View Full Version : Best Provider of BBBJ with CIM
I need professional advice on the topic of the best provider of BBBJ with CIM. For the last two years, the answer to this question in my mind has always been Mariana, but at last, this wonderful provider has returned to Columbia permanently even though she is still listed on evasonline as being active.
If any of you out there would be kind enough to share names and contact information on your absolute favorite provider of BBBJ with CIM, I would be eternally grateful. I am mindful of Esten's post today for Zamara, but am not sure if CIM is on the menu.
Many thanks in advance for your thoughts on this important topic. Shane
01-27-10, 17:16
I need professional advice on the topic of the best provider of BBBJ with CIM. For the last two years, the answer to this question in my mind has always been Mariana, but at last, this wonderful provider has returned to Columbia permanently even though she is still listed on evasonline as being active.
If any of you out there would be kind enough to share names and contact information on your absolute favorite provider of BBBJ with CIM, I would be eternally grateful. I am mindful of Esten's post today for Zamara, but am not sure if CIM is on the menu.
Many thanks in advance for your thoughts on this important topic. ShaneDaisy comes to mind as one of the all-time best.
Also her sidekick Jessica.
These girls give the type of BBBJ that makes most men stop them before it's too late.
(or rather too soon!)
The BEST thing about Daisy or Jessica is that they will give you 2 or 3 Back to Back BBBJ's during your allotted time for the same price!
Myra, my latest Favorita has a special warmth or temperature in her mouth that may also make you ask her to stop!
At least for a while.
Did you say that you like to finish up your session that way?
They always get it in the end when it's time for me to finish!
Give them a try!
Its the "Ball Washer", Caroline.
Paris from bairesgirls. One of the all time best BBBJ CIM I've had. Very skilled, technical deepthroat blowjob and she keeps going steady until you blow. She's probably open to your requests and preferences on how you like it, but I just let her do her thing and didn't last long. Although she sees a lot of guys each day and may seem a bit more "pro" than Mariana who seemed more GFE from reports here. I never saw Mariana. What was so great about her BBBJ?
Anyways, Paris is definately recommended. Very good looking as well. Best to call before noon I think she gets booked up quick.
Getting input from the three of you is money in the bank in my book. Many thanks.
TL, I suspect I can track down how to contact Daisy from the prior posts on her, but have no idea who Jessica is or how to reach here.
Exon, I know I have seen a number of comments on Caroline the Ball Washer, but once again, cannot recall reading how to contact her.
Esten, I looked up Paris. Thanks. Does she have her own apartment or does she work in a brothel. I ask so I can avoid bait and switch. Also, her Bairesgirls "services offered" does not show "Buc. S / Glob.", but I assume that is an oversite.
Thanks to all, Shane
Big Travel Guy
02-09-10, 17:51
Paris from bairesgirls. One of the all time best BBBJ CIM I've had. Very skilled, technical deepthroat blowjob and she keeps going steady until you blow. Paris is definately recommended. Very good looking as well. Best to call before noon I think she gets booked up quick.For fans of this superstar oral provider, I was there today and can report the following changes from a year ago:
1) She has died her hair black. It is also longer, with smoother texture than it was back in the old "straw like hair" days of her natural color, which is reddish blond or light brown. I think it looks really good. These pictures (which, ironically, accompnany a fact sheet that still lists her hair color as rubio) are pretty accurate. I'm glad I looked at this first before she answered the door, or I might have though I'd rung the wrong apartment!
2) She has reconfigured her apartment, and now works in a bigger, better bed in a bigger room--the one that used to be the living room.
3) Her old bedroom is now occupied by a partner, that she didn't have last year, whose name she told me is Camila. I asked if this was Camila on, and she said yes. So probably this is the chica:
I didn't see her (I heard her at work behind the closed door, though! And if the measurments given are accurate, she's going to be quite a busty, fully curvacious creature. I have no idea if she shares Paris's oral talents. Paris said she would introduce me to her next time I came by. I don't know if she's trying to drum up some business for her new roommate, just being sociable, or if these girls are in the business of offering 3 ways.
4) And most important, and most unhappily, there has been a BIG price increase. She has apparently gone from 200p to 300p. I have never negotiated with her, nor even discussed price up front. After the session, she just tells me. Last year it was 200 each time, this time 300. Maybe it was a gringo price rip-off, but since I'm kind of a regular and she certainly remembered me, even on the phone, from last year, I'm guessing this wasn't aimed unfairly at me for any reason. She's probably just raising her price in response to demand.
And demand is presumably there. As Esten suggests, I think she books up pretty fully each day. I was hurried out, after 45 tor 50 minutes (and after a highly satisfactory conclusion) not in a rude way, but she confirmed she had another client coming right at the top of the hour, and she needed me gone. My guess is that he was gonna get the same treatment! The other part of this is that I don't think this girl often finds helself in a situation where the client hasn't been fully taken care of in well less than an hour!
Anyway, at 300p, she may still represent some value, in that she is probably at least 50% better than your average 200p provider, IMHO, but what this means is that she's gone from being a first rate oral experience that could be purchased at normal market prices to being kind of a splurge. A special treat, if you will.
Her oral skill is just out of this world. It might even be a bit better that I remember, but if I gave her a 10 last year, and 10 is as high as the scale goes, well, I guess she's a 10 now. But she's absolutely at the top of her game, and her game is at the top of the league.
Many thanks for the great write up. Between Esten and your comments, I think I have found a highly skilled successor to Mariana. If either of you are around the first week in march, I will be glad to buy you both drinks.
02-10-10, 07:34
Holy shit that paris chick is too hot, whats the address of her place?
I'm guessing the number on bairesgirls is correct - 4312-1206?
Big Travel Guy
02-10-10, 11:07
holy shit that paris chick is too hot, whats the address of her place? I'm guessing the number on bairesgirls is correct - 4312-1206?
ThanksShe, (and this Camila girl, apparently) works out of her apatment at Paraguay and Esmeralda, but you can't just go over there and ring the bell. So call first (yes, that's the number) Some Spanish is essential, she speaks not one world of English, and you've go to set things up over the phone.
If she'll see you, she'll give you the exact address.
Good luck,
Big Travel Guy - During some pillow talk with Paris, she said she had guys calling her constantly (which didn't surprise me) and I asked why she didn't charge more. She replied she didn't want to (she didn't really seem to have a good reason why) but did say she could easily get booked up everyday even if she hiked her price to 300 or 400 pesos.
Some (or most) of the area-vip girls charge more than 300 pesos. I think 300 pesos is still a good deal for someone like Paris. If it reduces her traffic and makes it easier for me to book, I actually prefer it. Damn I got to get to BA and see her again!
Big Travel Guy
02-11-10, 22:45
I asked why she didn't charge more. Well, Esten, I have to say you have balls for going on this forum and taking credit for convincing a chica to raise her prices! Good luck with some of the replies you may get to THAT!
I really have no strong opinion on it one way or the other, I was just trying to be a good reporter, and readers here always seem to care about pricing specifics, so I thought I'd better write about it. (Also, some poor guy might have gone over there with only $250 in his wallet!
If you read the political threads on this site (and I try not to. You guys, and I love you all, are just WAY TOO STRIDENT for a peace-loving political independent like me) you know that free-market philosophy is dominant among our contributors. So it would be an interesting irony if some of the folks that do the "free market capitalism all the way" political posts were among those to complain about a super talented, overbooked chica raising prices to meet demand!
No one has done that. I'm just sayin'.
I did NOT convince her! Nor am I taking credit for anything. LOL. It was only a question - on a point I'm sure she had considered well before I mentioned it.
Actually she told me she was thinking of going back to Colombia. If raising her price caused her to stay in BA, I'll take credit for that.:) Maybe you should thank me for your last visit? LOL.
Great point on free-market capitalism. I'm surprised some sugar daddy hasn't come along and taken her off the market.
Big Travel Guy
02-12-10, 01:57
Actually she told me she was thinking of going back to Colombia. Is she Colombian? I didn't know that. I could have sworn she told me she was Portena. I'm either confusing her with somebody else I asked, or it's just my failing old man's memory. Or more probably lost in translation.
What city was she from?
I'm actually in Colombia right now. This seems to be the place were we lose a lot of this board's favorites: Mariana, Sweet Bella. Now maybe Paris?
Once, he and I were talking to a Shampoo chica. I had been regularly ''doing her'' for 200 pesos. We agreed that since he was on vacation, that he could have her that night. He paid her 500 pesos! Later she refused to ''do me'' for 200 pesos.Sidney, read the Shampoo thread from late 2007! I paid her 400 because that was going rate in the club (she had asked 500) You said you paid her 200 3.5 years ago which would have been in 2004. After my review you thanked me "Thanks Esten, you saved me a lotta frustration and pesos! " LOL.
BTG, I don't recall what city in Colombia.
Can anyone recommend a chica that speaks a little english with good BBBJ and CIM?
I'm from Australia just coming to Argentina in August to live. Learning spainish ATM but I'm pretty bad at it.
Big Travel Guy
03-06-10, 01:56
Daisy and Paris (see all my previous posts) but neither speak one word of English. The best English speaking CIM girls seem to have gone back to Colombia, or are working in Panama.
You can also try negotiating with Gysell at her privado. I think a lot of her girls will do this, but you probably need to negotiate it up front. I've had several fantastic sessions there, and there was talk of CIM, but it never seems to have happened. Gysell always seems interested in dealing with specific fulfillment of customer satisfaction, so I'd express it (and her English is great, even if only of a few of her girls have that)
Keep studying Spanish. You don't need THAT much of it to pull off what you are looking for, and you'll be well rewarded.
can anyone recommend a chica that speaks a little english with good bbbj and cim, I'm from australia just coming to argentina in August to live. Learning spainish ATM but I'm pretty bad at it
Wild Walleye
03-06-10, 14:50
Can anyone recommend a chica that speaks a little english with good BBBJ and CIM?
