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LA PLATA is a city approximtely 45 minutes away from Buenos Aires by train. It is a BUSTLING university town and has at least 3 very good hobby bars on par with Playwoman in Buenos Aires.
VERY YOUNG (20,21,22) girls working in the bars. Many are students.
You can take a girl back to your hotel for 100 pesos. (Not a single girl asked for anything higher than 150 pesos and I must have chatted with 20 girls in the 3 bars on the one night I was there.
Since it is so damn close to Buenos Aires--I strongly urge you to make the easy effort to visit La Plata---YOU WILL THANK ME LATER.
LA Larry:
Could you please let us know the names of these three bars?
Sorry Hulk...I can't remember their names. They were all near my hotel in Central La Plata. One was called (I think) Estrellas and the other that I remember was called (Again, I think) VIPs but--believe me--every cabbie in La Plata knows the 3 hot spots--they are all within 10 blocks of the center of the city.
Does anyone "on the ground" in La Plata know the names of the hobby bars???
Darn. I just noticed your post in the La Plata section of the old forum. I never got to read it while I was in Buenos Aires. I do agree that we probably have similar tastes. I read that you also saw Paola. She was a fun girl. I wonder if you saw Lisa from Playwoman.
Based on your report I'm gonna hit La Plata in December/January. I plan on going to B.A. for 2-3 weeks in December. I'll definitely check out La Plata for maybe one day and Mar Del Plata for a few days if I get the chance.
The Saint
LA Larry:
What hotel did you stay in at La Plata? How does it compare to some the BA hotels?
LALarry, Here's a website with what appears to be some good local info on hotels and clubs. I don't know how good the info is, but maybe you or one of the other La Plata pros could check it out and see if the info is on target.
During a recent two week stint in Buenos Aires I decided to take a day off from the heated activities of the big city and investigate the rumors of the college chicas in La Plata as described by LA Larry.
The day began at noon on a Thursday as my remis picked me up at the Ulises hotel. I had contemplated renting a car because I was planning to do some serious exploring, but the remis price was a big 39 pesos ($10.00) so I just couldn't justify the lost time driving myself. I had also decided to keep my room at the Ulises, so I traveled light with a single bag.
The remis was exactly on time, and we motored through the city and down the autopista to arrive in La Plata in just under an hour. As we entered the town, it became readily apparent that my driver didn't know the city at all, so I pulled out my map and took over the navigating as we headed directly to the center square to look for a hotel. Once we reached the center square "Plaza Moreno", I directed the driver to circle the square as I looked for a suitable hotel. After a couple of fruitless circumnavigations, he pulled over and asked a young man accompanying an elderly woman if they could direct us to wherever the hotels in this town were clustered. They both exhibited the usual Argentinean politeness and soon directed us to another nearby square where they assured us there were a couple of hotels in the "businessman's" category. The young man actually insisted in joining us in the car to direct us the few blocks himself.
I spotted the Corregidor Hotel easily from several blocks away. It's a dozen stories high, right on Plaza San Martin and directly adjacent to the Governors House, which like all government offices in Argentina these days, was surrounded by 8 ft barricades and armed police officers on station around the perimeter. The hotel was lightly occupied, and I got a standard room for 83 pesos ($25.00) per night, tax included. The room was on the 7th floor, overlooking the Plaza. It was slightly worn but otherwise serviceable.
After relaxing for a few minutes, I decided to do a little "investigation by walking around". I first circumnavigated the Plaza itself, then a one block perimeter outside, then a few blocks over to Plaza Moreno for the same general schedule. My thinking was that with all these government offices, surely there must be some "establishments" in the neighborhood to service the higher level officials. There as a lot of pedestrian traffic, and the usual pedestrian mall area, but nothing resembling a club of any sort. After a couple of hours, I decided to return to the hotel for a break and wait until later in the evening. I took a few minutes to explore the local yellow pages for clues to no avail, so I crashed out for a couple of hours.
