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Midwestern Guy
06-26-04, 17:39
Another Newbie Report.

The following MAY have taken place between Jan and March of 2004 within the friendly confines of BsAs. First a little background of me and my traveling companion. We are both above average looking, around 30 years of age. 2-3 years of HS Espanol for each of us. Prior mongering experience in various places in eastern Europe…with the highlight being Prague. Unfortunately this WSG forum was not used as a reference for these trips. Fortunately it was discovered before going to BsAs. This forum proved invaluable which is why I am returning the favor by documenting a little of our “journeys”.

The trip started off with a city tour provided by the lovely Roxanna. (see separate post in the appropriate category concerning the value added by both Roxana and Mayra).

In this thread I will focus on the various Boliches, experiences, and other encounters throughout the trip.


We started off the Boliche experience with a trip to Hook. After a few cocktails both of us had found our targets and started to mingle. Being rather impatient after a few hours in the air…I got down to business quickly. Cien y cinquenta pesos. Filled. We were off to our hotel. Unfortunately the hotel wouldn’t let her in cause two people were already registered to the hotelroom. Oh well. Love hotel it was. Overall looks, 8, fantastic body, and true GFE experience. I would say the average chica in Hook was a 6.5 but my friend and I both rated their services more like and 8.5 to 9.

Our second trip to Hook was a little strange. The power was out. So each lady had a candle in front of them. You couldn’t see shit. I saw “Romina”, the dark skinned hottie from the night before and made up my mind right away as you really couldn’t see shit and at least I knew what I was getting into. Back at the Love hotel she was even nicer the second time. Same 150 pesos…but this time she hung around for more like 1.5 hrs. Afterewards she said next time she’d spend the night for the same 150 once I got my apartment rented through Mayra (see my post in Roxana’s forum concerning my apartment renting experience). Overall Hook seemed like a great place. Shankees had no problem there.

Cocodrillo @ 1311 esq. Paraguay

Next up on our list was a visit to Cocodrillo. This place ended up being our most frequent hangout…as they never seemed to close. Apparently “single” working chicas from most Boliches head there after their respective establishments close. They like to dance there and unwind…and generally seemed to be having a fun time. It was however hit or miss depending on the night, and there didn’t seem to be any pattern to this. Chica prices there were between 150 pesos and 250 pesos. See the photo section for a few pics of different chicas from there (who my friends hung out with). Overall several great experiences with different chicas here. And if you were horny at 4 am after striking out at the non pro clubs, you could score. For this reason alone the place deserves special attention. Cost of drinks were the same for you and your chica (20 pesos I think).


One tidbit of advice here for some who may be similar to me. I have this problem where I see the hottest f-ing girl and just have to have her. Regardless of her personality. Basically I end up taking the first chica who I think is hot, only to have the chica turn out to be “sushi” or raw fish in bed. After taking shit from my friends for this, I finally decided to actually talk to the chica and decide whether or not she truly seemed like she’d be into the experience, and not “sushi”. Needless to say I had my best pornstar experience, because of this, at Madaho. This girl LOVED the camera and video camera. Photos of Kelly in the appropriate thread display only “some” of the evening, and you decide for yourself if you think she was “sushi” She was so much appreciated that I called her the next night for round two. Sandwiched in between encounters was a trip to a massage parlor and a visit to 1707 santa fe and quite a few “Vitamin V’s” aka Viagra which I am now addicted to, but I digress and will talk of those places later. 300 pesos for 2 hrs the first night. I had such a great time the second night I gave her close to 500 pesos for the entire night. There was one funny encounter the second night when she spoke for at least an hour straight before we went to the bedroom. I understood maybe 10 words. I was drunk, stoned, Vitamin V’d up. All I could think about was…well the pictures should tell you that. One funny note, I gave her number to another buddy who called her. She showed up, and wasn’t Kelly. It was Kelly’s friend who shares the cell phone (who she told me about) pretending to be Kelly. Needless to say this “John” had seen my photos so was on to the bait and switch. I am sure there was not bad intent as Kelly was a sweetheart, it was just funny.
One other chica encounter at Madaho’s has photos. Another GFE experience and she was happy to pose for the camera as well. 250 pesos for an hour I think?

Overall Madaho’s had superhot, friendly, upscale chicas. The décor was also really nice. I really liked the place. 40 pesos for a chica drink was a bit pricey. Chica prices were fair.


Let me tell you that I LOVE hot women. And let me tell you that this place had them. EVERYWHERE!! Unfortunately for me my first encounter was “SUSHI!!!”

She was a 10 lookswise. She was a 1 in the sack. (I’ll try to post a photo but I have to get it from a friend). With the advent of Viagra I have given up any desire to “slow” myself down so round one usually doesn’t last all that long. And this girl was F-ing HOT! So, a few minutes in I’m done with round one. A minute later I’m ready to go again (she’s f-ing hot and I just love Vitamin V). She says no, 300 pesos was for one time, not one hour. Originally she wanted 300 dollars, Pardon the pun but that should have been the first clue that she was out to “screw me”. I was bummed. She then goes on to just babble for a few minutes, then she tells me that she is one month pregnant. My Spanish being poor I think I have misunderstood, but she goes on to describe it again. This has to be one of the most comedic moments ever, a chica telling you that she is one month pregnant just after you get done doing your deed. Priceless. Well 300 pesos I guess. I refused giving her cab far home as she refused round two (this was rare for the trip, most girls were responsive for round two, or round 5 in the case of chica #2 at Black).

Even after having a bad first experience at Black I had to go back as the chicas are so F-ing hot there. Yeah there are still a few 4s, 5s, 6s. But this place has the most (quantity and percent wise) of 8s, 9s, 10s in the city. These chicas know that they are 8s, 9s, and 10s. Because of this you MUST try and figure out the personality of the chica if you wanna have a fantastic experience. I don’t believe that all 8s, 9s, and 10s are “sushi”. Fortunately I found a wonderful girl “Natalia” at Black my second time there. She was a sweetheart. She had a 10 body. (she was 30 but looked 25 without kids…and I don’t think she was one month pregnant either). Her face was an 8.5. Her personality was a 10. And she was a dynamo in the sack. She was more then willing to go 5 rounds back at my apartment. Man I love vitamin “V” 300 pesos. I tipped her an extra 100pesos after getting her phone number. I called the next night and she arrived promptly. After 2 rounds we went out to dinner at a nice upscale joint in Palermo Hollywood (sorry I don’t remember the name of it). She was a sweetheart. Back at our place after another 2 rounds she turns to me and says “this no es normal!” What, 9 times in a 24 hour period isn’t normal? Wow I love “Vitamin V”. Now back in the states I have found a new friend…it’s called “Vitamin C”. And yes, you guessed it, the “C” stands for “cialis”. That shit is crazy! Overall I would say Natalia and Kelly were my best experience of the trip. And that’s even without  any pictures of Natalia. She was a true GFE.

Trip 3 to Black I ran into the pregnant girl. This time 2 months pregnant. I passed as we each gave each other cold stares. The girl I ended up choosing seemed to have a good personality at Black. Unfortunately back at the “Bat Cave Love Hotel” the girl (I forget her name) who turned out to be a robotic piece of “sushi”. She would only do me with her on top. And I had to really persuade her for round 2. And this after I got the suite at the “Bat-Cave Love Hotel”. (speaking of that someone should really rate the different love hotels). Basically this girls personality changed after she got me out of Black. So, even if you really take the time to talk to the girl, YMMV and you may end up with a piece of “Sushi”. But Black is worth going cause the place is PACKED with superhot women. The 80 pesos drink for the chica was damn steep though. 300 pesos for a superhot GFE chica seemed reasonable to me.


Newport was a fun little bar with reasonably priced drinks and good crop of women. It had more of a bar atmosphere to it, as opposed to the clubby feel of Madaho’s and Black. It is also a place where visiting chicas and free-agent chicas head to when they wanna earn an extra buck. I picked up superhot 18 year old from there. (I saw her identification when she showed it to the hotel front desk. Also see photos in the appropriate section of this cutie). I had a hotel room overlooking the obelisk cause the electicity wasn’t working in our apartment after flooding for a few days. With the windows open the view was amazing as I bent her over out the window and did my thing while staring at the obelisk. This is at midnight so there were still tons of people on the streets. This was truly an awesome experience that I will never forget. 250 pesos.

Photos of a visiting brazillian chica from Newport also can be found in the photo section. She was a pretty good GFE back at my apartment. She looked way hotter at Newport though  200 pesos. Isn’t it weird how hot chicas look in dim lighting? Kindof like the Seinfeld episode.

1707 Santa Fe:

I absolutely loved this place. Even though there were only between 2 – 4 chicas there on the 6 or so occasions I went, I was always completely satisfied. I can think of nothing better than an afternoon rendezvous for 100 pesos. You don’t even have to negotiate that price! And the room is included. Basically you are greeted by the hostess. She sits you down. Then the girls come out one by one. Then you pick the chica and the time frame. 100 pesos for an hour. Every girl let me go for 2 rounds. In each of my 6 visits there was very few overlap in the chicas from visit to visit. And on my last visit I, after waiting 10 minutes to see the second chica working (the first was doable but I figured I’d wait) I met an absolute knockout. BARBARA. Ahh, she was HOT and super-sweet. She made sure we got into a position so that we could take advantage of the mirror in the room. Unfortunately I met her in the last couple of days I was there…and I couldn’t pay her a visit as she wasn’t working the next couple of days. Then I asked for her e-mail or phone so that we could arrange a private date (I would have paid anything) and she said ok, then she went to get a pen. Next thing I know the hostess barges in and I’m being yelled at (in espanol) by the hostess (Barbara and I are both buck naked on the bed) for trying to take away business from them. Is the f-ing bedroom miked? How the hell did the hostess know what we were talking about!!! Unintentional comedy was off the charts. Me trying to respond in broken ass espanol that I had no idea what was going on. Moral of the story: The place is awesome. 100 pesos for two pops in the afternoon with the accommodations included cannot be beaten, not anywhere in the world. Just don’t try and get their number while in the bedroom. You can take them back to your apartment and get the digits there.


BsAs is an unbelievable mongering scene. Enough thanks cannot be given to this forum, Roxana, and Mayra for helping make this the greatest vacation ever.

And I’ll summarize the best 2 day mongering stretch of the vacation in a few words: “Seven Vitamin V’s”.

More will follow as I remember. As will the thread for Roxana.
I just posted most of the photos today so they may take a couple of days to show up. Be patient!


I appreciate that you were fortunate enough to have had an acceptable experience at 1707 Sante Fe, but please remember this:

At 1707 Sante Fe, if you select a chica that a few minutes later proves to be uncooperative (changes the terms of service, develops a sudden medical condition, decides that she doesn't like you, doesn't like your selection of positions, refuses to perform, etc.), your session will be terminated, they will keep your money, and you will be shown the door.

Please read:




06-26-04, 17:45

I agree with the other mongers: You did fine. Prices are on range, actually pretty low for a first-time visitor to the city (I remember that my first experience in Asia was $50 for a short chatting with a Japanese lady...).

I heard that Madahos is getting worst, so don't be surprised to find chicas more pushy than expected.

Respect to the price discussion, I prefer to set things beforehand, to avoid misunderstandings. However, you may feel at the club that the girl is adaptive and open, so chances are that she will accept whatever you will give her (she is also doing by not setting price upfront from her part, since she also feels that you are not a cheap monger and will be razonably generous). Otherwise, she would tend to set price before leaving the club.

Respect to taxi tips, I pay once every 3 times I take a cab there. This way, the bellboy knows that he may get a tip but it's not something he would always get.

Respect to duration of sessions, things are very flexible down here. Girls would be accomodative if they like you, regardless of the club's rule for coming back.

Hope this helps,


Mickey Mouse
06-26-04, 20:27
Yes, the Mouse has landed and I began scampering even before the captain had set the parking brakes! So let me fill in some gaps if I can.

The first 30 hours:

Soon after checking in I had a Favorita visit for my "Welcome to BA" afternoon delight. There is nothing like getting that initial load out when first arriving. After much pleasure, a massage, an hour nap and more pleasure the phone rings and being the Dumb S**t that I am, I answer thinking it must be some Dick Head calling; but guess what, it's another Favorita calling to welcome me in hopes of coming over. Well, a quick two step was in order since Favorita #1 was still there, so I got her out the door and called back #2 so I could catch a ride on her welcome wagon. Badda Bing! Life (BA) is Great!

As my partner in crime said, dinner was great (IMHO the Best Lomo in Town) and our visits to the clubs was an adventure. There were about 10 girls and absolutely "NO Men" in Hooks when they tried the 2 for 1 hustle. Ness was short on Talent, but Nuevo Estillo was packed with about a 10 to 1 ratio of men to women and there was no chance of snagging the cream, even though the shows and beers were better than normal because of the free admittance.

Now the fun really begins, Back to Catto's and as usual, Luca is treating us like Gold and the Chicas were in abundance. My partner was trying to behave while I was beginning my selection process. All of a sudden when one chica had her tongue down my throat Luca taps me on the shoulder, hands me a napkin with a number on it and points to a girl at the end of the Bar ... It's Exon's Carolina, the republican with the shop! Yes Exon, she's working! Well I said Hi and promised to call today which I did. Yes, the rest is a bit murky, but Rosa Marie did kidnap me for the rest of the night and she remembered all my likes and dislikes. I will admit to being a little slow getting up today, but Carolina took care of "All" when she visited later this afternoon. Boy, she loves to play and be played with! Three trips around the world and I am still standing (kind of), what a way to kill a hangover!

Tonight: Dinner with friends and a new adventure begins shortly after. Now, if I can only avoid the ones I already know and stick with new talent I will be ok. What are the odds?

The Mouse is off and running!

06-26-04, 21:47
Exon Reporting: Mickey Mouse has been fucking my Carolina !!!! What the fuck is this world coming too. I thought something was up when I got an e-mail from her. Why that little **** muffin. Good work Mickey. She's working in Catto's you say, I first found her in New Port, small town Buenos Aires. Well give us all a report and check your PM's regarding Maria Paula. ---- Exon

06-26-04, 22:41

Not only Mickey Mouse is been fucking your Carolina !!!
but I understand he is also sucking your dick, since he
DATY Carolina ...

One Tree Hill
06-27-04, 00:04

You are a ball of energy! Hope to see ya in about 5 days. We briefly met outside Excedra in mid March. Will you still be in town then?

go get em!


Mickey Mouse
06-27-04, 05:42

I remember! Exon, Yup!

Everyone else, stay tuned for the differnce between "Murky & a Gap"!


06-27-04, 16:27
Exon Reporting: Ive sent Carolina an E-mail regarding this shameful incident of her having sexual intercourse with "The Mouse" and working at Catto's as a prostutite. I feal quite sure its based on her Republican instinks as a pure "working girl" Argentine Capitalist. The last I heard before leaving B.A. was that the "department store" was not doing well and the store needed "Marketing". Seems my Carolina needs more cash flow and has reduced herself to prostutition to produce that cash. Moreover it was just last week that I got an E-mail from her wanting to know when I was comming to town, she was lonely for me. Its now all falling into place with me. Carolina was just "using me" for my money & sex. Can anyone imagine that. Mouse we on this board would all appreicate a complete detailed report on the session. This would include how much you paid her, how long the session lasted, how many times you did her and in what possitions and a rating on her BBBJ skills. This might help other Mongers if they decide to try Carolina, as Ive made her some what Famous with my posting on her. Finally I believe that Carolina was just using the "Mouse" for money. Since she knew him well having had dinner with him many times with me and knowing he always wanted to fuck her. Well not widely known, but the Mouse and I talk from time to time and a decission was made sometime ago regarding Carolina that I was going to dump her. ----- Mouse check your PM's regarding Maria Paula ---Exon

06-27-04, 18:10
Do we have a picture of Carolina in this board?
We want to see how she looks like.

06-27-04, 18:44
Hey you guys could save some money, just get rid of Carolina and shack up with each other!!!!!

06-27-04, 18:55
Exon Reporting: Dances/Chica's The answer to your question is no. Not wanting every Monger that reads this board to be doing Carolina in my absence Ive kept'd her face secert. She's gorgeous with long jet black hair about 5' 9' or 10" and big tits. Hopefully if Mickey Mouse has been doing his job correctly we will soon have some pictures of this gorgeous creature posted in compromising possitions, He,He,He ---- Exon

Mickey Mouse
06-27-04, 19:55
Ok Gents,

What would you like to know? She is tall & strong with long legs, Big Tits and a Nice Ass which I believe she would share. She has No Problem showing you what she likes, how she likes it and making sure she enjoys herself too. Excellent BBBJ (DickHead take note) and I would also hazard a guess and say that she would be very accepting of any adventurous ideas that are put forth. Her visit lasted a couple hrs and I gave her 150p and I am sorry guys, but I didn't have time for photos. BTW, I only did her because 1) I'm a **** and I couldn't say No & 2) I knew it would get Exon's gander up.

Now for the difference between Murky and a Gap. My Murky memory has been jogged a bit and it turns out that I was getting tongued by Rosa Maria at the bar in Cattos on friday night, but I snuck out with Rafaela (short Brazilian Blonde with big tits) when it was time for the main event. Now, the only similarities they have are height and hair color so I guess I was a bit Murky, but the fact that one is Flat Chested and the other is built like the Tetons ... well you get the picture. Rosa Maria gave me a rash of shit for this one so I had to fuck her today to make up for it. Like I said: "I'm a ****!"

OTH, I'm afraid we will miss each other since I am only here for 4 days and leave tuesday. I hope next time.

The Mouse is halfway through his cheese with only two days left and a to do list for a month.

The Mouse reporting

06-27-04, 22:10
Exon Reporting: Rats Mouse, next time get pictures. Exon

06-28-04, 13:39

Ahh, Rafaela...brings back lot of sweet memories! I have over an hour of video recording with her in every position including a 10 min segment of pleasuring herself to completion. A real fun loving chica (as most of the Brazillians are). I am little confused with your post. She has a wonderful pair of breasts but not as big as you mentioned in your description. Did she get an implant? That will ruin everything for me. I was planning to see her again. See my posting of 12-25-03 in the Photo Gallery section for her picture. Is this the same girl?


06-28-04, 20:54
Capt Dave/Exon 123/One Tree Hill/Andres;

Thank you for valuable feedback on my first experiences in BA. Seems the "right" way is to agree service/price upfront in order to avoid misunderstandings later - will apply next time around.

Part of my problem is that I am really a sucker for GFE and the "technical"discussion upfront seems to ruin some of that. Having said that I am very sure a "technical"discussion in the middle of things will ruin everything, so better safe than sorry.

Being a sucker for GFE I am probably going to repeat with the girls I like and as such the first time will be more of an investment for later. That is also why I am so concerned about setting the right price the first time as you can never lower it on later runs (at least in Asia that is the case and believe BA to be no different).

I also had the opportunity to try out one of the internet girls named Beriana. She has been receiveing good reviews from some people on this board and I called her one afternoon to agree an appointment for that evening. My Spanish is still somewhat limited so she passed the phone over to one of her associates and after some back and forth we settled on $150ar for one hour. Did not specify what the service should include, but again from this board learnt that she gives good service so was not too worried about that. Agreed to meet in her apartment as I was curious to have a look.

At 8pm I was there and was led into a small apartment and there was only Berania there. Now I really liked what I saw and asked if we could make it a two hour session and what the extra for that would be. (I realize now that it probably would have been better taking that discussion after the first hour was up, but I like longer unrushed sessions so wanted to make sure upfront that that was possible). We agreed on $250ar for the two hours.

Now we had the only awkward moment as she asked for payment upfront, so I was searching my head - show her the money and put it back in your wallet, tell her that nobody prepays service sessions - well, I paid upfront!!

Let me tell you that it was all pleasure from then on. Berania is eager to please, a little shy (I like that), but once she relaxed she was really into it (again maybe she fooled me, and so what?). We had this unhurried two hour session, all kinds of positions (CBJ though and no DFK). After finished first round I practiced my Spanish until I was ready to go again, truly a GFE just the way I like it.

I am not goings to ask any questions about paying upfront as there is an unanimous agreement here to avoid that if possible. With Berania however, I sensed that she relaxed a lot after that part was over with, wonder somehow if there are mongers out there that shortchange these girls. (ok, maybe I am just trying to rationalize my action, probably I was so horny that I would have done anything at that moment, hmmm).

Being curious by nature I still have some questions and trust someone with intimate knowledge of the scene can explain the set-up:

The girls working out of places like Hook, Catto, Ness, what is the agreement between them and the owner of the establishment? How much of what the girls make go back to the bar? Can you see the same girl in Catto one day and in Hook the next?

In Madaho and Affaire I understand you have to purchase some lady drinks before you can take them out? Is that all the establishment makes (yes, I realize they make tons of money selling expensive drinks to the patrons as well), or do they get a cut from the girl?

Assume girls in Excedra and New Orleans are truly freelancers, or do they have to pay a fee to the cafe or some other pimp?

For now that's it from me, I do read the boards and have not found good answers to the above. If it is there already I apoligize, but please point me to the right mail/thread.

I'll be back!


This is just a suggestion, so please don't take it the wrong way.

I appreciate the details in your report, but I know from experience that a lot of people find it easier to read a report if the paragraphs are separated by a single blank line.

I know how this happens: You're banging away at the keyboard, putting your thoughts into the report as fast as you can write them. However, if you could hit the return key TWICE at the end of each paragraph, your report would be much easier to read, which would certainly be appreciated by your fellow Forum Members.



06-28-04, 21:07
Saturday I did not do anybody. I just accompanied the Mouse on his rounds and translated a very pissed off Rosa Maria's account of the previous night.

Sunday Mouse and I were lunching across from Orleans when OTH's Crazy Paula-Paulina showed up. She seemed glad to see me and I bought her lunch. Then she went into psycho mode and said she would not leave with me because there was a Norwegian in Orleans who was going to pay her more than I do. But then a tall Scandanavian looking gentleman could be seen getting into a cab with another denizen of Orleans and she began to cry. As I told Mouse, when they start to cry I just leave. So we headed across the street and the little psycho ran after us. She started some psycho story about not having a father and blah blah then said, OK let's go to your place.

Well when she gets there the crazy behavior continues, and the crying, and she says she going to leave. I say OK fine chau and then she starts taking her clothes off. I fucked her several times and then she fell asleep. When it came time to meet back up with Mouse she WOULD NOT LEAVE. Finally I asked Mouse to come over and give her one of his looks. She was still passed out - not drunk, just asleep - when he showed up. I pulled the covers back to expose her to Mouse in her naked glory and we finally got her to leave. As she was leaving, she told me she never wanted to see me again as long as she lived and she flipped me off. This psycho is to be avoided - Paulina Cruz, DOB 23-6-76, from Salta. A nut job. But if you cannot avoid her you might as well fuck her because she can really fuck.

Then in Catto's I decide to leave with a Lorena from Quilmes partido, 23 yo morocha. Seemed very nice in the bar. WORTHLESS when we got back to my place. Does NOT know how to suck dick and was jerking my shaft. No kissing. After maybe 15 minutes I say look you are not enjoying this so let's call it a night. After further discussion we decide to start all over with different music, different lighting, etc. Nope. No good. She is just trying to make me cum as fast as possible and she has no technique either fucking or sucking. Then I realize I have stuff dripping down my legs. She used enough lube to change the oil in a Peterbilt. I say, que es eso, why so much lube? She says oh no that is just saliva from my mouth. Bullshit. Why lie right to my face about something so unimportant? I say OK you are gone. She takes half a fucking hour in the shower before I can get her out. Money had not been discussed previously. I gave her 110 and she said no it is 150 and plus I live way out in Quilmes. I said your service was poor and 100 is my minimum and where you live is not my problem and BYE BYE. Also to be avoided.

Sundays just ain't working out for me. Oh well. Today is another day and Mouse's last night. So onward and inward.

One Tree Hill
06-29-04, 00:24

Thats damn funny about Paula from Salta. She is a nut. Actually she was pretty good with me. Although after sex she did lie there and stare at me and repeat my name mucho tiempos, kind of stalker like! I thought it was odd. But you are right. She can fuck very good and anything goes. So its a mixed bag with her. I cna honestly say it was a good session for me, but can totally see where she could go off like she did with you.

06-29-04, 01:19

I went to Suipacha apt. last month. There were 3 girls there, so I said "heck I'll take them all". Great experince. I was in my own porno. The 3 girls took turns suckin my dick and kissing me, and also one of the girls sucking my dick starts massage it in another girls pussy. Awsome. Screwed all 3 girls. Aprox. 2 hours in all. 300 pesos for everything including a couple of drinks.

EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions to fix dozens of simple writing errors including missing punctuation, peculiar punctuation, missing capitalization, multiple periods throughout the text, etc. To avoid delays in future reports, please proof-read your reports before posting them. Please review the Forum's Posting Guidelines (http://www.wsgforum.com/postingguidelines.html) for further information. Thanks!

Capt Dave
06-29-04, 02:32

You mean this one?

Psycho-Rama, no doubt about it!

Mickey Mouse
06-29-04, 17:10
Stay tuned for reports on:

1. The Mansion
2. Dickhead in training
3. That Damn DickHead took my virginity!
4. My last 24 hrs in Heaven (hhmmm, I think it adds up to 5)

Once again the Mouse is under a Doctor's care in serious condition on his way to the Airport for an Airlift.

Art Vandalay
06-29-04, 17:15
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap!

Seems like that would be an appropriate title for my post. Well, I just left BA this moring and I am already checking on expedia for a flight back in about 2 months. Well where do I start? I'll begin with a chronological order of events.

Day 1 (Sunday): I arrive Sunday morning in BA a couple days earlier than planned. Check into my hotel and there's just no way I can sleep despite a red eye flight. I guess Sunday is a bad day to arrive in BA for hobbyists. I printed out a wish list of pictures with phone numbers of internet girls that I wanted to hook up with. After a few calls without any luck I get a hold of an agency that runs a business out of an apartment on Paraguay at Suipacha. I schedule an hour with Helena from buenosairesmodels.com for 100 pesos and walk the 10 blocks from my hotel. Helena (Can't remember her real name) comes down to open the door. Most tenents must walk down to open the door for their visitors. I am surprised that Helena looks just like her photos however she's a lot smaller than I expected. She opens the door and greats me with a kiss. Nice touch. I see that she's about 5'02" and maybe 95 lbs. soaking wet. Talk about a spinner! I'm thinking I'm in for a great week. We go up to her apartment and talk for a little short bit. She's got blonde hair and blue eyes. Kind of a turn on when a girl like that speaks perfect Spanish. I'm fortunate that I speak pretty good Spanish which helps A LOT if you're down here. She starts talking her clothes off almost immediately. She nevers asks for money at this point. She does a great job of DFK, CBJ, and all the standard positions. I shoot my wad and off I go riding into the sunset on my horse.

Day 1 (Sunday night): I take the short cab ride from my hotel to Madaho's in Recoleta. Now I'm used to the Chicago Club and Adalita's, in Tijuana, Baja California, which have some pretty good looking women. After walking through Madaho's I'm convinced I may never return to TJ to further pursue any conquests in my chosen hobby/lifestyle. My jaw hit the floor when I saw the beauties in Madaho's. And this, I later found out was a slow night, a REALLY slow night. I hooked up with some girl who spoke pretty good English. I apologize but I can't remember her name at this juncture. I plan to post some photos later this week when I get home and full use of my scanner. The service was standard. I wouldn't say GFE as I don't remember BBBJ being on the menu. She's also a smoker which deducts points from my scorecard.

Day 2 (Monday): I call up Alexia from platynum.com.ar and I must say this was a GFE all the way. I gave her a 10. BBBJ, all the positions and all for 100 pesos. She was quite the trooper. We actually ended up hanging out quite a bit after this going to dinner and dancing. She's a super cool chick from Brazil. The Español really came in handy to make this happen.

Later in the day I call up Cari from escortsbaires.com. Now I REALLY wanted to see Cari, who's real name is Romina. She was the star of the show in my mind in my trip to BA so I really built this up. She didn't answer her phone on Sunday night as most girls didn't. Well, as luck would have it, her service was mediocre. I must say, she was a knockout on appearances. She's also a nice enough girl who let me snap a few photos with her. However, the service was CBJ, no DFK, and only minor pecks on the lips allowed. During the deed she kept her eyes closed the entire time. I made mention of this to her and even how I built her up in my mind before coming to see her (totally my fault I admit). She said it's just a fantasy and guys need to know this. I didn't argue with her and I later got my DFK as an audition for her to play the part of being my girlfriend for the day. I told her I wanted to rent her for a day. She was cool with it and agreed to show my around the city later in the week, which I never got to do. The DFK, albeit brief, was awesome. This is one of the girls you want to pack up in your suitcase and ring back home, she's that hot.

Day 3 (Tuesday): I move into an apartment down the street from Hook, Catto's and Ness, all within one block. I call up Conny from area-vip.com. I can't remember her real name either but she was a nice enough full blooded typical Argentine girl with the droopy eyebrows and the perfect Castillian Spanish. She wasn't as good looking as her pictures but she had a nice body and a cute face. I'm surprised she gets by on charging 250 pesos but what the hell, it's only money. We did the deed but little Art was tired from his previous days work and just didn't want to finish the job. I may have a talk with his boss about his work ethic. Conny did DFK but only offered a CBJ. She was very passionate though but also a smoker. At least she waited until we were through. Once the hour was up, she got on her horse and rode off into the sunset. I think it was at this point were my doorman saw me walk out my first girl. Remember, you usually have to let girls in and let them out of your building by phyically going to your lobby door. Not satisfied that this squirrel didn't get his nut I call up Ailen from platynum.com.ar. Another HOT looking chick who only looks better in person. Ailen is more than able to handle the workload and does a GFE. I rate her performence a 9. Nice enough girl who is friendly to talk to. I was surprised that this hotty only charged 100 pesos + 10 for the cab. I walk her out and the doorman opens the door for us.

Day 3 (Tuesday night): I go over the Jackson's place in Recoleta for the Tuesday night monger dinner. Jackson's a nice enough guy who will give you the straight up info on what to do and where to go. I liked Jackson, he's a funny guy and loves tang as much as I do. CO2 also showed up for the meeting and the three of us walked over to a restaurant in Recoleta for some great Argentine beef. Any of you guys thinking about renting his apartment I must admit it's in a great place. Within a short, I mean REALLY short, walk of lots of restaurants and Madaho's. It's also quite nice as you can see from the website. During dinner, another monger was walking by and stopped to join us. We eventually made it to Madaho's. Madaho's was absolutely packed with beauties on this night. My jaw hit the ground again. Jackson found his prey pretty quick and was gone for the night within 20 minutes. I was having a real problem at Madaho's. I just could not make up my mind because I wanted to take about 90% of the girls in there. This is a real problem for me because I can't make up my mind. It's more about 'Which one is worth shooting my wad for?' It's much easier to decide when there's only 3 or 4 hot chicks in a place because you only have to chose from so many. But when you have to chose from like 20 or 30 absolutely beautiful girls, it tends to get a little complicated. When all was said and done, the rest of us ended up leaving with nothing. For me personally there was TOO MUCH to choose from. I went back to my apartment. Before walking in the lobby, I decided to go check out Hook down the street. I ended up taking a 20 year old Paraguayan girl (Carolina) for 100 pesos. She was a sweet girl too but those dark lights in Hook were deceiving. I wasn't to impressed when I unwrapped the gift I bought for myself. After the session, she gave my her number and told me she wanted to hang out with me on Sunday. Again, this is probably where the Spanish came in handy. I told her I'd call her in a couple of days, which I never did. When done was done, I called it a night at about 6 am.

Day 4 (Wednesday): I meet up with CO2 and Sam Wise at The New Orleans Cafe for lunch at San Martin and Cordoba. CO2 and Jackson told me about this place and I couldn't believe it. Girls go into these places (midday) to hook up with guys. There are some great advantages to this besides the obvious of having ass for lunch. The windows are large and allow natural sunlight to illuminate the girls. What you see is definitely what you get. The girls tend not to be so aggresive. And you can have lunch before you order up that hot piece of ass. The girls dress real conservatively and you might not know what's going on unless you were forewarned like I was. CO2 ended up with a cute little Colombian which was a repeat for him. She was a little bit of a character. She tried hooking me up with her friend (Sylvia) who just didn't do it for me. I saw about 2 other girls that had blonde hair and light colored eyes but I didn't want to be rude and go talk to them after I just told Sylvia that I didn't have any money. I eventually left under the guise that I needed to go to my apartment to sleep. I walked over to Excedra which is basically larger version of the New Orleans and just down the street. Same thing, natural lighting and cute girls.

I saw a very pretty girl, sitting alone, who looked strikingly familiar. I played dumb and started talking to her. I pretended I didn't know what was going on asked her what she did for a living. You should have seen the look on her face. Well, after she told me and I acted surprised, I eventually told her I felt stupid for not knowing what was going on yet I was strangely tempted to 'try it out.' She told me it would be 150 pesos for the hour. We went back to my apartment (Which she says she never does) and had a great time. Come to find out she is Romina which Capt Dave has posted a picture of in the photo gallery on April 9th. She looked better in person than her photos. Romina was a really sweet girl who made some of the most exciting faces while I was trusting little Art into her. Either she was really into it or a great actress. I'm also going to give her a 9 and will say it was a GFE. Romina has this thing she does and does well where she squats up and down on little Art making little Art finish his job in about 15 to 20 minutes. I was so impressed I asked for her number so I could contract her services again later in the week. I wanted to see if she could get little Art to finish his job again after a long week of HARD work. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to call her again, nor did I see her in Excadra when I stopped by a couple times after. I walked her out of my apartment and now the doorman's looking at me with this smirk on his face.

Day 4 (Wednesday Night): I made a date with Alexia for the whole night. 600 pesos to go out, dinner dancing, the whole thing. I had a great time with her and I'm quite certain she lost interest in the money. I gave it to her anyways because I figured it was the gentlemanly thing to do. I also figured she probably needed it more than I needed it. She ended up spending the night and left in the morning.

Day 5 (Thursday): I wake up feeling a little hungry so I decide to skip breakfast and call Alanise from platynum.com.ar. I take the 30 minute cab ride to her apartment in Belgrano. Alanise, who's real name is Milva, did not look as good as her photos. The apartment was not that nice either when I found large bugs crawling around in the bedroom. She walked out with the money I gav her and ended up having to stab one of the bugs with a spear. Just as I cleaned up the mess, Alanise walked back into the room. Nothing too special about her either. No BBBJ, she tried kissing me but it wasn't working for me because she's a heavy smoker. She did get the job done however. Alanise speaks very god English and enjoys meeting Americans so she can practice her English. After the session, she invited me to have dinner with her that night. I actually made an all night date with Alexia so I lied and said I was having dinner with friends. I told her I was free Friday night and asked if she wanted to do it then. She said yes and gave me her home phone number.

Now according to my photos, I think I had another chick later in the day but I can't remember who she was or even the whole session even happening but there's a picture of me and a girl together who I just cannot remember.

Thursday night I went on my date with Alexia for the whole night. 600 pesos to go out, dinner, dancing at a club, walking through Recoleta, the whole thing. By the way, dinner with a bottle of wine for the both of us was less thatn $23 USD. I had a great time with her and I'm quite certain she lost interest in the money, which I had yet to pay her. I gave it to her anyways because I figured it was the gentlemanly thing to do. I also figured she probably needed it more than I needed it. She ended up spending the whole night.

Day 6 (Friday): Woke up in the early afternoon with Alexia in the bed next to me. I must say it was a hell of a site when she got up from my bed naked to go use the restroom. Seeing that cute little bare ass walking away from you is enough to make the Pope turn to the dark side of the force. She's also got the nicest set of fake tits I have ever seem. The view from the top of those mamories is just incredible. I will compare the view to the being as good as the view when I was standing on the top of Mt. Everest in 1998.

Alexia and I went back to Recoleta where we had lunch and walked through the cemetary. Due to a prior meeting with CO2 and Will Fore, who was arriving that day, I had to leave for the day.

Later that evening, I got together with Alanise and had dinner with her in Puerto Madero. I think dinner for the two of us was about $40 USD at one of the nicer restaurants in BA on the waterfront of the Rio Plata. After dinner we went dancing at Pacha till about 5:30am. After that we called it a night with no further action, which was still cool in my book.

Day 7 (Saturday): I figure I can't leave BA without trying some doublemint gum action. I call a number from the web which had two girls offered at once. I get quoted 170 pesos for the hour for two chicas. Turns out to be the Suipacha 921 apartment. I had mixed experience here. I paid my 170 and am allowed to pick from a line up of about three chicas. I pick my two and they later tell me she is not available so they give me another one. Who cares at this point right? Both chicas, Rosario and Khatya come in. Rosario is a 22 year old brunnette who was very sweet. Khatya was a fake blonde with short, neck length hair. Khatya was a little more excited about everything and seemed like she's been in the biz for a while. Khatya tells me to get comfortable with Rosario and says she'll be "right back." I don't take shit off and I just tell Rosario that we'll wait for Khatya. I had a feeling that I was going to get dooped into getting started with Rosario while Khatya never returned. After 10 minutes I tell Rosario that this is taking too long. She goes to see what the problem is and returns with "She's coming right now." Another 10 minutes goes by and nothering. I send Rosario back out again. She returns with "She went downstairs and will be back right now." I tell her that this is very bad business "Mal negocio." She agrees. FINALLY after being in this bedroom for 25 minutes, Khatya returns and is buck naked. She comes in totally ready to rock and roll. Things finally started to pick up here. Khatya does the BBBJ while I'm fingering them both. I have Rosario get on little Art while Khatya is touching me all over. Just as little Art's about to finish, I tell Khatya it's her turn now. They change out the condom and Khatya just pounded the shit out of me. Little Art finishes within minutes.

The session is so god, I offer another 100 pesos (Less than $34 USD) to go again. After a few minutes, we do the same thing again only I did Khatya first and finished with Rosario. All in all a great experience minus the BS I had to put up with in the beginning. I've been in this hobby long enough to know when to stick to your guns and not to fall for the scams. So if you go to the Suipacha apartment for two girls, stick to your guns and don't take your clothes off until both girls are in the room ready for action.

Day 7 (Saturday night): I call up Liz from Platynum.com.ar and schedule an hour. Liz was als a sweetheart and we ended up going to dinner after. I'm not going to give anymore details about my time with Liz or even her real name out of respect for her. But I will say that we spent just about the rest of our time together until I left Monday morning. She spent the night with me Saturday and Sunday. She's really tall, almost 6'. I think she may be leaving the business.

All in all, I had one of the best times of my life down in BA and plan to go back soon. I took some great photos and I will truly miss all the chicas. If you're thinking about going and can't make up your mind, GO! Go south young man. I will try and post photos next week.

Art Vandalay

06-29-04, 18:59
Yes, that is she. WEIIIIIIIIRD girl. But last night I did short Sandra from Salta from Hook and she gets my vote as the horniest woman in Buenos Aires. Very nice gal also. Also I did Laura from Maipú 429 again. She gets pretty worked up as well.

Now that the Mouse is gone, maybe I can get some fucking sleep.

Latina Addict
06-29-04, 20:17
Well gentleman, as my first report, I feel somewhat saddened to unfortunately agree with the psycho reports of Paula de Exidra. I have had her twice. The first time was all night for 100 pesos, included everything I possibly wanted and was a great, very horny GFE. ( This was about 9 months ago). She is always at Exidra, virtually every night, and when I went there a few months later there she was again, and I said to myself "Self, what the heck, all night, 33 dollars, with a spinner, just 2 kilos overweight, a little soft, craves anal and sucks chrome off of bumpers. Why not!". So we left Exedra and had the usual dick ripping off sex she is good for, with 5 releases before noon and lunch in the room. Well, guys this is where paradise ended. I gave her 150 pesos for a job well done and inflation, and she went freaking nuts! Now, I am just shy of fluent in spanish mind you, but the swear words and psycho shit that came out of her mouth astounded me! And, that was just the stuff I heard!

More to report later.

Latina Addict
06-29-04, 20:53
Yes, Capt Dave, that is the Paula Dickhead is talking about! I just re-read Dickhead's 6-28 report, and looked at Capt Dave's pic, and, I do remember paula speaking of a sugardaddy in New orleans that is going to rescue her. She even gave me his number and said to please call him and say she loves him. Yea right.

Also Gentlemen, if what I, and others have said is not enough to caution you away from psycho Paula, she offered, but I declined completo, and I mean completo UNCOVERED! As in BBBJ, BBFS and BB Greek! I had to push her away to get the condom on! And, I think she was trying to rip it off with her pussy. Wow, there is a whole thesis to be written there in someone's post graduate work in psychology.

Any way, on a more social note, it has been a long 8 months since the awsome Thanksgiving dinner in Baires. It was the most entertaining dinner I can remember. I, believe it or not, have been trying since then to get myself to be able to post, and have had such a hard time. Even though I know very personal friends of roxana, it has been a long haul. But now I am here! For those at the dinner, I was sitting to the right of Andres and across from Saint. To actually meet and listen to the eloquent Jackson and Roxana was a rare and delicious treat. I introduced myself as the future Mauricio, but was unable under that name. Maybe some day I can go to a future dinner and just say "I am Latina Addict" and get a standing ovation. Just like Exon did when he introduced himself. We all need our goals. Also, Dickhead, you are my heroe, I and many others wait every day for you teachings.

I am an apartment addict and always in the search for the basement bargain GFE with a tight 19 YO. Very much like the famous Andres. I have had about 90% luck with outstanding GFE's at apartments with ALL hardbodies, and ALL young, and have never paid over 80 the hour. Normally 40-50 the hour is the norm for me. I also average about 120 for the TLN with many of these sweethearts. There is quite a bit of culling to be done upon entry, but well worth the effort. A firm grasp of spanish, a phone to call hundreds of Clarin ads and patience is all a must. I have a few favorites I will impart when I can get my hidden list back in a few days. PM me if you want more specifics.

This is long enough, and I just wanted to break in and get the info out about Paula and start sharing some of the wealth I have accumulated in the 12 years going to Baires.

Stay safe, never pay up front in your own room, and get the word out about Santa Fe 1707 and that crazy Paula!

Latina Addict

06-30-04, 01:11
The Mouse finally crawled back in his hole and I figured I would get some sleep today but then my dick got hard so I went to Suipacha 921 and enjoyed Katarina, blond (fake), 25 years old, from Santiago del Estero, which has produced such other noted hookers as my María and her sister.

Katarina is very active, likes reverse cowgirl, shoves your fingers up her ass, kisses well, gave BBBJ. Recommended. I think I said the madam here is Abril but I was confused. Her name is Carolina.

Then I saw María's sister Andrea doing the stroll so I got her cell number for future CIM.

06-30-04, 01:43

- There are ways to make the girl understand how much are you willing to pay without making it a cold business transaction. For instance, like telling a story (fake or not) of how much you paid to another girl in a recent trip to BA and how good it was that you repeated.

- I guess that, sparingly, you may find a girl from Cattos working the next day at Hooks and viceversa. However, chicas don't change clubs that offten.

- I guess that clubs make money mainly from entrance fees and drinks. ar$80 for a drink provide a good revenue considering the costs. I guess also that they may organize parties or special events for executives and subcontract some of the services to the girls.

- Girls at Exedra don't have to share. Exedra, although not very expensive, it is actually expensive ompared to other cafes, so they make money anyway (for instance, I paid ar$7 for a coffee and an English bread sandwich at Exedra, while two days before I paid ar$3.50 for the same food just 5 blocks from there).

Hope this helps,


One Tree Hill
06-30-04, 02:20

wow that Sandra from Hook..... I know what you mean....She is "F"ing awsome!

06-30-04, 17:15
Hey, Guys;

I want to let you know that I'm back in Buenos Aires, so you can call me at my cell. phone as usual.

Kisses, Roxana.

06-30-04, 20:23
Cheap apartments

Some guys reported the following apartments meriting a visit:

1- Montevideo 581 1 h
2- Corrientes 753, 922 y 1125
3- Pellegrini 151 1A
4- Lavalle 1914 3
5- Sarmiento 1828 1A
6- Lavalle 1735
7- Talcahuano 308

I did once #1 and #7, and didn't like the available selection (but maybe they improved by now).

I saw some gorgeous pictures of Platynum girls related to Corrientes 753 (phone ending in 1330 or something similar). I may check the place.

#5 received very good reviews at the Bairesgirls forum. In my to-do list.

So... all yours, gentlemen. Do some research for the sake of WSG.

Hope this helps,


06-30-04, 21:45
Is Cafe Orleans still charging that BS exit fee? If so, are you experienced mongers paying it, or are you guys getting around it?

I'll be reporting from the field this week.

06-30-04, 23:07

The cafe charges the girls 30 pesos a day for sitting there and conducting business. It is up to you whether or not you want to pay it for her. If you are just going for a quickie, and she will return, then no. If you are pulling her out of there for the rest of the day, then yes. She will ask, but it is your option.

Enjoy the life,


07-01-04, 06:24
Thanks Moondog.

Mickey Mouse
07-01-04, 19:04
Ok Gentlemen,
I made it back and have a few new ones to share:

Salome: A Great Option with a few stools and tables and it's open till "6am". The girls cover the full range in looks, but with no 9's or 10's when I was there. The girls cost 100p/hr, 20p/drink (1 drink min) and 22p for the room. Being a Dickhead in training, I opted for the 16p roundtrip taxi fare to my hotel and saved 6p for the hotel. I got lucky with Roxana who provided all that I asked and more and didn't care about the clock. Try this place, I think you may like it!

Hook: What is the matter with these people? They just don't learn! Besides being empty of Men and only 8-10 girls on a friday night, they got us in there by saying 2 for 1 drinks. BTW, they knew very well who we (DH & I) were. So we enter and order a couple beers and pay for 2. Ok, we each have to pay for one so both of us can get our second for free. NOT! WE go to order our second and are informed that we have to pay for the second and then we can get the 3rd free. Forget it! We are out of there! The bartender is still a Royal F**k'n B*tch, Liar and Thief!

Cattos: What can I say, One of my favorites. Reasonably priced, they don't hustle you, plenty of girls and a Bartender (Luca) who could work anywhere. Let me give you an example: we asked one night why they only have one beer and why they don't carry Brahma. Well, guess what? The next night we walked in, they had a second selection - Brahma! A mangement that thinks, I like that!

Nuevo Estilo: Holy Sh*t! What can I say, but another must visit when in BA. Cheap beers (DH approved), Great Entertainment (DH approved) and some Great Companionship (also DH approved). There is a story here which I will share in my next report.

By the way, I spent four days in town and never made it to Recoleta, not even once. Believe it or not.

Just more opinions by one Mouse

07-01-04, 21:54
Hi fellas. I arrived to my favorite city in the world yesterday morning. It´s as beautiful as I remembered it. I haven´t been here since September. Damn I love this city. A few things. Prices have definitely crept up at the clubs. Also, prices have gone up for leasing apartments long term. I´d say prices are up a good 25% - 30% from a year and a half ago. Even commercial property leases are way up. We just signed a lease on a new office near Recoleta and prices are almost double. Ouch.

I put an offer on a beautiful 2 bedroom apartment a few short blocks from Jackson´s old apartment on Junin. I hope they accept it because I´m tired of looking at apartments. I looked at like 10 of them already.

On to the good stuff. My buddy, T.B.D. and I went to Madahos last night. At 11:30 PM there wasn´t much talent but by 12:30 AM it was jam packed. Some were really hot. T.B.D. hooked up with a hot Paraguayan chick. She stood firm at 300 pesos so all I could do was negotiate for more time for him. Something like 2 hours. He said she was one of the best sessions of his life so I was happy for him. She wouldn´t budge on the price which was surprising but she was one of the hotter girls in there before midnight. Prices are steep at 50 pesos for the girls. At least it´s only a one drink minimum to pull them out.

I wasn´t going to see anyone because I already went to 1707 Santa Fe and had a session earlier that night. The talent was not too good but there was a few decent girls. First time I sessioned there since my buddy was waiting downstairs. I didn´t want to pull a girl out of Madaho´s but I saw an old friend and she wouldn´t let me leave alone. I finally left with her and didn´t regret my decision. Another hot session.

I´m excited to live down here but I doubt if I´ll be hitting the clubs too much once I move down here. I´m here another week then heading to Chile with my novia.

We hooked up with a dude I met in Rio at a terma last year. He is a pretty mellow guy. He just called so we´re gonna go to dinner together then hit the clubs. This will be my last vacation for a while. I guess living here will sort of be like a vacation.

More later.

Woof Woof
07-02-04, 14:04

I checked out Lavalle 1735 last March and it was a real dump with several cows. Prices were like 40 pesos but I wouldn't even do or touch some of those fat ones for free.


07-02-04, 15:53
Yo amigos. I´m really tired today. We went to a bunch of clubs last night and most of them sucked. We went to dinner in Puerto Madero at Puero Cristal which is always good. Then we hit a few downtown clubs. Ness, Hook´s, Cattos, Cuttysark. They all pretty much sucked. There might have been one or two cuties but some of them were scarey. We also hit Salome. There were two cute girls but I just wanted to show my buddy and the Rio guy the different clubs. Finally we went to Madaho´s by 12:30 AM. It was hopping. I was so dead I didn´t think I´d pull a girl out but of course some girl I was talking to was rubbing against me and I left with her. My buddy T.B.D. left with her amiga. Both were from Buenos Aires. We both had great sessions.

This morning I woke up and took my Spanish test to see which level I´d be in. The test was damn difficult so they will probably place me in some pre-intermediate course. Oh well. I´ll have time. I´m in the middle of trying to get a one year student visa so I´ll post how the process is and how it goes. So far, so good. I think with a one year student visa I´m told I can get a residency ID.

I might just rest today. I hope they accept my offer on the one year lease. Dick Head also PM´ed me so hopefully I can hook up and meet him before I leave to Chile.

The weather is brisk but not too cold in the low 50´s during the day. The exchange rate at the casa de cambios is 2.92.


07-02-04, 19:37
Woof Woof:

Thanks for your input. It will help me (and perhaps others) to avoid that particular place.


07-02-04, 22:03
Well I rested yesterday and today I was raring to go. I did the tried and true MM technique and pulled out my phone numbers to see which would give me wood. But I already had wood. So value came to the forefront. I like to do two things: get drunk and then get laid, and get laid and then get drunk. I was sober so opted for the latter and wanted to do the whole thing for less than 100 pesos.

I selected Maipù 429. I chose my girl and then they gave me the spiel about how prices had been raised to 100. I pretended to leave and they pretended to care and then my 80 pesos prevailed. Then I swear they gave me someone other than my selection and I pretended to care and she pretended to be offended. I said, "Are we done pretending now?" and she took me to a room and gave me a beer and we got naked and had GREAT sex. Brazilera, said her name was Karen but I don't think that is the name she gave in the line up. VERY highly recommended. 26, no kids, great ass, some tits, BBJ but CIM not on the menu, likes sex, made her cum with my finger but AFTER I did since tonight is all about me, friendly, tried for more after, almost got it. Since the name is bullshit I think the way to pick her out is the business suit she wears. I really liked this girl.

She said she knew no English but wanted to learn. I said you need to know three phrases and say them in this order: "What is your name?" "Blow job," and "Everything OK?" So if you run across a chick who can only say these things, that is she.

Then I bought 3 50 centavo chocolate bombones and went to Pelvi's. That caused me to be poured such large whiskies that I am drunk and for 0.75 bus plus 80.0 Maipu plus 1.5 bombon plus 12 for two whiskies plus 2 tip I have 0.75 left for bus, 1 peso to report to you, and 1.55 pesos for another quart of Brahma, plus 0.45 for ????


Latina Addict
07-03-04, 00:32
One word of caution and a differing opinion about Salome. Many say this place is a real treat and I beg to differ. Strictly due to priceing. I went there a year and a half ago, several times amd pulled several 8's out for a max of 150 pesos TLN. Very sweet girls. I have been there several times in the last 4 months and am very disappointed. Now mind you, I am tall, athletic, slim, and usually have no problem most nights with "normal girls", ergo I am not hideous looking and, I have a very firm grasp on Spanish, even with a little Porteno accent on occasion. So the following pricing, I believe is not due to my hideous looks.

Now, back to Salome. Recently there were F------ gorgeous, young hard "schoolgirls" ( dressed in Catholic school girl skirts) that are basically only there to take your money in the form of drinks during conversation. Very similar to the joint across the street. These 9's and 10's, basically are not on the program for any price, just tips and drink kickbacks. The normally dressed girls are the ones on the program. The program girls now are very expensive, IMHO.

Now, as one who is a frequent purchaser of 40 pesos/hour 8.5's-9.5's with total GFE, I may be biased and spoiled. As an example of my standards, Paula, the psycho b---- from Exedra, is barely a 6.5 on the Latina Addict scale of Latina pussy. But these 8's and 9's that are at Salome are very stubborn on their 150 pesos/hr pricing with TLN, much higher than I hear can be obtained at Hook's for example. (I have never even stepped foot in Hook's due to the extreme pricing policy and the c---- for a bartender from previous reports.)

I spoke with the manager at Solome and he basically said those are the prices and that, they feel the prices are reasonable for the chica quality, and, that the prices are set by the chicas.

I would like to personally apologize to Jackson for those of us that have run up the prices at Salome. A year ago or so, when Salome was exposed on this board, poor Jackson said he did not speak of Salome before because it was one of his favorite places, and did not want the place to be ruined. Well gentlemen, maybe it is not ruined by Gringo standards, but by Argentinian, nice, bargain, safe places to go, it has been corrupted. The value is gone forever.

I will never be back to Salome for the previously stated reasons, but if you are a Hook's, Ness, Catto's, etc. kind of guy, then Salome needs to be at the top of the list for you.

Andres, what is your take? We are of the same P4P standards, so it seems, and there are tons of better bargains out there for those daring to dig a little deeper.

Latina Addict

07-03-04, 13:12
Damn it´s nice out today. Starfe, T.B.D. and I went to one of the restaurant´s Otto recommended in San Telmo. 1800. It was great. A simple neighborhood restaurant that had great eats. About one-half the price of Recolta places. Otto sure knows food. The price for dinner and a bottle of wine for 3 people was under $40 US. God bless Argentina.

After that we went to Madaho´s and Starfe picked up a blondie with a super body. T.B.D. picked up a girl with a model face. Jesus. This morning he was indicating she wasn´t too GFE with him though. It was kind of strange because while he was talking to her she was telling me she wanted to leave with me. Uncomfortable feeling for me. There weren´t too many dudes in there before 1:30 AM when we left. Many locals on any given night and Friday´s must be time to spend with their families. I was dead tired and left home alone and got a few hours sleep. I had to get up early to see an apartment.

I decided to tell one of the owners of a place to go f$%& herself. She kept raising the price on me after agreeing to a price. What a jacked up system here. Now I see why some of these people are in such a mess financially. I found a beautiful apartment this morning in Recoleta near my old apartment. I´m happy and will sign on Monday. Looking for apartments here longer term is a major pain in the ass now. Also, all the realtors want a 10% of the total annual fee or one month´s rent as their commission which is the same as before.

We are pretty content with Madaho´s. We might check out Black tonight. I haven´t been there in a while. I can´t wait to move here in August. I just found out Dickhead lives here full-time. This could be dangerous....or at least interesting...ha,ha.

Once I live here I will need to stop going to the higher end places and just look for normal girls or follow DH to some of his stomping ground places. I hope to hook up with him tomorrow.


07-03-04, 15:28
Latina Addict:

I had my last experience in Salome 5 or 6 weeks ago (I think that I reported it), with a mature girl who previously worked at Nuevo Estilo.

She accepted ar$100. Since I had to wake up early next morning, I didn't ask her to stay beyond 3AM, but she may have been available for TLN for those ar$100. Of course, there were chemistry between us. and the girl knew me from nuevo Estilo.

Why do I say all that stuff? Because I want to point out that YMMV. Most girls will stick to ar$150, but others will negotiate.

In any case, Cocodrilo raised its entrance price to ar$30 (crazy value), so I can say that Salome isn't necessaily raising its prices because of foreign mongers but because of a general increase of the higher income bracket.

Hope this helps,


07-03-04, 15:56
Re Salomé: Mouse got a nice girl out of there for 100 no problem.

Well, last night I was all set to achieve my goal of getting laid and drunk and home for 100 pesos. However I then went to Don Galíndez where I met a young Argentinean college student (male) who was studying history and wanted to discuss colonialism and imperialism and the differences between how they developed in the US and in Argentina. He also said he had heard a lot of American women are fat. Please let's not go there. We went for coffee and then I went home. So fine, I spent 108 pesos instead of 100.

But when I say "home," I mean I made it to my corner but then mysteriously went to The Shamrock instead, which was jam packed with gorgeous young Argentineans and several bitchy American girls. I had a couple of more beers to the tune of 10 more pesos and then I was horny again. Lacking sage counsel, I thought, "What would the Mouse do in this situation?" Well, I figured the Mouse would probably grab four or five girls from a club for TLN and I am not in a position to do this.

So I developed the Dicky Mouse idea to go to Suipacha 921 and have both my yegua Katarina and the fine brown Priscila at the same time. The madam, whom I also want to fuck but who is spurning me, said they were both available so I went there and had a great time. But 2 for the price of 2 is not really my style and for some odd reason Priscila would not kiss me after Katarina sat on my face (Katarina had no such compunctions). BTW the girls were very conscientious about changing condoms every time we switched off and in fact Priscila had to go get more. Towards the end of the session it became obvious that Katarina was doing more for me and Priscila got a little pouty. Therefore I selected Katarina to be the recipient of what little semen remained, which she indicated should probably go in her butt. I declined and finished doggy style which the Brazilian at Maipú referred to as "cuatro"; never heard that before. Then I told Carolina the madam how bad I wanted her and could I just kiss her on the lips and she said no fucking way after what you were just doing. Ha ha. 200 pesos lighter.

But unfortunately this apartment is directly across from Catto's and inexorably I was drawn there, like a moth to a flame. Trite, I know. Fabián indicated that my favorita would be there in half an hour or an hour, which I a) did not want to happen and b) did not believe. I had three BRAHMA beers, fending off Rosa María and numerous others who wanted El Toro Rojo, and then left about 2:30, shy another 32 pesos.

Unfortunately I have a poor sense of direction in addition to very poor judgement and I turned left at Paraguay instead of right and found myself somehow in the doorway of the shoe store on Florida talking to Andrea and Karen. They kept repeating some phrase I did not understand. My Spanish is very poor. What does "vamonos" mean? Anyway I took Andrea back to my apartment and let her suck my dick for about half an hour and then I banged her but it was all futile. She had said she had to leave after an hour and she did. So there went another 100 plus 5 for her taxi plus 4 for ours.

As Casey Stengel said, it's not drinking and chasing pussy that's ruining my ballplayers; it's staying out all night doing it.

The Pirate
07-03-04, 17:21
The Pirate Returns to BA - Day One

Another long and half sleepless flight from the US and I am back in BA. I grabbed a Remis (47 Pesos) and I was off to my hotel. After I got checked in I took a shower and decided that I should grab a quick bite to eat before I "nap" for the afternoon. Off I go to Recoleta to grab lunch and a beer (I should add that I really had to convince myself to skip a nap immediately after checking in - yes I was that tired).

Ahh...to be back in BA and walking the streets of Recoleta. I see that they finished the construction on that hotel across from Black (the last time I was here it was a real mess). After eating an two beers the "urge for some action" hit me like a ton of bricks. Small problem - I left my notes/lists and the hotel. So I have to go off of memory (not good). I opt to go for my old reliable "1707". Yes, I heard that it went down hill since my last visit but I was in real need.

I arrived at 1707 (Santa Fe Apt 3) and Sylvia buzzes me in and tells me that she has 4 chicas. The 1707 Parade gets under way and I opt for Augustina. A tall, cute dark haired girl from Argentina. I settled for 45 mins with "no extras". The session was good - not great. CBJ, light kissing and 3 positions. But here is the funny thing. We do missionary and cowgirl (in that order) then I want to finish doggie. When she flips over I have to take a double take. This girls tail bone stuck out at least a quarter inch. It literally looked like she had a tiny tail. It was both funny and unsexy at the same time. My eyes locked in on it and stayed there - it was tough to finish. Has anyone else ever noticed this? wow. So I do the deed get dressed and I'm now on my way back to the hotel for my much needed nap. I have not decided where or what I will do tonight. But stay tuned - I assure you that there is more to come.

P.S. Grab some pesos at the "Enclosed" ATM at EZE. After you clear customs, take a right. It is down about 45 yards on the left. IMHO it is the best/easiest ATM to use during your trip.

Stay Safe

The Pirate

Will Fore
07-05-04, 11:35

The woman I spent days with in B.A. also had a little bone thing sticking out when she was in certain positions. It didn't turn me off, but it was unprecedented. Hers didn't stick out 2 inches, only about 3/4 of an inch. It was right at the very top of the ass crack, kind of still in it. Is this what you mean? My woman is very thin, and fit. I don't know if that is a factor.

Just letting you know so you don't think you are crazy.

07-05-04, 12:22
Hi all, I am going to be in Buenos Aires from Wednesday. It would be great to meet anyone from WSG (I have mongered on several continents but it will be my first time in BsAs).

Please PM me if you are in town.

07-05-04, 13:32
Oh yeah, and I forgot to add that Crazy Paula rang my buzzer at 8 AM Saturday morning. I told her I did not want to talk to her and she said, please, please, I need to talk to you about something. I left the receiver off the hook for a few minutes and as soon as I hung it up again, she buzzed again, repeatedly. I said: "Vete inmediatemente o llamo la policía." (Thank you, everyone who PMed me to tell me what "vamonos" meant; that was a joke and my Spanish is pretty good). That means, "go away right now or I call the police." I then went back to bed with the receiver off the hook. Glad I have a secured building and surprised the little nut case remembered my address. She asked me for my address the last time we met and I transposed the street numbers and gave a non existent apt number.

Re tailbones: Rosa María from Catto´s has this. Stormy gave me a long explanation of what this was all about but I forgot what it was. It isn´t very sexy in my book either.

07-05-04, 15:26
I posted a few posts on another board. I´ll cut and paste from the last 2 days activities.

Yo amigos. I´m really tired today. We went to a bunch of clubs last night and most of them sucked. We went to dinner in Puerto Madero at Puero Cristal which is always good. Then we hit a few downtown clubs. Ness, Hook´s, Cattos, Cuttysark. They all pretty much sucked. There might have been one or two cuties but some of them were scarey. We also hit Salome. There were two cute girls but I just wanted to show my buddy and the Rio guy the different clubs. Finally we went to Madaho´s by 12:30 AM. It was hopping. I was so dead I didn´t think I´d pull a girl out but of course some girl I was talking to was rubbing against me and I left with her. My buddy T.B.D. left with her amiga. Both were from Buenos Aires. We both had great sessions.

This morning I woke up and took my Spanish test to see which level I´d be in. The test was damn difficult so they will probably place me in some pre-intermediate course. Oh well. I´ll have time. I´m in the middle of trying to get a one year student visa so I´ll post how the process is and how it goes. So far, so good. I think with a one year student visa I´m told I can get a residency ID.

I might just rest today. I hope I the accept my offer on the one year lease. Dick Head also PM´ed me so hopefully I can hook up and meet him before I leave to Chile.

The weather is brisk but not too cold in the low 50´s during the day. The exchange rate at the casa de cambios is 2.92.



Don´t have a lot of time to post. The gang wanted to go back to the same restaurant as last night. Dickhead called and I invited him to dinner. We had a pretty good dinner just talking and laughing. DH was telling us about his adventures. He is a pretty funny guy. The great thing about this hobby is that not all of us have to be the same thing or go after the same girls or even pay the same prices. It´s about having fun and he certainly seems like he is having fun. Maybe too much fun?? Ha, ha. We had a nice dinner then he left us at Madaho´s as the Recoleta clubs aren´t really his scene.

Saturday nights are a LOT slower than the last few times I´ve been to BA. Madaho´s was DEAD last night. My buddy *** and Starfe pulled out two girls. I didn´t want to repeat and didn´t see anything good so I went to Black for the first time in a long time. Damn. It still has the hottest girls in BA bar none. No doubt about it. It´s 25 pesos to enter which includes your first drink. Chica drinks are from 40 to 80 pesos and you must buy one drink to pull them out. There were about 45 girls in there last night. Maybe 50. Several 8´s and a few 9´s. Many girls from Brazil and other countries. I had this spinner from Paraguay dancing in front of me and wouldn´t let me leave without her.

She asked for $300 US and then I laughed and told her I live here. I told her, ¨buenas suerte¨ and that I didn´t want to waste her time. She came back with 400 pesos. I told her 300 pesos is the maximum I could go. She quickly agreed. You MUST stand your ground here or you will be thought of as another stupid gringo. Even 300 pesos is expensive but this is the most expensive club in town so 300 pesos is probably not too bad of a deal.

She was great. Before leaving I saw this HOT Brazilian girl that I wanted to pull. My girl knew her so before she left I gave her my hotel business card with my room number. I hope she gives it to her. She was cool about it.

I know some of you think it´s insane to pay these kind of rates in South America but BA for the hottest girls really never was cheap in the high end clubs. Anyway, I had a great time. Like I said...once I live here my club days are really going to be numbered.

Today we´re going to take it easy. It´s beautiful out. My buddy, Starfe, has been seeing Area VIP girls but it has been super tough to get a hold of them. Yesterday he said that he was about ready to give up.


Today the weather was beautiful out. Starfe and I walked around San Telmo and ate there. What a great area with terrific restaurants that are cheap. I highly recommend it. Just ask a taxi to take you to the 900 block of Defensa.

I´m just checking emails quickly before going out to eat with koofoo from the CH board. We´ve emailed a few times and he seems like a really cool guy. Since we are both going to be living down here it will be nice to make a new friend.

My buddy *** and I aren´t expecting much since it´s Sunday but we´re heading to Black after dinner. Hopefully there is some fun to be had. Damn I love this city.


Another gorgeous day today. The weather is perfect and I don´t even need a jacket today. Last night we met up with Koofoo who is a really cool laid back younger dude. We went to a hip restaurant near his pad in Palermo. We got along great and had a lot of laughs. We went to Black after dinner and the talent wasn´t too good as expected for a Sunday. We hung out a while then I left to check out the scene at Madaho´s.

My buddy *** wanted to see if this blondie girl was at Madaho´s and she was so I called him and he came over with KooFoo. Madaho´s was dead too. We hung out a while and *** left with the blondie. I hung out with KF and then I was surprised later when my other friend Starfe stumbled in at 2:30 AM after he had sessioned with a girl.

I told him that we should go back to Black to try one last ditch effort. It was about 2:30 AM on a Sunday. There were still a lot of girls left. None were steller but worth taking. I helped him negotiate 250 pesos for 1.5 hours with a pretty girl with a great body that had a good attitude. Then I was surprised to see a girl that I picked up 2 years ago when she worked at Playwoman. 300 pesos for her and we shared a taxi back to our hotel.

Today I am signing the contract on my apartment so I feel good about that. We´ll just take it easy today and hit the clubs again tonight. Why mess with a good thing. More later.

07-05-04, 15:29
Exon Reporting: Comments on DickHeads post below.

DickHeads problem with this so called nut case is not unique. Ive had this problem myself several times in the past with off the wall Chica's. It seams everyone say's she gives excellent service but thats where it ends. What we Mongers must remember is the "reason we pay them is so they'l leave". "Don't call us we"ll call you", the old casting line if you will.

In time thease girls become a real problem always calling at inconvenate times wanting to see you. Asking for a date, needing money for something, just becoming a real pain in the ass.

My former favorite Carolina was one of those. She soon discovered that "Exon" was a meal ticket and the more she could command my attention the more money she made. After all as some of you remember I was financing her"Department Store", plus two kid's and Exon is alway's generious with his women.

It got to the point that if I missed her for a day or so she'd be on the phone calling, "when will I see you" and force me to tell a little white lie. And I'd always end up makeing an appointment for for the next day because I didn't want to hurt her fealings. Taking valuable Mongering time and sperm from me.

I say this because the manufacturing of sperm takes time. Therefore you don't want to waste it. If Carolina was getting all my sperm then I didn't have any for Roberta, Fabiana, Maria Paula, Angela, Miriam and others. Not to mention the need for sperm when you go cruiseing the Clubs, Cafe's and other places looking for new talent and experiences.

Therefore this is the way I handle it. Just don't give your phone number out. Take her's but don't give out your's. That way she can't call you. We Mongers must remember thease girls do this for a living. So if she thinks she's got something going with you, your going to hear from her. Also this is a very lonely occupation for thease girls and women being women will always want to bond with a man.

The above works in apartments. If the Monger is in a Hotel well of course the rules are different. She has your Hotel name and room number and course your name because you've given it to her, Well don't. At this point you must change rooms or even Hotels to get rid the of the woman.

Mongering tips from Exon

Mickey Mouse
07-05-04, 17:49
OK Kids, Here's the last 24hrs:

It was 5pm on monday and another favorita came over for a 3 hr visit. After giving me a rash of sh*t for not calling her so she could meet me at the airport, we got down to business and she did all she could to remind me why she is "My #1 Favorita, Amogovia (whatever)". I love it when they get (or pretend to) jealous. If I didn't know any better, I would marry this girl!

Then it was time Meet DH for dinner and then lay waste to the city for my final night, at least that is what I thought before being completely drained earlier. My last meal was a return to Estilo Campo then off to Nuevo Estilo for some entertainment.

This night we arrived at NE at a more reasonable hour (11:20) when the girls were in abundance and no men were yet to be found. We order a couple beers, get a table and then DH is off to chat with Antonela & Pamela. I figure he's lining up his nightly entertainment when all of a sudden Pamela comes over to visit, then Antonela, then another blonde and then another. OK, What gives? I'm not sure what they were all saying, but suddenly I felt that "Twinge" of lust.

To my surprise, I invite Antonela and Pamela next door for a threesome and guess what, they agree. What, am I nuts? Who do I think I am? Off to next door we go and the door isn't even fully closed behind us when Pamela starts in with her kisses, fondling etc. Wow! Before I know it, Antonela is naked and takes over with her tongue down my throat and starts working her seductive ways, then during that Pamela sticks her head between us and starts in with a BJ. Somehow I'm standing there naked, I've got Antonela going high, Pamela going low, then before I know it, Pamela is on all fours on the bed and I'm doing her from behind while Antonela is still .... I think you all get the picture. This went on for an hour without stop. I tasted both, fucked both, was blown by both and .. and ...and!

I've had threesomes and I've had foursomes (3/1), but never anything like this. I don't know what DH said or did, but this was nuts. Their CBJ's were better than 90% of the BBBJ's I have ever had and their muscle control when I was fucking them, Yowser! I didn't even know I had a condom on till after I first did Pamela. When I went low on one of them, the other went high and when I went high, they went low. And when the bell rang after my hour and all was said and done, they both helped me & my wobbly knees back to NE and kissed me goodnight. I think they have done this before!

It's 1am and there is still 16 hrs left until I leave, next.

Stay tuned for more,

A Gloating Mouse

07-05-04, 18:32
Antonela, Pamela, Agostina (short blond waitress), and Dèborah ("Rubia," tall blond waitress) did all of this to the Mouse solely out of love and respect for me. Or maybe some money changed hands. I forget. Next time I go to NEB I am going to bang Agostina. I told her I was a defrocked priest and she said she moonlights as a nun.

BTW I did not give Crazy Paula my phone number. She rang the doorbell.

Mickey Mouse
07-05-04, 19:07
OK, the counts at 3 and having been pinned for an hour by the "World's No 1 Tag Team", it was time to get my senses about me, have a quiet beer and think about limping home. Off to the triangle we go in search of something special for my partner. A beer at Catto's, then Hook and bingo for DH in his quest; yes, pussy does take precedent over logic in case you didn't know.

During this venture I run into an old friend (hook) who I haven't seen in my last two trips who is so happy to see me that she begins to give me her "puppy dog eyes" (hint) and seductive self in hopes of securing me for the night. I'm sorry, No Way, I'm done, but I love you anyway. DH heads home with his find and I return to Catto's to chat with some friends and enjoy the Brahma they just got in for us. You know it can be a lot of fun when you can just sit, talk and enjoy their company when the pressure of sex is off.

Now it's getting to 3am and I'm getting drunk and that "Twinge" is starting again. What? You've got to be kidding! So I go back to Hook to find my friend and she is on her way out. Sorry she says, I can't tonight, but I will call you in the am. So why am I insulted? Must be that ego thing.

Not being one to take no for an answer, I return to Catto's to snare a local who's company I had been previously enjoying. A couple more and off we go to my hotel for the night. I know I must be running on fumes, but who cares. Another Jackpot TLN who's oral massage was a first and a blessing since it's probably the only way I was getting off. Another round in the morning before she left and it was time for a quick lunch with DH before packing.

OK, the count is at 4, lunch is great and there is 3 hrs left till taxi time. Guess what? I get that "Loving Twinge" again. What is wrong with me? This not right! At my request, DH calls Puppy Dog Eyes and tells her I'd like her meet me at 2:30. A knock at 2:25 and off we go again: We're here, we're there, we're doing this, we're doing that and I'm beginning to understand what it means by not being able to finish. She won't have that! Knowing that time is running out, she positions us both for the ultimate finish, and what a finish it was. Thankyou Yessica, I guess that's what happens when someone knows you well. Now I know why I love this place!

The count's at 5, the Mouse is done and I have a grin that still hasn't gone away. Thankyou Cialus, definitely the best 24 hrs of my life. I guess we get lucky sometimes.

I lost my Virginity at Nuevo Estillo (couldn't think of a better way) and lost my virginty with a bus ride (DH even paid the 80 centavos). DH may be a Dickhead, but not a Cheap F*ck and definitely a great cook (according to Yessica & Stormy).

Thankyou BA for another momentus adventure and memories that will last forever. You can rest now because the Mouse is gone for at least .... a month maybe.

What are you going to do when I spend next winter (ours) there?


The Pirate
07-05-04, 23:20
Esmeralda 847 12th Floor Apt H (4314-0749)

The madam "Amanda" buzzed me in and we chatted about the services (she does not speak English). I was given my choice of 5 chicas. 50 per half hour, 100 per hour. I opted for 2 chicas (half hour -80 pesos total). I truly only wanted a massage but "extras" were offered - 30 pesos for BJ and 50 for FS. I declined. I chose Celeste and Gilda - both from Paraguay (both pictures can be found on the link below).

The massage was great. The chicas were very attentive and the atmosphere was superb (massage table, candles and soft music). For a bit of an escape I recommend this place.

Website - www.brisamasaje.com.ar

Stay Safe,

The Pirate

07-06-04, 00:28
Hi All,

Have been a member for about 10 months but mostly just reading and learning about BsAs from all of your experiences.

I plan to be making my first trip to BsAs 9/27 for about 8 nights and am wondering if there are any mongerers that will be there during that time. I cannot wait to make this trip! Been dreaming about it for almost a year and plan to make it a yearly event at a minimum.

Interested in hooking up with some of you while I am there. Also, for those in BsAs, if you need anything from the states that is lacking in Argentina, I am willing to bring it for you. Just let me know.

After I do a search for specific topics in this forum, will probably have some questions to ask of you.


07-06-04, 08:00
With apologies for being on this occasion an asker rather than an informer:

I am thinking of branching out from my Lisbon-London routine and doing some mongering in Bs As, a city I lived in for three years in the 80s. I was married in those days, but no such fetters will hold me if I can get among the Porteñas this September.

Two questions:

1. Can anyone tell me where to find Spanish-language web forums where the local men discuss pay-for-play chicas? Not that the information here isn't brilliantly abundant, but it would also be interesting to have a local view.

2. Jackson's website and parties "for American men in Argentina" - are they also open to those who hail from George W Bush's island colony just off the NW coast of Europe? I am fairly civilised and speak fluent Spanish and decent Portuguese.

Thank you in advance to anyone who may find time to reply, and if any Bs As mongers ever come to Lisbon, I am at their service,


Damn, I guess I'm going to spend the rest of my life apologizing for a mis-statement.

Here it is again:

I apologize.

I made a mistake.

I did not mean to suggest that the Mansion was exclusively for Americans.

I did not mean to suggest that citizens from other countries were not welcome.

I only meant to convey that there were several aspects of the Mansion's operation (airport pickup by an English speaking driver, a secure controlled environment, translation services, pre-approved chicas working for previously agreed compensation rates, preplanned city excoursions, etc.) that were specifically intended to assist first-time visitors who may have little or no experience in traveling to foreign countries and/or engaging in the sport of commercial sex.

Please forgive me!


07-06-04, 11:40
"Now I lay me down to sleep,
Some unknown hooker at my feet.
But if I should die before I wake,
There ain't much here for her to take."

Henry Wadsworth Dongfellow

07-06-04, 23:47

You have the soles of a poet.


Rusty Shackle
07-07-04, 20:15
As a first time poster, I'll do the customary, nay obligatory, thanking of the longtime contributors who have provided so much information. I'm thinking here of Dickhead, Exon, Saint, Mr Mouse, and the many, many others in this and the other boards. The greatest appreciation of all goes of course to Jackson for hosting the whole thing.

Now to my first, tiny contribution: Assuming Dickhead wasn't joking when he wrote:

"I declined and finished doggy style which the Brazilian at Maipú referred to as 'cuatro'; never heard that before."

This was a lesson I learned on my first trip to Bs As. I had learned in Mexico to say "como el perrito" or "en estilo de perrito" when I wanted my favorite position. I was almost laughed off the bed by the first Argentine lady I mentioned it to.

Andres may know better, but I think "cuatro" is short for "el cuatro" or "las cuatro patas", which is basically "on all fours", and I've found it universally understood in the southern cone.

Incidentally, conversations like this are great icebreakers with non-pros. You set up a sort of conspiritorial attitude and put her in the right frame of mind when you tell her that you didn't learn this stuff in class and you don't feel right discussing it with your business associates, etc.

Come to think of it, this post might have been better put in the Spanish phrases section. Oh well, maybe this can be my obligatory newbie first-post mistake.

07-08-04, 03:35
Has anyone heard of or visited Club Blue? I was taken there last year by a cab driver and, while I normally don't accept the recommendations of the taxistas, this was a new place for me, so I went there.

I was the only customer in the place on a Sunday night. There were about six chicas, who got up to dance when I entered. I ended up taking two of them to the "hotel" next door for $ar400. They tried to charge another 60 pesos for the room, but I had just enough to get back to the hotel, so they forgave the room fee.

Anyway, one chica had a 9+ body, 6 face, but the other had a gorgeous face -- together they were a 10 -- and the action was great.

However, I still don't know where it is and I've never seen it mentioned on this board.

07-08-04, 12:02
Recap of BA

Well, I left the fine city near the end of June and not much more to really report on. I had talked to DH a few times but we never did manage to meet up, except that I realized later one Friday night it was the back of his head I saw as his face was snuggled into some chicas neck at Cattos at the bar. (Hook was absolutely dead that night, I could not believe it.) I did take out a tall Portena of Russian/German heritage that night named Barbrah. She was not spectacular or that beautiful, but following the old adage that if they are all over you at the club, why not? She did the right moves in the bed. (For you other guys who were w/ DH that night, I had the table at the far front corner of the dance floor; not a bad spot for sight and smell dance shows.)

Now here is something of a disadvantage to being in an apartment that I discovered this time. I was staying with another guy in a 2 bedroom in Palermo. One AreaVip gal would not come over because she felt it would be too dangerous until she met you first. So I went to her place, nice pad, nice gal, but too expensive for me for a repeat. She did say she would go to my apartment next time. Her place is only a 20 minute walk from where I was. Then, I talked 1 gal from Madaho, (who was a little reluctant, wanted a telo), and the one from Cattos, to come to the apartment, w/ taxi return money. Keep in mind I was also with my buddy who did not make selections those nights. Well, the look on both their faces when they entered the apartment could only be described as part fear, part apprehension and part 'do I carry on or not'. (Maybe it was the ulgy bright paint on the walls!) This, even though it was previously explained that there were 2 bedrooms, don't worry, before they came. Obviously some of these gals have heard or been in dangerous apartment situations in the past.

As I said previously, Nuevo Estilo is a great place to go. I am not one to enjoy the short timers ussually, (I need a looong runway), but for a little variety, no hassle/low cost atmosphere with a truly fine line up, it is a great. Antonella was too busy the times I went, once DH had described to me who she was. A great looking bubbly, tall, pony-tailed dark haired girl was busy with some guy the moment she came in. I did try one other, and the tall and short blondes, (one being Deborah) may have to be on the menu next time.

Other then that, did 3 all night dancings and a few dinners with a favorita. I caught one of their tricks to being up so late; they mix many of their drinks, and drink straight, these cans of 'speed' which probably has the kick of 6 coffees per can. DH, we will get together next time.

07-08-04, 17:23
After Friday's excesses I did not monger until Tuesday. After much debate over who should get the next load, I called the gal whom I don't remember taking home the previous weekend. She is now my "gata salvaje." And, I found out I did NOT take her out of Catto's but rather Ness. No wonder the favorita never found out. Anyway, she is the first gal I have taken out of Ness and I must say I'm quite satisfied. Two shots, three hours, no discussion of money, 130 pesos and a merienda at Madeleine's. She did not even look at the money.

Then the favorita came over after work. She told me she was ovulating and therefore horny. Bueno. Of course, first I had to feed her. She tried American style ham and scrambled eggs a few weeks back and now begs for them constantly. Fine, that is one of the easier tricks in my repertoire. Sex was good but then she thrashed around in the bed all night. I have been teasing her and telling her she is a "gusanito" or little worm but it is really kind of annoying. She finally woke up at 2:30 PM and rushed off without giving me any more sex. That's the second time in a row so I told her if she was going to spend the night she had to give me sex in the morning or I would not give her 150 pesos any more but rather 100. She just shrugged. She is very nice but can easily be replaced.

Last night mongering Argentinean style with Andres, Jackson, Pirate, and B. We drove out to the suburb of Ramos Mejia but the upscale place Andres wanted to visit was closed. So we went to the downscale alternative, Balabac. 10 peso entry includes one drink. Jackson was dumbfounded when his one drink consisted of a murky brownish liquid alleged to be Coke while the rest of us got large 60 cl beers. Quilmes, though. I hate that stuff. Girls were largely ugly with a few doable ones, but quite pushy. We left after one drink to go to Dolys.