I'm from Australia just coming to Argentina in August to live. Learning spainish ATM but I'm pretty bad at it.Things will change and providers will come and go. If you study Spanish between now and then, you won't need to differentiate between English-speaking and other chicas. The phrases thread has everything one needs to know.
There are rumors that one of the best (in my opinion) providers of BBBJCIM (and true deep throat master) might be returning later this year.
Gato Hunter
03-09-10, 01:27
I have not posted in a while.
IMHO AVIP Heidi is the best BBBJCIM in BA. Its like one of those automatic milkers that they use on dairy cows.
Can you provide a link for Heidi and Daisy?
I have not posted in a while.
IMHO AVIP Heidi is the best BBBJCIM in BA. Its like one of those automatic milkers that they use on dairy cows.
04-09-10, 02:55
Can you provide a link for Heidi and Daisy?Look up the thread:
Daisy has returned on this site.
This is her number.
4 381 5785
About 1 to 9 pm.
Mon. to Fri. only .
She will be at my place for dinner on Friday night.
Come on over!
Can you provide a link for Heidi and Daisy?I'm not sure but I think that Daisy is not announcing on the net right now. Regarding Heidi, here you go:
Her fares are not on the cheap side but many consider she as one of the top local escorts. She is not a girl (she's about 30 something).
07-13-10, 21:20
I'm not sure but I think that Daisy is not announcing on the net right now. Regarding Heidi, here you go:
Her fares are not on the cheap side but many consider she as one of the top local escorts. She is not a girl (she's about 30 something)Daisy is in Paraguay for about 10 more days but she will be back in the saddle again!
Hi there,
A long time without visiting BA!
I was wondering if queens of BBBJ have changed. I tried Daisy and Paris 2 years ago. Any new girls loving garganta profunda this year?
Happy to come back in BA!
04-12-12, 14:07
Hi there,
A long time without visiting BA!
I was wondering if queens of BBBJ have changed. I tried Daisy and Paris 2 years ago. Any new girls loving garganta profunda this year?
Happy to come back in BA!Camila!
The best in town!
426 Talcahuano apt. 3 "A"
M-F and sometimes Sat.
1pm to 7pm ONLY.
4 372 7488.
153 121 1945.
Tell her Ramiro sent you.
Watch out for her "Black Kisses!"
Best in town!
Go and get yourself a "Rusty Trombone!"
Cheap too!
200p for the hour!
The best in town!
426 Talcahuano apt. 3 "A"
M-F and sometimes Sat.
1pm to 7pm ONLY.
4 372 7488.
153 121 1945.
Tell her Ramiro sent you.
Watch out for her "Black Kisses!"
Best in town!
Go and get yourself a "Rusty Trombone!"
Cheap too!
200p for the hour!Camila is now publishing and ad: (from
The best in town!
426 Talcahuano apt. 3 "A"Mia J is better. .
But it's my personal opinion!
Well guys it IS a personal opinion of who does it better. But for those of you who haven't tried Estrella should check her out also. She loves to stare you down as she swallows every drop.
Check her out.
The Clown.
Mia J is better. .
But it's my personal opinion!
You're right Estrella is very good. But more of that she's a very interesting and funny girl!
I can suggest Paris too : her "oral skill" is amazing!
05-06-12, 12:52
You're right Estrella is very good. But more of that she's a very interesting and funny girl!
I can suggest Paris too : her "oral skill" is amazing!Does anyone have contact info for either of these two ladies? I will be in Buenos Aires tomorrow and I am a newbie so it sounds like I should start with one of them. Thanks for all the info everyone posts on here!
Albert Punter
05-27-12, 22:28
I have searched for Estrella in the forum and found nothing.
Can you give us some clues on how to find her?
Well guys it IS a personal opinion of who does it better. But for those of you who haven't tried Estrella should check her out also. She loves to stare you down as she swallows every drop.
Check her out.
The Clown.
05-28-12, 02:09
I have searched for Estrella in the forum and found nothing.
Can you give us some clues on how to find her?
Thanks.I haven't had the pleasure but I think that it is this girl:
I have searched for Estrella in the forum and found nothing.
Can you give us some clues on how to find her?
Thanks.If I'm not mistaken, you should call 4815 6368, she works on Santa Fe 1XXX, Barrio Norte.
Albert Punter
05-31-12, 00:07
Thanks for giving details, she looks VERY interesting.
Surely I will try her.
Again thanks
05-31-12, 23:37
Hi there,
A long time without visiting BA!
I was wondering if queens of BBBJ have changed. I tried Daisy and Paris 2 years ago. Any new girls loving garganta profunda this year?
Happy to come back in BA!Does it really fucking matter what a W*H*O*R*E*'S mouth looks like?
They are only temporary Sperm Banks where we make an occasional non-interest bearing deposit!
Some will pretend to be human and act as if they have emotions or are real people but does it fucking matter what their mouthes look like?
Reminds me of "Deliverance."
" Boy you sho have a pretty mouth!"
Just refer to the Talcahuano 426 3 "A" thread and get it over with!
Camila comes with a money-back guarantee by TL!
And that says a lot!
Just had a wonderful BBBJ with CIM from Camila. What a mouth!
I want to thank TejanoLibre for putting me in touch with her.
He even offered to make the appointment for me, because my Spanish skills are seriously lacking.
Fortunately that was not neccesary, we managed.
I would say excellent value for money (200Ps).
Next time I'll try the trio option.
Thanks again Ramiro!
I'm coming from the USA. And yes, I realize everything is available all over. But are there any 'trinkets or gifts' that might be much cheaper here that in BA and the girls would appreciate?
Wild Walleye
07-20-12, 15:07
I'm coming from the USA. And yes, I realize everything is available all over. But are there any 'trinkets or gifts' that might be much cheaper here that in BA and the girls would appreciate?Search the forum for "marshall's" and "gifts" and / or "carolina herrera" and I think you will find some sage advice (I recall reading an post or two from one of the senior guys on this subject, a couple years back). Perfume, sunglasses, etc. One suggestion was to go Marshall's and pick up some inexpensive stuff so that you can spread the wealth, without spending too much.
07-20-12, 17:06
Just had a wonderful BBBJ with CIM from Camila. What a mouth!
I want to thank TejanoLibre for putting me in touch with her.
He even offered to make the appointment for me, because my Spanish skills are seriously lacking.
Fortunately that was not neccesary, we managed.
I would say excellent value for money (200Ps).
Next time I'll try the trio option.
Thanks again Ramiro!Your Welcome! Camila is one of the best in town!
I have no idea what this thread has in common with trinkets from the states though!
Fred's of Hollywood or Gloria's Secret has discontinued and odd sized lingerie for super reduced rates.
Also, hit EVERY mall in town and get perfume samples if they are still around.
Your favorite colors of any Revlon nail Polish, lipstick.
Although you can get laid for the price of a good lipstick.
$25. 00 dollar unlocked phones from E-Bay that work in Argentina and Paraguay.
A $20. 00 English-Spanish Translator, handheld could be worth gold to a basic girl.
Question : How long will you be here and how do you expect your trinkets to pay dividends?
It will take numerous dates .
Hi there,
I am an argentino that lives in Ushuaia and found this forum several years ago and I used much of the information shared here during my last annual visit to Buenos Aires, the city I grew up in, last June and early July.
I would like to pay all of you back with two comments about those I consider the best providers of BBBJ with CIM:
Estrella from the Gemidos site: I tried the renowned service of Estrella, discussed several times here, and I found that her BBBJ with CIM and swallowing is as intense as I ever dreamt of while jerking off to a porn flick. I blew my load almost instantly as she is so proficient in so many vacuum techniques and tongue play it made me explode in the blink of an eye (a very, very unusual thing for me, as I can take over 40 minutes to climax). She later on showed me her mouth full of the best of me and then swallowed without any signs of disgust. I dare to say she finds pleasure in what she does. And as far as I know, she prefers blowing you forever or several times within an hour to fuck you even for a minute. To each its own. On the down side, I found her place not as cozy as I expected, so I fled with a smile in my face. She's worth the $200- and hour she charges. She seems to be in her early 30's as is in good shape and I found her face and voice (not to mention her mouth) are very nice, although her service is not focused into GFE.
Aryana from the Todo Masajes site: Another very, very good provider of BBBJ with CIM publishes as a "masseuse". She works at a ¨privado¨. In this case you have here some old post about "Barby's place" and such. The phone published in the link is of said place. You'll talk to one of the "hostesses" that might or might not speak English. I guess you can try just saying something like "Aryana. 3 PM today" and you'll get an appointment. For the standard $300- pesos fare you'll have almost a full hour (50 to 55 minutes at least) in a very clean and well organized "privado". You can take a shower before and after the deed and you'll be served as a king. I know I was. About the girl: she looks like she is in her early to mid-twenties, petite, and with a very quiet and almost demure demeanor at first. You can have her blowing and fucking you right from the start if you want, but she's also a quite decent "masajista". Now, about the interesting part: her BBBJ is what I call "magical". She can keep you up and and running for over half an hour until she decides to apply the final touch and make you come rainbows. Tell her you are looking forward to receiving a "pete mágico" (pete pronounced somewhat like this: the "pe" part as in the Spanish word "pena" and the final "te" part in the same way you would say "tea" in Spanish. I bet you that she will smile before delivering her magic. She doesn't swallow, but she can keep blowing you with much attention to your gestures and body language, so you can count on giving her hints so as to make her stop or continue after your climaxed.
I sincerely hope you'll find this my first post useful. And that you wouldn't waste your money trying to monger here in Ushuaia, a very interesting and beautiful place to visit and to live in peace surrounded by nature, but devoided from good providers.
Best of luck to you all!
