View Full Version : Ripoff Scams
Greetings everyone,
This thread is intended as a followup to this article (, which I recommend you read before commenting herein.
Art Fartzalot
05-25-06, 04:16
Transito Siglo's in Argentina, Casa Particular's in Cuba, love motels-Brazil, Take them there, do your thing, pay um, and leave,.
Sorry for Mark 1 & 2, life's a ***** and then you marry one.
Glad not me.
Thanks for the heads up. Jackson your a good man.
Fly Guy II
05-25-06, 08:30
Hi Guys,
Irina back in 04, had the pleasure of her company once. Pity to read that she has resorted to scamming.
Later All.
Excellent work exposing this puta's scamming, Jackson. Thanks for looking out for us.
Hey Jackson, Damm GOOD REPORT, I agree with you 100% ,
Almost always it is just these petty criminals blowing smoke,.
Like in everything in life, one has to stand up to any type of extortion. This website is rich with lots of good info.
Keep up the great work.
05-25-06, 12:51
Great report.
Yasser Arafat is alive! Yikes.
Perhaps the most valuable of all is this, which unfortunately was at the tail of the report:
The Tourist Police Unit has a toll-free number, 0800-999-5000, for responding to tourist calls 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
But I don't understand Jackson why you didn't mention recommending it to Mark2, unless you actually have no confidence in them.
Hi Bacchus9,
Perhaps I didn't make it clear.
I did recommend to Mark2 that he contact the Tourist Police, and our mutual friend who Mark2 spoke with on the telephone during our conversation, who is a Porteno and who speaks English, agreed to accompany him to the Tourist Police station the next day to assist.
After Mark2 left my house, the next day, when it was planned for him to go to the Tourist Police office in the company of our mutual friend, he, Mark2, apparently changed his mind.
Daddy Rulz
05-25-06, 18:00
Does anybody know where she lives. We could ask for Mark 2's stuff back (I know it's sold already) and print about a million copies of thoses pics and plaster her barrio. You could also tell her you will do that the next time she calls you.
Thanks Jackson for perking up that detail.
At the risk of undermining the plot makings of a Hollywood thriller I think you should call that toll free number and offer to hand 'em the file and pictures. This stuff is downright diabolical and it doesn't sound like it's over yet. What a story.
Enough to make you a believer in transitorios.
Hi Bacchus9,
That's exactly my point: It's probably not over because they're probably working on other victims at this moment.
Mongering can be a very dangerous sport and or hobby we all should keep that in mind and never let our guard down.
The only good thing thats come out of this is we all know about it and hopefully avoid such a tragedy.
This poor Fucker Mark 2 loved the girl. I'm sure that hurts worse than the Ripp Off.
That woman is fucking UGLY. Perhaps the nose would come in handy for Exon, you are losing your grip on reality. I think maybe You need To go Wack Off.
A prudent monger should do one of two things:
1) Always take any unknown pussy to a transitorio (of YOUR choosing and not hers), or
2) Be a Dickhead and don't own anything worth stealing.
Or both.
Thanks for posting this information. This is important for all of us to remember that most of the time they are bluffing when it comes to extortion.
However, as one who does not yet speak Spanish well enough to file legal complaints, I would probably tell the chica to fuck off and then catch a ride home.
Thanks for providing this information. I hope to remember it every time I am in BA so I can view all chicas with a little more skepticism.
Chica Chaser
05-26-06, 14:26
Thanks for the extremely well written article.
If I ever buy a laptop I will very likely take it with me these vacations. Do you know whether XP's security feature is very strong? I mean when you assign a password to a user name? Whether it is or isn't I suppose it's prudent to remove all contact information from the machine - perhaps exporting them and then importing them to Yahoo! Mail.
Chica Chaser
Hi Chica Chaser,
I can tell you right now that XP's security is not what you want to be relying upon to protect your data. What you want is an encryption program that encrypts your files so that they can't be read except by somebody with the encrption program's password.
Do you know whether XP's security feature is very strong? I mean when you assign a password to a user name?
Chica ChaserNot really, there are ways to bypass this security feature, (password User name security feature) your common everyday user, or possibly thief wouldn't know how to do this, but those of us that do know how, can do it in less than a minute.
I am sorry to hear of what happened to the victim and also that something sinister should happen in the happy mongering ground of BA. Good work Jackson on exposing this to everybody.
