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El Perro
08-20-10, 17:48
The coppers were at Cocodrilo late last night and closed it. Remains to be seen whether it was a one night shut down or something more ominous.

08-22-10, 22:48
The coppers were at Cocodrilo late last night and closed it. Remains to be seen whether it was a one night shut down or something more ominous.Any more info?

El Perro
08-22-10, 23:11
Any more info?I haven't been back and haven't heard any news.

For all I know they could be open again.

Nothing in the Buenos Aires Herald.

08-22-10, 23:15
I haven't been back and haven't heard any news.

For all I know they could be open again.

Nothing in the Buenos Aires Herald.:)I looked in Clarin and La Nacion and didn't see anything, but didn't really expect to.

I guess I have to go by and find out the hard way.

09-29-10, 13:40
Me and my buddy went into this place around 3am Last night. The first thing you need to know, Its 100 Pesos to walk into the door (This is about he same price (130P) at Mondohs) There were a few good looking girls but nothing to write home about.

Here is what you need to understand about this place. The girls dancing on the bar cost 200 Pesos, if you want to talk to them. The one girl I really liked "Barbie" was a dancing on top of the bar and I asked the bartender to please let her know I wanted to speak with her. So I paid the 200 pesos, thinking this was the cost of getting this girl out of the club and now I had to negotiate the price between her and myself. So she comes off the bar sits next to me and I get my buddy to translate for me because my spanish sucks. So he asked her "How much to go out for an hour" The girls says "I don't GO OUT" we looked at each other and said WTF! So I just paid 200 pesos for this girl to come off the bar to say she doesn't go out? Plus she got her Speed drink sat there for maybe 3 minutes and got up and left. Needless to say I was fucking livid. I told the bartender that this was bullshit and he was trying to explain to me that the girls on the bar don't always go out. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. So anyway I was ready to jump behind the bar and fucking ruin someones night, besides my own. My partner got a tip on the owners name, who happen to be there. So we pulled him to the side and said, "Look, the girls here are suppose to be available to negotiate with, if they don't then its best I know that ahead of time before I pay 200 pesos. The short story is the owner gave me my money back and at that point we were like lets get the fuck out of here.

This place is full of shit, judging from other things I read I thought this would be a decent late night stop.

NOTE: The "regular" working girls dancing around the main floor are available for negotiating with.100 Pesos to take them out. Then whatever you work out with the girl, They all start at 400 pesos for the hour.

NOTE II: There is a bar dancer there too who is a midget. I actually entertained the idea of trying to do this girl. She is actually not bad looking at all and has a killer ass. I mean you know, tell all your friends, "Hey I fucked a midget" a token fuck. But she probably doesn't go out either.

Enjoy guys I am out of here tonight. Hope this helps ya!

09-29-10, 21:47
So I am assuming that I am the only one who experienced this at this location? Or has no one ever been to this place?

El Perro
09-29-10, 22:02
So I am assuming that I am the only one who experienced this at this location? Or has no one ever been to this place?You got used but you already know that. Cocodrilo is not for everybody. Whenever I go there I always go with a local who frequents the place pretty regularly. I've never paid a centavo to get in. It can be a hardcore place at times, though I have never had problem 1. If you haven't looked back through the posts on this place, then you haven't seen that you're not the first monger to have a problem there. Also, times change and maybe there are more shenanigans being pulled there now than in the past. I don't know. The upshot? Probably not a place you want to hang out at.

Rockin Bob
09-29-10, 22:16
I went in one night way late.

I talk to this girl, she says I have to pay a 90 peso bar fine.

I pay.

Then she's like, I never saw you before.

09-29-10, 22:45
I went in one night way late.

I talk to this girl, she says I have to pay a 90 peso bar fine.

I pay.

Then she's like, I never saw you before. Fucking classic

09-29-10, 22:47
You got used but you already know that. Cocodrilo is not for everybody. Whenever I go there I always go with a local who frequents the place pretty regularly. I've never paid a centavo to get in. It can be a hardcore place at times, though I have never had problem 1. If you haven't looked back through the posts on this place, then you haven't seen that you're not the first monger to have a problem there. Also, times change and maybe there are more shenanigans being pulled there now than in the past. I don't know. The upshot? Probably not a place you want to hang out at.Yea I kinda gathered that. But you know what I got my money back directly from the owner. Which is a good thing. Just won't ever hit that place again.

09-29-10, 23:28
The girls dancing on the bar cost 200 Pesos, if you want to talk to them. The one girl I really liked "Barbie" was a dancing on top of the bar and I asked the bartender to please let her know I wanted to speak with her. So I paid the 200 pesos....That's pretty much the practice at Madahos, Black, and most other clubs I can think of. If you want to try to fuck one of the dancers, you must first buy them a drink at an inflated price, which merely buys you the opportunity to attempt to negotiate a session, and many of the dancers with either insist on an outrageously ridiculous price, or simply don't leave with customers at all.

You can marginally improve your odds by inquiring in advance if a specific dancer does actually leave with customers, but that's about it.



11-30-10, 00:31
From reading these posts, it seems you guys either love this place or you hate it.

Decided it was time to break out of my Recoleta comfort zone and pay this place a visit last Thursday. I'd been in Madahos earlier on, but got there too late to find the best pickings. Cocodrilo was a good fallback as it stays open until gone 6am, and for me, the night's still young until the sun comes up.

The club is on Gallo down from Paraguay, which for me is Barrio Norte although it's listed as Palermo.

Arrived 4:30 am, greeted the guy on the door, walked straight on through and up the stairs at the end. This was my second visit and I haven't yet had to pay up front. My drink at the bar cost 70 pesos (up from 60 last visit) . Thursday is usually a strong night in most places and the joint was still buzzing.

When I first came to the club a while back, I'd read the stuff about Maradona and his alleged involvement with the ex-dancer from Cocodrilo. I'd expected the place to be larger and more up scale but as others have noted, it is a bit reminiscent of the Help disco in Rio (RIP) , in terms of the mix of people you find there. On Thursday, it was a mixture of young locals out for a good time (taking photos and joking around) , plenty of working girls and two or three trannies. Dancers were taking turns to shake their butts on top of the bar – I liked the look of one of them (a brunette) a lot, but I'd read the warnings posted earlier in this thread. I've never taken out a dancer in Bs As and often wanted to – one of these trips I will risk it, probably on a night when I'm packing more money than sense.

Music mix was pretty good and the atmosphere was ok. A gringo will stand out a lot more here and a wingman would be in order for non-spanish speakers on a first visit. Some of the chicas came up and got straight to the point with salida offers, but most of them stood off. I saw mainly 5s and 6s, a few 7s, different ethnic mix to the Recoleta clubs, some departed around 5am so I may have left it too late to see the best on offer. The asking price seemed to start around 500 pesos working down to 400, but I didn't spot anything I liked enough to jump for.

Up the stairs from the main bar and dance floor area is the girls' cloakroom area and a Maradona shrine with glass fronted memorabilia and photos – check it out while you're there. While I was taking a look, a couple of the prettier ones propositioned me for a double act. Tempted but decided to save my bullets for another day.

Verdict: I enjoyed the place and would go back. Not for rookie mongers though, as others have observed.

01-15-11, 12:30
No cover charge to get in, about 10 customers and about 20 girls. Level of the girls was poorly. I entered around 3 and left about 45 minutes.

Maybe it's holiday but it was definitly pretty boring

01-22-11, 21:18
No cover charge to get in, about 10 customers and about 20 girls. Level of the girls was poorly. I entered around 3 and left about 45 minutes.

Maybe it's holiday but it was definitly pretty boringIT does NOT go off untill 5:30 am!

From 5 to 5:30 55 extra girls will show up and it's a blast!

Nothing like it in BA!

Mention my name to Juan at the door and you will have Life-Time Free Entry.

Or bring him ANYTHING that says Dallas Cowboys.

The place is a blast!

Flat fee to pull out the girl.

100. 00 pesos.

Ramiro ¨El Tejano ¨

PS- The cover charge varies according to your face !

Now it´s 100.00

02-19-11, 17:40
I took my friend her last night. I should have read Ramiro's post below before coming.

We were told entry was 120 with one drink. After getting our money, it was obvious the bouncer was happy about something. Getting some suckers like us to pay.

Inside, it as like the last time I was here in 2007. Lots of hot girls. More on the dirty, filthy, sexy side, than the "classy" sexy side like other boliches. Lots of young, intoxicated locals just having fun. Salida is 100. Girls started off quoting 500. Since my friend's spanish is almost non-existent, I negotiated for him with a Dominicana who claimed to be from Cali, Colombia. Got her down to 300 pesos. Upon leaving, busted that she is not Colombiana since she could not answer our Cali questions (we've been there several times). She said she didn't want to say she was from DR because they have a bad reputation.

