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Update - June 14, 2006.
Buenos Aires Tip Sheet now available for review.
Buenos Aires Tip Sheet (
Greetings everyone,
I have decided to develop a "Tip Sheet" for first-time visitors to Buenos Aires. The idea is to have a single page document in PDF format that answers the question I get asked several times a week: "I'm here for the first time for only a few days and I want to know where I should go and I don't have time to read the Forum."
The Tip Sheet is going to be a concise listing of some of the more popular clubs, privados and restaurants, grouped by area, with a few notes.
The Tip Sheet is not going to attempt to be a comprehensive list of every possible club, privado and restaurant in Buenos Aires. It is not going to pretend to rate every possible club, privado and restaurant in Buenos Aires, and it is not going to be a list of "the best", or the "most expensive", or the "cheapest" clubs, privados and restaurants in Buenos Aires.
With all that having been said, I've posted my preliminary list below for commentary and to solicit suggestions for additional places I may have overlooked. Specifically, I need some more restaurant suggestions (please, no obvious tourist places like Cabana las Lilas) and also more privados as they're not my thing so my list is not from my own personal experiences.
Regarding privado suggestions, please remember that this list is to be distributed to first time visitors to BA, so I'm not looking for the cheapest places with the ugliest girls. I'm looking for suggestions for the nicer places that one would feel would be appropriate to recommend to a first timer.
Please post your additional suggestions in the thread.
Buenos Aires Tip Sheet
Boliches Clubs with working chicas.
$$$$ Black - Recoleta - (Ayacucho & Alvear) Most expensive club in Buenos Aires.
$$$ Madahos - Recoleta - Azcuenaga 1908 My personal favorite.
$$$ Shampoo - Recoleta - Quintana Similar to Black with better prices.
$$$ Solid Gold - Recoleta - Azcuenaga 1924/26 Typically a large selection.
$$$ Affaire - Recoleta - Guido 1967 (near Junin) An interesting alternate club.
$$$ Nuevo Estilo - Barrio Norte - La Pampa 687 BA's only real strip club.
$$ Catto's - Microcenter - Suipacha 930 An Argentina tradition.
$$ Hook - Microcenter - Suipacha 936 Known for younger-looking chicas.
$$ Salome - Palermo - Cordoba 3401 An interesting alternate club.
Boliches Notes:
- All of the women in these clubs except club staff are working.
- These clubs control what girls work there.
- Entrance Fee: Typically $25-35 pesos - includes for 1st drink.
- Procedure: Walk in like the owner - ignore invitation to be seated - calmly survey room - select a seat - buy a drink - dust off house pig - ignore chicas attentions - reject walk-ups - look around - identify primary and secondary targets - make contact - make offer - specifiy requirements - negoiate.
- Typical price range $150-250 pesos per session. (higher for Black)
- Always negoiate in pesos, not dollars.
- Ladies Drinks are typically $25 to 60 pesos.
- There is rarely a drink purchase requirement to talk to a chick.
- There is always a drink purchase requirement to take a chick out.
- Typical bar fine: 1 drink for 1 hr, 2 drinks for 2 hrs, 3 drinks for no return.
$$ Cocodrilo - Palermo - Gallo 1311 An after hours club - till 8am.
$$ New Port - Recoleta - Junin at Vicente Lopez Interesting mix of pros and amatures.
Club Notes:
- 98% of the women in these clubs are working.
- These clubs do not exercise any supervision over the working girls.
- Entrance Fee: Rare or Minimal
- Buy a drink, look around, make contact, make offer, negoiate.
- Typical price range $150-250 pesos per session.
- There are no "Ladies Drinks". This is a regular club.
- There is no drink purchase requirement to talk to a chick.
- There is no drink purchase requirement to take a chick out.
Private Apartments
Santa Fe 1707 Apt 3 - Recoleta
Guemes 3221 apt 2a
Maipu 359 5th fl apt 74-elevator4
Suipacha 921 6c
Larrea 1072 - AKA Cielo Prívate
Private Apartments Notes:
- Some are 24 hour, most are open business hours.
- Must pay in advance.
- Take out service is commonly available.
- Procedure: Ring bell - enter apartment - be seated in viewing room - Madame explains prices - chicas introduced one at a time - make selection - go to room - pay chica - she returns and fun begins.
