View Full Version : Marak5 / Trebek in Buenos Aires
Frankly Cutty Sark has become one of my favorite clubs in town except for their pricing on drinks. Its one of old town Buenos Aires most famious Brothels. When you go in there take the time to just look around and soak the place in and I'm not talking about the girls. The place is beautiful, knowing something about construction my guess is that it would take a small fortune to reproduce the place.
In my option the quality of girls in there are comparable to those in Madaho's whom have orders not to leave the club for anything less than $300 peso's, its the house policy. Where as in Cutty Sark almost the entire menu can be purchased for half that or even less if you can negociate like DickHead. I don't have those skills so I end up paying $150 peso's. But like I always say "It doesn't take any brains to spend money, any dumb Fuck can do that"
Which brings me to the point of what Marak5 has written below.
Marak5, fellow Mongers is a "Fuck" and a "Dumb Fuck" at that. Anyone that would "Stiff" his "favorita" girl friend after a TLN has got to be just plain stupid. Then go on this board and "brag" about it to the rest of the Mongering community has got to be out of his mind. What the man doesn't realize is the Buenos Aires is a very small town when it comes to Mongering.
MoonDog, a very well respected Monger whom many of us know personally, with years & years of experience in Latin American Mongering has taught us something. The, TLCN which stands for " The Latin Chica Network". Basicly what this means is anything and everything you do with a Chica is reported to the rest of the Chica's friends at light speed, faster than the internet according to MoonDog. This include's how 'big your dick" is, how long it takes you to "Cum", how you "Treated" the lady durning the session and of course how "Much you Paid" her.
The word gets out, and it gets out fast as to just what kind of a person you are with your actions with thease girls. You treat them right, You treat them like "Ladys" and it will come back to you 10 fold. You treat them like "Shit" and you'll pay a price for it down the road. What I'm saying is if you want good service, and we all do, is behave accordingly.
Heres a very good example of what I'm talking about. As most of you know I've been "Drilling" Little Marisol in "Hook" on and off for about a year now. All this time I've had an eye out for her little buddy Andrea but never pulled her simply for the reason I did not want to upset "Little Marisol", (she's 23 now) and embarrass her in front of her friends. Marisol and all her friends, including Robert that asshole doorman, know that when Exon come's into Hook he leaves with Marisol or he leaves alone.
One night a couple trips ago I walked in and "Little Marisol" had taken the night off and there was Andrea, Bingo heres my chance. OK so I buy Andera the customary drink, kinda like getting engaged, and we start talking. "Oh your Mi Bueno" Andera say's, "Marisol has told me all about you", "You are a very good Man". So I pop the question and Andrea reply's " Oh I Love To Go With You" never once was money ever mentioned in our conversation. Ok so back we go to my apartment and I get a total "GFE" from Andrea like we'd been lovers forever. This in it self is unusal since the first time you fuck a Chica is normally not as good as latter sessions. Bottom live is I pay her the $150 peso's, what she was expecting, and a good time was had by all.
This only happend because my reputation had proceeded me with "Little Marisol's" positive comments too her friend Andera. Andera felt safe and secure with me, she new I was going to pay her $150 peso's before we left the club so there was no need it even mention money. She knew I was going to treat her like a lady and she knew she'd have a good time with Taxi fare back home. I might add to this experience, is the next time I was in Hook "little Marisol" had heard all about the session from Andera and approch me with a "scowl" on her face. I had to explain to her that I'd come in looking for her and the session was just a "fling". Thease girls are very territorial and possive so you must be carefull with their emotions.
Which brings me back to the subject of Marak5 and how "Fucking Dumb" he is by "Stiffing" his Chica on a TLN. He Fucked himself, word's all over town with her circle of friends that he didn't pay her. She worked hard all night to please him yet she got nothing for it. He's thinking its some sort of real girl friend experience and he doesn't have to pay her and she thinking hes going to get on and airplane and I'll never see him again and I've got all thease bills to pay.
Which brings me to my final point, the story of the "Old Monger" and the "New Monger"
They'd both had dinner together in a nice restraunt in Buenos Aires and were sitting in "Excedra" having coffee and desert checking out the inventory.
