to write everything on a paper for the taxies to read including your address in Argentina so they can find it if they don´t understand you.
I found out that you need to order a girl a drink before you can take her back to your apartment. That is fine since I like to talk to a girl 1st to see if I like her. There is also a cover charge but it includes 1 drink for yourself. I like Argentina and I like the selection of different girls to choose from. I did end up taking one back with me, but she stayed only a little over an hour not all night.
If anyone wants to get together for lunch or a drink while I am here, let me know by pm me. I can not promise I will check this web site in time to read your pm since I am very busy.
I have not stayed in a hotel, but I like that having an apartment I don´t have to worry about the hotels carding a girl or anything else.
04-22-05, 09:13
You paid an exit fee at Orleans? I thought this was Cafe where the girls were allowed to hang out. Anyone can confirm?
There is no exit fee at Orleans.
04-22-05, 12:45
Madahos is a fleece joint (well they all are to some extent, but Madahos has gone over the top). Don't be afraid to branch out. Read the posts under "Clubs and Boliches."
I had a favorita in Orleans for about a year and a half. Unless things have changed at Orleans, there is no exit fee. Management charges the girls $40 pesos per day to sit in the cafe and they can eat whatever they want. If you sit in Orleans for a while, you will see many girls coming back the same day.
I think you have the wrong idea if you worry about hotels "carding" a girl. It is for your protection, and, believe me, you are MUCH more likely to have problems bringing a girl to your apartment then to a hotel.
If a girl doesn't have an ID, or is underage, you are MUCH better off finding out at the front desk then in some other way!
The girls may want you to pay the 40 peso fee that the cafe charges them to work there, but that is your choice. Just remember, she may have had three guys pay the fee before you the same day.
Mickey Mouse
04-22-05, 21:43
Looks like there may be a storm brewing in the southern Atlantic
The girls may want you to pay the 40 peso fee that the cafe charges them to work there, but that is your choice. Just remember, she may have had three guys pay the fee before you the same day.
Yes, I was required to pay the 40P exit fee not to the girl but to the bartender/waiter guy. Should I have not paid? If so, thanks for the info. I don't want to drop another 40P if I don't have to.
Muchas gracias,
Senior Moondog.
Required? You are required to pay taxes and die. Unless, of course, you qualify for the "foreign earned income exclusion," as I do. Then you are only required to die eventually. The death rate is one per capita.
Required? You are required to pay taxes and die. Unless, of course, you qualify for the "foreign earned income exclusion," as I do. Then you are only required to die eventually. The death rate is one per capita.
Much respect to you guys. Now another subject. I imagine not all of you guys prefer going to discoteques but I would like to know from any of the younger guys (or anyone for that matter) which is the best (and I mean the best) discoteque in town. VIP tables etc. Hopefully you guys will reply in the next few hours. I heard Asia de Cuba was good. What other clubs are good? I need to get out of the apartment and want to experience a different scene tonight. Thanks in advance.
Much respect to you guys. Now another subject. I imagine not all of you guys prefer going to discoteques but I would like to know from any of the younger guys (or anyone for that matter) which is the best (and I mean the best) discoteque in town. VIP tables etc. Hopefully you guys will reply in the next few hours. I heard Asia de Cuba was good. What other clubs are good? I need to get out of the apartment and want to experience a different scene tonight. Thanks in advance.
Don't know if I caught you in time.
Yes Asia de Cuba is a good club and so is Opera Bay, which is also in Puerto Madero. Both are very upscale. Music in both places tends to be electronic, but Opera Bay has several dance floors and plays other types of music.
The "best" club is in the eye of the beholder. Depends what scene you like. There's so much going on in this city.
I'm not sure I'd call Asia de Cuba upscale given that I and many others wore jeans the last time I was there. Well, I wasn't dancing on sawdust and cigarette stubs. Just dress hip. There are lots of young women there outnumbering the men. Fun place.
Other than those two in Puerto Madero, hit one here in Palermo Viejo, Costanera Norte or any place else other than the Recoleta tourist trap.
Niceto Club
Niceto Vega 5510 between Humboldt and Fitz Roy
Best night is Thursday for Club 69. Maybe too popular.
Av. Costanera Rafael Obligado
I haven't hit it yet but this has been recommended to me more than once.
Here's a good link listing what clubs to go to on what night.
Yes, I was required to pay the 40P exit fee not to the girl but to the bartender/waiter guy. Should I have not paid? If so, thanks for the info. I don't want to drop another 40P if I don't have to.
Dickhead has got it right, as usual. :) The decision to pay her fee is yours and yours alone.
Daddy Rulz
04-24-05, 04:05
The bartender probably kept it and charged her as well.
Silent Monger
04-29-05, 09:39
Dear Gentlemen,
from reading the many good reports on this forum I have noticed that people tend not to pay the provider until after the service is completed. This is very unusual for me.
In my local mongering scene it is almost manditory to pay for services upfront, otherwise the service will simply be refused!
So how do you guys get away with this, is it that this is just the cultural norm among the mongering community of BsAs?
When I am in BsAs if a girl demands up-front payment should I refuse?
Now given that many mongers do not pay up-front for the service does this mean you are assuming the right not to pay at all if you are unsatisfied with the service you recieve? How does this work and what lee-way do I have here?
Thanks for your help, this forum and it's contributors have been very valuable in preparing for my adventure there.
Silent Monger
.......When I am in BsAs if a girl demands up-front payment should I refuse?....
Absolutely. It is the "norm" here, as opposed to USA. However, I always clear up this and some other points with them before I take them out. If you don't, chances are that they will ask money up front. At this point, it is your call whether you will continue or send them away with taxi fare. For brothels and clubs like "Rio Cabaña", you have to pay up front.
Now given that many mongers do not pay up-front for the service does this mean you are assuming the right not to pay at all if you are unsatisfied with the service you recieve? How does this work and what lee-way do I have here?....Silent Monger
If you are looking for a freebie on the ground of technicality.....don't. However, if you had negotiated something like BBBJ, anal etc. and she did not deliver, then you may deduct some of the payment. Don't try to stiff them totally, once you partook in the service. If a chica is notorious and delivers terrible service, write about her on this board. I am sure all of us will take note and scratch her off our wish list. Read Jackson's experience about Barbara in 1707 Santa Fe thread. Its very educational for BA mongers.
Daddy Rulz
04-29-05, 14:16
Silent Monger
bandy is right, the idea is not to get a freebie due to a technicality. The issue is more about power, in a chicas mind once you pay that money is earned and her thoughts are on where the next money is coming from. When they don't have it in their pocket it's not theirs yet. In this country when they talk about getting paid for a job they use the word "gana" (I think that's right, my spelling sucks equally bad in Castillano as it does in English) it's the word for win, I don't think they have the concept of "earn".
Also they really are responsive to men they percieve as powerful, one of the ways you hold power is to not do things as they want them but as you want them. These honeys deserve a bit of respect and affection but never forget they are there to serve you and never the other way around, though a little daty does go a long, long way to having a nice session.
Clearly state that the price is in Peso's, look them right in the eye and tell them your requirements whatever they may be, then tell them you will pay them after and not before. If they try to change the deal back at the homestead cancel the action. When they ask for cab fare tell them you are not going back to the club they work at so their cab problems are their problem not yours. Be resilute and the "misunderstanding" will go away. If it doesn't go find another.
