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Daddy Rulz
09-02-13, 19:47
This is where Gringo pricing starts!I hate criticizing a brother but I agree.

Here's the conversation with her friend.

Chica 1: "Gringo que me cogi me dio 200 pesos adicionales" (That gringo I fucked gave me 200 extra pesos).

Chica 2: "No me digas, que loco" (Shut up, how crazy).

Chica 1: "Si verdad, te juro, que estáand hechos de plata" (No it's true I swear to you, they are made of money).

Now here's the conversation with you.

Monger: Vaaamos a mi apartamenter yo paygote kenyenteros pesos (Lets go to my apartment I'll pay you 500).

Chica 2: Thinking (La gorda vale 1000, me valgo 1200, fat maria got 1000 I'm worth 1200) "No mi amor, 1500 minimo" (No honey it's 1500 minimum [She's holding 300 back for wiggle room]).

Monger: (This chick is crazy, she's got 20 kids and her tits are going to bounce off the floor when she takes that bra off but there's nobody else here and I want to fuck somebody) Mi amoral yo tango 600.

Chica 2: Thinking (Fat Maria made 1000, If I sit here long enough somebody will pay me that) No gracias.

Rules of chicaland "A chick puts her worth at the highest number that she has ever HEARD that anybody has EVER been paid." Ask Jax about buying a mirror for his apartment someday.

09-03-13, 01:15
DR, There is truth to what you say, and I know you want us tourists to stop paying too much. But I think you are over-generalizing. Most chicas will set their rates based on averages, not outliers. If some guy comes along and pays double the average, yes that outlier may influence some chicas to try to get more. But no way does that translate into the chica or her friends automatically expecting double from all customers. And how you talk her up is always a factor. Tell me where I'm going wrong.

Monger: Lets go to my apartment I'll pay you 500.

Chica: No honey it's 1500 minimum.

Monger: 1500? Baby, where do you get that number from?

Chica: That's what other customers pay.

Monger: That can't be possible. I have several friends who come here, they pay 400 or 500 pesos.

Chica: No, not possible.

Monger: One of my friends paid 1000 pesos once, but that was for multiple hours. Maybe you're thinking multiple hours. Look, I know people who come here all the time, I know what the rate is. 500 per hour. I will offer you 500, and if we have a good time, I will include a tip, no problem. (raise to 600 if one of the hotties).

Chica: How much tip?

Monger: If we have a really good time, maybe 100.

Admittedly, this is where I move a BIT into gringo pricing, but just a bit. As a tourist my time is precious, so I aim for average to slightly above the average, as need be. The tip approach gives the chica an incentive, and me the option to save 100 if she doesn't perform well. Works almost all the time, especially after some time chatting, laughing and drinking with the chica. The key is knowing where the average is, for the quality of chica you're dealing with.

09-03-13, 01:34
I had three different chicas from Exedra.

The first I paid 600.

The next I paid 500.

Then I had a 2 for 1 at 500 each.

Hold your ground gents!

09-03-13, 01:47
Something to think about; tips to providers just become part of the price next time. I used to do it a lot when I first started but I pretty much never do now. Argies don't, I can promise you that. BTW- Argies don't tip because the chica's incentive is repeat business. If the chica knows you're a tourist in town for a short time, this incentive is very limited. You can increase it a bit by saying you're in town for 3 more weeks (even if you're leaving tomorrow). But basically the dynamics are different for tourists, where a deal structured with a tip can help tilt the session towards better service.

Daddy Rulz
09-03-13, 04:30
BTW- Argies don't tip because the chica's incentive is repeat business. If the chica knows you're a tourist in town for a short time, this incentive is very limited. You can increase it a bit by saying you're in town for 3 more weeks (even if you're leaving tomorrow). But basically the dynamics are different for tourists, where a deal structured with a tip can help tilt the session towards better service.I live here, money is more important than time. I speak Spanish (poorly, but I speak enough) and in my experience it just doesn't matter. If you are a Yankee, they know somebody who some other Yankee paid 2 x the going rate and they won't settle for less. You can work the amount for more time as you said, they will say 1200 for two hours but they are gone in 45 unless you argue with them and who wants to do that. And who wants to have a girl around for 2 hours unless you like them.

I would bang a couple girls from Exedra but they are nuts. The older ugly chicks want 600-1000 an hour, younger hotter 800-1200.

These are just the chicks who's name starts with the letter A off Baires and the local forum I have sessioned with;.

450 hr, 400 on Saturdays http://www.bairesgirls.net/escorts/Azhul_15-6999-9212_12114.htm.

600 an hour and will fuck you to death http://www.bairesgirls.net/escorts/Agostyna_15-3859-4651_8930.htm.

400, not great but if you're hungry for a spinner with big fake titties its a visual thing. http://www.bairesgirls.net/escorts/Aimar_15-6867-1435_11502.htm.

Hell Alexia even runs specials for 400 some days if you want a 35 year old hottie. http://www.bairesgirls.net/escorts/Alexia%20SI_15-3272-4476_4675.htm.

400 conventional /500 complato total P.S.E. http://www.bairesgirls.net/escorts/Axel_15-2431-4649_12301.htm.

These are all indies not privado girls so it's not like they are fucking 10 guys a day (and privado girls don't do that many).

What's the difference? Not a lot of extranjeros are going to see them. They service almost exclusively Argentines and are subject to a very active and often critical forum. The VERY highest priced chicks are 900 with these indies and for most of them it's an hour fucking, normally an hour 20- and hour 30 for the whole session. Those chicks are be and see list model hot and will seriously lay some pleasure on you.

I hate sounding like one of the price police, it's not my money and I think people should spend it as they wish. But to say there isn't an effect and that it can't be controlled just isn't true.


I'd just like to get a little at night sometime is all.

09-03-13, 08:27
the chica's incentive is repeat business.Not if she's Argentinian!

If she's Argentinian she has absolutely zero concept of repeat business and can't see further ahead than the end of her nose!

Joe 23
09-03-13, 11:00
But basically the dynamics are different for tourists, where a deal structured with a tip can help tilt the session towards better service.Excuse me to point this out, but in my opinion you are completely mistaken about the girls here.

Suppose you see a girl that quotes 500 pesos an hour. If you tip her a 100 pesos before the session, she will just think that you're a gringo with extra money to give away. No more than that. She will say Gracias but the 100 peso will NOT help you in receiving better service than someone who pays 500.

Or, suppose you're happy with a girl when the session is finished and tip her a 100 after the session. Again, she will say "Gracias mi amor!" but if you come back the next day to see her again, will she be ready to give you better service? NO. Just like anyone would look at her as a 500 peso / hour girl, she will look at you as a 600 peso client, and I can guarantee that she will be upset if you don't pay her the original 500 plus the 100 tip again.

A deal structured with a tip does NOT help the session towards better service. This applies not only to girls but to almost any business run by Argentines.

09-03-13, 11:28
People don't understand Argie economics. Here a used car (all used vehicles) go up in price every year, not down like in other countries. People often sell things that are well used for the price of a new one saying that it is better now that it is broken in. Some one could be starving and have no money to eat but will turn down decent paying work because they "deserve" more! I've never seen a more a $$ backwards country economically. Chicas are just a extension of this. There are a lot of ass holes that come to this country and pay 10 times the girls worth because they never had a decent piece of a $$ before and now they are in love. Then the girls all think that this is the "new" norm. People don't understand Argie mentality and continue to contribute to the fantasy land mentality of the average Argie.

09-03-13, 11:59
DR, There is truth to what you say, and I know you want us tourists to stop paying too much. But I think you are over-generalizing. Most chicas will set their rates based on averages, not outliers. If some guy comes along and pays double the average, yes that outlier may influence some chicas to try to get more. But no way does that translate into the chica or her friends automatically expecting double from all customers. And how you talk her up is always a factor. Tell me where I'm going wrong.

Esten, I assume from your previous posts that you speak better than passable Spanish. If that assumption is correct, you forget that many of the gringos who come to BA looking for pussy speak little or no Spanish. I can tell you from "pretending" that I spoke very little Spanish that the pricing was different than when I spoke to the chicas in fluent, albeit university, Spanish. They knew that I was a tourist on both occasions.


09-03-13, 16:40
Esten, I assume from your previous posts that you speak better than passable Spanish. If that assumption is correct, you forget that many of the gringos who come to BA looking for pussy speak little or no Spanish. I can tell you from "pretending" that I spoke very little Spanish that the pricing was different than when I spoke to the chicas in fluent, albeit university, Spanish. They knew that I was a tourist on both occasions.

Tres3.Somebody should try using Flash Cards written in Perfect Spanish, not that the girls would know the difference between perfect Spanish and incorrect Spanish.

The cards could state that you are a Mute from Buenos Aires and that you would like to spend some time with them.

You would have to be able to understand them a little bit though. Or not.

Deaf / Mute?


Flash Cards for Taxi Drivers..

Just write your address down on a slip of paper and show it directly to the taxi driver to avoid a Tour.

I can't pull this trick off at any of the haunts but a lot of you can try.

At worst the girls should get a kick out of it.


09-04-13, 03:44
I'm not saying the "Argie mentality" doesn't exist (this has been discussed on AP many times over the years). I'm saying it does not apply to all chicas in all circumstances. Some of the statements here (probably including my own in my last post) are over-generalizations. Striking a good deal will depend on many factors. With some chicas with inflated prices it will be almost impossible, understood. But there are ALWAYS opportunities to be had, limited only by your effort and creativity.

Suppose you see a girl that quotes 500 pesos an hour. If you tip her a 100 pesos before the session, she will just think that you're a gringo with extra money to give away. No more than that. She will say Gracias but the 100 peso will NOT help you in receiving better service than someone who pays 500.

Who said anything about tipping before? You tip AFTER.

Or, suppose you're happy with a girl when the session is finished and tip her a 100 after the session. Again, she will say "Gracias mi amor!" but if you come back the next day to see her again, will she be ready to give you better service? NO.

Who said anything about expecting better service the next time? You tip only if you got good service, which you'll expect the next time. And BTW I wouldn't do this with the indies DR mentioned who have standard rates and service levels. It's for the club chicas, as needed (not always), who may need some convincing to give me the standard rate not the gringo rate.

Just like anyone would look at her as a 500 peso / hour girl, she will look at you as a 600 peso client, and I can guarantee that she will be upset if you don't pay her the original 500 plus the 100 tip again.

So what if she's upset. It will be the same deal next time, and if she doesn't deliver, no tip (and no seeing her again).

I live here, money is more important than time. I speak Spanish (poorly, but I speak enough) and in my experience it just doesn't matter. If you are a Yankee, they know somebody who some other Yankee paid 2 x the going rate and they won't settle for less. You can work the amount for more time as you said, they will say 1200 for two hours but they are gone in 45 unless you argue with them and who wants to do that. And who wants to have a girl around for 2 hours unless you like them.

Some chicas, not all. This reminds me of the many times a chica has whispered to me "psst... between you and me OK? Don't tell the other chicas". You expect me to believe these chicas giving me a better deal than others have quoted, NEVER charged a higher price to a Yankee?

I would bang a couple girls from Exedra but they are nuts. The older ugly chicks want 600-1000 an hour, younger hotter 800-1200.

If the hotties have a pact to lock the Yankees out below 800, either get more creative or find another source of hotties (if 800 is too much). BTW, you're going to hate me saying this but 800 is not too ridiculous with the recent exchange rate. Even a Madahos-caliber chica at 1000 pesos is a much better deal than pulling her from Madahos.

What's the difference? Not a lot of extranjeros are going to see them. They service almost exclusively Argentines and are subject to a very active and often critical forum. The VERY highest priced chicks are 900 with these indies and for most of them it's an hour fucking, normally an hour 20- and hour 30 for the whole session. Those chicks are be and see list model hot and will seriously lay some pleasure on you.

Yeah the local foro is fantastic. And many fantastic local indies. But, if some gringo comes along and tips Yamy 400 pesos, is she going to expect the same from the Argies? Or the next gringo? Of course not. So we've established right there that the "Argie mentality" does not always apply.

I'd just like to get a little at night sometime is all.

I think I get where you're coming from. You'd like Exedra to be a convenient, reliable late-night source of good quality at good prices. Some tourists are creating inflation. I can't argue with that. I just disagree with the over-generalizations.

09-04-13, 09:29
[QUOTE=Esten;435407]I'm not saying the "Argie mentality" doesn't exist (this has been discussed on AP many times over the years). I'm saying it does not apply to all chicas in all circumstances. Some of the statements here (probably including my own in my last post) are over-generalizations. Striking a good deal will depend on many factors. With some chicas with inflated prices it will be almost impossible, understood. But there are ALWAYS opportunities to be had, limited only by your effort and creativity.

You are right, there are always exceptions to every statement or rule. But here? In Argentina? Very, very few.. Your experiences are limited as a tourist. For those of us who live here its a 95% sure thing. The Argie mentality exists and very hard to understand why.

09-04-13, 15:35
I'm not saying the "Argie mentality" doesn't exist (this has been discussed on AP many times over the years). I'm saying it does not apply to all chicas in all circumstances. Some of the statements here (probably including my own in my last post) are over-generalizations. Striking a good deal will depend on many factors. With some chicas with inflated prices it will be almost impossible, understood. But there are ALWAYS opportunities to be had, limited only by your effort and creativity.

Who said anything about tipping before? You tip AFTER.

Who said anything about expecting better service the next time? You tip only if you got good service, which you'll expect the next time. And BTW I wouldn't do this with the indies DR mentioned who have standard rates and service levels. It's for the club chicas, as needed (not always), who may need some convincing to give me the standard rate not the gringo rate.

So what if she's upset. It will be the same deal next time, and if she doesn't deliver, no tip (and no seeing her again).

Some chicas, not all. This reminds me of the many times a chica has whispered to me "psst... between you and me OK? Don't tell the other chicas". You expect me to believe these chicas giving me a better deal than others have quoted, NEVER charged a higher price to a Yankee?

If the hotties have a pact to lock the Yankees out below 800, either get more creative or find another source of hotties (if 800 is too much). BTW, you're going to hate me saying this but 800 is not too ridiculous with the recent exchange rate. Even a Madahos-caliber chica at 1000 pesos is a much better deal than pulling her from Madahos.

Yeah the local foro is fantastic. And many fantastic local indies. But, if some gringo comes along and tips Yamy 400 pesos, is she going to expect the same from the Argies? Or the next gringo? Of course not. So we've established right there that the "Argie mentality" does not always apply.

I think I get where you're coming from. You'd like Exedra to be a convenient, reliable late-night source of good quality at good prices. Some tourists are creating inflation. I can't argue with that. I just disagree with the over-generalizations.NEW RULES:

Parsers get pistol whipped if over one parse.

Seems you could get your point across clearly with out regurgitating.

The whole pot of drivel again.

Punter 12345 is also on the list.

Punter 127
09-04-13, 16:32
Punter 12345 is also on the list.The day they let you start making the rules we'll know the lunatics have taken over the asylum.

Don't start no shit, there won't be no shit.

Daddy Rulz
09-05-13, 02:58
we'll know the lunatics have taken over the asylum.Oh brother that day is was in the rear view a very, very, VERY long time ago. LOL.

Punter 127
09-05-13, 08:14
Does this need more parse?


Parsers get pistol whipped if over one parse.

Seems you could get your point across clearly with out regurgitating.

The whole pot of drivel again.

Punter 12345 is also on the list.

The day they let you start making the rules we'll know the lunatics have taken over the asylum.

Don't start no shit, there won't be no shit.

Oh brother that day is was in the rear view a very, very, VERY long time ago. LOL.True but when a Freddie the Freeloader look-alike lunatic starts making the forum rules it will be proof positive.

BTW when Jack-off gets ready to do that "pistol whipped" thingy, I'm his Huckleberry.

Fun Pete
09-05-13, 15:54
I walked into Exedra last night around 10:30 pm and it was full of old and trashy women. Seriously, not for free, not even if hey paid me would I take any of those women, horrible. What has hapened Buenos Aires? I came to this place 10 years ago, the hottest Uruguayan babe would bang me for like 200 P for many hours (at that time $1 = 3 P, so 200 P = $65 or so). And now they want what, 800 P (= $90 if you get the blue rate or $140 using the official exchange rate) and you have to hustle with them. No way, I have had enough chicas and the greatest memories in this place, not that desperate to get laid unless the girl AND the price are both right!

09-05-13, 18:23
I walked into Exedra last night around 10:30 pm and it was full of old and trashy women. Seriously, not for free, not even if hey paid me would I take any of those women, horrible. What has hapened Buenos Aires? I came to this place 10 years ago, the hottest Uruguayan babe would bang me for like 200 P for many hours (at that time $1 = 3 P, so 200 P = $65 or so). And now they want what, 800 P (= $90 if you get the blue rate or $140 using the official exchange rate) and you have to hustle with them. No way, I have had enough chicas and the greatest memories in this place, not that desperate to get laid unless the girl AND the price are both right!Unfortunately things have changed. And not for the better.

09-06-13, 11:57
I sense a whiff of desperation in the air. Seriously??

Come on, you locals must have rolodexes of chicas you can call up when you need some company.

09-06-13, 17:25
I sense a whiff of desperation in the air. Seriously??

Come on, you locals must have rolodexes of chicas you can call up when you need some company.More then a few have moved on to regular work or got married. Others want ridiculous money. There are still a lot out there, but not like before. New ones are harder to find as the govt slowly closes all the boliches.

09-29-13, 02:51
Unfortunately things have changed. And not for the better.Saw girls leaving for 400 p out of X last night! With Gringos!

Nothing nice though!


Miami Bob
12-24-13, 13:27
OK boys very little posting about cafe E!



Chicas range of quality and pricing? When are they permitted to work by management?

Are there any unwritten rules for behavior at the Cafe E.I assume table hopping puta table to puta table may not mix well with the "normal" clientel.

I AM IN ba FOR THE Christmas HOLLIDAYS. Abit of late night Cafe E hanging out and window shopping should be on my list.

Bob in miami.

P.S. Linked in one of my favorite so florida milfs us $180 for a very long hour or us $115 for her famour "lipstick massage".


12-24-13, 19:40
OK boys very little posting about cafe E!



Chicas range of quality and pricing? When are they permitted to work by management?

Are there any unwritten rules for behavior at the Cafe E.I assume table hopping puta table to puta table may not mix well with the "normal" clientel.

I AM IN ba FOR THE Christmas HOLLIDAYS. Abit of late night Cafe E hanging out and window shopping should be on my list.

Bob in miami.

P.S. Linked in one of my favorite so florida milfs us $180 for a very long hour or us $115 for her famour "lipstick massage".

http://independentgirls.com/indiboard/index.php/topic/354600-mariposa69-truly-unveiled-by-who-else/?hl=hungryboyI think that some of the girls start around 8 pm and most of them are going to be there by 11:30 on any given day.

I have seen the pricing from as low as 400 p to as high as 1300 p but one girl or various girls have asked for as much as 200 DOLLARS!

2 girls told Tequila Tim and Esten 200 dollars and that was months apart. Crazy!

They do indeed jump from table to table, stand around outside and take as many tables as they want but the management does not like it when they table hop.

Opens till around 2 or 3 on Sunday through Thursday but it's 24 hours on Friday and Saturday.

In my opinion there may only be 4 or 5 attractive girls that work there.

2 fairly often, 2 a lot less and 1 very rarely.

Be glad to meet you there for an Agua con Gas!

It's too hot for Coffee!

Have Fun,


The normal clients seem to put up with or are unaware with what's going on but at night there are very few normal clients. Occasional Tourist.

Miami Bob
12-26-13, 00:43
Memories. You can't go back in time.

Daddy Rulz
12-26-13, 01:00
Memories. You can't go back in time.Kinda pricy (like everything there) but not bad. Not great but certainly acceptable.

Miami Bob
12-31-13, 12:11
Most of the ladies were over 40 year old or had that hardened street pro. Look about them. BUT We spotted two attractives ladies in their 20's that looked attractive and were not dressed like obvious ladies of the evening. Someone else was working them both so we sat and waited. 30 minutes later, they were at our table. They were display models / sales women from direct tv who had a bad months and they needed extra money to pay bills. These two blondes were the only thing I would put by dick into regarding of price or free.

My girl after a nice chat asked for 800 pesos for a long hour or until two cums{TCS. Ellipses}start with bucal con, then bucal only covering head--she work work a sin shaft with tongue real good. I said no thanks and started to get the under the table massage. Maybe? She was very slender and was telling that her pussy was so tight and small, that where I would want to be{TCS. Ellipses}I was thinking maybe as she stroked my inner thight with her nails lightly through my jeans.

My buddy was having problems: he wanted a 24 hour date which was to start at 3 am Dec. 31 and go thru new years eve. She had a child and lived in tigre--very complicated. I was not thrilled about a lady who was describing an od program with the bag only partially covering the head of mr dick that seemed impossible the way she described it. But she was pretty, young well dressed and not a hardened pro{TCS. Ellipses} My buddy's negociations were getting crazy: he wanted to buy and she wanted sell, but had a child and the date covered new years eve--the girl needed to get to tigre for a while in the middle of the night--just too complex doomed to not work.

I got a phone number and a maybe for noon or 1 pm the next day. My wingman got told to fuck off as the entire transaction just got too complex.

These two girls were exactly what I used to find at new port 3 to 4 years ago.

By 2 am, there were three other doable girls there, but as I was getting stroked under the table, I was not going anywhere else. We all went our seperate ways{TCS. Ellipses}.

01-01-14, 19:07
They were display models / sales women from direct tv who had a bad months and they needed extra money to pay bills.You still believe in the tooth fairy as well, I assume.

01-22-14, 03:19
This place had a good number of people. More guys than girls. Plenty of older chicks and probably 29 regular girls and one attractive one.

02-06-14, 11:40
I stopped at Exedra yesterday maybe a little after 5 pm. Just as I was sitting down (outside) I noticed a girl, by herself, sitting in the corner, away from seeódoba and away from the sidewalk. Not bad looking. I wasn't sure if she was a working girl or not. I had just come from a privado so I was not looking for any action and sat facing the same way she was but near the sidewalk. So I could see her if I turned around a bit in my chair. Behind me and one table away from this girl was a guy in a mostly red tee shirt and longish black hair. Because of the traffic noise I could not effectively eavesdrop (damnit). The girl spoke a bit of English and they struck up a conversation. The guy said where he was from which the girl had a hard time understanding but did eventually. I didn't hear much after that but he moved to her table and a while later they left. They must have walked toward Santa Fe as I did not see them leave.

So, dude in the red shirt, how was she? How much was she? Contact info? Inquiring mongering minds want to know.

Thanks, Bob.