According to my friend, when they got to his apartment, she said that we agreed on 400. My friend texted me and I confirmed that it was 300. My friend threw her and her purse out the door. So DR girls in Bs As are no longer fun?

02-19-11, 18:44
I took my friend her last night. I should have read Ramiro's post below before coming.

We were told entry was 120 with one drink. After getting our money, it was obvious the bouncer was happy about something. Getting some suckers like us to pay.

Inside, it as like the last time I was here in 2007. Lots of hot girls. More on the dirty, filthy, sexy side, than the "classy" sexy side like other boliches. Lots of young, intoxicated locals just having fun. Salida is 100. Girls started off quoting 500. Since my friend's spanish is almost non-existent, I negotiated for him with a Dominicana who claimed to be from Cali, Colombia. Got her down to 300 pesos. Upon leaving, busted that she is not Colombiana since she could not answer our Cali questions (we've been there several times). She said she didn't want to say she was from DR because they have a bad reputation.

According to my friend, when they got to his apartment, she said that we agreed on 400. My friend texted me and I confirmed that it was 300. My friend threw her and her purse out the door. So DR girls in Bs As are no longer fun? Never been to the DR but my experiences with the DR girls in Buenos Aires, not that there has been many, would put it way down on my list of places to visit. The DR girls I have experienced here are generally the worst providers and shortchangers. I avoid them like the plague. Part of the reason why the general consensus on this board that quality and service has dropped off is due to the good economy. The local talent pool has shrunk and the shortfall in supply has come from poorer countries such as the DR. At one of my local privados the other day there was a girl from the DR and another from Puerto Rico. No local talent at all, when 2 years ago the same privado could present 6 local or Paraguayan young things. Guess we had better get used to it until the 'crash' which some of the pundits on this board have been predicting is imminent over the past 5 years. Will not happen for a few years with the price of agricultural exports and the sense of optimism in the street. So higher prices for poorer quality chicas and declining service. Get used to it.


02-23-11, 07:50
Okay, I came fashionable late, as advised, was there on Saturday with two fellow monger at 23 and that was a BIG mistake! To early, full of local heroes and I WOUNT DO THAT AGAN'IN, EVER!

So taken this advice tonight I came late, about 04:30 mentioning your name and it was like throwing acid at a VAPIRE! FUCK I HARDLY EVEN CAME IN! Hi I WAS AT YOU LAST SUPPER!

120 pesos to get in? Fuck! I paid LESSS to get in at Molain Roughe in Paris, AND I got a blowjob from one of the dancers (seriously) that spoiled my night. I drink a lot and spent mega bucks, but getting inn to spend the money piss me off, keep that to the local bums!

No big run in of nice girls at 05, I got kicked out when they closed and for me it was a fucking shithole!

Same girls as all the other places, no more no less-the stripers are mostly fat and the local heroes are all over the place.

Hi but the is my 5cent worth, what do I know.

IT does NOT go off untill 5:30 am!

From 5 to 5:30 55 extra girls will show up and it's a blast!

Nothing like it in BA!

Mention my name to Juan at the door and you will have Life-Time Free Entry.

Or bring him ANYTHING that says Dallas Cowboys.

The place is a blast!

Flat fee to pull out the girl.

100. 00 pesos.

Ramiro ¨El Tejano ¨

PS- The cover charge varies according to your face!

Now it's 100. 00

02-26-11, 09:57
Okay, I don't wasn't to slag places down but seriously are looking for a good place for nice girls, as far as I know its not a crime in Argentina (but quiet a few other places).

So after having been to the regular disco and seen all the hot girls look at me with the dead fish eyes I went at to Crocodillo at 0400, and stayed until it closed.

First, still have to pay 120 pesos to get in, it gives you a drink butt the 'drink' are like all the rest I paid for at 80 pesos weak as a Obama's promises of change.

FUCK it is full of local heroes! I would estimate it was close to 70 local heroes, all in their 20ish or early 30ish and well trained. Hey now I talk about the duds! The level of testerone to pussy juice was about 100 to 1. Fuck it is as easy to get attention as in a regular disco, why the fuck would I go there?

As it got darker and all the clubs closed is STILL was not a lot of hot girls quitting Black and so on and popping over to give met he freebee of a lifetime. Dudes, average locking girls and OMFG what shit music they play!

Ok, so about 70 guys. 35 girls. 2 I would consider descent,

Did I mention that the music was ethnic shit and the drinks weak?

When they gave last call I decided to get two putas that was about 2, maybe 3 on a 1-10000 scale. Agreed to pay them 400 pesos each for a wild session with no 'TIME-TIME' made sure they understand the deal before we went in and yeah no problems.

Getting in, music on, and Champaign out and the bich start to talk money and time. Fuck, that killed the romance! I got in to an argument with them, was seriously thinking how much time in an Argentinean prison was worth and decided it was more than 800 pesos, told them to fuck out, argued more and kicked them out and told them they where bad-bad, person and probably would end up in hell! I spent 800 pesos, did not get fuckt but hey did not end up in death penalty in Argentina eigther! (but it was close.)

My call is that no fucking way I will change Newport for Crocodillo! But I'm still in town and ready for any advice.

El Perro
03-15-11, 21:16
Warring Boca Juniors' gang hotshots shoot 'em up. Nothing caught on the security cameras because the Feds lifted the cameras last week during the boliche "crackdown". Ha Ha.


12-29-11, 20:15
Cold & dismal over here in sex prison, so it's time to open a bottle of fine red Malbec and file some more reports.

Paid several visits while in town recently. Because it stays open so late, Cocodrilo is an option to fall back on when the other clubs close. Drink at the bar is now 90 pesos, chica drink is the same price. Most times I was waved through, on one occasion had to pay the 150 peso fine to get in (includes the drink).

Chica selection better than when I was last here (although that's not saying too much). The music's loud, lots of local guys fooling around, cigarette smoke, limited floor space, girls in slutty outfits, handful of podium dancers, certainly not a place to sit down and relax. Definitely not for everyone, but on a strong night the place has some positive energy.

First chica I pulled from here was Victoria. Early to mid thirties, Argentinian, quite tall, nice long glossy dark hair, brown eyes, pale skin, lived-in face but sexy body in skin-tight white jeans and long black boots. She kind of caught the mood of the place. There were younger girls on offer but she was the one who was looking lively and making an effort to get some attention. Friendly when I approached her, she offered 500 pesos for an hour in the telo about 5 mins walk away. That matched the price I was willing to pay, so we agreed. It was quite late so we headed out shortly after I bought the drink. Great memory of walking through the empty streets at 4am with a tall brunette in boots carrying a half full cocktail glass of Baileys in her hand! The small room cost about 105 pesos for the hour. Victoria let me lick the rest of the Baileys off her bare nipples which she enjoyed. A nice mover with some sexy outfits in her bag, she danced to the music from her cellphone in front of the wall mirror. Covered action, DATY, pleasant session without setting the world on fire. Walked her back to the club when the hour was up, still carrying her empty cocktail glass. Repeated with her another night very late in a different telo – we skipped the chica drink by leaving separately. This time the DATY made her climax and she gave me her number afterwards. But we never rose to the next level where the girl makes you forget that you're in a P4P experience.

The other chica I met here was Ayélen (in porteño Spanish sounds like Ashlyn). She stated off using a different name but we soon dropped that as I liked her real name a lot better. I got lucky with this one. Late twenties, blonde, brown eyes, nice tan, spotted her standing quietly in a corner, in a black top, big belt and tight white micro skirt with matching white ankle boots. Exchanged glances as I circulated around the club, finally got a smile and I moved in. Good onda, soon agreed 500 pesos and off to the telo for an hour. She started off quite tense, explained that she had only been working three nights and needed the money to pay her bills after splitting with her partner. Keen to please though and it was a good GFE session. At the end, she asked to see me again and said she would accept 400 pesos if we met up another night away from the club. This second outing was memorable. Took her out to a terrace bar near my apartment and then back for totally unrushed sex. Had bought her a black and white patterned bikini as a 'regalito' which she modelled for me and then a slow massage as I slowly took the garment off and kissed her body all over. This time Ayélen held nothing back and her shattering climax as she rode me while I fondled her firm tits was almost worth the airfare to BA.

Ayélen has no English and being able to speak Spanish was a big factor. Unlikely you'll see this girl again for a while as she had nearly paid off the debt and said she definitely wasn't planning on making a living that way. But who knows. There's a programme running on early evening canal 13 TV in BA, where two teams have to pick the one key from about twenty that starts the bus. Boliche mongering is a bit like that. Keep picking and one day you'll find the key that turns the engine. Suerte!

07-01-12, 23:23
Cocodrilo is more organized to extract pesos now than in the past

Entry fee. 150p.

Chica to go fine (or buy a copa).180p.

Your drink. 80p.

That is almost 400p down before paying chica another 400p + minimum.

