View Full Version : Is prostitution legal in BA?
08-22-10, 02:23
Man I know I'm probably gonna take shit for this but is prostitution legal in BA? I guess I assumed it was but these posts have me wondering if I can get arrested for solicitation or whatever the hell they might call it. Does anyone know for sure?
Dear Fraser1178,
Do you think you might be arrested for taking a service?
I imagine you know that many escorts, we are independent, we rent our apartments, we pay our publications, and are visited by gentlemen, without any problem. Furthermore, in my case, I'm registered in the best hotels in Buenos Aires, and I've never had any problems nor have I heard something like that.
Different, is if you visit an apartment where several young ladies (over two) that is "not legal" and you may have problems if certain issues are not fixed.
Aqualung knows Argentine law better then anyone else on the site, since what he did for a living before he retired. This is what he posted before.
So, in effect, prostitution is "outside the law" - neither "legal" nor "illegal". Argentine jurisprudence pays no attention to "the night trade"? How curious!
I don't believe, however, that the "extralegal" status of prostitution is entirely helpful or even benign to the providers. I'm sure that one of the costs of doing business is to keep the local police happy, and that they have "legal" ways to make life rough for the uncooperative working-girl.
Thanks for bringing this question up, Fraser. I'd wondered about it myself, and heard it presented both ways. Tessan, thanks for pointing to Aqualung's answer; and Ale, thanks for your take on it from "inside the profession."
Aqualung knows Argentine law better then anyone else on the site, since what he did for a living before he retired. This is what he posted before.
I read in some newspaper once, that prostitution was legalized because working girls were abused by police a lot.
Pimping is forbidden though. So when you run an appartment with several girls you are breaking the law.
Basically what Alejandra said, just it might feel better to you to hear it from one source more.
Most important thing is age: AFAIK they have to be 21 here. If they are under that age, better get away. Don't know how to ensure their age though. I'd say this is one of the reasons for forums like this one here to exist, to weed out black sheep, be it bad service or breaking law and moral standards.
I am following this issue in the forum. Procuring, is "illegal." Also, if the girls are under 21 years.
The departments that have more than two girls, which are run by an owner or not they are legal, and that person gets a percentage of the work of the young ladies. As I read somewhere, the owners, who should make you happy to imagine.
You can work independently, thereby not leaving any authority happy, because one with your body, do what you want.
Different are the agencies that make contacts, add a plus to the value that the girl comes, and just make contact.
The factor in determining whether or not an individual is acting as a pimp is "To whom did you pay the money"?
Privados are legal because you always pay the girl, who then leaves the room and pays a previously agreed percentage to the madam.
Even in the blue collar clubs in Flores, you always hand the money to the girl, who generally turns right around and hands it to the madam / cashier behind the counter.
The bottom line is that the money has to pass through the girl's hands, although everyone recognizes that this procedure and its implied element of control is largely superficial.
I have consulted with several criminal lawyers (known in Argentina) and I confirm that simply charge for a service, is illegal!
Why is it considered an illegal business.
The business of prostitution or engage in illegal brothels where:
1.-Forces a person to prostitution.
2.-When services are provided by minors.
3.-When you exert on the street.
4.-When you hire people without papers.
5.-"And especially" when you charge a fee for a service.
I live in Argentina, I read a lot, and I'm on the subject. If "as legal", I would have 20 apartments!
Thank You for the contributions you make to the Argentina Private forum. You are a very valuable member of our group and and many us appreciate your postings very much.
Thank You for being my Friend and one of the best Escorts in the World, Beso's and I love you.
Are you drunk?
You are gushing and clearly need a trip back to BA to take the edge off.
Exon as always. Thanks! The rest, I'll tell you in private. And you, Mr. Easy. I have not the pleasure of meeting him, but I think it has a good sense of "humor "!
He also added that "thanks to the lack of credibility of the private apartments, (Private Apartment be understood as the place where there are more than two girls, and where a person from charging for their services) the Independent Escorts, we suffer.