Cafe Orleans - Microcenter - Cordoba & San Martin Afternoons and early evenings.
Exedra - Microcenter - Cordoba & Carlos Pelligrini 11pm till late night.
Escort Websites
Escort Website Notes
- The photos are almost always photoshopped.
- There's a 2 point loss between the photos and the actual girl.
- Many ads are fronts for private apartments.
- Fake photos are common. Substitute chicas are common.
- Usual availability is noon to 8pm or later.
- Price: Between $150 and $250 pesos per session.
$$$$ Aquellos Años - Costanera Norte - Rafael Obligado & La Pampa Best steaks in BA.
$$$$ Piegari - Recova Also quite possibily the best steak in BA.
$$$ El Establo - Microcenter - Paraguay 489 Typical BA Grill.
$$$ Broccolinos - Microcenter - Cordoba 810 Good Italian food
$$ La Churrasquita - Microcenter - Ave Corrientes 1220 Good food and great service.
$$ El Alamo - Recoleta - 1175 Uruguay Renowned as an ex-pat watering hole.
$$ El Yugo - Recoleta - Ayacucho 1629 A typical Argentina parrilla experience.
$$ La Gran Taberna - Congreso - Combate de los Pozos 95 Authentic Spanish seafood & grill.
Restaurant Areas
Puerta Madera - Downtown - ?????????? - Former dock area with dozens of trendy places.
Las Canitas - Ave. Baez - A currently trendy neighborhood.
Costanera Norte - ???????????? - Area of large, stand alone restaurants.
Recova - Microcenter - ???????????? - Several high-class restaurants.
Restaurant Notes:
- No earlier than 9:30pm, after 10:00pm is better
- Tipping: 5% is a common, 10% is excellent, 15+% is stupid.
- A $2-$4 pesos per person "cuberito" (service fee) is common.
- A sirloin steak is called a "Bife de Chorizo".
Other Activities
City Tour with Roxanna
Tango show at the Gardel
Shopping on Florida Avenue
Casino at Puerto Madero
05-30-06, 18:13
Restaurants: suggest adding the following.
Sucre - Palermo.
Gran Bar Danzon - Libertad and Santa Fe.
Piegari - recova.
Le sud - in Sofitel hotel.
El desnivel - san telmo at Defensa and Independencia (cheap, cheerful, buzzy and great meat)
The first four are more expensive but they get away from the usual bife joints.
What about adding Transitorios?
Horizonte - tres Sargentos near orleans.
Kansas - Talcahuano and Cordoba
Hi Jackson,
You might want to add:
La Brigada - San Telmo, Estados Unidos something, I got the address at home.
Prima Fila - Recoleta, in the "Buenos Aires Design" mall - the only Italian that cooks pasta al dente.
Sinclair - see my post for the address.
Also, all the Restaurants in Recova, under the 9 de Julio bridge, are good (but expensive) I personally know El Mirasol, Piegari, Plaza Mayor, Sorrento and "Vitello e Dulce".
You might add some general eating advice: dinner not before 9:30, better 10, even later, and El Alemáns first rule of identifying good eating places: if it is packed with locals at 10 pm, it should be good.
Another tip I would include, for guys who are not only in BA for 3 days with the objective of banging as many chicas as possible during the limited time, but do it a little bit more relaxed: see a good Tango show. Esquina Carlos Gardel is highly recommended. Let Roxanna make the reservations. Not cheap, if you take the VIP seats on the balcony (the cheap ones are not recommended, you might find yourself wedged into a bus load of Japanese tourists, click, click, click. A great place to take a favorita.
Maybe some general advice:
Money: avoid the cambio's on the airport. Use your ATM card. Draw 990 instead of 1000 pesos. Use every opportunity to get change, Argentina is notoriosly short of coins and small bills - and you need them for taxi's and tips.
How to avoid getting identified as gringo without even opening your mouth: dress as close as the locals as possible. No shorts, no sneakers, no tee- or sweatshirts with US sports logo's.
Taxi: I consider them generally safe, but some tips: try to get one marked "radio taxi". Catch a cruising one, or even better one that just drops passengers. Avoid the ones conveniently standing in front of the clubs.