Daddy Rulz
06-18-14, 04:30
Sabrina (the blonde that does doubles with Maria) just left the house. While she's easily one of the sweetest chicks I've ever spent time with, if you like the BB in BBBJ you need to give her a pass. It never occurred to me to ask her as she had been recommended by TL and it was beyond my ability to imagine he would make that recommendation without mentioning that limit. I'm not blaming him, nor her, I didn't ask, so it's my bad.

Anyway, just wanted to pass this on so nobody else has to find out like I did.


06-18-14, 09:41
Sabrina (the blonde that does doubles with Maria) just left the house. While she's easily one of the sweetest chicks I've ever spent time with, if you like the BB in BBBJ you need to give her a pass. It never occurred to me to ask her as she had been recommended by TL and it was beyond my ability to imagine he would make that recommendation without mentioning that limit. I'm not blaming him, nor her, I didn't ask, so it's my bad.

Anyway, just wanted to pass this on so nobody else has to find out like I did.

DR.It may have been my fault because the only thing that I care about is an Anal Cowgirl so I never even thought about it.

But you are correct in saying that she is one of the sweetest girls that I can recommend and a Must Do 3-Way with Mia.

Not Maria.



Just different tastes I guess.

Daddy Rulz
06-18-14, 11:58
It may have been my fault because the only thing that I care about is an Anal Cowgirl so I never even thought about it.

But you are correct in saying that she is one of the sweetest girls that I can recommend and a Must Do 3-Way with Mia.

Not Maria.



Just different tastes I guess.Outside of that one thing, she was very eager to please. Without going into any graphic details, she told me that she actually prefers backdoor action to the front porch swing. When I related some of my recent experiences regarding this activity that have sort of put me off of it, she explained (in fairly graphic detail) her prework cleansing preparations that would avoid a reoccurrence with her.

No hard feelings at all. If CBJ v BBBJ isn't an issue for you I would recommend her.

06-21-14, 04:24
So I headed over here for a final swing at the bat on Wednesday night. This was my first time in a café hookup place. I must admit the idea is great. Its different.

The place as a legitimate café is ok. I sat down and ordered food and drink and got settled in. A supposedly 31 yr old girl, who resembled the crypt-keeper's granddaughter, saw me and came over. I didn't mind. She was actually more palatable than anything else in there. I didn't know if I wanted anything more from her, but I figured some coffee chat couldn't be so bad. I bought her a coffee.

When I noticed that she was missing some teeth, that's when any hope she had with me went right out the window.

She kept trying to get me to go have sex with her. Ew. The whole time she wouldn't stop touching me. Ew. I told her I was too tired to go do anything afterwards, but she couldn't just leave it at that. Oh no, that's when the begging started. I recognize that she spent some time with me, and I didn't want to make a bad reputation for myself, so I had no problem kicking her a 100 p for the time. But no no, that's when she started angling for 100 USD! Just to shut her up I gave her another 100 p but I diplomatically kept it moving and got out of there. Unbelievable.

06-21-14, 08:38
I have been to Cafe Excedra a few times, never took a girl out from there. I would start my. Night out around 10:00, eat dinner and see what was available. Food is not bad, and average price. 80 percent of women are 40 and up. Some are good looking older woman if that is your thing. Pay no more than 800 for an hour, if you are good at negotiating, can probably get more time or less pesos. Was told that after midnight some younger, better looking woman show up.

06-21-14, 11:31
Finally I get to see the new look, they have a web site.


06-21-14, 13:48
I have been to Cafe Excedra a few times, never took a girl out from there. I would start my. Night out around 10:00, eat dinner and see what was available. Food is not bad, and average price. 80 percent of women are 40 and up. Some are good looking older woman if that is your thing. Pay no more than 800 for an hour, if you are good at negotiating, can probably get more time or less pesos. Was told that after midnight some younger, better looking woman show up.There are only 3 or 4 attractive or recommendable providers at X.

It is an excellent place to start your tour after dinner.

Maybe kill time at X from about 10 to 1 am and if nothing happens then you can walk over to Hook, Cattos or Ness.

If you don't like the club scene then you can just call one of the satisfiers of BA to meet you at X.

They know the place and they will be more relaxed.

Rather than just calling an unknown, unproven, photoshopped witch from an escort site.

Have Fun without me.


06-25-14, 03:15
Ok, so I already know better than to be here at this café. But I went anyway on Saturday night only because it was late night, everything was closed, and I was starving. I knew for sure they would be open.

If you use it as an actual café you won't really go wrong.

I ordered a salad and what they called a pumpkin pie. Both are gigantic. The pie wasn't what we think of as pie. Its just baked pumpkin pulp in a bowl. No crust even. But its healthy, so don't knock it.

I learned a lesson in there though. You have to be aggressive if you want something here. BA is totally a seller's market. Pretty girls can pretty much write their own ticket in life, they don't even have to work.

I actually saw a girl that night at exedra who was pretty! But I even saw lots of men in groups there completely by themselves. I wasn't sure what was going on, so I played it cool, ordered food, and figured I would let them come to me.

Yeah, that never happened. She just got up and went home.

I saw an older guy in there with a stunner. They came in together. They were laughing and having a good time, and they left together too.

In both cases the good looking girls did not approach nor did they have to work. You either went up with your dick out and took a chance or you just went home with your dick in your hand. I had food that night so I didn't care. My only plan was to take my dick and go home. But if I was only more flexible, it might not have been that way.

Or maybe it would have too, who knows. I don't have good luck. Not in Argentina I don't.

Daddy Rulz
06-25-14, 04:06
I wasn't sure what was going on, so I played it cool, ordered food, and figured I would let them come to me.

Yeah, that never happened. She just got up and went home.

In both cases the good looking girls did not approach nor did they have to work. You either went up with your dick out and took a chance or you just went home with your dick in your hand. I had food that night so I didn't care. My only plan was to take my dick and go home. But if I was only more flexible, it might not have been that way.

Or maybe it would have too, who knows. I don't have good luck. Not in Argentina I don't.They can't approach you, it's not permitted. If you're sitting at the table next to you they will say Hello, but they aren't allowed to come over unless you invite them.

06-25-14, 07:03
They can't approach you, it's not permitted. If you're sitting at the table next to you they will say Hello, but they aren't allowed to come over unless you invite them.Hey Daddy Rulz, hope you are doing well. I just returned from week stay in Brussels, where I investigated to red light district and had same fun.

During my last visit to BA in May, I did visit Exedra that one night (I wrote to you that I went to Hook, it was closed then went to Exedra). I figured I have dinner there, scope out the scene and see what happens. I was sitting in the far right side of the restaurant. As I was finishing dinner, this slim young girl walks in and sits down at table more or less right by the entrance. I liked what I saw. Just my type. She did notice that I was looking at her from afar with "interest" - as I finished dinner and planned to walk over to say Hello, all of a sudden she gets up. Walks to my table. And sits across from me. WOW! Excellent move!

To make a long story short we had a wonderful conversation and she ended up in my hotel room until the morning. Fantastic time together all night.

I guess she was not aware of the "rules" of Exedra. LOL.

July I am off to Germany. August two week trip to the Far East. November back to Germany. Looks like November will be the earliest I will be able to return to Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires.

Hope to see you in the "house".


Daddy Rulz
06-25-14, 12:36
It's probably not a rule, thinking about it I have seen the girls do it. However it's not common. I would imagine if you were paying a fair amount of attention to a girl they might see that as a sign that coming and sitting down would be ok.

Joe 23
06-25-14, 12:53
It's probably not a rule, thinking about it I have seen the girls do it. However it's not common. I would imagine if you were paying a fair amount of attention to a girl they might see that as a sign that coming and sitting down would be ok.The girls there smile at prospective client (s). If a big smile is returned, they take it as an invitation to the table. They understand if your smile means "No thank you. " or "Sit down, and let's talk more details. ".

Their attention to the tables is far better than that of the waiters.

11-28-14, 12:27
Hello WT69 the Link doesn't work.

Finally I get to see the new look, they have a web site.


11-28-14, 14:04
I guess they did not pay their dues.

This looks like a new Facebook page.

It mentions that it was automatic generated because of interest.


This one is better.


Hello WT69 the Link doesn't work.

01-27-15, 22:11
Went to Excedrta last night and had a bad experience with a.

Big titted chick in all black with big exposed tits. A natural attraction.

She was sitting with a some what unattractive friend.

She invited me to sit.

She wanted 500 p for her and 500 for her friend.

Tookk her only and walked to my apt. There we fucked around.

And she insisted on drinking orange juice. I took a sip and noticed 2 small pills.

At the bottom off the glass. She insisted I continue drinking until I got angry.

And pushed her into the bed. She reluctantly sucked cock and let me play with her big tits.

And, again wanted to drink the orange juice.

Then I got pissed, and told her to get out Told her she was a thief and that she put pills in my drink.

She got dressed and I let her out the front door and said I would WARN the guys at Excedra.

That she was a thief.

She is tall, very white, large framed, pretty face, pitch black hair and wears black everything exposing her big tits out of her top.

She is very out going and will attract your attention and beckon you to sit down. Quite aggressive.

Wears her long black hair without pins, etc. This night she wore White high heel shoes.

She goes by the name "Mellissa". Her friend wore a muted green top and didn't speak except to signify her willingness.

To go as a pair. Hair was a dirty brown, decent but not outstanding body.

Her girlfriend is ugly and they work as a pair, cheap. This temps you to take both which is a fatal.

Error. As a team, they will drug you and rob you double time.

They sat at the Cordoba end of Excedra, on the outside corner, and drank beer.

So look twice and if big tits appear with the previous description, (ALL BLACK) BEWARE, or be drugged.

500 pesos was a cheap lesson. Although I live next to a police station, I passed on taking her there.

And swearing a complaint ("denuncia ") More problem than worth.


El Perro
01-27-15, 22:34
Thanks for the report Jackpot. Have you ever seen this chica before? If you see her again I would tell Tito or one of the Exedra management staff about her. They may not do a thing, or then again they might. At any rate, it would be good info to pass along. Even telling some of the other chicas would be a plus.

Daddy Rulz
03-01-15, 02:19
I just watched two idiots, (drunk Americans) make a deal with two marginal at best chicks at Exedra for 200 dollars a piece while behind us two pretty hot chicks made the same deal with locals for 1200 pesos.

Fucking idiots.

03-01-15, 11:21
I just watched two idiots, (drunk Americans) make a deal with two marginal at best chicks at Exedra for 200 dollars a piece while behind us two pretty hot chicks made the same deal with locals for 1200 pesos.

Fucking idiots.As others have pointed out, this happens everywhere. But it is really annoying to us here as the Argie mentality is just a little more warped then in other countries. If that happened say in Mexico. The girl would tell her friends and they would oh and ah and say what good luck you had! Here in Argentina you just have just started a new wave of inflation. The girl who got the $200 then brags to her friends. Her friends are thinking, wow if that ugly cow can get $200 , then I should be able to get $400!! And on and on and on. The inflation never ends until Cristina includes the girls pricing under the rules of "precios cuidados". Then Kicillof will step in and then things will get worse with strikes and walk outs.

03-16-15, 01:43
Hi gents,

Do you know any hotel nearby this restaurant agreeing couples for couple of hours ?

Or, how do you say in spanish "do you know any cheap hotel" ? :).

Thx, Vince.

03-16-15, 13:52

Hi gents,

Do you know any hotel nearby this restaurant agreeing couples for couple of hours ?

