View Full Version : The Rules of Mongering in Buenos Aires
Gato Hunter
05-15-12, 19:05
Long ago in on this forum there was a post laying out the rules of Mongering. Stranger and myself today while sitting in Orleans decided we should post some of these rules from our own experiences to help others out.
If you would like to add one of your own please do.
If your chica says she will be at your place at 1800, that really means when she will call you if your lucky to tell you she is late. Or it's the time she will leave her house for an hour train ride to you.
Never pay the chica first. If she asks to see the money this is acceptable but only if it is placed in a neutral location until you are done.
Never pay a chica in dollars, unless the chica will give you the parallel market rate.
Taking a semi loca chica to a telo on the first time is probably not a bad idea.
Chicas are the best avenue to find Lechuga.
If the chica is below a 4 on a good day stop, don't do it. It does get better.
If she is Dominican and has a hot body she will probably be a bad fuck.
If she is an average Paraguayan she will probably be a good fuck.
The amount you will pay is the amount of Spanish you speak times your good looks divided by how much the chica likes you.
If the chica is in a club and she does not look happy to be with you, she will not be more happy with your dick in her mouth.
Not all dancers in clubs go out.
Before you buy a chica a drink negotiate everything such as price, BBBJ, etc. If you do not it will not happen or you will pay more. No matter how much buena onda you think you have.
There are no refunds in Buenos Aires.
More to come.
If you didn't pay a chica to fuck the last 3 times, you got a girlfriend!
If a girl believes in woodoo and thinks she is your girlfriend, it does not matter if you believe in it, as long as she does!
Gato Hunter
05-15-12, 20:21
I told her that because she makes 300 euros in spain does not mean she makes 1000 pesos here. It went back to the 500 pesos I have been paying for years.
Gato Hunter
05-15-12, 22:13
Chicas with kids will usually have to go home to take care of kids therefore making a TLN a slim to none chance.
Chicas with kids will usually have a blown stomach. Especially if she says she has two kids under age 5.
Under 10% of girls will do anything after they have kids. If you find a chica that goes to the gym you got a winner.
Chicas without kids are more likely to stay the night. If they live in the provincia and need to take a train home in the morning even better.
Chicas do not want your gifts, they want money. The exception is an Iphone.
This also carry's over to if you give a chica a gift and she fucks your brains out do not expect this to carry over to the next session. She will have no recollection of this gift, like it never even happened.
Sometimes if you have fucked your chica and three of four of her friends but not the ugly one you have to do the ugly one to make things feel ok in the group of chicas.
If your a douche and the chica goes back to the club the tales of douchbaggery will spread at the speed of light. This is known as the Latin Chica Network. They have been effective and black listing even the best mongers.
05-15-12, 23:01
Long ago in on this forum there was a post laying out the rules of Mongering. Stranger and myself today while sitting in Orleans decided we should post some of these rules from our own experiences to help others out.
If you would like to add one of your own please do.
If your chica says she will be at your place at 1800, that really means when she will call you if your lucky to tell you she is late. Or it's the time she will leave her house for an hour train ride to you.
Never pay the chica first. If she asks to see the money this is acceptable but only if it is placed in a neutral location until you are done.
Never pay a chica in dollars, unless the chica will give you the parallel market rate.
Taking a semi loca chica to a telo on the first time is probably not a bad idea.
Chicas are the best avenue to find Lechuga.
If the chica is below a 4 on a good day stop, don't do it. It does get better.
If she is Dominican and has a hot body she will probably be a bad fuck.
If she is an average Paraguayan she will probably be a good fuck.
The amount you will pay is the amount of Spanish you speak times your good looks divided by how much the chica likes you.
If the chica is in a club and she does not look happy to be with you, she will not be more happy with your dick in her mouth.
Not all dancers in clubs go out.
Before you buy a chica a drink negotiate everything such as price, BBBJ, etc. If you do not it will not happen or you will pay more. No matter how much buena onda you think you have.
There are no refunds in Buenos Aires.
More to come.When you ask " How much " and she says "600" you better ask "What? Pesos or Dollars?
If you don't ask first and you fuck her that's when she starts screaming that it was dollars or euros and not pesos!
How long? And they say "Un buen tiempo."
That means 10 minutes to undress. 40 minutes in the bed and 10 minutes to dress! FUCK YOU!
TLN to me is untill noon but to most of them it's till the first train leaves town! About 5:45am!
More to follow!
PS- Made a few believers today at Orleans! A couple of nice guys that Stranger, Gato Hunter, Labrador and myself met.
Hooked up one of them up with Jimena and Labrador grabbed Romina. The other new guy went to Cielo and had a decent time.
It was funny because one of the guys was going to make a serious mistake until I sent Jimena to his hotel!
We are hoping that the 2 new guys will join the board.
I told her that because she makes 300 euros in spain does not mean she makes 1000 pesos here. It went back to the 500 pesos I have been paying for years.I was in spain last year. No puta makes that kind of money anymore. The world has changed. The same puta that made 300 euros years ago will go happily for 100 today.
Regarding your list.
