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Small town, not much going on. There are 3 terrible brothels at triangularly-far points from eachother. Each club had 2-3 girls (fat) working there, some were missing teeth. Get the point?
Taxis there, too, are very expensive (50 USD plus) -- so make sure this scene has changed before you head out for them.
One bar near centro that has some free-lancers is "Viejo Bar." Taxi drivers should know it. It was closed the night I was there. Sorry I can't give more info.
Happy Hunting,
There's only one place in town: "Affaire." It's a modest but decent whiskeria with about 10 girls on any given night. Prices at the time were about 60USD for an hour. One may have sex there or take the girl out. Drink prices were reasonable.
I'm not entirely sure if the name I've given is correct -- I was there about a month ago. But it's close, and as the place is in centro any taxi driver will get you there if you say "whiskeria," etc.
Happy Hunting,
The center of town is bisected by a major road -- can't remember its name exactly, but it's a date -- and all of the action takes place along it. It's the largest road in town and can't be missed.
There are two whiskerias on it directly -- "Playboy" and one directly across the street from it behind a warehouse -- numerous street walkers, and two more clubs at the far end where the street circles. One of these is named "Quixote."
In all, everything here is fairly low-end. Admission to everything is free, drinks are cheap, and sex on-site is possible. I never got a sex price, but couldn't imagine it being very much.
Despite these humble surroundings, though, there were a few cute girls from place to place.
Happy Hunting,
03-27-03, 23:29
Well - I'll answer my own post !! I discovered where the places are. There is a "take-away" club a couple of blocks up the hill from San Martin. Just follow Antartica Argentina. The place is called "Black and White" - although it's called "Blackey's" on the sign outside. You can't miss it at night, it's the only illuminated buiding around. When I went there (about 11pm) there were about 15 girls there and no other customers. One girl grabbed me as soon as I arrived, a cute looking brunette, with an average size but good body, about 23 y/o. She was a 7/10 i'd say - the other girls ranged from 3s to 8s. Her English was non-existent, but she had one of the other girls translate for her.
Now - down to business. My hotel wasn't chicka friendly, so I needed a "room". Blackeys has some of it's own seedy rooms round the back, with their own bathrooms. So with the girl - they charge $US50. Which seemed a little steep, but the service was quite good. No BBBJ, an no anal (that may be extra - she moved my hand away when I tried to play with her ass), but she shagged enthusiastically.
Now - the key is to get your girl, and get the hell out quickly. Your drinks are quite cheap - 3 pesos or so, but her drinks are 50 pesos !! Which she gets a special bracelet for to cash in later.
Apparently, the place is also a "strip" club after 2am. Ironically, the girl was quite appalled when I asked if she stripped in the club. "No, no private dance only". Really funny.
There is another place on the next block down the same street, but I only got to try Blackeys.
A Pom and a Bastard.
Originally posted by pommiebastard
Hi ... I'll be in Ushuaia in early March..... does anyone know where where or if there is significant mongering results to be had there ??
Pomm and a bastard.
I don`t realy know where this little town is, but some of the girls I talked to in Rosario were from this place and it sounds interesting.
San Lorenzo is a town 30 minutes taxi ride from Rosario, 30,000 habitants, and 4 sex clubs!
I wasn`t there, but I was surprised to hear there are so 4 sex clubs in such a small place. If you are in the area, you can check it. I don`t know where the clubs are, but I guess the taxi drivers do know.
The best of these clubs is called "El Gato negro", the black cat.
Miramar and VillaGesell mini-report
Someting that has been sitting in my fingers for a loong time, and may turn useful now that summer is coming.
Short version: don't go for mongering.
You get to Miramar by bus from the terminal. It takes some hours, don't worry how many, just stay relaxed in your sleeping seat and at your arrival check in into an hotel of your choice. The city is tidy and ordered with great land and oceanic landscape, of the souther latitudes kind of course. You can do all-terrain or horse rides or all the stuff they do in these places. It is actually a nice place to spend a quiet vacation time, as Miramar is the premier domestic destination for Argentinian families. Bars are quite nice places to hang-out at, I had great picatas with my drinks and killed time looking at people. There are disco's - didn't go. I took a remise to VillaGesell where the boliches are. One is popular with yougsters, the other caters to older people. You dance... drink .. chat (not in english most likely) ... I had a good time. VillaGesell is also upscale and nice to visit, altough I didn't.
I wanted to visit the local brothel that is named BonAmi, if you want to see it (not really reccomended) have a remisero bring you there and wait. The place has the appearance of a squallid boliche and was populated by dogs, excpet a slim domenican, great ass and OK face. She was simply the only exception in the canine workstaff so and went to a room to a filthy room, used sheets etc. Bad place but she knew how to entertrain with energy, a bit more expensive than similar places in BsAs. That's pretty much all for Pinamar.
