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Yesterday I was checking out Constitution and Palermo Area.
Found more or less nothing.
Anybody know a good location for street action also in this cold times?
Thanks for the help.
Florida and Paraguay after 9:30 pm.
In the corner of Paraguay and C. Pellegrini after 9 pm you can meet Cecilia not all the times. In the area of C Pellegrini, M. T. Alvear, Cordoba, San Martin you can see some other ladies.
Good Luck.
Why not walk a block and sit down at Excedra and wait for the Chica's to come to you.
11-07-07, 20:55
Maria is back after a month or so off, at Paraguay and Florida.
While on my way home from Exedra Maria made me offer I could not refuse.
50p, Massage and?
03-25-09, 16:14
Maria is not on the street anymore.
DickHead she is waiting for you at:
Suipacha 771, piso 2 H, at Córdoba. The intercom does work right, Listen Closely. 3 Chicas. Prices: 30p Promo, 70p 30 min., 100p hour. Tel: 4326-2561 Cell 15-6282-2232. Hours: 24/7.
She says she is the Jefa.
Maria is back after a month or so off, at Paraguay and Florida.
While on my way home from Exedra Maria made me offer I could not refuse.
50p, Massage and?
03-26-09, 19:20
-is after midnight meanwhile in Avenida Cordoba between Esmeralda and Suipacha.
Two uglish ex-youngish Travesties throwing themselves to the floor, hugging your pelvis just to rob you.
This time they managed, it happened long time after TL's party.
I never hit "women", hugging me, before.
Next time I will.
"Sok Thee" is the perfekt, little answer.
Would be glad if his / her cafisho is available as well.
Maybe they will find a good dentist at that time or someone who calles "107".
My cellphone is now for sale in the Locutorio Lavalle above the "tenedor libre chino". Between Maipu and Esmeralda.
They wanted 365Ps without equipment (for sure, my equipment / manual is at my house). I offerded 200...more than fair.
I bought the same one new for 165Ps. LG KP 215.
So if anybody robbed your cellular phone in the center, look up there.
Maybe they are selling also stolen cameras, I did not ask.
03-26-09, 20:38
Yesterday I was checking out Constitution and Palermo Area.
Found more or less nothing.
Anybody know a good location for street action also in this cold times?
Thanks for the help.Usually from about 6:30 till 2 am.
5 to 6 girls standing at my door which is 945 Cordoba.
Lálliance Resto-Bar.
Tamara - short haired, nice body, good attitude, 32 years old.
Marisol - her sister, blonde, great attitude, loves sex.
Veronica - very cute, 29 years old, blonde with a great smile.
AT least 2 or 4 more at times.
The usual suspects from X.
They are there Mon. Thru Fri.
Spassmusssein something similar happen to me about 2 months ago, while I was walking back from Mad to my apartment late, on Viamonte and Carlos Pellegrini. A streetwalker spoke to me in bad English, and I responded back in English. Think that was a mistake, since they where looking for people who spoke English. I told her I was not interested, then the next thing I know a Travesties come out of the side and grabs my left arm with both his arms. From my martial arts training, I broke the grip in a second, I did not hit him/her, because it did not click-in right away that it was a TV, or what was going on until a few second later. I thought I might have been an overly aggressive streetwalker. I could have easily hit him/her with my free right hand.
Once I turned round to face the 2 Travesties, they decided to walk away. There where no weapons shown. My guess is if I had not broken the grip, the other one would have come up from behind and stolen stuff from my pockets. They probably decided to find someone easier to rob.
Spassmusssein with your Muay Thai, you could have done something similar.
03-27-09, 18:43
-that those "guys" now moved from Constitucion to Cordoba Ave.
Usually, since eight years everybody knows me in the center and my spanish is usually very good. Ok, I was not prpared, hitting femalized Argentine / Brazil katois.
When three little *holes three weeks ago, tried to play the game, they at once recognized the problem they woult get and hurried off.
What is really more molesting for me is the stupid female "employee" (paid in negro, I am shure as stupid as she is) in this cyber where they are selling the robbed celus. I really want to have it back. And. I think. Will get it back;-)
Let's have fun and hit the katois, now I 'll have my wine in Orleans as usually.
-that those "guys" now moved from Constitucion to Cordoba Ave.