If a chica that has proved herself as a killer girl, and suggests she bring her friend. The answer is ALWAYS YES! Birds of a feather fly together (most always, YMMV). This is how you build a killer stable over time.
Happy Mongering All. Toymann
If you didn't pay a chica to fuck the last 3 times, you got a girlfriend!
If a girl believes in woodoo and thinks she is your girlfriend, it does not matter if you believe in it, as long as she does!
StrangerLOL freakin classic!
05-16-12, 01:02
LOL freakin classic!My best girl would not allow me to fuck anybody else!
I said but you fuck everybody and she said what's mine is mine and what's your's is mine!
I sure liked her a lot!
Got to quit falling in love just cause they don't charge you!
05-16-12, 02:41
When you ask " How much " and she says "600" you better ask "What? Pesos or Dollars? ... My response would be "No. 400 pesos." Make it clear that you understood 600 pesos (because 600 dollars would have been fucking ridiculous) and that even 600 pesos is too much.
Gato Hunter
05-16-12, 05:35
Don't bring your trash into my tread eh.
Keep it on topic or I will moderate.
Please keep this relevant to the rules of Mongering. Don't turn this into a pissing contest.
Gato Hunter
05-16-12, 05:38
Even if you tip the fuck out of the bartender it's not a sure thing.
The best fucks come when your not looking for it.
NEVER tell a chica it's your last night in BA. This can not possibly do any good.
Gato Hunter
05-16-12, 12:40
It's better to have a bad reputation than no reputation at all.
Member #3320
05-16-12, 17:07
1. It's best to have a black book of chiccas. A black book of 5-7 odd chiccas who are good looking, good fuck, reasonably priced can only be created after you have invested your time and money over 30 odd chiccas.
Repeat fucks with same chiccas get better and hence the importance of creating your own black book.
2. Chiccas keep on leaving BA or stop working totally. So make hay till sun shines. Sometimes you would meet a astounding girl on the last day of your trip hoping to see her again. Hey presto, when you return after 4 months, she is gone! For good! Moral of story:- if you like someone, extend your trip or exchange email IDs, phone no to be sure if she will be there in your next trip.
3. Trimmed pubic area, clean white teeth, good breath, good body smell can be the deal breaker between a average fuck and a unforgettable fuck. Make the effort to be clean before you meet her!
More to follow.
Gato Hunter
05-16-12, 19:38
Mongering 24/7 is hard work.
You can sleep on the plane on the way home!
If you take a dancer after midnight, make sure she washes her tits before you suck them!
Some of us get there early, cream them down, rub it in and get a kick out of sending them back to the club without a shower, or so I have been told, hehehe.
Everybody looks at a dancers ass and tits; if you stare at her eyes you might just steal her soul.
Gato Hunter
05-16-12, 23:19
You can never pick two random chicas and expect a threesome to go off well. Get a known performer and have her bring a friend. You can tell her to get another if that friend is ugly, just don't be a pelotudo while doing it.
While shagging the threesome with your known performer and friend pay more attention to the known girl instead of the friend, these chicas will get jealous fast if they see you like porking her Amiga more than her. I once had a chica throw a glass of cold water on me when I was really getting into her friend.
If you do more than three girls lock everything up like fort knox. You will end up smothered in chicas and one will be casing the joint.
If you do more than three girls one of them needs to be La Hefe and keep the chicas in line so you can enjoy yourself.
Buy lots of rubbers, I once went through 23 condoms with two chicas in 2 hours.
Gato Hunter
05-16-12, 23:32
If the number does not have a 15 in front of it the girl is in a privado, may not exist at all, or quit working months ago.
Going to an Internet chicas place for the first time is a good strategy. If you open the door and the chica looks like George Washington you can just turn around and leave.
The photo you see online is the best that chica has looked or ever will look.
Take note of the clothes the chica is wearing in the photos. You can see in some of them that from the styles of clothes she is wearing that the photo was taken in 1988.
There are chicas that are still using the same photo since I started coming down here in 2004.
Look at the hands, elbows and knees in the photos for an indication that the chica is older than advertised.
For the non spanish speakers text messaging is your friend. Some chicas won't answer your texts if they don't know you. So do your best and talk for a minute and tell her your going to text her cause your Castellano sucks on the phone.
Landline phones are tied to an address forever in BA. By giving the chica your landline number this will give her a sense of security, some won't come the first time unless you give it to them.
Gato Hunter
05-17-12, 05:41
Its a really good idea after the first round to get rid of the other girl. Then put chica number one on the stripper pole to make her feel wanted again.
Breaking in a chica on her first threesome is a task that is not for the normal monger. Paving the way for other mongers is not an easy task.
Gato Hunter
05-17-12, 05:53
You know it's a hard night in in buenos aires when the looser between you and your wingman gets the threesome.
If one of your stalkers is 5 months pregnant and you did not fuck her BB for 7 month's, life is good!
If one of your stalkers is 5 months pregnant and you did not fuck her BB for 7 month's, life is good!
StrangerAnd she told you that "You were the only one"
Member #3320
05-17-12, 08:33
Sex in Privados.
