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10-31-17, 09:00
I googled it, saw some screenings ($100!!!) there were also interviews on Youtube. The director spent 30 minutes explaining how he isn't a monger himself and can't understand why someone would want to fuck 400 women and opined that such a person is a "collectionist" and not a sex addict blah blah blah. He said the main character was handsome enough to "get" women and didn't need to pay. What rubbish. You can't fuck 400 civilians, no matter how handsome you are, 400 civilians aren't going to easily hop in bed with you without making you spend some time and money on them. It will take you much mess time and much less money to pay a ho. I don't see how you can be interested enough in ho's to make a movie about them and never sample one yourself. I also don't see how you can admit you pay ho's to fuck you and then be socially acceptable as a director. I guess he is in a conundrum about how to talk about his movie lol. It does look like an interesting movie.

.The "Fuckyoumentary" was filmed in BA and in Mendoza a few years ago while I was at the absolute Worst in my life so the best thing about the movie is that I can watch it and actually see exactly how much of a Complete asshole I was and can be although very entertaining at times.

I have NOT been able to watch the entire movie without cringing right after the Stupid girl tells the client that he needs to ask me ( Full Name ) how much the price of admission is !!!!!

Total idiot Chica did not know what the going rate was but it sure makes me look bad. I was just doing both of them a favor like Always.

I'm just a poor Actor that was reading a script that was written by a Leftist , Pinko , Commie from Clintonfornia that took advantage of my alcoholic and growth hormone addictions at the time of the filming.!

I have not had a single drop in 4 plus years . From 1.5 Liters of pure Red-Eye rotgut every single day to absolutely NADA . Easiest thing that I have ever done in my life ! Quitting the growth hormone almost killed me . The only reason that I was able to quit is because my only supplier overdosed . Better him than me.

Back to the Fuckyoumentary , It's artsy and whatever and some of you are actually in it although you may not know it. Funny huh ? NOT A BIT !

It was reviewed in every newspaper and rag on-line and every critic said that it is Buena and Muy Buena.

I'm actually very happy that it has been running on a limited amount of theaters . Getting tired of being recognized on the street . I was invited to the biggest television show in the country but I think I'll pass for now.

The Fuckyoumentary has received numerous international film festival awards as the Best Documentary in Production and some other shit.

Personally I believe that it is an Oscar worthy performance. I had to gain 50 pounds and I had to be constantly Drunk and Dosed the entire time. Plus I had to act like a Racist Redneck . It was difficult but I fell into the character eventually.

This gives me about 2 hours of fame now if I add up the other times in life. So much for the 15 minutes of fame rule.

Anyway, you can watch the director's interview on Youtube which is Full of BS and untruthful statements but you have to go to the theater if you want to see yourself on the big screen.



P.S - I recently lost the use of my phone contacts and there are various Boys from this forum that are arriving today and within a few days bringing down my care packages .

Please send me a PM because I have no way to contact you until they fix my phone .

11-12-17, 04:19
Hope you are well and fine, amigo. As You went off whapp, just askin´. Abrazo.

11-12-17, 16:24
Hope you are well and fine, amigo. As You went off whapp, just askin. Abrazo.My Phone had to be Reset back to the to Fucktary original nothings!

So I have lost real-time communications but I am working on it!

Thank You Very Much for checking on me my dear old Friend! ( young ).



11-13-17, 00:27
Plus I had to act like a Racist Redneck . It was difficult but I fell into the character eventually.Yeah, that would probably be about as difficult as me acting like a dickhead. If I had a dollar for every time I heard you rant about 'fucking Indians' I would have quite a few more dollars.

11-22-17, 03:01
I have made at least 20 trips to Argentina in the last 7-8 years. I have made at least 75 reports on my trips. Recently I finally got a visa to Brazil. This year 3 trips to Brazil. I miss Buenos Aires and I must admit I didn't follow this site for some time but now im ready to come back to BA but WOW has this site changed. So whats going on? Has our leader deserted us. I am very disappointed with the quality of the reporting. Help me understand WHATS UP.