The "New Monger" say's to the "Old Monger", "I don't like the selection in here lets "Run" go down to the Triangle and Fuck one". The "Old Monger" say's "No", "Lets "Walk" down to the Triangle and Fuck them all"
Sorta like MaraK5 Stiffing his favorite Girl Friend.
ExonThis is so old and stupid, but its the perfect time to respond.
The more and more I am in Buenos Aires, the more and more I am developing magical powers with the chicas. I think of a certain reality in my head beforehand and visualize this. Visualization is key.
I visualize that I will end up with exceptional gfe sessions and get some free sessions also. I make my own reality in Buenos Aires. It helps that I'm 25, reasonably attractive, have a sense of humor (you may not like it) have money, and can talk to women. I'm a home run in these places and I'm not saying that to brag. Its just the facts.
The bottom line is, not paying her tln affected me in no way. She acted mad but called me the next day and the rest is history. I was fucking her for free my last trip. On top of that, I'm a legend in Solid Gold. All the girls there want to session with me now. Some think I'm just mega loaded, most just want to see what it was about me that the other girl fell for. All the waitresses are interested in me. Its not every day that you get a real life pretty woman story going on. Thats what this was. Id get great sessions from any of those other girls in solid gold based on my reputation of being functional with women. I'm not even some kind of stud with chicks, just functional. Looking around at this site and in the cabarets, the men arent functional with women. I was reading some of Saint's posts from years ago and he has a similar experiences as me. He talks nice to them, jokes with them, probably normal looking guy. Same shit was happening to him. Girls asking him to date or whatever. Girls have fun hanging out with me because were the same age and I'm a fun goofy guy. Its just the facts of the matter this is not a flame. All the girls prefer hanging out with me over like 50 year old fat dudes. Theyre doing that for the money. But with me it becomes a bit more blurred and just more like regular dating. These girls are lonely, day in day out with old fat men. So when I come in for them its like man, finally I can have some dates with a person and might actually enjoy it?
About these old flame wars. I never started this shit. This all started when I posted about overpaying in blacks and solid gold. What am I going to do, just say, hey its cool you can talk shit to me but I won't respond? Also in my original trip report all the experts talking about how my novia was pulling a fast one on me. She wasn't. Yes, in your world, these types of things are not possible - how realistic is it for a pretty 22 year old to fall for a 55 year old gringo? But that is not the case for me, I'm the same age as the girls. So it really wasnt that unrealistic. So all that was bullshit about how I'm so naive for getting playing in Argentina. That pissed me off. I guess I got the last laugh as I ended up fucking her for free my last trip there.
I think Jacksons solution by just banning me was the correct one. I do have such little regard for pretty much everyone posting on this site that its only interesting for me if I flame anyway which just causes problems in the long run. Some people in real life I've met are cool but the regular posters on a day to day basis I don't care to interact with. Plus theyre cheap and sleep with ugly girls. I'm not even rich you guys are just so cheap it makes me a bit ill.
Bottom line is that I was getting no respect here so I started to flame. 5 trips in a year, fucking dozens of girls, yet people like Dirk Diggler talking down to me when he hasnt even been to recoleta cabarets. I've been to Rio, Tijauana, and Costa Rica. I have as much experience as anyone here. So when everyone here is talking down to me, its fucking bullshit. I don't really have jack shit to learn from any of you either because you're all so cheap. Like this exon character thinks hes all wise, putting in all this effort to maintain a good rep with all the girls. Which is fine. I get much better sessions than him I have no doubt about that just because I'm young. But he's having fun which is cool, I just have absolutely nothing to learn from him or his mongering style.
So Jackson if you leave this name unbanned I won't really post much or cause any problems.
I think Jacksons solution by just banning me was the correct one. I do have such little regard for pretty much everyone posting on this site that its only interesting for me if I flame anyway which just causes problems in the long run.
So Jackson if you leave this name unbanned I won't really post much or cause any problems.Return of the whack job.
Flexible Horn
08-05-06, 14:40
I don't really have jack shit to learn from any of you either because you're all so cheap.