Telephone: Some advice how to rent a cellphone. And, once and forever, how to call an Argentinean cellphone from outside: 011 54 911 xxxx xxxx. 011 to be replaced by your country's international access code if that country happens not to be the U. S. 00 in most of Europe.
The hint, that every word of spanish you speak makes life much easier.
And some general advice on chica management and pricing: You are in macho country, so as the man you are supposed to take control. You set the terms, and they will be accepted as long as they are in the reasonable bracket. Expect to pay A$R 150. 300 for an hour to 2, the lower side for Microcentro and cafe girls, the higher in Recoleta except Affaire. Only exception Black. Dollars? What is that? A bit more for TLN. Never pay in advance. If a girl quotes you a ridiculous price, let her know that you know that it's ridiculous.
I think, this "beginner's guide" is a very good idea, it might be something to replace Moondog's great guide.
I hope I could contribute a few things,
El Alemán
I think El Alemán's idea of a general advice section is a great idea. Those are all excellent basic things to know.
As for restaurants, I'm going to add the third vote for Piegari in Recova, I think it is one of the best Steaks you can get in BA and is perfect for someone visiting alone. One side of the restaurant has a booth that runs the length and is a perfect place for an individual to have a great steak with a good view for people watching and not feel like a tool sitting alone at a table in the middle of the room (note: there are 2 Piegari's across the street from one another, I prefer the one that has a front patio) I would add Baez street in Las Canita. That one short street is all restaurants (2 dozen or so) and a few pubs. You can finds about any kind of food there from Sushi to pizza / pasta to steaks. You don't even need to tell the Taxi a cross street just Baez in Las Canitas. Plaza Serrano (Serrano and Honduras) in Palermo Viejo is similar, there are a dozen affordable restarants in that plaza to choose from. Both of these give someone the option of going to an "area" as opposed to a specific restaurant.
If the tip shit is for a newbie, it might be helpful to include the general protocol at the clubs. For instance, pay 35 pesos entrance. Find a girl you like. Must buy her a certain number of drinks to take her out. Negotiate a price etc. A lot of americans don't even know at first that you can take the girls out for sex, so the general process would be useful for them.
Also, the range of prices may be helpful. Such as, microcenter, pay anywhere from 125-275. Recoleta anywhere between 200-300. Affaire 175-200. Blacks 400-600 pesos, etc.
Chica D
06-01-06, 06:24
It's not the steak house, good though that is too. Walking down Talcahuano from Santa Fe towards Cordoba, it's on the right hand side some 30 metres before Cordoba. Trust me, it does exist, and they're happy to accept threesomes (unlike e. G. Horizonte) I should know! It was the scene of the crime with a certain lady who has been the subject of much debate on this forum!
The Piegari CO2 refers to is the one I call "Vitello re Dolce". And I second the idea of mentioning Shampoo. Yes, and mention the 2 or 3 WYSIWYG web sites.
In the general section maybe a list of 4 - 5 chica friendly hotels.
I can see on the other hand the concern, that the whole thing gets too big, and that at the end some selection has to be made just to keep the guide in some size. I would suggest to try to get it onto 4 letter (or A4, for us Europeans) siized pages, including one page of maps, as a. Pdf file that can be printed 2 sided onto 2 sheets. So to say the gentleman's appendix to your trustworthy travel guide.
El Alemán
How about some the other non mongering BA ideas, especially if you only have a couple of days.
Tick a box for tango at the Gardel, shopping at Florida, the Rox tour, etc.
Top 3 resturantes, bars & clubs (pro & non pro)
Just a suggestion.
Rockin Bob
06-01-06, 22:38
I'd think about including the floating casino at Porto Madero under the non-mongering activities. Gambling is another one of those fun things that's illegal back in a large part of the USA, so maybe some US visitors would like the opportunity.
El Grandote
06-01-06, 23:22
Hey Bob remember that night you introduced me to the floating casino? Man what a night that was. I can't wait to get back there for some gambling and chica chasing as well. Hey do you remember the lime green pants chica from Exedra? Well this is what she look like right before I fucked the hell out of her. She was a great fuck but a terrible liar, too bad I had to kick her to the curb.