P. S: let me know if you need links to the girls mentioned here.
07-21-12, 15:02
Beautiful writing. Super descriptive report. I am getting hard just reading it. I give you the 2012 AP Pulitzer Prize for informative writing! Thanks for sharing. Mountaineer.
Hi there,
I am an argentino that lives in Ushuaia and found this forum several years ago and I used much of the information shared here during my last annual visit to Buenos Aires, the city I grew up in, last June and early July.
I would like to pay all of you back with two comments about those I consider the best providers of BBBJ with CIM:
Estrella from the Gemidos site: I tried the renowned service of Estrella, discussed several times here, and I found that her BBBJ with CIM and swallowing is as intense as I ever dreamt of while jerking off to a porn flick. I blew my load almost instantly as she is so proficient in so many vacuum techniques and tongue play it made me explode in the blink of an eye (a very, very unusual thing for me, as I can take over 40 minutes to climax). She later on showed me her mouth full of the best of me and then swallowed without any signs of disgust. I dare to say she finds pleasure in what she does. And as far as I know, she prefers blowing you forever or several times within an hour to fuck you even for a minute. To each its own. On the down side, I found her place not as cozy as I expected, so I fled with a smile in my face. She's worth the $200- and hour she charges. She seems to be in her early 30's as is in good shape and I found her face and voice (not to mention her mouth) are very nice, although her service is not focused into GFE.
Aryana from the Todo Masajes site: Another very, very good provider of BBBJ with CIM publishes as a "masseuse". She works at a ¨privado¨. In this case you have here some old post about "Barby's place" and such. The phone published in the link is of said place. You'll talk to one of the "hostesses" that might or might not speak English. I guess you can try just saying something like "Aryana. 3 PM today" and you'll get an appointment. For the standard $300- pesos fare you'll have almost a full hour (50 to 55 minutes at least) in a very clean and well organized "privado". You can take a shower before and after the deed and you'll be served as a king. I know I was. About the girl: she looks like she is in her early to mid-twenties, petite, and with a very quiet and almost demure demeanor at first. You can have her blowing and fucking you right from the start if you want, but she's also a quite decent "masajista". Now, about the interesting part: her BBBJ is what I call "magical". She can keep you up and and running for over half an hour until she decides to apply the final touch and make you come rainbows. Tell her you are looking forward to receiving a "pete mágico" (pete pronounced somewhat like this: the "pe" part as in the Spanish word "pena" and the final "te" part in the same way you would say "tea" in Spanish. I bet you that she will smile before delivering her magic. She doesn't swallow, but she can keep blowing you with much attention to your gestures and body language, so you can count on giving her hints so as to make her stop or continue after your climaxed.
I sincerely hope you'll find this my first post useful. And that you wouldn't waste your money trying to monger here in Ushuaia, a very interesting and beautiful place to visit and to live in peace surrounded by nature, but devoided from good providers.
Best of luck to you all!
P. S: let me know if you need links to the girls mentioned here.
Daddy Rulz
08-07-12, 20:32
Ok so I have to agree this chica Estrella is to bbjcim what MJ was to be-ball. Others have written about her avocation and that's exactly what it is, an avocation, while not doubting them I sort of wondered of they weren't affected by post coital euphoria. They ain't my brothers this chica is a must do. 100% daddyrulz seal of approval. She proudly calls herself a chupadora, she has like 10-12 outstanding moves, slow kisses, throat work, tounge action, beso negro, at one point she was just rubbing my dick all over her face. She just really gets into her work.
Some specifics nobody has shared; finding this privado isn't easy. The address is a gallaria, called gallaria rustica. When you walk into the galleria on the left hand side just past the remiseria is a door with a guard and a bank of elevevators. He will buzz you through and I told him I had an appointment in apartment 319 at 6:00 (Tengo una reserva en departamento 319) he called and verified and I got in the elevator and off I went. I would really suggest you call the cell number on her gemidos page and make an appointment. Nobody has mentioned that this girl has some english skills. I wouldn't want to talk politics so punter is out but she can certainly answer and make an appointment in English. The apartment was clean with clean sheets. She was professional but friendly, no kissing, no hugging, she's not there to find a boyfriend she's there to do the job but at the same time customer service was friendly. The damage was 250 and there was no clock watching involved.
Ok so I have to agree this chica Estrella is to bbjcim what MJ was to be-ball. Others have written about her avocation and that's exactly what it is, an avocation, while not doubting them I sort of wondered of they weren't affected by post coital euphoria. They ain't my brothers this chica is a must do. 100% daddyrulz seal of approval. She proudly calls herself a chupadora, she has like 10-12 outstanding moves, slow kisses, throat work, tounge action, beso negro, at one point she was just rubbing my dick all over her face. She just really gets into her work.
Some specifics nobody has shared; finding this privado isn't easy. The address is a gallaria, called gallaria rustica. When you walk into the galleria on the left hand side just past the remiseria is a door with a guard and a bank of elevevators. He will buzz you through and I told him I had an appointment in apartment 319 at 6:00 (Tengo una reserva en departamento 319) he called and verified and I got in the elevator and off I went. I would really suggest you call the cell number on her gemidos page and make an appointment. Nobody has mentioned that this girl has some english skills. I wouldn't want to talk politics so punter is out but she can certainly answer and make an appointment in English. The apartment was clean with clean sheets. She was professional but friendly, no kissing, no hugging, she's not there to find a boyfriend she's there to do the job but at the same time customer service was friendly. The damage was 250 and there was no clock watching involved.Great report! Now that you know that the post-coital bias was avoided in some previous accounts, just try Aryana. Unlike Estrella, she does not swallow. I'll be looking forward to reading your report about that girl and environment.
Ok so I have to agree this chica Estrella is to bbjcim what MJ was to be-ball. Others have written about her avocation and that's exactly what it is, an avocation, while not doubting them I sort of wondered of they weren't affected by post coital euphoria. They ain't my brothers this chica is a must do. 100% daddyrulz seal of approval. She proudly calls herself a chupadora, she has like 10-12 outstanding moves, slow kisses, throat work, tounge action, beso negro, at one point she was just rubbing my dick all over her face. She just really gets into her work.
Some specifics nobody has shared; finding this privado isn't easy. The address is a gallaria, called gallaria rustica. When you walk into the galleria on the left hand side just past the remiseria is a door with a guard and a bank of elevevators. He will buzz you through and I told him I had an appointment in apartment 319 at 6:00 (Tengo una reserva en departamento 319) he called and verified and I got in the elevator and off I went. I would really suggest you call the cell number on her gemidos page and make an appointment. Nobody has mentioned that this girl has some english skills. I wouldn't want to talk politics so punter is out but she can certainly answer and make an appointment in English. The apartment was clean with clean sheets. She was professional but friendly, no kissing, no hugging, she's not there to find a boyfriend she's there to do the job but at the same time customer service was friendly. The damage was 250 and there was no clock watching involved.Arrived today, SIM card wasn't working yet so used the hotel phone to call the 'home' number on Estrella's Gemidios listing. Talked to a lady with very limited english, asked for Estrella specifically and she understood since she repeated the name. Then she just told me apartment 319 at 1126 Santa Fe. Thanks to DR I found the apartment, probably would not have without his listed instructions. I definitely was with Estrella 2 as reported in other threads, cute girl, early 20's, good body, not much in the chest, good BBBJTC, but only barely CIM and certainly not swallow. No real onda at all, asked a few questions with my limited spanish and she refused to say anything, not even a lie to be at all personable, just ask a question and No, No, No, with a shaking of her finger.
I will certainly return, looking for the 'real Estrella', next time I will try the cell # listed on Gemidios.
Daddy Rulz
10-17-12, 18:52
Arrived today, SIM card wasn't working yet so used the hotel phone to call the 'home' number on Estrella's Gemidios listing. Talked to a lady with very limited english, asked for Estrella specifically and she understood since she repeated the name. Then she just told me apartment 319 at 1126 Santa Fe. Thanks to DR I found the apartment, probably would not have without his listed instructions. I definitely was with Estrella 2 as reported in other threads, cute girl, early 20's, good body, not much in the chest, good BBBJTC, but only barely CIM and certainly not swallow. No real onda at all, asked a few questions with my limited spanish and she refused to say anything, not even a lie to be at all personable, just ask a question and No, No, No, with a shaking of her finger.
I will certainly return, looking for the 'real Estrella', next time I will try the cell # listed on Gemidios.Yeah that wasn't her. The real Estrella has a little better than basic english. Not fluent by any standard but she can answer basic questions. Unless you were a COMPLETE asshole (and I'm not saying you were, your post certainly doesn't reflect that) I just can't imagine her not being personable to anybody. She has no shame in what she does, the opposit if truth be told, so she certainly would never be described in this way.
asked a few questions with my limited spanish and she refused to say anything, not even a lie to be at all personable, just ask a question and No, No, No, with a shaking of her finger.Better luck next time.
Unless you were a COMPLETE asshole (and I'm not saying you were, your post certainly doesn't reflect that) I just can't imagine her not being personable to anybody.
Certainly not saying that I can't be an asshole, because I certainly can, but as a rule I have to know you pretty well first.
Great report! Now that you know that the post-coital bias was avoided in some previous accounts, just try Aryana. Unlike Estrella, she does not swallow. I'll be looking forward to reading your report about that girl and environment.I will second Aryana from the Todo Masajes site. Located at 868 Florida. 300ar. Her best friend is Sol who is even better IMHO. Sol is about 4'10" and can give a fantastic bj. Good swallow. Try them together for less than the 850ar (plus taxi) that some mongers here pay for other escorts. Sol is 21 and has a 49yo husband. She says she blows him daily and says she is very happy with the setup. As good as they are, still no competition for the Talcahuano sperm kittens. While Estrella does get the load, there is no GFE. Business-like but excellent.