So Jackson if you leave this name unbanned I won't really post much or cause any problems.This surely is a contradiction in terms.
Get Rid Of This Mother Fucker Jackson.
About these old flame wars. I never started this shit. This all started when I posted about overpaying in blacks and solid gold. What am I going to do, just say, hey its cool you can talk shit to me but I won't respond? Also in my original trip report all the experts talking about how my novia was pulling a fast one on me. She wasn't. Yes, in your world, these types of things are not possible - how realistic is it for a pretty 22 year old to fall for a 55 year old gringo? But that is not the case for me, I'm the same age as the girls. So it really wasnt that unrealistic. So all that was bullshit about how I'm so naive for getting playing in Argentina. That pissed me off. I guess I got the last laugh as I ended up fucking her for free my last trip there.
I think Jacksons solution by just banning me was the correct one. I do have such little regard for pretty much everyone posting on this site that its only interesting for me if I flame anyway which just causes problems in the long run. Some people in real life I've met are cool but the regular posters on a day to day basis I don't care to interact with. Plus theyre cheap and sleep with ugly girls. I'm not even rich you guys are just so cheap it makes me a bit ill.Hmmm. Let me understand. In the first paragraph of this partial quote he states he did not start the flaming (doubtful claim!) But then in the next paragraph he admits that he started flaming because "he has such little regard for everyone".
Interesting mentality-almost a joke! I now find it ridiculously funny!
Hope Jackson bans this handle also. It has been a lot better while he was MIA.
I wonder how much it cost him to fuck his chica for free on his last trip.
Hey guys.
First let me say that I probably won't post much anymore as trips are Argentina are unlikely for me now for a long time. I've still been reading the forum but it has been a little slow.
First I would like to apologize for all the problems I have caused here. I have kind of an explanation that I would like to post now.
I have been super fucked up the past couple years and kind of did not even realize it. I had always had depression, and a few years ago I started taking drugs for it. They psychiatrists gave me anti depressants over a couple years but they never really worked. After that the doctors tried anti psychotics which I had really no idea about. All I knew was that it helped some so I took it for 2 years. I did not know about risks or dangers or anything associated with this type of drug.
It didnt affect me too much in real life. I could pass for normal. Guys I have met here probably would have never guessed anything was seriously wrong, although I may come across as a little bit out there and off.
Just before my last trip to Argentina, my vision started getting kind of fucked up. I noticed it was kind of darker in my left eye. I went to the eye doctor when I got back and they diagnosed me with glaucoma. I was just like wtf? I'm only like 25 so this was really bizarre. The doctor was kind of dumbfounded by it also since I'm so young. Anyways at the time I was like I guess I'm just unlucky and you can take eye drops for it, so whatever. Looking back it was most likely this drug I had been taking that caused it.
So I started taking the eye drops for it and started getting really sick. My nervous system was all fucked up, my head was all fucked up. Something was seriously wrong. The worthless doctor didnt know what was going on so hes like its all in your head and I was just like what the fuck? All the drugs were interacting, they don't deal with those interactions, so there was nothing they could really say to help me.
Anyway I started getting like bad muscle spams and movements. This anti psychotic I was on can cause that shit (as I found out from the internet and not from any doctor) so I was like shit I have to get off this medication.
I've been getting off it the past few months. I'm still really sick. It was tough getting off it, but once I was off completely things started getting really scary. The first couple days I was off it, I was not able to speak. It was like I was having a stroke. My whole body was spasming. My nervous system felt like it was shutting down.
We went to the hospital, Northwestern memorial hospital at that, and theyre worthless. They said my symptoms are psychiatric. We went to a neurologist and they said the same thing. She still ordered a mri and some blood work but shes like theres nothing wrong with you. Well the tests came back and shit was wrong. I had brain atrophy (brain shrunk) something weird with the fluid in my brain, bones out of place in my neck, and arthritis in my neck, my liver was not functioning at the right level.