1.- They put in the website, pictures of girls that are "not"
2.- Some of them charged to visitors who are looking for a girl who saw in page (which never existed) the equivalent of a service, just to have entered the apartment.
3.- Foreigners often are deceived and they also charge more.
4.-The girls in private apartments, are "swallows" today are a place tomorrow in another. If the client is missing something. No one knows anything!
I am being very sincere, and being in BA, would be good not to comment on this sort of thing. But as they say in my country. "I will not cover the sun with one finger."
Easy Go is a good man and my friend. He has a madura Novia that lives outside Capital Federal that is not a professional working escort. She has a job, but Easy Go takes care of her. Easy Go is also computer genius and has helped Gysell in her business.
But several times I've taken him Mongering with me to different apartments. Mostly we "Window Stop", which is an American expression for just too look at the Girls.
From what I know about Argentine law's I agree with You. Gysell's apartment is probably Not 100 percent legal since Gysell has to take a part of the Girls earning to pay for the overhead of running the apartment. But Gysell provides a service for her girls which is unique in the apartment business Buenos Aires. Gysell use's the internet to advertise the apartment.
Gysell use's "target marketing", which means she tries for mostly English speaking tourist which has worked out very well for her. And because of the volume of business she has her pick of the best girls to work for her.
It is more difficult for You being 100 percent independent. You have to rent your own apartment which probably cost you a $1,000 peso's a month and then you have to pay for the various escort websites you advertise on. But your business is 100 percent legal. That is the difference between your business and Gysell's.
Now if you remember back 3 or 4 years ago when we first met you asked me to post a recommendation for You on the Argentina Hombres forum. I said "No", I'll post a recommendation on the American forum, AP Private. And then I encouraged you to open you own thread on the Forum and post yourself which you did.
That has changed your business because now you have many English speaking clients that post very good recommendations about you in English. This leads to more and more Americans that want to meet you and try your services.
I would like you to learn from Gysell and at the same time incorporate your skills which would improve your business. You are one of the few escorts that has a computer and you speak a little English.
Ale you need to have your own website build and post it in various places on the internet. This will raise you above the competition with the other independent escorts. Ale you are a beautiful woman.
Beso's and Mucho Amor.
Dear Exon,
You know. And you know me well, that comparisons are not good. I do not know who is Gyselle, nor have I talked about it. The main theme was "legal or Ilegal" and I explained a little more openly the issue.
With regard to my business, I'm in this activity since January 2008. Why. I do not need and to enhance my income, because I have two projects in hand. One of them will be presented by me, when the right time, in this forum.
The other is a family project.
I am grateful to the people of this forum, and I will continue thanking.
With regard to my links, frankly, I do not bond with other girls. And when it does, not by private apartments.
Exon, te quiero mucho. But, frankly, every day, I look forward my business.
Yep! Who cares? Certainly not me!
Stan Da Man
08-24-10, 17:38
A while back, someone posted an article with an interview of a local Buenos Aires prosecutor. He said that prostitution -- per se -- is legal. This is based on the woman's right to do what she wants with her body. I can't find the link any longer, and it likely doesn't work any more because the article would be four years old or so.
What isn't legal, according to the prosecutor, is pimping.
This might explain why privados get in trouble. To the extent you're taking a cut from what the chica makes, you're pimping.
If the above is accurate, then perhaps it would also explain why the clubs work the way they do. They charge an entrance fee. They charge expensive prices for drinks. They generally require you to buy a chica drink before you leave with one. But, they do not take a cut of what the chica negotiates.
I'm sure there are clubs that violate this, and there undoubtedly are issues that are closer to the line -- e. G. Charging chicas an entrance fee to work (rather than an exit fee when they're leaving with a client) But, if the above line is accurate -- prostitution is legal but pimping is not -- then that might suggest that the privados are on the wrong side of that line. I can imagine some of the arguments the privados might make: We're not taking a cut, we're just charging a room rental fee. But, there's a point at which the authorities won't buy an argument like that, at least in the States.
But, there's a point at which the authorities won't buy an argument like that, at least in the States.That's where the law becomes blurry and the bribes begin. Of course this applies to all types of businesses in Argentina, from restaurants to ISPs.