Usually, since eight years everybody knows me in the center and my spanish is usually very good. Ok, I was not prpared, hitting femalized Argentine / Brazil katois.
When three little *holes three weeks ago, tried to play the game, they at once recognized the problem they woult get and hurried off.
What is really more molesting for me is the stupid female "employee" (paid in negro, I am shure as stupid as she is) in this cyber where they are selling the robbed celus. I really want to have it back. And. I think. Will get it back;-)
Let's have fun and hit the katois, now I 'll have my wine in Orleans as usually.What the Fuck is this guy talking about.
What the Fuck is this guy talking about.
ExonI think he's saying that he likes you in pink tights Exon.
What the Fuck is this guy talking about.
ExonThis is all about his stolen cell phone from a few post below. He is probably thinking in German and writing in English.
-that those "guys" now moved from Constitucion to Cordoba Ave. The TV moved to Constitucion to Cordoba Ave that robbed him.
Usually, since eight years everybody knows me in the center and my spanish is usually very good. Ok, I was not prpared, hitting femalized Argentine / Brazil katois. He's well known in the area for 8 years and did not hit the TV because the looked like females, and he did not know he was being robed.
When three little *holes three weeks ago, tried to play the game, they at once recognized the problem they would get and hurried off.Three weeks ago, some ass holes tried to play the same game (rob him) they realized they would have a problem, so they hurried off.
What is really more molesting for me is the stupid female "employee" (paid in negro, I am shure as stupid as she is) in this cyber where they are selling the robbed celus. I really want to have it back. And. I think. Will get it back;-)He found the place that has his stolen phone. He is harassing the stupid female employee, to give it back. The place is an Internet or cyber place. He thinks he will get the phone back.
Let's have fun and hit the katois, now I 'll have my wine in Orleans as usually.
This is all about his stolen cell phone from a few post below. He is probably thinking in German and writing in English.
The TV moved to Constitucion to Cordoba Ave that robbed him.
He's well known in the area for 8 years and did not hit the TV because the looked like females, and he did not know he was being robed.
Three weeks ago, some ass holes tried to play the same game (rob him) they realized they would have a problem, so they hurried off.
He found the place that has his stolen phone. He is harassing the stupid female employee, to give it back. The place is an Internet or cyber place. He thinks he will get the phone back.Ha ha ha Tessan, you did it so much better than I. By the way, wtf is a Katois?
04-02-09, 19:22
-that I sometimes overcharge or overprovoke.
"Tessan" was right in some aspect. I am thinking and writing in Spanish so sometimes I am coming out as a real asshole.
Would be worse, doing that in German;-(
Really, would be worse¡¡¡
I publicly declare now and here, that I owe to "Tessan" and to "jackjack1" as much champaign, they want / can drink in "Tomo I" or in "Petanque".
Those are the best places here.
Sorry, to be smtms a weird *hole.
Would be worse, doing that in German;-(If you did it in German hardly anyone here would understand you so you wouldn't offend anybody!
But it's understandable you were pissed off after loosing your phone. Something must be done about those friggers.
def.: Katoy or Katoey=Thai Transvestite, also known as Lady Boy
Went down to the Constitution área (Juan de Garay Street) and looked around; found a chica named Tanti. 30s streaked Brown hair, cute. We went to a nice local transitorio, paid the 100 peso fee for the room. She gave me a bareback blowjob, deepthroat and some culo action. Wouldnt tongue my balls. She had a real nice personality and sense of humor; overall good experience. Paid her 200 pesos, plus 100 tip.
Everyone keeps on talking about different areas where to find street girls in Buenos Aires.
I am a little bit confused as last week I went to the Palermo Parks at around 11pm and walked around the whole park. I did not see a single working girl.
So is the Palremo Parks completely dead? In youtube videos it looked amazing, with many street girls.
Are there any similar area like Palermo Parks then?
Thank you guys.
06-02-16, 10:15
I would like to see this video.
In over 15 years I never heard of street walkers in Palermo Parks, except some gay ones.
Everyone keeps on talking about different areas where to find street girls in Buenos Aires.
I am a little bit confused as last week I went to the Palermo Parks at around 11pm and walked around the whole park. I did not see a single working girl.