You do the math vs back home. .

Cold & dismal over here in sex prison, so it's time to open a bottle of fine red Malbec and file some more reports.

Paid several visits while in town recently. Because it stays open so late, Cocodrilo is an option to fall back on when the other clubs close. Drink at the bar is now 90 pesos, chica drink is the same price. Most times I was waved through, on one occasion had to pay the 150 peso fine to get in (includes the drink).

Chica selection better than when I was last here (although that's not saying too much). The music's loud, lots of local guys fooling around, cigarette smoke, limited floor space, girls in slutty outfits, handful of podium dancers, certainly not a place to sit down and relax. Definitely not for everyone, but on a strong night the place has some positive energy.

First chica I pulled from here was Victoria. Early to mid thirties, Argentinian, quite tall, nice long glossy dark hair, brown eyes, pale skin, lived-in face but sexy body in skin-tight white jeans and long black boots. She kind of caught the mood of the place. There were younger girls on offer but she was the one who was looking lively and making an effort to get some attention. Friendly when I approached her, she offered 500 pesos for an hour in the telo about 5 mins walk away. That matched the price I was willing to pay, so we agreed. It was quite late so we headed out shortly after I bought the drink. Great memory of walking through the empty streets at 4am with a tall brunette in boots carrying a half full cocktail glass of Baileys in her hand! The small room cost about 105 pesos for the hour. Victoria let me lick the rest of the Baileys off her bare nipples which she enjoyed. A nice mover with some sexy outfits in her bag, she danced to the music from her cellphone in front of the wall mirror. Covered action, DATY, pleasant session without setting the world on fire. Walked her back to the club when the hour was up, still carrying her empty cocktail glass. Repeated with her another night very late in a different telo – we skipped the chica drink by leaving separately. This time the DATY made her climax and she gave me her number afterwards. But we never rose to the next level where the girl makes you forget that you're in a P4P experience.

The other chica I met here was Ayélen (in porteño Spanish sounds like Ashlyn). She stated off using a different name but we soon dropped that as I liked her real name a lot better. I got lucky with this one. Late twenties, blonde, brown eyes, nice tan, spotted her standing quietly in a corner, in a black top, big belt and tight white micro skirt with matching white ankle boots. Exchanged glances as I circulated around the club, finally got a smile and I moved in. Good onda, soon agreed 500 pesos and off to the telo for an hour. She started off quite tense, explained that she had only been working three nights and needed the money to pay her bills after splitting with her partner. Keen to please though and it was a good GFE session. At the end, she asked to see me again and said she would accept 400 pesos if we met up another night away from the club. This second outing was memorable. Took her out to a terrace bar near my apartment and then back for totally unrushed sex. Had bought her a black and white patterned bikini as a 'regalito' which she modelled for me and then a slow massage as I slowly took the garment off and kissed her body all over. This time Ayélen held nothing back and her shattering climax as she rode me while I fondled her firm tits was almost worth the airfare to BA.

Ayélen has no English and being able to speak Spanish was a big factor. Unlikely you'll see this girl again for a while as she had nearly paid off the debt and said she definitely wasn't planning on making a living that way. But who knows. There's a programme running on early evening canal 13 TV in BA, where two teams have to pick the one key from about twenty that starts the bus. Boliche mongering is a bit like that. Keep picking and one day you'll find the key that turns the engine. Suerte!

07-02-12, 00:09
Cocodrilo is more organized to extract pesos now than in the past

Entry fee. 150p.

Chica to go fine (or buy a copa).180p.

Your drink. 80p.

That is almost 400p down before paying chica another 400p + minimum.

You do the math vs back home. .Just ask for Juan at the front door and mention the Dallas Cowboys and that El Tejano sent you and your in like Flint!

No cover for life for my Boys!

If you are coming to BA buy ANYTHING that you can that says The Dallas Cowboys or mentions the Dallas Cowboys and give it to Juan!

You will be given free cover for life!

Of course this only applies if you are going to stay up untill the club gets going!

About 5:30 am.

The place can be a blast because all the Party girls from Madaho's and Blacks and Hippo, etc, etc end up there to blow their noses or just dance and have a good time!

It is the ONLY bar where you can actually talk to and DANCE with the girls and not have to buy them a drink.

Some girls will ask you for a drink so maybe things have changed a bit?

Buy a fucking. 50 cent Dallas Cowboys bumper sticker or key chain and Juan will never charge you or your friends.

I gave him a Tony Romo game jersey so even my grandchildren will be able to get in for free for life.

He is the head doorman for 20 years so he is NOT going away anytime soon!

Grayish flat-top and a big motherfucker!

XXL if it's a tee-shirt!

And yes, there are a bunch of local "Cavemen" in there usually that will try to cock block you but " La Billetera Mata al Galan!"

Translation : The wallet kills the Gentleman or good looking male!

And the Chicas live by that rule!


07-22-12, 06:16
Just ask for Juan at the front door and mention the Dallas Cowboys and that El Tejano sent you and your in like Flint!

No cover for life for my Boys!Confirmed. Not that I doubted it, but just to let others know. Here's what to say if your Spanish is a little rusty: Soy un amigo del Tejano. Me dijo que sos un amigo tambien.

Went there around 2. 30 to, hopefully, meet a girl that I had a session with in 2010. And voilá, she was there. Super GFE and great fuck. To me she's a clear 10, but would probably not be to everyone. Rest of the girls were definitely not fantastic. A few 6's and a lot of 2's and 3's.

If you go with a bunch of boys to have a party it's a fun place though.

12-02-12, 05:27
Hi dudes,

I'm a newbie here so take my words carefully. Today I arrived at cocodrilo at 1:30 pm and people there tell me the club opens at 2:00 am. I ask to the security staff where to have something to drink to wait untill this time and they point me to a club next to cocodrilo (exactly at the corner). Its name is TOCKA. Something is happening there I can understand because I'm a fucky newbie. Cocodrilo's owner was there all night rounded of girls. There were about 1:1 guys / girls. Between 5 and 9 (lot's of 5 and a few 9) in my humble opinion. I can't explain you at all because my english is not good enough. I try to talk with a pair of girls who where clearly looking for a payed dick and they say me: "I have boyfriend and is here". Of course it was a lie. Not only to me but to the whole guys. It seemed they were waiting for something or someone. I ask the public relationship where the club is open and they told me only Friday and Saturday. I ask him: "all this girls are working here?" he said: "a pair of them". I replied: "only a pair?" and he laughed and say: "well, a pair of pairs".

At first, when I try to enter to the club they ask me: "do you know anybody?". I replied: "I have just arrive to the country!". They let me enter without paying anything but they were asking me to pay 50 pesos. Inside tragos cost about 40-60 pesos and it seems it's not necessary to invite a girl to pull out her. I only saw a guy leaving the club with a girl (a really ugly one) and sure he didn't pay anything.

Again, I don't want to confuse people here. The great puteros should go there to understand what I can't! It has been a really bad night because I'm again at home without nothing else than my hot dick! But I prefer that than be here with a fucky elephant for 500 pesos! Anyway I had fun drinking a lot of "destornilladores" and dancing!

Again, if anyone wants to meet here with me send me a message!

Good night and see you here!


12-02-12, 05:49
Hi dudes,

I'm a newbie here so take my words carefully. Today I arrived at cocodrilo at 1:30 pm and people there tell me the club opens at 2:00 am. I ask to the security staff where to have something to drink to wait untill this time and they point me to a club next to cocodrilo (exactly at the corner). Its name is TOCKA. Something is happening there I can understand because I'm a fucky newbie. Cocodrilo's owner was there all night rounded of girls. There were about 1:1 guys / girls. Between 5 and 9 (lot's of 5 and a few 9) in my humble opinion. I can't explain you at all because my english is not good enough. I try to talk with a pair of girls who where clearly looking for a payed dick and they say me: "I have boyfriend and is here". Of course it was a lie. Not only to me but to the whole guys. It seemed they were waiting for something or someone. I ask the public relationship where the club is open and they told me only Friday and Saturday. I ask him: "all this girls are working here?" he said: "a pair of them". I replied: "only a pair?" and he laughed and say: "well, a pair of pairs".

At first, when I try to enter to the club they ask me: "do you know anybody?". I replied: "I have just arrive to the country!". They let me enter without paying anything but they were asking me to pay 50 pesos. Inside tragos cost about 40-60 pesos and it seems it's not necessary to invite a girl to pull out her. I only saw a guy leaving the club with a girl (a really ugly one) and sure he didn't pay anything.

Again, I don't want to confuse people here. The great puteros should go there to understand what I can't! It has been a really bad night because I'm again at home without nothing else than my hot dick! But I prefer that than be here with a fucky elephant for 500 pesos! Anyway I had fun drinking a lot of "destornilladores" and dancing!

Again, if anyone wants to meet here with me send me a message!