A while back, someone posted an article with an interview of a local Buenos Aires prosecutor. He said that prostitution -- per se -- is legal. This is based on the woman's right to do what she wants with her body. I can't find the link any longer, and it likely doesn't work any more because the article would be four years old or.Here's that thread.
Stan Da Man
08-25-10, 18:13
That's it! Thanks, Hound. I'm surprised you could find it, but I see you posted it originally. Very helpful.
Wild Walleye
08-26-10, 02:38
That's where the law becomes blurry and the bribes begin. Of course this applies to all types of businesses in Argentina, from restaurants to ISPs.Bribes in Argentina? Say it ain't so, err... Schmoj!
Well, is it still legal to buy sex in Argentina? Is it easy accessible? Are there clubs like in Europe for example Show Park, K5 Sweet Paradise in Prague and FFK like in Germany?
Well, is it still legal to buy sex in Argentina? Is it easy accessible? Are there clubs like in Europe for example Show Park, K5 Sweet Paradise in Prague and FFK like in Germany?RTFF; all of your questions can be easily answered by reading the forum.
I fucked this girl a few months ago.
I wasn't aware that she worked for the supreme court judge. All that she says on the interview is BS, she was on bairesgirls website.
Someone told me that Zaffaroni is in fact gay, and his policy it's to protect the crime.
Gato Hunter
08-02-11, 23:07
Does she still work there LOL?
Does she still work there LOL?Looks like she is no longer available, however, I've found this video (bad quality one)
And the website bairesplat is no longer available.
Gato Hunter
08-03-11, 22:48
I remember the chica. She was on my list for one of my previous trip but I didn't connect with her. I have seen her previous work and I was going to try to film a movie with her.
I was asking because I want to make another personal porno this trip and I am still looking for my starlet.
Full page article on page 13 of La Nacion today. Claims 500 privados in microcenre area and 2000 in city are illegal.
Neighbors are unhappy and complaining to govt officials. Check it out if you can read spanish.
As an aside: the first picture in the article is a great place. Montevideo 595 piso 11
300 pesos hour, big selection of chicas.
Have fun while it lasts.
08-22-11, 12:53
Google can automatically translate any Spanish page.
Full page article on page 13 of La Nacion today. Claims 500 privados in microcenre area and 2000 in city are illegal.
Neighbors are unhappy and complaining to govt officials. Check it out if you can read spanish.
As an aside: the first picture in the article is a great place. Montevideo 595 piso 11
300 pesos hour, big selection of chicas.
Have fun while it lasts.
La oferta sexual en departamentos privados de la Capital despierta cada vez más quejas de los vecinos, preocupados por el crecimiento de una suerte de zona roja que ha copado, principalmente, el centro porteño.
El problema, sin embargo, se extiende a toda la ciudad, donde se estima que hay unas 2000 viviendas particulares donde se ejerce la prostitución de manera clandestina, según fuentes judiciales y de varias ONG.
Propietarios e inquilinos de centenares de edificios comparten a diario lugares comunes con prostitutas, proxenetas y un amplio abanico de clientes, algo que provoca una airada protesta por ruidos molestos y falta de higiene, y alimenta el temor por el riesgo de ser víctima de la inseguridad frente a la cotidiana presencia de personas ajenas y extrañas al edificio.
La zona del centro podría ser la capital argentina de la oferta sexual. Entre las calles Hipólito Yrigoyen, Rodríguez Peña, Marcelo T. de Alvear y la avenida Alem puede encontrarse más de 500 direcciones para tener relaciones sexuales a cambio de dinero. Las fotos de mujeres con sus respectivos teléfonos se despliegan en los postes indicadores de calles, teléfonos públicos, vidrieras y hasta en los marcos de las puertas de edificios.
Pero también existen otros barrios donde estos privados crecen vertiginosamente, como Flores, Caballito, Recoleta, Belgrano, Once, Constitución y San Telmo (ver infografía). Incluso está el llamado "corredor de lujo", como se denomina a un sector de la Avenida del Libertador, en Retiro, donde hay edificios con una buena cantidad de viviendas donde se ejerce la prostitución, según denuncian sus consorcistas.