Again 10 peso admission includes one drink, and again those drinking beer got a 600 cl Quilmes. This place does bachelor send off similar to NEB so we were first treated to the sight of some Argentinean guy's uncircumcised dick. Bueno. I have been to this place once before and I kind of like it. Subsequent beers are 7 pesos which is quite reasonable for 60 cl of absolute swill. The girls are not pushy and many are quite doable. So doable, in fact, that members of the party began evaporating. 50 pesos the half hour includes the room, or 60 if you want a room with a Jacuzzi. I was in semen saving mode, a la Exon, so did not partake. But I certainly will return here and partake at some unknown future date.

Then to Salome which was packed and loud and rocking and rather fun IMO but the gal I was looking for wasn't there. Some very cute blonds could easily have been done but I was telling them I was married and just there to translate. Beers here were 10 pesos and they charge you that to sit at a table even if you don't have a drink. I think that is okay because there is no cover. They are just normal sized glasses of beer, though. Nobody had the desire to do anybody, although many there were quite nice. Home to bed around 4:15. A good time was had by all. Thanks, Andres, for the ride and guide.

07-08-04, 18:14

The best spanish language site I have found is www.bairesgirls.com.ar. Click on FORO and find discussions of places ans chicas. I read thru a lot of the site in preparation for my current trip. Many of these guys seem very budget minded. Many are married and want a place in a different neighborhood from where they live, preferably without a doorman.

Today I tried a place that had been recommended:

Sarmiento 1828 apt 1A (near Corrientes y Callao)

$40 pesos per hour!

I sampled PATRICIA and it was the best 40 pesos I spent so far.
They charge 2 pesos for condoms so bring your own.

07-09-04, 07:53
Good job Seismo. I have been meaning to get to that place. But tonight I wanted to avoid mongering but wanted something sexual so I went to the "other" Pelvi's on Callao. It is very different from the one on Corrientes. Much bigger, and more and better looking chicas. I think 4 pesos for a draft Brahma is reasonable and why not have it served by a half naked chica?

So I had 2 beers and then the problem occurred. One of the chicas looked EXACTLY like my yegua Katarina from Suipacha 921. The more I looked at her the more I was convinced it was indeed she. So finally I went up to her and asked her if she was from Santiago Del Estero. She said "yes, but how do you know? " I said, "I think we know each other." She said she did not remember. I asked her if her name was Katarina, and she said, "No, Karina." I asked her if she worked in an apartment in Suipacha and she said "NOOO" and I apologized and skulked off. But I still thought I was right and she was jerking my chain.

I got the idea to call the madam at 921 and ask her if Katarina was available, figuring that this would provide additional evidence one way or another. She said "Si mi amor" so then I figured I was wrong. The chica in Pelvi's had a distinctive tattoo on her bicep that I did not remember from 921 but I often don't notice such irrelevant details. So I left Pelvi's and was going to go home but decided I had to know for sure and so went to 921.

No, Katarina does not have that tattoo on her bicep. Yes, she has a tattoo elsewhere. No, the madam will not fuck me but I told her I would wait for her and she told me she would let me know ("te aviso"). I think she likes that I am trying, though. Yes, Katarina is an awesome fuck. The Pelvi's chica could be her sister. She said it could be a cousin because her uncle fucked around a lot. Now that was funny. When she was showing me out, I told her she needed to convince madam Carolina to join us one time. Of course I knew Carolina was within ear shot so that made it better. I WILL have that chick or at least feel her up or grab her ass. Probably one of the latter.

So then to Ness for a beer and it was pretty busy but mostly fuglies so then to the shoe store to find Andrea for CIM but only to string her along for future reference. She was there with the less than stellar Karen and a I believe Mariana or Marina who is a shark to be avoided. On my way back to civilization there were two doable girls walking together who did not look like SWs but returned my gaze and so were and we chatted and they work in Excedra. Another Mariana I think and Rosa something. The latter is very doable.

Of course then Catto's and the favorita is not there so I enjoyed some BRAHMA and felt up Brazilera Rafaela for quite a while before she finally requested a drink. I debated the wisdom of this but she suggested getting a table and said just buying her one drink would be OK for getting a table in a remote location. I explained to her that I had just come from a privado and had no leche for her and she was OK with that. So then at the table she is
letting me see and feel more. The Mouse fucked her and even though he thought she was someone else at the time I guess that is an endorsement of sorts. So I told her if she could make my dick get hard and stay hard for a while she maybe had a chance.

She was whispering a lot of dirty shit in my ear but kept slipping back into Portuguese which I do not understand. Eventually I figured I could buy us another round for 30 or try to get her out for 100. I said OK you are good to go but what about money? Should we discuss it or should I just give what is fair? She said to go with the latter so off we go. She stayed about 2.5 hours, until 6, and took 125 without even looking at it (although the 100 was on the outside). Good sex, not great, good BBJ, very soft and does an excellent job of covering the teeth. Moans and fakes some during sex. Will take CIM which is a major plus but I could not due to prior drainage. A little too short for some things. She did come with her finger and some help on my part, while I was inside her which is nice.

But recommended. Not a shark, seems trustworthy, intelligent, did not see evidence of smoking. Sort of pro in that she has worked in Spain and did not really get into DFK. Quite a bit of kissing but no deep stuff.

Another fun night in BA.

07-09-04, 13:18
Hi, Gentlemen:

Thanks to Jackson the First, we are going to take the advantage of the Saturday's night BBQ at THE MANSION, to celebrate with everybody; Mayra's Birthday.

So, if you haven't booked yet your presence at this great event, do it now!!!! :)

THE MANSION is a great place; fabulous, it's worth to be there between fellows and of course; between some beautiful girls that we've already invited!!!!

So, I'll meet you there to have a great party alltogether!!!! :)

Kisses, Roxana.

07-10-04, 11:54
Exon Reporting: Exon is happy to report he´s safely on the ground in B.A. After being picked by Ana, Capt. Dave´s new Remis driver, whom I highly recomend, it was off to the hotel. Haveing made a pre-arrainged date threw Roxana, Fabiana showed up promply at 12:00. It was a complete fuck fest that lasted 5 hours.

Fabiana and I have been fucking together for over a year now and I must say we´re getting quite good at it as a couple. Practice makes perfect.

After I finish this post I´ll call Miriam. Im planning a nooner with her also, then its off to Jackson´s party and my first look at the Mansion.

More to report later. Exon

07-10-04, 17:02
This morning, I called TALCAHUANO 308 and spoke to the madam. She assured me that there were 4 beautiful women available. I asked if there were any gorditas. NO! was the emphatic response. I got there within 10 minutes and rang the buzzer.

The place reeked of incence, which was being used to cover up some other repulsive odors. I almost cut and run right then , but decided to take a look anyway.

The madame engaged me in pleasant conversation and then tried to get me to pay $ 40 pesos for the hour before viewing any of the girls. This is a dead giveaway that something is very wrong on Calle Talcahuanco!

I refused , of course. The outcome , as you have probably already guessed , was that one overweight girl was available.

STAY AWAY FROM THIS PLACE and if you must go look to see for yourself DO NOT PAY IN ADVANCE!

07-10-04, 17:14
Exon Reporting: A vrey nice session was completed with Miriam. And now its time for my nap. --- Exon

07-10-04, 21:15
Last night fucked some tall blond Argentinean from Catto's whose name I don't remember but who had a tasty pussy. No BBBJ, not even momentarily, and she says that she never does that and will not. So I would not repeat. A nice gal, though. I asked her if she wanted to discuss money before we left or if I should just give her what I thought was fair. She said the latter but when I gave her 115 she was disappointed and said her salida was 150. Well, I gave you the opportunity to tell me that in the club and this is all I have on me (true). Oh, OK. But this may help to establish a threshold and I will give at least 120 from now on.

Today I felt perverted and sick so I went to Laprida 947 and fucked Paula with all the school girl outfit still on. Laprida is probably a good place to go once. The girls aren't that hot but the school girl outfits make up for that to a certain extent. BBBJ but no CIM. DFK. No desire to D at that particular Y. 80 la hora and 100 for you fudge packers. They have specials there. One was one gal for half an hour and then another for half an hour for 80. You don't see that every day. A beer is included but it is the dreaded Quilmes. I choked it down anyway. Madam is nice and inquired if the service was satisfactory, which it certainly was. Large room with a good bed.

The neighborhood is not too good.

07-11-04, 06:51

Thank you for taking the trouble to recommend me bairesgirls.com.ar, exactly what I was looking for. Especially useful was the little button above each girl's photoset, entitled 'opiniones de mi': delightful to read colloquial Argentine Spanish sex talk, although not all today's slang is intelligible to one who has not been to Bs As for ten years - what is OGT for example?

And what the fuck is going on when Argentina loses to Mexico on the football field?

The men on bairesgirls speak very frankly about their evaluations of each 'mina', and the accounts of action with such as Valentina, Federica and Judith just make it all the more frustrating that I haven't yet got a firm date for my trip South.

It's clear that if you speak Spanish you can access a scene even more varied, and somewhat less expensive, than the delights catalogued by the excellent gentlemen on this excellent board.

Thanks for your time again,


07-11-04, 13:14

Yes, the slang is difficult to understand. I sent the moderator of the board an email just the other day, requesting a page for translation of slang for us foreigners,but have not yet heard back.

OGT= anal
O is for ojo, I cant remember GT at this time.
It is almost as dumb as saying Chocolate Starfish!

07-11-04, 13:30

OGT means "ojete" (butts or assh*le, depending on the context).
Hope this helps,


07-11-04, 17:27
Exon Reporting: After my nap yesterday,(three hours) I attended the dinner party at Jackson's new Mansion in Vencente Lopez. Quite an impressive place.

All in all there were about 17 people their. Roxana, Mayra & Ana the new remis driver were in attendence. Every thing was good except the beef de lomo which was tuff. Several other lady were i

Have to go Maira Paula just showed up --- Exon

Actually, we didn't have any bife de lomo, which was the result of a mis-communication between myself and the BBQ man. What he bought was the standard Argentine BBQ meats, including the cuts with the bones and the cross cut ribs, which are cheaper, but which are indeed too tough for my tastes.

Rest assured, next week we will be dining only on the best cuts of Filet Minion (bife de lomo), sirloin (bife de chorizo) and rib eye steaks (bife de ojos).



07-11-04, 20:56
Exon Reporting, again : As I was saying before Maria Paula showed up, ( Im writing this from the loby of the Dazzler Hotel and she spoted me, & first things first of course, she drained me) the bife de lomo was tough. But everythingh else was excelent no mater what Jackson posted below, LOL.

Its was a late birthday for Mayra so we had ice cream and cake for dessert. But my main dessert was Maria pictured on Argentina Private, also Libia from the site was also their. She is much more stunning in person than on the site. Andres was kind enough to drop the two of off at my hotel, ( Maria & me), about 1:00 am and she left at 3:00. Im such a Monger and I slept until 11:00.

Im currently waiting for DickHead as I have promised to buy him dinner but Im a little worried. DickHead doesn't go first class and the very best is none to good for Exon.

I have two goals for the evening, well three. One to have a good dinner. Then to catch Carolina cheating on me at Catto's, he,he,he, the little capitalist tramp. Then to cruise New Port, as Sunday's are normally good their.

But much will be dictated by DickHead for your never to old to learn. DickHead being the world class Monger that he is, and its good to hang with the pro's

More to report latter. Hope I can squeeze Fabiana in tomorrow before my TLN with Maria Paula


07-12-04, 15:21
Exon Reporting: Dinner With DickHead, A wonderful experience. Shortly after I posted last night DickHead arrived and I informed him I had no peso's. Not to worry he said and took me to the ATM machine just around the block.

"Why not the Casa De Cambio", I said, "You'll get fucked for the 3% exchange he answered" We get to the ATM and DickHead say's "how much do you want", " $300 peso's I answer", "NO" he reply's "get $290 that way you'll have small change". Im telling you the man is a genious.

My next worry as I posted was of course the quality of our pending dinner. "I like to go first class" I said to DickHead, "well your going second class tonight" he responded. "Mind you your
buying but I'll take full responciabilty".

We get in a cab and end up in some little hole in the wall restaruant in Recoleta a couple blocks from Jackson's called "El Yugo" on Aycucho 1629.

Since were both out Mongering we didn't want big dinners. We each ordered the half order of the Bife De Lomo, Papaps, a bottle of wine, DickHead did not recomend the salida, dessert and two each after dinner drinks of Port Wine.

It was Fucking Kick Ass Excellent and all for $50 peso's. I shall return it was that good. DickHead thought the wine was a little price'y at $28 peso's a bottle, but other than that the meal was exceptable for him. I loved it.

Next on to Slamone, too early, nothing going on. Then back to New Port. The Three day 9th of July weekend was fucking us up, a few scraps but nothing doable. But we did manage to pick up another Monger and it was off to the golden Triangle. I was going to catch Carolina in the act of cheating on me.

First stop Catto's. I was very carefull entering as I wanted to spot her first and maintain the element of supprise. But alas she was not their, another three day weekend I suppose. Some very,very nice Chica's in their though. A couple of them I would have done except for the fact that Maria Paula had completely drained me a few hours earlier and I want to build up my sperm count for either Fabiana or Fernanda, (i haven't made up my mind), this afternoon. Keeping in mind I have a TLN with Maria Paula to night.

Then across the street to Ness. Course that was the end of DickHead as his Amor was in their and off they went. I suppose to Fuck the rest of the night. He mentioned something like $125 peso's.

Well I walked up to Cafe Excerda on my way home. There was one almost doable but I passed saving her for another night.

My point in all this is if you mongers ever get the chance to Monger with DickHead don't miss it. He's a world class Monger that knows real value and how to use the system.

In closeing, I'll state I bought most of the drinks, dinner and the Taxi's rides on DickHeads behalf. And in counting my money apon returning to the Dazzler I had spent $136 peso's out of the $290 I got from the ATM machine. Thats about $44 US dollars, what a value.

I'll Monger with DickHead anytime


07-12-04, 15:36
Given the ample contributions Dickhead has made to this board for finding good value, I'd propose the creation of the "Dickhead Award in Value Mongering".

To be nominated for this award, the experience should be recommended by a fellow monger and represent an outstanding value, or the biggest "Bang" for your buck (pun).

One such experience, IMHO, was the threesome option at Suipacha 921 6C. In March, you could have two girls for 40 minutes for a grand total of 100 Pesos. Is the option still available?

07-12-04, 15:49
Well, they charged me 100 each for an hour for the two I fucked last week but I thought it was still good value. But now I am pissed and will use this info as additional leverage to at least cop a feel from madam Carolina. "Porque no me ofrece's el mismo precio que le ofrecio' a mi companero, mi bombo'n?"

Did you do that during the day? That might explain it. BTW threesomes for 80 the half hour at Laprida 947 but quality of pussy not as high as in Suipacha IMO.

BTW the 24 hour internet cafe on Callao south of Santa Fe has $0.75 access por la hora on Sunday mornings from 6 to 9. A Dickhead type of value. Also Norte had 15% off on all beer on Saturday so I bought as much as I could carry for 1.29 a quart. Sadly, Disco has raised the price of Brahma from 1.55 to 1.59. Sob.

07-12-04, 15:55
What? Is it even possible? Dickhead, you mean to tell me that I got a better deal than you did? If I were you, I would absolutely DEMAND a free session from the madamme at Suipacha 921. I do agree, she is very cute, and riding in the small elevator with her was a good appetizer for me.

I went there with el Flaco on a Friday night at the end of March at about 1:30 am. The deal was: 100 Pesos for 40 minutes for two girls. I hope it still exists.


07-12-04, 16:09
Are you the one who paid her to feel her tits in the elevator?

07-12-04, 16:40
Dickhead: Feeling the tits of the Suipacha madamme? Sadly, it wasn't me, but I do remember someone did that and ended up getting more than he bargained for. Whoever did that, please come forward and claim your 60 seconds of fame!

Exon 123: I have nothing but envy, hearing that you are banging the now famous Maria left and right. Please leave a little bit for the rest of us too :)! On a similar note, is it safe to assume that the infamous Carolina is now fair game? Gosh...how am I going to last for the next 38 days?


07-13-04, 02:38
And I met another monger who got the same "special" just tonight so now I am twice as pissed. He fucked my yegua Katarina and new talent Camila so I will now have to grudge fuck Camila very hard up against the wall in the room with the mirrors.

07-13-04, 12:42
Exon Reporting: Well last night was FUCKED. I passed on Fernanda in the afternoon saving sperm for my TLN with Maria Paula whom was supposed to show up at 9:00.

She was late, I called and she was with someone, I figured another John so I was pissed. First I cruised Cafe Orleans in desparation, nothing.

Anyway I ended up eating dinner alone at the restruant at Paragauy and San Martian. Then off to the Golden Triangle, arriving about 10:30 or so and into Catto's. I was pissed.

Guess what, their sits DickHead the best thing thats happend to me all day. It wasn't long before guess who walks by, yes thats right ¨Carolina¨. OH Ëxon mi Amor¨anyway I decided to Fuck her, a mistake just to save time. DickHead called it a gruge fuck, whatever. But I make her promise to be out of the room in an hour. Yea Right.

Anyway all this love bull shit, so froth and so on. Hey remember that joke about the guy losing his watch in a pussy, go's in after it, meets another guy in their and says ¨Wait till I find my car keys and we'll drive out¨. Well that was Carolina last night. Yea you get off but your not satisfied, anyway I had to throw her out because she didn't want to leave. And now Im going to have to change hotels.

Anyway, I woke up this morning and was just about to Wack Off but thought No this is Buenos Aires you don't have to Wack Off. So I thought I'll go to breakfast and just as I was leaving the room and the phone rings.

Its the desk clerk and Maria Paula's down stairs and wants to come up its 8:30 in the morning. Well the only thing good I can say, well two things good. Was one I'd throw'n Carolina out the night before. And Two I didn't Wack Off earlier as I had wanted too.

Anyway you can't make up a story like that, but its true. Maria Paula haspromised to Fuck the rest of the day


07-13-04, 14:47
Jackson/Bennie: I get DFK from maybe 80% of the gals I go with and if I don't I don't go with them again. And yes, I realize they have had a lot of dicks in their mouths, and I don't care. I've had a lot of pussies in mine.

OK, night before last I grabbed my gata salvaje out of Ness. It is kind of nice to have someone in each of the clubs that you know you can grab right away so as to avoid buying a lot of drinks. I was telling her about my new rule: if you spend the night you HAVE to fuck me in the morning. She thought that was a very good rule and so she fucked me twice and then again when we woke up. Then she hurried off.

I went with a fellow monger to a tango show at Teatro Colon. It was standing room only and I am too short to see over a crowd, plus it was very hot and we were up in the top level. Also it was music only and no dancing. So we stayed maybe half an hour and left. Heck, it was only 2 pesos. The building is very interesting. Then dinner at the reliable Don Gali'ndez, then Orleans. This was by far the best selection of women I've ever seen in their, many cuties and no real ugly ones. That's a first. Then we went in Cutty Sark but drinks there are WAY too expensive for dickheads so we left. Peeked in some other forgetable club on Reconquista, left immediately. Checked the shoe store but it was only 9:15 and no dick suckers in sight.

At that point we considered Ness for a beer, but first I had to send in my sidekick as an advance scout to see if my gata salvaje was in there. She was, so I'd have to buy her a drink most likely, inflating the cost structure. So we went to The Temple and killed time with 2 for 1 Isenbeck's at 9 pesos a pair. It still seemed early for Catto's but my sidekick had developed a Dominicana fetish and they have a few so we went in about 10:30 and there were PLENTY of girls. Many good lookers, too. I slipped 20 to my date from a few nights ago and apologized for only giving her 115. I still don't know her name but she is very good looking. Rafaela was there and still wants her perfume back.

I drank til I was out of money and did some translating for a pissed off Exon. His girl says she will not go with anyone else now that he is in BA so I think I will call her up and fuck her. MY sidekick found his Dominican, Exon left with his GF, and then my favorita showed up. Note to Stormy: she was wearing her plaid Catholic school girl skirt. Anyway she had already arranged to come over after work so I didn't waste money buying her drinks. She doesn't drink much anyway. She came over at 3:30 and we messed around some but then she had to leave because her dog was having its puppies. So I didn't give her any money.

Oh well, off to the gym.

07-13-04, 16:10
Hi all,

I´m in Buenos Aires for my third time and have to say that I have some unpleasant occurences to report from this visit.

I arrived on Sunday but will fast forward to last night (Monday night)

Last night I found myself at a loose end, it being to early to give Catto´s and the golden triangle a go (more on that later). I therfore wandered the streets to see what else I could find.

I was wandering along Avienda Corrientes and passed a Whiskeria with a petitie chica at the entrance. I decided to go back and explore (a big mistake).

There was a handful of guys at the bar and a stage but no dancers performing.

I found myself taken to a obscure section of the room where 2 chicas including the girl at the entrance joined me. The girl reminded me of a Russian girl I had been fond of back in my own country (however this girl spoke Spanish and English without a hint of a Russian accent).

I was conjoled into buying drinks at 30 pesos a pop with the promise of sex with both girls after I had bought each girl 2 drinks. All this was overseen by a large and potentially menacing ´waiter´. By the time they had finished these low grade bitches had extorted some 300 pesos from me.

I was then led by another girl out of the bar along the street and into a seedy apartment building on Esmeralda, where I was literary dumped in an ´apartment´ with a madam and two ugly hookers (none of whom spoke any English) . I was immediately ushered into a room where one of them indicated that she would give me a bj but that I would have to pay 2 pesos for protection (condom). I gave her one of mine but indicated that I would settle for a massage instead. After 5 minutes a knock on the door indicated that time was up. I refused to pay any further money and another girl appeared who seemed to be offering herself for 5 pesos. I just got the heck out of there.

This whole operation stank and reminded me of a time in London that I had the good sense to walk out before agreeing to any drinks. On that occassion I later read about tourists getting assaulted by the giant Swedish bouncers (probably the same ones who had menaced me).

When I had been in Buenos Aires last year I had been to Hook and had obtained a girl who gave me a great time. I note Jackson's comments on French kisssing but I have found that most South American girls are only too keen to kiss me (even in public).

I have however recently read some disparing comments on Hook and positive comments on Catto´s. After my Whiskeria experience I needed a positive experience and went to Catto's.

I walked in and the doorman greeted me with something complex in Spanish. I replied with the habitual "mi espaniol es poco".

I was then told that I would have to pay 110 pesos to enter for which I would get 1 drink and could take any girl for sex without any further charge from the house.

I walked out in disgust. This was not the sort of thing I had expected from the reports I have read. I did not have time to check out the chicas so can´t even comment on the quality etc. I did not feel like going next door to Hook or across the road to Ness, and so instead jumped into a cab and went to New Port in Recolletta.

I had been in Newport for about an hour the previous night when there was no action ( a karaoke night was occuring). Also on that night I had noticed some probable fellow mongers, but had not spoken to any of them. This night however there were a couple of probable ´ladys´.

As the night went on more girls came in and I started talking to a couple of them.

I was really keen on a blond with a great slim body (importantly no plastic parts, which so many of the other girls seemed to have acquired). This girl was there when I arrived but was not sure if she spoke any English. I eventually started talking to her in a mixture of English and broken Spanish, and discovered that her name was Joanna (spelling may be incorrect) and that she was 27 old and from Sao Paulo.

I wanted Joanna to come back to my hotel for the night, but she was initially talking $400 U.S. per hour. I countered with 300 pesos for the night. We could not agree but she came back to my hotel in Suipacha. We eventually agreed on 300 pesos for two comings that I would pay after (she was angling for payment before).

I took a couple of photos (which I never publish on the internet), and we then got down to business. She initially seemed to be rushing things a bit but steadied down with some french kissing which was something we had not done in public at New Port. The sex was pretty good with a fine coming but seemed to be still a bit quick.

After I come it always takes a while for my dick to wake up ready for a second comming. Joanna did try to coax it with some bbbj but to no avail(if she had given it another 15 minutes I´m sure it would have fired up). I made mutterings about how I should have used viagra and we talked of possibly doing it all night on viagra tomorrow (I´m sure this was just talk on her part however, as I don´t know what she thought she would charge me).

As Johanna had made an honest attempt to awaken my sleeping Moby, I decided to pay her the 300 pesos we had finally settled on for two commings.

I now rewind to Sunday night where after visiting the karaoke in New Port I wandered around to New Shampoo.

I had been to New Shampoo last year and on that occasion I had taken a voluptious Brazilian vixen, by the name of Karolina, back to my hotel.

I arrived at New Shampoo around midnight (I think) and spotted Karolina but did not go to speak to her. There were a few girls of reasonable looks around the bar (no 9 or 10´s however). A very hot looking girl (great figure)came up and we were french kissing soon after. The girl was Magnolia from Puerto Rico. I soon was calling her Magnolia Thunderpussy however! It cost about 120 pesos to pay the bar bill and get her out, but I took her to my hotel. I took some photo´s clothed and video unclothed of her, but the question of money as always seems to be a bargaining problem.

Despite Magnolia looking absolutely stunning dressed I have to sadly report that her torso (particularly her tits) are a mess resulting from what appears to be a botched boob job and tatoos. Her nipples are non existent (maybe bitten off!). A pity because she is otherwise a splendid looking lass.

I had a great doggy style fuck and then tiedness caught up (I had not slept for nearly 44 hours after leaving the Galapogas Islands. I gave her 200 pesos which she initially begrudgingly accepted, and was keen for me to meet her again at Shampoo the next night. But I did not go, and the rest is now history.

I have one more night in Buenos Aires before I go to Uraguay before a quick dash to Brazil. I will most likely return for the night of the 23 July, so if there is any AMA action organised for that night please PM me.


07-13-04, 16:32
Exon Reporting: Again : Well Maria Paula lied to me too. Seams her sister was in a wreck a few months back and the doctor was the other man last night.

She shows up at my hotel after dropping off her sister for a check up. Got nothing to do so why not stop by and Fuck Exon for a couple of bucks while waiting for the sister. One thing, she did a much better job than Carolina.

Anyway Exon is now staying at an undisclosed location. Yes a new hotel that Carolina knows nothing of so when she call's I won't be their. Exon doesn't want to be responciable for her quiting working while he's in town.


07-14-04, 00:45
Chopper, you must have misunderstood them at Catto's. Anyway I just dumped two loads into Rafaela before she headed off there so anyone who kisses her tonight will be gobbling my goober. And no, she did not shower afterwards. 120 pesos. She had offered me a discounted BJ if she could just come by and get her perfume but since she was a scout and coaxed out another load I gave her the same as last time. Oh and actually if you want to kiss her tonight I did not come in her mouth. Really. Suerte.

07-14-04, 01:31

Do not feel that bad about Whiskeria. If you could only had read
my report on that place; you are not the only one. In fact, I fear
for my life when that monster came to the table and told me I
had to pay, he even wanted to get into my wallet, when I told
him did not have any more pesos, he ordered me to pay in US$
and believe me did not have a choice.

Jaimito Cartero
07-14-04, 02:52
Exon-You reports alone make the WSG a place I wouldn't want to miss. Where else can a woman go from the best lay to the biggest ***** in a mere day? Don't let them tie you down. I think you should hang out with Dickhead more, he'll keep you out of serious trouble.

One Tree Hill
07-14-04, 03:02

Due to bad breath, smoking and possibly multiple loads taken that day, I always insist that they brush or at least use the mouthwash that I bring with me. Most do it with out asking and none have declined my request.

Makes me feel a bit better to DFK a clean and minty mouth!

07-14-04, 04:39
Yes, very important to always carry breath mints and have toothbrushes available. I go through about 2-3 packs of Tic Tacs per week and buy 4-5 toothbrushes a week. It's also advisable to carry some chocolate at all times to give to those chicas that you want to take out at some future date but not that night, or to those you have taken out before but might not want to take out that particular night. Also carry moist towelettes; try to steal them from hotels and airlines whenever possible. Stuff your pockets with paper towels. Carry an extra comb and have some new ones available in your room. Save hotel size bottles of mouthwash and refill them from a larger bottle, and carry that too. Also put packets of jam and honey in your jacket pockets.

