View Full Version : Jeff owes me $50 pesos

08-24-09, 19:48
Hello People from The Forum.

I m the Recepcionis of Gysell.

My name is Mariana.

I want to write to you just to see if you can help me.

Today I receive a call from "Jeff", a tall American Guy, blonde, early in his 50's.

He called to make an appt. with Pamela at 2 pm.

He came at that time, but when he left he gave me a Card from the apartment saying that he had come before (not staying me) & that we own him $ 50, for that reason he gave me $ 50 less for the service.

But when Gysell came to the apartment she told me she had not given him that kind of discount.

Now the thing is that Gysell has discount that money from me.

He is not a casual customer.

He comes ususally here.

I'm very dissapointed, because I trusted him.

As I trust in every customer that comes here.

I do not know if you had the opportunity to meet me, but I always try to make you feel at home.

So this thing he made to me was very awfull.

So Jeff if you are reading this or if somebody knows him please tell him I'm very dissapointed & that is not a good behaviour.

He left a Bad Impression.

Thanks for your help.


Jaimito Cartero
08-24-09, 20:01
It seems strange that he'd try to pull something like that, for 50 pesos. Especially if he comes all the time. I don't know who Jeff is, but I'd be leaning more towards an misunderstanding, than an actual rip off. Perhaps he was confusing the late night discount?

I'd also think that you'd verify such things with the boss before acting on them.

Meforu 2000
08-24-09, 21:08

You should be fired for what you are doing, what kind of a privado is this, that an empolyee can use this fourm to shame some one. You should wait till he comes back and disscuss it personally with him.

What goes on in a privado should stay in the house, have you ever heard the word disscrestion, next you will be telling everyone that a customer joe blow has a small cock and can't fuck.

I think that Gysell should pay you and not discount your pay, but now we see how Gysell is and acts to a missunderstanding, she in my opinion is acting wrong. She should pay you and then fire you, and what you did in this form you should get fired.

Some times you fuck them, and some times you get fucked. That's the nature of business.

Shame on you Gysell and you Mariana. What a bullshit privado. It's not a high quallity house, just a low class privado . Which I'll never step a foot on and will tell everone that, if they don't like you, your name will be spread all over the world.


Big Travel Guy
08-24-09, 21:15

What a bullshit ***** house. It's not a high quallity house, just a low class ***** house.

MeforuI'm going with the "simple misunderstanding" theory. I'm sure this will all get worked out, if it's between Gysell and a regular customer.

Mariana, I do think you should have handled this privately, but we all make mistakes.

But most importantly, there is NOTHING LOW CLASS about Gysell's operation. Quite the contrary. It is a wonderfully run, customer friendly establishment, and 95%+ of the people on this board know, and appreciate that fact. Also, if you ever take the time to talk to the girls there about it, they have nothing but the highest praise for their management.

Love you G,


Meforu 2000
08-24-09, 21:28
If thats customer frendly, I hate to see when they are mad at you.

Yea high praise for managment, she is so nice till you make a mistake a loose 50 pesos "pesos" the the nice understanding managment takes it out of your pay.

I say bullshit, and we all assholes.


Member #3320
08-24-09, 21:57

You should be fired for what you are doing, what kind of a privado is this, that an empolyee can use this fourm to shame some one. You should wait till he comes back and disscuss it personally with him.

What goes on in a privado should stay in the house, have you ever heard the word disscrestion, next you will be telling everyone that a customer joe blow has a small cock and can't fuck.

I think that Gysell should pay you and not discount your pay, but now we see how Gysell is and acts to a missunderstanding, she in my opinion is acting wrong. She should pay you and then fire you, and what you did in this form you should get fired.

Some times you fuck them, and some times you get fucked. That's the nature of business.

Shame on you Gysell and you Mariana. What a bullshit privado. It's not a high quallity house, just a low class privado. Which I'll never step a foot on and will tell everone that, if they don't like you, your name will be spread all over the world.

MeforuI think its a misunderstanding. Too small a amount to even doubt "Mr Jeff's" integrity. Its sad to know that this money was cut from your salary. I guess we would just have to be patient and wait for "Mr Jeff" to return and solve the puzzle.

08-25-09, 00:07
Sounds like the guy tried to pull a scam on you and unfortunatly he got away with it. Some people are assholes, Mosty likely we are all missing some info and maybe you should ban this guy from your privado until he clears it up with you now. Especially since you are down 50.

08-25-09, 01:50
I don't see anything wrong with this. I see these threads all the time.

Pay what you owe jeff.



08-25-09, 02:12
Hello People from The Forum.

I'm the Recepcionis of Gysell.

My name is Mariana.

I want to write to you just to see if you can help me.

Today I receive a call from "Jeff", a tall American Guy, blonde, early in his 50's.

He called to make an appt. With Pamela at 2 pm.

He came at that time, but when he left he gave me a Card from the apartment saying that he had come before (not staying me) & that we own him $ 50, for that reason he gave me $ 50 less for the service.

But when Gysell came to the apartment she told me she had not given him that kind of discount.

Now the thing is that Gysell has discount that money from me.

He is not a casual customer.

He comes ususally here.