La guía del tour sexual porteño bien puede encontrarse, además de ostensible oferta en la vía pública, en Internet o camuflada, ahora, en avisos clasificados. La tarifa por sexo parte de los 40 pesos (promoción, según reza en los folletos) por media hora de actividad, y llega hasta los 500 pesos por el mismo tiempo, según la categoría de la acompañante.
En el barrio de Balvanera, por ejemplo, los vecinos de un edificio situado en Montevideo al 500 denunciaron que allí, en un departamento de un piso alto, funciona un prostíbulo encubierto. Al menos cinco chicas, según cuentan, ofrecen sexo día y noche. "Es un gran problema. Hicimos la denuncia en la comisaría 3a y el nuevo comisario nos dijo que iban a investigar. Hace 10 días, se subieron seis personas al ascensor y rompieron el vidrio. Es un caos vivir con los clientes que pasan día y noche", dijo un vecino, que pidió que se resguardara su nombre.
La Nacion llamó al departamento en cuestión y, efectivamente, había mujeres que ofrecen sexo a cambio de dinero. Media hora, 200 pesos, y la hora, 350. "Este departamento es de una conocida abogada. No entiendo cómo la dueña deja que pase esto", comentó un vecino. Una de las mujeres que vive en el privado dice habitar el lugar junto con una prima y dos sobrinas. En la última reunión de consorcio, dos de estas mujeres quisieron participar, pero las echaron. Y los vecinos hicieron la denuncia para sacarlas del edificio.
Estos tipo departamentos abundan, principalmente, en la zona cercana a Tribunales. En Uruguay 680, los vecinos protestan porque en un edificio funciona un prostíbulo que se promociona con miles de volantes en la avenida Corrientes. Y la concurrencia es alta. Tanto es así que tiene un encargado de puerta propio, además del responsable oficial del edificio. "Acá hay desde ruidos molestos hasta presencia de personas que te dan miedo. Es increíble que nadie haga algo. Tampoco se puede conversar con esta gente, porque se pone brava", dice un vecino.
En Avenida del Libertador 774, en Recoleta, hay un edificio al que se conoce como "la pajarera". Tiene 352 departamentos y en más de una decena de unidades se ejerce la prostitución, según contaron vecinos del barrio y habitantes del propio edificio. "Yo bajo en el ascensor junto con mi hijo y nos cruzamos con travestis que vienen con amigos", dijo a La Nacion un hombre que vive allí, mientras gesticulaba con los dedos para entrecomillar la última palabra que menciona. Una elegante mujer se sumó a la charla. Y agregó, luego de pedir expresamente la reserva de su nombre: "En la última asamblea, nos quejamos porque las mujeres que trabajan en el edificio arrastraron la basura y dejaron un preservativo tirado". "La pajarera" es conocida por vecinos del barrio, ya que varias mujeres publican en Internet sus servicios y citan esa dirección.
Denuncias no escuchadas
"En estos departamentos, muy excepcionalmente, hay prostitución por cuenta propia y, en la mayoría, existe el regenteo directo y el proxenetismo. Porque cuando hay prostitutas solas que alquilan un departamento, lo arrasa la policía", dice Gustavo Vera, titular de la ONG La Alameda, que reveló la existencia de prostíbulos en varios departamentos alquilados por el juez de la Corte Suprema Eugenio Zaffaroni. En 2009, esta asociación dice haber denunciado ante la Procuración General de la Nación, el Ministerio Público Fiscal y la Dirección de Fiscalización y Control de la ciudad la existencia 613 prostíbulos en la Capital. "Pero no pasó nada -dice Vera-. Y en 2008 denunciamos ante la Dirección de Fiscalización y Control de la ciudad la presencia de 25 prostíbulos alrededor del Departamento Central de Policía, y al día siguiente me mandaron una inspección de la ciudad."
