View Full Version : White Slavery Patrol

03-28-13, 03:49
White Slavery Patrol:

Every Tuesday 40 volunteers decend on the Micro-Center and walk around removing the "Privado Stickers" and putting them in red plastic " Bio-Hazard" bags.

Some symbolic B.S but also something that may make you miss out on a new "Special" or a new Privado that just opened up. Buddy of mine that has 2 Privados downtown pays the guys that hand out or put up the stickers about 200 p per day every day so it's like throwing money away. Claims to print 50 k stickers to wallpaper the Micro-Centro on a constant basis.

A bit disturbing watching hot young girls and older men tearing the stickers off the bus stop walls on 9 de Julio. What's next?

They are getting organized and they are gaining some political steam Boys, it's International and in the news every day.

White Slavery! Look out!


I collect the stickers as if they were Baseball Trading Cards, been doing it for years; actually have a girlfriend of mine that poses for some of those places. Great ass but would rather Party than use it.

Going to make a giant Paper Mache Sculpture with my stickers, very symbolic ala "Clockwork Orange!

Miami Bob
03-28-13, 11:38
I am sure that the great TL is not supporting kidnapping young girls and forcing them into prositution against their will.

The "do gooder" squad is overshooting their target and is acting against all commercial sex.

03-28-13, 16:58
I am sure that the great TL is not supporting kidnapping young girls and forcing them into prositution against their will.

The "do gooder" squad is overshooting their target and is acting against all commercial sex.You are correct Bob! The Patrol looks at the Privado's as a source of White Slavery and it's a lot easier for them to walk around downtown and remove stickers than to hunt down the Real Slave Runners.

I imagine it's a lot safer for them too since they are in the open during the day and in a group of forty carrying red plastic bags.

Unfortunately some of the girls or a lot of the girls that are in the Privado business are forced into it but I have never noticed it and I hope that none of us ever notices it!


03-30-13, 11:40
BA Herald-.

Aníbal Fernández wants to punish 'clients of prostitution'.

Aníbal Fernández will submit a bill next week to Congress that aims at "punishing clients of prostitution" to battle human trafficking for sexual exploitation. The senator warned that if clients are not persuaded by "moral" duties, the "exercise of criminal policy will then convince them" to stop an illegal practice he considered "despicable.Mark my words, this Mofo is a John. I would believe him if he wasn't using the words "moral" and "despicable" in the same speech. IMO he tries too hard to appear as a good decent man.

Silver Star
03-30-13, 11:56
Mark my words, this Mofo is a John. I would believe him if he wasn't using the words "moral" and "despicable" in the same speech. IMO he tries too hard to appear as a good decent man.Isn't he the same guy that told Argentines they need to save and think only in Pesos, while at the same time, he had dollar accounts and got busted?

03-30-13, 13:03
BA Herald-.

Aníbal Fernández wants to punish 'clients of prostitution'.

Aníbal Fernández will submit a bill next week to Congress that aims at "punishing clients of prostitution" to battle human trafficking for sexual exploitation. The senator warned that if clients are not persuaded by "moral" duties, the "exercise of criminal policy will then convince them" to stop an illegal practice he considered "despicable.If they were to do that, wouldn't they have to make prostitution illegal also?

03-30-13, 14:26
If they were to do that, wouldn't they have to make prostitution illegal also?Of course prostitution would have to be outlawed prior to convict Johns, however given the feminazi agenda of Mrs. K and her constant violations of people's and companies' rights, would you think it is imposible a scenario where they convict people based in unconstitutional laws or worse, no law?

Wild Walleye
04-04-13, 13:39
If they were to do that, wouldn't they have to make prostitution illegal also?Thank you. I was going to say the same thing. I am under the impression that whoring is perfectly legal in Argentina. I forget the details of the discussions of a few years back but I seem to remember one of the only questions was whether the legal age for whoring was 18 or 21. Pimping is illegal and having more than a certain number of chicas in a brothel are illegal but, plain old pay for play is legal.

Wild Walleye
04-04-13, 13:41
Of course prostitution would have to be outlawed prior to convict Johns, however given the feminazi agenda of Mrs. K and her constant violations of people's and companies' rights, would you think it is imposible a scenario where they convict people based in unconstitutional laws or worse, no law?***** mongering is an Argentine cultural past time just like fleecing gringos. These guys make speeches to placate the hags who are squeezing their balls but once the swelling goes down, they are right back at the privados. I could see some legislative saber-rattlin' but I doubt enough of these guys are willing to give up pay-for-play for life.

Gato Chaser
07-01-13, 22:32
Hello guys,

Just arrived back in ba and spent 9 months away, but now I'm hearing about these raids to the privados and I'm increasingly witted and anxious.

I like the higher end ones like Cielo, in Larrea, but I'm worried I'll get busted either by police or these social groups.

What's your honest take on this?

Daddy Rulz
07-02-13, 02:16
Hello guys,

Just arrived back in ba and spent 9 months away, but now I'm hearing about these raids to the privados and I'm increasingly witted and anxious.

I like the higher end ones like Cielo, in Larrea, but I'm worried I'll get busted either by police or these social groups.

What's your honest take on this?Guys from the states often miss this distinction but neither you nor the girl is breaking the law there. The only illegal thing is for somebody to earn off a prostitute, it's the privados that get busted, not the people in them.

That being said, if you have a missus at home and there is a camera crew outside of Esmeralda VIP, you might not want to walk in while they are filming.

07-02-13, 02:18
***** mongering is an Argentine cultural past time just like fleecing gringos. These guys make speeches to placate the hags who are squeezing their balls but once the swelling goes down, they are right back at the privados. I could see some legislative saber-rattlin' but I doubt enough of these guys are willing to give up pay-for-play for life.But, WW, in what country do legislators have to abide by the laws they pass?


07-03-13, 23:47
Hi guys,

I will be returning to BA in October, looking forward to the trip. I will be a bringing a buddy who will stay in BA for a week or so then move on to Urugray. The situation is that my friend was arrested for "soliciting prostitution" in the USA recently, trial pending. Other than this arrest he says he has a clean record. My question is, will his being busted for "soliciting prostitution" complicate his entry into Argentina. Ever heard of anyone being denied entry into the county because of an arrest or conviction record?



07-04-13, 07:27
Hi guys,

I will be returning to BA in October, looking forward to the trip. I will be a bringing a buddy who will stay in BA for a week or so then move on to Urugray. The situation is that my friend was arrested for "soliciting prostitution" in the USA recently, trial pending. Other than this arrest he says he has a clean record. My question is, will his being busted for "soliciting prostitution" complicate his entry into Argentina. Ever heard of anyone being denied entry into the county because of an arrest or conviction record?


Cheerfull.I really doubt it. If his passport has not been taken he can go where he want. Argentinas government computers are a disaster. A few years ago they allowed people who were up on murder charges to board planes and travel to S. Africa for the world cup. Imagine the embarrassment when they were detained in S. Africa and returned to Argentina with a reprimand to the Argentine government that amounted to "Get your shit together assholes!" Immigration and customs computers are not networked well. In many cases they are stand alone units that may or may not be updated occasionally.