Does one of the Estrella's have a piercing above her lip on the left side? I don't know if it's the actual Estralla or Estralla #2. I'm wondering if it's a way to tell them apart. It's not shown in the photos.
Daddy Rulz
10-18-12, 01:46
Unless you were a COMPLETE asshole (and I'm not saying you were, your post certainly doesn't reflect that) I just can't imagine her not being personable to anybody.
Certainly not saying that I can't be an asshole, because I certainly can, but as a rule I have to know you pretty well first.You did understand that I wasn't saying you were I hope. The point I was trying to make was to illustrate how I couldn't imagine the real Estrella acting in the manner you described. I think that 8 digit number gets answered by some woman that says, Estrella? Suuuuurrreeee I have Estrella, and then sends some random chica.
You did understand that I wasn't saying you were I hope. The point I was trying to make was to illustrate how I couldn't imagine the real Estrella acting in the manner you described. I think that 8 digit number gets answered by some woman that says, Estrella? Suuuuurrreeee I have Estrella, and then sends some random chica.If you walk out with your head spinning and asking yourself "I don't believe what just happened" then it was the real Estrella. If you're brave enough go see the Talcahuano sperm fairies for a TL Rusty Trombone. When you leave there you won't be able to ask yourself anything.
Daddy Rulz
10-18-12, 21:53
Does one of the Estrella's have a piercing above her lip on the left side? I don't know if it's the actual Estralla or Estralla #2. I'm wondering if it's a way to tell them apart. It's not shown in the photos.I do not recall any piercings
Daddy Rulz
10-18-12, 21:55
Add maybe 5 lbs, trim a few inches off the hair, add a smile and subtract the strapon and this, and only this, is Estrella.
I do not recall any piercingsThe Estrella II that I saw didn't have any piercings.
Just called the cell # listed on the Gemidos site for Estrella and got the same older woman I talked to Wednesday when I called the house number.
Just called the cell # listed on the Gemidos site for Estrella and got the same older woman I talked to Wednesday when I called the house number.The lady told me to go at 1, I was just going to blow it off but I decided what the hell I'll just leave if it is not the original Estella. But it was! My legs were weak after the first time. Professional but not distant, a very good time. As said before she has some english and we talked some while resting. As previously reported, BBBJCIM & swallow. Right now what I can remember of her work schedule is Mondays 12. 7, Tuesdays 12. 6, the other days I don't remember but she doesn't work Sundays. Same apartment and conditions that I saw on Wednesday, clean, no problems.
I posted this in her Escort Ad as well but posts in that section never seem to make it to the Recent Reports page.
Pornstar quality BJ.
I had to give Estrella a try Tuesday and she lived up to her rep. She was in my shorts mere minutes after I entered her apartment. Pornstar quality BBBJ, cim, and swallow. Actually a lot better than some of the pornstar BJ's I have seen. I think what makes her BJ's so good is that she gives it her all and keeps it up until you are done!
Nothing else is on the menu though, but still something everyone should experience.
Nothing else is on the menu thoughEh? She _only_ gives BJs?
02-01-13, 09:59
Does she still wear braces?
And does she provide a PSE ("I want your cum and I want it NOW!") BJ, or a sweet, loving, slow, gentle BJ?
Thanks, Bob
Daddy Rulz
02-01-13, 12:41
Eh? She _only_ gives BJs?Yeah she really doesn't like to have intercourse. I talked to her about it the last time I saw her and I suspect she has latex allergies, she said her pussy gets really, really sore when she uses condoms. She feels that her devotion to her oral skills is ample compensation for not fucking. She really will suck your cock, however you want your cock sucked for as long as you want your cock sucked. No,"I'm tired I need a rest," no "are you getting ready to cum yet?" She's the energizer bunny of fellacio. The cost is 250 an hour and she's aware that many privados charge more, again she's aware that the service she provides is limited but takes pride in the quality of what she offers. She calls herself a chupadora.
She is also very open to direction. If what she's doing isn't working for you and you like your BJ to be done a certain way tell her and she will very happily change her technique. She perfers CIM but COF is available, I also read a review where the guy wanted COF then wanted to sort of herd the result into her mouth with his dick. He asked, she said great, do it.
At the end of the day it's not everybody's cup of tea and it certainly isn't a weekly cup of tea for me but sometimes I feel like laying in the bed, or standing next to it, or sitting in a chair and just get my dick sucked. When I feel like that I go see her. I find her willingness to please very refreshing.
You could also do her and MIA (another outstanding cocksucker, near but not quite as good as Estrella) for 450. Let them both suck your dick than fuck Mia. Mia is a tiny little spinner with the smallest vag I've ever done.
Additionally she has some English skills and is a very pleasant person.
One note of warning. Her photos on Gemidos are her but they are a few years old. Her hair is shorter and she's prolly 10 lbs bigger. They are a nice ten pounds, she's not fat by any measure, but she's not the spinner from the pictures. These days she has a normal body in decent shape.
I didn't mean to go on about her so much but I do like my sessions with her and like to give guys heads up about her.
At the end of the day it's not everybody's cup of tea and it certainly isn't a weekly cup of tea for me but sometimes I feel like laying in the bed, or standing next to it, or sitting in a chair and just get my dick sucked. When I feel like that I go see her. I find her willingness to please very refreshing.Very well said DR. Especially the last sentence which echoes why I think Estrella's BJ was so freaking good!
Yeah she really doesn't like to have intercourse. I talked to her about it the last time I saw her and I suspect she has latex allergies, she said her pussy gets really, really sore when she uses condoms. She feels that her devotion to her oral skills is ample compensation for not fucking. She really will suck your cock, however you want your cock sucked for as long as you want your cock sucked. No,"I'm tired I need a rest," no "are you getting ready to cum yet?" She's the energizer bunny of fellacio. The cost is 250 an hour and she's aware that many privados charge more, again she's aware that the service she provides is limited but takes pride in the quality of what she offers. She calls herself a chupadora.
She is also very open to direction. If what she's doing isn't working for you and you like your BJ to be done a certain way tell her and she will very happily change her technique. She perfers CIM but COF is available, I also read a review where the guy wanted COF then wanted to sort of herd the result into her mouth with his dick. He asked, she said great, do it.
At the end of the day it's not everybody's cup of tea and it certainly isn't a weekly cup of tea for me but sometimes I feel like laying in the bed, or standing next to it, or sitting in a chair and just get my dick sucked. When I feel like that I go see her. I find her willingness to please very refreshing.
You could also do her and MIA (another outstanding cocksucker, near but not quite as good as Estrella) for 450. Let them both suck your dick than fuck Mia. Mia is a tiny little spinner with the smallest vag I've ever done.
Additionally she has some English skills and is a very pleasant person.
One note of warning. Her photos on Gemidos are her but they are a few years old. Her hair is shorter and she's prolly 10 lbs bigger. They are a nice ten pounds, she's not fat by any measure, but she's not the spinner from the pictures. These days she has a normal body in decent shape.
I didn't mean to go on about her so much but I do like my sessions with her and like to give guys heads up about her.Which Mia? The one on Gemidos or the one on Bairesgirls?
She's now working out of a different apartment. Same address, but now on the 11th floor. Nice apartment, very clean, strategically placed mirror at the foot of the bed!
Same fantastic 'will do' attitude and silky oral skills. And still only 250 pesos.
What's not to like!
She's now working out of a different apartment. Same address, but now on the 11th floor. Nice apartment, very clean, strategically placed mirror at the foot of the bed!
Same fantastic 'will do' attitude and silky oral skills. And still only 250 pesos.
What's not to like!Where is her apartment located?
Where is her apartment located?She's near Sante Fe and Cerrito, call or text her and she will give you the address and apt #.
Albert Punter
05-24-13, 13:10
I vouch for Estrella's oral skills.
In my opinion she the best blowjobber this corner of the world.
Went by at noon today with a 30 pesos box of cream filled chocolates.
After reading about tipping just increases their rates the next time I.
Thought the chocolates would be a better alternative!
She was dressed in a nice black bra, black panties, mid thigh high.
Stockings and black patent leather high heels. She looked very sexy.
I got a sweet silky smooth blowjob with a little stroking on the anus.
The girl does such a nice job never felt a rub from her teeth. I wasn't.
Able to hold it back for long... Maybe 15 minutes or less. Then, we talked.
A little about my travels over the last 2 years in Latin America.
After talking for ten minutes she started down on me again... Pure pleasure!
All sorts of sucking and some deeper anal massaging simultaneously. She.
Tried hard to get me off a 2nd time however, as usual I didn't come a 2nd time...
I must say I felt like I was on the verge a couple of times... 20 years ago and it.
Would be a different story.
In summary, take a ride on the silky side with Esrella! .
Thanks TL for your advice.
Houn Dog.
Daddy Rulz
09-05-13, 02:56
Went by at noon today with a 30 pesos box of cream filled chocolates.
After reading about tipping just increases their rates the next time I.
Thought the chocolates would be a better alternative!DR absolutely endorses this idea. My no tipping rule has nothing to do with doing nice stuff for the chicas. I almost always show up with some kind of chocolate. If I know they smoke I'll shoot them a text and see if they need smokes or want something to drink. Hell I'd even tip if I thought it did anything besides raise the price.
It's not about being cheap, it's about not wasting money on something you think you're buying but you're not.
09-05-13, 21:20
I cannot wait to see Estrella again...several times..maybe several times per day.
Went by at noon today with a 30 pesos box of cream filled chocolates.
After reading about tipping just increases their rates the next time I.
Thought the chocolates would be a better alternative!
She was dressed in a nice black bra, black panties, mid thigh high.
Stockings and black patent leather high heels. She looked very sexy.
I got a sweet silky smooth blowjob with a little stroking on the anus.
The girl does such a nice job never felt a rub from her teeth. I wasn't.