I started doing some research about these drugs and its so fucked up. Theyre so dangerous. They cause tons of neurlogical side effects, have killed people, and are really meant to be used for people that are like totally out of touch with reality and psychotic. I should have never been given the drug in the first place. I found out that the fda is just lobbied by the huge drug companies and the long term side effects are not even monitored. Most psychiatrists are more or less brainwashed also by the drug companies are prescribe this shit out like candy. My drug was "new" at the time so they thought it was safer (its called geodon) Its bullshit though. Every couple of years they come out with new psychiatric drugs but its all a sham by the drug company. The reason they come out with new drugs is because after a few years, they find out how dangerous they are and stop using them and need new ones to make money. There are a few good psychiatrists out there aware of this shit, but not many. Most doctors are completely brainwashed which I come to find out as I start turning to doctors for answers.
Anyways as it relates to this site, I was so messed up reading and posting on this site. My head is a lot more clear now that I am off this medication. I was just so agitated by everything I read here and it was not normal. Reading all the posts now, I don't care or have a probelm. I'm relaxed. I don't care what dickhead does or hunt99 posts. On this medication this shit would really piss me off a lot because I was so out of it. I was nuts here but I'm kind of thinking clearly again and can realize it. Its a mind trip because at the time I didnt see a problem. But damn looking back I was fucking crazy on this stuff and posting here. The funniest thing, which is not all that related, is that I basically could not fuck on this stuff either. I could only get it up with like the hottest supermodel girl from black. This novia I talked about the whole time, I've never fucked.
I'm not out of the clear health wise. My mind is better without the med, but I'm getting confused at times which I hope is just withdrawal and not brain damage. My nervous system is really fucked up. The muscles in my head are all fucked up and my skull is already moved to one side. My abdomin is like contracting on all my organs and I can only hope that is relaxes as time goes by or else I'm kind of screwed. I'm getting bad face and muscle twitches that come and go. They said it might have been all the meds messing with my liver and my blood did level out a bit as this stuff is getting out of my system. The doc was scared about hiv or hepatitus and shit I have done some risky things down there, luckily that stuff came back negative though.
It fucking sucks. I can only hope that I'm not too affected by the brain or neck stuff. Who knows what the long term effects of this will be. I'm still young so hopefully my body can bounce back. Its awful though. I would glady either chose to just get better or get a lot worse and just pass on. The uncertainty and changes I have felt the past 3 months have been hell.
Anyways to Dickhead, Jackson, Hunt99, Moore, Dirk Diggler, Papa Benito, and all the rest. Sorry, I don't have a problem with you guys. I was so drugged out that I didn't realize half the shit I was doing. Please keep me in your prayers and hope that I can get better.
Best of luck to everyone and no none of this is bs.
Later Guys
Hey Trebek,
I don't know you, but I wish you all the best and a quick recovery, stay up man.
33 posts and not one of them about pussy. Aren't you tired of trolling here yet? Or are you feeling the need to open up still another alternative handle?
You say in your first post that you are "a legend in Solid Gold" and that the ladies love you because you have a "reputation of being functional with women" but then in your next post you complain about not being able to fuck and that you could "only get it up with like the hottest supermodel girl from Black."
If you are yet again turning over a new leaf then why did you start a thread that resurrects an old flame? - of course we all know the answer to this question.
You are still an attention monger, which I believe was the reason you were banned in the first place.
I will say, however, kudos for placing this in the chit chat section.
I had the pleasure of meeting Marak 5 and he told me that the reason he writes crap and BS is to get a rise out of people and watch how people waste there time writing back. Ignore him and he will go away.
Hi Lowlight,
I agree with you, and I also don't believe a word of his latest "admissions".
It is possible to be sick and also be an asshole at the same time.
Then why don't you throw him the Fuck off the board.
08-28-06, 01:25
Well, we all knew he had mental problems. I can't fall for this BS. Like a relative of mine, he would not know the truth if it bit him in the ass.
Brain shrinking? WTF? How about some clear technical, medical terminology regarding your condition such as symptoms of the dreaded disease - head-up-your ass.
Maybe Dr. House can help you out, or just watch some re-runs in case he already discovered the cure for your illness.
Good luck.
Hi Thomaso,
I think it would require a 2 hour special for Dr. House and his staff to ascertain and evaluate all the symptoms.