I know it's not the cup of tea for many people. However, I had my best fucks in BA in Privados.
Some rules for Privados :-
1. The best looking chicks in Privados work between 11 am to 6 pm.
2. The privado chicks are freshest with most energy at 11 am. 1130 am.
3. If you return to a privado regularly, the manager of privado starts recognizing you, which works in your favor.
4. Being in good books of the manager of a privado, goes a long way. You can expect genuine recommendations from her regarding which girl to take.
5. If you end up with a bad fuck in a privado : and you are a regular customer, you may get another fuck free of cost or even a reimbursement. BA is the only city in the world where I have got reimbursement 5-6 times over 4-5 years after a bad fuck, because the manager knew you are a regular.
6. Some of the best fucks in Privados are available in the low priced Privados. You can get almost anything with propina. However, chances of catching a infection is also high in such Privados.
7 Do not splurge money in high end Privados just for a jacuzzi. If you have money to burn, go for independent girls and not high end Privados. Medium end Privados are great.
8 chicks in Privados are generally forbidden to share phone numbers. However, with friendly attitude and perhaps a repeat fuck, most will give the phone no. Sky is the limit if they meet you outside of the privado. My black book has numbers of 4-5 such girls whom I first met in a privado. Now they don't work as a working girl anymore. However, I still manage to meet them because of consistent communication with them over a long period and winning trust.
9. If you are wooing one particular in a privado. Do not go and try to fuck other girls in the same privado. News will carry to her in no time.
10. Most privado chicks do not allow photos. However, with a friendly demeanor, this may be achieved as well.
More to follow.
Gato Hunter
05-17-12, 15:33
You know when you have spent enough money in a club when they are giving YOU free drinks.
Member #4112
05-17-12, 16:05
This has been discussed before but should be mentioned again:
Any gift given to a chica depreciates to a value of $0 the moment it passes from the mongers hand to the chica's
I'm in the minor league compared to most of you guys, but anyone new to the bar / boliche scene might find this useful. I've broken pretty much all of these rules at some time or another and usually lived to regret it! Nothing new or original here you will find most of these scattered around elsewhere on AP.
1. Patience is the name of the game. Don't fall for the first chica who comes & grabs you. Chances are she's the one that nobody else would pick. Take time to look around, keep moving and watch the girls when they are not watching you. Avoid the moody and miserable looking ones. Look for the body language and home in on the chicas who look lively and confident. A girl who smiles and gets on well with the other chicas and waiters is a sound bet.
2. Be wise to the chica grapevine (#1). Once your face is known at a bar or club, you can be sure that the girls you've been with are comparing notes on how well or badly you treated them. Treat them well and new ones will be keen to meet up with you. Treat them badly and you risk getting blanked.
3. Be wise to the chica grapevine (#2). Decide a realistic baseline price for a particular venue, and try to stick to it. Word soon gets round if you are negotiating a different price with each new girl. You will end up with all of them insisting on the highest figure.
4. Sign up some allies. It helps to get the bar staff, waiters and doormen on side, if you're planning to visit regularly. At minimum you should get better service and at best you'll get waved through or get answers if you need some information about a girl. Enlist a wingman if you haven't been to a club before and aren't sure of its reputation.
5. Big head must rule the little head. However good she looks, if there's no spark or chemistry between you after you've been chatting for 5 minutes, forget it. Things will only go downhill from there. When you find one that's sending out the right signals, and you commit to the chica drink, use the time in the club like foreplay. By the time you both leave, she should have a very strong idea of what you like and what you find exciting about her. And you should be starting to feel excited and building on the chemistry that made you pick her in the first place.
6. Beware of distress purchases. If you don't see what you like, move on to another place. If it's the end of the night, save some money and sperm and come back next day. Beer goggles can wear off when you get down to the real business. Nothing worse than spending a lot of cash, then half way through the act, realising that you don't really fancy the chica after all.
7. The standing up rule. Unless you're not fussed about height and body shape, don't commit to a chica you've only seen sitting on a barstool. When she gets up, you may get quite a surprise. Also, unless you like shy girls and subdued lighting, look for a chica who's confident about her body and happy with showing it off.
8. Care with threesomes. These work best if you genuinely can't decide which of the two chicas you'd most like to fuck. Otherwise you'll end up concentrating on just one of them and waste your money. Best tactic is to get a chica you know to point out a few of her friends who might be up for it. Picking two that don't know or don't much like each other can be a bad recipe however hot they look.
9. The 'test drive' rule. Unless you're very sure or she's been recommended, it's wise to test drive any brand new chica at the telo (love motel). Stroppy girls in your apartment or hotel room are bad news. The BA telos are good places, unlike some of the shitholes you get in Europe.
10. Repeats can be more fun. For us mongers the first time can be the most exciting, but many chicas only start to warm up second third or fourth time round. Don't write off a chica who shows promise but didn't quite deliver first time out. Get her number and arrange to meet her away from the club.
