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05-02-06, 22:26
Just remember whose Mexicana she was first. But I'm a sharing, caring kinda guy. She may not have been a virgin when I met her.

El Perro
05-02-06, 22:42
Just remember whose Mexicana she was first. But I'm a sharing, caring kinda guy. She may not have been a virgin when I met her.Hmmmmmmmmm (Homer voice) virgin mexicana, Hmmmmmmmmmm.

05-02-06, 23:01
Definition of a Mexican virgin: A girl who can run faster than all her cousins.

El Perro
05-02-06, 23:05
Definition of a Mexican virgin: A girl who can run faster than all her cousins.I would have settled for being "Tio Perro";)

Daddy Rulz
05-03-06, 00:24
300 pesos is a weeks wages. IMHO 300 pesos for 4 hours with a chicka in their minds still means running up the price for a quicky. Chicka logic, no getting around it and not to be confused with actual logic. 300 pesos is a lot to give a cafe girl. Just my opionion though.

Hi Daddy Rulz,

Not that I want to be the champion of higher chica prices, but if you're willing to pay a chica $100 ars for one hour, why wouldn't you be willing to pay her $300 ars for 4 hours?


JacksonNo Jax I'm not faulting your logic. Its just that logic doesn't apply to chicas. I didn't earn this guys money so do not feel it's my place to tell him how to spend it. I'm just afraid of chicas at Excedra getting 300 pesos for anything. They will tell their friends and omit the 4 hour part and then you know what happens next. Chica logic being "If that fat pig got 300 pesos I'm not taking less".

I admit there is gray area here but he could have gotten by with 150. No local would have given what He did. Again I'm not passing judgement just saying that the same could have been had for less. I fucked up giving Romina 200 pesos for 2 hours and now will always have to pay that. Same thing.

05-03-06, 02:28
Two observations - first, I think 300p for four hours is just fine. Same with 100, 200, whatever you want to bargain for as long as you think you got a good deal for your time and experience. Generally, I don't think I ever remember someone posting to another poster they paid a girl too little, so I think the same courtesty should go the other way.

My only measuring stick to agree or disagree whether someone's experience vs. Price was worth it or not is the all important was the chica willing and able during the time she was with you. Whether it's only having sex once or going at it non-stop for four hours, as long as the chica is willing to really be there during the negotiated time I'm not going to ding her less cash just because I'm not as active on any particular session.

Second observation - if paying a chica 300p or more at Exedra for longer term sessions will cause general rates to go up for short term sessions, the damage, if any, is already done I'd say. So the question is - for those that have been in town the last four months - has short term rates gone up? (and yes, I follow the logic of the general chica population illogical mode of thinking. I'm not disputing that might happen - although I'm not so clear that any effect has)

I've been in BA since last December and while I don't dedicate my time at Exedra (or places like it such as Newports) exclusively or even as the majority, I have and do stop by there a decent number of times as a change of pace from other sources. I've never taken a chica out of there for less than three hours, and most the time its a TLN for 6+ hours, but I've also never paid less than 300p and can sometimes hit up to 500p.

Are there short timers there now asking for 300-500p per hour because for the last four months that's what I've been paying for my long-term sessions?

05-03-06, 09:24
Maybe I paid too much, I am willing to agree. A couple questions / comments though.

#1. In defense of my manhood, we did bang for 4 hours not a second less. I have a short reload time and If I have a naked chica rubbing up and down on me in bed it doesn't take me long to get back to business. She subsequently sent me an email the next day telling me it was the best boning of her life. I would have to admit I was in rare form that night and will probably NEVER live up that level of perfomance ever again.

#2. Afterward (5am) we went and got a little food. Unsolicitedly, she told me that she almost always gets 200 pesos for an hour. I understand this info must be taken with a grain of salt, but she really had no advantage / motive in telling me that. So then that begs the question, are people closetedly paying more and not admiting it in the interest of sounding macho or is the going rate higher than discussed in this forum.

#3. I didn't say the food was great, I said it was good. For some context, I think Mc Donalds is good.

Sorry if I caused any waves, I will shoot for the 100 peso price in the future if I am only going for an hour session. By the way, I think this is the greatest website ever.

Hi Kdog923,

You don't need to apologize for anything. I personally think you got your money's worth.



El Perro
05-03-06, 09:45
Maybe I paid too much, I am willing to agree. A couple questions / comments though.

#1. In defense of my manhood, we did bang for 4 hours not a second less. I have a short reload time and If I have a naked chica rubbing up and down on me in bed it doesn't take me long to get back to business. She subsequently sent me an email the next day telling me it was the best boning of her life. I would have to admit I was in rare form that night and will probably NEVER live up that level of perfomance ever again.

#2. Afterward (5am) we went and got a little food. Unsolicitedly, she told me that she almost always gets 200 pesos for an hour. I understand this info must be taken with a grain of salt, but she really had no advantage / motive in telling me that. So then that begs the question, are people closetedly paying more and not admiting it in the interest of sounding macho or is the going rate higher than discussed in this forum.

#3. I didn't say the food was great, I said it was good. For some context, I think Mc Donalds is good.

Sorry if I caused any waves, I will shoot for the 100 peso price in the future if I am only going for an hour session. By the way, I think this is the greatest website ever.Kdog923,

Hey, don't feel like you let anybody down re: the price for pay. Daddy Rulz and I are just trying to monitor the goings on at a valuable "watering hole", and would like to make sure things don't get out of hand there. That said, I believe you and Mpexy could pull chicas out of there for less than what you are currently paying, though there may be a few who aren't going to do an all nighter for the 150p I drop there. But I bet 200p-250p would do it. Mpexy, did I hear you right? You have never paid LESS than $300p at Exedra! Man, we are gonna have to quarantine your ass! If the local chicas put out their own magazine, your face would be on the cover every month!

05-03-06, 10:21

Man if you can Fuck for four hours straight quite possibly you cheated the girl. But You must understand that most of us just can't do that.

Moving right along.

As a general rule though, 150 peso's is the proper amount for say an hour an a half and 300 of all night with Excedra Chica's.

Course we've all made execptions.


05-03-06, 12:08
OK Mpexy I will post about two times when I paid a gal too little. The first time was when one of my regulars called me up early in the day and asked if she could come over and I said I was short on cash. She said she had to pay the rent on her hotel room and I could just give her whatever I felt like. I fucked her twice and gave her 60 pesos and she was there for around two hours. Later I felt like I should have just said no, or given her what I normally give her which is 110.

The second time was a TLN with Rosie. I walked her to the train knowing I only had 100 p in my pocket so we went to the ATM but it was out of cash. The nearest other ATM is seven blocks away. I offered to go over there but she didn't want to wait that long so she took the 100, no problema. I usually give her 130 and I probably should have made up the difference the next time but the fact is, I didn't.

I like to keep my regulars just a bit off balance by giving them say 120 one time and 140 another time. That way there is not a hard and fast, etched in stone rate that they can point to at any given time. I think you pay too much in general everywhere but I guess you are rich and don't give a fuck. It isn't easy making a living down here so I can't be like that.

Last week I fucked a gal I used to fuck a lot but hadn't in six months or so. She kept going on and on about some rich German guy who was sending her money. Finally I gave her 100 pesos and she said "But you usually give me more than this," and I told her to get it from the German guy. I had already decided I probably wasn't going to see her again anyway.

Punter 127
05-03-06, 14:02
OK, so Mpexy overpays and Dickhead is cheap (which some chicas have told me) and I fall someplace in the middle. I know all three of us have been with some of the same chicas, so overpaying does not always drive up prices. If I had Mpexy's money I would probably pay whatever I wanted and laugh at the price police, but then again you know what they say about a fool and his money.

Punter 127

BTW: I think there is much more overpaying by guys that don't read the forum, than by guys that do.

05-03-06, 14:04
But those chicas who say I'm cheap still keep fucking me, don't they? What does that tell you?

05-03-06, 14:09
Who's doing the fucking, you or some guy on the internet?

Just enjoy yourself and screw what other people think about the price you paid, how good the performance is, where you found her, how good looking she is, and everything else.

"The dick you please must be your own."

05-03-06, 14:21

Mpexy, did I hear you right? You have never paid LESS than $300p at Exedra!Correct. Unless you count the few times I had a pull go bad and I either let the chica immediately go or paid what I felt was fair for the session up to the point it went south.

However, other than those few occasions, yes - I've never paid less than 300p. But I also mentioned that those sessions were at minimum 3 hours, and almost always more in the TLN 6+ hour range, with the usual being 8-12 hours.

Other than for specifics on letting the chica know I am not into short time sessions, a bit more than half the time I don't even talk price as the chica doesn't bring it up either. So I just pay them afterwards what I feel is fair, which is 300p for anything that is a 3hour or more session. How long the chica wants to stay after the 3hours is completely up to her, and of course as usual the more times I go with them the sessions usually evolve into longer and longer stays. On certain occasions I've gone above 300p to 400 or 500 - but those would be more the exception, I basically have standardized on 300p for whatever counts as a 'long-term' session.

Punter 127
05-03-06, 14:36
But those chicas who say I'm cheap still keep fucking me, don't they? What does that tell you?Whoa Big Boy, don't get your Irish up. It tells me not being able to speak Spanish is costing me about 30ar a session. You know I would go cheaper if I could.

05-05-06, 14:16
Finally I gave up! I did Erika, the Mexicana. She didn't just let me go. In a way, she is very dangerous. She told me about this forum, told me who showed it to her first, knows everybody's handle and talks about everybody. And she lies with a straight face. Not really my cup of tea! To her credit, she does give a very good massage. At this tender age, she has a overused body and I don't think she will last very long. The best thing going for her is her bubbly personality.

During our act, she received many telephone calls. Everybody is in love with her! I was just enjoying the show.

My only regret, that I took her around 11 PM which essentially messed up my night at Black later on.


El Aleman
05-14-06, 04:40
After the short encounter in Jaz Pub, I planned to have a coffe in Exedra, check the inventory and then head on to the triangle. The café was quite full, I only got a not so good (means: bad view) table, but nearly immediately spotted a beauty.

Natalia, 23, looks 8.5, from Paraguay. We talked a bit, and rather quickly were in a taxi to my apartment.

Well, what shall I say. I think Natalia is in the wrong job. She certainly is one of the most beautiful girls I ever met, but in some way not at ease with what she does. And this uneasiness is present during the whole session. It is neither the puta who knows exactly what to do with a man, nor the "girlfriend" who enchants with her tenderness. It might get better when knowing each other better, but, well,

L got the number and might give her another try, but for now: looks 8.5, skills 5, gfe 4. Repeat factor 70% , due to looks. Wanted A$are 300, countered with 200. She probably usually gets what she wants.

She left half an hour ago, and I will now call it a night.

El Alemán

p.s. general remark about Exedra, Sat night, ca. 12:30: about 20 chicas, range 5 to 8. certainly several doable.

06-04-06, 14:32
We stopped by here around 1:00 on Saturday night. Confronted with a definite dearth of doable chicas, I had a coffee and headed out. There were maybe 2 girls there that were passable. So my first impression of Exedra could have been better.

Billy 32
06-04-06, 20:21
Last night was a bad night, I don't think I have ever seen it that slow on a Saturday.

06-11-06, 04:29
Following dinner with Jackson, We decided to checkout Excedra. Jackson makes a great point. If your going to have coffee, why not do so in the company of available chicas. Since I don't drink coffee, this is probably why I never go to Excedra. I might start after seeing several doables at the place. I was impressed with the amount of decent wool. Including a couple of hot dark haired Peruvian looking chicas. BTW, it was a Thursday night around 11:30pm. We sit down and I immediately noticed a chica I used to see advertising thru Gemidos. Com. There's no mistaking this chica cuz she's covered with tattoo's. Her hair is braided blonde and even her eye lids are tattooed. I talked with Jackson and another dude who said she used to work at Madahos. I've always had a thing for this chica because I remember she had a huge round ass. Face marginal, ass good, me want. I pretty much knew I was going to take this chica out of the place before I ordered my café ole fucking expresso.

We sit at the table next to her where she's sitting with two of her girlfriends, a chubby brunette, and another very cute blonde. The chubby brunette is sitting closest to me so I start to rapping with her. Out of nowhere, Lowlight comes over, sits next to me, and the chica all in a sweat. "Hey Judd, I was going to make a play on this one do you mind?" "She's all yours Luke, may the force be with you. I want her friend over there Chewbaca."

I finally start talking to this chica and can tell she's not the sharpest tool in the shed. I don't give a shit cuz neither am I. It's worth mentioning because it's pertinent when I talk about the session. I ask her how much for the hour and she says 100us. I give her my patent response. "What country are we in?" "Argentina." "Then why are you quoting me in dollars instead of Pesos?" This question is always followed with the chica responding, "I mean 300 pesos." "Okay then. That's much better. Pues vamos!" Just kidding. I tell her 300p is too much. I really want to bang this chica just to break the cherry I've wacked off too on numerous occasions for the past several years. So I countered saying the most I'm going to pay you is 150p. How bout we screw for ½ hour? She agreed to this so we we're off to my place. I figured I could stretch the time to 40 or 50 minutes if necessary.

I forgot to mention this chica considers herself a dancer. She told me she goes around to clubs and strips. Whatever. I was barely paying attention to what this chica was saying. The only thing on my mind was visualizing her ass bouncing on my cock. At the apartment, she does her little strip show. Man, what an incredible fucking body. Nice big fakies yet still soft, trim little waist, and easily the best ass I've encountered this trip. The best way to describe her ass was scrumptious. It was just the way I like them. Incredibly round to the point it doesn't look natural on her body, and semi-firm.

She starts to suck my cock which was CBJ. Pretty good technique but not jaw dropping. She smacks it a couple of times against her mouth so that was a bonus. The session starts to go south even before penetration begins as she complains her tits are sore when I go in for a little lick. Our first position is with her on top. She mounts me like I'm fucking 14" inch Ramon from Bang Bros all slow and careful. I let her get all comfortable and guide my "massive" member inside her puss. She's working it in, and she was a little tight. After a few minutes of her taking essentially about two inches of my dick, I had enough of this and go for some hard bang. You know, generate a little friction. Again, she acts like I'm fucking her with Lexington Steele's cock. I realize she's not into the hard band so I pull back and fuck just hard enough so I can get that ass to jiggle.

We switch to doggie. Again, I let her put it in, and control the situation. At this point, I've got to go deep, and get my 150p worth of bang out of this chica. I pick up the pace a little and she seems okay with it. Finally, I'm hitting it semi-hard. Her ass is jiggling away reminiscent of my little X German girlfriend back when I could pick up puss in the states. I'm thinking I finally got this chica worked up as she's seems to be enjoying herself. I was wrong. She starts to complain so I stop and ask, "What's the problem?" She says, "your dick is too big for me." I'm like, "Are you nuts? Are we talking about the same cock?" This was very flattering, but the use of the adjective big in relation to my cock is an oxymoron.

After she tells me this, I honor her request and take it easy for the remainder of the session. I fuck her passionless in a few more positions until I know I have some good jerk material for the states. Afterwards, she tells she's just a dancer and doesn't fuck that often. C'Mon, don't feed me that crap. "There's no dude whose going to pay you 300p per hour and not want to fuck the shit out of you." She just stares back at me aimlessly. That look reminded me when Brittany Spears said "It is what it is" with regards to her driving the car with her baby sitting unbuckled in her lap. It's amazing the shit these chicas makeup. This chica was lame, and should be avoided. Try her blonde friend, she seemed fairly personable. It's too bad cuz she had the goods.



06-11-06, 06:09
Anyway I am reluntant to mention her name or display her photo because she is well aware of this site and alot of members. I think she may even have seen parts of the site. By the way she is bilangual and I believe she even reads in English. She had asked if I was going to post her photos in Argentina Private.Man, I wish those mongers telling these chicas about our little men's club would stop doing so. Knowledge is power and we need to have our own network since they inherently have their own.

Sorry to poop on the thread, but it just irks me whenever I hear that.

So, to get back on topic, does anyone know who Kdog's "Paraguayan Doll" might be (name, age, features, etc) She sounds like a real trooper. Those are the kind that keep my dick as hard as nails. If I sense any kind of attitude from a chica, Mr. Limp Dick rears his ugly "head".

Cafe Exedra and Orleans are on my "to-do" list.