09-30-03, 21:21
I like your report. I don't know of any other monger who has visit Pinamar for mongering.
Personally I been thinking about going to Pinamar in the Argentine summer went I understand is pack with party girls. I think that perhaps some will be allure at fine dinning and hotel and to money in general and since I would not know anyone in their circle and viceversa these beautiful girls might go for side-cash.
For your research of the area, Do you think this is a possibility?
That may be not the right approach. Not that I pretend to understand them fully, but a regular Argentinian girl, even if a party-goer on vacation, will not go with someone just because hotels, dining and side money is in sight. On the other hand she would go as soon she likes the guy even a little. This is true even more for vacation places where everyone there has money enough to pay his stay and basically just want to have a good time.
I don't think I'll visit Pinamar/Villa Gesell again except maybe to make someone special happy with a short vacation. Next trip to South Arg., Patagonia or bust.
10-01-03, 17:51
I think you are right. It is good excuse to visit the "balnearios" but, is just to far to go and be ignore by all the hotties. If that is the case is much easier to go to Mexico or the Caribbean, and a lot more beautiful.
I was there a month ago. I expected this city to be similar to Rosario, since it's only 2 hours between them, and almost the same number of people. However, I was dissapointed from this city. Not only from the girls scene, but also from the tourist point of view.
My taxi driver told me there is only one good club. It's very close to the centre, in the corner of 1 de Mayo and Garay. There isn't a big sign, only a small door with "club privado" written on it. There were about 10 girls in the club (about midnight), and only 2 guys. Like always, the female bartender was the prettiest, but she wasn't in the game. I talked with a girl there to learn some details, and left quite early since there weren't any interesting girls for me.
So, the details:
The club: "club privado", in 1 de May and Garay.
Girls: About 10 girls. Don't have the amateur look that I look for. Most of them were 5-6, maybe two can be regarded as 8.
Atmosphere: Not very pushy, but if you sit alone, probably the a girl will come and sit next to you, offering you to come upstairs to hearthe details. There isn't anything interesting upstairs, just more privacy. If you go to listen to the details, and then decide not to do anything, the girl might be insulted (like happenned to me), and won't be interested in talking with you after that.
Prices: 100 pesos for an hour, and 15 pesos for the hotel. Quite expensive for this kind of city.
Newspapers' ads:
In my second day I decided to buy the local paper and look at the ads. The local paper is called "El Lateral". Boring, but I only bought it for the ads, and there were about 20. Some of them sounded well... I phoned one, got the address (in the centre) and went. It was an apartment in a regular building. In the phone I Was told that there are 4 girls, but there were only 2. One of them was pregnant! The price was 40 pesos. I chose one, and it was a nice experience (didn't include kisses, did include bbbj). If your fantasy is a pregnant girl, just look in the paper for an ad "futura mama".
SWs: I didn't intend to try any, but in my way back to the hotel at night, I saw in one corner two ugly SWs, and in the next corner, 2 real amateur girls. I wasn't sure they are realy SWs, and didn't know what to do. After about 20 minutes when I stood in a corner trying to see what they do, I decided I start to look suspicious... I didn't have choice, and I went to one of them, and asked if she is working... Luckily, she did. We went to an hotel nearby. Only 5 pesos for the hotel, 40 pesos for this nice chubby amateur young girl. She looked very young so I demanded to see an I.D, and ok, she was 19 y.o.
The address for SWs (there were about 4, 2 in each corner, start at 9 pm and at midnight-1:00 am they usualy leave): 25 de May and Hipolito Irigoyen.
As for the non working girls: They look nicer than in BA and in Rosario. While they aren't as pretty, they are very sexy. And, very important: unlike most Argentinian girls, the girls in Santa Fe have big breasts! I think it will be easier to get a normal girl in this city than in BA, but I didn't try.
Hotel: I was in Hostal de Santa Fe, a 4* hotel for only 45 pesos (10% discount for cash). It was a nice proffesional hotel. Nothing out of the ordinary. I expected more from a 4* star hotel, but I don't have any specific complaints.
Restaurants: I couldn't find any normal restaurant! The 2-3 I saw in the centre were too elegant for me, although they may be suitable to the more respected guys among you. I only ate in the sports bar at Colon st, in the pedestrians only part. This is more a city of fashionable coffee houses and not restaurants.
However, if you'll go in Colon st. or 25 de Mayo st., not in the direction of the old centre but in the other direction, you will find a lot of coffee houses with many people inside, including many groups of girls.
The best thing in the city is the many ice cream places, I tried at least 4 of them and all were good. I recommend "don Geronimo", at Rivadivia, between Crespo and Irigoyen.
