View Full Version : La Cabrera in Palermo

Stan Da Man
10-05-10, 18:02
I was doing a little research today and come across Bad's general Palermo recommendation. I have some family making their first trip to BsAs in November and will be held accountable for my restaurant choices. And, I know next to nothing about the restaurant scene in Palermo. So, give me. Give me dem restaurant recommendations in Palermo. I'm looking for the quintessential, sophisticated Argie place for red meat, red wine. Price should not be a hindrance. If that place is not in Palermo tell me that too.

Much thanks.

I've been to El Establo. In my opinion, it is overpriced at any price.

The best steak restaurant I've been to in the world, outside of one place in Chicago, is La Cabrera. Cabrera 5099, Buenos Aires, C1414BGQ. It's in Palermo (can't remember if it's Soho or Hollywood, but it's near Plaza Serrano. http://maps.google.com/maps?oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&rlz=1R1GGGL_en___US345&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=La+Cabrera+Buenos+Aires&fb=1&gl=us&hq=La+Cabrera&hnear=Buenos+Aires,+Capital+Federal,+Argentina&cid=0,0,5191813818392291665&ei=5oKrTNCkLpCqsAPRt8D6Aw&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=2&ved=0CB0QnwIwAQ

Personally, I don't think you can go wrong with this place. It's not cheap, but it's also not the most expensive in BA. I can't remember whether they take reservations. If not, show up 10 minutes before they open. It fills up FAST and the place is not terribly large. At the right time of year, a seat outside is not a bad choice. Their steak is out of this world.

Good luck. If you go, let us know what you think.

El Perro
10-05-10, 19:14
I've been to El Establo. In my opinion, it is overpriced at any price.

The best steak restaurant I've been to in the world, outside of one place in Chicago, is La Cabrera. Cabrera 5099, Buenos Aires, C1414BGQ. It's in Palermo (can't remember if it's Soho or Hollywood, but it's near Plaza Serrano. http://maps.google.com/maps?oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&rlz=1R1GGGL_en___US345&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=La+Cabrera+Buenos+Aires&fb=1&gl=us&hq=La+Cabrera&hnear=Buenos+Aires,+Capital+Federal,+Argentina&cid=0,0,5191813818392291665&ei=5oKrTNCkLpCqsAPRt8D6Aw&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=2&ved=0CB0QnwIwAQ

Personally, I don't think you can go wrong with this place. It's not cheap, but it's also not the most expensive in BA. I can't remember whether they take reservations. If not, show up 10 minutes before they open. It fills up FAST and the place is not terribly large. At the right time of year, a seat outside is not a bad choice. Their steak is out of this world.

Good luck. If you go, let us know what you think. Thanks Stan. I'll get by there soon and check it out for myself. Here's the link:


10-05-10, 20:12
I concur with Stan on this recommendation.

I dined at La Cabrera with some friends a couple of weeks ago, and the steaks were superb.

They actually have two locations just a 1/4 block from each other, but they operate them like it's one location with one queue, so you'll get the next available table regardless of which one of the two buildings it's in.



10-05-10, 21:31
Can Cabrera compete with Kansas?

Silver Star
10-05-10, 21:35
Thanks Stan. I'll get by there soon and check it out for myself. Here's the link:

http://www.parrillalacabrera.com.ar/default2.htmlLa Cabrera does take reservations, I just booked one for one of my clients.1st seating is 8:15PM. Remember the portions there are designed for sharing, and you get free mini side dishes with each order, so usually only one side order per 2 persons is enough.



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Wild Walleye
10-05-10, 21:46
Had an excellent meal there in '09. My recollection is that they do take reservations.

10-07-10, 19:02
Can Cabrera compete with Kansas?The ribs at Kansas are terrible but the place is nice.

La Cabrera is the BEST steakhouse in BA for what you pay and what you get.

Great little side orders but they are NOT free.

The "cubierto" was $15.00 pesos per person the last time I was there.

One Chorizo was 28.00 pesos but three people can eat it as an appetizer.

Fuck the rest!

La Cab is the Best!


10-12-10, 20:35
This place isn't my favorite. You get a bunch of COLD side dishes (what are they). I understand that the place used to be a lot better, but then the tourists found out, and the quality has deteriorated.

But heck, if a steakhouse owner says it's his favorite.

12-26-10, 20:07
Cubierto is now 12 pesos per pérson.

It was 4 pesos exactly 3 years ago. I guess 300% inflation is acceptable for the pleasure of spending money in their restraunt. They have expanded into the next building at the second location. Several meats were sent back due to over cooking. ALL cuts of meat were inferior to those of 3 years ago. All side dishes were inferior to 3 years ago both with respect to portion and ingrediants. Place was packed. Service unacceptable for a high end place. Dessert was much inferior to 3 years ago. Guys I am orderring exactly the same items from 3 years ago and there is a difference. It was still a good meal but simply not as it was.