Portate mal chicos,


06-29-06, 20:28
Was in Excedra and saw a few really good ladies (polite) In the process of deciding I saw choice numer 1 snatched up. Went to number 2 and gone. Same with choice 3 and 4. Then ran out of options. At about 1:00pm on busy nights the doors swing open and guys start pouring in. Some just go to the first available. Interesting matches to say the least.

Lesson: He who hesitates has 2 choice. Start over again somewhere else. Take Mr. Happy into dreamland alone.

06-30-06, 22:14

I got a little confused reading your report, but if you ended up with the blonde, braided, tattooed chica who used to advertise on Gemidos she was reluctant because she is all lesbian. I know lots of the girls are but alter their performance for the money. Once alone she has a history of turning cold and mechanical. Put her with a friend and she will pay no attention to the guy.

07-27-06, 03:10
Despite the contrary opinions on This coffee shop, this place rocks! In two days I have been there twice. First, on Tuesday about 7pm, I met a 30ish blonde MILF who called herself Patricia. Beautiful blue sweater (it is winter, afterall) covering some above average size -- naturals! For 200p, we ended up at a transitorio about 2 blocks away (42p) All in all, great GFE! In fact, almost too much as she came on strong afterward w / the giving of personal info and numbers, etc. A bit scary how she turned into a Michael Douglas movie!

Tonight was even better. Kind of warm and humid, so I sat outside. Must have been 20+ prey inside along w / similar amounts of hunters! Very odd pairing going on-- but, that's another story. I eyed a hottie (called herself Cristina) and she finally came outside to talk. She came in w / her cousin and another Paraguacha called Natalia. All three were very doable, and I offered 400p for the set. They were a taken aback (guess this isn't Thailand afterall)and I ended up w / Cristina only. Dark hair, light eyes, a body to die for! We took a cab to a transitorio behind Orleans cafe --- cost about 45p. Spent 2 hours and paid 200 for the deal. She seemed happy and gave me her number --- saying that she wanted to show me around BA the following night. Yeah, sure. I may hit it again, as she was super sweet, tasted very clean and gave a 9+ performance, including the best BBBJ ever -- and wer'e talking from Azerbaijan to Zimbabwe! I'll go again to Exedra again for sure this week.

Capt Dave
07-27-06, 10:46
I wish you guys would STOP overpaying these girls!

200 pesos is WAY too much for a "quicky", and it really does fuck up the market for everybody!

100/120 is what it's worth - PLEASE don't pay more!


El Perro
07-27-06, 11:20
I wish you guys would STOP overpaying these girls!

200 pesos is WAY too much for a "quicky", and it really does fuck up the market for everybody!

100/120 is what it's worth - PLEASE don't pay more!

DavidDitto, and not to belittle Nutnsuch, but the premium he is paying might account for the eager offering of phone numbers and personal information. That said, I do think there are a few girls at Exedra that are tough to budge off 200p. But failing to bargain doesn't help matters any.

This topic reminds me of similar issues in long term rentals here. As I am presently looking for new digs, and have been told by many in the business, that the influx of turistas is driving up rents AND making housing increasingly expensive for the already beleagured BA middle class.

I think we are fighting a losing battle.

Punter 127
07-27-06, 12:19
I agree with Capt Dave, the very very top price for an Exedra chica should be 150ar. And for that price you should get extras, such as 1&1/2 to 2 hours, MSOG, BBBJ, photos, and all ports of entry, it's all negotiable. A lot of new guys make this mistake because it seems so cheap, but this is not the USA it's BsAs, you could get TLN from many Exedra chicas for 200ar.

Nutnsuch, we are not knocking you, we are only pointing out that you paid too much, and asking you not to piss in the pond for the rest of us. All you have to do is stand your ground, let the chicas see you blow off a few other chicas, and they will figure out that you know how the game is played.

07-27-06, 12:39
Capt Dave you are right on the mark! (Nutnsuch this is not directed at your post, but it has generated a larger need for debate - which some will point out belongs in a different thread)

For those of us who are trying to make a long term future here in BA, the use of "hometown referenced" pricing is killing this whole thing. Forget about what you pay in the USA, Europe, Asia, etc. The local market forces are what counts - and a few 100% premiums being paid doesn't help the situation. It would be great if the "newbies" and some of the oldies would try the lower end of the price spectrum (fully understanding that taking them to your place, and out of their shit-whole apartments makes a huge difference) The point is this: the relationship between quality and price is not linear.

Come on guys, you like to get the best price on your automobile, digital camera, or steak dinner - why do we tend to like to overpay? These girls have to understand it is not gold-plated, nor are they the only one who has one. This is a service industry - no formal education required.

I fully realize that when you are here for a short time - twice a day is a requirement. But imagine the effect if we all took a couple of days off - these girls (who are typically bad money managers) would quickly get the message. I understand this is not going to happen - so let's all do something smart. When you are negotiating / being overcharged; say hell no, walk away, and fully understand that you control the "demand" and nature has given us an abundant "supply".

This is not New York, Boston, Los Angeles, Zurich, Paris, or Tokyo. We pay in Pesos here - please think in Pesos (not Dollar or Euro conversions)

Enjoy Guys, this is as close to the Garden of Eden as it get - let's keep it that way!


07-27-06, 13:15
Wow! Tough room!

I'll be back tonight w / some better negotiating skills for sure. Maybe I'll hit that trifecta!

07-27-06, 20:38
Likewise would like to see this discussed, in an honest discussion that bears on reality and not wished for 100/120 pricing. Personally I'm finding it harder to maintain the 150 p mark with chicas of my choosing. 200 p seems more the norm since the end of summer and the asking often starts at 300. And I'm living here and now fluent in spanish. I attribute the rise to the general recent rise in wages, inflation and more tourism which brings guys willing to pay the asking and not knowing or willing to haggle. If you respond please don't tether your frame of reference to Exedra or the orillas of Vicente Lopez.

07-27-06, 23:38
I'm sorry; I don't understand. This thread is on Exedra but I am not supposed to tether my frame of reference to Exedra?

My last "first time" experience in Exedra was on Christmas Eve Day and it was deader than a door nail. I suggested 100 and it was accepted without negotiation.

Looking at other recent "first time experiences": I called a gal who used to work at Güemes 3221, who didn't know me from a plate of piss except for having seen me there and never sessioning with me. She agreed to come to the mansion. We had sex. Price was never discussed. I figured, the rate at that privado is 120 so that is what I will give her, since she will get to keep all of it. She stuck the money in her purse without looking at it, and has been back since, and got the same amount of money, and would love to come back. Note that this price is inclusive of transportation (public) although I did pay her 50 centavo return train fare.

The other recent first time experience was a gal who came over under pretenses of a general day-time get together, and I gave her 100 pesos and she looked at the 100 peso note like she had never seen one before. Both these gals are younger by far than the average at Exedra (26 and 24) and would rate 6-7 on the 1-10 scale.

I've only ever taken three gals from Exedra, who I originally met at Exedra, and the prices were (in chronological order) 100, 130, and 100. I do agree 100 might be hard to get any more, from a decent looking chica. But, there is inflation and there is supply and demand. I have never seen supply exceed demand like it has in recent months. Many of the chicas in the Triangle are desperate. I got a "face saving" offer in Catto's recently: "I won't go with you for 125 but I will go for 150 and we can split the hotel." Translation? Like 128 or something.

Within the last week I had a former 150 pesos club chica and a former 120 pesos apartment chica offer to do TLN for 100 pesos. Granted these are not first time situations. I'm also seeing a "trickle down effect" in that the gals in the 60-80 peso privados are better looking, on average, than in previous years. Several have told me that they gave up on the clubs because there just wasn't enough business.

I don't think "what the asking starts at" is really relevant, quite frankly. PS on the subject of inflation, "just say no" to Horizonte.

Rock Harders
07-28-06, 00:25

I agree with "DickHead" when it comes to just refusing to pay ridiculous prices for services. I live and work here full time and I can tell you that a typical "good" wage for here is $50 AR daily for an 8 hour shift. The prostitutes obviously know this and they are well aware that they are ripping you off when they try to pull $200 AR or more out of you for a session. I have never even been to Excedra, but on one occaison I slayed a girl out of Cocodrilo named Carla (not recommended particularly, I was stewed at the time) who informed me that she works in Excedra during the day sometimes. I payed her $120 AR after several hours of service and she happened to mentioned that she usually tries to get $100 USD out of the johns at Excedra. More on price perspective, I have only one time paid as much as $200 AR for a girl (at Madahos) and usually on the rare occaison that I monger anymore I pay $120-30. Looking at it from the non-resident side, if your castellano is shit you probably will have a harder time bargaining.


Dirk Diggler

Punter 127
07-28-06, 00:36
I was in BsAs in May / June, and didn't have any trouble getting chicas from Exedra for 125ar to 150ar with extras, and I don't speak Spanish. Most of the chicas in Exedra know me, (or know about me) and they know I wouldn't even talk to them if they ask for 300ar.:rolleyes:

You know what they say, a fool and his money are soon parted.

Come on guys grow some balls, learn to say NO and walk away, the chicas will come around.

07-28-06, 00:43
Punter is exceptionally suave and handsome, and exudes charm. While we cannot all be Punter, we can all:

1) Be unfailingly polite and gentlemanly;

2) Shit, shower, and shave before going out to monger (do not reverse the order of the first two as that leads to suboptimal results);

3) Use toothpaste and deodorant; and.

4) Not act like we are innately superior to the prostitutes we seek to fuck.

I routinely see mongers, particularly Americans and much less so Europeans, ignoring these fairly elementary rules. You don't have to wear a suit and tie (thank god) but if you wear the same shirt two days in a row the Latin Chica Network (LCN) will be on this like white on rice.

Punter 127
07-28-06, 01:15
You are exactly right, especially about me.:rolleyes: LOL The truth is I'm living proof that a fat old man can pull chicas for a reasonable price, hell even Exon pulls chicas from Exedra for 150 or less, when he's not getting hand jobs. (is that a manicure?)

I would add one more point.

5. Don't be a chump, follow rules 1& 4, but be willing to walk, if the chicas think you are desperate they will play it for all it's worth.

07-28-06, 01:19
Almost all of us have been so horny that we have negotiated with the wrong head. I have on 2 occasions. Having said that, in every other instance I have never paid more than 150P and with that I get at least 90 minutes.

The two chicas I got from Exedra agreed to 150P and 130P respectively. I rarely go lower than 150P. Usually, I ask for 2 or 3 hours.

I was there in March and these were the prices I paid. In fact, I haven't increased my prices in over 2 years, I just try to be more patient and hold out.

As long as the supply exceeds demands, I don't think we will have many pricing issues. Especially, if all of us guys actually walk away once in a while from a chica overpricing herself-myself included.



07-28-06, 01:56
I suppose it is worth adding, in light of subsequent posts, that these "first time" prices I posted were not for quickies but for 1.5-2 hour sessions with multiple (okay, two, but multiple sounds better) pops. Time was never discussed. Exception might be the Xmas Eve thing when I had no apartment to go to, but she would have stayed longer for no more money if I'd paid for more time in the telo. Faithful readers know that I am an advocate of not negotiating time, but I can also see the danger in not doing so.

To review: If you get along well ("buena onda") she will stay longer. If you don't get along well, why the hell would you want her to stay? Some guys are like, well the whole thing sucked and then she wanted to leave but I negotiated two hours so I wanted her to stay. WTF? You wanted her to stay so you could have more shitty sex? Or so she could have more time to case your place for a future theft? Not too sure about this whole thing.

07-28-06, 02:01
I think I saw the same Christina earlier this month at Exedra whom Nutnsuch had mentioned. Fits the same general description: Paraguayan, mid 20's, black hair, and cute as a button. I invited her to my table after exchanging some smiles and winks across the room. El Grandote was helping me to translate and to get a feel for her price. He negotiated a deal for himself for the following day to his apartment (since he couldn't pull any chica out of Exedra that night due to other dramas he got going on there) His deal was 200 P to include all the perverted requirements that he must have.;) BBBJ, cola, photo, and God knows what else. He told me his deal and then left for the triangle. Now it was time for my negotiation, she asked for 150 P for 1 to 1 ½ hour. But I asked her how about TLN for that price. She said she couldn't do it. Then I up the offer to 200 P. She hesitated but said she could only stay for about 2 ½ hours. I told her that wasn't good enough. She sat with me for a little while and then said sorry, may I go now? I told her I'm sorry too and may be some other time. She gave me a hug and a kiss and left my table. Right after she left I moved on to another chica sitting at the next table. We struck a deal for 100 P almost immediately.

Guys, I agree we must hold our grounds and be prepared to move on to the next chica. I know it's difficult to do all the times, especially when the little head takes over and doing the thinking instead. I admit on occasions I have overpaid when the chicas got me by the balls, literally.

07-28-06, 02:13
I know Sportsman to be a very savvy Master Monger. He has excellent taste in chicas. I base this largely upon the fact that we have fucked 12-15 of the same chicas. Thus, I ask him the following question:

Would the one you turned down for 150 have been 1.5 times better than the one you accepted for 100?

And, collaterally: How long did the 100 peso chica stay?

Capt Dave
07-28-06, 12:38
Try this.

Don't ask "how much" - tell her "I'll give you $xxx pesos" or perhaps (if you have "special requirements") "I'll give you "$xxx pesos" for "xxx time / location / service"

She can either say yes or no. If she tries to up the ante, politely stick to your guns and say "That is what I am willing to pay."

Be prepared to politely move on if she doesn't agree - there is a good chance she will come back later anyway, and you will score points for being firm.

Please remember that women in general, and Latin women in particular, like men who are firm. If she can push you around in the cafe, you will lose any ability to direct the flow of your meeting from then on!

To one chica who told me she wanted $200 pesos, the reply was "I'm sorry, but I can't pay you that because then I'd have to pay that to everyone!" which she understood to be true (and believe me, it is!)

Remember also that frequently chicas will give a high price to someone they don't particularly want to screw (this has been confirmed by several chicas on several occasiones.) If she doesn't want to screw you, my advice is don't "bargain", but move on. If she doesn't want to do it, your chances of having a good time are pretty slim.

Portaste bien!


07-28-06, 23:33
I showed up at Exedra last night for the first time and the inside was packed due to the cold weather outside. Personally the weather was beautiful and I would prefer to sit outside, but all the chicas and clientel were inside, so in I went.

This place is so obvously packed with working girls by the way each girl looks at the men who walk in, but a lot of the passers-by still are none the wiser and duck in for just a cafe.

I sat down and ordered a Cafe Americano (which is the larger portion, but still less coffee than I would drink in the states) and scanned the room for some quality goods.

I'm almost positive she has been mentioned before but I am too busy eating bifes de chorizo and cavorting around the city to RTFF, but Jessica, a petite (maybe 5'1" or so) 20 year old "blonde" porteña caught my eye and after a few glances / smiles, etc I whispered for her to "veni" (get your ass over here)

We spoke for a few and she asked what I thought of the chicas in the establishment and that they were all "working" girls. Yeah, no shit.

I asked her if she was working and she replied yes, so negotiations ensued.

She asked for $100USD and I said, "Es muy caro, amor." (that's too expensive)

She countered with $200AR pesos and I said how about $120AR. She didn't hesitate to say yes, which I now think maybe I sould have offered $100AR pesos first.

We left back to Jackson's apartment (upon entering she said "wow" in English, which was probably her only English) and there was LFK, BBBJ, mish, doggie, cowboy upstairs in the bedroom. She was accommodating to any position. I didn't ask about completo and I'm not sure about CIM, but I'm sure both could have been arranged.

A couple things to note is when we first got back to the apartment she asked (niceley) for the money up front and I informed her that I only pay afterward. She said this was fine, so I paid her upon leaving.

Also after the first pop, she put on her bra and went to the bathroom for a minute. When she came back I informed her that we still had 20 minutes left and she complied.

This girl is nice and takes direction really well, but she will (politely) try to get the money up front and end the session early.

She was also accomodating to pose for pictures and again took direction really well on each pose.

She specifically asked me if I was going to put these on the internet, so I will not post them out of respect unfortunately.

YMMV with this one, and she may try to pull some stuff but will quickly and politely get back on track if you remind her who is the boss.

Overall I would not repeat because of the few things mentioned above, but if any of you have a LOLA complex, try this petite little porteña.

