View Full Version : Ms Sol aka Candela
Hi Hunt,
Please, the last thing we need is Exon foisting another Miss Sol onto the rest of us.
Aprendiz needs to take chica marketing lessons from Exon123.
What ever happened to Miss Sol. I notice all references to her are gone from the forum. Too bad, she added so much!
What ever happened to Miss Sol. I notice all references to her are gone from the forum. Too bad, she added so much!
StoweShe's running for President of Argentina!;)
Hi Stowe,
Lorena M. aka Candela aka Ms Sol was and is a sophisticated con artist. Exon was the first forum member she managed to con, mostly by convincing him to "sponsor" her introduction to the forum where she managed to convince two members to buy her a car each. After she had essentially played out all her opportunities here, she moved on to another group of Argentinos I know personally where she successfully conned a guy into doubling the size of her remis fleet with two more cars that he financed but which she convinced him to title in her name.
I know, I know. These were grown men that essentially gave her these cars, so what's their complaint? The answer is that she did this under false pretenses by making a number of completely false promises over an extended period of time, and that's fraud in my book.
My personal assessment of her from multiple conversations is that she's a pathological liar who is incapable of telling the truth about anything, a description applies to many Argentine women, but Candela had an ability to convince herself that she was relaying the truth, thus resulting in a perfect delivery.
The funny thing to me was that she wasn't that pretty (Exon's protests are noted) and she really wasn't that good a fuck (flabby figure, loose pussy, etc). BTW, that was one reason why she didn't want anyone to post her photographs. However, she did speak some English and that's usually enough to sway the affections of otherwise worldly gentlemen.
Anyway, I understand that she's now looking for somebody to buy her an apartment, so if you're interested, let me know and I give you her contact info.
What ever happened to Miss Sol. I notice all references to her are gone from the forum. Too bad, she added so much!
Thanks for the update. Very interesting. Boy, did she fool a number of guys besides Exon on this forum.
Guess you are right that it was probably because she spoke English that swayed a number of guys.
Well, I guess some learn the hard way.
Yeah, having read what you posted, I am considering her apartment needs. After all she is blond and speaks English.
I know quite a few chicas that have managed to get their clients to get them big "gifts". One rented his chica her own apartment, paying for everything. Another renovated his chica's apartment from stem to stern. And it's not just something limited to Argentine chicas.
In fact, one girl lied to me on my last trip to Buenos Aires. I was such a sucker, and she was such a good liar. She told me she loved me, and wanted me to bury my sausage deep inside of her. We shared an intimate evening, unsurpassed. She then asked me to give her 300 pesos, which I was happy to do. She left, with the scent of her wonderful perfume still in my nostrils. But indeed she was a lying con artist. The very next night, when I went to Recoleta to meet her, I saw her leaving Madaho's with another man. I was devastated. Con artist!
Alot of these chicks are con artists. I have had girls ask me to rent them apartments and buy them cars, I just laugh at them and say " What the fuck do you think I am *****, your suger daddy? " And that is usually followed by me saying " FUCK NO ".
This is a good lesson for newbies, these chicks will bleed you dry if you let them, and the moment you feel they are closing in, cut em loose. I have had girls complain about their sick mother and their rent being due, or their lease being up and having to find new diggs. A good one was this girl telling me how she had fallen for me and no longer wanted to work sucking dick for pesos and how she wanted my help to raise her up out of this misery, to which I replied, " get a job trick, one where you don't have to suck dick ". The best one was a girl asking me to buy her a car, I almost fell out of my seat. What are these girls thinking?
Don't get fooled guys, 1 in a thousand chicas MIGHT be honest, and THATS debatable. But a girl who really likes you won't ask you for money or a house or a car or a complete apartment remodeling. The funniest thing is the guys who swear they did it out of their own free will. Back in the states we call em PUSSY WHIPPED BIATCHES.
