View Full Version : Looking for a strip-tease / lesbian show
Very interested in having a private show with two girls doing a strip-tease then fucking each other while I watch. Would join them in at end, of course.
Is this something that could be arranged here at reasonable costs? Also, it would be great if the girls had an appropriate place to conduct the event, as I think most hotels might frown up this kind of private party.
05-02-12, 21:55
Very interested in having a private show with two girls doing a strip-tease then fucking each other while I watch. Would join them in at end, of course.
Is this something that could be arranged here at reasonable costs? Also, it would be great if the girls had an appropriate place to conduct the event, as I think most hotels might frown up this kind of private party.Thats easy!
We have 3-ways for breakfast down here!
Mara and another girl or shit, just about anybody will do.
The ideal situation is 2 girls that know each other and that are into each other.
That's the trick.
Truly bi-sexual girls.
You can get that for as low as $400. 00 pesos per hour from Romina and Rocio and get yourself a "Deluxe Rusty Trombone" at the same time!
It does not get any better than that!
Man, I just got some Nigerian calling me on Skype and asking me for my banking information!
First words out of his mouth!
I think I'm going to play along with him!
Anyway, it can be done and it happens all the time so it's not a big deal anymore.
You want a three-some. Ba has many short term hotels called telos. There are threads about telos on this site and reviews of ladies who love the ladies.
If you refuse to read the forum for whatever reason, about 25% of the posts on this forum arre but an argentine american guy TL. TL either promotes a number of ladies or can be paid to provide a night-life tour.
Another good lead if you don't want to read the forum is to contact roxanne and her assistant laura-they run an appointment setting business-they are not aFRFAID TO HEAR EXACTLY WANT YOU WANT IN DETAIL. Give them the types of girls you like and ask them to recomend a pair of lovers who both are working. Rox and laura both speak fluent english and charge us$10 per appointment ie 2 girls equals two appointments. TL claims he runs his business to receive good karma and not money. I ternd to prefer a reasonable disclosed commission than a possibly inflated price for an undisclosed commission.
This is not the USA and there there is zero need to dell with strippers and their stuff in be a. There are many working girls who have lovers. I would rather do a three-some with girls who like each and have lots of real orgasms than to watch a show with bad acting.
Gato Hunter
05-02-12, 22:12
I have and heard from others that you can run into problems bringing two chicas at once to a telo. I have been turned away personally from the one on tres sargentos. Now you may be able to get by with a bribe of course.
05-02-12, 22:23
I have and heard from others that you can run into problems bringing two chicas at once to a telo. I have been turned away personally from the one on tres sargentos. Now you may be able to get by with a bribe of course.I think that it is a law in BA.
Most Telos will NOT allow 2 girls in the room with you but the other night I was able to take 2 girls from Cocodrilo to a Telo nearby.
I have no idea where it was though and it was about 7 in the morning.
Some normal hotels will let you take as many girls as you want to your room so just ask the front desk.
Back to the original subject :
Just go to ANY Privado and pick-out 2 girls.
You get what you pay for!
Boring, faked Lesbian show!
Is that what you want or do you want to have a good time?
Thanks for all the tips guys.
Just to be clear, I am not looking for just a simple 3 way. I am looking for a sexy dancing show before hand and then jump into action. Is this something that can be arrnged here. Also, the "telos" that you mentioned could accommodate that?
TL, how about your girls? Could they pull this off and have a place to do it? Thanks guys.
05-02-12, 22:58
Yes, I love threesomes, I picked two girls from the triangle, and they sadly said no kisses, they touched each other but it was a poor show. I mean, like in a movie, perhaps you know the guy is an actor, but the character must make you feel like the character is real.
Then, on a Privado Apartment in downtown I hired two good looking girls, and they performed ok, then they made a confession about the reality that turned me off. And I did more tryouts and now I'm pretty much convinced that is better to fuck one girl each time, even try two girls in the same brothel but, not the two of them together.
However, the real bisexuals are more findable at the swinger's scene.
Very few telos will allow three to the room whereas most normal hotels won't have any problem. If you go the clubs and ask any girl she will probably say yes but most will just fake. Go to the tried and trusted you'll find here.
Yes, I love threesomes, I picked two girls from the triangle, and they sadly said no kisses, they touched each other but it was a poor show. I mean, like in a movie, perhaps you know the guy is an actor, but the character must make you feel like the character is real.Yes, that is what I am trying to avoid. I was hoping I could find something more "real" here in Argentina, but your post kinda discouraged me.
05-02-12, 23:17
Very few telos will allow three to the room whereas most normal hotels won't have any problem. If you go the clubs and ask any girl she will probably say yes but most will just fake. Go to the tried and trusted you'll find here.The Telo on Anchorena will allow 2 girls in the room with you and the swinger's club is also on that street.
