View Full Version : Elizabeth VIP Escort - Visiting BA
Elizabeth H
05-30-05, 14:30
Hi Gents!
I'm available for outcall in Bs. As. From June13 to July 1st . Sexy, intelligent, and sometimes naughty is the best way to describe myself.
A true gentleman that is generous and respects a woman is my ideal man. I specialize in repeat clients, if you see me you may get hooked, so be forewarned!
After a few moments with me, you'll realize that I'm very sensual, affectionate and completely down to earth. I cater exclusively to mature, professional gentlemen (40 years of age and older) who yearn for only the best and appreciate the finer things in life.
When you are ready for the ultimate in upscale, exclusive female companionship , just contact me .Please visit my site for more on Me.
Elizabeth H
05-31-05, 07:44
The link for this trip is .
$700 for a cocktail introduction? Please stay where you belong - in Sex Prison USA. I can guarantee you will find clients there. There is a reason why we go to BA.
I can imagine this thread is going to go downhill, fast.
Daddy Rulz
05-31-05, 14:45
Jax please don't boot this hag off before we have some fun. $700.00 fucking dollars, what in the hell does this woman think, is her pussy made of gold? Will I have some kind of spiritual experiance that will lead to a breakthrough in cancer research because of the hights of pleasure she thinks she can bring me to?
What the fuck, this is exactly why I go to Argentina. $700 fucking dollars for 2 hours and she really thinks her pussy is worth that. Baby the ability to fuck is what you were born with it's not learned behaviour. Romina's body is just as good and I promise you that you are not as schooled as she is in male anatomy.
$700.00 I would pay it if it was in Yen. Don't even think about going to Argentina you can't compete. You really can't being blond and skinny isn't nearly enough.
Lets see romantic encounter $2000.00 for 6 hours.
$600.00 for a plane ticket or $1000 sometimes. $40.00 back and forth to the airport. $50 a night for jax's apartment, $30 bucks more or less airport taxes. Still leaves mas o menos $880 fucking dollars to hire every chica at Cattos for a night and be buired in finer pussy.
$700.00 FUCK THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok now you can kick her off.
Fuck I hate American women. Only gentleman over 40!! What the fuck is that, how about only anybody with 700 fucking dollars.
Hi Guys,
As I read her website, the $700.00 price is for a "2 Hour - Cocktails / Introduction". It doesn't say anything about having sex.
Imagine some fool paying $700.00 just to have lunch with this over-the-hill broad.
Also, it's my guess that she doesn't show her face or any close-up body shots in her two photos because she's probably in her mid-fourtys. You know the rule in the clubs, and it's the same here: Anything that they don't show is hidden for a reason.
BTW, did anybody else see her "nude" photos? I'll spare you the time: It was a series of photos of her naked dog in a bath tub.
Oh, Elizabeth, these crude people have no nuance, no style, no panache. Come see me and I will treat you with the respect you deserve. I will pamper you and spoil you and buy you flowers and chocolates. $700 US is a mere pittance to give as, not a fee, but a tribute to a truly feminine woman with the joie d'vivre and sparkle I can see in your comely eyes. I know that the boost to my self-esteem alone would be well worth the money. Please contact me at your earliest convenience. I would eat a mile of your shit to get within an inch of your asshole.
Jaimito Cartero
05-31-05, 15:57
I think Liz wins the prize for the most annoying website. That talking assistant needs to have a dick shoved in her mouth to shut up.
I didn't see any prices on the tour page, but did see the USA prices. No prices on the "tour" page.
I'd pay her 150 pesos if she can give a good BBBJ.
Honey your dealing with professional Mongers on this board.
If you take the time to look around the websites in Argentina you will find that your out classed.
Moreover, you'll find that most of our girls with perform for about $50 bucks US money.
Will you do completeo or BBBJ for that, then go see DickHead and he will report on your skills.
Until then please don't cludder up our board with your non-sence
..of why my trip to Curacao could not come fast enough. Ok, I think we have reached an agreement now - Jackson, please ban her.
Jaimito Cartero
06-01-05, 00:41
Ban her? Why? Does the cat eat the mouse right away?
Hmm...Let me see if I understand.