11. Prepare ahead of time. If you are planning to bring a new girl back to your apartment or room, do the prep work before you set off. Valuables in the safe. If in doubt, don't leave it out. Stock up beforehand but don't leave the key to the minibar on show. When you both arrive and you head for the bathroom, don't leave your wallet in the pocket of the jeans you've just thrown off by the bed.
12. Be a gentleman. Try to please, in and out of the sack. It may not cut any ice with harder edged American or Northern European girls, but BA chicas appreciate a 'caballero' with a gentler touch. Walk the girl back to the club or her car when you leave the telo. Give a taxi tip, unless she really failed to perform. If it's late at night when she leaves your apartment, walk with her to a cab and hand her the tip when she gets in.
13. Learn some Spanish. Not having any is like going into a fight with your hands tied, at least in the boliche scene.
Most of all though, enjoy this great city and the beautiful women who live here.
Gato Hunter
05-18-12, 11:41
When you go to a pole dance party do not forget rubbers.
Your welcome who ever it was last night jaja!
Gato Hunter
05-19-12, 20:10
When your favorita that your barebacking starts her period on your farewell fuck its a good thing. When she sounds bummed out that she is not prego and you tell her that you have a vasectomy its an even better thing!
Cliff: Well ya see, Norm, it's like this. A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers.
If you walk in the middle of the road early in the morning in very, VERY weird area because you and your wingman decided it was a great idea to let a taxi driver take you to a 'nice club' after Croco closed just to see how bad it could get (and maybe even looking for a fight) , don't be to enthusiastic when you chew.
In the morning when you remember nothing from last night and see the big bloody mess on your tongue; talk to your wingman before you open your 'mongering-kit' or you start contemplating suicide.
Chose a chica that know your good sides, tell her you are drunk and that you might be an asshole later.
When a girl that fuck for a living are making to much noise and you think she is overdoing the faking, don't tell her if you are drunk and might be an asshole, she might actually be enjoying whatever you are doing and get very upset and leave and you can never see her again.
Unless this is a chica that know your good sides and you already told her earlier the night that you might be an asshole later.
DR-girls, never!
Para-girls, always!
Argi-girls, normaly good to go.
Brazilian-girls, often as good as Para-girls.
Peru-girls, some are hotter than you would expect.
Bolivian-girls, you are kidding, right?
At Riobama and Santa-Fe there is a restaurant that is always open.
Descent food and the pizza are great early in the morning after a hard nights mongering. Took me two years of shitty plastic wrapped sandwiches from kiosks before I found this place!
(There is also a Madelena one block closer to 9th July on Santa-fe that serves food 24/7, I have never tried it since I never had problem with the one by Riobama.)
05-22-12, 05:55
La Madeleine is located on Santa Fe between Rodriguez Pena and Callao and is indeed open 24 hours AND delivers 24 hours (except Monday's when it closed at 01:00). The phone number is 4813 8400. In addition, there is another place called Santa Fe 1234, located at you guessed it, Sante Fe 1234 (between Libertad and Talcahuano) which is in fact open 24 hours / 7 days per week and has the same exact menu and same owners as La Madeleine. The phone number is 4811 2356. There is a McDonald's on Santa Fe between Riobamba and Ayacucho that is open 24 hours on the weekends, as is the McDonald's located at the Recoleta Mall.
Trust me on this one.
Gato Hunter
05-23-12, 21:32
No matter how much you have fucked, drank and partied after three days drying out you will be ready to come back for more.
No matter how much you have fucked, drank and partied after three days drying out you will be ready to come back for more.Amen to that
Mongering is a team sport event.
Wild Walleye
05-24-12, 17:02
La Madeleine is located on Santa Fe between Rodriguez Pena and Callao and is indeed open 24 hours AND delivers 24 hours (except Monday's when it closed at 01:00). The phone number is 4813 8400. In addition, there is another place called Santa Fe 1234, located at you guessed it, Sante Fe 1234 (between Libertad and Talcahuano) which is in fact open 24 hours / 7 days per week and has the same exact menu and same owners as La Madeleine. The phone number is 4811 2356. There is a McDonald's on Santa Fe between Riobamba and Ayacucho that is open 24 hours on the weekends, as is the McDonald's located at the Recoleta Mall.If that's your thing, there are a couple of places in that general area where you can eat all night. Wait, are you talking about food? Sorry, I was thinking of something else.
Sucker Punch.
Watch it, understand what it says about mongering, and don't be the bad guy!
Itīs a funny thing, se my last post.
You should fuck her like there is no tomorrow!
Make sure she has a good time (ladies first) and think you are the best client ever.
When you come back to the club next time and the rest of the guy's chase and watch the prettiest girl in the club, she chase and watch you!
THIS is something all the other girls notice, and they talk about their clients, and you are suddenly a fucking rock star.
Even better; fuck ALL the hottest girls at the club, now you got a bloody fan club.
This town got them also!
Just when you think you seen it all some girl that set the ugly scale on a whole new level sneaks up on you. Normally when you have a quiet beer at Orleans.
Remember; it is all an illusion, you are paying them!
