View Full Version : Chicas for a few days
Hi there,
I need some help we are two guys comming to see the dakar and want to take two chicas on the route with us spectating.
How will we arange that without having to pay an escort agency and what would the cost be more or less.
Hi there,
I need some help we are two guys comming to see the dakar and want to take two chicas on the route with us spectating.
How will we arange that without having to pay an escort agency and what would the cost be more or less.Are you nuts. That would be like taking a sandwich to a barbecue. It is a traveling circus. Followed the thing last year for a bit and for the most part each stage ends in a metropolitan area where there is plenty of wine, women and song. Find a local lady at each stage and you are good to go. No excess baggage that requires food and shelter. Variety is the spice of life. Have fun.
Stan Da Man
10-20-09, 18:57
Hi there,
I need some help we are two guys comming to see the dakar and want to take two chicas on the route with us spectating.
How will we arange that without having to pay an escort agency and what would the cost be more or less.I wouldn't quite say you're nuts. But, I would agree that it's probably not a good idea if you don't already have someone in mind that you've spent some time with and are sure you're going to be comfortable with them. The old Gump movie aphorism is apt here: Chicas are like a box of chocolates. Unless you've spent some time with them, you're probably going to regret what you end up with. Any chica you get hooked up with by an escort service is just going to be looking at you as a big "$" sign. What else would they do? They know nothing about you. The idea that an escort service is going to hook you up with the perfect girl is a bit naive if that's what you were thinking.
Hi there,
I need some help we are two guys comming to see the dakar and want to take two chicas on the route with us spectating.
How will we arange that without having to pay an escort agency and what would the cost be more or less.It depends on how long you will be in town. You'll have to spend some time (at least a few days) going to some clubs maybe and trying out some chicas and seeing if you found any you liked who were ALSO amenable to taking off somewhere with two complete strangers / foreigners. They'd be giving up their work time, so it would cost you.
Like many have said, the p4p climate here is made mostly to serve the locals, and those girls that are worth being with for a few days (a week or weeks? Make decent money - as much as $3000 to maybe $6000 pesos a month. Some few who have managed to get 3 or 4 sugar daddies going, but still work, may make as much as $10,000 pesos a month (on the high end? Even the low end of that is better money than a lot of people make here. I know guys that work 5 1/2 or 6 days a week, 12 hours a day, that only make $1800 pesos, to as much as $3000 if you have a lot of experience!
But girls like that can be found. It won't be easy and the odds of finding two quality girls is a bit lower for success. The shorter time you're here before you leave, the less of a chance.
One thing to think about if you negotiate - the quality girls (as in reasonably pretty, decently nice bodies, reasonably nice personalities, English hit or miss [notice nothing near "perfection"]) are probably making between 200 and 300 pesos a day on average. In one week it could only be 300 pesos. The following week three French guys come to town and a girl goes with one of them and gets paid 200 euros (it happens more often than you'd think)
So the shorter the time the girls are going to be with you, the more it's going to cost you. They'll remember the ones that paid big, they'll see you as foreigners with money like the French guys that came into town and they won't be thinking about something like 200 or 300 hundred pesos a day. At best they'll think along the lines of "I can sometimes go out as much as three times a night, and sometimes make 300 pesos a turn, so that's 900 pesos" and name that, per day. Or maybe more. Who knows.
You can certainly bargain and may be able to expect to get the price down half of what they ask for if they like you and think there's a possibility of fun.
I have to think that Damman is probably right as far as being able to find various pleasures en route and at the circus. You might even find someone there who is willing to spend more than just a little time. I know nothing about the Dakar, as far as how it works, where the party is, etc, but I bet there's going to be a lot of pretty women hanging around and looking for fun.
O. K O. K Let me put it this way, we flying in from South Africa on the 30th of Dec. 3 nights in Recoletta drive to Cordoba La Rioja Fiambala 3 nights, then fly to Mar del Plata for three nights.