Able to hold it back for long... Maybe 15 minutes or less. Then, we talked.
A little about my travels over the last 2 years in Latin America.
After talking for ten minutes she started down on me again... Pure pleasure!
All sorts of sucking and some deeper anal massaging simultaneously. She.
Tried hard to get me off a 2nd time however, as usual I didn't come a 2nd time...
I must say I felt like I was on the verge a couple of times... 20 years ago and it.
Would be a different story.
In summary, take a ride on the silky side with Esrella! .
Thanks TL for your advice.
Houn Dog.
I cannot wait to see Estrella again...several times..maybe several times per day.Do you have a contact phone number?
09-06-13, 00:55
Do you have a contact phone number?She's on Gemidos (, on the Mujeres page which has a search by name ("Listado por nombre") function.
Albert Punter
09-10-13, 13:22
Details and more infos here
Do you have a contact phone number?
It has been three years since I wrote the initial column about Estrella and two years since I have last visited BA. Keeping in mind that my thoughts about Estrella cannot be entirely unbiased given that I feel a paternal glow about her skill set, I still think after two visits in two days with her, that no one else in my 68 years of mongering holds a candle to her blow job skills. This lady would render an industrial strength vacuum cleaner to shame. I have yet to reach the twelve minute mark with her before unloading. As Estrella said to me, "I massage with my mouth and not my hands". Talk about understatement. In any event, the latest news on pricing is P300, and at nine pesos to the dollar, it is the best sex for the money I have ever had. She has a great personality, speaks enough English to make an appointment by phone if you go slow, and is using her hard earned income to put herself through law school. She could turn into the first attorney I actually really liked.
Great to be back,
Gentlemen, It has been three years since I wrote the initial column about Estrella and two years since I have last visited BA. Keeping in mind that my thoughts about Estrella cannot be entirely unbiased given that I feel a paternal glow about her skill set, I still think after two visits in two days with her, that no one else in my 68 years of mongering holds a candle to her blow job skills. This lady would render an industrial strength vacuum cleaner to shame. I have yet to reach the twelve.
Minute mark with her before unloading. As Estrella said to me, "I massage with my mouth and not my hands". Talk about understatement. In any event, the latest news on pricing is P300, and at nine pesos to the dollar, it is the best sex for the money I have ever had. She has a great personality, speaks enough English to make an appointment by phone if you go slow, and is using her hard earned income to put herself through law school. She could turn into the first attorney I actually really liked. Great to be back. Shane44.68 years of mongering!! Please have a look at the thread on the the average age of mongerers on the site.
68 years of mongering!! Please have a look at the thread on the the average age of mongerers on the site.I have a couple of comments on this thread and I do not mean to be critical. I too liked Estrella and her skills are the absolute best. The only minus is that she does not want to screw or let you play with her twat. Her special skills do make up for this but she should be put in the "good blow job only" category. I do kow-tow to the senior monger's experience and judgement. I am am a neophyte of 66.
Daddy Rulz
09-23-13, 05:18
I have a couple of comments on this thread and I do not mean to be critical. I too liked Estrella and her skills are the absolute best. The only minus is that she does not want to screw or let you play with her twat. Her special skills do make up for this but she should be put in the "good blow job only" category. I do kow-tow to the senior monger's experience and judgement. I am am a neophyte of 66.I'm not trying to break balls here but; "Best Provider of BBBJ with CIM" is the "good blow job only" category. Isn't it?
I'm not trying to break balls here but; "Best Provider of BBBJ with CIM" is the "good blow job only" category. Isn't it?
DR.I have to agree 100+% Thanks for the clarification, Daddy R! Amazing how picky a newbie gets after the first visit.
Red Raider
11-07-13, 20:02
I just experienced Estrella and her friend Vanessa. WOW the going price for Estrella's BBBJ CIM is 300 pesos but with her friend it was only 400 pesos total. So I chose to be King for the day and do both. Those that said that she won't go vaginal are wrong. I guess they couldn't last long enough to get the treat at the end. It truly was a competition between Estrella and Vanessa to get me offer. She threw her hands up as in touchdown to celebrate my massive long awaited orgasm. Her friend was just as beautiful but Estrella has my heart for the extra effort.
Touchdown Red Raiders.
Red Raider.
Daddy Rulz
11-07-13, 20:10
I just experienced Estrella and her friend Vanessa. WOW the going price for Estrella's BBBJ CIM is 300 pesos but with her friend it was only 400 pesos total. So I chose to be King for the day and do both. Those that said that she won't go vaginal are wrong. I guess they couldn't last long enough to get the treat at the end. It truly was a competition between Estrella and Vanessa to get me offer. She threw her hands up as in touchdown to celebrate my massive long awaited orgasm. Her friend was just as beautiful but Estrella has my heart for the extra effort.
Touchdown Red Raiders.
Red Raider.Are you saying you fucked (inserted penis into) Estrella? Venessa, or any of the other girls there, will fuck anybody but to my knowledge Estrella has never had intercourse with any client.
Are you saying you fucked (inserted penis into) Estrella? Venessa, or any of the other girls there, will fuck anybody but to my knowledge Estrella has never had intercourse with any client.
DR.Could be the most anticipated response of the year.
Daddy Rulz
11-07-13, 22:06
Could be the most anticipated response of the year.RR is known to me and is most certainly not a douchebag, there are many guys that could write this and I would assume it was horseshit, he is not one of them. It is indeed an anticipated response.
Red Raider
11-08-13, 00:11
Are you saying you fucked (inserted penis into) Estrella? Venessa, or any of the other girls there, will fuck anybody but to my knowledge Estrella has never had intercourse with any client.
DR.Someone has to be the first. It was her idea and Vanessa egged her on. She must have needed a big Cock. I wanted a bit of Vanessa to but Estrella was determined to get my nut.
11-08-13, 01:44
Someone has to be the first. It was her idea and Vanessa egged her on. She must have needed a big Cock. I wanted a bit of Vanessa to but Estrella was determined to get my nut.
RR.I'm glad you Boys were able to clarify that!
I was beginning to think that she was a Dude and that's why she would Never have sex!
Just Joking!
Daddy Rulz
11-08-13, 02:26
Someone has to be the first. It was her idea and Vanessa egged her on. She must have needed a big Cock. I wanted a bit of Vanessa to but Estrella was determined to get my nut.
RR.RR this guy calls you when he has women problems.
Daddy Rulz
11-09-13, 20:06
RR is known to me and is most certainly not a douchebag, there are many guys that could write this and I would assume it was horseshit, he is not one of them. It is indeed an anticipated response.I had RR mixed up with somebody else. Not saying he's lying, just saying I thought he was somebody else.
This isn't too useful to anyone given her current "oral only" policy, but since everyone's wondering if anyone here has ever fucked Estrella, the answer is yes, I have.
Once in 2010, and twice in 2011 and they were great sessions. We even attempted anal in 2010, though without success.
She also gave great rimjobs back then. I haven't sessioned with Estrella since 2011, so can anyone verify whether she's still giving the besos negros?
11-11-13, 10:54
OK, here's the lowdown. I saw Estrella (Santa Fe and Cerrito, 11th floor) the other day based on posts regarding her BJ's as that's all I wanted that day. I did ask her if she did sex and the answer was yes but not always. She was prepared to with me but I declined. She's a really lovely girl, we chatted in Spanish for an hour when her mouth wasn't full!! Awesome BBBJ to completion. 250 pesos. But beware! There may be some confusion here as there are two Estrellas working from this apartment. I'm referring to the one with long black hair so if that's the one you want ask for the chica con el pelo largo when you phone. And don't get all horny when the girl answers the phone saying how much you want to fuck her etc...she'll say yo tambien (me too) but in fact you're talking to the Madame who'll make the appointment! This Estrella only works 2-6 as she has a normal job in the mornings. Her face on Gemidos is somewhat altered to avoid recognition by friends and family. In reality it is beautiful. And someone here posting she's put on 5-6 kilos just isn't true, which makes me wonder if there's confusion regarding which Estrella was being referred to.
This isn't too useful to anyone given her current "oral only" policy, but since everyone's wondering if anyone here has ever fucked Estrella, the answer is yes, I have.
Once in 2010, and twice in 2011 and they were great sessions. We even attempted anal in 2010, though without success.
She also gave great rimjobs back then. I haven't sessioned with Estrella since 2011, so can anyone verify whether she's still giving the besos negros?
Amantelondres. I think it must be you who's talking about a different Estrella, because this one's the BJ queen. And she's not hiding her face in any way and she's definitely put on more than a few kilos since these photos were taken!
11-11-13, 18:09
Davie, no no, that's the same one. And she does give a fab BBBJCIM which is why I went and wasn't disappointed. But I stick to my previous comments.
Amantelondres. I think it must be you who's talking about a different Estrella, because this one's the BJ queen. And she's not hiding her face in any way and she's definitely put on more than a few kilos since these photos were taken!
I stick to my previous comments as well. This is the famous Estrella with whom I sessioned three times 2-3 years back. If she's putting out pussy now, it's a lot, lot less now than it was a few years ago when it used to be a matter of course.
Davie, no no, that's the same one. And she does give a fab BBBJCIM which is why I went and wasn't disappointed. But I stick to my previous comments.
I stick to my previous comments as well. This is the famous Estrella with whom I sessioned three times 2-3 years back. If she's putting out pussy now, it's a lot, lot less now than it was a few years ago when it used to be a matter of course.I am confused??
Guess I will have to schedule both at once for a BJ competition!
11-13-13, 00:24
Cowboy: I recommend Estrella for the completion...multiple completions. I think Estrella is far more skilled than Vanessa, if it is the same Vanessa I remember.
I am confused??
Guess I will have to schedule both at once for a BJ competition!
Hi Gents.