Yum. Monger on.

07-14-04, 05:15

Good advised ... BTW, now days they sell small kits containing
all the necessary toiletry for those ocassions as described by
OTH, also Altoids can help a lot.

07-14-04, 12:30

It would be a great idea to create a section called "Rip-Off places" under the Argentina directory. The first entry would be the wiskerias around Corrientes and Esmeralda (places that I warned not to visit several times before, but that info is hidden beneath hundreds of messages).

An advice: NEVER say "mi español es poco" to a bouncer, because it is an invitation to rip you off. Any person will figure it out after you pronounce a few words, so it's no use to say so.

Hope this helps.


07-14-04, 14:40
Andres and Alboroto,

I agree with your suggestion that there should be a section on rip off places. Maybe it can be called the Shame file. I hope Jackson will create such an item to help warn out of towners as the information is otherwise buried under many posts.

Dickhead, I can ensure you that I did not misundertand what was said to me in English at Catto´s. Maybe there is a maverick doorman/barman in the place, but it is a worrying sign. I´m sure they wouldn´t try that sort of behaviour on regular such as yourself.

On a much brighter note
Last night I went to Hook. I arrived just before 10 PM and there was only one girl there at that point. I sat by myself away from the bar and more girls arrived and sat at the bar end. I just sat back and enjoyed my beers and checked out the chicas as I could (not easy from where i was sitting).

Eventually I caught the eye of a petite and young looking 21 y.o. lArgentinean lass, Nadia. By the time I left I had about 5 or 6 cervezas and bought her a couple of glasses of Champagne for which I paid less than 80 pesos. By this time the place was starting to fill up.

I took her for the night for 250 pesos. As soon as we got to the room the french kissing started. She was however was nervous about getting paid so I reassured her by showing her the colour of my money. With this reassurance she relaxed and we went through a vertable packet full of condoms by noon today (Although i can´t say that I came that many times - Cialis tends to do that to you). I was going to leave Argentina today for Uruguay or brazil but have now put those plans back for a day as I will be with Nadia again tonight.

Thanks to Nadia my faith in Argentina as a valued mongering destination has been restored.

Happy mongering


07-14-04, 16:35
Altoids will burn your Jones off. Not recommended if BBBJ is on the menu.

07-14-04, 17:04

I had Johanna on my last trip too. She has a great body, and provided damn good service to me also, except she owned up to being 32 to me, my guess is add maybe a couple more. That body has taken her around the world, glad to see she has made a stop in BA.

BTW, I went home last night after another 12hr work day (hate all you lucky bastards in BA right now), flipped on the tube to watch the "Amazing Race", and guess where most of the show took place...right in the heart of Recoletta. Thankfully the BA scenes took place during the day, so no mongers were spotted.

EZE :)

07-14-04, 20:53
Apartmens in BA and suburbs

I visited the following apartments during this week (no action, though):

1) Sarmiento 1828 1º A
Run-down place (as fas as for decoration). Good attitude from the receptionist, 2 girls available (Lorena, a so-so petite girl, and Cami, a nice but average girl, pointed out as the number 1 girl of the place due to attitude). ar$30 for 30 minutes and ar$40 the hour. May come back to check it out again (best time to go: 1PM to 3 PM)

2) Sitio de Montevideo 1016, Lanus (Southern suburb).
Very discreet and clean place, but girls are not beautiful. 4 were occupied and 3 free, none of them above 5 on my scale. Given that it takes 30-60 minutes to get there by car during the day, it may not be worth to visit the place. ar$30 for 30 minutes and ar$50 the hour.

Both places open 24 hr.

Hope this helps,


07-14-04, 22:53

My experiences have told me that even if you speak Spanish,
those heavyweight bouncers or ladies, as soon they heard
your accent, they know you are tourist and the ripped starts.

I considered myself a well traveled person, but have fear for
my life as I was at Whiskeria ... Believe me, if this heavyweight
bouncer have told me to give him my wallet, probably would
It was a very scary experience.

Dodger Bulldog
07-15-04, 01:01
I will resume posting about my June visit to Bs. As., after having been interrupted by a two week trip to the great Northwest. Check future reports on the Vancouver, Seattle, and Portland boards if interested.

I definitely should have stayed in Argentina all summer. Fortunately, I did take copious notes to keep my memory fresh.

I want to comment on the best place that I found to buy Viagra in Bs. As. It is the previously mentioned Farmacia Azul at Av. Cordoba 533, just 1/2 block north of the Cafe Orleans.

No prescription necessary, of course, with prompt and friendly service, and all credit cards accepted. The best bargain is the red generic sildenafil, under the name brand "Magnus."

You can buy ten 50 mg pills for AR$48, but it is better to buy the 100 mg size for AR$65. Most of you mongers can cut them in half and get 20 doses that come out to only US $1.10 each, less than 10% of the cost in the states.

The new Levitra and Cialis were not bargained priced (no generics yet, I guess), so I passed on those.

I can attest that the generic Viagra works perfectly fine, no need to pay more for the name brand. The next paragraph is not to boast, but only to give testimony to how effective the assist was from the little pill.

My favorite chica told me my cock was "resistente," which gave me pause because I certainly wasn't resisting her at all. She assured me that it means "virile, hardy, strong." Later I saw that my Spanish/English dictionary agreed, so I felt better. Another chica dubbed me the "Incredible Hulk."

I'm not used to those kind of comments, so either their Argentine manners include inflating a gringo's ego, or this stuff really works. I have no doubt that it is the later.


Dodger Bulldog
07-15-04, 02:57
I decided to do some window shopping, as a new monger friend convinced me to go to Black with him. A banker from Nicaragua, money is no object to him, and he quickly picked out his favorite 21 year old cutie and split.

I was just going to take a walk or two around the place, when I noticed a drop dead gorgeous blonde, a true Marilyn Monroe clone. She was surrounded by four men, so I figured there was no harm in looking. I watched her for a while, becoming more smitten, until I took a moment to visit el bano.

I made a wide arc on my way out the door to head back to my hotel and shot one last look around the place. Behold, there she was sitting all alone at the bar, looking even more fetching than before. Perhaps it was an omen, I convinced myself.

What would it hurt to chat a bit? Really, now?

Plenty, as I would find out.

She turned up the charm and was all over me. Celia, from Brazil, spoke excellent English, which I have read is a bad sign. But she was just so damn perfect looking that I simply buckled at the knees. Damn, am I weak!

She wanted $200 American to come to my room. At least I had the presence of mind to bargain her down to $125, but she also got me to pay for two drinks on top of that. She wrapped a bright red coat around her skimpy black halter dress and we were off.

At the hotel she agreed to pose for the obligatory photo with me. Tuliman, my night doorman, had learned quickly that it was his job to get a clear picture, in-focus and close-up, to earn his two pesos. Celia was still exuberant at this point (my money wasn't in her purse yet), and she grabbed me and tongued me deep for the snapshot. Tuliman snickered, knowingly, perhaps.

Once in the room, money exchanged hands, and I saw the beast within come out. She didn't like my condoms, my lubricant, my bed, or my music. Above all, she clearly didn't like me. She became nasty, barking orders, making rules, I guess she thought I should feel forever fortunate that she would grace my presence for only $125.

After a short, mechancial CBJ, she would only get on top for sex, tired quickly, and insisted on finishing me off with a hand job. "It's just my job," she said, without any sense of pride or work ethic whatsoever.

By then I realized that if I held out for what I had overpaid for, I would end up with nothing at all. I had best accept what a fool I was. As soon as I came I immediately asked her to leave, the only chica who I didn't appreciate enough to walk down to the taxi. "Just get the hell out."

Everyone here was right, and I am stupid. Stay away from Black, as there is so many friendlier woman and much better value for the money everywhere else in Bs. As.


Hi DB,

You could have also have discovered her true personality and avoided the worthless scene if you have followed this simple rule:


If you had insisted that you were going to pay when the session was finished, she would have turned pissy when she discovered your resolve not to pay in advance, whereupon you could have escorted her back to Black (remember, you are a gentlemen) and had another drink and possibly have left with another chica.

BTW, The reason you would always escort a malcontented chica back to the club is to protect your reputation. If she goes back alone, she'll tell everyone who will listen (managers, other chicas, etc.) that your ripped her off. If you return with her, she can't make that story stick.

BTW #2, I'm not suggesting that paying first will always result in a bad experience, but every bad experience I've ever had ALWAYS included me paying first (see the 1707 Sante Fe section). Personally, I'd rathger lose out a small percentage of otherwise good sessions as a consequence of avoiding the large percentage of inevitable bad sessions.

Just stand your ground. Remember, you're the man.


07-15-04, 05:55
Oh Christ. This is ridiculous. 250 is way too much to pay at Hook whether you speak Spanish or Swahili, even it it is toda la semana, and nobody in history has ever paid a 110 cover at Catto's. Or any cover. There is no cover there and never has been. And I am obviously not a native speaker of Spanish and I have not run into any "killer bouncers" and if I do I will give them a "moon gotcha."

Do you guys who know about the board read the fucking board before you come here??????

Frustrated with these types of mongers :<(

07-15-04, 12:38

I agree that people try get advantage from visitors anyway. However, saying upfront (without any previous question) "Yo hablo poco español" or similar is translated as "I have no clue of this place, please tell me what to do or how much to pay". That is, by saying that the bouncer or the lady can take the initiative to set prices.


07-15-04, 13:20
Alboroto, that situation in the Whiskeria was simply an inexpensive lesson for you personally and for the rest of us generally. No harm done, and only a few dollars lost. Laugh about it, I say.

-Uncle Otto

Mickey Mouse
07-15-04, 18:28
What's going on down there?

I think all of Exon's ex-girlfriends have united to put him down because we haven't heard from him lately.

And DH has a TLN Favorita from every club in the triangle and is doing strangers from Catto's! Doesn't sound like Love to me!

I think I might have to make another trip to investigate this matter and make sure everyone is ok.

The first week of august is looking good,

07-15-04, 19:21
So my post of last night was a bit harsh and I have apologized to Chopper. I did see that he didn't pay the 110 "cover" but I was there that night and it was the same doorman as always so it is strange. Plus I don't think that the doorman there speaks English. Maybe a tout was trying to pull a fast one when the doorman wasn't there.

Anyway I was in a bad mood when I posted it because of the following experience at Nuevo Estilo. I decided to do takeout after being informed by Jackson that it is indeed available despite rumors to the contrary. This "Turqa" or something like that is always hanging around and she has a larger body which I was in the mood for after doing so many skinny favoritas and colegialas. We agreed on "between 100 and 150 depending on the time" and went to my apartment. It was 3:15 when we left and I assumed she wouldn't have to go back. When we got there she called someone, presumably Nuevo Estilo, and gave them the exact address including apartment number. Then she wanted to be paid first but did not put up much of an argument when I refused.

CBJ, sex, more CBJ, more sex. Pretty good. She spent 50 minutes there, but only about half an hour in the cama what with having a beer and washing up before and after. Maybe 35 minutes tops. So I offered 120 and she is saying, no that is half an hour and an hour is 200. Bullshit. We negotiated 100-150 and this is right in the middle (I didn't have another 5 or 10, only hundreds). So she says she thought I meant half an hour. I said, well then why would I have negotiated a price that depended on the time spent? She starts saying that all the other girls get 200 an hour and of course this reminds me of my experience with tall blond waitress De'bora. So I say look I have fucked most of the better gals in there and I've never paid 200 and always 150 and that is for a full hour with no drinks or messing around. Anyway, I gave her 150 after a trip to the ATM and said if we do this again we will specifically negotiate time AND money, but we probably won't do this again. Taxi money requested and refused. Then she called (NEB??) again to say she was leaving so I guess she had to go back even at 4:30 which made no sense to me.

I think I will only go there on Wednesday, early, for free pizza, free admission, and only do Antonela. Blond waitress Agostina kept telling me how much she wanted to go with my tall Australian friend but was insisting on 200. That place is too expensive for pussy. I'll take the bus there, drink early, get horny from the show, and pull pussy from elsewhere. Been disappointed in everyone but Antonela although not terribly so. I admit she is a tough act to follow.

I've had good success in the triangle without negotiating all the details in advance but it isn't working for me at NEB.

PS Mouse no TLN from Hook's. I did invite Sandra to spend the night once back in March, the first time I ever did that, but she said the bed in the Marbella was too small. Also not going to do TLN with the favorita from Catto's any more. She is too hard to sleep with.

Peter P
07-15-04, 19:44
Dear fellow mongers familiar with Buenos Aires:

Does anyone know if its possible to get Cialis or Levitra without prescription in drug stores?

If so, what's the price?

Are there generic versions and are they safe?


07-15-04, 21:29
Exon Reporting: Was out with DickHead last night after changing Hotels to hide from Carolina. Yes it was Nuevo Estilo and free pizza night, even Jackson showed up.

Lot of cuite pies in there but I´d been drained twice already, really almost three times. I wouldn´t let the girl finish me off with the hand job durning the Massage earlier in the day. I opted to save the sperm for Feranada´from Cafe Orleans at the Hotel Horazonte.

Then on my way home I run into blond Caroline at Cafe Excerda of all places. (Mouse you know her) Anyway I kept saying no and we ended up at my Hotel for a session anyway. thease girls just will not take no for answer.

Id been doing Maria Paula at the Dazzler and had to move as you might remember because of Carolina, and mentioned it to Maria, not Carolina but I was moving.. I casully told her I might move into the De Las Americs just up the street. Guess what ?, Im eating, no, drinking coffee its 9:30 in the morning and Maria Paula walks into the dinning room looking for me.

Its 8:30 at night and Ive just gotten rid for her. Im all fucked out for the day, for we´ve been fucking all day except for lunch. So now Im headed for Recoleta and dinner.


07-15-04, 21:44
BTW blond Carolina is known as the "ball washer" and if you want to see her call Orleans and ask for Carolina #4.

07-16-04, 00:02
Peter P:

The answer is a resolute Yes. It has been covered many times before. See here (http://www.wsgforum.com/vforum/showthread.php?s=&postid=197501#post197501), for example. The second pharmacy I mentioned in the post is closer to Recoleta.

Happy mongering.

Mickey Mouse
07-16-04, 01:47
Peter P.
The pharmacy at the North end of Puerta Madera will take care of you. Packages of 4 is what you are looking for.

Aahh, Carolina #4 the Ball Washer (my nickname I believe) and you're right, she doesn't give up and goes until your batteries run out. She is not a young hard body, but her passion & enthusiasm are exceptional.

You obviously haven't spent time with Antonela (& Pamela).

I think I'm beginning to miss this place,

Dodger Bulldog
07-16-04, 02:12
Absolutely sage advise, Jackson.

You are dead right on, as I learned the hard way. It bears repeating, so I am taking the liberty of quoting you:


I definitely agree that it is worth losing out on a few sessions to avoid the big ripoffs. I will follow your advise and hope this inspires other to do so also. Thank you!


07-16-04, 02:23
Uncle Otto,

You are correct, my life is worth more than US$60.00,
again, even if the bouncer had asked for more $$$,
there is no question in my mind: I would had give it
to him. After left the place walked another block or
two and stop at the bank for more pesos, of course
not for Whiskeria.


Wish I could fake my Spanish, however, its my
native language ... but thanks for the suggestion.

07-16-04, 02:25
Fellow Mongers,

Beware ... MM is cuming in August. therefore,
try to get as much pussy as you can.

07-16-04, 02:36
Peter P.

Read this report I posted on El Salvador Forum, BTW even
thou I bought two boxes have not try it as yet.

Super D, Lawyer & Cptease,

Read this message from a fellow monger. I am going to Argentina
soon; however, the price its not the one that appears on the
message. PM if you are interested. Presently I do live in
El Salvador. I believe do have the right price, since I bought
some for a fellow monger who live in the US.

Alboroto/Sweet Lou

After getting that squared away it was time to go find some vitamin V or similar. Here is a good find...
533 Cordoba near St Martin is Farmacia Azul del Pacifico.
There I purchased 20 50mg tablets of sildenifil for 56 pesos.
Forget the brand name..its a red and white box. After 2 nights of usage both D Rock and I can attest to its working!

07-16-04, 02:52
Peter P and Fellow Mongers,

Lets get down to business ...
Here is the complete information of my buying:
Sildenafil Sandoz
50 mg
20 Comprimidos

I bought two boxes for ar$ 180.00, paid with
Credit Card, perhaps thats why paid that much.

Dodger Bulldog
07-16-04, 05:02
Listen to Roxana, guys. She knows of which she speaks.

While taking Roxana's city tour (highly recommended, see my post under Roxana's section), we discussed the internet girl that she had scheduled for me the following night. Roxana said that at US$100, she was much more expensive than most and wondered why I would be willing to pay that much.

I pulled out the photos of Morena from:


"If she is really this girl, Roxana, I would pay any price. She's my perfect dream girl. If she is really this girl."

Roxana was a bit stunned, and joked "if she does look like this, I would want to do her myself!"

Roxana assured me that the agency promised that it was definitely the girl in the photos (I had instructed her to ask). However, she thought the girl looked just too perfect and photos too professionally done, and wondered if it could really be true.

The next night I eagerly awaited the call from the hotel desk that announced that "Senorita Morena" had arrived. I hustled downstairs, caught my breath, and tried to look cool and collected. I needed to calm the adrenaline so as to be still my tell-tale heart.

I looked around the lobby for my perfect beauty. Finally, I gave up. I asked the desk clerk where Senorita Morena was.

"Standing right here" he said as he motioned to the girl within two feet of me. I immediately knew that she wasn't the chica in the photo.

Not bad, though. Although the eyebrows were a bit heavy. Then the longer I gazed at her, it struck me that she was certainly attractive. Definitely first class. Yes, she was lovely.

Not a perfect ten face, although maybe a seven, perhaps even an eight.

I was trying to decide how I would tell her that I was going to take a pass.

At that very moment, perhaps sensing my hesitation, she sprung into action. She unbuckled her jacket and leaned against the pillar, showing me an absolutely wonderful pair of tits, and revealing plenty of flesh at the midriff of her tiny, smooth abdomen.

No, it wasn't the perfect ten body I had ordered up, but damn, if it wasn't a nine!

These chicas really know how to fuck with your head, don't they?

The generic viagra was already coursing through my loins and the the sight of those tits caused the hulkster to grow.

My wallet wanted to turn her away, but my manhood wouldn't let me. I am so damn weak that the wallet always seems to be on the losing end of these battles.

Up to my room, and quickly into the session. I learned her real name was Miriam, and she was very pleasant, and very amenable to all of my desires. Energentic DFK, proficient BBJ, followed by intense prolonged sex in several different postions.

Next I had her lay on her side between my knees while I pumped and fucked her perfect tits. Miriam was thoroughly submissive as I came between her soft, full mounds, and even giggled as she wiped the overspray from her cheeks.

When she realized that I had shot most of my wad into her hair, she let out a gasp. But she immediately regained her composure, cleaned herself up, and handled it very professionally. Not another whimper.

We then engaged in conversation for the rest of the hour. She told me that her goal was to get out of the business before this year is up and start her own designer handbag company. (Shades of Monica Lewinsky?)

Miriam was excited that on Sunday she was doing a fashion shoot for a magazine (something Azul, if you locals care to look for it). She needs a little practice though, as she blinked during the first three photos that I shot of her, before I was finally able to snap one with her eyes open.

Overall, I found her personality to be pleasant, charming, and fun. I did like this chica!

My only disappointments were two, but they are BIG ones: 1). She wasn't the girl in the picture, and I hate a bait and switch; and 2). At US$100, she was severly overpriced.

Nonetheless, I had my chance to turn her down. As weak as I am, I did decide to spend the hour with her. I guess that's on me.

Upon retuning to the US, I showed the pictures of each of my partners in Bs. As. to my female buddy here. My friend selected Miriam as the prettiest and sexiest of them all. I don't agree, placing her fourth. However, the point is that Miriam is without question a beautiful, sexy, classy woman.

But she still wasn't the Morena pictured on that website!


07-16-04, 11:02
Vitamin V:
This last trip, I was walking around Palermo and thought I should get some V and 3 pharmacies would not sell without an Rx, (I think one said just have it faxed here, and one was FarmaCity so I was not too hopefull anyway). About a year ago, I had no problem at a pharmacy near or on Florida, where I asked, and he pointed to placard right on the counter, showing the prices for various mg's and # of tablets.

So, as I do not have the opportunity to go to the centro area for V shopping these days, can anyone give some places in Palermo where an Rx is not required?

El Aleman
07-16-04, 12:44
Vitamin V:

There is a pharmacy on the corner of Rodriguez Peña and Vicente Lopez (or Guido) in Recoleta where I bought generic Sildenafil without problems in March this year. Don't remember the exact price, but cheap.

It is nearly across the street from a Norte Supermarket. There also is a FarmaCity in the area, NOT that, this is only good to buy cellphone recharges!

El Alemán

07-16-04, 12:58
I just went to Farmacia Azul in Co'rdoba 533 and there is good news and bad news. Bad news is the 20 x 50mg sildenafil in the red box is now 60 pesos instead of 56 as reported earlier. The good news is a hefty 15% cash discount brings it down to 51. (edit: expiration date is Nov '05)

That should last me a long time as I only use 25 mg. and even so I rarely use it. I think I've only gone through 5 tabs in 6 weeks. Buying 100 mg tabs might be significantly cheaper for those who use 50 mg. I meant to price those but I forgot. Sorry.

This stuff should probably go in the General section from now on.

07-16-04, 13:08

Perhaps if you pay cash, you get the discount.
We should make sure to mentioned to our fellow
mongers, since I paid more with Credit Card. Also,
another tip: Make sure to check the expired date.
Mine are good until May 2005.

Anybody in the US want/need some, PM me
as I am leaving this coming Monday to the US.

07-16-04, 14:12
Exon Reporting: Ok I got rid of Maria Paula about 8:30 and was in Recoleta for dinner about 9:00. After a couple Beefeaters, a bife de lomo with freedom fries and a dobla Muchins cafe creama for desert. I headed for affair, (the only club in Recoleta with value), the door man knew me so there was free admission.

Saw a nice gal by the name of Sylvia and got to chatting. As I looked over on the next bar stool there sit Lezeta. Now for those of you that don´t remember she is the girl that fiucked up Jacksons bed with the " PERIOD ". Well I was in the process of telling Sylvia the story and Lezeta was sitting there smiling and in walked Jackson. So they finally got to meet.

Anyway, sinced I was all fucked out from doing Maria Paula all day I passed on Sylvia after Jackson left with a little tart, $125 peso´s, and headed for black.

Black was jamed with Chica´s. Theres a Chica in their I really want to do. A come fuck me drop dead gorgeous blond I met on my last trip. I want to do this chick so bad I don´t care what the price is, so Im glad I was all fucked out and could pass on her.

Well my real purpose was to see an old friend, Clauda, whom I´d spent a week with on my first trip to B.A. just after 9-11-01 when a peso was a buck.

"Hola" Exon she says and "buy we a drink". Course and eighty pesco´s latter I have her phone number. I know, I know I spent less money buying DickHead and the Aussie dinner the other night than for Clauda´s drink, but Clauda is especial por mi. I can fuck her for $150 peso´s but not by pulling her out of Black.

Well anyway so much for Black. I got what I wanted, Clauda´s phone number, I was getting a bit tired so it was off to Cafe Excedra for a night cap and a look around.

Excedra was packed, Ive never seen so many chicas in their. There must have been at least fifty girls in there.´Well I sat down at table with two of them and orderd tea for the three of us. Amazing every woman in the place wanted to join us. Probably because I ws an Americano and looked like a pegion and of course I was buying.

Anyway I was offered everything by everybody. The best deal was a dobla for $100 peso´s which I passed on, the girls were particulary ugly and it was home to bed.

Well this morning I awoke with wood. I got to thinking about that Massage parlor hand job that I passed on the "finish" and thought why not. So about the time they were sentencing Martha Stewrt this morning I was shooting my load all over this Massuse as I was fingering fucking her and sucking on her tits. Im such a sicko

Say what you want about hand jobs but I believe in two things. There are two art forms in sex a blow job and a hand job. Thease are both sex acts that require skill too be good at. Anyone girl can fuck simply by spreading her leggs, but a really good blow job or hand job takes real skill.


07-16-04, 14:45
Report from Sex Prison Solitary Confinement

When I left off I recounted in part one and part two how I was escorted out of Blacks one evening last January because I had been conversing in private with another Monger about the scene in BA - the entire scene, not just Blacks.

And how I returned the next day, despite the ban, in the company of three fellow Mongers, with an agreement that we would all leave together as a group if I was asked to leave.

And how I was approached by the Black's floorman, asked to leave and how Mad Max stuck out his neck for me, pushing the floorman who pushed back and it looked like a very dodgy situation was about the develop - like a major bar room brawl.

Weill this is what happened after the pushing incident....

About ten seconds later Blacks calls in the heavy artillery in the form of the big Guyanese bouncer guy and some other other beffy looking security guys.

Mad Max and I are escorted into the VIP room at Blacks, for a meeting with the manager, Daniel Well that’s something. Last time I was just shown the door. They weren’t very polite, which kind is annoying since I consider myself a good customer.

I though I was going to be tortured dirty war style and with a one way ticket on the midnight express but instead we invited to sit on a plush couch and the manager calmly states his case: I was banned because it had been reported that I had bad mouthed the joint to other customers and the ridiculous suspicious that I was employed by other clubs, apparently to drive customers away, even an owner of a rival club.

Anyway while this sill argument was going back and forth Mad Max was slyly signaling me to stop talking, to just shut the hell up. Well it turns out that Mad Max isn’t only a man who stands up for the rights for his fellow monger but a top notch diplomat.

I relented in defending myself and yielded center stage to the incredible Mad Max, who turns to the manager:

"Look.. Maybe my friend did something wrong, maybe he didn’t. What’s the point of arguing it this point. We’re four American guys who came to the club to spend money and have a good time, not make any problems. So why not let us stay, help your club out with our money and let this all be forgotten. And by the way why don’t you buy us all drink to show there are not hard feelings?"

Cheeky eh, this Mad Max character….well the manager refused to buy us a drink, which I thought was a bit mean given the circumstances, but he didn’t grudgingly let me and my buddy mongers remain in the club.

So that’s the story folks. A happy ending after all. Now last time when I posted the first part of Banned from Blacks" someone posted back What’s the big deal about Blacks anyway"

Well there is no big deal. Being banned from Blacks doesn’t really diminish your mongering in Buenos Aires but it is nice to be able to be able to monger where you want, particularly if other mongers, particularly first timers, want to check it out.

And also I relate this story to call attention to Mad Max, a guy who before that night I only knew as a poster on this list but who really stood up for me in Black’s, there was some risk involved.

Ironically Blacks didn’t have any outstanding chicas that night and I left alone. And all the time the manager was walking around and keeping an eye on Mad Max, as if he was some sort of thug or troublemaker. The manager runs a tight ship but then I guess you have to do in that business. Personally I think he was wrong in banning me just for a harmless conversation about the scene in Buenos Aires but then why bother informing a clueless tourist that doesn’t bother going online to find out about what’s going on around him?

That night I belatedly bought Mad Max the drink that the Black’s manager refused him. If you have the good fortune to meet him I recommend you buy him a drink also, as he’s a great guy, a true monger’s monger.

Just a note I returned to Blacks a few times since the banning, so it looks like the ban has been lifted. And made the aquaintance of the bouncer, Blacks's heavy artillery. He's actually a very nice guy from Guyana, well educated and speaks English…well it's his first language.