Jim Bob
11-22-17, 10:26
You probably know the legal environment changed here, and the economic situation. Argentina is far away, relatively expensive, local people have higher expectations, and it is not as open as it once was. Many of the women I meet for pay for play are foreigners. Probably advances in technology are equally to blame. You can find everything under the sun on the internet, women can wait for clients to contact them on social media and meet in their apartment. It's not necessary for them to go to a bar or club in order to meet someone. Maybe the local market for Spanish speaking people on the internet just blows away the foreign tourist market they feel no need to cater to foreigners and it isn't the draw for foreign men that it once was and that is why you see less reporting. On the other hand when I went to Newport I thought it was ok. Argentina is better than many other countries in my opinion, but I wasn't here in the heyday. So I am not seeing it from the perspective of what it might once have been.

I have made at least 20 trips to Argentina in the last 7-8 years. I have made at least 75 reports on my trips. Recently I finally got a visa to Brazil. This year 3 trips to Brazil. I miss Buenos Aires and I must admit I didn't follow this site for some time but now im ready to come back to BA but WOW has this site changed. So whats going on? Has our leader deserted us. I am very disappointed with the quality of the reporting. Help me understand WHATS UP..

11-22-17, 16:28
I have made at least 20 trips to Argentina in the last 7-8 years. I have made at least 75 reports on my trips. Recently I finally got a visa to Brazil. This year 3 trips to Brazil. I miss Buenos Aires and I must admit I didn't follow this site for some time but now im ready to come back to BA but WOW has this site changed. So whats going on? Has our leader deserted us. I am very disappointed with the quality of the reporting. Help me understand WHATS UP.It is not the B's A's that we knew and loved. I fear that those days are gone forever.

11-24-17, 19:37
I have made at least 20 trips to Argentina in the last 7-8 years. I have made at least 75 reports on my trips. Recently I finally got a visa to Brazil. This year 3 trips to Brazil. I miss Buenos Aires and I must admit I didn't follow this site for some time but now im ready to come back to BA but WOW has this site changed. So whats going on? Has our leader deserted us. I am very disappointed with the quality of the reporting. Help me understand WHATS UP.My last trip to BsAr was in January 2016 and it was a blast . When I came back I started hearing from chicas and people from this site that things were changing rapidly. I think cause of the Pope comes from there, the government decided to change the image a little bit. Then I took my first trip to Colombia and gradually started to forget about BaAr. I used to go there at least three times a year. Yeah sometimes I miss the good old days when we use to land at 9, check in the hotel at 11 , and then have the first session at 1. Remember Esmeralda 517 and Cafe Orleans? I have some old friends from New Port who are still enticing me to go back, but I think I’ll stick with Medellin for now. By the way, how was Brazil?

12-21-17, 23:39
No matter what members say about BA being a city thats no longer a MONGERS haven I am hearing so much different from friends that just returned from BA and say its the same as it was 6 years ago. Could it be that some people want to keep this PFP paradise to themselves. I am returning to BA in early 2018 to get to the bottom of this . Stay tuned.

12-22-17, 00:14
No matter what members say about BA being a city thats no longer a MONGERS haven I am hearing so much different from friends that just returned from BA and say its the same as it was 6 years ago. Could it be that some people want to keep this PFP paradise to themselves. I am returning to BA in early 2018 to get to the bottom of this . Stay tuned.It is like night and day................

Don B
12-22-17, 03:09
It is like night and day................Twenty two years ago I would leave my office on San Martin and stop by Café Orleans on the way to my apartment. I would get there about the time the girls who worked days were leaving and the night shift was arriving, quite a lonely parade lots of eights or better. The peso and the dollar were par and everything in Bs As was expensive.

I sure do miss those days.

Don B.

