View Full Version : Exchange rate - WOWEEEE ! Pussy prices ?

Pahllus Maximus
12-20-18, 20:09
Check out the plummeting exchange rate. Do the prices reflect this ?

Jim Bob
12-21-18, 10:29
Check out the plummeting exchange rate. Do the prices reflect this ?Not really, unless you are buying imported goods, the general prices track inflation. Pussy is a renewable resource that can be rented out many times a day with only tenuous ties to import prices. Prices rise with inflation to some degree, but not with change in value versus the dollar.

Wild Walleye
01-11-19, 13:25
On the local foros, this babe gets solid reviews. She's US$80/hr. Just for one example of poon pricing. Back in the '07-'10 era, she'd have been US$50-60/hour.

In sex prison (USA) she's asking at least $300/hr.

01-12-19, 22:29
[I'll arrive in BsAs 13 Fev.

Where do you guys exchange dollars these days?

Is it still the cambios or do the banks give similar rates?

08-15-19, 12:49
Today's rates: