View Full Version : Flexible Morals?
02-12-09, 20:44
Without going into specifics; why is it that we ALL seem to have.
' Flexible Morals 'at times?
Pots calling the kettles black and I'm not as twisted as he is type of stuff!
On thing is o. K but the other is awful!
We shall see who gets in to Heaven and who flies south!
That's how the term "political correct" was incoporated into cultural reality.
There is a "jumping on the wagon" mentality.
It's called " Hypocrisy " TL.
We are all guilty of it at some point or another.
Don't take moral judgments on AP seriously.
Why is?
Because the church educated the population, their truth becomes our truth, slowly but efficiently. A personal and subjective moral core lies or ought to lie at the base of individual's moral acts. Public morality reflects social convention, and only personal, subjective morality expresses true authenticity.
Why is?
Because the church educated the population, their truth becomes our truth, slowly but efficiently. A personal and subjective moral core lies or ought to lie at the base of individual's moral acts. Public morality reflects social convention, and only personal, subjective morality expresses true authenticity.You got that Jackson.
Like you said once, "It depends on the people that are Judgeing You if Your Guilty or Not"
02-13-09, 03:51
Without going into specifics; why is it that we ALL seem to have.
' Flexible Morals 'at times?
Pots calling the kettles black and I'm not as twisted as he is type of stuff!
On thing is o. K but the other is awful!
TLPerhaps we are relativists. Search 'moral relativism', and maybe we can have an intelliigent discussion on the subject.
Being called the pot who calls the kettle black seems kind of accusatory.
Hi Guys,
What the fuck are all of you talking about?
Cordoba Dan
02-13-09, 11:20
As best as I can figure, this thread was cranked up soon after T. L. Had posted an offer to broker a Paraguayitas virginity, followed by some questioning whether that was appropriate or not, followed by you Jackson shutting down the thread. I guess it was one way of continuing the discussion, does that sound about right?
As best as I can figure, this thread was cranked up soon after T. L. Had posted an offer to broker a Paraguayitas virginity, followed by some questioning whether that was appropriate or not, followed by you Jackson shutting down the thread. I guess it was one way of continuing the discussion, does that sound about right?Greetings everyone,
I closed the thread regarding the auctioning a girl's virginity because I felt it was (to use the most polite word I can think of) inappropriate.
However, if anyone believes that I was wrong to do this, I suggest that they post the following poll so that they might benefit from the collective opinions of the forum membership:
Poll Question: Should this forum be used to auction off a girl's virginity?
Option 1: Yes.
Option 2: No.
Greetings everyone,
I closed the thread regarding the auctioning a girl's virginity because I felt it was (to use the most polite word I can think of) inappropriate.
However, if anyone believes that I was wrong to do this, I suggest that they post the following poll so that they might benefit from the collective opinions of the forum membership:
Poll Question: Should this forum be used to auction off a girl's virginity?
Option 1: Yes.
Option 2: No.
JacksonDear Jackson: with all due respect, this is a kind of a rhetorical question. The obvious answer is "no" while from my point of view TL original "Flexible Morals" it's, under what I understand, more related to the members reaction rather than the Admin's decision to close the thread.
Let me preface by saying, I do not think it appropriate to sell the virginity of a young Paraguayan girl of questionable age on AP.
But I do agree there is much hypocrisy (what I think he was referring to by the " pot calling kettle black " comment) regarding morality.
I personally find it wrong to do what TL was doing, but I also find it stomach churning every time I hear something about pregnant girls.
So I choose not to comment on either so as not to be a hypocrite.
I agree with Jackson's decision to close the thread, but I also agree the morality discussion part was quite laughable.
For what it is worth, I heard through the monger grapevine that the "virgin auction" got some publicity on some of the local forums. To the tune of "there go those crazy gringos again".
For what it is worth, I heard through the monger grapevine that the "virgin auction" got some publicity on some of the local forums. To the tune of "there go those crazy gringos again".Moral Immorality? Agreed. But there are levels of immorality that make up our individual parameters. Some parameters are not meant to be pushed.
02-13-09, 17:18
Let me preface by saying, I do not think it appropriate to sell the virginity of a young Paraguayan girl of questionable age on AP.
But I do agree there is much hypocrisy (what I think he was referring to by the " pot calling kettle black " comment) regarding morality.
