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Big Boss Man
05-27-15, 23:06
Denial stage ended quickly. The Hook girl in question just wrote and said Hook will not reopen.

05-27-15, 23:48
Denial is just a river in Egypt (or a selva in Kenya if you are dyslexic) and one thing I have always liked about the chicas here is they are not in too much denial about being hookers. They know they are going to have to work somewhere and I would not be surprised if streetwalkers start popping up like mushrooms in certain select areas in town. I did not do that many streetwalkers in the years I lived here, maybe 12 or 15 total, but I appreciated having the option. If I were living in el centro now, I might be hanging around on Tres Sargentos and Reconquista to test that theory. The other thing that might happen, that would also be good, would be they will start risking 30 or 40 pesos of their own capital to go to "regular" bars, order a drink, and try to troll discreetly. I really do have sympathy for those who enjoyed the clubs, but for a lot of mongers the whole closure thing could be a net positive.

Daddy Rulz
05-28-15, 01:36
I am not that uptight about her wanting to be a Hook girl. Where else could she make that kind of money working 7 hours a day 4 or 5 days a week? Her job was to get guys into that club. I think she was being honest with me. Esten and I were discussing in the back channel that this could get cheaper and change the dynamic. Potentially allow for an out-of-town trip? I like the girl. I hope she gets out before she gets used up.Clarification: I didn't express myself well. I was saying exactly what you're saying here. Before the closing of Hook she would not have been amenable to this at all. She answered dinner requests with "I make my money at the club." I think a lot of these girls are going to be getting a wake up call.

Signs and Portents: Stripper pole gone from Ness, which in itself isn't so bad except the unbelievably hot stripper that went with it is gone as well. The doorman said it's gone for good as is she. This made me cry just a little.

The fat manager at Exedra tonight was running around with a scared look on his face whenever chicks were standing around waiting for tables. They either had to sit down or he made them leave. He looked really fucking worried about it. There were TONS of NP chicks there.

I'm thinking one or two of the new chicks on Baires are from Newport, talk about a rude awakening. Guys will be reviewing them with their pictures so they can't hide as Jessica Rabbit has been discovering. http://www.soloindependientes.com/escorts-acompanantes/Cristal%20Joly_15-6539-9989_901.htm.

As one of the decriers of the GPS that has run rampant in the clubs the last couple years I'm sorry, but it's not bugging me at all.

El Perro
05-28-15, 13:10
See my post in the Exedra thread. More bad news.

El Perro
05-28-15, 13:13
As Daddy pointed out the stripper pole is gone and no dancers now and no plans for them to return. A shame as some of the dancers there were hot and a reason to enter. Not much reason now.

05-28-15, 17:42
... Has the dreaded red sign across the door as has P around the corner... I suggest odds have shortened considerably for Café X to suffer the same fate..

Don B
05-28-15, 19:02
... Has the dreaded red sign across the door as has P around the corner... I suggest odds have shortened considerably for Caf X to suffer the same fate..Give me a call or an email and we'll get together.

Don B.

05-28-15, 23:45
As Daddy pointed out the stripper pole is gone and no dancers now and no plans for them to return. A shame as some of the dancers there were hot and a reason to enter. Not much reason now.Ness has succumb to the dreaded stickers of doom...

05-29-15, 10:07
Ness has succumb to the dreaded stickers of doom...Have to hand it to Ness. They managed to survive a few days more after Hook got the axe.

Daddy Rulz
05-29-15, 10:40
Have to hand it to Ness. They managed to survive a few days more after Hook got the axe.So now there is just that place on San Martin, unless it's been closed already.

Will Nuevo Estillo fall? What about the Flores clubs?

I'd like to know if our resident bar expert el Alamo Palermo has heard any whisperings about why this is happening now.

El Perro
05-29-15, 11:39
So now there is just that place on San Martin, unless it's been closed already.

Will Nuevo Estillo fall? What about the Flores clubs?

I'd like to know if our resident bar expert el Alamo Palermo has heard any whisperings about why this is happening now.At this rate they'll be targeting street walkers and johns before long.

05-29-15, 22:13
The biggest cities of first world found out, years or decades ago, that a profession, older and much more honest than the political one, never can be broke or avoided. In Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin, Zurich, Rome, Naples, Madrid... Aside of small robbers "the market" is controlled, save and in connection with the police, to guarantee security.

Security is important for a fluent turism. Security is important for a growing city. Security is important for having a life.

Each of those (and many other cities of this funny planet) tried out to break the running secret law. All failed.

Getting redlight in the underground will triplify or worse the "human trafic of female victims". Nobody will ever find out.

An open controlled redlight is the only way, the cookie gets crumbled.

If a pimp doesnt earn by pimping, he robs, kills, kidnappes, drugtrafics. (google up the experience in Zurich).

Gustavo Vera, the legislator, obviously behind all the attacks to "destroy the corrupt sex business", behind the denounces and closures of an open, save and controlled redlight-market, with 99% of girls who did the job THEY CHOOSE, TO DO TO GET THEIR MONEY is just a future ex-legislator.

Gustavo Vera got in the PASO 0,6% of the votes, which inhibits to get back on his gouvernement chair with Ps. 50.000.-/mth doing less than everybody around.

So he changes his profession, formerly he was teacher in public scools, then "politico" to be DENUNCIANTE PROFESIONAL. The "Juanito of Arc of Puenis Airless".

There is a saying in German from H. von Fallersleben;.

"Der groesste Lump im ganzen Land: das ist und bleibt der Denunziant." (google it up)

As I see every day in Constitucion: an encreasing rate of streetgirls, desperately offering their services.
An encreasing rate of drugged streetwalkers of any gender offering...whatever you want.
If that is, what "La Alameda" wanted...they achieved it.
As I see every day in Palermo: an encreasing rate of streetgirls, desperately offering their legs for money.
As I see every day in micocentro: an encreasing rate of streetgirls, desperately offering their bodies.
As I see everyday en recoleta/Sta. Fe: an encreasing rate of streetgirls, desperately offering sex.
As I see everyday in Once: an encreasing rate of drugged streetgirls, without eyes, offering whatever they have to offer.
And as you may see everyday in www: en increasing, "hundreds of" funny, faked or real photoshoped tits and faces.

And as I see every day...the (future ex-) "politician" behind all this...desperately looking for a new job.

The human being is well able, to survive without a brain!

El Perro
05-29-15, 23:12

06-05-15, 11:56
Went to Nuevo Estilo yesterday and it is still the same as before. Striptease show and tits in your face. About 20 girls, 10 I would consider extremely hot, 5 centerfold quality. Did not ask about prize. Tons of guys! I would think that it could be a god idea to go there and get the telephone number of the hottest once, if they close down.

Crocodillo was also open, same crowd as before quite a few nice girls, in my book it is now the only club worth visiting in town. Upstairs opened at 01:45.

Taxi driver claimed that Hippo has reopened at Porte Madero, I might check if it is true today.


06-06-15, 10:14
Went to Nuevo Estilo yesterday and it is still the same as before. Striptease show and tits in your face. About 20 girls, 10 I would consider extremely hot, 5 centerfold quality. Did not ask about prize. Tons of guys! I would think that it could be a god idea to go there and get the telephone number of the hottest once, if they close down.

Crocodillo was also open, same crowd as before quite a few nice girls, in my book it is now the only club worth visiting in town. Upstairs opened at 01:45.

Taxi driver claimed that Hippo has reopened at Porte Madero, I might check if it is true today.

Stranger.Welcome back hope to see you this trip.

El Perro
06-09-15, 00:09
It seems the only boliche left open in the Microcenter/Recoleta areas is Stavros. The old Hella's just down from where Madahos once was. The bizarre thing is that Hella's was arguably the worst rip off get your butt kicked boliche around. But, still open. Go figure.