Jim Bob
12-22-17, 08:36
I have only been here two months. But every night I go to Exedra, I see a line up, mostly foreigners, but with at least one girl I wouldn't mind doing (But I prefer to fuck hot Argentine chicas lol). That is not to say that in the hey day that the old-timers here reminisce about things were not better. But if you ask me, what has happened also is that everything has moved online where the market caters more to Spanish speakers. You might say, wouldn't it be better to meet all the chicas in person before fucking to select? Maybe. You could also see all the chicas online when you could not ever see all the chicas in person, and some chicas would tend to be more pushy and get in your face that is all you see sometimes and better ones would be with a customer you wouldn't see them etc. It's just a matter of preference, not better or worse in an absolute sense. As someone who was raised in an analog world, sometimes i feel nostalgic for past times, sometimes I wonder if the virtual world is best, but the virtual world does have incredible benefits and there is no going back now. I have fucked some models, at least one was a porn star, not surprised if one of the others did porn that i do not know of. There is a large spread of girls ranging from 400 pesos to 400 usd in cost and quality. There is no need for high-quality chicas to hold up the wall outside Exedra, the chicas at Exedra are mostly foreigners who live outside Bs As maybe arriving at the combi station under the Obelisk. I would say that BA is a p4p paradise, while at the same time, the market now is more virtual and opaque, and some old-timers miss a bygone era when things were more open and analog with many high quality chicas physically at a cafe where you could window shop at.

No matter what members say about BA being a city thats no longer a MONGERS haven I am hearing so much different from friends that just returned from BA and say its the same as it was 6 years ago. Could it be that some people want to keep this PFP paradise to themselves. I am returning to BA in early 2018 to get to the bottom of this . Stay tuned..

12-22-17, 09:42
I have only been here two months. But every night I go to Exedra, I see a line up, mostly foreigners, but with at least one girl I wouldn't mind doing (But I prefer to fuck hot Argentine chicas lol). That is not to say that in the hey day that the old-timers here reminisce about things were not better. But if you ask me, what has happened also is that everything has moved online where the market caters more to Spanish speakers. You might say, wouldn't it be better to meet all the chicas in person before fucking to select? Maybe. You could also see all the chicas online when you could not ever see all the chicas in person, and some chicas would tend to be more pushy and get in your face that is all you see sometimes and better ones would be with a customer you wouldn't see them etc. It's just a matter of preference, not better or worse in an absolute sense. As someone who was raised in an analog world, sometimes i feel nostalgic for past times, sometimes I wonder if the virtual world is best, but the virtual world does have incredible benefits and there is no going back now. I have fucked some models, at least one was a porn star, not surprised if one of the others did porn that i do not know of. There is a large spread of girls ranging from 400 pesos to 400 usd in cost and quality. There is no need for high-quality chicas to hold up the wall outside Exedra, the chicas at Exedra are mostly foreigners who live outside Bs As maybe arriving at the combi station under the Obelisk. I would say that BA is a p4p paradise, while at the same time, the market now is more virtual and opaque, and some old-timers miss a bygone era when things were more open and analog with many high quality chicas physically at a cafe where you could window shop at.

.It has changed. And in my humble opinion , it now sucks! Before I could go to a boliche and on a weekend night you had your choice of 300 to 400 girls. Drinks were 20p to 100p and the girls were from 120p to 200p a hour WITH ROOM! So yes, things have changed. Now they want 100 to 200 U$D plus taxi , plus hotel, plus tip...... Need one say more?

Jim Bob
12-22-17, 10:49
I wasn't here for the club scene, so I can't compare my current experiences with it lol. Maybe you can't find a club with 400 chicas who will fuck onsite for 120p (whatever that is in today's currency) But to say that Argentina isn't the monger paradise it once was is not to say that Argentina today is a monger's wasteland now. There are many, many options, on the low end under 400 pesos/$25 US (if we convert as pesos fluctuate) potentially free if one wants to get in to the weeds on Craigslist, Tinder, Facebook, etc. Yeah if you want model-like beauty you probable need to pay more now than you once did. But you do have a choice for very low cost if you accept lower quality. On the internet, you can look at a million ho's all shapes and sizes and prices. I think Argentina must be one of the best countries where you can find a somewhat first world lifestyle with somewhat third world chica prices.

It has changed. And in my humble opinion , it now sucks! Before I could go to a boliche and on a weekend night you had your choice of 300 to 400 girls. Drinks were 20p to 100p and the girls were from 120p to 200p a hour WITH ROOM! So yes, things have changed. Now they want 100 to 200 U$D plus taxi , plus hotel, plus tip...... Need one say more?.

