View Full Version : Cuidad de la Paz @502

11-04-12, 02:57
Cuidad_de_la_Paz @502, there aren't any floors so just ring the only doorbell they have and they buzz you in. Walked into a pretty big place. I called an hour earlier at 8pm to check the rate which was same as the site and to see who's available. The madam spoke ingles, so I was able to get the info I wanted.

Wanted to go with Melisa, b/c so looks hot in the pictures, but when I got there (1 hour later) she was probably taken. Well I actually went to the bathroom to take a piss after they showed me the room, so I'm not sure if she might have came in, didn't see me and left. When I returned to the room (5 feet away from the BR) girls were walking in and out already, so might have missed Melisa. Nonetheless it was my first time experience in BA (2nd time overall) , so a newbie talking here.

Here are two different pages of her. http://www.hotbelgrano.com.ar/shop/otraspaginas.asp?paginanp=158&t=Escort-VIP-YESI.htm


Before I go into the ratings, I just want to take the time right now and give a shout out to TejanoLibre! Thank you for preping me and giving me some advice before hand! Although I probably forgot everything he told me by the time I got there, it was still pretty helpful. Any newbies out there who needs a helping hand, reach out to TL. Remember to arrange a time with him in advance, b/c he's pretty busy (forgetful) and will sometimes forget to call / text you back for the night out. Nonetheless he's a great guy and has extensive experience. Although I know TL doesn't recommend PV (since he has a list of his own), most of the girls recommended are considerably older than me given that most of you guys are older. Let me know if there are any younger girls early-mid 20's.

Ratings for Y. E. S. I. C. A. (This is slightly inflated for a 1stimer)

Dept. : 9pm, bathroom in between 2 big rooms.

Neighborhood: Belgrano.

Age apparent: Site says 22 (I'd say give or take)

Face: 7 (average looking)

Tits: 8 (All natural just the way I like it)

Cola: Didn't ask, wasn't interested.

Body: 8 (This was something new for me, so I enjoyed it).

Kisses: N / A (No DFK or tongue, just a brief lip to lip)

PT (BJ I assume) : BBBJ, not sure about CIM (Though lady at door said completo, so I'm pretty sure this applies to all the other girls in the house)

Garaching (position?) : 7, She was okay.

Attitude: 8 (Pretty good)

Onda / Feel: N / A (She didn't understand ingles, I no espanol; didn't quite work out).

Repeat: Different girl perhaps.

Rate: $ 350 per hour ($250 / half hour) ; current rate is $1USD to $6. 15Peso thus it was about $57USD.

Recommendation: 1st time mongering in BA, so don't have a bench mark.

Advice: Some of you guys pointed this out earlier, but I forgot. When screening chicks as they walk in and out, go with the one with the best attitude, not nicest body or youngest or w / e. You'll most likely have the most fun with the one with best attitude.

PV: Cuidad. De la Paz 502.

Hours: 24/7.

Number: 4554-4818/4554-9978.

This rating is highly subjective because it depends on what type of scale you're using, local, regional, national, cross-country / internationally, or world wide / global. If you want great service and quality, other countries that I have been to have more to offer for a similar price. I don't know what's the best experience out there in BA, maybe some of you guys can show me perhaps (would love to hang out)? Today it was purely to break into the game and get my first experience in BA as I mentioned before. Wasn't bad, but there's always room for improvement.

By the way what does PT stand for? And what does Garching mean? Couldn't locate any FAQ section at foros.

Hope this review helps future mongers!

P.S. to whoever is responsible for the coding, whenever I come back to add stuff sometimes the "b/c" changes to "be see", there might be a bug?

11-04-12, 03:15
Very nice report. PT does mean blow job and here is why. A chupete is a baby's pacifier, and a chupetín is a lollipop. So un 'pete' is a blow job. If you want to ask for BBBJ you can say '¿Péteme sin?' Garching is fucking and that is Argie slang but I don't know the etymology. I am sure Aqualung does. Your math appears off as 350 pesos @ 6,15 would be 57 dollars and not 67. Probably a typo. 'Completo' in Argentina normally refers to butt fucking and not CIM. I commend you, and I yearn for the austral winter of 2003 when I got garching for 6 dollars (half an hour) without having to leave the building I lived in. But that was then and this is now.

11-04-12, 14:35
Garching is fucking and that is Argie slang but I don't know the etymology. I am sure Aqualung does.For the Gauchos (Argentine Cowboys) the Garcha is the horse phallus.