So is the Palermo Parks completely dead? In youtube videos it looked amazing, with many street girls.
Are there any similar area like Palermo Parks then?
Thank you guys.
Daddy Rulz
06-02-16, 14:32
Everyone keeps on talking about different areas where to find street girls in Buenos Aires.
I am a little bit confused as last week I went to the Palermo Parks at around 11pm and walked around the whole park. I did not see a single working girl.
So is the Palremo Parks completely dead? In youtube videos it looked amazing, with many street girls.
Are there any similar area like Palermo Parks then?
Thank you guys.Brotherman those aren't girls in that video they are gurls and have man parts. Not judging if it's your thing but there's nothing but trannies in that park at night.
Sometimes its a little exciting to find a little street action. Once or twice I have been approached on Florida St. But nothing to brag about. I am now staying near San Jose and San Juan. Any area near here that anyone can recommend for a little street action?
06-17-16, 15:43
Sometimes its a little exciting to find a little street action. Once or twice I have been approached on Florida St. But nothing to brag about. I am now staying near San Jose and San Juan. Any area near here that anyone can recommend for a little street action?Not sure if it's a good idea to pickup street chicks in BA. Many years ago a chica from New Port advised me not to do it. Firstly, if something goes wrong, let's say they steal your wallet, you will never know how to find them. Some specialize in targeting tourist. Secondly, most street chicks don't carry documents with them hence you won't be able to bring them to your hotel. But, perhaps someone else has done it and can give you some more insight.
I did it at least fifty times and had no serious issues. That's bunk about no documento. They had documentos. But that was before they ran them all off the Florida mall; those were the best ones. But I picked up streetwalkers in Carlos Pellegrini and at Esmeralda and Suipacha, where they used to sit on the wall. Also in Loria district and around Plaza Miséreres.
Member #3320
06-17-16, 23:15
Not sure if it's a good idea to pickup street chicks in BA. Many years ago a chica from New Port advised me not to do it. Firstly, if something goes wrong, let's say they steal your wallet, you will never know how to find them. Some specialize in targeting tourist. Secondly, most street chicks don't carry documents with them hence you won't be able to bring them to your hotel. But, perhaps someone else has done it and can give you some more insight.Its a good advise. I had hired a street walker only once ever, way back in 2008 and though the sex was good, she had disappeared with the phone which came with the tourstic rented apartment.
End Result - I had to arrange a new phone from USA else I would have lot my security deposit.
To sum up, one can indeed take a street walker but then go to a telo with least amount on money and valuables on you.
Yes streetwalkers have documents, I think they call it cedulas, that have age, picture etc. When I was hanging around Plaza Misere in Feb. There was a love hotel, transitorio, on Jujuy Street that everybody went to to do their business. But I was just carried enough money that I needed and nothing more. No jewelry, no valuables just the bare necessities. In case the gal tries to rob you.
Sometimes its a little exciting to find a little street action. Once or twice I have been approached on Florida St. But nothing to brag about. I am now staying near San Jose and San Juan. Any area near here that anyone can recommend for a little street action?If you're staying near San Jose and San Juan then you're close to the Constitution area where there's a lot of street action. That Juan de Garay St. Always has a lot of chicas. And there's a nice transitorio on that street near Salta that's a safe place to go to.
But watch out for the trannies.
The love hotel I used in that area was called the Mona Lisa. I believe the cédula is a laminated card similar to a US driver's license, while the documento is a booklet, similar to a US passport (but I think a little smaller) and either is good ID. Some argies have both.
After getting here on Thursday and getting situated on Friday, I realized I was screwed as there seems to be little weekend action. I am a private apartment or massage parlor kind of guys. I have done enough of the club thing and while there generally is quality, you overpay for it. I am one of the lucky guys who get cheap action at home in the US, so I wouldn't overpay to get it in a different country. Mind you, I did plenty of that in my time, but some older guys set me straight in Costa Rica. I did a recon on Friday to scope out the level of danger, police, etc, and everything seemed to be within parameters. Unfortunately, the selection was not great, one TV too, but I know that there was actions. So I went back tonight. Same TV, possibly another (I couldn't tell and don't you hate that), but mostly, nothing worth it at all. Some old tall woman, looked Argentinian, tried to stop me on the way there, along Florida, and before I could hit Cordoba, a thumbs down Bolivian stopped me but I wasn't having any of it. BTW, there was one really hot girl last night on my recon, but some guy with her was asking me if I wanted some of her, and that made me nervous. I don't like when guys are in the equation.