Jim Bob
12-22-17, 11:36
I am thinking about this a little more. I think about back home how massage parlors change. I always liked driving to a massage parlor on a whim. Just suddenly feel like going to get a hj. Or I get there see the line up and I feel like getting fs instead. But damn cops close the places. Then I have to go online. Make an appointment. But for me I liked the way I could just drive by and stop in. I really dislike calling ahead to make an appointment. Even though many times I pay less with online places than the typical Asian massage parlor, and I might have more options. Deciding on a whim, when passing by, without calling ahead, was part of the fun for me. So certainly the scene changes over time, as damn lawmakers close the old places, and new places sprout up on the internet. I suppose though the younger generation may never know the fun of cruising around looking for fun not knowing what will happen lol they just arrange it all in their smart phones

01-10-18, 02:37
Has anyone heard from TL lately? Ill be in BA this weekend and would like to meet up with him again but haven't been able to reach him on his phone or PM. Hope he's okay...?

01-10-18, 06:11
Has anyone heard from TL lately? Ill be in BA this weekend and would like to meet up with him again but haven't been able to reach him on his phone or PM. Hope he's okay...?Try his e mail. He has been having phone problems.

Tejano Libre
08-23-21, 22:45
Tejano Libre's "New Order.".

It's about time not only for the Boys who live in BA but for when The World Reopens.

I would sincerely appreciate everyone's input please.

A few of the girls will be very familiar and well known and I'm hoping to eventually be able to recruit and embrace to Our Little Gang about 25 to 30 new willing , anal and open mined , multi-input Independent Ladies of Our Negotiable Affections.

If I can create a Member's and Lurker's Poll at the end of this post I will do so with the most anticipation and expectations on my part.

Thank You Kindly!

Stay Healthy.


It appears that I'm unable to create a Poll so maybe the Boss can Please create a poll for us.

Tejano Libre
08-25-21, 03:43
Some of these "Friends" of ours are very wellknown and highly memorable Assistants to many of us for Various and interesting reasons throughout our many visits to this absolutely Custom Made hunter's Paradise!

I for one consider BA a tailored made retreat for someone like Myself who is slowly beginning to run out of safe havens to use as TL sees fit!

But I digress . This New Order of Our Ladies of Negotiable Affections may take a little bit of time but I have no doubts in my Depraved mind that it will be fullfilled!

More To Come Boys!

Be Well,


Tejano Libre
08-25-21, 19:34
Andi is available for your Special Requests.

Sabrina is available.

Tamara and her young friend is available.


The Beast is Still more than mere Mortals can handle!


Lucy Darling!

Of Course we are fortunate to visit with Jesy!

More To Come Soon!

Be Well,


08-29-21, 01:53
So far a bit thin on the how, what, where, whens of it all....

Andi is available for your Special Requests.

Sabrina is available.

Tamara and her young friend is available.


The Beast is Still more than mere Mortals can handle!


Lucy Darling!

Of Course we are fortunate to visit with Jesy!

More To Come Soon!

Be Well,


Hot Dog
08-29-21, 15:29
Maybe TL can advise. As someone that is still mourning the loss of the magic triangle clubs let alone Help in Rio; am I to assume that all life is now online? On that front I see that top dollar and by that I mean top real US dollar at argentinaxp has climbed inexorably past us$100 to $300 per hour in the last 12 months.

Do I take it that the severe pressure on and lack of supply has led to this? Or maybe the extreme wealth of BA citizens? I can only hope that at this price a) she will actually turn up at the appointed hour and b) it won’t be a switcheroo and c) that taxi will be included. On the plus side she may not be racked out in silicone. My god but there are some surgeons in BA that have a lot to answer for. By and large very shoddy workmanship.

Tejano Libre
09-04-21, 08:22
So far a bit thin on the how, what, where, whens of it all....Sabrina - +54 911 6444 - 4736.

Natalie - 116 814 7501.

Pictures and additional ''Assistants'' to follow shortly!

Just mention my name and they will feel a lot more comfortable immediately!

Those are Whatsapp numbers.

Be Well,


Tejano Libre
09-14-21, 05:53
A few days ago after a (5) day Non-Stop 3-way with a couple of Paraguayan Jungle Princesses and a few "Party Favors" I suddenly realized that I had to rush to the absolute nearest emergency room because my favorite appendage was so swollen and excruciatingly painful that when I was finally able to relieve myself the stream looked like a fountain at Versailles!

