View Full Version : Uruguay
I don't see much mention of Uruguay for chicas. I am gonna have to do the every 3 month ferry deal for awhile. Anything, or place worth pursuing over there, or should I make an immediate ue?
This is the local forum for Uruguay. Interesting reading, but in Spanish.
Anyone have any mongering experience in PDE? I suspect there are lots of beautiful women and that they are relatively expensive by BA standards. I haven't been to Uruguay but it's on my list of places to go.
Nibu Raphael
03-27-06, 15:48
Why no info on these places? Can anyone ever make an xxx report on these places? What's up guys?
Nibu Raphael
03-27-06, 16:08
I just signed in to this forum. This site will not let be see the posts at all. Why is that? I also just sent mister realax a private message. I sent it to him in english and spanish. This pisses me off. I checked in right in to this site. Alright now I just did see a report Amanda from Paysandu bout I tried to check in to a few other posts and it will not let me see. I see two posts that just tell me why I can not get in. I will keep you guys posted on this for sure. Lets hope lokking at this amanda in paysandu post I hope I get info on Paysandu too.
This is the local forum for Uruguay. Interesting reading, but in spanish.
This is a copy of a post I made also under VISITING URUGUAY in "General Information" "Travel Information".
In the interests of warning about potential danger, I am making this post about Montevideo here. I will have a more complete report in the ISG Uruguay forum.
Be very careful in Montevideo. From the standpoint of theft, this may be the most dangerous city I have been in outside the US. Fortunately, the people of Uruguay seem to be very unaggressive with regard to physical violence. I can't see any evidence that armed robbery, mugging and kidnapping are prevalent.
What is prevalent is thievery and manipulative pricing. I have never had as stong a feeling about being a target as in this city. I feel as though I am constantly being watched and measured. The first time I walked down 18 de Julio at around 11:00 PM I reached the corner of Convencion and 18 de Julio and thought "this area is very dangerous". There was a group of young men in the 16-20YO range hanging on the corner. There were various other young men in 18 de Julio hanging around. All were relatively poor wearing "felony shoes" (sneakers) Generally, I consider groups of boys in the 15-19 YO range as the most dangerous. They feel invulnerable, and egg each other on.
Also, there is a look I would have to describe as "envy". There just seems to be a real attitude here, and I suppose it is justified. They are Buenos Aires wannabes, and are VERY sensitive about comparisons to Argentina and Buenos Aires. There is also another attitude, what I would call "complacency". They don't generally seem to be very ambitious. This is a dangerous combination, because they probably don't feel they have a lot of control over their destiny, and their ability to impove things thru personal effort.
As luck would have it, in my first 5 days here I witnessed some part of 5 crime scenes. All took place in the areas of Andes and 18 de Julio, Andes and Colonia, and the area of Colonia around the Radisson Casino. The Plaza independencia also looks dangerous, although I saw no actual crimes there.
The 1st night here, I was standing on Andes and 2 young men ran into the street from the Plaza and tore down two blocks and turned left onto Soriano. I knew they were running from a robbery, and sure enough about 2 minutes later a middle aged couple entered the street looking for them, with the woman complaining about a robbery.
I saw one arrest by the police from the casino. I didn't see the crime.
I saw in Colonia in front of "Moon River" near the casino 2 boys about 17 going down the street suspiciously, "gingerly". They weren't running, but were moving purposefully but worried about what was behind them. Sure enough, about 15 seconds after they turned the corner, 2 policemen came running from the direction of the casino in pursuit. They were much too late.
I got robbed on the corner of Andes and 18 de Julio at about 12:30AM. I was standing talking to the street tout on 18 de Julio about 20 feet from the corner, near the curb with my back to the street. Someone crossed the street behind me and walked up behind me on my left side, unbeknownst to me. I was taking some little fliers for whiskerias out of my pocket and sort of reading them and talking to the tout. Suddenly, there was a grab in my left rear pocket, and someone ran to the corner of Andes and dissappeared around it. Fortunately, all they got was a plastic envelope containing a copy of my passport, the entry stamp page, and a card from the hotel. So that system worked. DO NOT carry a wallet in Montevideo, especially at night.
After they robbed me, I was talking to a young woman at the hamburger wagon on Andes. I was also sort of looking over her head to 18 de Julio. After about 10 minutes, on the other side of 18 de Julio, on the corner, there was a pair of young women talking. The same thing happened. A young man walking down 18 de Julio crossed Andes, and as he approached behind the woman with her back to him, he grabbed into her left rear pocket, and then ran down Andes away from us. He turned the corner at Colonia.
Watch out for pricing of all kinds, especially gringo pricing situations. I will say more about this in ISG Uruguay.
I have been here now 16 days, and have seen no other crimes. But I still have a feeling of being watched on the street.
04-22-06, 22:48
Time to return to BA!