Well, tonight, there was a group of 3 Dominicanas. One was clearly older and I was not interested, a blonde (dyed of course) one was okay, and if that's all I had, hell yeah I would hit it, and one that had my eye from the very get go. She was tall and curvy, and had a beautiful smile. The shapely type in all the right places. Well, after hearing $100 US, I said no way. They came down to 1000 pesos, and I said no and walked off, expecting them to go lower, but they didn't. After reconning the entire Esmeralda, Suipacha, San Martin, Reconquista loop around Paraguay, I only found one more TV. As such I had to reevaluate my options. After thinking about it, and second guessing whether I am the worlds biggest sucker to pay 1000 pesos to a SW, all be it one that really did it for me, I yielded to the laws of supply and demand, and went for it. We settled on $60 US, after another Dominican whipped out her phone to calculate into pesos. They tried to say $70 US, but this girl, Deana said she would do it. She is genuinely a nice girl. So $60 US, 60 pesos to the taxi cab, and another 100 pesos which I volunteered for the return cab ride, and I was set. All told $70 US in. And I expect that some guys would say no way, but the way I figured it, I would have chosen her in a lineup anyways, it is far cheaper than the club, and I didn't have to be disappointed with a poor lineup and paid the same price anyways (1 hr).
The specifices. She go to my room, and she was so curvey and beautiful, I was praying to the gods that I make this last. She washed up, as did I. She hardly speaks English, but found my poor Spanish very comical. Still, we understood each other. She insisted on CBJ, and I was thinking that this sucks, but believe me when I say the whole time I couldn't tell I had something on, her selection, as I told her mine had something on it and wouldn't taste good.. She is great at BJ, and when I say deep, I mean all the way. Disappeared, gone. I had to stop her, for I was worried that it would be over. She tried to climb on but I wasn't falling for that mistake. I turned her over and looked at her and went it for a taste. She let me DATY and there is something sexy about hearing si, si si, until she does, and her body convulses and she needs a moment to desensitize. She tasted great. I did it because if she has a good time, I will have a good time, and I did. Anyways, I managed to keep myself composed and enjoyed a relaxed session. Never once did we discuss time, and she took care of me. She is a sweet girl (she said she is 33 but I wouldn't have guessed). I walked her to her taxi, and I would damn sure see her again if I get the opportunity. Well that's my story of making lemonade out of lemons. So there is action out there. Did I overpay, perhaps, but the quality of the experience makes me think I got a bargain, so that's all that matters.
Its nice to get a streetwalker post GT. Not that many on the Argentina site. No you didn't over pay for the area you were in (Florida, Cordoba, Paraguay, San Martin). Most of those chicas are charging about $1000 pesos. To get an hr. For $60 is a good bargain/quality for the price. Things are definitely not what you used to be in that area, it was much more economical and just about all cute BA girls.
I guess you wouldn't be interested in the Plaza Once/Misere area or the Constitution area. They're charging $200-250 pesos for the streetwalkers there, but that entail a little traveling on the subte on your part.
Its nice to get a streetwalker post GT. Not that many on the Argentina site. No you didn't over pay for the area you were in (Florida, Cordoba, Paraguay, San Martin). Most of those chicas are charging about $1000 pesos. To get an hr. For $60 is a good bargain/quality for the price. Things are definitely not what you used to be in that area, it was much more economical and just about all cute BA girls.
I guess you wouldn't be interested in the Plaza Once/Misere area or the Constitution area. They're charging $200-250 pesos for the streetwalkers there, but that entail a little traveling on the subte on your part.BayBoy, you just gave me tonight's mission. It is Sunday, so hey, what the hell is there to do. I am interested, if nothing, for curiosity sake. I know this is out of some guys' element to do this, so if I can contribute with some intel, I am happy to do so. Any further info besides Plaza Misere (I just looked it up on my trusty map)? I am thinking of a 2 hour sweep starting at 2030. I'm not sure if I will partake, because I don't want to push my luck after a great experience. However, why refuse an offer you can't refuse, right? If nothing, at least look forward to a status of SW report. Onward march!