JWADD was accurate about this city, again. I think I will call my first child after him :)
Since I only knew there is a club in the city, but didn't know the exact name in Spanish or the address, I decided to be brave, and ask a taxi driver. It took me time to explain what I want with my limited Spanish, but in the end, I said "Club con chicas que trabajan" (club with girls that work, I think I stole this sentence from Jackson...), and he understood. He took me there, and we had a lovely chat about names for these clubs in different languages. The club is very close to the centre, and now that I will give you the address, you can walk there, it's only about 5-10 minutes walk from hotel Colon. So, details of the club (which is the only club in town):
Name: Affaire.
Address: Obligado y Paz (take a map and you'll see it).
No. of girls: about 10.
Quality of girls: didn't see any more than 6'.
Atmosphere: The girls are quite pushy.
Prices: cheap. 9 pesos for a drink. For the girls: 30 p. for 15 minutes, 40 for 20, 50 for 30, 80 for one hour.
Rooms: There are rooms near the club, without additional price.
Experience: Nice girl, chubby, BBBJ. Ok.
Hours: Best to arrive after midnigt.
Resistencia is a boring city, for the mongers and the non mongers. Almost no restaurants (It took me 1 hour to find one!), not many people in the streets. It's safer than other cities though, and no problem to walk there at night.
Only 20 minutes from Resistencia there is another big city, Corrientes. There there are more clubs, restaurants and bars, but I didn't have time to visit.
Hotel: The best hotel is Cavadonga, 4* hotel. I stayed at Hotel Colon, nice modest hotel, small beds and only Cafe and Croissants for breakfast. Only 39 pesos for a single room.
I've spent this end of the year at the end of the world as part of a little tour in Patagonia. I know for sure that Rio Gallegos has quite an active scene, and I've sampled Ushaia and Puerto Maydrin myself. The southernmost city of the world (Ushuaia) has an unique atmosphere and enjoys (I'm told) five clubs, that is quite a number for a population of only 50,000!
All are located near downtown, I've visited only the best one, Tropicana. Nothing really happens before 2 am, with a show at 3 am. The staff is very friendly, and drinks are only ar$ 5! You don't even need to buy a chick's drink to get her out! I think they also have rooms on site.
Well now about my experience, when I get there, I found a little bit of everything, from grotesque to homely ladies, but no really hot girls. So I chatted with a pair of them without much pressure and then sat alone for a while. I was almost ready to either go for a 6ish brunette or go home alone, when luck struck me. A beautiful petite walks in from behind the bar and makes no more than 10 feets before I grab her to not let her go any further. A doll's face in a tiny frame, with a beautiful ass. She had a playful attitude that lead to a full hour of fun in a local hotel. You'll be taxied back and forth as it is in another area. I could even see the sea from my room, thing that makes the experience the most austral screw of my life. Total damage was ar$ 150 plus drinks hotel and taxi that is not much BTW. Again, I really liked the girl and if you're around to do her I suggest to be quick as she looked really out of the place among a bunch of dogs.
Few words about Trelew and Puerto Maydrin. The first has a limited scene, I went in a boliche with only three girls and I didn't even realy saw as they were busy talking with other guys. My friend and I figured that we couln't find anything for our tasted so we left.
Puerto Maydrin is slightly better with at least three boliches, the best one is called Zingara I think and is located downtown. We just bought drinks and dance a cumbia or two with the girls, none of them was anything special, kind of weared out and overweight. Nice attitude anyway. There is to say that all the above happened in the festivities with amny girls away, so in other times you may have better luck.
Report on the town of Corrientes, Argentina
Corrientes, a medium sized city, about 300 KM south of Paraguay. The action is on the main Boulevard Independencia which heads out of town. About 5 km out of town, past the traffic circle with the Virgin Mary, (the last virgin you will see!!) SWs start appearing usually sitting alone or in small groups. Drive up and talk to them. Caution: Watch out for transvestites...about half of them are. The best way, however is to check out the Whiskerias (Whisky bars) a little further down the Boulevard. Bacan, Lucero, Cruzero are some of their names. Took a cute 24 yo blond, for 150 pesos for 2 hours. and brought her back to the hotel in town. It was good. Also, try the local newspaper. Several adds from individuals and small agencies, 50 pesos.
Here is my report on El Calafate. I must tell you that this report is totally based on "second hand information", although I took several pictures of this place from outside.