Or, how do you say in spanish "do you know any cheap hotel" ? :).

Thx, Vince.

04-18-15, 17:23
All good trips are preempted by some homework to maximise efficiencies once in situ... Hence the odd question or two on the cafe scene. Previous visits have noted that Exedra was a late evening venue whilst Orleans delivered through the day. Is this still the case? And what time does it kick-off at Exedra?

So looking forward to BA even if it is reduced in splendour!


04-21-15, 23:40
Ran into two hotties at the X Sunday night who claimed to be refugees from Black. Me and my compadre couldn't resist, and imagine our surprise when one of the Chica's drove us to our hotel in HER CAR !!

Damn near brand new with GPS NAV....

...should have taken that as a warning flag as both gals (one named Carolina...at least she was that night) were too hot to give nothing more than mediocre performances. So if you run into a hot Chica who has a car (with a "Cousin" equally as hot) , beware!! The best ride of the night will be in the car!!!

04-22-15, 00:20
Ran into two hotties at the X Sunday night who claimed to be refugees from Black. Me and my compadre couldn't resist, and imagine our surprise when one of the Chica's drove us to our hotel in HER CAR !!

Damn near brand new with GPS NAV....

...should have taken that as a warning flag as both gals (one named Carolina...at least she was that night) were too hot to give nothing more than mediocre performances. So if you run into a hot Chica who has a car (with a "Cousin" equally as hot) , beware!! The best ride of the night will be in the car!!!1st. Words out of her mouth was that she use to work at Black !

Bad News !

I explained to her that she was NOW working at a coffee shop !

As they walked past our table I asked them to sit down and they said they wanted to get something to eat .

I told them that the food is terrible and asked them if they would rather Eat or make Money .

They sat down immediately .

Hot Girl .

Killer ASS !

Looks Colombian.

Have Fun !

Better Luck next time !


Quoted $200.00 DOLLARS or $2000.00 Pesos !

Big Boss Man
04-22-15, 01:40
Quoted $200.00 DOLLARS or $2000.00 Pesos !Well at least 2000 Pesos is not $300. You are paying 1200 Pesos plus drinks plus taxi at Hook. That's close to 2000 pesos. Maybe 2000 pesos is the new midnight to 3:00 AM market price. Don't shoot me I am just observing. I am in Bangkok right now and it is cheaper but I have been here a week and I am bored with it. The Thai girls work hard but the Latina is a more interesting woman. If my brother did not live here I would be long gone. Plus it is 103 degrees in the shade.

Daddy Rulz
04-22-15, 03:11
I had two different chicks that I have fucked in the past come up to me and ask me if we could leave because nobody else was talking to them. Both in the 1000-1500 range. I told them both the same thing, I fucked the sisters again today, hour and a half of killer fucking sex, 600 a piece.

I saw the chick being talked about, the little princess in the tight skirt. Just fucking laugh in their faces when they say 2000 pesos. At that number you're just going to get really shitty service, brother Dickhead and I have been saying this for years (and with the exception of 4 or 5 guys, between the two of us I would say we have nailed as many chicks as any 50 guys on this forum) generally speaking there is an inverse relationship between price and service. Chicks that are asking 2,000+ pesos think their pussy is worth that and that you should feel lucky just to fuck them, they won't be working for you. They are trying to leave you feeling as if you have been ripped off.

I had one of them over to dinner with some other friends this week and she strait up told me that she could give a shit less what kind of service she gave, that she will take the 200 dollars and be gone in 10 minutes if she thinks she can get away with it. She very proudly sat across the dinner table from me and characterized herself as an estufada (kind of a cross between a thief and a con man) seriously, she came right out and said it to my face.

You guys need to get back to the basics, no more than 1,000 even if you have to say no to 20 different chicks, no paying up front, fucking tell them you won't, because if they require it, that's because it is their intent to provide you with the absolute minimum of service and know there is no way you would pay them the 200 bucks after the 20 mins of shitty sex they are planning on giving you. They go where you want them to go, you don't go where they want you to go.

I don't know why I waste my time, none of you guys listen. Sorry BBM, you're completely out of touch, 2000 pesos is not even close to semi reasonable. You're my buddy and I know why you say that, but you're seriously out of touch with the realities of life here and what 2,000 pesos is worth. That's 1/5 of the average monthly salary for one hours work and please for the love of god stop with the 100 dollars has always been the cost of pussy stuff, I used to fuck so many really hot chicks out of both exedra and hook for 50 bucks that I've lost count. Translating that to dollars in the US means you should be paying hookers nearly 1000 bucks an hour. So please, please stop saying it's a reasonable price because it's not.

I'm sorry about the rant because I've long since given up on the night time girls, there simply is no value left there. I guess I should just shut up about it but it drives me crazy to keep reading that these kind of prices are in anyway reasonable.

04-22-15, 14:09
Yup, all are correct as far as the "cost of living" in BA. Sometimes the little brain takes over and you think think that you can beat the odds, but like TL said....her ass was to die for.

The reason for my posting of my errant ways was to reinforce most of the wisdom found on these forums and more importantly to warn the other undeciplined mongers of this dynamic duo. This is the only place I know of to get feedback on Chica's in BA. Stateside, there are numerous sites to see if a gal is worth the $$$$. But YMMV always applies.

The correlation of "Too hot" = "shitty in bed" applies to non-pros as well.

As far as the costs of this Chica, she wasn't even worth 600p ($50). At least I didn't waste my pesos on a cab or Room.

Hopefully, I have learned my lesson.

04-22-15, 19:22
It's even written down on the crib sheet ... Read and be informed ... MInd you I thought every one surveyed the field as advised... Less than 4 weeks to go ...

Daddy Rulz
04-22-15, 20:33
The correlation of "Too hot" = "shitty in bed" applies to non-pros as well.It's not too hot, it's too expensive. When they say 200 dollars they are seriously saying "I think you're an idiot." Not just that but they really think you're lucky to be able to pay them that much and that just being able to touch them is enough. I'm not saying they shouldn't have the right, it's their bodies, they can charge 10,000 dollars if they want. What I'm saying is that when they hit you at that price, they think you are a fool and they will absolutely treat you as such.

I'm saying that outside of the range of what is actually not much money and a lot of money BASED ON THIS ECONOMY, in other words 400-1500 pesos the higher the price, generally speaking the worse the service. Latinas are binary, in every relationship they have somebody is the boss and somebody is the b1tch. If you are paying what they say, doing what they tell you, then you are not the boss and that only leaves one thing.

Again, not hotness, attitude.


1.5 hours.

Killer fucking sex, great attitudes.

The only answer they know to any question is "como queres amor" (whatever you want honey).

600 pesos a piece.

29536 Did I mention they are sisters?

Years ago I would happily hand out their info, but as has been proved time and time and time again, one of you guys would go, see them, fall in love, feel bad, and decide what they were asking for wasn't enough and you were going to impress them by giving them both a 1000 or more a piece. Normally I wouldn't care but then I could only see them twice a month instead of once a week because as soon as you do that then everybody HAS to do that.

Namoi I'm not jumping your ass, I see you have a willingness to learn from your mistakes but the damage is done, those chicks went back to Exedra and told the other chicks what you paid and how shitty they treated you. Now it's an uphill fight for you. Any of you guys that don't think they share info about you is sadly mistaken.


Don't get drunk

Know what the money is worth

Kick the princesses to the curb at the first sign of non compliant behavior. "No I don't go to hotels only telos," preoccupation with time, not discussing price before buying them a drink (I don't care what the club rules are, kick them to the fucking curb)

Only make deals with chicks that are willing to get with your program, never with chicks that expect you to get with theirs

Never, EVER, EVER, even if it means going home alone, pay up front. Make this an issue when you're making the deal. Te pago despues. Never, EVER EVER pay a bar of caf chick up front. If they insist on it, I swear to god they are planning on giving you a terrible time. That will be the case 100% of the times, if they insist or say no, don't argue, just stop talking to them, "desculpa la molesta, pero yo nunca pago antes" and then BE DONE WITH THEM regardless of what their ass looks like. Because one more time they are NOT going to give you what you think you are going to get. They will be back at that caf within 30 mins of you handing over the money.

Once you get wherever you are going, at the very first sign that they are trying to renegotiate the deal, throw them the fuck out.

A lot of these rules will mean from time to time you don't get laid, but remember chicks talk, do it once and you never have to do it again. Be a chump with one and you are a chump with them all.

04-23-15, 00:20
"Years ago I would happily hand out their info, but as has been proved time and time and time again, one of you guys would go, see them, fall in love, feel bad, and decide what they were asking for wasn't enough and you were going to impress them by giving them both a 1000 or more a piece. Normally I wouldn't care but then I could only see them twice a month instead of once a week because as soon as you do that then everybody HAS to do that.".

Hey DR,

Why would anyone try to post anything on this forum if all you hear is how your fucking it up for everyone else. Evidently, every transgression is taken as a direct attack on "Your" perfect world.

Seriously DR, you need to go live on an island with your sister act so no one will screw up your paradise. Then you can stay in the 70's.


Daddy Rulz
04-23-15, 00:29
Glad I could help

04-23-15, 01:24
Never ever forget that it is your money, not the chica's.


04-23-15, 06:34
To look at it in another light... Two gas stations, side by side. Both brand names. One is selling super for 15 a liter and the other for 40 a liter. Where would you buy your gas ???? Maybe the 40 a liter has more flashing lights and such but seriously, if its your money which one would you choose?

Joe 23
04-23-15, 11:41
Why would anyone try to post anything on this forum if all you hear is how your fucking it up for everyone else. Evidently, every transgression is taken as a direct attack on "Your" perfect world.
DR has never criticized the posts. He is just disgusted with the fucking attitude of those who overpay the chicas when they're NOT supposed to.

Daddy Rulz
04-23-15, 17:03
DR has never criticized the posts. He is just disgusted with the fucking attitude of those who overpay the chicas when they're NOT supposed to.Joe you are truly my friend and I mean no offense. Especially since you're probably the best example of what a gentleman is supposed to be.

It's not that they aren't supposed to, they can do whatever the hell they want, it's not my money. It's that they don't have to and by doing so the scene gets worse. Price goes up, service goes down, it breeds GPS. In the meantime, and I've said this before but I really mean it this time, I'm taking his advice and going back to the island with the sisters.

I'm not sure where the 70's reference came from but here's something to listen to while poppa rolls out;.


Soooouuullllllll Train!

Vince 12
04-24-15, 19:09
Gents, I'm in BA this weekend and was wondering what time is "prime time" for Exedra. All tips are welcome.

04-24-15, 19:56
Gents, I'm in BA this weekend and was wondering what time is "prime time" for Exedra. All tips are welcome.Weekends are usually Dead Everywhere but especially at X .

After 10pm.

Try to Have Fun .


You never know .

Maybe you can get lucky and just happen to find a part timer or a bored , end of the month weekend hooker but not likely .

Better make a Reservation !

That's your Best Bet !

Who You Gonna Call ?

04-25-15, 10:27
Weekends are usually Dead Everywhere but especially at X .

After 10pm.

Try to Have Fun .


You never know .

Maybe you can get lucky and just happen to find a part timer or a bored , end of the month weekend hooker but not likely .

Better make a Reservation !

That's your Best Bet !

Who You Gonna Call ?Ghost.


Vince 12
04-25-15, 10:31

Busters!That's exactly what I said to myself after reading TJ's post!

Give that X is going to be dead, I'll probably end up taking my chances elsewhere. Only have tonight and all day tomorrow to find a chica ;).