Some country women say each other "que buena garcha que tiene" (what a good penis he has).

For extension, the act of using it become garchar as a verb, and, to make things more complicated they mixed Espanol and English resulting the verb as "garching" similar to "fucking".

I know it's weird and that's the version I have but may be there are other etymologies as well.

11-04-12, 14:59
Good informative report! Nice to see someone had a good experience in belgrano, not too often you read about one jejeje

11-04-12, 18:34
"Cola": Searched the abbreviations tab, searched the entire site and used google, but could not figure out what it is. Can someone clarify please?

Also, I too thought completo was CIM too. What is the equivalent (of CIM) in Spanish please?

Very nice report. PT does mean blow job and here is why. A chupete is a baby's pacifier, and a chupetíand is a lollipop. So un 'pete' is a blow job. If you want to ask for BBBJ you can say '¿Péteme sin? ' Garching is fucking and that is Argie slang but I don't know the etymology. I am sure Aqualung does. Your math appears off as 350 pesos@6, 15 would be 57 dollars and not 67. Probably a typo. 'Completo' in Argentina normally refers to butt fucking and not CIM. I commend you, and I yearn for the austral winter of 2003 when I got garching for 6 dollars (half an hour) without having to leave the building I lived in. But that was then and this is now.

11-04-12, 19:03
Cola literally means tail and is a word for ass or butt that you can use in polite company. It also means the line at the grocery store or in front of the ATM. So if an ad says cola she is offering anal sex. Completo is NOT CIM. CIM would be 'acabar en la boca. ' Quiero acabar en tu boca = I want to come in your mouth. Sometimes this service is described as 'bucal hasta el fin' or, oral to the finish. '¿Bucal hasta el fin puede ser?' would be how I would inquire as to the availability of this service. Or don't say anything at all, fire when ready, and laugh like hell as you apologize. That works too.

11-06-12, 19:49
Appreciate the explanations.

Cola literally means tail and is a word for ass or butt that you can use in polite company. It also means the line at the grocery store or in front of the ATM. So if an ad says cola she is offering anal sex. Completo is NOT CIM. CIM would be 'acabar en la boca. ' Quiero acabar en tu boca = I want to come in your mouth. Sometimes this service is described as 'bucal hasta el fin' or, oral to the finish. '¿Bucal hasta el fin puede ser?' would be how I would inquire as to the availability of this service. Or don't say anything at all, fire when ready, and laugh like hell as you apologize. That works too.

Wild Walleye
11-07-12, 01:00
"Cola": Searched the abbreviations tab, searched the entire site and used google, but could not figure out what it is. Can someone clarify please?

Also, I too thought completo was CIM too. What is the equivalent (of CIM) in Spanish please?Cola is more polite than culo (I think) but they both refer to the starfish. When in the throws of passion, a simple "Cola?" is plenty enough Spanish to find out whether or not she offers entry, back there.

Similarly, for CIM there are a couple of avenues you can take (in addition to grunting as you let fly) : "Acabo" and "Termino" translate (essentially) to "I cum" and "I finish." Put either of those together with "en su boca" ("in your mouth') and you'll get the point across. I haven't met a chica yet who doesn't understand my limited Spanish.

11-07-12, 01:53
'Voy a echar un polvo' is another way to advise of the coming of the blessed event. Culo is ass HOLE and is not suitable for polite company. 'Orto' is another word that can be used for anus: 'Para evitar el aborto, coger por el orto' is a popular Argie nursery rhyme. One would not use 'su' with a hooker. One would use 'tu.' 'Su' is equivalent to 'usted.'

11-07-12, 02:31
(going a bit off the original purpose of this thread, hope that is okay).

''Orto' is another word that can be used for anus: 'Para evitar el aborto, coger por el orto' is a popular Argie nursery rhyme. 'DH: you don't use rubber when not doing orto? It always feels better without it, but in terms of sanitation wouldn't that be dirty and worse if they have anything you could catch it.

Also what happens if she is on all 4's and you take off the rubber and insert it into her w / o asking for permission? I would assume she would raise hell & if she is part of a PV then the Madam would demand for more money?

Want to hear some thoughts on this topic.

11-07-12, 02:59
What the heck gave you that idea? I don't even like anal. I have done it with a few chicas but never in a privado. You must have misunderstood me.