Big Boss Man
05-25-12, 17:49
As a tourist you are long money and short time. All investments have an expiration date. Either you or the chica will leave the scene. Only some investments will have a positive payoff. The more time you have the more an investment (Buying a chica a drink. Buying her friend a drink.) is worth. Just like Black-Scholes I think. The more time you have the more you should invest. If you have four days left and you have a one you like sitting and drinking with you, it is time to take her out even if it is not prime conditions for you. You will not even remember you spent the money two weeks from now and you hardly ever remember the bad fucks.
05-25-12, 18:59
No matter how often you fuck them you will get tired of fucking them!
And no matter how gorgeous you think she is somone thinks she is a worthless piece of garbagge!
One man's treasure is another man's garbbage!
We all fuck the same girls so beware of what you reap Boys!
I am bored here! Death by Pussy! I was in Hippo and I was asking myself:
What the fuck am I doing here?
Too much of a good thing is SHIT!
It is surprisingly easy to get BB once you spend some time in this town and girls know and like you.
Newsflash! If a working girl is barebacking you chances are pretty big she is barebacking others too!
Exception to this rule is if a girl for some reason decides that she will use condom on all other but bareback you. Then you get 10 mongering points.
WARNING! A lot of the working girls here are not on the pill, and abortions are illegal in this country.
It is surprisingly easy to get BB once you spend some time in this town and girls know and like you.
Newsflash! If a working girl is barebacking you chances are pretty big she is barebacking others too!
Exception to this rule is if a girl for some reason decides that she will use condom on all other but bareback you. Then you get 10 mongering points.
WARNING! A lot of the working girls here are not on the pill, and abortions are illegal in this country.
StrangerAs Stranger has pointed out, most chicas don't protect themselves. It is amazing how many wind up pregnant! Abortions are illegal but available. The "abortion" pill is widely advertized and many use it. As is the "morning after pill". But the biggest worry is in protecting yourself! I think a paramount rule should be "HAVE FUN BUT BE CAREFUL"! This includes traveling with a wingman when ever possible!
Very true, and once again I am not knocking Mia or her pricing. But when some one with poor english skills reads these posts and sees XXXp they figure that they can charge the same. As I stated before the service is not the same but they don't care. We care but they don't! Mia is unique in what she offers, the price is more then fair for services rendered. But as others have pointed out and I was agreeing is that maybe her pricing should be kept to PM's. Just like she does with her photos. Actually this conversation should be moved to the GPS thread or something!Gandolf, I copied this over from another thread. I don't know the extent to which local chicas check this board for pricing, but I think you have a good point in general. The more they see high prices being paid, the more likely they are to expect those high prices themselves. Maybe that explains why some guys who were in town recently were not posting pricing for dancers they took out. So perhaps some guidelines on posting prices would be helpful:
1. If you overpaid, don't post the price.
2. If you got a good deal, post the price.
3. If you had a multi-hour or TLN date, don't post the total amount. If you must, make it clear how many hours were involved, or what it worked out to per-hour.
So perhaps some guidelines on posting prices would be helpful:
3. If you had a multi-hour or TLN date, don't post the total amount. If you must, make it clear how many hours were involved, or what it worked out to per-hour.Personally I would like to see the prices posted in the reviews as it will benefit us newbies (those of us that look at the boards beforehand) from overpaying, as well as you vets when looking at someone new to you. It only takes a second or 2 to add include how long for how much. Look at the spanish foros, almost all include the $$$.
Gato Hunter
05-28-12, 18:23
Maybe that explains why some guys who were in town recently were not posting pricing for dancers they took out.I paid 500 or 600 pesos for the dancers at Hook, all with BBBJ. Most stayed until it was time to go back to the club. Once they had to call cause we were fucking too long and were going to get in trouble. I was usually asking them to leave when I was done. We gave them the boyfriend experience and they liked us.
The hottest girl in my life dancer from madahos was 350 USD +telo. Worth every fucking penny. I jerked off this morning thinking about it so its still paying a return.
I stopped posting pricing info a while ago because I was tired of catching shit from the price police. I even caught shit for making it rain with small bills during our pole dance party, my stripper wad was 160 pesos. 5 euros. 15 $ and 50000 guarani (for la Paraguaya). As my wingman would say "I spend more on gum in a week".
I don't give a shit about the price police, I have MY vacation the way I want it. On the other hand I am not a boludo. I had to exit three chicas this trip for bad vibes and complaining about money once back at the apartment.
Stay Horny My Friends
I paid 500 or 600 pesos for the dancers at Hook, all with BBBJ. Most stayed until it was time to go back to the club. Once they had to call cause we were fucking too long and were going to get in trouble. I was usually asking them to leave when I was done. We gave them the boyfriend experience and they liked us.
The hottest girl in my life dancer from madahos was 350 USD +telo. Worth every fucking penny. I jerked off this morning thinking about it so its still paying a return.
I stopped posting pricing info a while ago because I was tired of catching shit from the price police. I even caught shit for making it rain with small bills during our pole dance party, my stripper wad was 160 pesos. 5 euros. 15 $ and 50000 guarani (for la Paraguaya). As my wingman would say "I spend more on gum in a week".