07-29-06, 03:33
Got there about 1:00 am, place was so jammed I had to circulate a couple of times and stand around looking for a place to sit. This offered excellent opportunities to scope out everything that was on offer. I would say it is the end of the month, the rent is due Monday, PLEASE take me home right now situation. Managed to grab a chair next to the hottest chicas in the place. The hottest of the hotties spoke to me and I left in a very good mood, I will call her tomorrow (if Exon's favorita doesn't wear me out) and arrange a meeting out of prime time. When I said I was leaving she offerred to leave with me, how delightfully easy. I really like this girl, I hope it turns out fantastica.

07-29-06, 04:38
Well I did it again, said I never would, but I did it.

Fucked the "Drama Queen", Chica Seeker knows her & Jackson.

She's absolutely fucking crazy, "Loca" but one of the best fucks in Argentina if you can put up with her shit long enough. A real "Drama Queen" as "Seeker named her years ago.

I really don't like pulling her out of Excedra in front of all the other girls, its ruins my reputation with them. But I just couldn't resist, she's such a good fuck. I mean she's something to go home and "Jack Off" over, damn it, I'm trying to give it up but I just can't.

I gota get out of here and go back to Sex Prison, after todays "Hand Job" I got no business fucking psycho Chica's.


07-29-06, 12:27
I ask him the following question:

Would the one you turned down for 150 have been 1.5 times better than the one you accepted for 100?

And, collaterally: How long did the 100 peso chica stay?Well, unfortunately the back up chica turned out to be not so good. Mainly I think because she was drunk. We finished off a full bottle of wine together and I only had one glass since I normally don't drink at all. And she constantly worried about her amiga whom she went to Exedra with. Her amiga left with someone earlier and she couldn't get a hold of her on the cell. Plus she has her amiga's house key.

We chatted for a little while (she speaks some English) before headed back to my apartment. Then she stayed there for about an hour and a half.

07-29-06, 13:04
I have witnessed the Drama Queen's dramatic scenes unfolded on at least two occasions but they were not towards me since I have never sessioned with her. Earlier this month I was sitting outside Exedra with El Grandote and the Drama Queen. El Grandote was patching things up with her for a previous dramatic episode. On the way out with his catch of the day, Exon walked passed our table and noticed the Drama Queen. The hateful look on her face when she saw Exon could scare anyone straight. I won't repeat the comment she made but I'm sure Exon remember what that was. Then I got an earful about how much she hates him. I am amazed after that display she agreed to go with you again. I guess it was all about being dramatic and to save face. I have heard about her outstanding performance in the sack given her loca behavior. She is indeed an attractive woman with a big set of hooters that I like. I might be willing to take my chances with her on a future trip. My trips are always short in duration and hopefully would minimize any dramatic development.

El Grandote
07-29-06, 13:38
Here are my two cents about the drama queen. Yes she is a great fuck and will rock your world, but I would run away a soon as possible. Thanks to Exon I am no longer getting nasty text messages from her. BTW the onwer of Exedra has given her explicit instructions to stay the hell away from me. The next step is to file an order of restraint (like that would help) Anyway, if you must find out for yourself, do what Sportsman does (fuck and get the hell out of town) If you need to see for yourself what she looks like send me a PM and I will send you a photo.


El G

07-29-06, 13:50
Adding to Sportsmans comments,

I remmember the night he speaks of below. I was ushering out the door one of Hunt 99's friends, Michelle, an excellent Brazilan Fuck, and walked past their table. The "Drama Queen", sitting with Sportsman & El Grandote and shouted out "Fuck You" as Michelle and I walked passed to the cab stand.

The Drama Queen has some distorted idea that if You Fuck her once you can never Fuck another woman again, Ever. But of course she can Fuck anyone she choses.

Its for reason's like this I don't like to pull her, I get a bad reputation being seen with her with the other girls and the employee's at Excedra. It also real work to put up with her psycho brain damage bull shit. But once you get home and wade threw some more shit and get down to business, the Drama Queen can Fuck like theres no tomorrow. Truly world class.

She's like the Entergiser Bunny, she keep's going & going and going. Matter of fact I'm getting "wood" thinking about her while typing this.

So last night after we'd finished up I gave her my phone number stating I didn't want hers. I told her I'd really like to fuck her again, but she's such a loca psycho I'm not even going to try by calling her. "If you're interested in fucking me again, you call me"


07-29-06, 18:19
"I'm sorry; I don't understand. This thread is on Exedra but I am not supposed to tether my frame of reference" DH.

Yes, and thanks for broadening your frame of reference DH more or less as I wanted some honest response that wasn't tied to the unique, and for my part not particularly appealing, Exedra, or situations like the Paraguaya that turns up mostly on Sundays and fucks me and spends the night for 100p. I'm aware it's the Exedra thread but a better thread than chit-chat. I still maintain there's a drift up in asking and settling price, even Black was doable for 150 p if you worked at it a year and a half ago. And yes you can walk away, but not everybody shares the opinion that there's not much difference for the price.

The price based on motivation to fuck you is valid although given the slow times and chicas going for days or a week without a salida it's hard to figure 50 pesos would make the difference. I never negotiate time if I can help it except that it's over when we're done and never the details. Generally it's worked out well with some memorable exceptions.

07-30-06, 01:16
I personally have not seen any drift up in either asking or settling price, other than in Nuevo Estilo. In the triangle, at this point, supply so far exceeds demand that it is a buyer's market. In Orleans and Exedra, supply is so fucking disgusting that I couldn't care less. I mean disgusting. Jesus Fucking Christ. Fucking out right repulsive, 90% of those women in those two places. I can't take them seriously. Sickening. Butt ugly. Mutt ugly. Bad food, overpriced drinks, and shark-like overaged overweight overpriced overrated overused HAGS.

That's just my opinion, of course.

Andrea 64
07-30-06, 06:24
I just arrived in BA and I found quality absolutely lower than previous year.

And I'm talking about Madaho and simililar. I check outside Exedra at midnight and I didn't even try to get in.

What had happened? It's winter time?

El Perro
07-30-06, 13:45
I made my first visit to Exedra last night in maybe two months. Very slim pickings, and I was there in the company of mongers from about 10:30 to after 1. The number of chicas picked up slightly around midnight. Overall quality pretty poor. Of course, it was the coldest night of the year, AND a Saturday.

DH-did Erica get booted from Exedra otra vez? She had been "reinstated" after her fisticuffs event. I have been out of the loop.

07-30-06, 15:29
Erika got in another fight, this time in women's bathroom, and is permanently 86ed, or so she told me.

El Perro
07-30-06, 15:36
Erika got in another fight, this time in women's bathroom, and is permanently 86ed, or so she told me.Well that's a shame. I bought her first story dealing with the coked up biatch, but two strikes makes one think that the Princess Erica has an "anger management" problem. Thanks for the update.

07-30-06, 18:26
I made my first visit to Exedra last night in maybe two months. Very slim pickings, and I was there in the company of mongers from about 10:30 to after 1. The number of chicas picked up slightly around midnight. Overall quality pretty poor. Yes,

In general terms.

But you were giving your back to the blonde of the big boobs and the curled hair, I had precissely in front of me.

07-30-06, 20:00
Erika got in another fight, this time in women's bathroom, and is permanently 86ed, or so she told me.A bunch of us ran into Erika last night while eating dinner at El Establo. She looked great and was down to her fighting weight in the company of an Argentine Monger.


07-30-06, 22:40
I wish you guys would STOP overpaying these girls!

200 pesos is WAY too much for a "quicky", and it really does fuck up the market for everybody!

100/120 is what it's worth - PLEASE don't pay more!I'm with you, homeboy. All the way.

Although I have been remiss in posting my stuff, when I was there in early July I visited Exedra three times. The first two times I just happened to be in the neighborhood and wanted to check it out. I had insufficient funds, not to mention no condoms, etc. But I was pleasantly surprised by the number of chicas and the overall atmosphere, and resolved to take someone out of there at least once before heading back to the States.

So I went back a third time loaded for bear: money...condoms...lube...Vitamin V...

I watched patiently until I decided on this one MILF-looking chica. Late-30s...busty...black hair...European looking. Once my juices were freely flowing, we exchanged nods and smiles, and I went over to her table.

After some preliminary chit-chat, I asked how much, and she said $100 USD.

I asked her to repeat it to make sure I had heard her correctly, and sure as shit she was asking $100 USD.

I told her in so many words that, although I had been born at night, I had not been born last night. (Very politely and low key, of course.) And then I left.

I find it unseemly to bargain for pussy. Perhaps that's a residue of mongering in the States, and it may change over time. But at this point I refuse to do it. No matter how horny I am, I'll walk away before I let my little head make a fool of my big head.

But in general, I found the chica cafe scene to be very cool. My idea of monger heaven, actually. Go in...take a newspaper or book...read for a while...watch televison...have a beer...eat a meal...and when the mood strikes, get laid. And then go back for another beer. Could it be any better?


07-30-06, 23:09

Go in. Take a newspaper or book. Read for a while. Watch televison. Have a beer. Eat a meal. And when the mood strikes, get laid. And then go back for another beer. Could it be any better?

SLWell, it could be better if the beer were cheaper. 15 pesos for a quart of Heineken is a bit much. You can go to Café Iberia and look at old, ugly hookers just as well you can at Exedra and the drinks are a lot cheaper. Hey Exon you know that Beefeater's is only 8 pesos at Iberia?

Try Bar-Bar-O in the daytime. Beer is cheap there and there were a couple of hookers in there around 3-4 PM one day last week, and they looked pretty good. I think a quart of beer is 7 pesos there.

07-31-06, 06:49
Well, it could be better if the beer were cheaper. 15 pesos for a quart of Heineken is a bit much.You've got a point. But after paying 40 pesos for a beer at Black -- and having an absolutely shitty fucking time -- I thought the 10 pesos or whatever I paid at the cafe was dirt cheap.

Capt Dave
08-17-06, 17:21
This morning my Argentine "girlfriend" told me she saw on TV that 2 girls, both of whom worked at Exedra, were killed in the last few days. I'm not sure if it was the same incident or 2 seperate ones, but apparently a jealous boyfriend and drugs had something to do with at least one of the killings.

Anybody heard anything about this?


08-17-06, 19:33
Please Keep Us Posted Dave, Did You Get The Names Of The Girls.



I sincerely appreciate your reports, but...

Would you please STOP capitalizing the first letter of EVERY word in your reports!

It's difficult to read, it's time consuming to fix, and it takes you more work to write like that.

On behalf of myself and your fellow Forum Members: Thank You!


08-17-06, 21:49
I read the Clarin everyday and have not seen anything about this, plus I was out last night and didn't hear anything at any of the clubs - although I did not have a specific "have any girls been killed lately" conversation with chicas.

I may do so tonight.

08-22-06, 11:55
Hello group,

I'm heading back down in a month or so, and was curious if anyone knew if Patricia was still going to the cafe. She is a daytimer, black hair, small tight frame. Little on the older side, but a real sweet lady. Post or pm if you know.


08-22-06, 17:46
A friend told me that Paola a street walker working at Cordoba and San Martin.

Was died, I don't know the causes.

08-22-06, 18:18
Hello group,

I'm heading back down in a month or so, and was curious if anyone knew if Patricia was still going to the cafe. She is a daytimer, black hair, small tight frame. Little on the older side, but a real sweet lady. Post or pm if you know.

ThanksGot the phone number of a lady there a couple of days ago that sounds just like her. This one calls herself Julia but they use so many different names it could well be her. If you have her cell number pm me and I can compare to the one I was given. Phone numbers seem to change with these girls a lot less often than the names they use.

08-23-06, 12:13
Thanks for the help Santa. I try to make a point not to leave BA with any phone numbers, one less paper trail to worry about. Will be there in a few weeks, and will have a coffee there one afternoon and check out the place.

09-04-06, 14:06
Pretty quiet and cold on a Sunday yesterday. Wandered into Excedra late last night - maybe 0130 - to find an extremely poor selection available. Did run into a couple of AMA members, though, so sat down for beer and to swap some stories / lies / recommendations. Nice to see you boys again.

Anyway, one of the regulars -think she goes by Michel - was there and ended up leaving with her. I've been with her before - fair skin, red-ish hair, decent bod (for a 35-year old with kids) nice smile, and most importantly, good attitude. Tried to haggle, but she would not come down off of P200, so I caved. She was relieved to get some business and I was relieved to get some relief.

Back to the hotel, turned on the MTV and opened a small bottle of champagne. Had a very nice GFE-type session for the next two hours. Amost like a date, without the bullshit and you know you're going to get some! Lots of kissy-face, bbbj, then all that in-out sweaty pounding stuff. She seemed to like it hard, too, especially from behind. She finished me off in a nice hj / bj and almost got a mouthful, but guess she felt the rumblings (or could tell by the pace of my panting and moaning) and only caught a little. Cleaned up and cuddled for a bit - actually fell asleep for a bit, but she wanted to get home to her own bed. Overall, a nice experience. Lots more fish out there in the sea to try, but nice to have a fallback "regular" so satisfying.

Happy hunting, Boys.

Cheers, AP

09-04-06, 16:33
Michelle is an excellant provider, a true professional.

She lives in Brazil and commutes back and forth to Buenos Aires 3 weeks a month supporting her children and the baby sitter that takes care of the kids.

Most girls in Excedra work Monday thru Friday disapearing over the week end. Not Michelle, she works 7 days a week providing excellent service.

There's not a lot of girls I fuck in Excedra, but Michelle is certainly the exception.

Moreover, I still mantain that as a general rule Brazilans Fuck better and Michelle is no exception.


Capt Dave
09-04-06, 19:24

I have NEVER been able to talk anyone into fucking me in Exedra! They all want to go somewhere else.

Go figure!


There's not a lot of girls I fuck in Excedra, but Michelle is certainly the exception.


Billy 32
09-04-06, 19:25
I will also recommend Michelle. I was with her a few times in December and we had a really good time. The first time I talked to her she wanted 200P so I walked away. The next night I saw her again and I offered 150P. She accepted that time. She became my regular after that. I was with her a good bit in Dec. And Jan. She is a good provider and doesn't rush. She also liked it when I got a little agressive, YMMV. I will be back in BA next week, I will have to meet some you guys. I am sure as much as I was in Exedra and the triangle I have seen you there.

09-04-06, 21:04

I have NEVER been able to talk anyone into fucking me in Exedra! They all want to go somewhere else.

Go figure!

DavidYes Capt Dave,

What You do is take them into the Ladies Room and pay "Hilda" to watch the door for You.


Coach 245
09-09-06, 20:13
I must say out of all my trips here, it seems the talent in Excedra is lower than it has been in some time. Even some of the regulars I used to pull from Excedra are gone. The newer faces are now mostly 3s, 4s and an occassional 5 maybe. Maybe 1 out of 15 or 20 are what most of my fellow mongers feel are "doable!" The prices seem to hold around the same as past trips, but that could be because the chicas know me and most of the mongers I hang out with. My wingman has resorted to pulling only one of his past regulars from there. It looks very bleak most nights.

10-18-06, 10:41
Last night (early this morning, actually) I spent a couple hours here shooting the shit with a couple of other mongers. I thought the selection was pretty decent, counting four or five girls that would probably rate a 7+ standard. There were probably 40 there. Of course, these ratings are so subjective. You, dear reader, might well have said that the place was packed with only hotties or only dogs.

Of course Hilda was there, asking when Exon was going to return. True love is such a wonderful thing to observe.

One of the other mongers mentioned that the last several nights had been "very bad" but that yesterday was better. Last weekend was the Mothers Day holiday here, so that may have affected things.

Another monger mentioned that prices had been edging upward, running around 150 now for short time. I had no way to judge, as my presence there was just for looking, as a favorita had previously drained me of all (well, almost all) desire to screw.

10-20-06, 20:58
Esmerelda 847 was all backed up today, and the madam / manager asked me to come back in a half hour. So I killed 30 minutes two blocks away at Exedra. At about 2pm there was one girl working the room. She's a 40ish blonde, not ugly, not hot (which makes her a 5?) who always sits with her back to the north wall (where the toilets are) next to the window. I forget her name, but I did her a couple years ago (when she was still occupying the same perch in the middle of the day) and was not tempted to repeat today. As I recall the sex was fine, but obviously nothing memorable.

On occasion you will see reports of other girls there, but besides the blondie, there was nobody else there today except regular customers sipping their coffees, beers, and Coca Colas.

10-21-06, 04:27
In my last 3 times in B.A. It has aways been dead in the daytime.