Good night and see you here!

Gikubik.Llamame cuando quieras amigo!

4 381 2145.

156 116 4254.

NO pasa nada en los fines de semana!


12-02-12, 05:51
Sorry, I drank too much! I'm really drunk writing in English at 4:30 am! .

Maybe this could be useful for anyone here. Today I went to the exchange house ("casa de cambio"). They change me at 1 to 6 rate. For one dollar, six pesos. Today dollar blue was at 6, 45 so it's not so bad! Of course without showing the passport. An "informal" exchange. I could point you to this casa de cambio if needed. Anyway I have contacted with a guy who visit you at home to exchange your dollars (for security reasons, going to a "cueva" is dangerous) and I hope rate will be a bit better than 1:6. If you are going to exchange a few thousand dollars, there is an important difference!

Again I'm a drunk and a fuckie newbie. Sorry if I'm explaining something you all know!

See you!


12-02-12, 05:57
Thanks TL!

I will phone you tomorrow afternoon! So we can talk a bit!

See you soon and thank you!


12-02-12, 10:37
Anyway I have contacted with a guy who visit you at home to exchange your dollars (for security reasons, going to a "cueva" is dangerous)Yeah, maybe, but having some Argie cocksucker come to your house to change dollars is orders of magnitude more dangerous. Pero estás borracho. En la mañana con toda la resaca vas a ver la situación más claramente, a lo mejor.

12-03-12, 05:55
Thanks TL!

I will phone you tomorrow afternoon! So we can talk a bit!

See you soon and thank you!

Gikubik!Thanks for calling and getting me out of the house, I can only take so much Paraguayan Abuse!

Actually I was watching some GREAT football! Great football weekend Boys!

The Peruvian Ceviche was excellent!

Take Care and Keep in Touch,


P. S. Wed night I am going to take you to the "Promised Land" of hookers and beaches! On the House!

12-03-12, 20:39
Yeah, maybe, but having some Argie cocksucker come to your house to change dollars is orders of magnitude more dangerous. Pero estás borracho. En la mañana con toda la resaca vas a ver la situación más claramente, a lo mejor.Thanks Dickhead for your advice. I'm new to Buenos Aires puterio, not at the city in general. I know how dangerous it can be. First time I travelled here (early 2000s) first girl I met (not a professional) had been kidnapped for one day. I'm not rich and nobody would pay a rescue for me but these people can exchange you for a fucky washing machine! So I learned to explain always to someone where I am, with whom, who I met. Anyway thanks!

I have talked today with this guy. Today he was exchanging at 6. 37 but he only works with directly known people. HE IS AFRAID of going to houses of unknown people, so fear is the rule here for everybody in the business! We have a good friend in common so I hope it will be enough for me if I ask him. But nobody else. I was only trying to open a way for the others in forum. But you should go to the cueva!



PD: para tener resaca es necesario que te queden neuronas por quemar! XD

12-03-12, 20:51
Thanks for calling and getting me out of the house, I can only take so much Paraguayan Abuse!

Actually I was watching some GREAT football! Great football weekend Boys!

The Peruvian Ceviche was excellent!

Take Care and Keep in Touch,


P. S. Wed night I am going to take you to the "Promised Land" of hookers and beaches! On the House!Hi TL!

A great dinner! It was a surprise to discover where to eat good fish in this city of "bifes and lomos"! I promised to invite you to some "jamon iberico" before I left the city so be ready! I'm going to send you a PM with an e-mail to keep in touch!

See you soon!


12-04-12, 02:51
Any chance one could pull one of those hot stripper for say 600USD dollars at COCODRILLO? They look HOT and I think it would be worth it but thats just me

12-04-12, 03:23
Any chance one could pull one of those hot stripper for say 600USD dollars at COCODRILLO? They look HOT and I think it would be worth it but thats just meYou are one goofy newbie who has never read to board to make a comment like that dude! 600 uS. WTF! Read the board dude. Your comment is insane! Monger on all. Toymann

Ps. Had time to reflect. You must be either one of the those lame dancers at coco or her pimp testing how stupid you must think gringos are! Right? IALOTFLMAO! Go away chulo!

12-04-12, 04:02
You are one goofy newbie who has never read to board to make a comment like that dude! 600 uS. WTF! Read the board dude. Your comment is insane! Monger on all. Toymann.

Ps. Had time to reflect. You must be either one of the those lame dancers at coco or her pimp testing how stupid you must think gringos are! Right? IALOTFLMAO! Go away chulo!To tman:

If he's got the budget, can spend $600 like it's $6 to someone else, and think it's worth it for his value, who cares?

Haven't been to coco in a long time so can't really say whether a "dancer" there would be worth $600 to me, but if he finds her hot and is worth it to him, that's all that matters.

To the OP:

Personally, you can pull most dancers, the real ones that as a norm do not go out with most clients, not ones that call themselves dancers just because they shake around on stage a bit but otherwise are in the same chica pool as the normal club girls (e. G. Hooks "dancers") , for about double what the higher end normal chicas go for if they are amenable to going out at all. So call it $400 by personal xxp.

If the dancer is not amenable to going out with anyone at all, considers herself truly off the market, and/or just decides she will 'never' go out with you in particular, of course she has a price, almost everyone does. Key word almost. But to overcome that kind of break point, there's no real set in stone top end in my opinion and xp. It's different for everyone. Maybe it'll take $600, may take $1000 or $10k. Depends what the price of her dignity is to break that 'never' conviction. Some cast aside their 'never' conviction at remarkably low break points, others you'll likely have to pop the Demi Moore $1mil+. Usually don't bother with these unless you just really get off on the thought you are scoring with an otherwise off the market chick. But of course that's my own value judgement. Do whatever you want with your own money I say.

If you are not as tman suggests, and could be right, a scammer, chica, etc posing as a new poster, my advice would be to ignore the price police and do whatever the hell you think is worth your money. Only you can determine whether it's worth it. We can tell you what usual baselines are. Prices, time, norms, etc. But listening to someone else tell you how you should or shouldn't spend your money is also up to you. The only truly irreplaceable thing is your time. If you have the budget to minimize your time loss, go for it.

12-04-12, 04:53
To tman:

If he's got the budget, can spend $600 like it's $6 to someone else, and think it's worth it for his value, who cares?

Haven't been to coco in a long time so can't really say whether a "dancer" there would be worth $600 to me, but if he finds her hot and is worth it to him, that's all that matters.

To the OP:

Personally, you can pull most dancers, the real ones that as a norm do not go out with most clients, not ones that call themselves dancers just because they shake around on stage a bit but otherwise are in the same chica pool as the normal club girls (e. G. Hooks "dancers") , for about double what the higher end normal chicas go for if they are amenable to going out at all. So call it $400 by personal xxp.

If the dancer is not amenable to going out with anyone at all, considers herself truly off the market, and / or just decides she will 'never' go out with you in particular, of course she has a price, almost everyone does. Key word almost. But to overcome that kind of break point, there's no real set in stone top end in my opinion and xp. It's different for everyone. Maybe it'll take $600, may take $1000 or $10k. Depends what the price of her dignity is to break that 'never' conviction. Some cast aside their 'never' conviction at remarkably low break points, others you'll likely have to pop the Demi Moore $1mil+. Usually don't bother with these unless you just really get off on the thought you are scoring with an otherwise off the market chick. But of course that's my own value judgement. Do whatever you want with your own money I say.

If you are not as tman suggests, and could be right, a scammer, chica, etc posing as a new poster, my advice would be to ignore the price police and do whatever the hell you think is worth your money. Only you can determine whether it's worth it. We can tell you what usual baselines are. Prices, time, norms, etc. But listening to someone else tell you how you should or shouldn't spend your money is also up to you. The only truly irreplaceable thing is your time. If you have the budget to minimize your time loss, go for it.The poster is asking whether he can get a dancer for 3600 pesos. No mention of time, duration, etc. Your comments about money being irrelavant to the purchaser are well documented on this board BUT not relavant here. You may be a notorious over-payer. I get it and don't care. It's your cash. Stop justifying YOUR actions under this lame story you tell over and over. I know for a fact that you pay WAY OVER MARKET. But guess what, I don't care. It's your cash and do what you want with it. Hell. You can get ANYTHING in BA for 3600 pesos an hour!

That said, LOOK AT THE POST! Your personal opinion about YOUR wallet is fine with me. Don't care! This is NOT about the price police. READ THE POST! This subject is obviuosly a HOT BUTTON for you and I have noticed that you never comment on what YOU pay (and in fact go out of your way to always qualify chica pricing this way) , BUT, please read the post!