I've said it a million times here, there is absolutly no shortage of beautiful available women in BsAs and the only time the market is controled by supply is when there is a shortage or when the consumer doesn't understand the power they have. My buddy says it the best, "Be a King" expect to be served, if the service isn't what you want go get another. Don't be an asshole, just be firm. If your from the States then you have been conditioned that what your doing is shameful. It's not, it's fun. Fucking without commitment is fun so be the best putanero you can be and have a blast.
The exception to this is privados, you must pay in advance in apartments. 1707 in my opinion has jacked up the price too high with mandatory propinas, they are at the point that whatever you pay for an hour only includes intercourse and you have to pay extra for anything else. Avoid it and go to another.
Dear Gentlemen,
from reading the many good reports on this forum I have noticed that people tend not to pay the provider until after the service is completed. This is very unusual for me.
In my local mongering scene it is almost manditory to pay for services upfront, otherwise the service will simply be refused!
So how do you guys get away with this, is it that this is just the cultural norm among the mongering community of BsAs?
When I am in BsAs if a girl demands up-front payment should I refuse?
Now given that many mongers do not pay up-front for the service does this mean you are assuming the right not to pay at all if you are unsatisfied with the service you recieve? How does this work and what lee-way do I have here?
Thanks for your help, this forum and it's contributors have been very valuable in preparing for my adventure there.
Silent MongerAll terms in any contract are negotiable. You have just as much power to set and refuse any terms as the other party. You too can simply refuse! It's so easy! She's got something you want and you've got something she wants. Think just like her. You have this wad of cash. What does she need to do and how does she need to do it for you to agree to hand her that cash? It's up to you. She does the same thing with what she has and what she needs from you. You're equal.
I don't know about the other post about how in the USA the norm is to pay up front. I don't agree. I've done hundreds of women for pay over a decade or more there and have seen it both ways. I've usually insisted on paying afterwards and have walked out if they made a big deal about it. Some localities may lean more one way than the other but you can always negotiate. They don't have to agree nor do you. You both can agree or you can agree to disagree and talk to someone else.
I haven't paid anyone up front on this trip at either the massage parlours or café takeout. As a matter of fact, I have never been asked for the money. I've simply left it on the table at the end before taking a shower. It's never been discussed. Here I wouldn't even consider paying up front because I know these women have little bargaining power. They can absorb the risk rather than me. I'm happy to learn in this thread that the apartments demand money up front because now I won't have to waste my time paying them a visit. There are too many options here, too many women hanging around waiting for something to happen, to bother with that!
I also would not pay taxi fare for someone if I thought they were pulling something on me. An honest misunderstanding? Well, maybe then. My fault? Certainly. But not if some atypical condition were introduced by them. Just as you have to pay for your own gas home if you don't complete a deal when going to visit some provider, these girls can pay their own way home too. Any lady here asking for money up front knows that it's unusual. She's taking a risk of the deal falling through and can pay the consequences.
I read in yesterday's Buenos Aires Herald that the average university-educated professional in this city earns about $1,200 (pesos) a month. That's about $300 a week. A lady seeing two clients at $150 each per week will earn that. She also won't pay any taxes on that I'm sure. OK, she's got some business expenses like her mobile phone, clothes, and "bar fines". Add another client or so. In any case, a lady seeing a client every other day or so will be doing about as well as other average professionals in this economy, relatively speaking. It'll still be rough but not as bad as a whole lot of other people here. If she's cut out for this job she'll have cab fare.
By the way, not that it matters much, but I reward great service and attitude with generous propinas. Risk/reward, no?
04-29-05, 22:02
Over the last 3 years in BsAs, I've only been asked once upfront. I'd always thought I'd put it on the night stand in clear view if it became an issue and the lady was to die for, but that hasn't happened to me in BsAs (and I'm not nearly as charming as a DH...)
Personally, I do not even discuss money. If they bring it up, we either agree or modify it. Performance based salary. If they are really good, then reward them accordingly. If it is just eat and run, then pay minumum wage. Personal opinion only.
The cartoon below this message shows a good reason not to pay in advance.
In my two weeks in Recoleta in March, only had one chick (from Affaire Recoleta) ask for an up front, she changed her mind quick when I showed her the door
On the other hand, I never try to grind on the fee or propina (if any), we are not buying used cars
"Error on the side of the GFE"--what is a few bucks one way or the other?
Jaimito Cartero
04-30-05, 02:06
In my two weeks in Recoleta in March, only had one chick (from Affaire Recoleta) ask for an up front, she changed her mind quick when I showed her the door
On the other hand, I never try to grind on the fee or propina (if any), we are not buying used cars
"Error on the side of the GFE"--what is a few bucks one way or the other?
I think you will get a bit of disagreement on this subject. Most will call it the "creep". Say you pay 100 pesos the first time. Everything is fine, and she wants some taxi money. You're generous and give her 20 pesos. The next time, guess how much she expects? 120 pesos. After that she will ask for 150.
For someone who comes down only once, it won't matter that you paid $40 or $50, it's still cheap in comparison, right? However, it makes it so much harder for people who live there and monger. The Latina Chica Network *knows* how much you pay, and each one will try and tack on another 20 pesos to show that she is better than her girlfriend.
You should know what the market price is, and go from there. There are some guys who just throw 300 pesos for ST around like it's nothing. And it may be for them. However, if you compare it to what a professional makes, it's a huge amount. What starts out as a 10 or 20 percent overpayment will turn into 100% in the span of a year or two.
Look at what Madahos is trying to get these days. I think 150 pesos was the norm there 2 years ago. All are asking for 300 now. Why? Because some horndogs will shell it out. Can you get them for less? Sure, but many will stick to the 300 price and that isn't tolerable for many guys in BA.
I think the more spanish you speak, the more likely they won't try and scam you.
I was in Peru this last week, and I can't tell you how much it sucked having ALL the normal working girls ask for the money upfront. I negotiated with one to leave it on the dresser, and it was fine. A couple of lovely semi-pro's that David in Lima put me in contact with were totally sweet, and were so close to a girlfriend, I almost forgot to pay them!
Daddy Rulz
04-30-05, 04:14
All you tourists that say "what's another couple bucks" will be bitching when you come back next year and that couple of bucks is now U$S200.00. Think I'm kidding, read back a few years and compare pricing.
I just got back a week ago and rent is still the same, cortado's are the same, food in restaurants is the same (I understand it's up in the supermarkets) the only thing that had raised a lot in price was my haircut. Used to be 7 pesos, now it's 12.
Jax used to say "please don't pay more than 150 AR at Madaho's" and now it's 200 AR per hour, not for a long time but per hour, at the mansion. If it's your first trip and you don't show restraint by the time you come back you will be bitching like the rest of us.
Minimum wage remains 550 AR per month, gotta compare apples to apples. These sweet wonderful chicas that give us so many happy memories deserve to be well compesated I agree but paying them over half a months salery for an hours work is crazy.
Mi dos centavos
Silent Monger
04-30-05, 08:42
Gentlemen thank you for your feedback. Be assured I am not trying to seek a freebie from a girl based on a technicality. I believe if someone works then they deserve to be paid.