Hotman 666
05-12-15, 19:57
I called in for a drink yesterday at around 11.00 pm. This was my FIRST visit since it reopened as I am only an occasional visitor to Argentina!

There were certainly some girls there but the place did not seem to have the same ambiance as before.

I saw one "girl next door" type blond standing outside, early 30s called herself Paula. Quite nice but I was too tired to take it any further. I dd get her number for later on in the week.

Anybody know her or have experience?

Do any AP guys hang out there now? It would be good to see some friendly faces.

TejanoLibra. Are you going to be around Exedra this week? If so please let me know and I will be happy to buy you a drink.


Daddy Rulz
05-21-15, 02:12
Was at E tonight, seems a lot of the chicks that used to rip guys off at Newport are now trying to rip guys off at Exedra.

Funny thing was they displaced a lot of the regular girls who were standing on the sidewalk.

Those chicks are like fucking locusts. They ruined Black, then Newport, and now no doubt will wreck the scene at Exedra.

05-22-15, 11:23
Was at E tonight, seems a lot of the chicks that used to rip guys off at Newport are now trying to rip guys off at Exedra.

Funny thing was they displaced a lot of the regular girls who were standing on the sidewalk.

Those chicks are like fucking locusts. They ruined Black, then Newport, and now no doubt will wreck the scene at Exedra.X -( My Office ).

I have not been there since Newport and D'Lirio were shut down about a week ago but I can imagine that you will start seeing a lot of the better looking Chicas that worked out of Newport and some of the Hags too.

It will be something like this :

"I Used to work at Black and Newport so it will be 300 bux for a quickie and 500 bux for all night.!".

With a straight face .

You won't have any problems spotting them either. Your Plastic Detector will go off like crazy !

I have received calls from girls wondering where they can work . My suggestion of McDonald's did not go over very well.

Question :

Will the Market price at X remain the same or will the Boliche girls try to raise the prices at X ?

Will the regulars at X try to raise theirs ?

The girls that I have talked to don't even know about Hook or 977 .

Time will tell .


Tequila Tim
05-22-15, 12:53
Stopped by Exedra last night and found every outdoor table occupied (albeit it was a very pleasant evening for late May in BA). I was expecting outlandish prices after reading this thread but a friend I encountered there said 800-1200 was the going rate (I guess the competition effect might be working). Confirmed the pricing after talking to a couple of Russ Meyer-ish sisters sitting behind me. I thought the talent level was actually pretty high last night.

05-22-15, 22:29
TL - One can only hope they don't figure that out... Hook is already pricey enough and I would truly hate to see 977 corrupted...

X -( My Office ).

The girls that I have talked to don't even know about Hook or 977 .


05-23-15, 10:10
TL - One can only hope they don't figure that out... Hook is already pricey enough and I would truly hate to see 977 corrupted...With Recoleta boliches shut down in the short term prices have to come down, since the demand remains essentially the same but the supply increases dramatically as the sellers are flooding into the few marketplaces still open, no more than a half a dozen at the moment.

The only problem is that the sellers may not fully understand the gravity of the changing market but they will soon, as new sellers show up looking for buyers in the same markets, resulting in increasing competition for buyers.

05-23-15, 10:22
With Recoleta boliches shut down in the short term prices have to come down, since the demand remains essentially the same but the supply increases dramatically as the sellers are flooding into the few marketplaces still open, no more than a half a dozen at the moment.

The only problem is that the sellers may not fully understand the gravity of the changing market but they will soon, as new sellers show up looking for buyers in the same markets, resulting in increasing competition for buyers.In most economies when supply goes up and demand stays about the same, prices come down. Not in Argentina! For some inexplicable reason, the Argentine mentality increases prices when supply goes up. Real world logic does not apply to most of this country.


05-23-15, 12:42
In most economies when supply goes up and demand stays about the same, prices come down. Not in Argentina! For some inexplicable reason, the Argentine mentality increases prices when supply goes up. Real world logic does not apply to most of this country.

Tres3.It's not just academic. The law of supply and demand is very real, even in Argentina. The monger market in BA has never been under so much stress before, with record number of boliches shut down within a few weeks and just a short time before they all shut.

Imagine if you are a 10 working at Hook or X and now have to compete with all the tens from Recoleta and only have a few more days before the market shuts down entirely, at least the boliche part of the market.

I predict for the next few days there will be heavy discounts, with two for one specials and boliche sellers at rock bottom privado prices.

Strong buy recommendation.

05-23-15, 13:59
This is my 10th trip to Argentina. I do not hang out at Hook or any of the other (now closed) clubs, but it has been the experience of those who live here, and those who like clubs, that an Argentine club girl would rather go home empty handed than lower her price. She seems to forget that she raised her price because some stupid and/or drunk Gringo paid her too much. The GPS does not respond to supply and demand.


05-23-15, 17:10
I have spent over seven years in Argentina and have been to all 23 provinces. Tres 3 is right, James Bond is wrong, and that is all there is to it.

05-23-15, 17:58
I have spent over seven years in Argentina and have been to all 23 provinces. Tres 3 is right, James Bond is wrong, and that is all there is to it.Yeah but in seven years living and traveling all over Argentina have you seen anything like what is going on now: A concerted effort by the government to close ALL boliches. This is something way different. James Bond is right and that's all there is to it.

05-23-15, 18:11
Not exactly, but I have seen numerous examples of the "business is slow so we have to raise prices" mentality, not just here but all over Latin America. Particularly in México.

05-23-15, 18:59
Not exactly, but I have seen numerous examples of the "business is slow so we have to raise prices" mentality, not just here but all over Latin America. Particularly in Mxico.This is way beyond business is slow, let's raise prices.

It's more like "Going out of Business. Everything must go SALE SALE SALE.

05-23-15, 19:20
The word SALE is not part of the Argentine Boliche girl's vocabulary. It might be part of a foreigner's vocabulary because they were raised in a different culture, but the word SALE never crossed an Argentine boliche girl's mind. Wake up and smell the coffee.


05-23-15, 19:45
The word SALE is not part of the Argentine Boliche girl's vocabulary. It might be part of a foreigner's vocabulary because they were raised in a different culture, but the word SALE never crossed an Argentine boliche girl's mind. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Tres3.I will carefully consider your viewpoint as I enjoy a 2 for 1 "going out of business SALE" tonight, as I have all week before Argentina becomes the new sex prison.

Wake up and drink the Kool-Aid

Bond, Jame Bond 69.

05-24-15, 11:49
I will carefully consider your viewpoint as I enjoy a 2 for 1 "going out of business SALE" tonight, as I have all week before Argentina becomes the new sex prison.

Wake up and drink the Kool-Aid

Bond, Jame Bond 69.As long as there are horny Hispanic men, I do not think Latin America will ever become a "sex prison". The conquistadors and Catholic Church saw to that.

Since I do not hang out in clubs and pay for watered down drinks, I guess I will just have to miss the "going out of business Sale". Something tells me that I will not miss much.


El Perro
05-28-15, 13:07
Last night about 2AM I noticed some of the gatos running in front of the outdoor tables and quickly entering a cab. A gradual exit of many of the girls followed. One of the managers coated up and left with a gato he talks with a lot. They started closing up early about 2:30. I asked Tito what was up and through my poor Spanish I understood "problemas con municipalidad".

So, Exedra has been targeted in some way along with the boliches. It will be interesting to see where that leads. Certainly more bad news for mongers and the shit storm continues.

Don B
05-28-15, 16:04
I was going to stop in for a coffee about 3PM for old times sake.

But it has the sticker across the door.

Don B.

Don B
05-30-15, 18:57
Any AP members at X tonight?

Don B.

Daddy Rulz
05-30-15, 23:57
Night unrolling as always, 2130 about 10 chicks, I left at 2215 about 15 when I left.

El Perro
05-31-15, 13:03
Night unrolling as always, 2130 about 10 chicks, I left at 2215 about 15 when I left.I was there until about 1AM. Quite a few girls but poor quality. Many of the better quality regulars nowhere to be seen.

Walked by Ness. Multiple closed strips across the door and a cop stationed at the door as well.

Daddy Rulz
05-31-15, 14:00
I was there until about 1AM. Quite a few girls but poor quality. Many of the better quality regulars nowhere to be seen.

Walked by Ness. Multiple closed strips across the door and a cop stationed at the door as well.Friday afternoon there was a cop stationed at Orleans as well. I wonder if they are afraid of a hooker insurrection?

Big Boss Man
05-31-15, 15:23
I was there until about 1AM. Quite a few girls but poor quality. Many of the better quality regulars nowhere to be seen.

Walked by Ness. Multiple closed strips across the door and a cop stationed at the door as well.Isn't Saturday typically slower anyway?

Except for the girls on drugs, I think that some of the higher end dancers have a modicum of savings. I think the forecast scenarios of more internet and streetwalkers will start playing out in a month or so. My e-mail buddy does not know what she is doing yet or at least she is not telling me. She has at least one local regular she sees.

El Perro
05-31-15, 15:31
Isn't Saturday typically slower anyway?

Except for the girls on drugs, I think that some of the higher end dancers have a modicum of savings. I think the forecast scenarios of more internet and streetwalkers will start playing out in a month or so. My e-mail buddy does not know what she is doing yet or at least she is not telling me. She has at least one local regular she sees.Yes, Saturdays are usually a bit slower anyhow and it was pretty chilly last night as well. Monitoring the situation. I can't see Exedra being closed or anything of the sort, but there is definitely some pressure being applied. I'm sure those running Exedra will be vigilant and we can already see that they are more apt to run chicas off from standing outside rather than finding a seat. The fact that the weather is soon to get colder may work in everybody's favor. Too many girls hanging outside is likely the biggest threat.

05-31-15, 19:33
The bar on Marcelo T and Florida (Pipilos or some such name, opposite the Plaza Hotel is closed, taped and cop present. Sorry Zappaman.

Don B
05-31-15, 19:36
How much of an impact will all of this make on tourism?

Don B.

05-31-15, 21:12
How much of an impact will all of this make on tourism?

Don B.Im guessing not too much. There are still a lot of girls available. If you have been here before you will know where to look. Or.... They can just call TL ! :-)

Daddy Rulz
05-31-15, 21:15
How much of an impact will all of this make on tourism?

Don B.I don't think it will make a difference in overall tourism, but for guys that fly around to bang hookers? It could make a huge difference. Most of those guys don't want to just go to an apartment and bang an indy, they want to go out to the club, see lots of chicks, drink, then do what they do.

If I was one of those guys I'd be changing reservations to Germany, Thailand, or Brazil. Argentina just took itself out of the sex tourism business.

El Perro
05-31-15, 22:35
I don't think it will make a difference in overall tourism, but for guys that fly around to bang hookers? It could make a huge difference. Most of those guys don't want to just go to an apartment and bang an indy, they want to go out to the club, see lots of chicks, drink, then do what they do.

If I was one of those guys I'd be changing reservations to Germany, Thailand, or Brazil. Argentina just took itself out of the sex tourism business.Agreed. No noticeable impact on tourism at all, but many, if not most, globetrotting mongers will cross Argentina off the list.

06-01-15, 06:57
Agreed. No noticeable impact on tourism at all, but many, if not most, globetrotting mongers will cross Argentina off the list.LOL!!!!!! So much the better! :-).

El Perro
06-01-15, 11:55
LOL!!!!!! So much the better! :-).How many globetrotting mongers do you see out there in BumfuckEgpyt !:-).