At approximately 10 pm, after a shower and change, I exited the hotel into the cool night air. The pedestrian and street traffic had slowed considerably, but taxis were still readily available. I walked a block or so and then hailed the next one down the street. I started to talk with the driver, but it took less than five blocks for him to advise me, in a quite courteous manner, that he had no knowledge of any "casa de majeres" or of any bars or night clubs where I might find women. I asked him to pull over and let me out, and as I was preparing to pay him the 1.50 pesos on the meter, he politely refused to accept my money for such a short trip. That's typical Argentina.
I walked back to the hotel, hailed another taxi, and after a few blocks and several blank stares as I asked him if he had heard of "Estrellas" or "VIP" or of any night clubs catering to businessmen and/or government officials, I decided that this wasn't working either. He circled the Plaza and returned me to the hotel, and like the first driver, he refused to accept any money from me.
I decided it was time to take a different tack. There were two men on duty at the hotel reception, so I decided to ask them for any suggestions. Both guys spoke fair English, instantly understood my intentions, and we proceeded to engaged in a 30 minute conversation on the subject. At one time or another they had been to the clubs in BsAs, so there was no misunderstanding me as to what I wanted. First I asked then if they knew any bars or clubs in the immediate 10 block area, followed by asking them if they knew any places called "Estrellas" or "VIP". No luck on all counts.
As the conversation progressed, they advised me that they had an arrangement with an escort service that supplied the hotel on a regular basis, plus they also knew a couple of independent escorts they could call in my behalf. If I wasn't pleased with the chicas, I could turn them down with no problems. Nevertheless I declined as I was conducting research on La Plata pickup joints, not hotel escorts. I asked them where the college students hung out and partied, and they advised me that the college bars and clubs weren't really active except on Friday and Saturday nights. They also informed me that there were some clubs near the bus and train stations, but that they emphatically insisted that as a lone gringo that these weren't places I should be checking out, and that there was also a club called "Cats" on the edge of town along the old highway to BsAs. It was beginning to sound like this was going to be my starting point. The guys were cool and even volunteered to call Cats for me to find out what time they opened, which wasn't until 11:30 pm.
Given the dwindling supply of taxis on the street, I decided to enlist the services of a remis for a couple of hours to take me to Cats and elseware, and they quickly called the local service. A few minutes the remis appeared and I met the driver "Christian" with whom I negotiated a rate of 15 pesos per hour for as many hours as I desired. We drove off at about 11 pm, and I started to pump Christian for information. Christian was about 25 years old, has lived in La Plata his entire life, and spoke enough English that with my Spanish communication was possible. He had never heard of "Estrellas" or "VIP", but radioed to his dispatcher who also had never heard of any place with these names.
I directed Christian to show me the places that he knew, starting with the locations near the bus and train stations. He didn't have a problem driving me, but he also cautioned that they probably weren't places I should be visiting. In a few minutes we were driving down 43rd Avenue near 1st Avenue, down the street from the bus station. It was a run down neighborhood to be sure, but there were two places, one named "Vera Cruz" and the other was named "Tequila" although it was the Spanish spelling. They were just a block apart on opposite sides of the dimly-lit street, and seemed to feature the same exterior decor of dirty, greasy windows with partially burnt-out neon signage. Christian was right, there was no way I was stepping out of the car here.
We still had some time to kill, so Christian took the initiative and gave me a tour of the city's various streetwalkers. The tour included the corner of 60th Street at Quando, and several places along Avenue 1. I'm not into streetwalkers, but this selection look particularly low class to me. Finally, at 11:45 I directed him to take me to Cats.
Cats is on the eastern edge of town, in a stand alone building along the old highway to BsAs. It's across from a giant Carrefour store and an adjacent Wal-Mart (yes, the American chain store). The parking lot contained just a couple of cars, but I wasn't waiting in the car for business to pick up.
I walked into what was essentially an empty barroom with a couple of guys at the bar and perhaps a half dozen girls sitting at tables chatting idly. I took a seat at the bar with a commanding view of the entire room and asked the bartender for a beer ($5.00 pesos). After a few moments, the chica parade started, but there wasn't anything to interest me then as I noted the steady arrival of new chicas. There were several black girls, which I only note here because of their scarcity in BsAs itself.