06-09-15, 00:53
Here's a crazy idea... Maybe Stavros/Hellas has a new business model and the chicas can't leave. You can buy them drinks and they might imply more is possible but it never happens. I could be totally wrong. They did totally renovate the place, it's much cleaner and more inviting now. And the last time I was there, they kept telling me the chica I knew from before (who I pulled and was great) was coming in but she never showed. This was on two occasions I stopped in. Second time I was even dumb enough to buy a 100 peso drink while I waited for her to come in, but she never showed... instead another chica chatted with me and tried to get me to buy her a drink. I think she said she couldn't discuss other costs until I bought her a drink. When I declined she immediately got up and left and I was totally ignored. So maybe a new business model is allowing them to remain open.

I wonder if the clubs outside of Centro and Recoleta will remain open... Maybe that's the ticket (not that I care too much).

06-13-15, 14:29
Is it just my imagination and wishful thinking, or has the number of new Chickas posting on the AP site coincided with the closure of the clubs?? Caveat Emptor!


06-16-15, 06:05
I heard a rumor that a new boliche named Clock (Juana Manso 310) opened in Puerto Madero and is managed and staffed by former Hippopotamus personnel.

Member #4112
06-16-15, 10:10
Well I know the sign is there as I passed it on Monday while on my way to Osaka. Its in the same location another club use to be on Juana Manso between the Hilton on Macacha Guemes and Cecilla Grierson at the end of Juana Manso.

So who is going to take a hit for the team and see whats happening there?

Member #4112
06-18-15, 05:25
Went to Clock at 01:00 to 02:00. Would suggest not getting there till 02:00 or later. They open at 23:00 and did not ask about closing time.

This place is only going to be operating for a few weeks until D'Lirio / Parana opens again according to the folks I know there. Sort of a stop gap.

It is run by the same people who had Hippo and D'Lirio/Parana. Same waitresses that worked at D'Lirio/Parana (D/P) and a mix of the doormen from Hippo and D/P.

Chicas were a mix from Hippo, New Port and D/P.

The music was so loud the base line vibrated through the couch I was sitting on so just be advised.

Lots of chicas by the time I left at 02:00 and it seems to be a bit like the old Black in format. Many girls would walk over to where i was sitting and dance a bit. If you made constant eye contact or gave one the nod she would come over and introduce herself. A lot of really nice looking chicas.

While there were a lot of Argie guys and some were ordering multiple bottles of cheap champagne I did not see a single hookup leave. The chicas appear to be hungry but I did not ask for prices.

Had a Glenfitich for $350 pesos which was less than Black the last time I was in and about what I remembered from D/P.

Chica drinks are the same price as our drinks.

Plenty of taxis outside when you finish. The driver I got asked why I had no chica and he used the meter unlike most club taxis.

Not a bad place if you are into the club scene.

06-20-15, 14:53
A very interesting night. I will post the summary in General section and if you think it helps, I can put specific info in the respective clubs.

NE: At 11:30 I hit Nuvevo Estillo. Taxi is 85 pesos from the cemetery area. Entrance is 200. That buys you any drink you want and I chose a Vodka tonic, which was stiff. There were more girls then guys. No one spoke a lick of English, which is fine by me and I am starting to prefer it.

Watched a couple of pole dancers. First one was a hot blonde but she has silicone. That is a no go for me. Dancers here are working girls as well. A local guy picked her up and took her to the motel next door and she was back in 15 minutes. He he.

I chatted up Gaby, a cute flaca, Blanca from Paraguay. She is all natural. Said she is 25 but my guess is more. She was a good conversationalist, cute face and great smile. She said it was 900 peso for 30 minutes and double that for 1 hr. Motel is 150 and it has a shower, condom etc. I really did not want to do 30 min and I thought 1950was too much for onsite. Also, it was my first stop so I passed. Bought her a 100 peso coca cola and left.

BTW, the club called for a taxi.

Crocodrillo: My first time here. This place is biazrre or I was here on a wrong day. Lots of TS and TVs and most looked like men. Luckily there was no cover and I bailed out of there after I used their toilet. I was in there for full 7 minutes. If I missed something, please tell me.

Hook: arrived at 12:45. More girls than men. The selection was average but I thought it was better than NE (IMHO). 250 for a well drink and 300 for "top shelf". I prefer to drink to actual alcohol over gasoline so I splurged and went for "absolute", which in my opinion is not top shelf....but I digress.

Chatted with a Paraguayan cutie. She wanted 2000 for 1 hr but quickly came down to 1600. She did insist that I use a motel around the corner. That was a deal breaker for me. Why would I choose a site unseen possible fleabag motel when I have a swanky pad in Ricoletta? She did not get why it was that important for me. She also tried to talk me into a threesome. Her friend was cute but as much as I dig threesomes, I don't do it with girls I don't know. Anyway, I passed and left.

The hilarious taxista was still out there and I asked him to take me to Stravos.

Stravos: I went there only because I read a report that it is one of the few that is still open. It is a small room and as soon as you walk in, you can see most of of the girls and potential patrons. There were may be 5 girls and the door lady said, 500 pesos. I thought I miss heard her but no. I had a nice belly laugh and left.

Next stop was Clock in Puerto Madero. Guess what? Clock was closed! WTF. That had to be the shortest lifespan for a club of any kind.

The taxi driver and I are buddies now and we were talking philosophy by now. He was determined that I score tonight. He took me around and we stopped at Ex. I had him wait and bought him a cup of coffee. We took in the scene while we chatted. Most there were hard core so I did not indulge.

He took me around and pointed to several street girls. I have never done that in my life. One was very cute in an elegant white coat so I was curious. I made him ask and she said 1500. I had no intention of picking anyone from the street and that inquiry was out of pure curiosity.

I went back to Hook. I scored big time and that is a story for another post. Luckily, they did not make me buy another drink.

El Perro
06-20-15, 16:30
Vitrea, great post. BTW, I heard Clock is only open on certain nights. Which nights I have no idea.

You were at Cocodrilo too early, though I haven't been in years. 2-3AM is supposed to be the starting time and later is better.

06-20-15, 16:51
Vitrea, great post. BTW, I heard Clock is only open on certain nights. Which nights I have no idea.

You were at Cocodrilo too early, though I haven't been in years. 2-3AM is supposed to be the starting time and later is better.Thank you for the update on Crocodrillo. I sincerely hope I was as at the wrong hour and wrong day. The main floor I walked into had full tables though. If there is an another floor, I did not explore.

No joke but the "chica" that walked into the bathroom with me is a dude. Her shoulders are broader than mine. She had a microphone in her hand and I did not wait to hear what she had to say. He he.

06-20-15, 16:54
Re Clock: If they are not open on Fridays by choice, I have to question their business model. 😄. I have a commitment tonight otherwise I would check it out and report.

El Perro
06-20-15, 17:08
Thank you for the update on Crocodrillo. I sincerely hope I was as at the wrong hour and wrong day. The main floor I walked into had full tables though. If there is an another floor, I did not explore.

No joke but the "chica" that walked into the bathroom with me is a dude. Her shoulders are broader than mine. She had a microphone in her hand and I did not wait to hear what she had to say. He he.Did you go upstairs ? The boliche is upstairs and a restaurant of sorts downstairs. Again, I haven't been in years.

06-20-15, 17:23
Did you go upstairs ? The boliche is upstairs and a restaurant of sorts downstairs. Again, I haven't been in years.Bingo. That makes sense. I did not go upstairs. 😔.

Jack Reacher
06-21-15, 02:56
Almost a live report. Just stopped by (Sat) at 0130 to see the action. Bouncers outside seemed to be good blokes and the lead (Rodriguez I think) let me go in and check out the club without paying the cover ($200p). Big place but it was dead. I saw 3 chicas (one at the bar was 20 something and a 7+). I am not sure there were any patrons. The doormen said it gets going in about an hour. Sorry not going to make it. The place has good potential - time will tell. They said it is open till 0700.

The bouncer said more chicas will be coming in the hour and charge varying amounts (could not get him to commit to a range).