We have been going to Rio quite often so we have a good idea of how to opperate with the Chicas. I have gathered that Argentina opperates differently it is here that I need advice.
If somebody can maybe suggest to me how they would put this trip together with the idea that we are comming for the chicas the race is just an excuse to go.
Are you nuts. That would be like taking a sandwich to a barbecue. It is a traveling circus. Followed the thing last year for a bit and for the most part each stage ends in a metropolitan area where there is plenty of wine, women and song. Find a local lady at each stage and you are good to go. No excess baggage that requires food and shelter. Variety is the spice of life. Have fun.Either you guy's really are "Nut's" or you don't know a damn thing about "Women"
One thing for sure though, your "Stupid". Think about what your asking for just a minute.
Your putting your whole trip in "Harm's Way" by gambling that you'll find some working girls you'll get along with for three or 4 days. I believe its an un-natural act for a man & a woman to get along for more that just a few hours. Once you "Cum" then what are you going to do with them?
Have you ever had a woman go "Junk" on you, I think we all have. These girls are not robots, there women, and most of them are fucked up in the head to start with or they wouldn't be in the business they're in. And your actually considering gambling on them that you'll have sweet romantic relationship.
Moreover, Cordoba and Mar del Plata have some of the finest pussy in South America.
Finally, If you worked for me I'd fire you for being Stupid, "It Doesn't Take Any Brains To Be Stupid"
O. K O. K Let me put it this way, we flying in from South Africa on the 30th of Dec. 3 nights in Recoletta drive to Cordoba La Rioja Fiambala 3 nights, then fly to Mar del Plata for three nights.
We have been going to Rio quite often so we have a good idea of how to opperate with the Chicas. I have gathered that Argentina opperates differently it is here that I need advice.
If somebody can maybe suggest to me how they would put this trip together with the idea that we are comming for the chicas the race is just an excuse to go.Maybe I do not know shit from apple butter, however, quite sure half the population of Buenos Aires shall be visiting Mar del Plata sometime in January. That can be good or could cramp your style. Lots of eye candy and non pros. But like everything in life, it is all in the timing. One other thing, driving to Cordoba. Have you thought about taking a bus. They have these fancy buses and hands down, the only way to get around. First class, cocktails, food, and all the bells and whistles. Better than first class ticket on Singapore airlines. Good luck.
Either you guy's really are "Nut's" or you don't know a damn thing about "Women"
One thing for sure though, your "Stupid". Think about what your asking for just a minute.
Your putting your whole trip in "Harm's Way" by gambling that you'll find some working girls you'll get along with for three or 4 days. I believe its an un-natural act for a man & a woman to get along for more that just a few hours. Once you "Cum" then what are you going to do with them?
Have you ever had a woman go "Junk" on you, I think we all have. These girls are not robots, there women, and most of them are fucked up in the head to start with or they wouldn't be in the business they're in. And your actually considering gambling on them that you'll have sweet romantic relationship.
Moreover, Cordoba and Mar del Plata have some of the finest pussy in South America.
Finally, If you worked for me I'd fire you for being Stupid, "It Doesn't Take Any Brains To Be Stupid"
ExonYou seem to be very clever, how will you do it where will you stay which clubs will you opperate and would you stay in Ba longer, one more thing nobody mentioned anything about sweet romantic relationships why don't you just rather help cause that is what I asked for.
You seem to be very clever, how will you do it where will you stay which clubs will you opperate and would you stay in Ba longer, one more thing nobody mentioned anything about sweet romantic relationships why don't you just rather help cause that is what I asked for.I'm not clever, I'm being real and I'm not stupid enough to believe that I could take a woman who is a total stranger on a trip such as you've described and be happy for every long.
If you must go the Cordoba take the Bus at night, there nothing to see on the Pompas but grass and cow's. Only a fool would come to a foreign country and drive a rented car the distance your talking about. Why take that chance? The Bus is not only cheaper but much more comfortable.