I don't give a shit about the price police, I have MY vacation the way I want it. On the other hand I am not a boludo. I had to exit three chicas this trip for bad vibes and complaining about money once back at the apartment.
Stay Horny My FriendsThanks for posting the $$$ GH. This newbie to BA appreciates the information on CURRENT pricing. Inflation hits everything. Not much longer and I will be back in BA for an extended period.
Thanks for the price info, GH. I have the same attitude, it's my vacation and I'll do what I want. Appreciate the trip posts, you are one of the best reporters we have on the board.
I still think there is something to be said for the guidelines I poster earlier (i.e. not advertising too much on the board when we've paid inflated prices), but I can't say I'd follow them all the time, and ultimately it's a judgement call and a balance.
I've always tried to use the info provided on these boards when traveling so I don't overpay, or if I do it is not by a lot. Overpaying affects those that live there more than those visiting as the chicas start wanting everyone to pay what the uninformed have paid. I have seen it first hand here in Rio. By using the info and trying to not overpay I also keep more in my pocket that will allow me to experience more sessions with more gatas.
That said prices nowhere are the same as they were in the "good ol days". Prices are up in Brazil, Colombia, Thailand, and probably in BA as well. All we can do is try to keep them reasonable and from going into the stratosphere.
I've always tried to use the info provided on these boards when traveling so I don't overpay, or if I do it is not by a lot. Overpaying affects those that live there more than those visiting as the chicas start wanting everyone to pay what the uninformed have paid. I have seen it first hand here in Rio. By using the info and trying to not overpay I also keep more in my pocket that will allow me to experience more sessions with more gatas.
That said prices nowhere are the same as they were in the "good ol days". Prices are up in Brazil, Colombia, Thailand, and probably in BA as well. All we can do is try to keep them reasonable and from going into the stratosphere.Prices have not gone up in BA, just ask INDEC or Moreno! Prices in BA are attached to a runaway train! Whats worse is that the train has a full load of fuel and the track seems to be clear!
When on your last day walk and drink about with one of your all time favoritas (that you suspected long time is a nymphomania) , and she confesses after quite a few beer (and then rum and coke) that she like to watch porn before she goes to bed, even after 'work', immediately drop you dinner plan!
Take her home to your place, both jump in the shower and bring out the laptop and get her to show her favorite dirty movies.
It might just be one of your dirtiest 12 hours ever! And you get a few ideas for your next meetings.
Many of the chicas have a BF, I have talked with too many to remember that say they have one. Before when I used to go normal clubs and discos I run into them all the time. The guy is always a douchebag on roids with gold chains that treated her like shit. Best place to see this is Club One (aka Big One) Alsina 940 in the VIP section second floor on Sundays. Many of the best looking chicas have Sundays of and go out with their BF. Also I had seen quite a few on Kika and on Bahrain.
When it comes to GF it is hard NOT to get one when you spend some time in this town. I have talked with El Jeffe about this many times, and he agrees.
I do not care if you are old, fat or have no hair, or all 3, if you spend some time here chicas will want to be you GF. And we talking girls significant hotter and younger than anything you could hope to get in you old hometown.
Why? Well all their previous BF has been looser and / or douchebag on roids with (fake) gold chains that treated her like shit!
After some time with chicas you notice it, they want to spend more time at your place, make you dinner go to movies and so on. Condom use becomes optimal, and you think hey this is good! In the beginning it is all nice and cool. You save shitload of money since you don't go and throw money around on 400 pesos drinks and 180 pesos entrance fees. Then you get told you do not have to pay her, she like being with you.
WARNING; 3 times you do not pay her; you have a GF!
Enjoy the dinners and movies, and hey you do save a shitload of money, but always pay her. Always! Also make sure she knows that you will go to boliches and see other girls. Normally she is fine with this, as long as you pay her. And remember in most cases no matter what you do she will still continue working; most chicas have a casual attitude to their job and see it as any factory worker sees his. BUT if you have not paid her a few times and then go with others she will normally go ballistic. And in some cases become a nuisance and finely stalk you. It will take you years to get rid of her. It is not so cool anymore. Trust me on this one!
05-30-12, 16:26
Many of the chicas have a BF, I have talked with too many to remember that say they have one. Before when I used to go normal clubs and discos I run into them all the time. The guy is always a douchebag on roids with gold chains that treated her like shit. Best place to see this is Club One (aka Big One) Alsina 940 in the VIP section second floor on Sundays. Many of the best looking chicas have Sundays of and go out with their BF. Also I had seen quite a few on Kika and on Bahrain.
When it comes to GF it is hard NOT to get one when you spend some time in this town. I have talked with El Jeffe about this many times, and he agrees.
I do not care if you are old, fat or have no hair, or all 3, if you spend some time here chicas will want to be you GF. And we talking girls significant hotter and younger than anything you could hope to get in you old hometown.
Why? Well all their previous BF has been looser and / or douchebag on roids with (fake) gold chains that treated her like shit!
