View Full Version : Florida 520 #607

04-02-17, 17:26
Mon-Fri 10am-7pm.

900 pesos hourly.

This place has good service but the selection can be poor at times.

I think it is worth a look.

05-19-17, 17:48
Appreciate all the good information from this forum.

Ended up at this privado after first falling flat at 932 San Martin --- when I arrived there I realized I didn't have the room# and the security guard would not let me in without that information (nor would it have done any good).

In any event, no such problem with Florida 520 #607.

I arrived at around 3:30PM on a Thursday.

Paid 800 pesos for 30 minutes (would have taken for longer but I didn't have the time).

Was presented with 7 girls --- each seemed to be better than the previous. The first 4 I would not have gone with, the last 3 would have been ok, but chose the last one Nadi -- brunette from Argentina.

Very pretty face, beautiful, large, firm ass. No kissing, but otherwise service was excellent. Did every thing I asked the way I like it.

Reading this forum it seemed giving a propina was common --- I am always very careful to avoid over-paying or giving too much, as I know us outsiders coming and doing this can ruin pricing over time for locals. In any event, I was quite happy with Nadi and gave her a 200 peso tip ...I got the sense that she was not necessarily expecting.

Anyways, had a great time. If I had more time in BA, I would have wanted to repeat with her.

Maybe someone can also tell me the right room number for San Martin for the future --- I can't seem to find it.

Daddy Rulz
05-20-17, 02:51
Reading this forum it seemed giving a propina was common --- I am always very careful to avoid over-pay or giving too much, as I know us outsiders coming and doing this can ruin pricing over time for locals. In any event, I was quite happy with Nadi and gave her a 200 peso tip ...I got the sense that she was not necessarily expecting.I'm not 100% sure where you're reading that but she wasn't expecting it because it never happens. Tipping privado chicks just ups the price for you on the next visit. Consistently tipping by lots of guys bumps the price for everybody. There will be zero change in service if you tip or don't.

05-20-17, 11:10
Appreciate all the good information from this forum.

Ended up at this privado after first falling flat at 932 San Martin --- when I arrived there I realized I didn't have the room# and the security guard would not let me in without that information (nor would it have done any good).

In any event, no such problem with Florida 520 #607.

I arrived at around 3:30PM on a Thursday.

Paid 800 pesos for 30 minutes (would have taken for longer but I didn't have the time).

Was presented with 7 girls --- each seemed to be better than the previous. The first 4 I would not have gone with, the last 3 would have been ok, but chose the last one Nadi -- brunette from Argentina.

Very pretty face, beautiful, large, firm ass. No kissing, but otherwise service was excellent. Did every thing I asked the way I like it.

Reading this forum it seemed giving a propina was common --- I am always very careful to avoid over-paying or giving too much, as I know us outsiders coming and doing this can ruin pricing over time for locals. In any event, I was quite happy with Nadi and gave her a 200 peso tip ...I got the sense that she was not necessarily expecting.

Anyways, had a great time. If I had more time in BA, I would have wanted to repeat with her.

Maybe someone can also tell me the right room number for San Martin for the future --- I can't seem to find it.Glad to see that you gave her a tip in return for good service. Nobody likes a cheapskate, that's what the portenos and other Argentinos tend to be. There are many expat economic refugees in Buenos Aires with barely two nickels to rub together who want high end girls but can't can't afford them. So these so-called great mongers, such as Shamester and others, are reduced to scrounging around for 1,000 peso girls and scrimping on a peso here and a peso there.

I always tip generously for good service and could care less what it does to the pricing. I treat the girls well and as a result I can't remember the number of times I've called a girl to have her cancel a previous appointment in order to see me instead. This is business. Don't let the tightwads and ne'er-do-wells here dissuade you. They're all for helping someone else as long as they don't have to pay for it. If they can't compete financially, it's their problem. Money talks and BS walks. Treat the girls right and they'll end up calling you. It makes scheduling and the session considerably more enjoyable. After all, the girls are just trying to make a living. Good luck to you.

Daddy Rulz
05-20-17, 11:56
You can choose who you wish to believe, the guy with 19 posts, or the guy with way over 2000. Whichever you wish is fine with me.

05-20-17, 12:49
My idea of tipping in Argentina (other places may be different), is to reward the chica for good service by seeing her again. If I receive poor service, I look elsewhere. There are plenty of fish in the BA sea.


05-20-17, 13:46
People from the Yew Ess often tip in places and situations where locals do not. Restaurants in Spain and Italy would be good examples. If an Italian leaves 35 cents on a 10 euro bill, it's simply because he did not want to wait for his change. Waiters in those countries go to school; it's a profession like any other and they make a decent wage. In Spain, if you leave a tip on the counter, the employee will shrug and throw it in the till.

Tipping is a rotten custom. Charge a fair price for your services and don't stand around with your hand out afterwards. Guys like Xanadu are perfect for chicas like Jesica and that probably works out fine for all concerned. As for a chica who would cancel an appointment she had already agreed to for a price she had already agreed to, that is indeed very argentinean.

So I am with the Japanese and the Australians and the Spaniards on this one. But I probably don't know what I´m talking about because I´ve only spent ten years in Spanish-speaking countries and I've only been to 53 of the 196 countries so far. Although, I have been to every Spanish-speaking country in South América so I might know one or two things about the cultural practices, especially since I have degrees in history and Spanish, both with Latin Américan emphases.

Daddy Rulz
05-20-17, 17:17
I do something that could be called tipping. If I have seen a chick two or three times and they are really good I start asking them if they need anything when I make the appointment. When they ask what I mean I say "puchos, coca, bon bon?" smokes, coke, or chocolate. They are in their apartments all day long and sometimes they don't have time to go to the store.

I have found that this works better than throwing them money at the end of a session. So if that's tipping then I am guilty of it as well.

05-20-17, 17:55
Oh, I never arrive at a privado without chocolate. Marroc, or an alfajor Tres Shot. And no fucking puchos at my place for god's sake but the repeats know they will have their favorite bebida on hand. That's not tipping; that's hospitality. Es otra cosa.

Sometimes the repeats become regulars and then they get home cooking. That is also hospitality and not tipping. Tipping is the crass act of giving someone cash money. It's really quite vulgar by most worldwide standards. That is why the regulars' fee gets mysteriously dropped in their purse, which is mysteriously left open, while they are using the facilities.

I wonder how many people from the Yew Ess tip their plumber for excellent service, or their letter carrier (letter carriers are not allowed to accept tips, by the way). Or you go to Brakes Plus and the guy relines your brakes just the way you like them, so you slip him a twenty.

Now what if a hooker says she wants 20 euro more to let you come in her mouth? Is that a tip, or is that like the option to have the tires high-speed spin balanced during the free tire rotation?

Daddy Rulz
05-20-17, 19:47
Now what if a hooker says she wants 20 euro more to let you come in her mouth? Is that a tip, or is that like the option to have the tires high-speed spin balanced during the free tire rotation?As long as it's disclosed up front (I fucking hate reaching for money once the action starts) it's ok with me. Not everybody wants to do CIM, this way the guys that do can and the guys that don't, or can't, aren't paying for something they don't want.

06-04-17, 13:20
Glad to see that you gave her a tip in return for good service. Nobody likes a cheapskate, that's what the portenos and other Argentinos tend to be. There are many expat economic refugees in Buenos Aires with barely two nickels to rub together who want high end girls but can't can't afford them. So these so-called great mongers, such as Shamester and others, are reduced to scrounging around for 1,000 peso girls and scrimping on a peso here and a peso there.

I always tip generously for good service and could care less what it does to the pricing. I treat the girls well and as a result I can't remember the number of times I've called a girl to have her cancel a previous appointment in order to see me instead. This is business. Don't let the tightwads and ne'er-do-wells here dissuade you. They're all for helping someone else as long as they don't have to pay for it. If they can't compete financially, it's their problem. Money talks and BS walks. Treat the girls right and they'll end up calling you. It makes scheduling and the session considerably more enjoyable. After all, the girls are just trying to make a living. Good luck to you.I have to laugh. One guy 'tips' the chick with an alfajor, cigarettes or chocolate and the other with hard cash. I wonder whose call gets returned first? The generous guy with 19 posts or the tightwad with 2000 posts.

06-04-17, 14:05
I have to laugh. One guy 'tips' the chick with an alfajor, cigarettes or chocolate and the other with hard cash. I wonder whose call gets returned first? The generous guy with 19 posts or the tightwad with 2000 posts.In Argentina tips do not matter as much as repeat business, i.e. Total money. The cihicas are very mercenary.


Daddy Rulz
06-04-17, 19:52
I have to laugh. One guy 'tips' the chick with an alfajor, cigarettes or chocolate and the other with hard cash. I wonder whose call gets returned first? The generous guy with 19 posts or the tightwad with 2000 posts.I'd say the tightwad with 2000 posts has probably forgotten about more pussy here than you have fucked. Though, to be honest, I'm not really a tightwad, I just have no need to throw extra money at women that I don't need to. Every time you open your mouth here you demonstrate how little you understand about how the scene here works.