Just because one monger might get a whole week with a hot chica for 4000 pesos and you might pay that for 2 days is not the issue here! Please chill out. My post is specific to the newbie question. The Coco dancer will go for way less than 600 USD or maybe that is the 3 day rate. WHAT IS YOUR POINT DUDE! You are a good guy DUDE but your point about YOUR wallet is getting old. The point about this board is about sharing market information about chica acquisition. You may pay way over market because thats your thing. I am good with that! But lets keep it real. That said, don't expect any referrals from me because once you pay WAY over market it becomes a pain in the ass to bring the chica's expecations back to earth. Thank goodness, if YOU pay a smart chica WAY TOO much she recognizes you are just a dumb gringo and when I come back she tells me you pay mucho plata but knows that she can't expect that from me. Enough said. Toymann

12-04-12, 10:51
The poster is asking whether he can get a dancer for 3600 pesos. No mention of time, duration, etc. Your comments about money being irrelavant to the purchaser are well documented on this board BUT not relavant here. You may be a notorious over-payer. I get it and don't care. It's your cash. Stop justifying YOUR actions under this lame story you tell over and over. I know for a fact that you pay WAY OVER MARKET. But guess what, I don't care. It's your cash and do what you want with it. Hell. You can get ANYTHING in BA for 3600 pesos an hour!

That said, LOOK AT THE POST! Your personal opinion about YOUR wallet is fine with me. Don't care! This is NOT about the price police. READ THE POST! This subject is obviuosly a HOT BUTTON for you and I have noticed that you never comment on what YOU pay (and in fact go out of your way to always qualify chica pricing this way) , BUT, please read the post!

Just because one monger might get a whole week with a hot chica for 4000 pesos and you might pay that for 2 days is not the issue here! Please chill out. My post is specific to the newbie question. The Coco dancer will go for way less than 600 USD or maybe that is the 3 day rate. WHAT IS YOUR POINT DUDE! You are a good guy DUDE but your point about YOUR wallet is getting old. The point about this board is about sharing market information about chica acquisition. You may pay way over market because thats your thing. I am good with that! But lets keep it real. That said, don't expect any referrals from me because once you pay WAY over market it becomes a pain in the ass to bring the chica's expecations back to earth. Thank goodness, if YOU pay a smart chica WAY TOO much she recognizes you are just a dumb gringo and when I come back she tells me you pay mucho plata but knows that she can't expect that from me. Enough said. Toymann1. Ok, I read the post. My comments still stand. Now what? You'll state 'read the post' again as if that will deflect from the fact you as the price police slammed a new guy, berated him like a bully, and interposed your own budget concerns onto what the OP clearly said was worth it to him. E. G."They look HOT and I think it would be worth it but thats just me"

Any chance one could pull one of those hot stripper for say 600USD dollars at COCODRILLO? They look HOT and I think it would be worth it but thats just me2. Money is clearly relevant to the purchaser. But so long as that purchaser gets value he thinks is worth it for whatever myriad of possible things is negotiated for, the only person that needs to consider that money well spent is the purchaser.

3."Way Over Market". Unless you want to dictate exactly what are the 'market' conditions that all mongers should negotiate for, standards of beauty that floats someone's boat but not another's, etc, it's a fallacy to define anyone else's negotiation as "way over market". Aqualung made a great post re: subjective value and how there are so many factors involved that applying your own budget sense to someone else's play can't apply, I suggest you re-read that.

4. In cases where I had a chica outright lie or negotiate in bad faith, sure, I'd say I got ripped off. But notorious or not, I don't consider myself an overpayer in cases where I got what I negotiated for or more than what was the minimum negotiated for because again the factors I consider that rocks my boat were well worth it to me. When you say I "overpay" you are not only saying I spent $X dollars where you would have only spent $Y, you're also interposing your own ideas of services, time, standards of beauty, etc that makes YOUR market value worth it to YOU, not to me.

I have noticed that you never comment on what YOU pay (and in fact go out of your way to always qualify chica pricing this way)5."Never" and "always" are easily disproved qualifiers. I've posted just within recent time from Aug 2012 a number of XPs with indies, privado girls, etc that I quoted price. Since all I need is one, your extreme counter is easily refuted.

In general, yes, I have not quoted price on all XP posts for the simple reason we're already having this debate. Price police and subjective value. Before Jackson scrubbed the archives, you could see my original posts going back to early 2006 where almost all my XPs were detailed and priced. But the then-price police pounded away, ranted and raved and discouraged me and many others from continuing that practice. A mode I've kept to now given the additional factor of subjective value. I can tell the board that chica X is a rip off artist because she says will do toda la noche but has her panties up in 35 min, or says would do A, B, C services but only did a lick and rip, etc. Those are fairly definitive and non-subjective value qualifiers that can apply for all or at least most mongers and provides information value to the board to avoid her or at least buyer beware if arranging a session. Everything else that is subjective though is just a pissing contest over what one monger finds "hot" and therefore willing to pay for vs. another.

Your own board name and public preference says it all. Clearly to you paying for time to play with toys on a chica is well worth it. Great and more power to you if that rocks your boat. To someone else that may be "goofy" and berate you for being by their subjective value "overpaying" by paying for the right to play with toys on a chica rather than make her pay you for pleasuring her or whatever ridiculous and personally subjective argument to value that monger wants to make.

The person that needs to chill out is you. You clearly berated the OP. You're clearly attacking me for simply stating if you openly say X has value and is worth it to you, as the OP did, then go for it and screw the price police. End of day, your budget conscious rants are reflective of your own value system, not mine.

12-04-12, 13:36
Any chance one could pull one of those hot stripper for say 600USD dollars at COCODRILLO? They look HOT and I think it would be worth it but thats just meYes. You will have no trouble paying 600 USD for the dancer. Enjoy. Toymann.

Ps. My response to you Mplexy is really about your logic and statement about Chica value. Its your money and you can pay what you want. It's common sense, thus why make the statement? Very redundant and unequivocal, don't you think? We will see if the new poster really turns out to be what you think he is.

12-09-12, 03:55
Thanks guys. I'm not a pimp or a girl haha, I'm a college student from USA that goes to FSU in Tallahassee, FL. I'm orginally from Argentina but moved to USA when I was 10 years old and I'm now 22. The point is I'm going down to Argentina to party with some friends and visit my dad over spring break and wanted to know the deal. I'm not rich but I do have a job and I have been saving for some time so 600USD is not an insane amount of money for a scorching hot girl IMO. For example, bottle service in a good club in Vegas costs 600 and one only hopes he can pull away a girl haha. Anyways just wanted to point out I'm not a pimp, just a newbie.

12-09-12, 04:06
Also, I don't even monger in the USA since the last thing I would want to do is get arrested in some sting or something. So I'm a complete noob but in Argentina I'll go all out haha. Thanks for the responses

12-09-12, 04:44
Any chance one could pull one of those hot stripper for say 600USD dollars at COCODRILLO? They look HOT and I think it would be worth it but thats just me

Have you seen these so called "Dancers" in person? Eventhough You can get in free you can do a lot better in other clubs, nicer and safer atmosphere too.

Throw everything that you have learned in Vegas out the window when you Party in BA .

What's wrong with the stripers in Miami ? Great Titty Bar town ! You just need really good bullshit , really good blow and an Italian Sports Car that gets really shitty gas-mileage in the parking lot .

I just think 600. 00 Dollars for a Coco Dancer is too much for one of Those "Hoes!"

Have Fun,


12-09-12, 04:49
Have you seen these so called "Dancers" in person? Eventhough You can get in free you can do a lot better in other clubs, nicer and safer atmosphere too.

I think 600. 00 Dollars is too much for one of Those "Hoes!"

Have Fun,

TLNo, maybe you're right and they just look hot in the pictures. Which other clubs do you suggest?

12-09-12, 04:55
No, maybe you're right and they just look hot in the pictures. Which other clubs do you suggest?Hippo has the best lay-out, the most light and the most girls on any day of the week but Madahos is OK, sort of.

Black is fun sometimes too but has fewer dancers.

Sorry but I just keep going back to Hippo, it's still the best on a wed. Or thurs. Night after 1am.

Have Fun,


P.S - Pictures ? Probably girls that they hired for a photo shoot or maybe a few girls that may have worked there at some moment in time but are surely LONG gone .

Down here a "Picture is worth a thousand pesos worth of Foto-Shop!"

12-09-12, 05:04
Hippo has the best lay-out, the most light and the most girls on any day of the week but Madahos is OK, sort of.

Black is fun sometimes too but has fewer dancers.

Sorry but I just keep going back to Hippo, it's still the best on a wed. Or thurs. Night after 1am.

Have Fun,


P. S. Pictures? Probably girls that they hired for a photo shoot or maybe a few girls that may have worked there at some moment in time but are surely LONG gone.

Down here a "Picture is worth a thousand pesos worth of Foto-Shop!"Thanks for the response. I read escorts have fake pics but the dancers who are supposely off limits? Thats kind of strange, I'm just assuming people also go there to see some eyecandy but I'll take your word for it. Have you personally seen some nasty looking dancers there recently? Just curious and thanks for the help, I'm mostly interested trying to find the hottest pro girs (dancers or whatever) I can find. Also, me and my friends want to go to regular clubs as well and see the local no pro talent.