After some time with chicas you notice it, they want to spend more time at your place, make you dinner go to movies and so on. Condom use becomes optimal, and you think hey this is good! In the beginning it is all nice and cool. You save shitload of money since you don't go and throw money around on 400 pesos drinks and 180 pesos entrance fees. Then you get told you do not have to pay her, she like being with you.
WARNING; 3 times you do not pay her; you have a GF!
Enjoy the dinners and movies, and hey you do save a shitload of money, but always pay her. Always! Also make sure she knows that you will go to boliches and see other girls. Normally she is fine with this, as long as you pay her. And remember in most cases no matter what you do she will still continue working; most chicas have a casual attitude to their job and see it as any factory worker sees his. BUT if you have not paid her a few times and then go with others she will normally go ballistic. And in some cases become a nuisance and finely stalk you. It will take you years to get rid of her. It is not so cool anymore. Trust me on this one!
StrangerYou are so right!
You can get a new GF every 100 days without trying!
Gato Hunter
06-02-12, 17:52
Two of my long time favortias (5 years mas o meno) told me almost the same story. They both worked in Madahos, one still does the other moved to Black. They ask gringos for the ridiculous amount of money, if they don't get it oh well they will go sit on their asses till the next one comes around. The chica at blacks now usually only gets two or three a month that pay in dollars, but she makes almost as much as in madahos where she would be fucking twice as many guys. 900 USD is a months salary easy.
Both have regulars on the side (like me) that they hang out with for longer than one hour, before work, or travel with. I tend to shy away from the after work meet up for obvious reasons. Unless its 5:30 am and your wingman puts a big tittyed Brazilian on the stripper pole and wakes up the neighbors (and me). Then I will call every number I have jaja!
Both have said they will charge a fat old smelly guy more than a young guy that is in shape and not a douche.
Up until recently there was a period of time in Madahos that the chicas had to show how much money they had upon returning to the club, yes this means pricing controls are / were in effect. Another reason why I have cut back on my madahos rampages.
Most portenos are just looking cause they have no money. Chicas have told me that rarely to locals pull girls anymore. They just nurse a quilmes and go home and jerk off. I have noticed this phenomenon also. One night at Hook there were five boludos grabbing a dancer at hook. She even changed poles to get away from them. I put 50 pesos in her panties and right after the song was over she was on me like flies on shit and the boludos were back to jerking off and nursing a beer.
Big Boss Man
06-11-12, 00:34
I was reading Hunt's Laws of Mongering to compare it with Gato Hunter and Stranger's current thread. Hey man, you can always improve your mongering. I found this gem."Beware of too much company. If many are long the same trade or many Mongers are fucking the same chica, you better get out. The shit may hit the fan." I found this to be good advice on my last two trips. Shit does occasionally hit the fan in this local with popular chicas. The downside is when pursuing your own path there are definitely some misses on relatively short trips. And I am still waiting for Fiorella to return to my price point which could be a very long wait.
06-11-12, 05:10
I was reading Hunt's Laws of Mongering to compare it with Gato Hunter and Stranger's current thread. Hey man, you can always improve your mongering. I found this gem."Beware of too much company. If many are long the same trade or many Mongers are fucking the same chica, you better get out. The shit may hit the fan." I found this to be good advice on my last two trips. Shit does occasionally hit the fan in this local with popular chicas. The downside is when pursuing your own path there are definitely some misses on relatively short trips. And I am still waiting for Fiorella to return to my price point which could be a very long wait.
Flor is still around .
Not $700.00 dollars , but who knows how much ! She fucked the manager at Hippo's for a while so she has the Golden Pussy Syndrome without a doubt !
As you walk up the fucking stairs at Hippo you will see a huge photo of Flor !
**** owes me a blow-job !
We did a 68 last time !
I did her and she owes me one !
I have videos of Flor and some others .
The others are ready for release !
Ready to hit the news !
Gato Hunter
06-27-12, 22:21
Then again she wouldn't know who SunSeeker is as I don't talk to the chicas about the boards or foros.This is perfect I have been screwed by this twice from other guys If a chica asks me I say google? Or I let on I know about the local foro never AP
This is perfect I have been screwed by this twice from other guys If a chica asks me I say google? Or I let on I know about the local foro never API hear ya. I mentioned it because the guy that gave Mical a shitty writeup on the BG foro started telling her that so and so said she did this, and so and so said she did that for x amount. The guys on the BG board weren't happy with him at all. And I know that people have done the same thing in most other countries as well. I remember being in the internet cafes in Rio and fuckers showing the chicas the boards! WTF? DO they think the puta is going to fall in love with them? Shit this is just pissing me off and I need to think about getting some sleep! LOL.
06-28-12, 03:01
I hear ya. I mentioned it because the guy that gave Mical a shitty writeup on the BG foro started telling her that so and so said she did this, and so and so said she did that for x amount. The guys on the BG board weren't happy with him at all. And I know that people have done the same thing in most other countries as well. I remember being in the internet cafes in Rio and fuckers showing the chicas the boards! WTF? DO they think the puta is going to fall in love with them? Shit this is just pissing me off and I need to think about getting some sleep! LOL.Total Deja Vu!