Anyone could let me know what's the best to contact this famous Estrella BJ queen? I'm planning a visit in mid January.
Daddy Rulz
11-14-13, 12:19
Hi Gents.
Anyone could let me know what's the best to contact this famous Estrella BJ queen? I'm planning a visit in mid January.Click on the link to her ad that is in a post 6 posts below this one and call her.
11-16-13, 07:13
Cowboy: I recommend Estrella for the completion...multiple completions. I think Estrella is far more skilled than Vanessa, if it is the same Vanessa I remember.The BBBJCIM Queen DOES fuck!! The reason she sometimes doesn't is that she gets an adverse reaction from condoms. But not yesterday!! 250 p.
The BBBJCIM Queen DOES fuck!! The reason she sometimes doesn't is that she gets an adverse reaction from condoms. But not yesterday!! 250 p.That's awesome!
I'm getting a bit confused with two different Estrellas mention on this page. Could you let me know what number do you use to book her in?
11-18-13, 03:43
Knows what you want.
Super Yanqui
12-11-13, 18:53
Just want to help clear a few things up. The two girls in that building that do fuck for $250 is Lucia (I believe, but she doen't fuck, I assume, she is dark skinned and has the piercing) and Vanessa (she does fuck, she has amazing eyes, hazel, blonde hair and is white). Estrella Does NOT have a piercing. Estrella is on the 11th Floor, Lucia and Vanessa are on the 8th floor.
I just saw them today. I called and talk to the Madam, ask to see Estrella, she said what time, I said I'm coming in 20 minutes. I go up to the 11th floor, walked to apartment 18 and the Madam was there. She said Estrella was with a client but there are other girls. I said when will she be done, she gave that, NO SE, look, I thought, fuck, let me try something new.
She walked me down to the 8th floor. I walk in to see two chicas, Lucia and Vanessa. Lucia looked like she was like 18. Vanessa, I little older. She said which one, I ask BOTH? She said ok. I said three, including the Madam (hell no!) as a joke. They giggled a bit. Just a little ice breaker.
She said 250 for each. I thought it was a good price. Vanessa has amazing eyes. Not the most fit body, got a serious case of love handles. Lucia was tiny, slim, but had a CUTE smile.
I ask if I could take a shower because my balls stinked!! Haha. It was a hot day in the capital.
Lucia just sucked me off, only Vanessa took the D. Lucia, not a fan of her skills, sucked way too hard. Vanessa did a better job. Her pussy didn; t stink thank Goodness. And she has a nice ass. The the tightest pussy, ass was a bit sloppy but still, it was fun.
They were not as professional as Estrella. When I was fucking Vanessa, I think Lucia was checking her phone. Vanessa, could have acted more, I mean, fuck it, fake it. This is a service after all no? Then they took turns sucking me off. One would get tired and the other would take over. WHERE IS THE LOVE? Lucia was the finisher I assume, cause Vanessa did it better and she felt I was about to cum and here come Lucia, sucking super hard fucking it all up.
Anyway, I cum in Lucias mouth, had to finish myself, while standing up and her licking my balls.
It was fun, but I probably won't repeat.
Worse was this. I told Vanessa she had beauitful eyes and then she started asking questions. I'm a Yanqui, but I live here I told her and she said with who, a girl friend, I didn't say anything. I mean you see the ring no? I don't like that shit. We can talk about jobs, travel but not personal life. I don't ask why you decide to be an escort. That shit pissed me a tad bit. Ruined the mood. Then, when I leave, she gives this weird look and says "Cuidate" Which means, you be careful. And she gave a weird look.
Won't go back, next time I'll wait for Estrella. SUper professional and excellent service.
I went there last week. Excellent service as reported by several members already. BBBJCIM. Super attentive, some small talk in between sessions. 30 min for $200,1 h $250.
I'll be back for sure.
Note: The "maid" is always there "just finishing the cleaning". She rents the apartment to Estrella and probably "manages" her. If you call the landline you'll get her most probably. Estrella is all "hola, mi amor!" ("Hi, my love") on the phone.
Albert Punter
04-16-14, 18:42
A few days ago I had a repeat session with her.
She changed hair colour to light auburn.
BBBJTCWS on the menu: top notch service.
As usual no sex. It is a real pity as her pussy looks so nice, so soft to touch. It looks quite tight too..
Albert Punter
04-16-14, 18:45
A friend of mine shared this clip
She is my type, and quite good at sucking.
By the accent, no doubt she is from Argentina.
In case someone knows her, please pass her contact infos.
Thanks in advance.
I am am new, so if I am posting to the wrong thread I am sorry and please let me know.
I have read this thread and see names like Estrella, who I will try. BJ the whole session is great for me. Good at "milking it out" is also great.
On my last trip I had a hard time getting a hold of the top girl on my list so I'd like to have a few others.
I really like DT (submissive / ALL the way down) and swallow.
Any suggestions? Links and / or phone numbers would be appreciated.
Albert Punter
05-01-14, 14:51
Estrella swallows, but remember no fuck.
I am am new, so if I am posting to the wrong thread I am sorry and please let me know.
I have read this thread and see names like Estrella, who I will try. BJ the whole session is great for me. Good at "milking it out" is also great.
On my last trip I had a hard time getting a hold of the top girl on my list so I'd like to have a few others.
I really like DT (submissive / ALL the way down) and swallow.
Any suggestions? Links and / or phone numbers would be appreciated.
05-01-14, 17:38
Andrea Hot from Diva's Club was excellent!
Unfortunately she "Gave Up The Ghost" a while back.
Many of US signed the poster on the wall in one of the rooms in her Privado and you can see the poster and Andrea on the internet.
Getting super nasty!
I feel for her family.
Andrea Hot from Diva's Club was excellent!
Unfortunately she "Gave Up The Ghost" a while back.
Many of US signed the poster on the wall in one of the rooms in her Privado and you can see the poster and Andrea on the internet.
Getting super nasty!
I feel for her family.
TL.Just came from that privado: nothing to relevant to this thread, I'm sorry to say. Neither Abril nor Jessica want anyone to CIM.
I've been with Estrella, and she made me cum twice in half an hour. Is asked her not to remove my cock from her mouth until I said so, and she complied willingly. She is great at swallowing you whole.
No news of Aryanna, though. I miss my petite BBJCIM princess.
In the past month and a half I've been scouting for new talent in the BBJCIM scene.
In my opinion, and after my experiences posted elsewhere, the best BBJCIM providers are now:
Angeles and Jessy, whom I knew once from Barby's at Florida 868 as Evangelina. She does not advertise, her phone is 1533775931.
Angeles: is a very smart, very young girl specialized in GFE, so lots of DFK, lots of cute smiles and lots of sympathy. Decent to quite good massages, if you are into those. The session ends with her in the shower with you: she does not engage in any sexual activity there, but she scrubs your back, your buttocks and legs from your neck down to your heels. A mixture of a girlfriend and a geisha. She has amazing oral skills and she seems to be able to deepthroat most of us! She is in her own apartment in the Alto Palermo area (Sanchez de Bustamante 2300).
Jessy: is a quite meek, unassuming, young girl specialized in what in the be. A. Scene is now advertised as "tantra", a variation of "nuru massage" with lots of oil. Excellent massages, you should book the full tantra session and let her do her thing. If you manage to let her lead, the results are amazing. You literally charge up during the massage and the rubbing with oil to later on explode in her mouth. Once again: her massage skills are excellent. She is at Virrey del Pino near Cabildo Ave. So I take the Subte there, as it leaves me less than a "cuadra" from her place.
None of these girls swallow, but if you like them to carry on sucking a little bit after climaxing, you should let them know in advance and they will comply. And later on leave to the bathroom to spit and rinse with Listerine.
Anal: none of them want to do it with me, but there are accounts of anal service in the local forums.
Black kisses: Not into that myself, but they seem to provide that service to some.
Upselling: none. But they might decline to perform anal of BK.
All in all, you can just show up, let them take control of the situation and enjoy a roller-coaster like ride (Angeles) or an amazing journey into your senses (Jessy) without having to do or say much.
They are independent and compete in the top ranks of the business.
These girls charge $600. - pesos an hour, but after all the subpar encounters I had in the last years I believe I can recommend these two girls as being worthy of every peso you pay.
To get to know them, you should first add them to your what's up contacts. They post their own pictures there. BTW: they might not be stunners, but you are bound to be stunned by something is very rare nowadays: an overall AMAZING SERVICE.
One caveat, though: Although they say they can manage, their English skills are non existent. Those Spanish-impaired readers might want to resort to a mongering phrase list available somewhere in this forum.
I hope that this post is helpful for all of you.
06-13-14, 20:10
Thanks for a great!! Report Fangulo. I hope those girls are still in business when I get back to BsAs next year.
How does one find / contact Jessy?
Thanks, Bob.
Daddy Rulz
06-13-14, 20:12
Decent to quite good massages, if you are into those. The session ends with her in the shower with you: she does not engage in any sexual activity there, but she scrubs your back, your buttocks and legs from your neck down to your heels.Why more chicks don't do this is beyond me. I like massages, but am not really into the massage then sex thing so while I appreciate the report I probably wouldn't partake due to the cost unless she has a lower price for just massage.
I like seeing the shower ending, I really hate the being covered in oil part after a massage. In most places even if you take a shower, your back is still covered with oil. Because of this service I'll probably at least call her to see if she has a lower price without sex.
Thanks for a great!! Report Fangulo. I hope those girls are still in business when I get back to BsAs next year.
How does one find / contact Jessy?
Thanks, Bob.Hi Bob!
Jessy's phone is 1533775931.
I do hope these girls keep up the good work and do not disappear as some of my previous favorites did, I always liked to become a regular whenever I found good service.
BTW, perhaps you will need to contact her via what's up AND phonecalls until she answers one way or another, so I guess you will need much more persistence and patience than usual. She has a very, very busy agenda!