It is just that this concept of not paying up front is totally foreign to me. It is really something I am going to have to get used to.
As for tourists ruining the scene in BsAs by over-inflating prices, I agree that this can certainly be a problem in mongering scenes worldwide. Many a mongers paradise has been destroyed by the capricious habits of touristic mongers whose expenditure is totally disproportionate to the local economy.
That is why I have found this website a valuable resource, because by reading the many reports from regulars in BsAs it has given me a good grasp of what is reasonable to pay for services. Therefore I will have a realistic starting point in negotiating with the chicas.
However even after researching the local scene it also takes some self-discipline. When you are visiting BsAs for the first time, feeling horny and looking at a chica through beer goggles with a stiff dick in your pants, one may be tempted to throw caution to the wind and pay slightly higher than usual prices.
Silent Monger
Young & Restless
04-30-05, 11:57
Hey everyone,
I am just returning from my first trip to Buenos Aires and all I can say is that I have been cheating myself by not going there until just now.
Before I begin, thanks to all of those who answered all of my newbie questions before my trip. Also, Moondog’s Guide to Buenos Aires ( was a huge asset before and during my trip. I used the maps just about every day while I was in BA to help plan night time activities. Muchas gracias señor!
While I was there I found some places that I liked a lot and went back to them several times, so as a result, I did not get to cover as much territory as I had intended. I see it as a good excuse to return to BA and do some more research. I’m a half-full glass of water kind of guy (hehehe).
Santa Fe 1707 (third floor)
Tel: 4816-1490 / 8926 – Cel: (15) 4028-7804
Mon- Sat / 10am – 5am
Highly recommended. I had not been in BA for more than a couple hours before I was on my way to Santa Fe 1707. I did not really know what to expect since I’ve never been to a private apartment before, but I’m glad I decided to come here early on in my trip.
One thing that I really liked was how discrete everything was. You could walk pass this apartment a thousand times and never know what’s transpiring on the 3rd floor.
Before you can go inside the building you have to push the buzzer for the 3rd floor, so they can unlock the door for you. If they say something to you after you press the buzzer, just say “Hello” in English and they will unlock the door immediately.
Go inside, take a ride on the old antiquated elevator and knock on the door. Once inside the apartment, the young lady who seems to be in charge of operations will explain the system to you if it’s your first time there.
I really liked the set-up here, as it is discrete and straight forward. Upon entry, the madam will take you to a room where you just have a seat and wait by yourself for the presentation to begin. They will send in one girl at a time to this room. The chica will introduce herself to you, give you a peck on the cheek, walk out and another one will come in right behind her and repeat the process. No games here. Just pick the girl you want and you can probably guess what happens next… That’s right… payment. Unfortunately, payment was always required upfront here.
The prices here are really good, IMO. You can elect to have 45-minutes for AP $80 or 1-hour for AP $100. If you want a bbbj, that must be discussed up-front with the chica and if they agree to it, they will tell you that you have to give them a AP $20 propina (tip).
I went here during the morning and afternoon and the fewest girls that were ever presented to me at one time was about 4 and the most was about 7 or 8. You will see at least one or two girls in the line-up that will really get your engine going. If I had to guess, I would say that the best looking girls here are in the 8 range. A good bit of advice that I read before coming here was to bring a pen & paper to write down the girl’s names as you meet them, so you can remember which one you want to select or avoid. The girls say hi and bye in a matter of seconds, so unless you are good with names the pen & paper is a big help.
After you tell the madam which girl you want she will offer you a drink and it’s off to a room. I was under the impression that the rooms here were a bit rough; however I did not find that to be the case. You won’t be tricked into thinking that you are at the Ritz-Carlton, but the rooms were clean and adequate as far as I am concerned.
I had two different chicas here, with one as a repeat. Erika was the first one. She had a light brown complexion, beautiful body, nice tits, pretty face, very sweet smile and was very talented. Gave an excellent bbbj too. Unfortunately, I did not see her there on subsequent visits; otherwise I would have repeated her again in a heartbeat.
The other chica that I chose was Barbara. She was truly amazing and was probably a little better than Erika. She gave an unforgettable bbbj and was an incredible performer. One thing about her that really hit home with me was the amount of energy she contained. I woke up the next day and had to have another session with her. She has a tattoo on her back, brown hair, very light skin (she looked very chicana), was fun, playful, loved to smile and laugh. Best 80 pesos I ever spent. Whoops, forgot about the propina… make that 100 pesos.
IMHO, Santa Fe 1707 is the best place to go for daytime action. They open at 10am if I’m not mistaken.
Cafés and Coffee Shops
Café Orleans
Av. Cordoba, 499
Tel: 4311-5194
Somewhat recommended. I went to Café Orleans on three different occasions during my trip and was never overly impressed. I went there as my first stop of the night on one occasion and as my last stop of the night on the other two. I noticed that the crowd picks up here as the night progresses, but quite frankly crap multiplied by crap still equals crap. It just really wasn’t worthwhile here.
Don’t get me wrong, I usually saw one, maybe two decent/good looking girls in here, but these girls had way too much of an advantage on the situation. They knew that their competition wasn’t much to contend with and most of the stiff legs in here would probably give in to whatever they required.
The thing that made Café Orleans worth going to for me was because it was a fun environment that didn’t cost more than whatever kind of beer you were drinking. I met a couple of nice girls there that I had some nice conversations with, but for me this place wasn’t much more than just a little café to drink beer at and get flirtatious looks from the chicas there.
One time it took everything I had not to laugh when I saw an unknowing pedestrian and his family innocently stumble into this place. They came to a sudden halt at the entrance door and did an about face, forward march once they figured out that this was a little more than just a café.
I would recommend dropping by for a drink. Again, it’s a fun, laid back environment, but… when it comes to finding chicas, I preferred other places.
Confiteria Exedra
Av. Cordoba, 999 Esq. C. Pellegrini
Tel: 4322-7807
Recommended. This is my favorite café. It’s bigger and more spread out than Café Orleans and I thought that the girls here were better looking. There were many times that I would go here just to have a beer or two and see how the day’s crop was looking.
I found Exedra to be an excellent place to go and relax at any time of the day or night, regardless of whether you were in search of a chica or not. I went there several times during the day and would see girls sitting in there that I saw from the previous night. I couldn’t help, but wonder if she had been sitting there for the past 12-hours waiting for someone to take her out.
On a side note, one thing that I forgot to mention about Café Orleans and any other Quilmes bar/café that I thought was pretty cool is that they always severed peanuts, chips or miniature breadsticks when you order a beverage. Exedra wins the blue ribbon in this event as they have all the above plus cheese, olives and bite size ham & cheese sandwiches. I thought it was nice the first time, but on a more sober night I questioned if some of this stuff was being recycled from the previous customer.
I had two different sessions with Exedra chicas. My first session was with a girl from Paraguay. She was about 28 y/o and had fake blond hair. She started out with quoting me AP $200. I asked her what I could get for AP $120 and she said that she would not leave for less than AP $150. She was cute; I was horny so off we went. Right off the bat I asked her if bbbj was ok and she said no problem.