Take this as a lesson guys, I don't want to hear another story about a guy buying a cocksucking hooker a car or a house. And if you do it, at least have the balls to be honest with the board and say you were pussy whipped. Can the bullshit about being a hooker philanthropist PLEASE. I know a few million poor homeless kids in AR could use that philanthorpy alot more. Just ask Capt Dave.
BTW, if you are going to fall for a girl, make sure she isn't a prostitute, there are plenty of non working girls in BA to choose from.
But for those of you who have trouble being mean, I suggest the following: "Holy shit, really? That's terrible. Damn, I really wish I could help, I really do, but (fill in the blank) is going on and I just can't right now. My accountant needs me to make sure I show where every penny is going." In the past I've used "I'm involved in a lawsuit with a former business partner." Be creative!
The downside of this approach is they will probably still nag you.
Badboy is quite right. BsAs is FILLED with attractive and *extremely* nice young women who love Americans and fuck like bandits, bless their hearts. You don't have to do a lot to get their attention, either.
I never say "no", I make them believe I am very concern about their problem and invite them over to my place for a drink. To talk about the " sititution". Later I advised them I will do everything I can to help. AT this time they mostly cannot say no to fucking me. I few days later when the topic comes up again, I now have a long lists of excuses to choose from.
This can work with pros and non pros.
03-26-07, 15:31
Geo Eye,
That's just brilliant!
Did you met that girls at a club or you did not know she was a hooker?
Did you met that girls at a club or you did not know she was a hooker?
DWCThat was a joke, DWC!
GeoEye gives some good advice, I shall have to try it some time. :D
Flexible Horn
03-26-07, 18:23
BTW, if you are going to fall for a girl, make sure she isn't a prostitute, there are plenty of non working girls in BA to choose from.I'm old enough to make my own decisions and I'll 'FALL' for who ever I like, thanks for the sermon.
Well said Flex,
It just hurts to hear about fellow mongers getting conned and robbed by thieving whoores, but hey, whatever floats your boat.
Jaimito Cartero
03-26-07, 22:12
There seems to be no shortage of suckers around. We've all played the role at one time or another. However, some guys just seem to be going back to that trough again and again. The funny thing being, that if you even question what the chica is doing, you'll get flamed big time. Even after the guy has been ripped off, they'll keep defending the chica too.
Honestly, I don't feel for the guys who get taken, as they seem to have more money than brains.
Thanks for the information and update on Miss Sol. We will all know to be cautious. However in your post did you include her real name? I am not so sure that was justified. I thought the rule was that a person's username would not be connected to their real name and applied to mongers as well as chicas.
Jaimito Cartero
03-26-07, 22:17
I thought the rule was that a person's username would not be connected to their real name and applied to mongers as well as chicas.I think when it comes to outright scamming, the perpetrator doesn't have many rights. Other chicas have been outted who are scam artists, and some of their names. Hopefully this may help someone who Googles her name, or save them some grief down the road.
Fly Guy II
03-29-07, 07:07
I have some photos of her which could help other members identify and avoid her. What do you think?
Regards to All.
Fly Guy II
I have some photos of her which could help other members identify and avoid her. What do you think?
Regards to All.
Fly Guy IIYou know, I don't yet see any evidence of anything worse than a clever chica encouraging her clients to give her very expensive gifts. As there are several current posters on this forum who have given very big gifts to their chicas, then how are we to distinguish between supposed "con artists" such as Miss Sol and "regular chicas" such as these girls?
Just because a john eventually gets disillusioned with his chica and regrets having given her big gifts doesn't mean she's guilty of being a con artist.
And I say this as never having met Miss Sol or engaged her services.
I am sorry Hunt but a chica getting FOUR cars from three " johns ", The trick was just scamming poor guys. FOUR FUCKING CARS? Give me a break. Not only were these guys stupid but this chick is a definite con artist. I don't know this girl personally but I have to be honest for 3 guys to give her a total of FOUR cars, she is either the most beautiful **** in Buenos Aires or she is a fucking lying scamming con artist.