I personally find it wrong to do what TL was doing, but I also find it stomach churning every time I hear something about pregnant girls.
So I choose not to comment on either so as not to be a hypocrite.
I agree with Jackson's decision to close the thread, but I also agree the morality discussion part was quite laughable.
BM.Imagine you had a business that provided a service to subscribers that looked for entertainment on your little website and one source of your revenue was from advertisers that made ad placements on your site.
Again imagine your subscribers online activity drove the level of traffic that allowed you to charge a higher rate to more advertisers because of this increased visibility.
Why would you risk this with something that was so controversial and had such little support for the cause? In my short time on AP it was the most controversial item I have seen.
I don't know Jackson's business model, but it would appear to me the decision to end the subject thread was a business decision and not a moral crusade.
Or I could be wrong. Suerte.
Imagine you had a business that provided a service to subscribers that looked for entertainment on your little website and one source of your revenue was from advertisers that made ad placements on your site.
Again imagine your subscribers online activity drove the level of traffic that allowed you to charge a higher rate to more advertisers because of this increased visibility.
Why would you risk this with something that was so controversial and had such little support for the cause? In my short time on AP it was the most controversial item I have seen.
I don't know Jackson's business model, but it would appear to me the decision to end the subject thread was a business decision and not a moral crusade.
Or I could be wrong. Suerte.I believe that Jackson acted in a moralistic and business-directed fashion.
Regardless, it was the right thing to do.
What are you talking about?
I wasn't talking about Jackson at all.
Lol @ all the time wasted on a mistaken premise.
Imagine you had a business that provided a service to subscribers that looked for entertainment on your little website and one source of your revenue was from advertisers that made ad placements on your site.
Again imagine your subscribers online activity drove the level of traffic that allowed you to charge a higher rate to more advertisers because of this increased visibility.
Why would you risk this with something that was so controversial and had such little support for the cause? In my short time on AP it was the most controversial item I have seen.
I don't know Jackson's business model, but it would appear to me the decision to end the subject thread was a business decision and not a moral crusade.
Or I could be wrong. Suerte.
02-13-09, 20:33
What are you talking about?
I wasn't talking about Jackson at all.
Lol @ all the time wasted on a mistaken premise.
BM.Maybe this will be easier to understand.
I agree with your statement.
02-13-09, 21:39
Greetings everyone,
I closed the thread regarding the auctioning a girl's virginity because I felt it was (to use the most polite word I can think of) inappropriate.
However, if anyone believes that I was wrong to do this, I suggest that they post the following poll so that they might benefit from the collective opinions of the forum membership:
Poll Question: Should this forum be used to auction off a girl's virginity?
Option 1: Yes.
Option 2: No.
JacksonI was the one who asked Jackson to close the thread!
I even sent a pm about (2) minutes after the thread was initiated to get an opinion. At least I think I did? I thought about it anyway. Does that count?
To delete or not to delete?
Anyway, the thought of a pregnant chica is a lot more revolting imho.
My comments about the pots and kettles have absolutely nothing to do with Mr. J pulling the plug.
I fully understand and agree with Jackson's perspective on the matter.
Reluctant to graduate as an attorney at law. My deepest fear it's to defend someone in the court, then he screams " I'm guilty I said I am Guilty, yes, take me! I did it!"
Programming it's way easier,.
Tatshea Travel
02-14-09, 00:44
For what it is worth, I heard through the monger grapevine that the "virgin auction" got some publicity on some of the local forums. To the tune of "there go those crazy gringos again".I read something about it too in a local blog of news.
And the critic wasn't so soft: they call the offer of a virgin "one more of the idiocys you can find in that forum".
I say to myself if you don't like it don't read it.
######' argies, what do they believe they are?
Thanks for clarifying that for all the budding essayists.
My comments about the pots and kettles have absolutely nothing to do with Mr. J pulling the plug.
02-15-09, 12:56
I read something about it too in a local blog of news.
And the critic wasn't so soft: they call the offer of a virgin "one more of the idiocys you can find in that forum".
I say to myself if you don't like it don't read it.
######' argies, what do they believe they are?I think you may have misread the article.
The article was about Virgin (Atlantic Airways) deliberately reducing their airfare by a few pounds to undercut BA. (British Airways)
An easy mistake if you tend to speed read too fast.