I had the pleasure of meeting Marak 5.Did you say you actually met this ass-clown? I'm sorry, but I always assumed that Marak5 was just some pimply-faced teenager playing with his daddy's computer after he went to bed. You mean this guy actually exists? And he's actually been to BsAs as well?
So from what I gather from his posts, he's a mid-20's hipster type that ripped-off his puta girlfriend, who he's never actually fucked because he has erectile dysfunction?
The guy sounds like a damn cartoon character.
DX from afar- Narcissistic / histrionic personality disorder with dependent and passive-aggressive traits, possibly Bipolar and likely with a substance abuse problem now and / or then. Can't maintain consistent relationships with men or woman, has alot of underlying rage, and takes on the victim role with others.
Recommended course of treatment-the "right" medication (good luck) individual and especially group therapy, and substance abuse treatment-NO using at all. Prognosis-fair to poor. Personality disorders are notoriously difficult to treat with much success. And Bipolar illness a bit better BUT must be medication compliant with the right med and zero substance abuse. Like any "problem", some folks have a huge dose of it, and some folks not as much. With personality disorders sometimes they get better with aging (he / she so afflicted wises up to the self destrucive nature of their behavior) Bipolar illness responds well to medication, IF compliance is maintained and zero alcohol / illicit drugs used.
All that said, ban him.
Put the psycho babel aside. This cree*p needs several months in a military boot camp so he can get his act sorted out. After two or three " blanket parties" the message would be absorbed and understood.
Seems this dude either got too much as*s whipping or not enough. You be the judge. I too do counseling but I'm tired of the patient so far and reccomend immediate discharge to the street.
I really hate to post because I am doing it too, but he just got a rise out of you again! By replying in any way, he gets his rocks off.
Lowlight is right. If we never responded to anything he posted, he would disappear.
Personally, I will never post anything in any one of his posts again (as I did here) even if I am not responding to him but to others.
Man. What is up gentleman. I see that weve got some real COcksuckers posting these days. I mean, there are some Cocksuckers in this world, and then some REAL cocksuckers. One thing that can be said for certain is that these pricks are COCKSUCKers.
Good news: I will be making my return to Buenos Aires in about 3 weeks for Creamfields 2006, Nov. 11. Only a 4 night 5 day visit, but I got people to see and big business to manage stateside these days. Alright check that I'm doing a H & R block tax preparation course to help my dad out with the tax season, but you get the idea.
Better news: My health is much improved, I'm at about 80%. I still maintain that these psychotropic drugs and psychiatry in general are dangerous scams to everyone. These guys are minions of the pharma industry. My eye sight was all crazy for a time being there and I guess I have glaucoma permanently, but as my general health leveled out my eyesight has been stable for about 4 months without drugs.
I really thought I was heading for the finishline for a time there, and I'm still a bit cloudy in the head so I still might be, but dealing with that stuff really makes you spritual pretty quick. The most amazing thing is that all the benefits of the medication I was on stayed with me now that I'm off it, without all the shitty ass side effects, which I think is somewhat of a miracle. I mean through all the bad psychological problems I've had in the past, I really couldnt have asked for a better solution. So I feel like a million bucks. I'm eating healthy and working out. Gimme knucks for that one dirk!
Other good news: me and the chica are still good friends. She quit the biz and working at a cosmetics shop. I think she has a boyfriend now but she won't tell me, which is cool. Shes hiding it though and says she wants to hang out when I'm there so I think shed cheat with me. I'm not sure if she will be able to go to creamfields with me. PS she doesnt have a kid!
Anyways whats up with the price police these days? Cuffing and arresting new posters left and right. Thomaso, when are you going to get your men in line? If you guys are fucking up on the ground so much, Hunt99 is going to have big time problems putting these bastards away. Also remember this and never forget it: more than 150 pesos is a serious felony argentina and punishable by a night out with dickhead!
Alright guys that's it for now. I just may write a report in November, but no guarantees!
Best report ever from Trebek. Even funny. Don't let it go to your HEAD!:D
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because it contributed nothing of value and in fact constituted a complete waste of bandwidth.
The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange if information between men on the subject of finding women for sex. Let's stick to the subject.