It is your right to have your opinions about this, but the facts speak for themselves, and I am glad that this information was posted on the forum before she scammed another fellow punter out of another car or house. Girls like this aren't smart, they are slick and sleazy, they are looking to bleed guys dry, and she obviously is very good at it. But that is what this forum is about, informing fellow members about all kinds of things, including con artist blood sucking chicas only out to scam guys into buying them cars, houses, and so on.
Jackson is correct in his assesment, She conned a forum member into shilling for her and using his influence on the board to help her become financially secure, she took advantage of that help by bleeding a few of those good clients out of cars and so on. An honest woman would not do this, PERIOD. She left the forum because she had, as you so articulately put it, landed a couple big fish and had gutted and filleted them on the dock. She is the classic, textbook definition of a USER. It's too bad she used this forum for such dishonest means and it is also too bad she had the help of senoir forum members to do it.
I don't think a picture of the girl is needed, since most forum members have pictures of her as do I, just watch out in general for girls asking for big gifts.
She conned a forum member into shilling for her and using his influence on the board to help her become financially secure, she took advantage of that help by bleeding a few of those good clients out of cars and so on. An honest woman would not do this, PERIOD. Funny, but I happen to know the forum member you describe, and he has never told me or the board that he was conned.
An honest woman wouldn't accept expensive gifts from her clients? Give me a break. Even non-hooker women I know ask for and get very expensive gifts from men. They're genetically programmed to seek support from men, and men are genetically programmed to shower their munificence upon their women.
When there are some actual facts about this subject to discuss, then I am willing to admit that I am wrong (if indeed I am). But as it stands right now, there are no facts, just a bunch of name-calling. As a general matter I don't feel sorry for guys who over-pay for their pussy, even to the point of giving a car (or a free apartment). They're big boys and can make their own decisions. It's not the chica's fault if they think with their little heads instead of their big ones. ;)
Funny, but I happen to know the forum member you describe, and he has never told me or the board that he was conned.That's just an indication of a really great con artist at work.
Users attract usees and, well, uh, vice-versa. I hope the forum members in question got their money's worth. It seems appropriate here to give credit where credit is due to those many forum members who thought something was rotten in Denmark a long time ago. 99.9% of the time when a ***** is thought to be more than a *****, somebody is fucking up. Gatos are not generally graduates from charm school, and when you meet one who appears to be-let her hold on to your dick, and you hold on to everything else.;)
Hi FG II and everyone else,
Actually, I had no intention of bringing any of this up on the Forum. When I started putting all the facts about Lorena together a few months ago, I decided that the best move would be to simply remove all vestiges of her from the Forum. However, since then I've received a continuous series of posts, PMs and emails inquiring to the effect of "Where's Miss Sol?", so I just gave up and posted the story publicly.
I don't wish any ill will on Lorena personally. She and her playmates are all adults. I just wanted to put a stop to her using this Forum as a vehicle for pre-screening potential victims.
In other words, no photo will be necessary.
I have some photos of her which could help other members identify and avoid her. What do you think?
Regards to All.
Fly Guy II
Remember the other day when you posted that you paid 600 pesos in Madahos for the right to talk to the dancer for 1/2 an hour. What kind of car would you have bought her if she agreed to have sex with you?
Ms. Sol was very nice in helping to take me to buy food for the Comedors in Dec. She can't be all bad. While I don't know her all that well, she did give her time to help with the kids. At least she is putting the car to good use.
(Sorry Badboy but I did have to respond to you accusing me of having no game with the seven women at Opera Bay. Sure I didn't take any of them home but it didn't cost me 600 pesos to talk with them either.
Thats allright Slick, at least you were grown up about it.
There is a big difference, the girl I talked to was strickly for research purposes, she told me from the start she didn't fuck club clients, no con or scam, besides the manager feining ignorance about her availability. And I would never buy a stripper a car sorry. A few hundred bucks for a night with a gorgeous stripper maybe but thats it.
I think we are talking apples and oranges if you are comparing 200 dollars to buying a girl a 15 thousand dollar car, and not just one but FOUR cars. I made a comment directly in reference to her actions regarding forum members she conned. I think my definitions holds true, and I think she fits the bill.
