View Full Version : Christmas and New Year's in Buenos Aires
Spending Christmas in Buenos Aires is quite a contrast from what I am familiar with. Shop until you drop BS. What a relief not to be inindated with the commercialism. Very relaxing Christmas Eve until midnight, fireworks. WTF is this? Incoming. Wild scene for me. An Argentine tradition for what I was told. This neigbor of mine had some heavy ordanance. Cannot take the litlle boy out of the man. It was all cool for this old fart. For Christmas day, it was a Gomers paradise. No traffic and no crowds anywhere. Jumped on the Subte and got lost about half dozen times. For the hefty sum of 4 pesos and one free pass, got a grand tour of the city. Had the city all to myself. Life is good. Boring is good too.
12-26-08, 20:01
Xmas here is much more subdued. While shopping is important you do not have to buy expensive gifts to keep your favorites happy.
Heading back to the world tomorrow. Quite a month for this old fart: Christmas / New Years. Once again, not a whole lot to report on the mongering side of my visit. Have become one boring old man and it is not all that bad. Have a young lady, by my standards young, that takes care of me and what more can a guy ask for. No trophy piece but it works for me. Once again, thoroughly enjoyed myself this trip and will be back in a couple of months. Got to get the f. Taxes done and all the other domestic BS.
One thing I would like to offer any new kids coming to Buenos Aires. This language barrier is one big pain in the ass, but on the other hand, it has been a blessing in disguise too. Do not let the language thing deter you. I must have gotten lost a dozen times and each time it all worked out and turned into some fun times. For my first day, needed a transformer and did not feel like heading to La Casa del Transformador as suggested on the Forum. (Why would I do something intelligent? Walked around for some time looking and came across three Utility Workers (lineman) and was sure they would be able to help me, educated guess. Drew a diagram for them and between my drawing and sign language, we figured out what I needed. The three of them were passionately going at it for five minutes amongst themselves as to where to purchase my transformer. Finally one them said, "fuck-it" or something to that effect and loaded me up in their 500 gazillion ton utility truck and off we go. They park this monster in the middle of the street and we all go into the store and buy my puny transformer. Plus, they got me a discount. That episode portrays my daily experiences in Buenos Aires. I cannot say enough about the hospitality of these people. There is an Italian Restaurant about three blocks from where I am staying. Best damn food I have experienced. The owner is quite a character. They put an apron on the old boy and I am in business: chef-damman. It is fucking hoot for me. My experiences go on and on. Try and keep it simple is my thing. By the way, if you are wondering, they have the most beautiful women in the world in Buenos Aires. Just in case anyone needed my input on that subject. Thanks everyone. I will be back shortly, you lucky fucks.
08-24-09, 13:07
What can a nube expect in the way of mongering options Xmas day and the day after?
What can a nube expect in the way of mongering options Xmas day and the day after?Its against the Law to Fuck on Christmas day in Argentina.
No Fucking.
Its against the Law to Fuck on Christmas day in Argentina.
No Fucking.
ExonAnd wanking is expressly forbidden.
Its against the Law to Fuck on Christmas day in Argentina.
No Fucking.
ExonLaw abiding Citizen? Follows all the rules? Pillar of the community? Another urban myth gone to hell. I am crushed.
08-25-09, 19:56
And wanking is expressly forbidden.
ArgentoWell dammit. But seriously, folks, the 25th and 26th are all I got. Please at least tell me there's action to be had on Navidad + 1. I'm heading down to Cordoba for wingshooting on N+2. Again. Those 2 days are all I got. Help the Doctor!
Member #3320
08-25-09, 20:25
Well dammit. But seriously, folks, the 25th and 26th are all I got. Please at least tell me there's action to be had on Navidad + 1. I'm heading down to Cordoba for wingshooting on N+2. Again. Those 2 days are all I got. Help the Doctor!Most of Latin America is devoid of PnP action on 24, 25 and 26 Dec.
Hope this helps.
For those of you who are not familiar with the phenomenon, BA essentially shuts down on Christmas Eve and also on New Year's Eve beginning at approximately 6 pm, and remains a "ghost town" until sometime during the middle of the next day, when things gradually begin to return to normal. During this time all the clubs, boliches, restaurants, coffee shops and privados will be closed, and none of the internet escorts will working.
During this 18 hour period, the vast majority of Argentines will be attending an obligatory midnight dinner with their family, an event that even the most hardened working girl will find difficult to avoid. To make things worse, most Paraguayan chicks will have traveled back to Paraguay to visit relatives for the holidays.
In other words, the Christmas Eve - New Year's Day period is probably the worst time of the year in Buenos Aires to pursue commercial sport fucking endeavors.
If you are a visitor and / or unattached guy, you have limited options:
1. You can stay in your apartment or hotel room and watch TV.
2. You can try to convince a favorita to hang with you for the evening, usually at a perversely ridiculous price.
3. On New Year's Eve, you can pay between $200-$600 pesos to attend one of the commercially motivated parties put on by some of the bigger hotels and discos, where you will be served mediocre food and cheap champagne.
4. You can get yourself invited to a private party.
For those of you who would like a 2nd opinion on the subject, I would direct your attention to TejanoLibre's comments on the subject last year:
If you can picture Houston, Texas in July without a single fucking air-conditioner in sight then you can picture BA!
Hot, humid amd miserable! Not a single breeze! 32 to 38 degrees. CELSIUS!
65% to 99% humidity!
It's awful!
Oh yeah, every fucking chica goes back to Paraguay, Brazil or the D. R!
Locals blow out to the beaches!
Over (1) million people leave BA!
By far the worst thing about this city is the weather and the goddamn Catholic horse-shit!
This weekend will be empty. Every girl will be with her little bastards!
Whisky Ice
12-04-09, 22:57
I will be in BsAs during second half of December (around Dec. 15th) I wonder if during those days, boliches like Hipopotamus or Nuevo Estilo (Pampita) are empty since many of the girls will go on vacation starting mid of December. Or maybe just almost no chance of seeing lots of talents of every club.
Any advice?
I was at "Cielo Private" today with an Urugauya named Evangelina (I think that was her name) The details are foggy, as she blew my mind. And other things, but she did tell me that they would be open on Christmas day until 6pm (pretty sure it was 6) So, at least one good apartment option.
Has again spent the regular week in BA with my Brasilian wife for shopping.
Everything half Brasil prizes.
Here comes the important things.
1 Normal medical services is superb.
Had to use it for my wife twice.
Got doctor and assistant within 30 min, both here in BA and Mar del Plata. You pay.
Nothing, 30 pesos or?
2 At EZE airport for change.
Only use bank and not xhage places, you.
Lose 20 percent.
Go all the way out to taxis Ezeira (which you.
Should use) look back to the right and you.
Will see the bank entrance.
3 Taxi Eze now charges 98 pesos to central.
BA. You can negoitate but I do not like to do.
It. People here have to live.
12-15-09, 17:27
I was at "Cielo Private" today with an Urugauya named Evangelina (I think that was her name) The details are foggy, as she blew my mind. And other things, but she did tell me that they would be open on Christmas day until 6pm (pretty sure it was 6) So, at least one good apartment option.Thanks for the info. I'm going to be there Xmas day so maybe I can find this spot.
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