You can take a girl to the swingers club and try that too but your best bet is to just ask one of the girls on this board.
Try Romina.
She is on here as Hello Kittty and you will have a great time.
Romina is fun to be with and a good provider but she is not into lesbianism. She will allow another girl to eat her but she doesn't enjoy it and won't do it herself. While she is highly recommendable in general I wouldn't recommend her in this case. There are girls that post here that enjoy other women and would be better fun for someone looking for that. I haven't been to the Anchorena hotel in years. I remember you could take as many women into the room as could fit in or probably even park your car there as long as you paid but it was a bit of a dump. A place to crash when half drunk and a chica on each arm but not a place to lay out a fantasy. Of course, as I say, I have not been there in many years and they may have fixed it up.
05-03-12, 01:05
I've been to telo located at JM. Gutierrez and pueyrredon.
They let you in in three, but they require an extra fee for the extra girl.
Actually I did it two times at the same love hotel (nice and clean) and I've took the "presidential" suite.
Once with two girls from madaho actually they knew the place as an "oasis" for three (in their words).
In addition, there is another telo,"bahia" it's named "bahia" since it's located in bahia blanca street, two blocks away from juan be. Justo, in floresta's neighborhood. They allow 3, 4, and 5 in a room. They advertise they are targeted to the orgies market.
The problem is, it's in the middle of nothing. There are a few clubs in the area, and a long ride you'll need from each one of them. Perhaps the most notable is a swinger club in artigas and juan be justo (Star New, not New Star, if you ask for new star no one will understand).
Thus, if you drive a car it's really easy in the big telos to enter with 2 girls if you tell one of them to hide for a while. The problem is only when you don't and you enter by walking.
Very few telos will allow three to the room whereas most normal hotels won't have any problem. If you go the clubs and ask any girl she will probably say yes but most will just fake. Go to the tried and trusted you'll find here.
05-03-12, 01:11
Romina is fun to be with and a good provider but she is not into lesbianism. She will allow another girl to eat her but she doesn't enjoy it and won't do it herself. While she is highly recommendable in general I wouldn't recommend her in this case. There are girls that post here that enjoy other women and would be better fun for someone looking for that. I haven't been to the Anchorena hotel in years. I remember you could take as many women into the room as could fit in or probably even park your car there as long as you paid but it was a bit of a dump. A place to crash when half drunk and a chica on each arm but not a place to lay out a fantasy. Of course, as I say, I have not been there in many years and they may have fixed it up.I agree 100%. Romina may not be the best choice.
Mara and (unmentionable) would be great because they like each other a lot.
One problem though, (unmentionable) will not play for pay!
Still, putting together a decent 3-way is not a big deal in BA.
As for the Telo on Anchorena I don't know if I have been there or not.
Sometimes you just let them lead you by your dick and you go anywhere!
PS - And yes , I do it for karma and my reputation grows on the web ! Coming soon is TL's Butt Hutt ! Tied into AP and benefiting both !
05-03-12, 20:25
Maybe some one knows about a method that you can repeat and it works, no matter who is performing and no matter where you do it.
05-03-12, 20:53
Maybe some one knows about a method that you can repeat and it works, no matter who is performing and no matter where you do it.That's the problem!
You look for a couple of Lesbians and that is what you get!
When it's your turn the service will be lacking, mechanical and scripted.
The opposite is forcing straight girls to act like bi-sexuals.
So it's a toss-up!
I know a few but not that many and you may have to settle for 6 to 7 range girls but they are bi-sexual, they are good at what they do and they like it too.
My last experiance was by accident when I woke up to find 2 of my girls going at it in my living room at 6am.
What a beautiful thing!
A spectator sport!
Of course I asked them to join me in the bed; or should I say that I asked them if I could join?
There was no asking to it Boys!
And all this is attributable to the Majic Love Drops that some assholes talk SHIT about!
They did it on their own while I was sleeping but the drops will turn a NUN into a bisexual porn star!
So I guess that's the formula :
Find 2 girls, add some drops and stir for 10 minutes! Walla!
Works everytime!
And all this is attributable to the Majic Love Drops that some assholes talk SHIT about!
They did it on their own while I was sleeping but the drops will turn a NUN into a bisexual porn star!
So I guess that's the formula :
Find 2 girls, add some drops and stir for 10 minutes! Walla!
Works everytime!
TLI guess I am on of those who talk bad about the drops. I have seen the after effects, the withdrawls, in them and in you after doing these drops and it is not pretty.
Gato Hunter
05-03-12, 21:17
My scientific method to a great threesome in BA is as follows.
Find a chica that you get along with very well and have had great sessions with. Ask her if she has a friend and tell her what you want, be honest and up front even if its a freak show your after. These chicas have seen everything.