I'd stay in Buenos Aires the entire time in a furnished apartment, much more cost effective and you have the privacy you can't get in a hotel. I'd monger any place other than Recoleta with the exception of New Port.
And, like I said, "It Doesn't Take Any Brains To Be Stupid"
Exon, I have to tell you - you just don't get that some people CAN have and ENJOY a quickie affair / relationship dude! Not everyone likes to just get their rocks off and go do something else afterward. Some people like being with girls when they're not naked with their legs or mouths open:)
However, I agree with you that the likelihood of these guys coming into town for even three days and picking a couple of chicks that they're going to have a good time with, or even finding a halfway decent chick to take on a trip with strangers, are slim to none. And if they think they did, they are very likely to have them go "Jink" on them at some point, probably sooner rather than later.
Shumie, I tried to tell you in my rather lengthy post what obstacles you will face here in Buenos Aires with what you are trying to do. Buenos Aires is NOTHING like Brasil in relation to trying to find a couple of girls to be your girlfriend and going with you on a trip like you describe. I know, I've spent quite a bit of time in Brasil and rarely paid for pussy, including having fulltime girlfriends to pass time with when I was there.
I thought I provided some pretty good, insightful information on what the business is like here and why your likelihood of success is pretty small. You can ignore the advice of someone who has lived here for three years and knows personally some working girls, and knows a lot of guys who are sport mongers (and their experiences) not to mention the advice from the mongers themselves, at your own risk.
As far as where you could go to try this - there are a couple of girls with threads on this board who are independent who MIGHT consider something like this (I don't know them, they'd have to speak for themselves) You can try going to some clubs / boliches, like Hook, Catto, Ness (3 that are real close together, what we call the Triangle) etc, and try out some girls there and see if you can find a couple that meet your fancy AND are willing to go off with some complete strangers. As far as details about those clubs RTFF - there are threads that have plenty of data about each one, and Jackson has maps and lists of clubs and boliches available on this website.
But Exon and the others are right - you'll most likely end up with some problem with these girls. They will seem nice until you get them on the trip and they will convert into something else. Harpies who will do whatever they can to get as much as they can out of you.
Also, to expound on Exon's description of a road trip to Cordoba - he's absolutely right, there are no "sights" to see, not much of a reason to journey by car. I understand the desire to drive through a country to see it, and it's not completely insane, it's just not going to provide a great experience. I have traveled long distances by car in Argentina and it's not a great process. Mar del Plata wouldn't be a problem, it's close enough.
But Cordoba is a different story. The roads are HORRIBLE for the most part in Argentina. The road to Cordoba starts off from Buenos Aires with a 4 lane highway that in places actually has "waves" from the macadam being pushed to the side by tires. Potholes. Horrible stretches of broken pavement. I believe in Rosario is where you would change to head to Cordoba, and you would take off on a two lane highway, with no shoulders, SLOW trucks and cars, scattered with little towns that you will pass through. It is slow going. One of my programmers once told me that the drive by car is around 8 hours. I've never driven to Cordoba, but I've driven all the way through the north of Argentina to Paraguay and from what my guy tells me, the roads are about the same to Cordoba as they are past Santa Fe to the north (which is where the four lane highway ends and the two lane begins on that trip)
If you must travel by road, the bus is a much better option. Big seats that recline to sleep, like Exon said, food service, beverage service, movies, the whole nine yards. You would want to get a "Full Cama" executive class bus.
However, I would skip all that and just fly to Cordoba. It's an hour flight.
But these are just suggestions from guys who live here and visit here very often, and have seen the country - ignore the advice at your own peril:)
Mr. Shumie:
A lot of wisdom in what Exon has to say. Everyone had their first mongering vacation / trip and we all made the same dumb mistakes, running around like fart in a frying pan. Trying to squeeze a lifetime into a weekend. Listen to what Exon is trying to tell you. Take it easy and enjoy.
