View Full Version : Cordoba Lists
This list was provided as a courtesy of WorldTravel69.
Cordoba Lists
1. Alvear 168, 1 piso.
2. Colon 129, $100 pesos for one hour
3. Salta 83, $100 pesos for one hour
4. Salta 123, 100P the hour, 50 a half, 30 for 20 minutes.
5. Tucuman 429
6. Obispo Salguero 712, 60 pesos for 1 hour and 30 for 1/2 hour.
7. Obispo Salguero 225, near Interplaza Hotel.
8. Cavalleyz 1575, 100 pesos for 1 hour with a 20 minute option.
9. 9 DeJulio 731, $100 pesos for one hour.
10. Caseros 690, PB 5
11. Rioja 178,
12. Santa Rosa 125, 2 D
13. Gral Paz 578,
14. Ituzaingo 352, young college girls
15. Sucre 117, young college girls
16. San Martín 841, older women.
17. Avenida Castro have women hanging in the doorways. These apartments generally have about 3 fairly good looking 20-something women. Prices were 30-50 USD/half-hour on a woman-to-woman basis.
1. Cafe Reggo, General Paz and Santa Rosa.
2. Richmond Bar on Olmos nr Gral Paz.
3. Catamarca 175.
4. "Playboy," "Venus," and "El Fagan." Around Rioja and Sucre. Prices seem to be $100-150 for 1n 1 1/2 or 2 hours.
1. Cleopatra, Carlos Paz Area, located just across from the casino.
2. Tiffanies, reputed to be the finest selection in Carlo Paz.
3. Villa General Belgrano
4. Repoza, about 1/2 way back to the airport.
1. PENELOPE, and LA DIOSA. Avenida Colon,. 100 pesos an hour.
25 de Mayo 321 (or Julio, I forget which). A half hour was only 30 pesos.
2. Badino, Colon and Fragueiro.
1. La Rioja & Tucuman,
2. Calle Peron is packed with streetwalkers. Ugly streetwalkers to be honest but if your into ugly streetwalkers then the Royal is the place to stay.
3. Sarmiento & Maipu
4. Rivadavia / General Paz zone for 15-20 pesos for 30min.
Web Sites, $50 peso for each extra hour.
1. Windsor Hotel, Buenos Aires 214, Tel/Fax: 0351/422-4012, 4 star, downtown, US$40-US$60,
2. Felipe II (San Jeronimo 279). Also 3 star at 80 pesos
3. Hotel Royal, Blvd. Peron 180, across the street from the train station.
4. Sheraton Cordoba Hotel online Sheraton rate quote for this weekend, Friday - checking out Monday - U$205/ night. The following weekend rates range U$130 to U$195. See Lucas at the front desk or any of the bell captains will set you up with Chicas.
5. Hotel Urbana, however. Nice central location about 5 minutes from the pedestrian zones and directly across the "river" (la canada) from a bunch of bars. 133 Pesos a night, although I'm not sure if this is a price for Argentines only.
6. American Cordoba Park Hotel, Blvd. San Juan 165, Tel: 0351/420-7000, Fax: 0351/420-7021,
7. Hotel Interplaza, Jeronimo street near Buenos Aires street next to San Martin Plaza. There is discount for staying longer than 1 night. $266 pesos for 1 night and $203 thereafter. College girls are available through the front desk. A 5 peso tip to either male or female personnel is adequate.
8. Hotel Cristal (Entre Rios 58). 3 star 98 pesos per night double with breakfast.
9. Holiday Inn, (Out of Town) The bar man Daniel, will set you up, his English was perfect. On both occasions the girls were 100 pesos. Tip the barman 30/40 pesos
07-28-06, 05:06
I suspected there wasnt any pussy in Cordoba!
What about Riobamba 392?
Here's the first 100 pesos to finance DickHead's expeditionary force by train to investigate and report on Cordoba's chica resources. Matching funds?
The information obtained will be well worth it.
Winter vacation is certainly over because there are some fine culos walking the streets of Cordoba as I am typing this report. Beautiful girls. I'm not doing much P4P here in this city, but I don't think I will have to with all the nubile ass around. I will try to hit a few bars / clubs this weekend and follow up.