11-07-12, 03:12
What the heck gave you that idea? I don't even like anal. I have done it with a few chicas but never in a privado. You must have misunderstood me.I must have phrased it in a bad way. I was trying to ask about vaginal sex and I meant inserting w / o rubber into her (not anal). How is this viewed upon in terms of hygiene, safety, STI / D etc. I'm sure w / o permission would make it a problem if she is not okay with it, but how big of a problem? Would she end it right there or raise hell to some extent? Anyone experienced this before.

Are women down here usually (on the pill)?

Hope this clarifies my question.

11-07-12, 03:20
So you mean YOU want to do that. You are on your own there.

Daddy Rulz
11-07-12, 03:27
Also what happens if she is on all 4's and you take off the rubber and insert it into her w / o asking for permission? I would assume she would raise hell & if she is part of a PV then the Madam would demand for more money?

Want to hear some thoughts on this topic.Because I'm fairly certain you're asking about having uninformed, non-consensual, unprotected sex with a privado girl. I guess it would be ok if your will is up to date. I'm not talking about dying from disease either. Except for that asshole that was hiding a camera filming girls without their consent then posting stills showing their faces this has to be one of the worst ideas I've ever read on the board.

11-07-12, 03:35

There's a lot of stuff on this board that is mild to vehement argument over opinions but overall is just that. No real right or wrong, but I'm hoping that in this case my opinion is shared by the many rather than the few. You've crossed over into that special territory of crazy that doesn't belong here.

Not my board, not playing board cop, really up to Jackson, by just my opinion for now. You seem to be basically asking what will happen, how much trouble you'll be in, if you do some sort of unwilling sexual penetration without condom to a female who had consented to only covered sex but is taken without permission bareback, with the explicit example of "Also what happens if she is on all 4's and you take off the rubber and insert it into her w / o asking for permission?"

We're all anon here for most part but it's not like impossible to hide. And I don't want to be anywhere near or associated in any way with the possibly mistaken belief that this board is where a bunch of want to-be rapists hang out asking how, what, and type of issues that will arise if they rape someone.

If you don't see bareback penetration when "you take off the rubber and insert it into her w / o asking for permission" as an act of rape, you are one sick puppy and again, in my opinion, should be booted off the board before the rest of us are contaminated by association.

My. 02 cents

11-07-12, 04:19

There's a lot of stuff on this board that is mild to vehement argument over opinions but overall is just that. No real right or wrong, but I'm hoping that in this case my opinion is shared by the many rather than the few. You've crossed over into that special territory of crazy that doesn't belong here.

Not my board, not playing board cop, really up to Jackson, by just my opinion for now. You seem to be basically asking what will happen, how much trouble you'll be in, if you do some sort of unwilling sexual penetration without condom to a female who had consented to only covered sex but is taken without permission bareback, with the explicit example of "Also what happens if she is on all 4's and you take off the rubber and insert it into her w / o asking for permission?"

We're all anon here for most part but it's not like impossible to hide. And I don't want to be anywhere near or associated in any way with the possibly mistaken belief that this board is where a bunch of want to-be rapists hang out asking how, what, and type of issues that will arise if they rape someone.

If you don't see bareback penetration when "you take off the rubber and insert it into her w / o asking for permission" as an act of rape, you are one sick puppy and again, in my opinion, should be booted off the board before the rest of us are contaminated by association.

My. 02 centsI never intended to come across as a person you described and it was a little bit extreme and over exaggerated (the way you described). The only reason why I asked is because after seeing what DH told me (please see the following)...

Or don't say anything at all, fire when ready, and laugh like hell as you apologize. That works too.... this thought came into my head and I was curious to know what have you guys done before. I respect these women and would never do it myself for obvious reasons. You can tell if I would have done it, I wouldn't be asking all these questions. What DH told me in the quote above made me think about how a lot of men out there do a lot of things w / o permission and simply think it is okay by apologizing afterwards which I don't think is correct. Jackson may remove this since it is going way off topic, but nonetheless thank you to the ones who have taught me and AdventureSeeke how to ask for certain services / questions .

So you mean YOU want to do that. You are on your own there.

So quick to judge though I understand if it gave you the wrong idea.

11-07-12, 12:50
It happened to me, and it was accidental. Girl from Hook's. Arranged a good deal and I waited a few mins, and she was there, dressed like a normal girl, so we walk together to a kiosk for condoms, the only brand the kiosk guy had at that time was a white box with a flower "tulipans".

40 mins later she was riding on top, and she did it very well. Condom ripped and I was like "shit" but she wanted to keep fucking. As quick as possible I was in the shower and I've been at least 2 weeks later in a chica break until they gave me some examinations results, and it was all right.