Wild Walleye
06-22-15, 11:57
Re Clock: If they are not open on Fridays by choice, I have to question their business model. . I have a commitment tonight otherwise I would check it out and report.Normally, I'd agree. However, in Argentina, week nights are for chicas and weekends are for familia. It seems crazy, but they may not do enough business on Friday nights as opposed to week nights of the week. If they catered to the expat crowd, they'd be busy on the weekends...

Member #4112
06-22-15, 16:05
See my original post, this is an after 02:00 club. Coming in before is a waste of time. When I left a bit after 02:00 the stock of chicas was great and more were pouring in.

06-22-15, 16:16
Cocodrilo shut down by GCBA again. A friend of mine went last tuesday (June 16) and said it was well stocked with about 25 girls with some nice talent. He was informed last night by one of those talented ladies that over the weekend the hammer fell yet again.

El Perro
07-04-15, 13:10
Re Clock: If they are not open on Fridays by choice, I have to question their business model. . I have a commitment tonight otherwise I would check it out and report.Not open on Fridays. Went by there last night and closed up.

07-10-15, 05:37
Havent seen this mentioned lately. Can anyone tell me if 868 florida 12c is still in business.

El Perro
07-10-15, 10:46
Havent seen this mentioned lately. Can anyone tell me if 868 florida 12c is still in business.As of last week, yes.

07-10-15, 15:35
Havent seen this mentioned lately. Can anyone tell me if 868 florida 12c is still in business.I can't tell you for certain whether it is still in business (because I haven't been in BA for several months), but I can tell you for certain that it is no longer on the 12th floor. It moved maybe 9 months ago (very roughly) to the 14th floor.


El Perro
07-10-15, 16:35
I can't tell you for certain whether it is still in business (because I haven't been in BA for several months), but I can tell you for certain that it is no longer on the 12th floor. It moved maybe 9 months ago (very roughly) to the 14th floor.

Bob.Thanks Bob. I didn't catch the mention of the 12th floor. Definitely the 14th.

07-16-15, 12:30
Apparently the government is shutting down some of the tango venues for the same reasons they have been shutting down boliches. The tangueros weren't about to go down without a fight, so they took to the streets to protest:


I haven't read every word of this forum, but I've never seen anyone write about a tango salon as a mongering destination, so this strikes me as the municipal government putting the squeeze on venues everywhere, not just the boliches.

I'm a tanguero and had planned to do a lot of dancing in Bs.As. When I visit in October--so I hope they leave a few venues open, or sort this out otherwise.

08-23-15, 12:33
Hi Guys.

Visited BA I'm May at the hiatus in terms of clubs being closed, even cafe orleans was shut. So my question is what clubs are open or will be open when I return in the next 4-6 weeks. Seems that Hook and New Port are open, but what about the other clubs in Recoletas?

All info gratefully received.


El Perro
08-23-15, 16:19
Hi Guys.

Visited BA I'm May at the hiatus in terms of clubs being closed, even cafe orleans was shut. So my question is what clubs are open or will be open when I return in the next 4-6 weeks. Seems that Hook and New Port are open, but what about the other clubs in Recoletas?

All info gratefully received.

M.Only Hook and New Port are open in the usual stomping ground. Cocodrillo a little farther away.

08-23-15, 19:43
Only Hook and New Port are open in the usual stomping ground. Cocodrillo a little farther away.I am assuming that Cafe Exedra and Orleans are open?

So no Pepilo?

What about Mia's?

El Perro
08-23-15, 20:08
I am assuming that Cafe Exedra and Orleans are open?

So no Pepilo?

What about Mia's?Exedra is open. Last I walked by Orleans it was closed but that was weeks ago. I heard Periplo was closed but I don't know for sure. Mia's definitely closed.

08-23-15, 22:44
Exedra is open. Last I walked by Orleans it was closed but that was weeks ago. I heard Periplo was closed but I don't know for sure. Mia's definitely closed.Hook-Full House on Friday Night. Sent 1 of the 5 Boys on My Tour home with the Unmentionable 10. Price unpublished but he liked her.

X- Full House on Friday Night. New Meat. A LOT of new Dark Meat. Must have stowed away on the ferry from Orleans to X.

Sent Client number 2 home with the best looking and best built Dom. Camila , very nice personality.

Periplo - More than Closed. Uniformed and armed policewoman guarding the red taped doors .

Ness - Red Taped doors.

Catto's - Owner's decision to close for now.

977 - Red Taped . Makes me sad .Cool Owners . Not a rip-off.

Newport- Full House Friday Night . Sent 2 of the Boys home with ex-Black girls. It get's GREAT now.

2 Super Pro ex-Black workers around 4am agreed to 1200.00 each so I left my friends in what I assumed were capable hands and worked my way home.

Hell, 4 out of 5 of the Boys got lucky.Or so I thought.

Once the Super-Pros arrived at my Boy's Rumpus Room $1200.00 became $2000.00 . Damn inflation in this country is bad but from Newport to Palermo it jumped through the roof.

My Hat is off to these fellow Hobbyist! They Threw the Super Pros out of the apartment at 5am in an unknown or foreign neighborhood and did not even give them cab fare! Yeah Baby!

Saturday Night is alright for fighting but not for hooking.

Hook- Dead Girls Walking.

X- Old Folks Home.

Newport- I swear I heard a mouse fart.

Greek Rip-Off Bar - The Boys made a mistake and went there on there own. Bad Idea. $900.00 tab for a Mystery drink that nobody ordered.

Stavros? Use to be Hella's maybe? No girls and force fed drink tabs or your ass is grass. AVOID!

Sunday - had to have a few girls flown in by helicopter for some home delivery. Was not easy.

Long and event filled Tour with lessons learned by new and even well experienced Mongers.

Thanks Boys !


PS- 2 older dike like women entered Hook on Friday night that I assumed were lezzie clients .Nope, just city shut down inspectors.

09-12-15, 18:28
Just spent about 7 days in BA, and here are my observations:

1. Hook - Thankfully and surprisingly still open. I like this place. I like that you can see the women's bodies because they walk around and (some) dance. It was quiet on Monday/Tuesday nights, but guess I got lucky and I always found at least one very attractive provider, and I'm pretty picky. Aside from the drinks, the providers are relatively affordable. As is always the case, YMMV.

2. Newport - Definitely still open and gets pretty crowded after midnight. Mostly older, somewhat broken-down women so quality is a problem here. I spoke to a few ex-Blacks super-pro's, trying to charge $300 USD and wouldn't budge so I said "no, thank you." I did find a wonderful Brasilera here one night.

3. D'lerio - I stopped by this place on three different occasions. One time, there were a pair of working girls here, but otherwise nothing happening at this location. I spoke to the doorman, and he said that "upstairs" isn't really happening anymore.

4. Excedra - This is a brightly lit coffeeshop in the Microcenter near Hook that gets occupied by older working girls after midnight. This place did not appeal to me, as the women were older, and just sat around at tables so you couldn't really see their bodies. This was not a favorable environment for me, so I didn't spend much time at Excedra.

5. Cocodrillo - Went by here at about 1am, and just a legitimate restaurant at that time. The doormen said the upstairs situation isn't really happening anymore. There is a "disco" that starts late (i.e. 2-3am) but I didn't come back to evaluate.

I walked by Hippopotamus a few times and it is definitely closed.

09-28-15, 17:36
Just spent about 7 days in BA, and here are my observations:

1. Hook - Thankfully and surprisingly still open. I like this place. I like that you can see the women's bodies because they walk around and (some) dance. It was quiet on Monday/Tuesday nights, but guess I got lucky and I always found at least one very attractive provider, and I'm pretty picky. Aside from the drinks, the providers are relatively affordable. As is always the case, YMMV.

2. Newport - Definitely still open and gets pretty crowded after midnight. Mostly older, somewhat broken-down women so quality is a problem here. I spoke to a few ex-Blacks super-pro's, trying to charge $300 USD and wouldn't budge so I said "no, thank you." I did find a wonderful Brasilera here one night.