In the space of about an hour from midnight to 1 am, the place quickly began to get lively as it filled with chicas and locals. One particularly interesting chica, who caught my eye because of the classy manner in which she carried herself, was snatched by what appeared to be a bar regular before I could get her attention. My next target of opportunity was a slim blond who was hanging out across the room near the front door with a group of other chicas. I was keeping my eye on her, but I wasn't going to chase her down because I like to play it cool in these situations.
I spent another hour surveying the room and watching the action. There were tables of guys drinking with their buddies, occasionally grabbing a chica or two to keep the company, along with a dozen chicas simply leaning against the walls or sitting alone on bar stools being ignored, waiting I guess to be beckoned to a table. As the night wore on, I watch a couple of chicas go to the dressing room upstairs, the return in street clothes to leave with one of the guys. I also observed a chica and a patron enter a side door marked "Private", into what appeared to be a hall with one or several private rooms on the premises. All during this time, I kept a hard eye on my number one selection, but not once did she look in my direction so I could establish eye contact. In fact, I took note of the fact that my presence didn't seem to generate any of the usual attention I generally get from chicas everywhere else in the world. I surmised that essentially this was a local man's bar, and they just didn't get enough gringo tourists to have developed a specific strategy.
As I was standing at the bar, a short chica who didn't meet my minimum standards began a conversation with me. Not wanting to appear interested, I kept my responses to single syllables, all the while looking past her at the blond I had my eye on. The girl was cool and after a minute she backed off, but then turned to me again and asked me if there was a specific chica that I wanted. I told her in my malo Spanish that I was trying to get the attention of the blond with the black and white dress. No problem, she walked right across the room and told the blond that I was interested, whereupon the blond turned, looked and then walked directly over to me wearing a big smile.
We introduced and talked for a few minutes as I bought her a drink (a coke) and got friendly. The process of establishing "user friendliness" took about 15 minutes as she melted quickly into my arms. As the hour was approaching 2:30 am, I started negotiations by asking if she wanted to go with me to my hotel. No problem. So far, so good. I then asked her how much for one hour, and then immediately decided to by-pass any BS and simply offered her 100 pesos. She readily agreed. Finally, we were down to only one issue: Would she give me a BJ without a condom. Although I know how to ask this in Spanish, sometimes the girls misunderstand me to think that I'm asking for uncovered sex, and so when I got that inquisitive look from her, I took out my trusty notebook and wrote out my request. "No problema" she said, and we were off to the races.
She went upstairs to change into street clothes and returned a few minutes later, and the confusion began. She asked me to pay the 100 pesos to the bartender in advance before we left, and because of my lack of Spanish skills, I was unable to establish if the 100 pesos was a bar fine in addition to what she wanted, or the total cost. Readers of this site already know my opposition to paying in advance, and I couldn't clear up the confusion, so I was left with the option of paying the money and taking my chances. She took the 100 pesos and brought it around the bar to the bartender, who dutifully logged in into a ledger book. After that, she was ready and we left.
Christian was waiting at the front door talking with a couple of taxi drivers. As we drove the 20 minutes into the city, the chica was all over me in the back seat with open mouth kissing and general encouragement to fondle whatever I wanted. This is another reason I prefer Latin America to Asia: Public displays of affection are perfectly acceptable and in fact encouraged, and sometimes I like to get my motor started before we actually get into the hotel room.
We arrived at the hotel at about 3:00 am. Christian had been with me for about 4 hours, and had been pretty cool about showing me around the city, so I paid him 100 pesos, which included him waiting for me to finish with the girl and take her back to the club. He was quite pleased.
At the front desk the same two guys had her fill out the registration card but didn't ask for ID, so the process was over in 2 minutes and we were on the elevator, groping and kissing on the ride to the seventh floor. We got into the room and as I sat on the bed she immediately began undressing, turning around to show me her ass as she wiggled out of her panties. She was about 5-6, with long blond hair, a slim body and smooth tan skin that gave her a California surfer-girl look. I stood up and began to kiss her passionately, allowing my hands to explore her body as she slowly began to unbutton my shirt.