12-09-12, 05:16
[QUOTE=PatoCasaNova;430248]Thanks for the response. I read escorts have fake pics but the dancers who are supposely off limits? Thats kind of strange, I'm just assuming people also go there to see some eyecandy but I'll take your word for it. Have you personally seen some nasty looking dancers there recently? Just curious and thanks for the help, I'm mostly interested trying to find the hottest pro girs (dancers or whatever) I can find. Also, me and my friends want to go to regular clubs as well and see the local no pro talent.[/QUOTE

]A lot of the "Dancers" are just Wallpaper and will not go out at ANY price but will ALLOW you to waste 500p on a drink just to talk to them! Horse Shit! The manager at Hippo will tell me if the girl goes OUT or not.

Nasty looking dancers? Yes, in a word, and in a good way too at times. Buyer beware, some are Men! Or were, technically. Sick mother fuckers!

Non Pro Pick-Up Bars :


Crowbar, Esperanto, Rumi, Tequila, etc. Those are in your age group, good luck.

Museum, Milion, Danzon; those are for older guys at times.

Eazy Lays : American Sports Bars, The Alamo, Shamrock, Kilkenny's. Kilkenny's has an occasional "ringer" thrown into the mix; a working girl.

Any questions?

Have Fun,


12-09-12, 05:26
Thanks Tejano! So in retrospect, Hippo has hotter dancers that would be worth the money? Also, thanks for the list of non-pro clubs I'll def be looking into those when I visit in March.

12-09-12, 05:36
Thanks Tejano! So in retrospect, Hippo has hotter dancers that would be worth the money? Also, thanks for the list of non-pro clubs I'll def be looking into those when I visit in March.Our Ladies of "Negotiable" Affection:

Are the hotter "Dancers" worth the money? Usually NOT! Don't take this wrong, but to a "Kid" a Trophy girl may be a big deal but after 30 years years worth of mongering and very attractive American and Argie girlfriends they are not.

Your usually better off with a 7 that fucks like a 10 than a 10 that fucks like a 5. Not always.

Keep in Touch,


Mind you that the 7 face has a 10 body and or technique.

01-06-13, 12:13
Went here last night (well this morning) and doorman said Juan hadn't worked there in months. Now I'm a 6'8" white dude so I definitely got the gringo tax attitude but I also speak Spanish and this guy made it clear I wasn't getting in for under $200 pesos. I said fuck that and went to Tocka next door. Ended up having a blast there but still puzzled what exactly happened at Coco. Heck I even had a stupid Cowboys item to hand out and I hate the cowboys!

01-06-13, 14:40
Went here last night (well this morning) and doorman said Juan hadn't worked there in months. Now I'm a 6'8" white dude so I definitely got the gringo tax attitude but I also speak Spanish and this guy made it clear I wasn't getting in for under $200 pesos. I said fuck that and went to Tocka next door. Ended up having a blast there but still puzzled what exactly happened at Coco. Heck I even had a stupid Cowboys item to hand out and I hate the cowboys!Juan has worked there 20 years as the Head Doorman and the last thing I heard was that the cover was 100p, that's if you had to pay.

I hope he's just on vacation and they were trying to get you on the Gringo pricing.



Out for Flesh
05-18-13, 21:20
Hello fellow mongers. I plan to pay a visit to BA after the several years of absence. I was wondering what is the current state of Cocodrilo (cover, quality,...) It used to be one if my favorite spots and I would like to know what can be expected. Thanks in advance!

05-24-13, 05:59
Hello fellow mongers. I plan to pay a visit to BA after the several years of absence. I was wondering what is the current state of Cocodrilo (cover, quality,...) It used to be one if my favorite spots and I would like to know what can be expected. Thanks in advance!OFF, if you have been to Coco you know how it works and it still works the same way. To mention you know so and so is just a waste of time. If someone tries to charge you an entrance fee just tell him to fuck off and walk in as if you have been doing it for the last ten years.

Coco is the real Buenos Aires night. Sometimes it can become hairy, sometimes scary. Play your cards as well as you can, Some nights you'll take a jewel some nights a back eye.

10-13-13, 16:46
October 2013 update.

Still open, nothing has changed in this place. Are a disco that open late, no point of going before 3 AM. You should not have to pay to enter but they will try to charge you. Full of local guys and the girls is pretty ruff, never taken a girl from that place without drama later. I would avoid this place.


12-07-13, 14:36
I was two hours and a half there, yesterday night.

I had been there one year ago (more or less) and everything seemed to me the same. I usually travel to Ukraine and I liked places that mix disco and club (it's ukrainian system everywhere within the country) but Cocodrilo don't get it properly in my humble opinion. You have an strange feeling about what's happening there. 5 guys for every girl. Some of them seemed to be more interested in dancing than in sex. Sometimes you are in doubt about if a girl is working or not.

If you like dancing (like me) you can go there to dance and to share some tragos with friends... And maybe you have a happy end but I think it's not the right place if you are mainly looking for chicas.

Out for Flesh
12-09-13, 23:15
I was two hours and a half there, yesterday night.

I had been there one year ago (more or less) and everything seemed to me the same. I usually travel to Ukraine and I liked places that mix disco and club (it's ukrainian system everywhere within the country) but Cocodrilo don't get it properly in my humble opinion. You have an strange feeling about what's happening there. 5 guys for every girl. Some of them seemed to be more interested in dancing than in sex. Sometimes you are in doubt about if a girl is working or not.

If you like dancing (like me) you can go there to dance and to share some tragos with friends... And maybe you have a happy end but I think it's not the right place if you are mainly looking for chicas.Stare at a girl's eyes for more than 2 seconds and smile. If she's a pro she will approach you and ask you to invite her. If she does this and she's not a pro... Then you're lucky.

01-22-14, 03:44
I didn't go in because I find the fee step. Was told the fee included a drink. I got the feeling it was empty so I passed.

01-24-14, 05:22
Around 3 am decided I would give this place another chance. Paid 200 peso entry fee and got a free drink with the entry fee. This place was totally disappointing, a complete sausage fest. There were at least 2 guys for ever girl, but I have to say their were about 5 or so free girls. All in all I would guess there were about 50 people. Most guys were huddled in a group.

The girls working the floor were pretty much average older over weight chicks with the exception of a few cuties. The dancers were extremely attractive in comparison. One of the prettier ladies offered her service for 1800 pesos. I didn't respond or say anything other than no thank you. My rational was if I say her walking down the street I wouldn't pay her that much so I'm not going to here. I have to say that all in all the ladies were fairly nice. They tried to make you dance and feel comfortable. I got the feeling that these old pros know that if they don't push it ain't going to sell itself. I would not return. Also on the way to the club just pass the cemetery going towards Palermo there is a new club someone should check out.

01-24-14, 20:20
Around 3 am decided I would give this place another chance. Paid 200 peso entry fee and got a free drink with the entry fee. This place was totally disappointing, a complete sausage fest. There were at least 2 guys for ever girl, but I have to say their were about 5 or so free girls. All in all I would guess there were about 50 people. Most guys were huddled in a group.

The girls working the floor were pretty much average older over weight chicks with the exception of a few cuties. The dancers were extremely attractive in comparison. One of the prettier ladies offered her service for 1800 pesos. I didn't respond or say anything other than no thank you. My rational was if I say her walking down the street I wouldn't pay her that much so I'm not going to here. I have to say that all in all the ladies were fairly nice. They tried to make you dance and feel comfortable. I got the feeling that these old pros know that if they don't push it ain't going to sell itself. I would not return. Also on the way to the club just pass the cemetery going towards Palermo there is a new club someone should check out.Boy, you sure are getting around!

D Chief
06-14-14, 01:35
I just came back from a dinner and I thought I want to get laid.

So I visited Cocodrillo.

They charged me 200 pesos (this includes a national drink, vodka, whisky).

I came upstairs and I saw a lot of girls also a lot of dominicans. Some beautiful dominican girls.

It was good upstairs not perfect but nice. I was enjoying a lot with a friend.

The good thing is if you pay a drink for a girl it will be the normal price. (not absurd Girls drink).

And I talked with guys in coco and they told me sometimes its perfect sometimes its a shitty place.

This is because sometimes the girls are staying home. Or are with friends dancing. So you need to have a little bit luck.

I like it there because it is not so expensive.

From all the girls they are there what I saw.

30 procent fucking beautifull.

40 procent 6 7 8.

And other 30 procent. Not my type of girls haha.

I hope I gave you guys good awnsers.

10-23-14, 05:42

VIP- level prostitution scandal involving well known Argentine TV models and the owner of Cocodrilo.