Tin "Pegleg"
08-16-06, 18:21
How far is the Holiday Inn from the nicer restaurants / bars in Cordoba? Since its out of town, is it a short cabride? I have heard that this HI is comparable to a Hilton here in the States.
08-20-06, 14:32
Unless you are driving, why stay out of town? Lots of great hotels in downtown.
How far is the Holiday Inn from the nicer restaurants / bars in Cordoba? Since its out of town, is it a short cabride? I have heard that this HI is comparable to a Hilton here in the States.
08-22-06, 03:43
I reccomend staying out of town too. Try Mendoza, BaAs or Rossario they are all out of town.
You guys have been a wealth of information and positive reinforcement. I will be leading my own recon mission in June of next year. Wherever the cat is we will find it. I will follow up with some of my local connections and I will be sure to stay up to date on some of the areas WT69 mentioned in his list. Any other info that is gathered prior to next June will surely help me tactically so don't hesitate to post it up.
I ended up going to Chile instead but Córdoba is still on my list. Bear in mind I have been there twice before so I know there is pussy there. However I am now back in work mode so it may be a while.
Thanks, Bacchus and Santa Fe. I should be able to get away for a three day weekend some time in September.
I found this, may be helpful for some of you who travel to Cordoba.
08-24-06, 16:23
Thanks for the link.
I'll have to check if the pics match the real person.
There are lots of what appear to be short-term hotels on Av. Velez Sarsfield south of the Patio Olmos Shopping mall.
There is also a Language Institute on Av. Velez Sarsfield just north of Patio Olmos where you can meet a lot of American college students if you get tired of speaking Castellano.
I don't think I'll be looking for anything other than spanish speakers!
08-30-06, 14:24
A gringa who learned a little something from a Cordobesita may be nice.
Hola gentlemen,
Going to Cordoba at the end of the month for business. Had lots of luck in BA thanks to all of you. Not much recent from Cordoba as far as posting. Can anyone give me some current advice. Staying at the Interplaza. Should I get some companionship through the hotel as stated a couple years ago or shoud I go through some incall sites? Any advice would be very very much appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
02-22-08, 01:35
The report originally posted here has been superseded by a new report posted later in this thread.
Greg Mason
03-03-08, 21:51
Staying at the moment in Cordoba, I'd chance to surf on the net.
Found this Web side:
On WT69 List for Hotels was a Mistake:
6. American Cordoba Park Hotel, Blvd. San Juan 165, Tel: 0351/420-7000, Fax: 0351/420-7021,
Greg Mason
03-09-08, 21:46
Having been in Cordoba for some days, started to check out some places indicated in Cordoba list.
Friday night I was free after late dinner with some business partners,
Walking down town area arround 1am.
Cafe Reggo on General Paz and Santa Rosa.
Nothing for mongers.
Richmond Bar on Avenida Colon near Gral Paz.
Only 2 girls, not beauty, arround 40+++
Only one customer having a beer.
PENELOPE, Avenida Colon 129
Uggly place from outside, so I didn't steped in.
Finished my round on plaza San Martin, to see the SW,
Nothing seen.
Saturday was Intl. Woman day, every where some activities, all above mentioned places empty.
All girls advertising in the different local Webs (see my previous message)
Are with covered faces.
Most advertisements on Newspapers are girls working in the 3 places Penelope has in Cordoba.
So, I will be happy to be back in Bs As on Tuesday.
07-13-09, 13:03
Córdoba 07-13-09
Some new info, but some of the prices have gone up, which ones, I do not know.
One of the best cities in South America to meet Chicas with Seven Universities around town.
1. Alvear 168, piso 1, at Catamarca. Chicas: 8. Prices: 40p 20 min., 60p 30 min., 80p 40 min., 100p hour. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
2. Caseros 690, PB 5, at Arturo M. Bas. Chicas: ___. Prices: 20p 20 min., 1p per min. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
3. Avenida Castro has women hanging around the doorways. These apartments generally have about 3 fairly good looking 20-something women. Prices: US$30-50 30 min., on a woman-to-woman basis. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
4. Cavalleyz 1575. Chicas: 4-6. Prices: 100p hour with a 20 minute option. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
5. Avenida Colon 129, at Rivera Indarte. Chicas: 8 to 12. Prices: Regular: 40p 30 min., 80p hour, Complete: 50p 30 min., 100p hour. Tel: ______. Hours: 24/7.