If you are hell bent on getting laid in the first five minutes of your arrival in BA, may I suggest. Contact Fred at Silver Star Limo and have him meet you at EZE with a couple of Gysell's finest. That way you can enjoy the trip to your apartment from the airport in more ways than one. May cost you a few bucks, but when you think about it, you will have taken care of your most pressing and immediate issue: getting your ashes hauled away. Have been toying with that idea for quite some time: limo / blow job. I like it.
Member #3320
10-21-09, 16:55
I concur with El Queso's and Damman's report as below.
I think what you are looking for is based on your experiences in Brasil, none of which you are going to find here in Argentina.
In my opinion, the best bet here is "very short term" P4P rentals!
Stan Da Man
10-21-09, 20:23
O. K O. K Let me put it this way, we flying in from South Africa on the 30th of Dec. 3 nights in Recoletta drive to Cordoba La Rioja Fiambala 3 nights, then fly to Mar del Plata for three nights.
We have been going to Rio quite often so we have a good idea of how to opperate with the Chicas. I have gathered that Argentina opperates differently it is here that I need advice.
If somebody can maybe suggest to me how they would put this trip together with the idea that we are comming for the chicas the race is just an excuse to go.Shumie:
If you don't mind boliches and you aren't a budget monger, I can take care of 6 of your 9 nights. Here you go: Madaho's
There is a location in Buenos_Aires in Recoleta and one in Mar Del Plata. You can do extensive research on the Buenos_Aires location on this board. A word of warning, though: Most of the reviews on this board are from value mongers who object to paying $20 - $30 more at a place like this if they are convinced they can get a better deal elsewhere. If that's you, then you probably shouldn't go there. If price isn't your primary concern, then I would take the majority of the reviews with a grain of salt and I would submit that this will be a better option than lugging some local chicas along on a multi-city tour. Can't help you on Cordoba La Rioja Fiambala -- I just don't know the area. Good luck. Let us know what you decide.
Exon, I have to tell you - you just don't get that some people CAN have and ENJOY a quickie affair / relationship dude! Not everyone likes to just get their rocks off and go do something else afterward. Some people like being with girls when they're not naked with their legs or mouths open:)
However, I agree with you that the likelihood of these guys coming into town for even three days and picking a couple of chicks that they're going to have a good time with, or even finding a halfway decent chick to take on a trip with strangers, are slim to none. And if they think they did, they are very likely to have them go "Jink" on them at some point, probably sooner rather than later.
Shumie, I tried to tell you in my rather lengthy post what obstacles you will face here in Buenos Aires with what you are trying to do. Buenos Aires is NOTHING like Brasil in relation to trying to find a couple of girls to be your girlfriend and going with you on a trip like you describe. I know, I've spent quite a bit of time in Brasil and rarely paid for pussy, including having fulltime girlfriends to pass time with when I was there.
I thought I provided some pretty good, insightful information on what the business is like here and why your likelihood of success is pretty small. You can ignore the advice of someone who has lived here for three years and knows personally some working girls, and knows a lot of guys who are sport mongers (and their experiences) not to mention the advice from the mongers themselves, at your own risk.
As far as where you could go to try this - there are a couple of girls with threads on this board who are independent who MIGHT consider something like this (I don't know them, they'd have to speak for themselves) You can try going to some clubs / boliches, like Hook, Catto, Ness (3 that are real close together, what we call the Triangle) etc, and try out some girls there and see if you can find a couple that meet your fancy AND are willing to go off with some complete strangers. As far as details about those clubs RTFF - there are threads that have plenty of data about each one, and Jackson has maps and lists of clubs and boliches available on this website.
But Exon and the others are right - you'll most likely end up with some problem with these girls. They will seem nice until you get them on the trip and they will convert into something else. Harpies who will do whatever they can to get as much as they can out of you.
Also, to expound on Exon's description of a road trip to Cordoba - he's absolutely right, there are no "sights" to see, not much of a reason to journey by car. I understand the desire to drive through a country to see it, and it's not completely insane, it's just not going to provide a great experience. I have traveled long distances by car in Argentina and it's not a great process. Mar del Plata wouldn't be a problem, it's close enough.