Of course the first mistake was "falling in love" with the girl, and time and again people in the forums warn about that, but the part that really kills me is that he allowed himself to be in compromising photographs. Hell, it's always possible to accidentally mail such a photo to someone anyway, if you're careless enough. So bad, bad idea.
Once I gave my business card to a professional woman in Brazil, just because it had my email on it. After I returned to the States, it occurred to me how stupid that was. She could threaten to write a letter to the address or call my house # (probably easily discoverable from name and city / state) Of course, nothing like that happened, and the overwhelming majority of working women would never turn to extortion like this Irina did, but the point is, I exposed myself to some risk, however small, and completely unnecessarily.
As always, a little common sense using the big head instead of the little one should keep you out of trouble; most of the time, anyway. I like the suggestion by others to go to a transitorio the first time with a girl, I may just start doing that.
Password your BIOS on your laptop, password the XP login, and also bring one of those cable locks and lock it the bedframe or something. The more obstacles you put in the way, the more likely they'll give up. Don't leave business cards around (heh) Use common sense!
And Jackson is 100% correct that paying someone off would not end the problem, and you simply have to go raise a ruckus with the cops.
It seems that Mark2 had met Irina several months earlier during his last visit to BA. At the time they exchanged email addresses, and upon his return to the USA they began to correspond regularly. My friend had recently gotten divorced from a 20 year marriage, and was, well, vulnerable, a situation that Irina exploited to its maximum as she wrote all the right things. In the ensuing months Irina had convinced Mark2, and he had convinced himself, that they were in love. They even went so far as to make plans to get married and for Irina to move to the USA with Mark2.
Under thease circumstanes you don't go to a hotel.
Hi Exon,
But she said that she was in love with him!
Doesn't that count for anything!
The hard part with the whole story is that you cannot avoid the risk with simple precautions. This IS a woman Mark2 believed he knew very well. And while it is conceivable that she was innocent and someone happened to break in and then do the blackmail routine, that would be quite a coincidence given all the other things Jackson reports, including a direct publicity threat against him.
So either you take nobody to your apartment, or you do run some risk. Of course laptop security and avoiding S / M photos that include yourself would help make you less of a target.
On the plus side, this is a very unusual story.
The hard part with the whole story is that you cannot avoid the risk with simple precautions. This IS a woman Mark2 believed he knew very well. And while it is conceivable that she was innocent and someone happened to break in and then do the blackmail routine, that would be quite a coincidence given all the other things Jackson reports, including a direct publicity threat against him.
So either you take nobody to your apartment, or you do run some risk. Of course laptop security and avoiding S / M photos that include yourself would help make you less of a target.
On the plus side, this is a very unusual story.Another reason to remain single, don't get married, and be self employed. And you wouldn't have to worry about being put in a position of being blackmailed. And use a web based email account. So you don't have email addys on your computer. Therefor they have nothing to go on. Learn to remember password, and remove the auto log in feature's.
Everybody should always remember when we're with these "acompanantes" or "putis" or "putas" or "putanas" or whatever you want to call them, that these girls are very adept at selling the dream or fantasy that the gorgeous young thing with the gorgeous young body and pretty face who fucks and sucks so well (why shouldn't they with all the practice they get)! Is also possibly the love of your life and you hers, with the operative word here being "fantasy".
Most of us mongers are probably old enough to be most of these girls' fathers (I am) and most of these girls wouldn't be caught dead in public with most of us mongers who are old enough to be their fathers, were in not for the fact that they were working for us at the time, so we really have to be taking leave of our senses to buy into the idea that they're truly in love with us! They said the same thing to guy they were with hours before they were with us and they'll say the same thing to the next guy too! The "I love yous" and the "te quiero muchos" and the "te amos" stuff you hear from these little vixens' mouths are all just part of the wonderful service that these BA pros provide, so please, please, fuck 'em as much and as often as you can but very, very carefully consider the source before getting too heavily entangled in their webs and leaving yourself vulnerable. Buyer beware!
Very sorry to hear about our fellow monger's bad experience with this one sour apple but we must never lose sight of the fact that at the end of the day, this is a business that doesn't typically attract the wholesome, straight and narrow types of chicas that you'd normally want to take home to meet momma, it's one that more often than not unfortunately attracts opportunists like Irina.