I am in Argentina and I have a choice of sex with any of a thousand chicas from Buenos Aires who will give me GREAT sex and GREAT attitude and a fun time for 150 pesos or...
...I can call up an American chica in Buenos Aires who will give me, at best, fair sex with either no personality and or energy, or give me bad attitude. A chica where the phrase 'NO, I don't do that' is the most used phrase in her vocabulary. And to top it off, overcharge me and be a clock watcher.
This is a very difficult decision...
What is her phone number again?? Shit, I think I lost her fucking phone number!!!
Jacking myself off would be more pleasurable.
I think Elizabeth has been smoking something to think anyone would be interested!! Definitely IQ challenged.
Sorry if this has to be my first post on the board BUT I despise North American women that think they are oh so clever. 700 bucks?
You are worthless copper trying to pass off as gold, just like your hair is poorly dyed golden.
Get the hell out of BA you worthless axe wound.
Jaimito Cartero
06-01-05, 02:52
I think Elizabeth has been smoking something to think anyone would be interested!! Definitely IQ challenged.I just think she's a normal American hooker. Used to getting big money, getting fawned over, and not having guys who will tell her no.
While I haven't as much mongering experience as many of you guys on the forum, I have had sex with women from 13 different countries:
Costa Rica
And by far my worst sexual experiences were from American women. They are terrible at sex. Even the non-hookers come across like they are only doing it because they have to; as a way to get a husband. Once married, the sex nearly stops. I know from personal experience and from all my friends and most forums. And American women are so uptight, very quick to say no to most anything-comparatively.
Jaimito Cartero
06-01-05, 04:40
Hey, you counted Canada twice. :)
I don't always ask where the girls are from, but I think I've got a few more than you. I'd like to get up to 50 or 60 countries before my dick goes totally limp.
I think that much of the image that we have of American women is that we want them to suck and fuck us all day long. And when they don't we get pissed off. In the uptight society that America is, this is considered perverted by many.
Just be glad that Argentina, Brazil and many of the other good destinations are far enough away that 95% of Americans will never go there. I find that if you go to countries that aren't full of American tourists you can find some mostly undiscovered gems.
While I haven't as much mongering experience as many of you guys on the forum, I have had sex with women from 13 different countries:
costa rica
And by far my worst sexual experiences were from American women. They are terrible at sex. Even the non-hookers come across like they are only doing it because they have to; as a way to get a husband. Once married, the sex nearly stops. I know from personal experience and from all my friends and most forums. And American women are so uptight, very quick to say no to most anything-comparatively.
...she was just trolling, and enjoying us get pissed off. I seriously doubt she was really going to come down to BA.
Stowe, Stowe, Stowe. I am very disappointed. I thought you were my protegé. Haven't I told you over and over that money is no object when it comes to quality? All those times we were in Black after eating at Cabaña Las Lilas and having coffee at La Biela must have been lost on you. Elizabeth is probably too good for you. Just because the $400 US that she requires, in advance, for the privilege of buying her cocktails equals the per capita income of Bolivia is no reason to slag her.
I find Elizabeth's trip to BsAs quite interesting. Her visit is a working vacation? I think she would do better in Europe. Where the dollar is much weaker. I know some ladies working in Spain and they are doing very well. As far as North American females, I will pass, like the most of members!
Dear DH,
I am sorry, oh great one. I have lost my way since returning to sex prision. When I was in Buenos Aires, I followed your lead and paid $200 US a hour for the top quality chicas in Black and Madaho. I, like you, would laugh at those low priced chicas in the Triangle and on the street. At how they would accept a mere pittance of pesos for sex. Ridiculous we would say.
But now, I find myself lost and once again a cheap ass. I need to find my way back from this darkness into the light of wastefulness. I am ashamed!!
El avergonzado,
Daddy Rulz
06-02-05, 03:13
You are shown truth and beauty and all you see is price. How could you embaress your mentor so? You are indeed not of the Jedi
Stowe, you must do penance. I hereby order you to go to Las Vegas and get a high end call girl for about $500 US. Of course you can't kiss her on the lips. What are you, nuts? Think about the germs.
