View Full Version : Jumping a red light at night

02-18-11, 13:54
If you do that because you feel insecure, like in provincia would you still be fined?

It seems to me it's often safer to jump a red light then stopping

Wild Walleye
02-18-11, 17:33
If you do that because you feel insecure, like in provincia would you still be fined?

It seems to me it's often safer to jump a red light then stoppingI'd be interested in what the local guys think. In Mexico, your probably making yourself less safe by opening up the opportunity for local law enforcement to shake you down.

In my opinion, one of the keys to avoiding and getting out trouble is your situational before you get to the point where you must take evasive action. Obviously, if you are not in congested traffic or tight, inner city streets, it is much easier to negotiate lights and interchanges safely because you can usually maintain enough space between your car and the one in front of you which leaves plenty of lateral space into which you can rapidly move to allude a hastily set trap or a small group of thugs. However, if you get to that point, you've probably fallen down on your situational awareness. Before the shit hits the fan, you need to know who is around you (in front, beside and behind) both in cars and on the street. Any kind of movement in unison amongst any of these elements, that can't be immediately dismissed as synchronicity, should set off your spidey senses and you should immediately start to increase the margins between yourself and the potential threat. If that includes 'rolling' a red light, so be it. I'd rather have to explain myself to a cop (except in Mexico, Yemen and Abidjan) and get a ticket, then deal with thugs who aim to do me harm. Of course, the cop would be overwhelmed by my lack of Spanish and give up before writing the citation.

02-20-11, 22:07
In some areas of Greater Buenos Aires and all of the Buenos Aires province even the cops recommend not stopping at red lights. In the Buenos Aires Province cops don't control traffic any more so they couldn't give a shit if you run a red light anyway and at night unarmed traffic wardens are not going to be sitting in their cars in the dark waiting for an offender!

The greatest risk for you would be the traffic cameras but again, in risky areas, they have been stolen long ago!

02-20-11, 22:21
I'd be interested in what the local guys think. In Mexico, your probably making yourself less safe by opening up the opportunity for local law enforcement to shake you down.

In Argentina, they don't need to have a reason to stop you to shake you down. They usually set up mini road blocks under the guise of checking for your insurance, etc. If something is out of order, then you should expect to have to pay a little propina to ensure things are smoothed out.

Aqualung's recent post corresponds to the behavior of most Argentines I know when driving in Provincia or sketchy neighborhoods of BsAs.