6. Gral Paz 578, at La Tablada. Chicas: ___. Prices: 20p 20 min., 1p per min. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
7. Ituzaingo 352, near Corrientes. Chicas: 3-4, Young college girls. Prices: 30p 20 min., 50p 30 min., 70p hour. Tel: ______. Hours: 24.
8. (Maybe Closed) 9 de Julio 731, at Pueyrredon. Chicas: ___. Prices: 100p hour. Tel: ______. Hours: 24.
9. Obispo Salguero 712, at San Lorenzo. Chicas: 3. Prices: 40p 30 min., 70p hour, 100p hour completo. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
10. Riobamba 392, at San Martin. Chicas: ___. Prices: ____. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
11. Rioja 178, at Avenida Donato Alvarez. Chicas: ___. Prices: 20p 20 min., 1p per min. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
12. Salta 83, at 25 de Mayo. Chicas: 6. Prices: 20p 15 min., 60p 30 min., 100p hour. Hours: 10am to 7am, 7 Days. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
13. Salta 123, at 25 de Mayo. Chicas: 6. Prices: 30p 20 min., 80p 30 min., 120p hour, 200p complete. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
14. San Martín 841, at 12 de Rincon. Older Chicas: ___ Prices: 20p 20 min., 1p per min. Tel: ______. Hours: ______.
15. Santa Rosa 125, piso 2 D, at Rivera Indarte. Chicas: ___. Prices: 20p 20 min., 1p per min. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
16. Tucuman 429, at Mendoza. Chicas: ___. Prices: ____. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
1. Cafe Reggo, General Paz and Santa Rosa. Chicas: 5. Prices: 50p to 100p. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
2. Richmond Bar, Olmos near Gral Paz. Chicas: ___. Prices: ____. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
3. Catamarca 175, at Bernardino Rivadavia. Chicas: ___. Prices: ____. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
4. Playboy, near Rioja and Sucre. Chicas: ___. Prices: 100-150p 1 1/2 or 2 hours. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
5. Venus, near Rioja and Sucre. Chicas: ___. Prices: 100-150p 1 1/2 or 2 hours. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
6. El Fagan, near Rioja and Sucre. Chicas: ___. Prices: 100-150p 1 1/2 or 2 hours. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
Clubs (Non Pro?/GFE?)
1. Cleopatra, Carlos Paz Area, located just across from the casino. Tel: ______. Hours: ______.
2. Tiffanies, reputed to be the finest selection in Carlo Paz Area. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
3. Villa General Belgrano. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
4. Repoza, about 1/2 way back to the airport. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
5. Rondeau Street, has several blocks of just bars and clubs.
1. Consequencia, Rondeau Street, Nueva Córdoba area. Entrance 8-10 pesos. Tel: ______. Hours: ___ till 8-9am.
1. PENELOPE, and LA DIOSA, Avenida Colon. Chicas: ___. Prices: 100p hour. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
2. 25 de Mayo 321 (or Julio, I forget which). Chicas: ___. Prices: 30min. 30p. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
3. Badino, Colon and Fragueiro. Chicas: 6-10. Prices: US$40 30 min. Tel: ______. Hours: _____.
SWs Watch out for Tranies
1. La Rioja & Tucuman. Prices: ____. Hours: _____.
2. Calle Peron is packed with streetwalkers. Ugly streetwalkers to be honest but if your into ugly streetwalkers then the Royal is the place to stay. Prices: ____. Hours: _____.
3. Sarmiento & Maipu. Prices: ____. Hours: _____.
4. Rivadavia / General Paz zone. Prices: 15-20p 30 min. Hours: _____.
5. Plaza San Martin. Prices: ____. Hours: _____.
Love Hotels On Obispo Trejo between Laprida and San Luis.