What? You want to go down on her? Impossible. You are one sick fuck. Certainly Elizabeth would not allow that. It is not romantic at all. Romantic is walking through the park holding hands at $400 per hour. Let's do the math on that. 3 miles per hour, $400 / 3 = $300 a mile. Okay, that math is not right but what are you, a cheapskate? Jesus Christ. Just hand over the contents of your wallet, up front, discreetly, in an envelope as soon as you meet her and I am sure the chemistry will develop from there.
Tonight I received multiple offers of no holds barred, all holes bared sex for around $45 US but I snubbed them all as they were just common prostitutes and not high class escorts. I, as a 40+ white collar professional, could never consort with such base elements.
Daddy Rulz
06-02-05, 05:27
Hermanno you have been abroad too long, or was that a typo and you missed a zero?
Greetings everyone,
I received the following emails from Elizabeth. I guess she's less than pleased to be called out as the over-aged, over-priced, over-the-hill parana that she is.
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2005 05:14:42 -0500
From: "Elizabeth H @ Argentina Private" <>
Subject: AP Contact Form - Posting Problem
From: Elizabeth H / Regular Member /
Please delete my post from your site ASAP.I'm not longer want to have my post here...I don't like being insult for FREE.Never imagine a Gent can write does words about a Lady..Anyways ... Thanks you so much for your time.
Referring Page:
User Name: Elizabeth H
Membership: Regular Member
Post Count: 2
User ID: 117574
User Email:
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2005 16:51:24 -0500
From: "Elizabeth H @ Argentina Private" <>
Subject: AP Contact Form - Posting Problem
From: Elizabeth H / /
Referring Page:
User Name: Unregistered
Post Count:
User ID: 0
User Email:
Elizabeth H
06-02-05, 18:17
Dear gents,
I was very much surprised, to read this kind of words from American gents.
I have rates for USA & a different one when I travel. Depends the country of course. London rates are different from Buenos Aires as well as New York. Every country economy is different, Right?
Then, I don't understand the ugly comments.
BY the way, I'm Argentinian.
Jaimito Cartero
06-02-05, 20:05
She must be in shock. Meeting a bunch of guys who don't let the little head do all the thinking. (Unless it's for 150 pesos or less)
Too bad she didn't go ballistic on us. That's always entertaining.
I think Elizabeth miscalculated the nature of most of us. Here is a line from her website:
>Like you, I'm interested in quality rather than quantity....
Um, no. We like quantities of quality.
<<I am no longer want?>>> Hmmm...overpriced, and cannot even write properly in what is supposedly her native language. Leads me to believe there is a student hacker somewhere getting a good laugh.
Thank you both for calling me out on being the cheap ass I have become.
On DH's advice I couldn't wait for Las Vegas soI called one of the premier escorts in SF. $1000 an hour-exactly 60 minutes including her shower and piss time. I didn't negotiate; didn't ask for BBBJ, greek, 69 or even Russian. Doggie was not on the menu because I would have then been able to see, and possibly touch, her asshole. My fingers could not get near her pussy or butt, in fact she wouldn't let me get my hands near MY dick or butt. She told me 'NO' over 24 times and I LOVED it.
She was completely silent during the sex but that was probably because she was watching TV and talking on her cell phone while I was pumping her. At one point, she looked down and asked if I was even inside her because she couldn't feel anything. She then said it was because my dick was so small- that mini-me's was bigger.
When I was about to cum, I asked her to look in my eye and she told me that would cost an additional $200 dollars, right then. So, of course, I stopped, gave her the money and finished. Unfortunately, I came too quickly and finished in 50 minutes and realized she charges a surcharge of $100 for premature ejaculation.
I AM BACK!!! I hope I made you guys proud of me, again!! Ahhh, American women-got to love 'em!
Daddy Rulz
06-03-05, 04:27
Your penance has been paid and is pleasing to the Pussy God. Go and sin no more my son.
T-Bird I don't know if I can agree with your conclusion (or suspicion would be better I guess) I think this really was an idiotic AW thinking her blondness would enable her to pay for an Argentinian vacation on her back. You may be right though I hope your not. And I hope she read this stuff and might be looking forward to meeting the only man on this board that can see the jewel that she is. Sr DH, that is a chapter I want to read when the book comes out.