Out for Flesh
06-05-06, 13:50
Money: avoid the cambio's on the airport. Use your ATM card. I would say: unless for some reason your trip is (partially) payed by your company. If taxis, hotel bills, etc. Are reimbursed to you after the trip, then a change bill showing an unrealistically high rate (but, in any case, real! Will help you to get some additional money in your pocket when you're back at home. That's not cheating, as you have spent that money on the hobby, which has made you happier and your duties smoother. Only that they wouldn't understand that at the company HQs.:-)
Keep in mind that there is one legitimate bank which operates at Ezieza, Banco de la Nacion Argentina, and the exchange rate for banknotes is the same there as at other legitimate institutions in downtown Buenos Aires. The small exchange kiosks should be avoided as ripoffs, of course.
06-14-06, 08:25
If the tip shit is for a newbie, it might be helpful to include the general protocol at the clubs...Also, the range of prices may be helpful. Such as, microcenter, pay anywhere from 125-275. Recoleta anywhere between 200-300. Affaire 175-200. Blacks 400-600 pesos, etc.I agree. Although I've been coming to Argentina for a while, the mongering scene is new to me. I am clueless as to how to go about it at the clubs, the private apartments, the cafes, etc. Generally accepted protocols and prices would be great.
Perhaps it would be a good idea to explain the peculiar "Bottle Marking" custom that certain bars use to determine your bar tab. Lord Jim does this and some guys may think it's a rip off even though it is quite practical.
Bullshit. It's a rip off and is a round about way of doing things the "American" or "British" way with measuring devices and such. Here in BA we like a nice healthy pour straight from the bottle.
Where is "Lord Jim", so we can avoid it?
The Buenos Aires Tip Sheet now available for review.
Buenos Aires Tip Sheet (
Hotman 666
06-15-06, 10:33
As an occasional visitor to B.A (around twice a year for the last 10 years or so. I believe that a lot of first time visitors would stay "somewhere central."
Therefore I think that La Chacra and Estancia should be included in the list of Restaraunts as both are a good intro to "typical" Argentinian food.
Also Cabana Las Lilias on Puerto Madero is also one of my favourites. Although not cheap by local standards the quality is good and seens to be frequented by a good mix of locals and visitors! I saw former president Menem's wife and daughter there on one Sunday lunchtime last year.
Hi Hotman 666,
I appreciate your suggestions, but...
I don't know La Chacra, but Estancia and especially Cabana las Lilas are flaming tourist places, and in my tip sheet I was trying not to promote tourist traps and instead provide some restaurant options that are more authentic. That's also why I opted to list some restaurants that weren't in el Centro.
La Chacra defines "tourist trap." That is the place on Córdoba around the corner from Exedra with the stuffed cow out front. Food is mediocre and prices are ridiculous. Petting the cow is fun, though.
Dear fellow mongers.
As for anything we do, we must plan first. Especiallly if you are planning a trip to Buenos Aires. These are two steps I normally do before going to chica land.
1. Plan a chica budget. Ask, how many chicas can I have? Vary between quantity and quality. During the day visit apartments, cafe's, and call escorts for the cheap sex (quantity) Then at night visit the more expensive clubs (quality) Pace yourself, so you don't run out of girl money before the trip is over.
2. Plan for escorts. Do your research at home. Make a catalog of the girls you want from the escort sites. Go through the thousands listed, cut and paste pictures to a word document with their name, phone number, and services provided. Catalog and list of at least 20 that you like. When in Argentina, some will not be available, but you can go to the next on the list.
06-15-06, 23:24
1. The chica tips are very good. After reading it, I think I can go to a club or private apartment and navigate my way to the great promised land. I didn't have that feeling before reading it. Of course, it could always have more info, but as it stands it's a very good starter document.
2. I wouldn't worry at all about listing restaurants. Never in my life -- anywhere in the world outside of Paris -- have I stumbled across as many good restaurants as I have in Buenos Aires. Finding them is part of the charm of Buenos Aires, and I wouldn't waste valuable "chica tip" space on the eating tips. Pussy trumps food any day of the week.
Thanks for putting it all together,
Where is "Lord Jim", so we can avoid it?Rio de Janeiro.
La Chacra is horribly overpriced. All it has is location. Estilo Campo beats Cabana Las Lilas for value, food, and service along with dozens of other restaurants in BA. A few gringos have privately admitted carnal knowledge of that cow in La Chacra and even she is overpriced.
Does anyone know if the "Cubierto or Servicio Mesa" in restaurants is split with the waiters or is this entirely for the House?