BTW, she works as a driver, so the fact that she drove you around picking up food for a forum sponsored charity in the car she obtained by scamming forum members is somewhat ironic. Again, take her out of the equation this is still agood lesson for any future marks, don't let these chicks bleed you dry.
PS, regarding Opera Bay, it was a joke, though you deffinitely should have bagged one, I TRYED to bang the hottest piece of pussy in Madahos, and I failed and it DID cost me 600 AR. Trial and error, but at least I tryed and I also warned other forum members with my experience.
Ok Hunt,
You make good points, but this chick is still a piece of work, four cars didn't just fall in her lap, she worked for them and since she has a remis service she allready knew she needed them, that is premeditated,
I won't argue with you Hunt, I just think the heresay is enough for me to form my own opinion, and I am glad this information was posted. If not for anything else, then at least as a warning to any future marks.
These guys are adults, but it doesn't mean just because a guy is stupid you can or should take advantage of him, that is being despicable, low class, and. Maybe we just have different standards as to what actually constitutes being a con artist. To me there is nothing " classy " about begging men to buy you cars to later on ditch them once all their money is spent. This chick is a low class trick, just MHO, sorry if you disagree.
A confidence trick or confidence game, also known as a con, scam, grift, bunko or flim flam, is an attempt to intentionally mislead a person or persons (known as the "mark") usually with the goal of financial or other gain.
The grade of one's "intelligence" is totally unrelated to one's grade of vulnerability to getting deceived by experienced con men. Confidence tricks exploit human weaknesses like greed, dishonesty, vanity, but also virtues like honesty, compassion, or the "naïveté" of believing in the existence of something called "good faith".
Fly Guy II
03-30-07, 00:49
I think your correct. I will keep her photos in my hard drive. Sorry actually to hear about her. She was fun to talk to. Oh well.
Thanks All.
Jackson is right, (for once)
I'm some what responsible for Miss Sol. (Lorena)
It all started at the Thanks Giving party at the Alamo a year and a half ago.
I wanted to "Fuck her", it took six months for us to "hook Up", but we finally did. And after while having "Pillow Talk" I told her I'd maker her a star. I told her "What to post and when to post it". Knowing most of You "CockSuckers" I thought I'd "Fuck" with You" by pulling a complete "Scam", not knowing that Lorena is what Jackson described below.
This might become an interesting thread.
I'll post more later.
I've been waiting for "Big Daddy" to break his silence. Takes a big man indeed to lay it out there for everyone to see. That said. Don't sweat the small stuff Exon. I saw Lorena some time ago after you gave me some PM info about her. I found your description of her services quite accurate. It was OK with the highlight definitely being the CIM at the end. All in all nothing special but "better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick". I fall somewhere in between Bad and JC. Since she's a scam artist I'm glad she's being outed on this board. As far as the "suckers" that coughed up the auto's - please! You may have lost your mind but it's your mind to lose! With so much GREAT LATIN PUSSY in BA what in the world were you thinking! I plan to be waist deep in Latin Pussy next week but will limit my gifts to sharing a bottle of bubbly with the occasional overachiever!
Happy Mongering, Toymann.
PS. Just as a footnote, I contacted Lorena a month ago about getting together and she emailed me back wondering if I needed a ride from the airport. After I indicated that service was not required I never heard a thing back from her. I'm guessing she's out of circulation for the moment.
Jackson is right, (for once)
I'm some what responciple for Miss Sol. (Lorena)
It all started at the Thanks Giving party at the Alamo a year and a half ago.
I wanted to "Fuck her", it took six months for us to "hook Up", but we finally did. And after while having "Pillow Talk" I told her I'd maker her a star. I told her "What to post and when to post it". Knowing most of You "CockSuckers" I thought I'd "Fuck" with You" by pulling a complete "Scam", not knowing that Lorena is what Jackson described below.And she's the one at fault? Sorry, but this doesn't wash.
I'll post more later.
ExonI hope so. We're waiting.