1. Hotel Madrid, Calle Obispo Trejo 645. Rates: 50p 2 hours. Tel: ______.
2. Hotel Trejo, ____ Rates: _____. Tel: ____
Web Sites
1. Prices: 200p-300p
Bars/ Discos / GFE
1. Johnny B. Good, Av. Hipólito Yrigoyen 320. Tel: 351/424-3960. Hours: ____.
2. Mitre, Marcelo T. de Alvear 635. Tel: ____. Hours: ____.
3. Carreras Disco Pub, Av. R J Cárcano. Tel: (351) 484-9664. Hours: _____.
1. Windsor Classic Hotel****, Buenos Aires 241, downtown. Rates: US$96+. Tel/Fax: 0351/422-4012.
2. Hotel Felipe II***, San Jeronimo 279. Rates: 80+ pesos. Tel:/Fax: (0351) 425.5500.
3. Hotel Royal, Blvd. J.D. Peron 180, across the street from the train station. Rates: __.
4. Sheraton Córdoba Hotel, Duarte Quiros 1300. Rates: Online Sheraton rate quote for this weekend, Friday - checking out Monday - U$205/ night. The following weekend rates range U$130 to U$195. See Lucas at the front desk or any of the bell captains will set you up with Chicas.
5. Amerian Córdoba Park Hotel, Blvd. San Juan 165, WiFi. Rates: US$100+. Tel: 0351/420-7000, Fax: 0351/420-7021,
6. Hotel Inter Plaza, San Jeronimo 137, near Buenos Aires street next to San Martin Plaza. Rates: $266 pesos for the 1st night and $203 thereafter. College girls are available through the front desk. A 5 peso tip to either male or female personnel is adequate.
1. Tel: +54 (351) 426 8900. E-mail:
7. Gran Hotel Cristal***, Entre Rios 58. Rates: 99-145 pesos with breakfast. Tel / Fax 351-4245000.
8. Holiday Inn Córdoba***, Fray Luis Beltran Y Cardenosa, C. C. Libertad, (Out of Town), Pool, WiFi. Rates: US$133. The bar man Daniel, will set you up, his English was perfect. On both occasions the girls were 100 pesos. Tip the barman 30/40 pesos. Tel: +54 (351) 477-9100, Fax: +54 (351) 477-9101. E-mail:
9. NH Panorama***, Marcelo T. de Alvear 251 (La Cañada), WiFi. Rates: US$85+. Tel: +54 (351) 410 3900, Fax: +54 (351) 410 3900. E-mail:
10. NH Urbano***, Marcelo T. de Alvear 363 (La Cañada), WiFi. Rates: US$70+. Tel: +54.35.14103960, Fax: +54 351 4103990.
11. Hotel Victoria, 25 de Mayo 240. Rates: US$40. Tel: +54 0351 4290898.
12. Viena Hotel, Laprida 235. Rates: __. Tel: +54 (351) 460 0909. Fax: +54 (351) 460 0909.
Floyd Dylan
05-06-10, 03:56
A few quick updates to the list:
Bars / Whiskerias:
Cafe Reggo and Richmond Bar are just regular pubs. Not sure what they have to do with mongering. Didn't see any working girls inside. Am I missing something?
2am on a Tuesday night (I know, too early in the week and in the night):
Venus club was closed.
Playboy was open, but barely. Didn't look too inviting when I poked my head in.
El Fagan - had a beer there. Skanky, divey. There is a pole but the mammasan told me that legally they're not allowed to dance "in public". Only in private. She said this is a national law, which is why you won't find strip clubs in Argentina. That sucks if true. Funny if brothels are allowed but strip clubs are not!
There were about 8 or 10 girls hanging out, none of them over a 6. Maybe 7. All overweight, although some wore it well. Some cute faces, lots of big natural boobs and ass. Didn't inquire as to prices, wasn't interested.
Walking back to my hotel, I passed a tranny standing at Riviera Indarte and La Rioja. She was 10x hotter than any of the real chicks in El Fagan! Sad.
I would be surprised if SW's are ever in Plaza San Martin, it's so well patrolled and well lit.
I walked by some of the massage and private places listed:
129 Colón: boarded up door, doesn't look open anymore.
175 Catamarca: it's an unmarked door with no buzzer.
352 Ituzaingo: locked up tight, appears to be closed.
83 Salta and 123 Salta: lights on, both appear to be operational.
321 25 de Mayo: stairs leading up from the street, saw a single guy leaving. Didn't have time to investigate, maybe later.
Salta 83 appeared to be closed, as did Ituzaingo 352.
