View Full Version : Travelling with chicas
I will be in Argentina in early April and was going to fly to Iguza and Salta for a few days each. I thought I would ask for some opinions or recommendations on whether it would be good to bring along an escort from BA. Some of the website grils state they do go on tours. At home I prefer the extended type visits (more mistress type) and have ejoyed my travel companions, but you do have to be chosey. I don't like them loco, although we all have issues. Has any one done this with success? The prices listed on the site seem reasonable for the time spent.
PB, I think the key is that you have to go with a chica that you already know and already like. I have had extended dates with a couple of different chicas who traveled with me, and I was quite pleased. However, I was already a client of long-standing and knew exactly what I was getting. And in my case, I paid a very low rate, lower on a daily basis than a couple of hour date daily would have cost. The key is to find a girl who likes you and actually wants to go on holiday herself - rather than just looking at it as a week-long business arrangement.
Flexible Horn
03-02-06, 15:29
After each trip here I usually leave with 8-10 email addresses from chicas I have enjoyed and repeated with.
Its usually 8-12 months before I am able to return here. In the past I lose touch with 50% of these, but the ones I do email and messenger are well worth the effort.
Spending 3 or 4 days 24 hours a day with a 'stranger' is something I personally would not do.
I took one of these friends to Iguza and the trip was fantastic, we had probably had 6 or 7 previous dates and we knew each other quite well.
If you take a chica after viewing her on Platynum or else where and you don't connect what a shitty time your trip will be.
I don't know if you have been here before or how long your trip is but personally I would only contemplate taking a companion on a trip I had previously spent 2 or 3 'Dates' with.
As for her payment, obviously I paid for everything and bought her a DVD player and all she wanted was 600 pesos for 3 days. A bargain.
Amazingly, I agree with Auto on this one. I have taken four trips with chicas now. All were reasonably successful. The first one, I had only known the chica for a couple of days, but that was back when I didn't live here. That was three days in Cordoba and surrounding areas. The biggest problem there was that I rented a car and driving made me really uptight. I never discussed money with that one, who was more like an amigovia, and I gave her a couple of hundred pesos at the end of the trip.
The second trip was an eleven day swing through Cordoba, Santiago del Estero, Tucuman, and Salta. I knew that chica pretty well. I offered her 100 pesos a day and was prepared to go to 150, but she accepted my first offer. The issues we ran into there mostly related to smoking; she had agreed not to smoke in the hotel rooms but was smoking in the bathroom. I threatened to cut her loose if she didn't stop, and she did, until the last day: "What are you going to do, send me home? Ha ha." Also she wanted me to pay for her haircut but I said that was not a trip-related expense, and she was okay with that. For comparison, I pay this gal 130-140 pesos when I pull her from her club.
Third trip was six days to Bariloche via La Pampa and Siete Lagos. This gal was great. I also knew her quite well. I told her I would give her "some money" in addition to paying the expenses, and she said fine. So, I gave her 100 pesos a day (I normally pay her 100-110 pesos). Also she ended up having a friend die so she wanted to fly home instead of taking the bus. She offered to pay the difference between the flight and the bus, but I went ahead and paid for the flight, about 400 p vs. about 150 for the bus. The issue on that trip was that she couldn't swim, couldn't ride a bike, wouldn't go in a small boat, etc. These gals aren't in good shape and I like to do a lot of hiking and walking. Also in fairness, I was not at my best on that trip because I had raging insomnia and it made me kinda grouchy.
Fourth trip was meeting a gal in Peru and spending three or four days at the beach and at the ruins. I gave her 100 soles (about 85 pesos) a day and then 100 US at the end of the trip (also a 100-110 peso chica when I knew her in BA). I knew her very well too, but had not seen her in over a year. The first day was kind of awkward as a result. I think we both had high expectations and the reality was sort of mediocre.
But all were fun. I can't imagine doing it with a gal I barely knew, though. Just something to think about. As Hunt / Auto said, find a gal who actually is anxious to travel and see some things, and you will be able to get a pretty good price, in my experience.