I couldn't even pull my "Turtle-Neck" back over the head! I felt like Elvis Presley! Holy Shit Batman! Then I glanced at Mr. Happy and my initial thought was Gangrene.

And It felt like I had (3) nads instead of my regular (2) big swinging trouble makers. SHIT! I hate hospitals. Hospitals are for sick people. I immediately grabbed an Icepack and followed that with a heating pad to no avail.

I couldn't even walk or sleep or put my pants on. I didn't mind the sight of a Porn Star's resume' pic though. But How Ironic and I must admit how apropo for my favorite appendage and frankly ; I have become quite attached to it throughout the years of abuse. And I most definitely deserve to have it Amputated for having put it in so many places that I shouldn't have throughout my life.

But the "Chica'' Goddess has always been berry , berry good to me and this morning I'm not pissing like a French water fountain , the Frankenpecker swelling has subsided considerably , the color is not even the tiniest shade of Gangrene and I spoke to my best American friend who happens to be a doctor and he gave me his advice.

But as I wondered what it would be like living without a trouble making , money wasting , horrendous decision making , greedy S.O.B. For the rest of my life I never really panicked !

And that my good Brothers is the biggest UNDERSTATEMENT in history!

Be Well !

TL doesn't always know what's best!

P.S. - Would any of you care to audition these Friends of Ours in question?

09-14-21, 13:55
Sabrina - +54 911 6444 - 4736.

Natalie - 116 814 7501.

Pictures and additional ''Assistants'' to follow shortly!

Just mention my name and they will feel a lot more comfortable immediately!

Those are Whatsapp numbers.

Be Well,

TL.Very good, a beginning then. Get a move on little doggie with the aforementioned Pics and more. Cheers.

09-14-21, 13:59
A friend learnt me this little acronym lately.....TMI which stands for Too Much Information. Take it as a sign T L as you navigate ahead and reprise us with other welcome wonders of our Paradise here on Arg.


A few days ago after a (5) day Non-Stop 3-way with a couple of Paraguayan Jungle Princesses and a few "Party Favors" I suddenly realized that I had to rush to the absolute nearest emergency room because my favorite appendage was so swollen and excruciatingly painful that when I was finally able to relieve myself the stream looked like a fountain at Versailles!

I couldn't even pull my "Turtle-Neck" back over the head! I felt like Elvis Presley! Holy Shit Batman! Then I glanced at Mr. Happy and my initial thought was Gangrene.

And It felt like I had (3) nads instead of my regular (2) big swinging trouble makers. SHIT! I hate hospitals. Hospitals are for sick people. I immediately grabbed an Icepack and followed that with a heating pad to no avail.

I couldn't even walk or sleep or put my pants on. I didn't mind the sight of a Porn Star's resume' pic though. But How Ironic and I must admit how apropo for my favorite appendage and frankly ; I have become quite attached to it throughout the years of abuse. And I most definitely deserve to have it Amputated for having put it in so many places that I shouldn't have throughout my life.

But the "Chica'' Goddess has always been berry , berry good to me and this morning I'm not pissing like a French water fountain , the Frankenpecker swelling has subsided considerably , the color is not even the tiniest shade of Gangrene and I spoke to my best American friend who happens to be a doctor and he gave me his advice.

But as I wondered what it would be like living without a trouble making , money wasting , horrendous decision making , greedy S.O.B. For the rest of my life I never really panicked !

And that my good Brothers is the biggest UNDERSTATEMENT in history!

Be Well !

TL doesn't always know what's best!

P.S. - Would any of you care to audition these Friends of Ours in question?

Tejano Libre
10-29-21, 12:45
A friend learnt me this little acronym lately.....TMI which stands for Too Much Information. Take it as a sign T L as you navigate ahead and reprise us with other welcome wonders of our Paradise here on Arg.

Bacchus9.I sincerely appreciate and I agree almost 100% with your "recommendation" Pal but we can all use an occasional laugh these days!

Now , if we could just completely Remove and Delete the thread that concerns "Politics" then we can just talk about the main Theme(s)

that this wonderful and informative site was originally created for;

"Pussy Hunting and Gathering in Argentina!".