For 28 y/o, this girl had a very good body and a tattoo on her back. Only flaw was that the skin on her stomach was a little stretched, but was not that big of a deal. Taking the good with the bad and for AP $150, there was nothing to complain about. I had an excellent time and it was money well spent.
My other encounter at Exedra was a threesome with two Argentine chicas. One was very light skinned with fake blond hair and the other one had darker skin, black hair and a tattoo on her back (maybe I should only mention when a girl does not have a tattoo on her back). Both girls were in their mid-twenties. It was extremely late this night (about 4:30am), but when these two girls invited me to their table I suddenly felt my second wind coming along.
They wanted to see if I was interested in one of them and I asked them if they all wanted to leave together. They said “Si!” and when I asked them if they would do anything together, they looked at each other for about half of a second and said, “Claro…” while nodding their heads yes.
I forgot that the Hotel Horizonte wasn’t very far from Exedra, so the taxi driver took us to a place that he recommended. I don’t remember exactly where this place is at, but it was on the opposite side of Av. 9 de Julio, more towards Recoleta.
Once we got inside our room, we all took a shower and then proceeded to bed. Things started off with some girl meets girl action and I must admit that this was better than the 2-threesomes that I previously had in Brazil. The girl with the lighter complexion was moaning and breathing heavily while the darker girl laid down in front of her and opened her legs for her. Without any hesitation, she commenced to going down on her. After about 15 minutes or so, the darker girl came (sorry I do not have names) and must have had a really intense orgasm, because she got up quick and started kissing all over the other girl. At this point, el capitano was so hard either of the girls could have done a trapeze swing from it and I could not set on the side lines anymore.
I had such a good time with these girls. We had our own unspoken system in effect too. When one girl would get tired, she would take a break and start kissing all over me while the other girl got on top. It was so much fun; I just wish that I had an extra set of hands.
Two hours with these girls and all it cost me was AP $130 for each girl, ~AP $60 for the love motel and AP $14 round-trip taxi fare. 334 pesos well spent.
One thing that does kind of suck about Exedra and Orleans is that the girls are sitting down most of the time, so unless you see them when they first walk in or get up to go to another table, it can be tricky to assess the girl’s assets (hehehe). I had my own way of dealing with that and knock on fake wood, it never backfired on me.
I invited one girl to my table that had a cute face, but once she stood up, I noticed that her body left a little to be desired. I know this sounds really weird, but I think her name is Andy. This girl used to work at strip clubs in the US for a few years and spoke excellent English, she asked me if I wanted some company and I said sure, but I only had AP $80. Luckily, she apologized and was quick to say that AP $200 was her lowest price and got up to go to another table. I told her I understood and it was not a problem…
I think Exedra is a cool place, but I absolutely would not pay more than AP $150 for any girl there. If you are near the area, definitely drop by for a drink and check out the scene.
Esmeralda, 815
Tel: 4314-6869
Mildly recommended. I never saw this place mentioned anywhere before I went on my trip, but I’ve noticed that it has been mentioned recently. It’s right on Esmeralda and Av. Cordoba. Either Castelar is still in the way early stages of p4p café evolution or it’s never going to make it.
The crowd here is predominately filled with your average pedestrian, but every time I went in I always saw 2 – 3 girls in the very back that were on the program. Nothing too great, so I didn’t bother with any price checks while I was there. I would be willing to bet that these girls start out asking less than they do at Exedra & Orleans.
Not the best café, but it may have some potential. Worth dropping by for a beer (only AP $3).
Clubs and Boliches
The Suipacha Triangle: Hook, Catto’s and Ness
Suipacha, 936 (Hook)
Tel: 4328-8593
Recommended. Here you have three clubs that are clustered together with Hook and Catto’s being neighbors and Ness located right across the street from the two, hence the Triangle. All three clubs are literally a few footsteps away from each other.
One thing I liked about the Triangle before I even went there was that it was located close to my hotel on Av. Cordoba and Maipu. I usually just walked there and only took a cab when leaving with a chica.
My routine at the Triangle usually began at Hook, then Catto’s and Ness. There is (or was) a guy that stands near the entrance of Hook and passes out Hook business cards that give you your 2nd drink free, so I started things off there. I typically would just go in there to get a quick preview of the chicas and redeem the drink card. After I finished my drinks at Hook, I would drop in Catto’s and Ness for just a few minutes and go back to whichever one had the best selection of the night.
Ness was the only club that I never chose any girls from. Hook and Catto’s just seem to be more consistent for some reason, plus I think they are both nicer clubs than Hook.
As with any other clubs the quality would vary at times, but I never had any problems finding that special chica on any given night that I went there (including Sunday).
The Triangle won’t suite everyone’s taste, but I liked it for a number of reasons:
The Chicas:
As far as looks go, I think the girls at the Triangle are significantly better looking than the girls at Orleans/Exedra. However, the expensive clubs in Recoleta like Black and Madaho’s had more good looking girls, but they also had about 80 girls working in each club. One thing worth mentioning is that even though clubs like Black and Madaho’s have a bigger selection of sexy chicas, I honestly thought that several girls that I met here at the Triangle looked just as good as many of the girls in Black and Madaho’s.
The girls here were much nicer and down to earth. As long as I was setting by myself in the Triangle clubs, it would never be more than a few minutes before some girl would come over and set down with me. Even the ones that were standing at the bar or sitting across the room would at least offer flirtatious smiles. That’s an important part of the whole game for me. If a girl isn’t even good at flirting, I would hate to think of how she would perform in bed.
The atmosphere there was laidback and not high pressured. I had few girls come and sat down uninvited, but they were friendly and did not get offended when I didn’t buy them a drink or invite them to my hotel.
Another thing that was nice was that on some nights I showed up early (right around mid-night) and I was the only guy in Hook or Catto’s, so that made the girl to guy ratio around 10:1 or 12:1. I honestly can’t remember being at any place throughout my travels where the girl to guy ratio was ever better than 4:1 or 5:1. I’m just guessing at these numbers, but they’re probably pretty close.
Chica prices:
Asking prices were around AP $200, but I never paid more than AP $150 at Hook and/or Catto’s (half the price of the expensive clubs in Recoleta). The lowest price that I paid was AP $130 for a generous hour with a girl from Hook. One chica that I would rate as a solid 8.5, gave me toda la noche (TLN = all night), without me asking for it. I did give her a propinita, since I do not have a problem giving a little extra, if I am given a little extra.
It’s not all about the money to me. If this makes any since, I’m less concerned with stretching my dollar than I am with each dollar being well spent. Just to make a quick point, some of my favorite places in Rio happen to be some of the most expensive places in town. The service I get along with the attitude and appearance of the girls in these places make it well worth the extra buck or two for me. Not to harp on this issue much more, but I did not think that the expensive clubs in Recoleta offered as good of a cost/benefit ratio as the clubs in the Triangle. I will elaborate more on this as I continue my report.
Drink Prices:
Most of the girls that I met in BsAs could not speak hardly any English, but all of them knew how to say, “Buy me a drink??” Personally, I found the drink policies at all of the clubs to be very annoying and sometimes a royal pain in the ass. I’m guessing this must be a Spanish thing, since I’ve encountered the same deal in Mexico, but never in Brazil. Anyway, when compared to the clubs that I went to in Recoleta, the drink prices at the Triangle are the lesser of the two evils. AP $25 buys the chica a drink at Catto’s and it seems like the chica drinks were even a little cheaper at Hook, like around AP $20. I was never required to buy more than one drink before I could take a chica back to my hotel.