Don B
06-01-15, 12:45
I'm going to try to make it to X tonight, my last night in Argentina.

Don B.

06-01-15, 12:54
How many globetrotting mongers do you see out there in BumfuckEgpyt !:-).True, very few. But thats a major reason why the pricing here is much less then in the city! But some of the girls can read and wonder why some girls (in the city) are charging so much and ask why they are getting so little (in comparison). To my way of thinking of paying a girl a average days pay for a hour or two of her time is fair. I also think thats why the "average " rate out here in Bum Fuck Idaho is 3 to 400 pesos. The city pricing (IMHO) would and should be a little more expensive but not five and ten times as much.

El Perro
06-01-15, 13:34
True, very few. But thats a major reason why the pricing here is much less then in the city! But some of the girls can read and wonder why some girls (in the city) are charging so much and ask why they are getting so little (in comparison). To my way of thinking of paying a girl a average days pay for a hour or two of her time is fair. I also think thats why the "average " rate out here in Bum Fuck Idaho is 3 to 400 pesos. The city pricing (IMHO) would and should be a little more expensive but not five and ten times as much.Understood ! It'll be interesting to see what happens with pricing here in the city now that it is becoming a semi-vast wasteland.

Old Coach
06-01-15, 17:48
I don't think it will make a difference in overall tourism, but for guys that fly around to bang hookers? It could make a huge difference. Most of those guys don't want to just go to an apartment and bang an indy, they want to go out to the club, see lots of chicks, drink, then do what they do.

If I was one of those guys I'd be changing reservations to Germany, Thailand, or Brazil. Argentina just took itself out of the sex tourism business.Germany may be the better mongering option right now , legal , controlled , cheap , well organised and stunning woman !

06-02-15, 20:00
Back in the home country but I do miss BA despite the protestations to the contrary. So they have not closed X as yet...Or as anyway re-opened? Max.

Daddy Rulz
06-05-15, 01:44
Just left, I think every hooker in Argentina was there tonight as well as every sweater over the shoulder, blow dried, local hero. It was like the combined cliental of Black, Newport, and Hook (less the Chinese) drinking every last bottle of cheap champagne with cherries left in the country.

I wasn't in Havana the night before Castro rolled into town but I think the "party while you can" desperation was probably the same.

Every couple minutes a representative from the PFA walked through.

Given what has been happening lately there is no way in hell it can continue. This was one of the biggest displays of an in your face commercial sex public market I think I've ever seen here.

El Perro
06-05-15, 10:34
Just left, I think every hooker in Argentina was there tonight as well as every sweater over the shoulder, blow dried, local hero. It was like the combined cliental of Black, Newport, and Hook (less the Chinese) drinking every last bottle of cheap champagne with cherries left in the country.

I wasn't in Havana the night before Castro rolled into town but I think the "party while you can" desperation was probably the same.

Every couple minutes a representative from the PFA walked through.

Given what has been happening lately there is no way in hell it can continue. This was one of the biggest displays of an in your face commercial sex public market I think I've ever seen here.I didn't make it out there last night, but Wednesday night was much the same. I'm afraid the current situation at Exedra is tempting fate.

Member #3320
06-05-15, 15:07
This was one of the biggest displays of an in your face commercial sex public market I think I've ever seen here.How were the prices. Any idea?

What time of the night?


Daddy Rulz
06-05-15, 18:41
How were the prices. Any idea?

What time of the night?

Thanks.11:30ish, no idea on the prices, didn't bother, it's Black/Hippo/Newport all over again, both with the chicks and the guys. The price would have been 2-3000, only in a telo, be back in 30.

All the regulars were there, I imagine they were the same as they ever where.

Big Boss Man
06-06-15, 19:34
11:30ish, no idea on the prices, didn't bother, it's Black/Hippo/Newport all over again, both with the chicks and the guys. The price would have been 2-3000, only in a telo, be back in 30.

All the regulars were there, I imagine they were the same as they ever where.So have the Hook girls appeared and are they asking for those prices? I been reading the local board and there are some guys asking for digits. Of course, one of our favorite sons owns the digits to Cindy, the most popular of all Hook girls, at least among the locals. Plus he brought her over to the House one night for everyone to meet and no one seemed interested. There was some bad voodoo going on that night. I would like to know what skill she has that makes her so popular.

Daddy Rulz
06-06-15, 21:15
So have the Hook girls appeared and are they asking for those prices? I been reading the local board and there are some guys asking for digits. Of course, one of our favorite sons owns the digits to Cindy, the most popular of all Hook girls, at least among the locals. Plus he brought her over to the House one night for everyone to meet and no one seemed interested. There was some bad voodoo going on that night. I would like to know what skill she has that makes her so popular.However for reasons I have mentioned before I didn't hang out at Hook a lot towards the end.

The little blonde that decided my old offer really isn't "muy poco" has been texting me a lot. She told me the other night that the Hook chickas have made a whatsapp group to stay in touch.

If I had the money I would open a bar and have them populate it.

This Cindy chick is unknown to me.

Vegas Vic
06-06-15, 22:46
Last night, Exedra was packed, but I just passed by 10 minutes ago and it is now closed down...sticker on the door like the other places. Good grief!

06-07-15, 00:45
Last night, Exedra was packed, but I just passed by 10 minutes ago and it is now closed down...sticker on the door like the other places. Good grief!I just heard that it was Closed last night around 4am due to a Health Code Violation.

The Official reason was a Lack of a Separate Garbage Container,Closet or Area Specifically Used for Garbage within the Resto-Bar.

But we all know that it's because it's "The Cat Palace.".

Last week "La Biela" in Recoleta was closed for the same reason . That's the most famous Confiteria in BA without Hookers.

Next to the massive Ombu Tree in front of the cemetery.

It's getting to where a Lady can't make an Honest Living in BA .


Member #3320
06-07-15, 02:39
I think more and more girls will be on internet sites, local foros and *perhaps* here as well. I mean, where will they go now?

06-07-15, 03:15
I think more and more girls will be on internet sites, local foros and *perhaps* here as well. I mean, where will they go now?Unfortunately most of the "Club" Chicas are too stupid and or too lazy to use the internet to replace their Club jobs.

They are accustomed to going to the club and just waiting for the clients to walk in the place .

Most of the girls live hours away with their families so clients can't go there and moving to the city or just renting a Rumpus Room for work won't work either .

Also , and this is very important , "Club" girls are Night Workers . They sleep during the day so it would be a huge adjustment for them to work a 9 - 5 Day job , rent a fuck pad or use the internet and make appointments .

All of the above and that they would have to do most of the internet work in English.

It's sad really , but a Lot of them needed to be knocked off of their high horses . Maybe some of them will learn the real value of a dollar / peso .

Maybe some of them will have to work a real job , cleaning bathrooms for 50 pesos an hour . They may actually come to understand that $28,000.00 fucking pesos for a smartphone is a lot of money to throw away and that's why Mr. Average Customer will not pay $500.00 dollars an hour .

Maybe ?


Daddy Rulz
06-07-15, 03:16
I think more and more girls will be on internet sites, local foros and *perhaps* here as well. I mean, where will they go now?At 2000 pesos an hour who cares? With luck they will all go to Chile.

06-07-15, 06:34
I just heard that it was Closed last night around 4am due to a Health Code Violation.

The Official reason was a Lack of a Separate Garbage Container,Closet or Area Specifically Used for Garbage within the Resto-Bar.

But we all know that it's because it's "The Cat Palace.".

Last week "La Biela" in Recoleta was closed for the same reason . That's the most famous Confiteria in BA without Hookers.

Next to the massive Ombu Tree in front of the cemetery.

It's getting to where a Lady can't make an Honest Living in BA .

TL.Although I cannot confirm this was the official reason why Exedra was shut down, I can confirm there have been dozens of high profile restaurants/cafes throughout the CABA shut down recently for not having separate garbage containers/bags for recyclable and non-recyclable materials. The Environmental (Ambiental) inspectors are literally going into the dumpsters on the street and opening the bags to see if everything is co-mingled or if materials are being separated as now apparently required by law.

Daddy Rulz
06-07-15, 09:40
Although I cannot confirm this was the official reason why Exedra was shut down, I can confirm there have been dozens of high profile restaurants/cafes throughout the CABA shut down recently for not having separate garbage containers/bags for recyclable and non-recyclable materials. The Environmental (Ambiental) inspectors are literally going into the dumpsters on the street and opening the bags to see if everything is co-mingled or if materials are being separated as now apparently required by law.Have you heard anything about why Newport hasn't reopened? While I don't go there anymore it has been discussed at length here how they were not breaking any laws and I'm wondering how they are keeping them closed.

06-07-15, 10:02
Have you heard anything about why Newport hasn't reopened? While I don't go there anymore it has been discussed at length here how they were not breaking any laws and I'm wondering how they are keeping them closed.What does the law have to do with anything? No one adheres to the law here. That includes the Govbrmt. As I see it they make things up as they go along and do what ever benefits them. The local police most likely asked for more money and maybe they refused, or just could not pay more? So they closed them!

06-07-15, 10:47
What does the law have to do with anything? No one adheres to the law here. That includes the Govbrmt. As I see it they make things up as they go along and do what ever benefits them. The local police most likely asked for more money and maybe they refused, or just could not pay more? So they closed them!I have a good friend who worked most nights at Newport. The reason given to her for closure was the usual bullshit of too many drugs and under-age chicas.

We all know this is rubbish. But that was the reason given. Of course, if all the girls were lined up and tested for illegal substances, I dare say there would be a failure or two, but hey, probably not nearly as many as would result from a local disco filled with teenagers!

As for under-age chicas, in all the years I have been coming to B.A, I have not seen more than a couple of definite under-age girls in any of the clubs.

Maybe somebody can correct me if I am wrong.

Daddy Rulz
06-07-15, 11:33
I have a good friend who worked most nights at Newport. The reason given to her for closure was the usual bullshit of too many drugs and under-age chica's.

We all know this is rubbish. But that was the reason given. Of course, if all the girls were lined up and tested for illegal substances, I dare say there would be
a failure or two, but hey, probably not nearly as many as would result from a local disco filled with teenagers !

As for under-age chica's , in all the years I have been coming to B.A, I have not seen more than a couple of definite under-age girls in any of the clubs.

Maybe somebody can correct me if I am wrong.I'm assuming legal age would be 18 but even if it was 21 I can't recall ever seeing a single person that looked underage there. Not even once.

El Perro
06-07-15, 13:03
Gustavo Vera, head of the Alameda Foundation, is the driving force behind all the closings and the anti-prostitution onslaught. There is much on the internet about this zealot. He was reportedly on TV the other day claiming that "both owners of NewPort are in jail".

Here is his twitter account:


What is confusing is that he is critical of both Macri as well as the Kirchnerites. So how has he managed to have the police on his side given his criticism of both sides of the political battle ?

Big Boss Man
06-07-15, 14:46
At 2000 pesos an hour who cares? With luck they will all go to Chile.The Hook chicas were only charging 1200 P to 1500 P per hour. (In today's pesos). They were in a sweet spot for 1 AM to 5 AM screwing as evidenced by their Argentine, Chinese and Tourist clientele.

I think most of them have a some cash. They have some phone numbers. A Daddy Rulz-type deal of 8000 P a month could probably or come close to meeting my friend's monthly nut. Sooner or later those phone numbers will become cold. I think we need patience to see how these scenarios play out. Some of these girls have had regular jobs where they could not quite cut it. August may be a very interesting month. My friend spent one year eating pizza every day. I don't think she wants to return to that. Right now she sounds like a recovering alcoholic. Live in the moment which sounds alot like one day at a time.