True to her word, she gave me a fairly good BJ (and I'm a tough judge), followed by decent sex, upon which she allowed me to finish with a CIM. Afterwards, she cuddled up next to me and we talked for perhaps a half an hour as she kidded about being my girlfriend (ok by her, but I knew she was kidding because she made no attempt to give me her phone number or email address) At about 4:00 am she began dressing and I followed suit to walk her down to the cab. Here was the moment of truth: Was she going to ask for more money? Nope, she got her things together, and with a smile on her face we rode down the elevator and out the door to Christian's waiting car.
The next day I checked out at noon and asked the staff to call a remis for my return to BsAs. The driver wanted 60 pesos for the trip, but I negotiated down to 49 pesos by telling him that the trip from BsAs had been only 39 pesos. Gentlemen, it's not that the 10 pesos would break me, but it's important as a matter of respect to recognize an inflated price and negotiate it down. The trip back to BsAs was uneventful except that the driver didn't know the city, so I had to direct his every turn once we reached Avenida 9 de Juilo.
My summation is that La Plata merits further investigation. I know what I'm doing when I'm looking for chicas in Latin America, but it's entirely possible that I hit the wrong crowd of "advisors". Of course, that's the point of this website: I should have had the information and known where I was going before I hit town, as opposed to being forced to relying upon the locals for assistance.
I'll leave the next phase for the next guy, but I do have some questions for LA Larry: Can you give us some more specifics on the location of the bars you went to? Were they on the East, West, North or South side of the center of town? Do you remember any names of streets or landmarks in the vicinity? What night of the week were you there? Do you remember the name of the taxi company? What phrases did you use to ask the drivers for information. Any additional info would help, my friend, because "every cabbie in La Plata knows the 3 hot spots" just didn't produce results for me.
In addition, I hope that my failed attempts would illustrate to everyone the importance of taking note of some rudimentary information such as names of clubs and streets when you travel. Sometimes all you need to do is keep a receipt or stick a napkin from the establishment in your pocket as you leave, but vague approximations of club names and statements like "every cabbie in La Plata knows the 3 hot spots" just isn't exactly the best reporting for your fellow traveler following in your footsteps.
Jackson, great report! I'm planning my first trip to Argentina and had penciled la Plata in for a visit. Now, like saint, I'm not so sure that I'm willing to waste a night way from BsA to jump the grenade in the name of research.
Certainly the la Plata prices are reasonable, but I sure hate to waste an evening... OTOH, LALarry seemed convinced that it's a hot spot. More details would be appreciated!
You guys crack me up. Even after our illustrious leader's personal report -stating that this city may not be so hot- there is all kinds of people ranting and raving about how they are gonna "conquer" La Plata. Even Havanaman is chiming in with comparisons with university of Havana.
It just goes to show you that most people here will try to be objective, writing about the good and the bad, but some tend to exagerate a little.
If the WSG forum will sponsor me however(e.g. pay my air fare, accomodation, spending money, etc), I volunteer to go to La Plata and write the definitive report in order to settle this controversy. J.G.
I totally agree with J.G. I haven't had a chance to read the board in a few days when I read the posts about La Plata. After reading Jackson's post I'm not visiting La Plata until I read a report from guys stating that things there are good.
Jackson isn't some newbie hobbyist. He sounds like he has extensive experience hobbying all over. In fact, I cancelled my trip to Mar Del Plata and I'm going to Rio instead based on some reports from other friends.
Good luck.
J.G., Saint, Gentlemen,
I'll take the "Pepsi challenge" for La universidad de la habana any day of the week, especially a sábado, when there is a regular "student night" club atmosphere… and thats not an exageration. However its not relevant in this section. (checkout my relevant report).
Having said that I do agree with your general comments. I'm debating a couple of nights for La Plata. Should I make that a firm commitment to go, I WILL report back.
Regards, Havanaman
A local monger commented about the following place in La Plata:
Girls were quoted as so-so, although one or two hotties were there.
From the website, it seems that it belongs to a chain of local "private apartments".
Hope this helps.
Greetings everyone,
Here's a website with tourist information about La Plata:
This is the link to their "Boliches" page:
I'm going to be in Argentina in late October. Would you guys recommend Plata or Puntas del Este in Uraguay for a couple of days? Thanks!