Consultada la Policía Federal, fuentes de esa fuerza indicaron que hacen investigaciones sobre prostitución, pero que no siempre se puede actuar en departamentos privados..
Sexual offer private apartments in the capital wakes increasing complaints from neighbors concerned about the growth of a sort of red zone that has cornered mainly the city's downtown.
The problem, however, extends throughout the city, where it is estimated that about 2000 private houses where prostitution is practiced in a clandestine manner, according to court officials and NGOs.
Owners and tenants of hundreds of buildings share common areas daily with prostitutes, pimps and a wide range of clients, which causes an uproar over noisy and unhygienic, and feeds the fear of the risk of being victim of insecurity compared to the daily presence of outsiders and strangers to the building.
The downtown area could be the capital of Argentina sexual offer. Among the streets Hipolito Yrigoyen, Rodriguez Peña, Marcelo T. Alvear Avenue and Alem can be found more than 500 addresses for sex in exchange for money. The photos of women with their telephone numbers are displayed on the signposts of streets, public telephones, windows and even the doorways of buildings.
But there are other neighborhoods where these rapidly growing private, and Flores, Caballito, Recoleta, Belgrano, Once, San Telmo Constitution (see infographic). He's even called "corridor of luxury," the name given to a section of the Avenida del Libertador, in Retirement, where there are buildings with a lot of houses where prostitution is practiced, according to report their joint venturers.
The tour guide may well be sexual Buenos Aires, as well as ostensible bid in public, online or camouflaged now, in classified ads. The rate by sex of the 40 pesos (promotion, as recited in the brochures) for half an hour of activity, and goes up to 500 pesos for the same time, according to the category of passenger.
In Balvanera, for example, residents of a building in Montevideo to 500 reported that there, in a small apartment upstairs, runs a brothel in disguise. At least five girls, they say, offer sex day and night. "It's a big problem. We made the complaint with the police 3a and the new Commissioner told us that they would investigate. 10 days ago, six people boarded the elevator and broke the glass. It's a mess to live with customers who spend day and night, "said one neighbor, who asked to protect his name.
The Nation called the department concerned and, indeed, women were offered sex for money. Half an hour, 200 pesos, and time, 350. "This department is a well known lawyer. I do not understand how the owner let this happen," said a neighbor. One of the women living in private dwelling said the place along with a cousin and two nieces. At the last meeting of consortium, two of these women wanted to participate, but was fired. And the neighbors filed a complaint to get them out of the building.
These kinds departments abound, mainly in the area close to Courts. In Uruguay 680, residents protest that works in a building that promotes a brothel with thousands of leaflets on Corrientes Avenue. And the competition is high. So much so that a gate keeper has his own, in addition to the official responsible for the building. "Here there from noises to the presence of people you're afraid. It's unbelievable that nobody does anything. Nor can you talk to these people, because he gets mad," says a neighbor.
On Avenida del Libertador 774, Recoleta, is a building known as the "birdhouse". It has 352 apartments and more than a dozen units are engaged in prostitution, according to residents of the neighborhood and told residents of the building itself. "I go down the elevator with my son and we met transvestites come with friends," he told La Nacion a man who lives there, while gesturing with his fingers to quote the last word mentioned. An elegant woman joined the conversation. He added, after expressly asking to remain anonymous: "In the last meeting, we complain because the women working in the building, dragged away and left lying on a condom." "The Aviary" is known to the neighborhood, as several women publish their services on the Internet and cite this direction.
Complaints unheard
"In these apartments, very rarely, there is prostitution on their own and, in most, there is a direct regenteo and procurement. Because when there are prostitutes who rent an apartment alone, the police sweeps," says Gustavo Vera, head of the NGO La Alameda, which revealed the existence of brothels in various departments hired by Supreme Court Justice Eugenio Zaffaroni. In 2009, the association said to have complained to the Attorney General's Office, the Public Ministry and the Directorate of Supervision and Control of the city's existence 613 brothels in the capital. "But nothing happened, says Vera. And in 2008 reported to the Directorate of Supervision and Control of the city's brothels around the presence of 25 of the Police Department, and the next day I sent an inspection of the city."