Salta 123 was open and it was a nice enough place. It was reasonably clean and nice (privado: 6/10) I was presented with a reasonably nice line-up of friendly enough girls (lineup: 6/10) and chose a girl who was a very young mom with crooked teeth but a pleasant attitude (chica looks: 6.5/10) She was all right, but not memorable (chica performance: 7/10)
Prices have increased considerably. An hour was 200p, an hour in the VIP room was 250p (couldn't tell much of a difference) A shower with the chica was 50p extra, which I did and which was nice. There was a special 80p for 20 minutes. I would assume that all of the prices in all of the privados have increased significantly since this list was compiled.
06-04-10, 11:55
Thank you for the update.
I really appreciate that members post the info when they go to these places. It makes it easier to update my Lists.
Thanks again and let us know about any more you go to.
Any recommendations? I had some issues with sub par call girls here before (from the cordobesitas. Com website) but the chix were not the same from the pictures (what a surprise! And the experience was not to GFE, I am looking for a similar experience than Gysell but in Cordoba. (BTW, Gysell is crazy good! Any suggestions?
Surprised to see Betty Boop isn't on the list. Haven't been to Cordoba for two years, but this joint was not bad. Pretty big strip club, packed with available pro's and semi-pro's. Five minute taxi ride from downtown. Entrance fee was 10 or 15 pesos, as I recall. And once you're in they'll come for you and you just take your pick.
Cool, just trying the get the best "bang" for my buck, literally.
Suggestions people!
Of the various web sites listed for Cordoba, the one that appears to be working currently is.; they have about 16 chicas, all of whom seem worth further investigation. Is working but has only 8 chicas listed, several of whom do not have active links.
None of these work:
I will be in Cordoba for a conference in early May 2011 and I don't think I will spend any extra time there, but hightail it back to BsAs.
I was in Cordoba for one night and thought I'd check to see if I could have a little fun on my way home after dinner. After checking the lists (cheers World Traveler) I visited this one on 4/1/11 at about 10 in the evening. Rates were 130 for an hour and 70 for half hour. I opted for a half, the Madam was putting pressure on me to take more time but I dug my heels in. There was one girl available Lorena and she wasn't bad, I mean I was expecting a lot less for a place with such rates.
The session itself was less than average, it included a light stroky back massage, then an unanimated CBJ and then her on top until I blew. The girl was nice enough but conservative and over cautious about avoiding contact with my bodily fluids. The only good thing was I showed her how to give deep massage on my hamstrings where I've got tendinitis and she did this ok.
The room had air con and was clean with bathroom. All in all I was happy with the little adventure but probably wouldn't repeat. That being said it would be interesting to see if other members could work something more out of this girl, Paraguayan, tall, alright titties and arse, pale skin, reasonable face. Good luck.
I went by both salta locations last week. 83 was not good. The chicas were older bigger and not that interested. The mamacita also tried to gringo price me, with the rates posted on the wall right behind her."oh those are just for a massage." right lady.
I can't say enough good about 123. First time was with a slim little thing. Probably 6 or 7 but thin and energetic. She punched above her weight and was a good time. The next night I stopped in and met a real sweetheart, honestly been dreaming about her every night since then. Very nice face, great plastic rack, mid 20's, tight athletic body. Multiple postitions, fingered herself in the midst and did a credible, if probably fake O, patient and talkative after. Best experience I have had with a professional anywhere. Only paid 100 peso for 30 min but she was so great I left twice that for a tip. Wish I could remember her name but I won't soon forget how she looked in that minidress and boots!
The addresses were found in the Cordoba newspaper "La Voz del Interior" (Section SERVICIOS / Agencias de Acompanantes)
1. Location: Salta 123
Prices: 100 Pesos / 30 minutes. 200 Pesos / 60 min.
Open: 7 days / 24 hours
Presentation: 5 girls were presented in the range from 5 to 8 (20 to 30 years) , two other guys were at the same time in the another rooms, so the girls went from one room to the another.
Sex: all covered, no kisses but tried to do her job.
Summary: Nothing special, maybe with another girl it will be more fun.
Comments: Sister company Salta 83 (advertize sometimes together)
2. Location: Rioja 178.
Prices: 60 Pesos / 30 minutes. 120 Pesos / 60 min.