Good luck!
Why more chicks don't do this is beyond me. I like massages, but am not really into the massage then sex thing so while I appreciate the report I probably wouldn't partake due to the cost unless she has a lower price for just massage.
I like seeing the shower ending, I really hate the being covered in oil part after a massage. In most places even if you take a shower, your back is still covered with oil. Because of this service I'll probably at least call her to see if she has a lower price without sex.
Thanks.She, and almost every so called masseuse in the Todo Masajes website and the like have a price list for the different services they offer. I recall that at first she offered massage for $300. - and although she refused to get into details by phone, it was understood that the price included HJ after reading her reviews in the local forums. Buyer beware: not every single masseuse in the Todo Masajes website provide massage + HJ!
I know that my recommendations are not for a quick and cheap BJ as you might get from Estrella, with whom I've been twice in the past 45 days. My recommendation would serve you well as long as you go for the full service these girls provide, you let go and let them pamper you, give you an excellent massage or an excellent GFE that might end in a great BBJCIM or a good fuck.
Anyway, if you are interested in a good massage + HJ + shower you can arrange that with either girl, as Jessy also offers massage with HJ. Last week, I asked Jessy to soap me up and she did (although she went back into demure mode.).
Sorry if somehow I changed the subject of this thread by getting into the actual massage skills of the girls.
Again, you'll need the what's up app, perhaps too many calls and an unusual amount of patience to get an appointment.
Nice ones. I had them both on my list last year (if it's the Jessy I'm thinking of). I called Angeles a few times last trip but never connected. Love it when chicas get in the shower with you, not too many do.
Fangulo, I think this ad is now out-of-date (no longer a live link to the main site), but is this what Jessy / Jessi looks like?
Nice ones. I had them both on my list last year (if it's the Jessy I'm thinking of). I called Angeles a few times last trip but never connected. Love it when chicas get in the shower with you, not too many do.
Fangulo, I think this ad is now out-of-date (no longer a live link to the main site), but is this what Jessy / Jessi looks like? Esten,
I'm sorry to say I don't know the girl in the link.
There are several girls using variations of the name "Jessi" to advertise, but the one I refer to does not advertise (if not through her followers.
You can see pictures of her in a publication that might expire soon, as she told me that the pictures are hers but the phone is not. Photoshopped, her tatoos are gone.
I really believe that you will have a great experience if you ever get to know Angeles. I am currently "in love" with her.
I just hope you or someone else validates my latest report, as I will leave back to Ushuaia soon. And I prefer not to read this or other forums related to P2 P.
Thanks F! I am pretty sure the photos in my link are of a Jessi who was a well-reviewed (even raved) chica on the local foros a year or two ago. She used bodyslide in her massage so I thought it may be the same chica. Have fun
Thanks F! I am pretty sure the photos in my link are of a Jessi who was a well-reviewed (even raved) chica on the local foros a year or two ago. She used bodyslide in her massage so I thought it may be the same chica. Have funHi Esten,
The Jessi I am talking about, and whose phone number I provided here (read below), is none other than the one you read about. She does not have a link! I know this since I am one of the many raving punters who has been following her for at least 2 years now, as she is so good at sliding her tiny, tight body on yours!
Anyway, I hope my input is of any use for you and the other guys here. If you want to see an actual picture of her, you need to add her to your "WhatsApp" contacts. Again, not a stunner, but when oiled up she becomes a whole different monster.
I am now leaving Buenos Aires, and back to Ushuaia, and I will most likely be offline until my next trip.
But before that, I will have two 2-hour sessions with my 20 year old hourly girlfriend: Angeles. She's so intense!
See you next time!
Not Old 53
10-24-14, 22:13
Does anyone have updated contact info for estrella?
Albert Punter
10-25-14, 05:54
Don't know if it is updated, this is cel phone I used last April 15 61456815.
Does anyone have updated contact info for estrella?
In the past month and a half I've been scouting for new talent in the BBJCIM scene.
In my opinion, and after my experiences posted elsewhere, the best BBJCIM providers are now:
Angeles (edited) and Jessy, whom I knew once from Barby's at Florida 868 as Evangelina. She does not advertise, her phone is 1533775931.
Angeles: is a very smart, very young girl specialized in GFE, so lots of DFK, lots of cute smiles and lots of sympathy. Decent to quite good massages, if you are into those. The session ends with her in the shower with you: she does not engage in any sexual activity there, but she scrubs your back, your buttocks and legs from your neck down to your heels. A mixture of a girlfriend and a geisha. She has amazing oral skills and she seems to be able to deepthroat most of us! She is in her own apartment in the Alto Palermo area (Sanchez de Bustamante 2300).
Jessy: is a quite meek, unassuming, young girl specialized in what in the be. A. Scene is now advertised as "tantra", a variation of "nuru massage" with lots of oil. Excellent massages, you should book the full tantra session and let her do her thing. If you manage to let her lead, the results are amazing. You literally charge up during the massage and the rubbing with oil to later on explode in her mouth. Once again: her massage skills are excellent. She is at Virrey del Pino near Cabildo Ave. So I take the Subte there, as it leaves me less than a "cuadra" from her place.
None of these girls swallow, but if you like them to carry on sucking a little bit after climaxing, you should let them know in advance and they will comply. And later on leave to the bathroom to spit and rinse with Listerine.
Anal: none of them want to do it with me, but there are accounts of anal service in the local forums.
Black kisses: Not into that myself, but they seem to provide that service to some.
Upselling: none. But they might decline to perform anal of BK.
All in all, you can just show up, let them take control of the situation and enjoy a roller-coaster like ride (Angeles) or an amazing journey into your senses (Jessy) without having to do or say much.
They are independent and compete in the top ranks of the business.
These girls charge $600. - pesos an hour, but after all the subpar encounters I had in the last years I believe I can recommend these two girls as being worthy of every peso you pay.
To get to know them, you should first add them to your what's up contacts. They post their own pictures there. BTW: they might not be stunners, but you are bound to be stunned by something is very rare nowadays: an overall AMAZING SERVICE.
One caveat, though: Although they say they can manage, their English skills are non existent. Those Spanish-impaired readers might want to resort to a mongering phrase list available somewhere in this forum.
I hope that this post is helpful for all of you.
F!Hi all,
After a fellow monger here asked me a question about Angeles, I noticed that she does not advertise at the Todo Masajes website any longer, and instead of her, the link I once provided was directing unaware potential customers to another woman named... You guessed it, that has nothing to do with my current favorite. She has her own website, so here it goes: Sadly, Carla does not perform orally as her employer / partner Angeles (Carla does BBBJ, but not CIM). So buyer beware.
On a side note: I read that Estrella has retired. Is that true? BTW: the phone Albert Punter has shared is the one of Cristina, the lady that runs the place and the owner of the dogs that give the different apartments she runs their signature stench. For the life of me, I recall putting cologne on my upper lip, right under my nose whenever I decided to visit Estrella! Anyone else?
Hi all,
After a fellow monger here asked me a question about Angeles, I noticed that she does not advertise at the Todo Masajes website any longer, and instead of her, the link I once provided was directing unaware potential customers to another woman named... You guessed it, that has nothing to do with my current favorite. She has her own website, so here it goes: Sadly, Carla does not perform orally as her employer / partner Angeles (Carla does BBBJ, but not CIM). So buyer beware.
On a side note: I read that Estrella has retired. Is that true? BTW: the phone Albert Punter has shared is the one of Cristina, the lady that runs the place and the owner of the dogs that give the different apartments she runs their signature stench. For the life of me, I recall putting cologne on my upper lip, right under my nose whenever I decided to visit Estrella! Anyone else?
I am having difficulty determining if Angeles here and the one in the previous quote are the same. I am very interested in the one that specializes in GFE, but when I go to the website here, it looks like a spa and i can't tell if I can get what I want.
I am having difficulty determining if Angeles here and the one in the previous quote are the same. I am very interested in the one that specializes in GFE, but when I go to the website here, it looks like a spa and i can't tell if I can get what I want.Yes I believe there is only one Angeles being discussed here. She is GFE and gets consistently great reviews including for her BBBJCIM. She does massage too which is why her site has a spa look, but you can skip that or keep it short. 700 pesos an hour. Worth the effort but apparently hard to book, I tried before but could not connect.
Yes I believe there is only one Angeles being discussed here. She is GFE and gets consistently great reviews including for her BBBJCIM. She does massage too which is why her site has a spa look, but you can skip that or keep it short. 700 pesos an hour. Worth the effort but apparently hard to book, I tried before but could not connect.Anybody have any feedback on Carla that is with Angeles?
Anybody have any feedback on Carla that is with Angeles?The Baires Girls foro has them both off the charts with a supposed long waiting list. Carla Venezuelan cutey has been listed as 20 years old? They must be pulling in $300 a day. Wonder how they operate without some kind of got your back protection..listed as independents. Hope to try for myself when I get there. Say the only way to contact is whatsup which I am not familiar with. Good hunting.
Member #4112
11-07-14, 20:13
I have enjoyed this service from Maria and it was excellent.
I would recommend her without reservation for BBBJ/CIM.
11-07-14, 21:17
I have enjoyed this service from Maria and it was excellent.
I would recommend her without reservation for BBBJ/CIM.The ONLY problem is that she will do it for like 4 or 5 hours without stopping !
My GFs do that !
Do yours ?
Of course they do Man !
Wives do to !
If not then Why do so many men get married ?
Yes , Highly Recommended and can spit it out in Perfect English !
Anybody have any feedback on Carla that is with Angeles?I do, and could post it. But I won't bother, since you failed to demonstrate the basic courtesy of saying "thanks" when you got a quick, detailed response to your original question.