3. D'lerio - I stopped by this place on three different occasions. One time, there were a pair of working girls here, but otherwise nothing happening at this location. I spoke to the doorman, and he said that "upstairs" isn't really happening anymore.

4. Excedra - This is a brightly lit coffeeshop in the Microcenter near Hook that gets occupied by older working girls after midnight. This place did not appeal to me, as the women were older, and just sat around at tables so you couldn't really see their bodies. This was not a favorable environment for me, so I didn't spend much time at Excedra.

5. Cocodrillo - Went by here at about 1am, and just a legitimate restaurant at that time. The doormen said the upstairs situation isn't really happening anymore. There is a "disco" that starts late (i.e. 2-3am) but I didn't come back to evaluate.

I walked by Hippopotamus a few times and it is definitely closed.Good to hear that there are some places open such that my week in BA may be, at least, adventurous lol... Personally I find Ex okay, it is Hook I find a bit disappointing... But NewPort seems reasonable.


Daddy Rulz
09-28-15, 18:34
Good to hear that there are some places open such that my week in BA may be, at least, adventurous lol... Personally I find Ex okay, it is Hook I find a bit disappointing... But NewPort seems reasonable.

Max.I was walking by Catto's the other night and a cleaning crew was going in. Last week they put one of those metal cages on the front of Ness and the clauserado is off the door. I don't know if any of this means anything but it's news.

09-29-15, 20:56
I was walking by Catto's the other night and a cleaning crew was going in. Last week they put one of those metal cages on the front of Ness and the clauserado is off the door. I don't know if any of this means anything but it's news.Is that good news or bad news...

Are any of the clubs in Recoleta open bar new port that is....

10-20-15, 17:02
Is that good news or bad news...

Are any of the clubs in Recoleta open bar new port that is....Anyone out this week ... Will be arriving Thursday...

I am supposing it won't be a trawl of establishments just the singular...


10-23-15, 15:50
After years, I walked by Hook this morning (Hook = hooker - how unfortunate) but it was 1am and too early. But I am impressed with the girls! The place was full. The place has been renovate since I was here last.

Thank you Argentinaprivate for all the tips I found with your help over the years! If anything, you instill confidence and that's worth a lot!

I like the doorman - Justin. He is so typical and good humoured. He says all the closed joints are because of the elections. After Sunday it will be better.

Inside, the gogo girls were dancing 4 or more at all times. And quite attractive. I'll try a dancer next time - are they more expensive? There must have been 25 girls and 15 guys. I noticed some older women wanting to enter. But they were turned back. How sad. LOL.

The drinks at 250? My gin-tonic was the strongest, the driest! I offered her to take a sip. She did but it was too strong, she said. Her drink was also 250 but it was probably ice tea. Liz wanted 2000 for one hour. I wanted 2000 for 3 hours. I have trouble eating a good meal in 1 hour, why would I do 1h with a GOOD ho.

So I left solo. It helps to carry only as much cash as you are willing to spend. And I was not robbed. (like at Madahos a while back).

I will go back soon! I will report on on-line dating as an alternative.

08-25-16, 10:11
Hey Guys .... Do we have any clubs or cafes reopened since a year ago? Exedra seems half shut... But newport and 977 up and running...

02-12-17, 09:30
A rich local told me this is a good place with nice Argentine and international chicas.

60 pesos entrance fee. Requires good negotiations to achieve as good rate.

02-12-17, 11:49
Vicente Lopez 2134. Cover: 150p. Tel: 4543-3894, cell: 15-5247-0565. Hours: 10 pm to __. http://www.argentinaprivate.com/forum/showthread.php?8605-Delirio-New-Club-in-Recoleta
Old Dead Link: http://www.cenashow.com.ar/dlirio_flyer.html.
Live Link: http://www.cenashow.com.ar/

A lot of the places on this Map are most likely gone.


A rich local told me this is a good place with nice Argentine and international chicas.

60 pesos entrance fee. Requires good negotiations to achieve as good rate.

05-23-17, 16:42
Been to the place that's next to hook, I don't remember if the place have a name or not, anyway, hook is no longer operating.

The place I've been to is nice, a bar, many chicas, they don't have an admission charge, but a sparkling water cost 300P.

Chica drinks for the same 300P but if you want a sophisticated drink that cost more.

Chicas there are 4/5 average, an attractive morocha from Colombia was the only exception, paid 3.000 P for one hour, + taxi + hotel + drink + tip.

But all the charm died when we started.


El Perro
05-24-17, 01:20
Been to the place that's next to hook, I don't remember if the place have a name or not, anyway, hook is no longer operating.

The place I've been to is nice, a bar, many chicas, they don't have an admission charge, but a sparkling water cost 300P.

Chica drinks for the same 300P but if you want a sophisticated drink that cost more.

Chicas there are 4/5 average, an attractive morocha from Colombia was the only exception, paid 3.000 P for one hour, + taxi + hotel + drink + tip.

But all the charm died when we started.

FYI.That is one of the saddest fucking things I have ever read.

Daddy Rulz
05-24-17, 11:19
Been to the place that's next to hook, I don't remember if the place have a name or not, anyway, hook is no longer operating.

The place I've been to is nice, a bar, many chicas, they don't have an admission charge, but a sparkling water cost 300P.

Chica drinks for the same 300P but if you want a sophisticated drink that cost more.

Chicas there are 4/5 average, an attractive morocha from Colombia was the only exception, paid 3.000 P for one hour, + taxi + hotel + drink + tip.

But all the charm died when we started.

FYI.It's called keep and I think it's short for keep the fuck out.

Agree with Perro, considering how much fun those places used to be what they are now is the saddest thing ever.

Rock Harders
05-24-17, 15:26
My advice: GO TO SAO PAULO!!!!!

In Sao Paulo you will get an absolute rock star bombshell for R$500 at the top end nightclubs (which absolutely blow away anything Buenos Aires ever had in every possible way) and pay less at other slightly lower end nightspots (of which there are many). These places have an entrance fee that is fully consumable and they have excellent restaurants inside where the entrance free can be used in case you don't feel like drinking. There is a very active Sao Paulo thread on the ISG that goes into detail about these places.

Been to the place that's next to hook, I don't remember if the place have a name or not, anyway, hook is no longer operating.

The place I've been to is nice, a bar, many chicas, they don't have an admission charge, but a sparkling water cost 300P.

Chica drinks for the same 300P but if you want a sophisticated drink that cost more.

Chicas there are 4/5 average, an attractive morocha from Colombia was the only exception, paid 3.000 P for one hour, + taxi + hotel + drink + tip.

But all the charm died when we started.


11-03-17, 22:03
Ok the new president has a will to close Swingers Clubs, but I doubt prostitution disapeared suddenly: guys still want to fuck, chicas still need money. Maybe now it's through the escort websites or internet in general or even private apparnements hidden from the public (this kind of policy is usually quite hypocrit). I don't know but if someone does I'm interested to know.

11-03-17, 22:57
Ok the new president has a will to close Swingers Clubs, but I doubt prostitution disapeared suddenly: guys still want to fuck, chicas still need money. Maybe now it's through the escort websites or internet in general or even private apparnements hidden from the public (this kind of policy is usually quite hypocrit). I don't know but if someone does I'm interested to know.Jesus these politicians are f'ng it up for everyone. What happened to the good old days when I landed at 9am and at 1 pm was in bed with a hot from Cafe Orleans?

11-04-17, 11:18
I am sure if you want around the Microcenter area you will little pieces of paper with names and phone numbers on it.

Ok the new president has a will to close Swingers Clubs, but I doubt prostitution disapeared suddenly: guys still want to fuck, chicas still need money. Maybe now it's through the escort websites or internet in general or even private apparnements hidden from the public (this kind of policy is usually quite hypocrit). I don't know but if someone does I'm interested to know.

