View Full Version : I'm in town
I got into town on Friday and am filing this brief report.
Ended up going to Madaho on Friday night, around 12:45. Way too much cigarette smoke, but plenty of fine chicas. The ambience is very similar to being in a large / medium format US stripper bar. Only all the girls are available for take home.
Anyway, ended up going home with a super fine 23 year old Brazilian named Diana. She quoted me $300, and I thought it sounded more or less OK. But then she pointed out she meant US dollars. She negotiated down to AR$300.
One wild ride. She makes you think she really likes the sexo. Looks 9 sex 9. No English. Glad I listened to those Spanish CDs in the car before coming here.
I know some of you guys think this is gringo foolishness to pay as much as I did, and you are probably right. Some guys hold the position that this kind of tail is US$500 in the states and therefore a bargain at 1/5 the price. I even know guys who go into stripper bars in the states and pay $500 for table dances.
Others think that squeezing the chica down to the last peso is critical. I admit I am a softy. We all want GFE. It seems a little bizare to negotiate so hard and then expect GFE.
All in all the price worked for me since she was so damm good looking and so much fun.
On sat night I told the taxi driver to take me to Madaho again, but somehow I let him take me to (I think) Solid Gold edit "Secrets" not Solid Gold. Dumb, I know. Cost was $50 to get in with "free drink" and chica drinks are $70. Ambience like a small US stripper bar. Cost similar to Madaho.
Anyway it was way filled with cigarette smoke and not too filled with chicas hermosas. I have now set aside a set of clothes to wear to these places, since they will wreak of cigarette. Most everywhere else in BA they have quit smoking. But in this place your eyes are watering.
Being that I was already there and that I ran into a more than acceptable chica named Isis, I negotiated from $500 down to AR$300. Very thin with perky small boobs and super long legs, from Uruguay. She was a 7or 8 in sex, and a 9 in looks. Did not seem to enjoy BJ. I got the impression she was new to the trade. No English.
Actually I am getting deep immersion Spanish mostly from chicas. I am surprised that very few Portenos know English. I have been to Rome, Naples, Paris, and Madrid. In those cities, most waiters, store personel, and taxi drivers knew some English. In BA it is very rare to get any of these types who can understand even the most simple thing. Since transactions with taxi drivers and waiters are brief, you don't spend much time practicing Spanish. But the chicas are of course very willing to let you work on your Spanish.
So far BA rocks.
And this website / forum really helps put things together.
I am getting ready to head to the Alamo for the Bikini event.
Onward and upward. Will start playing the negotiation game a little harder.
If you don't find what you want at Madahos, wander next door to Solid Gold (the real one.)
Who nose, erm, knows!
Sunday I went to the Alamo to watch the "Bikini Open". About 100 guys, mostly americans I think, leering at some very pretty babes. Cool scene and far removed from the normal BA spanish only stuff. Unlikey to get laid, but still worth the time and money. Met a couple interesting Americans that had some stories to tell. The Alamo seems to do everyting it can to encourage Americian guys and (just about any nationality) girls to mix. Girls get all kinds of discounts and free beer.
Then I took a cab to Madaho. You know what's kewl: they had a very fine tango performance. For a few quick minutes the bikini girl left the stage and a very proper tango couple went on the dance floor. Tango is a passionate dance, and I find myself passionate about tango. But I am surprised that Madaho would pay extra for tango dancers (male and female, nothing to do with bikinis) to perform. Anyway it was a nice treat.
I really didn't "connect" with any of the chicas, but I let a kind of strange chica named Juli "You Lee" go home with me. She spoke english with what sounded like a eastern europe accent, but was adamant she was from BA. Lots of makup on pale white skin and dark long auburn hair. Short, dressed kind of conservative. Thin but not tight. Pretty.
She wanted US$200 but she took my offer of $100, with lots of soul searching on her facial expressions before she agreed.
After we got to my place she tried to pimp me back up to $200. (BJ not included in original price, etc. This took away any connection I had with the *****. She was very obvious about being only for the money. Sent her packing. I like to give the chicas dignity and I want dignity in return. I am very generous with tips, but hard sells just piss me off. The fantasy is totaly lost if they keep pimping for money when they have your dick in their hand.
It is better just to say no if you don't find a good connection (IE your intuition tells you that the chica is the real deal) But male hormones being what they are, all too often you find yourself settling for something less than ideal.
Monday I walked all over the place. Plan on walking alot if you come here. Its the best way to take it all in.
The city really reminds me of Rome. The architecture is stylish european but everything is run down and gritty. Except a few avant guard shops here and there.
The whole place smells like diesel. All kinds of vehicles run on old worn out diesel motors.
I am used to the car culture of southern california where every third car is a new Porche or Bmw or Mercedes.
Here in BA you don't even notice the brand of car. Except there are an inordinate amount of 60's Ford Falcons driving around.
The sidewalks are in piss poor shape and trip hazards are everywhere. Watch your step. I'm not kidding.
There are more cabs than I have seen anywhere. Don't worry about transportation. AR$10 wil get you more or less anywhere and there is always an empty taxi close by.
The racial stock is mostly european. Most americans think anything south of the border is (american) indian race like in Mexico. Argentina is not Mexico. There definitley is some amerindian blood here, but way more european. I am kind of surprized that italian is not the language. There is a great italian influence here. BTW, there are no blacks here at all.