This charge combined with a 5% propina can push the total after meal expense to the 15-20% range easily.
Hi Alan23
The cubierto goes to the restaurant. It's basically to prevent loitering.
I'm new to the board thinking of taking my first trip to Argentian in mid Oct. Very impressed with the information I see on the form and all the helpful hints I do like the tip sheet I easy to printout page so that we do not have to hunt and peck through to assemble our own.
What does this mean? "dust off the house pig".
Hi Nemesis,
When you first settle in at a club you will often be approached (usually at the urging of the house management) by the ugliest girl there (aka the "house pig"). The purpose of this tactic to see if they can foist their worst "inventory" off on you, thus preserving their best girls for more discriminating clients. Surprisingly enough, this tactic actually works on occasion. For example, Exon will always fall for the first chica that approaches him. He always protests when I point this out to him, even while he's sitting in the club with the chica in his lap, but sure enough 20 minutes later he's out the door with the same chica.
Anyway, the point is to know what's happening and to be prepared to tell the house pig to get lost so you can take your time, survey all the available chicas and then make your own selection.
Shit, I recall how that happened to me on two occasions. Argentina really is a corrupt country.
Shit, I recall how that happened to me on two occasions. Argentina really is a corrupt country.LOL LOL LOL:)
09-11-06, 22:04
First off. Great work!
I agree with previous comments that recommendations of restaurants may be a waste of space here (maybe add an advertisment for El Alamo!
I would add a section on massages my favourites are:
-Croix possibly the best infrastructure in town for happy end massage. Sauna, showers, party room, etc. Etc.
-Dream On.
Both change the girls regularly and have better and worse times. Both have sauna, which I love after the massage, helps to get all the cream off before going home and really relaxes you.
I've been to B. A. off and on now for a few years, and have used a number of your recommedations. In reference to your tip sheet private apartments- Best to downgrade SantaFe 1707 apt 3, to $$. It does not even compare in quality either to CeiloPrivate on Larrea. SantaFe may have a few more girls at times though, but facilities are much higher in quality and the madam much more professional at Ceilo. Rates at Ceilo - $200, 220, and 250 pesos. SantaFe - straight $100 pesos (any extras-you and girl negot.) I also tried Maipu 429 5th floor, as a walk up twice now and recieved no answer. I'll try phone contact prior to my next visit.
Hi Zhomeguy,
Actually the "$$" system is intended only to indicate approximate price range, not quality. Perhaps the correct thing would be to re-evaluate Ceilo at "$$$$".
Hello Jackson, just a few follow up questions to the tip sheet for us newbies.
What is the best phrase to use when declining an offer to seat someone at the boliches?
When pondering over the selections at the boliches, what is a nice way to reject the walk ups?
What does dusting off the house pig mean exactly?
When is the best time to visit the boliches for maximum quality of targets?
10-23-06, 20:14
No gracias.
No gracias or tell them you like blondes if they are brunette, brunette if they are blond, tall if short, short if tall, etc. If they get pushy tell them to leave. I usually tell them that if I wanted to talk to them I would have called them over.
It is like dusting off the newbie question.
Different hours for different clubs. If you arrive before 11 you will get to see all the talent walk in. By 1 am whatever is in the club will be your selection for the night. If you do not see what you like hit other clubs immediately.
Hi Noodleman,
What is the best phrase to use when declining an offer to seat someone at the boliches?"Gracias, No", and then walk away.
When pondering over the selections at the boliches, what is a nice way to reject the walk ups?I tell them in spanish "You are very attractive, but I like to look around before I make a decision." Unfortunately for you, I know how to say this but not how to write this in spanish.
What does dusting off the house pig mean exactly?It means that you should expect to be first approached by the ugliest chica working in the club that night, and thus you want to be mentally prepared to thwart her advances.
When is the best time to visit the boliches for maximum quality of targets?Generally at or just after midnight.
El Viking79
01-29-08, 19:43
Just wanted to say high five on the tip sheet, your work is not going unnoticed and I for one hope you keep it up. Like maybe a yearly update, with everyone of the fellow B. A. Mongers chipping in. ¿No?
I tell them in spanish "You are very attractive, but I like to look around before I make a decision." Unfortunately for you, I know how to say this but not how to write this in spanish.Vos sos muy bella, pero quiero mirar un poco antes de decider.