Calafate, where you land for taking a trip to Glacier Perito Moreno (about 80 Km north) and Glacier Upsala. Nothing happens there. A very quite town, especially during winter. Very safe area. You can walk around anytime of the day and night. Total population is about 10,000. I think the sheep outnumber the inhabitants. Now, the big question is what do you do when you feel little horny. I asked this question to the manager of my hotel. A very nice guy in his mid-twenties. The low down is that most of the places are of low qualities, like 30 - 40 Peso per hour and are located way out of the main township. But he mentioned of one quality night club/cabaret (per Calafate standard, not BA standard) in the town. It is a walking dist. from my hotel. So I offered him to go with me that night (I was willing to pay for everything). He said he will call me at 11 PM. He called, but declined my offer. He had a cold feet. He said, it is a very small area and everybody knows each other by name. So he will have a reputation problem. So at this point, all I could do is to take a picture of the place from outside and let you know the following price structure.
The place is called El Gran Judas. It is located at the corner of Gobernador Moyano and 25 de Mayo, right in front of the Hotel Kosten Aike. There is no entrance fee. Your drink is 5 P, chica drink is 20 P. Deed is done on premises. 70 P for 30 min. 100 P for an hour. Take out is very expensive, well over 300 P to the bar. Nothing starts before midnight. About 10 to 12 chicas. All these information is based on what this guy told me. I was not involved personally at all. So if somebody found out anything different, please do correct these information.
I have included, a picture of this place, which I took the following morning.
Daddy Rulz
10-30-04, 05:15
Contrary to other reports there are Boliches here in Resistencia but they call them caberets. They may be new I don´t know. I went to the two Boliches that my Remis driver Alcides knew about. One was called "Affair" Gral Obligado 185 near the plaza maybe 3 or 4 blocks away. Not bad for Resistencia, 10 chicas with a good cross section Flaquitas to Gordas, Morochas y Rubias but no red heads seen. The other one is way the fuck out of town and had only 3 fat ugly chicas in it. I didn´t even stay for a coke.
In Affair I chose a jovita named something I can´t remember. 20 year old, Flaqita with lond dark hair and a little butt just the way I like them. Chica drink was 15 pesos, mine was 10. 30 pesos for 15 minutes (Andres would love it) 50 pesos for a half hour and 100 for an hour. She required that I have a little wash before starting.
Started out with some nice kissing and caresses. She wanted me to put on a condom before even touching my unit. I told her I thought that was silly and understood that for bj and sexo it was nessicary but for a little stroking it didn´t make sence. She saw the logic of my argument and had a very nice and light touch.
Followed CBJ, very nice, and several positions. The problem started when I was spinning her over from mish to doggie and I looked down and noticed that it was that time of the month. I don´t know about you other guys but for me that ends it. (Looking back I now understand why she stopped me from DATY and I remembered to thank her). Cleaned up and let her finish me with mouth and hand.
All the girls there wear white lingere and stockings and the place is lit with black lights. That hids the flaws but it´s kind of a cool affect.
The rooms are without air conditioning and as hot as Chaco gets I wouldn´t even consider going there in the summer. It was pretty hot in the room as it was.
There was no seperate charge for the room.
In conclution:
I was unhappy about the status of the menstrual cycle not being disclosed at first. She did ask me if I would like another girl. I don´t know if it would have been nessicary to pay again because I was sorta done at that point and didn´t inquire. In her defence She did rally and go for the close with alternative methods and ultimatly I left happy. I´m not sure I would repeat but there is limited selection here so I may. If I do I´m going to look into take out.
Side note off topic. This city is FULL of unbeivable looking women, very natural beauty. I would actually place the median above BsAs. It´s about 100 USD for a ticket. The remises are cheap 10 pesos from the airport to downtown. Corrientas is not very far away and there is supposed to be more action there. For the casual monger I wouldn´t waste my time coming here but for some of you live ins with more money this isn´t a bad side trip.
I just spent 2 weeks in Clorinda, Argentina in Formosa Province, basically from Mar 6-19, 2005. The executive summary is simple: Avoid this place like the plague.
Clorinda's claim to fame is it's proximity to Asunción, Paraguay. There are only 2 reasonable land crossings to Paraguay outside of Brazil: Clorinda-Puerto Falcón and Posadas-Encarnación. Puerto-Falcon is 45km(1 hour by bus) from Asunción.
I went there to be closer to Asunción so my amiga from Asunción could visit me easily around the time her 1 year old boy was to have a hernia repair operation. I don't want to get another visa for Paraguay until May, so I couldn't go to Asunciòn. I told her I would pay for the operation(I made her show me the baby. He has a bad hernia.), basically about $US300. But there might have been complications that cost more. Unfortunately, the operation was not performed because the baby has a heart problem that they are still trying to diagnose. I only saw the recommendation/prescription for the ecocardiogram, but it looks serious. I am trying to help a little because she just doesn't deserve this kind of situation. I am also seeing her more than I would prefer in order to help. Sometimes it is better not to be too close, I think. It can be tough knowing these women.