Esmerelda 847 was all backed up today, and the madam / manager asked me to come back in a half hour. So I killed 30 minutes two blocks away at Exedra. At about 2pm there was one girl working the room. She's a 40ish blonde, not ugly, not hot (which makes her a 5? Who always sits with her back to the north wall (where the toilets are) next to the window. I forget her name, but I did her a couple years ago (when she was still occupying the same perch in the middle of the day) and was not tempted to repeat today. As I recall the sex was fine, but obviously nothing memorable.

On occasion you will see reports of other girls there, but besides the blondie, there was nobody else there today except regular customers sipping their coffees, beers, and Coca Colas.

10-25-06, 14:46
I tried to watch the game at El Alamo, but it was too crowded and SMOKEY.

So I went to Ecedra, Eat pasta, watched the Series and the Chicas. What more could you ask for?

After the game I took Noelia, from Salta, back to my apartment. Good BJ, Fuck, massage with a walk on my back.

Also there were lots of Chicas at Ecedra.

El Perro
10-25-06, 15:14

Thanks for the post. I didn't realize Exedra was showing the series. Good to know.

10-25-06, 16:05
Couple of weeks ago on a slow Monday night I asked for and got the NFL game instead of some lame Euro League Soccer game. I felt like a local!

El Perro
10-25-06, 16:32
Couple of weeks ago on a slow Monday night I asked for and got the NFL game instead of some lame Euro League Soccer game. I felt like a local!More good news!

10-27-06, 00:24
They prefer a lame soccer game with 6 amigos in the place and no one watching. Also, several ugly chicas and overpriced food and drinks. Avoid!Screw that, I'm not going back there until my next trip to Buenos Aires!

10-27-06, 13:22
Watched the Series game last night at Excedra! By the way the place was jammed, lots of European tourists.

Flexible Horn
10-27-06, 15:36
What is the 'World series' and how many countries enter teams, unfortunately I've never herd of this.

It's not on par with the World cup in football, is it?

10-27-06, 16:11
Just to inform my distinguished collegue, Flexible Horn. The game is baseball and two countries could enter teams, thus Botswana, Togo, and France are unlikely to qualify, both on the basis of ability and interest. It is most certainly the World Series and is played by millionares of all races, creeds, and colors. The game requires speed, strength, and agility though not always brains, plus the use of arms and legs and the ability at World Series time, to withstand incredible cold for the sake of American Television. It is a game incredibly more complex than soccer and if you have any tall, lefthanded children, get them out there throwing the ball so they can get rich and take care of you in your old age.

Daddy Rulz
10-27-06, 21:40
Just to inform my distinguished collegue, Flexible Horn. The game is baseball and two countries could enter teams, thus Botswana, Togo, and France are unlikely to qualify, both on the basis of ability and interest. It is most certainly the World Series and is played by millionares of all races, creeds, and colors. The game requires speed, strength, and agility though not always brains, plus the use of arms and legs and the ability at World Series time, to withstand incredible cold for the sake of American Television. It is a game incredibly more complex than soccer and if you have any tall, lefthanded children, get them out there throwing the ball so they can get rich and take care of you in your old age.Get them chewing tobacco and condition them to feel comfortable scratching their balls on National TV. Both nessicary skills when playing baseball.

10-28-06, 00:11

System: The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters.

Ok, I did.

10-28-06, 10:40
Here is everything you need to know about Baseball in Spanish.


Coach 245
10-30-06, 04:08
I have always found Exedra to be a very dry place during the day when shopping for working girls. I agree with Hunt99 that to find even 1 working girl during the day at Exedra would be hit or miss. I have seen from time to time one hanging along the north side there by the restrooms too and they are never in there at night, that I have seen. I don't believe there will be one that I would rate higher than a 5 either during the day. I have found the daytime spot is right down Cordoba to Cafe Orleans for that "businessman's lunch special!" LOL Exedra is still fun at night tho. There are usually a few mongers around to sip beer, coffee or cokes with. While enjoying the company of our fellow mongers you can shop the peso starved chicas. I must warn everyone tho you will not find too many chicas here that ANYONE would rate above a 7 most of the time. But the monger company, monger story telling and bragging is fun to listen too while waiting for that 6 or 7 to walk by and wink your way! LOL.


11-11-06, 23:50
Dear Exon,

Her name is not Hilda. It is Mirta. She is 60. And she wants 100 pesos. No, I did not go with her. I offered 50. I am glad she said no.

I was drinking way toooo much.

We had a nice two hour talk, course I took her time so I had to pay her propina.

Other sad news. The Owner died last Monday. His kids have taken over. So, says Mirta.

Yes Capt Dave,

What You do is take them into the Ladies Room and pay "Hilda" to watch the door for You.


Jaimito Cartero
11-12-06, 08:29
Her name is not Hilda. It is Mirta. She is 60. And she wants 100 pesos. She looks like a Hilda, so Hilda she will remain. I wouldn't pay 50 pesos to fuck her with Exon's dick! A propina for talking to her? Maybe buy her something to drink or eat, but more than that I think is a bit deet-deet-deet.

11-12-06, 11:14
I felt sorry for her. Seeing her time after time and never going out with anyone. I tried to cheer her up. Simpatico, I think they call it.

I was not going to fuck her, just a BJ.

She looks like a Hilda, so Hilda she will remain. I wouldn't pay 50 pesos to fuck her with Exon's dick! A propina for talking to her? Maybe buy her something to drink or eat, but more than that I think is a bit deet-deet-deet.


Hi guys,

It's my understanding that Hilda gets paid by the Exedra management to supervise the working girls, for which she receives a portion of the $20 pesos that each chica pays to work there each night. I've observed on a number of ocassions scenarios in which she has asserted her authority to decided who works there and who is banned.



11-12-06, 13:00
Other sad news. The Owner died last Monday. His kids have taken over. So, says Mirta.

I never cared much for this guy but I'm sorry to hear he past on.


El Perro
11-19-06, 14:42
Dropped by Exedra last night from about 10:30-12. Another weak night. Quality and quantity generally seems to have decreased here in the 11 months I have been in BA. A few decent nights from time to time, but looks to be going downhill. One interesting positive (if not a miracle) I was here Saturday afternoon having coffee with a friend, and left my just purchased box of Allegra on the outside table when I left. Upon returning yesterday, there it was behind the indoor "station". Returned without question by the manager and we both had a laugh about the "miracle".

11-20-06, 03:04
I felt sorry for her. Seeing her time after time and never going out with anyone. I tried to cheer her up. Simpatico, I think they call it.

I was not going to fuck her, just a BJ.


Hi guys,

It's my understanding that Hilda gets paid by the Exedra management to supervise the working girls, for which she receives a portion of the $20 pesos that each chica pays to work there each night. I've observed on a number of ocassions scenarios in which she has asserted her authority to decided who works there and who is banned.


JacksonYou should have seen her 30 years ago - She had long black hair almost down to her waist - She was beautiful - Worth phucking her now and then just for the old days - And NO the management don't give her anything - She makes good money with her "regular" clients.

And no way can she decide on who works and who doesn't at Exedra or anywhere else - she does have good contacts with the police and tries to keep out the girls that have police records and most girls apreciate this as they don't want the place to get a bad name with clients getting robbed and so on.

11-20-06, 12:35
Hilda is sort of the aunt for girls with problems. Although not common in the tourist places, I have been told that clubs and cafes will have an older women on staff to listen to the girls when they have personal problems, or to try and settle disputes.

11-20-06, 16:05
This is correct - Mirta is a kind of Aunty for the girls but she's not on the staff. She has done many favors for girls I know - (getting places for them to rent without problems with documents and so on) The saying, "once a ***** - always a *****" fits perfectly here. As I say, she doesn't have economic problems as she has a number of regular clients. She can walk into many offices and banks (even the Congress) to "visit" a manager without any employee suspecting the boss is getting his mid afternoon BJ.

But her nights are long and she can't stay home. Exedra is one of the few places she can go to (none of the clubs would have her) and sit around. Now and then adding a few pesos to her income.

The managment give room to her as she has excelent connections with the cops and knows what's going on at all times.

As I said before - I have known her for 30 years.

11-20-06, 17:21
This is correct - Mirta is a kind of Aunty for the girls but she's not on the staff. She has done many favors for girls I know - (getting places for them to rent without problems with documents and so on) The saying, "once a ***** - always a *****" fits perfectly here. As I say, she doesn't have economic problems as she has a number of regular clients. She can walk into many offices and banks (even the Congress) to "visit" a manager without any employee suspecting the boss is getting his mid afternoon BJ.

But her nights are long and she can't stay home. Exedra is one of the few places she can go to (none of the clubs would have her) and sit around. Now and then adding a few pesos to her income.

The managment give room to her as she has excelent connections with the cops and knows what's going on at all times.

As I said before - I have known her for 30 years.So Hilda is the older woman lets say 50 ish, big jugs. Rather plain looking with a 50's hair due?

I saw her last night reading a girl the riot act like her mother.

I too would pass on banging her along with about 90% of the chicas I saw last night. Maybe tonight will be better.


11-21-06, 02:07
That's right Moejoe - Except she's nearer 60 than 50.

11-21-06, 02:26
That's right Moejoe - Except she's nearer 60 than 50 -When I was at Excedra in mid-October, Hilda told me it was her birthday. I thought she told me she was 70 years old. It could have been 60, I get the two numbers in Spanish mixed up all the time. Ask me for a small 20 pesos gift. Probably could have gotten a BJ for it. But I was glad to give her the 20 and passed on the BJ.

11-22-06, 00:38
It was worth 20 pesos NOT to get the BJ Sportsman! Hahahahahahahahaha

11-22-06, 18:28
Hi all:

I'm the new one in here. Last day evening I went to Exedra, there is some girl, but I don't know how to get the girl, because I don't know who is the chicas, and who is normal lady. How can I say to the girls?

Maybe some guy can give me some experiences about it.

Just wait here to some girl ask you?

11-23-06, 00:31
At night everygirl is available.

11-23-06, 00:55
Just look at the girl and if she's working she'll come over to your table. Any girl sitting on her own is working. Just don't look at the girls sitting with another guy. It could get you into trouble.

12-12-06, 02:54

I never wrote here before, cause I never thought I have anything to tell you.;) But thanks for a lot of great infos, especially about life in Argentina, since I am not that big fan of clubs / chicas / etc - I have a girlfriend here.

However, one day I was bored and went to Exedra at night, I lived close to it at that time. I think it was 2 weeks ago, I moved to Recoleta now. I grabbed a very bad seat where I actually couldnt see a lot, however, there was a girl at the other table. I guess around 1.63m, said she was 24 but I guess more like 30. Actually quite a pretty face, thats why I invited her to my table, but a teeth like Bugs Bunny, and what I found out a bit later, she has a belly as if she was pregnant - but isnt of course. She was actually nice, we talked a lot, since I am quite fluent in castellano. She told me her name was Angie, that she had a nena and that she was living in San Telmo but was about to move somewhere else. She went to the bathroom and stayed there surprisingly long, we had some sex after that, nothing really to mention at all, only that she couldnt await to leave the house.

Thats a story like it was written here a hundred times, right. However, since that night, I am missing my electric shaver. It almost made me crazy, that I couldnt find it anymore the other morning and the next days and the only person, that was inside of the bathroom apart of myself was that girl called Angie.

Now, I don't really have a proof that she took it, but thats the only solution and I am actually quite shocked about that. Why stealing a shaver? It wasnt even a good one! Now I am not angry, my girlfriend said I was looking great with my new beard (however, I made up a cruel story how I lost my shaver... ) And I don't want to go to talk to Angie about that theft, no way, but maybe its a good warning.

Take care of your things guys, even if its only an electric shaver.

12-12-06, 05:40

I happen to have encountered the individual you have written about. I found her to be less than honest, based on the fact that I caught her lying. I would not be surprised at your missing property - of course the question is, why a man's shaver?

Her behavior was exactly as you described, wanting payment up front, looking for a quickie then the door, etc. I refused the up front payment and gave her the option of us calling the whole deal off. Sadly she decided to wait for her payment, and I had the unfortunate experience I finding out I would not want to repeat with her.

In the future, keep an eye on your tools - all of them!


The Hunter
12-18-06, 01:10
continuing the story from my disappointing trip to Cafe Orleans, it was already night time around 8'sh and I agreed to meet up with some friends for drinking around 11sh so I better close the deal soon and take a girl back to my Riobamba and Corrientes apt.

Not trying to waste time and walk from cafe orleans to excedra, took a taxi asap and told the driver to take me the place. I had a good conversation with the porteno cabbie and kept asking me a lot about his country and argentinian women-of course, though the personality of argentinian women arent on par with brazilian, they are sylishly good-looking and the fashion is amazing here.

I entered the premises already and the set up is quite better than orleans. It is a see through glass window which is contrasting from orleans. Location is the key and I picked the non-occupied one, and I intentionally picked the table closest to the chica that I find promising after 2-3 seconds of scanning the room. They had tv's attached, and for a second, it would never be mistaken as a client & p4p place, and it's just like a regular place at all until you get inside, and you looked around where you see individual women sitting by themselves and occasional two with clients and thats when you figure out (from outsiders perspective) that this is a definitely a hook up joint.

So picked a table closest to the 5'8 ft blonde, and her cleavage halfly exposed, and she was dressed stylishly just like an average portenas. Ordered Heinekin while observing the women around me and the mongers making moves-quite interesting indeed. Never see a setup like this even when I was in Europe. I told myself I better move in after finding this blonde interesting - so I did, since her table was next to me, I just asked the typical routine if she would be availabe to join me in my table, and so she did, she brought her stuff as well. We chatted for a bit and I found out her name is Marisa from Paraguay, I thought she was lying about her name until she showed me her real passport-funny I thought this women could be discreet but not in Buenos Aires rules. I asked her if she wanted to come with me in my apartment by Corrientes, sure, and we haggle and I told her though I lied that it isnt my first time (first time actually) in BA, she asks for US dollars and I just laugh and flirted with her that I'm visiting Buenos Aires and not in North America, told her flat out that I could only give 200P thats it for a good hour and a half (though later on she only stayed for an hour) all agreed, and we exited the place and told her that I needed 2 condoms.

So back to my apt. She used the bathroom, I played a shakira album, a little bit of foreplay dancing while she came out from the bathroom wearing only bras and panties and started really getting me a hard on, she started going down rubbing her tits to my shaft, and I couldnt take it anymore, and I moved her in my bed, took all her clothing off, and started DFK'ng, shes not a pro at all, in fact she's doing this on a sideline. I can't remember if she's supporting a kid, went DATY on her for a bit, and she seemed to rush me into things and had to take control that we're not going too fast either, this woman is great, and she could be a next door gf, nice face, blonde hair, greenish & bluish eyes, and I wish I took a picture of hers but it seemed like time-consuming and just wanted to bang her. She has a great body, and couldnt help staring into her while she was grinding me in a cowboy position while my busy hands busy playing with her breast, we switched position and I put her on doggy position and back to cowboys again, until I came on her - fun times fun times.

After the deeds done, we talked for a bit, and asked me sometimes if me and my friend (which I doubt it) would like to join her and her gf for after hours gathering in some pubs - which is a great idea but had to turn it down so I can meeet up with my buddy who is not into mongering scene like I do.

Took her down stairs, flag down a taxi, and give her a kiss, and that was it.

Anyone ever met by the name of Marisa? Let me know.

12-23-06, 01:32

I went to Exedra on Tuesday night, and pic up a girl, she say the name is Julieta. Red hair, contact lents, slim, small chichis. She asked 150 pesos, but then she agree to 100 pesos, so then we leaved to my place.

When we arrived to my apt she used the bathroom, and 10 minutes later she was out intoxicated. So the lady start the action BJ, and HJ and then she wants fuck whitout condom. I say no, but she was so mad and reply whit americans she allways had sex without proteccion.

I'm Argentino, and the rule number one to the putaneros in BA is always condom so I come in her mouth, pay and say good bye.

Somebody can give me information about this lady.


01-14-07, 01:14
There are semi pros working at Exedra. If you have the right attitude, they will invite you at their table and start a casual conversation. They ll tell you they came here by curiosity and will ask question you about how it works, while telling you they arent professionals.