Marak / Trebek / Whatever.
In my opinion, and that of several of my friends and acquaintances who have been reading and contributing to this board for YEARS, I find your re-appearence and your obvious eagerness to start trouble again, extremely unwelcome.
I am not going to waste a bunch (or any) of my time fighting with you, or anyone about it, but I think many of us, including Jackson, who have been here for years, wish you, and obvious few who cannot seem to exist without confrontation, would find another place to do this stuff.
Jackson, don't you think it's time you got a little firm with these people have managed to reduce the whole tone of this forum to the level of this last foolishness from this unwelcome source.
How about reducing the privelege level of serial offenders to where there posts have to be reviewed before they appear?
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because it contributed nothing of value and in fact constituted a complete waste of bandwidth.
The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange if information between men on the subject of finding women for sex. Let's stick to the subject.
Despite being in Europe I still would like to see this **** banned.
What's up gentlemen,.
Now doggboy is expressing these concerns. Here's the problem, doggboy isn't even American, he's some European fluke.
Buenos Aires is a very graceful and beautiful city, the boliches are ok.
I see it this way. There are really very few americans in Buenos Aires. These Argentines show up in the United States knowing very well that they will get a free deportation flight back to Argentina from Miami. Usually these flights consist of 99 or 100% Argentine Citizens.
People like Jackson and DoggBoy and in the drug trade unfortunately. What happened over the past 2 years is that Jackson set me up to "get hit." I'm not exactly certain where he lives in Buenos Aires. I have these sorts of issues in a lot of places. This guy, Brian Reeves, a local official in Lemont, IL, actually flew to Buenos Aires to meet Jackson and set up a hit. In both instances I am a threat to their interests.
Jackson's real name is William Marshall and this website, which is a corporation in the state of Delware, is a front for cocaine smuggling.
This thing with Magui, or Maria Ramirez, looking back, was largely arranged. Later on, she very well might have been setting me up to get killed.
The government and the people or Argentina want Jackson out. He's a coke dealer.
To be honest, I don't really recall many people in Argentina being on cocaine.
Way back in the 90's, people like William Marshall would take people out to the Atlantic Ocean, kill them, and dump the bodies in the ocean.
He can and will get guns and smuggle them into Argentina. Jacksons agenda is largely to pave the way for drugs to get smuggled into Miami from Buenos Aires.
Here's my address,.
1220 Emerald Dr, Lemont, IL, 60439.
Give a call, 630 257 9174.
What's up gentlemen,
Now doggboy is expressing these concerns. Here's the problem, doggboy isn't even American, he's some European fluke.
Buenos Aires is a very graceful and beautiful city, the boliches are ok.
I see it this way. There are really very few americans in Buenos Aires. These Argentines show up in the United States knowing very well that they will get a free deportation flight back to Argentina from Miami. Usually these flights consist of 99 or 100% Argentine Citizens.
People like Jackson and DoggBoy and in the drug trade unfortunately. What happened over the past 2 years is that Jackson set me up to "get hit." I'm not exactly certain where he lives in Buenos Aires. I have these sorts of issues in a lot of places. This guy, Brian Reeves, a local official in Lemont, IL, actually flew to Buenos Aires to meet Jackson and set up a hit. In both instances I am a threat to their interests.
Jackson's real name is William Marshall and this website, which is a corporation in the state of Delware, is a front for cocaine smuggling.
This thing with Magui, or Maria Ramirez, looking back, was largely arranged. Later on, she very well might have been setting me up to get killed.
The government and the people or Argentina want Jackson out. He's a coke dealer.
To be honest, I don't really recall many people in Argentina being on cocaine.
Way back in the 90's, people like William Marshall would take people out to the Atlantic Ocean, kill them, and dump the bodies in the ocean.
He can and will get guns and smuggle them into Argentina. Jacksons agenda is largely to pave the way for drugs to get smuggled into Miami from Buenos Aires.Damn, I knew that sooner or later somebody would blow my cover.
Now what am I going to do?
I guess I'm going to have to change careers, move to Bolivia and start selling whiskey and hors d'oeuvres to the Indians.