I'm very dissapointed, because I trusted him.

As I trust in every customer that comes here.

I do not know if you had the opportunity to meet me, but I always try to make you feel at home.

So this thing he made to me was very awfull.

So Jeff if you are reading this or if somebody knows him please tell him I'm very dissapointed & that is not a good behaviour.

He left a Bad Impression.

Thanks for your help.

MarianaNow that's a first.

"Jeff" whoever you are, you are the man. To scam an Argentino is like selling coal to Newcastle. To scam an Argentinian whorehouse is unbelievable. Jeff, start a new thread on how to do it. We have half a hundred posts about whorehouses scamming mongers; yours would be the first on mongers scamming whorehouses.


08-25-09, 02:23
The Dirty MotherFucker.


08-25-09, 03:51
The Dirty MotherFucker.


I don't know who is right and who is wrong here, but I know this much: None of the rest of you knows either, and thus some of you should reconsider your classic "rush to judgement".



08-25-09, 11:53

You should be fired for what you are doing, what kind of a privado is this, that an empolyee can use this fourm to shame some one. You should wait till he comes back and disscuss it personally with him.

What goes on in a privado should stay in the house, have you ever heard the word disscrestion, next you will be telling everyone that a customer joe blow has a small cock and can't fuck.

I think that Gysell should pay you and not discount your pay, but now we see how Gysell is and acts to a missunderstanding, she in my opinion is acting wrong. She should pay you and then fire you, and what you did in this form you should get fired.

Some times you fuck them, and some times you get fucked. That's the nature of business.

Shame on you Gysell and you Mariana. What a bullshit privado. It's not a high quallity house, just a low class privado. Which I'll never step a foot on and will tell everone that, if they don't like you, your name will be spread all over the world.

MeforuHello Meforu.

Just wanted to let you know that I ve never wrote anything about a customer til I m here.

So that about making comments about a customer never happened & is not going to happen.

I wrote that because My Boss told me to do that.

So I do not think I should get fired about that.

I ve never wrote in this forum before.



Jaimito Cartero
08-25-09, 12:05
Just wanted to let u know that I ve never wrote anything about a customer til I m here.

So that about making comments about a customer never happened & is not going to happen.

I wrote that because My Boss told me to do that.

So I do not think I should get fired about that.

I ve never wrote in this forum before.


Mariana.Writing on the forum in another users name is a bit confusing, first of all.

Second, I do think that being told to write here to out someone for shorting you $50 pesos is a bit odd, as well.

Is Jeff even a AP member? Maybe you can post his full name, or a picture, or his credit card number too?;)

08-25-09, 12:50
Is Jeff even a AP member? Maybe you can post his full name, or a picture, or his credit card number too?;)I assume that everyone knows that this would never be permitted.



Member #3320
08-25-09, 14:02
Is Jeff even a AP member? Maybe you can post his full name, or a picture, or his credit card number too?;)Are you really serious with your comment? Or was it a joke?

08-25-09, 19:49
As Jackson mentioned, none of us knows who is right or wrong.

What seems pretty obvious, though, is an extreme lack of discretion on Gysele's part.

08-26-09, 00:31
A man comes to my place and after one hour of sex paid the service with my personal card (thousand people have my card) on the back says "WE OWE YOU $ 50 PESOS TOWARDS YOU NEXT VISIT (CREDIT)"

The receptionist believed this false credit note because he say is a member of the forum. I never give the credit and Mariana did not consult me about it.

Jeff owes me $ 50 if you know him tell him.

And as for stupid comments of some people about of managing my place I'll say again "I AM THE BOSS". Ok!

Mr MEFORU I'm not going to be poorer because you do not visit my place.

My Place works very well because he has a boss who knows how to manage the place, if it were not so I would be in bankruptcy.

Thanks for everything guys!



08-26-09, 00:51
If the receptionist had been shown how to handle "discount" cards (if such exist) and did not follow proper procedure, it is reasonable that she be responsible for the lost funds. However if this was not the case and the receptionist merely acted in good faith, she should absolutely not be responsible for the money.

To then post a first name and physical description to publically address the situation is not appropriate. It could be handled privately the next time the customer makes an appointment. Or at most a more general post such as "Today a gentleman came in who used a card for a $50 discount. However Gysell has declared the card is not valid and has discounted the money from me. If the gentleman is reading this could he please call or visit us to resolve the situation. Thank you."

I agree with Schmoj and Meforu. Discretion is the most important factor for some of us. More important than price, quality or service. And we deliberately avoid places that lack discretion.

Member #3320
08-26-09, 01:11
I am feeling bad for Mariana. In my opinion, she unnecessarily got a bad deal. Everyone who works know that anyone can have a "bad day in office" once in a while, so be it. Lets not crucify her.

Mariana, when I am next in BA (soon) I will gift you 50AR$ to help you recover from your loss.

No, I am not Jeff, neither I know him but I have a helpful/charitable nature ( not expecting any favors in return)

Hope this will give you peace, Mariana.

Gysell boss, if possible, forgive her. Be sporty, you are supposed to be a lovable girl, boss and a colleague.


Meforu 2000
08-26-09, 20:03
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!