Jackson, that is a wonderful report. Of course, my sympathies to those caught up in this kind of mess.
This situation is a great reminder to be very careful in our dealings. I spent an hour or so with Irina about two years ago. Fortunately, I didn't find her very interesting and never saw her again.
But, it's easy to see how someone can get caught up in this kind of problem in BA. In my experience (and I am an old fart) the p4p ladies in Argentina do the GFE thing better than any others in the world. Several have made me feel like a great lover or very special friend. They make it easy to jump to a fantasy life with them. But in reality it remains a commercial transaction.
'The business' attracts a whole lot of women willing to do just about anything to help their children and families, and at some level that is a noble virtue. Yes, it attracts a few oppurtunists, apparently including this Irina, and it also wild chicks who 'need' money for a wild (and often drug filled) lifestyle. And chicas from all three groups offer at least fantasy affection, as that is good for business. IMHO a lot of them do end up with real (albeit quite possibly messed up) emotional links to the guys involved. But in light of the rarity of theft and the extreme rarity of this kind of shakedown, I think it is unfair to reach negative general conclusions of the "more often than not" oppurtunist variety.
Thoughts, any of our most experienced members? DH?
DH has much more experience than I, but I will weigh in on Hobby Fan's observations. It's easy to demonize prostitutes, and they usually come with a set of problems not easily "fixed or corrected". But, as regards "threat", via Irina type schemes, or general, low grade theft, they fall in the same category with many other professions. No one needs reminding about nefarious car salesman, plumbers, real estate developers / agents, bankers, lawyers, and the list goes on and on and on. You could argue forever about percentages of bad apples in different occupations, and get absolutely nowhere. The maxim is "buyer beware", and it behooves one to apply that in all transactions. Long story short, there are sociopaths in all professions, ranging from prostitutes to the clergy. Of course, we are more interested in fucking prostitutes than fucking the clergy (or god forbid, a banker);)
Thats why I don't understand why guys want the GFE experience. I admit it's tempting sometimes but to get all intertwined in one of these girls lifes is bad thinking period. I like the privados for this reason it's over and done with and they can't show up on your doorstep.
I met this girl in Lima (non pro) who told me her feelings for me just as I was leaving is now trying to get me to sign up on her sms (cell phone) network and she hasn't quite even when I told her Why$ I wouldn't. She insists that I let her pick me up from the airport next time. Yeah right!
Guys its more or less a similar game in all of these countries it's just that we happen to be in the drivers seat so lets continue to keep our eyes on the road.
Incredible! I did a google on her and Jackson's report appeared. I was being set up as Mark 3. The MO was exactly as per Mark 2. Jackson I owe you one big dinner! Also I appreciate the feedback in the forum -- you guys are great and it is nice to know that I am not alone out her! Cheers!
06-23-06, 14:41
I am a relatively new member of this forum, I beg your pardon if what I am going to say / proposse is not appropiate.
I hate this kind of rip off's and the people who elaborate them, either being pimps, pros, etc.
I know some guys at Fuerte Apache that can end with this lady and his pimp for lets say $40 or so. Just make me know. I pay the bill.
Member #4110
07-03-06, 11:34
This beautifully written essay actually is a love story. This chica adores Eduardo-Raul, and she will do anything he asks. In her mind, thievery is not a bad thing if it is done for love. As is clear in the story, she is too stupid to conduct these scams by herself; she is simply the agent of a minor con artist.
Historically, the worst thing about prostitution has always been the pimp. The pimp debases what would otherwise be a mutually satisfying and ethical transaction, where the man gets an experience and the woman gets some money. The pimp uses the woman's need for love and teaches the woman to despise her work as well as the "John," who becomes fair game for the kinds of scams described so well in this essay.
Certainly, this chica is responsible for her crimes, but the real danger here is the pimp. I hope that he is exposed.
Legalize prostitution and criminalize pimping. One of the great things about mongering in Buenos Aires is that the ladies I have encountered have seemed to be independent agents, working for themselves and their families without being directed by a pimp.
07-19-06, 00:45
You guys may have saved me a lot of money and anguish. Thank you! I met her ("Marilyn Moor" or "Maria Nieve" - take your pick) last October. She visited my hotel three nights in a row. Some of the hottest nights of my mongering career. We exchanged emails and I was all set to see her again in a few months. Nice wake up to reality call. You're performing a real service by publishing this story.