I do, and could post it. But I won't bother, since you failed to demonstrate the basic courtesy of saying "thanks" when you got a quick, detailed response to your original question.Jeez, my first day on your forum.... Didn't know the protocol.
OK Saltydog, it's not an official protocol but some of us who occasionally help on the chica questions, wonder WTF when newcomers don't even say thanks, let alone post their reviews. At least I do. You're not the first though, it is common.
Back to Carla - pretty much as Master J said. She gets good reviews, does BBBJ and sometimes BBBJCIM. Kissing and mutual shower may be possible. Same price as Angeles, though Angeles seems to be more popular. Carla is a hot babe which may compensate. They do threesomes too. I don't think you can go wrong with either, but the challenge will be scheduling. Please report back if you are able to set up an appointment.
11-08-14, 23:20
Minus 1 BBBJQueen !
Welcome to The Dead Monger's Society !
Well , she was on the receiving end ! Giving End !
Andrea Hot !
Sad but true .
Nice Girl !
Anybody know any others ?
OK Saltydog, it's not an official protocol but some of us who occasionally help on the chica questions, wonder WTF when newcomers don't even say thanks, let alone post their reviews. At least I do. You're not the first though, it is common.
Back to Carla - pretty much as Master J said. She gets good reviews, does BBBJ and sometimes BBBJCIM. Kissing and mutual shower may be possible. Same price as Angeles, though Angeles seems to be more popular. Carla is a hot babe which may compensate. They do threesomes too. I don't think you can go wrong with either, but the challenge will be scheduling. Please report back if you are able to set up an appointment.Thanks Esten.... I'm a technical guy and often focus too much on the fact gathering rather than the soft skills. I sent them a WhatsApp las tnight asking to schedule time week of Nov 17, but as of yet, no response. Will post as I hear.
TL has graciously offered to help me get things lined up. From all the posts I've seen, I think I am in good hands ;).
Thanks again..
I'm here for the week if I can get some current updates on chicas as I would greatly appreciate it; if you guys have their whatsup it would be even better.
Originally, I sent her an email from the contact information on the webpage below. She sent a reply to use whatsapp on the numbers on her webpage. I did tha and got no response. So I called the two numbers.
1521809168 a guy answers and says it's no longer her number.
1524698092 recording indicates disconnected.
Anybody have any other leads?
11-10-14, 19:39
Originally, I sent her an email from the contact information on the webpage below. She sent a reply to use whatsapp on the numbers on her webpage. I did tha and got no response. So I called the two numbers.
1521809168 a guy answers and says it's no longer her number.
1524698092 recording indicates disconnected.
Anybody have any other leads?Who knows who uses What'sApp ?
Spend a fucking dime and make a real phone call from your hotel , motel or apartment if you have a phone .
Use a payphone .
Just can't understand how someone will spend the time and money to fly all the way down here and won't spend a fucking quarter on a phone call that's so important !
Buy a chip . It's almost 2 dollars !
Don't expect these girls to answer your voice messages . They don't .
Don't expect their numbers to be written in stone .
They are not .
Do expect an ex or current wanna be boyfriend to answer your calls and or messages and to tell you that the girl is no longer working or that the number is no longer hers .
And with so many willing and able hookers in this town NEVER get fixated or become obsessed with the Holy Grail of Hookers !
There are so many out there !
And think about it Man :
Why would you want to wait in line to fuck somebody ?
Much less DFK !
This post is NOT directed at you or your question in particular it just happens all the time that guys do not bother to buy a chip or are too cheap or paranoid to use their phone .
I have a cell phone WITH contacts that you Boys can rent for 10 Dollars a day .
That's worth Gold !
Use a payphoneNow that's funny. You're joking, right?
OK, it was "my bad".... I was doing the international call incorrectly and it was going somewhere else. I didn't realize it until someone finally answered phone. Duh..... The web numbers are likely correct.... Her email indicated she preferred whatsapp. Hell, I had to figure out what it was and download it ;).
TL: I have heeded your advice though man and look forward to this weekend.
Can some one please recommend me on a girl that deepthroat and cim? And that she avialable.
I don't have a phone now so I can't call. Only email message and pravite messages here. Thanks.
Can some one please recommend me on a girl that deepthroat and cim? And that she avialable.
I don't have a phone now so I can't call. Only email message and pravite messages here. Thanks.Aurora. She is on the forum here.
She used to advertise as a masseuse / escort at BairesGirls, but right now I notice she doesn't any longer, so this information might expire soon.
As a regular to Angeles of Masajes Alto Palermo, she once praised her service and attitude towards sex and highly recommended me to visit her.
During this trip of mine to BUE, I wasn't able to get an appointment with Angeles, so I tried Marissa via WhatsApp, a her 5491168809744 number and met her place, just a block away from my pad, at Parana and Lavalle, in the Tribunales zone.
She's independent, but shares an apartment with other 3 or 4 girls, and her room is ample enough, with huge mirrors and a big, plastic covered mattress on the floor, on which she lays a quite narrow strip of sanitary fabric.
The girl looks like the average model from the "Suicide Girls" website, I. E: tattoos all over, and in her case, a haircut that makes a slim, fit girl like her look boyish.
Slim, fit, smiling, and very pleasant to talk to, after asking me to take a shower she did OK massages to my upper back, which I decided to cut short by asking her to skip the legs (she did not start from the feet up, as I think she should). She started caressing my back with her hands and all her body, and asked me to turn around, and asked if I wanted a covered or uncovered BJ.
I chose the latter and she blew me away in the most pleasant way. I am a fan, an addict of Aryanna from Barby's at Florida 868, but this girl is something else!
Her BBBJ CIM is now my golden standard. I knew Estrella, I am still a fan of Aryanna, but the subtleties of Marissa's oral skills, and her wide repertoire of oral techniques made her worthy of my recommendation in this forum.
On a very relevant note, her oral skills include English, and a penchant for this language.
$700.- the hour of massage (that you can skip), straight sex and a the best BBBBJ CIM I had. Anal is included.
I hope this recommendation works for you as it did for me. Thanks Angeles!
Big Boss Man
02-22-15, 14:28
Is it Marissa?
No tattoos but something like you describe.
Is it Marissa?
No tattoos but something like you describe.She's quite slimmer now, I'd say she lost 4 kilos since the picture was taken, so if you like the petite, slim and fit body type, you now what to expect.
BTW, tattos are often photoshopped out, as the girls usually don't get those for us mongers, and know that tattoos usually tend to put us off, instead of turning us on.
Anyway, I liked her a lot.
Have fun!
02-24-15, 08:03
She's quite slimmer now, I'd say she lost 4 kilos since the picture was taken, so if you like the petite, slim and fit body type, you now what to expect.
BTW, tattos are often photoshopped out, as the girls usually don't get those for us mongers, and know that tattoos usually tend to put us off, instead of turning us on.
Anyway, I liked her a lot.
Have fun!
F!At least you Can't feel Tattoos in the Dark!
When they look like "Tattoo Victims".
, home made stupid placement, unfinished, jail house; it's very nasty.
At least it tells you that the girl LIKES pain so a little BBA should not be a problem!
home made stupid placement, unfinished, jail house; it's very nasty.I never object tattoo's but I tend to find those a pointless, acquired taste, much like smoking. I am happy I quitted!
In my last attempt at having a session with her, she never showed up.
Via WhatsApp, I asked her what happened and she never replied.
Too bad for me, she never ever replied so I deleted her from my contacts.
I hate it when they feel entitled to waste my time.
Sorry guys if she did this to you too!
She used to advertise as a masseuse / escort at BairesGirls, but right now I notice she doesn't any longer, so this information might expire soon.
As a regular to Angeles of Masajes Alto Palermo, she once praised her service and attitude towards sex and highly recommended me to visit her.
During this trip of mine to BUE, I wasn't able to get an appointment with Angeles, so I tried Marissa via WhatsApp, a her *********** number and met her place, just a block away from my pad, at Parana and Lavalle, in the Tribunales zone.
She's independent, but shares an apartment with other 3 or 4 girls, and her room is ample enough, with huge mirrors and a big, plastic covered mattress on the floor, on which she lays a quite narrow strip of sanitary fabric.
The girl looks like the average model from the "Suicide Girls" website, I. E: tattoos all over, and in her case, a haircut that makes a slim, fit girl like her look boyish.
Slim, fit, smiling, and very pleasant to talk to, after asking me to take a shower she did OK massages to my upper back, which I decided to cut short by asking her to skip the legs (she did not start from the feet up, as I think she should). She started caressing my back with her hands and all her body, and asked me to turn around, and asked if I wanted a covered or uncovered BJ.
I chose the latter and she blew me away in the most pleasant way. I am a fan, an addict of Aryanna from Barby's at Florida 868, but this girl is something else!
Her BBBJ CIM is now my golden standard. I knew Estrella, I am still a fan of Aryanna, but the subtleties of Marissa's oral skills, and her wide repertoire of oral techniques made her worthy of my recommendation in this forum.
On a very relevant note, her oral skills include English, and a penchant for this language.
$700.- the hour of massage (that you can skip), straight sex and a the best BBBBJ CIM I had. Anal is included.
I hope this recommendation works for you as it did for me. Thanks Angeles!
In my last attempt at having a session with her, she never showed up.
Via WhatsApp, I asked her what happened and she never replied.
Too bad for me, she never ever replied so I deleted her from my contacts.
I hate it when they feel entitled to waste my time.
Sorry guys if she did this to you too!
F!She ran me around the block too. I deleted her too.
Anyone ever visit this girl? She is an Argentine porn star and has movies on the web and also Facebook. She is known for her bukakke and oral skills. She is in Abasto. I contacted her, talked to her more than once, but she is always booked. I tried for a full week but she is strict on her schedule and how many clients she sees daily. Evidently she loves sucking cock. I think she wanted 700AR colita included. Do a search.
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