11-04-17, 17:07
I am sure if you want around the Microcenter area you will little pieces of paper with names and phone numbers on it.Despite the little pieces of papers with names and phone numbers that you can continue to look around downtown BA there is an underground world, different rules, and for sure, more expensive.

It's about life quality, experience quality.

It's not the same thing: going to a private apartment, buzz and get rid in a young but unwilling girl working as a ***** she is, 12 hours a day, and getting fucked like a pig 7 times a day by different guys, some will be fast (their preference is this case) some fat bastards, some young scary guys, and, only some times, there flow a kind of ramarkable connection. Dark room, fast fuck, smells like shit in some cases, or smells like deodorant to hide the shit. Whatever. And it's the today 1.000 peso standard. And I'm not critizing anything.

A few years ago, another standard was available. The Madaho's and Black's and many other boliches. I guess that today the whole thing would cost about 3.000 pesos, since the difference (when those spots existed) was x3 the cheaper standard.

But the mainstream forgot the VIP exclusive standard, which, did not died, however it's more expensive now.

This is in some clubs, private clubs, or by word of mouth. It's not calling a VIP girl, it's about knowing them, get into the circle, get noticed, and get ready to spend a lot of money. Of course, if you don't have the money, that it's ridiculous as buying clothes that do not fit on you.

These girls are expecting for vacations, cars, and money. But it's a very different experience.

Even if you manage yourself to reach the clubs, if you are not connected, they will greet but no chances to have anything else.

Here is the case of a model's manager who is now imprissioned for "human trafficking" which it's a false charge, since as you can see, these models own their apartments, take expensive vacation, and for sure, they would chose not to fuck the old guys, but they know that no old guys is no vacation, no fame, no car.


11-05-17, 00:52
It's about life quality, experience quality.

Thank's for your post and for the reminder that to get nice chics you need money and that if you have quite a lot you'll find your way.

Still you don't give good clues about where they are exactly ;-) I understand that things are getting more social so harder to get in instantly: you need to reasure about who you are and who you know as the business is getting more risky for locals. Even if the guy you mention first got troubles with minor girls in Uruguay and it's well known that they don't joke with this here.

So what to do from there. I don't have so much money and a few years ago I had some fun in quite classy private apparments, some had incredible chicas. The lists where simply on this website. Maybe there is an alternate way by going to some clubs and look for opportunities, might be harder to fish than it used to be. Luckily getting a nice girl for 1500 pesos but where are these clubs if they exist.

What do you think ?

11-15-17, 14:43
Dear Mika.

There are 3 concepts in here:

Concept #1- Money.

I thnik that anyone could apply to have money enough to have sex, it's a basic human need, like food or water.

Human rights included a house for living, but, as you can notice, many humans in this world are homeless.

Money, money is something very stupid if you think about it. Complaints about lack of money are everywhere, but what is money? It's not even a peace of paper (much of the money in this world is digital) many zeros some "god of money" can make like this : 000.000 easier than write all the explanation about it.

Now, how to make money? That's the wrong question. The right question would be: How can I manage to ignore the motherfuckers that adore the god-money? Then, how can the rest of the people take an inverse situation and create the money instead of buying the money by selling life for it? That question would be clever.

It's clever also to ask: what is real, and what is not real. Real is people. Not real is money.

Concept #2- Where to find premium quality girls once you have money.

Get to the VIP parties!

Concept #3- Crying the good old times.

Everything was better before, I was younger too. So, what if we just cry about it? Will something change? Or, we can stand on the congress and claim Madaho's back. I don't think that will work.

This may be a religious change in Argentina, as you know, christians and jews (and muslims) are called either "peoples from the book" or abrahamic religions. So, the Pope (this Pope is Argie) and his friends, and, the US prohibition party, plus others wanted to destroy all the liberty city living inside of BA.

They took the bible from the Book of Deuteronomy. States the prohibition of prostitution. "(A)None of the daughters of Israel shall be a cult prostitute, (B)nor shall any of the sons of Israel be a cult prostitute. "You shall not bring the hire of a harlot or the wages of a dog into the house of the LORD your God for any votive offering, for both of these are an abomination to the LORD your God.

And aftermath would be: if you go to the chruch, and at the same time you want to go to a boliche, and/or you complain about these prohibitions, then it's not consistent.

You should either: adore the church whatever catholic, christian, jewish or muslim, or get connected to your own human nature. Doing both things are incompatible and you crush inside.

Thank's for your post and for the reminder that to get nice chics you need money and that if you have quite a lot you'll find your way.

Still you don't give good clues about where they are exactly ;-) I understand that things are getting more social so harder to get in instantly: you need to reasure about who you are and who you know as the business is getting more risky for locals. Even if the guy you mention first got troubles with minor girls in Uruguay and it's well known that they don't joke with this here.

So what to do from there. I don't have so much money and a few years ago I had some fun in quite classy private apparments, some had incredible chicas. The lists where simply on this website. Maybe there is an alternate way by going to some clubs and look for opportunities, might be harder to fish than it used to be. Luckily getting a nice girl for 1500 pesos but where are these clubs if they exist.

What do you think ?

Jim Bob
11-16-17, 18:34
Hey I am staying near Once Plaza it is just crawling with street walkers. There are multiple telo's and the sw's are standing around holding up the walls next to the telo's. I was pretty sure they are streetwalkers and one propositioned me today. I did not ask the price as there were a lot of people around. Although I was tempted to ask her the cost, she did not peak my interest in actually partaking but I see them standing in same spots until they disappear in to the telo then they are back out later. This area has many itinerant laborer types so I guess the sw's must be popular with them although generally below my standards. although I have seen once who tempts me. I bet they are pretty cheap!

Thank's for your post and for the reminder that to get nice chics you need money and that if you have quite a lot you'll find your way.

Still you don't give good clues about where they are exactly ;-) I understand that things are getting more social so harder to get in instantly: you need to reasure about who you are and who you know as the business is getting more risky for locals. Even if the guy you mention first got troubles with minor girls in Uruguay and it's well known that they don't joke with this here.

So what to do from there. I don't have so much money and a few years ago I had some fun in quite classy private apparments, some had incredible chicas. The lists where simply on this website. Maybe there is an alternate way by going to some clubs and look for opportunities, might be harder to fish than it used to be. Luckily getting a nice girl for 1500 pesos but where are these clubs if they exist.

What do you think ?.

11-16-17, 22:23
I like your way of seeing things and I think that you are quite right. No need to cry the good old times because we are not that young anymore and it's much better to enjoy what we have left. It's still possible to do politics to try to get things better but that's very long term results... In the best case. Talking about getting laid, no need to change the world for this it just has to be effective and well money is a pretty efficient one. So just go forwards with what there is the best possible way ! This doesn't give any practical info but there are so many opportunites worth trying. I like your "be connected to your own human nature", that's the clue man, spirituality is the clue.



Dear Mika.

There are 3 concepts in here:

Concept #1- Money.
Concept #2- Where to find premium quality girls once you have money.
Concept #3- Crying the good old times.

And aftermath would be: if you go to the chruch, and at the same time you want to go to a boliche, and/or you complain about these prohibitions, then it's not consistent.

You should either: adore the church whatever catholic, christian, jewish or muslim, or get connected to your own human nature. Doing both things are incompatible and you crush inside.

Retired 66
11-17-17, 00:37
I like your way of seeing things and I think that you are quite right. No need to cry the good old times because we are not that young anymore and it's much better to enjoy what we have left. It's still possible to do politics to try to get things better but that's very long term results... In the best case. Talking about getting laid, no need to change the world for this it just has to be effective and well money is a pretty efficient one. So just go forwards with what there is the best possible way ! This doesn't give any practical info but there are so many opportunites worth trying. I like your "be connected to your own human nature", that's the clue man, spirituality is the clue.



I'd like to make a couple polite, and constructive suggestions for future posts.

1) I find it very difficult to read your posts primarily because you speak from a philosophical viewpoint. Most people on this board are just interested in reporting their adventures and getting their nuts off, and sharing info that aids in the procurement of pussy.