As you probabely know there is La Plata and Mar del Plata.
I know both La Plata and Punta del Este, and even if I don't know Mar del Plata I believe Punta del Este is the best option.
Nevertheless, if you intend to find chicas in Punta, it will be difficult so I would recommend bringing one from Buenos Aires with you (two of my friends have done this, they had a great time and the chicas too).
I heard of this boliche yesterday. A lady reported that there were 150-200 girls there (an exaggeration, I guess), and the place had several floors and stages. She also said that there were fewer men than usual.
In any case, she got my interest in that place.
If any of you happen to be in La Plata soon, please check the place. Unfortunately, I don't know its address.
Wilkenny, in the style of Kilkenny is nice.
A lot more European looking girls than in BA.
A stealth member sent me a link to this article on the BBC website.
One note: I have no idea where the reporter heard, in reference to La Plata, that "Some call it the prostitution capital of Argentina."
Dark side of Argentine sex city.
By Daniel Schweimler BBC News, Buenos Aires.
La Plata is a lovely city. Its central plaza is dominated by a beautiful cathedral, its tree-lined streets are full of interesting shops and quality restaurants.
Some call La Plata the prostitution capital of Argentina.
It is a thriving university city and the capital of Buenos Aires province. The largest and wealthiest in Argentina.
But there is also a sinister, sleazy underside to La Plata.
Some call it the prostitution capital of Argentina.
In and around the city there are hundreds of brothels, incongruous from the outside. In residential streets, at the bottom of dirt roads. Often only recognisable by a straggly array of coloured light-bulbs or a barely visible name.
Susana Martinez is a former prostitute who now helps to run the Sandra Cabrera health centre in the city.
It is a health centre run by sex workers for sex workers.
It was set up two years ago, with the help of the local authorities, after prostitutes, rent-boys, transvestites and transsexuals complained they were suffering discrimination in the public hospitals.
Sandra Cabrera was a campaigning sex worker killed by the police in a still-unresolved case.
Sex workers' needs.
"They would shout things like 'You deal with the whores, ' or 'Look what's blown in with the rubbish, '" said Susana.
She added that sex workers also had different medical needs and worked different hours to other people. The public health system simply was not serving their needs.
A recent study in Argentina also found that one in three people did not know how Aids and the HIV virus were transmitted.
This in a well-informed public after more than 20 years of campaigns and advertising.
So former sex workers, like Susana, and those still working, like Mishel, work with the medical staff at their health centre to build trust with the patients and to educate as well as treat.
"We needed to educate and to make people aware of our specific problems but also to tell them not to discriminate because of the work we do, " said Susana. Susana Martinez does twice-weekly visits to brothels.
"One day a colleague told me that our doctor, while doing the check-ups, tried to persuade the girls to leave prostitution and the streets.
"I was angry because we are free to choose. I've never told them to stop being doctors and change profession.
"So, as you can see, it was hard work to make everybody aware and respectful. "
She added: "We also had to educate the nurses. They were terrible. They'd come from hospitals where it's common to shout and maltreat people. "
Many of the prostitutes that come to work in La Plata are from Paraguay and Peru or the poor northern provinces of Argentina.
They are usually young, sometimes too young to have sex legally, and nearly always badly educated and frightened.
Twice a week, Susana does the rounds in a mini-bus, visiting the brothels and talking to the prostitutes. She distributes condoms and tries to find out how the young girls and boys are doing, how they are being treated.
They cannot go everywhere and some places are simply too dangerous for them to visit. Much of the sex industry in La Plata is operated either outside the law or on the very edges of the law.
The health workers asked me not to film or record, to keep my mouth shut and, if asked, say I was from the health ministry.
They knew I was underage. I got nothing. Maybe some perfume or a couple of pesos.
The first place we visited was down a dirt road, outside the city.
Its name was displayed in dull purple lights. Loud music blared from inside. There were pool tables, an empty stage and a silver disco globe.
The young owner behind the bar eyed us suspiciously. Susana, bubbly and friendly, greeted him and the two girls sitting silently on stools at the bar. One kept her face hidden, the other sipped her drink nervously. Both wore short skirts and high heels.