If they feel you can be a potential customer (they will ask you why you are here) they might invite you to their apartment. The girls aint the cutest, they might be somewhat overweight or older, but they will also have a different attitude, much more natural. They will flirt with you like a normal date, asking for your phone number, flattering you, and once you accept the invitation, they will...let you pay for their drinks =)

Once in the apartment, it will once again feel like a casual encounter. They ll show you around including the bedroom. After bringing the drinks, they ll give you a quote. I was quoted 120 pesos for both girls (and of course no transitorio fee) I kindly declined because I don't have that kind of fantasy and wasnt in mood for a "deeper" encouter, but it might suit some monger s expectations.

Last note, the girls are unoffially in Exedra and not necessarily welcome by real pros, since they undercut the market. Waiters are not the kindest with them too. They will talk lower from times to times not to be heard by pros.

Thought this could be an information of some use =)

Oh, btw, even tho some speak some broken english, your broken spanish will help a lot.

01-14-07, 10:55
I know the Transitorio by Orleans, but which is closest to this place?

Thanks, I'll be there next week.

Member #1036
02-15-07, 12:18
I used to visit this place everynight a couple of years ago and would be able to find at least a few decent looking girls but hell, the last 2 nights nothing but a bunch of overweight overaged dogs.

02-16-07, 13:15
ANDREA 15-5526-6097

I haven't seen this girl on any web sites but she hangs out at least sometimes at Exedra.

When I met this girl I was not "in the mood," but I was interested in her because her English seemed pretty good - it's nice to have some easy conversation between rounds. So I asked her for a price and she said 100. I thought that was too low a figure to be in pesos so I am pretty sure I asked if she meant pesos and she said yes - that's my recollection.

When I setup the appointment my Hablemás card was about exhausted and I failed to confirm the price. So when she showed up that was the very first thing I asked her. She said U$S 100! I told her no, I thought her price was 100 pesos and I could not pay any more than that. She tried 200 pesos and then 150 pesos, but when I was not budging from 100 pesos she finally agreed to that. She wanted the money up front, and since I had not specified otherwise before hand I gave it to her. She did not ask for any taxi money.

Her body is not my type mainly because her hips are too wide. Small tetas too, which on a smaller girl would not have bothered me, but on her they were not attractive.

She changed in the bathroom and came out in a little bikini and gave me a lap dance. Maybe with a different girl I would have enjoyed that, but from her it fell sort of flat. As soon as I was naked she wants a condom - she was not about to get her head anywhere below my waist until I had a condom on. CBJ was OK, nothing special. She completely ignored the boys - even with her hands. Rode me for a while, mish for a while, and I blew my load. Lots of obvious acting throughout. She relaxed with me for a minute or so and then asked if she could take a shower. Well. Why not? So I said yes. I noticed that she carried her clothes into the bathroom so I knew then that my one pop was to be my only pop. I considered protesting but then I realized that I really wasn't having a good time with this girl anyway so why not just let her go? She spent so much time in the shower that by the time she came out the hour was used up anyway.

My first bad experience this trip - and since I only paid her $100 pesos I was not very upset. Obviously I would not repeat.


Member #1036
02-16-07, 19:07
I figured maybe it was a bad night the other night so I stopped by here again before heading out to Nuevo Estilo and same result but more girls. Man, this must be the handme down place. At least before I could squint my eyes and turn a couple of this feas into a beauty but I d have to be blind and handless not to know what I was fucking was a pig. Yuck.

Member #1036
02-17-07, 14:29
I know I'm in trouble as I make my nightly stop here around 10 to 11 before I hit the clubs and now some of the girls are almost starting to look doable. I spoke to one older nice personality named diana and bought her dinner but told her no thanks. She gave me her number and may call her for a massage or something for the daytime as she was sweet but real average in looks but that makes her a queen in Exedra.

02-17-07, 16:59
Is the Diana you refer maybe this girl. http://escorts.gemidos.com.ar/?id=escorts&ct=1&pb=4946 I've been thinking that I might like to give her a spin. Nice personality, older, average looks might be ok if priced accordingly.



I know I'm in trouble as I make my nightly stop here around 10 to 11 before I hit the clubs and now some of the girls are almost starting to look doable. I spoke to one older nice personality named diana and bought her dinner but told her no thanks. She gave me her number and may call her for a massage or something for the daytime as she was sweet but real average in looks but that makes her a queen in Exedra.

02-17-07, 17:27
This one might be the legendary "ball washer", Carolina (Carolina Quatro as she was known in Cafe Orleans, because there were three other Carolinas) and nicknamed that by the great Mouse for her intense oral services. She was reputed to be very good, though sometimes not showing up due to an appetite for nose candy. I'm not sure this is her but it sure looks like her. Perhaps others can verify.

02-17-07, 17:45
No thats not the "Ball Washer" Carolina from Orleans.

The "Ball Washer" works the Cafe Orleans and New Port, rarely but sometimes I've seen her in Excedra.

Last time I saw her she gave me a scolding at Orleans. She pulled me aside and said "Exon why do you tell everyone I give the best blow job in the world". I answered "Carolina because You do" she answered back with a smile on her face, "Well your right, I do give the best blow job in the world, but you don't have to tell everyone". I answered back to her "every girls in here sucks cock, we both know that, but you do it better that anyone else"

"Yes I Know" she said.

Were still very good friends.


Flexible Horn
02-17-07, 19:25
No thats not the "Ball Washer" Carolina from Orleans.

The "Ball Washer" works the Cafe Orleans and New Port, rarely but sometimes I've seen her in Excedra.

Last time I saw her she gave me a scolding at Orleans. She pulled me aside and said "Exon why do you tell everyone I give the best blow job in the world". I answered "Carolina because You do" she answered back with a smile on her face, "Well your right, I do give the best blow job in the world, but you don't have to tell everyone". I answered back to her "every girls in here sucks cock, we both know that, but you do it better that anyone else"

"Yes I Know" she said.

Were still very good friends.

ExonThe 5 or 6 times I have been to Exedra this trip she has been working. I took her 2 times 3 years ago, but sadly she looks washed out and we all know why!

Member #1036
02-17-07, 20:09
The website is not the Diana I am speaking about. My diana has dark hair, kinda tallish and trying to remove a couple of tattoos on her arm and hand area. 30ish.

I've seen the website carolina in exedra and orleans the last couple of days.

Member #3314
02-18-07, 03:47
I had the trifecta yesterday and shot lots of bullets. I wanted an easy night cap tonight to help me sleep tonight. I asked some fellow board members there if they knew anything about her. One of them told me they call her the secretary due to her look, witch I agree is true.

This girl only works weekends, is probably 5-3 ish and weighs 100 lbs soaking wet. Brunette with big cock sucking lips and glasses. She told me she was 30.

I negotiated the deal at 150p for the hour. At first she seemed to be upset that I was trying to get her so low but she gave in after about 10 minutes.

The hour turned into 90 minutes with 2 rounds. She was a very active fuck. We chit chated between rounds. She only works weekends because she is in school and has 3 other jobs and takes care of her sisters kids.

Amazingly tight ass, head skills are commensurate with the size of her lips and was not a clock watcher at all. You can throw this girl around like a sack of rice, and she is very flexible something I have not really seen in BA so far to this extent. I will sleep well tonight.

If you like spinners this is a good one, it was not a bone fuck either.

On a side note I noticed she had a lump in one of her boobs, I pointed it out to her she said she knew about it but was afraid to go to the doctor.

02-18-07, 03:59

I've seen that girl past few trips at Exedra but have not sampled. We called her the Librarian Number 1 instead. Librarian Number 2 is another girl who works there too has similar look but cuter IMHO with bigger tits, she wears glasses too.


Punter 127
02-18-07, 13:11
Sportsman is right that was "Librarian Number 1", Librarian Number 2's name is Marilyn. I have been with #2 and she was very good, I have not seen her (#2) on this trip, but I have only been in town one day. I have heard only good reports about both of the "Librarians", but as always YMMV.

BTW; the "Ball Washer" was at the Big E last night.

Member #1036
02-20-07, 13:29
Every night after a night out around 5 am I head over to Madelaine where all the Exedra girls go after Exedra closes.

Last night there was a floor show. Some asshole guy was giving girls a hard time and they were arguing insulting each other for about 1-2 hour. Finally the girl gets up and slaps the shit out the guy. The guy stands up and was going after her so I grabbed the fucker and told him to sit down while the waiters rushed out to see what was going on.

Great show for my final night. The girl thanks me as I leave and grabs me and then starts talking this and that and says lets go fuck but I'm spent and tell her good night. First time no experience for me from Exedra.

Member #3314
02-23-07, 14:02
I took one for the team last night and talked to that 40 year old woman with the huge tits. She would go to a tello for 100 pesos, but wanted the money at Exedra. This was a rip-off from the start I just had a really bad feeling even talking to her even with no intention of fucking her.

She was obviously higher than a kite also, I am betting coke.

I want that 10 minutes of my life back.

02-23-07, 17:23
We stopped at Exedra this morning (3 am) with a friend on our way back from San Telmo. Paul from my youth hostel is an athletic guy in his 20s with an angel face, quite the unusual kind for a mongering place, so he naturally attracted attention.

The half japanese lady claiming to be indigenous was sitting there with her mideastern looking friend. She kept eying at the british adonis, but he didn't dare to stare back since he didn't have any money.

After 2 hours of that eye contact game, we allowed the exotic beauty to our table and they began the usual flattering game, comparing the blue of our eyes, but I couldnt concentrate on her friend because the seduction game in front of me was keeping all my attention (and I had absolutely no interest in her, she was the compulsary addition) They offered some 4some play that was out of question with the squatter friend, while the jap girl kept rubbing Paul s body publicly, she was obviously in the mood. She asked how much he could afford, he said he had 10 pesos left in his pocket, trying to find an excuse to flee. She said ok, so he said he needed 8 pesos for the taxi back, which left 2 pesos for the "service", hoping to get a negative answer. She agreed on the 2 pesos and gave her phone number, understanding that nothing would happen that morning.

Conclusion. Prices are highly negociable in that buyers market, and your sexual healing undeniably helps bargaining =)

I love Argentina!

Daddy Rulz
03-02-07, 04:12
Fabiana, skinny little redhead. Awesome service, fucking everything on the menu. She puts Howard Sterns Kilbassa Girl to shame. I have a normal sized dick, no more than 14 inches (or is that centimeters) but she just inhaled it. Her face was pressed up against my stomach like a little kid looking in a candy store. First spinner that ever switched from cowgirl to reverse without disengaged and anal at that. She has no tits to speak of but a pretty enough face (150P pretty) but is one of the best pieces of ass I've had in a long time.

Sarah (middle eastern looking chicka) had to pound on her for BBBJ but she relented but just terrible in bed. Nice enough just VERY passive, (needs seasoning) for 150P if you want a pretty starfish she is your girl.

Didn't do any ugly chicks sheesh I'm paying for it after all.

03-07-07, 05:07
Part of a couple of day stint in BA sees me checking out the advice on this site. Which is great for a newbie in town like me.

Checked out Cafe Orleans this afternoon, but only had a couple of beers. One hot blond, but needs to be exactly my type for an afternoon stint. This evening did a self-styled walking tour around the Microcenter. Exhedra was the spot for me and picked up a cute little Argentinian chica called Carmela.

Went to a love hotel and it was pretty uneventful and unenthusiastic. Saw a couple of others there that I may try tomorrow, though I may check out the Recoleta scene.

I'd say there were at least 30 girls there and after about 1:30am the non-mongering guys were leaving making a pretty decent ratio. AR$200 all in.

03-07-07, 12:21
Part of a couple of day stint in BA sees me checking out the advice on this site. Which is great for a newbie in town like me.

Checked out Cafe Orleans this afternoon, but only had a couple of beers. One hot blond, but needs to be exactly my type for an afternoon stint. This evening did a self-styled walking tour around the Microcenter. Exhedra was the spot for me and picked up a cute little Argentinian chica called Carmela.

Went to a love hotel and it was pretty uneventful and unenthusiastic. Saw a couple of others there that I may try tomorrow, though I may check out the Recoleta scene.

I'd say there were at least 30 girls there and after about 1:30am the non-mongering guys were leaving making a pretty decent ratio. AR$200 all in.Nice first post Billyboy. Be sure to read the forum for good ideas for yourself. And continue to post your impressions, even if you think they're nothing new - as "newbie" experiences are very useful to most readers.

03-28-07, 14:22
A few nites ago I picked up a Brazilian blonde named Sandra (Sandy) and took her back to my hotel. Her first words were that she wanted the money up front (150 pesos) I said NO WAY, so we were off to a bad start. She then took a long shower, complete with her own shower cap, where she proceeded to splash water all over the bathroom.

After toweling off she put a rubber on right away, which turned me off, and proceeded to give me a half ass BJ. When I asked her to tongue my balls a look of horror came over her face (I wish I could have caught that look on camera) but she made a slight effort at that. After giving me a suck job for a while and I couldnt come, she took the rubber off and tried to jack me off, but her effort she so bad I couldnt keep a hard on. Then she made the classic statement 'concentrado, concentrado'. Well, it was useless, so I gave her the pesos and sent her on her way.

I do not recommend this chica, a big thumbs DOWN. Ciao

03-28-07, 15:05
A few nites ago I picked up a Brazilian blonde named Sandra (Sandy) Was this Brazilian Sandra very small and petite, or more normal-sized? A tiny brunette Brazilera using this name working out of Exedra was quite the fun punt a couple years ago. She could have changed her hair color, or this could be a completely different girl.

03-30-07, 23:20
Sandra was small and petite, had a pretty nice body and almost perfect breasts (must have been sculpted by someone) Outside of the prissy attitude she was fairly nice to talk to, its just that sex didnt seem like her thing. Oh well

04-10-07, 22:45
It all started very innocently. I was in front of my apartment on Florida and who should walk by. Well to start, yes she had a new tit job. Yes, she is not very pretty, and I was a little horny and wanted to check out the tits.

So I paid 100p to Veronica. Of course, she wanted more. She does give good BBBJ, till I started to cum. But wait, put the rubber on, fucked her and got her off again, as I finished my complete shot. I did say again. First time with my magic tongue.

She also enjoys sex and has have a nice pussy.

Most likely it does not get used much.

That´s Bad.

04-10-07, 22:56
It seems to me in my 13 days in BA that Excedra has some pretty hard looking girls. I am sure there are some diamonds in the rough, but I don't remember seeing more than 3 or 4 under 25 years old in my 5 trips there these past two weeks.

04-10-07, 23:06
When I am 64 will you still love me.

I am not so choosy everytime.

And I also did not want to take her picture.

I was horny. Seize the Moment!

It seems to me in my 13 days in BA that Excedra has some pretty hard looking girls. I am sure there are some diamonds in the rough, but I don't remember seeing more than 3 or 4 under 25 years old in my 5 trips there these past two weeks

04-21-07, 16:24
After showing her my Hot Spanish book she agreed to 100p. Not so sure that was a good thing. My dick is still sore from her teeth.

She is the one with long black hair, nice smile (the fillings show when she does) glasses. I know, not much of a description. Sorry, I did not take any pictures. She is pleasant to talk. If your Spanish is good. So conversation was a little short.

04-21-07, 17:25
I walked by Friday night and I gotta say, unless you want a mean ride on the SkankFest Express, I wouldn't bother with this place. Wow. There were some truly unattractive women working the joint. It's sort of like this for me: for a bona fide 10 (Angelina Jolie's prettier sister, maybe) I might pay p$600, for an 8 maybe p$300. Anything below a 4 and you pretty much have to pay me. Let's just say I could have made enough money to buy a new condo in Puerto Madera last night.

Easy Go
04-21-07, 19:10
You are looking at it the wrong way. It's not like you have to take the average chica in there. You only need to find one.

04-22-07, 09:10
Stopped by the Exhedra around 11:00 PM both nights. Despite the rain, Friday night the place was packed with over 30 plus chicas looking for clients and sitting three and four deep at some tables. Obviously it is a matter of individual taste, but for me there were easily three to five very doable girls there. Joked around with two next to our table, but was mainly there to take in the sights, meet some of the long time mongers, and just relax before heading home. Saturday was about the same, however with far fewer chicas present. I don't think there were more than 20 sitting around.

In any event, for me Exhedra is a great place to wind down an evening after a long day of mongering. Thanks WT for all of the introductions.


05-16-07, 21:27
Last night was sort of funny. I finally found a quite place to stay. So I thought. The walls are paper thin. I left Exedra at about 1am. I get back to my apartment and I can here my neighbors talking. There are three of them. I slept till 2:30am. I got up went to bathroom and came back to bed. I am laying trying to go back to sleep, but I keep hear them talking. So I made a little noise, thinking that they can hear me and quite down. I layed there till 3am.