I wish I had chosen to stay in Formosa, a much larger city about 1.5 hour south by bus and the capital of Formosa Provonce. The problem is it is not that easy to go from Asunción to Formosa. You usually have to go Asunción-Clorinda by one method, and from Clorinda to Formosa by another. This is because of the proximity of both cities to the frontier. There is only local transportation from Asunción to Puerto Falcón. One must then walk accross the frontier and take a taxi to Clorinda. There is another, much slower bus from Mercado Quatro in Asuncion that goes to an unnamed local frontier crossing to Clorinda at Av Buenos Aires. There may be international bus service Asuncion-Formosa, but the border crossing probably makes it undesireable and infrequent.
Clorinda is a dying city. The 2 best hotels are still shown in travel guides, but have been closed for years. There are 3 small residentials/hotels left, all bad. Residential Mario is the best but is owned by a bitter old man who is basically crazy, and is violently chica-unfriendly. He is a professed Christian type who has no morals at all except he hates sex. I won't go into the sordid details of my experience with him during my 8 days there. I left at 9:30PM after an argument over my amiga returning to the hotel after spending a couple days with her family in Asuncion. If he had been honest, I would have left for Formosa after a couple of days, instead of staying until it wasn't worth the trip. The Residential San Martin is chica friendly, but not quite as nice. The Hotel 9 de Julio is also chica friendly but the worst. All are 0-1 star quality. And I stayed in them all.
There are only 2 poor restaurants and a few sandwicherias. It is practically impossible to eat before noon and between 3 and 8:00PM. There is one café open that serves lomos and hamburgers all day. I ate practically every meal(breakfast and dinner) a lomo completo and lettuce and tomato salad in this café. Nearly everything closes for siesta. About half of the businesses on San Martin, the main street, are closed permanently. The bus terminal is only used by Godoy bus company and is closing down. The other companies are using a little café in Av España, the other commercial street about 7 blocks away.
There is some SW sex action, mostly at the YPF station at Avenida España and Ruta 11, so bad it isn't worth mentioning. They service the truck drivers.
One other note: On both the bus trip from Posadas to Clorinda, and Clorinda to Buenos Aires, the bus was stopped several times for highway checkpoints, travel documents of everyone were checked at least once, and carry-ons were searched at one stop in Formosa. On my trip from BA to Posadas in May 2004, there were no stops at all. I don't know if this is a new trend, or in May I was just lucky.
I went from Clorinda back to Buenos Aires for a little while.
I visited four of the clubs of Ushuaia during my four day stay there: Sheik Disco, Zingara, Tropicana and Sonia.
The first night I was checked by the local police as I was walking around hunting for boliches. Passport, hotel where I was staying the whole deal. I just ased them where were the boliches and they directed me in the right direction. If you look towards the mountains back of Ushuaia with your back to the Beagle canal they are on your right all about three to four blocks from the canal. Sonia´s address is 287 Antarlida
This place is for locals and if your spanish is not good you are going to have a hard time. Plenty of girls that I would rate up to 6, no more.
I did not like Tropicana. Too cold and just all business.
The best time I had was in Sheik Disco I guess for the company that I found.
A nice brunette. We talked all night and drank together until the place closed at five AM new city law in Ushuaia. I waited for her outside and we went to my place the ACA hotel. There was no problem for her to get in and when I check out the front office clerck just said : here is your bill and I haded Twenty pesos for. He was very good abut the whole thing.
Not a bad experience in the southern most city of the world
Couple of places to check out. One close to the bus terminal. Expensive drinks and the girls are just there to bleed your wallet dry. Don't bother with that place.
I stayed in a hotel in front of the beach called PLaya hotel 100 Pesos a night. This place is not bad and the owner is a regular guest at one of the club. Exit the hotel and turn left at the first intersection turn left again and go up three or four blocks my memory fails me. At the intersection make a right and the place should be the second door on your right. The place has no names out front just a red light at either end of the building. Drinks are cheap and plenty of girls. There is a room in the back for seventy pesos. I met a blond with big breast there Gloria, and had a great time with her in the back. Ialso met her one morning in the street and we went back to her place. She and I had another round and she mentioned her friend, I said why not and the friend came. Chunky girl, not pretty at all but the ultimate BBBJ, Slow, plenty of licking and sucking just no rush and she just love what she does.
I went to Resistencia to check it out. I stayed a week from April 11-17. I was in Corrientes so I just took the $ar8 taxi trip from Corrientes to Resistencia.