This question has been asked before, but does anyone have any knowledge on the scene in Punta Del Este. I am spending some time in September in BA and then moving onto The Four Seasons Resort in Colonia for several days and then onto Punta Del Este. Does anyone know of the availability of escorts to visit you in your hotel in either the Four Seasons Resort or The Conrad Resort in Puta Del Este. I seem to have not been able to find out much about it either by looking at this or other sites or googling key words and Uruguay.
Local Lad,
I'd pass on Punta Del Este.
My very good friend Moe and I took a junket over their in March at the very tail end of there season. We had a special promotional deal including airfare and two or three nights at the Conrad Hotel for I think something like $380 each.
The Conrad, hands down the best place in town, I'd rate as a three star hotel in Las Vegas. Nothing special at all and their casino is run on a contract basis by one of the bigger Las Vegas hotel chains, all in US Dollars, no peso's. The minmum bet was 10 USD.
The room's were very average for a destination resort and the food was shitty.
Moreover, everything seemed to be double the price as Buenos Aires. We dinned out and the prices were outragious, not worth it.
We bought the local paper and looked for Mongering Add's. Well it seemed the girls wanted as much or more as say Madaho's or Black sight unseen after making a few phone calls. If any of you know Moe you'd know he'd never stand for that.
Next we got information from a bellman or someone about a local brothel in the next little town that supports the work force in Punta Del Este. OK into the cab we go and we end up in a place that reminded me of a "Boy's Town" Mexican ***** district. We've all seen them, every Mexican border town has one. The Chica's were way average, something like you'd find in a 50 or 60 peso's Privato in Buenos Aires.
Once you get their, theres absolutely nothing to do but sit on the beach with the Argentino's.
Anyway save your time and your money and stay in Argentina and if you go I guarntee you, you can't wait to get back to Buenos Aires.
OOps! Try again.
This question has been asked before, but does anyone have any knowledge on the scene in Punta Del Este. I am spending some time in September in BA and then moving onto The Four Seasons Resort in Colonia for several days and then onto Punta Del Este. Does anyone know of the availability of escorts to visit you in your hotel in either the Four Seasons Resort or The Conrad Resort in Puta Del Este. I seem to have not been able to find out much about it either by looking at this or other sites or googling key words and Uruguay.LL,
Here is a link to the best expat site I have found about Uruguay. You can dig for Punta Del Este info.
This is all find and dandy, but can somone tell me about the sluts,
I hear Uruguaian women are all whoares, how much, and how good.
07-09-07, 22:22
Article in La Nacion today about Punte Del Este real estate being bought up by Europeans. The Argie rush seems to be over. I have heard it is very expensive (everything in dollars) an if the Euro is moving in it will be more expensive.
07-10-07, 21:23
Guys, here is the link for Uruguay.
You are posting in the wrong country.
Gato Hunter
02-26-09, 21:45
Next week I want to go to Uruguay for the day. I have a newer passport that needs an Uruguay stamp because I can.
I don't care what city I ride the boat too.
Are there any places on the other side that you can walk to from the port of entry and at least get a BBBJ?
That may change, though. Don't they have a Kirchner-clone as president now?
Tequila Tim
07-03-09, 01:26
The post below from the Uruguay Minister of Tourism was insightful but please. Details of the monger trade (price, availability) are needed for me to consider Uruguay as a mongering destination. Details?
Last time I got to Southern Cone, I found a reference to this law on one of the web-sites I visited. Public Law 17515 covers the sex trade in Uruguay, starting with Article 1 -
"Es lícito el trabajo sexual realizado en las condiciones que fijan la presente ley why demás disposiciones aplicables."
I had very limited experience in Uruguay - no out-calls, one go at a whiskeria in Montevideo, a couple of visits to Casa de Nana in Maldonado (Punta del Este) I enjoyed myself, thought the girls were nice, and the prices were a definite bargain compared to my previous weekend in Bs. As.
Casa de Nana (March 2007) was pricey by Uruguay standards: UY$1000 (about $40 US at the time) for 1/2 hour, UY$2000 for 1 hour. But the girls I went with were - all three of them - very very nice. The girl at Malibu's in Montevideo was rather shopworn but nice and slim; I paid UY$500 for her favors. She was rather businesslike but ... not bad at all.
I might try Bs. As. Again if I could "fly wingman" to someone who knows the places, the prices, the girls and all that. But I'm much more likely to visit Montevideo again, and one of these days I may buy a flat in Pocitos and move down there. It's a little less pricey, and more comfortable to my mind, than Bs. As. - but that's just me.
PS - Sidney, "Minister of Tourism"? Maybe he sounds like that, but IMHO his perhaps-over-effusive description is still on the mark. My first visit to Uruguay in 2000 planted the seed of "retiring South" in my mind; and that trip did not include mongering, oh, no - I was on official business, with a colleague who's an old friend (and so is her husband)! I've enjoyed both of my visits there and I want to go back again soon.
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