Oh by the way to borrow from The Sex Guide, American Women suck
American Women suck
Yes they do, and some of them quite skillfully too. :)
On her site she mentioned that she is Latina. Could she be a transplanted hooker from BA coming home for a visit and looking for an idiot to pay her costs? If you noticed she is now offering ST rates. Maybe the executives aren't lining up for her services....
Daddy Rulz
06-03-05, 13:22
Only the fat ones because nobody wants to fuck them. Wait, that means that all A W suck well.
I am sorry she does not like being insulted for free. I will send her a check for $700 along with some more insults.
Only the fat ones because nobody wants to fuck them. Wait, that means that all A W suck well.
That's a very cynical attitude, Daddy. I like foreign girls as much as the next guy, but I have had plenty of good experiences with American women as well.
She is a Hispanic lady, probably from Argentina
Her Bio reads:
Age: 27
Hair: Blonde , long & silky
Eyes: Blue , Luscious Lips
Height: 5' 6"
Skin: Smooth & with a Beautiful Tan
Disposition: Charming, Mysterious and Multi-faceted
Languages: Spanish-English
By reading her website, her overall attitud remainded me of Bianca Trump. May be someone here recalls when Bianca used to post in the newsgroup some 5 years ago to advertise her escort services. She would say things like she was to good to be with almost anyone and that she needed to prequalify everyone and choose the few priviledged ones to be with her (after paying her almost US$1000). The funny thing was that there were guys who actually paid the thousand bucks!
Daddy Rulz
06-03-05, 14:49
However I do indeed loath and despise the vast majority of American Women. I have a lot of female friends here and enjoy their company from that perspective; however I would rather spend the rest of my life with Exons favorita from Excedra than be involved with yet another over-indulged woman from my country of origin.
My fellow mongerer you may continue to explore them and feel free to help yourself to my share.
Dear gents,
I was very much surprised, to read this kind of words from American gents.
I have rates for USA & a different one when I travel. Depends the country of course. London rates are different from Buenos Aires as well as New York. Every country economy is different, Right?
Then, I don't understand the ugly comments.
BY the way, I'm Argentinian.
ElizabethElizabeth, my dear,
I am sure that if you are willing to work for even high end Argentina prices, then you will attract business from even the experienced members of this forum. However, when your own website advertises prices that are several times the local market, then you have to expect that guys who know Buenos Aires are going to comment.
BTW: "High end Argentine prices" means $100.00usd per session, which means approximately 1 hour, or until the event reaches it's logical conclusion, including DFK, BBBJ, DATY, anal, photos, and anything else that the customer wants to do. However, most guys will chip in for your taxi. If you want to accompany your client to dinner, etc., then that's just to be friendly and perhaps meet other potential clients.
Please remember: In Argentina, the chica's attitude is 90% of the score.
Daddy Rulz
06-03-05, 16:03
Elizabeth I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume your letter to our fearless leader was an honest request for information. Your website makes nominal mention of the service you provide however most of it is about money and gifts. Those of us that spend a lot of time in your homeland have become more used to the Chicas there focusing on service not reward. I fear you have become infected with the American idea that because you are in possession of a vagina that the world of men should be grateful for your slightest attention. The very idea that somebody would pay a prostitute U$S 700.00 simply to meet you and be evaluated as a potential client is repugnant to me.
Removed of all the trappings essentially you sell your body, you sell your body to men to be used for sex. I can understand why you would want to meet somebody the first time in a public place in order to decide if they are a security risk but to evaluate them as if it was a date you are being asked out on is ridiculous. It is your body and your life to do with as you see fit. If you find men that are willing to do this then I salute you. However to come to a place such as this and expect men like us to be a party to this sort of thing wasn't realistic. We go to Argentina to escape this attitude you have adopted. Personally I am moving to Argentina to escape this very attitude of entitlement females in the EEUU have.
I wish you well in your endeavors and have had a sufficient amount of fun at your expense and will do so no longer. You are somewhat attractive and I would consider having a session with you for around 150 to 200 pesos. However it would be you, not me that would need to prove your worth. You would have to convince me that you would be worth my investment in time and money as there are many, many women that are equally as attractive as you are that would be dedicated to serving me during our time together. Your competition in BsAs will be very strong and I'm not sure if you’re up to the task.