A few not so good things:
This mainly applies to Catto’s which I enjoyed very much, but it was pretty damn dark in there, so it was a little difficult to make a fair assessment of the chicas. The lighting at the bar is a little better, so I usually sat there until I could get a satisfying glimpse at my potential GF for the evening. Even though it was a little dark in Catto’s, I was never disappointed with any girls from there that I brought back to my hotel.
Quanity of chicas:
None of the clubs were ever packed when I went there. I would say that Hook/Catto’s usually had about 20 girls or so once things started picking up and Ness had a dozen at best. As long as you don’t go too early, it shouldn’t be very hard to choose a chica, but you may have to check out more than one of these three clubs before you find her.
I don’t really have too many complaints about the Triangle clubs. Personally, I would recommend starting your night out here and if you don’t find a chica that does it for you, then go check out some clubs in Recoleta.
Azcuénaga, 1908 Esq. Vte López (Recoleta)
Tel: 4805-3208 / 4807-1311
Mon- Sun / 10pm – 5am
Somewhat recommended. I went here on two different nights and two different times on one night. The main reason that I will recommend Madaho’s is because out of all the places that I went to they had the highest number of hot chicas under one roof, it’s a nice club in a nice part of town and they played excellent music every time I went there. However, there were several things about Madaho’s that I did not care for.
Number one… this place is damn expensive! Although the cover charge (AP $30) included my first drink, the price shoots back up to AP $30 per drink after that one. Chica drinks were a whopping AP $50.
I inadvertently took one for the team on my first night at Madaho’s. This might have been my own folly, but in my notes I had AP $200 as the going rate with some bargaining. I spoke with three different chicas there, but none of them would drop one centavo below AP $300. I thought that maybe I was there too early and that if they saw me leave they would realize that I was not going to pay any of them AP $300. With that in mind, I left and went to another club with the intention of going back to Madaho’s unless I found something better elsewhere. After some time went by, I decided to go back to Madaho’s, but when I went back the main girls that I wanted to talk to were no where to be found.
Every single girl that I spoke with in this place wanted AP $300 for an hour and they would not budge one peso less. I noticed that the girls did not mind discussing prices before you bought them drink (I guess that was because there wasn’t much to discuss… AP $300, take it or leave it), but you have to purchase them a drink before they are allowed to leave with you.
I walked around for a little while (which is not very fun in Madaho’s due to their L-shaped layout) and found a pretty sexy chica standing alone. I had higher hopes with this one than with the previous girls, because it was later and she seemed a bit nicer than the others. No such luck… She would not go below AP $300 either. At this point, I had surpassed my quota for having too much fun at Madaho’s for the evening, so I went to Exedra and had a threesome with two girls from there that ended up costing less than one girl from Madaho’s (AP $300 for the girl + AP $50 for the drink) . I do have to give the girls some credit though; they damn sure stuck to their guns. 300 pesos o bésame culo…
Speaking of Spanish… one thing that I should point out is that I have virtually no problems speaking basic Spanish. I have been working around Mexicans for well over a decade now and they have helped me learn Spanish, plus I live in a city heavily populated with Hispanics. While I’m definitely not the best and cannot write it worth a damn, I use it everyday and can speak & understand it sufficiently. I mention this only because I don’t want to give anyone the idea that I was walking up to chicas waiving two fingers in the air saying, “Two hundred pesos??” Well, anyway… I seriously have to ask myself if you can bargain a girl from Madaho’s down to AP $200 anymore. It seems like AP $300 is a firm rate now.
Also… attitude is in the midst. While there are some really hot girls here, they seem to have this chip on their shoulder. A lot of the girls in there just seemed unmotivated. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not expecting cartwheels or anything, but what’s wrong with showing a little enthusiasm? It’s not that hard, trust me. I’ve met girls that look just as good, if not better than Madaho’s girls that deliver Oscar quality performances.
Not to knock Madaho’s too much, because I know that it is probably some people’s favorite place, but several of the girls there just seem to have this “consider yourself lucky if I decide to leave with you” mentality.
I went back to Madaho’s on a different night to try my luck again. After arriving and taking a quick survey while drinking my beer, I saw a little Dominicana that had the best body in the place, cute face and a very friendly personality. A little eye contact and a smile was all it took and she was on her way. She had a good attitude and a very upbeat personality. There are a lot of girls at Madaho’s that could learn a thing or two from this chica.
Once again, this girl would not budge from AP $300. As I have mentioned previously in this report, I will give in to higher prices occasionally, but not just because the girl is hot. They need to have some enthusiasm too. Since this girl had both qualities, I decided to bow down to AP $300.
Back at the hotel this girl’s energy was amazing. Things started off with a hot shower and bbbj before moving to the bedroom where there was more bbbj action. Afterwards, we went at it in several positions including her on top, missionary and doggie. There was never a rush and this girl was a great performer from beginning to end.
One thing worth mentioning about Madaho’s is that they have something to suit just about everyone’s taste here. While I was there, I met girls from Venezuela, Paraguay, Dominican Republic and of course Argentina. I would be willing to bet there were a few Brazilians there too, but I did not come across any.
If the prices were a little lower and the chicas were friendlier, this place would have been one of my favorites.
Solid Gold
Azcuenaga, 1926 (Recoleta)
Tel: 4805-1321 / 4803-9293
Somewhat recommended. I debated on not even mentioning this place in my report because I didn’t stay very long and I don’t really remember the prices, but I’ll give it a shot anyway.
It seems like the entrance fee here was along the same lines of Black and Madaho’s (between AP $20 – 30). At first glance I liked this place right away, because it was big, they had a decent selection of girls and the lighting was better than some of the other clubs that I went to. It all stops there though.
On the first level of this club, they had a bar in the back where a lot of the chicas were congregating in the corner. I decided to go have a seat and drink a beer in that little area. While I was setting down, one of the girls came and set down next me. She was not the best looking chica in the place, but she had a nice body and was a nice girl.
We had been talking for a few minutes and I hear someone behind the bar using a raised voice trying to get my attention. I look up and there are two female bartenders looking at me and one of them says, “You have to buy her a drink”. I told her that we were just talking and she said, “Yes, but you have to buy her a drink if you want to talk to her”. Even if that is their policy they certainly could have been more tactful with how presented it to me. I did not appreciate these bitches interrupting my conversation and I damn sure didn’t like them barking orders at me (by the drink or else), I told them; “If that’s the case then the girl can leave, but don’t tell me that I HAVE to buy someone a drink. If I want anything from you, I’ll ask you for it”. They kept asking me why I was getting so mad, but I just continued towards the door.
Before I left, I decided to go check out the upstairs. It reminded me a little of Help, how you can look down at all of the chaos going on downstairs, but it was just a little bit less chaotic here…
One thing that I thought was kind of strange and funny at the same time, was this arrangement of chairs near the edge of the opening upstairs. They were all sat next to each other and faced straight ahead. It kind of reminded me of an elementary classroom or a Chinese clothing factory. I guess this is where the girls come when they are bored??