Open: at least 6 days from Monday to Saturday.
Presentation: 4 were presented in the range from 2 to 5 (20 to 45 years) , it was nice that they told during the presentation what they do and not just their names.
Sex: The first tried really hard to please me, updated from 30 minutes to 1 hour, liked to repeat with her but she was not available the second time. Choose another one which was a waste of money (no kisses, everything covered.)
3. Location: Santa Rosa 315.
Prices: they have listed the prices on the wall! 30 pesos / 30 minutes. 50 pesos / 30 minutes completo. 60 pesos / 60 minutes. 100 pesos / 60 minutes completo
Presentation: 3 were presented in the range from 2 to 4 (30 to 50 years)
Sex: You have sex but nothing more. For this price acceptable.
Open: all 7 days but not 24 hours, Sunday for example only from 6pm to 2 am.
Further comments: I am bad with names and can not remember the names of the girls. Sorry guys! All three locations are in the Downtown area and have only one entrance with a ring. Salta 123 had the best choice and best rooms but the service in my case was not more than average. Santa Rosa 315 and Rioja 178 are only recommendable for visitors which can live with basic rooms and have at least a basic Spanish knowledge. Strange price structure: for 30 minutes you pay the same for one minute like for 60 minutes, for that reason seems 30 minutes to be the standard in Cordoba.
Have fun in Cordoba.
Using the information gleaned from this site I went and checked out Salta 123 in Cordoba. Firstly, for the newbies, there are two grey doors at 123; the correct one is the one with the doorbell.
At the door I was greeted by the mamasan and seated in the reception. She gestured to the prices, FYI. 130p / half hr; 180/40 mins; 240p / hr inc copa (whatever that is ).
I was introduced to 3 chicas rating 5-7, all were acceptable but I chose Ariana, tall skinny about 25 yo, yum. Unfortunately for me the excitement ended there. Ariana was very pleasant to talk to but upon getting our gear off she was very mechanical, so much so that it was not that enjoyable. Everything was covered, even before I got it up, no besos and the face or boobies; yawn.
Whilst Ariana was useless I would try this place again to test out the other girls.
A big thank you to those who've posted previously.
11-15-12, 23:21
Gral Paz 578. Closed.
Santa Rosa 315. Closed.
Santa Rosa 125. Closed.
Tucuman 429. Closed.
Salta 123. Closed.
Salta 83. Closed.
25 de Mayo 321. Closed.
129 Colóand. As previously reported, Closed.
352 Ituzaingo. As previously reported, Closed.
Playboy, Venus, El Fagan, all closed. Perhaps moved? I doubt it.
Cafe Reggo has no action that I have seen for several days.
I have not seen any street action on La Rioja or Catamarca, but there are police stationed up and down the street.
If any of this is in error, please do correct me.
La Rioja 178 is the only place open, but will probably be closed because of this post. Sorry to be pessimistic.
The ladies are between 2 to 4. They really would not accept me going for half an hour. An hour is 150.
My standards are extraordinarily low, but I still felt a little ashamed of myself after La Rioja 178.
Any tips or hints?
This is the second largest city in Argentina, and almost nothing is going on.
Thanks guys.
In accordance to the Cordoba province law 10060 every establishment that permits prostitution is closed. Some months ago I posted about this. Also every prostitute found in the province of Cordoba will be "deported" to her country of origin. Even the Argentine's not from Cordoba will be sent to their corresponding provinces.
This law came into force in June and some 40 clubs and privados were closed on the first night and some 45 club owners were jailed.
11-18-12, 02:57
In accordance to the Cordoba province law 10060 every establishment that permits prostitution is closed. Some months ago I posted about this. Also every prostitute found in the province of Cordoba will be "deported" to her country of origin. Even the Argentine's not from Cordoba will be sent to their corresponding provinces.
This law came into force in June and some 40 clubs and privados were closed on the first night and some 45 club owners were jailed.Do you think that this indicates a trend in Argentina? Are other provinces thinking of enacting similar legislation? What's the likelyhood of this happening in BsAs?
Thanks, Bob
11-18-12, 03:52
In accordance to the Cordoba province law 10060 every establishment that permits prostitution is closed. Some months ago I posted about this. Also every prostitute found in the province of Cordoba will be "deported" to her country of origin. Even the Argentine's not from Cordoba will be sent to their corresponding provinces.