Real simple stuff, a monger with $100 and a philosopher with $100, both can get laid. Nobody gets laid if they don't spend any money (Jim Bob is the only exception).

2) Please use commas liberally when writing. I'm looking forward reading your next post.

11-17-17, 02:09
Funny! I enjoy your sense of humor, just let me add my 2 cents:

A philosopher gets laid with less than $100.

Because a philosopher thinks a lot before doing his move. (Jim Bob may be a philosopher) so that may explain it.


Real simple stuff, a monger with $100 and a philosopher with $100, both can get laid. Nobody gets laid if they don't spend any money (Jim Bob is the only exception).

11-17-17, 02:09
Hi Retired 66.

Well at the begining, I had a very practical question and the conversation became more philosophical, as you say, maybe because no practical answer was given. It's true that I like to understand things but my posts are not the longuests here ;-).



Jim Bob
11-17-17, 08:42
Mika, I checked prices for you last night. Was walking down Hipolito Yrigoyen just after I crossed Catamarca passing by the Eros telo in a lonely stretch beneath some trees across from Hotel Azul I was accosted by a creature of the night she grabbed my hand and shoved it under her skimpy skirt and you know it was a cold day she didn't have much on you know how sometimes you have too much to drink and you wake up with your hot forehead pressed against the smooth coldness of a toilet bowl that is exactly how her ass felt lol. Anyway I asked her how much not for me of course because I am busy right now it is for my friend Mika she said 300 then she said who is this Mika guy you don't seem so busy let's go and tried to drag me away put I pried my hand free and scuttled away. Anyway it is 300 if you want to save a few bucks lol.

11-17-17, 16:41
Ah ah, excellent ;-) Thanks Jim Bob !

Jim Bob
11-18-17, 13:32
Saw the "chica" again yesterday clarified prices it is 300 for bj and 500 for "completo" I said I don't want "completo" just vaginal and it said that all it does is complete and I began to understand. Then I saw it walking around with one of its friends later last night they were yelling at another creature in very deep voices if you know what I mean. I saw another one with short blond hair and typical broad male shoulders (the one I talked to did a pretty good idea of appearing feminine) I saw one crouching in a corner looked like it was sticking its finger in its ass for some reason known only to it and other creatures like it. Maybe Hipolito Yrigoyen is not such a good idea lol

Ah ah, excellent ;-) Thanks Jim Bob !.

11-18-17, 14:12
I strongly suspected that, given your report and the location, but you seemed like a bright fellow who would figure it out on his own.

Jim Bob
11-18-17, 16:53
I didn't want Mika to go down there and waste his money, or have a life-altering experience, thought I should update

I strongly suspected that, given your report and the location, but you seemed like a bright fellow who would figure it out on his own..

11-20-17, 15:38
I strongly suspected that, given your report and the location, but you seemed like a bright fellow who would figure it out on his own.In plain language there's a lot of trannies intersperced with the regular hookers on those streets. Rough looking crowd. My suggestion is to go to Jujuy St. Bet. Rivadavia and Yrigoyen. A better quality hookers around there. They were charging 200 pesos for sexo, two years ago when I was there. 100 pesos for the room.

Retired 66
11-21-17, 00:16
Hi Retired 66.

Well at the begining, I had a very practical question and the conversation became more philosophical, as you say, maybe because no practical answer was given. It's true that I like to understand things but my posts are not the longuests here ;-).


M.Much better job of using commas. Sorry I was an IT analyst/technical writer for 30+ years. Regarding the ONCE area activities, I would pass on having to sort out the SHES from the ITS.

08-19-19, 02:11
In Medellin Colombia, the only place i've mongered, there are clubs like Fase Dos and La Isla where you can chat/grab a drink with high quality girls as you please without having to commit to doing anything with them.

Was wondering if Cordoba or Buenos Aires have anything similar, and if so what are the prices in Argentinan Pesos to actually do something with them if you choose?

I read there were clubs hippopatmus and Hooke that were like this in BA, but they are now closed. I cant decide if I like a girl without first chatting with her so yeah.

08-19-19, 12:02
Try These:




In Medellin Colombia, the only place i've mongered, there are clubs like Fase Dos and La Isla where you can chat/grab a drink with high quality girls as you please without having to commit to doing anything with them.

Was wondering if Cordoba or Buenos Aires have anything similar, and if so what are the prices in Argentinian Pesos to actually do something with them if you choose?

I read there were clubs Hippopotamus and Hooke that were like this in BA, but they are now closed. I can't decide if I like a girl without first chatting with her so yeah.

Jim Bob
08-30-19, 09:59
Excedra, you can't chat with a girl in the cafe, but if you take a walk around the block the café is located, there are many in the street you can talk with. In Newport you can also chat with girls, however prices are inflated.

In Medellin Colombia, the only place i've mongered, there are clubs like Fase Dos and La Isla where you can chat/grab a drink with high quality girls as you please without having to commit to doing anything with them.

Was wondering if Cordoba or Buenos Aires have anything similar, and if so what are the prices in Argentinan Pesos to actually do something with them if you choose?

I read there were clubs hippopatmus and Hooke that were like this in BA, but they are now closed. I cant decide if I like a girl without first chatting with her so yeah..

Retired 66
08-30-19, 11:56
Excedra, you can't chat with a girl in the cafe, but if you take a walk around the block the caf is located, there are many in the street you can talk with. In Newport you can also chat with girls, however prices are inflated.

.Very good assessment of the mongering seen in BA.

I'll probably get down there in oct-nov , especially if the peso hits 65+.

09-27-19, 20:32
When I first started coming 12 years ago this board was jumping and gave a ton of information. I could be wrong and so I'm asking because I come often.

I feel like nowadays all the high quality stuff has switched to the internet and is independent. There are good site but they are all paid and expensive. I'm happy to share if you message me. The prices are very reasonable. It's a numbers game. You need to send a lot of messages and start with the newest people. I'd say the quality is good. Cant really say if its better or not but they are a much higher quality.

I'm happy to share anything I know.

What I'm wondering is if there are any good new places to visit. In many ways I also miss the good old days . Times have changed but in all honesty the prices haven't if you know how to look.

10-16-19, 17:28
Can I ask what streetwalker prices are oct 2019? Do they have girls between 18-25 or are there any discos with freelancers?

10-17-19, 12:41
Check this Thread:


Discos with Chicas. This would be the closest to it.


The prices have gone up since I was there in 2016.

Can I ask what streetwalker prices are oct 2019? Do they have girls between 18-25 or are there any discos with freelancers?

11-21-19, 01:59
Has the whole club & cafe scene died completely in BA? There seems to be very few posts besides some links to maps. Has everything moved online? Thanks.

11-21-19, 07:34
The last President closed almost all the Clubs and Casas where you can get Chicas.

A few remain.

I am hoping that under the new President things will go back to the way they were.

Has the whole club & cafe scene died completely in BA? There seems to be very few posts besides some links to maps. Has everything moved online? Thanks.

11-22-19, 00:21
Has the whole club & cafe scene died completely in BA? There seems to be very few posts besides some links to maps. Has everything moved online? Thanks.Cafe's scene is dead. Few clubs have survived. Please see recent posts.

12-02-19, 03:53
I went before all the closures. Was amazing fun.

Clubs were fun, cute girls, nice drinks/food.

Recently went back. And there is not much of anything now.

Went to crocodillo mehhh. New Port was the only thing worth checking out. (if its not tambien cerrado todavia).

And unfortunately Espanol is a must. And the girls, slim picking. At least from my experience.

And online, you never know what you get.

Used to be great, hopefully it will change.

Love BA women, but I think Argentina has now been wiped clean of my slate for the time being.

12-02-19, 14:43
I went before all the closures. Was amazing fun.

Clubs were fun, cute girls, nice drinks/food.

Recently went back. And there is not much of anything now.