Sounds good to me anyway!
I have ALWAYS believed in the notion that ALL publicity, whether it's good or bad is still good!
If not for you but for me?
Now, would anyone be interested in a 68 year old Bolivian Babe?
Has teeth, will travel!
You will NOT be disappointed!
Tejano Libre (y LOCO?)
02-15-09, 14:45
I think you may have misread the article.
The article was about Virgin (Atlantic Airways) deliberately reducing their airfare by a few pounds to undercut BA. (British Airways)
An easy mistake if you tend to speed read too fast.
Sounds good to me anyway!
I have ALWAYS believed in the notion that ALL publicity, whether it's good or bad is still good!
If not for you but for me?
Now, would anyone be interested in a 68 year old Bolivian Babe?
Has teeth, will travel!
You will NOT be disappointed!
Tejano Libre (why LOCO?Great Post TL. Great way to start the day. Suerte.
Greetings everyone,
I closed the thread regarding the auctioning a girl's virginity because I felt it was (to use the most polite word I can think of) inappropriate.
However, if anyone believes that I was wrong to do this, I suggest that they post the following poll so that they might benefit from the collective opinions of the forum membership:
Poll Question: Should this forum be used to auction off a girl's virginity?
Option 1: Yes.
Option 2: No.
JacksonIn my option being a virgin or not is irrelevant. The only moral question is the girl's age. If she is a minor, she should not be promoted on this site, whether she is a virgin or not.
If there is a virgin who is an adult, she should be able to sell her services, and if she can get extra for being a virgin, so be it.
Underage girls should stay off this site, not only is it illegal, but it's wrong. Any pedophiles should move somewhere else.
Any pedophiles should be in prison.* Fixed.
Bad Man
Morality is a very subjective point of view. For some of us some of the posts here are by "weird motherfuckers" but for others ALL of them are!
My "Gran pregunta gran" -big question- is "Does anybody get hurt?" and I try to adapt my moral scale to that.
No one gets hurt - It's OK.
Someone gets hurt - it's not OK.
But in my years of mongering, very, very often some one gets hurt.
I pay Maria to fuck me but I don't pay her kid to hang around motherless for hours while she is sucking my dick!
So, as I started this post, all this is very very subjective.
Don't expect me to tell you that you are morally correct in your taste so as to quell any doubts as to your morality but also don't tell me (and I mean NEVER) that my tastes are more or less moral or immoral than yours!
I won't meet any of you in heaven or hell because neither exist but we may meet here on Earth and while we may, my advice is TRY to never hurt anyone.
Good post Aqua,
I personally don't come to AP to judge people (though maybe some people do since it's so easy over the internet) or to enforce my views and opinions on others.
That doesn't mean I don't unconsciously judge people, because I do, we all do. But I keep my judgments to myself.
Besides, this is a forum full of whorre mongers. I give little stock to their opinions (no offense guys).
This website to me is all about exchanging information on chicas and the occasional political jibes from Sidney.
Good post Aqua,
I personally don't come to AP to judge people (though maybe some people do since it's so easy over the internet) or to enforce my views and opinions on others.
That doesn't mean I don't unconsciously judge people, because I do, we all do. But I keep my judgments to myself.
Besides, this is a forum full of whorre mongers. I give little stock to their opinions (no offense guys)
This website to me is all about exchanging information on chicas and the occasional political jibes from Sidney.
BM.Thanks Bad. I also understand that this is a place where I can express myself and sometimes after doing so I find I am not as right as I thought I was in the first place or, even, at other times I find the the opposite.
What I have learnt, and not here but in my life in general that there is no right or wrong as a tangible or measurable thing. It is something that is measured in "how much damage do I inflict on you (the other person)".
Just take for example how Argentina is about to legalize drug usage. At this very moment, someone smoking pot is doing something illegal. In a few months time or less (probably) it won't be illegal!
But that is legality versus illegality while I, personally, have tried to live by other standards such as "have I harmed or am I harming someone else?"
If I have, I try to repair it. If I haven't, it's not my business.
Of course it's not quite that easy but whoever reads this and has the same general idea will know what I am on about and those that don't, well, they won't!