Hi Tariff,
I wrote the report with the specific hope that it would save somebody else from being victimized, and thus I took great satisfaction in reading your comments.
08-10-06, 04:10
In my book, it seems that if you can find new "friends", order something at the restaurant or ask directions, you should always be good enough to be (somewhat) understood by the cops. It is sure that better you speak spanish, the better it helps you, but in the worst case, if they don't understand all your sentences, they will catch a word here and there, then make an idea of what you try to say or they will find someone speaking some English (especially if you go with the tourist police) What I wonder the most about is not going to fill up a complaint, but if I can trust them. In general, it is not because you're in a foreign country that problems can't happen. No one is risk-free. You have as much chances to get bad experiences at home or on the road, but it is also good with good experiences. Yes, I am open-minded, but also quite old-fashioned. I don't like to give my full infos to someone I don't know well. In this case, they might get my Hotmail or Yahoo e-mail, but not my home phone number or my business e-mail. You need to develop confidence first of all. Also, mixing leisure, family and business is not always a good idea.
Greetings Everyone,
In recognition of their importance, I moved the reports regarding computer security to a new thread titled "Laptop Computer Security" in the "Travel Information" section.
Thank you, Jackson. She is quite a dish. Fortunately you warn all of us.
Hi Jackson,
I was very impressive with the fact that you took the time and action to let everyone know about this criminal activity. You are dead-on correct. When men began to shake in their boots over these types of threats then maybe it is time for them to forsake the "hobby". One has to be very careful about who they meet in BA. You certainly saved plenty of members a ton of grief and trouble from this girl.
Joe Vato
It is hard not to fall as some of us might have almost fallen into the love trap with a working girl or two in the past. Having said that, but when thinking correctly, never let your guard down no matter how much a working girl claims she loves you, remember you are dealing with an escort.
This report is just a reminder that most not all girls can't really be trusted being in their kind of line of work. So never allow the little head to do the thinking for you.
As far as the pimp goes. WOW if I was that guy that lost all he lost I would have to set that pimp up and break some serious bones. As for her, she is just as much to blame for doing what her pimp wanted. Most of you might not want to hear this but the only way she would learn from doing something that bad is to be gang raped in front of her pimp with no comdom as he sits tied up to his chair kissing his broken arms and legs as she moans in the pain of not making one fucking red cent during the hours of such gang rape. Which is worst, being hit 20 times by a baseball bat or being gang raped in every hole?
Sad story and I feel sorry for that guy and the report is a good thing to remember when ever having anyone stay the night in your room. I have never trusted any escort enough to allow them to sleep with me over night.
I do believe in Karma and she and her pimp will get everything that they did back 10 times worst.
They Advertise in BA Herald, under the name ANNA, for 100 peso / hour, which is the cheapest price in Herald for Chica so to make sure I called to see if it was not a hundered dollars, they said no, I called before they said 100Peso / hour, when I called again they said 150/ hour, so I reminded them they said OK, so they play these games.
Anyway it is like a blind date you don't know what you will draw, but I got lucky a decent looking girl showed up at my apartment, small talk, drink, after 15minutes she said it is 11:15 pm, signaling the time starts now, so not a clock watcher, good service paid 100 pesos after, drove her home in my Limo, paid her 5 peso for taxi, to come to my place her name was not ANNA but MYRA, 22 yr, nice rack, no complaints she was looking at my collrction of MARS bars, took one I neverleft her alone for a minute right from under my nose she swiped my after shave cologne valued at 44$, so be careful when you invite them to your place.
07-13-07, 12:51
Hi Jackson,
Between the time you posted that story and today, did you learn any infos.
That these two creatures realy send these " sexphotos " to the email adresses - stored in the laptop?
I agree, with some of my fellow posters, this Lady should have been beaten up. I am not the type who is agressive anyhow, but law and justice didn't work in this story. I mean I don't care about this guy, but without this " Irina " he never could do the job. So for me, she is the vehicle to crash.
But last not least, for those who have troubles in making a difference between payed sex / emotions and later deveolped (classical grown) feelings, it can be dangerous while they could fall in the hands of such a Vampire. I am thinking of mailing this Irina and play the lovely fool, but it would be a waste of time and poss. Ruine my 2 weeks in BA soon.