This law came into force in June and some 40 clubs and privados were closed on the first night and some 45 club owners were jailed.What a Drag Man! Cordoba, full of girls with great butts due to the rolling hills or the rolling hills creating great butts due to the girls walking up and down the hills. Too hot for me, arid, dry, sunburned grass. Best universities in SA for the study of Law so I've heard. A huge college town with no hookers! Deportations, Argentina does not deport anybody but they will turn you over to the D. E. A in a heart beat! You mean all those poor little Paraguayans will be sent home? Shit, send them to me!
P. S. On the bright side of all this is the chance that the Chicas will move to BA!
Do you think that this indicates a trend in Argentina? Are other provinces thinking of enacting similar legislation? What's the likelyhood of this happening in BsAs?
Thanks, BobI see it as a trend. Of course prostitution is not illegal and will never come to an end.
I think the privados will be the worst hit in Buenos Aires. The big problem with privados are the girls "forced' into prostitution. This is sadly much more common than anyone thinks. There are many ways these girls are forced to work for the pimp. Retaining their I'd's, holding their kids hostage etc etc etc.
The clubs will have to (and will) reorganize as they have done many times. The biggest issue are the "chica" drinks. This charging extra for these drinks involve the owners of the clubs in "making a profit" from chica earnings. There will be more and more places working like Newport.
The independents won't have any problems.
Of course, as corruption is, many places will keep on working. Some of the privados in Cordoba are still working but a little more hidden from public view. For example, Santa Rosa 125 is closed but if you phone there you are referred to la Tablada 18, La Rioja 166 and 168 and Deáand Funes 525.
Other places have decided to fight legally. The nightclub Tiffany (Carlos Paz) and six of the girls working there have filed for labour protection at the 41st Civil and Commercial Court. In my opinion they have all to win.
11-22-12, 22:23
I see it as a trend. Of course prostitution is not illegal and will never come to an end.
I think the privados will be the worst hit in Buenos Aires. The big problem with privados are the girls "forced' into prostitution. This is sadly much more common than anyone thinks. There are many ways these girls are forced to work for the pimp. Retaining their I'd's, holding their kids hostage etc etc etc.
The clubs will have to (and will) reorganize as they have done many times. The biggest issue are the "chica" drinks. This charging extra for these drinks involve the owners of the clubs in "making a profit" from chica earnings. There will be more and more places working like Newport.
The independents won't have any problems.
Of course, as corruption is, many places will keep on working. Some of the privados in Cordoba are still working but a little more hidden from public view. For example, Santa Rosa 125 is closed but if you phone there you are referred to la Tablada 18, La Rioja 166 and 168 and Deáand Funes 525.
Other places have decided to fight legally. The nightclub Tiffany (Carlos Paz) and six of the girls working there have filed for labour protection at the 41st Civil and Commercial Court. In my opinion they have all to win.Went by La Tablada 18, went up the stairs, and the door had a note saying "Golpee Fuerte", or "knock hard" on the door to the right. I was tired, and didn't knock, but will let you know in a day or two. I also went to Dean Funes 525 and am a bit puzzled. There is a plain door at ground level that almost appears to be a mechanical room, perhaps I am wrong. Up the stairs at the second floor the lights were on, but it almost appeared as a personal residence. Are you certain about Dean Funes 525? I have gone in both 166 and 168 La Rioja, and it just leads to the same big area with ladies that are 1-4. Shudder. I still hit it. I'm not proud.
On another note, most of the old listing of websites are dead or are now considered attack pages.
These pages work:
Any comments or experience with these?
Also, a rather odd thing with argentinaprivate. If you put in an "a" or "o" with the tick above it, it will screw up the letters after that. Dean becomes Deaand, and Colon becomes Coloand. The "a" of Dean and second "o" of Colon have the tick above them. Sorry, I know the tick actually has a name. I think it is called a raft or something like that.