07-16-04, 16:24
All these talk about Vitamin-V made me really excited. Couldn't stay away anymore. Will be in paradise from July 29 for 3 weeks. Got to visit the Mansion. Anybody wants to get together, just PM me.


Jaimito Cartero
07-16-04, 18:35
Dodger, a quick comment on your false chica. I really believe that all you're doing when you overpay for not even the right girl is encouraging them to do it again. If she wasn't the right girl, but still looked acceptable, offer her 150 pesos. That would be the going rate in most situations.

Either that, or just send her packing. Have Roxana call and berate them for lying. Otherwise, every girl they send out will be the wrong one.

A flawless diamond is worth thousands of times more than a off color one. Even if it's "nice", it's still not worth as much.

07-16-04, 20:55
Exon Reporting: Well I think its back over to Recoleta again tonight. Might check out that Sylvia I wrote about earlier. If not, well this is Buenos Aires and there are a lot of option´s,he,he,he.

Rather uneventful day other than the hand job, but Ive been building up sperm and need a release. So more to report latter.


07-16-04, 22:08
I saw some sick shit today in the Pelvi's on Callao. This chick was dressed in all white, with white angel wings, carrying a teddy bear and a baby bottle, and had a pacifier in her mouth. Then she did a bit of a strip show and was rubbing the teddy bear into her crotch. I really thought it was pretty disgusting and I would have left except it was almost happy hour. Baby bottle and pacifier? Come on. Gross.

But 2 beers for 3.50 is hard to pass up. Free popcorn too.

Dodger Bulldog
07-16-04, 22:13

That sounds like great advise on how to handle a bait and switch.

Obviously, I made lots of beginner's mistakes. It is good to cover them here to gain wisdom from the rest of you.

I had studied the boards thoroughly before arriving, but it is hard to know which situations one will encounter once there. There is so much valuable information here that it is impossible to absorb it all.

I'll live and learn, and hopefully recounting these stories will help someone else.

But I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea - my trip to Bs. As. was a total blast and I won't hesitate to do it again!


Dodger Bulldog
07-16-04, 23:38
One evening I stopped in Pelvi's on Callao since it was just a block from my hotel. A cheap beer to prep me for a night at the boliches. The chicas dressed nice and were friendly, but "look don't touch" just isn't my cup of tea.

They did have some terrific music playing on the big screen. The waitresses helped me identify both Alex Ubago and Diego Torres. I picked up those CD's at the music store across the street (even CD's are cheaper in Bs. As.).

The music is awesome and I can tune my ear to espanol when driving around town.

After all, it is an increasingly Latino world and I refuse to miss out.


Red Cork
07-17-04, 03:41
Dickhead / Exon and fellow pooners,

One more operation and a few weeks recuperation and I will be there. Save a superstar for me. Keep posting please as I am in the hospital and enjoying and looking forward to every post. Keep it UP! literally.

Drinks will be on me when I get down there.


Red Cork
07-17-04, 03:55
Wanted: Real spanish beauty. A 10er. I imagine Argentine stunner superstar as being black curly hair , 5'5" tall 110lb. natural large tits. that bounce while she walks. 25-30 years young. and full g.f.e. enjoys daty / dfk / money / fun times. Do I see a problem here or does Exon or Dickhead have such a beauty in data file? Reward offered for such a specimen.

Jaimito Cartero
07-17-04, 04:33
She didn't diaper you up, did she, Dickhead?

07-17-04, 12:37
Exon Reporting: THE DOBLE, Yes it was back over to Recoleta, dinner then to Affair and Sylvia.

As Syliva and I were negociateing I jokeingly said "lets take this blond with us". Well then the negociating really started. The blond whom turned out to be Gina was all for it. A "doble".

What I was after was the hot tub two girl experience and of course the girls were after peso`s.

They wanted $150 peso`s for one hour. I offered $125 for an hour an a half. My offer was quickly excepted. Then it was off to the Telo transatory Hotel in Palermo. Since the Telo`s in Recoleta are dirty and warn out, to much fucking in them I suppose. And I wanted a clean new one and of course the girls knew right where to go.

Apon arriveal we all stripped down and jumped into the hot tub. Sucking, Fucking and Finger Fucking ensued in the hot tub and then it was off to the bed for some real action.

The Porno movie was a great one starring Sylvia Saint in one of her better performances. Not that she`s ever made a bad one. And the girls seamed to enjoy her. I explained that she was a very famious porn star from Europe that had made it big time.

Anyway we all took turns doing each other in different positions in just about anything you could think of. All the while watching Sylvia Saint give us ideas. All three of us especially enjoyed the facial Sylvia recieved at the end of the scene.

We "Finished" with me finger fucking both of them at the same time,(two fingers), while Syliva, (my Sylvia) was blowing me with an alternating hand job.(I love a good hand job), and all the while Gina and I were in the DFKing mode. Mas Orgasmo

A very good experience for about $300 peso`s including the Hotel. Where else can you get an experience like that for a $100 bucks.

In closing I`d like to recommend Affair in Recoleta. Theres real value their unlike other clubs in the area. Same pricing as you would expect to find in the down town clubs.


Red Cork
07-17-04, 14:37

My saline drip is running backwards after reading that.

Way to go.

El Exigente
07-17-04, 14:52
The picture of Morena that DodgerBulldog found in:


is actually Check super-model Veronika Zemanova. See the following link:


Tall and Horny
07-17-04, 21:50
My first experience in Buenas Aires was decent. I went to Affaire last night around 10 pm. I didn't see any 8s or 9s, some decent 6 or 7s. I was horny, so I settled for a short blond for 150 pesos. Yeah, I know I was ripped off. Service was decent, but I wanted higher quality girls. The ones that I use to pay 350 USD for in NY. I might just pony up the money and try Black tonight. Any one want to meet up?

07-17-04, 22:40
I just came from Santa Fe 3373 #5C. 40 half hour, 70 the hour. Called first to confirm address and price. Four chicas said to be available. Hopped on the #39 bus for 0.75 pesos. I figured if they were all dogs it was only two blocks from Guemes 3221.

Ratings = 5 x 1, 6 x 2, 6.5 x 1. Selected 6.5 Veronica or maybe Victoria. Sorry, I swore I would remember but it is definitely V something. I think Victoria. Anyway she is about 5 kg from being a 7. Madam is nice but ugly. Pay the girl and not the madam, which I prefer but I think they do that to give her a chance to upsell you to an hour. I almost never do a half hour but I thought I would here since the rooms are ugly. Beds are good, though. No music or drinks or any of that shit.

She is from Chile. Nice girl. CBJ but put the rubber on with her mouth and I could really only tell by the sound. Good technique and I should have just taken that all the way. Cowgirl was good but due to the ass I thought I should finish por cuatro patas but that was not a good angle so missionary finish and a few minutes of chat and bye bye.

Place is 24-7 per madam. Would I go back? Don't know. I think it is a good place for a half hour of head. Phone # 4824-2490. Was not offered use of the bathroom either before or after, but did not need before and close to home so no need after either. I think a good choice if you are drunk and horny but I was neither.

Then I walked back home which is 18 blocks. I drank as many beers as possible on the way back, as fast as possible. Now I have a quantitative answer to the question, "How long does it take to get drunk in Buenos Aires and how much does it cost?" I was aware of being drunk two blocks after crossing Puerrydón so 12 blocks. It took 4 beers, the last one being a pint, and the cost was 4.80 pesos. That is from a point of total sobriety and on an empty stomach.

Hope that helps.

07-17-04, 23:47
How to get laid for 3 pesos

I have been working on this report for a while so I hope it comes out OK. After Wednesday night or Thursday morning's so-so experience from Nuevo Estilo, I figured I would go into Exon mode and build up semen for a few days. I did not monger Thursday, sleeping until 4 PM. Friday I hit the gym and did a very hard workout. Returning home, I rounded the corner by my apartment and saw the back of a woman leaving the front of the building. I had been caddy corner looking at vegetables and then directly across picking up laundry and had sort of noticed she had been there the whole time.

Well, she is half way down the block when I realize it is my gata salvaje from Ness, whom I had seen but snubbed the night before. I mean, I did not snub her and said hello and all of that but I did not buy her a drink nor leave with her. But I didn't leave with anyone else, either. Too drained.

I caught up with her and she said she was doing some shopping in the neighborhood and thought she would drop by. I said, "we have only seen each other three times and I am not sure I want you to drop by without calling first." She said, "Last time you told me we had only seen each other a few times and you weren't comfortable giving me your phone number!" Oh yeah, I did say that. I turned kind of red and she cocked her head and said, "Do you want to know what I was shopping for?" Yes, I did because she did not have any shopping bags.

So when she spent the night one time she asked me if I was aware that the pillows smelled funky and I said I was and had been shopping around for new ones. She had located what she said was a pretty good sale over on Callao a few blocks away. She said she could afford to buy me one but thought I might want two matching ones, which of course I did. So we went over there and got two nice pillows for 36 pesos each, but being a Dickhead I asked for a quantity discount and then a cash discount so 64 pesos for two. This was a better deal by far than I had found and the pillows were definitely needed so I paid for both and consider this a zero cost of pussy.

"OK, so where are we now, honey? The reason I didn't take you home last night is because I couldn't afford it and now I've bought these pillows and yeah I need them but ..."

"I have a confession to make," she says. "You made me that breakfast the other day and I think about it all the time and I want it again." Well, it was a mushroom and cheese omelette and I have a secret ingredient that makes it muy bueno if I finish it off under a hot broiler. I had all the ingredients available but I bought her a gaseosa for 1.15. I estimate the cost of two eggs, a bit of cheese and a few mushrooms at 1.85 so there you have it. She did me twice and she didn't even ask for bus fare.

Her birthday is next week and she is coming over Monday and I will make her a crab quiche and give her some actual cash this time.

07-18-04, 00:22
Wanted to give my contribution from my trip to BA. Some of the experiences:

This experience goes under the category "well somebody had to do it...". I sought out Yanina on Platynum, yes the one with the muscles. I know, I know but I had to try. I am a former bodybuilder and have been with other female bodybuilders, but this girl takes the cake. Her body is unbelievable, but her face has a bit of a masculine look. She was cool though and gave good service. She has a huge clit, which is a universal female bodybuilder trait and was a really good servicio completo provder. 150 pesos. Has an apartment full of her trophies.

Ambar on Senualbaires.com is a really pretty girl with the most beautiful eyes I have seen. She is in an apartment on Santa Fe & Azcuenaga. When you call the numberf on the site, you get another woman who gives you her price & location. When I turned up in the apartment , she told me the price was 50 pesos more than the 150 I paid for an hour of servicio completo (obviously a favorite of mine). She kept me waiting in her apartment for a while and our session got interrupted due to an appointment that she had to keep. However, I gave her my number and she called me back, leaving me a message to get back with her.

Ivone - Platynum. 80 pesos the hour. If you like your girls on the thicker side a la Valeria, you'll like this girl. Callo & Corrientes. Cintha is there too, if you appreciate big boobed, big assed women as I do. Did not like the apartment, however.

Majo Platynum. Nice girl located in Barrio Norte. 80 pesos/hr.

In one of the Suipacha boliches (the one across the street from Hooks & Cattos, so I guess this was Ness), I ran into a girl that was on Platynum, Ariadna. Cute, large boobs. Spent a really good time with her for 150 pesos. She was supposed to come the next day and didn't. but called me the following day and we got together.

Anabella Gemidos Don't quite remember price, but was either 80 or 100 pesos/hr. 800 block of Suipacha. Good service, not as sexy as her pictures suggest.


Most of my experiences were covered BJ's. What is happening here?!?

I called Lucky from Platynum and she wanted 150 EUROS! She didn't even have the decency to ask me for good ole American dollars! Hung up on her.

I also made an apointment with Clarita on Platynum. She gave me her Tucuman address quoted a rate of 100/hr and I showed up on time. When I arrived she either couldn't or didn't open the door for me.

I did call for my favorite clarin service, the blonde & brunette 'lesbians' that I raved about last November. however, the girls were different and were quite unattractive this time. Makes me realize how lucky Woody66 & I were last year.

Went to a small apartment on Corrientes 1888, only bell. Level of quality was low, only 40 pesos the hour. Open all hours of the night. If you are into receiving or getting discipline, this is a place for you, I guess. I didn't partake, but it is on the menu. I passed through here last November and there was an attractive mature blonde who gave good service, but she is now gone.

Stay safe!

07-18-04, 14:52
A question for WSG members:

I am planning my first trip to BsAs for early September and in researching the escorts I see a service that is offered labeled: Buc. s/Glob.

What service is that?



P.S. I hope to meet some of you when I am there.

Hi Stowe,

"s/Glob" stands for "Sin Globo", which literally translates as "without balloon" but what it really means is "without condom".


07-18-04, 15:57
I dunno. I've gotten a lot of late night discounting in the Triangle, particularly in Hook where of course I no longer go. It could be those girls have less pride, or it could be they took Econ 101 and recognize the perishability of the product. Or I could be a Dickhead. I've negotiated 100 late at night several times and even done so for others who cannot speak any castellano. Also the shoe store/dress shop girls on Paraguay and Florida are receptive to late night discounting.

07-18-04, 16:27

You think your most trusted advisor would like to take
a coaching job as a batting instructor with The Los
Angeles Dodgers ... Let me know, I can talk with Tom.
How is your base % ...

07-18-04, 20:47
Exon Reporting: Uneventful day so far except for the British Open and the Hand Job I got at Paraguay 877 piso 1 A.

I was rooting for Phil all day long then so of course he lost.

Maybe something good tonight


07-18-04, 20:54
OK, so my Argentina trip is a wrap. In general I had a great time in Buenos Aires.

All the places I visited have been detailed on here before, so I'll just give a quick outline of what was a good and bad experience for me.

Good experiences:

- apt at Suipacha 921 6C: I went twice, this place is clean and tastefully decorated, though the bathroom is quite basic. Both times I had good experiences with the girls, especially Denise. Blue eyes and cheerleader looks, she is a great girl.

- apt at Sante Fe 1707 3rd: Also well managed. Went with Pamela, she is pretty and has a great attitude.

- camaraderie of WSG folks. Had a great time meeting various WSG mongers. Dickhead and Andres were kind enough to show me all the right places and with insider knowledge. Dinner at the Mansion on Saturday night was an excellent experience, and a real nice bunch of people. Big thank you to Jackson for hosting us.

- clubs in Flores: I did not spend any time at regular Argentine bars or discotecas, but this was the next best thing. I took a half-hour with a real enthusiastic girl at Envidia. These girls are doing many customers each night, so I would probably not session here very often. But I enjoyed the session, and I would visit again for the atmosphere and music in the boliches, which was a change from the Recoleta clubs.

Bad experiences:

- both times I took girls out of the Triangle, it ended up disappointing. The first time I went with Pilar (dominicana) from Cattos, she tried to end the session early by saying that she would have stayed much longer if I had taken her to my own hotel, but that the room at the transitory hotel was going to finish after about 1 hour and 15 minutes. I later confirmed with the reception guy that this was not true. Anyway, ended the session immediately, and without getting a second pop, which is the business end of the session for me. Informed Catto's management, who did not seem surprised or concerned about it. Perhaps this was due to my failure to explain clearly and succinctly in Spanish, but I still think they didn't really care too much. Left very disappointed, out 150 pesos for the session, 40 for the room, plus drinks at the club.

Second time was with Dolores, tall girl from Hook. We left at 5am just as they were closing, so there should not have been time issues. We were about 1 hour into a good session when the hotel guy phoned up to say she had to leave (I think the day shift hotel guy was coming in, or something). I went down to reception and was able to sort it out that she would stay a half hour more. Then returned upstairs to find her dressed and walking out the door and saying that the time was up. No, there was no way that time was up. I did not want to make a scene so there was nothing left to do but let her leave.

Anyway, 2 bad experiences from 2. In both cases it was frustrating because they could have stayed about 20 minutes longer and I would felt I got what I agreed to. Instead, they did the bare minimum (time wise) and then said, well you didn't pay much, you need to pay more if you want longer. I don't like that attitude because I think 150 pesos is decent money for 1.5 hours, whether at the Triangle or anywhere in Bs As. The attitude is not great compared to other countries where the girl will do her best to give you a good session.

Those experiences aside, Buenos Aires has a lot to offer and I really liked the restaurants. It was one very intense week and I have some excellent memories.

Mickey Mouse
07-18-04, 23:09

I think you'll find that your percentages will get better as you gain more experience in BA. On my last trip in May, I had 11 different ladies (from the clubs only) in four days without a single repeat and batted 1000. Listen to your advisor (now who could that be?) and it will just get better.


Sorry to hear about your bad luck with the girls at the triangle, that is unusual in my experiences. This is why I like to take my time and get to know the them (chat & have a couple drinks) before kidnapping them for the night. BTW, I agree with DH, I have also found that deals can be had in the triangle as opposed to other clubs like Madahos & Blacks.


Getting layed for 3 pesos! I am impressed. Maybe I'll bring some Peanut Butter on my next trip and see if a PBJ sandwich might also do the trick. Hope your resting up!

As the saying goes, YMMV!

An arrival on the 2nd is looking good,
The Mouse is starting to feel his roar

07-19-04, 02:14
Hey they got meetings for Sex Addicts Anonymous in Buenos Aires! I wonder if you could meet any hot chicks there?


07-19-04, 02:20
Minimus posted, "Most of my experiences were covered BJ's. What is happening here?!?"

I've noticed more girls attempt to do CBJ instead of BBBJ in my last trip. You'll find that simply by asking nice many will give BBBJ if you're clean and have good hygiene. Even though I shower before I go out to the clubs I like to take a quick shower when I get home and I think that helps alot getting the BBBJ.

My buddy, T.B.D. noticed the same thing as you though. He doesn't speak Spanish and he doesn't like asking if they don't offer on their own. He sessioned with a girl everyday for 12 days and he said that almost all of them gave him CBJ. He was only pulling them out of the Recoleta clubs.

One thing that happened to me for the first time ever in South America is I came across a girl with a bad odor. I mean really bad. She was one of the hottest girls in Madaho's too which is why it was a bummer. Maybe she was just coming off her cycle or something. I'm not sure. All I know is it was so bad I fake orgasmed so she would leave. It must have been unusual for her. She told me she makes about 10,000 pesos a month which is HUGE money for BA. Sweet girl but I wouldn't repeat for the reason described.

I found the downtown clubs disappointing as usual. Salome had a few cuties but we didn't stay. Madaho's was usually pretty good. Black's was hit or miss. On Friday and Saturday it was good while Madaho's was struggling. On Sunday it was not so good. If you negotiate you can pull them out of there for 300 pesos. I think that is the local pricing. Maybe you can get them down to 250 pesos but it would be really tough. Even when I pulled them out for 300 pesos they asked me not to tell anyone as they didn't want to be labled by the other girls as "cheap".

Sadly, I'll probably not be hanging out in the Recoleta clubs once I move down there. It's ok when you're down there on vacation but quite another when you're living there and not making money. I'm looking forward to hanging out more with Andres who I've had the pleasure of hooking up with several times over the years.

T-Minus 3 weeks and counting..

07-19-04, 02:23
Or maybe she was right in the MIDDLE of her cycle. They do not quit working, nor do they use tampons. They use sponges or other "packing devices." So ask or you could be in for a surprise. And yeah, it stinks.

But so does anal sex.

Mickey Mouse
07-19-04, 09:35
On CBJ's,
I find them to be the exception and not the rule, but BBBJ's are important to me and usually part of my discussions if I don't know the girl. Only two (Antonela & Pamela) of the eleven last time were CBJ and we never discussed it beforehand. BTW, I would have never known I was covered if I didn't spot it after (no puns) my first completion with Pamela. Antonela's CBJ is better than 90% of the BBBJs out there. A definite repeat.

Now on those smells: I have run into some interesting odors and questionable appearances during my initial inspections and discovery process. If I come across something I am not comfortable with, I just end the session by politely thanking the girl and tipping her accordingly. It's happened a few times, but never had a problem in doing so.

Another first on my last visit was I never went to Recoleta, Not Once during my entire stay! How many of you can say that?

Only 2 weeks left in sex prison and I'm hoping for a last minute deal on my airfare. Jaimito, any news?

An anxious Mouse

07-19-04, 13:31
In regards to the "Cycle", dickhead wrote:
Or maybe she was right in the MIDDLE of her cycle. They do not quit working, nor do they use tampons. They use sponges or other "packing devices." So ask or you could be in for a surprise.I wasn't going to post this, but I suppose enough time has elapsed since my last visit that I can share this with you without hurting anyone's feelings.

During my last visit, I saw one of the very famous and "in demand" girls. I'd rather not mention the name, but if you read my reports from March you could probably figure it on your own. Everything was perfect. She looked wonderful and there was no smell whatsoever. The session progressed and before I knew it, I was engaging in some heavy duty DATY and 69 action. So far so good, with no trace of anything out of the ordinary. I then covered up, and engaged in the usual Mish-doggy-cowgirl, etc, etc... After the "field goal", I withdrew, and noted that there was a miniscule amount of blood on the condom. The girl showed some surprise and acted appologetic, but after showering, when she was putting her panties back on I noted she had one of those small pads already in her panties. Note she must have come in WITH this as opposed to having put one on in the bathroom. I say this since the panties were beside the bed all the time after they came off. It then follows, therefore, that she must have been aware of this problem or potential problem and still continued to work and worse yet, did not disclose it. It is one thing to get a few drops of blood on the condom at the end of the act (still not a good sight), and it is completely a different thing to sit there through DATY and not say a word.

I think the ethical and right thing to do is for the girls not to work in an around the time of their period. Given that this does not happen in the real world, at a minimum they should disclose the possibility. Not doing DATY at all would be such a sad thing...



07-19-04, 14:23
Exon Reporting : Very pleasant suprise at "Shampoo" last night.

Bennie and I hooked up just by accident and had dinner at El Parrillon in Recoleta, (Rapu say's hi Mouse). After my beefeaters's and Bife de Lomo it was off to Munchins for ice cream.

While eating my doble we were deciding where to go Mongering. Bennie was opting for Affair maybe 50 yards from where we were standing. I suggested Shampoo, a club that is rarely written about on this board. And a place Bennie had never heard of.

Frankly Ive never liked the place. Always seamed over priced. On a scale of somewhere in between Black & Madaho's. Anyway Ive never seamed to score in the place.

We arrived early, maybe 11:00 pm with no Mongers in the place and maybe 20 Chica's. We had the pick of the Chica's.

First the bad experience. The Famous "Tatiana" formally from Madaho's was their. Anyone that knows her knows she's bad news. She hit on me almost as soon as I walked in the door and of course I rejected her. Someday she might realize this is a service business she's in, probably not.

Anyway the good news. There were some gorgeous Chica's in their. The first I hit on, a just come fuck me gorgeous Argentine gal with a perfect body, she wanted $300 pesos'. I latter got her down to $200. Next Bennie had spotted a Brazilan Chica and said "go check that out", I did. A little spinner with the biggest tits almost a "10".

This girl would be considered a little "Hottie" where I come from, maybe even a porn star, and as some of you might know the Brazilan's fuck better that the rest of the South American Chica's.

Anyway Bennie joined us and said to me "If you don't want her I'll take her." Buy this time I'd gotten the price down to $200 peso's. I gave her up to Bennie but only for the reason the Hand Job after the British Open that drained me. he,he,he.

I have a new out look on Shampoo. Yes it is a little price'y, not for DickHeads's. But very good high Quality. The admission is 30 pesos with the second drink free. (we bought one ticket for the two of us) ala DickHead. The Chica drinks are also 30 pesos with a two drink miamum before exit. So your going to spend some money before leaving.

My suggestion would be a recon mission to get some phone numbers and check the place out.

Anyway Ive got a hot date at 7:00 pm with Fabiana again tonight
so I'll spend the rest of the day building up my sperm count and maybe comida with her after. Im suposed to be with Maria Paula

DickHead lets plan on tomorrow night, I'll call you.


Mickey Mouse
07-19-04, 15:02
I had some luck in there during my first trip two yrs ago, but nothing since I became more familiar with BA and the better value I have found. I have enjoyed their shows and still pop in from time to time, but not often since it is about the "Only" place I still have to pay a cover and overall it is more expensive than most of the others.

The Cycle:
I guess most of us have been there and hate to admit it, but we're never going to change their attitudes about it. Why don't they just tell us? Who knows! Another reason for an initial inspection and a prayer or two. I couldn't imagine mongering without the enjoyment of DATY.

Just this Mouse's Opinion

07-19-04, 15:37
Exon Reporting: Almost forgot, Ive got some more Bad news to report.

For better that a year Ive that my eye on Fernanda whom works out of Cafe Orleans. Ive never done her simply for the reason that Roberta & Caroline, (the little ball licker) have always beat her out.

Anyway we had a session at the Horezonte Hotel last week. And in making small talk we found out that we both had a friend in Roberta.

I was in formed that Roberta had gone TDY to Madrid Spain for a couple of months and a little change of pace, plus more money.

Well the next day while drinking my coffee at Orleans in walks Fernanda with the bad news.

Seams my beloved Roberta, (Maybe The Best Fuck Ive Ever Had In My Entire Life), has fallen in love with a rich Spanard, gotten married and is never returning to work in Buenos Aires.

She does send money to her Comodar though.

Im heart broken. I would have married Roberta myself.

But such is life.


07-19-04, 20:13
During the Cycle: Yes, they do have sex during the cycle. I have, to my knowledge, done DATY 3 times during the cycle, with the woman never telling me in advance.

The Pharmatex birth control sponge is popular for this. It is about 3/4" thick and 1.5" in diameter. They cost about 9 pesos each in packages of 6, if I remember. More if they buy one. So they are not cheap. The women wash them out after a perfomance and use them over and over. If there is no odor, you are not going to notice it. I didn't, except one time she didn't have it inserted far enough and I felt it with my tongue. When I asked what the hell is this, she told me.

I have suggested to a couple of women that they should wash them well with vinegar when possible to help sterilize them. There is a chance of creating an infection from the sponge washed only in water, especially if stored wet in her handbag.

Have fun guys.

07-20-04, 01:27
WSG Posters,

Hi all. Another question in the planning of my first trip to BsAs is regarding what to wear for early September. Given the current temperature in in the low 60's at the high, should I expect to need long sleeves rather than short sleeves-correct? Also, what is better to wear when scouting for chicas in clubs, private apartments and boliches: jeans or docker type pants?

What is everyone's opinion/experience?



07-20-04, 04:55
With reference to http://www.escorts-argentina.com, looking at #9, Abril, has anyone had a different person show up other than the girl who is pictured? There have been some mention on other boards that sometimes another person shows up instead of Abril.

If anyone has had that experience, let me know either here or send me a PM.



Jaimito Cartero
07-20-04, 06:01
Mouse-No specials on AA to EZE right now. You can go to Caracas from JFK, but that's as close as you're gonna get. You might have to burn some frequent flyer miles.

From LGA/JFK the cheapest flights are Avianca $499, or LanChile for $527, plus taxes. They have date restrictions (Lan=Mon/Thur/Sat flights outbound, plus after Aug 3rd.)

The cheapest AA flight I saw was $652, plus taxes, and has to be on August 9th or later. JFK/LGA or EWR. (About $707.50 all in).

07-20-04, 10:43
Hey Moondog,

Let me know what you find out about #9 Abril. She is one of my pick's when I return..Also price, performance,attitude.


07-20-04, 12:17
Exon Reporting : Theres something about fucking the same woman over & over, you both get good at it.

Such is the case of Fabiana and myself. Last night we had a wonderful session starting at 7:00 with a break for dinner, lasting until 1:00.

Fabiana and I have been fucking for over a year now and each time we seam to get better at it. We started fucking in the chairs in the room, great fun, and moved on to very conceveiable possition we could thing of.