Accessed Federal Police sources indicated that force doing research on prostitution, but can not always act in private apartments ..
It appears to me that within 2 to 3 years the system of privados in Buenos Aires will be gone. The clubs in Recoleta are putting themselves out of business by their ridiculous pricing. The mongering scene we have know here will change. Celebrities and politicians here and worldwide are determined to establish that all prostitution is exploitation and must be ended. Obviously our horny argentino brothers will not allow sex for pay to disappear, but its form will change. Mongers seeking the company of white women will probably be staying home in the US and Europe as hard times there will tempt more young women into sex work at a more favorable price for Mongers.
Gato Hunter
08-22-11, 23:33
Libertador 774 sounds like a fun place, aka the bird house. Thanks for the link!
08-23-11, 03:32
I added it to the List, but what are the apartment numbers? Prices? Etc.?
Libertador 774 sounds like a fun place, aka the bird house. Thanks for the link!
Gato Hunter
08-29-11, 00:11
I was talking to a chica in a privado in between rounds and she told me that the privado business is down because of the investigation of that judge who owned apartments that had privados in them. She said the one I was at was not one of them. I was at 343 Uruguay for my "I just got in from sex prison" release.
She said the PFA has raided about 20 apartments in the past week in the centro area. Punters are staying away because of these raids. She said out of fear there novias might LOL see them on tv.
la prostitucióand, el oficio más viejo del mundo, está regulada en todo el territorio argentino por la ley de profilaxis (N° 12. 331) , que especifica en su artículo 15 que se prohíbe en todo el país "el establecimiento de casas o locales donde se ejerza la prostitucióand o se incite a ella".
La cuestióand es que la ley prevé un castigo sólo a quien regentea esta actividad con un fin económico. Por tanto, quien ejerce la prostitucióand en una vivienda privada está desarrollando sólo una actividad clandestina a la que no le cabe sancióand.
"Si bien la prostitucióand está prohibida, es una actividad clandestina que no tiene un castigo salvo para el que la regentea. Sin embargo, en la Capital, la fiscalía why el gobierno porteño trabajan en conjunto sobre la base de denuncias para hacer inspecciones en departamentos why comprobar las condiciones en las que viven las meretrices why, eventualmente, ordenar el cese de la actividad", dijo a La Nacion el fiscal porteño Luis Cevasco.
Javier Miglino, titular de la ONG Defendamos Buenos Aires, dijo a La Nacion que esa entidad recibe a diario denuncias de vecinos por la existencia de prostíbulos en edificios privados."Las zonas más afectadas son Belgrano, Palermo, Recoleta, Barrio Norte, Flores, Liniers, Constitucióand why Once. Hay un gravísimo problema con las casas usurpadas: primero copan una propiedad, luego se reparten las habitaciones why las del fondo las dejan para que funcione un «privado». Y las denuncias no prosperan", dijo el abogado Miglino.
Cuando La Nacion quiso conocer la cantidad de denuncias de vecinos sobre actividad sexual en departamentos privados, en el Ministerio Público Fiscal de la ciudad indicaron que no era posible tener esa estadística porque no estaba digitalizada. En la Policía Federal tampoco fue posible que cuantificaran las denuncias, why en el gobierno porteño no informaron con precisióand la cantidad de operativos que llevan adelante para detectar prostíbulos.
"El trabajo sexual no está penado en la Argentina. Y ejercerlo mientras no haya un tercero o alguien que haga una trata de personas no es un delito. No tiene que haber una persecucióand a las compañeras de trabajo, sino a las personas que hacen trata de personas why vienen de otros países why provincias why las hacen trabajar con clientes. La Justicia tiene que investigar a las redes mafiosas", dijo Marcela Romero, presidenta de la Asociacióand de Travestis, Transexuales why Transgénero de la Argentina (Attta).