I didn’t see anything spectacular in Solid Gold, but it might have been too late when I went there or maybe it would have been better on a different night. Here again, the water is polluted by pushy bartenders trying to enforce house drink policies. To me, their desperation is just the sign of a not-so-good club. Madaho’s and Hook/Catto’s are at two entirely different ends of the spectrum, but not once was I ever pestered by the staff to buy a drink for a girl that I was talking to. Still, I liked the set-up of this place and would probably give it another try on a different trip. Maybe…
Ayacucho, 1981 (Recoleta)
Tel: 4804-9652 / 9749
Overrated and somewhat recommended. While this is a nice establishment and they do have some really beautiful girls in there, I did not think that what they had to offer was anything that would warrant paying the US $150-200 prices that I have read about. I want to say that the entrance fee at Black is the same as Madaho’s (AP $30), if not the exact same, it’s within a few peso of the same price.
I went in and stood by the bar next to two Argentine chicas (one was incredibly sexy). The conversation seemed to be going pretty good, so I asked the sexy chica how many pesos for a little fun back at my hotel. As soon as I completed the sentence she tells me that I have to buy her a drink before she can discuss that. She did not make any effort to be tactful about telling me this, it was just like “Buy me a drink first” and it kind of reminded me of an infomercial were they just will not tell you the price until the very end (mainly, because what they are selling is not worth the money). I told her thanks anyway and walked away to the other side of the bar.
It was really unfortunate that this girl was not more flexible about discussing prices before making me buy her an expensive, overpriced drink, because she was so hot and I was so horny that I probably would have paid handsomely for her (and a drink to get her out). Oh well, her stubbornness just saved me enough money for 4-trips to Santa Fe or 3-girls from the Triangle. For me, that was a win-win situation.
While on the other side of the bar, I surveyed the area. Yes, there are some very beautiful girls in this place, but I saw a few here that I would not even waste my time with. To tell the truth, the ratio of good looking girls here was not really any better than what was available at the Triangle.
I caught the sexy girl and her friend looking at me a couple of times after I left and the chica that I was talking to had this look to her like she could not believe that I just walked away so fast after she insisted that I buy her a drink before negotiating. While I realize that I did not benefit too much by turning down this beautiful woman, if I made it a little easier on the next guy that approached her, well…. You’re welcome, amigo.
I only went to Black once on this trip and don’t think that I really gave it a fair enough chance, but I already had a taste of some better options in BA before I went to there and was spoiled by better deals. By the time I went inside Black it was close to 3am and this little voice kept telling me “… only a few more hours and Santa Fe 1707 will be open”.
At Black, I knew that I was looking at no less than US $150 (if I was lucky) and having to buy the chica an expensive drink(s). Whereas if I could just hold off for a few more hours, I could have a girl that looks almost as good, but I would only have to pay AP $100 for the same amount of time with a chica. I decide to go back to my hotel and wait.
Girls at Black and any other club that refuse to discuss prices before you buy them a drink shoot themselves in the foot as far as I’m concerned. I do not mind shelling out a few extra pesos for their drinks, but not before I at least begin negotiating. I’ve read that chica drinks at Black start out at AP $50 and may cost up to AP $85 depending on which drink the girl orders and I’ve also read that there is a 2-drink minimum before the girl can leave. Can anyone say, “Rip-off”?
I just couldn’t see investing that kind of money in chica drinks before I knew what price the she would require. It’s a stupid way to do business. If her rock bottom price is US $200, than I’m out at least 50 – 85 pesos. Sure, I’ll buy the drink, but not before I know what the final price is going to be. Just curious, how many guys out there have bought the chica a drink, but could not come to an agreement with them?
Since there are some really beautiful women in Black, I’ll give it a recommendation mainly for those wanting to splurge, but I think that there are much better options in BA for finding chicas.
”What’s Up?” fka Closer
on Guido near Junin (Recoleta)
Not recommended. This place is crap. Is this even a place to pick-up chicas? It truly sucked here. When I went in there it looked like a bunch of locals just sitting down socializing. Don’t ask me why, but I ordered a beer and decided to have a seat. The whole time I was in there, I kept asking myself, “What in the hell am I doing here?”
I did see one girl standing in the back of this place that was definitely on the program, but she had about as much business in here as I did.
Don’t be tricked into wasting your time and money in this place as I was. The taxi cab driver took me here, because all of the other clubs in Recoleta were supposedly closed. Looking back, I would be willing to bet that he got a kickback from the doorman for bringing me here.
This place is easy to recognize, because there is a big blue neon sign on that outside that says “What’s Up” and you have to walk up some stairs to get inside.
If you are convinced that all of the other clubs really are closed and “What’s Up” is your only option, now would be a good time to check out Café Orleans if you have been avoiding it.
Here are two clubs that I never even went inside due to their overly aggressive (almost desperate) tactics. Special thanks to the forum for forewarning me about these kinds of places that lure you in, set expensive drinks down on your table and demand that you pay up. Again, I did not go inside either of these two places, but I have a sneaking suspicion that they are both rip-off joints.
Pussy Club (??)
On Cordoba between Maipu and Suipacha (??)
Sorry I don’t have the exact location for this place, but I want to mention it anyway. This place is located on the same side of Cordoba as Exedra and it seems like it was between Maipu and Suipacha. Looking at Jackson’s Microcenter map, the Pussy Club may be the place that I am referring to.
The scene here is a guy standing outside and literally begs people to come inside. I only passed by this place one time and he was trying to give me some kind of card that could be redeemed for a drink special.
As a rule of thumbs, I never entered any establishments that had pushy people working the entrance or have not been mentioned in the forum already and this place fell into both categories. Aside from this guy’s desperate attempts to get me to come inside “only to look”, I was even more leery when he refused to give me a card for this place. My guess is that he might have suspected that I would use it to give them some bad press if he let me leave with this place’s name/location info. If that’s the case, he made the right decision by not giving it to me.
This place may be ok, but I personally think that if a place is really worth going to, its reputation will sell itself and you don’t need these guys standing out front begging people to come in.
Carlos Pellegrini, 469 (very close to the Obelisco)
Tel: 4326-8005
Two times I was pestered by the jerks that work at the entrance of this place. The first time I was innocently taking a picture of the Obelisco (unfortunately, this place is located in a perfect area to take a picture) and I can hear these guys yapping behind me trying to get my attention to come inside this club. These guys will not take no for an answer and were way more pushy than the man in front of Pussy Club (??). I finally just walked away and left them talking to themselves.
I made the mistake of walking by this place again on a different day after coming back from the grocery store on Rivadavia. I was carrying two heavy bags while I walked in front of them and one of the two guys kept insisting that I come in and take a look. I showed him my bags (as if it wasn’t obvious already), but he didn’t give a shit that I just left a grocery store and he still kept insisting that I come in to look. Finally, I just told him, “I’m NOT interested! I DON’T give a shit!!” and would you believe that this jerk tells me, “Just come look! Only to look!!” Unbelievable.
Unless, someone can provide a good report on this place, I recommend avoiding these assholes and their club.