Daddy Rulz
01-30-08, 04:39
Vos sos muy bella, pero quiero mirar un poco antes de decider.Que parte la palabra no usted no entiende? Puta. Less formaly, Que parte la palabra no vos no entendes? Puta. Use this phrase after you politly tell them you're not interested now and they act like they don't understand you, ask you for a tip, ask you to buy them a drink, ask you for 10 dollars because their mother needs eye glasses, asks you to buy their friend a drink, asks you if you want to fuck their friend.
Contrary to popular opinion I do try to be polite some times. I find being polite in boliches and lacking Spanish is like driving in Mexico, if you show any fear forget it, it's all over but the crying, you have to be bold. I think Jacksons response is better than telling them they are pretty and you want to look around.
Like another republican advocates, just say no, say it firmly and a bit dismissively. If after a beer or six you decide that perhaps she is worthy of wearing your spooge, having treated her a little brusquely will make her more amenable to your offer. The way chicas respect strong men and hold weakness in contempt is a subject that can never be overstated. If you have her thinking she needs to impress you to get the dollas than you're half way to a good fuck for less money. If on the other hand she senses blood in the water like the perfect predator she is, you're chum.
"I think Jacksons response is better than telling them they are pretty and you want to look around."Daddy Rulz, that was Jackson's response, not mine.
BTW, your phrase, "Que parte la palabra no vos no entendes?" is stated clearly if you add the preposition "de": Que parte de la palabra "no" vos no entiendes?
Daddy Rulz
01-30-08, 12:28
[QUOTE=Daddy Rulz.
"I think Jacksons response is better than telling them they are pretty and you want to look around."
Daddy Rulz, that was Jackson's response, not mine.
BTW, your phrase, "Que parte la palabra no vos no entendes?" is stated clearly if you add the preposition "de": Que parte de la palabra "no" vos no entiendes?I get very confused with articles and prepositions in Spanish because I think and form sentences in English, then translate them to Spanish in my head. Often I'm using English grammar with Spanish words as shown here.
I thought my post clearly stated that I was suggesting Jacksons response was better than what noodleman was asking for. You had been kind enough to post it in Spanish. Though wouldn't the translated phrase "Vos sos muy bella, pero quiero mirar un poco antes de decider." be closer in actual usage if you dropped the word Vos? I understand it's not incorrect to use it, but most Spanish speakers I know drop the pronoun because it's implied in the verb.
Obviously your Spanish is better than mine, this is really a question, not an attempt to be an asshole.
Thanks in advance.
[QUOTE=Daddy Rulz][QUOTE=Facundo]I get very confused with articles and prepositions in Spanish because I think and form sentences in English, then translate them to Spanish in my head. Often I'm using English grammar with Spanish words as shown here.
I thought my post clearly stated that I was suggesting Jacksons response was better than what noodleman was asking for. You had been kind enough to post it in Spanish. Though wouldn't the translated phrase "Vos sos muy bella, pero quiero mirar un poco antes de decider." be closer in actual usage if you dropped the word Vos? I understand it's not incorrect to use it, but most Spanish speakers I know drop the pronoun because it's implied in the verb.
Obviously your Spanish is better than mine, this is really a question, not an attempt to be an asshole." (quote, Daddy Rulz).
Daddy Rulz, I've always found your postings informative and never seen you as an asshole.
You are correct that often you can drop the "yo, tú, el, ella, usted, nosotros, and ustedes" when they are already in the verb. However, at times the pronoun is left in for emphasis. For example, the expression "lo hago yo" (I will do it) the "yo" is left in for emphasis. The conjugated verb "hago" ("hacer" or to do, to make, etc., already clearly states that I will do it.
However, the phrase, "Vos sos muy bella, pero quiero mirar un poco antes de decider", would sound strange if you left out "vos". Although the expression "sos muy bella" is correct, it would sound better only in the middle of a discussion. For example, if the girl responds with "no, no soy bella" (no, I'm not beautiful) one might say, to her, "no, sos muy bella". This is one time when translating the phrase, "you are very beautiful", literally from the english will help you.
I recently told a hospital worker in polite terms, "Usted es una zorra" (You are a hooker or a tart or a puta) If I had left out the "usted" it would have resulted in my saying to her, "are a hooker (es una zorra).