I got up, took a Cialis and went back to Exedra, looking for the Ukraining Blond; all the guys say she great, but she was not there. So I sat thinking who should I take back to apartment with me.

There was not much left there, so I picked the Dominican chica. Can't remember her name. It the type that is not each to remember. She is nice looking but I did see she had a bit of tummy. So we agreed on 100p and she said don't tell the other chicas that she agreed to the price. They must discuss the going rate together. Back at the apartment, she takes off her clothes. The tits are big, but she must of had lotsss of kids, because they just dropped down. Anyway, I went down of her for a longgg time. All the while she moaning chuperdor, papa, and mas or something like that. When she finally came it was nice and loud. I sure my neighbors woke up with that orgasmatic scream.

She does are great BBBJ. I think it is the best I have had in be. A. She really got into it, because junior was not ready. She worked and worked, but nothing. It did feel so great. I wish I did not get the BBBJ teethy Hand job earlier at the privado.

Punter 127
05-16-07, 22:21
Back at the apartment, she takes off her clothes. The tits are big, but she must of had lotsss of kids, because they just dropped down. Anyway, I went down of her for a longgg time. All the while she moaning chuperdor, papa, and mas or something like that. When she finally came it was nice and loud. I sure my neighbors woke up with that orgasmatic scream.You sure she wasn't moaning "chuperdor Sid" "papa Sid" and "mas Sid"? I'll bet she hasn't had her pussy licked since he left for the DR. :eek: LOL

Coach 245
05-17-07, 03:23
You sure she wasn't moaning "chuperdor Sid" "papa Sid" and "mas Sid"? I'll bet she hasn't had her pussy licked since he left for the DR.:eek: LOLI hope Sid doesn't read this! He will be back here in BA to protect his Dominicans!


05-19-07, 01:54
Is it me or are the waiters at Excedra rude?

El Perro
05-19-07, 02:24
Is it me or are the waiters at excedra rude?That's not been my experience there, though there is one tall, short haired guy that can get an attitude from time to time. And, there is an older guy with no expression on his face, who is slow and doesn't pay attention. Though, if they keep having that band up there with the guy who cannot fucking sing, that would put anybody in a bad mood.

Jaimito Cartero
05-19-07, 03:22
I don't think the waiters at Exedra are very attentive. I've ordered stuff before, and they never brought it. I wouldn't categorize them as rude, just indifferent. If I had to be honest, I would say that many of the waiters in BA aren't horribly service orientated.

I ask for ice with my drinks, and only get it about 40% of the time. I've gotten used to it, and try to politely remind them. Getting a new round of drinks is often harder than pulling teeth.

05-19-07, 10:25
Is it me or are the waiters at Excedra rude?Did you offer them "Hagas bien servicio why te doy una propina". :p

Seriously, agree with Doggboy and Jaimito Cartero. I have never experienced any rudeness towards me, but they will not win any service award anytime soon either.

Punter 127
05-19-07, 11:02
I think the service is getting worse, but I like the new patio heaters, they just need a couple more of them.

Man you should have seen Dogg wag his tail when the music started!:rolleyes:

El Perro
05-19-07, 11:21
I think the service is getting worse, but I like the new patio heaters, they just need a couple more of them.

Man you should have seen Dogg wag his tail when the music started!:rolleyes:Ha Ha! That tail wagging was a desperate attempt to blow the music back where it came from! Did the tall, long haired brunette girlfriend of the singer make the rounds asking for money? She's the only good thing about that band!

Punter 127
05-19-07, 11:23
Ha Ha! That tail wagging was a desperate attempt to blow the music back where it came from! Did the tall, long haired brunette girlfriend of the singer make the rounds asking for money? She's the only good thing about that band!No the guy that sings sooooo good did.:rolleyes:

05-19-07, 13:34
The is one good waiter and that is Arnold.

Is it me or are the waiters at Excedra rude?

El Perro
05-19-07, 14:36
The is one good waiter and that is Arnold.I agree with that about Arnaldo. And, he is big Boca fan.

Flexible Horn
05-19-07, 15:59
I agree with that about Arnaldo. And, he is big Boca fan.He also now has a soft spot for TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR the 'best' team in England.

El Perro
05-19-07, 16:54
He also now has a soft spot for TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR the 'best' team in England.Hmmm, maybe that wily 'ol Arnaldo has a soft spot for the fav team of any monger with a propina? Next thing you know he will be singing the praises of Chelsea!

05-19-07, 17:33
He also now has a soft spot for TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR the 'best' team in England.Maybe not the best team in England, but definitely the best team in Tottenham.

Jack 24
05-20-07, 08:23
lb refers to her looking like one of three girls who look like librarians.

Pulled lb 1 from Exedra last night on the recommendation of the fellow punters I was sitting around with.

I had talked to her earlier and she seemed pretty nice.

Great experience. Great recommendation.

Pretty face, pouty lips, fat pussy, dfk, made her come twice, likes fucking.

Apparently, an office worker and student who only comes on Saturday nights.


Jack 24
05-20-07, 09:08
I took her last Monday and Tuesday night.

Sexy lingerie, nice body, good fucking, dfk 200p.

Thought her ass was too big at first but I was wrong.

Seen her get pulled every night since.

Jaimito Cartero
05-20-07, 16:35
lb refers to her looking like one of three girls who look like librarians.

Pulled lb 1 from Exedra last night on the recommendation of the fellow punters I was sitting around with.

I had talked to her earlier and she seemed pretty nice.

Great experience. Great recommendation.

Pretty face, pouty lips, fat pussy, dfk, made her come twice, likes fucking.

Apparently, an office worker and student who only comes on Saturday nights.

200pDoes she have LB1 stenciled on her clothing? Some other identifying features, name or other info would help, other than the fact that's she's one of three librarian types.

Jack 24
05-20-07, 18:31
Name is Julia, medium length brown hair, black glasses.

Light brown skin, thin.

I am a newbie and was just using the handle that the punters that I have met in the last week have ascribed to her.

Punter 127
05-20-07, 19:50
Does she have LB1 stenciled on her clothing? Some other identifying features, name or other info would help, other than the fact that's she's one of three librarian types.I will point her out to you.

BTW; I did LB2 today and she doesn't have that stenciled on her either, but you can't miss that rack. What a great Fuck she was today. YMMV

Jaimito Cartero
05-20-07, 20:23
name is julia, medium length brown hair, black glasses.

Light brown skin, thin.

I am a newbie and was just using the handle that the punters that I have met in the last week have ascribed to her.No problem at all. It's just great to have enough info on a chica to pull her, if interested. Name and description is great!

Jaimito Cartero
05-20-07, 20:24
I will point her out to you.

BTW; I did LB2 today and she doesn't have that stenciled on her either, but you can't miss that rack. What a great Fuck she was today. YMMVOh, you'll point out some animal to me, just to put me off the hot trail!:)

How come the part time chica isn't LB3? Seems the full time chicas would get a better number.

Punter 127
05-20-07, 21:41
Oh, you'll point out some animal to me, just to put me off the hot trail!:)After that Deborah chica from Sarmiento 1542, what would it matter! No way I could top that.:eek:

How come the part time chica isn't LB3? Seems the full time chicas would get a better number.LB1 was the 1st one to get the nickname "librarian", and she has been around the big E the longest.

Jaimito Cartero
05-20-07, 22:50
After that Deborah chica from Sarmiento 1542, what would it matter! No way I could top that.:eek:100 pesos says I can find at a minimum two or three that look worse. Time for your eye exam?;)

Punter 127
05-21-07, 11:56
100 pesos says I can find at a minimum two or three that look worse. Time for your eye exam?;)If you do we should crown you the "King of fugly.":p My eyes are just fine; I saw more of that chica than I care to see. Please don't post photos of any more fugly chicas.:D

Punter 127
05-21-07, 14:35
How does Deborah compare to those Maipooo coksukers?You are really hung-up on "those Maipooo coksukers" is that another place in BsAs that would not service you? :confused:

Don't worry Sid you're still the “Prince” of fugly!:p

Jaimito Cartero
05-21-07, 14:58
If you do we should crown you the "King of fugly.":p My eyes are just fine; I saw more of that chica than I care to see. Please don't post photos of any more fugly chicas.:DSounds like a challenge, now. I'm going to have to follow you and post pics of the chicas you take.

Punter 127
05-21-07, 22:21
Sounds like a challenge, now. I'm going to have to follow you and post pics of the chicas you take.No problem feel free.

Punter 127
05-21-07, 22:25
For about 80 pesos + 5 peso tip, the potent Monger gets 2 pops. He has the rest of the day and night free to enjoy great dining, bullshitting with his buddies, etc. About 10pm, he and his buddies can scout the hotties at Exedra. P. S. It is most advisable to wear a blindfold and ''clothes pin'' your nose while being serviced at Maipoo!Lots of mongers on this board have been to "Maipoo" but FYI I have not been to "Maipoo" on this trip, so it's just one more time you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Coach 245
05-22-07, 02:48
I have missed Miapu so far this trip too. I am having trouble working in the free time with all my regulars! But, I have only been here for 8 days, so far!


Coach 245
05-22-07, 11:40
Yes, the IN connection is just barely scraping by. We are trying to make it without the [Name of small town deleted by Admin to appease a paranoid Forum Member who is concerned about his impending presidential appointment], IN connection here with us!


Jaimito Cartero
05-22-07, 14:20
Thanks to an unnamed person, I was able to get the patented Judd-Cam into Punters room, and managed to get some shots of the hideous chicas he's been abusing.

These are not for the weak at heart, so view at your own risk. I'm a bit shocked at the one one in a wedding dress. It seems like he might be getting too serious!

Punter 127
05-22-07, 15:22

You have way to much time on your hands. Do you need me to find you a chica to keep you busy?:p

Jaimito Cartero
05-22-07, 19:17

You have way to much time on your hands. Do you need me to find you a chica to keep you busy?:pI can find my own ugly chicas! Yours are much worse.;)

05-22-07, 23:06
You forgot this one JC.

Jaimito Cartero
05-23-07, 06:25
You forgot to this one JC.That must have been his date for tonight. I went a bit before 1am, and he was gone already. Must have been ashamed to have me him with another kibble chica.

Punter 127
05-23-07, 09:55
That must have been his date for tonight. I went a bit before 1am, and he was gone already. Must have been ashamed to have me him with another kibble chica.Nope she's not my type. She doesn't look Latino enough for me, is she Russian?:confused:

05-23-07, 10:25
Nope she's not my type. She doesn't look Latino enough for me, is she Russian?:confused:She looks like a typical Ukrainian.

05-23-07, 16:31
How about this sweetie pie.



05-23-07, 17:08
Are you guys are jacking off to these photos.

You sure are not fucking anyone from Exedra.

Flexible Horn
05-23-07, 17:46
How about this sweetie pie.


ExonExon, come on is that your HILDA under the mask?

05-23-07, 18:28
Exon, come on is that your HILDA under the mask?I was thinking that big Dildo wouldn't fit in my ass.


05-24-07, 19:39
I took Michel. The Red hairheaded Brazilian. I did not detect any Brazilian in her speech. All I heard was German.

She wants 200p for her overweight body. Her tits are still in good shape. And she does know how to use her pussy. She has some movements I never felt any other chica use.

She kept calling chuperdor, what the word the use for clam or oyster?

She is worth the 150p I paid. She was not happy. She kept saying chicas don't like 150p.' I said I don't like paying 150p.

Would I do her again? Good question, with so many others to try.

07-18-07, 02:11
Had observed an older (36) but definitely more sophisticated gal sitting in Exedra over the last week or so. Needing a change of pace, decided to give her a late afternoon whirl. What a Fricking DISASTER!

Sheila is 36, with blondish / red tint hair, makes a very nice appearance - meaning she does not reek "hooker" in public. She is from Brazil, speaking Portuguese, Spanish, English, and a bit of Korean. She has worked in Chile and supposedly for the last 6 years in Europe. She claims to be a trained masseuse, but more on this later.

On the telephone she asks if I know the price - I answer yes, 150p. She responds that she charges 200p, but this includes 45 minute massage and 30 minutes of service. I reply that I only pay 150p - period, no more. She counters with OK, but no massage and I would pay her taxi. I agreed.

She calls when leaving her place, she is on time - a thoughtful move!

I get another call from my lobby stating she needs 14p to pay the taxi. I quietly go ballistic! I HATE this, the very least they can do is warn you that you will be paying at street-level beforehand. This is a direct indication of how stupid and financially irresponsible a broad is! My first inclination was to give her 20p and tell her to go home. Of course the security guard, portero, and half the building already know I'm having "incall" - I live in a family oriented building. This was my ball-less moment, as I should have sent her packing.

We have 30 minutes of chit-chat and a drink, then she asks if we can get down to business. Asking for her money upfront, I refuse - but do put the money (150p) on the table next to her coat. Strike #2

She does about 45 minutes of a mediocre body massage - I would give it a 5 out of 10. Then she switches to the service part, very lackluster - maybe a 5.5 of 10. She tries to dictate the tempo / pace of the session, which some masseuses try to do - but read on for the scary part.

She was doing her best to produce an fast ending. When I slowed her down a bit, I got a look that was last seen in the face of "Cujo". When I turned us to a new position, she goes off with another rabid dog tirade, this time with verbal abuse. I've had enough of this crap so time to bring things to a close.

As she is getting her things together she collects her money and goes nuts, raising her voice to make sure the neighbors get the full flavor. Repeating over and over she charges 200p and men are always trying to cheat her out of money, etc. Interestingly, she puts the money in her wallet and never asks for another 50p - but repeatedly rants that everyone is trying to cheat her.

Folks, my post is not about a lousy massage and bad service - that can happen all over BsAs. It is about having someone who may not be mentally balanced in your home, apartment, or hotel room. The choice is yours, you have been warned.

Geo Eye
07-18-07, 10:44
It is about having someone who may not be mentally balanced in your home, apartment, or hotel room. The choice is yours, you have been warned.Thanks for the report, usually if it does not feel good at the beginning.

I give them 15 peso and tell them to get the hell out.

As for mentally unstable, I think that goes for most of these hookers.

In Buenos Aires, there is a very rare exception.

07-18-07, 17:57
....She has worked in Chile and supposedly for the last 6 years in Europe....This was the problem. From her perspective, every guy who doesn't pay the prices she was getting in Europe is "ripping her off".

07-24-07, 00:52
Instead of just looking around in Exedra I actually spoke with a couple chicas and asked about pricing my last trip. Didn't take anyone out though.

Paola - Nice looking girl from Uruguay. Looks early twenties. Wanted 200p / h or 250p /1.5h.

Lucia - petite girl maybe mid-late twenties. One of the better racks in Exedra, nice full C cup which she displayed quite well. Paraguaya I think. Wanted 250p / h. Was agreeable to an offer of 500p for a 4-hour date with dinner, clubs etc. I almost went through with this, I think it would have been fun. Never got around to it though.

I remember last year seeing a Tori Spelling look-alike working here. Didn't see her this time however.

El Perro
07-25-07, 17:10
No doables, as usual, last night about 11pm. No guys to hang with. A drastic change for me. Unlike my last port of call.Not many mongers hanging out there during the winter. The chica situation not great either, though there are a few doables from time to time. While I'm on the subject, does anybody have any info on a chica that is there every now and then? She talks alot with Hilda and they seem close. She is about 5'5, maybe smaller without heels, brown / blonde hair and built like a brick shithouse. Looks real young and has a dizzy, Marilyn Monroeish presentation. Probably dumb as a post. Great ass and oversized, likely silicone, tits. I usually see her talking with Hilda, very animated, and then she is off to whereever. I don't think I have ever seen her just hanging out.

El Perro
07-25-07, 19:00
Hey Jackpot! Thanks for the direct hit on the Exedra chica. That is definitely her. BTW-your PM storage is full.


07-25-07, 19:55
Hey Jackpot! Thanks for the direct hit on the Exedra chica. That is definitely her. BTW-your PM storage is full.

DoggLet's say that she's a clon of Wanda Nara.

Probably not so expensive.

Absolutely sure, not a virgin.

El Perro
07-25-07, 19:59
More Exedra news-as reported today on the Clarin blog, a local manager of a modeling agency (I think I got that part right) had his SUV swiped recently. He placed an ad in the paper inquiring if anyone knew of it's whereabouts. He received a call from the guy who had stolen the SUV, and a meeting was arranged at Exedra yesterday. A hefty amount of money was discussed to have the SUV returned. The manager arrived, the boludo was there, and he was arrested by numerous undercover cops. A bright fellow no doubt.