It was early and work had not yet begun. Two men playing pool made phone calls then walked to the far side of the almost empty room.
Susana plonked a bag of condoms on the bar and asked the owner to sign for them, which he did.
Susana asked if she could talk to one of the girls in private and after five minutes returned. The girl, from Paraguay, was pregnant.
Some are kidnapped and forced into the sex industry. Others are tricked with offers of jobs as domestic workers or waitresses only, on arrival in Argentina, to have their documents confiscated and their freedom curtailed.
Police involvement.
With no money and no ID, there is nowhere to go. Families back in Paraguay or northern Argentina are poor and often working away from home themselves. And the local police are some of the main beneficiaries of the industry.
Susana knows where the underage girls and boys are working but, she said, while the authorities are so closely involved in the industry there is nothing they can do to change the situation.
Through their health centre they can at least provide education, protection and condoms. Plenty of condoms. They distribute 20, 000 a month, paid for by the local authorities.
After visiting the brothels, we toured the dark streets.
Firstly, the area where the female prostitutes work, then the male ones. The mini-bus pulls up and Susanna leans out of the window waving a plastic bag full of condoms.
"Protection, condoms! " she shouts. Many of the workers know Susana, recognise the van and come sauntering over with a kiss, a joke and a bit of gossip.
Others, new to the city, are more wary. Susana asks them how they are doing, if they need any help and tells them where the health centre is.
Then we move on to the area where the transvestites and transsexuals work, precarious on high heels, displaying buttocks and breasts, giggling and mocking one another.
"They're all Peruvians, " said Susana.
Condoms are handed out to sex workers at brothels and on streets.
According to Mishel, one of the reasons the industry has thrived in La Plata is that the authorities allow it, often encouraging it to do so.
He lives and works in a house in the centre of the city with 13 friends, both men and women, including a married couple. It is a co-operative. The rooms are clean, they advertise in local papers and can afford one another some kind of protection.
But the police insist that they too provide protection. Mishel pays the local force $400 a month. "Otherwise, " he said. "They've said they can't protect us. "
"From who? " I asked him.
"From third parties, " he replied. "I don't like it but there's nothing else I can do if I want to continue working. "
Mishel, like all the sex workers in La Plata, has a story to tell. He is from a small, conservative town in rural Buenos Aires province. His relationship with his mother deteriorated when she realised he was gay and, as a young boy, he left for Buenos Aires.
There his only option was to work the streets. But one day he was picked up by a person who he thought was a client.
He spent the next nine years as a sex slave, forced to sleep with whoever his owners told him to. Often servicing guests at the city's five-star hotels.
"It was wealthy businessmen, " he explained.
"Often foreigners and even diplomats. They knew I was underage. I got nothing. Maybe some perfume or a couple of pesos. "
He finally escaped and went to live with his brother who was studying in La Plata.
After working for a while in a burger bar, he went back on the street. It was the only way he could earn enough to study and to pay for his brothers and sisters to study.
The Sandra Cabrera health centre has become a model. They receive visits from other parts of Argentina and from abroad. It can do nothing to tackle prostitution in La Plata.
Those, like Susana and Mishel, know the industry only too well, they know it is deeply ingrained in Argentine society and they are powerless to help.
But they do know what problems the city's sex workers face. And they do provide some protection, plenty of understanding, medical care and advice and some hope for people living on the margins of an often cruel and uncaring society.
Tourist 2010
12-26-09, 20:51
In La Plata, brothels are called Casa de Acompanantes. There are many of them. It took me several taxi rides to figure this out. I initially tried asking taxi drivers 'donde esta chicas?", but most drivers didn't understand what I meant (I speak limited spanish)
One helpful driver told me four locations of them, but only by intersection name--not the complete address (he'd be able to recognize the buildings, but I was in a hurry then and could not drive around doing the research) He said that the locations were kept quiet. He said the general rate was 30 pesos, but that there was one, on 9 between 39 and 40, where the girls were stunning, and the rate was 100 pesos.
Another driver (young guy) took me to a casa de acompanantes on the corner of 60 and 16, a reddish house, number 1046, right on the corner. I didn't have time to go in, so have no further information.