The guidebooks tell you to dress like a Porteno in order to not be a pickpocket target. This is a tall order for most gringos. Definite to not wear a camera, white socks, Docker shorts, a yellow alligator shirt, and a mapbook in hand. Try to look "european". Try a little style.
There is really no way for me to avoid being tagged. I am 6'3" tall, and have not seen anyone near my height. I tried to buy a suit here but they were all too short. They only carry medium here. No short or long. Also, no one seems to carry shoes in size 12. Its a shame since you can get some great deals on suits and pretty good deals on shoes.
The girls still have petite bodies here, as in Rome. The scourge of obesity like in the US has not hit BA yet. God I really dislike the fat beasts I see in California these days.
Most of us would kill for a relationship with a petite chick with a flat stomach. I wonder if USA girls know the power of being slim. My guess is not really, since they gorge themselves like Homer Simpson 29 days a month and then go buy a health club memebership on day 30. Fat cows.
One strange thing you see alot in BA is young couples in very long suspended liplocks at the various street corners.
I get the impression that portenos are not quite so hung up about the intimacy thing as the great protestant USA. You greet with a kiss instead of a handshake.
Oh yeah, about accomodations. I rented a nice flat in the Recoleta near Arenales and Junin. I thought this was really great since it has a kitchen, has no front desk to question my chica situation, and costs much less.
Its all true except for one big thing. The noise. All day and night there are busses, taxis, motorcycles, dogs barking, horns honking, sirens, and trash pickup. And its like they are in your bedroom with you. Often the whole floor vibrates in sympathy with a bus as it accelerates. If I was here with a respectable woman I would not be able to tough it out. It is really bad. An entire Foley symphony 24/7 real loud, close, and personal.
If you get an apartment, get one on the highest floor. I am on the 4th. A porteno I know is on the 19th floor. Also, he says to stay in Palermo instead of the Recoleta area. Less noisy. Perhaps it would help if I did not have a view of the street. Some apartments face inward. They might be a better deal since I think they are also cheaper.
If you want to rent, try a web search on "buenos aires apartments" and several websites will show up, that have pictures and full desciptions of the units.
The trash pickup here is a trip. People leave plastic bags of crap all over the sidewalk, and guys in trash trucks come by and throw them in the truck. It is immpressive just how hard these trash guys work. They sling those bags like there is no tomorrow.
Of course the trash bags open up much of the time and crap sprays all over the sidewalk. There is also a sidewalk crew to clean sidewalks, but pretty much the place is funky. Most cities I know of have gone to the special containers that automated trucks pickup.
I am more or less sure that Portenos do not know about recycling.
As far as chicas, one thing to know. If you meet them at a club (and pay the full bore price to take them to your place) you can get their phone and the price for the second time is lower since the club is cut out of the deal. Also, they can come by around 8:30 or 9:00 PM before they go to work, and before you go to dinner. I guess you already knew that but I'm just reminding you.
Some travel tips:
Buy one of the belt loop security wallets. Money belts are uncomfortable and you feel fat. The type that has a small loop that fits in your belt, while the wallet resides in your trowsers is superior. Well hidden, secure, comfortable, and accessable. Keep your credit cards, passport and large bills in there. Use your normal wallet for small bills only.
Always pay for stuff in such a way that you get 10s back. You need to keep several 10s to pay cab drivers. Give them a $100 and they very well might give you counterfit change.
Call your credit card / debit card company before you go to let them know you are out of town, so they don't deny your use of the card. Take a couple of different debit cards if you have them. One of my Debit cards will not work in BA cash machines for some reason. Very few places take credit cards, but there are cash machines all over the place. Chicas like to get paid in US Dollars.
Don't carry around a tourist guide. Tear the pages you need out, and keep them in your pocket. Remember to stay low profile, to be cool if for no other reason.
Carry around one of those little phrase books in your pocket. Try to learn a little spanish before you come.
That's a lot of accurate information, and if that's a first time, congratulations, and thanks for reporting. A few more tips:
When drawing money from the ATM, get A$R 990 instead of 1000. That helps with a lot of 10's.
Dress code: no sneakers. They mark you "Gringo" from 100 m away. And, yes, try to look european. No shorts, better no T-shirts (polo's are ok) etc.
If meeting chicas at 8 or 9, I usually do a round in the sack and then take them to dinner. That's much more fun than eating alone, helps with the spanish, does not cost a fortune and establishes yourself as a nice guy they are happy to see again.
A$R 300 is the going rate at Madaho's. Quoting you anything in dollars is an insult, basically the chica tells you that she considers you a gringo sucker who deserves to be ripped off. And being firm in your negotiation does not mean you are waiving your right to GFE treatment, quite to the countrary. Remember, this is latin culture, macho country. You are the man, you are supposed to rule. And the one who tried to sell up - you did the only right thing, throw her out.
Buenos Aires is populated by 35% spanish, 30% italians, and the rest from the rest of the world. There is very little native American population - you find much more of that in the northwest of the country. Most of the immigration to BA came during the late 19 / early 20th century, from Europe.
After a few days of Madaho's, try out the lower end of the market, go to the triangle clubs, Exedra, etc. Price and performance are not related in that business.
Have fun,
El Alemán
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