What's up gentlemen,
Now doggboy is expressing these concerns. Here's the problem, doggboy isn't even American, he's some European fluke.
People like Jackson and DoggBoy and in the drug trade unfortunately. What's a fluke? Is that like a flake or just flake?
I haven't been in the drug trade since 1976. Those long round trips to Berkeley from the East Coast for orange barrel, blue cheer and blotter just wore me out.
Trebek makes a lot of sense. The last thing we need in Buenos Aires is more short, greasy, skinhead Europeans like Doggboy. Go back to Slovenia or Malta or wherever in the fuck you are from, Doggboy, and stop overpaying at Black.
I read where if you go off anti-depressants and anti-psychotics, you achieve a high degree of clarity virtually immediately, and that is clearly what has happened with Trebek.
But Jackson is not a coke dealer. He sold me an eight ball just today and I put it in Clorox and, you guessed it: it was pepsi. I hate it when that happens.
Damn, I knew that sooner or later somebody would blow my cover.
Now what am I going to do?
I guess I'm going to have to change careers, move to Bolivia and start selling whiskey and hors d'oeuvres to the Indians.
JacksonOr you can start SHARING that shit with some of us on the forum! Damn, some people are selfish!
Thanks Trebek for showing how selfish Jackson is-every thought about seeing a mental specialist-oh wait, you have already?
What's a fluke? Is that like a flake or just flake?
I haven't been in the drug trade since 1976. Those long round trips to Berkeley from the East Coast for orange barrel, blue cheer and blotter just wore me out.AHA! Berkeley! Trebek was wrong, Doggboy isn't from another country he is from another PLANET!
BTW - I love Berkeley residents!
Trebek che boludo andate cagá. Largate de nuestras vidas. Vos sos un asquerrrroso trozo de mierda que se mea muy a menudo.
Encima te cuento que vos sos un auto y lo más que charlás con sus puteríos lo menos que nos importa un carajo. Creo que en tu próxima vida vas a ser bostero. ¿Entendés?
Creo que en tu próxima vida vas a ser bostero. ¿Entendés?Que pasa con los bosteros - lo soy y con mucha honra
No uso la palabra para describir los que prefieran Boca sino literalmente la que significa como seguramente vos sabés: los que sacan la mierda de los chanchos o los caballos del corral.
Pero dudo que este pibe de mierda (Trebek) sepa la diferencia. Yo también hincha por Boca en vez de ser gallina, el equipo de chetos. Soy común y corriente. Cualquier malentendido disculpame.
AHA! Berkeley! Trebek was wrong, Doggboy isn't from another country he is from another PLANET!
BTW - I love Berkeley residents!
StoweHa ha! Well, WAS from another planet. Unfortunately I've been an earthling again for many years. It's tough to be an Owsley follower for too long.:)
I think maybe Trebek should take a big gamble and do some windowpane. He would either be straightened out in a few weeks or gone forever. A cosmic roll of the dice.
Who me? Kristina NYC?
Look's like we're goin' dawn of a new civilization on that one.
Satellite's, I think Cisco is developing new MRI technology (copyright Johnny Angel Moriski on that one)
Download Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot.
Maybe Sentor Obama is the one we are waiting for.
Dickhead think's he'll be running through the USA with big time loot, entering Mc Donald's with Lamborghini's.
Why is Senator Obama flying across the USA in helicopters?
Good job secret service.
We love how Barack Obama was set up like that in Oregon. It's like, if you're a rogue international spy, why wouldn't you just roll up to one of those nice little condo's over there with a rifle and point it at him?
At this point, it seems as if one bad cop would just go ahead and pull the trigger.
No one would be surprised really. I mean, in those sororities in West Virgina and Skull and Bones, and Sigma Phi Epsilon, they go ahead and really do pull the trigger.
Secret Service girls are like, so, bleh.
Ask Chris Matthews from MSNBC Hardball. He said, "all it takes is one bad cop."
The Secret Service is setting up Barack Obama to be assasinated. Why? Because many of them are murderers themselves. Murder is different from killing.