Kilkenny's Irish Bar
Reconquista, 1000
Tel: 4312-7291
I went to Kilkenny’s on a Monday night and was amazed at how packed this place was. After a few pints of Guiness, I couldn’t wait to get acquainted with one of the chicas here.
The music here was excellent. They played everything from The Eagles, Guns N' Roses, Metallica, Led Zeppelin, you name it. This place was really cool. The bar was filled predominately with locals so being the gringo that I am, I’m sure that I stood out like a sore thumb. No matter though, pretty chicas, good music and cold beer will cure any problem.
I couldn’t help but notice this really cute girl not too far from where I was standing and I could tell that she was into the music being played. It was a past 1am, so after finishing my last few sips of the nectar of life, I decide to ask her if she knew what time the bar was going to close. Eureka!! She spoke perfect English. The conversation led into music and the rest was history. She said that she learned English in school and that she “loved English”. We sat down at a table and talked for close to 2-hours. I was having a great time, but was so tired that I had to concentrate on keeping my eye lids opened.
I got the girl’s cell phone number and we planned on going somewhere the next night.
FYI, if you come here, be sure to bring a copy of your passport. I didn’t have one with me, but the doorman had a good laugh when I showed him my hotel room card and decided to let me in. Maybe that’s all they really need to see…
Paloko Belgrano Bowling
Av. Cabildo, 450
Tel: 4775-8279
By her request, we came here and played pool one night and bowled on another night. I have to admit I had a lot of fun doing this. Another plus about coming here was that it was dirt cheap. To rent a table or a lane for one hour was around AP $21. Where I live, that’s a few dollars shy of being half the price for pool and almost a third of the price to rent a lane for an hour.
I had a lot of fun with this girl. We came here a few times and went to a couple of restaurants. I never hit a home run, but we did have some pretty intense make out sessions back at my hotel.
Some folks may consider this kind of stuff to be a waste of time, but it was quite the opposite for me. This girl could not stay out too late on any given night, so it never interfered with my p4p activity. And to tell the truth, sometimes I think the chase can be just as fun as the kill.
Hotel Info
Sheraton Libertador
Avenida Cordoba, 690
Phone 011 (54 11) 4321-0000
Fax 011 (54 11) 4322-9703
I checked on several different hotels and ended up staying at the Sheraton Libertador. The price was very reasonable considering how nice the hotel was.
The location is within walking distance from Excedra and Café Orleans. I usually walked to the Triangle and Santa Fe 1707, but it's only a 3 peso cab ride if you don't feel like walking.
They had a very friendly guest policy, but the girl has to have her ID and fill out a form at the reception desk before she is allowed in your room. They don't charge any 'fees' for allowing a girl to your room either. Also, no more than one guest is allowed in your room at one time.
The room safe is about the size of a shoebox and there is no charge for it as long as you return the lock and key upon checking out.
They had a very good breakfast that was included with the price of the room. Their daily breakfast included sausage, bacon, fried & scrambled eggs, hash browns, breads, pastries, fruits and juices.
I don't know what their rating is, but it was very nice hotel in a good location and I never had any problems with their guest policy.
Tourist Info
San Telmo Market
I didn't think there was anything that great about this market. It's a decent size market, but most people were peddling trinkets and old junk that I wouldn't want to bring back home.
They did have a few interesting things here such as silver goods, but nothing too great. It may be fun to go there and just to look around, but I suggest saving your money for the Caminito fair in La Boca. The selection of souvenirs and paintings in Caminito is like night and day compared to the San Telmo Market.
If it is raining on the Sunday that you plan on going to San Telmo, don't lose too much sleep if you decide not to go.
Recoleta Cemetery
I thought it was somewhat weird for this place to be such a popular tourist point, but nevertheless I had a few hours to kill on my last day in BsAs and decided to check it out.
If you've ever been to the cemetery in New Orleans, it is a poor man's cemetery when compared to this one. These were some of the most extravagant mausoleums that I have ever seen. I have no idea how much these things cost, but I'd be willing to bet that a lot of them cost more than an average house in the US.
It wasn't my life ambition to see Eva Peron's mausoleum, but if you take the time to come here, I guess this is the one you would want to see.
Unless you are going here on a guided tour, good luck finding her mausoleum. For those interested, I will do my best to tell you how to get there.
Go in through the main entrance (hopefully this is considered the 'main' entrance) and continue straight until you come upon an obstruction in the middle of the walkway. Take a left and continue until you come upon another obstruction in the middle of the walkway. Take a right and walk past three corridors on your left-hand side and you should see people gathering in front of Eva's mausoleum in the fourth corridor on your left. That's how you get there... I think. On the flip side of the coin, her's was not anything special as far as I could see. They had many other ones there that made hers look very plain.
Anyway, if you have extra time and want to see something different, come here.
La Boca - Caminito
I gotta say this was my favorite tourist place that I went to. You definitely get more South American vibes while you are in Caminito than you do downtown. All of the multi colored houses, street performers playing Latin American percussion and tango dancers made for an awesome site.
As mentioned earlier, this is where I recommend that you do your shopping for any souvenirs that you want to buy. Everything here was very reasonable and you have a good selection to choose from. I picked up some awesome paintings here that only cost AP $50.
One thing worth avoiding while at Caminito is the river across the street. I walked over to it for a photo op and the rancid smell hit me right in the face. A British lady was walking back to Caminito from the river and I never heard so many cuss words come from an elderly lady. Man, she was pissed!
Also, don’t let the guy at the entrance of Caminito con you into to using one of his no named taxis. Use Radio Taxi’s only!! I had to walk a few blocks before I found one, but it was well worth it.
I think safety is one of Buenos Aires’s biggest attributes. So many times while I was there, I noticed policemen standing on the corner of every block making a presence and I never saw any crime. Some very late nights I walked down Suipacha, Maipu and Cordoba, but never had a problem. I’ll go as far to say that safety could even be a deciding factor for one to choose going to BsAs.
I did however find myself right in the storms eye of a ‘manifestación’ while I was there. I was in very close proximity of a political demonstration in Austria a few years ago, but this was before 911 and all of the propaganda that followed it.
I don’t know the entire story, but this one had to do with a lot of people that were killed in Argentina exactly one year ago from that date. I was returning from Caminito and couldn’t help, but notice hundreds of buses lined up on Av. 9 de Julio. Due to the congested traffic, I mistakenly told the driver to let me out near the Obelisco and would walk to Cordoba from there. Yeah right… No sooner did I exit the taxi when I saw thousands of protesters that were crowding Av. 9 de Julio and ALL surrounding streets. I could not find my way out of this one. Every time I turned a street corner, there were thousands of demonstrators heading right towards me.
It seemed like a non-violent demonstration, but I could have sworn that I heard gun and rifle fire on several occasions. Later on, my girl insisted that this was fireworks and looking back she was probably right. However, if you are in that situation and think you hear gun fire, but it really is just fireworks… it might as well be gun fire.
I eventually I found a cab that got me back to Cordoba via the scenic route and was surprised to see how calm things were there.
My girl told me that these sort of demonstrations or ‘manifestaciones’ occur on a regular basis in BsAs, but I still think the city is very safe.
Additionally, there were practically zero people on the streets begging for money or trying to sell stolen watches or jewelry. That was a major plus in my book.