But Cordoba is a different story. The roads are HORRIBLE for the most part in Argentina. The road to Cordoba starts off from Buenos Aires with a 4 lane highway that in places actually has "waves" from the macadam being pushed to the side by tires. Potholes. Horrible stretches of broken pavement. I believe in Rosario is where you would change to head to Cordoba, and you would take off on a two lane highway, with no shoulders, SLOW trucks and cars, scattered with little towns that you will pass through. It is slow going. One of my programmers once told me that the drive by car is around 8 hours. I've never driven to Cordoba, but I've driven all the way through the north of Argentina to Paraguay and from what my guy tells me, the roads are about the same to Cordoba as they are past Santa Fe to the north (which is where the four lane highway ends and the two lane begins on that trip)
If you must travel by road, the bus is a much better option. Big seats that recline to sleep, like Exon said, food service, beverage service, movies, the whole nine yards. You would want to get a "Full Cama" executive class bus.
However, I would skip all that and just fly to Cordoba. It's an hour flight.
But these are just suggestions from guys who live here and visit here very often, and have seen the country - ignore the advice at your own peril:)I catch what you guys are saying. What I think we should do is spend three nights in BA then rent a 4x4 follow the race by ourselves for 3 days we can't take the bus we won't see the race, drop the car in La Rioja fly back to Ba for four nights and work the clubs. Would you say Recoletta is the place to stay. Thank you for your advice, we always have a good time no matter where in the world we travel to I am sure BA will be good to us.
Stan Da Man
10-22-09, 21:56
I catch what you guys are saying. What I think we should do is spend three nights in BA then rent a 4x4 follow the race by ourselves for 3 days we can't take the bus we won't see the race, drop the car in La Rioja fly back to Ba for four nights and work the clubs. Would you say Recoletta is the place to stay. Thank you for your advice, we always have a good time no matter where in the world we travel to I am sure BA will be good to us.
ShumieWhere to stay: What are you looking for? Hotel or apartment?
Personally, I think apartments are a good place to stay. You don't get daily maid service, but for the price and the privacy I always prefered an apartment when I was visiting, to a hotel. Just depends on taste.
Recoleta is a good place for a first-timer to Buenos Aires. There's plenty of restaurants, some high-end clubs like Madahos as Stan mentioned. It's a tourist area and one of the cleanest, nicest places in the city. Not too far from the Triangle by cab if you want to go there.
And yeah, I think Buenos Aires can satisfy you just fine as long as you approach it correctly.
BTW - I was talking to some guys last night who were here for a few days and are taking off on a little trip. One of them found a girl to go with them, so it is possible to find what you were looking for, but the experience may end up not being all you hoped for, depending on how lucky you were. This particular guy is experienced in BA, so he has a bit of advantage in knowing what's available and when he comes across it. You never know, for those three days here before the race, you could get lucky.
Personally, I think apartments are a good place to stay. You don't get daily maid service, but for the price and the privacy I always prefered an apartment when I was visiting, to a hotel. Just depends on taste.
Recoleta is a good place for a first-timer to Buenos Aires. There's plenty of restaurants, some high-end clubs like Madahos as Stan mentioned. It's a tourist area and one of the cleanest, nicest places in the city. Not too far from the Triangle by cab if you want to go there.
And yeah, I think Buenos Aires can satisfy you just fine as long as you approach it correctly.
BTW - I was talking to some guys last night who were here for a few days and are taking off on a little trip. One of them found a girl to go with them, so it is possible to find what you were looking for, but the experience may end up not being all you hoped for, depending on how lucky you were. This particular guy is experienced in BA, so he has a bit of advantage in knowing what's available and when he comes across it. You never know, for those three days here before the race, you could get lucky.Thanks I think il book at Art Suites which district is Cordobas night life if anybody knows.
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