La secretaria general de la Asociacióand de Mujeres Meretrices de la Argentina (Ammar) , Elena Reynaga, ratificó que la prostitucióand no es ilegal."Tenemos como organizacióand una postura tomada. El fondo de la discusióand es que hay que regular el trabajo sexual. Pero hay mucha sordera. No tenemos ninguna regla para ejercer la profesióand. Entonces: ¿nadie nos puede alquilar a nosotras?", subrayó la presidenta de Ammar.
prostitution, the world's oldest profession is regulated throughout Argentina by the law of prophylaxis (No. 12, 331) , which specifies in Article 15 which prohibits the country "the establishment of houses or premises where practice prostitution or to discourage it."
The point is that the law provides punishment only for those who regentea this activity with an economic goal. Therefore, whoever engages in prostitution in a private dwelling is developing only a clandestine activity which will not be punished.
"Although prostitution is prohibited, is a clandestine activity that has no punishment except for the regentea. However, in the capital, prosecutors and the city government work together on the basis of complaints to departments inspections and check the living conditions in the prostitutes and, eventually, order the cessation of activity,"he told La Nacion of Buenos Aires prosecutor Luis Cevasco.
Javier Miglino, head of the NGO Defend Buenos Aires, told La Nacion that entity receives daily complaints from neighbors about the existence of brothels in private buildings."The areas most affected are Belgrano, Palermo, Recoleta, Barrio Norte, Flores, Liniers, Constitution and Eleven. There is a serious problem with the houses usurped, first monopolize a property, then divided the rooms and the background to the left run a "private." And the allegations will not thrive,"said attorney Miglino.
When The Nation wanted to know the number of complaints of neighbors about sexual activity in private apartments in the Public Prosecutor of the city indicated that it was not possible to have that statistic because it was digitized. The Federal Police was also not possible to quantify the allegations, and the city government did not report the exact number of operations carried out to detect brothels.
"Sex work is illegal in Argentina. And exercise until there is a third party or someone to do a trafficking is a crime. There must be a chase co-workers, but the people who make it people and from other countries and provinces and make them work with clients. Justice must investigate the criminal networks,"said Marcela Romero, president of the Association of Transvestites, Transsexuals and Transgender Argentina (ATTA).
The general secretary of the Association of Women Prostitutes of Argentina (Ammar) , Elena Reynaga, confirmed that prostitution is not illegal."We have taken a position as an organization. The background of the discussion is that you have regular sex work. But there is much deafness. We have no rule for the profession. So: no one can hire us?" Stressed Ammar president.
Jaime Binderman, de 60 años, es un vecino de Flores que desde hace años se opone a la prostitucióand en la vía pública, en la cuadra donde vive, why denuncia a las prostitutas con un megáfono."Señora prostituta, lleve adelante su trabajo en otro lugar, que hay chicos en la calle. Esto es un barrio digno, múdese", suele decir este hombre, a viva voz, en la calle Bolivia al 300, donde habita.
Binderman le inició un juicio al gobierno de la ciudad en mayo de 2009 porque reclama que no le corresponde el aumento del impuesto de Alumbrado, Barrido why Limpieza (ABL) , ya que, por la prostitucióand, segúand dice, su propiedad se devaluó de manera notoria."El juzgado comprobó que las propiedades de Flores donde se ejerce la prostitucióand bajaron de 1500 theólares el metro cuadrado a 850 theólares. Por lo tanto, el incremento del ABL no me corresponde. Y por eso inicié el juicio", dijo a La Nacion Binderman.
Este vecino, junto con otros habitantes de Flores, ha denunciado desde 2005 la existencia de una red de prostitucióand en el barrio, why no encontró respuestas de las autoridades. Segúand contaron en repetidas ocasiones ante organismos oficiales, la oferta de sexo en la vía pública why la presunta explotacióand de mujeres en albergues transitorios de la zona generan a diario un sinfíand de conflictos en el barrio.
Binderman Jaime. 60, is a neighbor of Flores for years opposed to prostitution on the street in the block where he lives, and denounce prostitutes with a megaphone."Lady prostitute, to carry forward his work in another place, that there are kids in the street. This is a decent neighborhood, move," they say this man, loudly, on the street at 300 Bolivia, where he lives.