Tonight, just a few hours ago this Chica spread her legs and demanded that I go down on her!
Shit, I'm a nice guy so I looked down at that prized oyster and suddenly, out of nowhere, it hit me like a ton of bricks!
I knew that I had done this before!
And with her, I guess?
It was surreal!
I'm looking at her twat and thinking to myself :
I've done this before, maybe in a dream or in the past!
I hesitated for a nano second and reluctantly went to work!
Yet in my little dirty mind something told me that I had done this before!
I've never met a pussy or a mirror I did not like!
Poor girl had to keep switching arms because she kept getting tired!
She will continue sucking for about 2 minutes after you fill her mouth!
Deja Vu!
I really saw her money maker and I thought to myself that I have seen this thing before!
Gato Hunter
06-28-12, 23:14
When a chica says you had sex with her years ago act like it was good" if you don't remember. You may get a second try at the repeat customer discount I really remember the bad ones so if she was not bad I prolly would ep if she is in to you you might have girlfriend material there
There is no such thing as bad sex or a bad BJ. Some sex or a BJ is just better than other sex or a BJ.
There is no such thing as bad sex or a bad BJ. Some sex or a BJ is just better than other sex or a BJ.
Tres3There is very much a thing called "bad sex" and a "bad BJ". I will not elaborate newbie BUT suggest you raise your standards. What a silly comment! Maybe Tres3 is 13 years old? Too funny. Monger on Tres3. Toymann
06-29-12, 14:39
There is very much a thing called "bad sex" and a "bad BJ". I will not elaborate newbie BUT suggest you raise your standards. What a silly comment! Maybe Tres3 is 13 years old? Too funny. Monger on Tres3. ToymannWe can agree 100%! Finally!
Dear 33, All of us at one time or another have had HORRIBLE SEX!
Fuck this and get the fuck out of here girl!
I asked one girl how she could be a prostitute and yet give the worst BJ in the fucking world!
Or after 5 minutes the girl starts saying "Dame tu leche!" Fuck You Chica!
Or after 5 minutes she claims to be tired!
On the other hand I can remember the 2 most earth shattering orgasms I have ever had in my life!
One in Houston and one in BA!
Oh yes, there is a huge diff between the Good the Bad and the Ugly!
Gato Hunter
07-01-12, 17:45
If these girls sense weakness they will turn alpha dog you. Need to be the alpha male at all times and contoll te situation.
These chicas can sense weakness And that's when the shit gets real.
I am a type a personality I think that has helped me longer like I do.
Like cesare Milan be the pack leader.
Gato Hunter
07-05-12, 15:15
Its well known that it is better to be bitten by an adult snake than an immature snake, reason is the adult snake knows its not going to eat you and is just defends itself if it has venom control it needs to eat real food later so it won't blow the whole wad. The small snake bites you and dumps all the venom.
Having lots of BB sex I find myself shooting huge loads and depleting the leche fast if I were to put a condom on I would shoot a dust ball.
My girlfriend was complaining that there was leche everywhere yesterday after fucking I laughed my ass off and I felt spent after my dick knows its sending the troops in for real and this is not a drill and gives it everything. One BB fuck is equal to two with a condom. IMHO I am not reckless with my health so I don't BB every chica only my GF it will be hard to even put a condom on at this point.
Gato Hunter
07-06-12, 14:12
I have to say an ipod touch cn be a very handy tool for a monger, there is wifi all over the place here. Its a camera or video camera, you can save lists as pdfs and iew them on the go, its only 200$. Not a terrible loss if something happens.
I like to facce book while mongering.
The best is google translate, it has voice regonnition that actually works pretty good with chicas. You can pass it back and forth.
Gato Hunter
07-12-12, 23:50
Have baileyes on had at all times, all chicaas live it, and it not too expensive consider it lubrication, and just showing the chicas a nice time.
A few cokes and beers in the fridge never hurt either, all chicas want something to drink the minute they walk into your house. Why not give them something good and be a nice guy?
Gato Hunter
07-15-12, 17:17
I'd you get insto BA ahead of your wingman or friend you should and can add credit to there cellnumber if they are smart enough to hav one when they land so they can start texting chicas as soon as its weight on wheels!
Gato Hunter
07-17-12, 13:15
Chicas love this and some might jerk off to it in sex prison.
Entre a mi casa Armand van helden
Gato Hunter
07-28-12, 13:16
I have started pinning my keys inside my jacket pocket with a saety pin so when I wake up in the morning after a rough night I know right where they are.
There have been a few days I was locked in my room with no idea where anything is LOL
Gato Hunter
07-28-12, 15:20
The better a chica dances the better they fuck, proven time and time again, just never fails.
08-04-12, 01:39
The better a chica dances the better they fuck, proven time and time again, just never fails.That's the truth!
Waking up in bed and not knowing who the hell is in your bed, where she came from and what her name is; PRICELESS!
Like a Visa commercial!
I woke up the other day and there was a beautiful ass pointed at me!
So I grabbed it!
I said don't point that thing at me unless you are going to use it!
Happens all the time if you drink and FUCK!
The better they dance the better they fuck!
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