Went to crocodillo mehhh. New Port was the only thing worth checking out. (if its not tambien cerrado todavia).

And unfortunately Espanol is a must. And the girls, slim picking. At least from my experience.

And online, you never know what you get.

Used to be great, hopefully it will change.

Love BA women, but I think Argentina has now been wiped clean of my slate for the time being.Understandable, which is why it’s important to keep a “Rolodex” of sorts.

Not sure why BA is trying to kill their scene like Sosua, but at the rate they’re going, it will hurt their tourism.

12-02-19, 14:44
The last President closed almost all the Clubs and Casas where you can get Chicas.

A few remain.

I am hoping that under the new President things will go back to the way they were.That, and being a racist POS is probably why he isnt in office anymore.

12-02-19, 22:43
That, and being a racist POS is probably why he isnt in office anymore.He was a "she" and she is now returning as the new vice president. Dont expect any changes for the better.

Wild Walleye
12-05-19, 16:30
Macri was elected in 2015, right?

When did the clubs and privados get closed down?

12-05-19, 20:27
The Clubs and Privados were closed at some time in 2015. And maybe before.

I was there in February 2016 and almost all places were closed.




Macri was elected in 2015, right?

When did the clubs and privados get closed down?

12-08-19, 22:25
The chica scene in bars has improved. Starting in April all seemed scant and tight but over the winter appeared to me to loosen up, improving in the right direction. This is not all inclusive but Newport for example has gone from a pretty scrappy lot to a wide selection, attractive, young and middle age and the bar itself now has live stage music - no bands but interesting soloists. Comfortable to hang out and watch or make a selection. Prices negotiable but starting at 5,000 to 4,000. Underway after 10 pm.

Delirio down the street, Vicente Lopez, gets underway later, and some chicas from Newport migrate there to join a lot of independents. Full of chicas most nights, lively and can run until 4 a.m. Or later. Asking prices start from 8,000 to 4,000. Negotiable. More negotiable the later it gets. Frequently asking propina for a chat, so don't think buying a drink is going to get you a 'free' conversation. There can be an entrance fee at the door.

The old Ness location has revived and since a few months there are chicas inside, population varies.

On Marcelo Alvear near Carlos Pellegrini there's a basement club (across from a gay club) - friendly, comfortable, good music/videos and usually a selection of chicas at the bar or tables in the back. Starts after 11 pm. Also, next door to Excedra there's a small bar, with lurid lights at the entrance that may or may not have chicas. They seem to be getting braver about having talent available.

Streetwalkers in Centro and also along the Recoleta cemetery wall should be coming back now that the weather is warming.

Hopefully the recent election will keep this trend to a relaxed atmosphere about boliches going.

12-09-19, 00:07
Thank you, Bacchus9 Would you please post addresses of Newport, Delirio and Ness, and location description if possible per google maps or Google Earth, as there is some confusion where are those clubs; if you know their social sites, please let us know.

12-09-19, 14:41




Jackson's Old Map locations:


Thank you, Bacchus9 Would you please post addresses of Newport, Delirio and Ness, and location description if possible per google maps or Google Earth, as there is some confusion where are those clubs; if you know their social sites, please let us know.

12-10-19, 03:35
Thank you, Bacchus9 Would you please post addresses of Newport, Delirio and Ness, and location description if possible per google maps or Google Earth, as there is some confusion where are those clubs; if you know their social sites, please let us know.Looks like WorldTraveler answers this well, and much better.

12-10-19, 22:52
Looks like WorldTraveler answers this well, and much better.For New Port's location, is it Junin 1715 or Vicente López 2176? Is D’Lirio at Vicente López 2134? Can you describe their front store view, or tell the businesses to the immediate left and right, or supply a photo of the store front? It may help the visitors to find the locations first during day time when they are closed.

12-11-19, 13:00

Junin 1715, at Vicente Lopez. No Cover. Best Time is after Midnight.
Newport used to have seats in front, maybe they put them out at night.



Vicente Lopez 2134. 20 Chicas. Cover: 500p. Prices: 4000-8000 pesos. Tel: +54 11 4809-0051. 4543-3894, cell: 15-5247-0565. Hours: 10 pm to 4-5 am.

http://www.argentinaprivate.com/forum/showthread.php?8605-Delirio-New-Club-in-Recoleta Good Link: http://www.cenashow.com.ar/.

They are on this Map:


For New Port's location, is it Junin 1715 or Vicente Lopez 2176? Is DLirio at Vicente Lopez 2134?
Can you describe their front store view, or tell the businesses to the immediate left and right, or supply a photo of the store front? It may help the visitors to find the locations first during day time when they are closed.

12-30-19, 04:02
So me and three other friends spent five nights in Buenos Aires during Christmas. First off I got to say it is an amazing city. The culture and architecture is really beautiful and there Are many good restaurants to choose from.

Before I came out here I was given a bunch of contacts from TJ but unfortunately most of the girls were out of town because of the holiday. Most of the escorts such as Jesy Fux quoted me $300 for 2 hours Which I felt was kind of expensive considering how shitty the economy is doing in Argentina. Also I am used to going to Columbia where the girls are much cheaper.

Day 1 Me and a friend went to a place called Markus spa where they have massage therapist who give a professional massage with a HJ At the end. The total cost with happy ending is $50. Which is not bad compared to US standards. But be aware that there are many homosexual men in the spa.

Later on that night we went to Newport which was dead maybe six girls total all 5 and 6’s nothing that I would pay to fuck. So we went to D Liria after. This was a way better option. A much bigger venue with a lot more girls to choose from. The entry to get in is 1500 pesos. Which does go towards your alcohol. This ended up being our go to spot for the rest of the trip. We met a bunch of good women at the club. Most of them will try to start at 12,000 peso but on average we were paying 9,000. Again this can vary with the girl that you choose. We were simply going for the more attractive women in the club.

Day 3 we went to cocodrilo and there was not much to choose from so we went back to D Liria. The owner of the club was having a birthday party so the whole place was jampacked with girls and guys both PROS and Non pros . It was an awesome night.

Just a heads up which I’m sure most of you guys already know please negotiate the time and services provided before you take the girls back home. That way you have no issues.

Day 4 & 5 I had a repeat with Paola who is an older attractive Brazilian woman that really knows how to treat a man. She has a big heart and speaks very good English.

Wild Walleye
12-30-19, 17:41
For New Port's location, is it Junin 1715 or Vicente Lpez 2176? Is DLirio at Vicente Lpez 2134? Can you describe their front store view, or tell the businesses to the immediate left and right, or supply a photo of the store front? It may help the visitors to find the locations first during day time when they are closed.New Port is right near (withing 30' or so) of the intersection of Vincente Lopez and Junin which is the very southern most corner of the Recoleta Cemetery. The cemetery is on one side and New Port is across the street from the cemetery, immediately next to Dean & Denny's. Look for the Urban Suites Hotel (big red "U" near top of building). New Port is virtually under (a couple doors to the right) the Urban Suites. That is one of the reasons I like Urban Suites and LOI Suite (Recoleta) which is just around the corner on Vincente Lopez.

01-17-20, 23:15
Heading to BA in a few weeks and I’m glad to read your quick report on the nightclub scene. It’s going to be my first time there, and like you I’ve been going to Colombia a lot (from Cucuta to Medellin to Cali) for the last 7-8 years. Nothing beats Colombia IMHO, but I wanted to venture out further south, so BA it is.

On a side note, I paid for TJ’s contacts and I have to say I’m somewhat disappointed. Some of his contacts already advertise here such as Jessy Fux and Romina. The others like them charge and arm and leg ($300 USD). I would ask him questions and he’ll be off whatsapp for days and I won’t get any direct answers. I’m not trying to throw shade, just stating my experience so far. I don’t mind someone not answering specific questions, but I paid him $100 USD for his help and knowledge. And I probably got $5 USD worth of it at most at this point.