Later, about 8PM, I asked a different taxi driver (another young guy) for recommendations for casa de acompanantes, but he didn't know any. I mentioned there was one at 60 and 16, so he radioed his dispatcher (only some taxis have radios) While the dispatcher didn't know of that one, she knew of one on 58 between 14 and 15.
We drove to 58, between 14 and 15. Nothing obvious. The taxi driver got out and asked a car driver who was parked ahed of us, and he said it was #962 (calle 58) The non-descript doorway was lit, and I pressed the buzzer.
A female voice answered "hola", and I replied with "hola". She buzzed me in. There was a hallway with two doors, one a solid one, the other with a stained glass window. Wondering which to go in, I saw movement thru the stained glass window, and the madam opened the door and told me to go the next room and sit down (or something like that)
About half a dozen girls in their twenties, all sevens or eights presented themselves, one by one. When the madam returned, she explained the pricing, which was for 15 minutes (30 pesos, I think) 20 minutes and 30 minutes. I asked for an hour with a Paraguayan brunette whose name escapes me now. I got the impression it was unusual to ask for that much time, but she said 130 pesos for an hour. I paid her, and was walked thru the courtyard and inside to a bedroom.
I started to realize this was a pretty big place, and that many or all of the girls lived there. While they do seem to have a lounging area, it did not seem like a Brazilian terma, where you drink with the girls, then decide which one (s) you want. Perhaps the lounging area is for when they are busy, or perhaps it is for the girls.
Shortly, the Paraguayan brunette arrived. Very pretty (an 8) and pleasant, but I got the feeling that sex was done differently on her planet than on mine. Part of that may just be communication--my poor spanish combined with not being familiar with her accent meant much was not understood. She did not like to be touched. I got the feeling that sex for her generally meant a blowjob. Anyway, it was enjoyable, and I'll probably be back to try someone else.
I should note that the daily paper, El Dia, has escort (acompanantes) listings in the classified section. Most are for single women, one seemed to mention 8 women (or else I read it wrong) The listings have phone numbers, no addresses, and I didn't call any of them, so don't know any more.
In summary, here are two casa de acompanantes in La Plata with full addresses:
Calle 58, #962 (14 y 15) (white building)
Esquina 60 y 16, #1046 (large reddish house)
Tourist 2010
12-31-09, 17:18
I gave an incorrect address in my earlier post. The Casa de Acompanantes on 58, between 14 and 15 is #982, not 962.
The Casa de Acompanantes at #1046 on 60 (at the corner of 16) is somewhat different. I went in late in the day (before dark, probably a very quiet time) Only available girl was a lively, vivacious 21 year old 7 by the name of Nicole. Possibly I got a gringo rate, though it didn't seem like there was any time taken to consider what price to quote, as I'd expect there would be if they quoted different rates to different people. Anyway, an hour was 180 pesos, or 200 in the deluxe suite. The non-deluxe suite rooms looked more like the kind of places they have in strip clubs--there is a couch and a curtain that closes off the entrance to the hallway.
I took the deluxe suite, which had nice lighting, a jacuzzi and a bathroom (didn't use either) Sex was good, Nicole was very pleasant and fun.
I don't understand why the rate is significantly higher at the place at Calle 60 #1046 than at Calle 58 #982, which is why I wonder if I got a gringo rate.
Updated list of Casa de Acompanantes in La Plata:
Calle 58, #982 (14 why 15) (white building, 130 pesos per hour, rates start at 15 minutes)
Esquina 60 why 16, #1046 (large reddish house, 180-200 pesos per hour, rates start at 15 minutes)
Tourist 2010
02-02-10, 08:56
Made a short visit to a Casa de Accompanantes at Calle 3, #514 (between 43 and 44)
Ground floor entrance. Pressed the buzzer, the door was opened by a man. Five women inside, all sixes. Dingy, dirty-looking bedrooms that made me think about sexually transmitted diseases.
It could have been my poor spanish, but I understood that only two of the five women I could see were actually available at the time (about 1930) the others were "occupado". Nothing was appealed to me, though, and I left without asking about prices. I imagine this is an inexpensive place.
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