View Full Version : Aguilar 2416, off Cabildo 1100, At your own risk.

12-01-12, 07:36
Another late night excursion. Was going to go to bed, but it turned out bad so I had to spread the word. First off, f*ck this place!

Although I will never return to this place because I don't want to deal with that madame again, out of my professionalism I have decided to include a table:


Dept. : 4:10am, it's a small place compared to Cuidad de la Paz that I went to last time, there were a few rooms in one short hallway. The better room I was in had ac and a tv, but in terms of size wasn't as big as the very first room (near the entrance) at Cuidad de la Paz.

Neighborhood: Belgrano / Palermo.

Age apparent: She says 25-26 (give or take)

Face: 6 (not spectacular)

Tits: 7 (natural similar to Yesica)

Cola: Didn't ask because she was so unwilling to perform (the vibe was sensable.

Body: 6 When she had her clothes on, I like how she was tall 5' 8' with heals, but clothes off, she has a belly.

Kisses: N / A (No DFK or tongue, just a brief lip to lip) What's up with this? Afraid she'll get herpes from a DFK? I mean if I'm not afraid I'll get it from you what the hell are you afraid of.

Massage: I laid on my belly, she placed a pillow on my butt and sat on top of it. She only massaged my back, very little arms, and no lower body massage. After like 10-15minutes, I flipped over and PT began.

PT: 5 CON / with condom. It wasn't a fantastic BJ, just a BJ a girl would do when she has to. I asked her with she can peteme sin (without) , but she gave me an look and was "No" (her express was like,"No" as in no deal and she didn't look to happy that I brought up that question).

Garaching (position?) : 6, only did like 3 positions, guess it was okay, but I didn't get to FCKING finish!

Attitude: 6, minimal effort, I can see it right through her that she doesn't enjoy her job and probably is only doing it for the $. She smiled and laughed shortly here and there while the massage and moaned a bit during sex but that was it. Average.

Onda / Feel: 5 Although she didn't understand ingles, I spoke some espanol, but she didn't really put in effort.

Repeat: FCUK NO! But yes, probably for a quickie $150 ($24USD) for 15minutes.

Rate: $250 per hour (more like for 40minutes) , $200 / half hour; current rate is $1USD to $6. 25Peso; extra 10 pesos for 2 condoms thus it was about $41. 6 USD. This is equivalent to taking a girl out to watch IMAX back in the US.

Recommendation: 2nd time mongering in BA, bench mark (1st time). This 2nd time was worse than the first time. I DID NOT EVEN GET TO FINISH! I held it in twice because I knew I had more time and before the madame knocked I was even about to go check my phone to see how much time I have left. I know I have at least 10minutes left even if I kept track of time wrongly. If you like it quick and cheap, this is the place to hit up, but don't expect much. I shouldn't have expected much for the price I was paying anyway, but the reason why I did is because I copied and pasted the number (4784-3699) into Google and saw a few chicas and the services they were up for, so this got me. Yes I know it's in the middle of the night, so what service is service.

Advice: Some of you guys pointed this out earlier, but I realize this is hard. When screening chicks as they walk in and out, go with the one with the best attitude, not nicest body or youngest or w / e. You'll most likely have the most fun with the one with best attitude. So the two chicas both walked in with a smile. I remembered the first (mickey) one asked me for my name. I should have went with her, probably better results.

PV: Aguilar 2416, off Cabildo 1100.

Hours: 24/7.

Number: 4784-3699.

My story:

I'm pissed and here's why. I called before I came here. Madame quoted me $250pesos for an hour, $200 for 30minutes, and $150 for 15minutes. Okay, then on the phone I ask her who's there, and she gave me 4-5 names of the girls present. From my research online, I usually just copy and paste the number 4784-3699 into Google search and find the matching names. Then I ask her with services they provide "Que haces" (I know it's in the tu / vos form) , but got my message through and she said "servico convencionals". Just the basics. Alright, so I'm like, $250pesos for an hour with Nycoll (this was one of the names she mentioned) good deal.

Here's her link: http://www.noviecitas.com/index2.php?o=DE&id=106

If you see the link, you can also see the services she provides under servicos and under masajes. So I took the cab there and decided to get myself a massage + the services she has (In my mind I also knew that she may only provide the servico convencionals meaning just sex and nothing more).

I get let in around 4:10-4:15am something like that. Then shown to the room. I was then presented with 2 girls Nycoll and micky (couldn't hear her name properly). The Nycoll looks nothing like the one on the link and she isn't the same person. I wanted to leave because the chica quality was not good (5-6) for both I'd say, but I thought whatever I'm here might as since damage is only $250pesos PER HOUR! So I still ask for Nycoll (or nicole however you want to spell it since it's a different person anyway). I pay the madame at 4:28-4:30am. I know because I looked at my phone after I pay her, so now I know I'm ending at 5:30am. After like 5 minutes waiting in the initial room I was shown the 2 chicas the madame the madame came back in and moved me into another room. Okay, so I go. This room is bigger, has a TV and ac. I'm like wow, good service. I wait a minute or two and Nicole comes in. By now it's around 4:35am. Okay it goes on, I get a massage first then move onto the next stage.