If she says no, find another chica.
Don't expect to get two random chicas and have them like each other. This never works.
If you bring more than two chicas there are two more rules. The first is to not do it at your place. I once had 4 chicas and I could only keep three occupied. I was worried that the other was casing the apartment and stealing shit while I was occupied. The other is that the first chica (the one you had great sessions with and asked her for friends) needs to be the ringleader and keep all the other chicas in line. This goes hand in hand with rule #1.
05-03-12, 22:27
My scientific method to a great threesome in BA is as follows.
Find a chica that you get along with very well and have had great sessions with. Ask her if she has a friend and tell her what you want, be honest and up front even if its a freak show your after. These chicas have seen everything.
If she says no, find another chica.
Don't expect to get two random chicas and have them like each other. This never works.
If you bring more than two chicas there are two more rules. The first is to not do it at your place. I once had 4 chicas and I could only keep three occupied. I was worried that the other was casing the apartment and stealing shit while I was occupied. The other is that the first chica (the one you had great sessions with and asked her for friends) needs to be the ringleader and keep all the other chicas in line. This goes hand in hand with rule #1.I must concur 100% Gato Man!
Reminds me of a time when I was minding my own business near Excedra at 5am and these 2 girls that had just turned 18 asked me if I wanted to party!
Shit Yes!
We get to my place and we are going at it when one of the girls gets up to piss or get a drink, etc.
Smoke a fucking cig!
Anyway, they had mixed up some potion for me to drink before hand but I guess it bounced off so we kept at it.
Right before I let them out of my pad I looked to see if my camara was there and I felt the wad of cash in my front pocket.
No problem as all seemed Kosher.
A few days later I grabbed the camara bag to take some pics and that's all it was!
A camara bag; empty, just like my wad of cash was missing all of the American dollars and only held Argentine pesos!
Smart Girls!
Ran into one of them a few weeks later and she swore on the life of her child that she had not taken anything!
So a year later I see this awesome girl in front of my resto and I hit on her and ask her who she is.
She says Ramiro, I'm the girl that you accused of ripping you off!
So, you want to come over Baby?
Fucking Funny!
$400 dollar camara and $90. 00 dollars US to have a FREE session!
P. S. Kevins, I fully agree with the withdrawal comment! It's a nasty beast but if it's only a few times it's ok.
As designed. 1 dose before bed or just when you have to fuck 4 girls at the same time it's ok.
I know a few but not that many and you may have to settle for 6 to 7 range girls but they are bi-sexual, they are good at what they do and they like it too.Can you give me some suggestion of girls on the 6 to 7 range that you would recommend for what I have in mind?
Can you give me some suggestion of girls on the 6 to 7 range that you would recommend for what I have in mind?Call TL and get this over with. These periodic "I want two girls who will fuck and suck each other to death in front of me even though I'm fucking clueless about the whole thing" posts get on my nerves.
Call TL and get this over with. These periodic "I want two girls who will fuck and suck each other to death in front of me even though I'm fucking clueless about the whole thing" posts get on my nerves.Not sure why you are getting so worked up. Can't you just ignore the thread? It is not like you have to read it and follow it. Am I missing something here?
Not sure why you are getting so worked up. Can't you just ignore the thread? It is not like you have to read it and follow it. Am I missing something here?You're missing a lot. That's the point. Trying to arrange this kind of thing online is nearly impossible. You will be better served by calling TL, meeting him, and having him point out some girls while showing you around. That way you can SEE some 6's or 7's, get an idea of the rate, stock up on the necessary bushel full of rubbers and be on your way.
Hey, I'm a grouchy guy these days, but follow these easy instructions and it will save you time and aggravation.
05-04-12, 15:21
Can you give me some suggestion of girls on the 6 to 7 range that you would recommend for what I have in mind?I just sent a message to a girl that many of us have known for a long time and which we ALL recommend for various reasons.
I explained exactly what you want.
She has a place of her own too so that's a big plus.
It's also only 2 blocks from the Obelisco.
The girls will be 6-7s but the service is OUTSTANDING! 10-10!
I am waiting for her reply.
When will you be in BA?
You will need an appointment.
It should be about $400. 00 pesos per hour for 2 girls.
That's 200 pesos per girl total! That's for the 2 assholes that think I mark-up or benefit from getting you Boys laid!
It is for Good Karma that I hope to monitize someday in the future but not now.
Like a specialized site.
When talking with a girl initially or in a session make chit chat about loving the ladies. Don't ask about three some, find out if she loves the ladies. Then have her suggest a girl that she likes. Or for the more advanced put two bi-ladies together and start off with a little direction or toy play and let them do each other first until they are hungry for what's between your legs. A three some when you know neither of the ladies required some intel, thought, intuition and luck.