Thanks guys,
Went by La Tablada 18, went up the stairs, and the door had a note saying "Golpee Fuerte", or "knock hard" on the door to the right. I was tired, and didn't knock, but will let you know in a day or two. I also went to Dean Funes 525 and am a bit puzzled. There is a plain door at ground level that almost appears to be a mechanical room, perhaps I am wrong. Up the stairs at the second floor the lights were on, but it almost appeared as a personal residence. Are you certain about Dean Funes 525? I have gone in both 166 and 168 La Rioja, and it just leads to the same big area with ladies that are 1-4. Shudder. I still hit it. I'm not proud.
On another note, most of the old listing of websites are dead or are now considered attack pages.
These pages work:
Any comments or experience with these?
Also, a rather odd thing with argentinaprivate. If you put in an "a" or "o" with the tick above it, it will screw up the letters after that. Dean becomes Deaand, and Colon becomes Coloand. The "a" of Dean and second "o" of Colon have the tick above them. Sorry, I know the tick actually has a name. I think it is called a raft or something like that.
Thanks guys,
MongernerdI haven't checked any of this personally but the info comes from a very trustworthy source. I will confirm next time I am in contact with this person. Of course, remember, all the privados in Cordoba are illegal so they won't be easy to identify.
11-26-12, 16:25
I went by Dean Funes 525, second floor. There were two ladies there working, only one was available. 200 for 1/2 hour. 250 for full hour. Perhaps gringo fee, but it's a sellers market now. Lady was a 5/10, chain smoker. Attitude 3/10. Same price as the ladies on the websites.
I went by Dean Funes 525, second floor. There were two ladies there working, only one was available. 200 for 1/2 hour. 250 for full hour. Perhaps gringo fee, but it's a sellers market now. Lady was a 5/10, chain smoker. Attitude 3/10. Same price as the ladies on the websites.Thanks for confirming this information.
12-04-12, 23:17
Hardly worthy of a post, but I thought to be thorough, I would mention that Obispo Salguero 712 is also closed. I took a picture of the sign on the door, for those that are curious. It is the same sign I have seen on all of the places of ill repute closed by the closed minded. They sure as heck made Cordoba a lot less fun to visit.
Awesome to be able to edit my post, since I forgot the only good news I had. Absent minded or old, not sure.
I did get approached by a SW at Avenida Marcelo T. de Alvear and Achaval Rodriguez at the hippie market at around 2am on a weekend night. This is right next to the canal. It seemed a bit dodgy, so I passed. I think two other ladies nearby were also working. Many times I have walked all around La Rioja, Catamarca, and Sarmiento at different times at night, and have never seen any SW's. I did see a couple of really beautiful cops, though. Mostly guy cops, but some very nice looking lady cops. They have one per block. It seems they also pay ordinary citizens to patrol the canal. They wear reflective vests and sit for the most part.
Sad I am in one of the best monger countries in the world, and it is like this. (sad emoticon)
03-01-14, 21:04
Found this on the Spanish forum.
World Traveler 69 thanks for the info on the escort service that you found on the Spanish site. I'm on my way back to BA in a week and I will try to reach them asap. I have never tried an escort service I was always of the opinion that they were overpriced. Maybe I was thinking too hard. Again thanks.
I'm in cordoba now. Is there an updated private apartment list?
Daddy Rulz
12-27-14, 04:01
I'm in cordoba now. Is there an updated private apartment list?None of the apartments listed then were any good. I did some walking around and found some throw away paper that had some ads in the back. Got a pretty good BJ in one. Another had three or four really hot chicks in it. Unfortunately the one I picked had the worst case of Stank Punanni I've ever run into.
Good service, friendly girl, but man that was some stinky fucking pussy. As I recall they were close to Plaza San Martin.
Here's the link to Foro Escorts Cordoba reports you might have to use Google to translate
I have not been to Cordoba. But I came across this girl advertising in Cordoba.
Jack Straw
01-20-18, 00:40
I have not been to Cordoba. But I came across this girl advertising in Cordoba. was in Cordoba for a long weekend in December. Thanks to the transportation strike... It turned into a week.
Anyway, I had some fun there. There are a couple universities there and a lot of girls. I was successful using both Tinder and Average rate about 1000ARG.
There are some great restaurants in Guemes which is a barrio near the university and the bars rock all night.
I got a flight there on Aerolinas for $200US RT. Same price as the bus.
It's a good change of scenery from BA for a weekend or a great stop on a trip west.
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