01-22-17, 19:01
IMHO: I would say you should be on your way home at that time in that area. First taxi available.
BayBoy, you just gave me tonight's mission. It is Sunday, so hey, what the hell is there to do. I am interested, if nothing, for curiosity sake. I know this is out of some guys' element to do this, so if I can contribute with some intel, I am happy to do so. Any further info besides Plaza Misere (I just looked it up on my trusty map)? I am thinking of a 2 hour sweep starting at 2030. I'm not sure if I will partake, because I don't want to push my luck after a great experience. However, why refuse an offer you can't refuse, right? If nothing, at least look forward to a status of SW report. Onward march!
IMHO: I would say you should be on your way home at that time in that area. First taxi available.Too late or too dangerous? I appreciate the advice. I will heed it.
01-22-17, 19:21
It is not the best area.
Too late or too dangerous? I appreciate the advice. I will heed it.
GT 20:30 is a little late to start your adventure in the Constitution or Plaza Once area in my opinion, but to each his own. Might be dangerous out there. But if you can go a little earlier it would be safer. Plus I think the subte stops running at midnight. But I like your adventurous spirit. In the Plaza Once area, the corner of Rivadavia and Jujuy corner is a good starting point.
Rock Harders
01-22-17, 23:43
The Plaza Once area should not be visited after dark by anyone except the most experienced (as in Latin America experience) low end bottom feeding mongers. (I say this with endearment to those brave mongers).
Okay guys. I get the feeling that most of you are averse to SW info, because of the inherent risk. However, after knowing nothing about BA, I have to tell you that I am having a blast. Not to disregard good advice, I listened to WT and did not head down to Plaza Miserere (thanks for keeping me safe WT). However, after a bottle of wine and a beautiful Argentinean ribeye steak, I was sure in the mood to prowl. With low expectations, I headed back to the San Martin area. There was a seriously hot girl on Reconquista, and before I could engage, a taxi pulled up, a dude jumped out, and I was beaten :(. And yes, I did a walkby at first and it was a girl, this I am positive. No time to lick my wounds. I walked up Paraguay, and encountered a young hot Dominicana (I can't remember exactly what intersection but it was along Paraguay), who quoted my 1200 pesos. I filed that, and I was thinking about negotiating, but I said let me see what else is out there (my SOP-standard operating procedure is always to make a loop before committing, as I want to have total situational awareness). Believe me, I was going back for her. Then I hit the jackpot. As I rounded the bend and turned onto Avenida 9 de Julio, there was a group of what looked to be 3 hot Dominicanas. I coolly walked past them and then hit another group of what looked to be 3 hot Argentineans. I walked a block past, and then decided, WTF, I have to be an idiot not to engage. Seriously, they were doable to hot. Well, on my cruise back, I stopped at the blonde Argentinean which I had identified as the first pick, and I must say, seriously hot. I think she quoted my 1500 pesos, but I am not 100% sure (I was too busy staring at her rack in the low cut shirt). I did the token reduction and said $80 US and it was a go. Caught a taxi back to my hotel.
Okay guys, this isn't some exaggeration of a crazed man, she was freaking hot, clean, and perfect in every way. She was 27 years old. For her, the $80 was a steal. She licked all over, but when it came time to "engage" she covered. This is the only bad thing that I can say, a CBJ. But you can't blame a girl for minimizing her risk, at least I don't. In a begrudging way, I give her points for it. But seriously hot and she wasn't the only one. Not rushed, in the comfort of my own room (the night watchman must be so jealous because he sees all hot girls coming to my room), and she did everything to please me.
So, I get it. SW probably come with more bad than good for those who don't know. But in the US, I deal with the same kind, the druggies, the pimps, the thieves, the hot wanna be user "girlfriends". It is a dangerous game and not for everyone. I respect that you guys are clear about the risk. And to be honest, as of last night, I wouldn't have recommended trying the SW angle as I just thought I got lucky. But today was pure GOLD. My only regret, is too few days for everything I want to hit. Unlike hitting up a massage parlor or privido, these girls put the entire amount in their pocket (aren't I a great guys for standing up for women's rights). It stands to reason that they may choose to do this as a higher paying option, at least some who have come to terms with the inherent risk. But there are some hot girls out there. Caveat emptor, but have fun. I sure am.