More on VIP level prostitution. Check out some of the prices quoted for some of the famous TV personalities.

10-23-14, 06:29

Check out some of the prices quoted for some of the famous TV personalities.Up to 20k pesos! And having googled all the names quoted there isn't one that I'd give 100 pesos for. Most of them I'd pay to stay away from me!

10-25-14, 23:19
I was there yesterday night. I arrive at 3-4 a.m. After fucking a girl from hook. I felt like dancing and I don't know "normal" places here in BsAs, and I don't want to know them. In coco you can dance and if you feel like taking someone out you can. I have to say that music was absolutely awful yesterday. A strange mix between reggeaton and elechtronic music. So I couldn't dance as I wanted and I focused on girls. It was surprising. The level was lower than other times (I travel from Europe to BsAs once a year more or less). Most surprising was to find girls without make-up and tight clothes. They didn't seem chicas. It seemed western Europe and those fucky feminists we have there. I suppose they are hairy as me. Not all of them of course but too many. Hope it was only a bad day. If you know the DJ, please kill him.

05-19-15, 20:25
Anybody knows if this place is still good to go?

05-19-15, 21:02
Anybody knows if this place is still good to go?Out of business like the other clubs.


(Check the video).

Looks like they want to "clean" the whole scene in BA. About one year ago, coco's owner said he was not accepting dollars, to try to get the protection of the mafia government, but at the end, they raided the place as well.

05-19-15, 22:01
Out of business like the other clubs.


(Check the video).

Looks like they want to "clean" the whole scene in BA. About one year ago, coco's owner said he was not accepting dollars, to try to get the protection of the mafia government, but at the end, they raided the place as well.

Huh. If they are out of business, I wonder why they would be advertising an anniversary party yesterday:


I also wonder why they answered the land line that is in this ad, if they are out of business. I just called it and a nice sounding gal said, "Cocodrilo, buenas noches."

05-20-15, 02:48
Thanks for the info.

Looks like the party just ended.

I'm not sure if the anniversary party was scheduled for one week ago, or if it was today, #COCODRILO was trending on twitter.

Many local celebrities supported the owner, but seems like the government it's getting too far with this, including swingers clubs and all the recoleta boliches. Sad.

Huh. If they are out of business, I wonder why they would be advertising an anniversary party yesterday:


I also wonder why they answered the land line that is in this ad, if they are out of business. I just called it and a nice sounding gal said, "Cocodrilo, buenas noches."

06-08-15, 22:47
Was there on Saturday night, arrived at around 2AM, lots of girls but none really up to Hippo or Madahos level... Not even the go-go's. I settled for a short morena by the name of Magaly out of boredom. She has a nice little body, nice butt, fake tits. Sex was mechanic, she explicitely said that she had to go back within the hour. I paid her (1300 peso) and let her go. I called it a night and went back to my apartment.

El Perro
07-18-15, 17:04
Cocodrillo open again over the past week or so. Packed. No sense in getting there before 2AM. The big change is that there is a $250p entry charge worth one drink. You may get that waived if you show up really late, at least that is the rumor. Drink price is $170P for guys and girls.

Rock Harders
12-21-16, 18:11
Stopped in after having a quick beer at NewPort. The door guy tried to enforce a 300 pesos entrance fee which I was not forced to pay after the manager who I know came down and recognized me. Not sure what the regular prices are but I was charged 2000 pesos for three bottles of champagne and a half dozen cans of budweiser. Additional cans of budweiser were later charged at 120 pesos each. There are four dancers on the poles at a time and they are of a very high level but unfortunately cannot leave the premises until 04:30; on this night the available talent on the floor was of a very poor level and low quantity and as the place filled up there were far more males than females. Clientele 99.9% locals for sure which accounts for the reasonable (for the genre) drink prices.

12-24-16, 04:24
Action here is late... Maybe starting at midnight?

Don't do what I did.

I arrived around 10pm and managed to peek inside. It was just a big room on the main level with tables and chairs and people hanging out in groups. A stage where some dancers briefly danced. I only got a quick look because the bouncer was all over me "hey you get away from the door you have to pay first" blah blah. As I pondered outside, a couple nice chicas passed and went inside. I thought maybe there were working chicas inside I could mingle with. So I coughed up the 300 pesos entry and went inside. Well I got no eye contact or any type of signal from any chicas. One table had a large group of chicas, everybody else was guys or mixed groups. All groups kept to themselves. It got boring real quick. I literally walked out within 5 minutes without having a drink or talking to anyone. 300 pesos wasted very quickly, though in the noble name of research. Finding: Don't go here early unless you're with other people and want to sit at a table and drink.

El Perro
12-24-16, 11:00
Action here is late... Maybe starting at midnight?

Don't do what I did.

I arrived around 10pm and managed to peek inside. It was just a big room on the main level with tables and chairs and people hanging out in groups. A stage where some dancers briefly danced. I only got a quick look because the bouncer was all over me "hey you get away from the door you have to pay first" blah blah. As I pondered outside, a couple nice chicas passed and went inside. I thought maybe there were working chicas inside I could mingle with. So I coughed up the 300 pesos entry and went inside. Well I got no eye contact or any type of signal from any chicas. One table had a large group of chicas, everybody else was guys or mixed groups. All groups kept to themselves. It got boring real quick. I literally walked out within 5 minutes without having a drink or talking to anyone. 300 pesos wasted very quickly, though in the noble name of research. Finding: Don't go here early unless you're with other people and want to sit at a table and drink.You timed your trip to Buenos Aires perfectly, given the closing of so many boliches. Amazing really. As for Cocodrillo, the action is upstairs, not on the ground level, and getting there before one at the earliest won't do it. Three and after is the right time. Not the first time someone has mistaken the ground floor for upstairs.

01-10-17, 05:35
Action here is late... Maybe starting at midnight?

Don't do what I did.

I arrived around 10pm and managed to peek inside. It was just a big room on the main level with tables and chairs and people hanging out in groups. A stage where some dancers briefly danced. I only got a quick look because the bouncer was all over me "hey you get away from the door you have to pay first" blah blah. As I pondered outside, a couple nice chicas passed and went inside. I thought maybe there were working chicas inside I could mingle with. So I coughed up the 300 pesos entry and went inside. Well I got no eye contact or any type of signal from any chicas. One table had a large group of chicas, everybody else was guys or mixed groups. All groups kept to themselves. It got boring real quick. I literally walked out within 5 minutes without having a drink or talking to anyone. 300 pesos wasted very quickly, though in the noble name of research. Finding: Don't go here early unless you're with other people and want to sit at a table and drink.Cocodrilo has two levels: a ground floor level and an upper floor. Both levels are about 8 meter by 15 meter.

In the ground floor there are 4 long tables that in total can seat up to 100 people, a 4 meters by 1,5 meters bar, and a very small stage (elevated 0,5 meters) on the opposite wall to the bar. The ground floor level is were "activity" is up to about 1:30 am. "Activity" is probably an overstatement. Very low quality, almost bizarre, entertainment is presented. Lousy dancers, lousy singers, ridiculous comedians. While this is going on, working chicas will arrive and sit together, paying mostly no attention at all to patrons. The audience can include some old ladies, or people that are not interested in chicas. They would be there for the show. Why is there a show of this nature? In part to host bachelor parties, in part because it gives Cocodrillo an aurea or legitimacy that other chica bars lack.

As said, at about 1:30 the show in the ground floor is over and the “disco” in the upper floor opens. Everyone goes upstairs (there are two stairs, one in the front and one in the back), or leaves. Nothing else happens in the ground floor.

The upper floor is arranged as a disco, with a long bar on one of the long walls. There are 5 or 6 poles, and different seating arrangements for singles, groups of different sizes, etc.

The AR$300 entrance fee is convertible into a drink at the bar, so it is not a complete loss, and compares with a AR$ 250 drink in Hook/Keep or AR$ 195 in New Port.

It is not completely unreasonable for Cocodrilo to ask for an entrance fee: the place is known to receive some celebrities (or just people notorious, really), soccer players, low-level show business people, etc. So the place could be packed with people just going there to see the celebrities is the entrance were completely free.

In any case, it is certainly a popular place. I was there this morning. I got in at 1:20 and had to wait in the ground floor for a few minutes until the show ended and they opened the disco. At that time there were 20 clients and 10 chicas (not a single Dominicana, and apparently none to few Paraguayan). Some 15 minutes later, the clients were 40. I left and visited Keep (only 7 clients and 5 chicas) and NewPort (similar numbers).

