View Full Version : The pros and cons of enhanced boobs
Peter Sideburn
06-07-11, 17:44
Everyone is welcome to their opinion on this topic and to have their own particular likes and dislikes in a partner, but could we be sure that we keep the discussion on a level that is not going to be hurtful to those with naturally small breasts, those who may have had to have cosmetically enhanced breasts, those who just feel better about themselves with larger breasts due to the pressure society places upon them, or those who got enhanced to make more money (a common write off in the US for strippers). Can you imagine if all the ladies on the board started talking about all the crooked, artificially enhanced, size challenged, erection challenged, viagra requiring, testosterone abusing, bionic penis carrying, fetish requiring etc. Etc. Guys who call them. I suspect some of the guys on the list would be offended. Please keep it civil so we don't lose the ladies on the list.
Actually I started this tread because I start to get feed up with stupid comments about 'fake' boobs in all treads. Not only on this forum, any paper that shows photo of some hot goddess get lots of small minded people and jealous women to uses their poisoned pen in the comment field and slag down the 'fake' tits of the girl, never mentioning the 'fake' hair colour, lip colour or perfume she probably is wearing.
There is nothing 'fake' about a boob job! Fake is push up bras, slimming pants and other items that gives the impression of something that is not there!
A lot of girls do not have naturally big or what most men would call visually pleasuring breasts from nature, so they get boob job and end up hot as fuck!
It is not the choice between firm rounded big breast from nature and getting the same result form surgery. It is the choice between small or non-existing tits to OMFG!
Especially fit, slim girls or girls that do a lot of sport get small breast, a girl I know that does kick boxing goes from C to A cup when she train hard.
Personally I think that big boobs from the surgeon is extremely more sexy than large breasts form nature. Naturally big breast get saggy and fall all over the place in the sac, where as the surgery enhanced breast stay there ready for pleasure.
So my name I Stranger and I am a self-confessed lover big 'fake' boobs!
(I probably did not get enough love and attention as a kid, hehe)
Big natural tits look fantastic but gravity will always win in the end. Enhanced tits (done right) are the "gift that keeps giving", as I like to say fellas. Furthermore, for those that are RUSSIAN fans, enhanced tits are far superior, IMHO, to the nature given variety. Recently had the pleasure of recieving Russian, during a threesome, from two spinners where one had the enhanced version and the other was not (both were see+ on skinny frames). Without doubt, in spite of very good technique from both, the enhanced chica won by several lengths. Try it sometime, you just might like it! Happy Mongering Dudes, Toymann
I really don't see the point of this rather stupid thread. Those who like "enhanced" breasts, well then go the chicas who have them. Those who are turned off by them, such as myself, avoid those who have them. It's extremely unlikely that either side is going to convince the other, and there isn't exactly a shortage of either type of chica. This thread is just a waste of space.
The problem is that a lot of the breast work done in Argentina is not done right. I believe someone stated that the bags are put on the outside of the breast muscle. You would think that one of the surgeons would produce a quality product and start getting a lot of extra business. Maybe they can have so much business that they can keep producing twin rocks.
06-08-11, 18:01
The problem is that a lot of the breast work done in Argentina is not done right. I believe someone stated that the bags are put on the outside of the breast muscle. You would think that one of the surgeons would produce a quality product and start getting a lot of extra business. Maybe they can have so much business that they can keep producing twin rocks.I must say I have heard of many botch jobs here and have seen some ridiculous tennis ball effect. Mine were not put behind the muscle- actually my very good friend is a plastic surgeon, and he said behind the muscle is much more painful and is only necessary when you don't have anything prior, or very little space between two things which I can't remember the name of. I think mine look pretty natural, which is good, but I guess its each to their own. In any case I definately do agree that I got lucky and there are many awful jobs that you see noses, breasts lips etc.
I must say I have heard of many botch jobs here and have seen some ridiculous tennis ball effect. Mine were not put behind the muscle- actually my very good friend is a plastic surgeon, and he said behind the muscle is much more painful and is only necessary when you don't have anything prior, or very little space between two things which I can't remember the name of. I think mine look pretty natural, which is good, but I guess its each to their own. In any case I definately do agree that I got lucky and there are many awful jobs that you see noses, breasts lips etc.Would you mind posting a photo of you breast, I am sure they look wonderful. Gracias
Wild Walleye
06-10-11, 16:40
I am an equal opportunity kind of guy. I love all types of women and love whatever kind of breasts they have, from tiny to colossal, from pointy to spherical. I love natural and man-made. I think it depends upon the woman and how they 'fit' her looks and personality. A woman that is really sexy, in her own mind, can make anything from an "A" to "DDD" look good.
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