Anyway I woke up with wood thinking about it so Maria Paula is due in my room in an hour.


Art Vandalay
07-20-04, 13:07
Hello friends,

Does anyone know if Viagara is available in BA over the counter?


07-20-04, 14:11
Well I fucked my girl from Catto's for the fifth time last night and if we get too much better at it I will die. What a vicious beast. However she showed up three hours late for dinner, by which time I had already left. But we hooked up later, and I forgave her, and I fucked her, and I fed her, and I fucked her some more.

A good value at 120-130 pesos. Actually we've still never discussed money and I give her whatever I feel like. I think 125 is fair. Plus I bought her some stockings for her birthday.They were 18 pesos but I had a half off coupon from some perfume store so it was only 9 pesos. Then I used the stockings to discipline her a bit for not showing up earlier = priceless. I made pasta with crab mornay sauce in lieu of crab quiche since I couldn't find frozen pie crusts and don't really have the counter space to make my own. It was awesome. Also an excellent vegetable beef soup as first course between fucks.

God damn does she wreck the bathroom though.

07-21-04, 13:29
Just got an e-mail from a chica wishing me "feliz dia del amigo". Does anybody know when "Friendship day" is celebrated in Argentina? Is it a big deal there? Andres..help.


07-21-04, 14:19
Exon Reporting: Friendship day was a couple days ago. The reason I know is because I was fucking Fabiana and she told me about it.

Ive never heard of friendship day.

Out with DichHead & B.A. Dude last night.

Not much to report because Maria Paula had drained me earlyier.

I agree with Bennie that Shampoo should be checked out by visiting Mongers. Plan your trip to arrive early, say 11:00 pm or earlyier.

Stay away from Tatiana, bad news.

The reasoning is simple, you have your choice of the cream of the crop. There are some real stunners in there, as good as your going to find in Black or Madaho´s. Yes they will ask $ 300 peso´s but I believe the bottom line to be $200 peso´s. At that point, $200 peso´s, I believe any futher negociations would be for extra time. $200 hundred peso´s is $67 bucks, most of us can afford that.


07-21-04, 17:03
El Dia del Amigo was yesterday. It's just another bullshit greeting card company holiday.

07-21-04, 17:23
Dickhead and Exon:

Thanks. That's what I thought. I also never heard of it before.

DH.. see you soon in BA.


07-21-04, 18:34

That is exactly what I have been quoted in Shampoo my last two trips. In November, I pulled a great little spinner out of there for 200p down from the asking price of 300p. Can't remember her name, but definitely an easy 8 on my scale.

EZE :)

07-21-04, 20:01
Exon Reporting : The Fifty Fuck Rule :

No matter how much you like the girl.

Fuck her Fifty times or just once in the Ass and the relationship just seams to go to Hell.

Fabiana, again in less than an hour, he,he,he


07-21-04, 20:10
Well, in that case, Exon, I should never have any problems.

07-21-04, 21:50

Dia del amigo is July 20th. It's not 'big"deal, but many people gather with their friends to celebrate (since friendship itself is a serious business down here).

Go figure why precisely 07/20 and not 11/14 or 02/20, but that's it.


El Ricardo
07-22-04, 10:24
Dear All,
I'll be in BA for the week of August 8 (actually 6AUG to 16AUG) Anybody going to be in town? As Bennie said earlier:

"I discovered that it was more fun to hang sometimes with my new monger friends."

I'll be attending school in the mornings, but the rest of the time I'm "good to go".
Hope to meet up with some of you there.
El Ricardo

Mickey Mouse
07-22-04, 10:28
The flights are booked and I will be arriving 8/2 for 1 week. Looking forward to the new adventures & friends that await.
See you soon,

07-22-04, 13:31
El Ricardo,

Make sure you practiced your Spanish with fellow mongers,
and since Mickey Mouse will be in town; perhaps he can let
you have some "pussy" since he may try to break his own
record of X amount of pussy in a week? I believe he said
30 girls.

07-22-04, 13:31
Mickey Mouse,

Can you let El Ricardo have some "pussy"

Latina Addict
07-22-04, 19:15
Hey Jackson,

Granted I have not donated since November, but remember that huge jar you passed around the after dinner party last Thanksgiving? The one we all filled? I of course do not have the assets or contributions of that gentleman Saint, but I did contribute quite a bit. Is that sufficient to become a WSG Benifactor? Or should I need to re-contribute on my Mansion visit late next month? Or both?

There are some wonderfull human beings on this forum, even though, if found out, some sex prison guards might not think so.

Latina Addict,

My name says it all, for us all... Yea!

Please send me an emial to: jackson at wsgcharities.com.



07-23-04, 00:55
Latina Addict,

Contrary to popular belief I don't have alot of assets and I didn't donate a big amount to WSG Charities. Save kudos to guys like Otto and other posters that gave big amounts. While I do contribute to my favorite charities I try to contribute to WSG by posting informative posts from all over the world.


P.S. Thanks for calling me a gentleman though.

I move to BA August 13th for probably a few years. I hope to meet up with some of you guys and also to help you if you need help with anything with my travel agency. Feel free to PM me if you want to meet up or need help. Best of luck to all.

El Ricardo
07-23-04, 10:37
Hola Alboroto,

30 girls in one week? I want to party with Mickey Mouse! That's an impressive and intimidating statistic. I probably should have gone into training months ago to stay up with him. Maybe I should do some cram conditioning starting right now. In the meantime, I'll send him a note.

My class in the morning is a Spanish class. I continue my quest to learn this language, but feel I'll be a perpetual student. I suppose I can "practice with chicas"

The last time I tried to do this combination of mongering and school, I found it difficult to go out at night til the wee hours, and then get up in time to get to an 8:00 AM class. I'll need a strategy.

As always, I'll report anything interesting!
El Ricardo

Mickey Mouse
07-23-04, 11:51
EL Ricardo,
I don't know where this 30 girls in a week came from, but it's quite an exageration. You will have to do something about staying out until the wee hrs though if you want the full effect.
We overlap for 2 days,

El Ricardo
07-23-04, 16:00
Mickey Mouse,
Whew! What a relief! I was computing that at 4+ chicas por dia. Speaking of which: I wonder what the record is for maximum number/day, as well as the maximum number/week . Any estimates out there?

My class does not begin until the Monday after your departure MM, so for starters, I can use Sunday to recover (if necessary.) I'll talk to the school about afternoon classes instead. They might be willing.
El Ricardo

07-23-04, 16:27
Originally posted by El Ricardo

I wonder what the record is for maximum number/day, as well as the maximum number/week . Any estimates out there?

On his first trip to Buenos Aires some years ago, Brother Starfe had chicas running in and out of his suite on an almost hourly basis. At least five or six a day for days on end. Plus whatever he could pick up in the boliches in the evening. It was quite a sight to see, rather like what happens when you let a wild animal out of its cage.

Age and gravity have taken their toll on his performance, according to well-placed sources.

-Uncle Otto

07-23-04, 17:56
Fellow mongers:

I had a few comments on the quality vs. quantity issue. I posted them in the General section (http://www.wsgforum.com/vforum/showthread.php?s=&postid=256614#post256614).


Mickey Mouse
07-23-04, 19:09

My personal record is 13 girls (most were multiple) in 50 hrs which I did at the Del Rey (a friend counted my upgrades which were more than my room) about 3 1/2 yrs ago. I'm getting older now and I'm starting to think like Exon because my body needs some recovery time after a couple pops. I also remember last year Natalya (Roxana has her number) got 5 out of me in 2 1/2 hrs when I first arrived, but I guess I had been saving up.

I am definitely going for more quality now as compared to a few years ago and that is what BA is sooo Great for, one day is quality and the next is ..... quantity. You know something though, the best sex is with someone who you share a mutual attraction with, a mutual familiarity with and when your both Horny and have that Lustful feeling!

More later,


07-23-04, 19:36
Starfe certainly has the Loi Suites-Recoleta on his payroll. I think he has seen every single girl from Area-Vip. Ha, ha. He has a lot of energy.

In Brazil it's much easier to see a lot of girls. I saw 70+ girls in 5 weeks on one stretch going between Buenos Aires and Rio. I'll NEVER do that again. I thought my dick was going to fall off. It's too easy with the termas in Rio. I've always said if Buenos Aires had termas it would be heaven.

City Angel
07-23-04, 20:52
Fantastic message board Guys.

I've spent the last week reading the whole board, going back to 2002, and I am amazed! Some great reports in all that lot. In fact there are dozens of them. I know its been said before, but a big thank you to all the contributors.

Anyway I'm in process of planning a three-week trip from sunny England to South America. I've booked an airfare that flies into Rio de Janeiro from London, and then flies back to London from Buenos Aires. The plan is to spend 10 days in Rio, and 10 days in Buenos Aires.

I would really appreciate is someone can answer a couple of questions, I've got. I have scoured the boards, and am unable to find any answers to these.

First up. A One-way flight from Rio to Buenos Aires, when booked in England is costing £200/$350. Would it be much cheaper booking this ticket in a Rio travel agent?

Secondly, has anyone stayed in the Hilton in Buenos Aires before? I always tend to book apartments, but I stay in Hiltons when travelling with work, and have accrued enough loyalty points to stay in the Hotel for free. What is the situation with regards to bringing girls back into the hotel? Many problems?

I’m counting down the days until my arrival on the continent. Would very much like to have a few drinks with some of the regular contributors to the board, and (with permission of Jackson) spending a few days at the mansion.

Cheers Angel

Master J
07-24-04, 00:04

I have been to BA four time sine the end of last year and I have always stayed at the Hilton, it is my home away from home.

I am one of the few I believe who stay off the main path of Recoleta and the various main stream hotels and apartments, but I absolutely love Puerto Madero and the many fine qualities of the Hilton.

First the rooms are first rate, I recommend the fifth floor or 8,9 if you can get it with the points, service is outstanding, pool, health club with sauna, steam, legit massages, everything you would hope for in a 4 star hotel. Very relaxing, pampering.

Did have my novia, my delicious love, able to come and go as she pleased, I registered as a couple in the room so I guess they were expecting a guest, but multiples, more than one, were immediately stopped, hotel policy. Security is high, but I know once the girls leave their information with the concierge, all is good. Chicks dig the accomodations and the area for nice walks should you be as lucky as I was with a GFE. We spent literally days in the room with out leaving.

There for sure are more liberal situations then here, but as I said I love the comfort, restaurants, atmosphere of the area, and would purchase an apartment there I like it sooooo much. Let me know if I can help more. Yes this board is a killer, just great.

07-24-04, 03:31
I spent about 10 days in Buenos Aires and had a great time.

Some surprises:

1. Girls were all into French kissing.
2. No girls were into Anal unless big increases in prices.
3. Buenos Aires gets pretty cold in the wintertime.
4. Most Argentine taxi drivers I encountered were honest.
5. Crime threat isn’t as bad as reported.
6. Most Portentos do not speak English as well as places like Prague or Vienna and very few club girls speak English. Most young Czech girls spoke some English but in Argentina the schools aren't teaching English well enough I think.

The trip started with Roxana giving me a nice tour of Buenos Aires. The tour took me through the unique neighborhoods of BA including La Boca. Roxana is really laid back and I want to take a tour through some different areas with her on my next trip. Her services were definitely very nice to have throughout the trip. After the tour she setup my first appointment.

Over the course of my stay I saw several girls from Madahos and found a nice one in Affaire. My style of girl is thin, young, and pretty, and BA has many women like this. Buenos Aires women also know how to dress and have very feminine style. I liked the Madahos club, the layout was good and the bartenders there were polite. I just said I was a friend of Jackson and in the club I went. Usually I would order a drink and chill out at my spot in the bar for a few minutes surveying the scene. Twice I found very pretty Brazilian girls. I think in total I saw about 5 girls from Madahos, including two Argentinian girls (Macarena and Jimenez), two Brazilian girls (Jessica and Louana) and Analina from I believe Paraguay. The prices were mostly 200 to 300 pesos. Macarena being on the high end in the price range and most of the others being 200 pesos.

Jessica was a fun blonde, but not exactly GFE. Louana was a very sexy girl with a killer body. Analina and Jimenez were very sweet and pretty girls also, both sleek black haired girls. The Affaire girl was also pretty, very thin and total GFE.

As someone else mentioned the Brazilian factor is something to consider. I had not even factored in that there would also be Brazilian beauties in Buenos Aires. I posted a couple of pictures in the photo section of the girls. One thing I noticed about the clubs was that it seems the girls who work on weekdays are higher quality than the ones on Fridays and Saturdays. Friday and Saturday was not bad either but not as many girls were there and it seemed to be older jaded ones. Of course this is my impression from a 10 day trip so it might not be the case every Saturday.

One thing on my trip that was a disappointment was the internet appointments I had set up. I saw two girls, Maria and Celeste and neither were my type. Celeste had bad teeth and had some kind of skin problems around her pussy, definitely not a turn on. Maria was just not my style, but she is a nice girl so I'm sure many other guys would enjoy her company, just not my type. I decided after seeing the clubs there was no point in booking internet appointments. Roxana was very helpful in arranging appointments after I got a phone number for a girl in the club. I saw a few of the girls a more than once and Roxana helped with each appointment.

Solid Gold is really not worth the trouble unless you are bored and want to just see someplace new. I talked to a blonde girl there, ended up buying her two drinks and myself a drink, and then find out she wants me to pay her up front for the appointment in the bar. I said I do not do that, but she still refused to budge. It seems this place would rather just get some money for drinks from newbies than bother to have any repeat business.

As far as the safety factor, I’d say BA is not that much less safe than most cities. In fact if you stick to the tourist areas and do not flash money or show off things you should be really fine. Use common sense like going to inside bank ATMs like Citibank during the daytime and calling radio taxis.

Smooth Talker
07-24-04, 14:11
Hello to everyone and a big thanks to all the senior posters for all the great information. I will be renting a apartment in Recoleta and am wondering which location is better for extened stay. In 2 months I will be there for 4 weeks on holiday. I'm also concerned if I should find a place that has a security box in the room, has anyone had a problem with chicas/maids in the room/theft? Thanks for any information you can provide.

Apt #1 Guido y Ayacucho/no 24 hr security/ total cost $560 usd, closer to the action from what i've read here, but would it be a noisey area to live in for an extended time? Hard to get around city, father from subway/main streets? I will be taking tango/spanish class also so I want to be able to get around the city.

Apt#2 Ayacucho y Pena/has 24 security/ total $800 usd, much nicer apt, closer to subway/Av Santa Fe

Thanks again, Smooth Talker,

Hopefully I can meetup with some fellow hobbiests for a great steak dinner and some fun.

07-24-04, 20:31
I have been asked about why the use of vinegar to clean the Pharmatex sponge between uses(see my post of 7/19/04), when used by the woman for sex during menstruation.

Vinegar is not the fastest, but it is a decent antiseptic. It also kills everything; fungus, parasite, bacteria, virus. Which is why it is such a good preservative. Vinegar is also very compatible with the skin and the vagina. (To cure athletes foot or fungus toenails, soak the feet in vinegar 10 minutes/day for 3 days. Do not wash the feet immediately after!). Any residual vinegar in the sponge will tend to help rather than harm the vagina, and act as a preservative in her handbag.

The healthy vagina contains bacteria that maintain an acidic environment(ph 3.8-4.5). (A healthy vagina does have an acid taste when one first inserts the tongue deep, especially if the woman has not had sex for a few days). This is important for vaginal health, as it inhibits bacteria and yeast growth. The acidity of vinegar helps maintain or restore this environment.

A good douche to clean the vagina is vinegar and water(about 1 part vinegar to 15-20 parts water).

Residual soap in the sponge is very bad for the vagina, as are most other chemicals.

For more information about a healthy vagina than you really care to know, type "vagina, vinegar" in a Google search and look around in the responses.

07-24-04, 21:29
Fellow mongers!

Although this is an off topic post, due to serious possible consequences associated I felt compelled to draw your attention to the following.

There is a certain risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) associated with reusing ANY absorbent type of intravaginal sponge. Classically, TSS is associated with tampon use during menstruation; however, a lower (but still real) risk exists with the method described below. TSS is FATAL in 5% of cases, and has high morbidity otherwise. See the CDC link here (http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dbmd/diseaseinfo/toxicshock_t.htm).

As good as vinegar may be in killing or suppressing the S.aureus bacterium, it does not remove the exotoxin, which may bond the absorbent material and later be released into the system upon reinsertion.

Again, the condition happens quite rarely, but has an unacceptable level of risk associated with it. For this reason, reusing the sponges is NOT a good idea, especially during menstruation.


07-25-04, 04:11
Smooth Talker,

Both of those apartments are in a nice part of Recoleta. The first one is closer to the cemetary. It's not a noisy area. Especially at night. Besides the really busy streets or streets near major bus routes, I don't find Recoleta noisy...especially at night. Just my opinion but 4 weeks is a long time to stay. I think it's worth the extra money for a nicer apartment if it's a lot nicer. Really I don't put too much emphasis into 24 hour security in Recoleta. Your chances of something happening to you in Recoleta are slim. It's a really safe area.

The key things of an apartment I'd be concerned with are (in no particular order).

-Does it have a comfortable bed
- Quality apartment
- Does it have comfortable and nice furniture
- Is it clean and in a good location
- Does it have some kind of lock box or safe
- Then I'd look at what I consider luxury items like high speed internet access, pool, gym, etc.

A couple guys on the board have apartments that they sublet. Jackson has a nice pad and so does Marcos. I have a travel agency so if something falls through PM me and I can help you find a nice place too.

Taxi's are so cheap you won't have a difficult time getting anywhere. If you look at a metro map you'll see that the Metro doesn't run in Recoleta anyway. Those two apartments you are talking about are only like 4 blocks from eachother anyway. Good luck.


07-25-04, 15:18
I don't know if this should be considered a personal best or a personal worst, but I went 5 days, 6 hours and 17 minutes (approximately :)) without mongering. I've been sick with a nasty head cold and I just don't feel like giving it to anyone else. Of course, if these working girls would refrain from working when they were sick I probably wouldn't have it in the first place. Not mongering saves an amazing amount of money but is rather boring, I must say.

I was going to go a full week, but I ran into my gata salvaje in Ness and she said she would not get my cold since she was with me last Monday and didn't get it. I already had an appointment with her for this Monday and I said, "look we should wait because I am tired and sick and a little bit drunk."

She kept saying oh uh huh uh huh and stroking my dick and finally after about two minutes I said, "Vamonos." Boy, I like fucking her. I think the best thing is that every blow job is different. Also she is not one of these gals who makes you go wash your dick just because it's been in her pussy. I'd just like to fuck her one time when I wasn't tired or sick or drunk or spent, or some combination thereof. I really don't think I am giving her my best effort and she is giving me hers so I need to get my shit together.

Also she is one of those gals who looks better naked than with her clothes on. Very nicely proportioned. Yum.

07-25-04, 15:56
Smooth Talker,

Always be sure you ask follow up questions. I rented an apartment in Recoleta about a year ago and asked if there was a safe box. Yes, of course, came the reply. When I arrived, I found a real nice safe box, trouble was it was not attached to anything, rendering the box USELESS!

I had to hide $$$, passport, etc all over the apt.

Rue Kraft
07-25-04, 16:15
On my way back through BA I thought an apartment visit would be opportune since there was only a few hours to spare between Aeroparque Airport and EZE.

Went to Suipacha 921 6C phone 4312-5659. Had a two girl session with Denis and Cielo. 150 pesos for the two of them with two shots on goal.

Overall nice experience, DATY, Covered BJ, Covered FS, and lots of kisses. Needed more water after the first shot on goal.

Cielo was great with photos so I took several.




Rue Kraft
07-25-04, 16:18



07-25-04, 18:01

I have the same complaint. I left B.A. with a nasty cold that has left me flat on by back for near 2 weeks and I am still no where near 100%. Be thankful you're illness passed in 6 days. For me it was like the perfect storm ( a nasty cold with a 10 hour flight ). Age is really settling in on me.


07-25-04, 18:28
Well, yeah, but it ain't passed. Still pretty sick. I mean I feel OK and have no fever or anything but the shit is in my ear and my lungs and my sinuses so bad my eyes are crusted over when I wake up.

But as another monger who is living here pointed out, there is a whole new set of germs down here to get used to and build up immunity to. Actually I have been here for 8 weeks and been pretty sick a good 3 of them. So I guess they have some good strong germs here in Argentina. Makes sense: wine is strong, food is strong, political sentiment is strong, etc.; why not strong germs as well?

BTW gentlemen, my gata salvaje says that one should exercise extreme caution in Cocodrillo's because drug raids are frequent (and justified; she says coke is rampant there) and the youths may try to "flake" you with some drugs or a knife as the cops are showing up. She says they do sweeps with dogs and that unlike some places the cops don't tip off the owners in advance. She says the dogs can hear the knives drop to the floor so the chicos would rather stuff it in your pocket. Don't know how much credence to give this but she has been around the block a few times.

07-25-04, 19:46

No question we got the same bug. I have the same symptons as you. Ears and lungs packed with crap. I thought I was going crazy. You just have to wait it out. The DR put me on steroids for a week to help dry it out. Never thought a mongering trip could take so much out of me.

Better days ahead for the both of us.


07-25-04, 20:05
Got nasty cold/flu from beautiful brunnette from playwomen in Recolleta last year. This is downside of GFE/kissing.

Took me a week to get over it in the States. Knocked me flat on my back.

Don't know what you can do to avoid it. Always more susceptible to colds when travelling in new lands.

Worst part was she told me after we got done. I am sick with bad cold. You have it now. Thanks a lot baby !!!!

07-25-04, 21:36
Man, CB, that is cold. I have never hit a woman but there is always a first time. There is NO rightness to that, at all. Doing shit like that is bad enough, but admitting it? Right to your face? Ice cold.

While I will not change my behavior (Irish), I think I will try to wash my hands more often, gargle regularly especially after DFK and DATY, and maybe get a flu shot next winter.

What amazes me is I always give full disclosure to these girls whenever I am sick, and they never seem to care and go with me anyway. I tell them, "no quiero contagiarte," and they say "no importa" or "no vas a contagiarme." Well, the gata salvaje was coughing pretty good by the time she left this afternoon. What can I say? Forewarned is forearmed.

07-25-04, 23:13
Starfe was pretty sick. I had lunch with him yesterday and I can't believe after 2 weeks he's still sick. Luckily I didn't catch anything while I was there a few weeks ago because LOTS of girls were coughing or had irritated throats. My business partner had a bad cold as well as a few other people.

I hate when the girls don't tell you when they have a sore throat or a cold. I had a sore throat after I got back from Cuba that lasted several weeks. I couldn't shake it. The best thing to do if you notice a girl coughing or sniffling in a club is to just pass on her. I know...I know..easier said then done.....

Damn we are weak.

Hopefully you fellas feel better soon.

07-26-04, 00:03
Hate to scare any newbies, but the same thing happened to me last July and August. Caught a cold the second day in and it seriously slowed my first two weeks in BA. And that was the first time I had a cold in 10+ years. I get the flu vaccine every year and have a pretty strong immune system. But their winter season seems to be rough on the locals there. Many of the people had some symtoms and I don't doubt that it is a different strain of virus than is common in the US. Luckily I had 5 weeks total in town to recuperate. But if you go during the BA winter, this is one of the hazards you need to beware of.

07-26-04, 00:36

I also heard that drugs flow all around the place since a long time ago, and was asked to exercise caution.

Hope this helps,


Latina Addict
07-26-04, 00:39
Ok Knuckhead,

While we are talking about records. I had a personal record a while back (1 year ago) of 9 chicas in 72 hours.

Last November I went all out and accomplished 15! Yes 15!

This included two 3 ways, 2 all nighters, which included the dreaded Paula from Exedra, and the rest apartment girls. Total spent was 190 US! (Oh yea, bought room service for the c--- Paula for an additional 20 bucks) Yep, and I have personal friends and workmates to corrarborate the numbers and story. As a matter of fact, one compadre took one of the duplas for 60 pesos/hr in his room. Sloppy seconds. Haha. Bitches liked to killed him!

Not a word of english spoken, just the way I like it. Three 50 mg generic Viagra, nibbled on a little at a time was necissary since I slept only maybe, 12 hours the whole time. (I hate to waste time sleeping when there is work to do) And no, I have never done drugs (except for the blue pill), my high on life kept me very motivated. That and tight, hard assed latina pussy.

Remember, in the words of the immortal Chuck Yeager: "If what you say is true, it's not bragging"

I invite any monger in September sometime when I can get back to Baires, to acompany me in a possible record breaking attempt. As long of course as I get the first choice of pussy at each apartment. I don't mind being a dickhead.

Rock on, and lets revolt against our sex prison guards and set many latina pussy records in all forms. And NO FAT Chicks!

Latina Addict

07-26-04, 02:11
Damn guys, I caught a bad cold the last 2 days I was there too. I still have it and I've been back in the States a week. There definately is some bad cold/flu viruses going around Buenos Aires this winter. Of course DFK 7 or 8 girls in 10 days didnt help matters I'm sure. My doctor has me on some antibiotics, I thought at first it might be strep throat I was so uncomfortable. Looks like its just a bad cold virus though.

Smooth Talker
07-26-04, 06:20
Thanks for the informantion Saint. I'll keep your services in mind.

Smooth Talker

07-26-04, 11:42
Exon Reporting: You can get sick by riding on those airplanes. When you have nearly 300 people all breathing the same air for 9 hours or so someones going to get sick.

Also strange lands have strange bug's and Argentina is no exception. But the real truth of the matter is that pussy is very hard to turn down and some of those Chica's are carriers.

Exon returned to sex prison friday and is sick with a mild cold or flu. So you sick guy's are not alone.


Mickey Mouse
07-26-04, 18:10
I was sick with flu like symtpoms for 2 1/2 weeks when I returned home from my last five day trip in June, but I'm sure the fact that I was burning the candle at both ends and playing too hard had nothing to do with it.
I'll see what happens after this one,

Sky Ryder
07-26-04, 19:29
It has been a while since I posted, but I wanted to add a few items. I ws able to attend the party at the Mansion a couple of weeks ago and I will tell you that it is quite a place. The rest of the furnishings were scheduled to arrive a couple of days later in the week. It was apparent that spending a few days with the chica(s) of ones choice with the run of the house will be quite an experience!
Also I got to meet a couple of ladies from the Argentianaprivate site and well...as expected they were spectacular. Exxon has already regaled us with his expolits with one of the ladies.
I can say that I expect the pool table to be the beginning and end of quite a number of "games"!

I am coming down for a few weeks to attend Spanish classes and found a wonderful source of help from a someone I hadn't considered before. If you haven't availed yourself of Mayra's services I highly recommed that you do so and not just for travel needs. I needed a cell phone for my stay, I called her late on Thursday and when I arrived in my hotel on Saturday morning the gentleman was there to deliver it in ten minutes, at a favorable rate, I might add.
She also found me what I believe to be a good language school, and was able to obtain a good progam for me at a very reasonsable price. I have used her to get airline tickets for me and when I had a problem , she handled refund without a hitch. I guess I didn't think to ask her about anything but hotels and airline tickets. I would highly recommend that if you have any needs in BsAS (other than chicas) she might be a good source to try first, she knows a lot about the city and how to obtain just about anything you may need. You can contact her at mayrabrill@argentina.com or her phone is 155307-3300 or from the U.S. 011-54-911-5307-3300.
I hope that this immersion training works out well, but we will see!