With Latinas it's all about respect and I mean its ALL about respect. When you throw extra money at them in a desperate attempt to get them to like you when its neither necessary nor expected, they will look at you like a fool. Of course they will be happy to take your calls, but none of them are ignoring mine. So please, feel free, give them money they don't expect for a service you have already paid for if it makes you feel better about yourself.

I'm getting a pretty good idea which troll this is, good to have you back, how sad your life must be. I started suspecting that when I saw that Myolta and Xanadu are the same person. Seriously how pathetic is that when you need to create a sock account to give the appearance that somebody is supporting you on a pussy forum?

Before you say it's not, you might want to check my user title.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know who this is.

06-04-17, 20:38
100% right.

In Argentina tips does not matters, since everything is a short term business.

Some women still there for years, but that's the exception.

Other business are the same as well, and that's probably since the general economy it's unstable, unreliable, you may not look for a long term job, business, because of the "econvibrations" and that's a great way to understand why total money is the rule, and tip do not matter that much.

In Argentina tips do not matter as much as repeat business, i.e. Total money. The cihicas are very mercenary.


06-04-17, 21:33
I'd say the tightwad with 2000 posts has probably forgotten about more pussy here than you have fucked. Though, to be honest, I'm not really a tightwad, I just have no need to throw extra money at women that I don't need to. Every time you open your mouth here you demonstrate how little you understand about how the scene here works.

With Latinas it's all about respect and I mean its ALL about respect. When you throw extra money at them in a desperate attempt to get them to like you when its neither necessary nor expected, they will look at you like a fool. Of course they will be happy to take your calls, but none of them are ignoring mine. So please, feel free, give them money they don't expect for a service you have already paid for if it makes you feel better about yourself.

I'm getting a pretty good idea which troll this is, good to have you back, how sad your life must be. I started suspecting that when I saw that Myolta and Xanadu are the same person. Seriously how pathetic is that when you need to create a sock account to give the appearance that somebody is supporting you on a pussy forum?

Before you say it's not, you might want to check my user title.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know who this is.Believe whatever you want. It makes no difference to me. Unlike you, my life isn't centered around a sex tourism message board in a third world country.

Perhaps women look at you as a fool and perhaps they do so for good reason. Again, I don't care. But the women I know appreciate the RESPECT of giving them something extra. And I'm not talking about chocolate.

Oh, that's that's right - you're the admin. Ever wonder why you're Jackson's employee and not Jackson? Good luck with your career.

Daddy Rulz
06-05-17, 02:02
Believe whatever you want. It makes no difference to me. Unlike you, my life isn't centered around a sex tourism message board in a third world country.

Perhaps women look at you as a fool and perhaps they do so for good reason. Again, I don't care. But the women I know appreciate the RESPECT of giving them something extra. And I'm not talking about chocolate.

Oh, that's that's right - you're the admin. Ever wonder why you're Jackson's employee and not Jackson? Good luck with your career.It says Admin under my name, I don't BELIEVE you made a sock puppet to support your posts, I know you did that. I was anticipating the whole "jacksons employee thing" I guess I can welcome Bad Boy back to the forum.

You are a sad little man and you are far more obsessed with this forum than I am. If you wish to post use your real accounts because I'm getting rid of these.

06-05-17, 20:49
Believe whatever you want. It makes no difference to me. Unlike you, my life isn't centered around a sex tourism message board in a third world country.

Perhaps women look at you as a fool and perhaps they do so for good reason. Again, I don't care. But the women I know appreciate the RESPECT of giving them something extra. And I'm not talking about chocolate.

Oh, that's that's right - you're the admin. Ever wonder why you're Jackson's employee and not Jackson? Good luck with your career.I'm in Spain and I just ate a lot of morcilla sausage and and these spicy marinated red peppers they favor. It's given me some particularly bad gas and I'd like to direct a lot of that in your general direction. If we were to run into each other again, I'd for sure like to buy you a drink. How about a vinegar and water, since you are such a douche bag?

08-26-17, 19:55
Now 1000 pesos hourly.

I stopped by twice this trip. On my first try I found a hot 22 year old only 5 days in the business.

I never expected her to last too long and on my return only two weeks later she was gone.

The manager, whom I have known for many years laughed at me. Aparently,someone snapped her up quickly.

I tried another chica but not as pretty and not as good.

04-14-20, 12:04
It's given me some particularly bad gas and I'd like to direct a lot of that in your general direction. If we were to run into each other again, I'd for sure like to buy you a drink. How about a vinegar and water, since you are such a douche bag?