There are special taxis that go center to center between the cities for a fixed rate. In Corrientes, there is a parada on the Costanera San Martin near Calle Buenos Aires. In Resistencia, there is a parada on Calle Rawson near Calle Illia. The taxis are marked Corrientes-Resistencia in a circle on the door. Normally, they wait at the stop until 4 people arrive to share the fare, at $ar2/ea. You can leave at any time by agreeing to pay the fare of the empty seats. Thus, to travel alone, you take the next taxi in line at $ar8. The taxis cannot be called, you must go to the stop and take the next cab in line. Sometimes there is a line waiting(rush hours) and you would have to wait in line. You can take the taxi to your hotel to pick up your bags, and they will take you to a hotel on the other side. They may charge a couple pesos extra to go pick up your bags. You could also take a regular taxi, but it will cost a lot more at regular taxi rates. The city-city taxis do not have to deadhead back, so are much cheaper. They only cross for a full fare.
I stayed at the Covadonga Hotel. It is supposedly chica friendly, but I did not get a chance to verify that personally. The next best hotel seems to be the Gran Royal, although I did not look at rooms there. I did look at rooms at the Hotel Lemirson, and did not like them. They are clean and cheap but do not have a frig, which I really like. These hotels are conveniently located near the Plaza de Mayo and commercial center.
The staff at the Covadonga was totally unhelpful with finding a chica in the city, although I asked various people. This is typical of hotel staff. They want to call a chica on their list and charge a ridiculous comission, often more than the woman gets. This is especially true of the poorer cities. They will cheerfully find a woman for $us100 when the woman earns $us15 or 20. So they will not help you with anything else. I hate this kind of exploitation. But I often ask anyway, just to get their reaction to the whole idea. If you know the market, you can sometimes negotiate a more reasonable deal. For me, these hotel women tend to be much too professional in any case.
I arrived Monday, it rained constantly the first 3 days of the week, and I did not do anything much but rest. The second night(Tuesday) I did go to Affaire, at Calle Abrigado 185, as reported by others. There were 12 women working, but nothing anywhere near small enough. Most were fat by anyone's standard. I drank a $ar10 tonic water and left. I asked a woman if there were workers not present, and she said yes, because they live far and the rain kept them away.
The newspaper El Norte has the most ads, about 20. Most are not for legitimate apartments and massage parlors. They are advertising sex shops and products of various kinds. There were 5-10 that could have been small apartments and escorts, less than in Corrientes. None looked interesting to me.
Thursday the rain stopped and I negotiated a taxi tour of the city looking for SW activity, at $ar20/hour for the taxi. There are 10-15 women working on the streets here and there around town. 4-5 are in an area of a few blocks of 25 de Mayo, about 4 blocks away from the Plaza de Mayo. Some were of 6-7 quality, but much too big for me. There aren't that many because the police hassle them in Resistencia also, just as in Corrientes. Saturday in El Norte I read an article that said 2 women were arrested at a corner of Plaza España the day before. I had walked by there the night before looking for women because supposedly a few work there and there were none. No wonder! But the police did not molest a group of 4 grotesque workers that included 1 ugly TV one block from the other corner. Strangely, the police don't seem to molest the TV's in Corrientes, either. Most of the workers in Av Independecia, Corrientes are TV's.
I did get a quote from a woman in the steet of $ar30, plus a hotel. She was short, but up close about 15 lbs overweight, all in the hips and thighs. So I passed.
I walked around Friday night looking, and saw the same women again. I returned to Affaire, and there was nothing better, about 12 women again. And the best of Tuesday wasn't there.
Saturday, I walked around again and saw nothing. By chance, I took a short tour with another taxi of about 30 min. He showed me another corner that had 3 6's working that I hadn't seen before.
The incredible thing about Resistencia is the number of young people that go out. They are out every night, but especially Fri-Sat until the morning. There are a large number of pizzeria's and sidewalk cafes with beer that have large crowds starting about 11 PM. There is a huge number of attractive young women, usually in small groups. And obviously, a huge number of young men.
The other very unusual thing is there are at least 6-8 very large game halls with large numbers of pool tables. Like 15-20 tables, in very nice halls like casinos. Some also have video games. It is a very big thing, and many have large crowds of young people. I have never seen so many pool tables. There is a large modern casino, just finished in about 2000, with a hotel. The best hotel in town. I don't know if it is chica friendly.
There are few restaurants, just as in Corrientes. The many cafes have a very restricted menu. The pizza is the typical Argentinian types, all with too much bread. The cafes don't serve much food, most people only use them for coffee and beer. There are many cafes that I passed regularly several times a day, and never saw anyone eating food. Eating was, as is becoming common, a problem and boring.
All told, Resistencia is a decent agricultural area city, like Wichita, Kansas. Nothing very interesting or exceptional. And quite safe and conservative.