I'm not religious but desperation makes you pray for hope.

Daddy Rulz
11-07-12, 13:48
It happened to me, and it was accidental.The most important word here is accidental, well that and everything was all right after two weeks.

11-07-12, 14:05
My point here is, unless you want to die, having accidental unprotected sex with a working girl is not fun.

There are some skin condoms, lubricated, and as for sensitive sensations works great. No need to fuck without rubber. And if you want to die, better is using other suicide resources. I wanted to live and keep myself healthy. My 2 cents.

11-07-12, 14:13
Skin condoms, as opposed to latex condoms, are less effective in preventing disease. I must have misunderstood something on this thread. I was talking about coming in some woman's mouth. If she is sucking your dick without a rubber, that should be the eventual and predictable result. Then it turned into anal rape, or bareback anal, or else I misunderstood. Bareback anal is orders of magnitude more dangerous than CIM, for either party. That is the one line I never crossed in BA. All the other lines began to look like dots after a while.

So if I misunderstood something, which I think I must have, I apologize.

Daddy Rulz
11-07-12, 14:15
Skin condoms, as opposed to latex condoms, are less effective in preventing disease. I must have misunderstood something on this thread. I was talking about coming in some woman's mouth. If she is sucking your dick without a rubber, that should be the eventual and predictable result. Then it turned into anal rape, or bareback anal, or else I misunderstood. Bareback anal is orders of magnitude more dangerous than CIM, for either party. That is the one line I never crossed in BA. All the other lines began to look like dots after a while.

So if I misunderstood something, which I think I must have, I apologize.UH not so much, except it was vag not anal that he was talking about raping. Which he has now backed off on due the immediate smackdown from several members myself included. Yeah for us!

11-07-12, 16:12
UH not so much, except it was vag not anal that he was talking about raping. Which he has now backed off on due the immediate smackdown from several members myself included. Yeah for us!Don't want to get defensive or be a party pooper and stop you from celebrating your "win", but I just want to say that I never brought up anything about "raping", and please excuse me if it came across as that way. Nor am I backing down or have backed off from any smackdown, because there is nothing to back off from. Clarification was and is what was needed for the mis-communication on my part. When I re-read my original post, I can see how others might have interpreted it.

Skin condoms, as opposed to latex condoms, are less effective in preventing disease. I must have misunderstood something on this thread. I was talking about coming in some woman's mouth. If she is sucking your dick without a rubber, that should be the eventual and predictable result. Then it turned into anal rape, or bareback anal, or else I misunderstood. Bareback anal is orders of magnitude more dangerous than CIM, for either party. That is the one line I never crossed in BA. All the other lines began to look like dots after a while.

So if I misunderstood something, which I think I must have, I apologize.Thanks for understanding. Sometimes a misuse of words, wrongly phrased ideas / thoughts leads to a completely different take on the issue, the deviation of the mind and quick judgements. We're all here for similar reasons, to share our thoughts, opinions and advice (well that's at least for me) and not in any way am I trying to do anything demeaning to women who offer their services or offend anyone. Wouldn't want to start a flame war on a forum either!

However one thing I would like to know is the following. In terms of skin to skin contact (how STI / STD's are transmitted) how is BBBJ & CIM not as dangerous as bareback anal or vaginal sex? I mean if you look at it this way, they are both bareback skin to skin contact. How about DATY? Same concept. Obviously there is risk to any action one decides to take, but why is BBBJ & CIM more prevalent, more acceptable and have / has the "OK" factor compared to unprotected sex? Would appreciate some thoughts and feedback from you guys.


11-07-12, 16:34
As far as the relative risks of anal vs. Vaginal vs. Oral and how it decreases in that order, just do some research. For one thing the anus tears quite easily, the vagina somewhat easily, and the mouth less easily. Start with that basic concept.

11-07-12, 17:34
As far as the relative risks of anal vs. Vaginal vs. Oral and how it decreases in that order, just do some research. For one thing the anus tears quite easily, the vagina somewhat easily, and the mouth less easily. Start with that basic concept.Makes sense, got it. Thanks!

Daddy Rulz
11-07-12, 17:56
The idea you put forth was so unbelievably bad that I couldn't help myself. I won't say I over reacted because I don't think I did. I will agree to give it a rest since it seems you may have changed your mind. I hate keyboard warriors and I kind of acted like one.