Here's is where the PROBLEM begins. Madame knocks at 5:05am and Nicole was like "terminoo". I'm like "que". WTF! I knew that was like 30minutes. I told Nicole I paid the madame at 4:30am, and she was like whatever. Nicole got dressed faster than anything and she gave me a quick kiss goodbye and left before I even had my pants on. Didn't even walk me out or anything, she went straight to the bathroom to clean herself up. Okay so when I walked out of the room, I looked at my phone. 5:08am, I decide to bring the issue to the madame, but here's what she told me."Entro a las 4:10am" I entered at 4:10am. But I persisted on telling her that I paid her at 4:30am (after I saw the chicas and picked nicole). What the hell, I told her "Es solo cuarenta minutos!" But she kept saying I entered at 4:10am. At MOST it was 40minutes in the "new room" she brought me into. Now I'm thinking, the reason why she told me to wait a little while after showing me the 2 chicas for supposedly more chicas was to delay / kill time. And also bring me to the "new room" was to kill time! I smiled said "bien" and some big dude (the same one who opened the door for me and walked me in) walked me out. I smiled and said "ciao". I was so mad after I left I was thinking about going down a few blocks to Cuidad and paying $250pesos to finish. But ended up going home since it was getting late.

Guys, do they go by:

1) the time you enter the PV? Or.

2) by the time when you paid the madame, or even.

3) by the time when the chica finally enters your room and closes the door to begin?

Also do you guys usually hold it in until time is almost up say 10minutes left? Reason being to get your money's worth.

By the way, how do you guys say "Okay" in spanish? I hear people saying "dale" but wordreference has another meaning (to give).

Member #3320
12-01-12, 12:39
You never get full 60 minutes in any privado in BA. Simple as that. If you are lucky you get 45 minutes but you still pay for 60.

If you like privado scene and like yr full 60 minutes to the dot, go to Asuncion. 100's of privados and almost all give full 60 minutes.

Their is no benchmark, how 60's are counted. Usually after you have paid the monet, the chica takes another 10 minutes to enter the room. Trying to behave as if she is preparing herself for you. But its not true. She is just trying to eat up the time.

Daddy Rulz
12-01-12, 12:52
You never get full 60 minutes in any privado in BA. Simple as that. If you are lucky you get 45 minutes but you still pay for 60.

If you like privado scene and like yr full 60 minutes to the dot, go to Asuncion. 100's of privados and almost all give full 60 minutes.

Their is no benchmark, how 60's are counted. Usually after you have paid the monet, the chica takes another 10 minutes to enter the room. Trying to behave as if she is preparing herself for you. But its not true. She is just trying to eat up the time.I start my timer when the girl comes into the room. I think for most pv's it's ok that they expect you to be ready to walk out the door at 60 min. That means whatever cleanup and dressing time you need at the end of the session is on your dime and I think that's fair because I haven't paid for 65 or 70 mins I've paid for 60.

12-02-12, 03:48
Their is no benchmark, how 60's are counted. Usually after you have paid the money, the chica takes another 10 minutes to enter the room. Trying to behave as if she is preparing herself for you. But its not true. She is just trying to eat up the time.This is so true. Basically to help the new mongers that come to BA:

Pay for 1 hour, expect 45minutes of service.

Pay for 30mintes = expect 15-20minutes of service

12-02-12, 04:41
Wrong, but that depends on how Smart you are.

This is so true. Basically to help the new mongers that come to BA:

Pay for 1 hour, expect 45minutes of service.

Pay for 30mintes = expect 15-20minutes of service

12-02-12, 04:46
Wrong, but that depends on how Smart you are.What should I do then? When I pay the madame, show her the time and say "mira, ahora es [insert time], tengo tiempo hasta [time+1hour]". Or say this to the chica when she finally walks into the room?

12-02-12, 09:05
What should I do then? When I pay the madame, show her the time and say "mira, ahora es [insert time], tengo tiempo hasta [time+1hour]". Or say this to the chica when she finally walks into the room?Ask the madame as you are paying, but before giving her the money, when the hour starts. I usually say it like "the hour starts when the chica comes to the room, right?"

12-02-12, 10:16
There are a few considerations here. Basically, I look at it as a "therapy hour" of fifty minutes. The reality is that they are scheduling hourly sessions every hour. So, if you really wanted a full 60 minutes that would imply your hooker racing right to you with some fulano's jizz still dripping out of her (metaphorically at least). For that same hotel type logic, the hour would need to start when YOU enter the room. Some degree of cleansing time is, indeed, desirable. So I normally handle this issue in arrears. If I feel like I got cheated or maybe a better word would be "squeezed" on time, I would mention it on the way out and then again if and when I did come back."La última vez me apuraron un poquito y quiero asegurarme que voy a disfrutarme la plena hora" or similar might do the trick.

I think one reason the half hour price is more than half the hour price is that it seems like you get a full half hour more than you get the full hour. I often take a half hour in an unknown privado or even in a known privado with an unknown chica, even if the math is fucked up, partly for that reason. The "therapy hour" thing maybe bothers me less than it would bother some others because what I really want is 45 minutes. As far as waiting until the end to bust a nut, there again you have a fine line. I don't want to do the Dice Clay routine so I like about five minutes to spare. However I forget whose definition of eternity was: "The time between when you come and she goes" so that has to be factored in. One of the great joys of mongering in general and privados in particular is the ability to shorten this time frame, often to mere minutes. This viewpoint is either extremely callous or extremely efficient, depending on your mindset.