This is another advantage of BsAs. I don’t know what’s worse, the taxis in Rio or the green taxis in Mexico City. Both of them must be ranked amongst the world’s worst. However, I actually felt at ease using Radio Taxis in BsAs.
In Brazil, you practically have to ‘remind’ EVERY taxi driver to turn his meter on, but when using Radio Taxis in BsAs, as soon as you tell the driver where you want to go, that meter is turned on. Only once did my driver forget to turn his meter on one day coming back from Santa Fe, but as soon I pointed it out to him, he said the fair would be AP $3 (which was the correct fair).
Don’t be fooled by Radio Taxi wannabes that try to through you off with a name similar to Radio Taxi, but slightly different. There are several different lines of Radio Taxis, but the best one that I tried to use whenever possible was Radio Taxi Premium 5238-0000.
I didn’t know just how many ATM machines there are in BsAs. You can’t walk more than a few feet before you come across one. The one I used was right across the street from my hotel and I never had any problems using it at whatever time:
Banco Ciudad
Av. Cordoba, 675
One feature that I liked about this one was that you had to slide your card to unlock the door, as you would at your hotel room. So, the only people that enter the ATM area are those that already have cards and already have money, right? I never had any problems. The single biggest withdraw that you can make is AP $300, but you can reinsert your card and repeat the process. If I remember right, the most I ever withdrew in a 24-hour period was AP $1,000.
Traveler’s Checks
American Express
Arenales, 707
Avoid the above address and using Traveler’s Checks. Period. I always bring $500 in Traveler’s Checks whenever I make long trips, because you never know… Well, I will NEVER bring Traveler’s Checks with me to BsAs again. NEVER! They are closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays and their system is so slow and pathetic, it even made me think that Traveler’s Checks will become extinct within the next 10-15 years.
It took me 45-minutes to wait in two different lines before I was able to cash my checks. Huge hassle, big pain in the ass, frustrating, waste of time. Don’t bother with them (especially in BsAs).
On a different note… the girl that coordinates the lines and incoming traffic was one of the cutest girls that I saw in BsAs. She had beautiful face, light hazel eyes, soft tanned complexion and hair right out of a Pantene commercial. Ok, maybe standing in the line wasn’t so bad after all. Friends, she is sweeter than Tupelo honey.
But seriously, don’t waste your time with Traveler’s Checks. In the future, my emergency money will be just that. Money.
At the airport
Watch out for long lines coming and going.
Arriving… I don’t know if the AA flight from Miami is just an overwhelming flight or what, but when I arrived in BsAs, the immigration line was laughable. It took so many twist, turns and curves you didn’t know if the person next to you had been there for an hour or just came in line 5-minutes ago. I did notice a sign apologizing for the long lines, so maybe that was just a one time thing. It was truly an unorganized mess though.
Departing… Make sure you get to the airport with LOTS of time to spare. If I’ve counted all of them, you have to stand in 6-lines before you get on the plane and in the second line you have to pay a ‘departure tax’ to leave the country. It’s some weird number like US $18 or AP $50, your choice. Also, you will be required to submit the card that you completed before you landed in BsAs to immigration before you depart (I think this is line #5). Of course I could not find mine and had to redo it. By the time I boarded the plane, take off time was in 15-minutes. Not cool. Don’t waste any time at this airport, amigos. Get in line as soon as possible.
A few final thoughts…
This was my second destination in South America, the other one being Rio and when it comes down to the sex business, Rio beats BsAs hands down. No need to argue about it folks, it’s that simple. A big indicator for me was when my driver was taking me to my hotel from the airport, he was telling me about the different tourist points, whereas that same taxi ride in Rio discusses the best places to get laid.
But… on a vacation, there are more things going on than just sex (right??). A few things that were very attractive about BsAs (besides the ladies) to me were that it is a clean, safe city. The sex market is definitely good and the food is world-class.
There are plenty of drop dead gorgeous women in BsAs. The mix here is very appealing. I don’t know all the history, but the girls here had an incredible blend of European Spanish, Italian and some German. For some reason, the German influence just doesn’t seem to work in Brazil, but it’s quite nice in BsAs. The everyday girls that you see on the streets are unbelievably beautiful.
The next time I come here, I plan on hitting a lot of the clubs that I missed out on in Recoleta and visiting the Flores area. If you haven’t been to BsAs yet, you are only cheating yourself. This was my first trip and most definitely not my last.
Well, amigos that’s about it for me. Have fun in Buenos Aires!
Y & R
Very nice and detailed report. I'm glad the maps were able to help you.
Daddy Rulz
04-30-05, 13:58
Excellent post Y&R, detailed but not pedantic.
Great stuff, Y&R! Might I suggest that you repost the individual club, apartment, and café info in each one's section as well?
I always have a great time here, I think it is one of the world's great party bars (up there with Peppermint AGoGo in Pattaya and 4X4)--seems like there are around 100 girls here, all in hot outfits, most pretty good looking per my LA standards
I have found the chicas to be very friendly and flirtacious, fun to go there and just hang out and do a little groping
It costs about US$20 more than the triangle clubs, to me not a deal breaker
If you really are dead set on saving a few bucks, hang out at Madahos for a while, have a great time, then cruise to Newport where I have found some very nice free lancers
I don't negotiate much, which offends some of our posters, but seeing that there are 15 million people in BA, I rather doubt that I can affect prices one way or the other with the occasional propina
Jaimito Cartero
04-30-05, 22:51
I always have a great time here, I think it is one of the world's great party bars (up there with Peppermint AGoGo in Pattaya and 4X4)--seems like there are around 100 girls here, all in hot outfits, most pretty good looking per my LA standards
Yeah, but you can't make the Madahos girls dive for ping pong balls, can you?
If I recall right, the Peppermint girls were asking for 2000 or 2500 baht ST ($50-$63 US). Might be a bar fine as well. ST in usually 1.5-3 hours in Thailand.
Madahos girls want over $100 an hour, and it seems to be a company policy to ask for that much. It also seems that the girls are punished, or at least need to have 300 pesos with them when the come back.
I think the Madahos girls I saw were nice looking, but are they worth 300 pesos for an hour in a country where the monthly wage is only twice that?
I had as nice of a girl out of the Clarin for 60 pesos for an hour, plus 5 or so for taxi. If you want to pay for fluff, I don't think anyone here will stop you.
Young & Restless
05-01-05, 11:39
Hola mis amigos,
Thanks for your kind words. My internet went down yesterday about an hour after I posted my report, so I am just now reading some of your responses.
Can I do that? I thought you had to do one or the other (a compiled report or a fragmented report); otherwise it would be considered spamming. If this is permitted let me know, because I did not intend to include my hotel report as part of my post. I would like to post it in the hotel section, but do not want to be labeled as a ‘spammer’.
Mr Butts,
I too liked Madaho’s, but I have to question if the price at the end of the day is only US $20 more than the Triangle.
I was paying AP $150 max and sometimes AP $130 at the Triangle, but I could not get the girls at Madaho’s to agree to less than AP $300. You may have had better luck than me, but with my experiences the price difference was a little bit more than US $20. For me it was more like a US $50 difference. I know that doesn’t sound like a lot of money, but don’t feed the beast.
Y & R
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