06-07-15, 15:20
I have a good friend who worked most nights at Newport. The reason given to her for closure was the usual bullshit of too many drugs and under-age chicas.

.This. Newport was closed down by the Policia Metropolitana for allegedly hosting underage girls and allowing/participating in drug sales. These allegations (frivolous or not) are above and beyond the scope of the AGC regulatory agency. I'm not even sure what the process is to get a Policia Metropolitana-issued clausura lifted. We are talking criminal v. Regulatory in this case.

Daddy Rulz
06-07-15, 21:16
The Hook chicas were only charging 1200 P to 1500 P per hour. (In today's pesos). They were in a sweet spot for 1 AM to 5 AM screwing as evidenced by their Argentine, Chinese and Tourist clientele.

I think most of them have a some cash. They have some phone numbers. A Daddy Rulz-type deal of 8000 P a month could probably or come close to meeting my friend's monthly nut. Sooner or later those phone numbers will become cold. I think we need patience to see how these scenarios play out. Some of these girls have had regular jobs where they could not quite cut it. August may be a very interesting month. My friend spent one year eating pizza every day. I don't think she wants to return to that. Right now she sounds like a recovering alcoholic. Live in the moment which sounds alot like one day at a time.By the time they closed it was 1700-2000 for a chick with titties.

One chick (I used to work at Black) was wanting 3000.

Yes, an hour.

The blonde came over last week for 1K and called me yesterday asking if she could come over last night. I told her I already had sex today, maybe next week. The blonde never bothered to save numbers and I'm betting your friend didn't save many either.

06-08-15, 17:42
Was a staff meeting there when I walked by this afternoon, probably all the waiters getting the good news they now are unemployed do to some crusader in the government.


06-08-15, 20:08
Was a staff meeting there when I walked by this afternoon, probably all the waiters getting the good news they now are unemployed do to some crusader in the government.

Stranger.I have a feeling that the government is doing this because the Pope comes from Argentina and they want to have a perfect image.

06-09-15, 06:51
I have a feeling that the government is doing this because the Pope comes from Argentina and they want to have a perfect image.LOL!!! My favorite theory is that Cristina is afraid of another Evita coming out of one of the Boliches!!!!! :-).

06-09-15, 21:37
Well is Cafe X history? I am planning my next trip and I'd hate to see its demise...max.

El Perro
06-09-15, 21:44
Well is Cafe X history? I am planning my next trip and I'd hate to see its demise...max.Nobody knows.

Daddy Rulz
06-09-15, 22:33
Well is Cafe X history? I am planning my next trip and I'd hate to see its demise...max.If it's before the elections I would go to Germany.

06-10-15, 01:35
Well is Cafe X history? I am planning my next trip and I'd hate to see its demise...max.The veterans say that now you are going to do your homework a little bit. The good old days are gone. The only reliable game right is through the Internet sites. You will have to learn some Spanish if you don't speak some already.

06-10-15, 06:13
If it's before the elections I would go to Germany.Or Columbia, Costa Rica, Brazil......

06-10-15, 06:49
Well is Cafe X history? I am planning my next trip and I'd hate to see its demise...max.In my opinion Buenos Aires at the moment is simply not even worth considering as a mongering destination. Sao Paulo is about the same distance from the USA or Europe and absolutely blows away Buenos Aires in terms of (mongering) quality, quantity, and value. Add into the mix the fact that Brasilian girls are almost always excellent performers and generally have better diets and are in better physical condition than Argentines. Sao Paulo also has better food and better conventional nightlife. Sao Paulo's flaws are that it's a spread out sprawl and the traffic is horrific.

Daddy Rulz
06-10-15, 10:56
In my opinion Buenos Aires at the moment is simply not even worth considering as a mongering destination. Sao Paulo is about the same distance from the USA or Europe and absolutely blows away Buenos Aires in terms of (mongering) quality, quantity, and value. Add into the mix the fact that Brasilian girls are almost always excellent performers and generally have better diets and are in better physical condition than Argentines. Sao Paulo also has better food and better conventional nightlife. Sao Paulo's flaws are that it's a spread out sprawl and the traffic is horrific.I want to go as soon as the citizenship thing is done. I know you have been a bunch, for both hookers and tourism, Sao Paulo over Rio?

06-11-15, 10:44
I want to go as soon as the citizenship thing is done. I know you have been a bunch, for both hookers and tourism, Sao Paulo over Rio?My vote would be Sao Paulo for the hookers (Termas are much better) and Rio for the tourism.

06-12-15, 01:57
My vote would be Sao Paulo for the hookers (Termas are much better) and Rio for the tourism.I agree with this. Rio is now about 15% of what it was in its heyday in terms of mongering options. It is still an interesting/great city for tourism with some high quality restaurants, great juice bars and good daytime action.

Big Boss Man
06-12-15, 13:18
Last time I was in Sao Paulo in June 2011 the Real was 1.50 to the US dollar. I wrote an entry on ISG that I was in sticker shock. Hotels were $250 a night. Clinicas, similar to privados were $100 an hour. Night club girls were $300 to $400. Now the real is 3.10 to 1. Hotels I have used in the past are $125. Clinicas are now $50 or $60. Nobody seems to report on nightclubs anymore but I imagine you could have a fun night in Bomboa for $200. I recommend splitting the trip into two parts to deal with congestion. Get a hotel in Moema for the better clinicas. Move over to Paulista for the Bomboa, Sauna House and the Rua Augusta nightclubs. I also had a trouble with getting money from the ATMS. Citibank and HSBC were the only ones on the Star system. The Brazilian banks use Rede(?) and would not accept my card. In other words, you want a hotel near a Citibank.

06-19-15, 00:17
I've been walking past Exedra the last couple of days, as I live near by.

Never seen any girls in there, ( I work normal hours and have not been there during the day).

However in the evening/ night there are a lot of girls trying to get your attention...

As I have never seen the girls in Exedra I dont know if they are the same or other girls trying to cash in on.

Exedra being out of service..

06-19-15, 00:28
I went there at 6 pm and it was dead. Not a soul of either sex. I will try tomorrow at 9 pm.

06-19-15, 00:37
I was about to edit my post but probably better to clarify in a new one.

I've never seen a girl inside even at 11 or 8 or 6 pm this week. They aren't in.....

And Iv'e never seen a girl outside as long as the police are patrolling.

Not sure if it is the Pope visit coming but there are a lot of more cops around walking....

Also the blokes with the flyers are no where to be found if there is a cop around...

And there are cops everywhere I don't know this is new but 4 years ago I didn't see this many cops. (or I am getting old and forget).

06-19-15, 00:57
Exedra is closed. A big "clausurado" on the doors.

Don't know what happened and for how long.

I was about to edit my post but probably better to clarify in a new one.

I've never seen a girl inside even at 11 or 8 or 6 pm this week. They aren't in.....

And Iv'e never seen a girl outside as long as the police are patrolling.

Not sure if it is the Pope visit coming but there are a lot of more cops around walking....

Also the blokes with the flyers are no where to be found if there is a cop around...

And there are cops everywhere I don't know this is new but 4 years ago I didn't see this many cops. (or I am getting old and forget).

El Perro
06-20-15, 01:57
Friday night and Exedra is open. A few chicas.

06-20-15, 06:12
At least tonight, Ex is alive and well. Chicas are there but most are huddled inside as it is cold. Most are hardened pros so I did not partake. I did see several mongers outside waiting to make the move (or not). El Perro may be one of them. Ha ha.

- V.

El Perro
06-20-15, 11:51
At least tonight, Ex is alive and well. Chicas are there but most are huddled inside as it is cold. Most are hardened pros so I did not partake. I did see several mongers outside waiting to make the move (or not). El Perro may be one of them. Ha ha.

- V.Had a coffee inside and moved on. Too cold to spend much time outside !

Good news that Exedra has reopened as well as Hook. Maybe we will see some other places reopen as well.

06-20-15, 14:13
Had a coffee inside and moved on. Too cold to spend much time outside !

Good news that Exedra has reopened as well as Hook. Maybe we will see some other places reopen as well.....and sounds like I was chasing "the dog". May be we even saw each other. Ha ha. Anyway, I had a very interesting Firday night. See full report in Clubs section.

El Perro, thank you for your contributions.

Jack Reacher
06-21-15, 03:08
Met a friend here last (Saturday) night. My first time at the cafe, but from what I saw a number of chicas just hanging out. Did not ask prices, but a good selection to pick from. Some were there earlier, but action increased around 10:00.

02-11-16, 08:24
There had to be around 20 chicas there last night, around 11 pm.

Most of them were in there late 20s and 30s. A few from the past.

The ones I talked to were asking $1000 pesos.

02-18-16, 10:15
Been going up there every nite for the past 9 days. Just to have a chopp and look at the merchandise. The chicas arrive around 9pm, a number of goodlooking ones, a few blacks but mostly blondes. But the prices start 1000pesos and go up to 2000. Beyond my pay grade, but fun to look at anyway and tease around with.

02-18-16, 11:49
Been going up there every nite for the past 9 days. Just to have a chopp and look at the merchandise. The chicas arrive around 9pm, a number of goodlooking ones, a few blacks but mostly blondes. But the prices start 1000pesos and go up to 2000. Beyond my pay grade, but fun to look at anyway and tease around with.Wow Man , you could have fucked 2 SW's at Plaza "Prostitucion" or Plaza "Misery" instead of drinking 9 shit beers at X for $450p!

I was at X last night around 1:30 am and it was SRO outside.

No place to sit and there were probably 30 girls seated inside and outside plus another 20 standing around on the sidewalks.

Wall to Wall Pussy!

Grabbed two 23 year olds that use to work at 977 Marcelo T. De Alvear for 1200p each.

One of them is the girl with the Perfect Ass.

Have Fun.

Thanks Bay Boy !


02-18-16, 17:51
Senor Maestro Caballero Tejano Libre, you are THE MAN !!!!

Wow Man , you could have fucked 2 SW's at Plaza "Prostitucion" or Plaza "Misery" instead of drinking 9 shit beers at X for $450p!

I was at X last night around 1:30 am and it was SRO outside.

No place to sit and there were probably 30 girls seated inside and outside plus another 20 standing around on the sidewalks.

Wall to Wall Pussy!

Grabbed to 23 year olds that use to work at 977 Marcelo T. De Alvear for 1200p each.

One of them is the girl with the Perfect Ass.

Have Fun.

Thanks Bay Boy !


02-19-16, 12:57
I keep thinking about this and keep wondering what happened.

My first night was kind of strange.

Bayboy and arrived the same day. His flight was an early morning one, mine was a late night one.

I got to the hotel around 9 pm. We were in different hotels. When we met up it was around 10 pm at Exedra. From what I had been reading it was supposed to be a little early for chicas to be at Exedra. There was quite a few chicas there wanting too much money. I knew that TL would show up around 11, so I order a beer and we waited.

Sure enough a little after 11 TL shows up with some members. I did not recognize any of them.

In the past we would all sit together and BS. So, Bayboy and myself moved from our table to join the other guys. But, one guy got pissed off about mixing tables. In the past there hadn't been any problems; that I recall, but this one guy got so upset he left. Saying something about you cant change tables, and something about the waiter. So, Bayboy and I did not want to upset anyone so we went back to our table. TL was in the bano and did not know what happen when came back to the table. I was tired from the long flight and left after I finished my beer.