So me and three other friends spent five nights in Buenos Aires during Christmas. First off I got to say it is an amazing city. The culture and architecture is really beautiful and there Are many good restaurants to choose from.

Before I came out here I was given a bunch of contacts from TJ but unfortunately most of the girls were out of town because of the holiday. Most of the escorts such as Jesy Fux quoted me $300 for 2 hours Which I felt was kind of expensive considering how shitty the economy is doing in Argentina. Also I am used to going to Columbia where the girls are much cheaper.

Day 1 Me and a friend went to a place called Markus spa where they have massage therapist who give a professional massage with a HJ At the end. The total cost with happy ending is $50. Which is not bad compared to US standards. But be aware that there are many homosexual men in the spa.

Later on that night we went to Newport which was dead maybe six girls total all 5 and 6s nothing that I would pay to fuck. So we went to D Liria after. This was a way better option. A much bigger venue with a lot more girls to choose from. The entry to get in is 1500 pesos. Which does go towards your alcohol. This ended up being our go to spot for the rest of the trip. We met a bunch of good women at the club. Most of them will try to start at 12,000 peso but on average we were paying 9,000. Again this can vary with the girl that you choose. We were simply going for the more attractive women in the club.

Day 3 we went to cocodrilo and there was not much to choose from so we went back to D Liria. The owner of the club was having a birthday party so the whole place was jampacked with girls and guys both PROS and Non pros . It was an awesome night.

Just a heads up which Im sure most of you guys already know please negotiate the time and services provided before you take the girls back home. That way you have no issues.

Day 4 & 5 I had a repeat with Paola who is an older attractive Brazilian woman that really knows how to treat a man. She has a big heart and speaks very good English.

01-18-20, 01:40
At Ricerocket99: I have no comments on the services; as always there may legitimate uses in trusted context for anyone who needs them. If you speak passable Spanish at basic level you generally don't need a guide unless you want to step in deeper into barrios or countryside, or look for something very special. There are only few venues left, just show up and speak with the girls, they will procure everything you need. Cultural level in BA is much higher than in Colombia for many reasons. As always, mine is only an opinion.

01-18-20, 02:52
Thanks for your insight. I’m a guy that enjoys the hunt and journey of finding unjaded gems, and I speak Spanish as well. It was due to my short stay that I didn’t want to waste valuable time hunting and searching for my type and then end up frustrated with not finding anything. And after reading through this forum for the past few weeks, I noticed that the hey day of BA was long gone. It’s only a small shadow of its once great former self. But the rising USD to the peso caught my curiosity and I thought it would be worth the trip. Nevertheless, I’m not a person that gripes. I’m a more optimistic and positive thinking person. Once I hit the ground, I’ll enjoy being in a city filled with great architecture, amazing food, and beautiful women.

TJ sounds and seems like a great guy through our whatsapp communication, but I expected more for the $100 fee. Maybe he’ll deliver in the end. He did apologize a few times for his late responses (I don’t expect immediate replies, but within 2 days sounds fair to me).

At Ricerocket99: I have no comments on the services; as always there may legitimate uses in trusted context for anyone who needs them. If you speak passable Spanish at basic level you generally don't need a guide unless you want to step in deeper into barrios or countryside, or look for something very special. There are only few venues left, just show up and speak with the girls, they will procure everything you need. Cultural level in BA is much higher than in Colombia for many reasons. As always, mine is only an opinion.

01-18-20, 20:40
Economic situation negatively effects the pocket books of the locals, and as many venues were closed, the scene changed, however it's still a great place, life goes on. Sundays are weak, but everything else is going on. You can also browse through couple of local fora in Spanish and get a lot of insight. In fact short trips are still OK, as long as very long trips. BA is not good for trips of medium lengths for lazy non Spanish speakers, because the club scene is limited, however if you talk to girls, visit street scene, apartments etc, and develop social contacts, you will have much more than can handle. So, lazy hobbyist who is BA for a month and thinks it's like Pattaya will be disappointed.

01-22-20, 00:07
Economic situation negatively effects the pocket books of the locals, and as many venues were closed, the scene changed, however it's still a great place, life goes on. Sundays are weak, but everything else is going on. You can also browse through couple of local fora in Spanish and get a lot of insight. In fact short trips are still OK, as long as very long trips. BA is not good for trips of medium lengths for lazy non Spanish speakers, because the club scene is limited, however if you talk to girls, visit street scene, apartments etc, and develop social contacts, you will have much more than can handle. So, lazy hobbyist who is BA for a month and thinks it's like Pattaya will be disappointed.Unless They are GUIDED by the LIGHT ! Or Tejano Libre !

It's what I do !


El Perro
03-12-20, 14:35
There is a new boliche with chicas. Avenue Pueyrredon 2476. In a space previously named Dorian Teatro Bar. I don't know the name of this new place. It is being run by the ubiquitous Monica and her husband. This is near the end of Pueyrredon just about across the street from the Hard Rock building.

03-12-20, 16:17
Here is a old photo of the place.

What is the new name?

There is a new boliche with chicas. Avenue Pueyrredon 2476. In a space previously named Dorian Teatro Bar. I don't know the name of this new place. It is being run by the ubiquitous Monica and her husband. This is near the end of Pueyrredon just about across the street from the Hard Rock building.

03-14-20, 22:21
There is a new boliche with chicas. Avenue Pueyrredon 2476. In a space previously named Dorian Teatro Bar. I don't know the name of this new place. It is being run by the ubiquitous Monica and her husband. This is near the end of Pueyrredon just about across the street from the Hard Rock building.Maybe this is not the best of times to open a chica bar. Hope it will stay open until things clear up.

01-31-22, 16:20
Want to book a trip to Buenos Aires next month , can somebody tell what is open and how are things covid related ??????

Thank you.

02-01-22, 16:50
Anyone have any recent update? I'm heading to Buenos Aires this month. . Is it still hopping there? How about Clubs ?

09-22-22, 20:33
Heading to BA for the first time in two weeks. Last time was in 2019.

It seems many bars are closed.

Are there any recommendations of bars? I used to go to Dlirios.

09-22-22, 20:45
Hello, last time I was in BA was 2019 and heading back in 2 weeks.

Any new or old places to visit?

It seems many closed during the pandemic.

Any recommendation are appreciated.

09-26-22, 11:26
Hello Tejano Libre.

I'll be in Argentina next November (San Juan, Mendoza and CABA), and I need your services...

Can you help me?

Unless They are GUIDED by the LIGHT ! Or Tejano Libre !

It's what I do !


10-10-22, 23:02
Anyone have any recent update? I'm heading to Buenos Aires this month. . Is it still hopping there? How about Clubs ?Any new clubs? I am in BA but things have changed a bit since my last time here.

01-18-23, 17:26
Not many posts on these forums which is depressing. I still remember the days of BA's with Black's, Madaho's, Jackson's "Mansion" and all the other clubs. What fond memories. I know the WhatsApp escort scene is alive and well but are ANY clubs open at all these days? Part of the experience for me is just hanging out at the Clubs and picking up the girls in person.

01-20-23, 01:22
Not many posts on these forums which is depressing. I still remember the days of BA's with Black's, Madaho's, Jackson's "Mansion" and all the other clubs. What fond memories. I know the WhatsApp escort scene is alive and well but are ANY clubs open at all these days? Part of the experience for me is just hanging out at the Clubs and picking up the girls in person.Cocodrilo and D'lirio are open. Also a new place where New Port was located seems to host chicas. See my reports a couple of months ago. That's all I'm aware of regarding chicas bars. Very little indeed. Doesn't look like the old glorious days will ever be back.

02-26-24, 21:35
Some memories:

03-24-24, 14:33
Fun days in Buenos Aires.

03-24-24, 18:14
This re places Newport.

Cocodrilo and D'lirio are open. Also a new place where New Port was located seems to host chicas. See my reports a couple of months ago. That's all I'm aware of regarding chicas bars. Very little indeed. Doesn't look like the old glorious days will ever be back.