Rock Harders
09-21-17, 03:30
Stopped in for a visit with an out of towner last Friday night not knowing what to expect after the most recent visit months ago revealed little inventory and no quality at all of what was actually on site. Fortunately this time was significantly better; entrance fee now 350 pesos which includes a drink, about a half dozen dancers on raised platforms working poles, and about 30 chicas on site with average age in the 21-28 range. There were plenty of nice young do-ables in the crowd; starting quote $200 USD, quickly went down to 2700 pesos with little fuss. The place really started to fill up with guys by 02:00 so I recommend getting here by about 00:45 and take 30-45 minutes to scout out the talent and make a decision before the good ones are taken. I was told that the best girls work Wednesday, Thursday and Friday so take that into consideration.

01-02-18, 22:39
I visited Cocodrillo on Dec. 28, at 2:00 (dates and times are useful references in club mongering).

I was charged AR$ 400 at the door, which would give me a drink "of Argentine products" (meaning gin, vodka, etc. Would have to be locally produced, otherwise, I would have to pay extra for imported ingredients). As it turned out, I would leave without even discussing ingredients with the barmen.

There were 65-70 clients, and a similar number of chicas. Plus 3 or 4 security guys at the door, a handfull of barmen/waiters and 3 or 4 girls "dancing" on the bar (no poles). Given the time, all the action was in the first floor, the ground floor was empty.

With this quantity of people, the place was pretty much packed. Almost all seats taken, no place at the bar, and barely place to remain standing.

I cruised the place from one side to the other several times, looking at all and every chica. Those alone, those dancing with other chicas, and those already engaged with potential clients. I made my best efforts to try to picture myself having any kind of sex with any of them. But I failed. I am not always demanding. Sometimes, I feel that banging a not-so-pretty or even a donwright ugly chica adds to the kinkiness of the situation. But that night was not one of those moments.

So after about 20-30 minutes I realized there was not a single chica there, available or not, that I would be interested in fucking. And I left to D'lirio.

On a final note on Cocodrillo: i couldn't help noticing that patrons were mostly not high class. A lot of people in shorts or bermudas, many collarless t-shirts, and in general many other indications of not an afluent crowd.

I did not discuss pricing with any chica.

01-03-18, 21:05
January 3, 2:00 a.m.

I'm asked for the AR$400 entrance fee at the door, but a guy behind me jumps in saying "The gentleman goes in for free". Did he reconize me from last week? I don't think so. My bet is that he was happy to see someone dressed properly.

Inside, 20 clients (the acient idiom "riff raff" came to my mind, forgive me the elitist atitude). A similar number of chicas (not a good environment). And the dancers on the bar.

So there was like an intention of having some ambiance.

I left with Janny (she belives this is short for Jeanette, the name she likes to be called) and Vicki (for Veronica, what she claims is her real name).

I'd like to be able to describe them more in detail, because I had a very good night, and would recommend. But unfortunately there is little remarcable physical trait to comment, maybe besides a tatto on top of Vicki's left brest (almost at her shoulder) that reads "Milagros"). Both are Argentine, but Vicki has noticeable mix of bolivian blood. Vicki's body is nice, proporcionate and very nice tits. Janny is not so pretty, but she is bossy, in a relatively good sense. You'd notice immediately that she organizes the activities of the other chicas in her group.

Both were very good in bed.

US$ 100 each (after substantial negotiation).

A note of color: I was not asked to buy the chicas any drink to get out. So essentially I got in, took the chicas and left with no charge.

02-23-19, 01:06
After I found Cocodrilo closed on Monday night (see my post Two out of three (open) in DElirio thread dated 2-21-19), I tried again on the following Wednesday night and it was open.

As I have shared before, I like night mongering and prefer chicas bars. I understand that other people can have other preferences I just dont have a lot of free time in daylight. I also dont like to risk bait-and-switch strategies and trial and error experiences triggered by a few pictures that may or not be current or even real. I like to see the person directly, have the chance to have a few minutes of chit chat which can give you additional perspectives on her and even the price negotiation is fun. I also understand that the dramatic drop in number of chicas bars in Buenos Aires (and most other cities, we have to acknowledge) is due in large part to the wide offerings in internet. But even with all the advantages of internet for many fellow mongers, I just cannot come to terms with the idea that a city the size of Buenos Aires has only four or five chicas bars left. I believe this is just plain horrible.

Anyway, I showed up in Cocodrilo right after 1:30 a.m., and I could tell that the upper floor had just been open because they were still tiding up the desks in the ground floor. Nobody asked me for an entrance fee at the door. Other people were. I am coming to the conclusion, which might be wrong, that just dressing properly will get you in without paying. No wonder: many patrons show up in rags, really.

Upstairs there were some 25 chicas and similar number of clients. Maybe a little more. Two professional, dedicated dancers were at the poles on the bar. A line of waiters at the bar placing their orders showed that people had just got in. Chicas were still getting in. So there was excitement. I started my first reconnaissance round and came across a blonde that looked as a teenager (obviously she was not). After I completed my round I found her again with a group of friends and next to a very interesting short hair brunette. I called the brunette and asked for a lesbian show followed by a threesome with her and the teenage-looking blonde. The brunette went back to consult with the blonde and then both came back.

And then something happen that I never saw in any prior negotiation with a working girl. I am not, by any means, a very experienced monger. But I have been enjoying the hobby for several decades (not years, decades) in more than a handful of countries in Europe and Latin America, and never saw this. Every time that I ask a pair of chicas for a lesbian/threesome service I get quoted a per chica fee that is at least the same fee of a regular service (one-on-one) most of the time higher (e.g.: 25% higher than a regular gig). The reason is obvious: lesbian/threesome is an additional service, so it has an additional price.

Well, this time, when discussing price, the teenager-looking blonde said: we normally charge AR$ 4.000, but we will charge you AR$ 3.000. I though she meant the other way around, but when I asked for clarification, she said something rather cumbersome that translated to plain English is: We charge AR$ 4.000 each one, but since you are taking both of us, we must give you a quantity discount, so you will in total pay only AR$ 6.000.

There you go: she even negotiated on my behalf.

They told me that no chica drink was needed so we left immediately (so I spend zero in Cocodrilo: no entrance fee, no chica drinks), again: zero).

On our way to the short term hotel we talked about the market. They said that their worst professional worry would be to end up in Newport. They also recognize that Dlirio has a higher level than Cocodrilo (which implies that chicas prices at Dlirio are higher). They both had worked in Dlirio, but they like the people of Cocodrilo better, and they also claim if you know how to choose your clients you can make as much money in Cocodrilo as in Dlirio.

In the hotel they did not make me spend any extra bucks in beverages, cigarettes, etc. We had a great time showering together, lesbian action, full threesome actions, and a nice massage afterwards. The brunette ended up being the best value of the night. She said it was her first night after a two-year sabbatical she took after giving birth.

04-04-19, 23:12
Opens at midnight. Sunday and Monday closed.

There are three levels.

First or ground level: show at midnight for 1 hour. No entrance fees. Just take a seat and buy a drink, prices are OK. Show is fun, with a TS and likely his very beautiful daughter. There is a small stage with no pole. Photos are not permitted. Somehow, the show has a male stripper too.

The second level is open at 1 am. If you get in at 1 am without a show, then the fee is ARS 500 with 1 drink included. Music is cool and not that loud. Three poles, and 3-4 nice girls dancing. About two dozen girls in the club. Took to a hotel a nice girl from there at ARS 3,000 plus 200 for her taxi back home. Been there for Friday and Saturday nights. I have not seen even one guy taking girls out. Sure, I missed some couples, but still, guys just come, drink, watch and move on.

The third level is for smokers, you can chat privately with girls there.

Overall, very nice place.

07-20-19, 05:51
I landed in Cocodrilo today at 2:00 am.

About 60 patrons, almost 40 chicas. Packed.

Later, somehow, people distributed more evenly over the first floor, so there was some space to breath. Or maybe some people started leaving.

Two chicas: Guadalupe and Micaela. Micaela definitevely from Paraguay.

AR$ 4.000 each.

I had the worst night in years. Certainly one of the worst in my life. Zero service attitude. I really can't belive it.

To be forgoten.

12-02-21, 01:57
I did not get in, but drove by and it's open.

11-19-22, 03:14
I drove by Nov 19, 2022 at 1:20 a.m. People (including a nice looking chicas) getting in. Looked like there was a good level of activity inside. The entrance had new painting (comparing with pre-covid).

09-07-24, 13:58
I visited Cocodrilo on 09/03/24 Tuesday paid the entrance fee 15 thousand pesos y heard if you use the credit card is 20 thousand pesos the place was packed with beautiful girls. I met a gorgeous tall blonde with tattoos I don’t remember her name we agreed to go to a motel near by and I had a lot of fun. I heard from her that Tuesday and Thursdays are the best days to go because there is a lot of girls and not so many guys those days. I came back on Wednesday and it was packed with men from Chile there were less girls but I still was able to find a fine brunette with big Bolt ons and we agreed to go back to my airb&b. We took a taxi to my place and we had amazing experience together and she called an Uber and she went back to Cocodrilo . I will go back next week.