Modelo Vip
02-16-09, 16:22
I'm glad to learn that the post has been removed. I think we can all have fun, you guys with your mongering and us with our hookering so long as certain limits are respected. What's moralistic for one person or the other could be debatable, however the post advertised here had to do with slavery and what in my country is known as "trata de personas". That's illegal and condemned everywhere and has nothing to do with "having a good time".
Happy mongering to everyone, as Toyman says.
Talking about morals, thing is: 18 years old or less it's today a world-wide-web minimum age, taken from some States of the USA's regulations, however, some legislations in other countries are different. I lived alone at the age of 16 and I had sex for the first time at the age of 13 with my maid, then with several school friends, we had parties and a kind of group sex and many of my friends are today married and "normal" people, then I've met a girl who was virgin at the age of 24, and I did her a favor many years later. In some countries you are able to vote at the age of 25 for some things (like Italy) and Jesucrist's mother (bible says) she got pregnant at the age of 15. So I agree to Aqualung, morals and legislation are way different things.
Modelo Vip
02-17-09, 01:47
I also agree with Aqua that "there is no right or wrong as a tangible or measurable thing". I'm sure Tejano made the offer in the belief that he was doing nothing wrong. So, I'm sure if his sister or his daughter ever gets publicity as an available virgin or wants to make some extra bucks during pregnancy, he'll be fine with it.
Cheers to that.
02-17-09, 21:52
I'm glad to learn that the post has been removed. I think we can all have fun, you guys with your mongering and us with our hookering so long as certain limits are respected. What's moralistic for one person or the other could be debatable, however the post advertised here had to do with slavery and what in my country is known as "trata de personas". That's illegal and condemned everywhere and has nothing to do with "having a good time".
Happy mongering to everyone, as Toyman says.I hope you can fuck better than you can read English!
Show me where the post even remotely describes slavery and I will kiss your fat, Argentinian ASS!
The girl wanted to get laid for the very first time.
The girl wanted to buy her family a house with the proceeds.
The girl came willing and able to the table.
So where the hell does slavery come into question?
What is the difference between her brand new box and your over-used unit?
Leave the girl alone.
P. S - The girl had just left the convent where she had been locked-up as a nun for the past 20 plus years!
She has renounced Christ. She is a (25) year old virgin! I bet you wish you were!
Your sick and perverted mind (s) ASS U ME D that she was under age!
P. S. S - If I had a sister it would be a miracle and:
If I had a daughter that was a virgin I would be disappointed. If she can't be any good to her own family she won't be any good to anyone else's!
Marcelo Uribe
02-18-09, 09:20
I'm sure Tejano made the offer in the belief that he was doing nothing wrong. So, I'm sure if his sister or his daughter ever gets publicity as an available virgin or wants to make some extra bucks during pregnancy, he'll be fine with it.
Cheers to that.Good point Chanel.
Daddy Rulz
02-18-09, 12:02
My position about underaged or forced servitude is well established, I am intolerant of both. TL says this chica is of age so let the bidding begin. Besides the astonishing wealth of information contained in this forum the thing I've always loved about it is it's weirdness and Jax's willingness to move with a pretty soft hand in censoring it. Now TL did not state at the beginning the age of the virgin so I can understand Jax's need to close the auction, but now that it's established I say Buster Hyman (Hymen)
What does it matter if TL wants his sister involved, if the chica asked him to help her then it is her business.
Personally I wouldn't bid on a virgin, give me a pornstar anyday, somebody that has the experience to play a mans body like an instrument.
Somebody that has the experience to play a mans body like an instrument.Or a philarmonic orchestra's flute player?
I have to admit that when I first heard about this auction I was a little put off when I was told about it by some friends. I think it was originally posted when I was drowning under a virus and hadn't looked at the forum much for over a week, so I didn't actually see the post and admit that I was commenting on what others had told me was in the post, and not by what I read directly. Understand, I don't have reason to think that what I was told was wrong, just that I never saw the actual text.
But thinking back on it, I found that my original reaction was directly related to the morals that I was taught at my pappy's knee (sometimes very roughly) A set of morals that, for example, had kept me trapped in a horrendous marriage for way too freaking long.
Of course, I personally would not want to see my daughter posted for giving away her virginity. However, I come from a middle-class US family and within that society, it would be an absolute disgrace if something like that were known to have happened.