Also make sure they are not on the rag during that time if that is an issue for you. That happened on the 11 day trip and even though I don't mind wading through the Red River, she was not into it. Solution? Lots of blow jobs.
CAPT Dave has given a very good advice one time in this forum about traveling with a chica. Unless you both can speak the same language, things can get old very fast.
I agree with most of the comments here. I have never travelled with a p4p girl, although I would consider a few as good travel companions. Part of the reason is because I like travelling solo here - part of the fun is testing the local monger scene.
Obviously, if you don't speak a common language, the trip would be rather monotonous. As mentioned, if you simply offered a random girl at a club a trip youd probably be quoted an obscene price. But I believe that many chicas would travel with you for nothing (you paying all trip costs of course) if they "know" you - "know" meaning youve sessioned with them a few times (preferably at your apartment) and had some normal conversation with them. You have to establish that "I'm not a psychopath:p" status first with any female before she will do anything with you. Many local girls, regular and P4P, have done little-to-zero travelling and would be happy to go on an all-inclusive trip. Many have never even flown.
And actually, on that third trip, when I told the chica I would give her "some" money, she said, "But you are already giving me the gift of the trip." So yeah, she probably would have gone with me for nothing, but as I pointed out to her, the gift of the trip was not going to pay her rent.
Gentlemen, thank you for the insights.
I cannot disagree with the comments made. I have travelled in the past and found it fun, but like yourselves that was after a few enounters and at least one over nighter. I must admit I an a pretty easy person to get a long with and don't look for a lot if different girls.
That being said, are there a couple of internet girl recommendations that I can contact by e-mail or through Roxanne that would have a high probability of success? Cut the odds. I do have a number of days in BA prior, to heading out on a couple day trips. That would allow me to break the ice so to speak. I am a polarbear after all.
Speaking english would be a definite must. Also "loco chica's" are out. Been there, done that, don't like it. No matter how good the sex, the rest of the time would be hell. As well drugs are not my scene. Everything gets unpredictable. Price is not critical I don't need a freebe, but I don't want to N / A prices. Smoking isn't a problem. Age isn't an issue as well, actually I tend to like women over 30, they seem to be a bit more stable and they know what they are going.
"Speaking english would be a definite must."
Well, that will eliminate 98% of them right there. Seriously.
Speaks English and knows how to ski - 0.1% pro or amateur. The skiing part would be the important element in my case. Forget about the Bariloche trip with a date, or at least I won't try it again. My date claimed to have skied but her skiing skills were somewhat comparable to a golfer who shoots 300 on the front 9.
You bring up a good point below Dickhead. My accompanied extracurricular/travel activities have all been with amatuers, and most Argentine girls seem to be incredibly inactive physically except for dancing and fucking. Which is odd since so many appear to be in great shape (worth mentioning that their daily diets are often loaded with french fries, hot dogs, deep-batterfried milanesas, other trash). Much of the trekking, skiing, etc I've done was solo while my date was down at the lodge smoking Marlboros and drinking coffee.
I guess this may partially attributable to a lifelong confinement in the city of BA.
And if you take a gal from BA to Bariloche, they will complain incessantly about how cold it is. That happened to me in December so I shudder to think what would happen in March or April.
True. BA has the mildest climate Ive ever lived in. Its funny to see street cops here dressed like Eskimos when its 60 degrees outside. Then when its 85 with relatively low humidity (50%) all people can talk about is how oppresively hot and humid it is here. There are maybe 10 total days per year in BA that are uncomfortably hot or cold to anyone accustomed to a central US climate.
I'm thinking of flying someone who impressed me on another trip to BA, from BA up to Brazil for a few nights. She can travel there on a Peru DNI card but any thoughts on problems with immigration, proving solvency for the stay when arriving alone at customs before I collect her at the airport?
Anyone done this? She hasn't before.
Of course you may think this is like taking a sandwich to a parilla
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