Rock Harders
11-21-05, 22:08
Went to Ushuaia the last week in October, stayed in a hostel, Cruz Del Sur, not bad, located on the corner of Gobernador Deloqui and 25 de Mayo. Made a stop in a stripjoint called Tropicana, very cheap, quoted $30ar for BJ $50ar for full service. Some truly revolting poontang on the prowl, however, out of the roughly 20 chicas there were 6 that were in the 6-8 range. One, named Ruby, from Peru, hot, though not super tight body, just had some certain sex appeal about her. One other I liked, don't recall name but from Tucuman, definetly an 8, awesome d cup tits along with a great overall package.
I went 10 days ago - Many hotel full - We choosed a room for 3 in a beautiful hotel beach front (don't remeber the name) for 180 p.
I found the hotels and restaurants in P. Madrin more expensive than be. A.
The night scene doesn't offer too much - I found just a couple of club near the bus - station.
Nobody answered me about privados.
On exit from Paraguay this time I stopped in Formosa to check it out for a few days. I have been thru here before on buses, but never got off. It seems a peaceful little city, not very interesting for mongering.
Formosa is a city of 150,000+ in and is the capital of Formosa Province. The area is part of the Chaco geographically, so it is hot and dry most of the year. Formosa is generally a clean, orderly city, in spite of being in the top 4 in Argentina for poverty.
Apart Hotel Casa Grande, very nice rooms and grounds, with a nice pool. It does have a gas burner / sink in the room in addition to the frigobar, which accounts for the apart in the name. The bad part is it is located 7 boring blocks from the town center. There is practically nothing around it. About $ar100/ day dbl.
Hotel International de Turismo, newer, nice high rise hotel with spartan rooms that do have a frigobar. It has a pool. It has the choicest location in town, at the junction of 25 de Mayo and the Costanera, right in the center of most of the stuff in town. The roooms feature a beautiful view of the river. About $ar100/ day dbl.
Hotel Plaza has decent rooms, a little older. It is on the edge of Plaza 25 de Mayo, about in the center between the river and edge of town on 25 de Mayo. About 8 blocks from the Costanera, 11 from the university. Cheaper, at $ar85/ day for their large dbl. It might be useful if one wanted to walk frequently to the university area.
There is some action available. There are 3-4 MP type ads currently in paper La Mañana. In the past there have been 3-4 apartment ads also, but they have dissappeared for some reason. There is a sort of red light area on Calles Morena and Rivadavia, around cross streets Yrigoyen and Fatheringham. About 11:30PM there were some TV's and women SW, none very attractive, especially to me. There were a couple of SW on San Martin about 4 blocks north of 25 de Mayo. I spotted a couple of SW on Belgrano accross from residencial España about 2 blocks south of 25 de Mayo at around 11:00. The hotels have call lists, with I am sure exploitative commissions. I couldn't find any information on SW bars or clubs. There are a couple of regular discos.
There is a very beautiful Costanera, probably the city's best feature. There are many open air restaurant / cerveceria type places, beautifully lit at night. With the heat of January there were many customers.
I couldn't find much in the way of interesting restaurants. Several pizzaría / cervezaría type places, but not much more elaborate.
Motor scooters and motorcycles are very popular, and are at least 50/50 with cars. This is probably because there is little around the city and it is usually dry. The closest other city is Resistencia, about 130 Km away. So most trips are less than 20 blocks.
In summary, this is a peaceful, clean little city. One can stay here and live cheaply, quietly. There is a university within 15 blocks of the town center. With the poverty of Formosa, I would think there is a possibility of finding student company with time, when classes are in session. But there appears to be very little to do here besides sit around and drink beer in tranquil, sometimes beautiful surroundings.
Marco Porteño
03-09-07, 13:32
An article in a recent issue of Veintitres magazine mentioned that during January and February there are a bunch of privados and clubs operating along the coast (Pinamar, Villa Gesell, etc. The owners apparently bring in chicas from Buenos Aires or elsewhere because their clientele happens to hang out there too.
Your best bet is the newspaper.
Clubs are charging ridiculour prices, and some clubs are freaking ridiculous all together (fat old and missing teeth)
There's a conglomeration of bars on monseñor fagnano, south of san martin.
Most open at mid night.
The one I go to is next to two others within walking distance of the intersection of "25 de mayo" and "ricardo obligado" the most famour one with the hottest chicks is a place called el "luisito"
Expensive, 70p 15 minutes in the back.
250p the hour.
But the girls are pretty.
There is an awesome hourly motel by the crossing of ricardo obligado / Alte. G. Brown.
It's called "JA" for some reason, it's 30p the hour, 50p 2 hours, and 80p 8 hours.
Nice big bed, private bath with shower, and a little tv with porn 24 hours.