I feel like a Prophet! This is the e-mail I sent to a forum member on May 9, 2006, after my trip to BsAs. My my...... How things have turned out!
"I thought of sending you a PM. I am glad you wrote to me. She is little bit of a bad news. She is a great fuck, that's it. I praise her on the open forum, strictly from the mongering standpoint. Don't lose your head over her. Do not, I repeat, do not send her any money. She has used lots of others with her charm. It does not work with me and I erase everything when I come home. She repeatedly told me that you are going to help her with the limosine business. I am afraid, she will suck you into spending lots of money. Just be careful. Don't tell her anything about this. I know lots of other things about her which is not that complimentary."Bandy
I guess what you have illustrated in your last post Hunt, is that the whole Miss Sol incident was the perfect marriage between TWO con artists, But at least Exon admitted it, I doubt Lorena ever will. I also don't think he was predicting she would go as far as she did and bilk two forum members for two CARS.
As I said, it is sad that she used the forum in this way, it is sad she had help from another Senior forum member to do it.
But you heard it from the horses mouth Hunt, what more proof do you want?
Daddy Rulz
03-30-07, 13:41
I went to 343 yesterday and fucked that little spinner, Rosa or Gisell or something I'm sure she had a name anyway, I ended up giving her 80 pesos I really feel like she took advantage of me.
Out of curiosity Hunt, for a 100 dollar dinner, is that some fat pig giving up ass? I ask because Flexible Horn is always on the lookout for some more fat pigs.
I went to 343 yesterday and fucked that little spinner, Rosa or Gisell or something I'm sure she had a name anyway, I ended up giving her 80 pesos I really feel like she took advantage of me.
Out of curiosity hunt, for a 100 dollar dinner, is that some fat pig giving up ass? I ask because Flexible Horn is always on the lookout for some more fat pigs.No, if I want to fuck a fat pig in the ass, I'll let her buy me dinner. I only resort to that when the checking account is depleted. ;)
Jaimito Cartero
03-30-07, 20:30
I've had only one chica in BA ask me to "loan" her the money to buy a house. This from the famous cocksucker, Rosamaria. I laughed, and told her that she told really funny jokes. She smiled impishly, and that was the end of that.
It's funny how quite a few guys fall in love with these chicas, and want to romance them, or prove that they're gentlemen. Treat them with respect, certainly, but much more than that, and you're just pissing money away. You take pity on the poor chicas that they have to do such nasty things, and think you can change them.
Daddy Rulz
03-30-07, 20:50
No, if I want to fuck a fat pig in the ass, I'll let her buy me dinner. I only resort to that when the checking account is depleted.;)Now if Adam could have held out 5 more minutes in the Garden with Eve we would all be having dinner bought for us then going home and fucking them in the ass. That stupid prick!
After many, many trips to BsAs I hear so many stories like this one happening there. The BIG thing here is that ALL women everywhere will try to get whatever they can from us. The difference in BsAs is that we know the chicas are many times better in bed than most anything we can find in SEX PRISON! Having met Miss Sol many times with many of my fellow mongers, I found her pleasant and very easy to be around. I have a number of personal mongering friends that enjoyed her wares and they all seemed to enjoy what she shared with them. I can see how easily she could weasel her way into someone's heart and wallet! Just keep our eyes open guys and we are all grown men. "Let the buyer beware!" Be careful out there! Have fun butt. Butt be wary!
But it's Friday in Sex Prison, I guess I am going to have to telephone some dumb broad, take her out to dinner, and make all nicey-nice to her, just so I can drill her in the ass afterwards for an hour or so. The 100 dollar cost for dinner is about what I'd pay for sex in Buenos Aires, except in Sex Prison I have to give up some self-respect as well.Well, it's the next morning, the bimbo is safely disposed of, I only had to make her coffee this morning before I told her I had work to do, and she skedaddled after making me promise to call her soon. Since she sucks my cock quite well, and dinner was only $150 for two last night, I may just do that. Cheaper than what some of the guys in this thread paid, ha ha ha.
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