You asked, I answered respectfully.
It is not so bad, after all. You could be using the services of this particular provider in the beautiful suburbs of Washington DC. :-)
Probably no cocktails required. The sad part this is NOT the absolute worst I have seen advertised.
Because Elizabeth is unfortunately not (yet) a Senior Member, her post claiming to be Argentinean was buried. I wonder if she is part of the consortium of traveling Argentinean hookers who quoted Mickey Mouse $500 us to fuck him here in Buenos Aires, on the grounds that this was what she charged in New York. Mickey pointed out that they were not in New York but right here in Buenos Aires but this distinction was lost on her.
I think she probably is, because all those women are older than dirt also. Can you imagine an Argentinean hooker in Buenos Aires telling a spanish speaking monger she wanted 700 pesos? No. And 700 usd is just fucking unfathomable. Oh, wait a minute; that's almost exactly what my monthly hooker budget is.
So one alternative I could have would be to fuck Elizabeth once a month, and the rest of the month jack off. Another alternative would be to go to Black 6 or 7 times a month and the rest of the month jack off. Another alternative would be to select from my already existing, rotating stable of 30 chicas, all of whom are 140 pesos or less per session, all of whom are young, pleasant, compliant, and sweet, (and none of whom require mif, saving the cost of envelopes) and fuck [(700 x 2.85) / 140] = one every other day and not even have the strength left to jack off.
So what should I do? As most of you know, I am extremely naïve and speak only pidgin Spanish, so please help me out with this very difficult decision.
Jaimito Cartero
06-11-05, 03:41
I think you need professional translation services.
so what should I do? As most of you know, i am extremely naïve and speak only pidgin spanish, so please help me out with this very difficult decision.
Jaimito Cartero
06-11-05, 05:03
Normally 300 pesos, but for you, only 250.
do you know any hook nosed hores who might provide such a service? (post to be deleted shortly)
Daddy Rulz
06-11-05, 06:23
She will moan in english, surely that is worth an additional 1950 pesos. Plus she's blonde. I think you should be grateful to have the memory to think about as you jack off the rest of the month.
I don't think your framing this right. You could blow your entire entertainment budget for a month to get laid one time. Then spend the rest of that month jerking off because you can't have anymore pussy. Where does that sound like. Yes sir right here in the good ole usa, think of the nostalgic value. It would be like being back here but with cheaper rent. I just don't think your spending the time getting behind the idea. Also pizza man from the wsg would be very proud of you.
Glad I could set you strait brother.
What language do you think she will moan in when she finds 700 Chilean pesos in the envelope?
Daddy Rulz
06-11-05, 16:08
I just checked out how much that is. Quite a bargain. I still want you to go through with the cocktail idea.
Mickey Mouse
06-11-05, 18:43
I have checked and Elizabeth is Not part of that consortium of traveling Argentine Hookers. Even though her photo looks familiar, I have found No references or reviews of her anywhere in the USA. I would suggest proceeding with caution with this one because I am unable to verify her, her reliability or any of her info .
Let me know what you find out,
Mickey Mouse
06-11-05, 18:47
I have also checked a couple international boards with No Luck! My intuition tells me: Be careful with this one!
Did anyone drill down to her contact form? She requests your ethnicity and all fields are required. Also can someone explain to me what is "exclusive" about the companionship of a prostitute? I thought the list of suggested gifts was a nice touch, especially the part about gifts of real estate. Reminds me of the old line, "Instead of getting married, just find a woman you hate and give her a house."
Cuanto Cuesta
06-11-05, 23:12
Boy am I lucky, she followed me back home to sex prison. She only wants $250 here
Is that $250 to fuck her or $250 for the privilege of meeting her? I wonder how much she would charge for a wheel party.
Mickey Mouse
06-12-05, 02:55
Eros so is NO recommendation, they provide provider advertising with NO Guarantees (or reviews/specifics). Even the "Verified Photos" are not a sure thing!
A Curious Mouse
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