P.S. Hey Exxon just to let you know the air in the aircraft is completely exchanged an average of about 6 times a minute. I would make a wager that has less airborne biological material than the air in any of our houses or work places. The reason that people feel bad after a long flight and are somewhat more susceptable to colds is the lack of mositure in the air. The mucous membranes dry out and are not able to do their jobs as well. It is very important to stay hydrated and also try using a saline nasal spray for long flights to keep your membranes moist. (no pun intended).
You needn't thank me I do this as a public service.....lol


07-27-04, 14:28
Last night I dreamt about this ex-neighbor who used to blow me all the time when my GF wasn't looking so I woke up needing a BJ real bad. I wanted a known and skilled practitioner so I selected Salome from Guemes 3221. Now last time it was all CBJ but this time it was deep throat BBJ as usual. Maybe she had a sore in her mouth last time or something. No CIM (not sure if I ever have with her or not) but after she finally put the rubber on she sucked me quite dry. So dry in fact that I could not get it up again to fuck her, despite her best efforts. A very fine BJ indeed and quite convenient by bus.

I think that will get me through until the weekend and then I will nail my gata salvage some more. I think it is about time to tie her up and spank her. Maybe blindfolded. I've pretty much been keeping my mongering within budget lately and my drinking too. Of course that will all go out the window next week when the Mouse shows up.

07-27-04, 22:30
Where Have All The Chicas Gone?

Has the female population of your nightly haunt thinned out? Are you getting the answering machine instead of the girl?
Are the internet girls "de vacaciones"

Maybe they are at La Rural. Yes! La rural is Argentina's great argibusiness show. The place is crawling with promotoras AKA booth bunnies in English. Many of these girls are on the program and are taking two weeks off to work a regular job, to keep up appearances. Faking a Texas drawl might be a handy way to convince them that you are a cattle baron looking to expand your herd.

Bad puns aside, for a mere 9 pesos you can spend an afternoon looking into the soul of Argentina. If you get lucky you can spend the night looking into the eyes of one of those trixies.



El Ricardo
07-29-04, 01:17
I put this in one of the topic specific sections, but there's either no response or nobody visiting it. So, I'll ask the question here where I know there's action. The question is:

"I have been trying to purchase Cialas or Viagra on-line, and have run into a) a snag, and b) a little uncertainty. One time my card rejected the company's submission for payment (because it was coming from Mexico?), another time the company rejected me because it said I wasn't filling in all of the blanks. The uncertainty is about my confidence that I am giving my credit card information to a legitimate company. Anybody have some experience out there with a particular path for procurement. I'm going to Buenos Aires in a week.
thanks, for the help
ps I've seen some information in the Argentina section about the possibility of purchasing pills in Puerto Madero, but I was going to keep this in reserve."

I'll be leaving the US on the 5th of august for BA. Please, I could use a little help with this one.

07-29-04, 01:18
I am really pissed. I was counting the hours till I arrive in Paradise. I am all pumped up, go to the Kennedy Airport, stand in line for exactly 67 min and then was politely told that tonight's flight has been cancelled due to mechanical problem. The aircraft is still at BA. 12 hours of less mongering!! Could you believe this!!Already called the afternoon appointment to cancel. And my regular for TLN is also upset. She was supposed to meet me early evening for dinner and TLN. A very inauspicious begining!! Hope rest of the trip goes smoothly.


El Chavo
07-29-04, 06:09
El Ricardo,

Looks like your CC company was too aggresive in its antifraud measures by rejecting your Mexico purchase. With one week before travel there isn't enough time for a successful online purchase. The only alternative would be to get a sample from your DOC before leaving.

07-29-04, 11:47
El Ricardo:

Don't sweat this one too much. The path of "least resistance" is to just show up in BA and go to one of the already reviewed pharmacies, and the problem will be solved in less than 10 minutes. Really, it isn't a big deal ;). Once you are there, buy enough for the next two, three, or fifteen trips so you don't have to worry about it anymore.


07-29-04, 14:13
Suipacha 921 report: With yegua Katarina unavailable, I decided to pass on the quite worthy Priscila and try uncharted small fake blond Tamara. She is nice. She does not have the body of the other two but provided excellent service. DFK yes, BBBJ no except for some preliminary shaft work. After round one I was not all that impressed and was thinking about leaving but then she began some very gentle ball and shaft work which roused me from my torpor and led to a vigorous covered BJ followed by some amusing but ultimately unproductive further fucking. I think the service in this apartment is consistently very good and now I must begin work on the day shift. Oh and there was another new talent named Jackie but I was unimpressed and the mileage seemed high.

Proceeded to Ness where I flirted with the favorita’s sister and obtained a future appointment with the gata salvaje. Then off to Catto’s where, under the watchful eye of the favorita’s roommate, I probed the tonsils and bosoms of Rafaela, Susana, and Rosa Maria before leaving empty handed. Note that the Mouse has fucked all three of those whereas I am still lacking Susana for my collection.

07-29-04, 15:54
Exon Reporting: Note to DickHead, Im giving a two thumb's up for Susana in Catto's. You should try her.

I had a very pleasant experience with her about a year ago. She's very attractive and pleasing as I recall. Speak's fairly good English and nice real tits. If memory serves me correctly it was a very good BBBJ with excellent covered full service including DFK.

All of the above was furnished for $150 peso's for an hour an a half. However there is a whiff of inflation in Buenos Aires, so she may be quoting $200 peso's. But with your knowledge of Spanish I believe the deed can be accomplished for $125 peso's, Especially if the deal is made after 3:00 am.

I would have done her again myself except for the fact that I was trying to keep my distance from Carolina whom as you know has been working at Catto's. So I spent very little time in there.

Check with the Mouse on this matter.


Mickey Mouse
07-29-04, 16:50
Ah Susie,

She was fun, but she won't talk to me now because I was suppose to call her upon my arrival for an afternoon delight a couple trips ago, but instead I called someone else. Then I brought home a couple others from Catto's instead of her. These girls get mad/jealous so easy.

How about a glimpse:

07-29-04, 16:50
I wonder if it is the same Susana as I have never heard a word of English out of her mouth but then again no one has heard a word of English out of my mouth in that place either. Long straight very dark black hair but very light skin, not too tall, big butt, really not all that much tits but of course the usual Argentinean fake push up padded bar hides that until she whips them out at the table. 23 years old.

07-29-04, 16:51
That picture Mouse posted is definitely not the Susana I was nibbling on last night. BTW my favorita from Catto's is so jealous right now she could spit glass but she knows it's ridiculous since she is a prostitute so she doesn't say anything but just seethes. I am sure she already has a full report on last night. I am going to play the favorita and the gata salvaje off against each other, winner take all. Should come to a head next week.

Mickey Mouse
07-29-04, 16:54
I'll point her out saturday night! Along with the other topics we'll be covering. BTW DH, I will be throwing gasoline on your competition/fire!
A Salivating Mouse

07-29-04, 16:57
But you fucked this other Susana too. I remember even if you don't.

Luv Ass
07-29-04, 17:24

Does anybody know of any Asian chicas in BA? Has anyone tried Yael on Platynum, the Arabian/Turkish chicka?

Heading down for my 4th trip next month and looking for some different world flavors. Would appreciate any info.

Luv Ass

07-29-04, 17:34
There is a tall Asian or half Asian chick working in Ness now. Salome from Guemes 3221 is of Turkish descent or maybe Lebanese and there is a Turkish descent girl in Nuevo Estilo too. Salome/Ailen is very good. I fucked her on Monday. I think she is probably only half Turkish though. She is very pretty in my opinion and can really suck cock.

Hope that helps.

Mickey Mouse
07-29-04, 19:17

Yes, I fucked Susie, Susana, Rosie, Carolina, Rafaela, Ramona, Natalia, Cleopatra and about 30 others out of Catto's. I can't be expected to remember them all, can I?

There also use to be a part asian looking girl at Catto's I did a couple times. I forgot her name, but I do remember she was a Great 2 hrs, but a lousy TLN because she didn't like sex in the morning after waking up. At least with me.

HHMMM, an asian at Ness? I'm all over that!

The Mouse is ready to Rock

07-29-04, 21:41
Caution Luv Ass, Yael in Platynum is not the same bird that DH and I have enjoyed in Guemes. Read some reports I made a few months ago for the straight line.

07-29-04, 21:46
Exon Reporting: DickHead, even without seeing her face thats the same Susana Im speaking of the "Mouse" posted.

Excellent, try her and I believe with all your charm you can do the deed for about $125 peso's if you catch her in Catto's after 3:00 am. I'd have to pay at least $150 because Ive already established that price with her and I don't speak Spanish.


07-29-04, 21:59
So many Susanas, so little semen.

07-29-04, 23:24
PM me if you want my personal experience with the Yael I saw from Escorts-Argentina.com and Platynum.

07-29-04, 23:53
PM me if you have questions about Salome of Guemes.

07-30-04, 01:14
On further investigation (thanks, Saint, for pointing out the discrepancy):

Yael on escorts whatever is not Salomé of Guemes. Nor is Yael on platynum. Ailen on platynum IS Salomé of Guemes. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused. If you want to see a nice clean girl who does not smoke or have bad teeth, contact {edit to remove phone number; phone # for Guemes 3221 posted elsewhere and also you can get it off Platynum} and ask for Salomé and tell her El Toro Rojo says hola. And bring chocolate. Make sure you know what she looks like, though, because one time a buddy of mine went there and this gal who was not Salomé swore up and down that she was. He knew from my description that she wasn't but she was hot so he fucked her anyway and then she admitted she was, in fact, Jade who is now a mansion chica.

I think at one point Salomé of Guemes was using the name Yael on some website or another. I remember talking with her and her saying that the web mistresses assign the names. So, it's entirely possible to see one girl listed as "so and so" on some website and then go back later and see another gal using that name.

Note that platynum says Ailen speaks basic English. Ha ha.

07-30-04, 14:29
No problem Dickhead. It's easy to get confused or make mistakes with these chicas all using similar/same names. Some of them even look the same. I rarely forget a face though even with girls that change alot.

Case in point, I was with my friend whom I went to BA with my first trip. T.B.D. He saw this beautiful girl from Paraguay from Black. This was over 2 years ago. I pointed her out to him last month and he swore up and down it wasn't her. Well, I went over and asked her some questions and it was definitely her. She had gained about 20 lbs., her hair was different, her face looked different but it was her.

Helping one another out is what these boards are all about.


07-30-04, 16:10
Maipú 429 5-5: I received reports from two different mongers that they had rung the bell here during the day, during the week, when the place should have been open, but got no response. So, I called them a couple of days ago and they say they are open, no problem. I don't know what happened but maybe it would be good to call first? The numbers (there are 2) have been posted but PM me if you want them and can't find them (I just noticed that there is a rule against posting phone numbers; although I'm not sure if it applies to known departmentos, I want to err on the side of caution).

Remember, they aren't open at all on Saturdays or Sundays.

Mickey Mouse
07-30-04, 16:40
And the journey begins!

El Ricardo
07-30-04, 21:42
Buen viaje Mickey!

See you in a week.

El Ricardo

07-31-04, 12:31

Note that platynum says Ailen speaks basic English. Ha ha.I learned this a long time ago from Ricardo, the guy who started Platynum. When the ad says they can speak basic English, that means they know how to say, "200 pesos, your hotel." :)


07-31-04, 15:04
Or in her case, 100 pesos, your hotel. Remember who you're dealing with here. :)

Mickey Mouse
07-31-04, 15:16

The Mouse has landed, 2 1/2 hrs late, but in great form thanx to a special friend who arranged an upgrade.

Ana (Remis from the site) was waiting for me with a beautiful smile and a kiss on the cheek which made my arrival all that more special. Gentlemen, I highly recommend Ana for your Airport transportation: she's a sweetheart who speaks decent english and a joy to talk to. She costs the same as a taxi and 1000 times more enjoyable (& beautiful). No, I behaved myself!

Now to get ready for my afternoon welcome wagon (Rafaela) who stopped by earlier looking for me when I hadn't arrived yet. Off to the showers and this Mouse's New Adventures are about to begin! Hhmmm, I wonder what's in store for me on this trip?


PS. I talked to DH upon check-in only to find out he was in the process of jogging on a treadmill to build up his endurance in anticipation of my arrival. Is he trying to tell me something?

07-31-04, 16:41
Mickey Mouse,

Of course its a FLASH !!!

I am glad will not be in Bs.As. until September,
and hope you leave some pussy for me.

Well guys ... The Flash/Sign should read:

Do not forget to give us all the complete
details about your staying.

Thanks and no offense ...

Something funny, my friend count the 30
ladies you fucked during a week and he
said in no way he will even try to beat that
record, sounds like the one Joe D'Maggio.

Mickey Mouse
07-31-04, 20:51
The Mouse has deposited his first load and is now ready for action! You know how good it feels to clean out the plumbing after a small buildup. Well, Rafaela came by this pm and performed a BBBJTCCIM and took in the full load (without gagging) before heading to the bathroom to redeposit. Wow, I needed that! I gave her 130p for 2 hrs of an overall average experience (No DFK this time), but the initial blow and massage made it worth it.

And now, It's Post Time!

The Mouse is off to dinner with friends and then ......

stay tuned

08-01-04, 05:54
Sight unseen, drinking her pretty, and a surprise ending.

I had two days in BA recently, and wanted to make the most of it. A few emails and phone calls with Aby of www.platynum.com.ar (also Satin of www.area-vip.com.ar) had her set for my arrival on a Sunday around noon. A few days before she asked if we could make it on Monday as she wanted to be with her family on the weekend. We agreed to that, and after arrival, it was confirmed to meet the next day at 2:00 p.m. We then changed it to 1:00 p.m. as a lunch was scheduled at 2:30.

So what to do on a Sunday afternoon in BA? I was online with a friend chatting, and he mentioned that http://www.906090modelos.com and www.gemidos.com have listings as to what girls were working on the weekends. Looking at Modelos, one girl, Ailen, caught my eye with a sort of sultry look about her. One phone call had her on her way, and was right on time. She was a lot of fun, but limiting herself sexually(everything covered, and a bit aloof) and would not give out her phone number or email. We parted company on good terms, and as always, YMMV.

Sleep got the better of me, and after waking up around 6:00, I headed to Exedra to grab a sandwich. Nothing was going on except a soccer match, and there were only two girls at the tables, somewhat expected for a Sunday evening. After meeting with some co-workers around 8, I headed out to Recoleta. Killing time watching the sights, having dinner, and listening to the Karaoke in Newport, brought me close to 11:00 p.m. A walk over to Affaire had me in the company of a very pretty 18 year old girl, but not wanting to go with someone that young, and not wanting to go to a separate hotel because of a lack of documents, the decision was made to go to Shampoo.

This being Sunday night, expectations were not high. There were a few girls working, about three of them immediately came over and started up conversations of which no part was wanted. After a few beers, and a few flirtatious glances from a very happy girl who loved to dance, I asked her over. It didn’t take long for us to completely enjoy ourselves dancing around and having a lot of fun. She agreed to go with me, and we had a great time together. When I looked at the photos the next day, I asked myself why? Attitude is 90% of the equation, so that explains a lot, and maybe I drank her pretty, but it was a fun time together.

Being sound asleep when a buddy of mine arrived into town and gave me a call on Monday, I asked him what time it was, and he said Noon. Yikes, Aby is coming over at 1:00, and the room is a mess. So after a quick shower and shave, and a call to housekeeping to service the room, I got rid of the evidence from the night before, and headed to the ATM, and a small store to have a gift of perfume wrapped for her. With ten minutes to spare, I walked in the room, and it had not been serviced. Quickly I made the bed, cleaned up the towels, wiped down the sink, and waited for her with about a minute to spare. She was right on time with a knock on the door. This completely surprised me as the Reception always calls and announces the visitor. I did a double take when I opened the door, as here stood a beautiful, trim blonde dressed in business attire, and would have past muster at any business reception. Classy and pretty, I let her in. That is how she got past the security, looking absolutely perfect, with a business folder under her arm. Smart girl.

She was all smiles, bubbly, and just a fun person to be with, even before I gave her the perfume. The look on these girls’ faces when they open a present is like seeing a kid on Christmas morning. It is a beautiful sight to see. That started a non-stop, no holds barred session, and she left nothing to the imagination. We stopped at 2:00 because of my luncheon appointment, but I asked if she could come back at 4:30 with a friend who was just as pretty. She agreed, and we went our separate ways.

Another call to housekeeping got the job done, and at 4:20 I was back in the room, and the bell rang ten minutes later. I was blown away this time, as in walked Aby and Coral of www.area-vip.com.ar. Damn they both were beautiful in business attire and as professional appearing as any business meeting. Both had a business case under their arm. The session was a repeat of the previous with Aby, and double the fun. Coral has an absolute perfect figure, and very natural enhanced breasts. Aby’s are all real, and will give you a great GFE. Relaxing afterwards, Coral looked at me and said, “You do not know me, do you?” I really had no idea as to who she might be. She told me that we had dated once before about two years ago, described the dinner date, and a lot of detail. These girls never forget. When she finally told me who she was, I opened up her photo from that time, and could scarcely believe my eyes. I could see the resemblance in the face and jaw line, but that was it. The hair was different now, and her tits were beautifully enhanced. What a surprise. I asked if a buddy of mine could come down for an introduction, and they were great sports about letting him in with both of them sitting around in just their bras and panties.

It was quite a surprise ending to a short time in BA, and I just thought I would share it with you guys.

Enjoy the life,


08-01-04, 14:02
OK I added Susana to the list last night so now Mouse and I are even. Well, we are not really even or anywhere close to it but you get the idea. She is a very good fuck and since Short Sandra from Salta is leaving for Spain tomorrow I will give her the heavyweight belt for horniest boliche girl in Buenos Aires. She is like the Energizer Bunny with its batteries in backwards: keeps on coming, and coming, and coming.

I'll have to fuck her again when I'm actually horny. After I fuck the gata salvaje I am usually not horny for about two days. I think that is a good sign. Also I think now it would be advisable to fuck Susana's sister Patricia from Nuevo Estilo for comparative purposes.

08-01-04, 14:25
Mouse has deposited his first load ,

I am on pins and needles waiting to hear if you dropped you're second load!! Who will be the lucky girl? We need specific
" load "details.


08-01-04, 14:40
Area VIP seems to have quite attractive chicas on its pages. Moondog appears to be quite happy with his choices. Might be a good alternative to the clubs. On my list for my next trip.

08-01-04, 15:59

As a big fan of area vip let me tell you that you have to work those #'s hard. Almost all the girls have their #'s on an answering machine so you just have to keep calling. Its hit or miss whether you will get lucky. Some days I would make close to 20 calls to book an appt. ( different girls )

I managed to work in about 13 girls from area vip on my last vacation over july 4th. That took close 100 calls at least.

Stay the course!


08-01-04, 17:28
The Area VIP girls are pretty good. It's been a while since I saw one of them. A while back I saw most of the ones I was attracted to and there wasn't too much rotation so I just moved on to other places.

My amigo, Starfe, has probably seen just about ALL of the hotter VIP girls. He had the Loi Suites- Recoleta front desk working the phones like a Muscular Distrophy "Save the Kids" telethon donation drive. I've never seen anything like it in my life. It was funny watching. This is where someone like Roxanna comes in handy if you're short on time. Services like her and the front desk of hotels will constantly call until they book. Not a bad deal. Sometimes those girls only work when they need money so their phones are constantly turned off or on the eternal voicemail.

Keep in mind though that the girls I've seen from Area VIP never looked nearly as good as their airbrushed photos on the site. Some look completely different.

Good luck.

08-01-04, 17:59
Saint makes a good point. 2 girls from area -vip showed up with 3 feet instead of 2. That caught me off guard but i still managed to have a good time. 1 girl managed to lose her 3rd shoe in my hotel room. Strange as it seems this story is very true.

Air brushing really does work !!!!! I could have sworn the girls I picked all had 2 feet.


p.s. If a girl from area - vip asks, " I will take a pedicure instead of the usual fee for 1 hour "

Just say no!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-01-04, 18:35
That was your post Number 1000!!

Keep up the good work!

About area-vip. I know for a fact that Alanis is TOTALLY fake
And her teeth are terrible. Notice how not a single picture
show her teeth up close.


08-01-04, 19:03
Well, if I was in Buenos Aires today, I will be looking at Aixa or Estafania of Area VIP to be the companions of choice for esta noche.

08-01-04, 20:54
Yes and no on the air-brushing of Area-Vip.

Some are definitely not the same as the photos, but Satin and Coral were the same as their photos.


Martin X
08-02-04, 09:50
Does any body have experience with chicas in Tigre? What are the best places?

08-02-04, 14:31
Ok guys, this is a request for help! I have mongered the world, it is my job, and I live in vegas. Bringing a newbie (he hasn't been properly laid in 6 years, i do it most everyday!) (we are both in 50's) to B.A. Aug 12 through the 21st. I have not been back to BA for 20 years, however been to rio three times last year. I generally don't like websites, and always prefer to bring them back to apt. so clubs tend to be my favorite, although pretty good at taking waitresses out of bars and coffee shops. (ask me about Saigon)

I would appreciate anyone helping me sift through Jackson's list of clubs to prioritize. If anyone is around to help tour, I will buy drinks, cabs, food! I will be considerate on pricing however for 10's I pay list! ;-) But we are tough on definitions if you know what I mean. I am not impressed by many pictures, however some are in fact killers! Like all of us, I hate getting ripped in clubs for cover charges and bad women. So I need help avoiding this training period..

In addition, I really really like spinners. Have a regular one in Rio, how hard for me to find here?..small waists are my turn on..
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

P.S. Jackson, any chance for meeting?. WE want to discuss retiring from U.S. part or full time to B.A. Maybe you know a real estate agent? Need to be a citizen to buy?

I am doing Romania, Hungary, Czech and Bulgaria in Sept. Help me on B.A. and I'll payback with info from these countries as well as my 50th trip to Thailand.


08-02-04, 14:38
Exon Reporting: Memo To DickHead

Congratulations on your conquest of Susana from Catto's. Ive always found her to be very good and I really should have spent sometime with her on my last trip.

But my question is with your command of the Spanish langush did you get her down to the $125 peso price I suggested ?

Please give my regards to the "Mouse" and watch him as he has a tendency to over fuck himself, he,he,he


08-02-04, 15:19
Now Exon RTFF because it is not the same Susana but yes I got her to agree to 125 but then I gave her 150 anyway. Then yesterday I lost my virginity in Excedra. The Mouse and I had been drinking which is probably fairly surprising, but what was more surprising is we were doing it in Recoleta. It transpired that we were near Orleans having lunch and so went there for a beer but there were no real finds. Mouse had been told by a favorita that she was working in Salomé and that Salomé was open during the day. We doubted this but hopped in a cab only to find it, of course, closed. Either Mouse misunderstood her or it could have been a very rare case of a prostitute not telling the truth.

Thirsty, we decided to go to Newport. Now mind you it is like 3 or 4 PM at this point. Newport was open but empty and Mouse decided that we should have one beer in every restaurant in Recoleta. This jibed nicely with my overall alcoholism and I believe we visited quite a few places but then we wanted eye candy. I suggested Pizza Piaola or something like that on Libertad where there is a very good looking Ukranian chick I want to fuck and also a Russian chick that SomeGuy fucked but rejected due to tattoos.

However it is closed on Sundays and I knew that and should have remembered and so pimp slapped myself a few times and we tried to find a decent bar in the neighborhood but were inexorably drawn to Excedra. Now I am always ragging on this place for its plethora of old ugly hags but this time there was a cute blond and I sort of wanted to fuck her but then a cute morocha showed up so Mouse and I decided to invite them to go across the street to Madeleine's for a drink. Then we fucked them. I did the morocha who was from Perú near Iquitos. She was shocked that I had actually been to Iquitos and so that gave us something to chat about and she was a good fuck so then I fed her pasta with Bolognese sauce. 100 plus 5 for taxi. No rush. Nice girl. I will fuck her again. Maybe.

We then ate at Parillón where Mouse was disturbed to find out that his favorite cook had quit. Our lomo was a bit closer to medium rare than the medium we had ordered but it was still good. Then we went to Affaire which sucked, some other club with no apparent name where they offered us a free beer and actually gave us one UNLIKE HOOK, and then Shampoo. Shampoo offended us by asking 30 pesos to enter and have a drink so we told them to FOAD and went to the triangle. Ness was dead and Catto's was not very busy either. Aided considerably by the fact that we had been drinking for about twelve hours, we began to fondle some women. There is a huge blonde now in Catto's and another that is 5'11" that we think is pregnant. Mouse and I both like to fuck pregnant women because we are sick, sick, sick. But Mouse ended up taking home the huge one (not fat just a big big girl) and I secretly got her to agree to fuck me later for 100 pesos as long as I don't tell anyone. So don't tell anyone. But alleged nympho Fabiana would not go with me for 100 so I went to the shoe store to look for dick smokers but there were none so I went instead to The Shamrock where I had two completely unneeded Fernet and Cokes and went to bed, drunk.

Now I am horny and Rafaela is not available for a BJ for about two more hours so I may have to go to Maipú 429 or perhaps Laprida 947. I think I will have a few beers first, though.

Mickey Mouse
08-02-04, 16:14
The first 48 hrs:
Exon, I haven't been fucked out yet, but I'm doing my best to achieve it. Yes, DH and I lost our virginty at Excedra yesterday and having been drinking all day had nothing to do with it, I think, hickup! Mine was named Rossy (#4 this trip) from Paraguay who comes here for a week at a time about every month. A nice blonde spinner who spends most of her time at Excedra and I am sure keeps quite busy. She snuck on a condom during BBBJ, but I quickly remedied that and the overall experience was above average, but nothing special.

The first 3 were Rafaela (my afternoon welcome) who was disappointing because she wasn't the GFE which I prefer. Then that night I had my chica Pimp Rosie set up a threesome with her and Barbara. Now Rosie for some reason likes me and will do anything for me. She's a blonde spinner who's looks are nothing special, but her entusiasm is second to none. She always has a smile and willing to try anything for me which can have its' advantages. I just have to tell her what I am thinking and she takes care of it whether it be her or another. The good news is that I only did DATY on Barbara and then fucked them both only to find out that Rosie's time had started with a couple blood spots on the sheets. Why won't they tell us?

Then last night I had Hanna, a statuesque blonde (not her real color) from Catto's with a little baby fat who looks great and is very agreeable. Highly recommended by this Mouse because she pleases and then pleases some more. A definite repeat for me on my next trip. Yes, my fee was 150p for 2 hrs because I'm no dickhead, but then again, he should get a discount at 100p because he'll be sucking my Dick when he has his opportunity. The best by far of my first five, but #6 will be here in a minute and the Adventure continues .....

The Mouse reporting

BTW. I just might do the pregnant one before I leave. Why? Why Not? Any votes?

08-02-04, 19:21
Couple of questions for the BA experts

Will be coming to BA end of Auguest for 3 nights and will then proceed to Bariloche. Mongered in Brazil (10 years ago), The Phillipines, China, HK, Macau, Thailand and Cuba. All great with the exception that Thailand is overrated and Cuba was a pain in the ass.

Speaking of ass, is anal sex available and if so how is the subject suggested? In Asia it is virtually unheard of except maybe in Thailand were I found one women requesting it. What is popular or should I say expected in Asia is a complete rim job. In Macau they combine it with a fire and ice routine that is amazing. Do the BA girls know of such tricks?

I speak English and some Chinese which often allows for GFE experiences in China and the Phillipines. However, I can barely function in Spanish so will the "GFE" be out of the question as all nighters? Negotiate in Spanish, English or a combination of both?

I will be arriving on a Friday and leave BA on Monday, from what I have read in prior reports these are the worst days to play. Any suggestions on how to maximize the playing time? Are the Kampinsky Hotels open to female guests?

Any imformation on Bariloche?

I realize that I'am asking a number of questions and frankly I've got a thousand more after seeing the pictures posted on this site.
I will be very happy to answer any questions I can about Asia as payback.