Binderman he sued the city government in May 2009 because it claims that it is not for the tax increase to Lighting, Sweeping and Cleaning (ABL) , since, for prostitution, he says, his property was devalued so noticeable."The court found that the properties of Flores where prostitution is carried down from $ 1500 per square meter to $ 850. Therefore, the increase of the ABL is not for me. And so began the trial," he told La Nacion Binderman.
This neighbor, along with other inhabitants of Flores, since 2005 has reported the existence of a prostitution ring in the neighborhood, and found no answers from the authorities. As told repeatedly to government agencies, the offer of sex in public places and the alleged exploitation of women in temporary shelters in the area generated daily endless conflicts in the neighborhood.
Rock Harders
08-29-11, 16:36
I am almost ashamed to say that I personally know the government official who was most responsible for the recent law banning prostitution advertisements in the classified section of the newspapers. Jackson actually knows her as well, as she was a guest announcer / translator for the Bikini Open way back in late 2006. At the time she was my Spanish teacher / fuck buddy but now she has moved up in the world and actually works full time at the Casa Rosada. I had dinner with her about a month ago and she proudly stated that she was highly responsible for this new law. Very ironic, given that she herself is a huge ****, fucking everything from Paraguayan dishwashers to black Brazilians. Given the presence of young, self righteous, educated feminazis (such as my friend) in positions of influence with the CFK administration, you can expect more anti-prostitution activity in the near future.
Rock Harders
Gato Hunter
08-31-11, 20:30
I noticed today that the Buenos Aires Herald no longer has an adult section.
I have never used it or have I needed to but I am left wondering if they ceased the ads because of the recent events.
They used to have a few girls that had inflated prices catering to tourists needing english speaking chicas.
08-31-11, 22:29
I noticed today that the Buenos Aires Herald no longer has an adult section.
I have never used it or have I needed to but I am left wondering if they ceased the ads because of the recent events.
They used to have a few girls that had inflated prices catering to tourists needing english speaking chicas.The recent enactment of the law against advertizing sex for money eliminated the ads in all of the papers.
And also on the internet and those little handy flyers that you boys take home to show your co-workers.
Rubro 59 in the papers is now called " Solos y Solas " which is just a new way to skin the flint.
I have not seen the clubs or the websites shut-down yet but you never know do you?
We may have to rely on our old reliables like TL does!
09-01-11, 16:23
I am almost ashamed to say that I personally know the government official who was most responsible for the recent law banning prostitution advertisements in the classified section of the newspapers. Jackson actually knows her as well, as she was a guest announcer / translator for the Bikini Open way back in late 2006. At the time she was my Spanish teacher / fuck buddy but now she has moved up in the world and actually works full time at the Casa Rosada. I had dinner with her about a month ago and she proudly stated that she was highly responsible for this new law. Very ironic, given that she herself is a huge, fucking everything from Paraguayan dishwashers to black Brazilians. Given the presence of young, self righteous, educated feminazis (such as my friend) in positions of influence with the CFK administration, you can expect more anti-prostitution activity in the near future.
Rock HardersThis should not surprise you. I remember reading woman's responses on the internet to proposed prostitution legisaltion in Canada. One response that was right on the money was from a woman who wrote "If men can just pay for sex they will not have to try so hard." Aha I said. These woman want to emasculate men. It's not about the exploitaion of woman, human trafficing, protecting minors. Just like this **** you broke bread with, these woman want to be in a position of power over men. Controling us by taking advantage of our number #1 weakness which is the fondness of the flesh is just another way to do this. Bottle it up and you are easier to manipulate with the promise of maybe having sex. Imagine your dumb **** friend. If you can go out and buy sex with a chica just as hot or hoter for 250 Pesos would you give her the time of fucking day? I don't think so.
My work is done here
"If men can just pay for sex they will not have to try so hard."That says it all, and I'm certainly a prime example of that phenomenon.
It's unfortunate that most men in "sex prison" countries have no option but to engage in what I call "begging for sex".
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