07-25-07, 20:10
More Exedra news-as reported today on the Clarin blog, a local manager of a modeling agency (I think I got that part right) had his SUV swiped recently. He placed an ad in the paper inquiring if anyone knew of it's whereabouts. He received a call from the guy who had stolen the SUV, and a meeting was arranged at Exedra yesterday. A hefty amount of money was discussed to have the SUV returned. The manager arrived, the boludo was there, and he was arrested by numerous undercover cops. A bright fellow no doubt.You are refering to Pancho Dotto, the Sultan of Models in Buenos Aires.

He gave the burglar U$S 11.000, the guy gave him the parking ticket were the car was hidden (a parking place two blocks away) and then the disguised cops picked him.

If I ever try to steal a 4 x 4, I'll try to be more clever.

08-06-07, 22:29

Yes. Three dollars US for a hot choc is 50% more than my Starbuck cafe.

However, the eye candy and ambiance for the extra dollar can not be beat.

At Big E.

To cushion the blow, get water with your chocolate. A good monger should be able to nurse this combo for at least 2 hours. Now we are talking the same length of time as a USA movie that would cost you $ 8.00 here in sunny Cal. So, you have you have to put your priorities in order.

Besides, it may keep out some of the riff raff.


08-15-07, 03:50
A really good monger would ask for a glass of hot water. Then add his package of instant hot chocolate and mix it in, in full view of all the girls. Then go borrow a newspaper from the table next to him. Then look he should ask to borrow a cell phone from one of the working girls. Now he should start to ask around for quotes to have his plumbing worked on. Now thats a business man! This would make a great hidden video clip.

08-27-07, 02:27

Dropped by at Cafe Exedra in the evening, it was rather freezing outside, and no one typical there untill this one caught my eyes. Her name is Sheila who speaks good English. This Brazilian beauty came to BsAs for merely a month. Sheila is my type of girl whom I'd love very much to do the deed. To begain, Sheila asked for $100US, I wished her good luck and said "No Thanks". I then counter offered her A$R150, which she accepted, and also complied with my terms of DFK, BBBJ, etc.

Now only one thing left to findout which I was glad: she insisted on paying the fees up front. I made clear that if she wants to do business in BsAs, she'd better do everyone else does here. I gave her a kiss and walked away.

I have both love and hate feelings since my experience with Brazilians have never been a smooth one. In this situation, I have to let this one slid with my crying heart.


08-27-07, 21:22
I recall I have read Alan's post before but I had forgotten this was about Sheila:


Had mentioned about Sheila with Heilda at Cafe Exedra, said she is absolutely creazy.

Yeah, my instinct saved me!


Punter 127
08-27-07, 22:16
Had observed an older (36) but definitely more sophisticated gal sitting in Exedra over the last week or so. Needing a change of pace, decided to give her a late afternoon whirl. What a Fricking DISASTER!

Sheila is 36, with blondish / red tint hair, makes a very nice appearance - meaning she does not reek "hooker" in public. She is from Brazil, speaking Portuguese, Spanish, English, and a bit of Korean. She has worked in Chile and supposedly for the last 6 years in Europe. She claims to be a trained masseuse, but more on this later.

On the telephone she asks if I know the price - I answer yes, 150p. She responds that she charges 200p, but this includes 45 minute massage and 30 minutes of service. I reply that I only pay 150p - period, no more. She counters with OK, but no massage and I would pay her taxi. I agreed.

She calls when leaving her place, she is on time - a thoughtful move!

I get another call from my lobby stating she needs 14p to pay the taxi. I quietly go ballistic! I HATE this, the very least they can do is warn you that you will be paying at street-level beforehand. This is a direct indication of how stupid and financially irresponsible a broad is! My first inclination was to give her 20p and tell her to go home. Of course the security guard, portero, and half the building already know I'm having "incall" - I live in a family oriented building. This was my ball-less moment, as I should have sent her packing.

We have 30 minutes of chit-chat and a drink, then she asks if we can get down to business. Asking for her money upfront, I refuse - but do put the money (150p) on the table next to her coat. Strike #2

She does about 45 minutes of a mediocre body massage - I would give it a 5 out of 10. Then she switches to the service part, very lackluster - maybe a 5.5 of 10. She tries to dictate the tempo / pace of the session, which some masseuses try to do - but read on for the scary part.

She was doing her best to produce an fast ending. When I slowed her down a bit, I got a look that was last seen in the face of "Cujo". When I turned us to a new position, she goes off with another rabid dog tirade, this time with verbal abuse. I've had enough of this crap so time to bring things to a close.

As she is getting her things together she collects her money and goes nuts, raising her voice to make sure the neighbors get the full flavor. Repeating over and over she charges 200p and men are always trying to cheat her out of money, etc. Interestingly, she puts the money in her wallet and never asks for another 50p - but repeatedly rants that everyone is trying to cheat her.

Folks, my post is not about a lousy massage and bad service - that can happen all over BsAs. It is about having someone who may not be mentally balanced in your home, apartment, or hotel room. The choice is yours, you have been warned.I met this chica at the "Big E" even had her phone number, but after talking to Alan23 I passed. Strad I'm glad your instincts kicked in, I think she is bad news.

09-08-07, 13:38
I saw her at the other night in Exedra, in red sweater, very calm and graceful, was talking to somebody. Please don't let her appearances fool you. I reported (http://www.argentinaprivate.com/forum/showpost.php?p=361802&postcount=98) her back in last year. She used to be at New Port.

If you happened to see her in Cafe Exedra, she is "Wanted"!


El Perro
09-08-07, 14:12
I saw her at the other night in Exedra, in red sweater, very calm and graceful, was talking to somebody. Please don't let her appearances fool you. I reported (http://www.argentinaprivate.com/forum/showpost.php?p=361802& postcount=98) her back in last year. She used to be at New Port.

If you happened to see her in Cafe Exedra, she is "Wanted"!

StradThis mercurial **** has been known to give both very good and very bad service. My guess is that she is no stranger to mind altering substances.

09-08-07, 20:21
I picked up a different Monica at Excedra yesterday. A rather nice girl with light blond shoulderlong hair. A bit high age, but still looking very fresh compared to many younger chicks. Because of lack of time it was a kind of hit and run for me, so I had no time for the basic arguing. What a shame.

First I have to admit that I overpaid. 200 pesos, plus taxi to a nearby telio, then 50 pesos for the telio, and an extremely bad service.

Look: 7

Skills: 4

Attitude: 2

Return: Not even for 2 pesos.


09-08-07, 20:50
Sorry about that! What happened? You did not pay first, I hope?

I picked up a different Monica at Excedra yesterday. A rather nice girl with light blond shoulderlong hair. A bit high age, but still looking very fresh compared to many younger chicks. Because of lack of time it was a kind of hit and run for me, so I had no time for the basic arguing. What a shame.

First I have to admit that I overpaid. 200 pesos, plus taxi to a nearby telio, then 50 pesos for the telio, and an extremely bad service.

Look: 7

Skills: 4

Attitude: 2

Return: Not even for 2 pesos.


El Perro
09-09-07, 04:24
In response to Aqualung's misplaced glowing report under the "Black" thread on the young Mirta / Hilda: whilst I was lounging outside, with the much esteemed Caveman01, on this balmy night at Exedra, Mirta espies Exon and comes sauntering over with a sultry gleam in her eye before chatting Exon up. She momentarily had the look of a much younger vixen. I had always assumed she was a hot gato at one time, and now confirmed. So Aqualung, do you know anyone who ever had the pleasure?

PS-a Dickhead sighting tonight at Exedra and reconnitoring (sp) the Triangle. Seems to be at his fighting weight and covering the plate as always.

09-09-07, 05:18
Doggboy - You got me going.

30 some years back, Buenos Aires night life was on 25 de Mayo street or Reconquista. In those days, it was common to see the white uniforms and cockeyed hats of hundreds of sailors ambling the streets of this welcoming city. All of such aiming their primed canons at the soft, silky thighs of the grandmothers of the ladies you now seek at Catto's or Blacks.

In the midst of these white suits, the blue uniform of a Federal Policeman scores a hit. Oficial Principal Gauna!

Of course Ppal Gauna, to fuck the object of his desire (Mirta / Hilda) has to "resolve" a problem Mirta has with the owners of the building she lives in.

Ppal Gauna "resolves" this problem with four Federal Police patrol cars and some door kicking.

Some years later I come across Gauna, now a Sub Comisario (and limited to that as his maximum career roof in the fed Pol for his personal use of four police cars and indiscriminating use of door kicking) and his lovely wife (and two kids)

Mirta is HOT. I mean VERY HOT but she's the wife of a Fed Police Subcomisario. For me reason enough to keep away but my driver (chaufer or whatever) has an itchy dick that needs scratching and Mirta seems to be the scratch to his itch.

And Subcomisario Gauna seems to be happy to find someone to have a dick Mirta wants to scratch.

My driver rides off to the sunset with a long haired, firm titted Mirta side sitting his saddle and I hear no more of them.

Till one night, a few years back, Mirta reappears in Exedra, 1970's hairstyle (or wig) And an attitude most young girls should kill for.

Doggboy, I never fucked her. I do know who has had the pleasure (many years back) but the "vixen look" is still there and before a doubtful young chick she still may have the fire one looks for in a memorable fuck.

I don't recommend her! I can't recommend her! But she may still be one of my childhood fantasies. Who knows

09-09-07, 14:21
Doggboy & Aqualung.

Below is very interesting, I always knew Mirta / Hilda had a past and now its confirmed.

I'll bet in her day she was one "Caliente" Chica. She certainly knows the business and runs a tight ship at Excedra. No chica works there without her OK and if they fuck up their out the door.

Moreover, she loves the "Americano's"

I know most of the girls that work their, but every now and then a new girl will catch my eye. Before I consider spending an "Orgasmo", (Sperm Management) I'll always confer with Hilda about the girls reviews. I'm not about to waste a load unless the girl provides good service or is a "Psycho"

The "Drama Queen" come to mind, Hilda 86ed her from Excedra. She was probably the best Fuck in the whole place but a true Psycho, Hilda threw her out.

Any way thanks for the posts below.


El Perro
09-09-07, 17:04
If she would lose 100 pounds, get a makeover, a new sexy ''doo'', she would look as good as 1/2 the chicas at Exedra. She told me confidentially, that Exon likes 'em big! So she is not likely to ''downsize''!I had a dream last night that I was skullfucking her and her "hair" came off in my hand. I screamed, but it felt GOOD!

09-10-07, 19:54
Sorry about that! What happened? You did not pay first, I hope?Not to brake up the new discussions on the tread, but no, I did not. And my dissapointment might be because I had a great time the day before with another girl from Exedra. But, as said, I was in a lack of time, and did not have the time to sort details out in front. So, it is my fault in the end. She was friendly, but far from eager to please.

09-10-07, 21:14
Not to brake up the new discussions on the tread, but no, I did not. And my dissapointment might be because I had a great time the day before with another girl from Exedra. But, as said, I was in a lack of time, and did not have the time to sort details out in front. So, it is my fault in the end. She was friendly, but far from eager to please.Shagg,

Next time you're in town remember your private tour guided by "Exon". If I'd been you, I'd a been at Madahos on my boss's expense account money, not at Excedra. I don't know about you, but I always enjoy pussy more when its "Free". That said, I don't want any "Free Pussy", but expense account money doesn't count.

(Time is worth more than money in Buenos Aires, so much pussy, so little time)


Norman Stormin
09-16-07, 12:49
Hats off to Exxon for referring us to this link in the "special" interest spanking section. Now if he would only have Hilda recruit some of the nodrizas to serve our coffee!


09-16-07, 15:09
I had a dream last night that I was skullfucking her and her "hair" came off in my hand... For Christ's sake!

El Perro
09-16-07, 15:40
For Christ's sake!I take no responsibility for my dreams. The horrifying thing about the dream is that without her hair she looked like Exon.

09-16-07, 15:54
The horrifying thing about the dream is that without her hair she looked like Exon.Physician, heal thyself!


09-16-07, 18:07
Now that is how to drink Coffee. Do you think Havana will serve it like that?

09-20-07, 21:54
I will be the first one to post a report on her.

The other day, she quoted me 300 dolores for 3 hours through the text message and I didn't even bother to answer.

I was sitting there this evening sipping coffee and she walks in. I, obviously, looked away and kept it that way. I left after 10 minutes and received a text message shortly after from her saying " Why are you sitting alone? You take other girls from here and pay well and you look at me like I am worth nothing. Why won't you go out with me?" I had already deleted her phone no. From my contacts so I had no idea where it came from. When I asked who sent me the message because there was no name in the end of the message. She texted me saying that it is her and she gave me her no. Last week. I replied that I didn't like the price and had deleted her phone no. She replied right back and asked for 250 pesos for 1.5 hours. I countered with 200 for 2 hours and "Bueno" was the reply.

10 minutes later, in my apartment. The sex was very average. Everything was covered. DFK and multiple positions but tits are soggy and I am not a fan of smelly pussy. She left after little over an hour. I could not get into her much so didn't want to keep her for very long. I will definitely not repeat or recommend. She has 1 kid, lives 40 minutes from Exedra and works around 5-11 PM M-F if anybody wants to give her a try.

Geo Eye
09-20-07, 22:53
I will be the first one to post a report on her.

The other day, she quoted me 300 dolores for 3 hours through the text message and I didn't even bother to answer.

I was sitting there this evening sipping coffee and she walks in. I, obviously, looked away and kept it that way. I left after 10 minutes and received a text message shortly after from her saying " Why are you sitting alone? You take other girls from here and pay well and you look at me like I am worth nothing. Why won't you go out with me?" I had already deleted her phone no. From my contacts so I had no idea where it came from. When I asked who sent me the message because there was no name in the end of the message. She texted me saying that it is her and she gave me her no. Last week. I replied that I didn't like the price and had deleted her phone no. She replied right back and asked for 250 pesos for 1.5 hours. I countered with 200 for 2 hours and "Bueno" was the reply.

10 minutes later, in my apartment. The sex was very average. Everything was covered. DFK and multiple positions but tits are soggy and I am not a fan of smelly pussy. She left after little over an hour. I could not get into her much so didn't want to keep her for very long. I will definitely not repeat or recommend. She has 1 kid, lives 40 minutes from exedra and works around 5-11 PM M-F if anybody wants to give her a try.Way to go. Sexmachine. It is what I have been saying all along. If you don't care, they will come. The more interest and effort you put in a women the more she will ignore you and the opposite is to be true.

You negotiated it even more after she brought her price down. Exactly what.

I would have done. Now she will know that her pussy is not precious, it stinks.

09-21-07, 14:21
Since, we are sitting at Exedra every night, I, too, have noticed a lot of new chicas there. The other night, I saw a stunner and within a minute, she was picked up. I never even got a chance to get her no. Oh well, there is always next time. I would have given her a solid 8 in my book, lookswise. There were atleast 30-40 girls last night.

The Main Man
09-22-07, 19:30
And have been reading this, I just walked past (I am here, for about 2 weeks, got in yesterday! Just agot apporved yeterday. AS of now, like 5 girls, one, I'd rate a 7, but she was involved with a guy. Ill pop back in like 2 hours and check it out. If anyone form here is going ot be there, Look for the gringo who looks confused.

The Main Man
09-22-07, 22:31
9:00, still only 2, and all over 85 years old, going back in 2 hours. Yes I am bored, thank you.

Greg Mason
10-13-07, 14:37
Last night I had met for first time WT69 at the l'alliance.

We had some snack's and a few drinks and a lot of lough with Ramiro, we moved on arround 1:30 to Exedra. It was quiet croweded some 25-30 Chicas.

We also have met Jackson and some other members of the forum. After a short small talk, Jackson moved on for the night.

After a few drinks more and then WT69 left with some others mongers out. So it was only Biggie and me remaining.

We had one more beer and started locking arround what is the move.

On the next table a saw Patricia, a nice mature girl sitting there. We had been once in a Doubles. After a funny good talk we went over to my hotel.

Big moved also out with his chica he picked up.

Patricia is a little bit overweight, has a pretty face, nice bobs and using glasses.

At all, we had a great time for two hours, several session. She moves good, is doing a great BBBJ and all was funny. I will overall rate her a 7, as she give you a real good GFE feeling. She isn't a Clockwatcher.