A three some with straight girls is a complete waste of time and money. Just my opinion based on experience. I prefer to be with hot orgasmic ladies who are having real orgasms-using girls as merely cum recepticals is a not my favorite activity. A waste of talent. Different guys monger in different ways-it all good, just my two cents.
TOYMANN-putting together great three somes is one your special skills-share some thoughts with the boys.
TL is in business if you are paying 200 pesos per girl and get what you are looking for, TL should be paid something. It takes time and know how to put this together and get you the true street price without gringo markup. You should buy him lunch and slip him a crisp 100 peso bill and say thank you. TL is treating you like family.
If you want to put together your own without the dance routine. Look on solo. The girls who are bi-will genrally say that lesbianism is part of the offerings. Sometimes it will be bullshit. Communicate with the solo girls by text message. Sit with your computer and translation software and write some stock phrases. If they text you with a load of slang / abbreviation write mi castellano no es fluiudo==my spanish sucks and you should get clearer messgaes or she is a dumby and skip it.
Going to her place should to 350 to 500 pesos and her coming to should have a little mark-up from taxi and travel time-maybe 100 pesos. All the solo girls are heavily reviewed and discussed on their forros. Translation software and some underrstanding of locale slang / jive talk is better, but you will get 75% of the idea.
If you are having a positive experience ask her: te gustan chicas? If she does and has advertised this on solo, you will get a response if she brings over a real lover, you are in for a treat.
Sweet jazim who stopped posting here about 6 months ago was working with her "real world" lover carla. Oh my god-watch these two go at each is hotter than any dance routine
TL is in business if you are paying 200 pesos per girl and get what you are looking for, TL should be paid something.Oh, if this happens with his help, you can bet that I'll take him out for a nice lunch or something. I'd never leave a brother out hanging after getting this much assistance to satisfy one of my perverted fantasies. Language is not much of an issue for me. I can hold my own in terms of Spanish. It is more about lack of knowledge about the lay of the land, who is who, etc. I'd hate to pay 1000+ pesos to get a crappy one hour bullshit sex show, when I can stream a HD lesbo porn video to my big screen TV for free and get better results. That is why I was asking for help here in this board.
Jaz is a multi-orgasmic petits spinner with hot blood. She loves the ladies, likes yanqui clients and can set up a double that will rock your world. Doubles with carla and her were out of this world-the double was hotter than each girl individually added together. After about the tenth orgasm, her girl carla would role up her eyes so that you could only see the whites. There was no acting here.
Gato Hunter
05-05-12, 17:02
I only had one time with Carla and she was fucktastsic! She mentioned her girlfriend, I regret not taking her up on it.
05-05-12, 19:49
TL is in business if you are paying 200 pesos per girl and get what you are looking for, TL should be paid something. It takes time and know how to put this together and get you the true street price without gringo markup. You should buy him lunch and slip him a crisp 100 peso bill and say thank you. TL is treating you like family.
If you want to put together your own without the dance routine. Look on solo. The girls who are bi-will genrally say that lesbianism is part of the offerings. Sometimes it will be bullshit. Communicate with the solo girls by text message. Sit with your computer and translation software and write some stock phrases. If they text you with a load of slang / abbreviation write mi castellano no es fluiudo==my spanish sucks and you should get clearer messgaes or she is a dumby and skip it.
Going to her place should to 350 to 500 pesos and her coming to should have a little mark-up from taxi and travel time-maybe 100 pesos. All the solo girls are heavily reviewed and discussed on their forros. Translation software and some underrstanding of locale slang / jive talk is better, but you will get 75% of the idea.
If you are having a positive experience ask her: te gustan chicas? If she does and has advertised this on solo, you will get a response if she brings over a real lover, you are in for a treat.
Sweet jazim who stopped posting here about 6 months ago was working with her "real world" lover carla. Oh my god-watch these two go at each is hotter than any dance routineYes, it's not easy Boys but it can be done and we do it for breakfast down here!
What's the problem?
I have 4 REAL bi-sexual girls that are ready, willing and able!
From as low as 200 pesos per girl you cheap motherfucker!
$44. 00 dollars a girl per hour!
See if you can get that in the goddamn sex prison that you live in!
Kill this fucking thread!
It's boring and has been over-played!
The other Carla-dark hair, perfect body is married today. She has the same email address and cell. She still has a few regular clients. Still hot and great girl. This Carla I think was not really bi, but did sometimes have a girl for fun. A brother matched her with a real lady who loves the ladies and it was too much for Carla the moracha to handle. My doubles with her sucked-I strongly preferred alone.
Carla the blonde was killer-not as gorgeous as the moracha, but so orgasmic that there was zero barrior betweeen the real her and the client. I
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