I don't remember if it was ever mentioned where this girl was from, and I can't be bothered to go back and look. However, if she is willing to sell her virginity to buy her family a house, I have to think that most likely her family lives in a pretty crude dwelling, something along the lines of four walls put together out of rough-hewn wooden planks (or name your cheap material) that don't fit tight and let in air, wind, water, etc, and probably roofed with something like grass thatching. Probably a dirt floor. Probably no running water, so they pull water from the well to splash themselves clean behind a few crude planks, maybe on a concrete pad, set aside from the house. An outhouse with those same wooden planks, with either a wooden seat or maybe, a luxury, a porcelain toilet, but there's no running water so you have to bring a bucket of water from the well to flush it.
I know a place like what I've just described. A family that used to live thusly. I know their stated morals are that prostitution is a bad thing, that putas are dirty, etc, etc, but the fact is when one (or two, or three) of their daughters goes to the city of gold (Buenos Aires) to work and ONE OF THEM sends back enough money over the course of a year to build them a 4-bedroom house with a small open area in the middle for getting together, they didn't question her stated profression of "waitress".
Of course they are fairly ignorant and these parents may have never seen Buenos Aires, and truly think that riches are everywhere for workers here. However, when they see their sons come here and work in verdulerias, in construction, or as waiters (or dishwashers, etc) they see a HUGE discrepancy in the amount of money that comes back. They may be ignorant, but they're not always stupid. They know where the money from their daughters is coming, but they don't acknowledge it out loud. Well, the mothers and the daughters talk about it, actually, because the mother knows what is going on form the beginning, but the father remains blissfully "ignorant" while enjoying the fruits of his daughter's loins.
All of that is a long-winded way of saying that I don't think TL or the girl in question did anything wrong. In fact, I certainly applaud the girl's decision to leave an organization that forces women to abstain from enjoying natural pleasure (and many of these girls are sent to the nunneries by the fathers, by the way, when they are really poor and want the girls to get an education or simply a meal.
I also applaud the girl for wanting to get over quickly what some girls spend years trying to do. I hope she is successful, but honetly, she would probably need something like $5K or more to pull off a moderate house, with crude doors, crude wiring and no windows (for example) but with a concrete floor and a tiled roof. That's what the 4-bedroom "house" mentioned previously cost to build three years ago.
I just don't know that she would find someone who is willing to pay so much for one shot, at least not on A / P:)
And TL - you should have just told them the girl was old enough, if you didn't.
Talk about flexible morals.
Talk about flexible morals.! She is fucking old and fat! How can one love a monster like that? (the woman I meant) Look if the guy had vacation in BA, there would be no trial and no news about this incident.
02-20-09, 19:40
Shit! She is fucking old and fat! How can one love a monster like that? (the woman I meant) Look if the guy had vacation in BA, there would be no trial and no news about this incident.One night I was with this girl and I was taking one for the team and performing one of my best D. A. T. Y sessions.
Suddenly I hear ¨Marshall! ¨
I stop and say ¨Hey, I'm not Marshall . ¨
I go back to work and I hear ¨Oh Marshall ! ¨
I say ¨I'm not Marshall .¨
Finally I'm still working and I hear ¨Oh Marshall ¨for the THIRD time!
So I stop what I'm doing and look at her and she says ¨Oh I'm so sorry. And the funny thing is that Marshall never does that to me ! ¨
I had to laugh.
Mainly because Marshall was HER boyfriend and a guy that I had grown-up with.
It may have been my fault too because I have always followed this motto:
¨Fuck'Em up and Fuck Em ¨
Get them wasted and the rest just happens naturally. Sometimes too much of a good thing can backfire!
See Ya,
T. L
My position about underaged or forced servitude is well established, I am intolerant of both. TL says this chica is of age so let the bidding begin. Besides the astonishing wealth of information contained in this forum the thing I've always loved about it is it's weirdness and Jax's willingness to move with a pretty soft hand in censoring it. Now TL did not state at the beginning the age of the virgin so I can understand Jax's need to close the auction, but now that it's established I say Buster Hyman (Hymen)
What does it matter if TL wants his sister involved, if the chica asked him to help her then it is her business.
Personally I wouldn't bid on a virgin, give me a pornstar anyday, somebody that has the experience to play a mans body like an instrument.Actually this reminds me of something that I heard a long time ago, but not sure if it is true. But, isn't "pimping" illegal in Argentina. Sure it is his "friend" but still.
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