To bad, I realy would like to help this guy. Propably he is gay now:-)
Regards, one hand at your purse the other at your balls! Carnevalistico
Greetings everyone,.
On November 11, 2008 I received an anonymous telephone call followed up by an email containing the following narrative, which I thought I'd share with the forum membership.
This information dovetails perfectly with other information I had been receiving from various sources in the past several months, thus elevating it's legitimacy to a confidence level that I believe justified it's publication at this time.
I appreciate your follow up. In essence, it informs and protects members. I wish this pimp could receive some of the same treatment he handed down on these girls! What a loser!
I just saw the guy in the picture, on Av de Mayo on the 1200 block, about 10 minutes ago, from writing this. I guess he is not wanted, or I could have followed him, and asked a Policia Federal to stop him.
I was just checking on AP and I found this that I never heard. I am from BA but living in Vegas for the last 20 years. This is so enlighten. It is no even funny. Let me tell you that everyhting that Jackson wrote is absolutly true. Never get intimedated by these thugs! Thanx Jackson. Now I have the description of this girl in case I see her around. Nice!
If you guys understand Spanish. Watch this!
You know, I read a book about this worldwide phenomenom.
In my view it really boils down to desperation in most cases, these guys prey on the girls naivete (Argentina has so far the most single mothers I have ever come across) Or the social condition that brings about a desperate need to do anything so a girl will rush into any condition without weighing her options.
I really don't know what to do, my first instinct is to strike, track down these exploiters one by one and stomp on their throats. Unfortunately I don't have the funding to do this indefinitely.
But even if I did, this will only make the world better for a little time, then make it slightly worse.
So I put it to you fellow mongers.
What to do to put these bastards out of business, and to ensure that the women we take comfort with are not suffering?
Daddy Rulz
06-07-09, 15:31
What to do to put these bastards out of business, and to ensure that the women we take comfort with are not suffering?
XycAs long as women are more attracted to men that treat them badly nothing will change this. Not all women are like this but more than 50% I believe.
(Argentina has so far the most single mothers I have ever come across) You haven't talked to many Paraguayans, I take it?
Machismo and poverty are big culprits of what you find in latin America and you won't change anything here without changing the society (which I posit to be a degenerated form of feudalism, what I consider to be the problem of many of Spain's and Portugal's ex-colonies, but we argue that in another place lol) The women buy into it as much as the men do. The women are mostly subservient, and even many "strong-willed" latina women will bend to the machismo in a man. Women believe they have to take what they are handed in many cases, particularly in poverty where they "know" that things are going to be shitty no matter what, because it's pretty much what they see all around them everyday.
The truth is, in my opinion, the real sense of machismo that exists today is the habit of a feudal system that lost the "noblesse oblige" portion of the old ways.
The men are filled with machismo and very many of them mis-use it, in my opinion. They abuse it. They take without giving, at the "point of a sword."
Machismo and poverty are big culprits of what you find in latin America and you won't change anything here without changing the society.
The truth is, in my opinion, the real sense of machismo that exists today is the habit of a feudal system that lost the "noblesse oblige" portion of the old ways.
The men are filled with machismo and very many of them mis-use it, in my opinion. They abuse it. They take without giving, at the "point of a sword."Yes, many of Lat am problems are related to machismo, but remember one thing (and it's a very important one) Macho men are brought up by their moms who perpetuate the statu quo.
El queso, after living in Argentina and knowing paraguayans I'm sure you found that some ladies are proud and brag about their kids being real "Don juanes", and when their girlfriends get pregnant probably mom will say to his boy: "She's a tramp, I'm sure the baby isn't yours"
Where I come from, a hundred years ago, the landlord still enjoyed the right of prima nocte "first night" with the wives of his servants. It was almost a sin if women didn't wash the clothes of the father and brothers or if they didn't cook and serve the males.
The big issue I see with developed countries is the opposite, Women are embracing their own "machismo" or extreme feminism and men are getting hit hard.
My question and contribution will be this: "How can we make so both sexes get a fair treatment?"
I think Irina might be back.
Careful out there.
Check this out at Platynum under the name "Aslyn", but with nose job.
Daddy Rulz
07-16-15, 12:50
But this is where this article belongs. Certified bad news.
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