Let's hope the secret service girls aren't attracted to death. Let's hope the secret service girls aren't taking estrogen or have any something on the side's to Oprah Winphrey. No, you did not "pull off pink."
George Bush is really the one that pulled the trigger and commited murder at Skull and Bones. He claims now that he hasn't found the Lord.
What about the girl from the Real World Chicago who received charity care from Northwestern Faculty Foundation?
Northwestern over under?
They say Northwestern Memorial Hospital is Dr. Angelo Tanna's masterpiece?
This guy actually dumped someone's body in the Atlantic Ocean on the Upper East Side of the Bronx?
They say it like this over in Chi York. The New York Metankees.
Michael R. Lippner Sr. Is hiding from the IRS 1220 Emerald Dr. Lemont, IL, 60439.
Angelo Tanna believes his felonies will never get received. He likes to crossdress, I guess, or something like that. Something it could be called is agender misplacement.
Who me Exon123?
Maybe it's the fbi? Maybe it's the cia? This guy, it's all like that over Washington D. C. The District of Columbia. Right now most of George Bush's staff is underground, unfortunately. What I'd like to to see is for George Bush, the killer, the address these concerns about his murder. Did it happen or not in the Skull and Bones sorority?
Scooter and Dickhead Armitage.
Paris, love it love. Beware in Milan!
Beam me up Scottie Doggfool.
Now this is something we'd like to see from the Secret Service. We're going survival of the fittest on that one.
Welcome to the Real World Sercret Service?
Secret Sevice girls are really intelligent girls who never get hired of fired by JP Chase Manhattan Bank. Or is it, Ben Black's masterpiece?
Secret Service is the laughing stock of the Internaational Community at this point. We're gonna bring Paris, Italy, Germany. The woman chancellor, it's all nifty you little knucks.
Gimmee knucks. Secret Service gives each other knucks several times per hour. Go Sercret Service Go.
Now the problem with the Sercret Service is that they be servin theyself a lot of the time, with gifts from Alpha Phi and that.
They have Barack Obama up in a helicopter right now.
When is the last time your sorority service settled, hmm?
Always settle, always settle, you deserve it. Oh my my, go ahead and ah, get this little party started. You know, gotca.
Keep Obama safe girls!
They say R. Kelly be havin' parties at his house in Olympia Fields way out.
He did thaat, He did thaat.
What about Senator Obama running for President of USA?
George Bush gonna go ahead and do one of those Iraq War's again vs. Iran. Go ahead and bring in New Gingrich on that one. He may very well have been of those Intelligent Desigers go ahead on about that patriot act.
Twin Towners have not yet been rebuilt. Osama Bin Leyden may be hiding someone with surging testosterone.
George Bush's daughter died of leukimean when George Bush was a very very young man. George HW Bush never let him grive. Shame Shame George Herbert Walker Reagan. Go and and let in the Communism, and every single progessive person will get exactly what they need and love.
Elizabeth Edwards hangs out all the time in hooters? Bill Cosbey would actually enjoy having autism, he said so on Larry King is it live anymore?
Well, it's going to be a lot like that.
Many federal judges are robing in the court room these days. Are they barred, disbarred, or something empirical or subsequent? It's all so formulaic these days, with a little of shake and bake up at that cabaret in USA.
It's way up in Upper East Midtown Island. The hottest spot these days is that little spot as you drive into the Izland and you have the bird's eye view of sitie.
The best way to get to Rutgers where Crystal Bedley went to school is through?
It's going to be a lot like Latin School of Chicago and old boys rolling up and away in Mystery Method, David D'Angelo, and D' Angelo (brown sugar babee)
Girl's do work as prostitutes in the State of New York and guess what else, Bally's or is it Hooters (one to watch in a good way that's how he'll remember Coolio)
I have been underground in the District of Colombia. Many copy cats of the Senator OBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMA's the one we've been wating for.
Roll it, rolling, wwwwwwwwwwwwwBBBBBBBBBBBAMMbc. WwwwwwwwwwwwwwwBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBAMAbc.
Rolling Rolling Rolling.
Senator Obama's the one we've been waiting for and someone you got into a bad contract?
Harry Reid has gender misplacement.
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