Daddy Rulz
02-01-08, 05:15
When you say it doesn't sound right, I have no idea what sounds right jaja, it all sounds right to me. Forever I used to say "para tu" not knowing how stupid that sounds. Don't even get me started about the year I confused the word Concha for Cancha lol. I''m still embarrassed about that. My friend helped me out when I was talking to his mom about futball. He took me aside and said Concha is pussy, Cancha is a stadium. Luckily they all know how bad my Spanish is.
Que parte la palabra no usted no entiende? Puta. Less formaly, Que parte la palabra no vos no entendes? Puta. Use this phrase after you politly tell them you're not interested now and they act like they don't understand you, ask you for a tip, ask you to buy them a drink, ask you for 10 dollars because their mother needs eye glasses, asks you to buy their friend a drink, asks you if you want to fuck their friend.
Contrary to popular opinion I do try to be polite some times. I find being polite in boliches and lacking Spanish is like driving in Mexico, if you show any fear forget it, it's all over but the crying, you have to be bold. I think Jacksons response is better than telling them they are pretty and you want to look around.
Like another republican advocates, just say no, say it firmly and a bit dismissively. If after a beer or six you decide that perhaps she is worthy of wearing your spooge, having treated her a little brusquely will make her more amenable to your offer. The way chicas respect strong men and hold weakness in contempt is a subject that can never be overstated. If you have her thinking she needs to impress you to get the dollas than you're half way to a good fuck for less money. If on the other hand she senses blood in the water like the perfect predator she is, you're chum.I dig what you saying about the strong man thing, and have basically used all the tips here, but can someone suggest a good approach or line when approaching a chica?
Daddy Rulz
02-11-08, 23:28
I dig what you saying about the strong man thing, and have basically used all the tips here, but can someone suggest a good approach or line when approaching a chica?You know what you want, they know what you want, you know that they know what you want, they know that you know that they know what you want. The only real issue is how long and how much money plus what will help you get good service.
Sometimes jokes, ask them where the shoes are. When they say "what? " as in what the fuck are you talking about, ask them if this isn't a shoe store. Stupid about half don't get it, but intelligence within reason is sexy so the ones that get are smarter than the ones that don't.
Finger motions, the come here waggle. It's direct it shows confidence and puts them in their place.
Walk over kiss their cheek, sit down and say hello. Of course the chair next to them is empty, they are praying that you or somebody just likes you fill the seat, then their concha and then their purses.
Send a waitress.
Or the simple direct approach I prefer. "Hola, queres cojer? " "Hi do you want to fuck? " It's crude, boorish and makes them uncomfortable, exactly where I want them and how I feel like being most times. It quickly weeds out the princesses that you have to pretend to seduce. If you think about it, your perfect prospect looks at you and answers "SI! "
There are no wrong moves brother, like Julia Roberts in pretty women, this is a sure thing. Be a King, do whatever you feel like doing in the moment. Be less worried about how they respond then you are about doing whatever the fuck you feel like because again, You Are The King, be it.
There are no wrong moves brother, like Julia Roberts in pretty women, this is a sure thing. Be a King, do whatever you feel like doing in the moment. Be less worried about how they respond then you are about doing whatever the fuck you feel like because again, You Are The King, be it.100% agree!
You know what you want, they know what you want, you know that they know what you want, they know that you know that they know what you want. The only real issue is how long and how much money plus what will help you get good service.
Sometimes jokes, ask them where the shoes are. When they say "what? " as in what the fuck are you talking about, ask them if this isn't a shoe store. Stupid about half don't get it, but intelligence within reason is sexy so the ones that get are smarter than the ones that don't.
Finger motions, the come here waggle. It's direct it shows confidence and puts them in their place.
Walk over kiss their cheek, sit down and say hello. Of course the chair next to them is empty, they are praying that you or somebody just likes you fill the seat, then their concha and then their purses.
Send a waitress.
Or the simple direct approach I prefer. "Hola, queres cojer? " "Hi do you want to fuck? " It's crude, boorish and makes them uncomfortable, exactly where I want them and how I feel like being most times. It quickly weeds out the princesses that you have to pretend to seduce. If you think about it, your perfect prospect looks at you and answers "SI! "
There are no wrong moves brother, like Julia Roberts in pretty women, this is a sure thing. Be a King, do whatever you feel like doing in the moment. Be less worried about how they respond then you are about doing whatever the fuck you feel like because again, You Are The King, be it.Bottom line is, every guy has their own style and skills.