For the 2 hours we agreed on 150P and some little extra for the taxi / bus. She is living down in La Plata.

We agreed to phone tonight and inviting also Antonella. With her we had been together last time in the doubles. May be we will repeat this excelent experience.

More after it had happend.


10-13-07, 16:32
Is Hilda still working the floor at Excedra or has she moved over to her new job in Recoleta?


El Perro
10-13-07, 16:37
Is Hilda still working the floor at Excedra or has she moved over to her new job in Recoleta?

ExonStill at Exedra and yesterday was her birthday.

10-13-07, 23:55
Still at Exedra and yesterday was her birthday.Shit, I forgot! - She'll be there till next week according to what she told me some weeks back

10-14-07, 02:12
I believe I heard her say she transitions sometime in the days after 17th.

10-18-07, 20:10
Anybody have an opinion on Jessica, the dark-skinned Colombian hanging out at Excedra these days?

10-18-07, 21:34
I've talked to Hilda a few times on this trip, she has been somewhat helpful to me on a couple of things. She's a nice lady. But the Columbian's body is a little tighter and I was more interested in actually peforming the love act with her than with Hilda.

10-19-07, 06:50
I do not normally post, but around 2:30 the dominican girls went nuts. They were inside the fishbowl near the TV back by the bar and I saw the chair flew through the air.

About time something cool happent. I wanted to see a total cat fight, but the waiters stopped it. Does anyone know what the story behind it all was?

10-19-07, 10:31
They were fighting over Sidney!

El Perro
10-19-07, 12:03
I do not normally post, but around 2:30 the dominican girls went nuts. They were inside the fishbowl near the TV back by the bar and I saw the chair flew through the air.

About time something cool happent. I wanted to see a total cat fight, but the waiters stopped it. Does anyone know what the story behind it all was?Damn, looks like I left about a half hour too early. Mirta is still there, so it wasn't because of her leaving for the "Hippo". El Sid, you fibber. You weren't in the house last night! My guess is that the girls were driven nuts by the gawdawful music played outside. I propose us mongers get up a petition to drive those "musicians" out of there. They sound like a "catfight".

10-19-07, 19:56
I went there about 2:30 after dropping my date back off at the club. When I got there I realized I had brought no money. Fortunately WT69 was walking up Cordoba at that very moment.

WT69, you never came back from your errand, leaving me there looking like a deadbeat. I hope you came back and paid the bill. I owe you 10 pesos (or Exedra, if you didn't pay - but I know you would never do something like that ha ha ha).

There was still some agitation between some girls going on at 3. I left about 3:30.

10-20-07, 10:15
I always pay my bills. So I was a day late. Arnaldo is the best waiter, he knows me. No problem.

I went there about 2:30 after dropping my date back off at the club. When I got there I realized I had brought no money. Fortunately WT69 was walking up Cordoba at that very moment.

WT69, you never came back from your errand, leaving me there looking like a deadbeat. I hope you came back and paid the bill. I owe you 10 pesos (or Exedra, if you didn't pay - but I know you would never do something like that ha ha ha)

There was still some agitation between some girls going on at 3. I left about 3:30.

10-20-07, 13:41
Was the music those bohemian looking guys with no talent for singing, instruments or presentation?

Or was it that stupid karaoke wherein the Domincan girl monopolizes it with songs of her homeland?

Either way the live music is horrible. I cannot imagine Excedra is paying for this, because after a set I noticed the participants ask for money from the crowd.

They can do alot better and the next time I am going to complain to management. They will probably send me some creamed spinach for my troubles.

10-20-07, 15:07
Was the music those bohemian looking guys with no talent for singing, instruments or presentation?

Or was it that stupid karaoke wherein the Domincan girl monopolizes it with songs of her homeland?

Either way the live music is horrible. I cannot imagine Excedra is paying for this, because after a set I noticed the participants ask for money from the crowd.

They can do alot better and the next time I am going to complain to management. They will probably send me some creamed spinach for my troubles.When they "Passed the Hat", I told they I'm pay "em" something but only if they quit playing.


El Perro
10-20-07, 16:00
Was the music those bohemian looking guys with no talent for singing, instruments or presentation?

Or was it that stupid karaoke wherein the Domincan girl monopolizes it with songs of her homeland?

Either way the live music is horrible. I cannot imagine Excedra is paying for this, because after a set I noticed the participants ask for money from the crowd.It's the duo of guitar player (can't sing) and the bongo / trumpet player (can't sing) My guess is that Exedra pays them nothing (or very, very little) and they make some money from tips !(They must know somebody at Exedra. I like their choice of songs, which makes it even worse that they are so horrible.

Member #3314
10-26-07, 13:06
I was in there the other night, I had to use a stall because the other facility's were in use. I was reading all the graffiti on the back of the door and I saw this gem.

Sorry for the bad photo quality I took it with my phone.

Pete Puma
10-26-07, 23:10
The pic is ok. It is the name in the pic that is of bad quality.

Punter 127
10-26-07, 23:51
Say it isn't so!Sid did you write that?

10-27-07, 00:10
But he never fucks her so it might have been her. You know the saying about no wrath worse than a woman.


10-27-07, 03:27
That would be "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". If you had spent more time in Whales, and less time in Argentina fucking latin threesomes during the last 30 years you might get these things right. Lets not speak of this again. See ya next week. Happy Mongering. T.

PS. Never, I repeat never diss an angler, especially a fly fisherman!

El Queso
10-27-07, 21:12
I was in there the other night, I had to use a stall because the other facility's were in use. I was reading all the graffiti on the back of the door and I saw this gem.

Sorry for the bad photo quality I took it with my phone.Ok Member #3314 - I thought you'd at least give me credit for finding it first and alerting you it was there :p

Member #3314
10-27-07, 21:56
Ok Member #3314 - I thought you'd at least give me credit for finding it first and alerting you it was there:pYou are correct you told me it was there, the next night I was taking a leak and remembered and looked over. Looks like it has been there for some time though.

10-28-07, 19:10
TIf you had spent more time in Whales, and less time in Argentina fucking latin threesomes during the last 30 years you might get these things right. Lets not speak of this again.If I had stayed in Wales I'd still be shagging sheep threesomes! And in shitty weather!

11-07-07, 11:40
My my, this joint is a sad and depressing, especially after looking at Hook chicas.

Punter 127
11-07-07, 13:34
I don't think there are any "Exedra loyalists". It'’s just a place to meet, and occasionally find a good chica. With Mirta / Hilda gone I suspect the place will go down even more, but hey they will still have good music. :rolleyes:

Punter 127
11-07-07, 22:12
It started going down fast when you left!If you would stop taking all the chicas off the program it might be better!

11-25-07, 06:23
It's 5 o'clock in the morning, why am I writing this report now one might wonder. Did Sportsman just have the session of his life feel the need to share it with his fellow mongers? Sadly that was not the case.

I was with some friends at Exedra tonight. Around 2:00 am a chica and her friend came and joined us at our table since one of the chicas knew a friend of mine. After couple of hours of flirting with them I decided to take Marisa home. She started with 300 pesos and my response was no way. She came back with 200 pesos and I insisted on my usual offer of 150 pesos. We were at a stale mate for a while. Eventually she offered 150 pesos with propina if I have a good time. I know the offer is same as 200 pesos because she would have expected the propina no matter what. She was only doing that to save face. Of course I still said 150 pesos no mas. Then she said how about 150 pesos and taxi fare as propina. That seemed to seal the deal since I was planning to give her the taxi fare anyway. So I paid for my drink and another 10 pesos for hers and off we went.

When we got to my apartment, she went to bathroom first. Then it was my turn. When I came out she was already in my bed buck naked. I removed my clothes and hopped into the bed. Then she asked if I can pay her now. I told her I always pay when finished. She tried to her best to seduce me in paying by rubbing me all over. I wouldn't budge and just laid there in my bed. Then she said "If you don't pay me now I have to leave." Fine with me but I won't pay until we are finished. She got up and got dressed. Then she asked me for taxi fare. I told her I had paid for her drink at Exedra already and won't give her taxi fare because I got nothing for it. Walked her out to the building and she said chau.

I must say I am proud of myself by holding to my gun. How many men can stop with a naked woman in their bed stroking his dick? However, I had two things going for me. First, I really didn't like her look that much, she was acceptable but not someone I have high desire for. Second, I dropped a big load with Camila at 359 Maipu earlier today so I could afford not to drop the second load. Otherwise I might have given in at some point.

That's it for the night. Tomorrow is another day. Happy mongering!

11-25-07, 12:40
I dropped a ''little load'' with Camilla early in the day! Could you tell?Sid,

Unless you were there before 12:30 pm yesterday, I would say Camilia had my "big load" as main course and your "little load" for dessert. ;)

BTW, regarding the chica from Exedra, after more than 20 trips to BA in the past three years, she was the first chica that I ever had to break off the deal after arriving to my apartment. She would not relent in paying upfront, neither did I.

Pete Puma
11-25-07, 17:38
Good job Sportsman. Stand firm on your terms. It will be interesting next time you see her. I think she will know all of the mongers you are sitting will be off limits.

Punter 127
11-25-07, 18:56
BTW, regarding the chica from Exedra, after more than 20 trips to BA in the past three years, she was the first chica that I ever had to break off the deal after arriving to my apartment. She would not relent in paying upfront, neither did I.I'm sure there is a reason she so steadfastly demanded her money first. I think you handled the situation just right.

Well done! :cool:

Mike Dog 2007
12-05-07, 06:07
OK, kind of new to this deal, but my last night in Argentina and have made out with a few non-pros (can't close these girls to save my life) and hit a couple apartments over the month or so. Thought for my last night I would take one back to the hotel for several hours of fun. Finally agreed to 3 hours for $250 pesos with a chica at Exedra. Actually had it written down and everything, so no confusion over language. Have the notepad that says 3 horas = 250 pesos. Well after an hour chica say I'm leaving that will be $250 pesos. I say Bullshit and she says, oh no 3 hours is $450 (her initial offer) and that 250 was for 1 hour. She starts bitching loudly, waking up half the hotel. Then says, OK 3 hours for 300 pesos. I'm now seriously pissed and want no part of this girl (not that good either) I boot her ass out giving her $100 pesos which was slightly more than the 83.33 pesos I figured was one third of our deal.

She seemed so sweet and easy going up until this point that I would have totally paid her upfront if she asked (yeah, I'm naive) Now I realize why you guys never pay upfront. I would have zero leverage at that point.

And for the life of me I can't remember her name.

12-05-07, 11:23
"Actually had it written down and everything"

In Argentina even a written contract is worthless. Can't tell you how many times it has happened where the Argie party to the contract simply ignores a clause that is not in their best interest.

Punter 127
12-05-07, 12:38
OK, kind of new to this deal, but my last night in Argentina and have made out with a few non-pros (can't close these girls to save my life) and hit a couple apartments over the month or so. Thought for my last night I would take one back to the hotel for several hours of fun. Finally agreed to 3 hours for $250 pesos with a chica at Exedra. Actually had it written down and everything, so no confusion over language. Have the notepad that says 3 horas = 250 pesos. Well after an hour chica say I'm leaving that will be $250 pesos. I say Bullshit and she says, oh no 3 hours is $450 (her initial offer) and that 250 was for 1 hour. She starts bitching loudly, waking up half the hotel. Then says, OK 3 hours for 300 pesos. I'm now seriously pissed and want no part of this girl (not that good either) I boot her ass out giving her $100 pesos which was slightly more than the 83.33 pesos I figured was one third of our deal.

She seemed so sweet and easy going up until this point that I would have totally paid her upfront if she asked (yeah, I'm naive) Now I realize why you guys never pay upfront. I would have zero leverage at that point.

And for the life of me I can't remember her name.You handled the situation very well, and you are exactly right this is why you don ’t pay up front. I wish you could remember her name.

Good Job!!! :D

Precocious One
12-05-07, 13:33
It's 5 o'clock in the morning, why am I writing this report now one might wonder. Did Sportsman just have the session of his life feel the need to share it with his fellow mongers? Sadly that was not the case.

I was with some friends at Exedra tonight. Around 2:00 am a chica and her friend came and joined us at our table since one of the chicas knew a friend of mine. After couple of hours of flirting with them I decided to take Marisa home. She started with 300 pesos and my response was no way. She came back with 200 pesos and I insisted on my usual offer of 150 pesos. We were at a stale mate for a while. Eventually she offered 150 pesos with propina if I have a good time. I know the offer is same as 200 pesos because she would have expected the propina no matter what. She was only doing that to save face. Of course I still said 150 pesos no mas. Then she said how about 150 pesos and taxi fare as propina. That seemed to seal the deal since I was planning to give her the taxi fare anyway. So I paid for my drink and another 10 pesos for hers and off we went.

When we got to my apartment, she went to bathroom first. Then it was my turn. When I came out she was already in my bed buck naked. I removed my clothes and hopped into the bed. Then she asked if I can pay her now. I told her I always pay when finished. She tried to her best to seduce me in paying by rubbing me all over. I wouldn't budge and just laid there in my bed. Then she said "If you don't pay me now I have to leave." Fine with me but I won't pay until we are finished. She got up and got dressed. Then she asked me for taxi fare. I told her I had paid for her drink at Exedra already and won't give her taxi fare because I got nothing for it. Walked her out to the building and she said chau.

I must say I am proud of myself by holding to my gun. How many men can stop with a naked woman in their bed stroking his dick? However, I had two things going for me. First, I really didn't like her look that much, she was acceptable but not someone I have high desire for. Second, I dropped a big load with Camila at 359 Maipu earlier today so I could afford not to drop the second load. Otherwise I might have given in at some point.

That's it for the night. Tomorrow is another day. Happy mongering!Great post. Anyone paying upfront for any service-based professional needs to be aware that eventually they will soon be parted from their money. I generally never, ever pay up-front or even half-down (materials excluded) for a service-based professional. And especially in an industry where supply greatly exceeds demand.

12-06-07, 02:34
These recent posts only prove to me that lowballing chicas has its downside as well.

My approach is you need to strike the right balance between not paying too much (where the chica may respect you less) and not paying too little (where the chica may warm up to you less) Both parties need to be sufficiently happy with the deal so the negotiations and agreements are out of the way and the focus can be on other things. For the same reason, I usually pay up front when asked. I want the chica to be comfortable and not thinking about payment during the session.

On occasion, after the deal is made I have said I don't want any more discussion of price or tipping when we get back to my hotel. The chicas always agreed and held to the agreement.

I think its very debatable whether bargaining hard for low prices and insisting on paying after, yield the best results on average.

Punter 127
12-06-07, 12:14
These recent posts only prove to me that lowballing chicas has its downside as well.

My approach is you need to strike the right balance between not paying too much (where the chica may respect you less) and not paying too little (where the chica may warm up to you less) Both parties need to be sufficiently happy with the deal so the negotiations and agreements are out of the way and the focus can be on other things. For the same reason, I usually pay up front when asked. I want the chica to be comfortable and not thinking about payment during the session.

On occasion, after the deal is made I have said I don't want any more discussion of price or tipping when we get back to my hotel. The chicas always agreed and held to the agreement.

I think its very debatable whether bargaining hard for low prices and insisting on paying after, yield the best results on average.And what is your recourse if she fails to provide the service agreed on, or runs out the door before the agreed upon time has expired?

Do you pay other types of independent service providers you have just met up front as well?

Daddy Rulz
12-06-07, 15:07
And what is your recourse if she fails to provide the service agreed on, or runs out the door before the agreed upon time has expired?

Do you pay other types of independent service providers you have just met up front as well?Never pay up front, no matter what. By the laws of chicaland, mangos in the purse are earned mangos and require no further service. Mangos on the dresser are not in possession and may not end up in the purse. Once you pay their thoughts are on "how do I get more mango's?" Not "How do I make this guy come like Peter North?"

Precocious One
12-06-07, 21:18
Never pay up front, no matter what. By the laws of chicaland, mangos in the purse are earned mangos and require no further service. Mangos on the dresser are not in possession and may not end up in the purse. Once you pay their thoughts are on "how do I get more mango's?" Not "How do I make this guy come like Peter North?"Exactly. Would you pay a plumber up front to clean out your pipes before he completes the work? Of course not. Same theory goes for a service provider. Essentially, they are both cleaning pipes, right?

"He who holds the gold makes the rules."

"Possession is 9/10ths of the law."