It was a very strange behavior for the guy. I guess it was some newbie that was nervous.

02-20-16, 18:46
Have stopped by Excedra the last 3 nights. Lots of girls but not much action. Most girls sit there for hours and nurse a drink then get up and leave. A few are cute however. Most are not. Talked to a few cute ones. Prices are high. A couple may be very good value by North American Standards but inflation has reached Argentina. The conventional wisdom is the later you wait the lower prices can go but I have not witnessed that. Hoping for a windfall. PM me for details.

02-21-16, 20:46
Gentlemen, I understand this is just one facet of a complex dynamic, BUT...

Something to keep in mind. When the economy goes through the floor in a hopeless way, people stop behaving in ways that reflect hopefulness. If a young, fit, sweet girl in her prime (everything that we seek) does not have enough hope to entertain the notion of "taking on a client or two until things get better", then she will simply dismiss the idea as implausible. If the prices go too far through the floor, the juice is simply not worth the squeeze for anyone OTHER than hardened, blown out, inverted windsocks (everything we avoid). Its all about incentivizing what we like, and unfortunately, that is out of our hands. We are at the mercy of the state.

But yeah, I argue that the quality of our experience with the hobby is an expression of hopefulness, rather than hopelessness.

03-15-16, 22:06
Greetings from Sao Paulo. Just wanted to say thanks to TL for meeting up with me last week at Exedra. Nice dude who knows his stuff in BA. It was my first time casing that joint and there was definitely a flavor for every taste. Spent some time bullshitting with him, Great Dane, and Chino. While I didn't partake it was worth taking the time to meet some new people and see a new spot. Hope the evening treated you well. Hope to be back soon.

Daddy Rulz
03-30-16, 03:25
The sweetest hooker in the world told me that as of yesterday the chicks aren't allowed to sit at any tables inside or out.

Pluses, nice line up and that can't hide how fat their asses are.

Minuses, sounds like a prelude to the cops running them off for standing next to the street and the chicks with fat asses aren't hiding them under the table.

El Perro
03-30-16, 12:42
The sweetest hooker in the world told me that as of yesterday the chicks aren't allowed to sit at any tables inside or out.

Pluses, nice line up and that can't hide how fat their asses are.

Minuses, sounds like a prelude to the cops running them off for standing next to the street and the chicks with fat asses aren't hiding them under the table.So WTF ?! I was hoping we would see an end to this foolishness but not so, eh ? If only I were king.

03-30-16, 20:08
So WTF ?! I was hoping we would see an end to this foolishness but not so, eh ? If only I were king.

If cops are against boliches too, where shall we go?

03-31-16, 00:28
Start Here:






If cops are against boliches too, where shall we go?

Daddy Rulz
04-03-16, 02:16
And then there was Exedra tonight, seriously sad. I have to believe they are under pressure from the cops.

04-12-16, 16:13
Im going to check it out tomorrow.....a few months back is was not bad.

Any other recommendations? I miss Orleans for the lunch time snack!

El Perro
05-13-16, 17:21
What's the current situation at Exedra ? Girls ? No girls ? A few girls ? Have they been eliminated completely ?

I'm doing a pros and cons eval before I decide to make one more sojourn to BA...or not.

The massage/fuck places on Esmeralda and Florida still kicking ?

Daddy Rulz
05-13-16, 19:51
What's the current situation at Exedra ? Girls ? No girls ? A few girls ? Have they been eliminated completely ?

I'm doing a pros and cons eval before I decide to make one more sojourn to BA...or not.

The massage/fuck places on Esmeralda and Florida still kicking ?Girls, outside, lined up. Not a lot.

Don't know the Esmeralda nor Florida fuck place.

05-14-16, 18:34
Girls, outside, lined up. Not a lot.Was there yesterday. No chichis allowed to get inside.

Great success of Gustavo Vera to stop worldwide prostitution.

He will fail as any wr*nk*r who tried to convince us to look 4 marriage but NOT 4 good paid-6.

Miami Bob
05-15-16, 23:13
The Macri change over still hasn't effected the crazy search for human trafficking. Human trafficking is horrible--like slavery. Never understaood places like black being driven out of business.

What's up in the great puerto?

05-16-16, 16:01
The Macri change over still hasn't effected the crazy search for human trafficking. Human trafficking is horrible--like slavery. Never understaood places like black being driven out of business.

What's up in the great puerto?Miami Bob !

Come on Down !

Saint Macri is not behind the scenes.

Gustavo Vera has always been the leader of the movement well before the change of government.

He has done an admirable job when it comes to cleaning up the trash in the city.

Take a moment to Wiki Gustavo Vera if you can see this link.


Black , like most of the other clubs was repeatedly closed down for various reasons :

Human Trafficking due to forced prostitution.

Underage prostitutes.

Charging more for girl's drinks.


Beating up clients.

Stuff like that.

Their business permit was finally revoked and will never be approved again.

This City is still a lot of fun and a lot better than some of the other choices if you know where to go.


Member #3320
05-16-16, 17:52
Miami Bob !

Come on Down !

Yes. Come Down.

Miami Bob
05-21-16, 15:44
Warmest regards to all.

Bob in miami.

Wild Walleye
05-21-16, 23:35
Warmest regards to all.

Bob in miami.Agreed! Meet me in Bs As. I have forgotten most of the Spanish that I used to know. Although I do remember to say "Hola cola" to that one chica at Newport. It will be good entertainment.

As an aside, I've been considering a trip to Medellin...just need to get a few ducks in order.

01-27-17, 04:38
Is this place still active. I pulled some nice girls out of there my last visit.

Daddy Rulz
01-27-17, 11:28
Is this place still active. I pulled some nice girls out of there my last visit.There are a few decent looking chicks that hang on the periphery of Exedra but they seem to have a pretty inflated opinion regarding the value of their services. I'm sure some of the guys who are into financial domination would like them but I don't recall the last one I pulled from there.

Still a nice place to have a cup o joe though.


01-28-17, 03:53
Just left Excedra about an hour ago and they had a lot of girls. Non of them very attractive and they were all asking for 1500 Peso . Keep was full of women. They actually had a lot of guys aswell but more women then men . However they all seemed stick up so I walked out. BA ain't what it used to be. Don't come here for the hobby. Everybody is trying to get out of here. Those who can't are stuck and miserable . It is really expensive. There was one decent girl asking for $1800 pesos. I was like it is crazy what SW are asking for.

01-28-17, 12:04
Just left Excedra about an hour ago and they had a lot of girls. Non of them very attractive and they were all asking for 1500 Peso . Keep was full of women. They actually had a lot of guys aswell but more women then men . However they all seemed stick up so I walked out. BA ain't what it used to be. Don't come here for the hobby. Everybody is trying to get out of here. Those who can't are stuck and miserable . It is really expensive. There was one decent girl asking for $1800 pesos. I was like it is crazy what SW are asking for.I shouldn't be after so many years, but I am constantly amazed by the Argentine mentality--If business is bad, raise the price.


01-28-17, 18:27
I shouldn't be after so many years, but I am constantly amazed by the Argentine mentality--If business is bad, raise the price.

Tres3.It is a genetic defect.

Member #4112
01-29-17, 16:39
The stories on this site about greedy Argies are legion. They just never learn.

I have two real pips for you from this trip.

Number one - girl I have known for a while shows up at Newport and I take her out on 25 January, see her the following night but she gets a call and jumps up in the middle and has to go. OK no problem so far. She texts me to tell me she is not feeling well on the 27th but wants to come over - tell her no to get better since I know the service will be bad if she is already calling with excuses. Now on 29 January she texts me and tells me I made her sick, sore throat and cough, she had to go to a private hospital for medication and I now owe her - wait for it - $2000 US for rent and meds and child care. Never mind that I paid her for the two times she came over even though she left early.

Number two - after a nice evening dropped by Deleiro for a late drink at 2:30 AM. Talked to a couple of girls I know then spot this cute little number in the typical little black dress, about an 7.5. She comes over and we chat a bit, got her a drink and figure why not test the waters. Now mind you it is now 3:45 AM and the place is pretty empty by that time, so I pitch her a number and she looks me straight in the eye and says no she wants $400 US.

We have all seen this same mentality more times than I can count. The girls go home with no money at the end of the night and business owners continue to further kill their business by continuing to raise prices.

At one time this country was a world class economic power due to its agriculture and now its a hopeless basket case living out in La La Land.

01-29-17, 17:28
The stories on this site about greedy Argies are legion. They just never learn.

I have two real pips for you from this trip.

Number one - girl I have known for a while shows up at Newport and I take her out on 25 January, see her the following night but she gets a call and jumps up in the middle and has to go. OK no problem so far. She texts me to tell me she is not feeling well on the 27th but wants to come over - tell her no to get better since I know the service will be bad if she is already calling with excuses. Now on 29 January she texts me and tells me I made her sick, sore throat and cough, she had to go to a private hospital for medication and I now owe her - wait for it - $2000 US for rent and meds and child care. Never mind that I paid her for the two times she came over even though she left early.

Number two - after a nice evening dropped by Deleiro for a late drink at 2:30 AM. Talked to a couple of girls I know then spot this cute little number in the typical little black dress, about an 7.5. She comes over and we chat a bit, got her a drink and figure why not test the waters. Now mind you it is now 3:45 AM and the place is pretty empty by that time, so I pitch her a number and she looks me straight in the eye and says no she wants $400 US.

We have all seen this same mentality more times than I can count. The girls go home with no money at the end of the night and business owners continue to further kill their business by continuing to raise prices.

At one time this country was a world class economic power due to its agriculture and now its a hopeless basket case living out in La La Land.FUBAR.........oh wait ....there is no reasoning here.

01-29-17, 23:42
Can anyone tell me where Deleiro is? Thanks.

01-30-17, 11:59

Can anyone tell me where Deleiro is? Thanks.

Jim Bob
10-16-17, 15:04
Here are some pics of chicks on Facebook, but looks like it is from 2014


10-22-17, 17:54
I stop by exedra and didn't see no chicas.

I guess they don't work Sundays or I stop by too early.

Just reporting from BA.

10-22-17, 21:35
They banned the girls years ago.

However, nearby street walking remains some times, but there is no good quality anymore.

I stop by exedra and didn't see no chicas.

I guess they don't work Sundays or I stop by too early.

Just reporting from BA.

10-23-17, 10:14
With the elections on Sunday and mandatory voting, this past weekend was out of whack in many regards.


10-26-17, 12:26
I was in BA in Feb 2017 and lotsa chicas at Exedra. This was after 10pm and the change is they can no longer sit inside or outside they can stand outside near the front wall but can not sit at the tables even if invited. This may have changed after feb..

10-27-17, 11:39
With the elections on Sunday and mandatory voting, this past weekend was out of whack in many regards.Yeah, no argie is going to take a chance on not voting and facing that fifty centavo fine.

Jim Bob
12-08-17, 09:10
Two nights this week I have been at Exedra between 7pm-10:30 pm, each night a chica named Sandra attracted my attention, she was dressed to kill winking and making kissy faces last night I asked her how much she said 1500 I did not haggle with her as I was not able to avail myself of her services at the moment but have her number for future reference. Last night at 10:30 there must have been a dozen chicas lined up on the wall next to the café.

12-29-20, 20:53
A great, great place.

03-24-24, 21:34
I thought I would A few Photos of what it looks like.