The best things is that you never see the clerk, the check in is a little counter, with a slit, you can hear the person but you don't see them.
They give you your change through a small sliding window in each room, and you can order drinks or condoms through it too.
It's clean, and cozy.
Some bars are bastards and exploit their girls, that is to say they aren't allowed to go and do business on their own, the one I go to has no qualms about it as long as they work at the bar at night, it's called "el gaucho" on ricardo obligado, the girls are okay, if you check it out.
Try and find "Lourdes", her face is so so, but her body is nice.
150p the hour, take her out from the bar then ask her for her cell.
The bar is kind of assholish about the time, and the time it takes to get to and from the motel counts as part of your hour.
That's about it, every other bar opens too late for me so I have no idea, or has disgusting women (I was desperate, but not THAT desperate)
09-02-07, 16:36
From what I read on these reports there is no better value in the smaller cities than in Buenos Aires private apartments. Would this be the consensus view from experienced members? I'm coming in October and will be travelling around for a couple of months and probably going to Paraguay as well.
You know,
I have never been but I have an Argentine friend who, once he knew I was a hobbyist, offered to take me to an out of town PV, where he said I could get some really hot girls for alot cheaper than in Capital. I never took him up on that offer, but that is what I was told.
So you might want to try them out.
Hi Guys.
I will have a 1 or 2 nights in El Calafate in December.
The only report I have found is from 2004 and is based on "I have been told".
Does any one have any advice for night life there?
Thanks in advance.
My experience of the rest of Argentina, excluding Buenos Aires, is that that it has no value for mongers. Sure the Falls are a sight but what else?
As the old joke goes, 'If women didn't have a ****, there would be a heap of them in the rubbish dump'. The range and quality outside of BA for PFP is absolutely horrific, better stay in the Capital and not Chase the non-existent or poor quality chicas of the interior.
04-02-08, 23:37
Privados There are more, for 80,000 people.
1. Rawson 23, Apt 2, at J. Acosta. 3 chicas. Prices: 100p 30 min., 150p hour. Tel: 15529795, 15311576, 15527193. Hours: 24/7, Open Sunday.
2. Angeles Caidos Cell: (02965) 15533925.
Whiskerias/Night Clubs Open around Midnight.
1. Newport Show Club. Av. Hipolito Yrigoyen at Marcos A. Zar.
2. Adam y Eva Caberet. Av. Hipolito Yrigoyen at San Martin. Blue Wall, Red Trim.
3. Zingara. On Rogue Saenz Pena, between B. Mitre and Marcos A. Zar. In between two stores in the Patio.
Dance Clubs
1. Cleopatra. On Marcos A. Zar, between 28 de Julio and Rogue Saenz Pena.
2. La Frontera. On 9 de Julio, between Marcos a Zar and B. Mitre. Black Building, with white letters LF.
3. La Fabrica Disco Pub. On A. Maiz at 28 de Julio.
4. Gigante. Cumbia Dancing. On Av. Hipolito Yrigoyen at 28 de Julio.
El Chubut, Puerto Madryn
1. Casino EB. Belgrano 74, at 25 de Mayo.
1. Hotel Bahia Nueva. Av. Julio A. Roca 67. Tel/Fax: 02965-450045/450145/451677.
1. Mariscos del Atlantico Av. Rawson 288. Cell: (02965) 15552500.
04-04-08, 02:31
Rawson 23, Apt 2, at J. Acosta. 3 chicas. Prices: 100p 30 min. 150p hour. Tel: 15529795, 15311576, 15527193. Hours: 24/7, Open Sunday.
I was with Paula, from the Dominician. It was their Memorial Holiday of the Big War, so I guess the other two chicas were in morning. I paid the 100p and after having lunch at the Y, I talked her into a little BBBJ. But when I had a hard on went the Foro. She was in no hurry to end the session, we talked for a while, but I ran out of Spanish, so I went and had dinner down the block at the restaurant I mentioned on the List.
I felt safe walking around town, in the early evening.
It is a beach town, it is cheaper to eat and sleep, except maybe the pussy is more. I only had two days, so I can not be sure if there is cheaper pussy. The clubs are expensive. most likely cheap than B.A.'s Clubs.
I was there for the tour to the Veldes Peninsula. An all day tour, so not much time to find all the places. I was there off season. Weather was prefect.
For you younger guys the town on the Peninsula called Puerto Piramides is a real beach town. Diving, boating, swimming, lots of chicas. Lots of Booze and etc. Non Pro. In the summer it is hard to find a place to stay. It reminds me of the old days when everything was OK. A real hip type of beach town.
If I was in my 20s or 30s it would be like Santa Cruz in California. Party, Party every night.
Try it you will Like it.
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