I personally would never ask a chica, "hola, quieres coger?"
This may fit some guys personality and style, but others no.
I find talking with the chicas playfully with confidence really works.
You and the chica know what the game is about. You already know she wants to have sex for money.
The conversation and flirting prior to the sex will almost always tell you what type of loving you're in store for or if you even want her.
For me, the conversation foreplay is the best way of weeding out chicas I don't want and finding a keeper.
"Hola mi amor, como estas?" "Eres muy linda y me encantaria conocerte un poquito mejor". And on from there. And when you want her. "Mi amor, me encantaria besarte todo tu cuerpo y hacer amor contigo bien rico toda la noche"
(My love, I would love to kiss your entire body and make great love with you all night long)
I enjoy the conversation and talking smooth and loving to get a feel for the chica.
Like you say though, there is no wrong way. Everyone's got thier style.
Good luck!
Hey Guys,
I hope I'm asking for this correctly. I'm looking for a map of local train lines out into the provinces similar to this one here:, but overlaid onto a Google or Bing Map. I'm finding myself doing more and more business in the provinces, and I haven't found a single source that combines street maps and train maps all on one map. Extra points for an iPhone / iPad app that combines them all in one.
If anybody has any tips, I'd really appreciate it. I'll even throw in a free dinner at my place in a few weeks. But more on that later.
Thanks in advance!
Hey Guys,
I hope I'm asking for this correctly. I'm looking for a map of local train lines out into the provinces similar to this one here:, but overlaid onto a Google or Bing Map. I'm finding myself doing more and more business in the provinces, and I haven't found a single source that combines street maps and train maps all on one map. Extra points for an iPhone / iPad app that combines them all in one.
If anybody has any tips, I'd really appreciate it. I'll even throw in a free dinner at my place in a few weeks. But more on that later.
Thanks in advance!
Chezz.These may help you a little:
I'm sure if you use these as a basis for your search there must be similar for all the train lines.
These may help you a little:
I'm sure if you use these as a basis for your search there must be similar for all the train lines.Thanks Aqualung. The one that worked the best was the Omni Lineas site. On the left towards the bottom, there's 3 pull-down boxes under "consultar un recorrido de:" I chose Trene and then just started clicking through the different train lines. In my case, it was the Belgrano line which ended up helping me. It's too bad there's not an interface like there is for the collectivos. That would be very helpful. Anyway, this ended up working so thanks again.
Daddy Rulz
06-08-13, 16:51
It's too bad there's not an interface like there is for the collectivos. That would be very helpful. Anyway, this ended up working so thanks again.If I'm understanding what you said correctly, if you click on the colectivo box then choose the line it works the same way. Though it wants to letter the remales not number them, I assume (always a bad idea in Argentina) that a=1, be=2 and so on.
If I'm understanding what you said correctly, if you click on the colectivo box then choose the line it works the same way. Though it wants to letter the remales not number them, I assume (always a bad idea in Argentina) that a=1, be=2 and so on. You do assume wrongly. Each bus company has it's own system. Some "ramales" are numbered, some are with letters, some a combination of colour and numbers, some letters and a place name or others just a place name. For example one bus line may have AxAutopista, AxDiagonal, BxCongreso or BxGeneral Paz. Another may have Red-1, Black-1, Red-2, black, 2 and so on while others just have Liniers, Chacarita, Quilmes etc.
But what Chezz needed was a map with train lines mounted over a map with street names. You can find all the streets and train lines on google earth but you have to have a good idea of the area you are looking for as the train tracks and stations aren't marked clearly.
New guy here and I am trying to find out what my options are for the hours of about 5 am to 9 am in call or visiting to your apt.? These are good hours for me since I am not an all night type of monger.
06-10-13, 21:47
Check out the website tu17 f dot com.
New guy here and I am trying to find out what my options are for the hours of about 5 am to 9 am in call or visiting to your apt.? These are good hours for me since I am not an all night type of monger.
Please advise -- I need a guide. Thank You in Advance.
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