Be Well,

Tejano Libre Lives Again!

Tejano Libre
11-01-21, 17:35
Maybe TL can advise. As someone that is still mourning the loss of the magic triangle clubs let alone Help in Rio; am I to assume that all life is now online? On that front I see that top dollar and by that I mean top real US dollar at argentinaxp has climbed inexorably past us$100 to $300 per hour in the last 12 months.

Do I take it that the severe pressure on and lack of supply has led to this? Or maybe the extreme wealth of BA citizens? I can only hope that at this price a) she will actually turn up at the appointed hour and b) it wont be a switcheroo and c) that taxi will be included. On the plus side she may not be racked out in silicone. My god but there are some surgeons in BA that have a lot to answer for. By and large very shoddy workmanship.Howdy Pal!

How are you today? Great I certainly hope so!

A very well known and ( Bent over Friend of Ours ) just recently said that $100.00 to $125.00 from the reputable Chicas is acceptable these days. Just need to ask !

Be Healthy but have Fun!

Tejano Libre.

Tejano Libre
11-16-21, 19:56
Howdy Amigos!

How is everyone feeling these days?

Great I sincerely hope so!

Anybody Coming Down in the near Future ? Please!

I am very willing to completely "Delete" all of my "Adult Activities Consulting and Organizational Fees " if some lucky Friend of Ours is willing to just bring my new and very first in my life :

Prescription Eyeglass Frames to me from the USA! They have been waiting in Houston for 2 years now! Unfortunately due to my severe case of kindness I am having the lenses made or installed ( read imported! ).

The frames are Titanium , frameless Tag-Heuer , French made but German designed discontinued but very desirable items! Retail was about $699.00 but the would be about 2K green here!

The lenses are:

Scratch Proof and Unbreakable in H.D , 20-20 , 3 Distance viewing without lines! Fighter Pilot Face Shield shit! Probably $25.00 Bucks at Walmart USA and ( today only : 60K Pesos here! ).

Shit! So much for being a nice guy! But I only paid $96.00 ON E-Fuck USA Brand new so it's almost ok!

I will probably want to quickly change my girlfriends! Seeing like I'm 18 Again! Probably take 10 years off of my face too!

So , please send me a message if you have any interest but please allow enough time to ship them to your desired shipping address before your departure !

And I will immediately begin sending you Whatsapp Contacts well before you depart so you can flirt with the girls for Gratis , feel them out , ask for pixs and prices , introduce yourself to lower their anxiety levels and:

Set Up Your Batting Order well before you leave!

Sincerely ,

The Only Tejano Libre has Returned !

Tejano Libre
11-22-21, 15:39
How is everyone feeling today?

Fabulously I sincerely hope so!

Please check your PM's if you have recently sent me a message!

Many Thanks to All!

Be Safe!


Tejano Libre
11-24-21, 03:09
We are back in business Boys!

Full - ON ''Adult Sexual Activities Consultations , Extremely Private and Secure Lodging Recommendations and of course the most Honest Girls that some of us are or have been Lucky enough to Bend Over!".

Honesty , Privacy and Security , things that occasional our ''Smaller" brains completely forget about in the heat of the moment ! ( a really bad idea ! Specially down here in beautiful crime free BA! ).

My word is "Gold!" If any single Chica ever does anything wrong to anyone who reads this site ( 600,000 plus! ) her name and her life working with any Foreigners is fucking done!

Over 3,600 POSTS and not a single complaint about ''Our Ladies of Negotiable Affections!".

Privacy and Security : Who likes to have a fucking doorman or Hotel Monkey know everything and everyone that comes and hopefully comes? Killer and unique and ultra private ( no employees , no doormen , et cetera ! ) Affordable and walking distance from a few hidden Jewels!

Do you only want ''Trophy'' types or do you prefer to discover the ''Underbelly" of BA ? Not a problem!

I have been extremely , shit , beyond Busy with my ''Edged Weapons and Antique Armor" business due to the PLAGUE but I surely miss my true callings!

Please feel free to contact me at anytime for any reason! Believe me when I say that I have Heard and Done and Seen it all!

You absolutely can't Faze The Only and The Original Tejano Libre!

Be Well!


Tejano Libre.