Great posts GT, very interesting, good adventures on the SW scene. But back to the Plaza Once/Misere or Constitution area, I go there in the late afternoon or early evening time period. At least you can see what you get and it feels much safer in those areas. I always stopped into a coffee shop and got some type of drink and checked out the situation before making a choice of which chica to go with. But my budget cant handle the $1000 peso price range so I'm in the bottom feeder group. But chicas for $200 pesos is a lot better price range for me.
Okay, I walked the 1.8 miles to Plaza Once, and then back from it, to get a gauge of the surroundings. I don't mind hanging with the bottom feeder crowd, because I find slumming it entertaining at times. Granted I went from 11 am to 1 pm, purely to see what the potential hazards were. I just wanted to report that I think there was some good advice given here. I don't think this is the area people who aren't in the know (casual tourists) should go towards dark. It is a very busy square with buses terminals, and small shops. However, even during the day, that place gave me a weird vibe, and wouldn't want to risk it towards dark. Given time in country and experience, perhaps, but I think that it should be avoided otherwise. I didn't really expect to see any chicas at noon of course, but there were. A good number of what seemed to be Africans. So, sort of dangerous area, the low end of the spectrum which ups STD and drug risk, and having a girl recommend a short stay hotel where you may or may not be assaulted, it is too much for me. But hey, I did check it out, and if I lived here, I probably would see what it was about, because who doesn't like a good deal, right?
GT I like your energy, its amazing. I cant believe you walked all the way over there (I assume your staying in the Microcenter) all 1.8 miles AND walked all the way back. Well you did see a lot of Buenos Aires along the way. I don't want to go into all the dos and donts in the Once area, but let it go. You did check it out and walked there. You can try the subte sometime, it doesn't cost that much.
Thanks GT2017 for your reporting. Fresh, relevant, different and valuable. A great contribution.
Along Av. Paraguay mostly to Suipacha and beyond, all facing traffic. One night saw 6 girls at the corner of Esmeralda and Paraguay. Most of the girls are foreign. One Peruvian quoted ARS 3,200. Police presence is visible sometimes. Basically you can do a circle after midnight: Pellegrini-Paraguay-Suipacha-Cordoba to Café Exedra and again to Paraguay. Been harassed twice by the same bag lady who rushed to me stretching her arms and saying, 'sexo! Sexo!' - very sad.
02-02-20, 22:50
Hello guys.
I am Elias and I am from Buenos Aires. I am a good connoisseur of the areas where the Streetwalkers meet, I can tell you without a doubt that there is very good material if one knows where to go. It can also be very exciting to go to areas that touch the dangerous, but once you know them you know very well that they are safe. Florida, Cordoba and even Constitucion is for tourists, but there are many other areas. If you are visiting Buenos Aires, I will gladly give you a tour of these areas.
Hello guys.
I am Elias and I am from Buenos Aires. I am a good connoisseur of the areas where the Streetwalkers meet, I can tell you without a doubt that there is very good material if one knows where to go. It can also be very exciting to go to areas that touch the dangerous, but once you know them you know very well that they are safe. Florida, Cordoba and even Constitucion is for tourists, but there are many other areas. If you are visiting Buenos Aires, I will gladly give you a tour of these areas.Please check your PM.
Captain Solo
09-25-20, 19:42
Thanks for your report. I like Argentinian girls a lot, pretty, gentle and fun. Looking to come back for a long visit.
With exchange Pesos top US$ 75:1, 1,500 pesos is about $20.
Why did you pay $80?
Am I missing something?
, a taxi pulled up, a dude jumped out, and I was beaten :(. And yes, I did a walkby at first and it was a girl, this I am positive. No time to lick my wounds. I walked up Paraguay, and encountered a young hot Dominicana (I can't remember exactly what intersection but it was along Paraguay), who quoted my 1200 pesos.
, I stopped at the blonde Argentinean which I had identified as the first pick, and I must say, seriously hot. I think she quoted my 1500 pesos, but I am not 100% sure (I was too busy staring at her rack in the low cut shirt). I did the token reduction and said $80 US and it was a go. Caught a taxi back to my hotel.
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